Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 3 2017

1 litre milk

1 glass of sugar

2 table spoon flour

2 table spoon starch

1 egg yellow

Boil it

Add 1 packet vanilla

1 glass water

4 table spoon sugar

1,5 minced peach

1 table spoon starch

Half glass of water

Mix it

Shed the souce until it condense boil it

When it becomes cold you can service it


For more infomation >> Peach Dessert Recipe - Duration: 3:05.


Pride и Прорыв МБМ Нестеренко. В чем идея? - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Pride и Прорыв МБМ Нестеренко. В чем идея? - Duration: 5:31.


غاده عبد الرازق لايف ورد فعل Aimless woman# - Duration: 7:41.

today i will talk about the arabic actor ghada abdelrazek

i had flight yesterday

when i land i notice all people talk about ghada

did you saw the videa about ghada

and they keep asking me because i am interested in social media

i said no

i ask what happen ??

they told me ghada publish live video

i said so what's the problem

they said if you said that there is no problem you need to watch the video

to talk about it together

i said fine lets watch the video why not

i watched the video

and my reaction was like soooooo

my friends said what do you mean by sooo

i said yes so what

you know how this video makes me feel like

this video makes me feel she wanna say

from inside i am the opposite from what you see

and the hurts inside me god will take care of me

stop i am just kidding

lets talk serious a little bit

and then they said what you mean by so

i said yes she was live but why she look like that

may be she didn't mean it because she was drunk

i didn't focus much with that

and when i got home i open the internet

i found out all people talking about it

all people keep say she is drunk

and half naked or wear what ever

and they keep abuse her

and saying bad words about her

why ???

the idea is i am surprised

why people doing this to each other ?

and it's her first time to be live

no one know this but she said so

the second thing is

she might be drunk

what is the problem here

the idea not about drunk or not

they shock me because they said she is drunk and she is Muslim

so what is the problem most of muslim in north coast drunk

what is the problem with the drinks

the idea is when you come to talk about someone

don't judge him bec of his religion or color or nationality

because i think this is part from racist

this is my point of view

she was drunk so she did live video when she was

and she is drunk she might didn't feel what she was doing

and may be when she wakes up she regret it

and this what's happened

she regret that she was live

some people they gonna watch the video and be like

okay i saw her and that's it

but arab people leave it alone never

we have to talk about each other

so what you did is you took the video

and record her and publish it and share it

and a lot of people saw the video

and the men here they gonna be so happy

the men gonna be like omg look what she wear she half naked

wait for me to take sip from my nescafe

she did flagrant video

and men talk about it

look what she wear what's she is doing

why we focus too much

why we focus to much with the people

what they are weaing and even if they are naked

drunk or not ?

she having money or not ?

what's is wrong with you leave people alone and free

she didn't do crime or disaster

there is a lot of people doing much more than this

why we abuse each other and it's her privacy

till now i don't get the people

why we love to judge everyone

there is guy on youtube talking about her and abuse her very bad

who gives you the right to judge her ?

she has god who will judge her not you

and you telling her

she is spreading Corruption

this is not ur business

this is her life style and this is her life

she is free

if you don't like it and you are religion person

why you watching it

this is my question

if you saw this video bad and not allowed

and she was only wearing the bra and you saw her boobs

why you watching her bra then ?

if you don't like it

change the video and watch something else

it's easy by the way

when i am watching the tv

and i saw something i don't like it's each i change the channel

but you are like omg i don't like it

omg i don't like it i record it

how come ?

the goal from what i am talking about it

i don't like to see the people

focus too much with each other

specially with women

if lady did mistake they make it a big deal and they scandal her

go and see arab men or

i don't like to talk about people but

the relationship with Rhianna and Arab guy

they don't talk about him much bec he is man and also

and also what Rihanna doing nobody talk about it and make it big deal like this

and if they talk they talk litle bec she is not arab lady

and ghada the actor did small mistake we make it big deal

another thing

you are so mad that she is arab actor and she is drunk

may be she did mistake to be live but

but it's okay it's not your business

it's not ur business to judge her

most of the people around the world watching kim kardashian

and they are watching their life

and no one talk about it

if you told me because they are not arab

i am gonna tell you no that because they have human right's

they comment on people

but not like us and our dramatic way

it's your right to comment

but it's not ur right to abuse her

it's your right to comment but not ur right to talk about

Her honor

it's not ur right and that's it

so i made this video to say my opinion

and say to not talk about each other specially honor

don't judge bec what she is wearing

don't judge her from what she is doing drinking or what ever

every body is free to do what ever

may be

you like my opinion

and listen to me

so i hope if

we keep each other secret and

and take care of each other more

and don't use this way and scandal each other

that's it

For more infomation >> غاده عبد الرازق لايف ورد فعل Aimless woman# - Duration: 7:41.


Garbage Truck | Formation and Uses | Learn Street Vehicles for Children 3D Cartoon Cars | BinBin Tv - Duration: 2:16.

Garbage Truck | Formation and Uses | Learn Street Vehicles for Children 3D Cartoon Cars | BinBin Tv

For more infomation >> Garbage Truck | Formation and Uses | Learn Street Vehicles for Children 3D Cartoon Cars | BinBin Tv - Duration: 2:16.


GOOD NEWS 1 - Trump The Climate - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> GOOD NEWS 1 - Trump The Climate - Duration: 5:01.


[vietsub] 170701 Park WooJin Ment Final concert P101 - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> [vietsub] 170701 Park WooJin Ment Final concert P101 - Duration: 0:36.


'불한당' 식지 않는 열기..설경구 "20년 영화 인생 중 처음" - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> '불한당' 식지 않는 열기..설경구 "20년 영화 인생 중 처음" - Duration: 4:16.


How to Use Truecaller Flash Messaging for iPhone and Android - Duration: 1:21.

We're going to show you how

Truecaller Flash Messaging works on iPhone and Android.

Both phones need to have the Truecaller app installed

from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Let's open the Truecaller app

We have it queued up here so you can see

the Flash Messaging icon,

which looks like a little lightning bolt.

When we tap the lightning bolt,

we're going to get different questions we can ask,

or emojis - or you can even type your own message.

you'd like to send.

so let's tap 'Where are you?'

As you can see within seconds,

the other person does get the Flash Message

It looks like an incoming call!

It also has a time limit of 60 seconds for them to reply.

So, let's swipe up with one tap.

and it says 'Where are you?'

Let's send our location!

...and then you have the reply.

This is a fast and free way to message

your friends and family

or anybody in your contacts

who also has the Truecaller app.

Give it a try, and let us know what you think!

For more infomation >> How to Use Truecaller Flash Messaging for iPhone and Android - Duration: 1:21.


Summer Makeup for Beginners, Hairstyle & Outfit | Using 5 Products | ShrutiArjunAnand - Duration: 5:43.

This is very practical make-up look in orange colour

I hope you all will like this

and along with this I will also share my hairstyle and outfit

So let start with this "Get Ready With Me"

To apply this we will put small dots all over our face

so that it evenly spread on the face

apply rest foundation on your neck

blend this with the padding motion using fingers all over the face

Remember this never rub the foundation on your face

rubbing foundation results in sticky and cricky foundation

always use padding motion for apply foundation

to hide you dark circle whenever you are applying and blending foundation below your eyes

always look upwards this way your foundation will blend well

after applying foundation leave it for few minutes so that it settle down

apply this on lower water line and after that apply on lower lash line by making a line

take the line forward in upward direction to make the wing similar on both the eyes

Now we will line upper lash line

for this I will bring my brush from outer line towards center

and after that when I am doing the inner corner make sure there is minimum product on your brush

this will make line thin and it will not spread

I am applying the false lashes because I love bold look on my eyes and

since it is a party look I will show you the drastic change after applying it

this is an additional step you can skip this

so friends do comment me how you like my make-up look

and if you want me to do this type of easy makeup looks so let us together target for 6000 likes

Hmm I know it is little tough but together we can do this

and if you want me to do these type of get ready with me regularly then don't forget to hit that LIKE button

Do follow me on Instagram as I reply to your comments on the same

meet you again in my next video. BYE BYE

For more infomation >> Summer Makeup for Beginners, Hairstyle & Outfit | Using 5 Products | ShrutiArjunAnand - Duration: 5:43.


No Spine Never Mind Racing episode 5 - X30 Challenge Lahti 2017 - Duration: 11:04.

Practising and test days

I came back to Finland for summer and went almost straight to Lahti circuit

to get the right feeling and setup for the new kart.

Because we were going to race in Oulu.

But the race was moved to Lahti just a week before the race weekend, for numerous reasons.

With my experience it was difficult to say differences between new and old chassis,

but it was superb to get driving again.

Again, straight from the first test day

we got the basic setup for chassis just right.

And we did not need to do any major changes.

During the test day we tried to make different setups

for the front geometry and chassis changes

which can be done easily

and searched for the right driving style for new chassis.

We got the driver and kart to right mode

and there was a local club race evening before X30 race weekend.

to get the kart setup tested once again

We did not have any clue what lap time we should aim for, and the club race was good for that.

to get my lap times compared to others and we saw that we are on the right area.

The club race was good result for me, althogh we drove with old tyres.

And it was really good race practising for the following weekends big X30 Challenge race.

There was only wednesday in the race week, when I did not drove.

The first race practise day was on thursday

and we did some changes to get the feeling right during chancing conditions.

During friday we aimed to get the kart just right.

and also tested new set of tyres.

I think the friday testing was a success,

because qualification on saturday went really over ecpectations.

because I did not think that we reach the season aim in the first race.

And my opinion is, that the main reason for succeeding is the mechanic.

And also the new chassis is way better for my driving style than the old one.

And the half second aim that we had last summer for this year

to get closer to middle positions

realized straight away.

And now we have to make new aims for this season to get something to gain for.

Saturday, race day 1.

On saturday morning, when we had everything ready for the race

...I arrived...

I suddenly got thrilled

I knew that all that thrill would stop when I get my helmet on

But before that the thrill was not very pleasant for me.

And then came morning warm up

Where we just got kart and driver heated up

to get the sleepy feeling away.

Just some tiny things and changes for qualification.

which was around 10am.

Qualification went over expectations already on saturday race day one.

And at that moment I was very pleased.

But on the first heat

Where I started on the better half of the bunch.

The first start of heat one went great.

I could not have done anything better.

But there was an accident and the start heat was stopped, which ment a whole new start.

The second start of the first heat

I really cannot say which all went totally wrong

somehow I did not manage the situtation at all and it was a disaster.

After the heat it took some time

to get it over with.

I tried to gather all the advice for the next round

and the second heat went much better.

For these both heats I have to say, alhough the thrill was big.

You will forget all the thrill just when the starting lights go out.

and you have to concentrate on driving at your best.

On saturday afternoon it was time for the finals.

The only aim was to

finish in the middle positions.

Race day one on saturday went mainly on learning how to race

There were some amateur mistakes

from the starts to racing basics.

Jari learned how to get tuff on the race track.

That competitors wont pass you anytime.

And he got it right.

And the anger from mistakes helped to get driving sorted out.

The 11th place on the final was a reasonable result.

On saturday I was not very pleased at all.

The qualification missed the good feeling to drive a great lap.

It was not the greatest race, although a good race.

But it missed the right feeling.

The saturday lesson was

that we got minimized the disaster what happened on the first heat.

Sunday, race day 2

On sunday morning

I went to track at 8am.

to get to drivers meeting.

I was relaxed and had not the same kind of thrill at all than saturday.

What feels odd on your stomach.

I was a good kind of thrill.

Saturdays results were forgotten.

After the drivers meeting

I geared up and started to prepare for the warm up.

I was ok to drive on warm up, to get things heated up.

And checked if I could drive any better in some sections.

And after that I started to wait for qualification at 10am.

The aim was at least the same as saturday's result.

To get the position in the middle group or better

And I got it right.

And from that moment on I had a good mood for driving whole day.

Things just went forward without hassles.

The car went good, engine worked just right, there was nothing wrong.

The whole day went with good mood.

After midday we started to race in heats.

The only aim was then not to make a personal disaster of any kind.

Just to get my driving sorted without any mistakes.

I enjoyed every moment during final.

Everything worked and I knew my driving was on the right level.

I gained one position from the start

with a great overtake from outside. felt good...

Then the final was just driving in queque.

Just in close of drivers in front.

I kept my position and I was greatly pleased.

But I made a mistake that I shall not do.

I raised my both hands up in the air to celebrate while driving.

But that came as a reflex by mistake, but it did not affected to my result.

Actually during the whole race weekend we did not change the kart almost at all.

Except some carburator settings.

I wonder myself too that we had nothing big changes to be done during race weekend.

We just could concentrate on racing things.

What happens on track and how it should be coped with.

Not that the car has always something wrong or broken.

Everything worked out well on sunday, without any major mistakes.

And the result of sunday, position 9 on final, was the place that Jari should be when compared to lap times.

On sunday, there was not a great success.

But the whole sunday just went on the right mood.

And I am very pleased with that.

I am very proud that Jari can now race equally with others.

...that is truly amazing thing...

On certain sections of track he is way faster than other ones.

And that gives us some boost compared to other competitors.

The kart goes well, so off to next race in Honkajoki.

For more infomation >> No Spine Never Mind Racing episode 5 - X30 Challenge Lahti 2017 - Duration: 11:04.


Volvo V90 D3 R-Design - Standkachel - Automaat - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo V90 D3 R-Design - Standkachel - Automaat - Duration: 1:00.


Facing the fear of failure - Duration: 4:16.

Hey, creators.

Hope you're doing well as always.

Now, let's dive into this question: the fear -- facing the fear of failure.

First thing, I do want to give an example with this, but I want to make one note, and

that is that fear isn't -- fear on itself isn't that bad.

Really, it's just the other face of courage.

I mean, you can't have one without the other.

When you do anything courageous, there's going to be some degree of fear to it, there's going

to be some degree of vulnerability and there's nothing wrong with that.

In society, we make such a big deal of trying to be just courageous and you can't be fearful;

and if you're fearful, you're seen as weak.

I think that's a lie.

I think that's a terrible thing to do and a terrible imprint on people because that

just sort of builds the anxiety in them and no one really needs that.

One thing that I like to address is that it's not a problem to be afraid because that just

makes you human.

And therefore, it's not so much about getting rid of fear entirely.

Actually -- totally -- it's not at all about getting rid of fear entirely.

It's just about reducing it.

So to that example I wanted to give, public speaking is a very good analogy for all of

this because when it comes to public speaking the reason why a lot of people get afraid

is because they get overwhelmed by potentially failing.

And it's really just all the thoughts and all -- everything that's going on in-in the

person's head when they're trying to give the speech.

And so that just means that in order to reduce the fear it's about creating clarity.

And so it's about simplifying this process so you can actually go through the public

speaking and go through the talk.

And that's why with public speaking they -- people encourage you to prepare and prepare and prepare

and prepare because in that way you can focus on what you just have to say and do through

the speech.

You won't get overwhelmed or be thinking about all the other things because you just realize

what you have to do and focus on what you have to do.

Another strategy, when you feel that you're afraid of failing, what is it that you're

thinking about?

Because when it comes to public speaking as an example, I think a lot of people put a

lot of attention on themselves.

They think about all the things that could go wrong with them, that they could stumble

upon their words or they could lose track of what they're saying or they could lose


Their attention is on them.

And so just think about what would happen if you shifted your attention on the audience.

And I'm asking what would happen because, in that way, in putting your attention on

them, it kind of puts you in perspective and it makes it about them and because you're

not putting so much attention on yourself, you're reducing the fear.

I mean, really, you can't focus on two things at once, you can only focus on one thing at

a time.

So if you're putting your attention on the other person and helping them and what they

want and what they're here for, why they're in the audience, then you are taking attention

off yourself and therefore, you're not going to be as fearful or you're not going to be

as stressed.

So a final note with this example, but can be illustrated into other things, I think

a lot of people with public speaking assume that the audience wants you to fail, which

is not true.

I mean, they're there for a reason and I think it's important to note that because when you

realize that they're there and they want to get value out of you, it helps to relax because

they want you to do well, they actually want you to do well because that way they get value,

they get value for being there and they haven't wasted their money or their time.

So they actually want you to do well.

And if you happen to stumble or if you happen to forget a few words here and there, they'll

forgive you as long as you're honest about it.

So yeah, that's my take on facing the fear of failure.

Be sure to sign up to my newsletter, the creator newsletter, where I also give bonus strategies

once a week to help inspire you to acheive what you want.

Also, feel free to like, subscribe, share this and leave your thoughts in the comments


Otherwise, thank you so much for watching.

Keep growing.

Keep creating.

And 'til next time.

For more infomation >> Facing the fear of failure - Duration: 4:16.


Peppa Pig Policeman | Funny Clown Bob & Peppa Toys | Police car chase in Funny Video for Kids - Duration: 6:10.

Hi Kids,

Today Funny Clown Bom will present you a funny story of Peppa Pig paying policeman and annoying relatives.

Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it

Click on the picture to see other funny videos

For more infomation >> Peppa Pig Policeman | Funny Clown Bob & Peppa Toys | Police car chase in Funny Video for Kids - Duration: 6:10.


UN RATO DE JUEGOS :v - Duration: 1:54:05.

For more infomation >> UN RATO DE JUEGOS :v - Duration: 1:54:05.


'안녕하세요' 김정민, 부정적인 父 사연에 가족사 공개 - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> '안녕하세요' 김정민, 부정적인 父 사연에 가족사 공개 - Duration: 4:23.


[TD포토] 트와이스 채영 '단발병 이어 긴머리 향수 불러 일으키는 미모' - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> [TD포토] 트와이스 채영 '단발병 이어 긴머리 향수 불러 일으키는 미모' - Duration: 2:18.


'미운우리새끼' 연정훈 "아내 한가인, 통금 넘으면 스킨십 제한령" - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> '미운우리새끼' 연정훈 "아내 한가인, 통금 넘으면 스킨십 제한령" - Duration: 1:46.


[단독] '프듀2' 5인+트레이너, '택시' 출연 확정..첫 예능 - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> [단독] '프듀2' 5인+트레이너, '택시' 출연 확정..첫 예능 - Duration: 1:49.


[포토엔HD] 이민정 '차에서 내리기도 힘든 어마어마한 높이의 샌들'(공항패션) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> [포토엔HD] 이민정 '차에서 내리기도 힘든 어마어마한 높이의 샌들'(공항패션) - Duration: 1:09.


Koopappartement: Goereesestraat 127 B, Rotterdam - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Koopappartement: Goereesestraat 127 B, Rotterdam - Duration: 0:55.


UTAS 0030, Centrifuge Extractors, EN - Duration: 4:07.

UTEST UTAS-0030 Centrifuge Extractors are used for the determination of soluble binder percentage in bituminous mixtures.

There are two models of capacities 1500 – 3000g.

Both models consist of a precisely machined removable aluminum bowl with cover.

The cover is fitted with a solvent resistant gasket to avoid leakages.

The bowl is driven by an electric motor.

The motor speed can be adjustable up to 3600 rpm.

The motor also performs breaking at the end of the operation to stop the bowl in 10-15 seconds.

The brake is activated when the control knob is in zero position.

Sound alarm indicates that the electrical breaking is activated.

The control panel includes Start/Stop button, speed control knob, indicator lights of mains and operation.

The Centrifuge Extractors are supplied complete with 100 pieces of filter paper.

The device should be seated on a solid bench.

Release the fasteners to remove the cover.

Remove the centrifuge bowl.

Place the portion of test material evenly in the bowl

and add sufficient solvent to cover it.

Place filter paper ring on the top of the bowl

and place the cover.

Place the bowl assembly to the drive shaft ensuring that the slot in the base of the bowl engages with the driving spigot.

Clamp the assembly using knurled nut.

Put the cover on top of the outer bowl by turning it right & left a few times

and lock it by using the three fasteners.

Place a suitable container below the drainage pipe to collect solvent-bitumen solution.

Plug in the power cable

and turn the device on by using power button.

Make sure that the control knob is in the leftmost position before pressing start button

Press Start/stop button

Start the centrifuge operation gradually turning the control knob Clockwise

Do not suddenly increase the speed of the device

Preferably run the centrifuge at 3 different speed levels.

First run it slowly at 1200 rpm for 5 minutes,

then increase the speed to 2400 rpm

and run it until the solvent drain gets very less.

Run the device at full speed until there is no drainage.

Turn the speed control knob to the initial position.

Press Start/Stop button.

Add 200 milliliters of solvent into the asphalt mixture.

Repeat the whole operation once again to ensure that bitumen has been completely extracted.

Extracted solution can be recovered using UTAS-0040.

For more infomation >> UTAS 0030, Centrifuge Extractors, EN - Duration: 4:07.


bootstrap grid tutorial explained - part 1 - Duration: 6:51.

If you were looking for bootstrap grid classification, then this is the place where you will learn

about it.

Hello and welcome to another episode of learning simplified.

In this tutorial we are going to know about bootstrap 3 grid classification.

In our previous tutorial we have seen how to install Bootstrap in our

project and we have created a custom.css.

Now in this tutorial, behind the scene the only changes that have taken place is

creating some additional classes over here, and this classes will be prepared as it was,

has it had been ever in our previous tutorial, as we have provided a black

background to our HTML page and a transparent background to the body, and we have created

some, we have initiated some banner, some classes over here like banner1,

banner2, etc, all these things will be needed in this purpose.

Now let's concentrate in creating the components inside this body tag.

In understanding the grids of Bootstrap, the first thing that we are going

to do is we are going to introduce the container over here.

The first thing is, what is container?

Now if we draw some analogy with our previous tutorial then we

may say that container is nothing but a kind of table formation as we have seen in case

of HTML elements.

Syntax for the table was...

In our previous tutorials, we have seen how to create a table and we have created a table

first, when we have created rows, and then we have created

columns, and inside this columns we always intended to pour some contents - contents

will be coming here..

All the contents, contents for coming inside this column

elements, and not anywhere else.

So this is the thing, if we are drawing some analogy then the same thing will be happening


The first thing we are going to do, we are going to introduce some containers,

and then we are introducing rows, then we are introducing columns.

We may say that contain has actually responsible for

the dynamic behavior of mobile responsiveness.

Practically it is the one that will make your site responsive, it is the one that realign

contents detecting the media width, including everything inside.

This container thing, it practically contracts or expands detecting the media width.

Now you may place rows inside the container or you may do not use it, depending upon the

project criteria, what kind of gapping you are needing over there, but those come in

between these rows, and every single contents in turn, those should be placed inside

these columns.

Now something similar will be witnessed here.

If we carry on with this analogy, html table element and bootstrap container element, both

of them are not same but just concentrate on the analogy.

The containers come first, then comes the rows, then comes

the column distribution over there, and then comes the content inside.

That means all these contents, they should be

placed inside this column elements, and then you should close the rows, and then you should

close the container element.

One important thing you never put any content outside this container area.

Else your website won't be mobile friendly or mobile responsive.

Now coming back to our project, first of all delete all these things that we had created

over here as it was meant for understanding only and nothing else.

Now we may see into our project that we have created the container first, and then we have

created rows, columns etc.

But what are these?

To understand this you need to understand bootstrap device with detection.

This is the media width classification.

So here are the specifications are the classifications on the device width those will be used over


For larger devices, the minimum width will be 1200px, that means

up to this 1200px, your contents will be placed horizontally and Lesser then 1200px, the contents

inside will be coming down vertically.

For medium width device, the desktop width should be greater than 992px horizontally,

but lesser then 1199px horizontally.

And in this case the class will be used here calling the contents

will be col-md-12.

Then comes This small width device.

You may say that for an iPad, which is a small width device, and which is greater than or

equals to 768px and lesser than 992px.

In this case the class that will be used inside the container is col-sm-12.

That means we are consuming all of these 12 grids and it will be referred to as the class

name col-sm-12.

That means up to this part for small width devices, it is going to align your contents

horizontally, side by side, without stacking it down, and this

will happen up to 768px.

This is the minimum definition that it will be using on and if this thing detects a width

which is lesser than 768px, then all it is going to do, going to stack your contents

vertically on each other.

This is the last option that you have for mobile width device.

For horizontal layout of the contents into your mobile, the width is considered

to be lesser than 768px.

And in this case the class name that we will be calling for his col-xs-12.

So if we have a look around this then we may see that this

is the div class container banner, we have called in a container class over here.

Now as we are ready to go that means we have installed bootstrap successfully into our

project, after that we are able to call this class name container.

Now inside this container, we are calling a class which

is known as row, and inside this row we are calling the columns.

Now here I have called class name col-xs-4, that means

we are using the mobile width device for horizontal layout of the contents in your site....

For more infomation >> bootstrap grid tutorial explained - part 1 - Duration: 6:51.


Opel Combo 1.6 CDTI L2H1 SPORT ECC, CRUISE CONTROL, LMV - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel Combo 1.6 CDTI L2H1 SPORT ECC, CRUISE CONTROL, LMV - Duration: 0:57.


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For more infomation >> 荒川静香 with 織田信成&プルシェンコのオーラがすごい!"贅沢"ショットにブルゾンちえみも歓喜「スケート界のバケモン達が笑」 HD - Duration: 2:07.


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For more infomation >> КАК ИЗМЕНИТЬ СКИН ДЛЯ САМПА 0.3.7 - Duration: 3:22.


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" GOODBYE. " - Duration: 1:29.

I'm moving to St. Sebastian.

I'm going.

Wake up!

I'm here

You should smile more.

Wake up!

For more infomation >> " GOODBYE. " - Duration: 1:29.


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Khung Log Bao Chua Johny Johny Yes Papa Khung Log Bao Chua Colors Wild Animals Hoat Hinh Khung Log

For more infomation >> Khung Log Bao Chua Dinosaurs Fight Khung Log Bao Chua Learn Colors Wild Animals Hoat Hinh Khung Log - Duration: 1:06:27.


How To Hire Telemarketers And Make Sure They Are Effective And Don't Cheat On Their Billable Hours - Duration: 10:30.

Hey, this is Joe Crump.

In this video I'm going to show you how to hire telemarketers and make sure they're

effective and that they don't cheat on their billable hours and how to train them and how

to get the best prices that you can and where to find them.

When you're in the Automarketer, it's easier to do your job if you've got somebody

who's making your phone calls for you.

Ideally, it'd be nice not to be making those calls.

Remember, at the beginning when you're just getting started, when you're just learning

this process, make the phone calls yourself.

Put the time in.

This is your training and it's going to be vital for you to be able to understand

how to do it and to be able to do it yourself, for you to be able to train somebody else.

It's not just about the head knowledge of how to do it.

You have to know and believe that it can be done before you can teach someone else to

do it.

Because if they don't see you doing it or they don't see that you can do it, it's

going to be hard for them to believe that they can do it.

So learn how to do it first before you find other people to do it.

Plus, it gets expensive if you're hiring telemarketers to do the work for you and they're

not closing anything.

So make sure that deals are closing before you hire a team.

But once you hire someone, the first place you'll probably want to go is to Upwork.

You can either do this on craigslist or you can do it on Upwork.

Go to and you can create your own account and then you can post a job on there

and tell them what you're looking for.

Next, go to another website that I like, it's called Free Conference Calling and it's

exactly what it says it is.

You can have a conference call for free and you can record those conference calls.

Which means that when you hire someone on Upwork, you can have them come on to a conference

call with you, no matter where they're at in the world, they can log into it.

They can log in through Skype if they've got a Skype number or they can use your log

in using your Automarketer phone number, doing it that way.

And then you can train them and walk through the process with them and you can record that

training program.

Because when you're hiring telemarketers, the likelihood is that the first one's not

going to work out and you'll have to train somebody else and somebody else after that.

And even as you're doing it, as you're expanding, you're going to want to use the

same training over and over again, so you don't have to do it every time.

Once you record it, then you can just send them to the recording and the free conference

calling will give you a URL that you can give to them and they can come in and listen to

your recording.

Now, once you have them and you want to put them on your team management system, so you

create a new team member and you add them to the system and you assign them a phone

number and you're going to get them a phone number by going into the phone system into

this, and these phone numbers cost $3.00 a month.

They're not very expensive.

But if you want to keep them, you have to pay $3.00 a month for it.

You're going to buy them a new number and you're going to pick the area code of the

area that they're going to work.

So, don't get too broad with the areas that they're going to work.

If you want them to work in one area or two areas, get one number or two numbers based

on the areas that you're going to be working in.

I live in Indiana so I use a 317 area code.

But if you're in Los Angeles, maybe you want to use an 818 or a 310 or a 210 area


And you can look for those numbers just by typing in the area code and hit Find a Number

and it'll look for a number.

And you want to keep scrolling through these until you find a number that's easy to remember,

on with lots of digits that are the same or repeating digits, that makes it easier to


One thing is you cannot go back to one.

So as soon as you find one that's close to something you can remember, this would

be a fairly easy one to remember, then you can click Purchase the phone number and it'll

bill your account $3.00 and you'll have a new phone number in your system.

Once you have that phone number in your system, you can assign it a name and you can tell

those people, I mean, you can put your telemarketer's name on there so you'll know whose number

that is.

You can edit the voice mail message so you can have them go in here and record a voice

mail message so you can hit record, "Hey, this is Joe.

Leave a message after the beep and I'll get back with you as soon as I can."

And most of these people, you don't want to put a business name on their voicemail,

so just have them put their basic information on there.

Then you can play it and listen to it and if it's right, you'll save it and you'll

close this.

If you want to, if you have somebody who's working and moves around a lot, they can have

their numbers forwarded to them.

So if somebody calls, let's say a buyer calls and you've got a buyer finder, it

lets you just pick it up on his cellphone, you can have that number forwarded to his

cellphone number, whether his' in Canada or the US.

Also you can assign this number to multiple team members.

So if I want to give it to Joe and to Tom, I can do that and I can give it to whomever

I want to have it.

If you have multiple people who are working the same area you can do that if you need


The next thing here is you can enable or disable recordings and right now, when you click on

this it tells you is a legal and what are the local regulations on recording phone calls.

And if you click this, it takes you to a Wikipedia page that explains local regulations and which

places require both parties to have recordings.

Now, it's automatically the default that it records all the messages that come in.

When they leave a message, that's recorded.

And those are recorded by default.

But, if you can record the conversations that your buyer finder or your seller finder is

having, you can actually use those recordings to train them, to make them better.

And, by the way, if you don't have somebody that you've hired to do this yet, you want

to record your own calls just so you can go back and listen to them and start to realize

just how bad you really are at this process.

So make sure that you record your calls if it's legal in your area and you use it for

training and you use it to go through that process and get better at it.

You know, one of the things I tell my mentor students is, record these conversations, download

them, and then listen to them on your phone while you're driving in the car and when

you hear the mistakes that you make you'll cringe but you'll also be able to say to

yourself, "You know, I could have said this," or, "I could have said that," or "Maybe

I'd be better at this," and it'll make you much, much better much, much faster.

I really strongly encourage you to do it.

You can also enable or disable transcriptions.

Transcriptions are automatically enabled.

If they leave you a message it's going to send you an email with a transcription of

it and it's going to put these transcriptions here.

But they're disabled unless, you know, for long conversations.

You don't really want to enable transcriptions for long conversations because they cost 5¢

a minute to transcribe and they're not, the transcriptions aren't very good.

It's fine with a short message, but even these short messages sometimes get to be a

little funny, I guess, when you're trying to listen to them.

Now, the other thing that you should look at, and I'm trying to cover a lot of information

here in a very short period of time, I can filter by the phone number.

So if I want to filter the phone calls from a specific phone number I can do that and

I can put in the dates of, you know, whatever those dates happen to be and then I can search

by type, inbound or outbound, so if I want to check on somebody who's sending outbound

calls and I'm going to send just the call logs and I hit Send and Refresh it's going

to give me a list of all the calls that were made.

I can listen to those calls, I can download those calls, I can download the text from

those calls if they were transcribed, and what's most important for a telemarketer

for us, is the duration of those calls.

So if these are long calls, you know, we could add them all up and we're actually going

to add a little function here that allows us to add all those up for a specific time


That way we'll know how many hours our telemarketer put in.

And the way we pay our telemarketers is we pay them 150% of the time that they're on

the call.

Now we figure there's a certain amount of time they have to make the call and find the

lead and do all that stuff as well.

But I want to pay them for the actual time they're on the call.

I've had telemarketers in the past, they would bill me for 10 hours and I would say,

well, how many people did you talk to and they'd give me, you know, fifteen people

that they talked to over a ten-hour period.

And it's hard for me to say, no, you're just lying to me, when in fact I know they


So, what I do instead, now we can record their calls.

We can see the duration of their calls and if that period of time that they're being

paid for shows that they did ten hours' worth of calls then I'll pay them for fifteen

hours' worth of their time.

And we make sure that they agree to this before they work for us.

And that's even how, we even put that in our Upwork ad to make sure that they understand

that before they talk to us.

This has been the biggest moneysaving feature that I've ever had in a system, to make

sure what they're doing.

And it also allows me to listen to what they're saying, to go in and spot check to make sure

they're not saying crazy stuff that could get me into trouble.

One thing to keep in mind when you're dealing with telemarketers is, is they're not doing

the job on the days that they're telling you they're doing it, fire them immediately

and get somebody else.

Assume that you're going to have to go through two or three, four, five and maybe ten people

before you find somebody that you're happy with.

But I have found some amazing telemarketers that can work for very cheap.

So give it a try and make sure that you interview them over Skype or over the phone and that

they're, they sound competent.

They don't, having an accent doesn't really create a problem, but having, being fluent

is very important.

So make sure that they're fluent in the language that you're working in.

All right.

For more infomation >> How To Hire Telemarketers And Make Sure They Are Effective And Don't Cheat On Their Billable Hours - Duration: 10:30.


HAI (A Short Movie) - Duration: 10:55.


I'm Jodie. May i know your name?


Hey, Yan! Look! Do you know this girl?

Umm. Why?

I talked to her, but she didn't respond.

She even left me.

That means, she doesn't like you.



Ehm, Jod I have to go.


The next day..

Do you know the new teacher? The pretty one.

No. The one who's pretty, tall, and has a fair skin

Oh really?

She used to be a model.

But, someone told me that she is.....


By the way, Why do you hate your sister?

Can we not talk about that..

Maybe she needed you. No she didn't.

A week later...


I'm Jodie. May i know your name?

Why don't you respond me everytime i talk to you?

Oh...I'm sorry

(It's fine)

(I'm Jodie)

(I'm Nada)

Five days later...


(Our book)

Have you ever thought of talking?


Because they laugh at me.

Okay. I'm sorry.


You know what? Jodie likes nada

Just leave it...

But, she is deaf and she can't talk.

But, she's kind.

You shouldn't talk bad about her

Are you sure?

Yes. Did you ever hear about our senior who doesn't want to admitted his sister because she can't talk?

That's his sister.

But, she's still care to her brother.

Oh okay, Jodie likes the right person then.

Let's go to canteen.




Jodie has been acting weird lately, and he looks unhappy too. But i don't know why.

Maybe he has some problems with, who is it? i forgot her name.


Is that so?

Ya, who knows.

A few days later...

Hey! Are you alone?

What's your name?

Why are you so quite?

I have to tell Bajra.

Is someone calling me?

Jra! Your sister! Someone is teasing her!

Jra, it's your sister.

Come on, Jra! She is your sister.

Let's go! We should help her!

Guys! Isn't she the girl that jodie likes?


That one, who's being teased by a boy.

Yes that's her.

Yan, you should call jodie and tell him.

Here! Hurry up!


Hello? Jod?

What's up?

Where is she?

Right there! Let's go!

Hey! What are you doing?!

Listen! Don't you dare to tease her or get close to her ever again!


I'll beat you if you ever do that again.

Are you okay?

I'm sorry for leaving you alone. i'll never leave you again.

Apologize to her!

Okay, okay. I'm sorry.


Let's sit.

What did he do to you?

(He didn't do anything, i'm fine)

I'm sorry.

For not admitting you as my sister all this time.

Will you forgive me? (Yes)

Let's go home then.

Can you get my bag? Okay.

Thank you.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. they must be felt with the heart."

For more infomation >> HAI (A Short Movie) - Duration: 10:55.


Dear Maya Full Movie Watch Online Free Download HD Hindi Movie 2017, Manisha Koirala, - Duration: 2:37.

Dear Maya Full Movie Watch Online Free Download HD Hindi Movie 2017, Manisha Koirala,

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