hey everybody welcome to my Channel
today I'm going to be doing a plan of me
and my recollections which I don't
remember if i've done one yet
I don't use this planet too often
because I really use it just to write
down steps that he planned on doing in
youtube I bought it more to try out and
when I originally bought this in my erin
condren I got the colorful watercolor
ones and since then I've changed my like
to the neutral so my main planners my
erin condren neutral but I figured this
would be a fun one to do here this is i
do use it i just don't do like plan with
me in it but i'm going to be recording
i'm going to be planning this week a
week of st. Patrick's Day girl contacted
me on Facebook were in a similar group
and we're just we got to talking and she
was like so sweet because I helped her
out with a couple things and because I'm
also a photographer and so I try to help
out some of the girls with shops then
and was like product photography and
I've helped a few girls and just giving
them some tips and I helped her and she
sent me this is a thank-you so i got
this yesterday and i have to tell you I
was like the immediate thing that I
thought when I open this I have to up my
sticker game because of her packaging i
honestly didn't even care about the
stickers for like 10 minutes
I there's like glitter in here she put
these in here which I mean this is cute
this is just a simple little touch that
makes you feel extra special so I love
this and so I'm going to be linking her
info below
she's the sweetest girl she really is
your name is Tristan powers and she's
got powers crafts house and she even
left this little personalized note tied
onto it with this so that was absolutely
adorable and so i'm going to show you
everything that came with it
I haven't even I mean I looked at her
shop and I'd already favorite her shop
but i haven't ordered from her yet so
this is really the most i've seen of her
stuff so there's a lot of pages here so
i got the glitter headers and like i
said i don't i'm not extremely familiar
with her kids and so I don't know if
this is
like a freebie or if this comes with it
or whatnot so there's the glitter
headers i don't know how many you get
123456789 10 11
there's like 11 on here of each color so
there's definitely more than enough here
so we'll go through these pages the
first one we have which I really love
this and this is something i think i
doing myself is the sidebars like making
them longer so you can just go ahead and
drop them in here and you don't have to
build as much of a sidebar you get so
many stickers i could probably pull out
more than a couple of weeks in one of
these and almost doing a white space
spread with this kit so you have date
covers here habit trackers this cute
little thankful thought which i think
would go up here i love this LOL that's
long and there's plenty of room to write
because i tend to run out of room she
added some deco in here with all the
extra space and she numbers her pages to
which is really super helpful and I
think there's a total of nine pages and
i'm not even going in order
I'm here's the deco page which let's
talk about a lovely this is she puts
these together very very well and you
have this huge mermaid here and this
huge sea horse and then I just loved how
she put everything together
this is probably one of my favorite
pages because if you follow me you know
how much I love half boxes and labels
because I don't do a lot of no
whitespace planning i tend to I sorry
that was a little bright and was kind of
washing out the picture there that's a
little bit better hopefully ok so I
don't do a lot of white space planning
but look at the flags and i love that
this is a light enough color palette or
i could turn these into checklists and
drawing like little hearts or whatnot
here's the washi page which is amazing i
love that you get these little strips of
washi because i will definitely use
these and then you get two different
sizes of washi i love that the kids that
get I'm trying to convert to this format
I'm just having trouble like you know
getting it to look correct on my end
with the cutting but adding nine boxes
on a page just to squeeze out more
stickers for you guys to give you guys
the more bang for your buck
she does that I really appreciate shops
that do that I think it's a great thing
to do she even squeeze in some extra
flags down here at the bottom and she
does the same thing with her ombre heart
check boxes and i love that the variety
and here you get a couple of pattern
ones which I tend to take these up like
I'll slice them up and use them as like
backgrounds for labels and she doesn't
see me do that before and i love that
there's a couple of ones with like
bigger cliparts on them and then one
with some wording it says I'm done
insulting let's be mermaids which is so
cute and then I really love this one
right here this one is super pretty and
then of course these with the extra
flags on the bottom this page holy cow
there visiting enough checklist on here
to last forever and she doesn't things
different than a lot of shops do and i'm
going to show you more than a minute her
icons match the kit if you see that her
credit cards and her shoes
there's the patterns in here that match
the kit which I've never seen that
which would be super cute but she
includes like razors and like the croc
pods so I'm I like that she had a little
bit of variety in here and these little
hearts and then look at all the flags
right here i love these are probably my
favorite things to use and then she adds
some hearts so I'm talking too much
about this kit there's so much to look
here's tons of headers and some more
like little tiny boxes and some bait
covers and some little date dot so you
can take these and you can add these
into your date covers right here and so
you get today to do notes and then all
the extras errands this week bills
remember clean by goals next week which
is a nice variety and then this one I
love that there's some contrast in here
with some black but the the banner
itself is different than a lot of the
other banners and i like it because it's
easy to read sometimes there's too much
going on in the background to read this
weekend so oh and its really she adds
another one
i'm ok so here we can talk more about
how she incorporates the pattern into
her icons everything in here almost has
her pattern in it the bathtub the
planner the computers the little
underwear which is circuit never going
to see that before and location
plz like gamer controllers which are
really awesome i'll probably end up
giving that to my son so he can use in
his planner there's more deco here
there's tons of water trackers and this
is huge for me because I go to the
doctor regularly and I have like a
gazillion medications and I'm on so
right here this this is amazing so I
talked your ear off about everything
that is in this kit and that took way
too long but like I said there was a ton
of ton of stuff in this kit so what I'm
going to do is because that tips along
i'm going to be laying down stickers and
kind of checking back and keep
periodically while I and speed this up
and high speed this up and lay down all
of my stuff so I'm gonna take a minute
to get organized to figure out what i'm
laying down and we'll give this planner
video going
you call baby
let you let you stay for coffee
and I bride next
ok so i am going to use gonna do this
now before you forget i'm going to use
these matching ones on my weekend here
i'm going to do them up here you can put
them right next to each other not
exactly matching some little smaller
than this one but that's okay and then
i'm going to use the black weekend
banner like this
oops course I can't lay it down center
I forget that she added the word that is
typically the case what's in the middle
so I went by that was obviously not
ok now we can go back in and the rest
you know what I might because i am gonna
try to use this functionally so I'm
gonna throw a couple of these down i'm
only going to use a couple of them
because I do want to use this planner
this week for YouTube and I have some
things that I need to take care of on
their mondays and then I'm going to do
one on this day
ok that's what I'm going to do there
I don't know I ended up playing that
cricket here all day covers i think i'm
going to pull in my own washing for this
because the date covers on here are
different and they won't cover up
everything so i figured i would use this
this color would work the best and i
think it will cover it up
exactly let's see here at work and this
is from the Heidi Swapp washy packs that
she does i bought these when they were
on sale i got these like sixty percent
off and I literally went and bought
every single color and if you watch a
lot of my videos you will see that i use
the thin ones right here for glitter
headers can you see that so and it's
sparkly and it's thin and i like it i
know some other shops and I don't do
other girls that have used in they're
like not only like it that much but the
glitter doesn't like come off like it's
not that kind of litter it's very fine
almost feels like extremely fine
sandpaper that makes sense so and stuff
seems to stick to it okay as long as you
kind of rub it in to get it to lay down
I want to
ok so i got my date covers lay down and
I am loving this like I think that that
color matched perfectly with the kit so
I'm gonna come over here i think what
i'm going to do is use this as a like
track my social media this week here so
i'm going to go ahead and make sure that
I post to everything i'm going to have
instagram and twitter i'm trying to add
things to pinterest every day so I have
online listings on pinterest so that's
what's the I bumped my camera sorry
ok so that's that and then let's hear
i'm going to go in I don't need to track
any of this personal stuff even though
like I really love it i'm going to use
deco when i'm done and i think what i'm
going to do is come in here with some
i think i'm gonna put these down to
remind myself to reply to comments and
questions because I've been getting a
lot of comments and questions about I've
been like doing sneak peeks of some of
the things i'm gonna add in my shop and
I want to make sure that i can respond
i've had some issues youtube if you
watched my other videos i mentioned it
that I was seeing comments like in the
notifications and then I go like a
little sidebar that pops up like
alongside when you're in youtube and
then I'll go to the video and I can't
see it there and there's been some
notifications and like spam comments
which I'm not really getting but I did
it give away and I don't know what the
deal was but I was having some trouble
with that so if you guys left a comment
and I didn't respond i mean don't think
I'm like I wasn't blowing you off i just
couldn't reply but I want to make sure I
stay on top of comments on I get a lot
of feedback on Instagram so i really
like that actually
and then I don't know if I can use any
of the you know what i am going to do
this I'm going to do this I'm going to
be I'm going to take some time because i
love binge-watching plan with me and I
get some ideas for my own plan with me
is like I'll watch them and like oh I
could do a plan to me that's Tyler oh I
get to play with me that style so I
didn't want to use these ones i wanted
to use the actual issues this one i can
write in it i can read over it going to
use the bar style and not the flag style
but I get ideas like and not ideas from
like not the same as what i'm watching
and I'll see things and it makes me
think of something else i'm like oh I
could totally do plan on me like that
style or this style i could come up with
ideas hopefully that makes sense i'm not
going to do it every day this day I can
do it and then Thursday while i'm
designing I will watch them it's not
thursday i'm ok people
ok so i doing on thursdays and then if i
have time i will also do it on saturday
i know i'm not the only one that binge
watches youtube i'm sure everybody does
with the plan with knees and then let's
see here i'm going to use these this is
going to be handy i'm going to use these
to track my views I'm going to try to
track my views like on SE a couple days
a week and since I do releases on
Wednesdays I want to track my views
probably this day
I want to see if it went up and then I'm
gonna track it the day before they came
out to see if there's like it you know
what I mean to see before-and-after to
see if there is a spike in my views of
people are like going and waiting and
waiting for like things to come out and
they're going and looking at things i
know that a lot of people waited for my
grand opening sale which was super cool
and then i am going to use these
computers because I absolutely love them
on Wednesday I lot of work on the
computer and then I also do on sunday
for like my plan with me so they film
and then and i'm going to use a planner
and put those together because i have to
do plan with me there and then trying to
keep this basically social media-based
like only computer-based so maybe put
these down i'm going to use i only had
shall wish i had more of these because i
wanted to use these to mark down
reply to comments and whatnot but i
guess i can use might have something
else that can use on top of it I don't
ok so i think what i'm going to do now
is add some deco and then i'm going to
go in and fill this in and I'm obsessed
with this tickle it's so pretty
okay i think that i'm done i want to
know what you guys think how beautiful
is this kit it's gorgeous
oh my god it's so pretty and i'm so
excited because I literally can do a
whole another kit and it can look almost
exactly like this- the date covers but I
could probably make my own date covers
of something using some of these boxes
that were left over so this is what i
have left over and I guess I'm not going
to fill this out on Harry tend to not do
that often because sometimes my things
change over the week plus i haven't
officially made my plans for this
that's gonna be happening tomorrow okay
so obviously still have ninety-nine
percent of that left i have the sidebar
here plus i have all this little deco
you know what I might use this little
girl since there wasn't a mermaid on
here for me to use
I'm just going to stick her right here
okay i just wanted to use a mermaid
ok so that one that one all this stuff
right here some of these skinny things
all the headers i still have just used
for another kit a lot of deco tons of
labels and boxes I still a bunch of
these left i even still have two full
boxes and some glitter headers left so
that everything left from this kit right
here and I'm gonna go and wrap up this
video thank you guys so much for
watching hopefully you guys enjoyed this
I really just wanted to show off this
beautiful kit and brag about how amazing
this girl is and how cute her kids are
and because have any questions or
comments go ahead and leave them below
and if you guys wanna see me do like a
leftover plan with me with this let me
know i might do another week in this
planner here or I might use it in my
personal planner so let me know if you
guys want which one you want to see I'm
working on a personal planner video that
is I planned it like at the beginning of
the week and so it's not technically
everyone playing with me but it's going
up a week late if that makes sense but
it's in my personal one and it is from
the coffee monsters it's her back to
December kit so i'm going to post that
this weekend and so if you guys like
that you want to see like another
personal sized a5 recollections planner
spread let me know and
I think that's that oh don't forget to
check out like my shop I have coupon
codes listed below and you guys can find
me on social media and go ahead and give
this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it
and please subscribe to my channel
student get more videos and lots of fun
stuff i have some cool DIY stuff coming
up very soon now that the grand opening
event is over and that's that will see
you guys next time bye oh I don't
believe you anymore to be back to this
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