Gary Payton : la petite interview Trashtalk x NBA Fan Zone - Duration: 6:33.Comment ça va, mec ?
Partie 2 !
Partie 2 ! Tu sais que j'aime toujours être avec vous
On va bientôt avoir une Partie 3 si ça continue.
Peut-être, si tu restes plus longtemps !
Je pense que oui.
Donc la dernière fois, on avait parlé de trashtalking mais il y avait une question que je n'avais pas pu te poser
Qui sont, selon toi, les disciples du trashtalking ?
Les gars qui assumaient leurs paroles avec des actes.
Ceux qui pouvaient parler et bien jouer à la fois ?
Reggie Miller était bon, il était vraiment très bon.
Michael Jordan pouvait assumer ses paroles.
Chuck Person ?
Le "Riffle Man" était bon,
peu de monde parle de lui dans cette catégorie, mais c'était un vrai client.
Et Larry Bird.
Ces quatre là sont les vrais qui savaient comment faire.
On avait parlé de l'impact que George Gervin avait eu dans ta vie,
est-ce que tu peux expliquer son importance, car c'est un personnage très sous-estimé dans l'histoire.
Quel impact il a eu sur ton enfance,
que ce soit son attitude comme son style de jeu,
qu'est-ce que le "Iceman" représente pour toi ?
Il compte beaucoup pour moi.
Quand j'étais petit, j'aimais son jeu très "smooth",
j'aimais la façon dont il faisait son "finger roll"
J'ai ajouté ce geste dans mon jeu quand je suis arrivé en NBA,
je relâchais toujours la balle avant que le pivot n'arrive car George le disait tout le temps.
Il était tellement propre au scoring, il pouvait marquer quand il le voulait.
Et c'était surtout un mec classe, on ne le voyait jamais dans des histoires négatives. Rien de ce genre.
Et le poster de lui, assis sur ce cube de glace...
... donné avec les chassures !
Avec les chaussures, les montantes. C'était énorme.
Car à l'ancienne, t'achetais une paire de pompes et t'avais un poster offert c'est ça ?
T'avais le poster et tout était dans la boîte. C'était le bon vieux temps.
J'avais son poster sur mon mur, ses maillots, ses casquettes,
Je me faufilais à l'intérieur de l'Oakland Coliseum, où les Warriors jouaient par le passé,
Tu entrais en douce ?
J'entrais en douce, pour le voir jouer quand les Spurs étaient de visite.
Et quand je suis arrivé en NBA, et que j'ai eu la chance de le rencontrer,
c'était genre...
"AHHH !", je tremblais.
Tu en tremblais ?
Je tremblais, j'étais très jeune.
Donc je lui ai tout raconté, et depuis il a été comme un père pour moi.
On voulait aussi te poser une question sur ta carrière,
et te féliciter pour ton entrée au Hall of Fame, même si c'était il y a deux ans.
Merci, merci beaucoup.
On voulait te demander, si tu avais un stylo magique,
s'il y avait une ligne de ta carrière à réécrire,
peut-être pas quelque chose de très négatif, mais un truc que tu aurais voulu changer,
comme avoir été transféré à Milwaukee ou autre chose,
y a-t-il un petit élément que tu aurais souhaité changer ?
Et bien, non. Rien.
Car si je touchais à quoi que ce soit, ce ne serait plus moi.
Je ne serais pas ici en train de faire ça.
Donc ce qui s'est passé dans ma vie, ça s'est passé pour une raison.
Et cela s'est passé comme ça.
Et si je dis que j'aurais changé quelque chose, je ne sais pas si ça aurait changé ma vie,
si ça aurait changé la façon dont cette histoire se déroule aujourd'hui.
T'as juste suivi ta route.
J'ai suivi ma route et c'est tout.
Aujourd'hui, je n'ai aucun regret.
Tu peux nous donner des nouvelles de ton fils ? Car on l'a vu avec les Bucks l'an dernier.
Comment va-t-il ? Des infos concernant un potentiel camp d'entraînement ?
Il est à Milwaukee en ce moment, ils s'entraînent.
J'ai eu de bons retours à son propos, il joue bien.
Il est avec Jason Kidd, que j'ai éduqué.
Il est comme un parrain pour lui.
Je suis content qu'il soit là-bas.
Greg Foster est un de ses coachs, j'ai grandi et ai joué avec lui au lycée.
Eric Hughes est assistant-coach, c'était mon entraîneur tout au long de ma carrière.
Tim Grgurich, qui a changé ma carrière aux Sonics...
Beaucoup de beaux noms !
Ouais. Donc il a ces 4 gars autour de lui,
j'ai une grande confiance en lui.
Je lui ai parlé hier, il est excité.
Il a hâte que j'aille au match de foot, que je lui ramène tous les maillots de foot.
Donc tu vas au match demain soir ?
Match de foot demain soir, oui.
Il m'a demandé de donner son message à Messi (Neymar), que je pense bien à le lui dire.
C'est encore un enfant, faut que tu lui fasses plaisir !
Voilà, donc tout va bien, il va bien.
Pour finir, on voulait te poser ces 2 questions :
Que penses-tu de ton retour à Paris, qu'est-ce que tu as aimé ici ?
Est-ce que c'est différent de quand tu es venu il y a déjà trois ans ?
Ce qui est différent, c'est qu'on avait pas cet événement.
On n'avait pas le NBA Crossover et ce qu'il y a autour
comme la NBA Fan Zone, j'aime bien faire des trucs comme ça.
J'aime bien être mélangé aux gens et avec ces fans,
qu'ils sachent vraiment qui nous sommes en réalité.
Ils veulent nous voir.
Tu les vois, et ils sont là avec leur maillot, ils profitent de cet événement.
Et j'aime vraiment ça.
Quand je suis venu il y a trois ans, c'était super,
c'était super car j'ai pu tout faire et j'aime ça également,
mais j'aime ça encore plus. Et c'est ce que je voulais faire pour cette fois.
On te souhaite du coup un super match de foot demain soir,
Profite pleinement de la NBA Fan Zone et encore un grand merci pour tout !
Merci encore une fois.
Toujours un plaisir.
Honda HR-V ELEGANCE 1.5 i-VTEC 130PK | AUTOMAAT | NAVIGATIE | - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
My Little Pony: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! [Ger / CC][1080p / No Watermarks] - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
How to make Limoncello - Duration: 7:08.Hello
I am Amauri
and I will present today
the lemon liqueur recipe
a soft liquor
delicious, easy to make
made from lemons peels
world appreciated worldwide
he is of Italian origin
we will know how to do
you can use any type of lemon
as lemon Tahiti
Galician lemon
the lemon
the Rangpur lime
It can also be made with orange peel
orange and lime peel
I'll use
lemon Tahiti
6 lemons
with the bark of these 6 lemons
we will prepare our limoncello
besides lemons
need of a glass
well clean
that can be tightly closed
preferably hermetically sealed
to prepare limoncello
beyond the glass,
half liter of water, 500 ml
and the same amount of rum, brandy 500 ML
you can also use other drinks such as:
as vodka
or the grain alcohol
I will also use 750 grams of refined sugar
and let the preparation of lemon liqueur
first step, thoroughly wash the lemons
then remove and peel carefully
just trying to remove the green part
since we will not use the whitest part
lemon peel
peel carefully
as thin as possible
and remove the white art
is left in the shell
the most important of liquor
It is to eliminate all this white part lemon
done, we
the appropriate flavor
we will not use lemons
only the shells
very well
already peeled lemons, let the preparation
our glass already here ready
Let's start by placing 750 grams of sugar
only one pinch cinnamon powder
cinnamon powder is optional
Now the peels of lemons
then half a liter of water
and a half liter of liquor
The water and sugar, is intended
soften the alcoholic liquor will have
and makes it sweeter
well, I will now add the rum and water
500 ml of each half liter
if you find that
It has sugar in excess,
you can decrease according to your preference
this recipe is original
so I'm following these steps
remembering that I've done several times this liquor
well, we close well
and in the next 30 days
let's leave it closed
unlike other liquors
He does not like the dark, like the light
let's let it always bright and clear place
preferably, the king star, the Sun, out there
maximum possible hours in these 30 days taking sun
this will
make our liquor, more aromatic
very well
30 days
already with the yellow color of the traditional limoncello
and it's time we open the glass
during these 30 days remember to shake every day
I will first pass a sieve
then filter will
I use cotton filter which is easier and more practical
You can also use fabric
or coffee filter, paper filter
its filter liquor
and is ready our limoncello
I will go for a bottle of liquor
store the ever-glass packaging
it is valid for one year
You do not need saving in cooling
enjoy with wisdom and moderation
here it is
our limoncello
lemon liqueur
I guarantee to you
it is excellent
very well
I hope you enjoyed
and if you liked this video
please share
their tips and suggestions below the video
give your like
subscribe to the channel
thank you and until the next video
[FREE] Epic Choir Beat Hip Hop Rap Instrumental 2017 #145 | Free Beats By MR. HODEN ► - Duration: 3:37.WANNA BUY THIS BEAT? CONTACT ME ON FACEBOOK OR GMAIL!
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Coloring for kids: How to Draw a Cute Cupcake | Drawing for kids | bbkidtv - Duration: 4:54.Welocme to bbkidtv
Hey, I create this vdieo for kids
This video show you how to draw a cute cakecake
after you watching my vidoe, please comment and like my vidoe
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What To Do In Kyoto Japan Kyoto Kinkakuji Temple Kyoto Japan Vlog Video - Duration: 4:38.are you looking for
what to do in Kyoto Japan if so you're in the right place
check out Kyoto kinkakuji temple in Kyoto Japan and please watch until the
end of the video because I'm going to share with you 23 Japan travel tips
hello I'm Christopher C. Odom an award-winning independent filmmaker and
this is big trip to Japan
a Japan Travel Guide about
how to travel Japan and
what to do in Japan so if you're new here please subscribe every week I bring you
a new video about traveling to Japan and Japan travel tips and at any point in
this video definitely check out the links and show notes in the youtube
description below
right now I'm in Kyoto at Kinkakuji Temple the infamous golden temple where the
entire temple is covered in solid gold
koi fish swim in the pond surrounding the Kentucky golden temple Kinkaku ji
in Kyoto the home of the infamous golden temple has also a
UNESCO World Heritage Site
while at kinkaku-ji temple we also took
the time to present an osaisen which is money you throw into an offering at
the osaisen bako which is loosely translated the contribution box
and don't forget to learn more about what to do in Kyoto Japan and
Kyoto kinkakuji temple kyoto japan please check out the links and show notes in
the youtube description below and watch until the end of the mail because i'm
going to share with you
23 japan travel tips
Hiro bought a Goshuinchou
it's a seal stamp given to worshipers and visitors to the
Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples of Japan the seals stamps are often
collected in books called Shuin or Shuinchou that are sold in shrines and temples at
Kinkaku-ji temple, the home of the infamous Golden Pavilion Temple
you can tell it's it's a peaceful area but it's a UNESCO world heritage site and
it's very very crowded well we're here actually on a weekday in the early
afternoon the late morning and it's crowds and crowds of people several
children on school bus tours but it's definitely something you have to see
when you come to Kyoto question of the day what tips and tricks about taking a
big trip to Japan do you have of your own and what videos would you like to
see on big trip to Japan post your answers in the comments section below
some of the best tips and conversation happens in the comments section so
definitely engage and be a part of the big trip to Japan family thanks for
watching big trip to Japan please like share and subscribe to this channel and
to learn more check out the links and show notes in the YouTube description
below also please download my free
23 Japan travel tips
you can find a link in the description below it will help you learn
how to travel to Japan and
what to do in Japan and remember a dream is just a goal
without a deadline now is the time to be something greater thanks for watching
and I'll see you in the next video
at Kunta Kinte temple
wish me love osaisen well
ahh well now look here fella
Kuji Kinka Kinkakuji
I thought we agreed your name was Toby now
To kiss and tell
Kuji Kinka Kinkakuji
Dockers Presents: How To G...-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Dockers Presents: How To G...-------------------------------------------
Gary Payton : la petite interview Trashtalk x NBA Fan Zone - Duration: 6:33.Comment ça va, mec ?
Partie 2 !
Partie 2 ! Tu sais que j'aime toujours être avec vous
On va bientôt avoir une Partie 3 si ça continue.
Peut-être, si tu restes plus longtemps !
Je pense que oui.
Donc la dernière fois, on avait parlé de trashtalking mais il y avait une question que je n'avais pas pu te poser
Qui sont, selon toi, les disciples du trashtalking ?
Les gars qui assumaient leurs paroles avec des actes.
Ceux qui pouvaient parler et bien jouer à la fois ?
Reggie Miller était bon, il était vraiment très bon.
Michael Jordan pouvait assumer ses paroles.
Chuck Person ?
Le "Riffle Man" était bon,
peu de monde parle de lui dans cette catégorie, mais c'était un vrai client.
Et Larry Bird.
Ces quatre là sont les vrais qui savaient comment faire.
On avait parlé de l'impact que George Gervin avait eu dans ta vie,
est-ce que tu peux expliquer son importance, car c'est un personnage très sous-estimé dans l'histoire.
Quel impact il a eu sur ton enfance,
que ce soit son attitude comme son style de jeu,
qu'est-ce que le "Iceman" représente pour toi ?
Il compte beaucoup pour moi.
Quand j'étais petit, j'aimais son jeu très "smooth",
j'aimais la façon dont il faisait son "finger roll"
J'ai ajouté ce geste dans mon jeu quand je suis arrivé en NBA,
je relâchais toujours la balle avant que le pivot n'arrive car George le disait tout le temps.
Il était tellement propre au scoring, il pouvait marquer quand il le voulait.
Et c'était surtout un mec classe, on ne le voyait jamais dans des histoires négatives. Rien de ce genre.
Et le poster de lui, assis sur ce cube de glace...
... donné avec les chassures !
Avec les chaussures, les montantes. C'était énorme.
Car à l'ancienne, t'achetais une paire de pompes et t'avais un poster offert c'est ça ?
T'avais le poster et tout était dans la boîte. C'était le bon vieux temps.
J'avais son poster sur mon mur, ses maillots, ses casquettes,
Je me faufilais à l'intérieur de l'Oakland Coliseum, où les Warriors jouaient par le passé,
Tu entrais en douce ?
J'entrais en douce, pour le voir jouer quand les Spurs étaient de visite.
Et quand je suis arrivé en NBA, et que j'ai eu la chance de le rencontrer,
c'était genre...
"AHHH !", je tremblais.
Tu en tremblais ?
Je tremblais, j'étais très jeune.
Donc je lui ai tout raconté, et depuis il a été comme un père pour moi.
On voulait aussi te poser une question sur ta carrière,
et te féliciter pour ton entrée au Hall of Fame, même si c'était il y a deux ans.
Merci, merci beaucoup.
On voulait te demander, si tu avais un stylo magique,
s'il y avait une ligne de ta carrière à réécrire,
peut-être pas quelque chose de très négatif, mais un truc que tu aurais voulu changer,
comme avoir été transféré à Milwaukee ou autre chose,
y a-t-il un petit élément que tu aurais souhaité changer ?
Et bien, non. Rien.
Car si je touchais à quoi que ce soit, ce ne serait plus moi.
Je ne serais pas ici en train de faire ça.
Donc ce qui s'est passé dans ma vie, ça s'est passé pour une raison.
Et cela s'est passé comme ça.
Et si je dis que j'aurais changé quelque chose, je ne sais pas si ça aurait changé ma vie,
si ça aurait changé la façon dont cette histoire se déroule aujourd'hui.
T'as juste suivi ta route.
J'ai suivi ma route et c'est tout.
Aujourd'hui, je n'ai aucun regret.
Tu peux nous donner des nouvelles de ton fils ? Car on l'a vu avec les Bucks l'an dernier.
Comment va-t-il ? Des infos concernant un potentiel camp d'entraînement ?
Il est à Milwaukee en ce moment, ils s'entraînent.
J'ai eu de bons retours à son propos, il joue bien.
Il est avec Jason Kidd, que j'ai éduqué.
Il est comme un parrain pour lui.
Je suis content qu'il soit là-bas.
Greg Foster est un de ses coachs, j'ai grandi et ai joué avec lui au lycée.
Eric Hughes est assistant-coach, c'était mon entraîneur tout au long de ma carrière.
Tim Grgurich, qui a changé ma carrière aux Sonics...
Beaucoup de beaux noms !
Ouais. Donc il a ces 4 gars autour de lui,
j'ai une grande confiance en lui.
Je lui ai parlé hier, il est excité.
Il a hâte que j'aille au match de foot, que je lui ramène tous les maillots de foot.
Donc tu vas au match demain soir ?
Match de foot demain soir, oui.
Il m'a demandé de donner son message à Messi (Neymar), que je pense bien à le lui dire.
C'est encore un enfant, faut que tu lui fasses plaisir !
Voilà, donc tout va bien, il va bien.
Pour finir, on voulait te poser ces 2 questions :
Que penses-tu de ton retour à Paris, qu'est-ce que tu as aimé ici ?
Est-ce que c'est différent de quand tu es venu il y a déjà trois ans ?
Ce qui est différent, c'est qu'on avait pas cet événement.
On n'avait pas le NBA Crossover et ce qu'il y a autour
comme la NBA Fan Zone, j'aime bien faire des trucs comme ça.
J'aime bien être mélangé aux gens et avec ces fans,
qu'ils sachent vraiment qui nous sommes en réalité.
Ils veulent nous voir.
Tu les vois, et ils sont là avec leur maillot, ils profitent de cet événement.
Et j'aime vraiment ça.
Quand je suis venu il y a trois ans, c'était super,
c'était super car j'ai pu tout faire et j'aime ça également,
mais j'aime ça encore plus. Et c'est ce que je voulais faire pour cette fois.
On te souhaite du coup un super match de foot demain soir,
Profite pleinement de la NBA Fan Zone et encore un grand merci pour tout !
Merci encore une fois.
Toujours un plaisir.
For more infomation >> Gary Payton : la petite interview Trashtalk x NBA Fan Zone - Duration: 6:33.-------------------------------------------
iPhone X vs iPhone 8: Why You Should Buy iPhone X (Or Not!) - Duration: 10:10.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> iPhone X vs iPhone 8: Why You Should Buy iPhone X (Or Not!) - Duration: 10:10.-------------------------------------------
Destiny 2: Live Action-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 350 BlueTec 4-Matic AMG Line Automaat Rij-Assistentie, Luchtv - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
The Talk - Wanda Sykes on 'Roseanne' Reboot; Says 'New Generation' for Conner Family - Duration: 1:16.[APPLAUSE] SHARON: NOW, WANDA, THIS MONTH,
SUPERHERO WEAPONS in REAL LIFE ⚔ 5 Teen Titans Weapons vs Fruit Ninja - Duration: 27:41.what up what up it's Chad Wild Clay and you guys have been requesting Teen Titans
like crazy so today we're gonna buy five real yep ins that the Teen Titans use
test them out in real life and stick around because I'm giving you guys a
$100 Amazon gift card you gotta watch the whole video though because
throughout the video I'm gonna be putting a little clues on how you can
win that so stick around
right over here that's V let's give them a good luck there's you without makeup
huh so V does not want to show her face until we go outside so should just be
wave your hand V there you are okay all right so Vy who's the first person we
are looking at for Teen Titans what web in I know nothing so you have to
tell me oh he knows nothing she's gonna be real helpful guys so the first
we are looking at actually the first Teen Titan we are looking at is Robin he
is the leader and one of the five founding members of Teen Titans
Robin Robin from Batman Robin okay he's actually the main character yep yeah
that's right no more sidekick under Batman right and guess what he
uses collapse of laughs so we have used this collapsible both staff before but
karate Mart has a new and improved version is it hey we did not get the
pink one Robin does not use a pink claps a little both staff so let's order this
thing and check it out
you also don't like both staffs wrapped in plastic right you have here at is get
out looking at my ceiling lights are you ready to be what what may this new I
believe it extends easier and it collapses easy class Bob all staff 2.0
that's right so it's metal there there's one part that collapses I do love this
rubber grip it's like a diamond rubber grip here there we go stays in better ok
yeah much better much better last one was a lot harder to close good job
karate mart good improvement I gotta give you guys a clue on how to win that $100
Amazon gift card step one be subscribed I mean this is a thumbs up supposedly
that subscribe button let's just go with the thumbs up be yeah give this video a
thumbs out and that is step one to winning that Amazon giftcard $100 and
the next Teen Titans we are gonna test out is ravager
oh yeah it's a girl B maybe you should be ravager huh code name Rose Wilson she
uses her real name's Rose Wilson yes and she uses guess what dual banana sores
oh yeah well before I go shopping for these items we gotta give you another
clue for the Amazon 100 gift card right V what is the next clue of e pretty
close you gotta have that belt B now B it's subscribed but then you also gotta
have the bell symbol on so make sure the Bell symbol is on down below and it is
ringing cuz that makes you a notification ninja so that means you get
here quick and you hang out with us in the comments section we hang out with
you chatting away during the first hour of every upload have that Bell symbol on
and that's part two of winning that Amazon $100 gift card anyway let's buy
these sores and check them out sores
dude good one good one B yes Deadpool also uses dual sores so does ravager
this is actually like a strap here you throw it on with a backpack kind of cool
it's the CWC backpack all right here's one of the sores that uh it's a little
bit dirty because we did some shopping with it and then here's the other store
pull that out this is a cool like backpack type thing though and scissor
to long straight towards exactly just like that'd be the next Teen Titans
character we're looking at is Starfire another girl there's a lot of girls in
this group oh she's the alien princess from a distant world
she's also Robins main love interest me too I'm like um Daphne from
scooby-doo you're right so the she uses let me guess
starfish that's not fire pretty close actually
apparently she can shoot green laser projectiles and can fly what she what
she can shoot green laser
projectile mom it something she Bonit out green stuff maybe since she does a
green projectile we could do like green ninja start karate Mart has these
throwing starts which come with some green ones so why don't we just go ahead
and order those B and that'll be great for Starfire right right let's get them
star fires ninja starts have arrived let's open these up I don't know it's a
so we get one PC in here I don't I don't see a computer in here what it says one
PC guys and there's no computer there we go that's what I'm talking about
snowflake what we're trying to beautify my ninja yep ins V she's always trying
to make things pretty it looks like Christmas ornament yeah Christmas time
and these are Christmas colors yeah should hang these from the tree you
should Christmas ornaments dangers Christmas ornaments so these can be
hanging from your tree and then when intruders break into your house you just
run to your tree grab these and comes down your chimney and you think he's an
intruder Oh a jerk oh no that was Santa grab bag oh yes
no you then you have to take over his job got to make all those delegates
these are a sharp man I just like we're like this I was like
oh they kind of dug into me a little bit they don't get my awesome CWC merch a
little bit I got to be careful there top right-hand corner guys if you want to
get that oh man these her super job I keep every time I pick them up
I like accidentally like touch a point and it's like ow hey these are hero says
hero 440 steel china hero 440 it's a type of steel I believe oh and hero is
cuz I'm a hero so they knew when they were shipping this to me who they were
going to so I call we better engrave hero they were shipping it to me what
it's a zero ah just kidding anyway those throwing starts are gonna be perfect but
karate mart sent me something else that is also green it's a surprise I don't
know what it is it's this they said it'd be perfect for this character let's find
out what it is I haven't opened it yet actually the first time opening it right
here hopefully it is something green hopefully it does go with this character
it is these are cool that is a cool color
cuz it's my favorite color green look how sharp of a point that comes to tiny
tiny little sharp point tiny little sharp be were you do with my green cool night
oh that almost landed on these foot guys that's why you never play around with
cool nights I like to live dangerously okay I don't pick that up now that it stand
into my foot pull it out of my foot now it's ready to go and the next Teen Titan
we are gonna test now is beast or be part of like the Beastie Boy fan yeah
be good even know who the Beastie Boys are tomorrow he actually reminds me a
little bit of like the Hulk doesn't he he's green here the green skin yeah like
an elf elf crossed with the whole yes yes exactly
he's a former member of the Doom Patrol and one of the five founding members of
Team Titan and his yep ins he uses whatever he has handy including his
teeth and his claws so I think the best thing to use for him would be a pair of
awesome claws and karate mart has some new claws actually bud splatter combat
claw for $18.95 it's got bud splatters on a beat so I don't even need to get
your own bud on there it's just like comes with bud already it's perfect
nice I wonder what type of bud it is I hope it's like Oh sounds like a good
donor type o-negative my favorite one of my favorite bands no now no one knows
that band for sure all right well it's all in a room and splatter some bud
but before we open them view the step 3 in the final step to winning that amazon
$100 giftcard is commenting yeah leave a comment down below and that's it
well they should say something he looks great without makeup no I don't want
thousands of comments saying that just let us know below what is your
favorite and we will be picking the winner in the next episode or the next
what am i a TV show we'll be picking the winner in the next video so make sure
you watch our next video to see if you want that $100 gift card hey you say
like Zomba warp or something zom warp I guess these are great for defeating
zombies as well great it says do doughnut doughnut eat oh I love
doughnuts also silence just to just whisper through the door and the screams
he goes I'm back no I'll teach him a lesson just didn't
step in here please you almost stand your hand into this you're lucky I stand a
stance acupuncture Wolverine a coupon that's right this is actually Beast Boy
acupuncture these 14 Titans yeah and these are some news chickens up
bud splattered claws look at the bud on those Nast mm-hmm Supes totes nests
be careful yes we'll get some more bud splattered on these cheese bud well
your inner why don't we just chop some stuff up huh
and the next Teen Titan we or Justin out is Raven what I think Raven looks like V
Red Bird I mean a black bird so yeah they got Robins and they got Ravens so
she's got like purple hair and stuff like that she is a half a
half demon hybrid who was one of the five founding members of Teen Titans Wow
three female yeah dude that's a female that's great usually like one token
that's true just like in our group Oh
should we get some more females for this group V no I mean for Justin but not for
you we just think it's a female and I don't oh yeah your apology hard I was
trying to make a joke and then I didn't know where to go with it so so that's
what it turned to anywho Raven will sometimes use magic and sometimes create
like black spike tentacles or projectiles to attack enemies so let's
try something a little different since she does like back magic type stuff
let's go with a new black that I saw a Kramer it has that eye
really want to try and so we'll just pretend that this is a perfect web in
for Raven okay it's a little bit of a stretch but it's
gonna be fun check these out be forked sores with
dabbers oh they are like Forks yeah $38.95 oh are you angles RV sighs
dabbers yeah I guess there's only one way to find out
Add to Cart oh don't be jelly we got a web in for you oh oh there's tape on it
how do i if only I had something sharp around here to cut this tape with me I'm
very excited to see these actually does these look freaking cool that's
for the next video I accidentally ordered her what this was actually I was
ordering this for a different video interestingly it came with two dabbers
as well and I've got my not so cute huge sore look at that so it's still black
but it has like a copper edge I've never seen a sore with a copper edge like
this or is it bronze what color is this V copper copper yeah really cool sore
Raven would be proud to use a sore like this one sheet copper is like a very in
color for the fall - oh my gosh so we're so fashionable - sure yeah the
pocket yeah right in here yeah that's so cute that is cool he always called my
ninja yep ins cute they're not cute they're Debbie there we go I like it a
lot this is a beautiful sored it's pretty
sharp too a for a sharp point I'm like Cyclops now
isn't that so Raven That's So Raven that's actually a real a real TV show I
know that's why I'm saying it okay maybe I'll just figure that up on the spot
that is So Raven okay guys well let's really go get Raven let's go to a rave
oh let's go to a rave with our raven soared Mean Green Team and not green the
team fighting machines cuz we are Teen Titans Teen hey we're still teens right
me enough to be in teams let's change our theme for you kill me now do it
Jimmy no do it amigo we got a new Arnold impersonator here the winner
you should do the voice of one of the Teen Titans in the cartoon series did
you do the voice of Starfire yeah now it makes sense maybe he should do the voice
of Robin who uses the both staff not only any bows to have the expandable o staff
once you take a step back there just and in fact we did introduce Justin Justin's
behind the camera kick bump don't worry we won't make you do a cheerleader okay
are you ready
that's way bigger than yeah dude it started to start it off this only like
one foot or two long and now it's five feet long cuz you got excited now some
of you guys might not know Justin behind the camera here is the boat staff master
Oh and so we're you're gonna have him show
us how this thing is done
say goodbye to the bananas because they're gonna meet Justin's boaster
Where's Chad? she's like you've got some sores on your back don't mess with B or
else you mess with me there you go piggyback ride he's giving chatter
piggyback everybody's Incredible Hulk ladies and gentlemen yeah yes the
hulking Teen Titans I know he's not up there is another character green guy
we'll be getting to him a little bit later so yo you'll be seeing him pretty
soon oh cool bonus point no spoilers Justin
spoiler alert so right now we're looking at ravager who uses multiple
yep ins including the dual banana all right let's see if you can actually pull
these ones off we usually have trouble with this we do John 1:1 came out or if
you get in there this one's always really that one's always really tight
you gotta have really long arms yeah I think it has to be like really low on
your bad does yeah definitely there we go those are pretty P shows so some bad
but ninja moves of course I can
the Teen Titans for breakfast oh do you yeah will I eat watermelons
like you for breakfast convention in March and everyday then I drink
watermelon juice chopped well played
some guys let me get you a slice of watermelon here it's time for your
Justin favorite superhero of all time Patrick Stark yeah I mean I love Patrick
Stark I screwed up I meant to say Starfire oh
my gosh to mixed up pastured Starfire have you a character in Team 10 superhero these are my
views of my yep ins dang let's look don't show me dropping I actually caught
it and stand into my hands so even though they are in protective packaging
these things are so sharp that it cuts right through the protective package so
you need to be careful with these at all times even when they're in the passage
I'm still good guys well it's made of actual star that's why it's made of
patrick stark stark fires I've got these Vy what do you have french toast Vy you
better watch out where V is gonna take a deuce on you that just means you're
gonna throw it two of these I like how green they're yeah oh yeah and these are
green too I'm green wrong song color her on
another we should have maybe sung some Al Green huh there we go what's a good
at what's an Al Green makes with this on love that love and song oh let's get it
out let's get it alright my dad my man Jerry that whole part wrong guy but
speaking of let's get it on I think these yep ins need to get it on
yeah emoji water follows slash Patrick stars
Wow Justin you mentioned the guy with the green skin earlier that is beast
boys that's the one that I thought was Wolverine inside and you were like no
Beast Boy beast smear using the Wolverine style claws but these are a
little difference because they have splattering on their feet here you go
let's try it on for size beast girl hey let's go beast mode on those soda ninjas
the you is coming to join our might against the bad guys we're so
outnumbered that's right all right guys from our back-to-school video now it is
how do you like them apples got a massive farm what is this a torture
we've had a lot of birds talk about robin but we haven't talked about
Raven out here yet she's the bird episode it is five bird
yep ins whoa that doesn't look great bird-like though no it doesn't I
actually ordered the wrong web in so what we're going with it
my favorite yep ins though because look look oh yeah
what letter me I think we need to see beads you a vicious form yeah
yes you were just being so ninja I want you to try a different opponent this
time oh really my enemy my worst enemy your
arch-nemesis yeah doesn't like me and I don't like it I also don't like it
because it's wick expired oh I hope there's no chunks in there it's gonna be
cottage cheese at this point cottage cheese ninja!
and a huge congratulation to mod X underscore of X X for a winning the
Amazon $100 giftcard in the last video so good luck to you guys in this video
let's see who wins huge shout-out to you notification ninjas I'm showing your
guys's comments down here from people who made it to the first hour of the
last video and left a comment leave a comment at the bottom of this video to
be featured in the next one also that 100 hour Amazon gift card make sure you
are thumbs up on this video comment it up down below and have that Bell symbol
on and you can win $100 gift card from Amazon and you can buy whatever you want
so mean your parents will let you winner will be announced on the next video of
course if you shout out to karate mart on where I got all these yep ins use
code wild clay and get 10% off your order if you guys want some of the merch
the Chad wild clay CWC merch click in the top right corner up here or down
below there's a link to that as well if you guys haven't seen this video yet
check it out if you're not subscribed to me right there right here and then
here's another really awesome video me and Vy we'll see you guys real soon say goodbye
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode 1 (Fan Made Trailer) - Duration: 1:17.It's time. Get over here.
Alright, I'll uh...I'll start packing up.
Now Javi, you need to hurry.
Look I'm not giving you shit, okay?
I'm just...
You weren't here when Dad was sick, okay I get it, but...
...you need to fucking be here when he goes.
That girl, Clementine.
We had a deal!
There's something cold about her eyes.
When I found out David had kids I told him:
"I am not changing who I am around them."
You ain't the loner type.
I can tell.
You must've been pretty young when this shit started.
I was.
But some people looked out for me too.
Open up!
Javi, don't!
We can't leave her!
Live stream on AJ - Duration: 13:55.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Passat (8) GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. D - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
10 Special Skills Introverts Have (That Help Them Survive in the Extroverted World) - Duration: 10:34.10 Special Skills Introverts Have (That Help Them Survive in the Extroverted World)
Think you got special skills being all social and everything?
Introverts have special skills too!
I find it comical when outgoing people think something is wrong with me.
Now, I'm not really an introvert.
I might be a little closer to an ambivert, but I have introverted ways and I am judged the same.
Here's something that might cheer up the introverted lot of us.
We have special skills, and I bet most people don't even notice.
Let me break it down for you then.
Absolutely awesome introverted moves
Now, being introverted does have its down side, I grant you that, but boy is it too cool to walk among humanity in this
Considering introverts are quite intelligent, they know how to utilize their odd ways and transform them into useful
life skills.
Mind you, these are skills you might not understand.
Stealth is on point
Introverts have the ability to move among crowds of people, almost unnoticed.
Have you paid attention to just how many people ignore you on a daily basis?
I mean, you could just walk right up and ….never mind, these skills could get you into trouble.
Basically, introverts have the stealth, the moves, the covert tactics to go about life incognito.
Isn't that fascinating?
To know oneself….the introvert does
A true introvert has a healthy self-image.
Many people struggle with their identities, lots of times blending into the characteristics of their many friends or
losing themselves to a boyfriend.
The introvert doesn't do that.
They have the capabilities of maintaining a healthy sense of self, despite the negative connotations of them as human
Damn, they're honest!
Want some brutal honesty?
Well, the introvert will tell you straight up why they didn't come to your birthday party,
but they will apologize none-the-less.
Thing is, they will tell you they just didn't want to be there.
Maybe it was the social pressure, people everywhere, loud talking… yeah, all that.
Aren't you glad you have such an honest acquaintance?
😊 Less talking-more genius
The introvert doesn't talk as much, and there's a reason.
They're listening, absorbing knowledge, taking in opinions and feeling the atmosphere.
When they're ready, they will open their mouth and spew straight knowledge.
I promise, they don't talk much, but when they do, it's so worth it.
Easily entertains self
I've watched extroverts struggle to find something to do for the weekend.
I have also watched introverts plan nothing and have much more fun spontaneously binge watching episodes,
eating ice cream and listening to music.
An introvert doesn't need stimulus to be entertained, and neither do I. I totally understand how glorious it is to stay
in all weekend and read a book or play games.
It's nice.
Graceful Exits
I have become so good at this.
I have this ability to go ghost when the conversation is going on for too long.
Man, some people can carry on conversations for hours about petty things, and that's my cue to get out fast,
and so I understand how introverts have special skills in this area.
When the conversation, the social engagement or the party has lasted too long for the introvert,
they have no problem making a grand exit.
Who's the coolest "cat" at the party?
I thought I was the only person who acted this way until I realized it was pretty much an introverted skill.
If I ever get dragged to a party, then the first person I greet is the pet.
Whether it's a dog or cat, this is the awesome guy I want to hang out with.
I will sit in the corner with my friend's cat and talk to it all evening.
I'm serious, they are much easier to understand, in my opinion.
Turning down invites right and left
Introverts love finding creative reasons why they can't go out.
I know everyone else thinks they're rude or no fun, but you know, some things are just not interesting to introverts.
I'm not that keen on going out several nights a week either.
I have a lot of backup excuses, myself.
Secretly ecstatic when plans are canceled
Introverts will act sad when plans are canceled, but as soon as you leave the room,
they will be smiling and breathing a sigh of relief.
Most of the time, plans made by extroverts are not that interesting to the introvert and they dread the whole ordeal.
This is my take on the subject of socializing: I see the event as an obstacle that I must get the past,
either by finding a way to cancel, hoping for a cancellation or gritting my teeth until it's all done.
I really get it, I totally understand.
I warned ya
Okay, so you, as extroverts, know all about introverted and ambivert people, correct?
Well, maybe you don't.
Our preparation talks are our special skills when it comes to getting ready to be around extroverted people.
We need to have self-control when being around "in your face" people.
Since you insist that introverts be around lots of people and go to parties, you have to hear our ground rules.
We have a skill set of these rules, formulated to meet our demands and still keep you happy.
🙂 Want to know even more?
The introvert is highly skilled at observation, as I hinted at on one of the above points.
This skill is underrated and should be noted for its quiet strategy.
When extroverts are busy trying to fit in, bask in the spotlight or just enjoying their social prowess,
the introvert is waiting patiently and thinking 5 moves ahead.
So, if you're being criticized for being an introvert, no worries.
They just have no idea who they're dealing with.
And to clean up a few misconceptions, I have nothing against extroverts, they are fun,
caring and actually make up a few of my friends.
I adore them.
The main point that I am trying to make is that introverts have special skills too,
not to be overlooked in favor of those who keep us entertained.
Let's all take a moment to appreciate the introverts in our lives and enjoy what they bring to the table.
BioShock #1 - Idiot tries not to die in an underwater city. - Duration: 1:01:10.Hello everyone! MrAwesomeFalcon today we're going to
be attempting, attempting is the keyword, to play Bioshock I lowered the visual
quality which isn't a good thing you don't want to hear that but I had to
if we're lucky we'll go to play the game and I'll be able to record it. I'd feel
horrible having to move it down to 480p or anything lower than 720p so to have it
at 720 it's gonna look not it's not quite as good which might not make sense
but in the long run it looks better at 720 than it would. Okay... What do we got
we're gonna go with medium I've already beaten the game on easy but I think we
can go for a little bit of a challenge so I have beaten it I do know the end
I know the story I know how it goes but I'm gonna try my best to not give
anything away as at all I hate spoilers so we will go ahead and
get started I don't know if I'm gonna skip through the cut scene or not as far
as like what you guys see and a little I don't think there's a way to
actually skip it so we'll just watch you were born to do
great things
you know what they were right
(airplane noises)
(crashing and shit)
Now most people might not consider this a "horror" game or a jump-scare game but
it's gonna gets gonna fucking get me I guarantee you it's gonna get it's gonna get me
stuff happens and things appear and I'm gonna get fucking terrified
can't guarantee a no 10/10 oh shit crap my pants like reaction but
definitely get spooked for sure there's no way I'm getting do this without
getting spooked it's the jumping it's the out of nowhere that gets me
it's not the oh my god it's a scary looking thing it's like oh fuck
something's there it could be Barney Teletubbies
box of spaghetti anything but just the fact that there's a huge fucking thing
coming at me so we land in what can only possibly be the Titanic wreck and I am
very surprised it is coming out a lot better than I thought it would on the on
the recording it the CPU is getting hammered but it's surprisingly, its actually managing this
so we might things are looking very promising very we do anything go shit
Can we grab that? No we can't.
Can we do anything?
Oh shit!
that is not good that looks horrible so we're moving towards this huge building we
have no explanation at this point as to why we're here but we'll get stuff so
we're gonna end up listening to a lot of the... I gotta remember what the buttons are.
Controls. Oh we could use the controller. I have a controller we might might swap
to that later yes continue so what do we got miscellaneous it's gonna be there's
a button for sure it plays your like stuff
I don't know oh there it is. "T". I was like there's a button you'll find little
soundbites well recordings that have sound yeah you
look at the ground everything just looks so blank and plaque but that's what it
takes to for us to play it, wait wait hold on
oh okay what is that yeah when you mouse over something you get a fuck it's dark
oh shit I don't like that fuck yeah I don't I don't I don't like the dark
terrified you know can't live having been in the dark not necessarily but
enjoy being in the dark where I can't see anything
definitely not so there's no gods or king only man I think can we not jump
can we jump down there I don't there's Andrew Ryan some guy we're supposed to
know about him I guess
fuck you see that is something you don't walk towards when there's no lights
especially in this game you don't you know and no you don't jump into a
strange device with a glowing stick in it no it looks like you should go in
there and pull a lever you shouldn't I guarantee you
so I pull this lever and we're in this for god knows what reason
one-man submarine the audio is crackling I'm not sure if that's intentional or if
that's just a result of my shit computer I don't think it's my computer but I
also don't really think it's intentional fuck what the there it is
reminds me of Fallout this little like movie thing okay it's part of the is
part of the audio okay yeah I think it's a fairly political game is unit read
into it see already I'm fuckin rap forgetting me it's so awesome
I'd love to live there of course you know you'll figure out very soon that
there's a reason this game is called Bioshock
it's pretty inventive except for the fact that there's you know power lines
next to Wales and a sign the signs do nothing for you you're in the building
the whole time and you just go from place to place so advertising
I'm looking too much into it oh yeah you could be you should be reading those
little um subtitles cuz you might not go to actually understand what they're
saying without that I guarantee if I didn't see that I wouldn't do even known
they were people talking so yeah you want to great do those also official
spoiler alert we will be playing the game so if you
didn't already figured out that by watching me play it will be spoiled just
some extent then here's your warning
shit I know what's happening so I don't like it it looks totally unrealistic and
non scary to some people but to me it's fucking
and then they and then it
Oh God trust it back as far as it possibly can No
fuck they try get in
just stay still don't
shit where love and love as ironic as it
sounds I love being terrified I love it saw movies which some people think are
just not that scary or fucking awful there's so terrifying and I love it it's
fantastic well shit be the draw around we're gonna
they're fucking talking gotta save that's what those do they say
mean where's our fucking web oh fuck fuck fuck where is it shit was that wait
how do we we can pick stuff up I just remember what button I think there's a
button to pick something up is there let's find out no no no hmm I guess not
doctor it was guess I'm thinking he'll fall out
oh fuck nope nope not the dark nope nope nope nope nope nope fuck can't see
anything oh fuck I told you
fucking get me yes give me that thing give me that thing
I mean that Johnny where is it what's that shit okay we can hit him now
not that that's gonna do much for us which way do we go to go this way
I don't know which we were supposed to go I want to stay near this thing oh
fuck where is that Oh smash the debris okay I love that we can destroy that
with a wrench
fuck there they are there it is they come that's it look at that look at
their fucking faces look at them shares or more yeah you can
search her and take all this shit which we want cuz that movies Shh we just need
a gun need to do our first gun wish it's a good did we do good I think Anne hid
stuff I just don't know what exactly I forget sometimes what what exactly we're
looking for we're supposed to get through there we have to do something
I'm not sure there's a lot to happen this a lot that's going on
here we go yes thank you so you don't actually collect the chips ironically
you're not actually collecting them he also can't pick up their weapons which
is weird because you should be able to do that but you can't yeah you don't
keep those where's the where's our inventory I won that oh no where's the
inventory okay I guess we're gonna find out what inventory is trolls keys I
should have learned all that I should have remembered all of this okay
miscellaneous no this one mm-hmm oh is that No
it's like an inventory right there has to be mm-hmm I guess it's M kind of
no there's a button for your inventory not P that did something g8 ah shit
there we go I was like there's a button I'm sure where you goin like look at
your stuff so these are kind of gruesome you for whatever reason just decide to
inject yourself with this you don't know what it is presumably at this point and
you just decide them to stick in your fucking hand fucking the election man
yeah you know screaming in agony you fall and get fucked
oh shit fuck there they are don't see him awake don't see me wait
wait don't see him wait don't see him awake
okay they're leaving I think
fuck wake y'all we saw burn please hello oh oh shit
look at that face I think we wake up wake up get up fuck
that's the big day that's the iconic Bioshock
think look mr. bubbles
I would need you I can see light coming from his belly wait a minute he's still
breathing it sorry yeah we'll send you this for
the first time was really fucking creepy
really fucking creepy we're good now
have our plasmid now so we're gonna go ahead and we have lightning powers now
okay do we hit you have to hit it there we go we got it yeah and you just keep
you know injecting yourself with this just shit for no reason that everything
yeah you always want to search everything you can and grab all this
stuff you can manage to get there we go got some chips which you don't keep both
fuck what's that that was that Oh
somehow right yeah we have we make our way avoiding the crumbling
destruction and imminent doom better wait system
that doors wrong I think the threat one yes get get get get like his hair lock
where's their luck no fuck fuck they're down there they down there
shit okay I get
that go down there and take care of him oh he's dead take all his shit thank you
oh shit I don't want to drink hello yeah when you drink or when you smoke
different stuff happens see both aren't very good for you so you shouldn't do
them come on
yeah what the hell is that okay Hey fuck holy fucking shit
where is he oh shit he's not cool shit wrong me did we get the okay
you're supposed to zap them and then beat the shit out of them could o like
that and then you beat him up in again because when you zap them they take more
damage you see all this stuff exploding and blowing up and somehow you're down
here the whole time fuck he's on fire fuck get away luckily
they take a lot of damage when they're on fire and when they get zapped is that
it anymore I sure as shit hope not not at all prepared what's that fuck
gonna like that yeah I don't like that let's get in here
so hopefully this is where you want to go
very good I've got I need to get them out of here but the splicers have caught
me off if you can reach them in Neptune's bounty it's a Jamie baby when
you were the only hope I'll never see my wife enjoy the tap there's another one I
think that's supposed to be him in there if I'm not mistaken which way do we
leave this way okay
there she is we're gonna get her o get rekt got him nice and of course as
a result we decide to do the same thing they did plasmids why not go over there
see if we can jump over that we can end this long right now oh we got something
steady gun oh yes we got a gun he'll fuckin yeah of course we don't
have any ammo so or barely any ammo so we're gonna stick with our melee we're
gonna use the gun once just because I want to use it once
how do we there's a way to zoom in I just don't remember what it is
there they are got him missed that was a headshot I've
never seen one come on make my day
fuck Jesus Christ I was not expecting that
oh shit yeah you also can't get you no ammo from their weapons so yeah that
puts a damper on things
the hell's all that noise coming from oh
shit now we're drunk oh yeah can't waste it
got some money some more money eight dollars boom I mean look at their
faces like Jesus Christ that's right horrifying
can we get out look it's the way out I know it is sometimes it's fun to just
stand here and beat them up oh yes we got this we got this we're ready
no no missed me missed me missed we're gonna get it this time no got him
we did it twice but yeah man close enough
they're more good hopefully they have handled nope no mo why would they
ahem oh damn it yes thank you we got one of these so we're gonna listen to the
diary teddybear wack
New Year's I'm out and you're stuck in the bestest working
I'll have another drink here's a toast to Diane McClintock
silliest girl in rap sir silly enough to fall in love with Andrew Ryan
yeah that sounds wonderful everything awfully yes that's kind of what's
happening so yeah we're not gonna smoke or drink unless we need to because it's
actually a good idea to avoid the cigarettes oh I don't know what that was
like if we have a lot of we need some
what's it called some Eve what's that blue stuff we keep shooting into
ourselves like heroin which is great great thing to add into a game is you
know heroin but yeah we need more of that we can smoke and if we need more
health we can drink can we zap it Jesse just uh I'm not a big fan of injecting
shit into yourself without knowing what out there we can we got our little
indicator it's always a good thing cuz I caught the game wagged I got I got
a split second to realize what the hell that thing was before I shit my pants
again and I'm not faking any of this which of
course makes it sound like I'm faking it and trying to play it off as a mock but
I'm not I get scared so fucking easily oh we can use the phone doesn't do
anything thinking does it do something so it does
something we use it now we can't tab what's the what's the button damn it
see I haven't played in so long I forgot all the buttons there's a health bar a
health first aid kit button I know there is for a fact
first aid f there's supposed to be button for the plasmid but I don't know
what it is so you can see you can only have nine of each thing at least for now
and that way that's why you want to use them so that is leaving them there's one
of the bathroom we do it I think I know it
I'll check the toilets
just sink wash your hands here we go yeah
it's it's pretty gruesome and we are intentionally avoiding that
confrontation thing I don't think there's anything over here and go look
anyway might be I can't even jump that's good they
thought ahead hey s parts there's no weapons nothing as for its supposed to
be limited oh shit be able to go down there fuck
well I know what's coming next I think oh shit yeah we can't get back up there
fuck oh damn yeah with this parts of a watching part
watch a grown man grown monster trying to beat this shit everywhere then here
comes daddy great fuck shit up yeah it's pretty
pretty gruesome it'd be more gruesome to know if I had two things turned on in
stuff but I don't there is hey you don't know you're ready for those guys you do
not want to fuck with them search oh yeah you can't search when they're there
so that's why it was broken so you can buy stuff you just can't that one's
broken shit that was a thing press escape Oh
save so I did have my old save but I'm gonna go ahead and just start a new set
of saving and I have all my old saves are in a different folder that way I
didn't lose them but yeah that's why it looks like I haven't played before but I
have I just removed my old save so I wouldn't confuse them and overwrite them
any of that is there anything in here anything of value No
well let's get out of here then Oh and go check this guy got some cake YUM
and there's almost definitely something in there oh fuck
and we're gonna stick with melee I'm gonna wonder why the hell don't you just
use your gun because I Ford ammo weapons everything and the melee is infinite you
can use as much as you want as long as you want
fuck get him there we do we get him oh shit that was awesome oh fuck is there
another one okay good
oh shit to that you've got to avoid them if we can
or at least wait so we can sneak up on it I would crouch you should definitely
do that then you also go like a third your
normal speed nothing up there shit don't look don't
look don't look shoot
right got him he's dead take her out headshot she did good
oh yeah what you definitely won he forgot all about that
yeah you don't auto heels yes money money money money the Big
Daddies are worth killing just for the money
shit it's another one of those one-way things I know we had to do a stunt
what do we know what we solo the ground it's weird
go to the boys bathroom or the
boys bathroom hmm interesting choice anyone in here no
you're in here let me know so I can bash your skull in
okay good no one's here that I can see bandages yes thank you
it's the good thing is it's far less confusing more or less involved don't
smell are far less involved then fall out so on fall out everything you pick
up has value and everything you pick up you theoretically if you can keep it you
should in this game you can only pick up stuff to use there's no picking up to
keep and sell later so that that simplifies things which fuck he's in
there we're gonna
we're gonna try and keep them in the water don't worry in the water get the
law to get the water got them ever damn it got killed fuckin see the help
not used to that yes they get revived so you don't actually die nothing ends up
being permanent
got her right that it where is that fucker fucker stole well that's the
machine okay it was confused for a second what the
hell is more great in rekt now you can't get in there yourself or you'll get
killed shit shit shit weapon you know I'm
trying to kill her get all their shit I need any weapons I
need ammo I need everything shit where am i what happened teleported
not that far but far enough what it sorry what are we doing healing first
can we zap that machine we did we got him
but we can't beat it so we get here
can we run zero is there a Run button there we go control I was like I think
we're moving really fucking slow okay that makes so much more sense now oh
shit this is not good they're coming from the fucking ceiling or the decide
fuck here they come I told you they're coming in
we got it get out oh go fuck no running no okay we're good we made it except for
the fact that the rest of the game is exactly like that just as frantic no
matter how many weapons no matter how much stuff you think you have you're
constantly in a state of potentially being totally fucked it's great I love
it so I think we're safe for the time being we are we still running oh okay
we're gonna have to hold that button the whole damn time now what a toggle is oh
shit they're more
well we want a hack in hack so hacking is great you have to
build a thing to get your shit there like that so he's our friend now he's
healthy friendly bought kick shit up and we need him to and shoot everyone that
attacks for at least a while I'm not sure if there's like a time limit I know
if he gets destroyed his box then he's gone but he'll at least stick around for
some time we've got money 75 where is he oh there it is
supposed to follow so we'll go ahead and just wait here or listen to this
I'm sure he is
shit what's that
someone over there okay so we're gonna hack disease running machines you can
buy shit you know we can also hack it and get good good
prices on shit we want it's just a very very dangerous thing to do first thing
in the game is to start hacking right off the bat if you don't know what
you're doing which luckily very luckily I know exactly what I'm doing the whole
thing is it's a trade-off between time and how many of these little pipes you
can get you want to unlock all the pipes you need and then worry about it so if
you go back and look at the prices everything is cheaper now so we have we
need more pistols for sure and that's it we don't have anything else or enough
money for yes yeah go upstairs because I know that upstairs is a shorter route
there's less up here dead guy
or dead girl okay we eventually go that way but not yet
oh yeah our core hardcore parkour yeah we can't get to that second chain should
be super sweet and we just stand here with our robot take care of it they come
over here
come on help me out here there we go see and he's dead
and we got a morale so you can't actually pick up their weapons it's just
not all the time it's where you go ahead and listen to the tape
nobody else's interesting you gotta listen to if you listen to all of them
it gives a whole lot of backstory into this world and how it became the way it
is yeah I recommend it heavily if you're
playing that you find them course finding all of them is the guarantee but
a large majority of them are basically a long story
new gun yes sicko fucko me also fuck her up good stuff
I don't know we're going for it let's go Oh
yep he was right no kiddin okay there we go you did it and I have swords yeah and
they just scream so what should make you think you know I'll see him see him
coming nope don't bet on that bet on getting fucked up real good
FFF that was the closest I've ever been to I
shut my robot you're back on top mo mo mo money stuff your pistol cuz we have
plenty of pistol no shit we need that it's broken when we find one that works
you'll know
yep not only do we have fucking monsters but we got these ghosts ghosts things -
there doesn't love a good ghost
yep there's some creepy fucker in here
I'm gonna get him go go nope
or a horrible idea our robots to help help
get it we can hack it not that that will help us all that much and we're done now
it's on our side not that that helps us all that much or in fact at all but it's
a good thing I'm about to die and we got something yes special ammo so we can
actually we have the pistol selected we can get armor-piercing rounds and they
do much much
Ryan where are you fucking going no problem
fucking run you couldn't run across this weird shit floor right if that trips you
up I don't have much hope for you you're gonna have to hack this thing too oh
fuck you got those great cuz we totally totally need those things these are the
worst you don't want those they are muy muy bad yes we're good to
go if you hit those things that explodes and it really sucks failing a hack is
that bad but having it explode literally explode your face is a circus snack that
shit shit all the way up there okay step the ease there I don't know we can get
up there what Ronnie I don't think we're gonna make it
oh maybe shit
still got this we still got it there we go all good don't search that yes
nothing there but searching is good gun
got that not gonna help us but it's there easily shoot us
wasn't that tape it has been brought to my attention that some citizens have
discovered ways to the vending machines should not need to remind each and every
citizen of rapture that free enterprise is the foundation upon which our society
has been established parasites will be punished I guess so bring it on no we
don't care about that we like our weapon cactus thing
hack when you can it's always a good idea unless it's not brilliant words of
there we go I'm a king click and fast
that was only $10 oh shit
oh god I saw one yeah they're just not we'd go that way
later we already come through here
I don't recognize any of this and there's stuff so shit
I won't say no free stuff
one dollar great real loot oh this is just the other
direction don't we didn't go to dollars
every dollar counts
yes oh so we have to listen the first one how's the streets looking for a
victim he can ravish for his grotesque
why tell me well I said if you are going to do such things at least you should do
them properly some kind of people were dealing with
shit shit shit shit shit
okay there we go at a Paris awesome time
from the rest of the pieces there we go research that no
it's time to go oh there's another one more stuff
get him headshot headshot again there we go
oh shit nothing in the grenade box it's a great place to get good stuff
and someone where the hell's up cuz where the hell
is that exit shit shit shit okay doing good become better done better this is
these are the things you really need hats you need to hack them early season
would help you get through all the shit you're gonna have to get through now
this thing will help it'll summon secure it'll summon more of
those bots to fight bad guys not sure why that's oh do we get something I
gotta lie yes we got tonic so you can equip it and you
get something it's a permanent ones s equipped ability we gain getting those
things is not easy so are already having one it's great
which one do we get no G H I don't know we're able to look at them at the moment
we haven't found yet straight-up fucked up
Psychopaths sweet
there's special stuff hidden here and there throughout the game so inspecting
everything is a good idea
there's something down oh shit come on
got him headshot headshot yes that's definitely a thing there's someone over
there we go headshot headshot so magnificent the hell is that
the fuck what well that should come from
we're already yes where you got that one
got a heel oh we're gonna apply another heel thing
later on we'll have so much money it'll be ridiculous but for an hour kind of
poor boo shit
three over here nothing nothing nothing damn I mean some more stuff just money
ammo I don't care to pick something I know we have to do I just no no no there
we go Oh Dan that was perfect lined up just
how I want it
it's pretty sweet like half the work was done for me so we can't go this way yet
till we get something else kind of like Metroid in that way you can only explore
certain parts when you have certain things certain abilities mainly plasmids
but some other stuff too I should know if I want to go through there I think
we'll go ahead and end it here actually it's been an hour
a long long hour and I'm satisfied with how far we got so go ahead and save and
I'll see you guys next time with more Bioshock I'll try to play it at night
again or at least when it's dark outside it was it was night but if I can't play
it at night in the middle of the night I'll play it at least when it's dark
outside cuz it's oh it's so good but it's terrifying fucking - love it
so thanks for watching see you guys next time
TRABALHO LAÍS PRENCESA - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
WIN 20170711 125656 - Duration: 3:06.After some extensive research and deliberation, I have come to a conclusion; all celery should be banned from planet earth.
I understand some of you may be astounded by such a statement
but hear me out and you will see my reasoning and understand why I am proposing that all of these sickening stalks be removed from the earth.
In case you're wondering whether I am competent to even be discussing such an important topic
my professors throughout my educational journey have informed me more than once
that I am one of the most rational, intelligent students that they have encountered during their teaching careers.
Now as far as why I am calling for a ban on celery the reason is really quite simple
celery is poison.
Celery is a food that possesses what is known as negative calories
the energy you gain from it is actually less than the amount of energy it takes to break it down.
Celery causes a loss in calories in everybody
so when you eat celery you lose calories
which provide the energy needed to carry out necessary bodily functions.
We consume food in order to gain calories required to sustain us
so clearly food that causes us to lose calories can't be good for us.
I have witnessed people faint while exercising
because they have not eaten enough
and didn't have enough calories to even stand on their own.
So not having enough calories is bad.
That means celery's negative calorie property is harmful to us
not to mention it tastes TERRIBLE.
Now there are those who will argue that celery's negative calories are actually beneficial under certain circumstances.
The primary scenario is that it will help people who are dieting so that they can lose weight.
There is truth to that
incorporating celery into your diet
would certainly help you keep your weight in check.
while I'm not condemning tools and methods to help people stay healthy
celery may not be a good solution.
A large reason why people try to lose weight
is to be healthy and adopt new eating and exercising habits to stay that way.
Allowing people the mentality
that they can eat whatever they want
and chow down on some celery does not constitute healthy eating habits.
I actually used to support this stance on celery and that it's a useful food item
but then I took other factors into account.
Using celery to stimulate weight loss wouldn't just create a bad mentality toward eating
it's completely impractical.
Celery only contains a small quantity of negative calories
and when you consider the other foods people consume in day
and the quantity in comparison to celery
it's not saving you many calories at all.
In fact
to actually start losing a significant amount of weight
your diet would have to consist almost entirely of celery.
So celery is a rather insignificant method of weight loss
because eating a stalk
simply doesn't do anything extraordinarily helpful.
Removing celery from the Earth is in your best interest
it's to your greatest advantage
I apologize for such a serious tone
I have devoted much of my time to research this topic
in order to provide a necessary public service
and to be more accurate
it's not a ban
it's a preventive measure.
We have two choices
ban celery and allow some of the Earth's soils to regain fertility
and allow for the production of more beneficial crops
or continue to allow its presence and let it wreak havoc.
If a majority supports it, so should you.
Don't ask how banning celery will help you
ask how you will help ban celery.
H29.9.2 朝の豊平川橋梁(3/3) - Duration: 13:04.-------------------------------------------
New Name?/50th video? - Duration: 2:19.Hey, hey, hey, guys! BLIND EYES, here.
And, just letting you guys know that, I won't be able to uh... upload a video today because...
Well, the day that I r- was supposed to record it, which is uh... Thursday the 14th, I...didn't wake up until...until at a later time than expected.
So, basically, right now, um... it's just too noisy outside to make a video.
In fact, if you listen, right now, there is a car driving by. (chuckles)
But... Yeah! So, that's not-that's. I do have more um...
Wha-ignore that. What I mean is that uh... I have a poll that I want you guys to uh... participate in.
Uh... It's on my Patreon channel but don't worry you don't have to pay for anything. Is just-it's just there for everyone to participate in.
Umm... yeah. It just asks about a new name change. Which I actually came up (with) while I was transcribing uh... TONIGHT YOU DIE video.
The one that's uh... that's up, right now.
And... Yeah, th- the name change would be UNTHAWD. In fact, as you can see right here...
Let me highlight this for you.
As you can see, that's where I had made up the name. It actually stands for, which is my outro, stands for UNTIL NEXT TIME HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY (In your language it's "until next time, have a wonderful day.")
I thought it was great. Uh... And I'm just wondering if you guys think it's great, as well.
And...yeah! Like I said all the links are in the sh- description down below um... don't forget to subscribe.
And...yeah! Until Next Time, Have A Wonderful Day!
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