Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 8 2017

Superhero movies are jam packed with action, explosions, fight sequences and characters

you can't take your eyes off of, so it is understandable when you miss a hidden reference

in a movie.

Some times a hidden Easter egg isn't found out for months after the films release, which

make them even more exciting.

Today we are going to look at some that you've probably never seen but all of them you should

know about if you are a true superhero movie fan.

As you watch don't forget to subscribe to Screen Rant and join our notification squad

so you can like and comment on all our great videos.

Here is Screen Rant's list of ten Easter Eggs Hidden in Superhero Movies You Need to


Guardians of the Galaxy

The cosmic entities created the infinity stones, which are the driving force behind the MCU


Thanos needs these stones to complete his Infinity Gauntlet and complete his plans.

Guardians of the Galaxy references the four cosmic beings twice in their first film, once

when Starlord steals the orb and then again during the Collector's scene when they show

the six stones.

These characters are very important to the MCU and maybe they have something to do with

the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

We'll have to wait and see.

X-Men: Apocalypse

X-Men: Apocalypse is the conclusion of the "First Class" trilogy, but it won't be the

last X-Men movie obviously.

In the post credits scene a vial of Wolverine's blood is picked up and placed in a suitcase

labeled, "ESSEX CORP." True X-Men fans know this briefcase belongs to Nathaniel Essex,

also known as Mister Sinister.

He's one of X-Men's most dangerous enemies and that's why so many of us were hoping

to see him in Logan.

Even though we didn't the director and studio assures us Mister Sinister is coming in a

future film.

The Avengers

In the Thor number 274 comic cook released in 1978 we get introduced to Odin's ravens,

Hugin and Munin and Disney's MCU introduced them in 2011's Thor.

These characters are important because Ordin sends them out to his Nine Realms each day

to learn what is happening.

In The Avengers Thor takes Loki from the S.H.I.E.L.D.

quinjet and they have a heated conversation on top of a mountain.

Odin must have been looking after his two boys because Hugin and Munin fly right by


Do you know the director's name of the first Thor movie?

Was it James Gunn, Peter Quill or Kenneth Branagh.

Stick around until the end for the answer.

The Dark Knight

Heath Ledger may be the fan favorite character of the Joker but he was definitely not the

first actor to dawn the infamous white makeup.

Cesar Romero first portrayed the Clown Prince in the original 1966 series with Adam West

as Batman and Eartha Kitt as Catwoman.

Christopher Nolan saluted Romero with the first scenes that the Joker appears, as the

Joker robs a bank look at the mask.

It's a reference to the clown mask that Romero wore in his first episode as the Joker

in "The Joker is Wild" from the Batman television series.


When Deadpool causes accidents and numerous deaths to get his hands on Ajax take a look

at the road signs.

One says, "Parker Boulevard," which is a direct reference to Peter Parker and when

Deadpool pops his head over the car crash another sign reads, "Nicieza Street."

That's to reference Deadpool's co-creater Fabian Nicieza, despite's Deadpools comedic

mockery or superhero films you can tell the filmmakers really respect this genre and we

love them for that.

Here's a question for you, True or False: Wade Wilson's childhood hero was Captain


We'll give you the answer at the end of our video.

Captain America: Civil War

When part of the Avengers team tries to stop Brock Rumlow from stealing a biological weapon,

the Falcoln releases a drone.

The drones name is Redwing, that's a reference to Falcon's comic book character whose sidekick

was an actual bird with the name Redwing.

Check out the actor playing Brock Rumlow, his name is Damon Poitier and he actually

showed up in another Marvel film.

He played Thanos in The Avengers post credits scene.

Suicide Squad

The scene where the Joker lays down surrounded by knifes and other weapons is a reference

the Pink Floyd's the wall.

The director David Ayer even confirmed this reference and you can easily see the similarities.

Take a look at this shot a little closer.

See the baby clothes up on the top right of the shot?

That is a connection to Harley's dream that shows up later in the film.

We wonder how many other references the film makes in all those deleted scenes.

The Dark Night Rises

During the football game where Bane makes his speech after complimenting a boys voice

we get a glimpse of a missing character in the Christopher Nolan's trilogy, Robin.

Stop right there, the character of Blake played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt doesn't count as

a Robin character just yet, hopefully in a spin-off he does though.

During the football game you can see fans holding up a sign for the Gotham City Rogues

football team but take a closer look at that "R".

The "R" is a homage to the Robin logo that we have seen in the past.

Do you know how many live-action Batman incarnations there has been?

Five, Eight or Ten, the answer is coming up shortly.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

Whether you are team Batman or team Superman you will get a kick out of this Easter egg

dropped in by writers Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer.

When police are sitting in their car, checkout what the woman says over the intercom to the

squad car.

She said, "Delta Charlie Twenty-Seven", which stands for DC 27 a reference to detective

comics number 27.

That's the comic that first introduced the world to Batman.

She also goes on to give an address.

1939 stands for the year Batman debuted in comic book number 27.

Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 is a highly anticipated sequel to the first film released in 2016, many fans

were hoping for a Wolverine and Deadpool cross over film but the chances are slim.

Fingers crossed it does happen.

In the first film, the Merc with a Mouth makes an R-rated joke about Wolverine and how he

helped him get his own film but in the trailer for Deadpool 2 we see another Wolverine reference.

When he runs into a phone booth, a la Superman take a look at the movie playing in the background.

It's Logan and later on we see Logan's poster but also take a look at the name on

the phone booth from earlier.

The name is Nathan Summers, who you might know as Cable.

There you have it ten Easter Eggs Hidden in Superhero Movies You Need to See.

Here are the answers to our trivia questions:

The director of Thor was Kenneth Branagh.

The answer is true, Wade Wilson's childhood hero was Captain America.

And there has been eight different live-action Batmen including Ben Affleck.

Don't forget to subscribe to Screen Rant for more fun videos.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Did You Ever Notice These 10 Superhero Easter Eggs? - Duration: 7:10.


Anakin's First Lightsaber and More! | Star Wars Animated Parodies @ArcadeCloud - Duration: 14:46.

Anakin, let me be the first

to congratulate you on your first lightsaber.

I don't think I have to tell you

just how much of a responsibility

wielding one of these is.

Fear me, Sith Lords, I am Laser @#$%.

Don't do that.

Beware my thrusts.

Oh, my God.

Do not lose patience, Obi-Wan.

While he has much to...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. - While he has much to...

Yeah. - While he has much to learn...

Yeah, get it, baby. Yeah, I'm just gonna spank it.

He's an invaluable...

Ooh, baby.

While he has much to...

Ah! - You know what?

Your problem now. - Anakin, put it away.

Now if you're not going to take this seriously,

I guess I'll just have to find a new Padawan, won't I?

I'm sorry. Please don't get another Padawan.


Mark your stance.


Revenge of the laser @#$%.

If that's how you want it, then fine.

Take this seriously.

Fear the laser @#$%.

You're supposed to be the chosen one.

Oh, yeah, baby.



Yeah, take it, Obi, take it.

Take it.

Yeah, how's that for a...

Okay, training is done for the day.

Go play with Padme. Bye.

For more infomation >> Anakin's First Lightsaber and More! | Star Wars Animated Parodies @ArcadeCloud - Duration: 14:46.


Study Proves Trump's Election Made Men More Aggressive Towards Women - Duration: 4:30.

An interesting new study has come out of Wharton College, which is actually Donald Trump's

alma mater, that shows that since the election of Donald Trump men have become more aggressive

against women.

Now, this study wasn't particularly looking at physical aggression, more verbal aggression.

Here's what the two researchers did to come to these conclusions.

Prior to the election they did a study where they had business students negotiate with

one another and in both studies done before and after the election, they also did one

where it was men against the women.

Prior to the election the men acted more chivalrous towards women, were more likely to treat them

with respect.

After the election they became far more aggressive, ill tempered and almost not chivalrous whatsoever,

after the election of Donald Trump.

This study actually goes along with another study by the Southern Poverty law Center,

that shows that since the presidential election the level of bullishness among American citizens,

the number of reported bullying incidents in US schools increased after the election

of Donald Trump.

What's happening here is what these researchers at both Wharton and the Southern Poverty Law

Center are calling the Trump Effect.

It is that if you want to get what you want in life, you basically have to be an asshole

to everyone.

You have to go around thinking that you're the best and everybody else is a worthless

piece of trash.

It's particularly disgusting in this Wharton study that men believe that they can treat

women in this manner, but that's what happens when you have a president, who just before

the election audio emerged where he said that he liked to grab women by the you know what.

America, majority of white women in this country still said, "You know what?

I'm fine with that.

Let's normalize this behavior."

and that's what you did.

You normalized it.

You elevated it to the White House.

You sent a message to our sons and daughters that this kind of behavior is okay.

Not only is it okay, but it gets rewarded.

You've fucked up an entire generation of children, by electing Donald Trump.

You've told an entire generation of young boys, young men that this is the way you can

treat women.

Not that it's acceptable, but that you can do it.

That it's encouraged and rewarded.

Anyone who went to the polls on election day and filled in that little bubble, or completed

the arrow, or did the punch card, or pushed the electronic button to vote for Donald Trump

should be ashamed of themselves.

You have screwed an entire generation of children in the United States.

You have screwed them up for life.

You have sent them the wrong messages.

I know a lot of the people who voted for Donald Trump are aging, they're not going to be around

here much longer.

They won't have to deal with this shit, but the rest of us will.

Even if it takes me the rest of my life I am going to make sure that I do everything

possible to undo the damage that these idiotic, moronic Donald Trump voters have done to children

in this country.

To make them think that it's okay to walk around and act like you're better than someone

else, it's okay to walk around thinking that just because you have a penis you're better

than people who don't, that just because your skin is light you're better than someone else.

That's not how the world operates and I will make damn sure that I teach my children that

and that I teach as many other children as possible.

I hope that everybody watching this pledges to do the same.

We have a lot of damage to undo, but if we work at it we might be able to undo it.

For more infomation >> Study Proves Trump's Election Made Men More Aggressive Towards Women - Duration: 4:30.


Your German heritage doesn't mean as much as you think - Duration: 4:28.

The United States of America is a great melting-pot of a country,

where people of many different cultures have contributed

to create a diverse community,

and the same is also true of Canada.

Which may explain why people from these countries are so very conscious of their heritage.

The same is not true of Germans, though,

and this often causes disappointments when North Americans come here

in search of their cultural heritage;

and then they mention to a German that their great-great-grandfather came from Germany,

and the response is: Oh, right.

Another beer?

If they make the mistake of saying they somehow "feel German"

or want to "connect with their German identity",

the response is most likely going to be this:

Okay, I think you've had enough beer now.

As far as Germans are concerned,

if you were born in America or Canada and your parents were born in America or Canada,

then you are American or Canadian, and that's all there is to say on the matter.

They see no sense in going any further back than that.

Even if you're one of those that qualify for German citizenship

on the grounds of ancestry,

that's just a technical legal thing. It doesn't mean anything.

I don't want to put you off coming here, though.

If you want to visit the place your ancestors emigrated from,

people will be interested in that.

If it's a very small town,

you might even get your picture in the local paper shaking hands with the mayor.

What will make people roll their eyes, though, is if you claim to be German.

And I trust I don't need to tell anyone not to wear lederhosen or dirndls.

If you decide to permanently proclaim your German heritage in the form of a tattoo,

at least get it done somewhere that won't be on public view

if you do decide to visit.

There is so much that can go wrong.

For example, many people like to have quotes as tattoos.

The obvious trap is getting an English saying translated into German

and ending up with a really bad translation.

Or, in the worst case scenario, a tattoo that actually means:

"I am a miserable bastard who never gives tips."

But it can go deeper than that.

Take, for example, a simple quote like the saying "To each his own,"

a statement of tolerance:

everyone has the right to live as they see fit.

What's wrong with that?

What's wrong is that the German translation "Jedem das Seine"

was interpreted by the Nazis to mean "Everyone gets what they deserve,"

and it was put on the gates of Buchenwald Concentration Camp.

You can double the offensive nature by using a blackletter font.

That's acceptable if you're honouring a heavy metal band,

but not for anything else.

Symbols of national or cultural identity are no less problematic.

There are of course the obvious Nazi-related symbols that are actually banned;

but there's a whole host of symbols that are not banned,

but which represent outdated values modern Germans are very uncomfortable with:

things like war, patriotic pride or the monarchy, for example.

Even modern symbols of national identity are unlikely to go down well.

To modern Germans, it's too close to jingoism.

You are indelibly marking yourself

as a member of one tiny section of humanity

to the exclusion of all others;

and why would anyone want to do that?

And why would you do it to honour that theoretical 6.25% of you

that you think might be German?

It just makes no sense.

So by all means, research your family history.

Just don't make the mistake of thinking that Germans will see you as even slightly German.

And also, assume you know nothing about German culture.

And then you'll be most welcome.

Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed the video, why not send me a postcard? Here's the address.

Or visit, follow me on Twitter, subscribe to my blog.

For more infomation >> Your German heritage doesn't mean as much as you think - Duration: 4:28.


Can an IntelHD GPU be overclocked? - Duration: 5:41.

So, one thing gamers usually do when they need some extra power for a game is to overclock

their graphic cards.

"Overclocking is the action of increasing a component's clock rate, running it at

a higher speed than it was designed to run."

Now you probably knew this, this is common practice on dedicated GPUs, but that is not

what we will be using today.

IntelHD, the integrated GPU packed inside a modern intel CPU. They are usually considered

virtually useless for gaming, although if you have been following this channel for some

time you know this is definitely not what I think and they are often less flexible to

tweak, but can this ultimate low budget GPUs be overclocked? Turns out, in some cases,

you can!

While hunting around for a cheap used motherboard for another video I came around this. The

asus H81M-K. This motherboard lists "Asus GPU boost" as a feature with a little image

showing a voltage and frequency control for an integrated GPU and this is where I got

really curious. I decided to combine this motherboard with an Intel Celeron G1840 with

an IntelHD, mainly because it was quite literally the cheapest CPU I could find for this socket.

You may recognize this as the CPU and GPU I used for the Mirror's Edge Catalyst video.

But before we begin. Let me make a disclaimer. Overclocking can be dangerous to your components.

You are, after all, pushing components beyond what they where designed for. If you are going

to try any of this: know what you are doing, know the thermal limits of your CPU, do your

research and keep an eye on the temperature.

All right, before getting started with Overclocking I decided to benchmark some GPU bottlenecked


The Just Cause 2's dark tower benchmark on 720p, all settings to the lowest, made

an average of 28 FPS.

Bioshock Infinite's Benchmark on all the lowest settings and 720 did an average of

31 FPS, which is way more than I expected.

A short Skyrim Special Edition test on 960x540 and all the lowest settings gave me an average

of 21 FPS.

And finally because I really wanted to push this thing to the limit. The GTA 5 benchmark,

on 800x600 and all the lowest settings pulled around 28 FPS. Although, be warned the game

was running into a lot of micro stutter in the flying and driving portions so reaching

an average was really hard.

Okay, we got our numbers. Now let's reboot a take a look into the BIOS of the motherboard

As you can see in the advanced options there is a value that allows me to change the frequency

multiplier of the integrated GPU and you can see how it causes the max frequency on the

intelHD to rise from its usual maximum of 1200 MHz.

The first thing I did was increase it all the way to 1500 MHz.

The same Just Cause 2 benchmark climbed from 28 to 36 FPS in average.

Bioshock Infinite saw a sharp increase as well, all the way from 31 to 39 FPS.

Skyrim special edition went from 21 to 34, this might be the most dramatic increase I saw

And GTA 5 climbed from 28 to 36, an equally impressive change. But the micro stutter was

still there.

As you can imagine these where much better results than I expected and now I was hooked.

I started asking myself… how fast can I make this thing before it fails?

The answer was 1650 MHz, while the temperature seemed to be withing the safe ranges for this

CPU any higher than that would crash any 3D application.

On that insane frequency:

Just Cause 2 went from 36 to 39.

Bioshock went from 39 to 40.

Skyrim pretty much stayed the same.

And GTA 5 went from 36 to 38.

So, not a long of gain for something that could potentially be dangerous for the component

and that had my CPU fan putting extra work, you would not believe how much noise this

tiny fan was making.

So, it seems the jump to 1500 MHz made the most difference. Maybe 1600 MHz would make

a nice sweet spot.

I did not expect overcloking an integrated GPU to be a thing that was possible, let alone

something that would provide such an interesting result.

So the final question is: Would I recommend this to someone gaming on intelHD? The main

problem with this procedure is obvious, it requires a motherboard that supports integrated

GPU overclocking in order to achieve it. If you have a motherboard that supports it I

would definitely suggest it. If not, does it make sense to hunt down a new motherboard

instead of saving for a dedicated GPU?

Well… it depends. The H81M-K I am using was already considered a budget motherboard

when it released and I have seen them used for as low as 25 Euros, so if you manage to

find out a card with GPU Boosting features that works with your CPU for say 20 euros

or dollars it might work as stepping stone if you are waiting up to get an expensive

dedicated GPU… or just if, like me, you are interesting in finding out if this was


Also keep in mind I did not tweak any of these games so in all of these cases there is more to be done to get more FPS

Just be aware that if you are running into CPU problems it might not help that much.

Thank at everyone in Patreon who donates so I can buy stuff like this for experimental

videos. Hope you found this interesting, I will see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> Can an IntelHD GPU be overclocked? - Duration: 5:41.


【MMD】O Mexilhão Feio【Yandere Simulator】 - Duration: 0:14.

It's history of the ugly mussel.

Once upon a time there was an ugly mussel.

He was so ugly that everyone died!

Ended up!

For more infomation >> 【MMD】O Mexilhão Feio【Yandere Simulator】 - Duration: 0:14.


What Did Cassini Teach Us? - Duration: 10:53.

Ask me my favorite object in the Solar System, especially to see through a telescope, and

my answer is always the same: Saturn.

Saturn is this crazy, ringed world, different than any other place we've ever seen.

And in a small telescope, you can really see the ball of the planet, you can see its rings.

It's one thing to see a world like this from afar, a tiny jumping image in a telescope.

To really appreciate and understand a place like Saturn, you've got to visit.

And thanks to NASA's Cassini spacecraft, that's just what we've been doing for

the last 13 years.

Take a good close look at this amazing ringed planet and its moons, and studying it from

every angle.

For the duration of this video, I'm going to regale you with the amazing discoveries

made by Cassini at Saturn.

What it taught us, and what new mysteries it uncovered.

NASA's Cassini spacecraft was launched from Earth on October 15, 1997.

Instead of taking the direct route, it made multiple flybys of Venus, a flyby of Earth

and a flyby of Jupiter.

Each one of these close encounters boosted Cassini's velocity, allowing it to make

the journey with less escape velocity from Earth.

It arrived at Saturn on July 1st, 2004 and began its science operations shortly after


The primary mission lasted 4 years, and then NASA extended its mission two more times.

The first ending in 2010, and the second due to end in 2017.

But more on that later.

Before Cassini, we only had flybys of Saturn.

NASA's Pioneer 11, and Voyagers 1 and 2 both zipped past the planet and its moons,

snapping pictures as they went.

But Cassini was here to stay.

To orbit around and around the planet, taking photos, measuring magnetic fields, and studying


For Saturn itself, Cassini was able to make regular observations of the planet as it passed

through entire seasons.

This allowed it to watch how the weather and atmospheric patterns changed over time.

The spacecraft watched lightning storms dance through the cloudtops at night.

Two highlights.

In 2010, Cassini watched a huge storm erupt in the planet's northern hemisphere.

This storm dug deep into Saturn's lower atmosphere, dredging up ice from a layer 160

kilometers below and mixing it onto the surface.

This was the first time that astronomers were able to directly study this water ice on Saturn,

which is normally in a layer hidden from view.

The second highlight, of course, is the massive hexagonal storm churning away in Saturn's

northern pole.

This storm was originally seen by Voyager, but Cassini brought its infrared and visible

wavelength instruments to bear.

Why a hexagon?

That's still a little unclear, but it seems like when you rotate fluids of different speeds,

you get multi-sided structures like this.

Cassini showed how the hexagonal storm has changed in color as Saturn moved through its


This is one of my favorite images sent back by Cassini.

It's the polar vortex at the heart of the hexagon.

Just look at those swirling clouds.

Now, images of Saturn itself are great and all, but there was so much else for Cassini

to discover in the region.

Cassini studied Saturn's rings in great detail, confirming that they're made up

of ice particles, ranging in size as small a piece of dust to as large as a mountain.

But the rings themselves are actually quite thin.

Just 10 meters thick in some places.

Not 10 kilometers, not 10 million kilometers, 10 meters, 30 feet.

The spacecraft helped scientists uncover the source of Saturn's E-ring, which is made

up of fresh icy particles blasting out of its moon Enceladus.

More on that in a second too.

Here's another one of my favorite images of the mission.

You're looking at strange structures in Saturn's B-ring.

Towering pillars of ring material that rise 3.5 kilometers above the surrounding area

and cast long shadows.

What is going on here?

They're waves, generated in the rings and enhanced by nearby moons.

They move and change over time in ways we've never been able to study anywhere else in

the Solar System.

Cassini has showed us that Saturn's rings are a much more dynamic place than we ever


Some moons are creating rings, other moons are absorbing or distorting them.

The rings generate bizarre spoke patterns larger than Earth that come and go because

of electrostatic charges.

Speaking of moons, I'm getting to the best part.

What did Cassini find at Saturn's moons?

Let's start with Titan, Saturn's largest moon.

Before Cassini, we only had a few low resolution images of this fascinating world.

We knew Titan had a dense atmosphere, filled with nitrogen, but little else.

Cassini was carrying a special payload to assist with its exploration of Titan: the

Huygens lander.

This tiny probe detached from Cassini just before its arrival at Saturn, and parachuted

through the cloudtops on January 14, 2005, analyzing all the way.

Huygens returned images of its descent through the atmosphere, and even images of the freezing

surface of Titan.

But Cassini's own observations of Titan took the story even further.

Instead of a cold, dead world, Cassini showed that it has active weather, as well as lakes,

oceans and rivers of hydrocarbons.

It has shifting dunes of pulverized rock hard water ice.

If there's one place that needs exploring even further, it's Titan.

We should return with sailboats, submarines and rovers to better explore this amazing


We learned, without a shadow of a doubt, that Mimas absolutely looks like the Death Star.

No question.

But instead of a megalaser, this moon has a crater a third of its own size.

Cassini helped scientists understand why Saturn's moon Iapetus has one light side and one dark


The moon is tidally locked to Saturn, its dark side always leading the moon in orbit.

It's collecting debris from another Saturnian moon, Phoebe, like bugs hitting the windshield

of a car.

Perhaps the most exciting discovery that Cassini made during its mission is the strange behavior

of Saturn's moon Enceladus.

The spacecraft discovered that there are jets of water ice blasting out of the moon's

southern pole.

An ocean of liquid water, heated up by tidal interactions with Saturn, is spewing out into


And as you know, wherever we find water on Earth, we find life.

We thought that water in the icy outer Solar System would be hard to reach, but here it

is, right at the surface, venting into space, and waiting for us to come back and investigate

it further.

In a second, I'm going to tell you when and how Cassini is going to die, but first,

I'd like to thank Domanic Walley, Heidi McElvaine, Sean Kenney, Luis Villarruel, George

Green, and the rest of our 680 patrons for their generous support.

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Thanks again to .space for sponsoring this episode.

Now, back to the show

On September 15, 2017, the Cassini mission will end.

How do we know it's going to happen on this exact date?

Because NASA is going to crash the spacecraft into Saturn, killing it dead.

That seems a little harsh, doesn't it, especially for a spacecraft which has delivered so many

amazing images to us over nearly two decades of space exploration?

And as we've seen from NASA's Opportunity rover, still going, 13 years longer than anticipated.

Or the Voyagers, out in the depths of the void, helping us explore the boundary between

the Solar System and interstellar space.

These things are built to last.

The problem is that the Saturnian system contains some of the best environments for life in

the Solar System.

Saturn's moon Enceladus, for example, has geysers of water blasting out into space.

Cassini spacecraft is covered in Earth-based bacteria and other microscopic organisms that

hitched a ride to Saturn, and would be glad to take a nice hot Enceladian bath.

All they need is liquid water and a few organic chemicals to get going, and Enceladus seems

to have both.

NASA feels that it's safer to end Cassini now, when they can still control it, than

to wait until they lose communication or run out of propellant in the future.

The chances that Cassini will actually crash into an icy moon and infect it with our Earth

life are remote, but why take the risk?

For the last few months, Cassini has been taking a series of orbits to prepare itself

for its final mission.

Starting in April, it'll actually cross inside the orbit of the rings, getting closer

and closer to Saturn.

And on September 15th, it'll briefly become a meteor, flashing through the upper atmosphere

of Saturn, gone forever.

Even in its final moments, Cassini is going to be sciencing as hard as it can.

We'll learn more about the density of consistency of the rings close to the planet.

We'll learn more about the planet's upper atmosphere, storms and clouds with the closest

possible photographs you can take.

And then it'll all be over.

The perfect finale to one of the most successful space missions in human history.

A mission that revealed as many new mysteries about Saturn as it helped us answer.

A mission that showed us not only a distant alien world, but our own planet in perspective

in this vast Solar System.

I can't wait to go back.

How have the photos from Cassini impacted your love of astronomy?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Did you know that spacecraft have actually landed on the surface and Venus and sent back


In our next episode, I'll talk about these amazing missions, and how we might be getting

ready to go back.

I mentioned that Cassini used gravitational slingshots to speed up its travel to Saturn.

Have you ever wondered how that works?

Here's a video that explains it all.

For more infomation >> What Did Cassini Teach Us? - Duration: 10:53.


WEEKEND IN MY LIFE: Dallas, TX | Travel Diary - Duration: 10:55.

welcome to texas

you are the cutest little puppy

true life morgan's an idiot and leaves her phone

hey let's go (gasp)

it's a little loud

we met a subscriber

when in texas, breakfast tacos round 2

hey everyone it's morgan yates

For more infomation >> WEEKEND IN MY LIFE: Dallas, TX | Travel Diary - Duration: 10:55.


Women's March organizers detained outside Trump Tower - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Women's March organizers detained outside Trump Tower - Duration: 1:22.


JOHN MCCAIN GOES INSANE! He Is Really Going To Regret What He Said About Trump… - Duration: 1:17.

JOHN MCCAIN GOES INSANE! He Is Really Going To Regret What He Said About Trump�

By Paris Swade.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Monday said that Trump �owes it to the America people�

to explain what he was talking about. He wants Trump to explain himself.

Why does Trump need to explain anything to songbird McCain?



Obama has denied the accusation, according to the Hill.

Share this if you think that loose lips McCain should be quiet!

He is such a loser and Trump doesn�t need to explain anything to him. How is this guy

still a Republican? He�s like the Republican that the Democrats call up when they want

their token Republican.

Trump should fire McCain. Thanks for reading.

For more infomation >> JOHN MCCAIN GOES INSANE! He Is Really Going To Regret What He Said About Trump… - Duration: 1:17.


CypherBox 5 - Livia Cruz, Cintia Savoli, Taz Mureb, Sara Donato, Issa Paz & Meire D'origem - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> CypherBox 5 - Livia Cruz, Cintia Savoli, Taz Mureb, Sara Donato, Issa Paz & Meire D'origem - Duration: 5:30.


Caterpillars' Relationship with Cyanide-laced Plants | Destination WILD - Duration: 3:04.

NARRATOR: Each plant and plant-eater are continually

adapting to survive or die.

But the never-ending warfare creates even more biodiversity.

This passionflower vine uses chemicals to fight back,

lacing its leaves with cyanide.

And cyanide poses just as much danger to insects

as it does to humans.

But not all insects.

These caterpillars have a counterattack.

They're from a Heliconius butterfly

called "Heliconius doris."

Doris has evolved a unique internal body

chemistry that can counteract the plant's deadly cyanide.

As an added bonus, they can keep this cyanide in their bodies

throughout their lives, which means

they stay toxic and largely safe from predation.

As one of the few animals that can eat this vine,

the caterpillars have this food source

pretty much to themselves.

The downside is, Doris has had to specialize to find a way

through the vine's armor, meaning she can't eat anything

else in this forest and will only lay her eggs on this vine,

because plants with different armory can resist her attack.

For more infomation >> Caterpillars' Relationship with Cyanide-laced Plants | Destination WILD - Duration: 3:04.


GOP Healthscare - @midnight with Chris Hardwick - Duration: 2:00.

Yesterday, congressional Republicans unveiled their plan

to replace Obamacare.

It's called the "American Health Care Act."

It's basically just a wet sock filled with ibuprofen

-and a Post-it note that says "Good luck." -(laughter)

But Jason Chaffetz, the Utah Republican congressman

who looks like a Rescue Ranger with a G.I. Joe doll haircut,

defended the proposal on CNN this morning

in a way that would make Marie Antoinette proud.

Americans have choices,

and they've got to make a choice, and so maybe rather

than getting that new iPhone

that they just love, and they want go to spend

hundreds of dollars on that, maybe

they should invest in their own health care.

They've got to make those decisions themselves.

-Yeah, (bleep) you, millennials! -Yeah! -(laughter)

If you just forgo that $749 iPhone 7,

you can literally pay for two percent of an appendectomy.

-Oh! -HARDWICK: "Iconic image of a woman deciding

between health care and that sweet new iPhone she wanted."

-Oh, Jesus. -Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

-It's the Dust Bowl photo lady. -Yeah.

-She... -Now, of course... What?

-She has an iPhone 3. Just saying. -HARDWICK: She has a...

Of course as a member of Congress,

-this melted The Rock Popsicle gets... -(laughter)

...sweet, sweet subsidized government health care.

But not only that. It turns out

Chaffetz's political action committee pays

for his Verizon bill.

Comedians, what's another of his money-saving tips

for people without health care? Beth.

You could save money on gas

for your commute by dying in your sleep.


(applause and cheering)

So easy.

-HARDWICK: No more premiums. -No. -Yeah.

HARDWICK: Points. Yes.

If you hold your breathe long enough,

God will take care of everything else.

-(laughter) -HARDWICK: Yes, Randy.

At least that's how I got my iPhone. Wait. No?

-(laughter) -Very good. Jay.

One small penis-removal surgery will save tons

-of money on Viagra. -HARDWICK: Yeah, absolutely.

-RANDY: A very smart choice. -(applause and cheering)

For more infomation >> GOP Healthscare - @midnight with Chris Hardwick - Duration: 2:00.


Sherlock | Emotional Context - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Sherlock | Emotional Context - Duration: 2:37.


Erik Gudbranson – Canucks in Cars - Duration: 4:04.

- Hey Canucks fans, welcome

to this episode of Canucks in Cars.

We're switching things up a little bit today.

We're gonna give Erik Gudbranson a ride home.

He just finished up a meal and treatment

at Rogers Arena.

So let's see how well he can drive

even with his hand injury.

Hey Erik.

- How are you?

- Which one's your good hand?

- This one.

- Okay, there we go. - This one.

- Before we start, we gotta settle the debate,

- Okay.

- Is it "Goody" or "Guddy"?

- Goody.

- It's Goody!

- Goody.

- I totally would've thought "Guddy".

Uh, it's kind of the way it's spelled, but, yeah.

- Okay. Well, I'm gonna call you Goody, okay.

- That works, that works.

- Okay, so first of all, you're okay to drive?

- Yeah.

- With your hand injury?

- Are you okay with me driving?

- I am okay with it. (Erik laughs)

I'm just a little concerned.

You have quite the scar there.

- Yeah it's no joke, I got two of 'em actually.

- Oh my goodness.

- I know. They did a heck of a job.

- But how is it going? How's rehab going?

- It's going well.

Starting to, I got the pins out last Friday,

so, you know, now it's just trying to get it moving.

Unfortunately it's a little slower than I expected, but...

- It's a little shaky.

- Yeah (laughs).

- But you can, you can still shift a car, so.

- Yeah, yeah I can.

- That's good news. - I can.

- You know you're still in the room,

you're still around the guys,

so is it sort of, you know, kind of being that

kind of positive kind of voice in the room,

- Totally.

- To kind of encourage them,

- Maybe when things - Totally.

Aren't going as well as they'd like it to?

- Totally, totally. Um, yeah I think I,

I've always been a very positive guy,

so, um, you know I get to see my teammates every single day,

and you know, that pat on the back,

and, you know, the "hey let's go" here and there,

is a really good thing.

I think it's an effective tool,

and you know, I've spoken to Willie a number of times,

Dorse and I are both being those guys,

and having that presence still,

although we've been out for a while,

so, I think it's gone pretty well.

- What do you do with your spare time?

What do you do with all this spare time?

You taken up any hobbies, or?

- You know recently, I've actually,

I've actually for some reason got

very interested in what cops do around here.

So I've done a number of ride-alongs.

- Really?

- Overnight, yeah, when the team goes on the road,

it's kind of like, it was either, you know,

when I was, when I was a kid,

you know, I only knew I ever wanted to be a hockey player.

And, you know, I ended up doing that,

but my backup plan was to be a cop.

So it was something I wanted to check off my bucket list.

And I've done three or four of them now.

So it's been a lot of fun.

- That's so cool.

- Yeah, it's been really cool.

What would you say to a young kid?

Maybe a young defenseman that's, you know,

kind of having a tough time,

and maybe doesn't know if he's got what it takes?

Like what would you say to a young kid?

- Just have fun.

Do it, I mean, at the end of the day,

like I come to the rink every single day

even though I'm hurt, you know, to have fun

and be around the rink and appreciate,

you know, the position I'm in,

so um, it's always, it's always been about fun for me.

If I didn't like this game,

if I didn't love what I was doing,

I flat-out wouldn't do it.

- Mhm.

- Um, and you know, just don't put pressure on yourself.

The game, as I said, it's supposed to be a fun game.

And that's, that's what it was started to be,

and if you're not having fun with it,

then, then there's no reason to do it.

- You know, obviously you're playing in the NHL.

- Mhm.

- What's that like?

- The greatest part about it is,

you know, it's still just a bunch of guys

who love doing what they do,

and they show up to the rink every day

to have fun and play the game.

You know, I had one of my buddies

put it into very good perspective for me

couple years back, he's like,

he played in the NHL for a couple years as well,

and uh, he had said that one of the greatest things

about this is that at some point,

I was able to make 18-21,000 people stand up,

whether that be a fight,

whether it be a goal or something that happened on the ice,

he's like, I can always tell my kids that one day,

so people go to work 9-5 or they do whatever they do,

they work hard all week so that they can buy a ticket

to come watch you play hockey, so,

you know in my opinion you'd better be ready

to perform for that person who's spent

good money, their hard-earned money,

to come see you play.

So, yeah, it makes for a, makes for a very special night.

Every night.

- That's pretty cool.

- So this is me right here.

- Alrighty.

Thank you very much.

Your hand looks in good form,

you got us here safely, that's awesome.

- Yeah. Thank you.

(theme music)

For more infomation >> Erik Gudbranson – Canucks in Cars - Duration: 4:04.



I'm rolling.

Hey AOK!

Look What I got!

The Nintendo Switch!

[Slo Mo] Nintendo Switch

I preordered it back in November of last year

and it came and it's the best system I have ever played in my life.

I have Legend of Zelda and I can play it anywhere!

[Slo Mo] Anywhere

I can play it anywhere!






I can play it anywhere!

[Slo Mo] Anywhere

For more infomation >> NINTENDO SWITCH - HOW TO VIDEOGAMES - Duration: 0:50.


Tropical Smoothie Cafe

For more infomation >> Tropical Smoothie Cafe


What Did Cassini Teach Us? - Duration: 10:53.

Ask me my favorite object in the Solar System, especially to see through a telescope, and

my answer is always the same: Saturn.

Saturn is this crazy, ringed world, different than any other place we've ever seen.

And in a small telescope, you can really see the ball of the planet, you can see its rings.

It's one thing to see a world like this from afar, a tiny jumping image in a telescope.

To really appreciate and understand a place like Saturn, you've got to visit.

And thanks to NASA's Cassini spacecraft, that's just what we've been doing for

the last 13 years.

Take a good close look at this amazing ringed planet and its moons, and studying it from

every angle.

For the duration of this video, I'm going to regale you with the amazing discoveries

made by Cassini at Saturn.

What it taught us, and what new mysteries it uncovered.

NASA's Cassini spacecraft was launched from Earth on October 15, 1997.

Instead of taking the direct route, it made multiple flybys of Venus, a flyby of Earth

and a flyby of Jupiter.

Each one of these close encounters boosted Cassini's velocity, allowing it to make

the journey with less escape velocity from Earth.

It arrived at Saturn on July 1st, 2004 and began its science operations shortly after


The primary mission lasted 4 years, and then NASA extended its mission two more times.

The first ending in 2010, and the second due to end in 2017.

But more on that later.

Before Cassini, we only had flybys of Saturn.

NASA's Pioneer 11, and Voyagers 1 and 2 both zipped past the planet and its moons,

snapping pictures as they went.

But Cassini was here to stay.

To orbit around and around the planet, taking photos, measuring magnetic fields, and studying


For Saturn itself, Cassini was able to make regular observations of the planet as it passed

through entire seasons.

This allowed it to watch how the weather and atmospheric patterns changed over time.

The spacecraft watched lightning storms dance through the cloudtops at night.

Two highlights.

In 2010, Cassini watched a huge storm erupt in the planet's northern hemisphere.

This storm dug deep into Saturn's lower atmosphere, dredging up ice from a layer 160

kilometers below and mixing it onto the surface.

This was the first time that astronomers were able to directly study this water ice on Saturn,

which is normally in a layer hidden from view.

The second highlight, of course, is the massive hexagonal storm churning away in Saturn's

northern pole.

This storm was originally seen by Voyager, but Cassini brought its infrared and visible

wavelength instruments to bear.

Why a hexagon?

That's still a little unclear, but it seems like when you rotate fluids of different speeds,

you get multi-sided structures like this.

Cassini showed how the hexagonal storm has changed in color as Saturn moved through its


This is one of my favorite images sent back by Cassini.

It's the polar vortex at the heart of the hexagon.

Just look at those swirling clouds.

Now, images of Saturn itself are great and all, but there was so much else for Cassini

to discover in the region.

Cassini studied Saturn's rings in great detail, confirming that they're made up

of ice particles, ranging in size as small a piece of dust to as large as a mountain.

But the rings themselves are actually quite thin.

Just 10 meters thick in some places.

Not 10 kilometers, not 10 million kilometers, 10 meters, 30 feet.

The spacecraft helped scientists uncover the source of Saturn's E-ring, which is made

up of fresh icy particles blasting out of its moon Enceladus.

More on that in a second too.

Here's another one of my favorite images of the mission.

You're looking at strange structures in Saturn's B-ring.

Towering pillars of ring material that rise 3.5 kilometers above the surrounding area

and cast long shadows.

What is going on here?

They're waves, generated in the rings and enhanced by nearby moons.

They move and change over time in ways we've never been able to study anywhere else in

the Solar System.

Cassini has showed us that Saturn's rings are a much more dynamic place than we ever


Some moons are creating rings, other moons are absorbing or distorting them.

The rings generate bizarre spoke patterns larger than Earth that come and go because

of electrostatic charges.

Speaking of moons, I'm getting to the best part.

What did Cassini find at Saturn's moons?

Let's start with Titan, Saturn's largest moon.

Before Cassini, we only had a few low resolution images of this fascinating world.

We knew Titan had a dense atmosphere, filled with nitrogen, but little else.

Cassini was carrying a special payload to assist with its exploration of Titan: the

Huygens lander.

This tiny probe detached from Cassini just before its arrival at Saturn, and parachuted

through the cloudtops on January 14, 2005, analyzing all the way.

Huygens returned images of its descent through the atmosphere, and even images of the freezing

surface of Titan.

But Cassini's own observations of Titan took the story even further.

Instead of a cold, dead world, Cassini showed that it has active weather, as well as lakes,

oceans and rivers of hydrocarbons.

It has shifting dunes of pulverized rock hard water ice.

If there's one place that needs exploring even further, it's Titan.

We should return with sailboats, submarines and rovers to better explore this amazing


We learned, without a shadow of a doubt, that Mimas absolutely looks like the Death Star.

No question.

But instead of a megalaser, this moon has a crater a third of its own size.

Cassini helped scientists understand why Saturn's moon Iapetus has one light side and one dark


The moon is tidally locked to Saturn, its dark side always leading the moon in orbit.

It's collecting debris from another Saturnian moon, Phoebe, like bugs hitting the windshield

of a car.

Perhaps the most exciting discovery that Cassini made during its mission is the strange behavior

of Saturn's moon Enceladus.

The spacecraft discovered that there are jets of water ice blasting out of the moon's

southern pole.

An ocean of liquid water, heated up by tidal interactions with Saturn, is spewing out into


And as you know, wherever we find water on Earth, we find life.

We thought that water in the icy outer Solar System would be hard to reach, but here it

is, right at the surface, venting into space, and waiting for us to come back and investigate

it further.

In a second, I'm going to tell you when and how Cassini is going to die, but first,

I'd like to thank Domanic Walley, Heidi McElvaine, Sean Kenney, Luis Villarruel, George

Green, and the rest of our 680 patrons for their generous support.

If you love what we're doing and want to help out, head over to

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Thanks again to .space for sponsoring this episode.

Now, back to the show

On September 15, 2017, the Cassini mission will end.

How do we know it's going to happen on this exact date?

Because NASA is going to crash the spacecraft into Saturn, killing it dead.

That seems a little harsh, doesn't it, especially for a spacecraft which has delivered so many

amazing images to us over nearly two decades of space exploration?

And as we've seen from NASA's Opportunity rover, still going, 13 years longer than anticipated.

Or the Voyagers, out in the depths of the void, helping us explore the boundary between

the Solar System and interstellar space.

These things are built to last.

The problem is that the Saturnian system contains some of the best environments for life in

the Solar System.

Saturn's moon Enceladus, for example, has geysers of water blasting out into space.

Cassini spacecraft is covered in Earth-based bacteria and other microscopic organisms that

hitched a ride to Saturn, and would be glad to take a nice hot Enceladian bath.

All they need is liquid water and a few organic chemicals to get going, and Enceladus seems

to have both.

NASA feels that it's safer to end Cassini now, when they can still control it, than

to wait until they lose communication or run out of propellant in the future.

The chances that Cassini will actually crash into an icy moon and infect it with our Earth

life are remote, but why take the risk?

For the last few months, Cassini has been taking a series of orbits to prepare itself

for its final mission.

Starting in April, it'll actually cross inside the orbit of the rings, getting closer

and closer to Saturn.

And on September 15th, it'll briefly become a meteor, flashing through the upper atmosphere

of Saturn, gone forever.

Even in its final moments, Cassini is going to be sciencing as hard as it can.

We'll learn more about the density of consistency of the rings close to the planet.

We'll learn more about the planet's upper atmosphere, storms and clouds with the closest

possible photographs you can take.

And then it'll all be over.

The perfect finale to one of the most successful space missions in human history.

A mission that revealed as many new mysteries about Saturn as it helped us answer.

A mission that showed us not only a distant alien world, but our own planet in perspective

in this vast Solar System.

I can't wait to go back.

How have the photos from Cassini impacted your love of astronomy?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Did you know that spacecraft have actually landed on the surface and Venus and sent back


In our next episode, I'll talk about these amazing missions, and how we might be getting

ready to go back.

I mentioned that Cassini used gravitational slingshots to speed up its travel to Saturn.

Have you ever wondered how that works?

Here's a video that explains it all.

For more infomation >> What Did Cassini Teach Us? - Duration: 10:53.


You should drink more water during the day, see why! - Duration: 5:11.

You should drink more water during the day, see why!

Regular consumption of water, causes the body work better, promoting more

Cheers. The amount of water we eat It is extremely important for the body and

their functions, from temperature control the proper functioning of the circulatory system.

But what is the right amount to eat?

Good depends on each person, but you can do a simple calculation: Multiply your weight

by 0.03 and you get the daily volume your weight. But this can vary, for athletes

They need more because they lose too much fluid.

Now look at 12 factors that will make you want to drink plenty of water:

Blood pressure The water greatly influences the control pressure

blood. This is because the blood density It depends on the water in the body. In this way,

the water becomes important to regulate the pressure.

cramps Cramp happens when there is an imbalance

the amount of water in muscle. Per that regular consumption of water helps to maintain

a hydroelectric balance, ensuring the proper functioning of muscles.

Heart An American study showed that people

consuming more than five glasses of water day, They have less risk of developing problems

heart or have a heart attack. This is because with the more diluted blood, it

It flows easier through the vessels, reducing risk of heart attack and stroke.

intestines To have a good bowel function, it is

need to eat fiber and plenty of water. The water lubricates the gut walls,

and aid in the handling of faeces, avoiding constipation and gas.

Physical resistance During the practical exercises or even

even jobs that require physical exertion, the body loses too much water through sweat.

And replace this water is essential for If you force to these activities. Beyond

moisturize, will water will help regulate body temperature.

Cleaning Drinking plenty of water is essential to avoid

the accumulation of liquids and toxic substances and harmful to settle in the body.

To be eliminated, the only way is drink plenty of water to promote a clean,

maintaining a balance in the body.

Kidney stone For the kidneys to work efficiently

and constant, it is necessary to drink a lot Water. Thus, the blood flows more

easier and more diluted, thus facilitating cleaning blood. So consuming lots of water is

a way to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

nutrients For the nutrients are transported

the body, the intake is essential of water. Without water, the blood is dense,

and its ability to carry vitamins and minerals is affected.

Weight loss The constant consumption of water, increases the activity

nervous system and raises the energy level spent. This promotes weight loss.

The more liquid during ingest day plus we keep the stomach full, and

We will avoid overeating.

A person who drinks 3 glasses of water daily, can reduce 3 kilograms, within one

year without change or do something else on your routine.

eyes To keep away from the eyes and hydrated

dryness, which can lead to inflammation and eye infections, it is essential to maintain

the body with high water levels.

Vitamins Our body can only absorb vitamins

C and B in the presence of water. And we need regularly these vitamins, as well

like water, they eliminate the pee.

Skin The high consumption of water helps to keep the skin

moisturized and firm. Besides favoring the elimination toxins harmful to skin. Lack of

water, leaves the skin flabby and withered.

Enjoy this video? If you like the video, short, join the channel

and share with your friends.

For more infomation >> You should drink more water during the day, see why! - Duration: 5:11.


"Power Rangers" Movie

For more infomation >> "Power Rangers" Movie


For more infomation >> "Power Rangers" Movie


Jaffar Byn ft.N - Filterlösa (LYRICS OCH BASS BOOSTED) - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Jaffar Byn ft.N - Filterlösa (LYRICS OCH BASS BOOSTED) - Duration: 3:04.


For more infomation >> Jaffar Byn ft.N - Filterlösa (LYRICS OCH BASS BOOSTED) - Duration: 3:04.


Citroën C4 1.6 HDiF Image - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 1.6 HDiF Image - Duration: 0:43.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 1.6 HDiF Image - Duration: 0:43.


Citroën C1 1.0-12V Ambiance Airco/c.deurv. met afst.bed. - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V Ambiance Airco/c.deurv. met afst.bed. - Duration: 1:02.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0-12V Ambiance Airco/c.deurv. met afst.bed. - Duration: 1:02.


Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 BlueHDi Automaat(al6)Intens. - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 BlueHDi Automaat(al6)Intens. - Duration: 1:02.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 BlueHDi Automaat(al6)Intens. - Duration: 1:02.


Citroën C3 Picasso 1.4 VTI - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Picasso 1.4 VTI - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Picasso 1.4 VTI - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën C3 1.4 Ligne Business - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4 Ligne Business - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4 Ligne Business - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën C1 1.0 Attraction 3drs - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 Attraction 3drs - Duration: 1:02.


For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 Attraction 3drs - Duration: 1:02.


Citroën Xsara Break 1.4 HDI Prestige ZEER GOED!!!! - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Break 1.4 HDI Prestige ZEER GOED!!!! - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Break 1.4 HDI Prestige ZEER GOED!!!! - Duration: 1:03.


A too sticky cat - Duration: 0:09.


*stupid laugh*

For more infomation >> A too sticky cat - Duration: 0:09.


For more infomation >> A too sticky cat - Duration: 0:09.



For more infomation >> EDITOR COLLABORATION [OPEN] - Duration: 5:13.


For more infomation >> EDITOR COLLABORATION [OPEN] - Duration: 5:13.


Thank You, City Year AmeriCorps Members From Alumna Tam Emerson - Duration: 1:00.

Hi, my name is Tam Emerson. I am a proud

City Year alum, myself having served in Boston

from 2006 to 2008 in Roxbury and then had

the great fortune to work with the City

Year London startup team

in 2010. I served because I recognize

the needs in the community that were

important for me to step up as an

ordinary citizen and take that call.

What I appreciate most is 10 years later

how many hundreds and thousands more

have taken that call, and the empathy

compassion and daily work that you put

in to make sure those students feel

heard, feel like they matter and are seen

in a way that no one else can. I hope

that your work compels others both those

students and some people that just see

you walking in the red jacket to serve

themselves. For anyone that's

interested they can always learn more at

For more infomation >> Thank You, City Year AmeriCorps Members From Alumna Tam Emerson - Duration: 1:00.


For more infomation >> Thank You, City Year AmeriCorps Members From Alumna Tam Emerson - Duration: 1:00.


How To Do An Easy Cut Crease For Beginners | Como Hacer un Cut Crease Fácil Para Principiantes - Duration: 4:31.

Hey Guys! Welcome back to my channel. Today's video

I will show you an easy way to do a cut-crease for

hooded eyes or for any eye shape. This technique is

super easy and without a lot of steps. So, let's begin!

OK, I already have my eye primer on and to set it, I will

use the color Tempera on the whole lid

Now, with the color Burnt Orange, I'll put it just on the

crease as my transition shade

These basic steps are going to be the same. In the

couple next steps, you're going to see a little twist in the

technique. But, just for now, it's going to be the same

Now, with the color Red Ochre, I'll put it just a little bit

lower from the transition shade to create depth

Next, with the color Burnt Orange and with the same

blending blush, I'll blend these two colors together

Ok, the next step is with a synthetic oval brush and with

a little bit of concealer that you have, we are to clean up

the lid and the edges for a clean and sharp line

this is a little bit tedious the first time but when you do

a little bit more of practice, it'll be much easier for you!

just do it little by little

Now, with the same terracotta color (Red Ochre)

we are going to enhance and create depth on the line

of the cut-crease just for make it a little bit more defined

Now, with the transition shade, I'm going to use it to

blend all the colors and avoid harsh lines

Moving on to the eye lid, I'm going to use the color

Vermeer or any light shimmery shadow

and with a wet synthetic oval brush, we're are going to

intensify the color and to enhance the eyelid

Next, we're going to use some black eyeliner and do

a thin or thick wing line. It's up to you :)

Now, we're going to use some black mascara in the

upper and lower lashes

this step is optional. You can use some falsies. I suggest

to use falsies that it's not too dense because it'll hide

the cut-crease and it'll be a waste of time

Now, i'll pick the color Burnt orange to smoke out the

lower lash line

Last but not least, You can use a nude or black eyeliner

on the waterline, or you can leave it just like that.

This is optional :D

Ok guys! I hope you liked this mini technique for

creating a good cut-crease. Give this video a big thumps

up if you liked it and subscribe to watch more videos

like this. Also, don't forget to turn on notification

so you'll not miss any of my videos. Besides, all my

social media including the products that I used in the

video, they'll be on the description box as well. So! see you in the next video, BYE!!!!!

For more infomation >> How To Do An Easy Cut Crease For Beginners | Como Hacer un Cut Crease Fácil Para Principiantes - Duration: 4:31.


For more infomation >> How To Do An Easy Cut Crease For Beginners | Como Hacer un Cut Crease Fácil Para Principiantes - Duration: 4:31.


"Power Rangers" Movie

For more infomation >> "Power Rangers" Movie


WEEKEND IN MY LIFE: Dallas, TX | Travel Diary - Duration: 10:55.

welcome to texas

you are the cutest little puppy

true life morgan's an idiot and leaves her phone

hey let's go (gasp)

it's a little loud

we met a subscriber

when in texas, breakfast tacos round 2

hey everyone it's morgan yates

For more infomation >> WEEKEND IN MY LIFE: Dallas, TX | Travel Diary - Duration: 10:55.


Moonlight (Best Picture Winner) -- Movie Review #JPMN - Duration: 1:38.

Moving and relatable.

The recipient of eight Oscar nominations, this Barry Jenkins coming-of-age drama film

earned over four-times its $5 million dollar budget, following a fall release in 2016.

The 111 minute story chronicles the life of a young black man as he struggles to find

his place and understand his sexual identity.

Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders, and Trevante Rhodes take on the daunting task of portraying

this complex character at three pivotal stages in his life, during childhood, adolescence,

and adulthood, respectively.

Mahershala Ali only appears during the first act, but is fantastic as a drug-dealer turned

nurturing father figure.

He guides his new young friend by reminding him, "At some point, you gotta decide for

yourself who you're going to be.

Can't let nobody make that decision for you."

Based on the play, "In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue" by Tarell Alvin McCraney - the

R-rated narrative is a very understated, read-between-the-lines type of story.

Things aren't spelled out, with the most important moments happen during those emotional pauses

and deliberate silences.

Like a tender act of physical intimacy between friends on a moon-lit beach.

Whether you're black, white, straight or gay - growing up and discovering who you are is

a very human experience everyone can find some commonality with, and this beautifully

shot motion picture really taps into that.

Powerful performances and a deeply human story propel this contained indie-film to award-winning


For patient audiences, "Moonlight" is AWESOME movie.

That does it for this quick excerpt - but if you'd like to watch full episodes of "Movie

Night", and submit your own reviews to be included on the show, please visit the Jogwheel

YouTube channel.

My name is Jonathan Paula, thanks for watching and have a good Movie Night!

For more infomation >> Moonlight (Best Picture Winner) -- Movie Review #JPMN - Duration: 1:38.


Undefeated TOWER BURGER Challenge in Blackpool!! - Duration: 6:25.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel

"Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Extra

extra excited going for overall win

number 405 I am back in beautiful

Blackpool, England I am at Genting Casino

they've got three food challenges here

a big chili dogs then there's some

spicy wings but I'm taking on their

tower burger challenge! now this thing's

got 4 6 oz burger patties along with a

whole bunch of cheese and there's a

couple rashers of bacon!

There's also a side of coleslaw there

are a whole bunch of onion rings here

and then there's a full kilo of french

fries along with some relish but i'll

use as a sauce but thechallenge is

I've got to finish this thing in 15

minutes which is pretty ridiculous

considering all these fries, but nobody's

been able to do it so Atlas is hoping to

be the first to win! If i do when I get

the 20 quid meal for free I'll get a

free sweet t-shirt and I'll be the first

person on the Wall of Fame so let's get

this challenge started!

All right now this challenge is pretty

big I'm going to start with the fries

because I need to get them down and

their work on everything else but I've

only got 15 minutes and I'm guessing

it's going to come down to the wire so

we're going to just shut the hell up and eat!

Who's got the official time?

1, 2, 3. . . Boom!

Thank goodness they do it, once it's in the mouth!

14 minutes and 56 seconds I am officially

the first person to win their Tower

Burger challenge here at Genting Casino

in Blackpool, England! I would've not come close

if I didn't do the fries first I'm very

happy I did that strategy but very very

good burgers then I really liked the

relish that they use, the coleslaw was great

and overall really good challenges, had

to really eat it quickly but for winning

I'm gonna get the 20 quid meal for free

I will get a free t-shirt to add to my

collection and I will be the first

person up on the wall of fame so thank

you to Genting Casino here at Blackpool

thank you guys all for coming to watch

and thank you guys for watching too!

For more infomation >> Undefeated TOWER BURGER Challenge in Blackpool!! - Duration: 6:25.


What Did Cassini Teach Us? - Duration: 10:53.

Ask me my favorite object in the Solar System, especially to see through a telescope, and

my answer is always the same: Saturn.

Saturn is this crazy, ringed world, different than any other place we've ever seen.

And in a small telescope, you can really see the ball of the planet, you can see its rings.

It's one thing to see a world like this from afar, a tiny jumping image in a telescope.

To really appreciate and understand a place like Saturn, you've got to visit.

And thanks to NASA's Cassini spacecraft, that's just what we've been doing for

the last 13 years.

Take a good close look at this amazing ringed planet and its moons, and studying it from

every angle.

For the duration of this video, I'm going to regale you with the amazing discoveries

made by Cassini at Saturn.

What it taught us, and what new mysteries it uncovered.

NASA's Cassini spacecraft was launched from Earth on October 15, 1997.

Instead of taking the direct route, it made multiple flybys of Venus, a flyby of Earth

and a flyby of Jupiter.

Each one of these close encounters boosted Cassini's velocity, allowing it to make

the journey with less escape velocity from Earth.

It arrived at Saturn on July 1st, 2004 and began its science operations shortly after


The primary mission lasted 4 years, and then NASA extended its mission two more times.

The first ending in 2010, and the second due to end in 2017.

But more on that later.

Before Cassini, we only had flybys of Saturn.

NASA's Pioneer 11, and Voyagers 1 and 2 both zipped past the planet and its moons,

snapping pictures as they went.

But Cassini was here to stay.

To orbit around and around the planet, taking photos, measuring magnetic fields, and studying


For Saturn itself, Cassini was able to make regular observations of the planet as it passed

through entire seasons.

This allowed it to watch how the weather and atmospheric patterns changed over time.

The spacecraft watched lightning storms dance through the cloudtops at night.

Two highlights.

In 2010, Cassini watched a huge storm erupt in the planet's northern hemisphere.

This storm dug deep into Saturn's lower atmosphere, dredging up ice from a layer 160

kilometers below and mixing it onto the surface.

This was the first time that astronomers were able to directly study this water ice on Saturn,

which is normally in a layer hidden from view.

The second highlight, of course, is the massive hexagonal storm churning away in Saturn's

northern pole.

This storm was originally seen by Voyager, but Cassini brought its infrared and visible

wavelength instruments to bear.

Why a hexagon?

That's still a little unclear, but it seems like when you rotate fluids of different speeds,

you get multi-sided structures like this.

Cassini showed how the hexagonal storm has changed in color as Saturn moved through its


This is one of my favorite images sent back by Cassini.

It's the polar vortex at the heart of the hexagon.

Just look at those swirling clouds.

Now, images of Saturn itself are great and all, but there was so much else for Cassini

to discover in the region.

Cassini studied Saturn's rings in great detail, confirming that they're made up

of ice particles, ranging in size as small a piece of dust to as large as a mountain.

But the rings themselves are actually quite thin.

Just 10 meters thick in some places.

Not 10 kilometers, not 10 million kilometers, 10 meters, 30 feet.

The spacecraft helped scientists uncover the source of Saturn's E-ring, which is made

up of fresh icy particles blasting out of its moon Enceladus.

More on that in a second too.

Here's another one of my favorite images of the mission.

You're looking at strange structures in Saturn's B-ring.

Towering pillars of ring material that rise 3.5 kilometers above the surrounding area

and cast long shadows.

What is going on here?

They're waves, generated in the rings and enhanced by nearby moons.

They move and change over time in ways we've never been able to study anywhere else in

the Solar System.

Cassini has showed us that Saturn's rings are a much more dynamic place than we ever


Some moons are creating rings, other moons are absorbing or distorting them.

The rings generate bizarre spoke patterns larger than Earth that come and go because

of electrostatic charges.

Speaking of moons, I'm getting to the best part.

What did Cassini find at Saturn's moons?

Let's start with Titan, Saturn's largest moon.

Before Cassini, we only had a few low resolution images of this fascinating world.

We knew Titan had a dense atmosphere, filled with nitrogen, but little else.

Cassini was carrying a special payload to assist with its exploration of Titan: the

Huygens lander.

This tiny probe detached from Cassini just before its arrival at Saturn, and parachuted

through the cloudtops on January 14, 2005, analyzing all the way.

Huygens returned images of its descent through the atmosphere, and even images of the freezing

surface of Titan.

But Cassini's own observations of Titan took the story even further.

Instead of a cold, dead world, Cassini showed that it has active weather, as well as lakes,

oceans and rivers of hydrocarbons.

It has shifting dunes of pulverized rock hard water ice.

If there's one place that needs exploring even further, it's Titan.

We should return with sailboats, submarines and rovers to better explore this amazing


We learned, without a shadow of a doubt, that Mimas absolutely looks like the Death Star.

No question.

But instead of a megalaser, this moon has a crater a third of its own size.

Cassini helped scientists understand why Saturn's moon Iapetus has one light side and one dark


The moon is tidally locked to Saturn, its dark side always leading the moon in orbit.

It's collecting debris from another Saturnian moon, Phoebe, like bugs hitting the windshield

of a car.

Perhaps the most exciting discovery that Cassini made during its mission is the strange behavior

of Saturn's moon Enceladus.

The spacecraft discovered that there are jets of water ice blasting out of the moon's

southern pole.

An ocean of liquid water, heated up by tidal interactions with Saturn, is spewing out into


And as you know, wherever we find water on Earth, we find life.

We thought that water in the icy outer Solar System would be hard to reach, but here it

is, right at the surface, venting into space, and waiting for us to come back and investigate

it further.

In a second, I'm going to tell you when and how Cassini is going to die, but first,

I'd like to thank Domanic Walley, Heidi McElvaine, Sean Kenney, Luis Villarruel, George

Green, and the rest of our 680 patrons for their generous support.

If you love what we're doing and want to help out, head over to

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Thanks again to .space for sponsoring this episode.

Now, back to the show

On September 15, 2017, the Cassini mission will end.

How do we know it's going to happen on this exact date?

Because NASA is going to crash the spacecraft into Saturn, killing it dead.

That seems a little harsh, doesn't it, especially for a spacecraft which has delivered so many

amazing images to us over nearly two decades of space exploration?

And as we've seen from NASA's Opportunity rover, still going, 13 years longer than anticipated.

Or the Voyagers, out in the depths of the void, helping us explore the boundary between

the Solar System and interstellar space.

These things are built to last.

The problem is that the Saturnian system contains some of the best environments for life in

the Solar System.

Saturn's moon Enceladus, for example, has geysers of water blasting out into space.

Cassini spacecraft is covered in Earth-based bacteria and other microscopic organisms that

hitched a ride to Saturn, and would be glad to take a nice hot Enceladian bath.

All they need is liquid water and a few organic chemicals to get going, and Enceladus seems

to have both.

NASA feels that it's safer to end Cassini now, when they can still control it, than

to wait until they lose communication or run out of propellant in the future.

The chances that Cassini will actually crash into an icy moon and infect it with our Earth

life are remote, but why take the risk?

For the last few months, Cassini has been taking a series of orbits to prepare itself

for its final mission.

Starting in April, it'll actually cross inside the orbit of the rings, getting closer

and closer to Saturn.

And on September 15th, it'll briefly become a meteor, flashing through the upper atmosphere

of Saturn, gone forever.

Even in its final moments, Cassini is going to be sciencing as hard as it can.

We'll learn more about the density of consistency of the rings close to the planet.

We'll learn more about the planet's upper atmosphere, storms and clouds with the closest

possible photographs you can take.

And then it'll all be over.

The perfect finale to one of the most successful space missions in human history.

A mission that revealed as many new mysteries about Saturn as it helped us answer.

A mission that showed us not only a distant alien world, but our own planet in perspective

in this vast Solar System.

I can't wait to go back.

How have the photos from Cassini impacted your love of astronomy?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Did you know that spacecraft have actually landed on the surface and Venus and sent back


In our next episode, I'll talk about these amazing missions, and how we might be getting

ready to go back.

I mentioned that Cassini used gravitational slingshots to speed up its travel to Saturn.

Have you ever wondered how that works?

Here's a video that explains it all.

For more infomation >> What Did Cassini Teach Us? - Duration: 10:53.


Let's Try: McDonald's Sakura McFlurry & Soda ! - Duration: 6:48.

Hey guys!

I'm home from work, and I'm just going to meet Leina to try the McDonald's sakura McFlurry,

which is out now.

I'm not sure if they have anything else on the spring menu this year, but I have heard

really good things about theMcFlurry this year, so I'm pretty excited.

I actually haven't had McDonald's since the last time I made a sakura themed McDonald's

video, so this should be interesting, 'cause I don't really eat McDonald's.

But yeah, should be fun.

Let's go try it!

Okay you guys, we are here and we got our food, and this is - there's actually more

on the menu than I thought, I thought there was only the sakura McFlurry, but there's

actually also fries with a sakura ebi salt, so sakura shrimp and salt...salt?

I guess, and then this is the sakura soda or float, although this one isn't a float

'cause it doesn't have anything on top, so just a sakura soda.

They're all looking super cute, and first we're gonna try these, so I'm gonna get Leina

to kindly shake them up for us...

L: Do you see all the grease coming through?

E: They're usually not that greasy here, but I guess this lot is different...

L: Oh, not bad!

So y'all can see...

E: Okay, looking good.Definitely not pink a little bit disappointing, compared

to these that are like beautiful.

L: Someone who does not like shrimp...

I like the shrimp flavoured chips though.

This is like a chip!

E: It smells quite...quite shrimpy, I'm gonna be honest.

L: Not bad!

E: Does it taste like shrimp?

L: Like the shrimp chips, you know those Japanese shrimp chips?

Yeah, just like it!

E: Okay, excellent, I think I'm gonna like it then!

I'm gonna try it too.

That's a real surprise, I thought you were gonna hate it!

L: Not a seafood person, but this isn't bad, not bad.

E: Okay, can you taste the sakura at all?

'cause it says sakura and shrimp...

L: No...

E: I'm guessing they just put sakura in the title for like...people like us, and it worked,


L: It works.

We're suckers!

E: Okay, my turn!

I have deliberately chosen a chip with a lot of seasoning on it, let's give it a go...

It tastes exactly like prawn crackers that you would get at like a Chinese restaurant.

Doesn't taste anything like sakura, so I think the probably just put the word sakura in the

title to make people like us buy it, and it works every time.

And it is a little spicy, which I'm kinda surprised by, but yeah, just basically shrimp

flavoured chips.

So if you like shrimp, then give it a go, if no, probably skip this.

Although Leina doesn't like shrimp and she liked it, so you never know!

L: So this is a sakura McFizz, that's what they're calling it.

E: Looking very cute this year!

Really like this packaging.

L: I really like the gradient on this.

E: Yep, very nice.

L: Also on the ad I saw that you could put like ice cream on it?

Maybe you have to request that and it's more.

E: Yeah, yeah, it said you can get it for 30yen as a set, or for plus 90 yen with ice


L: Okay, I'll do that when it gets warmer, 'cause it's still cold.

E: Yeah, it's freezing today!

L: Last year was more on the candy sweet side.

E: Yeah.

And it didn't really taste like sakura at all, it kinda just tasted kinda sweet and


But it is very very cute.

L: It's just as good!

It's a different flavour.

E: Is it?

L: It's a different flavour...I dunno how to describe it, it's different from last year's,

but it's still good.

Still good.

You wanna try?

E: I would love to try!

I can't get over how cute this like gradient thing that it has going on is.

I looooove it!

Okay, my turn to try the super cute drink!

Ooh, wow, I don't know what flavour that is.

L: Right?

E: It's just like sweet and delicious.

it kinda tastes a little bit citrusy, like lemon?

I have no idea what flavour that is, but that is so good!

L: I thought strawberry, but it's not.

Is it like cherry?

E: Cherry!

I think you're absolutely right, I think it's like a slightly sour cherry.

That is sooo good.

Okay, highly highly recommend the soda this year, it's excellent!

Really loving it.

E: Okay, so this is the sakura McFlurry.

Now I've heard very high praise of this so far, so I'm quite excited for it.

I have no idea what flavour it's meant to be or anything like that.

No idea what even those pink bits are in it, but it's very cute and I'm gonna give it a


'Kay, here we go!

First, uh, spoon of sakura McFlurry...

It's that sakura extract that tastes a bit like nutmeg and like cinnamon.

It's that.

L: The Starbucks one?

E: Yep, it's that.

You're gonna really like this one.

Yeah, it has like crunchy bits that taste like the sakura extract, and then it has like

the vanilla ice cream like the normal McFlurry.

Yeah, it's really good.

I think I like the soda the best out of all of them.

The soda is like amazing.

E: Okay, here goes Leina...I think you're really gonna like it.

L: Oooooh!

E: I knew it!

L: This is good!


That's really sweet.

Is that cereal?

E: It kinda seems like those rice puffs?

L: Is it cornflakes?

E: Or cornflakes, yeah, cornflakes is a good guess.

L: Flavoured cornflakes or coloured cornflakes, who knows, but it's good.

E: It's really good.

L: I like it, you did a good job.

That was a nice addition to the sakura menu.

E: Yeah, this was like really nicely done.

So like... these two - excuse me, Leina - these two are like the cutest things ever, like

come on.

Can't go past this like themed packaging.

Kill me.

Look how cute it is.

These, I feel like they kinda just added these in for the hell of having something savoury

on the menu, 'cause shrimp isn't exactly a spring flavour.

But yeah, beautiful menu, especially these two.

Highly recommend this one if you like cherry, and this one if you like sakura extract type


Okay, so that is all from us for today's trying video, I hope that you found it educational

or at least entertaining in some way, and we will talk to you next time with...assuming

more spring food?

L: Bring on the sakura!

E: Yep, absolutely.

So until next time, peace!

For more infomation >> Let's Try: McDonald's Sakura McFlurry & Soda ! - Duration: 6:48.


600 Subscribers Special 【Manga Girl Drawing and Talking】 - Duration: 1:47.

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to special video for 600 subscribers! I am going to draw a cute girl with big bouquet of flowers for the women's day!

First of all I want to say thank you all for subcribing and watching my videos! Thank you for likes and sweet comments!

I cant believe that my channel grows so fast! I love all of you!

I'am really trying to do my best. And I'm very happy that you like my I draw your OC's video series.

I think I will do much more of them.

But I want to draw something else too. Maybe I will draw some game fan arts and I want to make more White on Black drawings.

What do you think about it?

I really want to hear your advices

what you want me to draw more?

What drawings you like and what you dont like?

Do you guys like my White on Black drawings

or colorfuls drawings are much better for you?

They are very different but I want to

combine them at my channel.

And in the end I want to say sorry

for my bad english I'm practice a lot

and I hope it getting better.

Thank you for watching!

It will be awesome if leave your opinion about this video in comments!

If you enjoy this video please leave a like and subscribe!

See ya in next video! Bye!

For more infomation >> 600 Subscribers Special 【Manga Girl Drawing and Talking】 - Duration: 1:47.


You should drink more water during the day, see why! - Duration: 5:11.

You should drink more water during the day, see why!

Regular consumption of water, causes the body work better, promoting more

Cheers. The amount of water we eat It is extremely important for the body and

their functions, from temperature control the proper functioning of the circulatory system.

But what is the right amount to eat?

Good depends on each person, but you can do a simple calculation: Multiply your weight

by 0.03 and you get the daily volume your weight. But this can vary, for athletes

They need more because they lose too much fluid.

Now look at 12 factors that will make you want to drink plenty of water:

Blood pressure The water greatly influences the control pressure

blood. This is because the blood density It depends on the water in the body. In this way,

the water becomes important to regulate the pressure.

cramps Cramp happens when there is an imbalance

the amount of water in muscle. Per that regular consumption of water helps to maintain

a hydroelectric balance, ensuring the proper functioning of muscles.

Heart An American study showed that people

consuming more than five glasses of water day, They have less risk of developing problems

heart or have a heart attack. This is because with the more diluted blood, it

It flows easier through the vessels, reducing risk of heart attack and stroke.

intestines To have a good bowel function, it is

need to eat fiber and plenty of water. The water lubricates the gut walls,

and aid in the handling of faeces, avoiding constipation and gas.

Physical resistance During the practical exercises or even

even jobs that require physical exertion, the body loses too much water through sweat.

And replace this water is essential for If you force to these activities. Beyond

moisturize, will water will help regulate body temperature.

Cleaning Drinking plenty of water is essential to avoid

the accumulation of liquids and toxic substances and harmful to settle in the body.

To be eliminated, the only way is drink plenty of water to promote a clean,

maintaining a balance in the body.

Kidney stone For the kidneys to work efficiently

and constant, it is necessary to drink a lot Water. Thus, the blood flows more

easier and more diluted, thus facilitating cleaning blood. So consuming lots of water is

a way to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

nutrients For the nutrients are transported

the body, the intake is essential of water. Without water, the blood is dense,

and its ability to carry vitamins and minerals is affected.

Weight loss The constant consumption of water, increases the activity

nervous system and raises the energy level spent. This promotes weight loss.

The more liquid during ingest day plus we keep the stomach full, and

We will avoid overeating.

A person who drinks 3 glasses of water daily, can reduce 3 kilograms, within one

year without change or do something else on your routine.

eyes To keep away from the eyes and hydrated

dryness, which can lead to inflammation and eye infections, it is essential to maintain

the body with high water levels.

Vitamins Our body can only absorb vitamins

C and B in the presence of water. And we need regularly these vitamins, as well

like water, they eliminate the pee.

Skin The high consumption of water helps to keep the skin

moisturized and firm. Besides favoring the elimination toxins harmful to skin. Lack of

water, leaves the skin flabby and withered.

Enjoy this video? If you like the video, short, join the channel

and share with your friends.

For more infomation >> You should drink more water during the day, see why! - Duration: 5:11.


H1Z1 - Stunts, Tokyo Drift, Airdrop! (KOTK Funny Moments) [PT-BR] - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> H1Z1 - Stunts, Tokyo Drift, Airdrop! (KOTK Funny Moments) [PT-BR] - Duration: 7:26.


FarCry®4 Outpost Gameplay - Duration: 3:22.

Thanks For Watching!

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