Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 8 2017

Can we come in?

Prnze! How are you?

What a pleasure to have you back!

Am I the only one who doesn´t know this guy?

Tell me, what happened?

They were waiting for us, they took Flash in front of us

Flash? My god, what do we do? We have no one left!

Actually... yes


Hey, calm down, buddy! I just came to retrieve the bag of that nice lady

The bag, the bag, run!

You know what? It doesn´t matter

Get away from me!

You should not shoot people who come nicely

Well, we have a little spider who wants to play

Well, we have a bad guy who wants to do it badly

Do you hold me this for a moment?

Guys, get him!

But haven´t I hitted you already?

If you want to do something well, you have to do it yourself

Doesn´t anyone learn?


Prnze! How long! And...

Red Armor

That... What are you doing here?

We need your help

Well... I don´t know them

You know who I mean

I will do what I can. But first, I must do one thing

You're welcome, nice lady. From your friendly neighborhood Spiderman

It´s here

We have to go

And so, girls, it's like I lost my testicle for the tenth time

Deadpool, we have to go

You are mad? With 10 girls only for me? I'm not going anywhere

Come on, you´re going to like it

I'm coming back now, ladys!

Hit him


Sure, hit him

But, is this...?

DC Universe

Again, again!






Let´s go

Look, put your finger here

What the...?

Shhh! Now, you´re my little whore






Yes, yes, yes

Everything has gone well! There will be no heroes left

And before we leave we'll leave another gift!

What´s wrong?

Batman is coming to kick your ass!

Shut up, girl!

Harley, are you sure they were all inoculated?

Well, everyone ...

What have you done, Joker?

Leave him alone!

Confess! My friends wouldn´t turn against each other!

Tell me how to reverse the effects or...

Or what, Batman?

Do you feel that, Batman? That feeling of hate that corrodes inside?

It's my new invention. I haven´t named it yet but it gets out what you have inside

Chaos is the source of true freedom!

And I´m releasing you, you should thank me

I don´t know why you keep moving, maybe bats need double ration

No problem. Double ration for Batsy!

For more infomation >> TIME FOR HEROES 2x04 - Poison - Duration: 7:10.


The Vampire Diaries | Favorite Scenes with Ian Somerhalder | The CW - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> The Vampire Diaries | Favorite Scenes with Ian Somerhalder | The CW - Duration: 0:55.


' EVERYDAY ' ( is he ok ?) | MUSIC VIDEO | electronica | Instrumental | #28 - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> ' EVERYDAY ' ( is he ok ?) | MUSIC VIDEO | electronica | Instrumental | #28 - Duration: 2:38.


For Honor (Zero Punctuation) - Duration: 5:29.

Ah, the time honoured playground game of "who would win in a fight between."

So many youthful friendships abandoned to hair-pulling dirt wrestles over whether or

not the Enterprise-D could take the Death Star in a straight fight.

And then those same kids grow up nursing resentments, become video game developers and create things

like Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, in which we learn that yes, Sub-Zero could beat up

Superman if they're in an incredibly contrived situation that makes things remotely fair

and if Superman is being controlled by your mum.

Or they create those pseudo-science TV shows like Deadliest Warrior in which we learn that

yes, obviously a ninja would win against a pirate because a ninja is a trained assassin

and a pirate is a drunk sailor with at best a slightly intimidating beard.

And it's the spirit of Deadliest Warrior that brings us Ubisoft's latest multiplayer-focused

Skinner box: Foreigner.

So called because it's about how people of different races and creeds will never, ever

get along under any circumstances.

Specifically, it concerns a permanent three-way conflict between medieval knights, medieval

Vikings, and, erm, Japanese Samurai.

Which, from a geographical perspective, is kind of like King Leonidas and the 300 Spartans

showing up to join in the Falklands conflict.

Whatever, it's a fantasy.

Three communities of knights, Vikings and Samurai all live within five minutes' drive

of each other and they smack the shit out of their neighbours all day because it's easier

than learning the Norwegian for "Stop kicking your ball over my fence."

The story campaign reveals that this state of affairs was engineered by some weird messianic

lady with a slightly Darwinian vision for a world composed only of great warriors, like

Warhammer 40k but without the irony, inviting the same argument that you can't have a world

that's ONLY war because at the end of the day you'll still need someone to cook dinner

and re-sharpen all the pointy sticks.

The story campaign is about as much as one could expect from something hacked together

by Ubisoft's D-team to support a chunky melee combat engine masquerading as a complete multiplayer


You go through three chapters of six missions apiece in which the knights invade the vikings,

the vikings invade the Samurai and then the Samurai invade the knights, everyone stays

really cross at each other and nothing of value or meaningful impact happens.

In each chapter you play as the current community's winner of the most generic dude contest, respectively

Mr. Warden, Mr. Raider and Orochi-san, and each mission is a handful of generic swordfights

with bots connected by story moments that play like scenes from a Klingon soap opera

directed by a narcoleptic mole.

"Why do we fight?"

Long pause, awkward stare.

"We fight because we are warriors!"

Characters shuffle around a bit like they didn't entirely memorise their cues.

"VALHALLAAAAAAAA-" characters standing either side of us eventually figure out they're supposed

to be joining in.

The campaign also provides the opportunity to find some hidden collectibles, because

a Ubisoft game without meaningless collectathons would be like Catholic sex education without

the guilt.

So frankly they should've swapped out the single player experience for a packet of Creme

Eggs I could eat while watching Sex and the City in my pants as I stew in loneliness.

Fuck it though, if you want a single player sword and sterilization sim then you already

know what I'd recommend, it starts with D and rhymes with Lark Bowls.

For Cosmetics is a multiplayer game, bitch.

I know, because before I did anything else I had to pick which of the three factions

I belonged to.

Seemed a bit forward to ask me to pick before I'd gotten to know any of them or how they

played, but I needn't have worried.

Which faction is the best, the shouty overdramatic cunts with the slow but strong one, the fast

but weak one - inevitably the lady - and the in-betweeny one, or the other two groups of

shouty overdramatic cunts with the etc etc?

Oh, but there are subtle differences in what special moves the individual characters can

pull off, like there's that one Samurai with the pokey poison spear whose special move

is to go fuck themselves, but it still doesn't actually matter which faction you pledge allegiance

to because you can play as any character you want.

You can join the Knights and be the pokey poison spear Samurai and fuck yourself all

night long.

Which does rather raise the question of why we have to pick a faction at all, and it turns

out it is for no reason except to artificially segregate us as part of Ubisoft's masterful

scheme to spread the seeds of conflict and disunity so that we stop getting together

to complain about their sandbox games all being shit now.

But let me talk about the actual combat, since that's what it all boils down to; you've got

your standard light attack and heavy attack for mopping up the groundlings, but the moment

you target someone serious it switches rather neatly into a one-on-one fighter.

Use the right analog stick to point your sword to the left, to the right or overhead, you'll

attack from that angle and block any attacks coming in from that angle.

So you can wobble back and forth eyeing each other trying to decide when to strike or to

feint until one of you gets bored and uses the kick button for a free hit.

And if you're not sure what angle your enemy is at from, say, the look of the massive great

sword they're holding which you can't look away from 'cos the camera's locked, then the

interface helpfully displays big fucking arrows across the screen like you're playing Dance

Dance Revolution.

I hate when an interface fucks with the immersion like that unnecessarily, and while there is

the option to turn it off, you know there are a lot of other players who haven't and

I'm worried if they had an advantage they might get the false impression that they're

better than me and not jammy cheating scrubs.

But all in all it's a nice 1v1 dueling engine.

Just a shame nobody fucking plays the 1v1 dueling mode because they're all in the 4v4

utterly bog standard territory control mode.

See, the essence of an honorable battlefield duel is lost when at any moment your opponent's

mate might run in on your flank and shove a spear down your ear.

So the 4v4 matches become less about dueling skill and more about who can run off and fetch

their big brother first.

The trouble with For Uplay Achievements is that it's one interesting core gameplay mechanic

surrounded in padding.

Micromanaging equipment and cosmetics and passive buffs and ooh if you're very good

maybe you could add 0.001% to your faction's chances of securing an imaginary territory

before it arbitrarily resets next week.

That's just drab number crunching in a drab setting.

There's no personality to For Boners, the character roster is twelve variants on a theme

of 'armoured person who goes rarr a lot'.

There's no self-awareness of the lets face it inherently juvenile premise.

And anyway "who would win in a fight" is for 2-way scenarios and a 3-way conflict is better

resolved with Shag-Marry-Kill.

Personally I'd shag the Vikings, because it wouldn't take so long to get started.

You'd spend half the evening working on a knight with a can opener and that's just to

figure out what gender

they are.

For more infomation >> For Honor (Zero Punctuation) - Duration: 5:29.


These Massive Geoengineering Projects Won't Stop Global Warming - Duration: 3:23.

Hey citizens of Earth, Trace here.

Most climate scientists agree that climate change is happening and that humans are to


Greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide and methane that we've been pumping into the

atmosphere have been capturing heat from the sun's rays, and average annual temperatures

have been on the rise since the industrial revolution.

The common wisdom is we need to drastically cut back the amount of greenhouse gasses we

emit, but what if instead we just reduced the amount of sunlight we receive so greenhouse

gasses can't soak up as much heat?

If that sounds crazy to you, it's probably because it kind of is.

Projects that would accomplish that would require engineering feats on a global scale,

hence why it's called "geoengineering."

Geoengineering ideas to fight climate change stretch all the way back to 1965 when science

advisors to President Lyndon B Johnson proposed covering 13 millions square kilometers of

ocean with reflective particles to bounce 1% of the sun's rays back into space.

As you can tell by how un-fabulous our oceans are right now, we never ended up glitter bombing

the Pacific.

But geoengineering ideas still crop up from time to time, lurking at the fringe of the

climate change discussion.

They run the gamut from painting everyone's roof white, to drone ships that make ocean

clouds brighter, to launching a giant mirror into space.

All of these plans have one thing in common though: They're all trying to increase the

Earth's albedo, which is a measure of how much light we reflect back into space, as

well as the name of my hispanic alter ego.

There are a lot of reasons none of these ideas have gained any ground though.

First, as you might imagine, intentionally changing the entire world would be kind of


And in a time when the scientific community is STILL trying to convince the powers that

be that climate change is both a real and serious threat, it's going to be hard to

get those same powers to shell out funding for something crazy like a mirror in space.

Ironically, the cost of these projects will likely be relatively small compared to fixing

the damage caused by climate change in the long run.

Second, these ideas may have side effects that would change the world in unintended


One of the most popular and realistic geoengineering proposals is to release sulfate particles

into the air, which would combine with water vapor to form aerosols that reflect sunlight.

Large volcanic eruptions do the same thing and cause temperatures to dip for a few years.

Unfortunately, these sulfates also react with chlorine in the atmosphere, converting it

to a form that destroys the ozone layer.

Basically these geoengineering projects might be like that time you tried to fix your car

yourself, and it worked for a bit until it broke in a more expensive way.

But the biggest reason geoengineering still isn't considered the solution to climate

change is because it doesn't solve the root of the problem, if anything it encourages

us to never actually fix it.

We have a hard enough time changing our lifestyles now, and if people learned that we could spray

sulfates in the atmosphere every few years and we could keep burning coal, oil, and natural

gas, why would anyone change?

And if we don't curb the rate we put greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, then the problem

will only get worse, and the situations we'll have to engineer our way out of will get more


Another ambitious geoengineering idea sprung up lately: replenishing arctic ice with millions

of windmills.

Jules gets into the details here.

So knowing the risks and rewards of geoengineering, are you on board or do you think we should

focus on cutting emissions.

Let us know in the comments and come back here every day for more.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> These Massive Geoengineering Projects Won't Stop Global Warming - Duration: 3:23.


BTS THEORIES: Everything about "Demian" and its influence on Blood Sweat & Tears - Duration: 20:38.

You will find many, many, many spoilers in this video

So you watch it on your own responsibility

If anyone wants to listen to what I say about BTS

Skip to this time

It's time for another BTS theory video!

In the previous part, I talked about Blood Sweat & Tears and the hidden symbols in this vid

About religion, art, myths etc

In this part, I will focus on Hermann Hesse's book 'Demian'

Blood Sweat & Tears is based on this book

But not only BST is based on that. Also the whole WINGS album

and also the short films for WINGS

I will talk about those short films in the next part because it's going to be super long

and there are many many symbols hidden in those films as well

I will give you many quotes from 'Demian'

I hope you will like it so we can start!

We'll start from one word which can describe this book


It was incredible

I was a bit shocked and scared when I saw how many descriptions are there

There are only a few dialogues, you can find there mostly long descriptions

I thought this book is really hard to read

especially because of the amount of descriptions

This book has less than 150 pages

The amount of dense text kinda overwhelmed me

However I read this book really fast

If I think about the time I spent on this...

without the time for things that disctract us

I think it's possible to read it...

in one day

That's for sure

It's possible to spend only a few hours on reading this book

It's really fast and really fine

The language is not super easy

But it's really, really... Amazing!

It's just incredible and I'm so in love with this book!

I think I will read it again soon!

Because it was just... Amazing

Some people say that it's a book about youth, entering the adulthod and friendship

and I agree with that on the one hand

But on the other hand, it's a book about finding your own way and path

about finding your inner side and your true self

and finding it from the very beginning so since childhood

You can find many philosophical and psychological aspects in this book

All those psychological processes are described in a perfect way

and it's really impressive!

Those descriptions are not boring. It gets more and more interesting within next pages of the book

it makes you want more, more and more

And you just consume this book

But let's focus on the plot!

Sinclair is the narrator of this story

and at the very beginning he warns us...

"My story is not a pleasant one

it is neither sweet nor harmonious, as invented stories are;

it has the taste of nonsense and chaos, of madness and dreams

like the lives of all men who stop deceiving themselves."

We can expect a really difficult story just by looking at this quote

A story that needs thinking and analysis

But this is what makes this book really special

Sinclair tells us about the two different worlds

"My parents' house made up one realm, yet its boundaries were even narrower,

actually embracing only my parents themselves.

This realm was familiar to me in almost every way - mother and father, love and strictness, model behavior, and school.

This was the world in which were duty and guilt, bad conscience and confession,

forgiveness and good resolutions, love, reverence, wisdom and the words of the Bible.

If one wanted an unsullied and orderly life, one made sure one was in league with this world.

The other realm, however, overlapping half our house, was completely different;

it smelled different, spoke a different language, promised and demanded different things.

All these wild and cruel, attractive and hideous things surrounded us, could be found in the next alley, the next house.

everywhere this second vigorous world erupted and gave off its scent, everywhere, that is, except in our parents' rooms."

Sinclair has its own bright world which is his childhood and home

family and parents and all those ideals he follows

However the other, bad world also exists

the dark world which is related to entering the adulthood

and all those temptations that wait for us

Sinclair lives in this bright world and is afraid of one of the bullies. So he lies and makes up a story

a story about stealing the apples so the bully will be proud and probably like him

and so he won't do something bad to him

However since then he lives with guilty conscience

It's so bad he gets sick and even vomit

He loses control

Especially because it turns out that his enemy has him on the string

"I couldn't even get upstairs

My life was wrecked. I thought of running away and never coming back,

or of drowning myself.

However, I couldn't picture any of this very clearly.

In the dark, I sat down on the bottom step of our staircase,

huddled up within myself, abandoning myself to misery.

But all of it was lost to me now, all of it belonged to the clear, well-lighted world of my father and mother

and I, guilty and deeply engulfed in an alien world, was entangled in adventures and sin,

threatened by an enemy, by dangers, fear, and shame.

This moment was the most significant and lasting of the whole experience.

It was the first rent in the holy image of my father, it was the first fissure in the columns that had upheld my childhood,

which every individual must destroy before he can become himself.

The inner, the essential line of our fate consists of such invisible experiences.

Such fissures and rents grow together again, heal and are forgotten,

but in the most secret recesses they continue to live and bleed.

As I already said, Sinclair cannot forgive himself this sin and he gets sick

Till now, the purity was the most important for him

His childhood was pure, his home was pure

and he was filled with purity

He finally meets Demian who is a mystery for him

and he even wonders if Demian is a human being

Demian is a kind of guide for him

he shows him the world from a completely different side and gives a new point of view

"Well, I think, " he went on, "one can give this story about Cain quite a different interpretation.

Most of the things we're taught I'm sure are quite right and true,

but one can view all of them from quite a different angle than the teachers do

and most of the time they then make better sense."

As I already said, Demian became a guide of Sinclair,

who helped him finding a right way when he lost it

and he also helped him to accept his destiny

'Demian' is a book about all of us and all of you.

All those ideas and thoughts are perfectly described

The ending of this book is really shocking

and it's also touching and can make you cry, especially because I kinda became intimate with the characters for such a short period of time

and all of the descriptions about finding your true self were perfectly presented

so you cannot believe it's the end

that there is nothing more and there won't be any more answers for the questions that you still have in your mind

For now, this is it about this brilliant book

And even though we are often mad at BigHit Entertainment

for giving us MVs full of theories

Difficult to understand

MVs which you have to analyse in various ways

We should be thankful to BigHit Ent instead

For basing on such a piece of work

like 'Demian' or 'Omelas'

or the 'Lost River' movie

and also the Holy Bible, Myths and art

It shows that K-POP is not only a group of pretty, stylized dancing boys

K-POP approximates the art for us

And BTS and not only BTS music videos are a proof for that

It proves that you can combine art with entertainment

And that you can convey the ideals

and everything that can help us choose a right path in our lives

I highly recommend you reading Hermann Hesse's book, especially because you can read it really fast

And also because not only Blood Sweat & Tears is based on this book,

but also WINGS, as I already mentioned

If you want to understand those 7 short films

you should definitely read 'Demian' because suddenly everything makes sense

and you don't see this symbolical analysis anymore

for example that this color means that

and the smoke means that

You see the particular parts of the book in those films

and it gains more and more and more sense

As I already said, not only Blood Sweat & Tears is based on this book. And not only WINGS is based on this book!

I think that this whole passing youth concept and entering the adulthood is based on that as well

You can find all of those in Demian and also in BTS MVs and lyrics

We have those problems, those sins and this temptation

you can find all of these in the book with a perfect description so I recommend you to read it!

If we talk about Demian, this passing youth and entering the adulthood

can be decribed as a moment of death

Inner death

"Everyone goes through this crisis.

For the average person this is the point when the demands of his own life come into the sharpest conflict with his environment,

when the way forward has to be sought with the bitterest means at his command.

Many people experience the dying and rebirth--which is our fate--only this once during their entire life.

Their childhood becomes hollow and gradually collapses,

everything they love abandons them

and they suddenly feel surrounded by the loneliness and mortal cold of the universe.

Very many are caught forever in this impasse, and for the rest of their lives

cling painfully to an irrevocable past, the dream of the lost paradise--which is the worst and most ruthless of dreams.

Frankly speaking, there are many quotes in this book that can...

That can help us understand what's going on in BTS MVs and what is this passing youth concept about

however I will give you one of my favorites

"Sometimes I was absolutely certain that my destiny was to become like mother and father,

as clear-sighted and unspoiled, as orderly and superior as they.

But this goal seemed far away and to reach it meant attending endless schools, studying, passing tests and examinations,

and this way led past and through the other, darker realm.

It was not at all impossible that one might remain a part of it and sink into it."

I am 100% sure that I don't have to explain why this part is one of my favorites

especially the last sentence about sinking into this dark world

I think that we can also relate it to War of Hormone

Because it fits with the description about what Sinclair starts to feel

"Then came those years in which I was forced to recognize the existence of a drive within me that had to make itself small and hide from the world of light.

The slowly awakening sense of my own sexuality overcame me, as it does every person,

like an enemy and terrorist, as something forbidden, tempting and sinful."

We also can relate this quote to the Blood Sweat & Tears lyrics

It doesn't matter if it hurts,

tie me up so I can't run away

Grab me tight and shake me up

so I can't come to my senses

Kiss me on the lips, this is a secret between the two of us

Deeply poisoned by the jail of you

I cannot worship anyone else beside you

I knowingly drank from the poisoned grail

And even though it fits perfectly, I will give you more examples and more quotes

that describe Sinclair's love to Eva, a woman from his dreams

"I looked at the photo and my heart stood still.

it was my dream image!

That was she, the tall, almost masculine woman who resembled her son,

with maternal traits, severity, passion;

beautiful and alluring, beautiful and unapproachable,

daemon and mother, fate and beloved. There was no mistaking her!

At times I was dissatisfied with myself and tortured with desire:

I believed I could no longer bear to have her near me without taking her in my arms.

"I do not know, " I said, "how long my dream is supposed to last.

I wish it could be forever.

My fate has received me under the picture of the bird like a lover and like a beloved.

I belong to my fate and to no one else."

You can find many quotes like this in 'Demian' and not only about Eva but about everything else

But now I will focus on Blood Sweat & Tears analysis

but related to Hermann Hesse's book

I told you about various symbols in the previous part

and some myths, for example myth about Icarus and Daedalus

various paintings and their names

and now we will see the connection between BST and Demian

This MV can be related to Nietzsche's philosophy and nihilism

and you can find it also in Demian

Some beings just don't exist

And if nothing tells you that one goal is better than the other one,

you should choose the one that seems good for you

"That is why each of us has to find out for himself what is permitted and what is forbidden--forbidden for him.

It's possible for one never to transgress a single law and still be a bastard. And vice versa.

Actually it's only a question of convenience.

Those who are too lazy and comfortable to think for themselves and be their own judges obey the laws.

Others sense their own laws within them; things are forbidden to them that every honorable man will do any day in the year

and other things are allowed to them that are generally despised.

Each person must stand on his own feet."

You can find a theory in Demian that either good or evil is allowed

There is a God who links those two traits, good and evil

you don't have to hide the smallest sins and temptations from him

Temptations are a part of the bad world and they make us go against God and the society

that's why we can find many references to such rebelious acts in BST

whether it's the myth about Icarus

or the apples which are references to Adam and Eve and the big sin

and the banishment from the Garden of Eden

and so on

You can find many things like that. Or for example the green smoke

which can mean going against the society

It kinda persuades us to do it

Just notice that this smoke wafts and moves to another room

and then really bad and weird things happen

In my opinion, Jin is Sinclair who lives a pure life, according to society and religion's ideals

Especially because he is shown as someone different

and more innocent, like he just gets to know the other world

and he is pulled by this world

Besides that, even various scenes can be some kind references to that

for example covering his eyes

like he can't see the truth about this world

because the society and religion impose some rules and ideas and he cannot see what's behind it

Everything changes when his eyes are not covered anymore

In my opinion, V is Demian

But I found many theories that each of the member is a Demian

but V being Demian makes more sense for me

Because he shows the other side of the world to Jin, he uncovers his eyes

and he makes Jin notice things he'd never noticed before

But Jin gives in this 'evil' even before V uncovers his eyes

He sees the other side of everything, the other world

Letting go of the balloon can also symbolize it

this balloon can symbolize the rules and ideals imposed by the society

And in this part, Rap Monster is reading a part of Demian

He, too, was a tempter

he, too, was a link to the second,

the evil world with which I no longer wanted to have anything to do.

In the next scene we see Suga playing piano or organ

what's more interesting - he plays a really meaningful melody

This melody also appears in the book

I don't know how to pronounce it but it's Passacaglia

but it's a really important melody in the book

which is played for Sinclair by another guide

Other symbols also appear, for example the bird

which is very, very important during the whole book

"The bird rights its way out of the egg.

The egg is the world.

Who would be born must first destroy a world.

The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas."

Abraxas was the god I mentioned awhile ago, the god linking the traits of good and evil

You don't have to hide anything from Abraxas. He is an ideal god who understands us

"My friend, our new religion, for which we have chosen the name Abraxas, is beautiful.

It is the best we have. But it is still a fledgling. Its wings haven't grown yet."

This part can somehow show that V can also be Abraxas

However, for me the most important moment (in MV and also in the book)

that proves that V is Demian or V is Abraxas

(both, in my opinion)

is the moment of the kiss

The kiss also appears in the book and it's very important

but also very symbolical

On the one hand, it means the final goodbye

On the other hand, it means the acceptance of yourself and your fate

The fate that have been waiting for us and the path we chose

"If you call me then I won't come crudely, on horseback or by train.

You'll have to listen within yourself, then you will notice that I am within you.

I closed my eyes in obedience. I felt a light kiss on my lips

where there was always a little fresh blood which never would go away.

And then I fell asleep."

The end of the MV, the scene with the mirror, breaking sculptures,

Jin's face cracking

it reminds us of some kind of tear

An eternal tear, eternal wound that will never heal

All of this can be perfectly summarized by the last paragraph of the book

"Dressing the wound hurt.

Everything that has happened to me since has hurt.

But sometimes when I find the key and climb deep into myself

where the images of fate lie aslumber in the dark mirror,

I need only bend over that dark mirror to behold my own image,

now completely resembling him,

my brother, my master."

I gave you many spoilers but I warned you!

So if anyone stayed with me till the end of this video, this person knows everything about this book

or at least a lot

I hope you liked it

I can't wait for the next video already!

I'm gonna analyse the short WINGS films

There are many quotes from the book read by Rap Monster

and even the scenes are kind of references to the book and it's really interesting and incredible

So if you liked it, if you have any conclusions, if you read the book, if you have ANYTHING to tell me,

maybe I skipped something which was really important

as always, I'm waiting for your comments!

And see you next time!

For more infomation >> BTS THEORIES: Everything about "Demian" and its influence on Blood Sweat & Tears - Duration: 20:38.


10 Typical Reasons Why A Woman Leaves A Man - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 10 Typical Reasons Why A Woman Leaves A Man - Duration: 3:08.


Why Don t Guys Want To Get Married - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Why Don t Guys Want To Get Married - Duration: 2:47.


Bhai Manpreet Singh Kanpuri * ਇਸੁ ਮਨ ਕਉ ਕੋਈ ਖੋਜਹੁ ਭਾਈ * Best Kirtan - Duration: 56:46.

For more infomation >> Bhai Manpreet Singh Kanpuri * ਇਸੁ ਮਨ ਕਉ ਕੋਈ ਖੋਜਹੁ ਭਾਈ * Best Kirtan - Duration: 56:46.


MON TOP 4 RAP 2016 - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> MON TOP 4 RAP 2016 - Duration: 7:19.


Computer Games - Every Single Night - Duration: 3:44.

people say don't let your emotions control you

well how can that be without them i never could know you

when you're running wild with a feeling like this can't get any better

you can lose your mind but you better keep our bodies close together

well i wanna feel, and i wanna see

we can work it out, will ya wait for me

i got your back, are you on your feet we can work it out, will ya dance with me

every single night

live it up every single night

help me live it up every single night

everything gonna be alright

if we live it up every single night now i don't care much for complex calculation

now i don't care much for complex calculation

and i can't be bothered by any game that you call hesitation

well i wanna feel, and i wanna see

we can work it out, will ya wait for me

i got your back, are you on your feet

we can work it out, will ya dance with me)

every single night

(live it up every single night help me live it up every single night)

(everything gonna be alright if we live it up every single night)

and every single night i have a dream where i can find

you underneath the lights smiling at me

and every single time I wake you kiss me to remind

me in the dead of night smiling at me

holding on to you, holding on to me

holding on to you, holding on to me

people say don't let your emotions control you

every single night

every single

well i wanna feel

(every single night)

and i wanna see (every single night)

we can work it out (every single night)

will ya wait for me (every single night)

i got your back (every single night)

are you on your feet (every single night)

we can work it out

will ya dance with me

every single night

(live it up every single night help me live it up every single night)

(everything gonna be alright if we live it up every single night)

(live it up every single night help me live it up every single night)

everything gonna be alright

every single night

For more infomation >> Computer Games - Every Single Night - Duration: 3:44.


How Hugh Jackman Got Ripped To Play Wolverine - Duration: 5:17.

As the star of one of the most long-lived superhero film franchises, Hugh Jackman has

been contractually obligated to keep his body in a near-constant state of shreddedness since


That's just how it goes when you're famous for playing a character whose costume often

consists of one pair of adamantium claws and a veiny pair of pecs.

But how did Jackman transform from a 6-foot-2, 180-pound beanpole into the musclebound Wolverine?

Here's everything that goes into making, and maintaining, his incredible physique.

He never skips the gym

If you've been watching Jackman play Wolverine since the very beginning, you might have noticed

that he hasn't just kept himself in terrific shape — he's clearly set out to make each

of his appearances even more physically intimidating than the last.

When Jackman first showed up in 2000's X-Men, he looked good... but in an achievable way,

like your friend from work who goes to the gym in the morning and only drinks light beer.

Celebrity trainer David Kingsbury revealed Jackman's formula for success, and it involves

going to the gym six days a week, twice a day.

The actor follows a four-week workout cycle when he's planning to slip back into his adamantium-laced


The first three weeks are all about lifting heavy, and pushing huge amount of weight for

only a few repetitions.

The fourth week, Jackman de-loads and lifts smaller amounts but at a higher volume, which

stimulates muscle growth so that he'll be as big as possible on-screen.

The whole thing is pretty much murder on his wardrobe.

"There boxes in my storage: fat suits, skinny suits, and normal suits.

And um, right now, in this shape, I don't have any suits."

Jackman told the LA Times that there's one thing that he favors above all when it comes

to transforming his body for a new X-Men movie: the deadlift.

And that's not just a clever pun.

He eats all the food

When it comes to building a screen-ready physique, your workouts are less than half the battle.

"You've got to train and you've got to train hard.

If you don't eat right, none of it matters."

To get Wolverine-style muscles, Jackman has to seriously shovel it in.

Jackman told Men's Fitness,

"I eat more, but I eat a lot stricter.

Seventy percent of your physique is your diet, and diet is the biggest change that happens.

There were times when I would literally eat with the mindset of working out.

'One more mouthful, one more, come on, come on, you've got to finish this meal.'"

The actor's X-Men diet of 6,000 calories per day was recommended by a guy who knows a thing

or two about getting buff for a role.

"I literally rang Dwayne Johnson, 'The Rock.'"


"I've seen you in some movies.

What's going on?

What do I do?"

And before you go thinking that this doesn't sound so terrible, keep in mind that Jackman's

superhero diet is high in calories but low in carbs, which means that he has to get those

6,000 calories primarily in the form of grilled chicken breast, spinach, and the occasional

scoop of brown rice.

...Though Jackman was seen celebrating with some very un-diet-like foods after Logan finished


He uses what nature gave him

Before you spend the rest of your life weeping into a bowl of buttered popcorn over the unattainable

awesomeness of Hugh Jackman's abs, know that getting a body like his isn't just a question

of chicken breasts, bicep curls, and impeccable genes.

Jackman's trainer explained that the actor's diet and training regimen included the use

of creatine, a supplement that stimulates muscle growth beyond what the body can accomplish

on its own.

He explained,

"We used a pre-workout product called Animal Pump.

While bulking, we used creatine in the product, and when cutting, we reduced, and then removed

the creatine."

It's not exactly the Weapon X program — even the strictest anti-doping regulators are cool

with the use of creatine, and it's been a regular item on the menu for bodybuilders

and athletes since the 1990s.

But it is one of the reasons why you don't look like Wolverine despite your best efforts.

Broadway bod

Jackman is a stage actor first and foremost, with a background on Broadway.

He'd be the first to tell you that Wolverine, for all his exceptional talents, would not

be much of a dancer.

So, the actor doesn't hang onto his superheroic physique when he's doing shows in between

superhero flicks.

He told the LA Times,

"[When] I dance I drop muscle very quickly.

The body is very smart and efficient, and a traditional dancer's body is not going to

be bulked up on top because they're muscles that you don't really need."

While doing stage work may cost Jackman his biceps, it also has the benefit of keeping

Jackman in terrific shape.

When the cameras stop rolling, the actor still stays busy and active, and doesn't let himself


So when it comes time to bulk up beserker-style, he's starting from a very good place.

He stays accountable

Getting in superhero shape isn't just diet and exercise — it's also a question of mindset

and motivation.

So, where does Jackman get the mental fortitude to endure the months of torture that precede

a new X-Men flick?

He gets it from you, of course.

Jackman always makes sure his followers know when he's back in the gym, and that's not

just because he enjoys watching his Instagram likes roll in.

When you've taught your fans to expect photos and videos of you doing clap pushups or deadlifting

the weight of a fat Shetland pony, you've gotta bring it at the gym or risk disappointing


So when you follow Jackman on Instagram and dutifully press that little heart icon for

his clips from the gym, you're doing your part to make sure he shows up in Logan looking

like a muscular nest of pythons with a human head.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> How Hugh Jackman Got Ripped To Play Wolverine - Duration: 5:17.


GOD OF WAR 2 ™ " A MEDUSA GORDONA " - DETONADO - VERY HARD - #07 PT BR - Duration: 31:52.

For more infomation >> GOD OF WAR 2 ™ " A MEDUSA GORDONA " - DETONADO - VERY HARD - #07 PT BR - Duration: 31:52.


Fan Club Journalist for a day with Phillip Danault - Duration: 3:13.

Hello, my name is Vincent

and I'm the Canadiens Fan Club's journalist for the day.

I'm seven years old, I play for the Monteuil Blizzard,

I'm a forward, and today

I'm going to interview Phillip Danault.


Hello. How's it going?

How did you become an NHL player?

I worked hard when I was young at playing hockey. I've been skating ever since I was three years old.

I always dreamed of playing in the NHL.

I was drafted by the Chicago Blackhawks, and then I was traded to Montreal, and I got my chance here.

I became an NHL player by working really hard.

I heard you scored over 120 goals during your Novice career.

Yes, in Novice.

We had a good team then as well, and I was pretty good when I was young.

I scored a lot of goals then, and I hope that repeats itself here eventually.


Why did you choose number 24 with the Canadiens?

I didn't choose number 24, but it's my birthday.

It's actually the first number they gave me in Chicago, and I was lucky that when I was traded here

the number was still available. So I wear number 24, and it's cool because it's my birthday.

I'm very happy to have that number.

Have you always had the same one?

I've always had the same one in the NHL, yes.

Not in Novice, though.


I'd like to know, when you're all alone on a breakaway, how do you feel?

It gives you butterflies in your stomach.

You absolutely want to score, and you want to bring the crowd to their feet.

You want to make everyone happy.

But I can't reveal my secret breakaway moves!

Finally, which player would you like to play with in the NHL, but haven't had chance to yet?

Which player would I like to play with?

I've already had the chance to play with Pacioretty and Radulov, and those are two big stars.

But in terms of players I'd like to play with one day,

obviously Sidney Crosby is one of the best players in the NHL.

I think he's a player everyone would love to play with.

Otherwise, I've already had the chance to play with Carey Price, Pacioretty, Radulov...

And they're all big hockey stars.

That's all.

That's all? Wow, thank you!

Thanks for joining us.

This has been Vincent, live from the Bell Centre, for HabsTV.

For more infomation >> Fan Club Journalist for a day with Phillip Danault - Duration: 3:13.


What's It Like Being Deaf And Working In A Hearing Environment? - Duration: 16:31.



I work at an engineering company.

I am the only deaf worker there.

Before, I was in a very, um...

The area where I sat was very friendly.

The flooring, I could feel when people walked up to me.

And it was really nice, and it was in a quieter room

with maybe four other people, but my back was turned to them,

so I had to get a mirror and put it in front of me

so I could see when people walking up to me.

I kind of had to pass as hearing most of the time.

'Cause I couldn't use ASL in my work environment without being...

kind of looked down upon and seen as less of a person.

I definitely had to put into a lot of effort

in trying to figure out what people were saying.

Lip reading, like I said, feeling the vibrations off of the floor.

Made it very clear that I do not use phones - ever.

Phones are not something I will ever use.

They didn't really do any accommodating whatsoever, it was kind of like...

I was left to figure that out on my own. There was no...

legal process we went through, because...that just didn't happen.

So it was kind of like I would figure out things on my own and just...

kind of put them into place for myself,

like having a mirror in front of me so I can see who's walking behind me.

Trying to exceed expectations people have of you,

'cause they kind of assume you can't do anything.

And you kind of have to work that much harder

just to meet their expectations, if that makes sense.

Hi, my name is Lkvy.

I am fully deaf, I do not wear hearing aids as they don't work for me,

and I am not "oral deaf". I communicate mostly by writing.

So, I have been employed outside of the deaf community for nearly 15 years,

almost continuously full-time.

I have had several different jobs.

First, I worked as an auto detailer,

then I worked in a thrift store,

backstock, in a call centre.

I know how weird this sounds, but I digress.

Currently, I am a bike mechanic.

In the beginning, I had a hard time finding employment.

I don't believe it was due to my deafness

as my CV did not hint at this whatsoever.

The problem had more to do with the fact that my CV at that time was bare.

The issue had more to do with my young age, and lack of work experience.

Generally, my experience as the sole deaf employee has not been too bad.

Accessibility has been so-so.

But there have been problems.

For example, when I worked backstock.

This was in a small team of around five people, plus the supervisor.

We worked from 7pm until 3am.

Typically, we had our own departments to look after,

but several nights, we'd all work together,

such as when we had to hang clothes.

One night, everyone was having fun, blabbing away as they worked.

Of course, I wanted to know what was going on

so I'd ask my friends to fill me in.

Or converse with them personally.

I was still working and only paused several times to converse in writing.

During our break, the supervisor approached me and said to me,

"You should not be chatting, as your work is paused when you do so."

"Well," I thought, "he is right."

So for the rest of the night, I said nothing.

Not only that, but I had to watch everybody, including the supervisor,

have an absolute blast.

If you're a supervisor, and you tell a deaf person that,

I think maybe you should see for yourself

what it is like to have to be quiet for eight hours.

Another time, this same supervisor -

I guess because he saw that I would continue to write to my co-workers -

was sorting through the recycling one night

and dug out a piece of cardboard that I had written on.

What I wrote, admittedly, was mildly inappropriate.

But, as we were working from 7pm to 3am,

do you really believe that everything that was discussed during those hours

was "appropriate"? Definitely not.

My side was recorded on paper because that's how I communicate.

The supervisor took the offending cardboard panel to the manager,

who then called me to her office for a meeting with her and the supervisor.

The supervisor presented the evidence

and told me how he had discovered it in the recycling,

and found my written message to be inappropriate.

I received a written warning for this.

Well, yes, I was in the wrong.

But the team, at one point or another,

has said something super inappropriate.

The difference is that their conversations were not recorded.

There was no proof of their wrongdoings.

My method of communication was essentially used against me.

My team liked me, but this supervisor appeared to have an issue

with having a deaf employee on his team.

Perhaps I made him feel uncomfortable,

so he was looking for any reason to penalise me.

This made me feel as if I wasn't being treated fairly.

Had I gotten another writing warning, I would have potentially gotten fired.

I ended up quitting this job after a year,

only because I decided to move away.

So, with nearly 15 years of experience, I do have lots of similar stories,

but I think these two illustrate

how differently a deaf person -

or a disabled person - get treated in the workplace.

Hi. I'm an Australian, deaf,

speaking - oh - person.

I do know how to do sign language, I mean Auslan,

which is Australian sign language, anyway.

But most of the time,

I've worked in hearing environments, and...

Like, work environments.

And I've been in retail for over 15 years.

So I've had a few different jobs...

in different departments, in different kind of stores.

And the one thing that was most interesting for me

was working at an electronics store.

At the electronics store, I was in communication technology department.

So, the communication technology department,

that work involved phone, cell phone, mobile phone,

satnavs, or GPS,

cameras, radios...

Things that require listening... Uh, yeah.


Imagining a deaf person working in communication...

That was really...difficult.

It was...interesting, but difficult.

Like, I had to sell phones

and then the customer would ask me, "How's the sound quality on that?"

So, yeah.

I kind of had to bluff my way through it, because...

it's just...

I have to sell the item.

So that was one of the... downsides of that business.

Even though I'd asked the store manager a few times

to swap me to a different department,

like selling computers or TVs, even. No go.

So I had to put up with it for a year.

And, so...

my other jobs that I've had, um...

have always been in a supermarket, which is...

yeah, it's been great.

Depending on the...

the floor, the environment...

have always been good.

The customers have always been understanding,

if they start mumbling, you know, I say, "I'm sorry, you need to speak up."

Or, "You need to speak clearly, 'cause I'm deaf."

And they're always like, "Oh! OK! Sorry, I didn't realise."

So they will do it.

My last job has been great,

because I've had really understanding co-workers

and I even had a deaf co-worker.

So we were able to do Auslan and converse in Auslan

and do some sign language

and I was able to be involved in communicating, because...

I've always missed out,

and it's always been good to catch up in conversation in Auslan with her.

So, and, also, my co-workers were interested in learning Auslan,

so we had an Auslan trainer came out,

and they had a free training session in that language.

And most of them forgot what they learned - of course.

That's what you do when you have, like, six weeks of training.

So... But they were... They were...

They understood if there's a customer came in, and...

They learnt... They understood the basics.

Like the fingerspelling, numbers, and certain things.

Oh, "How are you?"

So, "How are you?"

is one of, like, the basic signs you can learn

and they were able to ask that customer -

if they're deaf, of course - "How are you?"

Um, yeah, so...

my last job was really great.

I had the really most accommodating people.

I didn't get the special pay system

whereas my co-worker did, because she is more deaf, of course,

whereas I'm... the other part of the spectrum.


There was little things where I missed out where the co-worker got it.

She got the interpreter to come in,

I missed out on that because I wasn't involved

under some sort of job program, or something, I don't know.

It was just confusing.

But when she had the interpreter,

they made sure that I was on at the same time as her

and I was able to follow what was going on.

Like, when we first had our training induction sessions,

when we first started the business up,

so I was able to follow through on that.

That was the most great part of that job.

My job now is OK.

I have some understanding co-workers,

and customers... Hmm. (CHUCKLES)

So, um, that's my job. That's my experience. Thank you.

Hello, my name is Davy.

I'm deaf.

I work at Social Services Agency in California

in the same department for 16 years

and I'm the only deaf working there.

What's like to be the only deaf in a workplace of hearing people?

The challenging is communication with hearing people.

I tried not to be isolated from them.

It is my responsibility give an advice

about deaf culture, teaching them,

ensure appropriate communication, like tablet,

or write on a piece of paper to support working together.

Teaching them how to communicate

effectively and clearly to you.

The trick is to be assertive

when it's so easy

to sit quietly in the background.

That way it is effective communication should be a breeze.

If I reject them

and not communicated with them,

they will think all deaf are the same.

Deaf don't want that.

We want to help them to understand

and have better relationship with hearing people

to advance in communication.

What were your co-workers like?

Some workers approached me and said something to me

and I couldn't read their lips

because their lips movement are so straight.

I grabbed a small notepad and a pen,

asked them to write down.

They looked at me, saw my hearing aids and said,

"Oh, I'm sorry.

I'll take care of it. Don't worry about it."

That happen many times.

I tried not to be upset.

I remain to be calm.

I have to be very patient.

I had to approach them,

let them know not to be afraid of me,

we need to learn each other,

learn their culture and learn my culture,

and learn different cultures

and get educated with each other.

The teamwork

and the relationship was successful.

Did you get accommodations easily

or did you have to fight tooth and nail for them?

Six years ago, I went to see my boss

and requested a videophone for my desk,

along with and my doctor note for a proof of my deafness,

and the videophone's new company.

Few weeks later,

they installed it right away.

It was easy, without hassle.

Another example, every year,

I was required to take training classes

due to a technology change,

I went into the government website to register classes.

In the registration shows that if a person have special needs,

I've selected an ASL interpreter.

Each classes I've taken,

ASL interpreter always there.

Never missed or late. Easy.

At the government where I worked, the law requires

technology should be ready for the deaf upon requested.

Thank you for watching.

Thank you Rikki, I enjoyed your vlogs. Thank you.

For more infomation >> What's It Like Being Deaf And Working In A Hearing Environment? - Duration: 16:31.


HIDE AND SEEK MIT DER KATZE | Five Nights at Candy's 3 | Nacht 2 (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> HIDE AND SEEK MIT DER KATZE | Five Nights at Candy's 3 | Nacht 2 (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 10:21.


NiksDa feat. Staiy - Kunde ist König (Mert Diss) (prod. Mortimer) - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> NiksDa feat. Staiy - Kunde ist König (Mert Diss) (prod. Mortimer) - Duration: 4:21.


Media PC Upgrade - Azullle Access Plus & LYNK Remote Review - Duration: 4:36.

ChromeCasts, Chrome Boxes, and Roku boxes do quite a bit to help those of us with smart

TVs stream media easily.

But sometimes you can't escape the fact that many users just feel way more comfortable

on Windows.

Or they want to do things with the computers that the limited OSes can't do.

That's where the mini PC market comes in.

I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier and more fun today taking a look at the Access

Plus stick PC and the Lynk multi-function remote from Azulle.

We looked at their BytePlus before - which was more of a full-fledged PC compared to

what we have today - but they're similar concepts.

When they found out we had moved into a new apartment, Azulle wanted to sponsor our new

bedroom media streaming setup.

We didn't have any plans for it yet, so I was excited to see what new product they

had to offer.

The Access Plus is a stick PC - literally, the whole PC is crammed into the form factor

of a giant flash drive.

This makes it super portable and easy to hook up, while being low on power usage and having

more ports than the new Macbook Pro.

But it comes at a performance cost, too.

The stick itself contains a 64-bit, quad-core Intel Atom Cherry Trail processor, and either

2GB or 4GB of RAM and 32GB of storage.

This is enough to do basic 1080p web streaming, but don't expect to do any epic gaming on

this, or anything.

In the box you get: The Access Plus itself, a power brick, and a short HDMI extension


That cable is important, because most likely you won't have the clearance to fit this

giant stick into the port on your display, or you simply won't want the weight of the

stick pulling on the port in your TV.

I sure didn't, so I used the extension cable.

Connectivity on the stick includes the HDMI output, a dual-band wifi and Bluetooth 4.0

antenna, a power button, an ethernet jack, USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 port, microUSB port for

power, headphone combo jack, kensington lock and a microSD slot to expand storage up to

128GB, since it has so little built in.

The wifi is impressive for the device's size, but it maintains a worse connection

to my Synology RT2600ac router downstairs than any laptop we have.

Hulu and Netflix streams that buffer and stutter on the Access Plus load no problem on the


However, if your wifi network is well-optimized you shouldn't have an issue.

I placed an extender upstairs for a different reason and the Access Plus has connected fine

from it.

The USB ports allow you to connect external hard drives, keyboard and mouse setups, or

even a webcam for Skype calls.

Azulle also sent out their Lynk smart remote to go with it – it's a pretty sweet little


This has a built-in microphone, air mouse capabilities, and a backlit keyboard.

It's a pretty neat concept, but the keyboard symbols resemble an Android keyboard remote

than a Windows one and can be a little confusing to use.

But it's quite handy and takes up a lot less space than my Logitech K400.

Plus, the Lynk can act as the microphone for Skype calls and learn IR codes to replace

your other remotes too!

Just make sure you change out the batteries once it starts disconnecting.

I apparently had a set of very-used batteries, and I went through like 3 pairs of batteries

thinking my remote was defective due to terrible range to my screen.

Finally got a new pair in and it works perfectly again.

That was an embarrassing email conversation to my Azulle contact.

This is a pretty slick little media TV combo.

It takes up virtually no space, makes no noise (since it's fanless), and allows us to easily

stream our media to the TV.

We've had some issues with performance from time-to-time, but they seem to be mainly related

to Microsoft Edge giving us problems (the DRM for highest-quality streaming from certain

sites isn't supported in Chrome) or Windows being Windows.

If you're looking for a more powerful streaming device than something like a Chromecast, without

throwing out a ton of cash, definitely consider the Access Plus.

However, I would have to recommend you for sure go with the 4GB model.

Also, if you're interested, Azulle is running discounts on their boxes on both Amazon and

their site - I'll have the links below.

For more infomation >> Media PC Upgrade - Azullle Access Plus & LYNK Remote Review - Duration: 4:36.


Chicago Med - Torrey DeVitto, Snack Crusader (Digital Exclusive) - Duration: 1:26.

-Hi. So as a real fake TV doctor,

the most important thing for us here is to stay healthy.

You know, it's all about...

taking care of your insides,

you know, eating healthy, remaining positive.

You know, we all try -- Julie!

How many times do I have to tell you?

Don't eat this crap. Now, go eat some almonds.

Or a banana or -- no, too much sugar.

Almonds, almonds.

Sorry. See, we all have to support each other here.

Megan, you know we don't eat candy.

We eat nature's candy. There you go.

Like I said, it's all about the support.

Put that back. Thank you. No, no, no.

Put it back. Put it -- Thank you.

Here you go.

Oh, my God.

Get out. What are you doing?

So I really hope you were all able to learn something today

about the importance of health and nutrition.

You know -- -Torrey, what the [bleep]

-No. That -- That's not --

That's not mine. Somebody -- -Are you serious?

-Wardrobe! Wardrobe!

-I can't believe her.

For more infomation >> Chicago Med - Torrey DeVitto, Snack Crusader (Digital Exclusive) - Duration: 1:26.


How To Increase Intuition - Duration: 4:50.

How To Increase Intuition

By Dylan Harper

Your time is limited, so don�t waste it living someone else�s life.

Don�t be trapped by dogma � which is living with the results of other people�s thinking.

Don�t let the noise of others� opinions drown out your own inner voice.

And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

Have you experienced having to do something because you feel that you have to do it even

if you do not find it practical or logical?

For instance, you are already driving away from your house and suddenly there is a prompting

within you to check on the locks or the oven.

Lo and behold, when you reach home you discover you failed to lock the main door or unplug

the cords.

You may wonder why these things happen.

There are times when you do not heed to this prompting, you would have difficulty focusing

or shoving off that feeling.

It does not happen often nor does it occur to everybody.

The reason for these instances can be attributed to one�s intuition.

It refers to that psychological belief and philosophical knowledge that continue to baffle

human minds for ages.

To develop and increase intuition, you have to: listen to the voice within you; shut off

the noise around you; synchronize your mind and heart; and learn from the experts.

Listen To the Voice within You

There is a voice within each person that suggests what to do and what is right and wrong.

This aspect of the human psyche cannot be fully understood; but many people have benefited

from following this prompting: some saved their loved ones or their own lives; others

have made the best decisions ever in their lives because they listened to this small

voice; and others got high scores in rather difficult examinations.

To listen to the voice within you, you need to practice stillness and undisturbed concentration.

The more you listen, the clearer the message becomes; and you are led to make the best

options whether to dismiss it or to obey it.

Shut Off the Noise around You

You cannot listen to your inner voice if you are so preoccupied with the routines and worries

of the outside world.

Learn to literally shut off anything that distracts you such as the television, the

computer, your gadgets, and the noise that surrounds you.

By finding a good silent spot in your house or office, spend a few minutes just being

still and relaxed.

When you empty your mind and yourself of any distracting thought or image, you can be at

peace and be attuned to your own intuition.

Synchronize Your Mind and Heart

Your mind is where everything is conceived and your heart easily glides with the mind�s


However, the heart has its own way of going its own direction.

Sometimes, the feelings of the heart do not follow through the logic of the mind.

This is then the time when the heart and mind are not in harmony.

Many decisions are wasted because a person listened to his or her heart and ignored the


Remember, the heart can be deceitful and crafty that many people think they are doing the

right thing when they feel it is good.

As much as possible, the mind should control the feelings because feelings can oftentimes

fade and its decisions are often irrational.

It is then wise to put a balance between the intellect and the emotions; in this way, you

can get the most of every situation.

Learn From the Experts

Study and research are good allies in life.

Since you have to keep going and be upward bound, learning should always be a part of

your daily agenda.

The same is true with improving your intuition.

Learn by studying what the experts say.

If possible, you can even personally discuss this subject matter with professionals such

as philosophers and psychologists as well as your more knowledgeable friends or contemporaries.

If the intuition is honed and is in its best condition, you will notice that you have peace,

wisdom, and balance.

For more infomation >> How To Increase Intuition - Duration: 4:50.


Ghost in the Shell

For more infomation >> Ghost in the Shell


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Style Night Automaat, Panoramadak - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Ambition Line Style Night Automaat, Panoramadak - Duration: 1:01.


【Happy B-day!】【UTAU カバー】World is mine【VICKYloid Append Power】(Reupload) - Duration: 4:20.

I'm the #1 princess in the world

And that's how you'll treat me,

got it?

One: You must notice that I changed my hair

Two: Take a good look, all the way to my shoes. You following?

Three: For every one word I say, reply with three

Got it? Then do something about my idle right hand!

It's not like it's selfish or anything

To want you to believe from the bottom of your heart

That I'm adorable

I'm the #1 princess in the world

Notice me! Hey! Heeey!

Keeping me waiting is out of the question

Just who do you think I am?

Hmph. I think I could go for some dessert!

This very instant

Fault? You must have mispronounced cute

I shall have no complaints

You know? Are you listening? Really....

Oh, and also? A White horse is of course ready?

Come pick me up

If you got that knee down and take my hand and say "My princess"

It's not like it's selfish or anything

Though it is also alright to scold me a little?

My own prince in the world

Realize that! Hey! hey!

Our hands are empty

Reticent and bluff prince

Shoot, why? Realize it quick

You surely don't understand!

..don't understand....

Shortcake with a strawberry on top

Premium creamy egg pudding

Okay, okay, I'll try to contain myself...

Don't write me off as selfish

Because hey, I can make it on my own

You're gonna regret it later

No doubt! 'Cause you know I'm...

The #1 princess in the world

You'd better keep your eyes on me, or I might not be here one day

Out of nowhere, you pull me from behind. "What are you... Huh?"

"Look out, you almost got run over!" You say as you turn away

...Maybe it's you I should be looking out for

For more infomation >> 【Happy B-day!】【UTAU カバー】World is mine【VICKYloid Append Power】(Reupload) - Duration: 4:20.


Life is Precious -Telugu shortfilm | Vamshi Naik, Manoj B | by Yaswanth | Best Actor by BNR Films - Duration: 7:55.

Yes, I am a looser

Not a single time, but many times.

People say: "Sucess comes to us, only after the taste of failure"

But what if failure becomes a habit.

This is my life.

Now, I feel there is no one for me in this world.

I don't like you anymore.

You can't achieve anything.

Life is not so easy.

You are good for nothing.

Achieve something.

What will you do for living?

[Background voices repeating]

Yes, I want to die, Do I have to die only for being a looser?

No, nobody in this world will die because of failure

They die for not being able to share and tolerate the pain of failure

Many say,'' Death is not the only solution for our problems''.

But there won't be a single person to tell the solution to the problems

Its better to die, rather than living in this world.

I thought to win by killing myself, but I failed in this too ..


There was an ant boss .. !!

It would have been died, if you had kept that tea cup there.

Such a small life .. !!

What difference it would make? What it would achieve by living?

Moreover, what is the need of living a useless and unachieved life.

Small life?

Who are we to judge the value of life.

Life is not created by us, so we don't have right to take the life of others as well as ours.

Every life has its own value and greatness.

No matter whether it is a small animal or a human being.

Don't underestimate it boss!!

We have a small life boss !!

Don't know whether there will be an another life or not.

Let's live the whole life.

Boss !!

For more infomation >> Life is Precious -Telugu shortfilm | Vamshi Naik, Manoj B | by Yaswanth | Best Actor by BNR Films - Duration: 7:55.


Nissan Pixo 1.0 ACENTA AIRCO - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pixo 1.0 ACENTA AIRCO - Duration: 0:55.


Welcome To Shri Verai Sound Chennel ( "શ્રી વેરાઈ સાઉન્ડ" ચેનલ પર આપનું સ્વાગત છે.) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Welcome To Shri Verai Sound Chennel ( "શ્રી વેરાઈ સાઉન્ડ" ચેનલ પર આપનું સ્વાગત છે.) - Duration: 0:21.


I NEED HELP FASHION SCHOOL & RAIN - VLOG - | Carmen. - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> I NEED HELP FASHION SCHOOL & RAIN - VLOG - | Carmen. - Duration: 4:03.


Talking Tom Diamond Frenzy - My Talking Tom - Diamond Frenzy [New Update] - HD - Duration: 10:58.

talking tom diamond frenzy

talking tom games

my talking tom review

my talking tom makeover

my talking tom dress up

my talking tom gameplay

my talking tom and friends

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Diamond Frenzy - My Talking Tom - Diamond Frenzy [New Update] - HD - Duration: 10:58.


Ghost in the Shell

For more infomation >> Ghost in the Shell


For more infomation >> Ghost in the Shell


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Vision (Rijklaar / Design Pack) - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Vision (Rijklaar / Design Pack) - Duration: 0:41.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Vision (Rijklaar / Design Pack) - Duration: 0:41.


Citroën C1 1.0 3-DRS AIRCO/ELEKTR. PAKKET - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 3-DRS AIRCO/ELEKTR. PAKKET - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 3-DRS AIRCO/ELEKTR. PAKKET - Duration: 1:03.


Citroën Xsara Break 1.4 HDI Prestige ZEER GOED!!!! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Break 1.4 HDI Prestige ZEER GOED!!!! - Duration: 1:02.


For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Break 1.4 HDI Prestige ZEER GOED!!!! - Duration: 1:02.


Citroën C4 1.6 VTi 120pk Exclusive - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 1.6 VTi 120pk Exclusive - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 1.6 VTi 120pk Exclusive - Duration: 0:54.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Vision (Rijklaar / Design Pack) - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Vision (Rijklaar / Design Pack) - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-Vision (Rijklaar / Design Pack) - Duration: 0:42.


Citroën Xsara 1.8i-16V Attraction ecc,pdc,cruise contr,trekhaak - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara 1.8i-16V Attraction ecc,pdc,cruise contr,trekhaak - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara 1.8i-16V Attraction ecc,pdc,cruise contr,trekhaak - Duration: 1:05.


Citroën C3 Picasso 1.6 VTI 120PK AUTOMAAT (NAVI CAMERA CLIMATE CRUISE PDC SLECHTS 22DKM!!) - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Picasso 1.6 VTI 120PK AUTOMAAT (NAVI CAMERA CLIMATE CRUISE PDC SLECHTS 22DKM!!) - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Picasso 1.6 VTI 120PK AUTOMAAT (NAVI CAMERA CLIMATE CRUISE PDC SLECHTS 22DKM!!) - Duration: 1:03.


JE TESTE : Lotte Cinema Charlotte, Lotte world Tower Jamsil 롯데월드몰 롯데시네마 샤롯대 - Duration: 8:36.

hi everybody this is oohlalaseoul

today i am back to

test the "Charlotte" in Lotte Cinema

so what is "Charlotte"?

it is "샤롯데" (in korean)

it is a luxury theater

it's a very small theatre of 30 seats

and now me and my boyfriend are going to watch "Logan"

we paid..

i think 70.000won for two people

which will be 35.000won per person

which is about 30euros

so this theater have big seats

they provide snacks ect

we will see how it is

let's go

so we are in the Jamsil Lotte dpt store

Lotte World Mall

this theater is the biggest lotte cinema in Seoul

huge ! it has 4 floors (and more than 20theatre)

they have lots of things

3D, 4D

sweet box


lots of different theater

let's go

you can buy popcorn and stuff over there

we are VIP

so we are going to Charlotte

follow me choubidou

are you ready ? for this experience

luxury !

so now the woman will come to take our order

maybe we can take win? i don't know

i don't know what they will have

we'll see!


so those drinks are free

you can take an espresso, americano ,latte

tea or orange juice

if you take something else you have to pay

so you can see

evian is about 2euros (2.000won)

we have one evian bottle for free

this is our seats

i think it is automatic seats

look at that

oh yes this is good

and then we can do like this ?!

look !

this is great !

oh i changed my mind i want to sit now


i am tired

going to sleep


enjoy your movie!

so we are done watching the movie "Logan"

which is the Xmen movie with Hugh Jackman

it was great

"Charlotte" experience

was cool

i don't know if it's worth 35.000won but

seats are confortable

we were well served

plus you can bring food

we took some indian food

and you are not bothered by any children or anything

which is cool

that is it for today i hope you liked the video

don't forget to like and subscribe if you are not already

i send you good vibes and kisses

and i'm gone!

For more infomation >> JE TESTE : Lotte Cinema Charlotte, Lotte world Tower Jamsil 롯데월드몰 롯데시네마 샤롯대 - Duration: 8:36.


For more infomation >> JE TESTE : Lotte Cinema Charlotte, Lotte world Tower Jamsil 롯데월드몰 롯데시네마 샤롯대 - Duration: 8:36.


Makeup Tutorial: How to Make Kat Von D Foundation Work for Dry Skin - Duration: 3:53.

Hey guys, welcome back.

Today I have a fairly simple video for you.

I am going to show you how to make Kat Von D Lock It foundation in Light 41 work for

dry skin like mine.

Now, I love this foundation.

It's a great match for my skin tone however, it is just very, very, very drying.

It clings to my dry patches that I didn't even know I had.

I've already moisturized my face, put on SPF and everything.

Before that I did exfoliate this morning.

I'm going to show you what I do with this.

On the back of my hand I'm going to take one pump.

That's it, which really, that's a whole lot of product if you've ever used this foundation.

I'm going to spread it out with my fingertip.

I'm going to take NYX Pro Foundation Mixer in Opalescent.

I'm going to mix this about 50% with the foundation.

I'm basically putting it on top of the foundation and then I'm going to mix it again with my


As you can see, it's mixed on the back of my hand.

I'm going to dot this over my face.

I'm going to use the Real Techniques expert face brush to blend this out.

You can use any brush that you like.

This does sheer out the coverage which is fine for me because I realize that I have

pretty good skin aside from the rosacea.

I need sheer to light coverage more than anything.

I just want my skin tone evened out.

Here's how it looks on, with just it blended out on one side.

I didn't really blend it down the neck but ... I hope you can see, I still feel I have

a ton of coverage going on so I'm going to blend out the other side.

If you don't like the finish that a brush gives you can go back over it with a damp

beauty blender which is what I'm going to do.

I am going to use this Winky Lux Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend powder in Light just

to set a little bit under the eyes with a damp beauty blender.

I'm going to put on the rest of my makeup and then I'll be right back.

Okay, so I'm back.

I put the rest of my makeup on, I let it sit so I'm going to zoom in so you can see what

it looks like.

I mean, as you can probably tell from this distance it doesn't cover everything.

You can see I have like a freckle right here on my face that's dark.

I feel like I can see that just fine in the mirror.

Here's how it matches once it's dried down.

Let me zoom in.

Overall, I'm really happy with what the foundation looks like when it's mixed with the Nyx Opalescent.

This seems to be the only way that I can consistently wear it where it doesn't emphasize dry patches,

where it doesn't get weird cakeiness going on.

I wanted to let you know that I do have just my ring light on.

The rest of the light coming in is from the window that's behind my desk.

There's no side lights, no filler lights or anything.

This is just kind of what it looks like.

I wanted to give you as close to just natural light as possible but because it's in the

afternoon I needed a little bit more light.

Anyway, yeah, if you are somebody who wants to wear the Kat Von D foundation because it's

a great shade match for you but you have dry skin like me and you struggle with the formula

then try mixing it with the Nyx Opalescent because this seems to allow it to wear for

8 to 10 hours without any problems.

I think that's impressive.

Also, the other thing that's nice about the Opalescent is it gives my skin like a sheen

because it's much more sheer and since I have dry skin I want that kind of sheen other than

the flat, matte like 100% full coverage going on.

I just feel like it looks better on me.

Anyway, let me know what you think of this or if you've given it a try.

If you like this video and found it helpful please give it a thumbs up and share.

If you haven't already, go ahead and click that subscribe button down below so you don't

miss my next video.

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Makeup Tutorial: How to Make Kat Von D Foundation Work for Dry Skin - Duration: 3:53.


For more infomation >> Makeup Tutorial: How to Make Kat Von D Foundation Work for Dry Skin - Duration: 3:53.



For more infomation >> JE VOLE LE BONNET D'UN INCONNU ! | PRANK - Duration: 3:06.


For more infomation >> JE VOLE LE BONNET D'UN INCONNU ! | PRANK - Duration: 3:06.


Ghost in the Shell

For more infomation >> Ghost in the Shell


BMW 3 Serie Touring 210PK M-PAKKET *!*SPORT/ELEK.AKLEP/BIXENON*!* 2014 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 210PK M-PAKKET *!*SPORT/ELEK.AKLEP/BIXENON*!* 2014 - Duration: 1:08.


Makeup Tutorial: How to Make Kat Von D Foundation Work for Dry Skin - Duration: 3:53.

Hey guys, welcome back.

Today I have a fairly simple video for you.

I am going to show you how to make Kat Von D Lock It foundation in Light 41 work for

dry skin like mine.

Now, I love this foundation.

It's a great match for my skin tone however, it is just very, very, very drying.

It clings to my dry patches that I didn't even know I had.

I've already moisturized my face, put on SPF and everything.

Before that I did exfoliate this morning.

I'm going to show you what I do with this.

On the back of my hand I'm going to take one pump.

That's it, which really, that's a whole lot of product if you've ever used this foundation.

I'm going to spread it out with my fingertip.

I'm going to take NYX Pro Foundation Mixer in Opalescent.

I'm going to mix this about 50% with the foundation.

I'm basically putting it on top of the foundation and then I'm going to mix it again with my


As you can see, it's mixed on the back of my hand.

I'm going to dot this over my face.

I'm going to use the Real Techniques expert face brush to blend this out.

You can use any brush that you like.

This does sheer out the coverage which is fine for me because I realize that I have

pretty good skin aside from the rosacea.

I need sheer to light coverage more than anything.

I just want my skin tone evened out.

Here's how it looks on, with just it blended out on one side.

I didn't really blend it down the neck but ... I hope you can see, I still feel I have

a ton of coverage going on so I'm going to blend out the other side.

If you don't like the finish that a brush gives you can go back over it with a damp

beauty blender which is what I'm going to do.

I am going to use this Winky Lux Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend powder in Light just

to set a little bit under the eyes with a damp beauty blender.

I'm going to put on the rest of my makeup and then I'll be right back.

Okay, so I'm back.

I put the rest of my makeup on, I let it sit so I'm going to zoom in so you can see what

it looks like.

I mean, as you can probably tell from this distance it doesn't cover everything.

You can see I have like a freckle right here on my face that's dark.

I feel like I can see that just fine in the mirror.

Here's how it matches once it's dried down.

Let me zoom in.

Overall, I'm really happy with what the foundation looks like when it's mixed with the Nyx Opalescent.

This seems to be the only way that I can consistently wear it where it doesn't emphasize dry patches,

where it doesn't get weird cakeiness going on.

I wanted to let you know that I do have just my ring light on.

The rest of the light coming in is from the window that's behind my desk.

There's no side lights, no filler lights or anything.

This is just kind of what it looks like.

I wanted to give you as close to just natural light as possible but because it's in the

afternoon I needed a little bit more light.

Anyway, yeah, if you are somebody who wants to wear the Kat Von D foundation because it's

a great shade match for you but you have dry skin like me and you struggle with the formula

then try mixing it with the Nyx Opalescent because this seems to allow it to wear for

8 to 10 hours without any problems.

I think that's impressive.

Also, the other thing that's nice about the Opalescent is it gives my skin like a sheen

because it's much more sheer and since I have dry skin I want that kind of sheen other than

the flat, matte like 100% full coverage going on.

I just feel like it looks better on me.

Anyway, let me know what you think of this or if you've given it a try.

If you like this video and found it helpful please give it a thumbs up and share.

If you haven't already, go ahead and click that subscribe button down below so you don't

miss my next video.

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Makeup Tutorial: How to Make Kat Von D Foundation Work for Dry Skin - Duration: 3:53.


Happy Birthday Song in Hebrew Lesson - Duration: 6:53.

I know it's a little late, but...

I'm celebrating my birthday!!!

I've been waiting months to see what you got me!

(Box Shuffling)

Oh... (surprised)


(Subscribe Buttons Flying Out)

(Giant Button Balloons Out)

Wait... There's something else in here...

What is this?



♪ (intro) ♪

Welcome to Jewish Music Toronto!

I am Eli.

Remember that all of our lesson and sing-along videos are closed captioned, so if you want to follow along,

all you have to do is click the CC button at the bottom of the YouTube player.


Leah and I are parents now!

That's a real thing...

And, in case you were wondering, yes, that does have quite a bit to do with

why I've taken so much time off from making new videos over the past few months.

Well, that and the original JMT Machine is now officially toast.

It's up in computer heaven.

It's pushing up pixels.

It bit the digital dust?

It's gone, and that's kind of sad, especially after 10 years of almost non-stop faithful work.

The point is, I am doing my best to get back into the flow of things...

It's just going to be a bit difficult, so I really appreciate your patience as we get readjusted

from our entire world being flipped on its head!

Also... WOW!

Since I originally started planning this video you guys helped me more than triple

the number of subscribers to the channel!

Seriously, wow!

Just... wow!

I know I say it pretty often, but thank you so much for your support!

I really and truly appreciate it.

With JMT just over two years old now, I can't wait to see where we go in the year ahead.

With that in mind, I actually have something for you.

This week we're going to look at a song that isn't exactly Jewish, but can be used in

a Jewish, or, more specifically, a Hebrew, context.

It's known as THE birthday song, Happy Birthday to You!

So let's bring up the board!

If you're interested in knowing more about the song itself,

keep watching or click here for the song's background.

Otherwise, you can skip to its author and composer,

or right to the lyrics and melody!

Don't worry.

If you click on any of the links, I'll stay right here so you can come back

and jump to another section of your choosing later on.

Let's get into it!

Here comes the Background!

If you've been watching JMT for a while, you might

remember that, in our first year, we learned the Hebrew birthday song,

HaYom Yom Huledet, and that I mentioned THIS song in that video

without actually singing it.

If you do you recall that, or perhaps took a quick break to watch it,

you might have wondered exactly why I didn't sing the full song there.

The reason is pretty simple; At the time, Warner/Chappell Music had claimed

copyright over the song and its melody, and, frankly,

I couldn't afford those licensing fees.

In fact, Warner/Chappell had claimed to own the copyright for the song for years and years,

and was very assertive in its protection of that claimed copyright!

As it turns out though, that claim was never actually a valid one, and Warner/Chappell

made millions of dollars on the song for decades!

In mid-2015 though, after a lawsuit launched in 2013 against the company,

a judge made it official, ruling that the company's only claim to the

song was to a specific piano arrangement,

not its general lyrics or melody.

Thank you Jennifer Nelson, and others.

So what better way to celebrate my birthday, your birthday, or ANYBODY's birthday,

and the long overdue release of this song to the public domain, than by singing it,

and singing it our way, in Hebrew!

And if you want to learn more about the song, follow the links in the description

to read the whole story.

It's ridiculous and amazing!

So let's move on to the author!

Who wrote the lyrics to the song we'll be singing today?


Nobody really wrote these lyrics!

It's just the words "Happy Birthday" in Hebrew.

Not even "Happy Birthday to You!" or the rest of it.

Happy Birthday to You, however, was originally written as a children's song,

called Good-Morning to All, by Patty and Mildred J. Hill,

two American teacher/composers in the late 19th century.

In her short documentary on both the song and her lawsuit against Warner/Chappell,

Nelson brings up the original composition and copyright of Good Morning to All.

She also visits a cabin in Kentucky where, local legend has it (her words, not mine),

the sisters spontaneously broke out into Happy Birthday to You for the first time ever,

having been so used to regularly changing Good Morning to All to fit various occasions.

Where it gets really interesting though, is when she gets to the part that shows

Warner/Chappell had been running on maintaining peoples' simple assumption

that if it claimed copyright, it must own it!

It still wasn't a quick fight (well, maybe it was in terms of legal battles),

taking about three years to reach the final ruling and judgement.

Heck, the documentary only released this past July!

So, again, if you want to learn more about the song's publication history,

click those links below.

And watch the documentary for yourself!

Uh... Later, of course.

On to the composer!

The Hill Sisters composed the melody too.

It was them.

Did you miss what I said barely a minute ago?

Links, below.

Watch later. Yada, yada, yada.

Let's get into the lyrics!

You probably already know the English lyrics;

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear (insert name here), Happy birthday to you!

But the lyrics in Hebrew are far more basic.

As I noted before, it's essentially just the words "Happy Birthday"

over and over again.

The words are:

"Yom Hoo-leh-det Sah-mei-ach" repeated four times,

which literally translates as Happy Birthday.

Not even Happy Birthday to You!

And those really are all the words!... unless you want to put in the person's name

somewhere in there, in which case, you would insert their name

in the third line, like in the original English version.

That would be Yom Hoo-leh-det Sah-mei-ach twice, followed by Yom Hoo-leh-det L' (insert name here)

Yom Hoo-leh-det Sah-mei-ach

The "L'" meaning "to"

Finally, it's time for the melody!

The melody goes:

♪ Yom Hoo-leh-det Sah-mei-ach ♪ ♪ Yom Hoo-leh-det Sah-mei-ach ♪

♪ Yom Hoo-leh-det Sah-mei-ach ♪ ♪ Yom Hoo-leh-det Sah-mei-ach ♪

or, say, using my name, would be

♪ Yom Hoo-leh-det Sah-mei-ach ♪ ♪ Yom Hoo-leh-det Sah-mei-ach ♪

♪ Yom Hoo-leh-det L'Eh-lee ♪ ♪ Yom Hoo-leh-det Sah-mei-ach ♪

That's it for this week's lesson.

Check back soon for our sing-along to Yom Huledet Sameach!

If you're enjoying our videos, be sure to subscribe and share.

We really appreciate the support.

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Alright. That was good.

For more infomation >> Happy Birthday Song in Hebrew Lesson - Duration: 6:53.


Time: The Kalief Browder Story - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> Time: The Kalief Browder Story - Duration: 9:00.


Beauty and The Beast: Belle's Yellow Dress: The Hunt For Yellow Chiffon - Duration: 7:37.

[Music: Rosie's Tea Party theme song]

Belle's Yellow Dress The Hunt For Yellow Chiffon

Hi everybody!

As you know, I've been working on this dress for Belle's makeover part 4

The one Emma Watson wears in the live action movie Beauty and The Beast

Her dress is made of silk organza

It's such a soft and light fabric

that when she twirls, her dress looks like it's floating

When I was making this dress

I couldn't find silk organza at the fabric store

I'm pretty sure it's really expensive

So I bought this regular organza instead

It's pretty and it shimmers

but it's stiff!

Then I thought chiffon would work!

Chiffon is a beautiful fabric!

It's soft and sheer and light

But I couldn't find that either!

So I decided to look for a yellow chiffon dress or blouse

at the thrift shop that I could cut up

I buy most of my dolls, props and wardrobe at the thrift shop

So I thought it would be fun to take you along my thrift shop hopping trips

Stores don't like people taking photos or videos

So I got this little camera to sneak in

This will be my first time using it

I'm excited!

Okay. Let's go!

Today is 50% off all clothes, shoes, accessories and bed and bath

I'm going to head straight down to the dolls

so you get a cart

Soon as you find yellow chiffon let me know


Going to the back of the store to check out the dolls

Three ninety nine for these 2 dolls

I don't collect these

Lemon Meringue doll. I already have

There's always lots of blonde Barbies

Ooo. Check this Monster High doll

Seven ninety nine

That's pricey

But she has clothes and hands

Most of them are missing hands

and she has both shoes! Ooo!

I get a lot of requests to do these dolls

But no. Sorry

I won't be buying it

Here's a newer Bratz doll

Check out her shoes

They're ice cream cones

four ninety nine

Sorry. Not buying the new Bratz dolls

Here's an older Bratz doll

with a Barbie

three ninety nine

Forget it. Not paying that much

I'm looking for yellow chiffon

I see yellow

Whoa! What is this?

It's a full length yellow rain coat!

Oh my gosh! I need this!

I've been looking for something like this for over a year!

Oh my gosh I can't believe I found this!

It's for the dress up trunk!

It's not yellow chiffon but this is so awesome!

I've been looking for this for so long!

Okay. In the blouse aisle

I see yellow

This could be it!

Does it match?

Yes! It's perfect!

It's perfect! It's sheer and light

Don't know if there's enough to make the dress

I might need more than this

I don't think there's enough fabric in that blouse

So I'm heading into Fabricland hoping they put out new stock

Here's yellow

But it's the wrong shade

and too heavy

Whoa! Look at this yellow!

This is chiffon!

But it's not the right shade

More yellow over there!

Look at this!

Ooo. So shiny!

This would make an awesome Belle dress!

But it's too heavy for what I'm doing

Oh my gosh! What's this beside it?

Is this chiffon?

It's light and sheer

Let's look at the label

It's chiffon!

and it's on sale!


And it's a perfect match! This is awesome!

I'm back!

You'll have to excuse how shaky the shopping footage was

I'll get better. I promise!

Here's the blouse I got from the thrift store

I'll show you how to turn this into a beautiful dress for Belle!

And here's the yellow chiffon I got at the fabric store

You're probably wondering why I would go through the trouble

and expense to make Belle's yellow dress

when I can just buy the Emma Watson Belle doll from the toy store


Here are 2 versions of the Emma Watson Belle doll

What do you think?

Do you like them?

Yes? or No?

Post your answer in the comment section

or click on the icard and take our poll

Can you guess what my answer is?

You should read the reviews for this doll from the disney store

They are so funny!

There's a lot more footage of my thrift shop hopping that day

Look at this awesome horse that I didn't buy

It's priced at seven ninety nine

I think it's for American girl dolls

I should have bought it because I think it's about a hundred dollars brand new

Check out this alien monster I found

I didn't buy this one either

So much awesome stuff at the thrift shop

I'll have to make another video just to show you

I'm getting distracted!

My mission was to find yellow chiffon

and make Belle's dress

Here it is. Yellow chiffon

Isn't it beautiful?

Look how light chiffon is


See you in part 4 of Belle's makeover!

Thanks for watching!

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[Music: Rosie's Tea Party theme song]

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Thank you!

For more infomation >> Beauty and The Beast: Belle's Yellow Dress: The Hunt For Yellow Chiffon - Duration: 7:37.


EDC początkującego - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> EDC początkującego - Duration: 4:55.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 70KW 5D BMT Connected Series - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 70KW 5D BMT Connected Series - Duration: 0:41.


BTS THEORIES: Everything about "Demian" and its influence on Blood Sweat & Tears - Duration: 20:38.

You will find many, many, many spoilers in this video

So you watch it on your own responsibility

If anyone wants to listen to what I say about BTS

Skip to this time

It's time for another BTS theory video!

In the previous part, I talked about Blood Sweat & Tears and the hidden symbols in this vid

About religion, art, myths etc

In this part, I will focus on Hermann Hesse's book 'Demian'

Blood Sweat & Tears is based on this book

But not only BST is based on that. Also the whole WINGS album

and also the short films for WINGS

I will talk about those short films in the next part because it's going to be super long

and there are many many symbols hidden in those films as well

I will give you many quotes from 'Demian'

I hope you will like it so we can start!

We'll start from one word which can describe this book


It was incredible

I was a bit shocked and scared when I saw how many descriptions are there

There are only a few dialogues, you can find there mostly long descriptions

I thought this book is really hard to read

especially because of the amount of descriptions

This book has less than 150 pages

The amount of dense text kinda overwhelmed me

However I read this book really fast

If I think about the time I spent on this...

without the time for things that disctract us

I think it's possible to read it...

in one day

That's for sure

It's possible to spend only a few hours on reading this book

It's really fast and really fine

The language is not super easy

But it's really, really... Amazing!

It's just incredible and I'm so in love with this book!

I think I will read it again soon!

Because it was just... Amazing

Some people say that it's a book about youth, entering the adulthod and friendship

and I agree with that on the one hand

But on the other hand, it's a book about finding your own way and path

about finding your inner side and your true self

and finding it from the very beginning so since childhood

You can find many philosophical and psychological aspects in this book

All those psychological processes are described in a perfect way

and it's really impressive!

Those descriptions are not boring. It gets more and more interesting within next pages of the book

it makes you want more, more and more

And you just consume this book

But let's focus on the plot!

Sinclair is the narrator of this story

and at the very beginning he warns us...

"My story is not a pleasant one

it is neither sweet nor harmonious, as invented stories are;

it has the taste of nonsense and chaos, of madness and dreams

like the lives of all men who stop deceiving themselves."

We can expect a really difficult story just by looking at this quote

A story that needs thinking and analysis

But this is what makes this book really special

Sinclair tells us about the two different worlds

"My parents' house made up one realm, yet its boundaries were even narrower,

actually embracing only my parents themselves.

This realm was familiar to me in almost every way - mother and father, love and strictness, model behavior, and school.

This was the world in which were duty and guilt, bad conscience and confession,

forgiveness and good resolutions, love, reverence, wisdom and the words of the Bible.

If one wanted an unsullied and orderly life, one made sure one was in league with this world.

The other realm, however, overlapping half our house, was completely different;

it smelled different, spoke a different language, promised and demanded different things.

All these wild and cruel, attractive and hideous things surrounded us, could be found in the next alley, the next house.

everywhere this second vigorous world erupted and gave off its scent, everywhere, that is, except in our parents' rooms."

Sinclair has its own bright world which is his childhood and home

family and parents and all those ideals he follows

However the other, bad world also exists

the dark world which is related to entering the adulthood

and all those temptations that wait for us

Sinclair lives in this bright world and is afraid of one of the bullies. So he lies and makes up a story

a story about stealing the apples so the bully will be proud and probably like him

and so he won't do something bad to him

However since then he lives with guilty conscience

It's so bad he gets sick and even vomit

He loses control

Especially because it turns out that his enemy has him on the string

"I couldn't even get upstairs

My life was wrecked. I thought of running away and never coming back,

or of drowning myself.

However, I couldn't picture any of this very clearly.

In the dark, I sat down on the bottom step of our staircase,

huddled up within myself, abandoning myself to misery.

But all of it was lost to me now, all of it belonged to the clear, well-lighted world of my father and mother

and I, guilty and deeply engulfed in an alien world, was entangled in adventures and sin,

threatened by an enemy, by dangers, fear, and shame.

This moment was the most significant and lasting of the whole experience.

It was the first rent in the holy image of my father, it was the first fissure in the columns that had upheld my childhood,

which every individual must destroy before he can become himself.

The inner, the essential line of our fate consists of such invisible experiences.

Such fissures and rents grow together again, heal and are forgotten,

but in the most secret recesses they continue to live and bleed.

As I already said, Sinclair cannot forgive himself this sin and he gets sick

Till now, the purity was the most important for him

His childhood was pure, his home was pure

and he was filled with purity

He finally meets Demian who is a mystery for him

and he even wonders if Demian is a human being

Demian is a kind of guide for him

he shows him the world from a completely different side and gives a new point of view

"Well, I think, " he went on, "one can give this story about Cain quite a different interpretation.

Most of the things we're taught I'm sure are quite right and true,

but one can view all of them from quite a different angle than the teachers do

and most of the time they then make better sense."

As I already said, Demian became a guide of Sinclair,

who helped him finding a right way when he lost it

and he also helped him to accept his destiny

'Demian' is a book about all of us and all of you.

All those ideas and thoughts are perfectly described

The ending of this book is really shocking

and it's also touching and can make you cry, especially because I kinda became intimate with the characters for such a short period of time

and all of the descriptions about finding your true self were perfectly presented

so you cannot believe it's the end

that there is nothing more and there won't be any more answers for the questions that you still have in your mind

For now, this is it about this brilliant book

And even though we are often mad at BigHit Entertainment

for giving us MVs full of theories

Difficult to understand

MVs which you have to analyse in various ways

We should be thankful to BigHit Ent instead

For basing on such a piece of work

like 'Demian' or 'Omelas'

or the 'Lost River' movie

and also the Holy Bible, Myths and art

It shows that K-POP is not only a group of pretty, stylized dancing boys

K-POP approximates the art for us

And BTS and not only BTS music videos are a proof for that

It proves that you can combine art with entertainment

And that you can convey the ideals

and everything that can help us choose a right path in our lives

I highly recommend you reading Hermann Hesse's book, especially because you can read it really fast

And also because not only Blood Sweat & Tears is based on this book,

but also WINGS, as I already mentioned

If you want to understand those 7 short films

you should definitely read 'Demian' because suddenly everything makes sense

and you don't see this symbolical analysis anymore

for example that this color means that

and the smoke means that

You see the particular parts of the book in those films

and it gains more and more and more sense

As I already said, not only Blood Sweat & Tears is based on this book. And not only WINGS is based on this book!

I think that this whole passing youth concept and entering the adulthood is based on that as well

You can find all of those in Demian and also in BTS MVs and lyrics

We have those problems, those sins and this temptation

you can find all of these in the book with a perfect description so I recommend you to read it!

If we talk about Demian, this passing youth and entering the adulthood

can be decribed as a moment of death

Inner death

"Everyone goes through this crisis.

For the average person this is the point when the demands of his own life come into the sharpest conflict with his environment,

when the way forward has to be sought with the bitterest means at his command.

Many people experience the dying and rebirth--which is our fate--only this once during their entire life.

Their childhood becomes hollow and gradually collapses,

everything they love abandons them

and they suddenly feel surrounded by the loneliness and mortal cold of the universe.

Very many are caught forever in this impasse, and for the rest of their lives

cling painfully to an irrevocable past, the dream of the lost paradise--which is the worst and most ruthless of dreams.

Frankly speaking, there are many quotes in this book that can...

That can help us understand what's going on in BTS MVs and what is this passing youth concept about

however I will give you one of my favorites

"Sometimes I was absolutely certain that my destiny was to become like mother and father,

as clear-sighted and unspoiled, as orderly and superior as they.

But this goal seemed far away and to reach it meant attending endless schools, studying, passing tests and examinations,

and this way led past and through the other, darker realm.

It was not at all impossible that one might remain a part of it and sink into it."

I am 100% sure that I don't have to explain why this part is one of my favorites

especially the last sentence about sinking into this dark world

I think that we can also relate it to War of Hormone

Because it fits with the description about what Sinclair starts to feel

"Then came those years in which I was forced to recognize the existence of a drive within me that had to make itself small and hide from the world of light.

The slowly awakening sense of my own sexuality overcame me, as it does every person,

like an enemy and terrorist, as something forbidden, tempting and sinful."

We also can relate this quote to the Blood Sweat & Tears lyrics

It doesn't matter if it hurts,

tie me up so I can't run away

Grab me tight and shake me up

so I can't come to my senses

Kiss me on the lips, this is a secret between the two of us

Deeply poisoned by the jail of you

I cannot worship anyone else beside you

I knowingly drank from the poisoned grail

And even though it fits perfectly, I will give you more examples and more quotes

that describe Sinclair's love to Eva, a woman from his dreams

"I looked at the photo and my heart stood still.

it was my dream image!

That was she, the tall, almost masculine woman who resembled her son,

with maternal traits, severity, passion;

beautiful and alluring, beautiful and unapproachable,

daemon and mother, fate and beloved. There was no mistaking her!

At times I was dissatisfied with myself and tortured with desire:

I believed I could no longer bear to have her near me without taking her in my arms.

"I do not know, " I said, "how long my dream is supposed to last.

I wish it could be forever.

My fate has received me under the picture of the bird like a lover and like a beloved.

I belong to my fate and to no one else."

You can find many quotes like this in 'Demian' and not only about Eva but about everything else

But now I will focus on Blood Sweat & Tears analysis

but related to Hermann Hesse's book

I told you about various symbols in the previous part

and some myths, for example myth about Icarus and Daedalus

various paintings and their names

and now we will see the connection between BST and Demian

This MV can be related to Nietzsche's philosophy and nihilism

and you can find it also in Demian

Some beings just don't exist

And if nothing tells you that one goal is better than the other one,

you should choose the one that seems good for you

"That is why each of us has to find out for himself what is permitted and what is forbidden--forbidden for him.

It's possible for one never to transgress a single law and still be a bastard. And vice versa.

Actually it's only a question of convenience.

Those who are too lazy and comfortable to think for themselves and be their own judges obey the laws.

Others sense their own laws within them; things are forbidden to them that every honorable man will do any day in the year

and other things are allowed to them that are generally despised.

Each person must stand on his own feet."

You can find a theory in Demian that either good or evil is allowed

There is a God who links those two traits, good and evil

you don't have to hide the smallest sins and temptations from him

Temptations are a part of the bad world and they make us go against God and the society

that's why we can find many references to such rebelious acts in BST

whether it's the myth about Icarus

or the apples which are references to Adam and Eve and the big sin

and the banishment from the Garden of Eden

and so on

You can find many things like that. Or for example the green smoke

which can mean going against the society

It kinda persuades us to do it

Just notice that this smoke wafts and moves to another room

and then really bad and weird things happen

In my opinion, Jin is Sinclair who lives a pure life, according to society and religion's ideals

Especially because he is shown as someone different

and more innocent, like he just gets to know the other world

and he is pulled by this world

Besides that, even various scenes can be some kind references to that

for example covering his eyes

like he can't see the truth about this world

because the society and religion impose some rules and ideas and he cannot see what's behind it

Everything changes when his eyes are not covered anymore

In my opinion, V is Demian

But I found many theories that each of the member is a Demian

but V being Demian makes more sense for me

Because he shows the other side of the world to Jin, he uncovers his eyes

and he makes Jin notice things he'd never noticed before

But Jin gives in this 'evil' even before V uncovers his eyes

He sees the other side of everything, the other world

Letting go of the balloon can also symbolize it

this balloon can symbolize the rules and ideals imposed by the society

And in this part, Rap Monster is reading a part of Demian

He, too, was a tempter

he, too, was a link to the second,

the evil world with which I no longer wanted to have anything to do.

In the next scene we see Suga playing piano or organ

what's more interesting - he plays a really meaningful melody

This melody also appears in the book

I don't know how to pronounce it but it's Passacaglia

but it's a really important melody in the book

which is played for Sinclair by another guide

Other symbols also appear, for example the bird

which is very, very important during the whole book

"The bird rights its way out of the egg.

The egg is the world.

Who would be born must first destroy a world.

The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas."

Abraxas was the god I mentioned awhile ago, the god linking the traits of good and evil

You don't have to hide anything from Abraxas. He is an ideal god who understands us

"My friend, our new religion, for which we have chosen the name Abraxas, is beautiful.

It is the best we have. But it is still a fledgling. Its wings haven't grown yet."

This part can somehow show that V can also be Abraxas

However, for me the most important moment (in MV and also in the book)

that proves that V is Demian or V is Abraxas

(both, in my opinion)

is the moment of the kiss

The kiss also appears in the book and it's very important

but also very symbolical

On the one hand, it means the final goodbye

On the other hand, it means the acceptance of yourself and your fate

The fate that have been waiting for us and the path we chose

"If you call me then I won't come crudely, on horseback or by train.

You'll have to listen within yourself, then you will notice that I am within you.

I closed my eyes in obedience. I felt a light kiss on my lips

where there was always a little fresh blood which never would go away.

And then I fell asleep."

The end of the MV, the scene with the mirror, breaking sculptures,

Jin's face cracking

it reminds us of some kind of tear

An eternal tear, eternal wound that will never heal

All of this can be perfectly summarized by the last paragraph of the book

"Dressing the wound hurt.

Everything that has happened to me since has hurt.

But sometimes when I find the key and climb deep into myself

where the images of fate lie aslumber in the dark mirror,

I need only bend over that dark mirror to behold my own image,

now completely resembling him,

my brother, my master."

I gave you many spoilers but I warned you!

So if anyone stayed with me till the end of this video, this person knows everything about this book

or at least a lot

I hope you liked it

I can't wait for the next video already!

I'm gonna analyse the short WINGS films

There are many quotes from the book read by Rap Monster

and even the scenes are kind of references to the book and it's really interesting and incredible

So if you liked it, if you have any conclusions, if you read the book, if you have ANYTHING to tell me,

maybe I skipped something which was really important

as always, I'm waiting for your comments!

And see you next time!

For more infomation >> BTS THEORIES: Everything about "Demian" and its influence on Blood Sweat & Tears - Duration: 20:38.


' EVERYDAY ' ( is he ok ?) | MUSIC VIDEO | electronica | Instrumental | #28 - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> ' EVERYDAY ' ( is he ok ?) | MUSIC VIDEO | electronica | Instrumental | #28 - Duration: 2:38.


Volkswagen Crafter 35 2.0 TDI L2H2 311375 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Crafter 35 2.0 TDI L2H2 311375 - Duration: 1:08.


Volkswagen Crafter 35 2.0TDi 109pk EU6 L2H2 291802 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Crafter 35 2.0TDi 109pk EU6 L2H2 291802 - Duration: 1:07.


Volkswagen Crafter 35 2.0TDi 109pk EU6 L2H2 291796 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Crafter 35 2.0TDi 109pk EU6 L2H2 291796 - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen Caddy Maxi 1.6TDi 102pk DSG Trendline 186304 - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy Maxi 1.6TDi 102pk DSG Trendline 186304 - Duration: 0:40.


Sessions, Tillerson, Trump Tower Spying The Media Echo Chamber - Duration: 6:45.

Sessions, Tillerson, Trump-Tower Spying The Media Echo Chamber

By Jon Rappoport

What�s next? A Pulitzer Prize for throwing a stink bomb?

Follow the bouncing echo show.

Jeff Sessions did talk with Russians or a Russian. About what? Who cares? He talked

with a Russian. That�s all we need to know.

Rex Tillerson broke with Trump�s demand to slash the State Dept.�s budget by 37%.

Then Tillerson said okay, he�d go along with the cuts in principle.

Trump said Obama was behind the surveillance of the Trump Tower.

The usual suspects, CNN and NBC and CBS and the NY Times and the Washington-CIA Post,

etc., bounce these stories among each other and interview people who comment on the bounce,

and so on and so forth, and whole thing builds to heavy accusations against the Trump administration,

as if these matters are on the level of Watergate plus Benghazi plus Fast&Furious plus the Hillary

email scandal plus Monsanto taking over the food supply plus the sale of 20% of US uranium

to Putin�

Echo, echo, echo, echo.

�So Bob, as one who has been observing the goings-on inside Washington for more than

two decades, have you ever seen such Horror?�

�Well, Mike, as the Washington Post reported the other day, about the story in the NY Times

which commented on what you covered last week which was a summary of a CNN report, this

scandal is reaching a crescendo of tsunami proportions, and the result could be impeachment

or something very much like it��

�As we said, after the BBC piece that reflected on the CNN assessment of the AP story, the

Russians appear to have infiltrated or taken over every significant policy operation of

the White House�do you agree that Putin could become the de facto president of the


On and on it goes.

More outrage building on previous outrage of reporters covering other reporters covering

other reporters� outrage.

�We, the mass media invent; we decide what you, the public, should believe.�

This isn�t a tempest in a teacup. It�s a category 5 hurricane sitting on the head

of a pin, or sitting on a pinhead reporter.

Reporters� disgust about the �scandals� is really disgust building on other reporters�


Most or all of it would turned off in a second if people just stopped going to mainstream

news for their news.

The essential message of mainstream news is: �We know Trump is evil personified, so it

doesn�t matter what we say about him. We�re doing a public service. But anyway, stay with

us as we deliver the facts. The new definition of �fact,� is: whatever we can bring down

on Trump�s head. If one of his policies (e.g., don�t send weapons to Ukraine) is

in line with Obama�s policy, we�ll ignore that and say Trump is bowing to Putin�s

desires. If Trump says he wants to bring jobs back to America and defeat the forces of Globalism,

we�ll ignore that. We don�t care about all the Americans who were thrown out of jobs.

They�re �bitter clingers���

Sub text: �Okay, so we supported the war in Iraq on the basis of no evidence, and maybe

a million innocent people were killed there, but who cares? We�re your reliable source

of news. Stay with us. We never criticized Hillary Clinton for her role in turning a

whole nation, Libya, into a hell hole of chaos. Who cares? Stay with us.�

If you need to, substitute the generic phrase �any American president� for �Trump.�

And then think about the relentless echo-chamber campaign to destroy that presidency. By any


CNN is now reporting (this is real, I�m not making it up) that Trump, in an Oval Office

meeting, read the riot act to Steve Bannon, Sean Spicer, and others about their failure

in handing the �Jeff Sessions affair.� So what? Sources fed that tidbit to CNN. Which

sources? Who cares? An ambiguous video of a minute or two from that Oval Office meeting

(no sound) has emerged. It was shot from outside the White House. By whom? No answer. Somebody

sneaked on to the White House grounds? A White House staffer shot the video? What�s next?

Video of the president shaving in his bathroom? An MSNBC reporter throwing a stink bomb in

the press room?

�I threw the stink bomb because I had to. It was the only way I as a journalist could

register my reaction to a lesser level of access to the president. I defend the act

as good and proper journalism. I�ll be presenting a seminar at Columbia in a few weeks, where

I�ll outline non-verbal reporting strategies in the new atmosphere we all inhabit��

Anything could happen. The children of the press are throwing one tantrum after another,

because they couldn�t get their girl into the Oval Office. They�ve thrown away their

masks. They want their candy before bedtime.

And they�ll burn down the house if they can�t have it.

(To read about Jon�s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX,

and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District

of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which

is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked

as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and

health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and

magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics,

health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his

free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

For more infomation >> Sessions, Tillerson, Trump Tower Spying The Media Echo Chamber - Duration: 6:45.


Menestrel - Epifania pt. 2 (Clipe Oficial) [Prod. Disstinto] - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Menestrel - Epifania pt. 2 (Clipe Oficial) [Prod. Disstinto] - Duration: 4:12.


Lumbar Fusion Back Surgery: Revision of a Botched Back Surgery - Duration: 2:28.

I had a car accident way back in 1998.

I've had multiple surgeries.

On my 4th surgery, they went in to fuse the L4/L5 area of my back.

That wound up to be a failed surgery.

And they went in a fifth time, and had to pull out a bunch of the hardware that they put in

After that, I could hardly stand.

My right leg was numb, had absolute foot drop, I could hardly walk without tripping.

And I definitely could not even sit at the table and eat a full meal.

I'd take about two to five minutes at the most, then I would have to go and lay back down.

Tons of pain medicine just wasn't helping.

I went to a pain management doctor, and I got hold of Dr. Melamed.

He went in and did a revision surgery.

He cleaned up and pulled out whatever hardware was left, fused my L4/L5, started a bone

fusion, and put rods and screws in.

It was a very successful surgery.

It's been a little over a year.

I've been able to go to the gym and do minor workouts at least two to three times a week.

I've been able to take a vacation, and take a three-mile hike with my wife.

I've been able to go on walks. I've been able to sit and drive for lengthy periods of time.

I don't have as much medicine than I was taking to control pain.

I still have pain, and I probably always will.

But the difference between the pain I was having and what I have now is "night and day"

And I would absolutely recommend Dr. Melamed.

I've actually referred quite a few people to him.

And he's just been a miracle worker.

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