Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 10 2017

Hey, everyone! I am super excited for

today's guest. *snap*

Oh my gosh -- do you just snap me into my own kitchen?! How did that happen?

Everyone it's Mike from Brothers Green Eats!

Hey-lo friends. Excited to be here with

QKatie in my little Brooklyn kitchen.

today we have a beginner's guide to

curing meats for idiots, I'm saying, because

I'm an idiot and I just learned how

to do it. I'm no expert but curing meats

is actually a lot easier than you would

think; people have been doing it for

thousands of years. You don't just have

to go to specialty stores to get your

meats. -And there are a couple different ways

to do it, which you're going to tell us,

so let's hop on in. -Let's do it.

This is your beginner's guide to curing meats.

Curing meats: really simple a lot

easier than you would think, and one of

the easiest things to start out on is

duck breast because it's got a nice fat

ratio, it's got that fat on the skin. First

trim it up a tiny bit. Just make sure

it's nice and even. And it's pretty small

so it's going to cure in just a few

weeks, you don't have to wait a year to have a

nice cured piece of duck prosciutto they

call it because of all that fat. So the

first step is we have to salt it and

there's two ways to do that. The easiest

way is just to cover it in salt. That's

like the old-school method that they

used to use, and then put some salt on

the bottom of your bowl, pop the duck

breast right on the salt and then just

cover it.

You're going to let that sit for one day,

so like 24 hours and you'll see it's going

to pull out a lot of the moisture from

the duck. Most of the moisture. You'll

kind of see it in the salt. The salt will

start to get wet, a little bit like wet

sand. There is another way to cure,

which is called the EQ method, it's kind

of like a new-age method, where you take

your duck breast, you weigh it, whatever

meat it is, weigh the meat, and you're taking

three percent of that weight and you're

going to add three percent salt of the

weight. You take the three percent salt

put it in a bowl. Make sure it's nice and

rubbed into your duck breast or whatever

meat you're using, and then you're going

to vacuum seal that.

*machine vacuum sealing*

So this is the vacuum-sealed duck right here and you're

going to let that sit for about five

days. If it's a bigger piece of meat you can

let it sit for 10 days. And that is the

method. So that method is great because

you're using a lot less salt so it's going to

save you some money, but you do need a

vacuum sealer, so I'm showing you both ways.

Alright, cool! So back to the immersing it

in salt method. -You've waited a day, a lot

of that water has absorbed, you pull it

out of the salt, and you'll see the texture of

the duck has completely changed: it's lost

a lot of weight to water. You do want to

get a lot of that salt -- most of that

salt off. Now we are ready to spice it,

and spicing is completely up to you, if

you like it sweet, if you like it herbaceous,

if you like it spicy.

We're going to do kind of a mix. We've

got a nice dried chili in there, I'm

going to use green peppercorns and black

peppercorns, and this is a little herb

mix. I put that in a spice grinder, you

could just grind it up with a pestle and

mortar, whatever you have, and just grind

that to a nice, you know, fine-to-coarse

consistency, and then we're going

to sprinkle that right on top of our

duck and just make sure you pat it in

really nicely. Now you can just wrapped that

up and string and hang it, but we're

going to take a cheesecloth, just to kind of

give it some extra protection because

it's going in the fridge with a lot of

other things. So we're going to take

cheesecloth. Just wrap it kind of nice

and snug in cheesecloth. -It's like a little

Christmas present!

-Yeah, delicious Christmas present.

And then take your string, knot it at the

bottom, and start looping it. And you

don't want it, like, extremely tight, like

suffocating the duck, but it is nice to

get it sorta tight so it gives it that

nice structure, like that you can see how

we change the shape of it. What I like to

do also is add a little hook on the end so I

can just hook it right in my fridge but

now we're going to go off to the

weighing section and this is really

important because when you're curing meat

you want the meat to lose about

thirty-five to forty percent of its

weight. So there's a lot of water in

there and you're trying to release that

water. So we're gonna weigh it. So we're

going to calculate what 35% is, so you

gotta go back into your math class days,

times it by .35. -- 78. So we want to

lose 78 grams. And then subtract that

from the original weight. I know, kind of

crazy but you guys can do it. Then what I

do is I take a label maker, and this is

an optional step, you could write it down

in your iPhone, but just keep track of

the weight and what type of meat it is,

print that out. I put it right on the

string so I have even the access to that.

And then you're going to hang it in your


We've got sauerkraut over here we've got kimchi over here. Then we have all of the

cured meat. And that's what I do, I'll just

hang the duck somewhere. You don't

want it to be touching anything. A duck breast

might take two, three, four weeks. It's one

of the quicker ones, but if you've got a big

chunk of meat, that could take like two

months, three months, whatever it is. When

you take it out and you weight it and it has hit

that beautiful number -- you know, it's lost

thirty five percent of the weight -- it's

ready to go.

You've got cured meat ready to slice up

and enjoy with your friends. Look at the

beauty of this duck, you see that

perfectly cured fat that right there. That's why

they call it prosciutto, because of

that delicious fat, and the flavor's just

amazing. When you do any homemade type of

project, it's going to taste better

because you put the time and effort into

it, you put the love into it. It's going

to be awesome. Try it at home, it's a lot easier

than you guys think.

-Oh my gosh, that is just beautiful! -It's starting

to melt even, just having it out

like that. -That's kind of wild.

-Alright. -Alright. -Let's see.

-Mmmm! -Oh, wow. -How distinct of a flavor is that?! -Wow!

I feel like I'm in a fancy restaurant in

Paris right now. -Yeah, you would see this with...

Imagine! You can do this at home.

You also do a ton of other beginner's stuff and not beginner's food videos

on your YouTube channel. -Yeah, check out Brothers Green Eats YouTube channel.

Also, I did a video with Mike for his

channel: I showed four of the top avocado

recipes from my cookbook. -Getting creative

with avocados, and that video should come

up. It was awesome to film that stuff and try those tasty recipes.

Head over, check it out, I will link to it

around here. Mike, tell them what not to forget.

-Keep it quirky! -Always!

I've got beef, duck, lamb and pork that I'm

trying right now, and this is just my

first run at it; I'm a rookie.

Wow, look at that.

Wow -- look at the marbleization.

See I'm messing around: this one had salt and

sugar on the cure. --Oo, sugar! --I'm

thinking cause that also will cure, but I'm

personally thinking that I like more

salt content. Look at that, though. That is beautiful.

For more infomation >> Beginner's Guide To Curing Meat At Home feat. Brothers Green Eats - Duration: 7:34.


World of Tanks - Best Replays of the Week International #56 - Duration: 12:55.

Hello, I'm Luke Kneller

and welcome to Best Replays of the Week.

In this episode we have:

a Defender with impeccable timing,

a Crucial Contribution from the pride of Sweden,

and an old T14 coming out to play.

Let's go!

Let's begin with a Scout game

from the EU servers.

benji16ebc plays as an aggressive, mobile scout,

giving the T49 a good workout on Steppes.

Here we go. The T49 sprints down the middle,

backing away just in time

when the commander's Sixth Sense tingles.

Benji waits just long enough to disappear,

and picks off a scout with the 152mm howitzer,

then spends some time pretending to be a bush.

Maybe hiding a bone or,

*cough* something else,

but at least there's spotting damage!

However, there's one quick counter to players sitting in bushes…

and that's going around them and invading the base!

Our scout responds, and gets slapped.


"I wonder, is there anybody in that bush?"

Yup. But not anymore.

Benji gets spotted by a rival T49,

but manages to dodge the shot that follows.

"Hello arty".

Like a dog finding a bone,

Benji pounces and claims it for themselves.

The rival T49 tries to start something again,

but teammates drive it off and destroy it.

A thinly armoured TVP shows its side,

so Benji gives in to the temptation and clicks.

Another Škoda seems to be engaging

the defenders at home base.

Benji lines a shot straight up its tailpipe,

and pulls the trigger.

*sharp inhale*, that really burns.

There's a minor traffic collision with a Bat Chat,

but it's all good,

and the Škoda gives up the ghost.

Shortly after, an unseen enemy

punishes the Bat and Benji.

Our Scout heads out to challenge an AMX 50 120,

but before it can really start,

a bullseye from arty takes care of it.

An SPG is spotted in the distance.

Benji knows this shot will be a challenge for the derp gun,

but goes for it anyway.

A hit! Not good enough for the kill however,

but a hit is a hit!

A fast Leopard manages to evade the first shot,

but Benji adjusts, and gets it on the second try.

What time is it?

It's arty hunting time!

It's not a good idea to let artillery see you coming,

so Benji backs off, waits a bit to disappear,

and heads in at high speed.

Ooops. I bet missing wasn't part of the plan.

Err, I wonder how fast

the reverse gear is on this thing anyway?

Seems fast enough to get out of the way!

This time, the gunner remembers to aim.

The last SPG is right ahead, and it can't even try

to fight back as friendly arty has already tracked it.

Boom. That makes Top Gun and the game

as the last tank disappears before Benji

can get anywhere close.

Let's take a look at the score card for our fighting Scout.

A Pascucci's medal for arty hunting,

10k combined damage, and a Top Gun medal.

Solid work all around Benji!

And speaking of Top Gun,

next up is Cavaliers24 from the American region.

The battle chariot is a futuristic looking T14,

which gets to show its power in an encounter at Lakeville.

This long-since-retired premium vehicle is an odd beast.

The hull-armour is sloped all around,

almost like that of an IS-6,

and gives decent protection.

Unfortunately, the gun is inherited from the M3 Lee,

so it's completely inadequate for a tier 5 heavy.

The first target is soft and squishy.

As is the second one.

So far the bad gun is not a problem.

The Type 95 is supposed to be a heavy,

but it's almost unarmoured, so another suitable target.

And this tank destroyer showing

its butt is basically a freebie.

I wonder why everyone keeps ignoring Cavaliers.

This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

An artillery shell bounces off the tracks.

That's something you don't see every day.

Hmm, it kind of looks like the rest of the team

isn't having such a good day.

Then again, that's not really a concern for a Top Gun.

The gun is hilariously inaccurate at this distance,

being useless at helping the last teammate.

It's one against seven then. So be it.

Let's see what this baby can do.

Some people are attempting to capture,

but Cavaliers doesn't care.

It's killing time.

Well that was embarrassing, let's try again.

That's more like it! Scratch two.

Just when I started to think that the armour is indestructible, it fails.

This is getting dangerous for Cavaliers.

New plan: first, that TD needs to go.

And then the D.W. 2

We've been saying how bad the gun is on the T14,

but it's nothing compared to the D.W's…

There are three, I mean two more to go,

and the capture siren has fallen silent.

A tier 5 tank destroyer is a deadly threat,

but our Top Gun will not be stopped.

The T14 is actually pretty mobile,

and tactical driving carries the day.

That just leaves the poor little SPG,

which seems to be still firing AP,

the new Arty mode can't arrive faster, eh?

Cavaliers could win with a capture,

but that's not the Top Gun way.

Let's go find that arty!

And there it is.

The inaccurate gun refuses to cooperate,

but ending the game with a ram is cooler anyway.

Early on, it was more of an action comedy

than an epic Top Gun display,

but things got more serious later on.

Either way, that's 13 kills with a tank

that few would consider, particularly powerful.

This episode's Invader is PredatorHenk,

also from the American region.

The battle is fought on Tundra,

with Henk in command of a mid-tier Konštrukta T-34/100.

Things do not start well.

Our Invader trades a hit for two in return,

and puts a shell through the back of a friendly VK's turret…

Trading fire from here is dangerous,

and not that effective.

Finally a decent target.

Red team tanks dash across the gap in the East,

giving Henk a good opportunity to dish out some damage.

A T29 gets disabled in the open, and becomes the first kill.

It lands a shot in return however,

leaving the T-34 with a hundred hit points.

Henk takes a Cromwell to death's door,

turns around, and blows up an SU-100Y.

There are several low-HP targets on offer,

so Henk takes the opportunity to even out the score a bit.

This Chi-To is in excellent repair,

but three accurate shots turn it into smoking wreckage.

Jackson is down to its last hit point,

and an HE round finishes it off with ease.

We're down to five shells and three opponents.

Henk considers taking on the Patriot,

but backs away after taking a closer look.

The Chaffee's turret is briefly visible,

and our Invader takes the shot. Nice!

Patriot is chasing the last friendly.

Henk goes in to help the FCM,

but is forced to back off in the face of a T28 Prototype.

There goes the FCM,

but the the Patriot goes down to 18 hit points as well.

Last shell. This has to work.


Good work, but the Konštrukta's weapon is now dry.

Capping is the only way to win this.

If the Prototype comes knocking,

Henk will have to keep it at bay using harsh language.

But who are we kidding.

The T28 Prototype is notoriously slow.

Our T-34/100 stays in cover,

and there's nothing the frustrated TD driver can do about it.

It looks like even Invaders want to play as Top Guns these days,

only capping if they run out of shells.

Still, it was a good game

and PredatorHenk sure made up for that disastrous start.

From Invader to Defender.

This one is a Winter Himmelsdorf Encounter from the Asian region.

oktankyou's tank is the tough-as-nails E 75.

It's about to be put to the test,

since the Red team has a big advantage in heavy tanks.

The game kicks off, and oktankyou heads for the banana.

Usually this is difficult to hold on your own,

but against a lone T29 it's more like easy mode.

A T95 on the other hand is much more of a challenge.

Luckily, the heavily armoured beastie focuses on somebody else,

allowing our Defender to take it out fairly easily.

The T29 isn't much of a threat on its own,

so oktankyou drives up to it and punches its clock.

Defender Senses tingle,

and the E 75 turns around

as a Red tide washes down from the hill.

The arty is doomed, but revenge is swift.

A Liberté deals some damage,

but gets wrecked in return.

A brave Indian charges in,

but seems a little confused over which one is the 85 ton heavy.

The IS seems to be firing HE,

making the Liberté in the rear the bigger threat.

The commander can't handle the HE bombardment however,

literally going to pieces under the pressure.

Luckily, somebody else takes care of the French heavy,

leaving oktankyou free to finish off the IS.

There's a lot of crossfire here,

and no real chance to fight back.

Our Defender falls back

as the symbol for the last teammate winks out.

The endgame is one against four.

Somebody patch up the commander,

there's work to do.

An Ru 251 dashes across the street,

fast but not fast enough.

Another scout challenges the E 75 from behind,

and receives the same treatment.

Just you wait T49.

You'll get what's coming to you.

It's time to get rid of these pesky little things.

I mean, tough as it is,

the tank can't take much more of this.

Finally. That leaves two.

Our Defender has to get to the circle,

but the T49 is no doubt waiting

for an opportunity to pounce.

Time is running out. Defend, or lose the game.

oktankyou traverses the turret all the way around,

and picks off the charging light tank.


The reset has to happen on the first try,

so our Defender reloads with an APCR shell.

Here goes…


Not just a reset, but the game ending shot.

Now technically that was just a single Defense shot,

but the previous three kills

opened the way to get to the capper.

Well played, oktankyou!

And with excellent timing.

Our finalé also comes from the Asian region,

as madhouse10101

delivers a Crucial Contribution in an Strv 103B.

The map is Karelia, which is about

as close to Sweden as we can get in the game.

Madhouse is off to a strong start,

putting the smack down on several Red team machines,

and claiming the first kill.

Those fast reverse gears come in handy,

as the stridsvagn repositions to continue the fight.

An IS-7 takes a lot of killing,

but Madhouse keeps chipping away

until it gives up the ghost.

A Black Dog comes into view,

and receives a few love taps.

It looks like the Northern flank is in trouble.

Madhouse moves into a support position,

and gets busy.

The targets move into cover,

but there's a T69 in need of killing on the other flank.

Anyway, the T57 should be able to finish the fight on its own now.

The Stridsvagn settles in to wait,

but when the opposition appears

they are much closer than expected.

Alarmingly close, in fact.

Madhouse drops the nose down,

and fires as fast the gun can cycle.

Amazingly, the armour almost holds,

and it's the opposition who get torn into pieces.

"It's three vs. three, let's wrap it up team."

"Just… um, give me a moment."

There we go. Two vs. two.

Hunting down the Skorpion G won't be easy.

The SPG on the other hand

could be hiding back at their base.

Damn, there goes the artillery support.

And… the enemy arty isn't here.

I guess it's time to attempt a capture then?

Watch out for the Skorpion.

Madhouse charges, somewhat hampered by the fact

that the Stridsvagn can't really aim in this mode.

Still, it goes pretty well, until an artillery shell

comes close to turning the Swedish TD,

into an Ikea flat pack.

In the end, our hero is victorious!

Two minutes should be enough to finish this.

The only problem is that the 103

can't take even the slightest bit of damage anymore.

Two seconds can be a long time.

The SPG is hurt but still very much alive.

Madhouse floors the accelerator and closes the distance.

A falling tree reveals the foe's position,

and it's time for the two second delay once again.

Ok, Fire!

And the game is over.


It's nice that our first game

with the S-tank shows it at its best,

as well as demonstrating the weaknesses of that unique design.

Well played and well carried, madhouse10101.

Can everyone from Sweden

make a quick video response

on how to pronounce that tank?

We'll show them next episode.

I'm Luke Kneller. Thanks for watching

and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> World of Tanks - Best Replays of the Week International #56 - Duration: 12:55.


(中字) 租金$2500的小天地?! 來參觀我韓國的家吧! | My Second Home in Korea: Room Tour | Lizzy Daily - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> (中字) 租金$2500的小天地?! 來參觀我韓國的家吧! | My Second Home in Korea: Room Tour | Lizzy Daily - Duration: 11:16.


Mixing Custom Colors for Watercolor Painting - Video 2 - Duration: 13:25.

- Hi everyone, Kristina here.

Welcome to another card video

at my YouTube channel and blog.

Today I'm going to be using two new stamp sets

that I designed for Simon Says Stamp.

And I'll get into those when we get further into the video.

But for now, I wanted to let you know

that this is the third video in my mini-series

on color mixing with watercolors.

So I'm going to be showing you some more color mixing

over on the side, in this split screen.

And the first thing I've done

is I've wet my watercolor paper with clean clear water.

I just want that to be nice and wet

while I mix some colors

and then I'll add those in a minute.

Starting out with a nice coral shade

or kind of like an orange-yellow.

I'm gonna add a tiny bit of blue to that

since blue is the complementary color to orange

and it's going to just dull that back a little bit.

I really love that particular color combo

for a nice warm coral shade.

for a nice warm coral shade.

And then I took some yellow,

added a tiny, tiny bit of purple

to make that more of a golden yellow

and to the same puddle of paint

I added a little bit of red

to make this more of an intense red coral.

So I just dropped that onto that wet watercolor paper

and because the paper was already wet,

all those edges really softened out

and mixed and melded together.

Used my heat tool to dry that piece

and then I set it aside.

I have another piece of watercolor paper here

and I've prepped it with a powder tool.

And now I've taken images

from the More Spring Flower Stamp Set.

And I'm stamping that in VersaMark Ink.

I'm going to be adding some

Hero Arts White Embossing Powder on top.

And then melting that embossing powder.

And that's going to leave me

with some nice strong white lines

with some nice strong white lines

that as I paint over the top

it's going to resist the paint

and then I'll have a nice clean line.

It'll make more sense once you start see me painting.

So I'm sprinkling on that embossing powder

and then I'm heating that with the heat tool

and melting all of that powder

until it's smooth and glossy.

I stamped an additional large flower

so I've taped all of my pieces

down onto my hard board here.

And now I'm going to start painting one of the flowers.

This first flower that I'm painting,

I'm going to mix two pools or puddles of color.

The first is going to be red and purple.

It's going to lean more toward purple than red.

And I'm using a size 10 round brush

which is a little bit larger

than I'll actually be painting with

because I wanna make sure

I have a nice big pool of color to work with.

I don't wanna run out of this color.

So I just added some purple to that.

It's a nice dark red purple.

And then I'm going to mix another shade

and this is going to be the lighter shade for this flower.

Started out with some red

and I'm building up that pool of color

because I wanna make sure I have a nice big pool of color

just like I have for the purple.

So I'm gonna add just a tiny bit of purple to this

just to get it to be a little bit more of the same shade.

Kind of a just a lighter version

of that darker shade that I've mixed.

But it's still looking a tiny bit too purple

so I will add a little more red

and kinda even out the color

because I do want it to be sort of like a pink shade

and then the purple will be what I use

to start shading everything.

to start shading everything.

So I'm gonna use a small paintbrush.

This is a size four silver brush round,

This is a size four silver brush round.

It's a silver black velvet size four round brush.

It's a silver black velvet size four round brush.

It's a really long name.

And I'm just dropping in some of that color

and then I'm coming in with the purple shade.

And I'm dropping that in while that pink color is still wet.

And I'm dropping that in while that pink color is still wet.

I've cleaned off my brush a little bit

and just kinda softening those edges.

And then I'm gonna go ahead

and paint the rest of the flower the same way.

So the watercolor paper I'm using today

is from Fabriano.

This is one of their cold press papers

and I believe it's in extra white.

I think that's what they call it.

And I wanted to use this paper in particular

because these inexpensive paints will dry back quite a bit.

because these inexpensive paints will dry back quite a bit.

They'll be very very soft once they're dry.

And so I want it to have them

on a brighter white paper for this.

I knew I could put it on some regular cold press paper

which has more of a cream color

but I really wanted that stark contrast

between the colors and the paper.

between the colors and the paper.

Especially since I'm using white embossing powder.

So for the next flower,

I'm going to be focusing more on

kind of an orange coral yellow color scheme.

kind of an orange coral yellow color scheme.

So I'm starting out with some red

and then once again

I'm mixing a nice big pool of color.

So when you guys are painting,

you wanna make sure that

if you're going to be painting a large area

or if you're planning

to use that color throughout your painting,

go ahead and mix a lot of color.

If you end up not using it,

you can let it dry on the palette and pick it up later.

You can use it in other ways

or you can clean up.

Because really your paints go a long way.

They'll last you a long long time.

So I've mixed some red with orange

and then I wanted it to be a little lighter

so I added some yellow.

And then I'm gonna make the darker shade

that I'll be shading this flower with.

And I'm starting out with red

and I'm making sure I have a nice big pool of color

just like I did with the previous

three colors that I've mixed.

And I'm adding a ton and ton of red up there.

So I want this red to be a slightly darker shade

than what it is right now.

So I will end up adding just a tiny bit of green

to dull it out and also darken it just a tiny bit.

to dull it out and also darken it just a tiny bit.

So I'm cleaning off my brush there off camera,

bringing in a little bit of that green.

I'll grab some more

and I'm liking how this color is looking.

So I'm gonna go ahead and start painting.

I'm once again going to switch to that size four round brush

and I'll drop in the lighter shade.

This is just like a nice warm kind of dulled back orange.

This is just like a nice warm kind of dulled back orange.

It's a little bit of a coral shade.

Adding in some of that red.

Just dropping it into those colors

where there would be a little bit of shading.

And I will come back to this flower eventually

because I realize that I didn't have as much contrast

between these two colors

as I did on the purple flower

and you'll see that in a minute,

when you see them side by side.

So you can see how on that purple flower

there's quite a bit of color difference

and I didn't like that there wasn't as much color difference

on the other flowers.

I will come back to that eventually.

Cleaned off my palette just with a wet rag or baby wipe.

And now I'm going to mix some color for the leaves.

And there's lots of leaves and I was thinking,

instead of having it be more green,

I thought it would be kinda fun

to have them be more of a blue-green color

and then have the darker shade

be like a dark blue navy shade.

I thought that'd be kinda fun

a little bit unexpected.

There are leaves out there that are these colors.

You don't see 'em quite as often

but I've seen a lot of watercolor paintings online

but I've seen a lot of watercolor paintings online

or in watercolor classes

where the artist mixes in kind of like

this blue aqua shade with the leaves

and I thought it was just so beautiful.

So I'm gonna try to kind of

mimic that kind of color combination today.

So I'm mixing just blue and green together

'cause I really wanna get that shade going.

And it's leaning more toward blue to me

more than green.

So, now I'm gonna clean up my brush

and then I'm gonna make another pile of color.

Actually, just kidding, I'm not.

I'm adding a little orange,

I'm dulling that back just a little bit.

Okay, there we go.

I'm wiping off my brush

making sure I'm getting all that color out of the brush.

And now I'm gonna start another pool of color.

Starting out with that blue,

like I said I want this to be

sort of like a dark navy color.

So I'm going to have lots and lots of blue

up there in that section of my palette.

Cleaning off my brush.

And then I'm gonna come back

and grab a tiny bit of orange.

This is going to dull back the blue.

It's going to darken it a little bit

and it's gonna give me a nice shade to start painting with.

Add a little more blue to that

so it doesn't read so dark.

And then I'm gonna grab my smaller paintbrush once again

and go in to paint the leaves.

Once again I'm starting with the lighter shade

and I'm just dropping in all that color.

And then I'll take the darker shade

and drop that in while it's still wet.

I'm gonna go ahead and paint all of these leaves right now.

All of these leaves on the one side.

I'll drop in that darker blue color.

Really love how these two colors kinda mix together

and the blue seems a little bit unexpected

but I also knew that these colors would fade back

quite a bit as they dried

so they wouldn't be so blue in the long run,

so they wouldn't be so blue in the long run,

if that makes sense.

So I'm dropping in more of that color

on this really long stem of leaves

and then I'll drop in the darker blue.

So don't be afraid to kinda mix some colors

that might be a little bit unexpected.

You might be surprised how well they look together.

So like I've said before,

this flower was looking a little bit anemic to me.

It didn't have enough color change

between the lighter shade and the darker shade

so I thought it would be smart

to add a little more color in here.

So I've mixed a darker more kind of dull red

mixing quite a bit of green into that red

to make it a little darker.

And then I'm gonna go back in

and start painting in some darker areas.

So I'm just dropping in and I actually didn't add

the shading everywhere on the flower.

There were a few petals

where I decided just to not worry about it.

But I did wanna have a little bit more shading

especially in the center of the flower

where all those petals are all scrunched up.

So now I'm using the coordinating die set

that goes with the stamp set.

And I'm placing them all onto the watercolor piece

And I'm placing them all onto the watercolor piece

and then taping them with some blue painter's tape.

And I'm making sure the blue painter's tape

is taping the die to the paper

and avoiding that painted area in the center.

Sometimes, when you're taping dies down

it can kinda tear the actual colored area in the center.

So I'd like to make sure

I'm taping only the die to the outside of the area.

I then cut down that background

that I painted earlier

to a size of four and a 1/4 by five and a 1/2

and then adhered all of the leaves down onto it.

Kind of arranged the flowers and the leaves

and then adhered the leaves first

'cause they were on the bottom layer

and then put some foam tape on these flowers.

Okay, so my original plan

Okay, so my original plan

was to stamp my greeting

on that yellow background piece

but I have a mishap with some embossing powder

and it looks sort of okay.

You can see on the side of the screen.

But I was really not loving it.

So I decided I would perform some card surgery

and salvaged what I'd already created.

So I used a ruler and a craft knife

just to cut those pieces off

and then I changed my card base

to a smoke card stock color from Simon Says Stamp.

I wanted this kind of midtone gray to be the background.

So I put that in my Misti stamping tool,

I've arranged where I'm putting my greeting

and then I'm stamping that greeting

in a VersaMark Ink.

And this is going to keep it really sticky

so that I can apply some embossing powder.

So I'm gonna use some more white embossing powder.

This is Hero Arts White Embossing Powder, once again.

Now I've heat set that until it was smooth and melted

and then I added some adhesive

on the back of my watercolor piece

and adhered that down onto my card.

Just to finish it off

'cause it was looking a little stark at the top.

Gonna take a white gel pen

this is a Signo, a Uni-Ball Signo Broad white gel pen

and I added some dash lines around the outside of the card.

So that's basically the card for today.

This is actually part of a blog hop for Simon Says Stamp.

So make sure you head over to my blog

to see lots more inspiration from this latest release.

Thanks so much for watching today

and I'll catch you guys in the next video.

(bright pop music)

For more infomation >> Mixing Custom Colors for Watercolor Painting - Video 2 - Duration: 13:25.


COWOK KOREA Pertama Kali Pergi ke INDONEISA l #JAKARTA l Vlog INDONESIA l COWOK KOREA - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> COWOK KOREA Pertama Kali Pergi ke INDONEISA l #JAKARTA l Vlog INDONESIA l COWOK KOREA - Duration: 8:45.


Maroon 5 - Cold ft Future (Continuum cover) - Duration: 4:12.

Cold enough to chill my bones It feels like I don't know you anymore

I don't understand why you're so cold to me

With every breath you breathe I see there's something going on

I don't understand why you're so cold

Are we taking time or a time out?

I can't take the in between Asking me for space here in my house

You know how to fuck with me Acting like we're not together

After everything that we've been through Sleeping up under the covers

How am I so far away from you?

Distant when we're kissing Feel so different

Baby tell me how did you get so...

Cold enough to chill my bones It feels like I don't know you anymore

I don't understand why you're so cold to me With every breath you breathe

I see there's something going on I don't understand why you're so cold, yeah

Woah yeah Woah yeah

I don't understand why you're so cold

What you holdin' on, holdin' on for?

If you wanna leave just leave Why you wanna bite your tongue for?

The silence is killing me Acting like we're not together

If you don't want this, then what's the use?

Sleeping up under the covers How am I so far away from you?

Distant (oh) when we're kissing (yeah) Feel so different (yeah)

Baby tell me how did you get so...

Cold enough to chill my bones It feels like I don't know you anymore

I don't understand why you're so cold to me With every breath you breathe

I see there's something going on I don't understand why you're so cold, yeah

Woah yeah Woah yeah

Never thought that you were like this I took the tag off and made you priceless

I just spent half a mill' on a chandelier Now you tryna cut me off like a light switch,

yeah Trying to stay, and I leave

Saying that you need some time to breath Thinking that I'm sleeping on the four letter

word But the four letter word don't sleep

We goin' two separate ways You ain't been acting the same

You gotta go, but the way your ass used to be you gold dig every day

I split the four talk in two talk as I came but to hear what you say

Girl I tried to give you space

Baby tell me how did you get so cold enough to chill my bones

It feels like I don't know you anymore I don't understand why you're so cold to me

With every breath you breathe I see there's something going on

I don't understand why you're so cold

I don't understand why you're so cold

I don't understand why you're so cold

For more infomation >> Maroon 5 - Cold ft Future (Continuum cover) - Duration: 4:12.


شعر خالي من الدهون ومشيطة في أقل من دقيقتين |Rawaa Beauty - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> شعر خالي من الدهون ومشيطة في أقل من دقيقتين |Rawaa Beauty - Duration: 2:39.


EPA head doubts popular climate change belief - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> EPA head doubts popular climate change belief - Duration: 2:00.


Đồng hồ đeo tay nam, Video giới thiệu đồng hồ bạn nên xem, Đồng hồ cơ chính hãng OP990-081AMK-V - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> Đồng hồ đeo tay nam, Video giới thiệu đồng hồ bạn nên xem, Đồng hồ cơ chính hãng OP990-081AMK-V - Duration: 11:27.


Как стать здоровее без врачей, без денег и без лекарств – Как стать здоровым и поддерживать здоровье - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Как стать здоровее без врачей, без денег и без лекарств – Как стать здоровым и поддерживать здоровье - Duration: 3:48.


"Burning Man" Ft. Post Malone

For more infomation >> "Burning Man" Ft. Post Malone


P-Nyce - Roll On ft. Young Do...

For more infomation >> P-Nyce - Roll On ft. Young Do...


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 - Duration: 0:56.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST TITANIUM * NAVI * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST TITANIUM * NAVI * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:48.


1b-1 b-My Fetish-Foot fetish - Duration: 3:45.

1b-1 b-My Fetish-Foot fetish

For more infomation >> 1b-1 b-My Fetish-Foot fetish - Duration: 3:45.


Annual RV Maintenance Tips - Lazydays RV - Duration: 9:02.

Hello, my name is Mike Stevens—certified

RV technician here at Lazydays, and today

I'd like to go over annual maintenance

of your RV. Most things will be for both

motorized and towable, so hopefully I can

give you a few tips that will help you out.

First, we're going to take a look at all

their sealant and make sure that

everything's good across the board. As

you see here there's a small gap.

Something like this can cause some very

expensive failures in the future, so

it's very important that all of this

gets addressed. We're also going to look

at all your slide seals ensuring that

they're pliable, they're not stuck and

there's no debris in them. That does go

well with your tracks and making sure

that everything is well lubricated.

As you walk around your coach you're going

to see several things that are going to

be important to take care of. Inside your

water bank, you do have all of your drain

plugs, your water connections, ensuring

there's no leakage and when you pop your

cap off there should never be water

dripping out. If there is, that's a sure

sign that something's leaking it does

need to be addressed. Now this is a new

model—ladder's nice and sturdy. As it does

get older, your screws start to loosen up.

Those are things you wouldn't normally

think of until you go to get on the roof

and you have some issues.

On this particular motorhome, we come

across your appliances. The appliances

manufacturers do recommend yearly

maintenance and it really is important

not only does debris get in these open

holes, but also insects. They like to

build homes in those warm places. If

you're up north to get mice in there

you're down south you get lots of bugs

and other critters that like to live

in there. Spiders love the smell of

propane. These do need to be opened up

annually, inspected, making sure that

there's no issues. If your furnace does come

apart but that's something that you may

want to leave to the professionals that

everything continues to work properly for you.

One of the main appliances we want to

take a look at is our refrigerator.

When we open the access to our refrigerator,

it's important again to look for all

those spiders or other little insects

that might have made a home in here and

to make sure that all of this is clean.

Now in this particular model, you don't

want to be accessing the burn chamber.

Leave that to the professionals but make

sure that this is just all cleaned out

and then there isn't anything growing

Now, some coaches do have an outside

entertainment system.

Just make sure that your seals are

always good so that no water is getting

inside. If you do see some signs of water, it

is something that does want to get

addressed. Your speakers are marine grade,

they're going to hold up to the water.

Your television is not and that can have some issues.

Something as simple as your

steps you want to keep those lubricated

so that they're always moving in and out

nice and easy for you one other thing if

you haven't noticed that the whole

coaches lifted in level right now a good

shot on the Jacksons this one here it's

almost fully extended

they these particular jacks are designed

to lift the coach some jacks on motor

homes are not so it is very important to

look at your owners manual to determine

whether they are stabilizing only or if

they are designed to actually lift the

jack to level them there is a jack

service that is recommended every year

and it is important to get that done

what you will find as those checks start

moving a lot slower than when they

originally new always take a look at

your tires looking for cut out any

debris that might be in there any holes

it is very important there is also an

eight-year recommendation if it happens

to go over eight years old that is

something you do want to address the

last thing you want is a block going

down the road

inside your engine whether it be gas or

diesel it is important to do your yearly

maintenance don't look at your mileage

unless you are a high-mileage driver if

it is a high-mileage if you are a

high-mileage driver it is important that

whatever you happen to be driving all

those recommendations for your

north-south drivers and your routine

campers it is important that once a year

that that does get done now as we walked

around we look at all our seals are

slide room seals it's also important to

look at the seals around the windows

over time they knew net naturally they

will shrink

I'm it's something that just happens in

the rubber but once those do shrink it's

important to get those replaced and

resealed so that you don't have any

water penetration

what's up inside your coach it's just

like looking around the outside take a

look around your coach look at the

different things that move this

particular coach has a bed a bunk over

the driver and passenger seat that will

go up and down it's important to

maintain the lubrication in these per

manufacturer's specs and please look at

those they're all different some have

oil some have grease it's important to

take care of them properly you'll also

be looking at your slide rooms ensure

that along through here that everything

is fitting tightly if that starts to


there's an adjustment out of place and

it really is important to get that taken

care of your window blinds one thing


quite often happens is these become

loose make sure they get tightened up

before they get too bad

once they get watered out there's no

fixing them again or you have to move

them so stay on top of your little

things that you would think oh it's just

basic it's not a big deal it will become

a big you so get that taken care of

right away we also have several biases

inside just like outside we do the

maintenance we need to do the

maintenance inside as well keeping your

seals clean if you maintain them

normally before your camping trip

you won't have an issue with mold or

anything else growing them it's also

important if you store your coach keep

it the door slightly open it allows the

airflow to get in there and it keeps

things from smelling roadmap

most stoves aren't usually an issue we

don't have a lot of campers that love to

use their stove but if you do make sure

it stays clean just like you would home

once that builds up

it's a lot harder to take care of in one

area that you don't see taking care of

very often also is inside your stove

this does come on fire

and it's important to keep this area

clean just like outside spiders little

insects they love to live in that

propane area and you do get a lot of

debris from little grease droppings or

other things from cooking on there so

that's what i'll just pick this up

this is a drop in sink keep an eye on

the sealant around the corner that tells

you two things one is that it stays

sealed and you don't have water dripping

inside the cabinets but also it's

important to do that because every once

in a while the brackets that hold this

up can start to fail so if you see a gap

there haven't addressed immediately

don't let it get too bad for the same

can fall so it is very important to take

care of that back here we have the

shower bathroom treat it just like you

would at home keep it clean keep it

while working one thing with your toilet

it is important to check around the base

and make sure that there's no leaking

there's no water you don't have any

issues with that most beds

this particular one has no storage but

what you do want to look at is you want

to ensure that these strips are not cut

or afraid they're in there because what

will happen is over time those phrases

will get bad and all starts and helps

the bed and prevent your slider from

working properly

and inside especially for Florida's

Floridians the air conditioners always

extremely important to keep an eye on

this particular one has ducked so you

simply just have your outputs here make

sure they're clean through debris but

more importantly look at the head unit

in the ceiling and make sure that the

filters are changed at least annually if

not every couple of months depending on

how much so hopefully you've gotten a

couple of tips and i was able to help

you go through a couple of things on

your motorhome i'm here at Lazydays we

do have some annual packages that work

out perfectly for us if it's something

that you don't feel comfortable doing


we'd love to help you out and if there's

anything that we can do for you please

give us a call

For more infomation >> Annual RV Maintenance Tips - Lazydays RV - Duration: 9:02.


RV Winterization Tips – Lazydays RV - Duration: 2:12.

Hi, my name is Mike Stevens—certified

technician here at Lazydays RV. Today I

just want to give you a brief summary of

the importance of winterizing your coach.

Basicall,y we don't want this to happen

to you:

This gentleman came down from Indiana

and had water in his hot water heater.

He ended up cracking it just from a big

block of ice.

Winterizing is a somewhat easy thing to do

but at the same time can get a little

complicated depending on your coach.

Basically, what you're going to do is you

want to bypass your water heater and

empty your fresh tank. What that's going

to do is prevent any of the antifreeze

from getting in those things—not that the

antifreeze would hurt you, but it doesn't

taste very good.

So what's going to happen is in your

water bay, you'll go ahead and you'll drain

all your water. Here at Lazydays, we do

add compressed air to make sure that

all that water is out

of the lines, and then we will go through

and pump antifreeze into each and every

line coming out through your toilet,

through all the sinks. Then we also

had a little bit of antifreeze to each

drain to make sure that they don't

freeze. What the water bay is important

for is because that's where it's going

to enter the system, and it's important

that all the valves are in the right

place and that all the drains are open.

Now, if you're not sure which way to turn

a valve, look at your owners manual or get

some good advice.

Now, earlier you saw what can happen when

water freezes inside that heater tank.

It's important to understand that if you

think you're

going to be in the temperature below 32

degrees, that you get your coach

winterized. A lot of people from up north

they know 32 degrees,

everything's frozen, make it happen. But

a lot of times, even as far south as

Georgia, the temperature will drop

overnight. It's very important that if

your heater is not going in your coach

or if you just happen to be driving, 32

degrees is that magic number. If it's

going to hit it, your coach should be

winterized. We are at Lazydays are always

willing to take a call and make the

things happen for you.

For more infomation >> RV Winterization Tips – Lazydays RV - Duration: 2:12.


Volkswagen Polo 1.6 TDI COMFORTLINE 5drs DSG 7 AICRO, CR.CONTROL, TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.6 TDI COMFORTLINE 5drs DSG 7 AICRO, CR.CONTROL, TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:05.



For more infomation >> BMW X1 2.0I SDRIVE CHROME LINE AUTOMAAT, LEER, XENON - Duration: 0:54.


How to Charm a Girl | How to Talk to Girls - Duration: 2:58.

How to Charm a Girl | How to Talk to Girls

How to Charm a Girl | How to Talk to Girls

How to Charm a Girl | How to Talk to Girls

How to Charm a Girl | How to Talk to Girls

How to Charm a Girl | How to Talk to Girls

For more infomation >> How to Charm a Girl | How to Talk to Girls - Duration: 2:58.


Top 10 Daring Explorers Who Changed The Medieval World - Duration: 5:34.

10 Daring Explorers Who Changed The Medieval World.

If You had not Subscribed our channel please subscribe it now,

From Columbus to Magellan, the famous travelers of the Age of Exploration have become household


Before that, we tend to think of the world as a parochial place, with people barely aware

of what lay beyond their own backyard.

10 .Friar Julian.

Around 895 A.D., the Hungarians swept out of Eastern Europe, raiding across Europe and

establishing themselves firmly in the Carpathian Basin.

But they always remembered their distant homeland somewhere across the mountains.

9 .Gunnbjorn Ulfsson.

It is fairly well-known that Erik the Red was the first Viking to sail to Greenland

and settle there.

But Erik did not actually discover Greenland.

That honor goes to his relative Gunnbjorn Ulfsson, who reported the existence of a land

west of Iceland in the early 10th century.

8 .Rabban Bar Sauma.

Often called the Marco Polo of the East, Rabban bar Sauma was born in China in 1220 A.D.,

not far from modern Beijing.

He became a Nestorian Christian monk and became known for his fervent acts of devotion.

He eventually decided to undertake a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, requiring him to trek across

the Asian landmass.

He eventually made it to Baghdad, but a war in the Holy Land meant he could not journey

on to Jerusalem.

7 .William of Rubruck After the initial Mongol invasion of Europe,

the European powers would send several ambassadors on the long journey to the court of the Great


By far the most insightful was the monk William of Rubruck, who actually was not an ambassador

at all and mostly wound up in Mongolia by accident.

6 .Afanasy Nikitin.

Afanasy Nikitin was a merchant from Tver who became arguably the greatest Russian explorer

of the Medieval period.

He initially left Tver in 1466 on a trading expedition to the Caucasus but was attacked

and robbed on the Volga.

With his finances in ruins, he decided to seek opportunities further afield and traveled

on through Persia to Hormuz, where he took ship for India.

5 .Li Da and Chen Cheng.

Li Da and Chen Cheng were two Chinese eunuchs who undertook a dangerous expedition through

Central Asia in the 1410s.

Li Da was by far the more experienced traveler, having already made two trips into the heart

of Asia.

4 .Odoric of Pordenone.

Beginning in the late 13th century, the Franciscan monks began a determined effort to establish

a presence in east Asia.

They sent out missionaries like John of Montecorvino, who became the first Catholic Bishop of Peking

(Beijing), and Giovanni de� Marignolli, who journeyed widely through China and India.

3 .Naddodd and Gardar.

According to the saga of Ari the Wise, the first Viking to discover Iceland was a settler

in the Faroe Islands called Naddodd, who was blown off course by a storm to a place he

called �Snowland.� This accidental discovery was followed up by a Swede named Gardar Svarsson,

who explored the coast of the island and wintered there before sailing back to Scandinavia,

full of praise for the new land.

2 .Benjamin of Tudela.

Very little is known about Benjamin of Tudela since his travelogue remains the only source

for his life.

He was a Jew who set out from Tudela in Spain around 1160 and kept a careful record of his


After journeying through Barcelona and southern France, he spent some time in Rome before

traveling south through Greece to Constantinople.

1 .Ibn Battutah.

It is impossible to write about medieval travelers without mentioning Ibn Battutah, the greatest

traveler of his age and arguably of all time.

While most medieval explorers journeyed for trade, diplomacy, or religion, Ibn Battutah

simply loved traveling: he was a natural tourist.

As a result, it has been seriously suggested that he covered more miles than anyone else

until the invention of the steam engine.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Daring Explorers Who Changed The Medieval World - Duration: 5:34.


Hot Wheels® Dragon Blast™

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For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 Pt Shine Automaat Panorama dak - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 Pt Shine Automaat Panorama dak - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 THP Ligne Bns Acc/Cruise Control/Navi - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 THP Ligne Bns Acc/Cruise Control/Navi - Duration: 0:57.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 THP Ligne Bns Acc/Cruise Control/Navi - Duration: 0:57.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T N-Connecta - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T N-Connecta - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T N-Connecta - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C1 1.2 VTI 82PK 5-DRS FEEL AIRCO LM - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.2 VTI 82PK 5-DRS FEEL AIRCO LM - Duration: 0:52.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.2 VTI 82PK 5-DRS FEEL AIRCO LM - Duration: 0:52.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection 1500 EURO KORTING! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection 1500 EURO KORTING! - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection 1500 EURO KORTING! - Duration: 0:58.


Citroën C3 1.4 I Ligne Prestige - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4 I Ligne Prestige - Duration: 1:08.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4 I Ligne Prestige - Duration: 1:08.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 82PK SHINE * NAVI * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 82PK SHINE * NAVI * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 82PK SHINE * NAVI * CLIMA * LMV * - Duration: 0:58.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 82PK SHINE * NAVI * LMV * CLIMA * PARK.H. * - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 82PK SHINE * NAVI * LMV * CLIMA * PARK.H. * - Duration: 1:02.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 82PK SHINE * NAVI * LMV * CLIMA * PARK.H. * - Duration: 1:02.


Funny Cartoons for Kids

For more infomation >> Funny Cartoons for Kids


Dension DAB+A [DBA1GEN] and DAB+M [DBM1GEN] - Installation and Usage - Duration: 5:07.


These are the Dension DAB+A and DAB+M devices.

They are smartphone controlled DAB solutions for cars.

The DAB+M goes even further, it also provides Bluetooth for music streaming and handsfree calls.

They send the sound trough FM transmission or AUX to the car.


We will install the device into the glove box.

This is the constant power, we connect the red cable here.

This is the switched power (ACC), we add the purple cable here.

The black cable is for grounding, we connect it to the metal chassis.

In the case of the DAB+M we need to install the microphone as well.

First we place the clip

and the microphone into it.

The cable of the mic can be hided behind the the roof carpet and the A-pillar.

As final move we plug in the power,

the antenna and the microphone.

After reassembling the car the only noticeable difference is the microphone at the mirror,

although this car is now equipped with DAB and AUX, in the case of the DAB+M with Bluetooth as well.

You can download the Dension DAB application from App Store or Google Play for free.

The app requires, that your phone must be able to communicate with Bluetooth LE devices.

The installation will be done shortly.

By DAB+M you need to connect trough calssic Bluetooth as well - by DAB+A this is not an option.

On the car side you only need to find a free FM frequency, that the DAB device can use.

As we can hear 100.3 MHz will be OK.

You can run the DAB application on your smartphone, it connects the phone to the installed DAB device automatically.

The app starts with the Now Playing menu.

We will discuss this section later.

The Dension logo brings us to the main menu.

Let's start with the Set things menu.

In the 'Available devices' you can see and connect to the present DAB device(s).

You can also set the outgoing FM frequency that the DAB device uses for sending the sound to the car.

You can add 100.3 MHz, as seen previously.

This frequency is now taken by the DAB device.

The station information appears.

If you go down you can change the volume of the DAB device.

At the bottom the current firmware is displayed.

Choosing Manage stations menu.

You can add a station to favourites if you swipe left and choose the heart icon.

You can organize them as well.

You can remove a station from favourites the same way.

The top right button leads us to the Now playing menu.

The current sent programme info and picture are displayed here.

You can go to the next station if you swipe the picture left or right.

DAB and AUX are available as source,

in the case of DAB+M Bluetooth audio can be selected as well.

You can leave the app temporarily, and go to your music player.

You can both have an outgoing or incoming call,

the DAB+M will transfer the sound to the speakers of your car.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Dension DAB+A [DBA1GEN] and DAB+M [DBM1GEN] - Installation and Usage - Duration: 5:07.


BMW Z4 Roadster 2.8I HIGH EXECUTIVE SPORTAUT. M-PAKKET BTW/Xenon/Navi/Leder/Sportstoelen - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW Z4 Roadster 2.8I HIGH EXECUTIVE SPORTAUT. M-PAKKET BTW/Xenon/Navi/Leder/Sportstoelen - Duration: 0:54.


Beginner's Guide To Curing Meat At Home feat. Brothers Green Eats - Duration: 7:34.

Hey, everyone! I am super excited for

today's guest. *snap*

Oh my gosh -- do you just snap me into my own kitchen?! How did that happen?

Everyone it's Mike from Brothers Green Eats!

Hey-lo friends. Excited to be here with

QKatie in my little Brooklyn kitchen.

today we have a beginner's guide to

curing meats for idiots, I'm saying, because

I'm an idiot and I just learned how

to do it. I'm no expert but curing meats

is actually a lot easier than you would

think; people have been doing it for

thousands of years. You don't just have

to go to specialty stores to get your

meats. -And there are a couple different ways

to do it, which you're going to tell us,

so let's hop on in. -Let's do it.

This is your beginner's guide to curing meats.

Curing meats: really simple a lot

easier than you would think, and one of

the easiest things to start out on is

duck breast because it's got a nice fat

ratio, it's got that fat on the skin. First

trim it up a tiny bit. Just make sure

it's nice and even. And it's pretty small

so it's going to cure in just a few

weeks, you don't have to wait a year to have a

nice cured piece of duck prosciutto they

call it because of all that fat. So the

first step is we have to salt it and

there's two ways to do that. The easiest

way is just to cover it in salt. That's

like the old-school method that they

used to use, and then put some salt on

the bottom of your bowl, pop the duck

breast right on the salt and then just

cover it.

You're going to let that sit for one day,

so like 24 hours and you'll see it's going

to pull out a lot of the moisture from

the duck. Most of the moisture. You'll

kind of see it in the salt. The salt will

start to get wet, a little bit like wet

sand. There is another way to cure,

which is called the EQ method, it's kind

of like a new-age method, where you take

your duck breast, you weigh it, whatever

meat it is, weigh the meat, and you're taking

three percent of that weight and you're

going to add three percent salt of the

weight. You take the three percent salt

put it in a bowl. Make sure it's nice and

rubbed into your duck breast or whatever

meat you're using, and then you're going

to vacuum seal that.

*machine vacuum sealing*

So this is the vacuum-sealed duck right here and you're

going to let that sit for about five

days. If it's a bigger piece of meat you can

let it sit for 10 days. And that is the

method. So that method is great because

you're using a lot less salt so it's going to

save you some money, but you do need a

vacuum sealer, so I'm showing you both ways.

Alright, cool! So back to the immersing it

in salt method. -You've waited a day, a lot

of that water has absorbed, you pull it

out of the salt, and you'll see the texture of

the duck has completely changed: it's lost

a lot of weight to water. You do want to

get a lot of that salt -- most of that

salt off. Now we are ready to spice it,

and spicing is completely up to you, if

you like it sweet, if you like it herbaceous,

if you like it spicy.

We're going to do kind of a mix. We've

got a nice dried chili in there, I'm

going to use green peppercorns and black

peppercorns, and this is a little herb

mix. I put that in a spice grinder, you

could just grind it up with a pestle and

mortar, whatever you have, and just grind

that to a nice, you know, fine-to-coarse

consistency, and then we're going

to sprinkle that right on top of our

duck and just make sure you pat it in

really nicely. Now you can just wrapped that

up and string and hang it, but we're

going to take a cheesecloth, just to kind of

give it some extra protection because

it's going in the fridge with a lot of

other things. So we're going to take

cheesecloth. Just wrap it kind of nice

and snug in cheesecloth. -It's like a little

Christmas present!

-Yeah, delicious Christmas present.

And then take your string, knot it at the

bottom, and start looping it. And you

don't want it, like, extremely tight, like

suffocating the duck, but it is nice to

get it sorta tight so it gives it that

nice structure, like that you can see how

we change the shape of it. What I like to

do also is add a little hook on the end so I

can just hook it right in my fridge but

now we're going to go off to the

weighing section and this is really

important because when you're curing meat

you want the meat to lose about

thirty-five to forty percent of its

weight. So there's a lot of water in

there and you're trying to release that

water. So we're gonna weigh it. So we're

going to calculate what 35% is, so you

gotta go back into your math class days,

times it by .35. -- 78. So we want to

lose 78 grams. And then subtract that

from the original weight. I know, kind of

crazy but you guys can do it. Then what I

do is I take a label maker, and this is

an optional step, you could write it down

in your iPhone, but just keep track of

the weight and what type of meat it is,

print that out. I put it right on the

string so I have even the access to that.

And then you're going to hang it in your


We've got sauerkraut over here we've got kimchi over here. Then we have all of the

cured meat. And that's what I do, I'll just

hang the duck somewhere. You don't

want it to be touching anything. A duck breast

might take two, three, four weeks. It's one

of the quicker ones, but if you've got a big

chunk of meat, that could take like two

months, three months, whatever it is. When

you take it out and you weight it and it has hit

that beautiful number -- you know, it's lost

thirty five percent of the weight -- it's

ready to go.

You've got cured meat ready to slice up

and enjoy with your friends. Look at the

beauty of this duck, you see that

perfectly cured fat that right there. That's why

they call it prosciutto, because of

that delicious fat, and the flavor's just

amazing. When you do any homemade type of

project, it's going to taste better

because you put the time and effort into

it, you put the love into it. It's going

to be awesome. Try it at home, it's a lot easier

than you guys think.

-Oh my gosh, that is just beautiful! -It's starting

to melt even, just having it out

like that. -That's kind of wild.

-Alright. -Alright. -Let's see.

-Mmmm! -Oh, wow. -How distinct of a flavor is that?! -Wow!

I feel like I'm in a fancy restaurant in

Paris right now. -Yeah, you would see this with...

Imagine! You can do this at home.

You also do a ton of other beginner's stuff and not beginner's food videos

on your YouTube channel. -Yeah, check out Brothers Green Eats YouTube channel.

Also, I did a video with Mike for his

channel: I showed four of the top avocado

recipes from my cookbook. -Getting creative

with avocados, and that video should come

up. It was awesome to film that stuff and try those tasty recipes.

Head over, check it out, I will link to it

around here. Mike, tell them what not to forget.

-Keep it quirky! -Always!

I've got beef, duck, lamb and pork that I'm

trying right now, and this is just my

first run at it; I'm a rookie.

Wow, look at that.

Wow -- look at the marbleization.

See I'm messing around: this one had salt and

sugar on the cure. --Oo, sugar! --I'm

thinking cause that also will cure, but I'm

personally thinking that I like more

salt content. Look at that, though. That is beautiful.

For more infomation >> Beginner's Guide To Curing Meat At Home feat. Brothers Green Eats - Duration: 7:34.


Maroon 5 - Cold ft Future (Continuum cover) - Duration: 4:12.

Cold enough to chill my bones It feels like I don't know you anymore

I don't understand why you're so cold to me

With every breath you breathe I see there's something going on

I don't understand why you're so cold

Are we taking time or a time out?

I can't take the in between Asking me for space here in my house

You know how to fuck with me Acting like we're not together

After everything that we've been through Sleeping up under the covers

How am I so far away from you?

Distant when we're kissing Feel so different

Baby tell me how did you get so...

Cold enough to chill my bones It feels like I don't know you anymore

I don't understand why you're so cold to me With every breath you breathe

I see there's something going on I don't understand why you're so cold, yeah

Woah yeah Woah yeah

I don't understand why you're so cold

What you holdin' on, holdin' on for?

If you wanna leave just leave Why you wanna bite your tongue for?

The silence is killing me Acting like we're not together

If you don't want this, then what's the use?

Sleeping up under the covers How am I so far away from you?

Distant (oh) when we're kissing (yeah) Feel so different (yeah)

Baby tell me how did you get so...

Cold enough to chill my bones It feels like I don't know you anymore

I don't understand why you're so cold to me With every breath you breathe

I see there's something going on I don't understand why you're so cold, yeah

Woah yeah Woah yeah

Never thought that you were like this I took the tag off and made you priceless

I just spent half a mill' on a chandelier Now you tryna cut me off like a light switch,

yeah Trying to stay, and I leave

Saying that you need some time to breath Thinking that I'm sleeping on the four letter

word But the four letter word don't sleep

We goin' two separate ways You ain't been acting the same

You gotta go, but the way your ass used to be you gold dig every day

I split the four talk in two talk as I came but to hear what you say

Girl I tried to give you space

Baby tell me how did you get so cold enough to chill my bones

It feels like I don't know you anymore I don't understand why you're so cold to me

With every breath you breathe I see there's something going on

I don't understand why you're so cold

I don't understand why you're so cold

I don't understand why you're so cold

For more infomation >> Maroon 5 - Cold ft Future (Continuum cover) - Duration: 4:12.


Snapshots vs. Novels: The Recruiter Diaries (Episode 6) - Duration: 2:12.

This week of the recruiter Diaries

I want to talk about snapshots vs novels.

When you look at your resume, how long is it?

Is it one page, two pages, 3, 4, 5?

I've even seen resumes up to seven pages long.

Now I want you to think, how much

attention are you going to give to

somebody? Or how much attention are they

going to give to your resume? If it's

more than two pages, I'm going to

recommend you you cut it down to just

what you need. A resume should be a

snapshot in time of where you've come from

and to who you are today. If you have to

explain it in a long-winded conversation

of seven pages,

typically most people are not going to

give you the time to read through it all.

They're going to jump from line to line

to line and not go over the context.

So keep it down to a snapshot. One to two

pages. And if they're going to print it

out, from maybe front-to-back, seven pages

you may lose page five and have no

relevance by the time they're done

looking at it. That's it for this week.

And by the way, this week is the last

week I'm going to talk about resumes for now.

Next week I'm going to move into job searches

and how to better search for a job. So if

you have questions or ideas let me know

put them in the comments or you can send

me a private message. We'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Snapshots vs. Novels: The Recruiter Diaries (Episode 6) - Duration: 2:12.


[RECIPE] how to make Shiba Inu Macaron(salt caramel cream) 柴犬 マカロン / EJ recipe - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> [RECIPE] how to make Shiba Inu Macaron(salt caramel cream) 柴犬 マカロン / EJ recipe - Duration: 6:21.


SingingTips// Which warm up you should do before on stage - Duration: 3:32.

What is the secret of your Warm up?

I will do


Is the nasal resonance

ok let's do it together

(Do together)

is there any particular thing we need to know?

no tension on your throat

This is practice resonate

So don't push your throat and body

doing this sound with a soft and easy way

Let your neck should be relaxed

I sing when you can tamper with such a thing?

Do not mess twisted neck

Then do it again

(Ng ~~)

mouth open or closed up?

The focus is nasal cavity

So you have more front resonance and lighter voice

Thank you Angela

The next one, Isabelle,

Hey ~

what is your warm up?

warm up ~ huh

I like to sing chinese opera

Peking opera! !

Peking opera? ? ? ?

(Iiiiiii ~~ ~~ aunt)

Ah ~ I was woke up too early today

I felt the sound is in the mask

Do not open your month

It is easy to become so wild

Singing can not open out parallel

Need to Vertical to project the sound out

The vowels is [I] right?

So we singing like peking opera. feel it and try

I put the index finger on my door teeth

(Ii ii ii ii ~~ ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~)

(i~ ~ ~ iii ~~~)

feel like ambulance

Well, today we have two teachers with us

share with us how they warm up their voice

Hope you guys learn and let me know how you feel

For more infomation >> SingingTips// Which warm up you should do before on stage - Duration: 3:32.


Korean citizens react to impeachment ruling - Duration: 2:05.

Korea's massive weekend demonstrations that made headlines around the world were all peaceful

rallies held by the members of the public disappointed at the corrupted President.

Much later, questionable, much smaller gatherings were held by aggressive protesters supporting

the embattled leader.

That very group is forcing the government to station station police and security guards

all across the capital.

Kim Hye-sung has the full story.

"After months of political wrangling and legal drama, the court voted unanimously to uphold

the impeachment motion against President Park Geun-hye.

Weekend protests have taken place for months here in Korea and, once again, this Friday,

thousands of people have come out to the streets around the Constitutional Court."

The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency has put its forces on high alert, deploying more than

20-thousand police officers and hundreds of buses across the capital city, with over four-thousand

stationed around the court alone.

At exit three of Anguk subway station, a group of young people welcomed the court's decision.

- "I've been attending the Saturday protests

for weeks.

Finally, President Park is impeached.

I'm so happy."

- "Today's ruling shows the difference between

right and wrong.

Justice has been done.

It shows that there's still hope and justice in Korea."

But just 100 meters away, thousands of Park's supporters, dressed up in military uniforms,

vented their anger about the impeachment decision.

In the afternoon, the protests turned violent, with some demonstrators hitting police officers

and climbing on buses, resulting in several injuries and at least two deaths.

Protesters vowed to hold another demonstration on Saturday.

With the ruling, Korea has opened a new chapter in its modern history.

Although the country is divided along generational and ideological lines, its citizens,... as

the court said in its ruling,... will have to find a way to move towards unity.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korean citizens react to impeachment ruling - Duration: 2:05.


[BLACK]▼シュウ、剣(つるぎ)でよろしくハチャトゥリアン (with English subtitles) - Duration: 17:21.

Say what you have to say.

You must have something to say to me, don't you?

Why are you playing innocent?

Or are you asking though you understand it?

Is this that kind of play?


That's it.

I don't care if you don't want to say it.


That part of you really annoys me.

Their face was so close to you.

They were about to kiss you.

Were you told they like you?

So what?

You don't mind whatever someone does to you, as long as your blood gets sucked. Right?

You're such a lech.

What's with that face?!

Don't get stuck-up.

You really want me to kill you.

Shut up.

You choose men…

You're as if a high-class prostitute, as usual.

I'm disgusted.

My nails are biting your thin neck.

I like this kind of thing.

It makes me turn on my sadism.

I may scrape your neck off together with your skin.

Are you okay with that?

Okay. I don't care.

I've heard that some people are aroused when being nearly suffocated.


I could break your neck now or I could bite and tear your neck while you shed blood and die.

Which one do you like?

What's wrong?

Is there anything you want to say?

Then there is some way to apologize to me, you know?

Shut up.

Pay the debt you had done.


It's cut.


What makes you say "stop it!"?


You're going to order me around?

Don't you feel any responsibility?

You're a terrible woman.

Will you atone with your blood?


Hold out your fair neck to me.

Hey, quit yacking and hold it out.

Stop screaming so loudly.

Let out a better voice if you do.

Now then.

Damn it.

I want blood…

… more than usual.

You're my food.

You just be quiet and hold out your blood… that's enough for me.

You're gradually looking good on your face.

You finally came to think about pain as pleasure?

You really are a pervert.


Let out your voice more.

I'll show you the moment when fear turns into pleasure.

Give it to me…

… more…

… more!

Devote your blood to me even to the last drop.

I won't let other guys touch your blood or your body.

You are...

... mine.


Are you resisting intentionally because you want to make me enjoy it?

You are no match for me if you struggle.


You're excited.

You're a lustful woman.

You're thrusted into your neck with my fangs and…

… you make your body so hot.

I see.

You feel it.

You're lascivious.

Your hips are swaying even though you're pretending that you're reluctant to do it.

You're lewd.

You're still inexperienced around here.

You like my tongue crawling here, don't you?

Why are you feeling it even though I'm only touching you a bit?

You're putting on sexual voice.

You're like a prostitute.

Are you tempting me by any chance?

"This isn't enough for me."

You can't be satisfied with only fingers.



You're honest.

Your face tells me you still want it.

Your eyes look lustful.

I wonder who taught you that.

You're way too sleazy.

You're really greedy for pleasure.


You came to say what you want it, despite your existence below livestock.

Are you in any position to say that even though you looked ecstatic like that on your face?

You always blame me, but you're ugly on the inside.

Indulge greedily feeling only pleasures of the flesh.

You sank in the sea of lust because you drowned yourself in me.

Be greedy for joy on instinct.

It's your doom.

It's good music.

Your cry is a masterpiece.

Let me listen to it more.

Such a good smell.

Your blood is giving off a scent through your skin.

Cry with your good timber as hard as you can...

... so much that your voice goes hoarse.

What the hell this is?!

Desire is striking me one after another.

I feel good.

I can't stop it.

Damn it!

If I keep it this way…


Not yet.

I love you.

Ah... shoot...

I really go out of tune.

What am I doing?

There's only one thing that I can't do for the life of me.

It's letting you go...

I can't do that after all.

Don't leave my sight.

I feel uneasy when you're not with me.


Give me your hand.

You're going to go somewhere aimlessly in a minute if I leave you alone.

I'll keep holding your hand like this.

It's something like a collar.


It's a matter of course to go easy on you because I don't want to hurt you.

What a masochist you are!

Even if all of this world came to an end...

... all I need is just you and me.

I won't let anyone else steal you from me anymore.

Don't let your guard down to men except me.

I won't forgive you if you're distracted by other guys.

I can no longer stop myself.

I love you so much…

… that I want to suck you…

… all up.

For more infomation >> [BLACK]▼シュウ、剣(つるぎ)でよろしくハチャトゥリアン (with English subtitles) - Duration: 17:21.


1b-1 b-My Fetish-Foot fetish - Duration: 3:45.

1b-1 b-My Fetish-Foot fetish

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