Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 18 2017

...Happy Birthday to Taehyung, Happy Birthday to you!

After! After I do this!

J: Blow them first! Blow them!


On Taehyung's birthday, at 12 PM...

As soon as it hit 12, we did our performance.

But it was also Taehyung's birthday when it hit 12.

So I think it had more meaning.

As soon as 'Fire' started, I yelled " HAPPY BIRTHDAY V!", but he didn't hear it.

When he started, when he started the dance break, he went "MY BIRTHDAY!"

JK: But he overlapped with what Jimin said so it was weird.

JH: I thought it was Rap Monster! (?)

J: And what "My Birthday"?

JH: And Jimin said "Let's go".

V: I got excited. Because it's a new experience to perform on my birthday,

RM: He got caught. He got caught up in his popularity.

V: I got caught up in my popularity. RM: He got caught up in this popularity.

J: Taehyung-ah, Suga wishes you a happy birthday.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [BANGTAN BOMB] Happy Birthday to V @ KBS 가요대축제 2016 - Duration: 1:15.


மரத்தில் கார் மோதி ரேஸ் வீரர் அஸ்வின் சுந்தர் மனைவியுடன் கருகி பலி | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> மரத்தில் கார் மோதி ரேஸ் வீரர் அஸ்வின் சுந்தர் மனைவியுடன் கருகி பலி | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood - Duration: 1:10.


EPIC Sakura-themed Desserts TASTE TEST (Japanese Convenience Stores) - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> EPIC Sakura-themed Desserts TASTE TEST (Japanese Convenience Stores) - Duration: 10:55.


Annoying Orange Plays - Whatever Floats Your Boat! - Duration: 9:57.

For more infomation >> Annoying Orange Plays - Whatever Floats Your Boat! - Duration: 9:57.


Saitama vs. Garou [Fan Animation] - One Punch Man Season 2 / German | SerienReviewer - Duration: 1:21.


You`re walking toward me with no hesitation?

Do you have a death wish?

You Chicken

barely 1 second

His entire Body will be like puree

it`s over...


not bad at all

you would be the first monster, who underestimates me..

but you`re just a human

wha- what happend?!




The hell is this guy?!

Whatever.. it`s too late for regrets..

For more infomation >> Saitama vs. Garou [Fan Animation] - One Punch Man Season 2 / German | SerienReviewer - Duration: 1:21.


10 Huge Government Cover Ups That Really Happened - Duration: 11:49.

For more infomation >> 10 Huge Government Cover Ups That Really Happened - Duration: 11:49.


Paranoia Rules The White House, And Staff Is Living In Fear - Duration: 4:15.

Paranoia has seized the halls in the White House.

A few weeks ago, it was revealed that White House personnel were searching the cell phones

of White House staffers trying to figure out who in the hell in the White House is leaking

all of this information to the press, to intelligence agencies and what have you.

According to a new report by Politico, this paranoia has almost crippled work inside of

the White House.

While Sean Spicer has come out and said, "Look.

Checking people's cell phones is not part of White House protocol," Yeah.

Obviously it's not, because it's a violation of a person's constitutional rights, but that

doesn't mean it's not happening.

Politico said that workers, staffers at the White House are so paranoid right now, that

they won't even bring their cell phones into work with them anymore.

This paranoia, again according to Politico, has created different factions within the

White House.

Different groups of paranoid people accusing the others of being the bad guys, to the point

that work is coming to a standstill because everybody's afraid of being pointed out or

being revealed or even misidentified as the leaker.

Our government, because of Donald Trump and his paranoia, and his ego and his narcissism,

is grinding to a halt.

Donald Trump is a very paranoid person.

While I would not put it above him, for him to be the leaker, or for him to be directing

someone to be the leaker, it's his mental state, his mentality that has infected that

entire White House.

We have seen paranoid presidents in the past.

Richard Nixon was hugely paranoid.

Things didn't work out so well for him.

I don't think there's too many people in this country that don't believe that Trump is headed

down that same Nixonian path, towards the same Nixonian end, really.

Because, at this point, two months, less than two months into Donald Trump's first term

as president, things are falling apart.

Nobody in his administration trusts one another.

Nobody in his administration believes one another.

Nobody in the American public believes what the White House says.

We don't trust him either.

When you have a White House that can't even get its staffers to trust one another, it

can't get its staffers to trust their bosses, and their bosses to trust Donald Trump.

How in the hell is the public supposed to have any faith in this institution anymore?

When your workers are so terrified of you violating their constitutional rights that

they won't even bring their phones with them into work anymore, you have created a hostile

work environment.

You have created a system that people do not want to be a part of.

You may think that that's fine.

That's just part of the job, but eventually you're going to run out of people to do the

daily tasks that keep the White House and the federal government functioning.

We've seen what happens when parts of the federal government shut down.

Luckily, we've never had to see what happens when a presidency shuts down, but if this

report from Politico is any indicator, if what's happened in the last two months is

any indication, we are likely headed towards some sort of White House meltdown dysfunction.

Hopefully, we can pull back from that, but the damage that the White House is doing,

not only to these people that work for them, but to the institution itself, at this point,

might not be able to be repaired.

For more infomation >> Paranoia Rules The White House, And Staff Is Living In Fear - Duration: 4:15.


AJ Styles: Shane McMahon Akıllı Olsun Akıllı! - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> AJ Styles: Shane McMahon Akıllı Olsun Akıllı! - Duration: 2:53.



For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S COSMO , CLIMATR ,ST VERW ,TREKH ,STUUR VERW ,PDC ,MISTL V , - Duration: 0:58.


Credence Barebone Death | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 4:47.

I've met someone just like you, Credence.

A girl.

A young girl

who'd been imprisoned.

She had been locked away, and she'd been punished for her magic.


Can I come over to you?

Can I come over?

That thing killed my son.

I want justice.

I'll expose you for who you are and what you've done.

Look! Take photos.


Credence, no!

Don't do this.


Keep talking, Tina.

Keep talking to him. He'll listen to you.

He's listening.

I know what that woman did to you.

I know that you've suffered.

You need to stop this now.

Newt and I will protect you.

This man,

he's using you.

Don't listen to her, Credence.

I want you to be free.

It's all right.

That's it.



- You'll frighten him! - Wands down!

Anyone harms him, they answer to me.

- Credence. - Credence.



For more infomation >> Credence Barebone Death | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 4:47.


The Worst Things That Can Happen to Your Feet - Duration: 11:43.

from disgusting foot ulcers to

gangrenous toes that fall off these are

the most horrific things that could

happen to your feet

number ten diabetic foot diabetes

mellitus is a chronic disease that

slowly affects many of the body's organs

and systems very commonly it affects the

lower limbs and the form of nerve damage

infection and impaired blood supply to

the feet collectively this is known as

diabetic foot a high blood glucose level

impairs the feeds nervous system leading

to a loss of sensory and pain sensation

so the person becomes unaware of the

injury sustained there this is further

complicated by the impaired blood flow

making healing very slow and difficult

when the sore is left open and unhealed

for long periods it becomes easily

infected and the pathogens take

advantage of the body's poor immune

system to further proliferate diabetic

foot lesions usually start as ulcers or

open sores at the toes soul or heel of

the patient since their sense of pain

that the feed is impaired they tend to

ignore these lesions until it becomes

worse but when severe infection and

gangrene sets in no amounts of medicine

or surgical debridement would heal it

and the only solution would be

amputation but even cutting off the foot

might not be enough in the long run as

diabetes is a chronic lifelong disease

and the patients might end up with

further amputation all the way above the

knee in the future number nine clubfoot

clubfoot is an unfortunate congenital

deformity to be born with it is fairly

common affecting one in 1,000 people the

condition can affect either one or both

feet making them twisted internally at

the ankle without treatment people with

club feet would appear too painfully

stagger and walk on their ankles or

sides of their feet fortunately the

condition could be corrected rather

easily nowadays through the use of

braces physiotherapy and surgery

american actor damon wayans was born

with a slub foot and lived with it for

years before undergoing surgical

correction before that his deformity was

often teased by other kids it was one of


that brought him at the comedy using

humor to combat pain this attribute was

later given to the main character in

wayne head a cartoon series that way and

created based on his own childhood about

a poor boy with a clubfoot number eight

Proteus syndrome Proteus syndrome is an

extremely rare congenital disorder that

results in bone skin and tissue over bro

the underlying cause is a genetic

mutation in the akp one gene which

regulates the growth and division of

cell there has only been around 200

cases ever recorded and currently only

120 people on the planet are alive with

the condition Geoffrey Ortega from

Florida is one of them he was diagnosed

with Proteus syndrome when he was just a

baby after his parents brought him to

the hospital when they noticed that his

left leg was a little longer than his

right as he grew up his feet began

developing abnormal growths underneath

the soles which then spread to the side

at the age of 11 he stopped wearing

regular shoes as none of them could fit

him today at the age of 27 his left foot

has reached 14 inches in length with a

circumference of 17 inches his right

foot is relatively smaller walking

itself it's painful and difficult for

Ortega and he is now seeking to amputate

his left foot believing it would improve

his general well-being number seven

psoriasis of the foot psoriasis is an

autoimmune disease that affects the skin

characterized by the formation of

plaques and scales it can affect almost

any surface of the body but are commonly

seen that the elbows needs back Scouts

and feet psoriasis of the foot presents

us thickening and yellowing at the sole

and size often accompanied by plush

tools and abscesses the condition is

unpleasant and painful and causes severe

discomfort upon standing or walking

further progression of psoriasis can

lead to psoriatic arthritis which

affects the foot even further it is a

very destructive and painful type of

arthritis which he rose the joints and

makes them swell the distal joints of

the smaller toes are mostly affected

toenails could be affected as well

becoming separated from their under

I nail bed number six lymphedema stage

three the lymphatic system is a network

of vessels that run throughout the

entire body parallel to the blood

circulatory system it carries the body's

interstitial fluid towards the heart and

into the bloodstream and functions as

part of the immune system but when this

system is compromised and the lymphatic

vessels become blocked it results in a

gruesome condition in the lower limb

known as lymphedema lymphedema of the

lower limbs can be caused by multiple

reasons one of the main being parasitic

infection specifically filarial worm

these worms occupy the lymphatic system

causing a blockage so interstitial fluid

becomes accumulated in the leg left

untreated the feet and legs would

continue to swell from accumulated fluid

and eventually reach an irreversible

state known as lymphedema stage 3 at

this stage the feet and legs are

horribly disfigured having swelled to an

enormous size making them practically

useless the range of movements of the

legs is severely limited and they are

often too heavy to properly walk with

because of its appearance the condition

is sometimes called elephantitis

referring to an elephant's leg the leg

tissues have hardened and are

unresponsive to medication and some

people resort to be bulk it'd be a

reconstructive surgery however this

practice is dangerous and could harm the

patient more with complications like

added bacterial infections number 50

tokong Knossos AKA mossy foot like the

after mentioned elephantitis caused by

filarial worms this condition is

somewhat similar but differs in its

cause odo koni OSIS or mossy foot is the

case of lymphedema affecting the lower

limb due to repeated exposure to

irritants oils like filarial

elephantitis photocall gnosis is

characterized by you meant swelling of

the feet and legs leading to

disfigurement and disability evidence

has suggested that some people are prone

to develop inflammatory reactions upon

chronic skin exposure to silicate and

mineral particles present in red clay

soils since protocol gnosis only

developed upon direct skin contact with

soil the condition is prevalent in

Africa and third world countries where

many people walk barefoot

it is also more commonly seen in higher

altitude areas with volcanic soil rich

in silica irritants the appearance of

photo Kong gnosis is not a pleasant one

multiple modules and ward like growth

develop over time resembling moths the

swelling is hideous and the pain and

discomfort makes it difficult for the

sufferer to walk it gets worse with

recurrent infections resulting in a

terrible stench sufferers are sometimes

ostracized and shunned by ignorant

communities thinking they are kurz and

are forced to become beggars number 4

oneco script OSAS AKA ingrown toenails

oneco crypto TSA's or ingrown nails are

very common and seen in all ages but are

more commonly seen and children whose

toe structure undergo inconsistent

growth or in old people due to

structural bone changes of the reasons

include improper cutting of the toenails

wearing tight footwear and stress

ingrown toenails might sound like a

trivial matter but aren't something that

should be ignored the nail could

penetrate deep into the flesh and cause

intense pain and inflammation at the

site where it curls into this also

increases the chance for infection

resulting in further damage to the toe

in 2012 english teacher hannah moore had

surgery to remove an ingrown toenail on

her right foot after experiencing months

of discomfort it was a minor operation

and no complications were expected

however days later she developed complex

regional pain syndrome a rare and

extremely agonizing condition her foots

turned dark and a horrible flesh-eating

ulcer appeared in the middle of it even

the slightest touch to the leg cost

unbearable pain after more than three

years of suffering she decided to get

rid of the foot altogether in July 2016

Hanna underwent a surgery to have her

right leg amputated all because of one

ingrown toenails number three

osteomyelitis of the foot osteomyelitis

is an infection of a bone that is

usually caused by the steffelow caucus

bacteria bones rarely become infected

although it does happen in a number of

ways most commonly the back tier

reham gets in via the bloodstream or

following an injury particularly to the

foot or ankle osteomyelitis of the bones

of the fee might become suppurative with

the formation of pus deep inside the

bones blood vessels when it gets chronic

the bones become sclerosis and he formed

in these late stages the only solution

is surgical drainage of pus and the

removal of dead and infected bone if the

infection persists amputation of the

foot or leg might become necessary

number two the wrong leg being amputated

foot or leg amputations are common

procedures done in hospital and it is

sometimes unthinkable that a surgeon

could mess up so badly by cutting off

the wrong limb yet that mistake does

happen and of course having the wrong

foot or leg amputated still means you

require the correct amputation so you

end up with both sides gone in 1995 one

of the most shocking and publicized

medical mistakes of the century happened

in the university community hospital and

temple Florida the then 52 year old

Willie King was wheeled into the

operation theatre to remove a disease

leg but during the procedure surgeons

accidentally cut the wrong leg and did

not realize their mistake until it was

too late to reverse the procedure

according to the hearing it was a series

of mistakes that led to the wrong leg

being prepped for surgery and the

surgeons claimed that both legs were in

fact unhealthy however the mistake still

cost the attending surgeon a large sum

of money and fine as well as a six-month

suspension from practicing medicine

number one critical limb ischaemia of

the lower limb peripheral arteries that

supply the limbs could become narrowed

from years of cholesterol buildup

cigarette smoking and high blood

pressure the initial symptom would be

intermittent claudication described as

intense muscle pain during activity

usually in the calf muscles progressive

worsening would eventually lead to

critical limb ischaemia the most

advanced and terrifying outcome of a

peripheral artery disease at this stage

patients would often experience continue

with severe burning pains of the lower

leg and feet even during rest and

sufficient blood supply due to narrowed

arteries would eventually lead to tissue

death in the form of ulcers and anger

the ulcers which have a punched out

appearance are intensely painful and

have a chance of becoming infected the

gangrenous tissues are even worse be too

limited oxygen and the ischemic limb the

affected part normally the toes become

dry shrunken and black with a clear line

of separation from the non gangrenous

part these dead tissues have no chance

of being cured and if not removed

surgically would eventually detect and

fall off by itself automatically just

the killer's disfigured face is the most

familiar image in the creepypasta

universe the story is about a teenage

boys descent into murderous madness most

of the times the story involves a young

boy named Jeff who moves into a new

neighborhood with his younger brother

Lou and his parents

For more infomation >> The Worst Things That Can Happen to Your Feet - Duration: 11:43.



- Look, there's this little silicone, border on here.

(television static)

Welcome back to another Vivian Tries.

Today we have another As Seen On Television product.

Today we have Bacon Boss.

- [Announcer] Now with the all new, all American Bacon Boss

you can get the same juicy, crispy, and piping hot

restaurant style bacon.

- You know that I'm really impressed with Wow Bacon

which we've reviewed a few months back.

That one, I was really impressed with.

This one here, we're gonna give it a try.

It is kind of big, but the cool thing about it,

it has a lid on it, so it flattens your bacon.

Making it healthier, it claims, right?

- [Announcer] The Bacon Boss uses a process called

dynamic thermal immersion.

The solid glass lid and rotating handle

flattens the bacon with the same pressure

as an expensive bacon press,

all while the excess fat drains away for less grease

and less calories.

- Yeah, it says, pressure lid seals in juices.

Okay, so maybe not healthier because the other bacon product

that we had did not cook the bacon in its own juice,

this one does.

This one says it's up to six pieces of bacon

in the microwave.

So, remember Wow Bacon you can actually cook six pieces

of bacon in four minutes in the microwave.

Let's see how long this one's gonna take.

I need my scissors because this one, they

got a nice little sticker on here.

Let's see what we can do with this guy.


Let me just glance at these instructions really quick.

- [Announcer] Simply load it, crank it flat,

and see it happen.

- Okay, load the bacon, crank it to seal the lid on,

cook bacon, how long does it say cook bacon?

That's what I wanna know.

- [Announcer] From your microwave, in less time

than you could ever imagine.

- It says add one minute of cooking time

for each strip of bacon you're cooking.

If the bacon is not fully cooked after that time

add 30 second increments

until it reaches desired crispiness.

Already the Wow Bacon is winning

because the Wow Bacon said six pieces

of bacon, four minutes.

This one says six pieces of bacon, six minutes

plus 30 minute increments until it's really crispy.

Okay, here's the lid.

Okay, it's a glass lid, which is, why?

Here's the tray.

It's just a plastic tray.

I'm gonna rinse it off, I'll be right back.


It's like, it's not even, it's kind of at a little tilt

so that the bacon grease can drip while it's cooking.

So let me grab my bacon.


That's too long.

Oh, and it should be like this.

Okay, what if your bacon's too long for this thing?

See, I'm just gonna twist it up like that.


Okay, this hole in the middle is a pain in the ass.

Guys, already I'm feeling like too many little things,

you know?

Look, I mean I could fit five.

One, two, three, four, five, but that's it.

We're not putting six in here,

there's no way that's gonna fit.

Look at that, in the picture they put six,

one, two, three, four, five, six.

Now, this stupid hole in the middle.

I'm gonna do something that they said in here.

- [Announcer] The Bacon Boss turns into an ingenious

bacon stick maker, that's right.

- It said to twist your bacon

to make it like little twist.

You twist your bacon, they said you can have

little bacon spirals, and I was all about that.

Okay, I twisted it, kind of.

So we're gonna do one twisted, okay, nice.

We have one twisted and then we have

one, two, three, four, just flat.

Now, lid.

Place the lid.

- [Announcer] That's right, with the all American

Bacon Boss you don't just cook your bacon,

you crank it flat.

- Okay, it's on there guys, look.

This is kind of cheesy, like this is stupid.

This is dumb.

This is like overkill, this big ass tray, I don't know,

let me not complain yet.

Five minutes in the microwave.

Set the timer.

Okay, it's ready, let's get it out of the microwave.


Do not waste your money on this, please.

I mean, look, all of that grease just went

right on top of the lid right here.

- [Announcer] With less fat and less calories.

- I can hear it like bubbling.

It's like warped the lid.

And I have to unscrew this hot ass lid.

Dude, look.

There's this little silicone, border on here.

All of the grease is trapped in there.

Look at this.

What crazy mess is this?

Oh my God.

What am I supposed to do with this now?

I'm gonna get bacon grease all over my kitchen.

Okay, why don't we put this in the,

what is that thing behind me?


The sink.

And now to this crazy.

This is so silly, I mean, whatever,

it's gonna taste like bacon.

And my little spiral one, what the hell is this?

This is a waste of money.

This is a hundred percent waste of money.

It cooked the bacon, it flattened the bacon.

You tightened the lid, I mean,

it does what it tells you it's gonna do,

but it's a waste of money.

It's super hot, you're gonna burn your hands.

The grease just piles up right here.

If you're looking for a bacon product that really works,

Wow Bacon doesn't sponsor me, they don't,

they didn't pay me for that video or anything.

It's just a good product.

And if it's a good product I want you guys to know about it

just like I want you to know about the shitty ones.

This is going in the pile of shitty ones.

So I'm gonna give this guy one Vivian head.

Alright you guys, that is it for another Vivian Tries video,

I hope that you have enjoyed it,

I'll see you in the next one.


For more infomation >> BACON BOSS REVIEW | TESTING AS SEEN ON TV PRODUCTS - Duration: 6:31.


The blepharoplasty.Eyelid surgery.Plastic surgeon Gainullin R. M. General anesthesia Mark Bakaushin - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> The blepharoplasty.Eyelid surgery.Plastic surgeon Gainullin R. M. General anesthesia Mark Bakaushin - Duration: 1:53.


Credence Turns Into An Obscurus | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 4:06.

The Obscurial was here.

Where did she go?

Help me.

Help me.

Didn't you tell me you had another sister?

Please, help me.

- Where's your other sister, Credence? - I need help.

The little one. Where did she go?

Please, just help me.

Your sister's in grave danger.

We need to find her.

What is this place?

Ma adopted Modesty out of here.

From a family of 12.

She misses her brothers and sisters. She still talks about them.

Where is she?

I don't know.

You're a Squib, Credence.

I could smell it off you the minute I met you.


You have magical ancestry but no power.

But you said you could teach me.

You're unteachable.

Your mother's dead.

That's your reward.

I'm done with you.



There's no need to be afraid.

I'm here with your brother, Credence.

Out you come now.


I owe you an apology.

I trusted you.

I thought you were my friend.

I thought you were different.

You can control it.


I don't think I want to, Mr. Graves.

For more infomation >> Credence Turns Into An Obscurus | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 4:06.


Farruko, J Balvin, Maluma Reggaeton Mix 2017 - Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:03:51.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Farruko, J Balvin, Maluma Reggaeton Mix 2017 - Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:03:51.


The Kid From 'Manchester By the Sea' is Probably Gonna Bang a Lot of Chicks | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:54.




















































>> WHAT?














For more infomation >> The Kid From 'Manchester By the Sea' is Probably Gonna Bang a Lot of Chicks | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:54.


The K2 Episode 14 (720p) | Eng Sub | Korean Dramas | Drama 2016 - 2017 - Duration: 1:08:13.

<i>This program is suitable for viewers ages 15 and up.</i>

Synced & ripped by bozxphd Subtitles by DramaFever

<i>[EPISODE 14]</i>

What are you doing? Hurry and get him!

<i>So that's where it was.</i>

Who are you?

What is it?

Oh, yes.

I came out here after receiving a message from the security team.

You're Kim Suk Han, correct?

Yes, I am.

Can you step out of the car first, sir? We'll escort you.

No, it's fine.


Hey, excuse me. How about you step out of there first?

All right, then. Hands on your head.

Are you Park Kwan Soo's men?

Or... are you Choi Yoo Jin's?

Why the hell do you keep scurrying away like a damn mouse?

Come over here, all right?

Hurry up and get down from there!

Damn it.


Give that here.

After I get back up.

No, hand it over first, you bastard!

Good! Hurry and get in!

Agent Kim! Agent Kim! Stay with me, punk!

Step on it!

Stay with me! What are you doing? Floor it!

Hold on tight, sir.

Hey! Snap out of it!

Madam. It's Chief Joo.


Young Miss. Young Miss! Young Miss!

Huh? What is it?

Mr. Je Ha is...

Mr. Je Ha is...

Come on, punk. Wake up!

Wake up, okay?

Wake up, punk!

Team Leader! Now!

On it.

Now! Block that car!

- Get out of the way! - Move your car!

- Hey! - Who do you think you are?


The president's son?

Are you positive?

A-all right. Find him.

What? JSS?

All right.


You haven't heard back?

Je Ha. Please come back alive.

Please make it so that Je Ha will be able to come back.

Please allow him to return safely.


<i>Young Miss!</i>

<i>Whether or not Dr. Kim is hurt is still unknown to us</i>

<i>but the perpetrator behind the attack is currently being chased by the police.</i>

<i>Once again, Dr. Kim Suk Han, the current president's son</i>

<i>fell from the parking garage of the hospital where he currently works.</i>

<i>Whether or not Dr. Kim is hurt is still unknown to us</i>

<i>but the perpetrator behind the attack is currently being chased by the police.</i>

<i>Currently, it seems that the number one suspect behind this attack</i>

<i>is an employee of a Korean private security firm...</i>


I'll use this chance and attack JSS headquarters

by having them charged with a crime.


Hey, Police Chief. It's me.

Go out and look for JSS's Cloud Nine or whatever it's called.


I'll send some skilled people, so go there yourself

and get your hands on all of the secret information Choi Yoo Jin has.

And delete all the data on the main server.

Yeah. Okay.

All right. Later, then.

Wow, way to turn the tide!

But you know, the thing I'm really worried about

is that Kim Je Ha may have taken Kim Suk Han's memory card

but had it taken from him by Choi Yoo Jin.

What a quandary.

What about Je Ha? Where is he right now?

There are police even at all the hospitals' emergency rooms

so we had no choice but to bring him to HQ.

Good job.

We're taking him to the infirmary right now.


Bring him to Cloud Nine. The police will definitely be here.

Yes, Madam.

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Bring all the medical equipment you'll need to perform surgery and treat him.

Yes, Madam.

- Medical Chief. - Yes, Madam?

You're a member of Cloud Nine from this moment onward.


Oh... yes, Madam.

The fate of our company is in your hands.

You must not let him die.

Yes, Madam. I'll do my best.

Make sure that not even a single mouse goes in or out of here today.

- You all got that? - Yes, sir.

Let's go.

Oh, look who it is!

What brings you here, Police Chief?

It's the end for JSS now.

What do you mean by that?

You people have crossed a line you never should have crossed.



Search every nook and cranny of this building!

- Yes sir! - Yes sir!

Hey, come on, punk!

Agent Kim!

No... no, Je Ha!

Don't die!


Just a bit more!

<i>Je Ha. Please.</i>

His heart is beating again! Get the defibrillator!

Oh, please, please!

Come on, Agent Kim. Agent Kim!

Hurry up and come down, Je Ha! We'll be late for our flight!

Je Ha.

Anna. Don't come any closer.

You go downstairs first. I'll be right...


What's the matter, Je Ha?

Hey, what's wrong? What's...

Je Ha!

What happened?

- I'm fine, Anna. - What happened?

Je Ha! What's going on?

What happened?

Je Ha!

<i>Je Ha! Oh no! Je Ha! Wake up! Please!</i>

<i>Wake up!</i>

Je Ha! What happened to you?

Je Ha! Kim Je Ha!

Kim Je Ha! Wake up, Kim Je Ha!

Kim Je...

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Young Miss!

Mr. Je Ha is at JSS Headquarters now.


Senior. I know everything.

If you don't get this elevator moving now, I'll have you arrested.

For being an accomplice to a crime and for obstruction of justice.

This is the main server!

Really? Okay!


The important data will be safe, right?

<i>Yes. That server is just the JSS's normal employees' server.</i>

Yes, sir!

We've succeeded.

Oh, really? Great job!

Hurry and take care of it, will you?

All right, then.

All right.

Choi Yoo Jin is no more of a threat now than a cat who's lost her teeth.

So this is the end of Choi Yoo Jin's prized Cloud Nine.

But... Cloud Nine's classified info won't be handed over to Park Kwan Soo, will it?

Don't worry. We've sent our own technicians

so they'll do a good job.


JB is yours now.

But... I think it's a bit premature to be celebrating.

Choi Yoo Jin may have Suk Han's memory card.

Speaking of which, I'm sure the president won't just sit and watch

now that his precious son has been hurt.

You're right, but there's probably nothing that he can do either.

Do you think that Suk Han really had the memory card stolen from him?

Who knows?

We'll only know for sure when Suk Han wakes up.

Are you awake, Doctor?

What... what happened to that guy?

He's currently on the run.

We believe that he's hiding at JSS currently.

We'll be able to catch him soon.


No, we can't touch them now.

What? What do you mean?

What I'm saying is... that guy helped me.

He helped me when I was being chased.

What do you mean by that, sir?

That guy had been chasing you too from the hospital...

Just go with the flow and stop questioning me!

You must not pursue that man.

No matter what.

Hurry up and spread the word.

Yes, sir.


- It's strange! - What is?

All of this is just general information!

There's no way!

Look harder!


What? Pull out?

Says who?

The Blue House?

Ugh... fine!


Why, I never!

You sure are lucky, Senior.

Being lucky is a skill in its own right, isn't it?

See? I told you that I was a formidable foe.

Indeed you did.

Hey, sprinkle some salt here to disinfect the place!

Geez, what in the world is going on here?

How ridiculous.

Um, yes, sir.

I received orders to pull out.

What? Pull out?

Yes, sir. That is...

it was an order from the Blue House.

The Blue House?

So it was taken from him after all.

What? What do you mean, sir?

Damn it!

That's it.

Je Ha definitely got Kim Suk Han's memory card from him.


That's why as soon as Suk Han woke up at the hospital...

Then... he thought that K2 had the memory card on him

- and did this of his own volition? - Exactly.

It means that we're untouchable to him now.

Because he's afraid we'll make the contents of the memory card public

if he makes one false move.

That's exactly what happened. I'm sure of it.

That definitely seems plausible.

I'm sure of it.

Have you searched Je Ha?

Did you find the memory card on him by any chance?

No, Madam.

Search the inside of the car just to be sure.

Yes, Madam.

And be sure to put on a good face.

What do you mean, Madam?

Give off the impression that you're at ease and confident.

Put on an expression that says, "we have the memory card."

And Chief Joo, hurry and find it.

Yes, Madam.

I heard that something terrible almost happened to you!

So? Was it taken from you?

What are you talking about? What would I have taken from me?

Man, what are you going to do?

Your dad doesn't have much time left in office either.

Why don't you just worry about not losing your company

to your older sister?

It was Kim Je Ha, wasn't it?

Yeah, of course you'd get it taken from you.

So... does Choi Yoo Jin really have it?


What do you mean, sir?

Park Kwan Soo will back away on his own if he knows that you have it.

Because everyone will be at your mercy then.

And you'll be able to take down JB and Choi Yoo Jin in one fell swoop too.

This is the only way we can make Choi Yoo Jin and Park Kwan Soo both face justice.

To protect Anna.

And to restore her mother's reputation, which is what Anna wants.

Where is Chief Joo right now?

I'll locate him.

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You can't make it obvious that we're looking for something.

I can't find it anywhere, though.

Yes, Assemblyman?

Are you looking for something Je Ha dropped by any chance?

How did you...

Je Ha meant to give that to me.

So that I could take down Park Kwan Soo and break free from Choi Yoo Jin's grasp.

Seems like you're having a difficult time believing me.

Nevertheless, it's the truth.

How else would I have known about this otherwise?

I'd like it if you brought it to me when you find it.

I want to, but...

I know you're more on Choi Yoo Jin's side than mine.

But if that falls into Choi Yoo Jin's hands

I won't be able to be a proper president.

I'll be partly... no, completely... A puppet president.

And that'll be the case until the end of my presidency.

And then, the entire political system will be no different from a marketplace.

Please watch your words, sir.

I'm not even sure if I can find it just yet.

Hey, what are you doing?

Kim Je Ha almost died.

Anyway, hurry up and get out.

Yes, Madam?

Yes, I'll head up there now.

Head up? To where?

The ninth floor.

Je Ha... is on the ninth floor?

Master Song. Do you know where Je Ha is?

Well, no. I don't know.

Je Ha is in a lot of pain right now. Please tell me where he might be.

I'm not positive, but...

he's a member of Cloud Nine, so he's probably on the ninth floor.

The ninth floor?

You can't go there, Young Miss.

Not just anyone can go there.

<i>Please scan your access card.</i>

I told you, we can't go there.

It's no use, Young Miss!

Je Ha. Je Ha!

Get her the hell out of here.

Yes, Madam.

What are you all doing?

Get rid of that outsider on the ninth floor stairway.

How's his condition?

His condition has become much better.

All right. Good work.

Make sure you contact me immediately if his condition changes in any way.

Yes, Madam.

You can't act like this here, Young Miss!

Please talk to Madam for me, sir.

Please ask her to let me see him!

Just once! Please!

Young Miss. Let's come back later, okay?

It won't be of any use if you come back later either.


Please let me see Je Ha.


That's no way to refer to me.

Say "Mom."


Isn't a stepmother still a mother?

Please let me see Je Ha just once.

I'm begging you.


Go home now.



Please, I'm begging you.

Please let me see Je Ha.


What are you doing, child?

Oh, you pitiful thing!

Get up, Anna!

Oh, you pitiful thing!

<i>Yes. I have to consider what'll happen after Je Ha wakes up too.</i>


Je Ha is still in critical condition.

And the wounds from his surgery haven't closed up yet either.

Be careful.

Yes, I will.

But you know, Anna...

you're really not going to leave?

Won't it be hard for Je Ha to protect you in his current state?

When Je Ha gets better...

I'll leave.

But will you actually leave when he gets better?

Je Ha can't even go to the hospital in the state he's in now.

Because if he does

he'll be arrested for attempted murder against the president's son.

I'm protecting Je Ha and putting everything I have on the line to do so.


It's time for you to protect him now too.

His identity has been leaked.

And as long as you're here, Je Ha won't be able to leave your side.


he'll eventually be caught.

I'll save Je Ha.

So just leave.

That's the best thing you could possibly do for Je Ha.

Go and do whatever you want to do.

I'll pay for everything!


if fate allows it, one day...

you can meet him again.


think of the housekeeper, Mi Ran, and Sung Gyu.

You want them to live, don't you?

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I'll leave.

But in exchange...

you have to help Je Ha survive no matter what.

Je Ha.

Why are you so badly hurt?

Je Ha.

It hurt a lot, right?

You're in a lot of pain, right?

Oh no!

What are we going to do now, Je Ha?

What are we going to do?

Je Ha. Are you listening?

You can't die.

You can't die, Je Ha!

You have to live, okay?

Je Ha.

I love you.

I love you.

You can't die.


Where are you planning to send Anna off to this time?

To Lafelt.

Don't worry.

I won't hide her anymore.

There isn't even a need to hide her anymore anyway.

The whole world knows about her after all.

And that she's the daughter of the oh-so-very-famous Ume Hye Rin.

Everyone thinks that Ume Hye Rin was a wicked witch now.

And the online commenters stripped Anna's status as an "angel" from her.

But none of that matters overseas.

That child...

won't even want to come back to Korea.

I'm going to be quite good to Anna.

And I'm going to make her quite happy.

Just as if she were my own daughter.

So that she won't even remember her own mother anymore.

She even called me "Mom," you know!

It's the first time I've ever been called that!


Well, that's a relief at least.

Our plans may be different, but we're both striving for that happy ending.

I'm positive that Suk Hwan's memory card was stolen.

Even though he's denying it.

If it really is in Choi Yoo Jin's hands now

then we'll have to rearrange our loyalties too, won't we?

Are you talking about the upcoming presidential election?

Isn't that obvious?

Don't get too ahead of yourselves now.

First, let's monitor the situation and...

<i>I trust that everyone is doing well?</i>

Did all of you receive a message?

The answer is obvious now, then, if she's aware of exactly who is here.

Looks like we have quite a cute new member joining us.

We'll have to reply to her, won't we?

"Congratulations on being our newest member"?

Oh, Chairman! What brings you here, sir?

You're on your way to work right now, right?

- Well, yes. - I'll give you a ride.

Let's have a chat. It's been a while.


Oh, it's not like she has a lot of things to pack anyway.

They said that we can't go with her.

What if they're planning to do away with us later on?


No, they won't.

Because they promised me that they wouldn't.

Young Miss!

They said that they'd leave you two alone.

So don't worry too much.

<i>Won't it be difficult for Je Ha to protect you in his current state?</i>

I'll save Je Ha.

So just leave.

That's the best thing you could possibly do for Je Ha.

Also, think of the housekeeper, Mi Ran, and Sung Gyu.

You want them to live, don't you?


I'll leave.

<i>But in exchange...</i>

<i>you have to help Je Ha survive no matter what.</i>

- Oh! - Hello, Senior.

You don't look like you're doing too well.


I'm sure I'm in the same boat as you.

You're getting your company taken from you, after all.

Yes, that's right.

But it's not completely the end yet.

Do you want to form an alliance with me?

I'm sure that our chances of surviving will improve then.

You had so much fun in Iraq all thanks to me, and yet

you're suffering now because you teamed up with my ignorant father-in-law.

I'll take Cloud Nine for myself, and you can take Suk Han's memory card.

Doesn't that sound good?

Well, yes, of course. But...

Never mind if you still actually have anything to lose, though.

Talk to me again after you get everything from the ninth floor.

But why does everyone think that Cloud Nine is on the ninth floor?

Well? Did you find it?

Not yet, sir.

Even though you searched that much?

It'd be nice if Je Ha woke up and told us where it was.

Well, yeah.

But we can't find it as of now.

So if time keeps passing, they'll eventually find out that we're bluffing.

Je Ha will just have to wake up before that, then.

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- Mr. Je Ha. - Yes?

Are you awake?

Yes, Madam. Mr. Je Ha is awake now.

<i>Really? All right. I'll head over there.</i>

Yes, Madam!

Oh, you can't, Mr. Je Ha! You'll be in big trouble if you move now!

You have to lie still for the time being!

But, um, where is...

this place...

Madam hid you from the police by bringing you here.

And... yesterday...

Ms. Anna came here.

Anna did?

Anna pleaded and begged, so it seems Madam let her in.

How is she now?


Anna, I mean.

Well, you know. She's the same as always.

- Mirror. <i>- Yes, Agent Kim Je Ha?</i>

Do you record what goes on in here?


Then can you show me what happened in here when she came yesterday?


All right. Show me.

<i>It hurt a lot, right?</i>

<i>It must hurt.</i>

<i>You're in a lot of pain, right?</i>

Je Ha.

<i>Je Ha. What do we do now?</i>

<i>What are we going to do?</i>

I love you.

I love you, Je Ha.

You have to survive no matter what.


<i>Je Ha!</i>

<i>I'm sorry.</i>

<i>But love is a luxury that neither of us can afford.</i>

So, if we launch a sneak attack now

we can get both Cloud Nine and Choi Yoo Jin?

Wait a minute.

But if something goes wrong, we might just make things worse for ourselves.

That's why timing is of utmost importance with these things.

Even if Kim Je Ha wakes up

he won't be able to last long, since he's so badly injured.

Can you really trust the person who'd be letting us in, though?

Oh, don't worry!

Just make sure that you prepare yourself well, Senior.

Okay, then.

So... you're awake.

You did take the memory card from Suk Han, right?

Where is it?

Hey, we don't have time for this right now!

I didn't steal that to give to you.

What do you mean by that?

Do you even know what dangers we faced to keep you alive and hidden...

That's enough.

Well, then?

Why did you bother with stealing it at all, then?

To destroy Park Kwan Soo.

Exactly! That's why we want you to hand it over!

No. Because you won't be able to destroy Park Kwan Soo with it anyway.

And why is that?

Because if it gets out, JB Group will crumble too.

The person who's most deeply involved in all this is Chairman Choi.

So you won't be able to reveal its contents to the world

if you have no intention of destroying JB Group.

Fine, then.

So it'll be the best security measure at the very least.


I didn't steal it to protect you.

Well, then? Why?

It'll be the new version of the email I had against you before.

To protect myself and Anna from you.

Damn it, this is all wrong!

I'm telling you, they'll see through our bluff sooner or later!

Man, what are we supposed to do about this?

What do you mean?

In my opinion, Madam Choi has gone completely mad.

Gone completely mad? Do you mean...

She's way too crazy about that punk!

Crazy about him?

Geez, and you're usually so quick on the uptake too!

How could you be so ignorant about romantic things?


Madam Choi would've definitely used any means necessary

to have him tell her where the memory card was if he were anyone else

especially with that temper of hers!


All right. Are you planning to remain here then, Chief Joo?

I mean, come on.

It's clear that your dreams of becoming a cool Chief of Security

serving the president and his family at the Blue House

is nothing more than a mere pipe dream now.

Sir, please calm down first.

Um, okay.

Oh, um...

aren't you working as a bodyguard at the assemblyman's event today?

Yes. I have to head out now.

Let's talk about this again later after I get back.

Sure, let's do that.


you did it in order to take me down?

So you did.

But why?

You're... my friend, aren't you?

Have you ever wept out of pity before?

My entire life has been full of nothing but tears.

No, I don't mean out of self-pity.

I mean out of pity for someone else.

I'm sure you haven't, much.

Because you people are oh-so-sensitive about your own pain

whereas the pain of others means nothing to you.

But you know, other people get hurt too, just like you do.

The old cleaning lady and the old couple from the orchard too.

And the housekeeper, Mi Ran, and Sung Gyu too.

And Raniya too.

And those people want to become happy, just like you people.

Well, of course. Everyone wants to be happy.

From their own place in life.

Just like you people killed Ume Hye Rin to maintain your place in life

you're capable of killing many others easily too.

That's why...

I can't be your friend.

Oh, also...

it's not friends you need right now.

You need people like Chief Kim, who worship you.

Or a person whom you could worship.

That's what you really need.

Just like how you worshipped Jang Se Joon when you were young.


I'm sorry, but neither of those options suit me.

So? Have you made a decision?

I'll be waiting for you.

We have no time. Hurry!

Oh no, it fell! Hey, clean this up.

Hey, I'll look at the monitors, okay? So clean this up already!

Oh, geez.

I'm not usually so clumsy.

- Go and get a rag. - Yes, sir.

And put this back up, okay?

- Got it? - Yes, sir.

Check to see who they are.

Get them!

Wow, they sure are good at fighting, huh?

Let's go.

Wow, you brought plenty of guys with you too!

Thanks for working so hard, guys.

Atta boy!


don't want you to worship me.

I just...

- I just... - You just wanted to coddle me.

And make me into another one of your slaves.

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For more infomation >> The K2 Episode 14 (720p) | Eng Sub | Korean Dramas | Drama 2016 - 2017 - Duration: 1:08:13.


GERMANSNAKEGAMING GRÜSST #20 (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> GERMANSNAKEGAMING GRÜSST #20 (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 1:01.


Fiesta Latina 2017 - Reggaeton Mix - Latin Party Hits Gente de Zona, Wisin - Duration: 1:02:44.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Fiesta Latina 2017 - Reggaeton Mix - Latin Party Hits Gente de Zona, Wisin - Duration: 1:02:44.


Lifeboats - What Equipments Inside? Launching & How do they work? - Duration: 9:09.

Today Ima show you how lifeboat works, the lifesaving equipment inside and well...

Taste emergency ration.

There's a 360 version that gives you a more interactive experience so make sure to check

it out afterwards.

Do note that different ships have different types and sizes of lifeboats.

There are tons of manufacturers out there and they all make different models, either

opened or totally enclosed, davit launched or free fall.

So if you are new to a ship make sure to read the manuals on how to operate one, it might

just save your life.

Ours is a davit-launched type.

The two cradles swings out and lower the lifeboat by fall wire when activated.

Let's check out the inside first, we'll be going in from the aft hatch.

As you can tell the interiors aren't that comfortable, everything is design only for

survival in mind, which is to fit as many people as possible.

The space inside the boat is like an oval with center blocked off by structural reinforcements.

The orange bits are Padding and cushions.

The lifeboat equipment is mostly stored under the seats in compartments.

This is the command console, conning seat.

Let's take a closer look at the control console.

We have the engine ignition, steering wheel, throttle, compass, lights, hydrostatic hook

release, and painter release.

Underneath where I am sitting is the diesel engine.

Next to the seat is this remote wire that's connected to brake governor.

It's part of the system to lower the lifeboat which you can do so from two locations, outside

or inside the boat.

No matter which way, first there's three securing pins that we must take out, 2 on

each cradle stopper and 1 on the brake governor.

From the outside, you just lift up the brake governor and the cradle will swing out.

If the seas are calm you should release an embarkation ladder and climb down.

Only in an emergency situation should you ever jump into the water directly because

it's quite dangerous, you have to worry about debris, hypothermia and swimming rough

seas etc.

To lower from the inside, you can just pull onto the remote wire that I talked about as

it is connected to the brake governor.

Either way, once the boat is in or near the water, activate the hydrostatic hook release

and or you are good to go.

And now onto the lifeboat equipment, the lifesaving equipment are standard and found in most if

not all lifeboats because IMO enforces it under the SOLAS and LSA Code.

Let's start off with the most important one.

"Survival at Sea" Booklet Under a real emergency situation, everyone

will be panicking and draw a blank as to what to do.

So once arrive at a lifeboat first thing to do is to open this book and start from there,

it tells you step by step how to proceed and what to check for, like selecting a leader,

assigning duties, checking that all hatches and openings are covered.

Further down the book you've even got what fish is edible, how to navigate by stars,

and what birds which.

It really has everything you need to survive at sea.

The Designated Rescue boats will have extra Lifejackets, Immersion suits and a set of

towing lines made of nylon.

Sea Sick Tablets, one of the first things the survival at sea book will tell you is

to distribute sea sick pills and take one each.

Throwing up inside the lifeboat affects everyone's wellbeing and morale, might even cause a chain


Buoyant Oars, for rowing in the event the engine runs out of fuel.

Boat Hooks

No… its really just to grab things or lines.

Sea anchor, this cone shape anchor helps stabilize the boat.

Thermal Protective Aids, TPA, you wear this like a cocoon to keep warm.

Inside our pyrotechnic box we have Rocket Parachute Flares

Buoyant Smoke Signals And Hand Flares

The instructions are all printed on the items, flares are best used at night.

Smoke for day time.

Smoke and flares should be facing down wind to avoid blow back.

Rocket parachute obviously you should point it up.

Lifeboat Rations and Water

Buoyant rescue quoit, toss it to a person in the waters and pull them in.

Fishing Tackle, to catch fish

Bailer, to scoop water out if water gets into the boat

First Aid Kit, all kinds of medical first aid items inside.

Tin Opener

Measuring Cup, to ration water.

Dipper to grab water or sample the sea bed.

Hatchet, to chop anything

Muti-purpose Jack Knife, for mult-purpose.

Torch & Spare Battery

Spare Whistle

Sea Sick Bags

Signaling Mirror, there's a hole at back

that is actually see through so during day time you point it at a ship and wiggle it

around to reflect the sun ray.

Hopefully it will catch the attention of the target ship.

Life-saving signal card, its waterproof and ours comes in English and Chinese.


Radar Reflector, its often underestimated.

this small aluminum thing can actually paint a target on radar as large as a 300m ship.

Fire Extinguisher, dry powder

Rain Collector, stick this outside when it

rains and it will funnel the water through the tube.

Whosh and that's it, if you liked this video make sure to give it a thumbs up.

subscribe for more.

And as always if you got any questions leave it down below, join the discussion, and I'll

see you next time :D

For more infomation >> Lifeboats - What Equipments Inside? Launching & How do they work? - Duration: 9:09.



For more infomation >> MEGAN LEAVEY


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 1.6 B200 Ambition 5DRS, NAP, NAVI, Clima - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 1.6 B200 Ambition 5DRS, NAP, NAVI, Clima - Duration: 1:03.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 BLUEEFFICIENCY BUSINESS CLASS - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 BLUEEFFICIENCY BUSINESS CLASS - Duration: 1:03.


March 18, 2017 | Important Financial Affairs for Bank Exams, SBI PO, UPSC SCAT - Duration: 5:15.

Bandhan Bank, has signed an agreement with Avenues India Pvt Ltd, a payment solution

provider, to provide merchants with seamless access to point-of-sales (POS) and payment

gateway products.

Merchants are expected to have a faster and "more direct" access to POS machines,

payment gateways, and competitive financing options, the bank said in a release.

Private insurer Future Generali India Insurance Company (FGII) has entered into a corporate

agency tie-up for its products with public lender UCO Bank.

The PSU lender will provide a window at its bank branches for marketing FGII's offerings.

Apart from UCO, the company has tie-ups with over 100 banks across the country.

The Government has decided to extend Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian's tenure

by two more years, till October 2019.

He was appointed as the CEA in October 2014 for a three-year tenure.

He was closely involved in drafting the Goods and Services Tax Act.

The Goods and Services Tax Council has approved a 15% ceiling on the cess to be levied on

aerated drinks and luxury cars over and above the maximum proposed GST rate of 28%.

The enabling laws for the States and the Union Territories were also approved at the Council's

meeting on Thursday, paving the way for the adoption of the new indirect tax regime.

The Jal Marg Vikas Project (JMVP) on NW-1 is being

implemented with the financial and technical support of the World Bank.

The Project entails development of fairway with 3 meters depth between Varanasi and Haldia

(Phase-I) covering a distance of 1380 km.

NW-1(Allahabad-Haldia) is longest and NW-3 (Kollam-Kozhikode) is shortest of all the

five national water ways.

The Centre has appointed Dilip S Shanghvi as Member on the Western Area Local Board

of RBI, for a period of four years with effect from March 11.

Besides the Central Board of Directors, the RBI has four local boards for the western,

eastern, northern, and southern areas.

The functions of the local boards include advising the Central Board on local matters

and to represent territorial and economic interests of local cooperative and indigenous


The newly appointed Chairman of National Commission for Safai Karamcharis Shri Manhar Valji Bhai

Zala along with two members Smt.

Manju Diler and Shri Dalip Kallu Hathibed assumed his office.

Welcoming the new Chairman and the members, Secretary of the Commission Shri Narain Dass

said that the Commission can now work in a more effective manner as the posts of the

Chairman and the members were lying vacant for the past almost one year.

The Govt has taken a decision for modification in the EPF Scheme,1952 to add a new paragraph

68 BD under which a member of EPF, being a member of a cooperative society or a housing

society having at least 10 members of EPF, can withdraw upto 90% from the Fund for purchase/construction

of dwelling house.

It is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, GoI.

The govt has launched the Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation (PRAGATI) scheme

to monitor grievances in govt schemes and projects.

A total of 156 projects and 37 programmes/schemes and Public grievances of 16 sectors have been

reviewed so far.

The projects are at different stages of implementation and are monitored regularly by the concerned


The Union cabinet on 15 March 2017 approved a MoU between Lal Bahadur Shastru National

Academy if Administration (LBSNAA), Mussorie and Namibia Institute of Public Administration

and Management (NIPAM), The MoU signed will be signed in the field

of capacity building of public officials of Nambia and others training acticities for

the benefits of both the institutes.

For more infomation >> March 18, 2017 | Important Financial Affairs for Bank Exams, SBI PO, UPSC SCAT - Duration: 5:15.


March 18, 2017 | Important Current Affairs for Bank Exams, SBI PO, UPSC SCAT - Duration: 5:05.

An Indian-American teen has won the top award, worth USD 250,000, in the oldest and most

prestigious science and math competition in the US, for her research on preventing death

of neurons due to brain injuries or neurodegenerative diseases.

Indrani Das, a 17-year-old resident of New Jersey, and four other Indian-origin students

were among the top ten finalists to be honoured at the annual Regeneron Science Talent Search

Awards Gala for their research projects demonstrating exceptional scientific and mathematical ability.

Chennai Port Trust and the Government of Puducherry has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

for handling EXIM cargo originating from Puducherry Port hinterland in New Delhi.

The aim is to promote industrial growth in the region, generate substantial employment

and attract investment by major industries.

Around 5 Lakh to 10 Lakh tonnes of cargo is expected to be handled between this two ports.

Singapore-based Changi Airport was named as the World's Best Airport for the fifth consecutive

year at the 2017 Skytrax World Airport Awards on March 14, 2017 held at the Passenger Terminal

EXPO in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired

by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the proposal for opening of 50 new

Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) under Civil / Defence Sector in the country keeping in view the

high demand for these schools for their quality of education and excellent results.

The total project cost based on KendriyaVidyalayaSangathan (KVS) norms for the proposed 50 new KVs is

Rs.1160 crore.

Jwala Gutta has been appointed a member of the governing body of Sports Authority of

India (SAI) The 14-time national champion said she is

looking forward to play her role in the development of sports in the country

Jwala is a 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games champion and a silver medallist at the 2014 Glasgow

Games in women's doubles.

SAE INDIA, a non-profit engineering and scientific society dedicated to the advancement of mobility

community, will organise FISITA World Automotive Congress for the first time in India.

The 37th edition of FISITA World Congress will be held between October 2 and 5, 2018,

at the Chennai Trade Centre.

The four-day international conference will be organised by SAEINDIA and London-headquartered

FISITA with the support of SAE International.

BJP leader Trivendra Singh Rawat will be the next Chief Minister of Uttarakhand.

Trivendra, a MLA from Doiwala, has strong RSS background and long experience in ministerial


Former minister and Pithoragarh MLA Prakash Pant's name was also considered for the

top post, but the BJP's parliamentary board chose Rawat in the end.

A leading Chinese daily affiliated with the People's Daily on 15th March 17 signalled

that China should take a fresh look at its ties with India following the recent assembly

elections, which demonstrate the likelihood of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's long-term

dominance over Indian politics.

Royal Dutch Shell is looking at opportunities in India to build its renewable energy portfolio,

especially in light of the country's renewable energy targets to be achieved over the next

decade, according to Mark Gainsborough, executive vice – president, New Energies, Royal Dutch


National Service Scheme has been restructured with effect from 01.04.2016.

Upto 2015-16, NSS was being implemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, with expenditure

being shared between the Centre and the States as per the prescribed ratio.

Now it has been made a Central Sector Scheme with 100% funding from the Central Government

For more infomation >> March 18, 2017 | Important Current Affairs for Bank Exams, SBI PO, UPSC SCAT - Duration: 5:05.


Hòn đảo đông đúc nghẹt thở nhất thế giới Migingo - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Hòn đảo đông đúc nghẹt thở nhất thế giới Migingo - Duration: 2:11.


EMBARRASSING Pictures Taken At The Right Moment | OOPS FUNNY FAILS - Duration: 4:11.

EMBARRASSING Pictures Taken At The Right Moment | OOPS FUNNY FAILS

For more infomation >> EMBARRASSING Pictures Taken At The Right Moment | OOPS FUNNY FAILS - Duration: 4:11.


New "Power Rangers" Movie

For more infomation >> New "Power Rangers" Movie


For more infomation >> New "Power Rangers" Movie


Bloodbowl Ogre - Morg n Thorg proxy - Kujo Painting [Colour Guide] - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Bloodbowl Ogre - Morg n Thorg proxy - Kujo Painting [Colour Guide] - Duration: 6:43.


For more infomation >> Bloodbowl Ogre - Morg n Thorg proxy - Kujo Painting [Colour Guide] - Duration: 6:43.


Editoriale 18 "Ce n'è anche per Cecco...dopocena" - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Editoriale 18 "Ce n'è anche per Cecco...dopocena" - Duration: 4:40.


For more infomation >> Editoriale 18 "Ce n'è anche per Cecco...dopocena" - Duration: 4:40.


Charcoal Mask - A DIY Tutorial on how to make a charcoal face mask - Duration: 4:50.

Hey guys welcome back.

I'm here with Mickey.


We're going to show you today how to make your own DIY charcoal face mask.

We'll put it on, and see the results.

So let's go ahead and jump into this tutorial.

We're going to put five activated charcoal pills into this bowl.

Pour in a little bit of water (we added too much water).

We're trying to make a paste with this.

I'm using a cosmetic spatula to mix it up.

Now we're going to add some honey.

We want it to be a little thicker.

That's like a dollop of honey.

We ended up adding three dollops of honey in there just to give it a really thick texture

with the honey and the charcoal.

It's really a simple mask with only three ingredients.

Can you see how this is like a thick, but still liquidy formula.

We're going to put this on our faces.

All right, paint me.

Paint me like one of your French girls.

Oh honey I sure will.

Oh my God.

Only everyone watching can see what it's doing.

It is the weirdest.

Oh my God, it looks like makeup effect craziness.

It's doing the coolest bubble effect

Don't get it too close to the eyes though.

No I don't want to ...

It's not hurting at all, it just feels kind of tingly.

It's really funny how it looks on you.

It's like a crazy makeup affect, if I were to make you-

It feels like it's bubbling.


It feels like it's slightly bubbly or something.

It looks like it.

It's neat-looking, actually.

If we could just zoom in, it would look really neat, to see the effect.

I love the way it looks.

It's kind of neat-looking.

How does it feel?

It doesn't hurt.

It feels moisturizing, and it feels a little tingly, like it's bubbling.

I wonder if that's the charcoal.

I bet it's the charcoal, because it says it's activated charcoal, so I would bet that's

the activated charcoal part.

So honey is really good, because I feel like honey is a natural humectant, correct?

It is.

It is a natural humectant, and it's anti-bacterial, I think.

Yes it is.

Do you know back in the days, you could use honey to actually naturally bleach your hair?

I didn't know that, but I was pretty certain I've read somewhere that people used it for


I should give it a try.

So I used it on my teeth.

Oh yeah, it's doing the same thing on you, where it's like beading up, in your beard,

I hope that doesn't feel weird.

Oh my God I feel what you're feeling.

Is it gentle for you?

Because it felt really gentle for me.

It didn't hurt.


It's totally sizzling.

It's like candy or pop rocks.

Yeah, pop rocks.

That makes sense.

Actually let's zoom in and show your ... Look at that.

Look at that on your skin.

Oh baby, don't you want it.

We look super crazy.

We just did the charcoal mask, and we cleansed our faces.

Then we put on the Lucy Minerals ambrosia for dry skin.

Then we topped that off with the Glossier Priming Moisturizer Rich.

I think my skin looks pretty amazing.

I think yours looks gorgeous.

It feels very hydrated, and it wasn't irritating at all.

I don't feel like there's extra redness.

I feel like this is my normal redness going on.

I'm pretty pleased with it.

Yeah, I feel like I'm putting the glow in J-Glow.

Yes, yes you are.

I'm like blingin'.

Your redness is going away now, just as I'm watching.

I love this oil.

Every time I'm with you, you introduce it to me, and I'm falling in love with it.

It's made near here in Orlando.

It's like Winter park, Winter … something like that.

We should go there to their store.

Maybe at the makeup show.


This feels awesome.

I like it.

Let us know what you think of this whole DIY charcoal mask in the comments below.

If you like this video, and found it helpful, give it a thumbs up and share.

I love it when you share my videos.

And if you haven't already, go ahead and click that subscribe button below, so you don't

miss our next video.

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Charcoal Mask - A DIY Tutorial on how to make a charcoal face mask - Duration: 4:50.


For more infomation >> Charcoal Mask - A DIY Tutorial on how to make a charcoal face mask - Duration: 4:50.


LEGO® Minecraft

For more infomation >> LEGO® Minecraft


Super humans who are sexier, stronger and smarter will arrive by 2029 as brains begin to fuse with m - Duration: 8:00.

Super humans who are sexier, stronger and smarter will arrive by 2029 as brains begin

to fuse with machines, Google expert claims


Technological singularity will turn us into super humans some time in the next 12 years,

according to a Google expert.

This might sound like science fiction, but Google's Director of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil,

has made 147 predictions since the 1990s and has a success rate of 86 per cent.

Kurzweil says when we live in a cybernetic society we will have computers in our brains

and machines will be smarter than human beings.

He claims this is already happening with technology - especially with our addiction to our phones

- and says the next step is to wire this technology into our brains.

Scroll down for video Technological singularity will turn us into

super humans some time in the next 12 years, according to a Google expert.

Ray Kurzweil says future cyborg generations will be sexier, smarter and stronger

+3 Technological singularity will turn us into

super humans some time in the next 12 years, according to a Google expert.

Ray Kurzweil says future cyborg generations will be sexier, smarter and stronger


Technological singularity is the development of 'superintelligence' brought about through

the use of technology.

The first use of the term 'singularity' refer to technological minds was by mathematician

John von Neumann in the mid-1950s.

He said: 'ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which

gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond

which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue.'

The term was then used by science fiction writer Vernor Vinge who believes brain-computer

interfaces are causes of the singularity.

Ray Kurzweil cited von Neumann's use of the term in a foreword to von Neumann's classic

The Computer and the Brain.

Kurzweil predicts the singularity to occur some time in the next 12 years.

Kurzweil, an author who describes himself as a futurist and works on Google's machine

learning project, predicted that technological singularity would happen by 2029 at the South

by Southwest (SXSW) conference in Austin, Texas.

Singularity is when carbon and silicon-based intelligence will merge to form a single global


'By 2029, computers will have human-level intelligence,' Kurzweil said in the interview

with SXSW.

'That leads to computers having human intelligence, our putting them inside our brains, connecting

them to the cloud, expanding who we are.

'Today, that's not just a future scenario,' Kurzweil said.

'It's here, in part, and it's going to accelerate', he said.

Kurzweil said that machines are already making us smarter and by connecting these machines

to our neocortex they will help people think more smartly.

However, Kurzweil said he wasn't concerned about the threat that intelligent robots might

pose to humanity, according to

To the contrary - he believes that implanting computers in our brains will improve us.

'We're going to get more neocortex, we're going to be funnier, we're going to be better

at music.

We're going to be sexier', he said.

'We're really going to exemplify all the things that we value in humans to a greater degree.'

Rather than a vision of the future where machines take over humanity, Kurzweil believes we will

create a human-machine synthesis which will improve us.

Ray Kurzweil, an author who describes himself as a futurist said that by 2029, computers

will have human-level intelligence at the the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference in

Austin, Texas (stock image) +3

Ray Kurzweil, an author who describes himself as a futurist said that by 2029, computers

will have human-level intelligence at the the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference in

Austin, Texas (stock image) MACHINE BRAINS

The process began centuries ago with simple devices such as eyeglasses and ear trumpets

that could dramatically improve human lives.

Then came better machines, such as hearing aids; and then machines that could save lives,

including pacemakers and dialysis machines.

By the second decade of the 21st Century, we have become used to organs grown in laboratories,

genetic surgery and designer babies.

In 2002, medical researchers used enzymes and DNA to build the first molecular computers,

and in 2004 improved versions were being injected into people�s veins to fight cancer.

If the trend continues Kurzweil believes carbon and silicon-based intelligence will merge

to form a single global consciousness by 2029.

The concept of nanomachines being inserted into the human body has been around in science

fiction for decades.

In Star Trek tiny molecular robots called nanites were used to help repair damaged cells

in the body.

More than ten years ago, the US National Science Foundation predicted �network-enhanced telepathy�

� sending thoughts over the internet � would be practical by the 2020s.

'Ultimately, it will affect everything,' Kurzweil said.

'We're going to be able to meet the physical needs of all humans.

We're going to expand our minds and exemplify these artistic qualities that we value.'

The process began centuries ago with simple devices such as eyeglasses and ear trumpets

that could dramatically improve human lives.

Then came better machines, such as hearing aids; and then machines that could save lives,

including pacemakers and dialysis machines.

By the second decade of the 21st Century, we have become used to organs grown in laboratories,

genetic surgery and designer babies.

Science fact?

Harnessing the power of the mind was a favourite of science fiction, including Star Trek's

Vulcan mind meld +3

Science fact?

Harnessing the power of the mind was a favourite of science fiction, including Star Trek's

Vulcan mind meld In 2002, medical researchers used enzymes

and DNA to build the first molecular computers, and in 2004 improved versions were being injected

into people�s veins to fight cancer.

The first use of the term 'singularity' refer to technological minds was by mathematician

John von Neumann in the mid-1950s.

He said: 'ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which

gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond

which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue.'

The term was then used by science fiction writer Vernor Vinge who believes brain-computer

interfaces are causes of the singularity.

Ray Kurzweil cited von Neumann's use of the term in a foreword to von Neumann's classic

The Computer and the Brain.

For more infomation >> Super humans who are sexier, stronger and smarter will arrive by 2029 as brains begin to fuse with m - Duration: 8:00.


Does a Blind Man's Sunglasses Offend You? - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Does a Blind Man's Sunglasses Offend You? - Duration: 5:46.


Charcoal Mask - A DIY Tutorial on how to make a charcoal face mask - Duration: 4:50.

Hey guys welcome back.

I'm here with Mickey.


We're going to show you today how to make your own DIY charcoal face mask.

We'll put it on, and see the results.

So let's go ahead and jump into this tutorial.

We're going to put five activated charcoal pills into this bowl.

Pour in a little bit of water (we added too much water).

We're trying to make a paste with this.

I'm using a cosmetic spatula to mix it up.

Now we're going to add some honey.

We want it to be a little thicker.

That's like a dollop of honey.

We ended up adding three dollops of honey in there just to give it a really thick texture

with the honey and the charcoal.

It's really a simple mask with only three ingredients.

Can you see how this is like a thick, but still liquidy formula.

We're going to put this on our faces.

All right, paint me.

Paint me like one of your French girls.

Oh honey I sure will.

Oh my God.

Only everyone watching can see what it's doing.

It is the weirdest.

Oh my God, it looks like makeup effect craziness.

It's doing the coolest bubble effect

Don't get it too close to the eyes though.

No I don't want to ...

It's not hurting at all, it just feels kind of tingly.

It's really funny how it looks on you.

It's like a crazy makeup affect, if I were to make you-

It feels like it's bubbling.


It feels like it's slightly bubbly or something.

It looks like it.

It's neat-looking, actually.

If we could just zoom in, it would look really neat, to see the effect.

I love the way it looks.

It's kind of neat-looking.

How does it feel?

It doesn't hurt.

It feels moisturizing, and it feels a little tingly, like it's bubbling.

I wonder if that's the charcoal.

I bet it's the charcoal, because it says it's activated charcoal, so I would bet that's

the activated charcoal part.

So honey is really good, because I feel like honey is a natural humectant, correct?

It is.

It is a natural humectant, and it's anti-bacterial, I think.

Yes it is.

Do you know back in the days, you could use honey to actually naturally bleach your hair?

I didn't know that, but I was pretty certain I've read somewhere that people used it for


I should give it a try.

So I used it on my teeth.

Oh yeah, it's doing the same thing on you, where it's like beading up, in your beard,

I hope that doesn't feel weird.

Oh my God I feel what you're feeling.

Is it gentle for you?

Because it felt really gentle for me.

It didn't hurt.


It's totally sizzling.

It's like candy or pop rocks.

Yeah, pop rocks.

That makes sense.

Actually let's zoom in and show your ... Look at that.

Look at that on your skin.

Oh baby, don't you want it.

We look super crazy.

We just did the charcoal mask, and we cleansed our faces.

Then we put on the Lucy Minerals ambrosia for dry skin.

Then we topped that off with the Glossier Priming Moisturizer Rich.

I think my skin looks pretty amazing.

I think yours looks gorgeous.

It feels very hydrated, and it wasn't irritating at all.

I don't feel like there's extra redness.

I feel like this is my normal redness going on.

I'm pretty pleased with it.

Yeah, I feel like I'm putting the glow in J-Glow.

Yes, yes you are.

I'm like blingin'.

Your redness is going away now, just as I'm watching.

I love this oil.

Every time I'm with you, you introduce it to me, and I'm falling in love with it.

It's made near here in Orlando.

It's like Winter park, Winter … something like that.

We should go there to their store.

Maybe at the makeup show.


This feels awesome.

I like it.

Let us know what you think of this whole DIY charcoal mask in the comments below.

If you like this video, and found it helpful, give it a thumbs up and share.

I love it when you share my videos.

And if you haven't already, go ahead and click that subscribe button below, so you don't

miss our next video.

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Charcoal Mask - A DIY Tutorial on how to make a charcoal face mask - Duration: 4:50.


Stiches is slow but unkillable #2 | Hero League | Heroes of the Storm

For more infomation >> Stiches is slow but unkillable #2 | Hero League | Heroes of the Storm



- Look, there's this little silicone, border on here.

(television static)

Welcome back to another Vivian Tries.

Today we have another As Seen On Television product.

Today we have Bacon Boss.

- [Announcer] Now with the all new, all American Bacon Boss

you can get the same juicy, crispy, and piping hot

restaurant style bacon.

- You know that I'm really impressed with Wow Bacon

which we've reviewed a few months back.

That one, I was really impressed with.

This one here, we're gonna give it a try.

It is kind of big, but the cool thing about it,

it has a lid on it, so it flattens your bacon.

Making it healthier, it claims, right?

- [Announcer] The Bacon Boss uses a process called

dynamic thermal immersion.

The solid glass lid and rotating handle

flattens the bacon with the same pressure

as an expensive bacon press,

all while the excess fat drains away for less grease

and less calories.

- Yeah, it says, pressure lid seals in juices.

Okay, so maybe not healthier because the other bacon product

that we had did not cook the bacon in its own juice,

this one does.

This one says it's up to six pieces of bacon

in the microwave.

So, remember Wow Bacon you can actually cook six pieces

of bacon in four minutes in the microwave.

Let's see how long this one's gonna take.

I need my scissors because this one, they

got a nice little sticker on here.

Let's see what we can do with this guy.


Let me just glance at these instructions really quick.

- [Announcer] Simply load it, crank it flat,

and see it happen.

- Okay, load the bacon, crank it to seal the lid on,

cook bacon, how long does it say cook bacon?

That's what I wanna know.

- [Announcer] From your microwave, in less time

than you could ever imagine.

- It says add one minute of cooking time

for each strip of bacon you're cooking.

If the bacon is not fully cooked after that time

add 30 second increments

until it reaches desired crispiness.

Already the Wow Bacon is winning

because the Wow Bacon said six pieces

of bacon, four minutes.

This one says six pieces of bacon, six minutes

plus 30 minute increments until it's really crispy.

Okay, here's the lid.

Okay, it's a glass lid, which is, why?

Here's the tray.

It's just a plastic tray.

I'm gonna rinse it off, I'll be right back.


It's like, it's not even, it's kind of at a little tilt

so that the bacon grease can drip while it's cooking.

So let me grab my bacon.


That's too long.

Oh, and it should be like this.

Okay, what if your bacon's too long for this thing?

See, I'm just gonna twist it up like that.


Okay, this hole in the middle is a pain in the ass.

Guys, already I'm feeling like too many little things,

you know?

Look, I mean I could fit five.

One, two, three, four, five, but that's it.

We're not putting six in here,

there's no way that's gonna fit.

Look at that, in the picture they put six,

one, two, three, four, five, six.

Now, this stupid hole in the middle.

I'm gonna do something that they said in here.

- [Announcer] The Bacon Boss turns into an ingenious

bacon stick maker, that's right.

- It said to twist your bacon

to make it like little twist.

You twist your bacon, they said you can have

little bacon spirals, and I was all about that.

Okay, I twisted it, kind of.

So we're gonna do one twisted, okay, nice.

We have one twisted and then we have

one, two, three, four, just flat.

Now, lid.

Place the lid.

- [Announcer] That's right, with the all American

Bacon Boss you don't just cook your bacon,

you crank it flat.

- Okay, it's on there guys, look.

This is kind of cheesy, like this is stupid.

This is dumb.

This is like overkill, this big ass tray, I don't know,

let me not complain yet.

Five minutes in the microwave.

Set the timer.

Okay, it's ready, let's get it out of the microwave.


Do not waste your money on this, please.

I mean, look, all of that grease just went

right on top of the lid right here.

- [Announcer] With less fat and less calories.

- I can hear it like bubbling.

It's like warped the lid.

And I have to unscrew this hot ass lid.

Dude, look.

There's this little silicone, border on here.

All of the grease is trapped in there.

Look at this.

What crazy mess is this?

Oh my God.

What am I supposed to do with this now?

I'm gonna get bacon grease all over my kitchen.

Okay, why don't we put this in the,

what is that thing behind me?


The sink.

And now to this crazy.

This is so silly, I mean, whatever,

it's gonna taste like bacon.

And my little spiral one, what the hell is this?

This is a waste of money.

This is a hundred percent waste of money.

It cooked the bacon, it flattened the bacon.

You tightened the lid, I mean,

it does what it tells you it's gonna do,

but it's a waste of money.

It's super hot, you're gonna burn your hands.

The grease just piles up right here.

If you're looking for a bacon product that really works,

Wow Bacon doesn't sponsor me, they don't,

they didn't pay me for that video or anything.

It's just a good product.

And if it's a good product I want you guys to know about it

just like I want you to know about the shitty ones.

This is going in the pile of shitty ones.

So I'm gonna give this guy one Vivian head.

Alright you guys, that is it for another Vivian Tries video,

I hope that you have enjoyed it,

I'll see you in the next one.


For more infomation >> BACON BOSS REVIEW | TESTING AS SEEN ON TV PRODUCTS - Duration: 6:31.


[로마의 한글자막] 오버워치 No 메르시 Gun Sync 한글자막(CC) - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> [로마의 한글자막] 오버워치 No 메르시 Gun Sync 한글자막(CC) - Duration: 2:36.


New Jurassic Park Bone Breaker Carnotaurus Vs Tyrannosaurus Rex TRex Unboxing W Spinosaurus - Duration: 16:04.

Wow guys welcome to the Jurassic Park

Zoo check out all these awesome Jurassic

Park dinos am here okay so this one is

New Jurassic Park Bone Breaker Carnotaurus Vs Tyrannosaurus Rex TRex Unboxing W Spinosaurus

today this is called the ball breaker

carnotaurus we will take a closer look

at it in one minute and anyways this

here is the drastic park command center

i did a full review on this and every

one of these dinos back there you have

the exclusive towards the rocks off

whole t-rex you have the red Rex there

from dressing park we have the Jurassic

Park animatronics by thesaurus got the

Thrasher t-rex over there got all the


velociraptor Triceratops over here you

have the chaos bull t-rex back there you

have a custom-made golfer full t-rex

because that one was never actually came

out that you got this whole off play

center which oversees the air with with

working electronics which is very hard

to find in figure so let's listen to

some of this take after her Omicron

senior at least I've ever done graphics

particular encounter now then I has

about 200 different phrases and as

flashing lights and everything so it's

really cool that's a lot of fun and here

would be the intrude okay I'll walk

anyway let's go ahead and take a look at

this bone breaker okay so this is one of

the more expensive Jurassic Park dinos

you're going to fly if you want to get

this guy regularly you're going to pay

over a hundred dollars for this gun so

he is a really cool one but as you can

see I mean this guy opens his mouth of

freakish amount check that out I mean it

looks like he's a snake about to swallow

something and I you do if you do control

it by moving his foot back and forth so

you can have him like almost like

yelling yet another done on here

kind of comical actually so if you roof

is fullback and form

it's almost like he's talking or yelling

at somebody but ah let's go ahead and

take a closer look at this guy we're

going to start here on his head oh they

did a great job with the detail on this

site you can see even the eye I mean

that I looks realistic he's got all

individual teeth let's take a better

look at the inside of the club he does

have like a hinge system here which is a

little weird but he's got a very

realistic-looking tongue there and then

going on down he is like part rubber

part plastic ah cool coloring he is red

black in like dark green on his stomach

so this part on his back is rubber his

legs are plastic his tail is rubber his

arms of plastic and his head is plastic

because of the hinging effect but anyway

is going on down 360 degree movement on

his arms he doesn't have a really nice

three claws like farm system there which

is nice really good for playability a

super good detail on it can with the

rubber I mean it gives it a much more

realistic feel to the hold I known as

you can see there I mean all this muscle

striations and everything that's really

cool and then I with this leg in the

back you do have 360 degree movement but

once you get out here it gets a little

loose so it sort of scares me to keep

going around 360 I'm afraid I'm going to

break him like I said this guy is

cheek what ensues awesome so this is

actually the second biggest Carnotaurus

you will find the biggest one that was

produced is the Carnotaurus demon which

I've been looking for for a while but he

that one a really expensive hopeful

ambien could pick them up soon because

see this one's got three nails nicely

painted black and the thing on this one

it has died no damage so here on its

stomach it's like exposed you can see

like the blood and the bones there the

thing is with this one I did not get

that cover with it ah with the cover is

significantly more expensive which is

kind of a disappointment but hopefully

one day I got there playing water one

day I could pick it off you could see

the compound is still talking it

continues to talk by itself and here's a

good look at the back of this guy you

could see he's got like Claude three

rows of spikes all the way down his back

really nice coloring I mean I'm I'm

really pleased with this guy and then

here on the other side you could see

this is where he's got his leg oh so

this guy is JP 26 like I said I mean I

am super pleased with this guy his fault

but the only way he really stands is

there with his mouth open because once

you well actually let me show you the

action feature to activate the action

feature you just move his leg back here

and that makes his mouth hinge

open and close let's take a look at that

closer look so you can see exactly how

its hinging back there so I like I said

I mean you could close his mouth and

have him like this but he's way too

top-heavy so he will not be in like that

least I could not get him to you could

put him like that but that's about it so

uh you get this guy's to stand he's got

to be up with his mouth open and then he

balances himself on his tail so all let

me know what you guys think because I

really like this guy


let's take a quick look at some of these

other guys like i said i do have cool

reviews on all of them so you can check

that out by going through the jurassic

world platelet at the end of this video

and this one is the coolest one this is

also the most expenses this is an

animatronic spinosaurus so it does have

a animatronic action if you push near

tail it moves its head and it has a

realistic roar and moving and you could

also push it here on the neck and moved

his head and does a different noise or

you could also push you here and has

like a wound on this other side

and then you have the red Rex here which

he's very flexible I mean his neck o

move all the way around so you could

have some awesome battles with some

shaking this guy is total robber

everywhere so that is really nice you

can open his mouth way up like I said if

you do want to see full reviews on these

go to the playlist at the end of the

video and then you have the bull t-rex

this is the toys r us version if you

push it here on its back it has

realistic sound

so they did a great job with this guy

like all over and this one is mostly

plastic but the original one is mostly

rubber and then you have this one this

one is probably the most realistic

looking one this is the Thrasher t-rex

he's called Thrasher because if you move

to tail back there he whips his head

back and forth and he has a cage that

like you put on him and when he's

whipping his head back and forth he

breaks out of the cage and you could

have him open his mouth there or if you

push his tongue he will close his mouth

once again you could pull it open and

have it locked open so this guy is all

rubber and he is very realistic-looking

I like this guy long and then you have

the chaos effect bull t-rex this guy

also is really awesome he has a real hot

glass side so it makes him look very

authentic his body is mostly rubber

across the whole body and he is like

bright orange blue and black and these

guys are the ones that are their mouths

open fully often they could swallow like

a full-size action figure no problem and

then you take the off bigger or whatever

you're playing without of the slit on

his stomach here so that is really cool

and this one here is a custom painted

one this is actually the original bull

t-rex painted to look like the golfer

bull t-rex which never came out I

actually found this one on ebay some

artists like did a really great job

anything I'd really like how this one

block and I mean it would have been

really cool this one had actually come

out because the coloring on it I think

this one's my favor of the

bull t-rex's there's actually uh three

bull t-rexes that came out and this

would have been the fourth one so this

guy also has like that you can open his

mouth way up and swallow what full-size

action figures and then you have the

original bull t-rex I really like the

coloring of this one too it's like a

almost like an olive green a darker

greenish blue with like black stripes

and like a whitish color on his stomach

so this one also does have the glass I

this one will open his mouth all the way

up and swallow and action figures also

he's got to slit in the stomach to take

them out so uh that is pretty much all

of the big jurassic world i knows except

for the diamond Carnotaurus so that's a

really good look at a lot of them let me

know which one of them is your favorite

and which one you would like to see

reviewed more often or and shows more

often and here would be a good size

comparison to the Carnotaurus so you can

see that the bull t-rex is bigger but

the bull t-rex is actually like the

biggest one that they made for all

Jurassic Park so uh if you got something

under this guy you could get him to

stand like that or if you hide something

wait on his back because if he was more

balanced he would stand oh just like the

bull t-rex there but like I said this

guy is designed to stand up like that

wow like i said earlier i really like

his mouth defect I think you could make

them really hilarious

piece of really hilarious looking stuff

with that almost like he's like some

type of all whooping like yelling or

something thank you get off my land what

you want my land go back here I'm gonna

eat you why come on just go okay well

anyways let me know which one of those

Jurassic Park dinos was your favorite

thanks for viewing if you did enjoy it

please click like wait till the end of

the business video to see our full

reviews of these Jurassic world I nose

and a lot of fun battles thanks for

viewing and being all saw wow guys that

was a lot of fun and if you enjoyed the

video make sure you click Subscribe and

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For more infomation >> New Jurassic Park Bone Breaker Carnotaurus Vs Tyrannosaurus Rex TRex Unboxing W Spinosaurus - Duration: 16:04.


Nightcore - Undone (Feat. Steklo) [Spectrum] - Duration: 3:20.


gonna throw my memories away Now I feel undone

And I am cursed by everyday

Till my time is gone I've never felt this way before

And now I know this, so for sure I won't forget you lost the train

I'll never forget this day

I'll never forget this day Never forget this day

Never forget this day

I'm gonna throw my memories away Now I feel undone

And I am cursed by everyday Till my time is gone

I've never felt this way before And now I know this, so for sure

I won't forget you lost the train I'll never forget this day

I'll never forget this day I'll never forget this day

Never forget this day

I'm gonna throw my memories away Now I feel undone

And I am cursed by everyday Till my time is gone

I've never felt this way before And now I know this, so for sure

I won't forget you lost the train I'll never forget this day

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Undone (Feat. Steklo) [Spectrum] - Duration: 3:20.


Bob Ross Paints People (Parody) - Duration: 1:36.

Hello, friends.

A lot of you have been writing in and saying to me, "Dear Bob,

We love your paintings.

But we'd like to see if you can paint living things."

And I write back and I say, "The sun, the moon, the clouds, the rocks ARE living things."

And you write back and say, "Dear Bob, No we mean can you paint people?

You seem to be a one trick pony."

I ain't even mad.

So this coming season, we'll be painting people.

Not literally.

We'll start with a painting that will remind us of our younger, happy days.

Like me, back when I sat outside with my dog, Sandy, and let the wind blow through my curls.

Here's a painting of three sisters.

This one looks scary.

There are no mistakes, friends.

Only happy accidents.

She's definitely an accident.

This one is still in the planning stages for an upcoming episode.

It's a meeting with a bunch of ladies.

Things get a little unruly, and an eye gets poked out.

Here's a bullfighter and a bull.

You know how this situation always ends, right, friends?

One of them dies.

This is my beautiful wife

when I told her we should have matching perms.

Finally, here's a family that sat for me.

I kept thinking while I was doing this painting,

"There's just something off with this family."

So we'll also be painting

this alternate version.

So come experience joy on this season's Joy of Painting.

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