You will find many, many, many spoilers in this video
So you watch it on your own responsibility
If anyone wants to listen to what I say about BTS
Skip to this time
It's time for another BTS theory video!
In the previous part, I talked about Blood Sweat & Tears and the hidden symbols in this vid
About religion, art, myths etc
In this part, I will focus on Hermann Hesse's book 'Demian'
Blood Sweat & Tears is based on this book
But not only BST is based on that. Also the whole WINGS album
and also the short films for WINGS
I will talk about those short films in the next part because it's going to be super long
and there are many many symbols hidden in those films as well
I will give you many quotes from 'Demian'
I hope you will like it so we can start!
We'll start from one word which can describe this book
It was incredible
I was a bit shocked and scared when I saw how many descriptions are there
There are only a few dialogues, you can find there mostly long descriptions
I thought this book is really hard to read
especially because of the amount of descriptions
This book has less than 150 pages
The amount of dense text kinda overwhelmed me
However I read this book really fast
If I think about the time I spent on this...
without the time for things that disctract us
I think it's possible to read it...
in one day
That's for sure
It's possible to spend only a few hours on reading this book
It's really fast and really fine
The language is not super easy
But it's really, really... Amazing!
It's just incredible and I'm so in love with this book!
I think I will read it again soon!
Because it was just... Amazing
Some people say that it's a book about youth, entering the adulthod and friendship
and I agree with that on the one hand
But on the other hand, it's a book about finding your own way and path
about finding your inner side and your true self
and finding it from the very beginning so since childhood
You can find many philosophical and psychological aspects in this book
All those psychological processes are described in a perfect way
and it's really impressive!
Those descriptions are not boring. It gets more and more interesting within next pages of the book
it makes you want more, more and more
And you just consume this book
But let's focus on the plot!
Sinclair is the narrator of this story
and at the very beginning he warns us...
"My story is not a pleasant one
it is neither sweet nor harmonious, as invented stories are;
it has the taste of nonsense and chaos, of madness and dreams
like the lives of all men who stop deceiving themselves."
We can expect a really difficult story just by looking at this quote
A story that needs thinking and analysis
But this is what makes this book really special
Sinclair tells us about the two different worlds
"My parents' house made up one realm, yet its boundaries were even narrower,
actually embracing only my parents themselves.
This realm was familiar to me in almost every way - mother and father, love and strictness, model behavior, and school.
This was the world in which were duty and guilt, bad conscience and confession,
forgiveness and good resolutions, love, reverence, wisdom and the words of the Bible.
If one wanted an unsullied and orderly life, one made sure one was in league with this world.
The other realm, however, overlapping half our house, was completely different;
it smelled different, spoke a different language, promised and demanded different things.
All these wild and cruel, attractive and hideous things surrounded us, could be found in the next alley, the next house.
everywhere this second vigorous world erupted and gave off its scent, everywhere, that is, except in our parents' rooms."
Sinclair has its own bright world which is his childhood and home
family and parents and all those ideals he follows
However the other, bad world also exists
the dark world which is related to entering the adulthood
and all those temptations that wait for us
Sinclair lives in this bright world and is afraid of one of the bullies. So he lies and makes up a story
a story about stealing the apples so the bully will be proud and probably like him
and so he won't do something bad to him
However since then he lives with guilty conscience
It's so bad he gets sick and even vomit
He loses control
Especially because it turns out that his enemy has him on the string
"I couldn't even get upstairs
My life was wrecked. I thought of running away and never coming back,
or of drowning myself.
However, I couldn't picture any of this very clearly.
In the dark, I sat down on the bottom step of our staircase,
huddled up within myself, abandoning myself to misery.
But all of it was lost to me now, all of it belonged to the clear, well-lighted world of my father and mother
and I, guilty and deeply engulfed in an alien world, was entangled in adventures and sin,
threatened by an enemy, by dangers, fear, and shame.
This moment was the most significant and lasting of the whole experience.
It was the first rent in the holy image of my father, it was the first fissure in the columns that had upheld my childhood,
which every individual must destroy before he can become himself.
The inner, the essential line of our fate consists of such invisible experiences.
Such fissures and rents grow together again, heal and are forgotten,
but in the most secret recesses they continue to live and bleed.
As I already said, Sinclair cannot forgive himself this sin and he gets sick
Till now, the purity was the most important for him
His childhood was pure, his home was pure
and he was filled with purity
He finally meets Demian who is a mystery for him
and he even wonders if Demian is a human being
Demian is a kind of guide for him
he shows him the world from a completely different side and gives a new point of view
"Well, I think, " he went on, "one can give this story about Cain quite a different interpretation.
Most of the things we're taught I'm sure are quite right and true,
but one can view all of them from quite a different angle than the teachers do
and most of the time they then make better sense."
As I already said, Demian became a guide of Sinclair,
who helped him finding a right way when he lost it
and he also helped him to accept his destiny
'Demian' is a book about all of us and all of you.
All those ideas and thoughts are perfectly described
The ending of this book is really shocking
and it's also touching and can make you cry, especially because I kinda became intimate with the characters for such a short period of time
and all of the descriptions about finding your true self were perfectly presented
so you cannot believe it's the end
that there is nothing more and there won't be any more answers for the questions that you still have in your mind
For now, this is it about this brilliant book
And even though we are often mad at BigHit Entertainment
for giving us MVs full of theories
Difficult to understand
MVs which you have to analyse in various ways
We should be thankful to BigHit Ent instead
For basing on such a piece of work
like 'Demian' or 'Omelas'
or the 'Lost River' movie
and also the Holy Bible, Myths and art
It shows that K-POP is not only a group of pretty, stylized dancing boys
K-POP approximates the art for us
And BTS and not only BTS music videos are a proof for that
It proves that you can combine art with entertainment
And that you can convey the ideals
and everything that can help us choose a right path in our lives
I highly recommend you reading Hermann Hesse's book, especially because you can read it really fast
And also because not only Blood Sweat & Tears is based on this book,
but also WINGS, as I already mentioned
If you want to understand those 7 short films
you should definitely read 'Demian' because suddenly everything makes sense
and you don't see this symbolical analysis anymore
for example that this color means that
and the smoke means that
You see the particular parts of the book in those films
and it gains more and more and more sense
As I already said, not only Blood Sweat & Tears is based on this book. And not only WINGS is based on this book!
I think that this whole passing youth concept and entering the adulthood is based on that as well
You can find all of those in Demian and also in BTS MVs and lyrics
We have those problems, those sins and this temptation
you can find all of these in the book with a perfect description so I recommend you to read it!
If we talk about Demian, this passing youth and entering the adulthood
can be decribed as a moment of death
Inner death
"Everyone goes through this crisis.
For the average person this is the point when the demands of his own life come into the sharpest conflict with his environment,
when the way forward has to be sought with the bitterest means at his command.
Many people experience the dying and rebirth--which is our fate--only this once during their entire life.
Their childhood becomes hollow and gradually collapses,
everything they love abandons them
and they suddenly feel surrounded by the loneliness and mortal cold of the universe.
Very many are caught forever in this impasse, and for the rest of their lives
cling painfully to an irrevocable past, the dream of the lost paradise--which is the worst and most ruthless of dreams.
Frankly speaking, there are many quotes in this book that can...
That can help us understand what's going on in BTS MVs and what is this passing youth concept about
however I will give you one of my favorites
"Sometimes I was absolutely certain that my destiny was to become like mother and father,
as clear-sighted and unspoiled, as orderly and superior as they.
But this goal seemed far away and to reach it meant attending endless schools, studying, passing tests and examinations,
and this way led past and through the other, darker realm.
It was not at all impossible that one might remain a part of it and sink into it."
I am 100% sure that I don't have to explain why this part is one of my favorites
especially the last sentence about sinking into this dark world
I think that we can also relate it to War of Hormone
Because it fits with the description about what Sinclair starts to feel
"Then came those years in which I was forced to recognize the existence of a drive within me that had to make itself small and hide from the world of light.
The slowly awakening sense of my own sexuality overcame me, as it does every person,
like an enemy and terrorist, as something forbidden, tempting and sinful."
We also can relate this quote to the Blood Sweat & Tears lyrics
It doesn't matter if it hurts,
tie me up so I can't run away
Grab me tight and shake me up
so I can't come to my senses
Kiss me on the lips, this is a secret between the two of us
Deeply poisoned by the jail of you
I cannot worship anyone else beside you
I knowingly drank from the poisoned grail
And even though it fits perfectly, I will give you more examples and more quotes
that describe Sinclair's love to Eva, a woman from his dreams
"I looked at the photo and my heart stood still.
it was my dream image!
That was she, the tall, almost masculine woman who resembled her son,
with maternal traits, severity, passion;
beautiful and alluring, beautiful and unapproachable,
daemon and mother, fate and beloved. There was no mistaking her!
At times I was dissatisfied with myself and tortured with desire:
I believed I could no longer bear to have her near me without taking her in my arms.
"I do not know, " I said, "how long my dream is supposed to last.
I wish it could be forever.
My fate has received me under the picture of the bird like a lover and like a beloved.
I belong to my fate and to no one else."
You can find many quotes like this in 'Demian' and not only about Eva but about everything else
But now I will focus on Blood Sweat & Tears analysis
but related to Hermann Hesse's book
I told you about various symbols in the previous part
and some myths, for example myth about Icarus and Daedalus
various paintings and their names
and now we will see the connection between BST and Demian
This MV can be related to Nietzsche's philosophy and nihilism
and you can find it also in Demian
Some beings just don't exist
And if nothing tells you that one goal is better than the other one,
you should choose the one that seems good for you
"That is why each of us has to find out for himself what is permitted and what is forbidden--forbidden for him.
It's possible for one never to transgress a single law and still be a bastard. And vice versa.
Actually it's only a question of convenience.
Those who are too lazy and comfortable to think for themselves and be their own judges obey the laws.
Others sense their own laws within them; things are forbidden to them that every honorable man will do any day in the year
and other things are allowed to them that are generally despised.
Each person must stand on his own feet."
You can find a theory in Demian that either good or evil is allowed
There is a God who links those two traits, good and evil
you don't have to hide the smallest sins and temptations from him
Temptations are a part of the bad world and they make us go against God and the society
that's why we can find many references to such rebelious acts in BST
whether it's the myth about Icarus
or the apples which are references to Adam and Eve and the big sin
and the banishment from the Garden of Eden
and so on
You can find many things like that. Or for example the green smoke
which can mean going against the society
It kinda persuades us to do it
Just notice that this smoke wafts and moves to another room
and then really bad and weird things happen
In my opinion, Jin is Sinclair who lives a pure life, according to society and religion's ideals
Especially because he is shown as someone different
and more innocent, like he just gets to know the other world
and he is pulled by this world
Besides that, even various scenes can be some kind references to that
for example covering his eyes
like he can't see the truth about this world
because the society and religion impose some rules and ideas and he cannot see what's behind it
Everything changes when his eyes are not covered anymore
In my opinion, V is Demian
But I found many theories that each of the member is a Demian
but V being Demian makes more sense for me
Because he shows the other side of the world to Jin, he uncovers his eyes
and he makes Jin notice things he'd never noticed before
But Jin gives in this 'evil' even before V uncovers his eyes
He sees the other side of everything, the other world
Letting go of the balloon can also symbolize it
this balloon can symbolize the rules and ideals imposed by the society
And in this part, Rap Monster is reading a part of Demian
He, too, was a tempter
he, too, was a link to the second,
the evil world with which I no longer wanted to have anything to do.
In the next scene we see Suga playing piano or organ
what's more interesting - he plays a really meaningful melody
This melody also appears in the book
I don't know how to pronounce it but it's Passacaglia
but it's a really important melody in the book
which is played for Sinclair by another guide
Other symbols also appear, for example the bird
which is very, very important during the whole book
"The bird rights its way out of the egg.
The egg is the world.
Who would be born must first destroy a world.
The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas."
Abraxas was the god I mentioned awhile ago, the god linking the traits of good and evil
You don't have to hide anything from Abraxas. He is an ideal god who understands us
"My friend, our new religion, for which we have chosen the name Abraxas, is beautiful.
It is the best we have. But it is still a fledgling. Its wings haven't grown yet."
This part can somehow show that V can also be Abraxas
However, for me the most important moment (in MV and also in the book)
that proves that V is Demian or V is Abraxas
(both, in my opinion)
is the moment of the kiss
The kiss also appears in the book and it's very important
but also very symbolical
On the one hand, it means the final goodbye
On the other hand, it means the acceptance of yourself and your fate
The fate that have been waiting for us and the path we chose
"If you call me then I won't come crudely, on horseback or by train.
You'll have to listen within yourself, then you will notice that I am within you.
I closed my eyes in obedience. I felt a light kiss on my lips
where there was always a little fresh blood which never would go away.
And then I fell asleep."
The end of the MV, the scene with the mirror, breaking sculptures,
Jin's face cracking
it reminds us of some kind of tear
An eternal tear, eternal wound that will never heal
All of this can be perfectly summarized by the last paragraph of the book
"Dressing the wound hurt.
Everything that has happened to me since has hurt.
But sometimes when I find the key and climb deep into myself
where the images of fate lie aslumber in the dark mirror,
I need only bend over that dark mirror to behold my own image,
now completely resembling him,
my brother, my master."
I gave you many spoilers but I warned you!
So if anyone stayed with me till the end of this video, this person knows everything about this book
or at least a lot
I hope you liked it
I can't wait for the next video already!
I'm gonna analyse the short WINGS films
There are many quotes from the book read by Rap Monster
and even the scenes are kind of references to the book and it's really interesting and incredible
So if you liked it, if you have any conclusions, if you read the book, if you have ANYTHING to tell me,
maybe I skipped something which was really important
as always, I'm waiting for your comments!
And see you next time!
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