Review on the patch PESmakers path v.2.0 by Splendidis - Duration: 7:43.-------------------------------------------
Rangers v Motherwell Scottish Cup 4th round 21/1/17 2nd half - Duration: 58:23.-------------------------------------------
10 Adult Jokes Hidden In Popular Animated Movies - Duration: 7:35.When you watch an animated movie you usually expect to see some fun characters starring
in a colorful and usually kid-friendly world.
While it is true that all of the movies on our list were designed for kids, the filmmakers
definitely had some fun including some sneaky adult jokes for the more mature audience members
in the room to enjoy.
For this video we are taking a look at some of the more mature jokes hidden in your favorite
animated movies.
When you are done watching this video be sure to go check out the list our friends over
at CBR just put out highlighting some of the dirtiest jokes from animated kids flics.
For now, sit back, relax and enjoy our list of 10 Adult Jokes Hidden In Popular Animated
The Road To El Dorado The Road To El Dorado follows the epically
fun adventure of conquistadors Tulio and Miguel on their journey to El Dorado and all of the
trouble they get up to.
The movie is pretty innocent, except for one moment that presents potentially the most
dirty animated movie moment of all time.
In this dirty moment, we see that Tulio and Chel have been hooking up and because it is
a kids movie we assume that they were just kissing.
But, when you take a closer, more adult look, you can totally see that the two animated
stars were not just smooching as the placement of Chel�s head is a few feet lower down
from Tulio�s face.
The Incredibles This one actually comes from a deleted scene
where we see Syndrome in a discussion about the �S� on with Jack-Jack�s babysitter,
who he is of course trying to trick.
He claims that the S on his chest stands for �Sitter� and then he says that is is actually
short for �Babysitter� but that he couldn�t be walking around with a giant BS on his chest.
This is a joke that likely slipped by a lot of kids in the audiences but would have been
very clear to any adults present.
This is exactly the type of clever dirty joke that Disney loves to slip into their films
to keep adults in the room.
Osmosis Jones Osmosis Jones is a very cool animated movie
and if you haven�t seen it, we high recommended.
The film journeys inside the human body for an adventure like no other and the comedy
that comes from this premises definitely packs a punch.
While most of the jokes are designed for the whole family, there are definitely some moments
specifically geared towards more mature audience.
In one scene there is a statue marked �The Founder� and it is pretty clearly supposed
to be a sperm cell.
This joke, while somewhat dirty, is actually just mostly very clever and was likely appreciated
by any and all adults in the room.
Robots Back in 2005, 20th Century Fox put out a pretty
great animated movie called Robots that took audiences to a world of robots to tell their
The film is a lot of fun and all of the clever �Robert versions� of things from the human
world were definitely appreciated by fans.
One of these robot versions was more adult that all the others and that was �The Baby-Making
Kit� reference.
The movie suggests that baby robots are made from kits, but the adult moment comes when
the female robot says to her husband that the fun part is making the baby.
This is a very funny double entendre because while people think of sex, the screen shows
the innocent �make your own baby� kit.
Ice Age Although it is actually made by Fox, the Ice
Age movie franchise has given us some pretty amazing stories and unforgettable characters.
The prehistoric films have also delivered their fair share of sneaky adult jokes and
just like a lot of famous Disney movies, they made sure to include a joke about penis size.
In the original 2002 Ice Age movie Manny is talking to a crowd and exclaims: "If my trunk
was that small, I wouldn't call attention to myself, pal."
In this particularly mature moment, Manny is pretty clearly substituting �trunk�
for another similarly shaped male body part.
Ice Age may be for kids, but this moment definitely is not!
Madagascar In Madagascar, we get to meet some of the
most hilarious animated animals of all time and although they seem to be very smart and
mature, they keep most of their jokes very PG.
However, there is a very sneaky adult moment from the original film that we are guessing
only adults caught on to.
This joke comes when Alex the Lion and Marty the Zebra reunite on the beach.
Marty realizes that Alex is angry and he turns around to react but instead of actually swearing
he says, "Oh, sugar, honey, iced tea".
Adult viewers will pretty easily realizing what the first letter of all those words spell
This is a very fun and creative way of slipping some swearing into a kid�s movie.
Bambi Bambi is a Disney classic and it�s probably
best remembered for the heartbreaking scene where we have to watch Bambi�s mother die.
While audiences were busy wiping their tears away, they may have missed the very funny
adult joke that the filmmakers slipped into the film.
In a moment when the two skunks finally kiss, the male skunk stiffens all the way up and
starts to turn red.
This hardening is clearly a dirty reference to what happens to the male anatomy when it
is aroused.
This moment was probably just funny for kids but we are guessing that adults were probably
taken aback by this mature joke.
Beauty and The Beast In the original animated version of Beauty
and The Beast, Gaston is a total jerk and we are guessing that the upcoming live action
adaptation will deliver a very similar character as well.
We have to wonder, though, if they will also keep the weirdly adult moment that Gaston
shared with the audience when he explained that he�s never even heard of shaving his
chest� or anything else.
In the animated film Gaston says �every last inch of me�s covered with hair� which
could sound harmless if it wasn�t for the super creepy wink that he adds in at the end
of this sentence.
We have to hope that Luke Evans will not be saying this bizarre line in the 2017 film.
Toy Story 3 When Mr. Potato Head says �Hey, nobody takes
my wife�s mouth but me.� This is actually probably one of the dirtiest and most clever
adult Disney joke of all time as it is extremely clear to adults but would likely go right
over the head of any and all kids.
This moment is also a very funny double entendre that plays off the running joke of the Potato
Head characters constantly losing their body parts.
We have to think that the writers that came up with this gaffe were probably very proud
of it and were likely giggling as they presented it
to the producers.
Shrek Near the beginning of the classic animated
film Shrek, the titular green ogre and his side kick donkey are walking into the castle
of Duloc to file some complaints, when out of nowhere Shrek drops one of the best adult
jokes of all time.
While the tow characters marvel at the absolutely enormous castle, Shrek suggests to Donkey
that Lord Farquaad may be compensating for something.
While kids probably didn�t understand this at all or maybe thought that Shrek was talking
about Farquaad height, mature audiences would have pretty easily understood this as the
small penis joke that it was intended to be.
This joke is great and if you want to see some even dirtier jokes from Shrek make sure
you go check out the awesome video that our friends over at CBR just put out all about
dirty jokes hidden in kids movies.
While you are over there, make sure you subscribe to their channel and let them know that the
good folks over at Screen Rant sent you!
And that brings us to the end of our list of 10 adult jokes hidden in popular animated
Which one of the mature jokes did you like best?
What other dirty moments do you know about?
Let us know and don�t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant for more fun videos � like
this one!
10 Dirty Jokes From Animated Movies You Missed As A Kid - Duration: 6:36.Animated movie are for kids, right?
Well, if 2016's Sausage Party taught us anything, that's definitely not always the
But, it turns out animated movies don't have to be that outwardly raunchy to still
deliver some very dirty jokes.
For this video we are taking a look at some dirty jokes from animated movies that probably
slipped past you as a youngster.
We'd like to thank Screen Rant for their help on this video and if you're new to
CBR make sure you click that subscribe button to stay up to do on all our new videos!
Without further a due, here are 10 Dirty Jokes From Animated Movies You Missed As A Kid.
The Brave Little Toaster The Brave Little Toaster is a very underappreciated
animated kids movie that tells a very fun adventure story while bringing many different
household items to life.
Unfortunately, the personification goes a little too far in one scene where a computer
basically has an orgasm on camera.
The machine gets very excited that his memory banks are being "stroked" by a professional
and starts to freak out with pleasure.
The scene continues to escalate and the computer starts to say how good it all feels.
Things get really out of hand when the computer says he can't take it any longer and then
proceeds to print out some white papers as a form of release.
Shooting out white stuff as a way of releasing pleasure isn't exactly the most subtle metaphor
we have ever seen…
Frozen Fans of 2013's Frozen are eagerly awaiting
the movies sequel that surprisingly still has no release date announced.
We can understand why people are hungry for more as the first movie delivered a fantastic
story, hilarious characters and some undeniably catchy tunes.
As it is a Disney movie, Frozen also made sure to sneak in some moment to please the
adults in the room and some of them were dirtier than others.
In a scene between Anna and Kristoff, the two characters are discussing foot size and
Kristoff seems to be insecure about his own.
Anna, the sweet princess that she is, responds by saying "foot size doesn't matter".
Any adult watching will instantly realize that this is a thinly veiled joke about penis
The Incredibles 2004's The Incredibles sequel, Incredibles
2, is set to come to the public in summer of 2018 and we are guessing that lots of fans
will be re-watching the first film before checking out the long awaited second installment.
As it will have been 14 years, we are guessing that a lot of the fans are now adults and
we are sure that they will be able to pick up on the more mature jokes hidden in this
animated superhero film.
There's one mature moment that is dirtier than all others and it comes in the first
encounter between Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl.
Their meeting starts with witty banter, but it quickly evolves into a more sexually charged
conversation that is capped off by a very suggestive line about what Elastigirl can
do with her flexibility.
Cars 2 Cars 3 is set to come out at the start of
summer 2017 and we are really hoping that it is better than the first vehicular sequel,
Cars 2.
While, that may have not been anywhere near as good as the original movie, it did give
the world one of the sneakiest and most risqué dirty Disney jokes of all time.
In one secretly mature scene from the film, the cars are all gathered having a party.
That's all fine and dandy until you realize that they are having a lemon party.
If you aren't sure what that means why that is included on our list of dirty jokes, that's
probably for the best as Lemon Party is one thing you will definitely regret Googling.
A Bug's Life If you are too young to remember A Bug's
Life, we strong recommend that you go and check it out as it is one of the best animated
movies ever made.
Along with creative storytelling and some hilarious characters, the movie also showcases
Pixar's famous talent for sneaking adult jokes into their flics.
In a scene from the movie, the bug world has gathered to watch some female bugs perform
on stage.
As a clear reference to how gross men can be when they cat-call women, the movie has
one of the grossest looking bugs yell out "Hey cutie, wanna pollinate with a real
Pollinate, of course, means to fertilize, so any adult watching this scene could pretty
easily decode what the nasty bug was really saying.
Peter Pan Peter Pan is a classic Disney movie and has
sparked many different spinoffs and adaptations.
The story is great and the movie is very innocent…for the most part.
As it turns out that the movie actually featured a pretty dirty adult moment that you definitely
had to be grown up to catch.
Near the beginning of the film, Peter is dancing around the kids' room and at one point he
is dancing with his shadow on the wall.
Well, if you pause the movie at right time you can see that his shadow has his…well
for lack of a better word…"peter" hanging out.
It's a very quick moment that we're guessing went right past most kids, but we have to
think that it totally shocked any adults who happened to catch it.
Zootopia Zootopia is now officially an Academy Awarding
winning film and with good reason as it truly presents a meaningful story, some incredible
world building and just a an overall great movie for the whole family to enjoy.
While kids loved all the fun animals, we are guessing that the adults in the room definitely
appreciated all the cleverly placed adult messages and jokes.
One of the best ones comes from a scene between Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde and when Hopps makes
a joke about how bunnies are great at multiplication, adults in the room can clearly pick up the
reference to the old adage about people "getting busy like bunnies".
This is a great example of a joke that sounds like nothing to kids but likely made mature
audiences laugh.
The Road To El Dorado The Road to El Dorado is a criminally under
watched kids movie and with talks a remake circling around we hope that more people go
and check out the original flick.
El Dorado presents a very fun story and they also made sure to slip in some pretty dirty
jokes for older audiences to enjoy.
For example, there is a moment when Chel gives back the set of dice to Miguel and Tulio.
The explorers pause for a second and then Miguel asks "Where was she keeping them?."
This line likely flew right past kids but adults who notice that she is barely wearing
anything will likely understand the implication that the dice may have been hidden somewhere
The Rescuers Back in 1999, Disney actually had to recall
the home video version of their 1977 animated feature The Rescuers because it contained
an "objectionable background image."
The image in question was one, which appeared in a scene approximately 38 minutes into the
While rodent heroes Bianca and Bernard were flying through the city in a sardine box,
the background actually showed a photographic image of a topless woman in two different
non-consecutive frames.
The story behind this R-rated slip up was never really released and the film was re-edited
and re-distributed and we are guessing that Disney is hoping that this story just goes
Shrek While Shrek claims to be a kid's movie,
the satirical humor is so strong and the adult references are so plentiful that we have to
think that DreamWorks truly made this film for all ages.
When Shrek and Donkey first show up to the castle they encounter some seeing singing
dolls at a kiosk.
The dolls sing the following line: "Keep your feet off the grass/ Shine your shoes, wipe
your... feet".
We are guessing that all of the adults watching this scene definitely thought that the dolls
were going to say something other than "feet" and rhyming with "grass".
This dirty joke is so sneaky that the movie didn't even have to say the word, they just
made the audiences members think of it themselves, bravo!
So there you have it folks, there is our list of 10 Dirty Jokes from animated movies that
totally slipped past you as a kid!
Which one of these shocked you the most?
Let us know in the comments section down below and a big thank you to Screen Rant who helped
us out with this video.
If you are new here because Screen Rant sent you, make sure to click the subscribe button
to join the CBR nation!
Thanks for watching ☺
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands - Death in the Dark - Trophy/Achievement (CZ) - Duration: 1:25.Your task to get this reward is
Made a close-combat kill at night.
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I will be very glad if you start subscribing to the channel.
This will support me in translation trophies, achievements and turning these video tutorials.
If you can not get the reward, let me know in the comments. I will gladly help you.
If you guide a little help, or have already earned a reward, surely leave a LIKE!
I wish you luck, to gain additional rewards!
Quem se apaixonou primeiro? (com legenda) | Sou Estrangeira - Duration: 18:04.-------------------------------------------
Old Man Chuck Norris Facts - @midnight with Chris Hardwick - Duration: 1:41.Are you guys ready to get kicked
in the emotions?
Well, tomorrow is the 77th
birthday of possibly the best
known Christian Republican
martial arts-turned Internet
meme, Charles Norris.
>> Ooh.
>> HARDWICK: Uh, sometimes know
as Chuck.
(applause and cheering)
There he is.
These days, Chuck-- seen here
deciding which audience member
to punch through the screen--
spends his days relaxing on his
Lone Wolf Ranch and selling his
new brand of bottled water--
That's a real thing.
Chuck makes his own water by
punching clouds and making
nature cry.
(applause and cheering)
I got to believe "CFORCE" was
also his Wu-Tang name.
Right? That feels like that's
probably a thing.
Let's see.
Which one is he?
Oh, there he is.
>> He's in the middle.
>> HARDWICK: Now to us, Chuck
will always be the Internet's
ultimate badass, with Chuck
Norris facts detailing how Chuck
Norris once beat a wall at
tennis, and "Chuck Norris can
strangle you with a cordless
But at 77, Chuck is well into
Old Man Logan territory.
So, comedians, I would like you
to give me an Old Man Chuck
Norris fact.
Anyone can buzz in.
Matt Braunger.
>> Chuck Norris lowers his
cholesterol... to the ground by
punching it in the face!
>> HARDWICK: Yeah. Very good.
(applause and cheering)
Nick Simmons.
>> When he pees, it burns...
through the center of the earth.
>> HARDWICK: Yes, points.
(applause and cheering)
Very good.
>> Yeah, Chuck Norris's balls
don't get lower as he ages.
They get higher.
They're currently under his
(applause and cheering)
He can tea-bag himself.
Scientists Use Salmon Guts to Study Bears | Destination WILD - Duration: 3:20.NARRATOR: A container full of salmon guts.
This is wonderful stuff.
NARRATOR: The wind carries this distinctive perfume deep
into the forest.
Now the bait is set.
Chris lines the area with barbed wire
and switches on some remote cameras.
Time to make a hasty retreat.
Grizzly bears just love smelly fish.
But it's not the bear that Chris is trying to trap.
All he needs is a single hair.
Barbed wire does the trick and doesn't
seem to bother the bear at all.
And this bear certainly seems to love the scent of salmon.
It doesn't take long before a whole mob moves in for a taste.
Now that the coast is clear, Chris collects the hair.
This single grizzly bear hair contains a record of what
the bear has been eating.
By analyzing it, Chris discovers that 80%
of the nitrogen in the bear's hair
is a form that's mostly found in the ocean.
The biggest transporter of this oceanic nitrogen
could only be the salmon.
The results from the bear's hair suggest that the bears
eat almost nothing else.
Yet they only eat the salmon for a few weeks a year.
This is odd.
Now it's spring.
They're only eating berries and grass.
There isn't a salmon in sight.
They're getting the rest of their oceanic nitrogen
from plants.
The source of the plants' oceanic nitrogen
is those salmon carcasses that were dumped during the autumn.
As the salmon decomposes, its nitrogen
enters the wood-wide web.
Bora Bora.
You can spend tens of thousands per night for an exotic, expensive vacation.
But if you're really wanting to spend serious money on a getaway,
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Staying in a Hospital without Health Insurance starts at an average of $10,000 per night.
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A fried chicken patty.
Vanilla wafers.
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Your $10,000 dollars per night will get you a your own private room.
Not always.
And you'll probably be sharing a bathroom with a sick person you've never met.
Hope that's cool.
If not, just go in the bed.
If family or loved ones want to come along, they'll be pampered too.
Your $10,000 dollars per night will get them one semi-comfortable chair.
Where they can sleep sitting up, with their shoes on, until their back hurts.
Your hospital room comes with the finest of toiletries.
Like this $1,000 toothbrush.
And this $629 dollar Band-Aid.
Your $10,000 dollar per night also covers your wardrobe.
Like this stupid lookin' Mumu that doesn't even cover your butt.
Catching a staph infection.
Anything's possible for just $10,000 dollars per night when you stay
at a Hospital Without Health Insurance.
A Hospital Without Health Insurance.
A ten-star price for a one-star experience.
Alhumdulillah! 10,000 - Duration: 0:57.Assalamu alaikum
I just wanted to share with you
Alhumdulillah we just hit 10,000
subscribers and something very very
interesting to learn from this actually
is that in the last year or so however
long Muslim Mastery's been around
it's taken us a long time to get to 5000 subscribers
but what's happened is
we hit that 5,000 in November
Since then, it's only been four months we've doubled it!
And this is a great lesson for momentum
That once you get moving the hardest part is
actually the first part!
Once you get over that initial bump to take action
the results just come bigger and faster and better
So jazakAllah khair for subscribing
JazakAllah khair for sharing it
and really helping us to do our work
We hope to bring you lots more inshaAllah!
Clash at Demonhead: Black Sheep • Lyrics & Letra (Blu-ray Bonus Clip) - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Former FBI Director 'Shoot Hillary Clinton By Firing Squad For Treason' - Duration: 2:31.Former FBI Director �Shoot Hillary Clinton By Firing Squad For Treason�
by Baxter Dmitry in News,
A former FBI assistant director who served during Bill Clinton�s presidency said Hillary
Clinton should be �shot by firing squad for treason.�
James Kallstrom, known for leading the 1996 investigation into the explosion of TWA flight
800, also said people would have to be �deaf, dumb and blind� not to see that Clinton
is guilty as sin and is being protected by the Deep State from an investigation or indictment.
In an interview with Fox News, Kallstrom said that current FBI agents are �furious�
at how higher-ups in the federal agency and Justice Department �stonewalled� requests
to open up a serious probe into an alleged pay-to-play scheme between the Clinton Foundation
and State Department.
Asked if he thought the Hillary Clinton was being protected by shady Deep State operatives,
Kallstrom said:
�You�d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to see that.
Of course that�s what�s happening.
I mean just look at what�s in the public domain.
I mean, look at the stuff that they left on the table.
Top secret codeword documents,� Kallstrom responded.
�You know back in the old days you got shot by a firing squad for that stuff.
And even today, you should go to Leavenworth for 20, 30 years, that�s what happens.�
�They left on the table, you know, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence,� Kallstrom
�I mean, clearly, Congress gives them a letter, subpoena.
What do they do two weeks later?
They destroy it all.�
Kallstrom said he has spoken with hundreds of former and current agents who are �very,
very frustrated� because �they see the whole due process thing going down the tubes�
when justice should be served.
�All crops grow from little things, right?
The notion that the FBI would have everything at once � of course they don�t have everything
at once.
Of course the agents have probable cause to look further.
That�s how the investigations happen,� Kallstrom said.
31 minutos - Minilolas - Minilolas - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
Ghost in the Shell-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Airco,Elec Pakket,Automaat,Half leder,Lmv!!! - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
10 Adult Jokes Hidden In Popular Animated Movies - Duration: 7:35.When you watch an animated movie you usually expect to see some fun characters starring
in a colorful and usually kid-friendly world.
While it is true that all of the movies on our list were designed for kids, the filmmakers
definitely had some fun including some sneaky adult jokes for the more mature audience members
in the room to enjoy.
For this video we are taking a look at some of the more mature jokes hidden in your favorite
animated movies.
When you are done watching this video be sure to go check out the list our friends over
at CBR just put out highlighting some of the dirtiest jokes from animated kids flics.
For now, sit back, relax and enjoy our list of 10 Adult Jokes Hidden In Popular Animated
The Road To El Dorado The Road To El Dorado follows the epically
fun adventure of conquistadors Tulio and Miguel on their journey to El Dorado and all of the
trouble they get up to.
The movie is pretty innocent, except for one moment that presents potentially the most
dirty animated movie moment of all time.
In this dirty moment, we see that Tulio and Chel have been hooking up and because it is
a kids movie we assume that they were just kissing.
But, when you take a closer, more adult look, you can totally see that the two animated
stars were not just smooching as the placement of Chel�s head is a few feet lower down
from Tulio�s face.
The Incredibles This one actually comes from a deleted scene
where we see Syndrome in a discussion about the �S� on with Jack-Jack�s babysitter,
who he is of course trying to trick.
He claims that the S on his chest stands for �Sitter� and then he says that is is actually
short for �Babysitter� but that he couldn�t be walking around with a giant BS on his chest.
This is a joke that likely slipped by a lot of kids in the audiences but would have been
very clear to any adults present.
This is exactly the type of clever dirty joke that Disney loves to slip into their films
to keep adults in the room.
Osmosis Jones Osmosis Jones is a very cool animated movie
and if you haven�t seen it, we high recommended.
The film journeys inside the human body for an adventure like no other and the comedy
that comes from this premises definitely packs a punch.
While most of the jokes are designed for the whole family, there are definitely some moments
specifically geared towards more mature audience.
In one scene there is a statue marked �The Founder� and it is pretty clearly supposed
to be a sperm cell.
This joke, while somewhat dirty, is actually just mostly very clever and was likely appreciated
by any and all adults in the room.
Robots Back in 2005, 20th Century Fox put out a pretty
great animated movie called Robots that took audiences to a world of robots to tell their
The film is a lot of fun and all of the clever �Robert versions� of things from the human
world were definitely appreciated by fans.
One of these robot versions was more adult that all the others and that was �The Baby-Making
Kit� reference.
The movie suggests that baby robots are made from kits, but the adult moment comes when
the female robot says to her husband that the fun part is making the baby.
This is a very funny double entendre because while people think of sex, the screen shows
the innocent �make your own baby� kit.
Ice Age Although it is actually made by Fox, the Ice
Age movie franchise has given us some pretty amazing stories and unforgettable characters.
The prehistoric films have also delivered their fair share of sneaky adult jokes and
just like a lot of famous Disney movies, they made sure to include a joke about penis size.
In the original 2002 Ice Age movie Manny is talking to a crowd and exclaims: "If my trunk
was that small, I wouldn't call attention to myself, pal."
In this particularly mature moment, Manny is pretty clearly substituting �trunk�
for another similarly shaped male body part.
Ice Age may be for kids, but this moment definitely is not!
Madagascar In Madagascar, we get to meet some of the
most hilarious animated animals of all time and although they seem to be very smart and
mature, they keep most of their jokes very PG.
However, there is a very sneaky adult moment from the original film that we are guessing
only adults caught on to.
This joke comes when Alex the Lion and Marty the Zebra reunite on the beach.
Marty realizes that Alex is angry and he turns around to react but instead of actually swearing
he says, "Oh, sugar, honey, iced tea".
Adult viewers will pretty easily realizing what the first letter of all those words spell
This is a very fun and creative way of slipping some swearing into a kid�s movie.
Bambi Bambi is a Disney classic and it�s probably
best remembered for the heartbreaking scene where we have to watch Bambi�s mother die.
While audiences were busy wiping their tears away, they may have missed the very funny
adult joke that the filmmakers slipped into the film.
In a moment when the two skunks finally kiss, the male skunk stiffens all the way up and
starts to turn red.
This hardening is clearly a dirty reference to what happens to the male anatomy when it
is aroused.
This moment was probably just funny for kids but we are guessing that adults were probably
taken aback by this mature joke.
Beauty and The Beast In the original animated version of Beauty
and The Beast, Gaston is a total jerk and we are guessing that the upcoming live action
adaptation will deliver a very similar character as well.
We have to wonder, though, if they will also keep the weirdly adult moment that Gaston
shared with the audience when he explained that he�s never even heard of shaving his
chest� or anything else.
In the animated film Gaston says �every last inch of me�s covered with hair� which
could sound harmless if it wasn�t for the super creepy wink that he adds in at the end
of this sentence.
We have to hope that Luke Evans will not be saying this bizarre line in the 2017 film.
Toy Story 3 When Mr. Potato Head says �Hey, nobody takes
my wife�s mouth but me.� This is actually probably one of the dirtiest and most clever
adult Disney joke of all time as it is extremely clear to adults but would likely go right
over the head of any and all kids.
This moment is also a very funny double entendre that plays off the running joke of the Potato
Head characters constantly losing their body parts.
We have to think that the writers that came up with this gaffe were probably very proud
of it and were likely giggling as they presented it
to the producers.
Shrek Near the beginning of the classic animated
film Shrek, the titular green ogre and his side kick donkey are walking into the castle
of Duloc to file some complaints, when out of nowhere Shrek drops one of the best adult
jokes of all time.
While the tow characters marvel at the absolutely enormous castle, Shrek suggests to Donkey
that Lord Farquaad may be compensating for something.
While kids probably didn�t understand this at all or maybe thought that Shrek was talking
about Farquaad height, mature audiences would have pretty easily understood this as the
small penis joke that it was intended to be.
This joke is great and if you want to see some even dirtier jokes from Shrek make sure
you go check out the awesome video that our friends over at CBR just put out all about
dirty jokes hidden in kids movies.
While you are over there, make sure you subscribe to their channel and let them know that the
good folks over at Screen Rant sent you!
And that brings us to the end of our list of 10 adult jokes hidden in popular animated
Which one of the mature jokes did you like best?
What other dirty moments do you know about?
Let us know and don�t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant for more fun videos � like
this one!
VW Golf - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Skoda Yeti - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
VW Touareg - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
"Power Rangers" Movie-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> "Power Rangers" Movie-------------------------------------------
Citroën Jumpy 12 1.6 HDI L2 H1 - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy 12 1.6 HDI L2 H1 - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 VTi Feel - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 VTi Feel - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.0-12V Ambiance Airco/c.deurv. met afst.bed. - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V Ambiance Airco/c.deurv. met afst.bed. - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.0 Feel ( Airco - Bluetooth ) - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 Feel ( Airco - Bluetooth ) - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 THP Intensive ( trekhaak - navigatie - 17'' lichtmetalen velgen ) . - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 THP Intensive ( trekhaak - navigatie - 17'' lichtmetalen velgen ) . - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 (DW8) - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 (DW8) - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Selection - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Selection - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C3 Picasso 1.6 VTi Exclusief Airco/Cruise Control/Dakrails/Lmv - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Picasso 1.6 VTi Exclusief Airco/Cruise Control/Dakrails/Lmv - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Berlingo 1.6 HDI 500 Club Ec. Cruise Control/Elek. Ramen voor - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6 HDI 500 Club Ec. Cruise Control/Elek. Ramen voor - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Citroën DS3 1.2 PURETECH 82 SO CHIC AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.2 PURETECH 82 SO CHIC AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Grand C4 Picasso NAVIGATIE EUROPA TREKH PANORUIT!! - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso NAVIGATIE EUROPA TREKH PANORUIT!! - Duration: 0:47.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Saxo 1.6I SX Automaat Stuurbekrachtiging Open dak 88dkm Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Saxo 1.6I SX Automaat Stuurbekrachtiging Open dak 88dkm Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C3 1.4i Ligne Ambiance 22957KM 1e eig.! AIRCO - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4i Ligne Ambiance 22957KM 1e eig.! AIRCO - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C3 1.2 VTi Collection | LM | Clima | Afn trekhaak | PDC | Cruise - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.2 VTi Collection | LM | Clima | Afn trekhaak | PDC | Cruise - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Citroën DS3 1.6 So Chic 120 pk + Clima + Two-tone lak + 17'' - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 So Chic 120 pk + Clima + Two-tone lak + 17'' - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK 5D FEEL - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK 5D FEEL - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D FEEL - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D FEEL - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Ghost in the Shell-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 400 CDI, Grijs kenteken, Marge !! - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
1000 Sleepless Dreams - Natalia's Diary #1 - Duration: 1:33.The urge of happiness means dissatisfaction
with what is happening now.
Thus, accepting it is the key.
Observation. Silence.
Writing helps me not to cry.
Every thought, every word affects everything
that happened even split of a second ago.
Why are they appearing?
I want them to stay silent…
Words distract the attention
and help me focus.
Life doesn't.
Or maybe it's me that can't let myself to do so.
I'm scared.
I'm scared of the unknown,
but at the same time
I want to get rid of what I know.
That must be some kind of test.
211 - Twist Out w/Mane Choice 3-in-1 Conditioner Only 4b/4c Natural Hair - Duration: 5:08.Hey YouTube!
Wanted to come and show y'all what I have done.
My hair is just in twists right now and I've watched a few videos and been on Instagram
and saw that people are using this This Mane Choice 3-in-1 Conditioner as a styler.
So what I did is um, my hair was shampooed and conditioned and then I stretched it.
So the way that you can stretch your hair is that after you shampoo and condition your
hair and it's pretty dry - more dry than damp; you detangle it and then you can band the
hair or you can braid the hair and then you just sleep in those big plaits overnight and
then you wake up and your hair is stretched.
You can also stretch your hair by just - after you shampoo and condition, put a heat protectant
on you can blow dry your hair.
Um, that's another way.
So, we about to see if what they are saying is true (Laughing).
Only the Mane Choice 3-in-1 conditioner so...anyway, let me take it a loose.
Well, here it is.
It gives it a soft kind of a hold, which I love because I love fluffy hair.
Y'all know that.
Y'all know I love frizz so...
I love volume in my hair because my hair is so fine textured.
Um, this may work for me.
I've never used conditioner as a styler.
I just never have.
I've never thought about using a conditioner as a styler.
But look at that.
That's real pretty y'all.
oh, look.
Look how pretty this is.
Yeah, it's coming out nice.
Alright, well, it is coming out with some nice definition so I'm going to take it out
and I'll be back.
Alright, so here it is with the twists all taken out.
This is so pretty.
It's nice.
So, with each twist, you can now spread it out and kinda finger spread it out like that.
And when I spread mine - on styles like this, whenever I spread mine, I spread all the way
but at the end, I do not spread it.
I kinda let it stay as is to kinda keep it in place.
Spread it like this, all the way and then at the end, I don't spread it at all.
So, let me go ahead and continue spreading this.
This is giving me some great definition.
I'm very surprised that conditioner only does this.
Now I live in Texas so (laughs), the humidity is ridiculous.
And for you people who have um, thick hair, if you use something like this, I'm sure that
your hair will probably be like POOF!
Alright, I am back and I am done fluffing this and this is ridiculous!
You know what's ridiculous?
This definition with just conditioner.
What is going on here?
What is the Mane Choice doing?
Um, um, um... um, um um...
Y'all look at this.
I'm shocked.
Mane Choice are you serious?
Are you really making products that co-wash, leave-in, detangle and style?
Really girl?
I am very please with this product because my hair strands are so fine that it takes
a lot of fluffing for me to get volume like this.
I never thought about using a conditioner as a styler.
I like this.
I like this, I like this.
So, y'all go out and buy this 3-in-1.
Go out and buy this 3-in-1.
Try it.
I have actually um, I have actually used this as a co-wash and a leave-in and I have loved it.
I've never used it as a styler.
Can you imagine if it was small twists how much more volume I would get.
But anyway, I'm happy.
I'm going to leave this alone but I wanted to come and show y'all how it turned out,
which is ridiculous!
Alright, that's it.
<Music Playing>
Dial M For Murder (Alfred Hitchcock) --- Movie Review #JPMN - Duration: 3:09.How fast can you spin a lie?
This film-noir crime thriller from acclaimed auteur Alfred Hitchcock was the first of two
high-profile releases for the director in 1954.
The PG-rated film grossed over four times its modest $1.4 million dollar budget.
Based on Frederick Knott's successful stage play, an ex-tennis pro in London attempts
to have his adulterous wife killed... but when his elaborate plot doesn't go according
to plan, he's forced to improvise.
Ray Milland stars as the scheming and scored husband, who invites an old college friend,
Anthony Dawson, to his flat under false pretenses.
With a dispassionate demeanor and unchanging inflection, he lays out a long yarn about
his wife's extra martial affairs.
Throughout this compelling monologue, the camera remains fixed on him as he moves about
the one-room set.
But as soon as he declares his intention to have his wife killed, the scene abruptly cuts
back to his guests' shocked reaction.
With these telling glances, and careful blocking to illustrate which player is the dominant
speaker - this entire scene is simple stagecraft, in its purest form.
You can't help but listen intently as both actors effortlessly voice their ideas and
hesitations concerning the titular plot.
For nearly thirty minutes, "Dial M For Murder" is nothing more than two guys politely conversing
in a garden-level apartment; but it's incredible how dramatic and tense this sequence is.
The impeccably gorgeous Grace Kelley portrays the cheating wife, with Robert Cummings and
John Williams playing her lover and police inspector, respectively.
Given the geographical confines of the story, and the limited set of players - each actor
pulls off the verbose script with determined performances.
When discussing the intricacies of a hypothetical murder for one of his detective novels, Cummings
inadvertently previews the entire film when he remarks.
"In stories things usually turn out the way the author wants them to; and in real life
they don't...
The one-hour and forty-five minute feature is ultimately a story about how even the most
well-crafted and carefully constructed lies can unravel with the smallest of details.
Which happens to include several major developments that rely on separate people owning identical
looking loose keys and raincoats.
A convenient, if improbable storytelling device.
During the more dramatic moments, Dimitri Tiomkin's score utilizes slow and deep notes
for a moody and unsettling atmosphere.
For those looking for slightly more excitement though, a modern remake starring Michael Douglas
and Gwyneth Paltrow titled, "A Perfect Murder" is pretty entertaining as well.
But for old-fashioned drama, "Dial M For Murder" is a quintessential stage thriller with that'll
keep you on edge - and an AWESOME movie.
That does it for this quick excerpt - but if you'd like to watch full episodes of "Movie
Night", and submit your own reviews to be included on the show, please visit the Jogwheel
YouTube channel.
My name is Jonathan Paula, thanks for watching and have a good Movie Night!
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