Suicide the act of taking your own life
a horrific act but sadly a common occurrence
every forty seconds someone dies from suicide
that's one million people per year
maybe you've never dealt with suicide directly
maybe someone you know has attempted or committed suicide
perhaps you have attempted suicide
whatever your experience with suicide is
it's very important to understand the signs of suicidal behavior
but please keep in mind that not every suicidal person will show this signs
in addition seeing a single sign does not mean that the person is suicidal
the point of this video is for you to understand this signs
and work out whether the person needs a friend or professional help
sign number one
suicidal talk
what do you think about suicide?
have you ever thought about killing yourself?
how would you kill yourself?
what do you think is the best way to commit suicide?
questions or phrases like these may suggest that the person is considering it
they talk about it because they want your opinion
in a way they're asking for advise on committing suicide
while not openly admitting to it
this may also be a way they're screaming for help
sign number two giving away prized posessions
it's an odd occurrence when someone gives away expensive items or items they may need
in their mind where their going they don't need material things
giving away material possessions to loved ones
may be a way they think they're helping friends and family after their death
sign number three changes to their will
there are usually a number of triggering events that cause someone to write their will
this events include
having kids
older age
starting a business
or a close loved one dying
if a person seems to want to write a will out of the blue
try asking them why they have decided to write one
sign number four obtaining a weapon
of course the mere act of obtaining a weapon doesn't mean someone is suicidal
but paired with the previous signs mentioned
should serve as a warning
specially if they don't show any signs of taking up things like
shooting as a sport
shooting as a hobby
or gun collecting
sign number five
strange sleeping patterns
those strange sleeping patterns are often seen in suicidal people
it isn't the sleeping disorder that causes this
it is actually the stress or restless thoughts from personal problems
that cause the person to have trouble sleeping at night
because of that the inability to sleep that last a long period of time
may be a clue that someone is suffering from depresion
or suicidal thoughts
sign number six
low energy
low energy levels are often seen in people with depression
which is some times coupled with suicidal thoughts
this low energy levels happen as a result of lack of sleep
and little motivation to do activities
that would actually help them feel better
sign number seven
abusing drugs or alcohol
a study by Bruce Alexander examined the theory
of drug addiction on rats
previous studies had concluded rats to be highly motivated for addictive drugs
despite the obvious risks of begin electrocuted or the deprivation of food
Alexander challenged that notion by conducting a study of his own
he would put the rats on cages where they were free to do activities and interact with other rats
in past studies the rats were in cages alone
often with nothing to do but the addictive drug
in Alexander study he found the rats to rarely take the drug
the same implications can be made for humans
when humans don't feel connected to anyone
they may turn to drugs and alcohol as a form of escape
another reason may be because they think
think the drug might give them enough willpower to commit suicide
sign number eight
low motivation for social life
people who want to commit suicide
often drop out of their social lives
depressed and suicidal people often don't feel connected to others around them
as a result the may end dropping existing friends or family
because they don't feel good enough for them
they may also see socializing as a distant unimportant thing
sign number nine
not participating in activities they love
seen in depression as well suicidal people find no interest in activities they love any more
nothing seems to matter and their interest is deminished
sign number ten
self harm
self harm is one of the biggest signs that someone might be suicidal
examples of this include
and poisoning oneself
in a sense is a way that suicidal people test the waters
to see if they actually have what it takes to commit suicide
former self harmers often say that the physical pain helps the escape the emotional one
sign number ten
risky behaviour
studies have shown that suicidal people tend to take more risks
look out for signs such as driving recklessly
or picking fights
sign number eleven
emotional outbursts
look for unexplained emotional reactions
to certain things people have said in their presence
it might make no sense to you why this words are triggering such an emotional response
but it could be words that remind them of a traumatic event in their life
sign number twelve
body language
this is a very general sign
but paired with the previous signs could be a good clue of depression and suicidal thoughts
look for body language such as
slump shoulders
staring at the floor
and unwillingness to make eye contact
sign number thirteen
past suicide attempts
the number one and most obvious sign that someone might be suicidal
is if they have a history of attempting it in the past
this is called suicidal tendencies
one thing people don't understand about depression is that it's not easily cured by a pill
a sudden stop of medication may trigger a worse wave of depression
that will lead to another suicide attempt
sign number fourteen
happiness and calmness
this sign is hard to spot
because you might be under the immersion that the person is doing better
a misconception about depression is that the lowest point
you know when they're really sad and in bed in ones life is what causes this person to commit suicide
what actually happens at this point is that the person is unwilling to do anything
they are at such a low point that they are unwilling to eat
watch TV or partake in their favorite activities
their days are spent mostly in bed
committing suicide actually takes energy and planning
so this happens just above the lowest point
when they have the energy to think clearly and execute it
just before the suicide family members or closed friends
who where in contact with the victim have even reported seeing them happy and calm
this is because the suicidal person has finalized their plan
and think they can finally escape the pain of this world
so those were the fourteen signs someone may be suicidal
now again keep in mind that a single sign
doesn't necessarily means someone thinks about hurting themselfs
in the comments below I wanna know what other signs you think we missed
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