Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 18 2017

South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique on bicycles

Sisa invests his hard earned money properly and deposits it on the right place

girls with machetes carry a few kilos of wood on their heads

and men observe it all quietly

some feet and mouth disease is spread here

we're entering a zone where it's prohibited to bring a raw meat

we have luckily only grilled sausages

don't you want one before climb to the top?

no, we had substantial breakfast, hadn't we?

there is 21 km to go to Mozambique border

we're passing another nature reserve

shit, i stepped on some grass, it prickless like hell

traffic towards Mozambique border dissapeared

we have got this road just for us

everyone has got his own lane

now a small climb

then it will hopefully go steeply down to Maputo

or rather slowly and long

cyclists drink champagne during tha last stage in Tour de France

during our last stage insidious things happen


we enjoy it with all the trimmings

we have no victory cigars so at least some form of celebration

it won't be easy to get to Mozambique

maybe last climb

this holiday can not be true

riding up all the time

border Swaziland - Mozambique

another country

we can tick it off

we reached the last Swazi town Lomahasha

there is Mozambique border over there at the end of the road

we're in Mozambique

crossing was much easier then last year on the border Kenya - Uganda

money changers asked us politely whether we want to change some money

we said we had some, they didn't bother us anymore

customs officers checked my fingerprints

we encountered a little problem

we didn't want to change money by moneychangers so we went to a bank

where we found out that we can't change money legally without Mozambique bank account

we don't have and we won't have any

so we returned to moneychangers

they naturally wanted to cheat us

they offered us one third of official exchange rate

eventually with a little loss we exchanged 50 Euros

we'll have to withdraw money from ATM

and now thirsty after last climb we'll have the first Mozambique beer

they build roads or something like that here, don't they?

our first Mozambique beer 2M Mac Mahon

550ml, less than 1 dollar, 4,5% alcohol

detailed information for beer lovers, cheers guys

cerveza Mozambique, let's have it

here is to crossing the border


good as always

so we're returning back to money changers

we counted that we have a little Mozambique money and we don't know

whether we can withdraw money from ATM

how much we loose so we'll exchange some more

late lunch behind town Namaacha

after three visits to money changers

finally we can have sausages from last evening

and some cheese, vegetables salad

to replenish an energy

we have got another 30 km to go

are you happy?

yes I am, i just wanted to say that I'm happy

Mozambique lowland opened in front of us

what a beauty

we're in town Boane

it will be getting dark in a few minutes, we're looking for an acommodation

the only thing we found is some mosque

what's the time? mosque is calling to prayers

it's more times, isn't it?

five times a day

today we rode 94 km

and found an accommodation in Boane

it's around 20km from the capital Maputo

in guesthouse Perola

light is not working

this is my room, i won it, we drew lots

let's take a look at room of Ruda and Sisa

i asked an owner about malaria, he laughed out loud

that he doesn't know, he doesn't take care

here is a sign in Portuguese, if i understood it right

don't throw condoms in a toilet

so be careful boys

they may have problems with toilets

size of cocroaches increased with our arrival to Mosambique

we're going to pub

i have got neither a door handle nor a key

an owner said that it's ok, that he'll check it

did the hot water flow?

first night in Mozambique, it's quite insecure

we take all valuables with us

yes it ran

we're in a hotel restaurant

TV is quite loud like in every African pub

we have got chicken with chips for dinner

that was the only possibility

there were more meals on menu but they have got nothing

chips rule Africa, we have probably said that already

is it hot?

yes it is, it's only peppers

i just wanna say that it's me who is happy now

you can not see me but i'm happy as well

it's gonna be better man, it's gonna be better

it will turn out somehow

point it at Ruda to see how happy he is

today i'm happy as well even though you may not recognize it

i liked it, a girl dropped a toy, another one gave it to her

all children waited till i hand toys out

i was moved

i rode on and thought of these children

yeah, they appreciate that

they are not spoiled

they didn't fight, they waited

a little girl dropped it, another girl picked it up

and they saw that i would hand it out and waited for it

i have already told that Ruda, i have also an experience with toys today

there was one blind old man over there, i was giving toys to a little boy

another little boy arrived, bicycle full of wood

he was fully loaded, longingly looking at me

i gave him toys and he said obrigado

children like these need it

road signs don't correspond with reality

i planned this journey according to google maps

today for instance it should have been 70 km, reality was 94

Sisa's GPS shows something quite different and on road signs are utter nonsenses

here is 40km to Maputo, we cover 20 and another sign shows still 40 to Maputo

it seems to me that they use road signs that are left over somewhere in a warehouse or i don't know

point it at yourself

he's pointing camera at me

shall i just move my lips?

yeah, you can

tomorrow you will pay

malaria is also a nice experience

that belongs to Africa

Africa is not about wallowing on a beach somewhere in Maputo

a yellow fever would be fine as well

we got vaccinated one year ago so we are resistant

yep, unfortunately we won't be infected with that

otherwise we're ready, this is quite

it was used in Vietnamese war these stuffs

this is nothing and this one is...


it kills a mosquito at a distance of 5 meters

like in almost every African country there is a problem with water here

this is full flow

it's Thursday morning and today we'll absolve a ceremonial arrival to Maputo

we set alarm for 8AM

celebration with all the trimmings

today we'll finally reach the ocean

we left a city to have breakfast

in a city we drew too much attention

they have got tasty buns in Mozambique

otherwise we eat classic foods

sausages, cheese, juice, pepper

stall with fruit and vegetables

and live hens right next to it

we're approaching Maputo

we're on outskirts of capital Maputo

a view of Indian ocean opened in front of us

toll gate near Maputo

after long and distressful 886 km we came from Johanesburg to Maputo

capital of Mozambique

we are dog-tired but happy

i have got one more but it's too little

the people here are not too rich are they?

no, living at railway track, dirty

you don't have, you don't have

this one doesn't have

he has, the one in a shirt

and gifts will be handed out

wait a minute, which one..this dress to the little one?

i would give it to the older one

give the t-shirt to her

good? yes

wait, to the girl

the girl is pretty, this is for you

he takes everything from her

wait, to this little boy

Avenida 24 de Julho

it leads all the way to the ocean

where it crosses with Avenida Vladimir Lenin, our hotel will be situated

dear supporters of cycling sport

our team has just after 895 km come to Maputo hotel Kahina

here in this triple room we'll spend 1-3 nights

we'll decide, according to departure time of a bus to Johannesburg

what else can we wish for

Sisa is already browsing

not yet

Sisa received a pasword and he's not interested in anything else

he stumbled over me, he doesn't see a friend when he sees a sign wifi free

we're gonna remeasure that

if we could move it we would have more space

we have got a fridge, it's great

we have got even swimming pool here

we're drinking beer Laurentina in our hotel

it's an another Mozambique brand

it's not as tasty as 2M

5% of alcohol, it has some little aftertaste

we're waiting for meal

yeah, i'd like to go out in the evening as well

there's nothing to add, it's a beauty

we're strolling here

we'll be admired here with our cycling tan

water is quite good, ain't it?

yeah, it's warm, tomorrow in the sun we can swim

sure, a swim in the ocean is a must

such a shame, there's nobody here to admire our athletic bodies

it's gonna take a long time, my camera battery won't keep that long

a proper holiday

it's not holiday at the sea

actually it's not holiday at all, it's a sweat and pain

no holiday at all, it's a pain but

but a beautiful pain

when you reach the final destination, it's a great feeling


it's great, we have something to celebrate

that we had a beautiful time but it was hard work, incredibly hard work

it's not tears what flows from my eyes now, it's the ocean, a wind from the ocean


For more infomation >> JAR, Svazijsko, Mosambik na kole (6.) HD / S.Africa,Swaziland,Mosambique on bicycle (6.) - Duration: 33:08.


Laser-Behandlung: Dany Michalski legt sich auf den OP-Tisch! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Laser-Behandlung: Dany Michalski legt sich auf den OP-Tisch! - Duration: 0:53.



For more infomation >> NASZE PRYWATNE SEKRETY - WYKRYWACZ KŁAMSTW! - Duration: 9:53.


7 Crazy Ways Video Game Pirates Were Punished By Developers - Duration: 7:54.

So, you thought you could get away with it, huh?

You thought you could just copy that game without forking over some cash?

For as long as video games have existed, bootlegging games has been a problem.

"Did I hear you right, did I hear you sayin' that you're going to make a copy of a game

without paying?

C'mon, guys.

I thought you knew better, don't copy that floppy."

A lot of people worked really hard making those games, and some of that work even went

into punishing game thieves in some pretty creative ways.

Here are just a few crazy ways video game pirates were punished by developers.

As if this wasn't punishment enough.

"On these disks, we have frozen in time, the creativity of someone's mind.

Do you think just because, with a flick of a key, you can copy the game, that the work is free?"

Living on the edge

When you have a game like Mirror's Edge based entirely around the questionable art of parkour, speed is essential.

Defying the laws of physics and running sideways across a wall isn't for the faint of heart...

or the terminally slow.

Given that momentum is necessary to play the game for more than a minute, the developers

just took it away from any illegitimate copy of the game.

The resulting version of Mirror's Edge is an unplayable, living nightmare in which you've

been struck with a crippling fear of heights.

As pirate gamers approach the game's first intimidating ledge, they gradually slow to

a snail's pace.

Any attempt at movement is severely hampered, and when you can't jump to the next building,

you're pretty much dead.

The pirate learns that they can't play the game, ideally feels a deep sense of nerd shame,

and with any luck, actually pays for a copy of one of 2009's most interesting games about


It's like 20 bucks, bro.

Just do it.

A similar technique was used for illegally copied versions of Batman: Arkham Asylum,

basically turning Batman into just some ordinary jerk with a death wish and a dorky costume.

Gliding around like a bat is a pretty important game mechanic, but pirates wouldn't know,

because they don't get to use it.

Once the game fails the usual system check, the ability to glide is simply removed.

Pirate players found out what happens when a person tries to do a bat-glide in reality.

"To the Batmobile!


The game also made saving impossible, but making the Dark Knight just kinda stumble

off of buildings probably deterred anyone from playing long enough to do anything worth saving.

Total terror

Players of Five Nights at Freddy's are pretty accustomed to getting the living crap scared

out of them, both figuratively and physically…

...but despite how effective the game's usual robot-animal-jump-scares are, the developers

decided that pirates deserve an additional pants-wetting moment that they'll never forget.

Players who attempt to quit their pirated copy of Five Nights will find themselves on

the receiving end of an additional, unscripted, and pretty harsh jump scare.

That's pretty much it... but it works really well.

How cruel is is to keep on pounding on someone after they've already cried "uncle"... even

if they kinda deserve it?


Got ya.

Scared ya.

Scared ya!"

For the birds

As a fairly well-received first person shooter, ARMA 2 became a popular target for pirates

in 2009.

The developers, however, weren't screwing around when they wrote in their anti-piracy code.

Anyone who attempted to play a stolen copy of this game probably should have had a barf

bag ready.

If you're playing a copy that isn't legit, your POV essentially gets drunk.

Great for Bachelorette Party Simulator 2000 — not so great when you're in the heat of battle.

Your focus cuts in and out, and your weapon's rounds lose their accuracy.

If this wasn't enough to deter you, the game's logo would appear all over the screen.

If that truly wasn't enough, intrepid game thief, your character just up and turns into a bird.

Try holding a VSS Vintorez with tiny, feathered wings.

A free-to-play multiplayer version was released just a couple years later, just to taunt disgruntled

pirates even further.

Should have waited, bird brain.

That wasn't even the only pirated game that ruined your day with birds, either.

If you're playing a bootlegged version of Crysis: Warhead, all of your guns will replace

your bullets with live chickens.

Eventually, the hundreds of cluckers can cause the game to crash.

And even if it doesn't, there's no way to fight a war with farm animals, right?

Manual insertion

Back in the early days of home gaming, developers had limited options when it came to copy protection.

Not only did they need to get creative and publish elaborate rap videos…

"Say ya see a game you like and you really wanna try it.

Don't copy that floppy, just go to the store and buy it!"

….but they also needed to use what they had: oldschool paper instruction manuals.

The developers of Prince of Persia included a fun way of dealing with pirates.

In the second level of the game, just when you think you're in the clear, you come to

a large room filled with potions, each with a letter above it.

It's a real Last Crusade moment.

"You must choose.

But choose wisely."

The trick is that the potions correspond to a code printed in the game's manual.

Choose the wrong potion and you're dead.

If you have the manual, you're free and clear, and get to live on to finish the game.

And you couldn't easily just look up video game codes on the Internet in the '80s, because

the dark ages were a terrible time for nerds.

"Get those nerds!"



Memory loss

A retro classic in every sense, Earthbound for the Super Nintendo included an epic way

for game developers to troll pirates.

An unofficial copy of the game could be played, but it became aggressively difficult, making

it nearly impossible to finish.

Of course, some people somehow sludged through the epic challenge, so developers HAL Laboratories

had one more surprise in store.

It all comes to a head with the final boss, Giygas.

If you win the first round with the epic boss… your game crashes in the most colossal way


The whole thing freezes, and when you reload the game, all of your thirty-plus hours of

save data is gone.

It's all gone.


"Like tears… in rain."

What a shame

The developers for Skullgirls had an interesting way of dealing with pirates: they embarrassed

them online.

Once the player finally beat the game, they wouldn't get the usual ending.

Instead, they'd be greeted with a text box saying, "What is the square root of a fish?

Now I'm sad."

That's it.

No end credits, nothing you might normally find at the ending of a game.

Just a bunch of nonsense.

Pirates were annoyed and took to the Internet to find out, essentially outing themselves

as dirty thieves.

It wasn't just about punishing pirates though.

Skullgirls enjoyed some viral publicity as a result of their unusual end-game, which

helped boost sales and ensure a string of re-releases.

Oh, the irony

One of many interesting business simulator games — if you're hardcore into the thrills

of resource allocation and profit margins — Game Dev Tycoon follows the development

of a fictional game from start to finish, with the hopes of building a Nintendo-like


And so, there really was only one way the developers of Game Dev Tycoon could troll

pirates: they put the pirates in their shoes.

If you're playing a pirated copy of Game Dev Tycoon, you might notice your profits taking

a steep dive when your otherwise-popular products should be making money.

Eventually, one of your staff members will fill you in, saying,

"Boss, it seems that while many players play our new game, they steal it by downloading

a cracked version rather than buying it legally.

If players don't but the games they like, we will sooner or later go bankrupt."

Pirates went online to complain, and not only did they out themselves, but they hilariously

complained about pirates stealing their virtual games while they were playing a pirated copy

of a real game about trying to make money while creating virtual games.

So, we're left with one question.

"Why are you the way that you are?"

The irony, it would seem, was lost on many.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> 7 Crazy Ways Video Game Pirates Were Punished By Developers - Duration: 7:54.


Realtalk Fitness & Bodybuilding Motivation 2017 | Fibo ist meine Wettkampfbühne | Roadtoglory JIL - Duration: 4:49.

Every year around winter and spring, the same old question pops up.

Jil why on god's earth do you go through these diet tortures?

You look devastated, why even bother?

To make it pretty simple, because the people dont recognize the value of such a fitness expo!

JUST LOOK AT IT, its the worlds biggest fitness and bodybuilding expo!

If you look closely at the local competitions you'll see that the spirit is old and outdated.

Let's keep it real, those competitions are sparely visited, at maximum 50% of the capacity

and as soon as the bikini and men's physique class is done, the audience is down to 20%.

Those 20% are mainly coaches, friends and family.

Guys dont you realize that time passed?

I gotta ask you, why do you diet for 8,10,12 even 16 weeks?

For a lame paper bag full of some whey and booster samples, maybe a supplement guide

from a specific company and some piece of metal?

Dont get me wrong, i dont want to critize the competitors, they do everything right.

They go through hell to nail their conditioning!

We have to critize ourselves, the audience!

We have the responsibility to keep this sport alive!

We have to visit these competitions, and show them their respect!

Before the social media fitness boom around 2013/2014

these competitors who kept the competitions alive, also kept the sport alive!

Dont you ask yourself sometimes, where could this sport be, if there wasnt the clash between

oldschool and newschool?

Competitor and fitness hipster?

If everyone would fight for the same cause, this sport would be so much bigger and not a niche!

After all that, don't you understand why the FIBO is my competition?

In the last 4 years of being a FIBO athlete, i was able to inspire thousands!

Shake hands, take pictures, signing shirts, shakers, cellphones and poster!

These people are my community... hell they are my familiy, and they gave me all i have.

Therefore i am eternally grateful.

Respect those, who deserve it!

No matter what your goals are, if you want to be 80kilos dry or 130 kilos dry,

respect the people around you.

Offer help, share experiences and i will promise that you will progress in life.

Lets move this sport forward and stop this god damned hate!

I am Jil, 31 years old, social media influencer and founder of the Road To Glory Family!

I am so grateful for your support and i am looking forward to help you on your

"Road to glory"!

For more infomation >> Realtalk Fitness & Bodybuilding Motivation 2017 | Fibo ist meine Wettkampfbühne | Roadtoglory JIL - Duration: 4:49.


Inside The Suitcase | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 4:50.

Come on. Down you come.

Come on.

Thank Paracelsus.

If you'd have got out, that could've been quite catastrophic.

So he's the real reason I came to America.

To bring Frank home.

Wait. No, sorry. Stay there.

He's a wee bit sensitive to strangers.

Here you are. Here you are.

He was trafficked, you see.

I found him in Egypt. He was all chained up.

Couldn't leave him there. I had to bring him back.

I'm gonna put you back where you belong, aren't I, Frank?

To the wilds of Arizona.

All right, here they come.

Here who comes?


- Hey! - You're all right.

- Oh! - Hello.


So they're the last breeding pair in existence.

So if I hadn't managed to rescue them,

that could've been the end of Graphorns forever.

All right.

What, you rescue these creatures?

Yes, that's right. Rescue, nurture and protect them.

And I'm gently trying to educate my fellow wizards about them.

Come on.


Titus, Finn.

Poppy, Marlow, Tom.

He had a cold.

He needed some body warmth.


All right, on you hop.

He has some attachment issues.

Now, come on, Pickett.


No, they're not gonna bully you, now come on.


All right.

And that is exactly why they accuse me of favoritism.

Oh, no, Dougal's gone.

All right, I'm coming. I'm coming.

Mum's here. Mum's here.

Oh, hello.

Let me take a look at you.

I know these guys.

Your Occamy.

- What do you mean, my Occamy? - Yes.

Do you want to...

Oh... Oh, wow, yeah, sure.



- Ahh! - Oh, sorry, no, don't pet him.

They, um, learn to defend themselves early.

See, their shells are made of silver, so they're incredibly valuable.


Their nests tend to get ransacked by hunters.

Thank you.

Mr. Scamander?

Oh, call me Newt.

Newt. I don't think I'm dreaming.

What gave it away?

I ain't got the brains to make this up.

Would you mind throwing some of those pellets

in with the Mooncalfs over there?

- Yeah, sure. - Just over there's...


Niffler's gone.

Course he has, little bugger.

Any chance to get his hands on something shiny.

For more infomation >> Inside The Suitcase | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) | 4K ULTRA HD - Duration: 4:50.


The Tomb Raider Movie Reboot Will Be Better Than You Think - Duration: 5:47.

In 2011, GK Films acquired the movie rights to Tomb Raider, with the plans of rebooting

the iconic video game franchise on the big screen.

Several years later, things have finally come together and fans will be getting a new Tomb

Raider movie in 2018, and the cameras have just begun rolling on production.

From what we've already seen and heard about the movie, it's shaping up to be a really

big deal, so here's what we know about the reboot so far.

Cast and crew

Several women have voiced Lara Croft in the various video games, but the only woman to

play her on the big screen was Angelina Jolie in the early 2000s.

Many actresses in Hollywood were after the iconic role, and Warner Bros. wanted to make

sure it got the right person for the job.

After reportedly meeting with several actresses, including The Force Awakens breakout Daisy

Ridley, the studio settled on recent Oscar winner, Alicia Vikander.

Judging from the set photos that have emerged from the production so far, it looks like

Vikander was a fine fit for the leading lady role.

The Affair star Dominic West has also been cast to play Lara's father, Lord Richard Croft,

while Daniel Wu steps in as ship captain Lu Ren and Walton Goggins takes the villainous

role of Father Mathias Vogel.

According to Goggins, we can expect the film's antagonist to be a bit unconventional … which

explains why he was chosen for the role, of course.

"Let me make your special afternoon coffee."

He told Yahoo of his on-screen counterpart, "There are real reasons behind his antagonism,

and it's not what you'd expect.

He is very complicated, and his motivations are pure."

On the other hand, he also told Collider that his character is "confused, angry, and desperate,"

so it sounds like we're gonna get the array of emotions from a guy who knows how to do

them all with his kooky smile.

"Well ain't love grand.

Y'all wanna lay on the ground and make snow angels together?"

Meanwhile, Norwegian director Roar Uthaug, whose 2015 disaster film The Wave put him

on the map, will be helming the pic based on a script from industry newcomer Geneva

Robertson-Dworet, who got Hollywood's attention with her Blacklisted scripts, Hibernation

and Ares and wrote the script for Transformers 5.

So, there's a lot of promising talent packed into this production already on the creative


But that's not all ...

An origin story to define the franchise

After years of waiting, fans finally got their hands on a new Tomb Raider game in 2013, thanks

to the folks at Crystal Dynamics, who rebooted the series with a franchise-defining origin


Now, Warner Bros., whose interactive entertainment arm co-published the game's sequel, wants

to do the same for Tomb Raider on the movie side.

And to do that, it's basing the upcoming reboot on the video game's story.

After all, Tomb Raider is a video game franchise first and foremost."

Vikander herself has said that the film will be based on this 2013 game reboot in that

it's "more of an origin story."

She told Uproxx, "You get into an emotional aspect of getting to know Lara hopefully in

an in-depth way."

Having the reboot follow the basic premise of the video game reboot is great and all,

but we have to hope there are at least a few twists we don't see coming.

A psychological adventure to mess with your head

According to Goggins, the story is like "Raiders of the Lost Ark meets a genre version of the

Joseph Conrad novel Victory: An Island Tale."

Once he read the script, he said he "jumped at the chance" of doing it, so let's unpack

what he means there, shall we?

For starters, although there have been countless adventure movies over the years, the film

to beat is still Steven Spielberg's Raiders of the Lost Ark, the first Indiana Jones movie,

because it's the prototypical treasure-adventure flick that inspired a great many directors,

including Roar Uthaug, to join the filmmaking industry in the first place.

As for that second pop culture reference, Conrad's Victory: An Island Tale is a 1915

psychological story about a man who ends up living on an island in what is now Indonesia

due to a business mishap.

Though complex, the story deals with the effects of isolation (especially on an island) and

how that can blur the lines between what is civilized and what is barbaric.

Seeing as Tomb Raider deals with someone being stranded on an island, this must mean we'll

get to see how Lara Croft breaks through her misfortunes in wildly exciting Indy style

again, perhaps with some more shark-punching this time around?

A different kind of Lara Croft

Those who don't play the Tomb Raider video games may not be well-versed in Lara Croft's

history–her characteristics, her background, or the reason she does what she does.

She's an iconic video game character, but is she someone people can aspire to be?

You know, aside from the whole being abandoned on a remote island mess?

That hasn't been explored on screen before, which is something Roar Uthaug is looking

to change.

He told IGN, "I think making Lara Croft feel like a real human being, that's definitely

something we want to bring to the big screen as well.

I think we'll want to make people relate to Lara as a character."

"What are you saying?

I have no idea what you're saying?"

For starters it might not be too bad an idea to dial down her sexuality factor.

It's no secret that the video game industry tends to oversexualize its female characters,

a trend that arguably began with the first Tomb Raider game over 20 years ago, and critics

can't seem to agree on whether Lara is a positive or negative female role model for young girls

(and gamers) because of that.

Sure, she's a strong character who relies heavily on her wits to survive extraordinary

situations, and that is what drew Uthaug to the project in the first place, so perhaps

the new reboot will purge the belief that Lara might be a "cyber bimbo" and restore

her image as a strong female human character.

Tomb Raider began filming on January 23, 2017, which makes it right on schedule for the film

to meet its March 16, 2018 release date, and we can't wait.

Consider our tickets for this action-packed adventure drama already purchased.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Tomb Raider Movie Reboot Will Be Better Than You Think - Duration: 5:47.


Do You Make These Pronunciation Mistakes? | British Pronunciation Training | - Duration: 12:34.

hello and welcome back to real English

with real teachers I have an absolute

treat look who I am here with Lucy from

English with Lucy hello everybody again

we're without Charlie so sorry you can't

be here Charlie we miss you Charlie actually

I've never met Charlie so sad

I can't do this

Today Lucy and I are bringing

you another very useful English video

we're going to be talking about minimal

pairs aren't we oh yeah so what is

a minimal pair a minimal pair is two

words a pair of words that sound very

similar but have one little difference

one of the sound is different ok a good

example is ship and sheep so ship as in

the big boat which carries lots of

passengers across the ocean and sheep

maa maa

why are minimal pairs so

interesting well I think they're really

interesting because often they'll use

vowel sounds especially that other

languages don't have in them i.e the

Spanish absolutely Spanish speakers really

suffer with the i / ɪ and ee / iː differentiation

very true and we were thinking that

sometimes if you want to say one of the

words from the pair but you accidentally

pronounce the other one you could have a

very confusing and embarrassing and

sometimes offensive ooph situation

welcome to real English with real teachers

with Harry and Charlie

Please be warned there are rude

words within this video if you are

easily offended by strong language then

we might suggest clicking on another video

of ours instead however if you can excuse

the potty mouthed teachers Harry and Lucy then we

hope you enjoy this very useful episode of real English

Hi darling hi how was your

lunch today yeah it was err really

nice something strange happened though

Oh what was that well umm I had my cutlery

Mm hmm umm but I realised something was missing

umm so I asked the waitress if I could have a

fuck you asked her for what a fuck

Here Harry mispronounced the word fork for ahem

the swear word fuck in this context the

word suggests that Harry has asked for

more than just cutlery so let's practice

the difference between the sounds and

then focus on how to make the sound

For the sound used in the word fork

put your tongue low and to the

back of the mouth push your lips

together like you're gunna kiss someone

oorr / ɔː

for the sound in the word fuck

put your tongue low between the middle

and the back of your mouth and make a

short voiced sound with your mouth open

uhh / ʌ

now let's see the scene

again with the correct pronunciation

So how was your lunch today yeah it was it was fine

umm strange though I didn't get the...

all the cutlery so I I had to ask the waitress

for a fork god the service there is always

so terrible I know last time I go back there

to get really good at knowing the

difference in pronunciation

practise more words that contain the same sound

as this minimal pair do so for example

we have

How's it going I'm fine how are you I'm okay I

just had a really busy day I just want

to stay in and watch a film with you and

just relax oh do you mind if I go out no you

Harry has yet again

mispronounced a simple word for a very

very rude word this is by far the rudest

of them all so listen up for the

difference the technique and then the

replay of how the scene should have sounded

for the word can't

put the tongue low and to the back of the mouth

lips relaxed and then make a long voiced

sound with your mouth open

ahh / ɑː

ahh / ɑː

ahh / ɑː

for the word cunt pffff

you sound really sexy when you say that

thank you

for the word cunt we use the same sound as the word

fuck all the beautiful words contain

this phoneme put your tongue low between

the middle and the back of your mouth

and make a short voiced sound with your mouth open

uhh / ʌ

uhh / ʌ

Hi darling hello how are

you I'm fine I'm just really tired I

want to have a nice evening in with you

watch a film and just relax d'you mind if

I go out ahh you can't oww not today you can't

fine I'll stay in ah thank you I love you

I love you too

Ahh so here we see that

if you avoid calling a girl like

Lucy a umm cunt she will indeed fall deeply

in love with you and so we should

practise further sounds that resemble this

minimal pair

to start with we have

next we have

and finally

Darling I'm going to the

kitchen do you want anything yeah I'd love a


it's Lucy's turn to blush

here as she has mispronounced the word

coke for the word cock which I'm sure

most of you know is slang for male

genitals instead of wanting to quench

her thirst with a cold coke from the

fridge she is suggesting something

rather out of the ordinary for Harry

once again let's take a look at the

differences the coaching points and then

a scene in which Harry doesn't look

quite as intrigued

for the word coke we have to use a diphthong

sound which means it's actually two

sounds combined uh / ə and oo / ʊ

uh / ə and oo / ʊ

to make this sound

start with the uh / ə and move to ooh / ʊ

oe / əʊ

oe / əʊ

for the word cock put the tongue

low and to the back of your mouth

mouth open and slightly rounded as if sucking

a lolly make a short voice sound oh oh

oh / ɒ

oh / ɒ

oh / ɒ

Darling I'm going to the kitchen can

I get you anything oh yes I'll have a coke

ok one coke coming right up thank you honey

further sounds for you to practice with

the minimal pairing of coke and cock are

folk and flock soak and sock

and lastly bloke and block so I really

want to go on holiday this year me too

where'd you fancy I was kind of thinking

Italy oh yeah really hot nice bitches

what once again Harry has upset Lucy by

confusing beach for bitch which is

incredibly common for those who speak

Latin based languages so listen out for

the clear difference in sounds the

replay and my extra sounds to practice

the coaching parts for this word is

combined with our next minimal pair

beach bitch beach bitch I really want to

go on holiday this year me too where do

you fancy going i'm thinking like Italy

or somewhere I could do Italy nice

weather nice beaches yeah the beaches

are meant to be beautiful yeah let's do

it let's go whoo!! some extra sounds

for you to practice regarding beach and

bitch are reach and rich teach and twitch

and lastly speech and stitch Lucy I love

living with you I know it's lovely

by the way do you like the color brown I

don't mind the color brown 'cos I just

put some new shits on the bed what

don't panic don't panic lucy has not

shit the bed she mispronounced sheet for

shit listen up for the final minimal

pair break down along with the coaching

points for beach and bitch sheet

shit sheet shit for the words beach and

sheet lift the tongue high and to the

front of your mouth stretch out your

lips as if smiling and make a long

voiced sound EEE/ i:

sheet and shit create a similar shape to

the 'i:' sound but this time bring your

tongue and jaw slightly lower and make a

short voiced sound i/ i/ i Lucy I

love living with you that's lovely by

the way do you like the color brown love

it because I just put some new sheets on

the bed for further practice with the

sounds in shit and sheet practice fit

and feet grit and greet and knit and

neat Oh brown sheets! It means if you have another of

those nightmares we don't have to wash

them that's all from us for now but

don't forget to check out the channel

English with Lucy if you enjoyed our

guest today at please stay active with

your learning by commenting below and

sharing some embarrassing sounds that you've

mistaken in the past or tell us what

other minimal pairs you can think of

that are rather difficult and of course

if he want more from us right now you can

watch this video or this one finally if

you are interested in attending a live

lesson we strongly suggest

subscribing so that you don't miss out

on a completely

free class.. bye for now

For more infomation >> Do You Make These Pronunciation Mistakes? | British Pronunciation Training | - Duration: 12:34.


THE MAGICIANS | Season 2, Episode 8: 'Revelations' | Syfy - Duration: 3:01.

[radio tuning]

[European music playing over radio]

[radio tuning] [classical music playing]

[radio tuning] [upbeat funk music playing]

[radio tuning] - BBC World News...

- I had him stop for fish and chips.

Best shop in Dublin, he said.

- Are you kidding me?

[engine turns over]

Wait, uh, no, no, just, uh,

just wait here for a second.

You portaled us to Ireland?

[eerie music]

[stammers] To do what?

Where are we going? - Home.

It's done. We already did it.

- Did what?

Alice, what did you do?


oh, uh, sir, where did we just come from?

- About three streets that way.

- Great. Can we go back there now?

- Right. [gears shift]

- Wait, Quentin, no. I'm serious, don't.

Q, stop. Hold on.

Q, please, wait.

Please, Quentin, don't.

[rope straining]

[gears clicking]

[religious choral music plays]

♪ ♪

[birds fluttering, cooing]

- You...

- Tricked you with reverse psychology?

It was shockingly easy.

"No, don't go. Please."

- Alice, what did you do? - Nothing.

I can't do magic, remember? I'm stuck inside you.

So you did it.

- [clears throat]

I believe you called to me

with something personal,

at the place of my transformation.

[circuits spark]

The music you got wrong.


Ah, but the birds.

I did love those.

All my life,

I thought them God's most perfect

works of art.

Just look at them.

[birds cooing]


Bit annoying, though.

All that cooing. [soft chuckle]


why did you summon me?

Or didn't you mean to do that?

Maybe it was you.

[tense music]

- You can see me.

- Of course I can.

What on earth are you doing inside this boy?

- Friar Joseph, I-- I've been searching for you.

I need your help. With him.

- This crushable little field mouse?

- Seni baglamak. I bind you.

Seni baglamak. I bind you!

- [laughs]

Silly boy.

I can't be boxed.

For more infomation >> THE MAGICIANS | Season 2, Episode 8: 'Revelations' | Syfy - Duration: 3:01.



friends Hello to you again channel online football

today we have a spectacular category learning street tricks.

the feints from this column, you will be able to apply in Panna battle in the hall in a box.

well, if you just try, then I think that in the big football, they will be useful.

if you like this topic then don't want to miss these videos.

then I give you 5 minutes, hope you will have time to subscribe and like.

thank you for subscribing you will get better I promise.

today I have prepared for you 2 trick, yeah yeah guys, not 1 and 2.

and so 1 trick

laminating the ball obliquely.

stopping the ball with sole of other foot and do the scissors

further egged on by the inner and outer part of the foot. between the legs of the defenders or his own path.

in this trick the most important thing is distance.

if the defender is 2 feet away from you then you can easily apply this trick

but if the defender is too close, then I advise you to take the final part of this screw.

these feints Neymar is enjoying himself, so in my opinion, it is very effective.

besides, nothing complex I found in this movie don't see it as elastic only in the opposite direction.

2 feints drbbl 360

1 case Kate to the ball side of the defender.

as soon as the defender starts to pull the leg to the ball, then immediately the ball. under him and put the body.

then turns 360° and away from the defender.

the most important part of the screw, then take the ball under

try to do it as quickly as possible, so the defender does not have time to throw you the ball.

well that my friends is all I have. write in the comments what movie you liked more.

and of course, don't forget to subscribe to the feed so you never miss useful video.

and Yes guys subscribe to my instagram. I often spend a live broadcast to answer your questions.

For more infomation >> LEARN BEAUTIFULLY TO HUMILIATE THE DEFENDER - Duration: 4:12.


Bachata Mix 2017 Lo Mas Romantico Prince Royce, Romeo Santos, Shakira, Frank Reyes, Hector Acosta - Duration: 1:01:58.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Bachata Mix 2017 Lo Mas Romantico Prince Royce, Romeo Santos, Shakira, Frank Reyes, Hector Acosta - Duration: 1:01:58.


Soy Luna - Luna & Matteo's holidays with English Subtitles - Duration: 2:37.

Hello Strawberry Guy.

Hello Delivery Girl.

Good morning. Ah no I must say good night (or evening) at this time, right?

More or less. It's starting to get dark so good night (or evening)

What? -Yes.

Oh ok so it is exactly the opposite.

Which means that I need a personal teacher because I am miserable.

Do you know someone?

Of course, of course and you know he will come to Buenos Aires very soon and I was told that he is the best in the world.

In the world? Very good, but wait, that means that you are coming back?

How nice, because I will come back soon. The truth is that I have a nice time here in Mexico. Look.. -Let's see.

Did you get them? -Yes I get them. Wow fantastic.

Do you know what luna? I also drove through Italy. I've been swimming in the caves of Capri.

I skated a bit in the city in Rome.

I went to my favorite cafe here, they make the best coffee in the world, incredible.

Wow how nice. You know? I would also like to get to know Italy.

You should. It's beautiful.

And you know? I've met a girl, super mega hyper funny.

A accurate girl and we got along very well.

How nice..

What's wrong? -Nothing.

Don't tell me you're jealous?

What? Jealous, I? Not at all. I'm not jealous.

For sure? -Yes.

But don't worry, because the girl is Flor, my cousin.

Ah your cousin. -Do you remember? Yes. Yes. I'm sorry.

I felt bad because I thought you forgot me.

What? What went through your head?

You know I thought a lot about the finale of the competition. It was incredible, right?

Do you talk about the competition or the kiss? Tell me a little bit.

Yes, yes I remember the kiss and I'm moved.

The truth is that I miss you very much.. no not very .. a bit..

A bit, a bit

And you?

Me too.

I miss you very much and I have a lot of desire to see you.

Me too Strawberry Guy

And of course to skate..

Ah, well, is this a date?

Ok, ok.

We'll see each other soon Delivery Girl.

Bye Strawberry Guy.

I love you. - I love you more.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna - Luna & Matteo's holidays with English Subtitles - Duration: 2:37.


Baladas Romanticas - Enrique Iglesias, Romeo Santos, Luis Fonsi Musica Romantica - Duration: 59:30.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Baladas Romanticas - Enrique Iglesias, Romeo Santos, Luis Fonsi Musica Romantica - Duration: 59:30.


How to improve memory power ? - Foods to Improve Your Memory Naturally and Boost Brain Power - Duration: 4:45.

Foods to Improve Your Memory Naturally and Boost Brain Power

Memory loss is a problem faced by small children to elderly people. Oh! I Forgot! is a casual statement in our day to day life.Our brain nerves are the reason for this

To improve our memory power we should eat foods rich in glutamic acid and phosphorous. By doing this we can avoid memory loss problem. Let us see what are the foods rich in these nutrients.

Taking milk foods everyday helps to the functioning our nervous system and brain cells. Because milk contains protein, calcium, potassium, vitamin. By giving milk foods to growing children it helps to keep their brain active.

By eating some fruits you gain memory power. Apple, Dates, Grapes, Pomegranate, Orange are some of the fruits.Papaya also helps us to improve our memory power

4/3 of our brain contains water. If our body gets dehydrated then brain functioning reduces and becomes dry and our memory power diminishes. So drink sufficient water and helps to keep our brain cells active.

We should often take Omega-3 rich food. Many of us are unaware of Omega-3 foods.Fishes are rich in Omega-3 fatty acid. If you don't like fishes then you can take egg also.

We can also take wheat products, brown rice, oats, soya beans, cereals.We take all these foods in our daily life. Additionally if we take milk, curd, cheese, nuts, vegetable oils, it helps us to keep our brain active.

We should add Centella Asiatica (vallarai) in our food atleast once in a week.Otherwise dry this herb in shade and powder it and add 1/2 teaspoon of milk and have it. It helps you to be active.

If your dont get Centella Asiatica (vallarai) in market you can take it as tablet. But you should not take capsules. Soak long pepper in Centella Asiatica juice, dry it and make it as powder. If you have 2 gms of this powder with honey it will boost your memory power.

We should add pepper and cumin seeds to our food. This keeps our brain active.

The nutrition in egg helps to increase the memory cells of the brain. So by eating egg our brain will not get tired and it will be active

Soak 10-12 Almonds overnight, peel off the skin and grind it. If you eat this in the morning it helps to increases memory power as well as strengthens the memory nerves.100 gms of almond contains 490 milligram Phospherous,mineral salt, glutamic acid is present

To improve memory power take 10 gms kismis fruit with 20 grams akhrot nuts every day. It strengthens your brain. Eating 50 grams of groundnut also improves memory power

All of us know that honey possess many medicinal properties. If you take a teaspoon of honey in the morning you will lose weight as well as improve memory power.

We should eat vitamin and mineral rich food to improve memory power. These nutrition is rich in Spinach, Broccoli and cauliflower. If we eat this it is good for health as well as it improves memory power

We should add more oats and red rice to our food. As these are rich in vitamins and glucose it keeps our brain healthy

If you want to be healthy you should take any one type of grains. If you take grains rich in B our total body parts will be function actively.

For more infomation >> How to improve memory power ? - Foods to Improve Your Memory Naturally and Boost Brain Power - Duration: 4:45.


On June 1st The Deep State Will Move To Overthrow Trump - Duration: 3:23.

On June 1st The Deep State Will Move To Overthrow Trump

by Mac Slavo

On Wednesday, March 15, 2017 the U.S. government once again hit its debt ceiling.

In short, this means that until Congress raises the ceiling, the government will be unable

to borrow more money.

If you remember the last time this happened, there were weeks of posturing by Republicans

and Democrats while some government services started shutting down.

After much deliberation and negotiation the debt ceiling was eventually raised and collapse

was avoided.

But this time around we may see a very different set of events play out.

If it isn�t clear to you just yet, President Trump is under attack from all sides.

Democrats, the media and even members of his own Party want to see him fail.

But perhaps more importantly, it is the shadow operators known as �The Deep State� who

may take this opportunity to lay the blame for decades of machinations at Trump�s feet.

These shadow forces have been at work manipulating everything from the global economy to the

political affairs of sovereign nations.

While March 15th is the day we hit our debt ceiling, June 1st, 2017 is the real date to


That�s the day the Deep State may finally pull the trigger:

And what better way to do that then to collapse the economy?

Establishment Republicans and Democrats hate trump� many want to see him fail� even

if it means a real systematic crisis for the nation.. in fact, many will even see this

as a crisis to get rid of the President� to blame him for the last 30 years of mismanaging

the country�s finances and be able to rebuke the voters who elected the President with

a national mess� Trump and his supporters will be blamed and take the fall� this is

the secret plan

The following report from Wealth Research Group explains how and why it will all go


Both parties have continually paid for government services and programs through debt�

By June 1st, 2017 the Treasury Department will have exhausted ways to get creative with

paying its bills and without new debt it will be forced to default�

Most Americans aren�t aware at all that their entire way of life solely rests on the

willingness of foreign governments to lend money to their government, otherwise the entire

Washington cash burning machine will come tumbling down by the following morning�

It all looks so safe with their respectable government buildings and their fancy suits,

but in truth the entire economic machine is fragile like glass.�

From March 15th to June 1st is the ultimate political grandstand event� and this time

Republicans and Democrats both have secret agendas to allow a real crisis to happen�

using it to overthrow a populist uprising and the President who doesn�t bow to

the status quo.

For more infomation >> On June 1st The Deep State Will Move To Overthrow Trump - Duration: 3:23.


MIKA @ Auditions - "OVER MY SHOULDER" (Eng sub) - Duration: 1:03.

This is Your Song ! I love so much this Song !

There are 2 singers

No one has turned..

Zazie - This Song is so beautiful, Mika..

Thank you.. Continue.. Thank you very much..

It was beautiful. A nice gesture.. You were singing well.

I appreciate your Grace & Elegance. Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> MIKA @ Auditions - "OVER MY SHOULDER" (Eng sub) - Duration: 1:03.


Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Review - Duration: 4:38.

Hey there, Alex here.

I recently picked up a Redmi Note 4X, which is one of Xiaomi's newer big screen budget devices.

At just around 150 USD, it's packing some surprisingly decent hardware for its price tag.

But decent hardware doesn't always translate into good user experience.

So is the Redmi Note 4X any good?

Let's find out.

The design of the phone is pretty generic, but definitely feels better than the price

tag suggests.

The back is mostly metal, with the top and bottom portion being plastic.

Overall, it's a pretty decent looking phone.

It even has a fingerprint sensor that is actually quite fast at unlocking the phone, something

I did not expect from a phone at this price.

There is a single firing speaker at the bottom which isn't the clearest I've heard, but

does get pretty loud.

So media consumption is actually still quite enjoyable on this device.

At the top there is a headphone jack, with an IR Blaster.

The phone has a 5.5-inch Full HD LCD display at the front, which looks decent for the most

part, except under direct sunlight.

It's also packing a Snapdragon 625 chipset, with 3GB of RAM, and 32GB of internal memory.

Which is actually pretty surprising considering its price.

The processor is able to handle most day to day tasks with ease, and feels pretty responsive.

Gaming experience is also pretty decent too for most games.

Like a lot of Xiaomi devices, I can choose to use 2 SIM cards on the phone or use a microSD

card instead.

But the more interesting part is actually the 4,100mAh battery.

Which makes it a beast when it comes to battery performance when you combine it with the very

efficient Snapdragon 625 chipset.

The phone lasts me 2 days of usage most of the time, with an insane amount screen on time.

And this is with a lot of media consumption and gaming on it.

A few minor downsides would be the lack of any form of fast charging, and the use of

a micro USB port instead of a Type C port, but not exactly deal breakers for a phone

at this price range.

Camera performance wise, the 13MP rear camera is really not that great.

In daylight, it's able to capture decent looking images for the most part.

But, the poorer dynamic range means that I'm better off leaving HDR mode on most of the

time, since there is no auto-HDR mode.

Low light performance wise, let's just say it's not something that I would use very often

on this phone.

The same goes for the 5MP front camera, which is pretty mediocre in anything but the best

lighting conditions.

The phone runs a customised version of Android called MIUI, which is one of the most feature

packed Android experience around.

For example, I can change the theme, change the way the capacitive buttons work, customise

the status bar, use it in a simplified mode, set up a child mode, create a second space

for perhaps a work profile or temporary use, duplicate apps so that I can run 2 different

accounts, lock apps behind a password, use a gesture to take a screenshot, double tap

to wake the phone, or add a shortcut button to lock the phone, and that's just part

of what I can do with MIUI.

The good thing is, the responsiveness of the interface is still decent despite all these features.

But on the downside, there are a few things that I really don't like about MIUI.

Like how some of the default apps require permissions that they shouldn't need, or

how I can't disable some of the built-in apps.

It's all just a little bit too much for my personal preference, since I prefer more

of a stock android experience.

This approach to Android might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I can definitely see some

folks who would find some of these features useful.

The phone is still running Android 6.0, but the software is so heavily customised, that

I really don't think it matters much that it's not running the latest version of Android.

In the end I have to say, this is a really decent smartphone for its price.

I find myself constantly being surprised by how much the phone offers for such a low price.

Especially when it's packing the very capable Snapdragon 625 chipset.

If you're not too concern about camera quality, the lack of an NFC chip, and the weird permissions

requirements for MIUI, the Redmi Note 4X is a really good budget device to get.

Also, the Redmi Note 4 actually just came out in Singapore about 2 days back, which

is essentially the same phone, but just with local warranty at 259 Singapore dollars.

So this review kind of applies to that phone as well.

Do let me know what you think about the phone too in the comments below.

Would you buy one?

I would love to hear from you guys!

Thanks for watching this video, if you liked it be sure to give me a thumbs up and subscribe

to the channel.

Thanks, and see you guys on the next one!

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X Review - Duration: 4:38.


🔱 Ruling Pen Italian Calligraphy Quote - Nicolo Visioli 🖋😍 - Duration: 5:33.

Calligraphy Masters, PRESENTS:

Ruling Pen Italian Calligraphy Quote x Nicolo Visioli

Do not raise your voice, improve your arguments

Follow Nicolo Visioli on Instagram @nickvisioli

Thank you for watching!!!

Please Let me know in the comments what you think about it?


Music by: Dyalla & Imp Style

Check out also:

For more infomation >> 🔱 Ruling Pen Italian Calligraphy Quote - Nicolo Visioli 🖋😍 - Duration: 5:33.


Clean Bulking Meal Plan: Gain Muscle Without Fat - Duration: 8:08.

Yo, what is going on, guys?

Troy here, and I got an exciting video for you today.

I'm going to break down how to gain muscle without gaining any body fat.

So number one we're going to get into how many calories you need to consume every single


Then we're going to get into the macronutrient breakdown - how many grams of protein, carbs

and fats you need to consume.

Then we're going to get into some X-factors.

We're going to go into the carbohydrate timing and a few other crucial things that you need

to consider to gain muscle without gaining any body fat.

So this is a very tricky thing by the way - gaining muscle without gaining any body

fat because I've seen so many guys that brag about how big they can get during bulking

season, but I look at them and they have 50 pounds of body fat on them and then when they

try to cut, they have way too much body fat, so they have to cut the calories way too low,

which causes them to actually lose muscle mass when they're cutting because they have

to go on such an intense caloric deficit.

So this is going to be a little blueprint so you guys can gain muscle mass without gaining

any body fat, so make sure you guys take some notes.

I'm going to break down some math in this video and help you guys have an understanding

so that at the very end of this video you're going to have actionable steps, you're going

to know exactly how many calories you need to consume, you're going to know your macro

breakdown, you're going to know what type of macros to consume, as well as carbohydrate

timing, so let's dive right into it.

So since I'm not personally coaching you, I don't know your metabolism and all the X-factors,

like your hormones and your activity level every single day.

We're going to do a little thing I call guesstimate and check.

So what I want you to do is take your current body weight and multiply it by 15.

So if you're 150 pounds, you're going to take 150 times 15.

And my expert math skills tell me that it's 2,250.

So what this number is is a guesstimate on your maintenance calories.

Now obviously to gain muscle mass we need to have a slight caloric surplus.

Now the key word is slight.

We can't have such a high caloric surplus that we're gaining a bunch of body fat.

So what I want you to do here is add between 500 and 1,000 to this number and this is going

to be the amount of calories that you consume every single day.

So add 500 to this number if you know you have a little bit more of a slower metabolism

and you're not super active.

So you're not going to the gym every single day, you know that you're a bit of a hard

gainer, but you also pack on body fat - add 500.

If you know that you are a serious hard gainer and you hardly pack on any body fat, you're

super active, you're training all the time, add closer to 1,000 to this number.

Now this is the most important part - the checking part.

So you're going to do this for a week.

And what I want you to do is weigh yourself and you're going to see how much weight that

you gained after a week.

So optimally, you want to be between 0.75 and 1.25 pounds gained every single week.

So this is going to be the checking part.

If you know - if you hop on a scale and you gained three or four pounds in one week, you're

definitely gaining body fat because you guys there's no way humanly possible to gain that

much muscle mass every single week.

But if you're eating the right things and you're training the right way, you got the

slight caloric surplus dialed in, you should definitely be between 0.75 and 1.25 pounds

every single week.

So most importantly weigh yourself at the same time every single day.

Excuse me, so once a week you're going to weigh yourself and always do it at the same

time of the day.

So if you're weighing yourself in the morning the first time, when you check again how much

weight you've gained, make sure you weight yourself in the morning.

If you weigh yourself at night, the time you check, weigh yourself at night.

The reason for this is because I don't know if you guys have actually weighed yourself

throughout the day, but my weight fluctuates by about five pounds.

So just to get really accurate results, make sure you drink about the same amount of water

every single day while you're doing this and weigh yourself the exact same time.

So now that we've figured out exactly how many calories we need to eat, let's break

down the macronutrient breakdown.

So the macronutrient break down, now to gain muscle without gaining any fat - proteins,

carbs and fat.

So for protein we want to be between 1 and 1.2 grams per pound that we weigh.

So if you're 150 pounds, you're going to be consuming between 150 and 180 grams of protein.

Now for carbohydrates this is so crucial.

And I'm going to get into a little bit of carbohydrate timing after this.

For carbs you want to do anywhere between 2 and 2.25 grams of carbs for every single

pound that you weigh.

So if you're 150 pounds, that means you're consuming between 300 and 325 grams of carbohydrates

every single day and make sure you pay really close attention to the carbohydrate timing.

Now for healthy fats, this is really crucial for optimal hormone production, so health

fats is basically going to be the remainder of the calories and you want it to be between

25 and 35 percent of your total calories.

So now that we've got our macros figured out - and let me know if you have any questions.

Let me know in the comments below if you need a break down of how to figure this out.

But now that we have that figured out, I'm going to get into the carbohydrate timing,

so this is so crucial guys.

For carbohydrate timing you want to make sure - when your goal is building muscle, you want

to make sure that you have the majority of your carbohydrates for breakfast, pre-workout

and post-workout.

And if you're a really serious hard gainer, I would almost try to book end and play around

with this and try to consume the majority of your carbs post-workout.

If you can get by as far as your workout intensity and your energy goes pre-workout without eating

a ton of carbs.

So for me personally, I notice that I grow a lot faster if I'm able to consumer about

60 percent of my carbohydrates for the day post-workout because post-workout carbs have

a very anabolic - you know, keep in mind insulin is a very anabolic hormone, so if you can

consume a lot of carbs post workout, it's going to really help optimize your muscle


So what I like to do is I'll go in the gym, I'll maybe have 50 to 100 grams of carbs in

my system that day, I'll have a killer workout and I'm able to work out really intensely

on that carb breakdown and then I'll kill my workout and I'll consume about 200 grams

of carbs within the three-hour window after my workout.

So that's what works really good for me.

Definitely suggest you try it out.

Now as far as what we're actually consuming, I want to make sure that you guys are at least

on an 80/20 diet of clean and dirty.

Now the reason for this is keep in mind, we want to gain muscle without gaining any body

fat, so if 50 percent of our calories are dirty, obviously our hormones are going to

be out of whack.

You're going to have much lower testosterone levels when you're having your calories from

Fruit Loops and Pop-Tarts and fried chicken versus eating them from grass-fed beef and

sweet potatoes and broccoli and olive oil.

So obviously 80/20 is a good little ratio because you can eat the foods that you enjoy

and you still get about 80 percent of your calories from really high quality foods, so

you can maximize your testosterone, your HGH, all that good stuff.

So keep in mind organic eggs, grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish for our proteins, egg whites,

Greek yogurt, all really high-quality sources of protein.

And for our carbs, I'm personally a big fan of any slow release carbs whenever I'm trying

to gain muscle without gaining fat, so things like oatmeal and brown rice and sweet potatoes,

beans, lentils, things like that are awesome for our carbs.

Healthy fats are the easiest to get in because they're really flexible.

For instance, I can carry like almonds, and peanut butter and almond butter with me anywhere

I go so - nut butters and any type of nut are great - olive oil, coconut oil, avocado

- all awesome sources of healthy fats.

So that is basically a breakdown of how to gain muscle without gaining any fat.

The biggest thing that I can say is just don't overcomplicate it guys.

It's not that - it's not that hard.

It's very simple.

Just track your calories throughout the day.

Stay on your macro breakdowns.

You guys are going to find out that once you track things and once you have a structure,

you're going to have better results.

So let me know in the comments below what you think.

For more infomation >> Clean Bulking Meal Plan: Gain Muscle Without Fat - Duration: 8:08.



For more infomation >> MEGAN LEAVEY


Canals| How to enter on "B"| CS:GO - Duration: 0:47.

How to enter on "B"

Smoke "Cocaine" corridor

Molotov in "Stairs 1"

Smoke/Molotov in "Stairs 2"

Smoke by the end of the b tunnel/site or Retard Rush

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For more infomation >> Building Your Tomorrow Today


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Down In Ashes - Killing My Heart [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:18.

Come away from the world

Seen it all come undone

This is how I feel

All the memories I've lost

To be free from the ones

True to be unreal

But I'm closing my eyes

To feel all in my heart

Like a carousel

An I ripped out the blinds

To see clearly unknown

This is what is left of me

It's so constantly

Constantly it's

Killing My Heart

Burried away, Buried away

Killing My Heart

Killing My Heart

Burried away, Buried away

Killing My Heart

Cutting through all the loss

So I can speed up my drive

I speak down to you

All the gears hat unwind

Are betraying your kind

Now I'm haunting you

But I measured it all

To seek out compromise

Such a great disguise

But I'm taking you down

To Redeem my demise

This is what I have to do

It's so constantly

Constantly it's

Killing My Heart

Burried away, Buried away

Killing My Heart

Burried away, Buried away

Killing My Heart

Burried away, Buried away

Killing My Heart

Burried away, Buried away

Killing My Heart

Come misery

Leave me here to be

The only thing I know

Is I'm never letting go

Come misery

Leave me here to bleed

The only thing I know

Is I'm never letting go

Killing My Heart

Burried away, Buried away

Killing My Heart

Burried away, Buried away

Killing My Heart

Burried away, Buried away

Killing My Heart

Burried away, Buried away

Killing My Heart

For more infomation >> Down In Ashes - Killing My Heart [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:18.


I Just Had A Crazy Craving For Junk Food - LadyBoss TV - Duration: 3:01.

So I just had a super crazy craving madness fest that went on.

I'm sitting in my car outside the gym.

I went to the gym by myself today, and so it was just me, and I was thinking, "Oh my


Ice cream sounds good, and cookies sound good, and Oreos sound good, and pizza sounds good,

and those little Vanilla Wafer things, those sound really, really good."

And I was like, "Well, it's just me by myself.

No one would ever know."

I just sat and thought, and thought, and thought.

I was really struggling with it for a minute.

And this is something I wanted to share with you guys.

This craving stuff, this wanting sweets and wanting junk food, it never goes away, okay?

It never stops.

But it's all in the decisions that you make while you're feeling those emotions, while

you're feeling those cravings.

All in those decisions that make you great, that make you better.

That help you lose the weight.

It's all in conquering the cravings.

Let me tell you what I did.

I'm sitting here thinking, "Oh my gosh.

No one will ever know.

I can just do it."

Like, "No one will ever know, and it's not going to be a big deal and I could just hide

all the evidence and all that stuff."

It really took me back to how I used to be when I was overweight and I would go to the

store and buy a bunch of stuff and eat it in my car or go to my room and lock myself

in my room and eat it there.

All those negative emotions came back to me, and I was thinking, I just started telling

myself, "I'm not that person anymore.

I am not that girl anymore that does that and lets food control me."

Then I jumped the gun in the car, drove as fast as I could, legally, to the supplement


I ran inside, bought a bunch of Quest bars, had a cookie dough Quest bar and was like,

"Oh my gosh."

Then I literally called in a salad to one of my favorite places and I'm on my way to

pick up that salad right now.

I just want to show you guys that no one's perfect.

It's never going to go away.

It's something you're going to deal with every single day, but it's all in the decisions

that you make while you're struggling with it.

Making the right decision is what it comes down to and you can do it.

You can conquer it.

Just go.

Just go, call something in, pick it up, make it convenient and don't let yourself fall

back into those nasty, bad habits.


You can overcome it.

You can do it.

If I can do it, you can do it.

For more infomation >> I Just Had A Crazy Craving For Junk Food - LadyBoss TV - Duration: 3:01.


Do You Make These Pronunciation Mistakes? | British Pronunciation Training | - Duration: 12:34.

hello and welcome back to real English

with real teachers I have an absolute

treat look who I am here with Lucy from

English with Lucy hello everybody again

we're without Charlie so sorry you can't

be here Charlie we miss you Charlie actually

I've never met Charlie so sad

I can't do this

Today Lucy and I are bringing

you another very useful English video

we're going to be talking about minimal

pairs aren't we oh yeah so what is

a minimal pair a minimal pair is two

words a pair of words that sound very

similar but have one little difference

one of the sound is different ok a good

example is ship and sheep so ship as in

the big boat which carries lots of

passengers across the ocean and sheep

maa maa

why are minimal pairs so

interesting well I think they're really

interesting because often they'll use

vowel sounds especially that other

languages don't have in them i.e the

Spanish absolutely Spanish speakers really

suffer with the i / ɪ and ee / iː differentiation

very true and we were thinking that

sometimes if you want to say one of the

words from the pair but you accidentally

pronounce the other one you could have a

very confusing and embarrassing and

sometimes offensive ooph situation

welcome to real English with real teachers

with Harry and Charlie

Please be warned there are rude

words within this video if you are

easily offended by strong language then

we might suggest clicking on another video

of ours instead however if you can excuse

the potty mouthed teachers Harry and Lucy then we

hope you enjoy this very useful episode of real English

Hi darling hi how was your

lunch today yeah it was err really

nice something strange happened though

Oh what was that well umm I had my cutlery

Mm hmm umm but I realised something was missing

umm so I asked the waitress if I could have a

fuck you asked her for what a fuck

Here Harry mispronounced the word fork for ahem

the swear word fuck in this context the

word suggests that Harry has asked for

more than just cutlery so let's practice

the difference between the sounds and

then focus on how to make the sound

For the sound used in the word fork

put your tongue low and to the

back of the mouth push your lips

together like you're gunna kiss someone

oorr / ɔː

for the sound in the word fuck

put your tongue low between the middle

and the back of your mouth and make a

short voiced sound with your mouth open

uhh / ʌ

now let's see the scene

again with the correct pronunciation

So how was your lunch today yeah it was it was fine

umm strange though I didn't get the...

all the cutlery so I I had to ask the waitress

for a fork god the service there is always

so terrible I know last time I go back there

to get really good at knowing the

difference in pronunciation

practise more words that contain the same sound

as this minimal pair do so for example

we have

How's it going I'm fine how are you I'm okay I

just had a really busy day I just want

to stay in and watch a film with you and

just relax oh do you mind if I go out no you

Harry has yet again

mispronounced a simple word for a very

very rude word this is by far the rudest

of them all so listen up for the

difference the technique and then the

replay of how the scene should have sounded

for the word can't

put the tongue low and to the back of the mouth

lips relaxed and then make a long voiced

sound with your mouth open

ahh / ɑː

ahh / ɑː

ahh / ɑː

for the word cunt pffff

you sound really sexy when you say that

thank you

for the word cunt we use the same sound as the word

fuck all the beautiful words contain

this phoneme put your tongue low between

the middle and the back of your mouth

and make a short voiced sound with your mouth open

uhh / ʌ

uhh / ʌ

Hi darling hello how are

you I'm fine I'm just really tired I

want to have a nice evening in with you

watch a film and just relax d'you mind if

I go out ahh you can't oww not today you can't

fine I'll stay in ah thank you I love you

I love you too

Ahh so here we see that

if you avoid calling a girl like

Lucy a umm cunt she will indeed fall deeply

in love with you and so we should

practise further sounds that resemble this

minimal pair

to start with we have

next we have

and finally

Darling I'm going to the

kitchen do you want anything yeah I'd love a


it's Lucy's turn to blush

here as she has mispronounced the word

coke for the word cock which I'm sure

most of you know is slang for male

genitals instead of wanting to quench

her thirst with a cold coke from the

fridge she is suggesting something

rather out of the ordinary for Harry

once again let's take a look at the

differences the coaching points and then

a scene in which Harry doesn't look

quite as intrigued

for the word coke we have to use a diphthong

sound which means it's actually two

sounds combined uh / ə and oo / ʊ

uh / ə and oo / ʊ

to make this sound

start with the uh / ə and move to ooh / ʊ

oe / əʊ

oe / əʊ

for the word cock put the tongue

low and to the back of your mouth

mouth open and slightly rounded as if sucking

a lolly make a short voice sound oh oh

oh / ɒ

oh / ɒ

oh / ɒ

Darling I'm going to the kitchen can

I get you anything oh yes I'll have a coke

ok one coke coming right up thank you honey

further sounds for you to practice with

the minimal pairing of coke and cock are

folk and flock soak and sock

and lastly bloke and block so I really

want to go on holiday this year me too

where'd you fancy I was kind of thinking

Italy oh yeah really hot nice bitches

what once again Harry has upset Lucy by

confusing beach for bitch which is

incredibly common for those who speak

Latin based languages so listen out for

the clear difference in sounds the

replay and my extra sounds to practice

the coaching parts for this word is

combined with our next minimal pair

beach bitch beach bitch I really want to

go on holiday this year me too where do

you fancy going i'm thinking like Italy

or somewhere I could do Italy nice

weather nice beaches yeah the beaches

are meant to be beautiful yeah let's do

it let's go whoo!! some extra sounds

for you to practice regarding beach and

bitch are reach and rich teach and twitch

and lastly speech and stitch Lucy I love

living with you I know it's lovely

by the way do you like the color brown I

don't mind the color brown 'cos I just

put some new shits on the bed what

don't panic don't panic lucy has not

shit the bed she mispronounced sheet for

shit listen up for the final minimal

pair break down along with the coaching

points for beach and bitch sheet

shit sheet shit for the words beach and

sheet lift the tongue high and to the

front of your mouth stretch out your

lips as if smiling and make a long

voiced sound EEE/ i:

sheet and shit create a similar shape to

the 'i:' sound but this time bring your

tongue and jaw slightly lower and make a

short voiced sound i/ i/ i Lucy I

love living with you that's lovely by

the way do you like the color brown love

it because I just put some new sheets on

the bed for further practice with the

sounds in shit and sheet practice fit

and feet grit and greet and knit and

neat Oh brown sheets! It means if you have another of

those nightmares we don't have to wash

them that's all from us for now but

don't forget to check out the channel

English with Lucy if you enjoyed our

guest today at please stay active with

your learning by commenting below and

sharing some embarrassing sounds that you've

mistaken in the past or tell us what

other minimal pairs you can think of

that are rather difficult and of course

if he want more from us right now you can

watch this video or this one finally if

you are interested in attending a live

lesson we strongly suggest

subscribing so that you don't miss out

on a completely

free class.. bye for now

For more infomation >> Do You Make These Pronunciation Mistakes? | British Pronunciation Training | - Duration: 12:34.


技レベル3!黒いジバニャンでマネー5000Yマネー!荒稼ぎ!『妖怪ウォッチぷにぷに』 ナッツのゲーム - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 技レベル3!黒いジバニャンでマネー5000Yマネー!荒稼ぎ!『妖怪ウォッチぷにぷに』 ナッツのゲーム - Duration: 4:03.


SERVEUR OUVERT !! Ebutance serveur PvP/Faction Moddé - Duration: 1:22.

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Miracle • Lycan • 9k — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 32:45.

miracle lycan pro mmr gameplay dota 2

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Je fais mon cartable - Duration: 11:46.

Hello the company today we find ourselves in a new video

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