There is one Muslim man
who accepted Christ
so glory to God
Hey my name is Esther I hope you are fine
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I hope you will be blessed
Today I am back for an evangelisation video
I preached a message in Liege, Belgium at the market
I let you watch the message and I come back right after
Hello everyone
I hope you are fine
For disturbing you during your shopping
I won't be long
I would like to know
whether you heard on TV
That Belgian jails are overcrowded
There are too many people in jails
The Belgian governemnt must take measures as soon as possible to fix the problem
to fix
the problem
because jails are overcrowded
the Belgian ministry of Justice - Koen Geens
must take measures in that respect
I don't know
What are your thoughts about this, maybe you don't feel concerned
you may say to yourself "I am free"
"I can freely go to the market" - "I can freely go to work"
"So I am not concerned"
"by the fact that some prisoners"
"are not in good condition in jail"
the issue is that in this society
we believe that
being addicted to cigarette
that cigarette may control our health, our finances
is a form of freedom
we believe that having a family, loving them and loving his wife/her husband
but being empelled to cheat on his wife/husband
is a form of freedom
we believe, in this society
being so insecure
at the point where you want
to commit suicide, try to kill yourself
we believe that it is a form of freedom
I would like to tell you that all these things are not freedom at all
there is no freedom at all in all of these
there is a way better life far away from that
you can live
in movies
we can see that
if someone is in jail
we send someone
to pay a bail so that person can go out of jail
I would like to tell you
that someone has been sent
to pay for you
so you can go out of jail
the jail of poverty, the jail of disease
the jail of lies
so you can get ridd of all of this
and who is this person? It is JESUS
Jesus, who died at the cross
so you can be free
so you can live the life God prepared for you
and it's a life far away from disease and from all of this
but maybe you say to yourself
"But I already prayed
"God did not do anything"
"Why he did not do something?"
Let's imagine, the Belgian ministry of Justice, Koene Geens
takes measures for Belgian prisoners
Do you think a prisoner from Italy will be able to take advantage of it?
No, because he is not in Belgium
if you would like to take advantage of what God prepared for you
if you would like to take advantage of what God prepared for you
A life far away from all bad things that we can see every day
A life far away from all bad things that we can see every day
As you just saw it I preached the Gospel
That particular day it was quite hard for me
because of the weather, it was really cold
Because of my micro and of my acoustic baffle
which is around my waist
I could not close my coat
And I was freezing
My hands were freezed
As well as my mouth and my lips
I could not properly talk and articulate
and it was raining and rain was falling from my hood to my forehead
and it was raining and rain was falling from my hood to my forehead
And I had rain all over my hair and my face lol
And I had rain all over my hair and my face lol
And I had rain all over my hair and my face lol, it was super terrible
and because of the cold and the fact that we were at the market
people did not really seem to be interested
people did not really seem to be interested
they just seemed to want to do their shoppig and go back home
but I bless the Lord because a muslim man came to Christ that day following my preaching
but I bless the Lord because a muslim man came to Christ that day following my preaching
Sometimes we can have the feeling that what we do is useless, that no one is listening, that there is no impact
Sometimes we can have the feeling that what we do is useless, that no one is listening, that there is no impact
Sometimes we can have the feeling that what we do is useless, that no one is listening, that there is no impact
But even in the small things we do God can ALWAYS use it to touch lives and impact souls
But even in the small things we do God can ALWAYS use it to touch lives and impact souls
and that it is just wonderful
The day before I preached the Gospel at the market
I did another evangelisation but more "street evangelism", talking directly to people
I did another evangelisation but more "street evangelism", talking directly to people
I did another evangelisation but more "street evangelism", talking directly to people
I did in a mall in Liege, Belgium, with the evangelisation team of a church
I did in a mall in Liege, Belgium, with the evangelisation team of a church
That day I met several people and had the opportunity to speak with a lot of people
That day I met several people and had the opportunity to speak with a lot of people
For example with a woman who had multiple sclerosis and was in a wheelchair
And I also talked with a teenager of 15 years whom both parents are drug addicts and who lives with his grand parents and because of his family situation tried to kill himself several times
And I also talked with a teenager of 15 years whom both parents are drug addicts and who lives with his grand parents and because of his family situation tried to kill himself several times
And I also talked with a teenager of 15 years whom both parents are drug addicts and who lives with his grand parents and because of his family situation tried to kill himself several times
And I also talked with a teenager of 15 years whom both parents are drug addicts and who lives with his grand parents and because of his family situation tried to kill himself several times
And I also talked with a teenager of 15 years whom both parents are drug addicts and who lives with his grand parents and because of his family situation tried to kill himself several times
And I also talked with a teenager of 15 years whom both parents are drug addicts and who lives with his grand parents and because of his family situation tried to kill himself several times
When I talked with those people I was so full of compassion
When I talked with those people I was so full of compassion
And it's just sad and terrible to see the situations that some people may face
And it's just sad and terrible to see the situations that some people may face
And it's just sad and terrible to see the situations that some people may face
And the society makes us believe that because we can go out of our homes, use our cars, use public transportation and not being stuck in a room with 4 walls and iron bars
And the society makes us believe that because we can go out of our homes, use our cars, use public transportation and not being stuck in a room with 4 walls and iron bars
And the society makes us believe that because we can go out of our homes, use our cars, use public transportation and not being stuck in a room with 4 walls and iron bars
And the society makes us believe that because we can go out of our homes, use our cars, use public transportation and not being stuck in a room with 4 walls and iron bars
that it is a kind of freedom but no it's not
going several times per week or month to the hospital is not freedom
not handling his family situation at the point where you want to commit suicide is not freedom
not handling his family situation at the point where you want to commit suicide is not freedom
not handling his family situation at the point where you want to commit suicide is not freedom
having problems at the point where you cannot sleep at night is not freedom
having problems at the point where you cannot sleep at night is not freedom
being anorexic, having obsessive-compulsive disorder is not freedom
being anorexic, having obsessive-compulsive disorder is not freedom
having addiction at the point where cigarette controls your finances and your health is not freedom
having addiction at the point where cigarette controls your finances and your health is not freedom
the word Gospel means "good news"
the good news is that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted, to free the captives, set at free them at are bruised, heal any physical issue
the good news is that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted, to free the captives, set at free them at are bruised, heal any physical issue
the good news is that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted, to free the captives, set at free them at are bruised, heal any physical issue
the good news is that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted, to free the captives, set at free them at are bruised, heal any physical issue
the good news is that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted, to free the captives, set at free them at are bruised, heal any physical issue
he came to do all of this, for every problem on this earth, the solution is in Jesus
but to fully enjoy this solution and all these blessings that God prepared for his children
but to fully enjoy this solution and all these blessings that God prepared for his children
you need to be part of God's Kingdom, of God's family, accept Jesus as the son of God, as your Lord and Saviour and take the decision to stop doing all those things that are not in God's will
you need to be part of God's Kingdom, of God's family, accept Jesus as the son of God, as your Lord and Saviour and take the decision to stop doing all those things that are not in God's will
you need to be part of God's Kingdom, of God's family, accept Jesus as the son of God, as your Lord and Saviour and take the decision to stop doing all those things that are not in God's will
you need to be part of God's Kingdom, of God's family, accept Jesus as the son of God, as your Lord and Saviour and take the decision to stop doing all those things that are not in God's will
you need to be part of God's Kingdom, of God's family, accept Jesus as the son of God, as your Lord and Saviour and take the decision to stop doing all those things that are not in God's will
you need to be part of God's Kingdom, of God's family, accept Jesus as the son of God, as your Lord and Saviour and take the decision to stop doing all those things that are not in God's will
and when you take this decision the Hold Spirit makes you his new home and you are then part of God's Kingdom, God's family and you can start enjoying all blessings, promesses, God prepared for his children
and when you take this decision the Hold Spirit makes you his new home and you are then part of God's Kingdom, God's family and you can start enjoying all blessings, promesses, God prepared for his children
and when you take this decision the Hold Spirit makes you his new home and you are then part of God's Kingdom, God's family and you can start enjoying all blessings, promesses, God prepared for his children
and when you take this decision the Hold Spirit makes you his new home and you are then part of God's Kingdom, God's family and you can start enjoying all blessings, promesses, God prepared for his children
and when you take this decision the Hold Spirit makes you his new home and you are then part of God's Kingdom, God's family and you can start enjoying all blessings, promesses, God prepared for his children
whatever situation that someone can face, Jesus came to change it because it was never God's will that people live these kind of lives
whatever situation that someone can face, Jesus came to change it because it was never God's will that people live these kind of lives
whatever situation that someone can face, Jesus came to change it because it was never God's will that people live these kind of lives
whatever situation that someone can face, Jesus came to change it because it was never God's will that people live these kind of lives
Why are people so not interested in God and in eternity?
Why are people so not interested in God and in eternity?
it's because of pride
So many people say "I think I am saved because I have a good behaviour"
So many people say "I think I am saved because I have a good behaviour"
"I think I am saved because I have good values"
But who told you that having good values could save you?
But who told you that having a certain behaviour could save you?
But who told you having a certain behaviour could save you?
The only way to be saved is to put Jesus in the center of your life
The only way to be saved is to put Jesus in the center of your life
Believe that Jesus is the son of God, give him your life and decide to stop doing all these things that are not in God's will
Believe that Jesus is the son of God, give him your life and decide to stop doing all these things that are not in God's will
and decide to stop doing all these things that are not in God's will
It's the only way to the Father
Jesus said "no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" - John 14:6 - Jean 14:6
Jesus said "no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" - John 14:6 - Jean 14:6
Jesus said "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God" - John 3:3 - Jean 3-3
It's the ONLY WAY
Because of PRIDE, because of putting your thoughts above God's thoughts
because of putting your thoughts above God's thoughts
because of putting your vision above God's vision
because of putting your reasonings above God's reasonings
People may miss heaven
People may miss salvation
Just because of pride, because before honour is humility (Proverbs 15:33) and pride goeth before destruction (Proverbs 16:18)
Just because of pride, because before honour is humility (Proverbs 15:33) and pride goeth before destruction (Proverbs 16:18)
Ans this fall may lead you to hell
So today take the decision to give your life to Christ
Stop putting your thoughts and reasonings above God
Put God and his thoughts and his will above all
And his thoughts and his will are in his word
the bible
And today, decide to trust the bible
and it's the only way to be really free
and it's the only way to totally live God's love
and fully enter into what God has prepared for you
because there are things, deeds that God prepared for you
there is a destiny that God prepared for you
but to be able to enter in this destiny you must be part of God's kingdom
you need to be his child
you need to be able to hear God's voice
Today I encourage you to give your life to Jesus
So many people undergo their lives
Undergo the things that happen to them
So many people are victims of their lives
But in Christ you can be the actor
You can stop being the spectator and become the actor of your life
In Christ you can be the handler of your destiny
In Christ you can be the handler of your eternity
But for that, you need to be in Christ
I hope you liked this video
If it's the case don't hesitate to share it around you
It may bless someone
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There will regularly be evangelisation messages, testimonies, etc.
There will regularly be evangelisation messages, testimonies, etc.
Only for the glory of God, to share God's love
Only for the glory of God, to share God's love
So that the world may know that there is a Jesus that loves them and want to transform their lives
So that the world may know that there is a Jesus that loves them and want to transform their lives
Thank you so much for watching this video till the end and I see another time for another video :)
Don't hesitate to subscribe, to share and to watch the other videos on my channel such as "Know your worth" :) - N'hésite pas à t'abonner, à partager et à regarder les autres vidéos de ma chaine telle que "Connais ta valeur" :)
Don't hesitate to subscribe, to share and to watch the other videos on my channel such as "Know your worth" :) - N'hésite pas à t'abonner, à partager et à regarder les autres vidéos de ma chaine telle que "Connais ta valeur" :)
Don't hesitate to subscribe, to share and to watch the other videos on my channel such as "Know your worth" :) - N'hésite pas à t'abonner, à partager et à regarder les autres vidéos de ma chaine telle que "Connais ta valeur" :)
Don't hesitate to subscribe, to share and to watch the other videos on my channel such as "Know your worth" :) - N'hésite pas à t'abonner, à partager et à regarder les autres vidéos de ma chaine telle que "Connais ta valeur" :)
Don't hesitate to subscribe, to share and to watch the other videos on my channel such as "Know your worth" :) - N'hésite pas à t'abonner, à partager et à regarder les autres vidéos de ma chaine telle que "Connais ta valeur" :)
Don't hesitate to subscribe, to share and to watch the other videos on my channel such as "Know your worth" :) - N'hésite pas à t'abonner, à partager et à regarder les autres vidéos de ma chaine telle que "Connais ta valeur" :)
Don't hesitate to subscribe, to share and to watch the other videos on my channel such as "Know your worth" :) - N'hésite pas à t'abonner, à partager et à regarder les autres vidéos de ma chaine telle que "Connais ta valeur" :)
Don't hesitate to subscribe, to share and to watch the other videos on my channel such as "Know your worth" :) - N'hésite pas à t'abonner, à partager et à regarder les autres vidéos de ma chaine telle que "Connais ta valeur" :)
Don't hesitate to subscribe, to share and to watch the other videos on my channel such as "Know your worth" :) - N'hésite pas à t'abonner, à partager et à regarder les autres vidéos de ma chaine telle que "Connais ta valeur" :)
Don't hesitate to subscribe, to share and to watch the other videos on my channel such as "Know your worth" :) - N'hésite pas à t'abonner, à partager et à regarder les autres vidéos de ma chaine telle que "Connais ta valeur" :)
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