Hello everyone!
I did a little poll asking what order hall you guys and girls were most interested in
and the clear winner is the warlock.
This story takes us back to the very start of Legion where Khadgar and the Kirin Tor
teleport Dalaran to the broken isles to take the battle to the legion and it's Ritssyn
Flamescowl that shows up to ask for our aid.
"A moment of your time, warlock.
The Council of the Black Harvest requests your assistance."
He speaks on behalf of the council of the black harvest who are planning to tap into
the twisting nether and call forth more powerful demonic allies.
The Legion invasion has made it painfully clear that our only hope is to grow stronger
and while the ritual is ready to go, they're short one member and want us to take the spot.
The reason they have a position open goes back to Mists of Pandaria and the warlock
green fire questline.
It was during this quest that we were actually informed about the council who got together
after Deathwing's defeat.
Six of the greatest warlocks gathered to learn more advanced forms of magic stolen from our
defeated foes and teach all warlocks advanced forms of magic.
Foes like Ragnaros the Firelord, his defeat was witnessed by Ritssyn Flamescowl.
Or Shinfel Blightsworn, who's blood had been corrupted during the fight with Cho'gall.
Zinnin Smythe who had witnessed the raw chaos unleashed by Deathwing the Destroyer and was
present during his defeat and has not spoken a word since.
They had all witnessed pieces of even greater power and it was Kanrethad Ebonlocke who suggested
the plan of for example infusing the molten fury of the firelands with the unstoppable
chaos of Deathwing.
Even the powers of the burning legion could not hold a candle to their flames!
Now the scope of this task exceeded the capabilities of any single member of the council so they
decided to split up in teams.
Ritssyn and Zinnin would lead a group into Sulfuras.
Shinfel and the gnome Zelifrax would hunt down the remaining members of the Twilight's
hammer cult while Kanrethad and Jubeka Shadowbreaker would return to Outland since it was at that
place where Kanrethad had joined the assault upon the black temple and had learned the
secrets of Illidan's transformation, secrets he had shared with the council.
There is always more power to gain though so the council split up and did their thing
while we followed the steps of Jubeka and Kanrethad.
This quest actually had a few hints at Illidan still being out there which is kinda cool
considering this was during the mists of pandaria time period, but that's besides the point.
The questline eventually took us to the top of the black temple and into a fierce battle
with Kanrethad.
He had enveloped himself with so much fel energy that it corrupted him totally and Jubeka
was forced to banish him.
A small taste of his power was not harmful and it gave our spells a pretty green color
and now the council needs us to take up Kanrethad's spot as he, for the moment, is not able to
join us.
"The sixth is here.
Let us begin.
Zelifrax will lead us in the ritual.
You have studied the rites, gnome?"
"Yeah, yeah.
Don't worry about me, hothead!
I know what needs to be done.
Akris nor-menoth!
I need everyone to channel on the portal.
This ritual requires our unwavering concentration!"
"It's not our concentration that should concern you.
Let us hope our newest addition can keep up.
What are you waiting for, new blood?
"Your power is impressive, warlock.
The ritual begins!
Kirest-alak yrthog norush..."
"Be prepared!
We're reaching deeper into the Nether than ever before.
Who knows what we may find!"
"Gal'nortalesh da val..."
"Keep focused...I sense a being of great power on the other side..."
"Zor-arik var..um...telosh?"
"Uh...or was it teloth?
I'm always mixing those up!"
The portal!"
Jagganoth <Overlord of the Dreadscar>: "Who dares summon me?!
" "It is I, Zelifrax Wobblepox!
You will serve me, demon!"
"Trifling gnome!
I Think not!"
'Waaaaaaah *rip*" "Foolish mortals!
You think yourselves worthy to enslave the mighty Jagganoth?
It is you who will be made to serve!"
Gotta love the Jaraxus reference here and the gnome Zelifrax is quickly taken out while
the rest of us are taken captive to the Dreadscar Rift.
Ritssyn: "So, the new blood awakens.
You were spared the brunt of the pit lord's assault.
A pity the rest of us...weren't so lucky...
We would seem to be Jagganoth's prisoners on some forsaken Legion world.
Imagine the horrors he has planned for us...
Personally, I would prefer to avoid such torment.
Pain...hard to...focus...
Before our jailor turns his attention to us.
You may be able to control him long enough..."
Beshtal : "I...obey..."
Enslave the jailer Beshtal to free ourselves from the cage, then defeat him with Ritssyn's
"What trickery is this?
No one escapes my cells!"
"Jaggonoth will...end you..."
Scream from the top of the pit.
"That was Jubeka!
The others might yet live!
I am...too wounded to go with you, warlock.
Find the others.
Together...you might survive this.
Leave me!
Ritssyn Flamescowl is no one's burden!"
Calydus: "Wait!
Please don't hurt Calydus!
Calydus is servant to the cruel, cruel Jagganoth.
He abuses and mocks poor Calydus.
But you!
You could be his undoing!
Calydus will distract sentires.
Find your friends.
We will meet again soon!"
Our friendly neighberhood demon Calydus transforms into a gnome to distract the guards while
we rescue our council members.
Jubeka was nearly food for the hounds, Zinnin still doesn't talk while Shinfel is not
really impressed.
"Is that the best you've got, demon?
I thought your kind knew how to torture.
"Savor your words while your mind can still form them, worm!"
Release Shinfel
"I appreciate the assistance, warlock.
These demons are dreadfully boring."
"Wait...where is Ritsynn?"
"The orc was gravely injured and cannot follow.
No matter.
We four should suffice to control that pit lord.
That is still our goal, yes?"
"Fine, stubborn worgen!
Escape shall be our first priority.
But if the opportunity to enslave the demon presents itself, I say we take it!"
"Then it's decided.
Let's keep moving."
Kill some more jailers, deactivate 2 crystals, barrier falls
"This way!
Over here!"
"What is this miserable creature?"
"Calydus is a friend, you will see!
Jagganoth hunts powerful weapons.
Friend could use these weapons to rule this place!"
I like the sound of that."
"Slow down, Shinfel.
How do we know we can trust this thing?"
"You must trust Calydus!
Come to the archives!
It's not far!"
"I don't know.
I've got a bad feeling about this."
Kill some more demons, Nelach, the All – Seeing, keeper of the archives, go to the archives.
"This is amazing!
Think of all we could learn from these tomes!"
"Not to mention the power they could give us."
This is the tome you seek, friend!
Take it!
Then we can leave this place before Jagganoth finds us!"
Pick up Tome of Blighted Implements, a book containing information about weapons which
could be used against the Legion.
"Insolent wretches!"
"It would appear we've been discovered."
"Did you think you could escape my grasp so easily?"
"Ungh...Unhead me, wretch!"
"Haughty warlocks!
You presume to issue commands to my kind!
Face the consequences for your insolence!"
(Shinfel thrown away) "I will smash you like the insignifcant
gnats you are!
Burn in fel fire!"
"Flee, friend!
We must escape through the gateway!"
"Zinnin, look out!"
(Zinnin is down, I repeat Zinnin is down) "Your skull will make a fine trophy"
"Oh no!
Press on, warlock.
Close the portal!"
(Even Jubekka takes a hit) "I will burn you to cinders!"
Xel'toth infernal shows up, bring him down and escape from the Dreadscar Rift.
"The path is clear!
"This is not over, warlock!
I will see the end of you!"
We lost our council members again, but we did pick up the tome of blighted implements,
a powerful tool in the war against the Legion as it tells us where to pick up our artifact.
With that in hand we're ready to return to the dreadscar and show Jagginoth who's
the boss.
"So...the little warlock return.
You're too late to save your friends.
They have the honor of amusing my lord, Mephistroth.
He will be pleased to receive yet another gift, and I will happily deliver you to him.
Come, warlock!
You will be broken!"
Fight and defeat Jagganoth.
"This power you wield...it's not possible!"
"This...cannot be!"
"Mephistroth will...take you..."
"Jagganoth is slain! now take his heart.
You will be the lord of the Dreadscar!"
Take his heart "Oeee Bring the heart to the altar!
This way!"
Place Heart of the Overlord on the Altar, Mephistroth shows up.
"So, mortal, you have slain one of my generals...
Savor your victory while you can, warlock.
This war is far from over!
We will meet again..."
"Friend, the Dreadscar have come to serve at your command!"
Bulzan <Champion of the Dreadscar> and the rest of the forces offer their allegiance.
The dreadscar now belongs to us, including its forces, but we've caught the attention
of the dreadlord Mephistroth who will surely wish to seek revenge for losing his general.
We'll need more than just what the dreadscar has to offer, we need our council back so
it's time to resurrect Ritssyn Flamescowl.
It seems not even a pit lord can keep you down, warlock!
But what of the rest of the council?"
"Come, let us plan the future of our order."
Ritsynn passes on leadership to us since where the council has failed, we have found untold
We pick our first point of assault to start our adventures on the broken isles, make some
allies and kick some butt until a Black Harvest Acolyte tells us that our presence is requested
back at the dread scar.
Calydus is happy that he no longer suffers under the cruel hand of Jagganoth and now
has a choice who to follow.
He pledged his loyalty to the new Overlord!
"Friend won't need to face the Legion alone."
Ritssyn is also quite impressed and is familiar with the burden of leadership.
Rebuilding the council is our key to defeating the legion, but it's a task that cannot
be completed alone so he would be honored to serve as second.
"I will not rest until the council has been rebuilt."
Our first 2 champions are of great use as they can be send out to complete vital assignments
across the broken isles.
Their first mission is to gather information at any cost, find out where the missing council
members are being held.
They fight Riftweaver Deavas who does offer some information but considering how we obtained
it, it might not be that reliable.
To aid our champions in the future, we have the beautiful, sexy imp mother Dyala who's
adapt at summoning imps and will gladly offer them to the cause.
These extra forces will allow us to free a prisoner being held captive so we send them
out to fight Valitos and our troops come back with Archivisit Melinda who's somewhat of
an anomaly, as apparently not many from her dwarven race choose our path.
What makes her even more unique is her meticulous study of our craft.
Her knowledge will be unsurpassed and she offers us the option to improve the order
With all that going it's time to dive into the Black Harvest archives which contains
magical knowledge collected from various sources over time.
It's reasonable to think that somewhere among the countless scrolls we'll find something
to aid us in our mission to rescue the remaining council members.
Our troops are send in to do our research and they come back with a tome that details
the process of creating a demonic gateway.
It has the power to access any demon world, assuming we know where to direct it.
Such a gateway could be used to locate and retrieve the remaining council members, but
in order to channel it, we'll need the assistance of someone with intimate knowledge of the
Burning Legion.
Ritsynn knows just the warlock for the job, Kira Iresoul, but we should be the ones to
ask her since she and Ritsynn have quite a history.
I wondered if this was a story that I missed out on, but it seems like this has been set
up mainly for Legion.
Ritsynn was Kira's Mentor once and she followed him blindly, trusting that he would look out
for her best interests.
Instead, he left her to lead the Council of the Black Harvest, a council that believed
her way of doing things was wrong.
She had also pretended to be a member of the Argus wake, an organization connected to the
shadow council, allied with the syndicate in alterac with the goal of ruling Alterac
and prepare the way for the third host, to have the legion lords rain fire from the skies
once again.
If you remember the scepter of Sargeras artifact questline, Nagaz was also a member from the
argus wake.
Her time with the argus wake is probably why she has knowledge of the blood stones since
they were known for using them and since she mentions that she pretended to be a member,
it's reasonable to assume that she was working against the organisation from within.
Apperantly there came a point where she needed her mentor, but he turned her back on her
and that's why she's not really keen on helping him.
We might have better luck though, so we find her
at the Greenway in Azsuna, but her help doesn't come for free.
Her currency is power and knowledge meaning we'll have to help her out before she helps
First we're send to collect a blood stone that was stolen from her by the nearby naga.
These stones contain a great deal of power that can only be awakened once they're fed
so we let the stone feed on the blood of demons at Felblaze Ingress.
With the stone satisfied it's time for a little test.
Kira has never witnessed the direct effects of a blood stone upon a demon.
In theory its power could be used to bend the will of demons that would otherwise not
be so easily controlled.
In the cave she has some imps imprisoned which make great test subjects for the stone, but
instead of controlling them, the subject simply dies.
An unexpected result, some more research will be needed, but for now we've held up our
end of the bargain and Kira is ready to repay us for the hard work.
"Your power has grown, Kira."
"It has, indeed.
And you should keep that in mind the next time you attempt to speak to me..."
We take the gateway into demonic world known as Niskara, a planet that several other classes
also visit for their artifacts or order hall campaigns and here we can rescue Zinnin and
Jubeka, but Shinfel herself is nowhere to be found.
Golarb, Shinfel's minion: "Mistress is gone...The dreadlord came for her.
Golarb tried to help....Golarb failed..."
It was quite easy to save 2 of our missing members who gladly offer their service to
the council, but of course Zinnin still doesn't say anything.
"Together we will destroy the Burning Legion!"
SHinfel in the hands of Mephistroth is a big problem though.
If they're able to break her, they'd gain the power and knowledge to mount a devastating
attack against Dreadscar Rift.
A ritual of summoning should be able to summon Shinfel to our side, but we'll need to create
a powerful anchor to make that work.
This means more missions for our champions to go on and as some extra back up, we now
have recruiter Jarod who selects only the finest candidates, those that possess the
skills we desire to become our acolytes.
They're send out to collect empowered soul shards from our defeated enemies which should
be powerful enough to craft the anchor.
They fight the black rook assasins at Bradensbrook, the nightmare imps at Moonclaw Vale, The rodents
within Dalaran, the harpies within Highmountain and poachers that are threathing the wildlife
in Highmountain.
While they go about doing that, we're send into the Black Rook Hold to fight with the
amalgam of souls.
Besides the empowered soul shard, we'll need to link something of Shinfel's to an
unclaimed soul.
The soul will act like a beacon, guiding Shinfel through the Twisting Nether and back to the
Dreadscar Rift.
We have the staff that should provide us with the link we need and the unclaimed soul is
taken from the amalgam.
As it goes with these summoning rituals, it will require three warlocks to complete and
Kira is kind enough to assist us.
"Will you assist us Kira?"
"I'll help, of course.
Unlike you, I do not abandon a fellow warlock when they might need me most."
Our powers combined are able to drag Shinfel through the twisting nether and back into
the dreadscar rift, but the warlock doesn't look too good.
Her mind remains in the hands of her demon captors who've placed some sort of ancient
curse upon her.
Ritssyn has never seen anything like it and I believe this is a nudge at the warlock spell
Curse of Doom which used to summon a doomguard once it expired, and has been name changed
from curse of doom into bane of doom until now it's just called doom which is why Ritssyn
doesn't recognize it.
We need to figure out what kind of magic we're dealing with and there's an alchemist
who's earned himself quite the reputation for his unconventional methods.
Shunned from Gilneas long ago, 'Mad earnie' has taken up residence in these lands at Bradensbrook
in Val'Sharah, but he hasn't gone by that name in years.
He's now known as Ernest Carlisle favoring the calm life with the farm and Marl.
He's not the man he used to be, but he's also not against helping us if we help him
out first with rounding up his goats that has dashed out when the fighting started.
With his beloved animals back in their pen, Earnie tells us that Doom curses are serious
business, so much so that many warlocks didn't deal in them for some time.
The magic grows stronger as time goes on, eventually leading to death and only the caster
of the curse can remove it.
He does craft an elixir, after us gathering the ingredient, that will slow its progression
but this will only weaken the curse and not cure it.
"What now?"
"This had better amuse me."
*Gulp gulp gulp* "Those cursed twins...They will pay for
what they did!
Lady Sacrolash and her sister, Alythess.
They are responsible for this foul magic that infect my blood.
The twins are helping Mephistroth build an army.
They intend to attack Dreadscar, and steal the Felblood Altar."
The eredar twins, the same twins that we fought during the Sunwell Plateau raid way back when
during the burning crusade, they are the ones who got their hands on Shinfel and have placed
this terrible curse upon her.
Now killing a demon isn't always the answer.
Sometimes the solution is to control one or in this case, 2 of them.
If we can summon the sisters and bend their will to ours, it will deliver a devastating
blow to mephistroth's forced and rid shinfel of her curse, not to mention we'd get the
freaking eredar twins under our control.
Kira: "We can use the Bloodstone.
It will be powerful enough to control the sisters when they're in a weakened state."
Before we take the twins on, some planning is required and to assist our troops Shinfel
and Kira offer their allegiance and become our new champions.
"I will do whatever is needed to defend Dreadscar Rift from the Burning Legion."
"You did right by your fellow warlocks, which is commendable and surprising.
I know some who would choose the pursuit of power over the need of others..."
"It was never a choice, Kira."
We have the bloodstone and Kira has made considerable progress with it so hopefully this time it
will actually control the demons and not instantly kill them.
To use it we'll first have to feed it some delicious demon blood and luckily for us,
there's no shortage of demons to kill.
Blood is its power, but the ability to control a demon comes from consuming a corrupter heart,
the more powerful, the better.
Within the Vault of the Wardens we find such a heart beating in the chest of the traitor
Cordana and just a side note, poor poor Cordana.
She is part of so many quests that take away her body parts, like I remember one for the
death knights where they collect her eye...It's like she's an organ market but what ever,
we need this felsworn heart so we go out and collect it.
Summoning the sisters will not be easy and considering the last time we tried to summon
a powerful demon, we need someone who won't mess it up.
The broken isles are swarming with new blood, all hoping to make a name for themselves in
this chaos so we send our champions out to investigate who's worthy within the different
zones of the broken isles.
1 warlock stands out above the rest, a most unusual choice, a name most of you are familiar
Fizzlebang, but not Wilfred Fizzlebang the one who messed up the summoning of Jaraxus,
it's actually his sister Lulabelle who's made her way to Stormheim.
If she has half his power, but twice his intelligence then we just might succeed in summoning the
Eredar twins so we go out to recruit her, but Lulabelle is already on a quest of her
"Yeah, what do you want?
Thanks to the legacy of her family name, any time some miserable warlock summons demon
they can't control, she gets the blame.
A nearby cave is the scene of her latest 'crime' where unruly imps and other nasty demons are
roaming free.
We need to banish the demons running amuck, clean up the mess while also find the lousy
warlock who's responsible and get him to sign a written confession of his wrongdoings.
Now the gnome warlock Galius Miremoore is of course completely innocent.
Like he told the guards in Dalaran, it's probably the Fizzlebang girl that's responsible.
Just like her brother, always summoning a mess of demons she can't control.
Confess your crimes Galius!
The only thing I am guilty of is being the most powerful warlock in all of Azeroth!"
"Come, minions, aid me in battle against the accuser!"
"Stop, please!
I'll pen a confession, assuming you didn't break my writing hand...
The writing is a bit difficult to decipher, but armed with the confession Lulabelle should
be able to prove her innocence and focus on more pressing matters like helping us and
becoming our next champion:
"You can count me among those that are willing to fight the burning legion at your side."
With the heart empowered and our latest recruit, we're ready to summon the sisters, weaken
them, and put them under our control.
We'll conduct the summoning on the outskirts of the dreadscar rift, if things don't go
as planned then at least the aftermath will be contained on a small piece of land floating
above our order.
"Council members and allies, it is time to begin the summoning."
Summon summon summon summon "Foolish warlocks, summoning what you cannot
"You will meet your death by our hands!"
The eredar twins are not so easily defeated, it once took a whole raid team to take them
Their fire and shadow magic does some serious damage, but our council has grown strong,
our artifact is powerful and the twins are subdued.
"Use the blood stone!"
"You've done it!
The sisters are yours to control!
Sacrolash and Alythess will prove to be powerful tools for our order.
Let's meet back at the council's circle.
There is much to discuss."
With the demon sisters under our control, we've managed to weaken Mephistroth's
army and gain powerful alies for the council.
Our work is not done, however.
Dreadscar Rift will remain a target as long as the Burning Legion remains.
If we wish to protect our new home, we must rebuild the council and fill up the last spot
still remaining.
We get the choice of either adding Lulubelle or Kira and I personally couldn't make any
other choice then to let the Fizzlebang that doesn't mess up into our ranks.
"Let us gather and give our oaths!
Our leader has done what no other could do.
The Council of the Black Harvest lives once again.
Under the First, our power will reach new heights.
The secrets of the Burning Legion will be ours to unlock!
As our last champions we gain none other then the Eredar Twins who now live to serve and
it would please them to do our bidding.
"Our will is yours to command."
And finally there's Ritssyn who informs his Netherlord that their research into the
Felblood Altar has proven useful and they've developer a ritual that should unleash the
full powers of our artifact!
"We of the Black Harvest have been admiring your skill, Netherlord.
To master a weapon of such considerable power is truly inspiring!
Through the demons you've subjugated and the resources you've obtained, we have the
means to perform a ritual that will awaken your artifact's dark destiny!
Raise your weapon before the Felblood Altar.
Watch as its dread energies infuse your weapon with infernal might!
Cinematic: I have even mooooore powerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Such wicked glory awaits you!
With this weapon, you will bind the Legion to our will!
Even Kil'jaeden will cower like a craven dog!
Let's hope so Ritssyn and with that we've reached the end of the warlock order hall
From being taken captive to turning the dreadscar rift under our control, empowering our artifact
and reforming the council of the black harvest with us leading the way.
Who knows how the storyline with Mephistroth is going to end, but for now this is the end
of the story.
As always thank you very much for watching everyone!
Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaand until next time
guys....see ya!
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