Cardiff City v Ipswich Town (Sat 18 March 2017 Match Summary) - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
Milton Keynes Dons v Coventry City (Sat 18 March 2017 Match Summary) - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Do Glasses Ruin Your Eyesight? - Duration: 3:19.If you're a four-eyes like me, you may have heard that wearing glasses will ruin your eyesight.
Over time, the thinking goes, the eye muscles that stretch the lens of your eye aren't
worked out as much, so they get weaker, and you keep needing stronger and stronger prescriptions
to see clearly.
But the idea that glasses hurt your vision is a myth.
Because … that's not really how glasses work.
Most vision problems occur because the eyeball is either too long or too short, causing the
cornea and lens to bend, or refract, light either too far in front of or behind the retina,
giving you blurry vision.
If your eyeball is too long, and light is focused in front of the retina, you're nearsighted,
or myopic, and you can see things up close but struggle with things in the distance.
If it's too short, and light is focused behind the retina, you're farsighted, and
you can read that sign halfway down the street, but have trouble reading what's right in
front of you.
Your eye muscles can bend the lens more or less to try and focus light onto the right place.
But those muscles can only contract or relax so much to accommodate squat or oblong eyes.
So, weak eye muscles aren't why you have bad eyesight.
If that were the case, we'd all be doing eye exercises to cure our poor vision.
Glasses simply do what properly shaped eyeballs do, which is to make it possible to focus
the light that's coming into your eye directly onto the retina, allowing you to see crisp images.
The only effect they may have on your eye muscles is reducing excessive strain on them.
There was a time, though, when doctors thought eyeglasses could do more.
For decades, optometrists purposely prescribed glasses for nearsighted kids that didn't
fully correct their vision, because they thought it would keep their eyesight from getting worse.
That's because, in children, the eye is still growing, and usually gets longer as
it grows in the skull.
In kids who are nearsighted, this could make myopia worse.
And doctors thought that fully restoring distance vision could make kids' eyes grow even longer,
as they tried to compensate to see things up close through corrective lenses.
So doctors under-prescribed, thinking that would keep the eyes from elongating as much.
But in 2002, a clinical trial called that into question.
After two years, kids who were given weaker lenses actually ended up with worse vision.
The results were so striking that the researchers had to stop the study early due to ethical concerns.
Subsequent studies haven't always found such a strong negative effect of subpar glasses,
but there's no evidence that undercorrection helps, and optometrists have largely stopped
the practice.
So glasses won't ruin your vision — if anything, they may prevent it from getting worse.
And, yeah, you might need stronger prescriptions as time goes by.
Because, as you age, the lenses of your eyes get stiffer, making it harder for them to
change focus.
But it's not your glasses' fault.
So, keep wearing them.
Because they help you see stuff.
And also just look cool!
Thanks to all of our patrons on Patreon, who probably have a higher than average number
of corrective lenses among them.
You're great for supporting this so that everybody in the world can get it for free.
If you want to get more SciShow and just want to help us out without money, you can go to and subscribe.
We appreciate that.
And get SciShow in your subscription box!
Harry Potter in 5 Minutes | The Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone - Duration: 5:31.*Pop*
*video game start sound*
This video does, in fact, have spoilers for Harry Potter book one slash, Harry potter
movie one.
But at this point, if you haven't seen harry potter book one or movie one, like, what are
you doing with your life?
But even so.
I've created this video in such a way that both long time fans and total noobs can watch
this and thoroughly enjoy themselves and laugh.
And then noobs can go back, watch or read Harry Potter number one and thoroughly enjoy
themselves because I put little to no context.
So now that, that's out of the way, let's go!
Open up scene one, it's day time.
A painfully basic couple is wondering around town and they hear strange things.
But then it's night time on the same street, and a bearded old guy takes all the lights
wit a flick of da writs and a cat is like "you-kno-who keeps killing people "
and beards magee is like "well, he didn't kill the baby though.
so lets abandon him in the middle of the night on the doorstep of an abusive family"
And the cat is like NO and crazy beard is like, I do what I want.
And then a giant falls out of the sky with sed baby, they all play ding dong ditch, and
frolic into the night.
Almost 11 years later, surprise the kid is forced to live under some stairs and somehow
everything is his fault.
Then there's a snake and he's like what up!
And harry is like "they beat me" and the snake is like "that's rough buddy" then
harry gets yelled at for talking to the snake, so the snake tries to eat them and they're
like ahh.
Stupid kid you made us look bad "OOGA BOOGA BOOGA"
And the the kid, harry, he gets a fancy letter and his uncle is like NO LETTERS FOR YOU STAIRS
CHILD but then there are SO many letters.
So the family runs away to an island.
And then harry is like, hey it's my birthday and at that very moment the giant from the
beginning kicks down the door like "UR A WIZERD ARRY" and then he steals harry away
with happiness and cake.
And then the giant, named Hagrid, is like, you're a wizard so you have to go to wizard
school, but first we need to shop and harrys like, but I'm poor and hagrid is like, nah
brah, you BALLIN.
So then they go back to school shopping and hit all dam sales.
Then harry comes to find out that he's some wizard celebrity for not dying as a baby and
he meets a prissy white boy who is like "ew, dirty muggles".
Harry doesn't like him but then he gets a fancy wand so it's ok.
It's now time for school and harry runs into a wall and meets two new buddies.
But then a talking hat yells at people to be in school houses and its harrys turn and
he's like "not slytherin" and the hat is like "why" and harry is like "that
prissy, racist boy is in there" so that hat is like, "I feel you".
Then everyone eats some magic noms while a skinny pale man glares at harry and harry
is like "AH MY SCAR" all the while beards magee from the beginning is there and he's
like "I'm Dumbledore!
Try not to die on school property even though everything here kills you.
So Harry does classes and quickly discovers that he kinda sucks at this magic thing.
Then the angry skinny pale guy from the hat times is his teacher and he's like PAGE
Also, I don't like you.
RING, time for gym class!
Except instead of actual physical activity, they fly around on broom sticks for fun.
Then the nasty slytherin kid from before, draco, is like, "nany nany boo boo" then
harry is like NOT IN MY HOUSE SKINNY BOY and there's a broom chase and draco gets rekt
(looses) and the teachers are like,'re a star, kid!
Draco didn't like that so he was like "CHALLENGE"!!
And harry was like, psh, I'll rek you again.
And his friends are like, harry stop.
You suck at magic, remember?!?!
But harry ain't no punk so he goes to the challenge with his friends and draco never
shows and harry is like, yeah, that's what I thought.
Then they get lost and find a 3 headed dog and they're like, ah!
Then the turban teacher is like "there's a toll in the dungeon" and the 3 kids go
and they beat it up even though they're all bad at magic.
Like seriously, where are the teachers?
But it's ok because friendship.
All the while that mean teacher who hate's hary, snape, he has a limp and is still like...
and harry is like .....I don't trust that guy.
Now it's time for some sports-ing, But WAIT the broom is out of control and GUESS WHO,
YES GUESSED RIGHT, SNAPE is looking and staring at it all...with evil whispers and hermione
is like "bitch, stop that"
Yay, it's Christmas and harry actually gets a present for once!
Too bad it's just a lame blanket.
But wait!
The blanket makes you invisible!
Then harry is like, teehee I'm gonna be sneaky.
The he sneak sneak to find a book and finds a mirror full of all his hopes and dreams,
He goes back later to find dumbledor like, what up homes!
Don't look at this mirror k?
Your parents are dead and they're never coming back, so move on already.
Except for it's a little bit more inspirational.
So through some tomfoolery, the kids decide that the monster dog is protecting a magic
rock and they decide Snape is tryna take it.
Because he is obviously evil.
Then they overhear him talking to turban teacher about it
And quietly to themselves they're like WE KNOW UR SECRET, SIR.
After pestering Hagrid he's like, ok fine the magic rock might be underneath the 3 headed
But I'm not gonna tell you and you can't make me.
Holy crap, hide him.
It didn't work and the gang gets in trouble and turban teacher is talking to himself?
No, no it was totally snape bc he's evil so it was him.
but then DETENTION where they're forced to wander around the killer forest at night
by themselves and also Draco for some reason.
That'll teach them to hide baby dragons.
Of course, they split up gang because this wasn't already super dangerous and the 11
year olds find A UNICORN VAMPIRE?!
Jk, it was voldy.
Tryin to me immortal.
Making plans to steal the magic rock.
Like ya do.
But its ok because centaur.
Then Hagrid got drunk and told voldy all the secrets and the kids are like "WE GOTTA
So the kids use the power of friendship to solve the puzzles that were supposed to stop
grown ass wizards.
And Harry arrives just in time to stop that sneaky Snape except it was the turban teacher
all along!
Harry looks in a mirror and boom, magic rock.
Turban teacher is like, give to me! and harry is like NO and turban teacher takes off the
turban and the back of his head is ridic-alus
Harry burns them with the power of love and then passes out.
He wakes up to Dumbledor being like, you're so lucky I saved you.
10 points to dumbledor.
The Slytherins won the year except then dumbledor is like "extra points because Gryffindor
is better than you and I can do what I want"
And gryffindor wins and harry goes home.
Except he doesn't go home, not really.
End book 1
If you enjoyed this video please do me a huge favor and subscribity-scribe by clicking my
face down in the corner for more videos like this and like other stuff.
Like this video, share it with everybody you know who loves Harry Potter.
Who doesn't love harry potter?
And comment down below with what other fandoms I should do this for!
Thank you guys so much for watching.
My name is Crystal.
Stay awesome
Is Artificial Intelligence a Good Thing - Duration: 5:40.Is
Artificial Intelligence a Good Thing
by Sherri Hayter,
Life is moving fast.
You may be feeling as though it is moving TOO fast.
You are not alone.
With the advent of new technologies, and the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence or
AI awareness, it is important to realize something about your human self; you are more powerful
than you can ever (currently) imagine!
While this time in our human evolution is exciting, there is a prevalent undertone that
seeks to render us incapable of accessing our true power and potentiality.
The Underbelly of Technology
Machines, and machine technology, have literally become embedded into every facet of our external
While it has in many ways improved our lives, we are at a crossroads where artificial intelligence
is knocking at the door of human consciousness.
This is an aberration of our human design, and one that we must resist if we hope to
ascend and return to Source.
Artificial Intelligence posits another barrier between our Soul and Source.
Much like the ego has created a barrier within us and our Soul blueprint, Artificial Intelligence
creates yet another inhibiting layer.
We can imagine an analogy like this � if the ego is the car that drives the person,
artificial intelligence is the car that drives the ego that drives the person.
In our collective call to awaken, we are being activated to become the driver.
We have spent a 25,000 year cycle coming to terms with our egos and continue this deep
healing work.
What would happen to the evolution of humanity if we were to add an artificial intelligence
matrix on top of that?
Prevailing AI Narratives
The signs are all around us as to the ways that we are being conditioned to embrace this
type of human enhancement.
Apple put out a Christmas commercial in 2016 introducing Frankie, part man, part machine,
who comes into the village and is ultimately embraced by the community.
The commercial seeks to pull at our heart strings that inclusivity is our singular collective
purpose, and yet, it is a hybrid human that we are being asked to embrace and love.
Accepting the monster opens us to accepting the hybridization of ourselves.
At first blush, the commercial feels all warm and fuzzy.
Looking at it through the context of intention, it tells a vastly different story inculcated
by a technology company that prides itself on removing barriers of access to technology
through ease of use and adoption.
TV shows like Westworld and Humans are bringing forth narratives of machine based consciousness
and the intersection between human and machine.
Such shows can be a double edged sword for what can be both interpreted as exploring
the ways in which we are collectively �waking up� and the undertone of accepting this
new inevitable machine based future, or in the very least, the potential of it happening.
What is brought to our conscious awareness cannot be made unaware, and therefore we can
begin to collectively manifest these narratives in physical form.
But Can we Keep Up?
Another aspect of our conditioning is the idea that if we do not adopt machine �upgrades�,
we simply will not be able to keep up and our lives will literally fall apart.
Forces that seek to keep us powerless, are capitalizing on the ascension symptoms we
are collectively experiencing and planting seeds of misinformation that these symptoms
of our awakening are actually the result of our inability to keep up.
Futurists like Ray Kurzweil are pushing this narrative in strong and convincing ways.
I cannot state more emphatically how false this is, and here�s why.
We have within us abilities that are far beyond the scope of what is possible at the machine
There are forces in our Universe that know this and seek to keep this wisdom from us.
Raise Your Vibration
Raising our collective consciousness is the key to unlocking our latent abilities of telepathy,
collective neural networks, psychic abilities and deep communion with the sentience of our
It is important that we focus our efforts inward, that we release all that no longer
serves our Highest Good, and call in the abilities that are our birthright.
Ask for assistance from your Higher Self and Source however you experience Infinite Wisdom,
and realize to the core of your being that you are infinitely powerful.
There is nothing to fear, there is only love, and you get to choose what you wish to take
into your field.
Choose wisely and trust in your Divine blueprint that requires no outside enhancements or tampering.
We don�t need to fully understand at the level of mind that we are infinitely powerful;
we need only the willingness
to trust that it is true.
News Conference: North Carolina, Arkansas, Duke, South Carolina - Duration: 2:50:40.-------------------------------------------
AWAKE - Duration: 2:24.AWAKE
AWAKE explores the use of plasma to accelerate particles to high energies over short distances
The Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (AWAKE) is an accelerator R&D project
based at CERN.
It is a proof-of-principle experiment investigating the use of plasma wakefields driven by a proton
bunch to accelerate charged particles.
A plasma wakefield is a type of wave generated by particles travelling through a plasma.
AWAKE will send proton beams through plasma cells to generate these fields.
By harnessing wakefields, physicists may be able to produce accelerator gradients hundreds
of times higher than those achieved in current radiofrequency cavities.
This would allow future colliders to achieve higher energies over shorter distances than
is possible today.
AWAKE will use proton beams from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) in the CERN Neutrinos
to Gran Sasso (CNGS) facility (see image above for proposed location).
These protons will be injected into a 10-metre plasma cell to initiate strong wakefields.
A second beam � the �witness� electron beam � would then be accelerated by the
wakefields, gaining up to several gigavolts of energy.
Following AWAKE's approval in autumn 2013, the first proton beams are expected to be
sent to the plasma cell at the end of 2016.
AWAKE would be the world�s first proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration experiment.
Besides demonstrating how protons can be used to generate wakefields, AWAKE will also develop
the necessary technologies for long-term, proton-driven plasma acceleration projects.
AWAKE is an international scientific collaboration made up of 14 institutes and involving over
50 engineers and physicists (April 2014).
15 Lutas mais Desejadas, que Faltou no Anime Naruto | Canal TOP 10 🙌 - Duration: 10:36.-------------------------------------------
Helene Fischer "What a wonderful world" - Eröffnung Special Olympics - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Yahoo / How to create your mailbox on Yahoo - YouTube - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
News Conference: Louisville, Michigan, Kentucky, Wichita State - Duration: 2:37:07.-------------------------------------------
DC Resolution • Terrorblade • 21 kills — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 42:35.dc resolution terrorblade pro mmr gameplay dota 2
Kiralık Aşk sub ita cap 13/15 - Duration: 7:17.-------------------------------------------
I GOT KICKED OUT OF THE MALL! - Duration: 11:43.everyone don't forget to like if you
liked the video give it a thumbs up and
give us a subscribe please thank you
look at the beautiful ass guy man
what's going on guys Tony tornado
god I just want to know why things have
to be the wayy they are why are things so
hard you know why why do things have to
be this difficult for me I just don't
understand why like what did I ever do I
mean Millie's pretty much all you know
having her own fun doing whatever she
wants to do when I'm just stuck
contemplating what I should wear I
should be living I just don't know what
else I should say I just like it's so
much freaking stressed cause I just I've
been going through so much crap the past
few days even let alone the past few
months and just gotta had enough of it
is just ridiculous aint Millie got a
place grand national broke down cost me
around fifteen hundred dollars to fix
that thing guys can you believe it it
depleted all the biz little bit of money
that i was saving while i was staying
you're living like this headphones on
I think freakin believe is a security
guard just like told me to leave can't
believe this crap well that's another
freaking reason why starting to really
not like this place guys I was just on
the top of the parking garage trying to
film something for you guys to just ask
you guys questions you know do a regular
video for you and stupid and security
comes up goes oh no you can't film
anything on top of the garage and I it's
funny to like I haven't lild like oh
yeah I was filming the sunset over there
because i was i technically was you guys
saw it it is usually oh no i'm sorry you
can't film anything here they put this
I'm sorry guys for real though but to
get back to what I was saying to you
guys after the stupid mall cop pissed me
off I just saw I don't know I just I
don't know where I'm supposed to go
don't know where I'm supposed to end up
I'm really kind of upset about all this
stuff because I feel like I'm just left
out in the middle of nowhere and I don't
know I don't really feel like I'm
supposed to be here you know what i mean
but i also don't feel like I'm supposed
to be in Vegas either I just don't know
where I'm supposed to go everyone's been
asking me since I started started
talking about this i posted the most
recent video you guys were like well why
don't you just a lot of you guys were
like watches go back to vegas well
because a lot of stuff happened when we
were in Vegas you know it's just a lot
of bad things happen we were there I
mean come on guys hello did you guys see
all the videos from before hey guys you
guys might be right about the waiting
thing too I don't really know I I just
don't know i don't know if i should be
here or if i should be in vegas i really
just don't know the one thing I do know
for sure though guys in in vegas at at
the house in vegas there's really good
internet so i could record a lot more
videos for you guys way more frequently
than I can hear that i'm always off
right in the library or doing something
just to just to get you guys to the
video it takes me so long to get it done
here it's just like you know I guess if
I potentially got a place here I could
get internet but i don't know if i could
afford all this stuff i can barely
afford anything right now the one thing
we all got to take into consideration is
what's going to be best for me not
anyone else was going to be best for me
and I just don't know a couple people
even said in the comments and the
as video that I should go without Millie
I shouldn't even say anything kamilly I
should just pick up and go back to Vegas
and leave her here if I went to Vegas or
if I went to a you know anywhere in LA
she would just be wherever she is now
and she would just have to stay there
and a lot of you guys said that that
would be a good idea as well to be
separated for a little while I just
don't know guys I don't even know if I
should even tell her I don't even know
if I should tell or if I should just go
or what I should do but I just don't
feel like I should be here anymore
because it's just I don't know it's like
stupid crap like that earlier with the
mall cop like people not everyone in
California okay I got to say that not
everybody in California but a lot of
people in southern california state is
like the freaking pickle on you for no
reason like I wasn't even doing anything
you guys saw me up there are no cars
there's nothing I would just sit up
there trying to enjoy myself and it's
stupid mall cop it's got nothing to do I
wish I had the camera on i wish i had
that camera on the car pulled up stopped
and then was like oh you can't film
anything up here are no it's a pretty
sunset which you can't film anything up
here as soon as you drove away I got the
freaking I left the camera on it got the
back of the car because just like guys I
just I I don't even know anymore just
when you think life starts to get easier
it then begins to get hard again it's
like it never ends and I don't know it's
this is ridiculous i see it's just
freaking ridiculous i shouldn't have to
be going through this crap right now I'm
just glad to have all you guys right now
is as like almost like a therapy just to
sit here and talk to you guys and try to
figure out some reasonable logical
solution as to what I'm supposed to be
doing I just don't even understand why
any of this is happening as that's I
guess that's the part that's driving me
the craziest the most it I just don't
understand what is the whole point of
all this happening like why is all this
happening what's the reasoning for
because I have to know I have to know
what the reason is like why is all this
crap just keep on continuously going me
just like i said earlier like I spent a
lot of money to get the grand national
running because the brakes went out I
you know I spent I spent all my money
that I was saving living like this and
like almost all of its gone I just can't
believe it it's just ridiculous guys and
I just it's getting really weird now
lately the past couple days I've been
pounding monsters and coffees to stay
awake because it's like I'm getting this
huge weird kind of headache like right
here in the middle of my head as I
understand what the point of it all is
you know I just don't I don't get it I
just really don't get it so if anyone
has any advice for me should I tell
Millie or should I just should I tell
Millie either place that I go los
angeles area or vegas and if i go to
either of those places should i tell her
or should i not tell her what do you
guys think in the comments section below
also again i would like to get more of
you guys opinion on which place is more
presentable because I swear in the last
video you guys were like almost 5050 it
was kind of strained it's like i wanted
i wanted to i read your guys in the
comments and i was reading them and i
was like oh wow fifty percent of them
are like here vague as a fifty percent
of here los angeles and if some of you
guys were kind of in the middle and i
thought that that would help kind of
help me make a decision even more so but
it really just made me even more
confused so guys if you comment in the
previous video you can do it again but
common this one to tell me what you guys
think because i need more advice like i
just i got to figure this crap out
because i just i don't know how much
longer of this I can take I really don't
it's really amazing to the crap I go
through just to get you guys some video
content because I don't really want this
stuff out on the internet I don't want
people seeing all this crap I really
don't want people seeing this crap but
this is what it's come to this is how
it's always been and I just I don't know
I don't know guys this is how my life is
always been kind of weird like that I
just I'm praying and hoping that somehow
someway we build the youtube channel
build the biggest YouTube channel of all
time like we've been doing and just keep
keep on truckin just keep on going down
the road and being successful and all of
us will you know join together and form
the biggest freakin YouTube nation in
the world so everyone again please just
as a recap leave a comment in the
comment section below you should if I
live in LA or if I live in Las Vegas
whichever one I go to live to can you
please tell me which one I should go
which one's better which ones more
affordable which one's easier for me all
the way around which you guys think in
your perspective anyway and if I go to
either of those places should I tell
Millie should I tell her if I should
tell her let me know if you guys think
that I should not tell her tell me why
you think I shouldn't tell her because
she hasn't as far as I know she hasn't
been watching any of the videos and I've
been uploading view guys for you guys so
much and she is I don't really think
that she watches anything she hasn't
mentioned anything to me in a long time
since she's been living off with her
friends so I just um I just need help
with this guy's i need help i need your
guy's help tornado nation we need to
stand together and help me get out of
the situation guys because i need you
guys so much more now than ever before
i'm begging you guys please help me with
advice with this please you guys are so
important to me too it's like I really
hate rambling on and on and on about
this crap I just I wanted to give you
guys something really special today and
I feel like this video turned into crap
because of some stupid security guard
that lives in this place and it makes me
so mad that all this crap happens but I
just appreciate you guys giving me all
the feedback that you possibly can
because this is just all this crap
that's been happening I just I want it
all to end guys i just wanted to an
address want to live my life and have a
good time I don't want to have to go
through this stuff anymore and just I
just want to be able to take my life and
just say you know what what's done is
done and we're going to go have a good
life now we're going to go enjoy
ourselves we're gonna go have fun and
we're going to build ourselves up and go
the biggest YouTube channel of all time
like we've been doing guys I love you
guys so much you you guys clearly just
make my day you have no idea yeah again
I'm sorry further rambling and the video
guys was supposed to be a really special
video for you guys and trying to be
stupid and I just feel like I'm just a
move because of the cop or the security
guard or the rent-a-cop whatever the
hell you want to call it so guys don't
forget to leave a like on this video
don't forget to subscribe for more
content everybody all the social media
links are in the description below so go
follow on all of them guys please leave
a comment in the chapel and a chapel 02
please tell me what you guys think Vegas
Los Angeles which one should I live and
if I live in either of those places
should I tell me yes or no or sure I
just run and go and just don't tell her
because I I don't know what I'm really
does my head look uh like this I just
like I can't really think right now just
scatterbrained you know guys I'm sorry
guys we are building the biggest YouTube
channel of all time my name is Tony
tornado and I love my subscriber
MOAR QUESTIONS & REQUESTS FOR 15.000 SUBS VIDEO?! - Duration: 1:23.Hey guys!
Soo... right now I'm a little bit busy with some deadlines ehhh, some composition deadlines
I'm working on.
Aaaand eh.
I've almost gotten 15.000 subscribers right now *laughs*
So eh yeah, I'm gonna need more questions and more little requests like-ehhh songs,
covers, or impressions.
Leave 'em down below in the comments and I will see what I can do to celebrate that together
with you guys.
I love doing that.
So bring 'em on!
I'm ready, I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for me this time and...
You know go crazy!
Let me do crazy stuff, I don't care *laughs* Whatever you want, I'll do it.
Okay, maybe not whatever... but y'know, you get my drill.
So right now I gotta go, cause I'm going dancin', I'm going clubbin' in Amsterdam and-eh
I wish you all a lovely, lovely weekend and see you in my next video!
Love you guys! *kiss*
Kiralık Aşk sub ita cap 13/14 - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
Box of Islam (English) - Hamed Abdel Samad - Medinite Koran - Ep 20 - teaser 4 - Duration: 1:47.I see from my point of view that Mohammad is stuck like this in our collective throats.
He's our hostage and we are his.
He's our hostage in that all the veneration and glorification for him
makes it impossible to treat him as a human being and mortal and to understand his life story [in clear terms].
We're his hostages in the sense that we have to bend everything to the will of his teachings and principles.
He lived in a time where he had issues with himself and his people which he tried to address on his own.
We today have completely different issues and crises.
We have different problems altogether.
It is not plausible for us then for every unresolved matter in our life
to turn to Mohammad to find an answer for.
His environment was very limited in which he was engaged in.
We nowadays are exposed to a lot of things and saw a lot of things.
My point of view is that Mohammad was like a road block
in our path to live in peace with the rest of the world, so to speak.
He got in our way and erected an ethical and psychological barrier
that separated us from the rest of the world and which we can't overcome to date.
Everything ...
All these mental imaginary walls separating the faithful from the infidels
still stand strong from the days of Mohammad.
What I'm doing in these episodes is an attempt to negotiate with this figure
in a bid to understand it from a human standpoint
and to criticize it as well
because failing to do so, we'd be complicit with the terrorists who kill in the name of Mohammad.
Mohammad is not worth more than a one's life
nor is the Koran than the sanctity of human life.
DBZ Dokkan Battle (JP) - Evento SSJ3 Angel Goku (Vs. Time vilão) - Duration: 18:20.-------------------------------------------
Infinity upon infinity, within is so mindblowing :) - Duration: 0:51.Hey guys, just wanted to uh, show you this leaf.
You can pick up the most ordinary object and if you take a moment to actually examine it
and look at it, you will see that it is infinitely beautiful and detailed, and complex, an entire
world in and of itself.
An infinity in and of itself.
And yet it is such a tiny infinity in the infinite infinity.
It's like one layer of infinity, within the infinite, within the infinite, within the
infinite, and there are infinite layers of that onion.
Life is so trippy man.
Totally mindblowing.
Building Your Tomorrow Today-------------------------------------------
80cc Motorized Bike Kit - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
1°INSCRITO NO CANAL DICA UP CHANNEL - Duration: 13:42.-------------------------------------------
Milton Keynes Dons v Coventry City (Sat 18 March 2017 Match Summary) - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot Boxer 290C 2.0 HDI L1H1 TREKHAAK/CDV/ NWE KOPP. EN VERSN.BAK - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
New "Power Rangers" Movie-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> New "Power Rangers" Movie-------------------------------------------
13685700 1143502235672660 769443570 n - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 13685700 1143502235672660 769443570 n - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Au Revoir Chaton - Live Acoustic Session - Duration: 2:05.I cross the earth to find you once again
During summer you said I was too perfect
You encouraged me to apply for a visa
But in the end you chose to leave me
Goodbye Chaton, until you come again, my love
You promised we would find our rythme
You said we'd work as a team
But in the fall you changed your mind
Said it wasn't me it wasn't you but it didn't work
Goodbye Chaton, until you come again, my love
You don't want this life or to hurt me
You say that I'm preoccupied with other priorities
That you lost yourself and can't do it anymore
I hope you change your mind again
Every time we met I thought it went well
Maybe our time has yet to come
It's so damn hard I want to die
I really thought we had a fairy tale
Goodbye Chaton, until you come again, my love
We shall see chaton if you can succeed, my love
For more infomation >> Au Revoir Chaton - Live Acoustic Session - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Message pour votre nuit. 18 Mars - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Message pour votre nuit. 18 Mars - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Everton v Hull City (Sat 18 March 2017 Match Summary) - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Everton v Hull City (Sat 18 March 2017 Match Summary) - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
Ghost in the Shell-------------------------------------------
360 video of BMW's 440i M Sport Coupe in 4k. Hit that 'CC' button for subtitles. - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
An Introduction to me and my channel. - Duration: 1:45.this is just gonna be a little
introduction to my channel. In this video
I'll be talking about the type of
content and what are my plans for this
YouTube account. There were a few videos
that I did on the channel
before which
were animal videos, and I have since
private at them and am gonna start a-fresh on
this channel. So i'm not really sure
about the content that i'm going to make
i would really like to just be able to
post videos whenever I would like to
about topics that I feel like talking
about because I feel like that would be
a really good thing that I would like to
do I'm sorry the audio and the video
quality is really really bad here but I
haven't got the correct equipment to
film properly with at the moment so I'm
filming on my laptop at the moment so
yeah I think that's it um feel free to
join me on this random video adventure
I've really wanted to do this for a long
time so I think will be interesting and
I'd like to be able to watch it in a few
years line and see how much I've changed
throughout the years so I think that's
the main reason I'm creating this
YouTube channel anyone can feel free to
watch my videos if they want to probably
just be mainly friends and family but
actually probably just friends but yeah
so peace out guys
Au Revoir Chaton - Live Acoustic Session - Duration: 2:05.I cross the earth to find you once again
During summer you said I was too perfect
You encouraged me to apply for a visa
But in the end you chose to leave me
Goodbye Chaton, until you come again, my love
You promised we would find our rythme
You said we'd work as a team
But in the fall you changed your mind
Said it wasn't me it wasn't you but it didn't work
Goodbye Chaton, until you come again, my love
You don't want this life or to hurt me
You say that I'm preoccupied with other priorities
That you lost yourself and can't do it anymore
I hope you change your mind again
Every time we met I thought it went well
Maybe our time has yet to come
It's so damn hard I want to die
I really thought we had a fairy tale
Goodbye Chaton, until you come again, my love
We shall see chaton if you can succeed, my love
Get Rekt Lauren - Duration: 1:25.Hey Guys we gonna spray Lauren, Hayden you ready?
Laur-Drew Don't waste all that!
Message pour votre nuit. 18 Mars - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Message for your night. 18/03/2017 - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Transporter 2.0TDi 114pk T800 L1 - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
How to stop your rabbit's water bottle from leaking- 4 easy steps - Duration: 1:34.hey guys it's Lulu from Gio's Holland Lops and
today we're going to be talking about
water bottles so do you guys have a
rabbit the drink out of a water bottle
and thou darn water bottle never stops
leaking you just sit there leaking and
leaking well today I'm going to show you
guys a trick that will stop that water
bottle from leaking and you'll no longer
have a leaky water bottom okay so in
four simple steps we're going to show
you that so first you want to fill up
your water bottle all the way to the top
make sure that there's no air left
inside all the way to the rim second
you're going to tightly screw in your
water bottle tip then next you're going
to walk to your rabbit housing with the
water bottle straight right like so and
once you arrive for your bunnies housing
you're going to just flip it and see how
there's bubbles that rose to the top
make sure that the vacuum sealed next
you're going to place the wire make sure
it's an inch from the top just like so
and then the most crucial part you're
going to just tap your water bottle the
tip of your water bottle until you see
the bubbles rise up and when you do that
you can stop and you can see there it
stops leaking it's amazing alright guys
I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope
it helped leave some comments in the
section below and make sure to subscribe
and I hope to see you guys in the next
video bye bye
Thumbs - Sabrina Carpenter - Seaminor Cover - Duration: 4:25.Somewhere in the world there is a father and a mother
And the father is a son, who has a mother The mother has a daughter who gets married
to the brother of a mother And they all just tryna multiply with one another
'Cause that's just the way of the world It never ends till the end, then you start again
That's just the way of the world
That's just the way of the world
Somewhere in the world they think they're working for themselves
They get up everyday to go to work for someone else
And somebody works for them and so they think they've got it made
But they're all just trying to get paid the very same
They keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum-dum
And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum
So they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum-dum
Somewhere in the world there is a robber and a bank
And the bank robbed the people, so the people rob the bank
And the police came to get him but they let him get away
'Cause they're all just workin' to get paid the very same
'Cause that's just the way of the world It never ends till the end, then you start again
That's just the way of the world
That's just the way of the world
And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum
They gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum
And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum
so they gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum-dum
Don't believe everything that you hear Let it go through your left and right ear
Don't just drum to the beat of that drum Don't be one of them people just twiddlin' them thumbs
'Cause that's just the way of the world It never ends till the end and then you start again
That's just the way of the world
That's just the way of the world
And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum
So they gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum-dum
And so they keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum
so they gonna keep on twiddlin' them thumbs Skiddly-dee-da-dum-dum
Somewhere in the world there is a father and a mother
and the mother has a son who has a---
*Talking* the father has a son that has a mother *laughs*
Oh my goodness
in the world there is a father and a mother
and the mother has a son who.... What?
in the world there is a father and a mother
and a mo-father has a---
Somewhere in the world there is a father and a mother and a mother...
The father has a son *laughs*
world there is a father and a mother and the mother has a son who has a daugh---the what?
There is a robber and a bank and the people----
and the people rob the robber, so the robber robs the bank.
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