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أكبر قطار موت! | Biggest Roller Coaster! - Duration: 4:15.Hi my beautiful group!
Say it!
I said it
Hi my beautiful group!
Biggest Roller Coaster
Who will ride this?
As you know, my cousins are here so giving them a tour around Dubai
and where are we taking them today?
I received a message
حابين دبي لهلا
مو كتير شوب, الجو منيح
عادة بكون حر
انا خايفة
Are you excited Nael?
You look sleepy
This is the second time we come here, how do you feel?
It's my first time
Oh yeah..
well it's my second time
Neither am I
Look how annoying he is
Women abuse is not allowed!
تركبو القطارات الي تخوف عادة؟
مو خايفين؟
هلا بنشوف
We'll see now if they're really scared or not
Let's see!
The haunted house
Look at this
it goes all the way up and down
You went on it before , how was it?
how did you feel?
It's time to decide what to do next
We're deciding who should go on this game
it goes all the way up and down immediately
Of course, I'd never ride it so don't even think about it
I just film and make fun of others
so prepare yourselves
Were you scared?
A lot
Come on Hayla!
You went up 20 times, I just went up once
We're the scary cats
Mayar and Elody went to play
I'll show you the ride now
and we'll watch them and laugh
This is just the beginning
It's so hard
It'll become scarier
Why are they scared from now then?
This is just to excite them
Where's Mayar?
there he is!
Mayar isn't scared at all
How was it?
So boring
They went on it twice without telling us and we've been waiting for them here
I want chocolate popcorn
The trip is not complete without food
Of course
Nael is sleeping
Why are you holding it in a why I can't film it
Jimmy Kimmel and Kal Penn Look a LOT Alike - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
My Great Grandfather's Grave | Unique Stories From India - Duration: 5:28.Tap the bell icon on the YouTube app
And never miss out on unique stories from 101India
I am Meydad
I am a visual artist
I was born in Mesilat Zion near Jerusalem, a village of Cochin Jews
Since my childhood, I've always wondered
About this faraway place called Cochin
Where my family history and heritage is from
I wanted to know what this place was like
And if it was similar to my daily life in Israel
There is one old gravestone behind the house
I can read some of it
Here it says 'Zion'
There's another one on the wall there
I'm finally here in Cochin for the Kochi-Muziris Biennale
My art project, "The Box of Documents" was the reason I started to explore my roots
And in doing so, exploring my family's heritage became the Art Project itself
People like Babu (Elias Josephai) are the real force behind my art project
It's all about meeting people who are still connected to our past and our history
So again, the Chief went to the Maharaja
And said, "You saved our lives"
I meet them and try to experience what was the past was like
He is Jewish, right?
I try to find connections to the history of the Jews in Kochi
I think this is either '52 or '54.
Babu showed me the grave of my great-grandfather,
Who was the 'gabbai' (warden) of the Ernakulam synagogue
It was a privilege for me to come from Israel and pay my respects to him
It was a strange, surreal experience
To touch the tomb of my great-grandfather
I felt like I had finally come full circle
Now, being here in Kochi
I feel like I'm home
I really wonder how it would have felt for our people
When they left their homes and migrated to Israel in the 1950s
First Love Again | 다시 첫사랑 – Ep.68 [Eng Sub / 2017.03.09] - Duration: 34:28.Thank you for coming.
Would you like to take a look?
What are you going to say?
Are you going to tell her about Gaon?
Do you plan to say you know what she did
and slap her?
Sure, do whatever you want...
And let out your anger. And then what about Gaon?
The Baek Minhui I know will definitely not admit it.
She'll just hide Gaon even more in order to
eliminate evidence.
She'll hide him somewhere we'll never find him.
She can't know that I know.
Or we can never find Gaon!
Please. Just help me find Gaon.
I don't expect anything more from you.
I'll be the one getting angry
and I'll be the one stomping on her.
But I'm going crazy!
Why do you, I, and our child...
Have to be treated like this...
Just focus on finding Gaon.
Everything else comes afterward.
Jang Yeongsu's family has gone to the U.S. already.
I think they settled all their affairs in Korea
and emigrated.
Can you get proof that they left?
Is there any way to get them? What about the police?
He is the child's adoptive father,
so even if you press charges,
it'll take time.
It'll be difficult to stop him.
Send people to the airport.
Tell them to send as many as possible
and not to lose them.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Are you saying you won't leave the country?
If I get caught, you and I are both finished.
Cha Doyun is involved now.
What if I get arrested for kidnapping?
So what?
Didn't you drag me into this in order to save yourself?
So get out as soon as you can.
I'll find out what Doyun is up to,
so get ready to leave.
It's obviously a frame job.
How could you issue a warrant?
The prosecutors must be bored.
Well, we do admit our mistake.
Then tell the person...
Who started this that I will be filing charges...
For making a false claim.
The fake ledger matter is closed.
- This is for another crime. / - Jeongu.
I'm a witness.
If this is about that fake ledger again...
It's nothing that lame.
There are too many crimes to list.
Myungha Foundation dorm rebate,
manipulation of stocks, bribery, slush funds...
Forged operation costs, and corruption.
Thank you.
You did so much. You gave me plenty to list.
Where's the proof?
You can't get me with mere rumors.
- You can't dare... / - I dared.
These are files on Myungha Foundation's corruption.
I've prepared them for a while,
so look slowly through them.
Oh, that's right.
You'll have to cough up all of my family's artworks
that you took 20 years ago.
I'll be suing to recover them soon.
Those artworks will be proof...
That the person who stole my father's assets
20 years ago...
The one who's actually behind the bank fraud was you.
Myungha Foundation's Chairman Kim Yeongsuk's
statements were all found to be false.
The rumored corruption of Myungha Foundation
was proved to be true,
and Chairman Kim Yeongsuk has been accused
of being the actual culprit behind
the bank fraud 20 years ago.
The foundation has not...
It's the main story in the news.
You gave...
Chairman Kim's precious reputation a lethal blow.
Is it over now?
Do you feel satisfied?
I'm not sure...
If this is the end.
What happened?
I don't know. I didn't expect this at all.
Was it Jeongu?
8 years ago, Jeongu did help out at the foundation
while studying to become an accountant.
Who would've known he took those records back then?
Are you saying he's been working on this since then?
We were counterattacked by mother's fake ledger.
That's not the problem.
Everything your mother said to the media
were proven false,
so they're about to dig into the bank case
from 20 years ago.
The statute of limitations expired already for that.
There were tens of thousands of victims.
They won't sit idly by.
Then our foundation is done for.
Wait until mother gets out.
We'll find a solution then.
My goodness. I heard in-law was caught big time.
Goodness. That scary woman
actually failed in one blow.
Call an executives meeting.
We don't know what'll happen,
so everyone should stand by.
Chairman Kim was had by Choi Jeongu, wasn't she?
Leave already. Can't you see how serious this is?
Why is Myungha Foundation's corruption
important to us?
Once they get a divorce,
they'll have nothing to do with us.
If it were that simple,
why would I have dragged on
Doyun and Minhui's relationship?
Just leave, will you? I need to think.
Where were you all day? What did you buy?
Are these clothes for Gaon?
That's right.
Those jerks took everything,
so all we have are the ones from Black Pearl.
I don't know when he'll return,
but he'll need new clothes.
Mom, don't blame yourself too much.
Are you actually comforting me?
I must really look pathetic.
Hajin asked Doyun for help and is running around,
so he'll be back soon.
I have no right to face Gaon,
I know that, but still. I wish...
He'd come back safely.
Does Doyun know everything?
Yes. I think Hajin told him.
Just the mention of his name made me ill,
but he's all we have to rely on now.
- Jeongu doesn't know yet, right? / - About what?
About Gaon.
I asked him to find Hajin's child for me before.
He wouldn't still be looking,
not knowing it's Gaon, would he?
They're broken up. Why would he look?
No. Still, he has a strong sense of responsibility.
Do you still like him?
Yes, I do.
His feelings for Hajin were real.
So I don't hate him.
About what you asked me to look into...
Did you look into President Baek's relatives?
Yes, but...
No one had a baby 8 years ago.
No one registered a child...
That they supposedly gave birth to? Not adopted.
No. No one had a child back then,
either by giving birth or by adoption.
I checked all of Chairman Kim's family too,
just in case, and it's the same.
Then who did Minhui
give Hajin's baby to?
Are you just getting home?
What's wrong, dad?
What is it? Is something wrong?
No, nothing.
I'll be upstairs.
Me too.
Hyerin, just a moment.
Dad's going to stay alone just for today.
Something big must have happened.
Did something happen?
Yes. Something huge.
It must be nice not knowing anything.
It was better when she put on a front.
We need to talk! Why did you lock the door?
Did you hear about my mother?
With Hajin's fake marriage and my mother's surgery,
I tried to understand at least a little bit, telling myself
that it's unforgivable but understandable.
Then why are you so relaxed?
Your father's people and my people are
working on it, but it still looks bad.
But my child?
You did that to my child?
Are you going to just watch?
What's wrong?
Gihyeon. You said you'd put an end to it.
Why won't you do it already?
Don't get involved in their affairs anymore and get out.
Just because Myungha Foundation
paid for our education,
there's no need for you to do things you don't want to.
Listen to your brother.
Go on a blind date with any of these girls.
No. With all of them.
What you need is a wife's family that can help you.
- I don't want to. / - Why not?
Every single one is prettier than
that strangely dressed girl.
They are not.
Are you kidding me? Oh, my gosh.
Your standards have dropped like crazy.
Can't you leave me alone?
I'm down as it is.
Why? Why are you down? Why?
Because you were dumped by someone like that?
I'm going to go and beat her to a pulp!
What's wrong with you? I told you. We broke up.
You were dumped!
How could you get dumped by someone like her?
We broke up nonetheless.
And what will you do if you saw her?
What will I do? That's up to me.
Mom, I'll do it. I'll go.
So leave Seyeon alone.
It looks like you're the one clinging on.
I'm so offended!
You can't do anything to Seyeon, okay?
I won't go to her! I won't!
I don't like any of it.
He's the best at finding people.
He may avoid airports if he senses something.
Do you mean he can
leave the country using different means?
Then we'll never find Gaon.
No. I won't be pessimistic.
Did you send people to the airport?
- I should go too. / - No. Wait.
- I'll go. / - No.
If I don't do anything and lose them, I'll go crazy.
I need to do something.
Goodness. Is that clothing?
What is she wearing? Goodness.
Please order, ma'am.
I'm not here to eat.
If you're not here to eat, please leave.
I don't want to.
Then let me know when you feel like ordering.
Where are you going? Get over here.
Do you think I'm someone you can order around?
I think I can order around anyone.
I see. So that's why you're acting this way.
I thought I did something wrong.
You did.
- Who are you to dump my son? / - What?
Oh, my gosh. She must be Taeyun's mother.
Mister's... I mean...
Are you Taeyun's mother?
That's right. I'm Cha Taeyun's mom.
What are you doing?
Why is your mom here?
Get over here and take her!
Obviously, they both have a temper.
If they get into a fight, it'll be huge.
My mom is there?
The number you have dialed is unavailable...
What's going on? He blocked my number.
After all the money he took from me.
I went yesterday too,
but got shooed away without seeing him.
Mother, give up on the prosecutors.
I'll look some more.
How could I...
How could I go down so easily?
Are you acting shy because she's Taeyun's mom?
Hey. I already know you have a bad temper.
Drop the act.
You were caught already?
You should have hidden it better.
Why don't you stay out of it, old man?
What's with this place?
Every woman that walks in here is so fierce.
Should I bring you something else to eat?
- Forget it. / - Taeyun and I broke up.
Who are you to dump my son? It's insulting.
You should be the one getting dumped.
- Mother. / - Mother?
Then should I say ma'am?
Then I won't address you.
I don't understand why you're here
when we've already broken up.
You keep talking back to me.
You really...
Remind me of someone, the way you annoy me.
Why are you here?
- Did you call him? / - I called him.
- Mom. / - Oh, my gosh.
- You're driving me crazy. / - What did I do?
How could you get dumped by a thing like this?
How degrading.
- Please. / - Please what?
Oh, my gosh.
Why did he lose so much weight?
Has he not been eating?
You weren't followed, right?
Of course, not. I was careful.
Here are the IDs you needed.
If you can't leave from an airport,
where will you go?
It's best you don't know.
Where did he go?
What happens if mother goes to prison?
What about the foundation?
I can operate the foundation,
but this is too detrimental.
How could this happen to her?
If mother goes to prison,
I'll be kicked out of LK.
Forget Doyun. His father won't keep me around.
Let's resolve your mother's problem first.
I'll talk to the attorneys to see
if we can avoid imprisonment.
We're in trouble.
The kid ran away.
What do you mean? How can you lose a little kid?
There's no time to argue about that!
He may have contacted Lee Hajin.
Find him. I'll take care of things here.
The number you have dialed is not available...
Who are you? Why are you here?
May I borrow your phone?
Why won't you answer my calls?
What are you doing?
The CEO will be here soon, so please leave.
He's coming? What's his schedule for today?
Call me if he goes anywhere.
I can't do that.
Where he goes is confidential.
You and I also have a little secret, don't we?
Gihyeon's video.
Sure, someone else was blamed for it,
but as long as the video is here...
I can always expose him as the real culprit.
Why are you doing this? He only did as you ordered...
Exactly. You do what I say too!
I'm not asking for much.
I just want to know where my husband is.
Just this once.
Help me just once.
Are you really going to the airport?
If I'm lucky, very lucky,
they may show up there.
I'll have to wait there for a few days, if necessary.
I can't sleep, if I don't do that at least.
Mom bought
those clothes for Gaon when he gets back.
She did? Mom bought them?
You know she's been tiptoeing around you lately.
Madam Hong Miae,
who seemed like she would never grow up.
- Gaon? / - Who?
Gaon. Is that you?
Hajin, it's okay for me to call you, right?
Yes, I'm glad you memorized my number.
Good job. Where are you?
No. Are you okay?
Are you scared?
Isn't that man scary?
He's good to me.
I'm not scared.
He isn't scary, so don't be frightened.
Where are you?
Are you alone? How are you calling?
I don't know.
I ran over so that I could call you.
He said I'm going very far away.
Where are you going?
I don't know. But he said
he'd take me somewhere with a mom and dad
as nice as you.
He seems like a good person.
You need to see me before you go. Hide.
Hide for a few minutes. I'll come and get you.
But he said I can't
stay with you.
No. He's mistaken.
Then you'll come get me?
Wherever you are,
I'll come get you.
No matter how far you are,
I'll find you.
So don't be afraid. Don't cry.
Wait for me, okay?
Okay. I won't cry, and I'll wait.
Where are you? Is anyone there?
- Hello? / - What is your location?
Here? We're in Gyeonggi-do.
If you take the road north
you'll see a highway.
Okay. Yes, I know. I'll be right there.
Please keep Gaon with you until we get there.
Gaon called?
Where is he? How did he call?
He's hiding in some convenience store.
I heard it's in Gyeonggi-do. Doyun.
Send people from the company
and have them bring him.
- Who is that? Doyun? / - Yes.
Doyun. I'll text you his location.
It's right near our factory.
I'll send someone to get him.
Okay. Okay. I'll leave now.
No. Wait. I'll pick you up.
Be careful.
Okay, mom.
I'll bring Gaon.
I'll make his favorite foods,
so bring him back.
Get back safely.
- What are you looking for? / - Gaon.
Gaon? Why?
I kept thinking that it didn't make sense.
Jang Yeongsu, Hajin, and Gaon.
I forgot Jang Yeongsu went through
the trouble of adopting him.
How could I forget Minhui was the one
ordering him around?
What are you thinking?
His things that Hajin was asking for
are items you use to get a DNA test.
You don't think...
That's insane.
Do you think Gaon may be Hajin's child?
May be.
Head to LK's factory in Gyeonggi-do right now.
You can't let Doyun get the kid that
Jang Yeongsu was keeping.
Do whatever it takes to stop Doyun.
You have to stop him!
Yes, ma'am. I'll go right away.
Are you Gaon?
I'm the general manager of CEO Cha Doyun's factory.
They said to say Hajin sent me.
Yes? Yes, I'm with Gaon.
I'll take him to the factory. Okay.
- Yes. / - Did they find Gaon?
Yes. We'll be right there. Please keep him until then.
Did they find him?
They found him.
The general manager is watching him now.
We found our child.
We finally found him.
What? Someone took...
- Hajin's child? / - Yes.
What should I do?
What do you mean?
Do whatever it takes to get him back!
He already took him into the factory.
Then is there no way?
Yes. We're almost there.
Is Gaon with you?
Yes. He is very well-behaved.
He's playing with a puzzle.
Would you like to talk to him?
No, no.
We'll be there in 10 minutes.
Please watch him until then.
What did he say? Is he there?
Yes. He's playing with a puzzle.
Thank goodness.
If I had lost him again...
I don't think I would've been able to breathe again.
What do you want to do once you see him?
I'll eat with him.
I'll bathe him.
I'll read to him, watch movies with him...
Take him shopping...
And take him to amusement parks.
Good. That sounds good.
Is there anything you want to do?
With Gaon?
I want...
To live with him.
I want...
To sleep, eat, and fight...
In the same house.
I want to grow old together.
Why is that so hard?
- Gihyeon. / - Yes?
Meet with Jang Yeongsu.
He'll take you to the place where the kid is.
- Yes, ma'am. / - You can do whatever it takes.
Don't hold back.
If that kid meets Hajin and Doyun,
I will lose too much.
And if I lose too much...
You will lose everything.
Your brother is among them.
Put everything on the line...
And make sure Doyun and that kid do not meet.
(First Love Again)
You're so excited.
I don't feel sick anymore,
just from the thought of seeing Gaon again.
Don't harm LK and go to jail.
If that becomes public, you and I are both finished.
Let's live together. Let's sleep together
in the same house.
Stop him! Block his path! Then it'll all be over!
Don't worry. I won't lose him.
- No! / - Doyun.
- Please bring Gaon back. / - Okay.
I'll be right back.
Humanity Is Evolving Into Galactic Humans! - Duration: 5:27.Humanity Is Evolving Into Galactic Humans!
by Jetson White,
What is a Galactic Human?
All beings born as Humans onto this Planet are Galactic Humans.
Because this Planet, like all inhabited planets, was seeded by one or more Galactic races.
In other words, a Human�s true ancestry is not of this world!
But why have Humans not been taught this?
There are a multitude of reasons, but the most fundamental is that those born into this
3rd Dimensional experiment agree to forget upon birth who they really are.
This agreement to forget is made so that Humanity may experience a rebirth, an awakening.
And it is this awakening that has the potential to transform Humanity, here and now, back
into the original blueprint of our true Galactic Selves.
And what is this original Galactic blueprint?
It has to do with Human DNA.
Humans started out as 12-stranded, crystalline-based beings, and this original configuration gave
Humans immortality, and powers now considered astounding.
So how did Human DNA get dumbed down to its current state of 2-stranded, carbon-based?
There are plenty of stories about it, but I think the more important question is, can
Humans reactivate this original DNA blueprint and become Galactic Humans again?
The answer is YES!
And it�s totally what�s happening right now!
I�m talking about the Evolution of the Human species!
And everything is in place for Humanity, and this Planet, to evolve!
Here are a few reasons why I believe the time is right for all of Humanity to evolve.
First, starting in 1961, our Solar System entered an immense Photon Belt, or more accurately
a Photon Ocean, that has been bathing our planet in powerful gamma rays.
And, in 2012, Earth began traveling through the deepest, densest portion of this belt.
Additionally, in December 2012, our Solar System began a new 13,000-year stellar cycle
in the Precession of the Equinoxes.
And all of these cosmic events coincide with the dawning of a New Age, when the planet�s
Vernal Equinox moves from the Pisces constellation into Aquarius.
This is something that only happens every 2000 years, and it�s happening right now!
But what do cosmic events have to do with DNA and Human Evolution?
Each cosmic event carries its own brand of lightwaves and gamma radiation�cosmic rays
that carry codes.
In regard to gamma in particular, it is now known that when DNA absorbs gamma light, a
coded signal is sent to the DNA to evolve up to the next higher order of being.
For example, scientists can shine a laser through salamander eggs and pick up their
DNA information, then shine that same laser into frog eggs, which are a stage below salamanders,
and hatch salamanders from the frog eggs.
That is exactly what is happening to Human DNA!
The gamma radiation saturating the Planet is providing Humanity with a very fancy DNA
Basically, cosmic rays are connecting with and waking up what scientists had previously
labeled Junk DNA.
And that�s more than 95% of Human DNA, so there�s plenty of room for upgrades!
But there�s another, more exciting reason why the time is right for Human DNA to evolve,
and that is that Humanity is finally ready to evolve.
How do we know this?
We know this because the great minds of our time are finally deciphering the coded messages
left for us on this Planet by our Galactic ancestors.
Where are these coded messages found?
They have been found in the ruins of thousands of ancient civilizations all over the globe.
And what is the message for Humanity that�s been deciphered?
It is the secret to mastering Gravity and Magnetism�a secret that is only revealed
when a race has demonstrated it is ready and willing to ascend in order to wield such incredible
A big part of the Ascension/Evolution process is the formation of a new Collective Consciousness
made up of Galactic Humans who operate as one compassionate, cooperative group mind.
But, hey, that�s enough Cosmic Code for one article.
My next article will offer ideas on what it takes to begin operating from within the new
Galactic Human Collective.
The Most UNLIKELY Assassins in History! - Duration: 12:52.Here are the most unlikely assassins ever!
6 - Bear Costume Killer
Jorg Jenatsch was one of the most controversial political leaders in 17th century Switzerland.
During the 30 year's war he took part in many assassinations of political rivals, so
it's not surprising that someone eventually gave him a taste of his own medicine.
I'm not really gonna get into all the inner workings of his nefarious political and religious
But just know that after overseeing assassinations, taking part in revolts, and pissing everyone
off by converting from protestantism to catholicism, someone finally killed him.
But the surprising part is that culprit disguised his or herself by dressing up as a bear.
Now, I'm not super familiar with day to day life in 17th century Switzerland.
But on your average day, someone walking around in a bear costume would draw considerable
attention...I think.
But during a carnival of sorts, it was customary for people to dress up in costumes.
So a seeing a bear strut around town was normal under the circumstances.
Jenatsch was killed by an axe wielding bear on January 24, 1639 and without the sort of
forensic advances we have today, this crafty disguise was more than enough to elude the
To this day we don't know for sure who killed Jenatsch, though he remains an intriguing
figure in European literature and folklore.
5 - Charles Guiteau
Nowadays, US Presidents have such an extensive security detail, it would take a collaboration
between Danny Ocean, Jason Bourne and James Bond to even come close to getting a whiff
at the President.
But in 1881, when James Garfield was President, things were a bit different.
So different in fact, that an unhinged lunatic named Charles Guiteau was able to shoot down
the 20th President at point blank range in a crowded train station.
If you haven't heard of President Garfield, that's because he was in office for less
than a year when his bizarre d**th occurred.
But this story is less about Garfield and more about the nut job who did him in.
Charles Guiteau was a writer, lawyer and political activist.
Though he wasn't very good at any of those things.
His writings were plagiarized and often deemed incoherent as well.
Guiteau obtained his law license in Chicago, based on an extremely casual bar exam.
He argued only one case in court, this, the bulk of his business was actually in bill
His former wife later detailed his dishonest dealings, describing how he would keep disproportionate
amounts of the bill and rarely give the money to his clients.
As far as his speeches go, virtually no one ever attended the speeches he gave on behalf
of his preferred politicians.
He was even committed to an insane asylum once but somehow managed to escape.
Still, he took credit for Garfield's win in the 1880 Presidential Election, and assumed
he would be given a cabinet position or at least an ambassadorship.
Garfield, however, saw things differently and got really annoyed when Guiteau would
pester him about a job.
He finally told him to stay away forever, which was the final straw for Guiteau's sanity.
He decided to kill the president.
He went out and bought a gun and took some target practice.
After stalking Garfield for weeks, he attacked at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station.
His line of thinking was that Vice President Chester A. Arthur would be so grateful for
the opportunity to be President that he would appoint Guiteau to a cabinet position or something.
However, that never happened.
This crazy dude was tried for murder, and a truly insane trial ensued where he refused
legal counsel, opting instead to represent himself by reading some of his poems and often
asking courtroom spectators for legal advice.
His court appointed lawyers wisely tried using the insanity plea to help him avoid execution
making it one of the first high profile cases to use such a defense.
Guiteau insisted he was in fact perfectly sane, and how anyone could believe him is
beyond me.
Believe it or not, his legal expertise didn't work, and he was sentenced to d#ath.
On June 30, 1882, Charles Guiteau danced up to the gallows while reading one of his nonsensical
To think that this guy was able to kill the most powerful man in the country is crazy.
4 - Dan White
Of all the potential assassination targets, city supervisors probably rank pretty low
on the list.
However, in 1978, Harvey Milk, along with San Francisco Mayor George Moscone, was killed
by another fellow city supervisor named Dan White.
Quick backstory.
Milk was the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California in
As a staunch advocate for the expansion of gay rights, he obviously ruffled a few feathers.
However, his assassination doesn't seem to have been motivated entirely by homophobia,
but rather a disgruntled former city supervisor who may have been barely hanging by a thread.
White was a former San Francisco Police Officer and Firefighter.
He had become well known for his heroics as a firefighter and In 1977, he was elected
to the board of Supervisors along with Harvey Milk.
For the 10 months they served together, the two often sparred over policy.
The more liberal Milk often advocated for government subsidized neighborhood development,
while the more business oriented White preferred private enterprise.
White also opposed one of Milk's gay rights ordinances, though like I said, that wasn't
the only reason he killed his colleague.
In fact, White actually opposed an anti gay ordinance at one point.
But on November 10, 1978, White resigned from the board, opting for a more lucrative private
His salary of about $9,600 a year and his failing restaurant business put him and his
family in a financial bind.
But whatever business opportunity White was chasing quickly didn't work out, and coupled
with the fact that Moscone planned to appoint a more liberal replacement, it inspired White
to ask to be reinstated.
Moscone told him no, and White finally reached a breaking point.
On November 27, the day Moscone planned to appoint White's replacement, White snuck
into City Hall through a basement window armed with a pistol.
He managed to get a meeting with the Mayor and asked for his job back again.
Again, Moscone said no, and they quickly began having a heated argument.
So White pulled out his pistol and shot him twice in the chest and twice in the head.
Then, after reloading, he made his way to his old office where he was met by Milk.
He asked Milk to step inside the office with him, which Milk obliged.
Once inside, White opened fire on his former colleague, killing him as well.
Amazingly, White was only charged with voluntary manslaughter, even though he admitted to the
He denied any kind of premeditation, even though he purposely avoided metal detectors
and came to city hall with a pistol.
His lawyers successfully argued a diminished capacity defense claiming White was depressed
at the time, and that his consumption of junk food caused him to behave erratically.
This became known as the "Twinkie Argument."
White served less than a decade in jail, receiving parole in 1984.
But on October 21, 1985, less than two years after his parole, White committed suicide.
Though he isn't as remembered as Milk, who has become an icon, White's story is beyond
What drove a former police officer, firefighter, war veteran and city politician to viciously
kill two innocent people in cold blood is a bit mysterious.
I mean, his motives might seem pretty clear, but seriously, most people handle their political
differences a bit more civilly, even in today's climate.
3 - Richard Lawrence
There's assassins, and then there's would be assassins, and Richard Lawrence is a would
be assassin.
In 1835 he tried to killed Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States,
the dude on your 20 dollar bills.
Enter Richard Lawrence, who like many of the men on this list, was not well.
The out of work house painter, quit his job because he believed the U.S Government owed
him money because he was King Richard the III of England.
Now let's apply logic here to examine his claim.
King Richard III died in 1485, so that would make him 383 years old at the time, or it'd
make sense if reincarnation does occur.
But why, if you were once an almighty king, would you come back as a poor, freelance house
Either way, the Government disagreed about the whole Kingship thing and didn't pay
He blamed Jackson for this.
So on January 30, 1835, after stalking the President for weeks, he followed him to the
capitol building and put his plan into action.
He approached Jackson on the lawn and tried to shoot him, but his gun jammed.
But Lawrence was prepared and brought a second gun….it jammed too.
Now, that famous temper of Jackson's kicked in and he attacked the would be assassin and
beat the hell out of him with his walking stick.
Eventually the cops showed up and arrested the dude, and after a trial and medical examination,
he was sentenced to spend the rest of his days in an insane asylum.
2 - LOL Lady
After a falling out with father/dictator, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-nam was exiled from
North Korea in 2003.
For years he had been critical of his family's reign of power, often advocating for reform.
On February 13, 2017, he was most likely assassinated by North Korean agents at a Malaysian Airport.
We pretty much know he was assassinated because his crazy brother, Kim Jong-un had been trying
to have him killed for at least five years.
Of course the investigation is ongoing at this point, but South Korean and Malaysian
intelligence agencies are certain that he was poisoned by four North Korean chemical
experts, possibly with the help of two young women.
While at the airport, we know that two women approached Kim Jong-nam, one covered his face
with a cloth laced with liquid, while another sprayed him with some kind of poison.
The women were arrested and identified as Doan Thi Huong and Siti Aishah.
They told police they were approached by four men and asked to help them with a prank for
a TV show, offering them $100 if they did the whole holding a cloth over the guy's
face while spraying him deal.
They did it, and though he survived the initial attack, Kim Jong-nam died while being rushed
to the hospital.
One of the four men has been arrested.
Ri Jong Cho is a chemical expert who was found in a condo with North Korean travel documents.
Malaysian authorities have been searching for four other guys who they think helped
out with this assassination.
As of right now, there are tons of questions, such as were these women actual North Korean
trained agents or innocent, unwitting albeit incredibly gullible participants?
What is North Korea's motive for this given that the guy was no real threat to Kim Jong-un's
That's all being hammered out, but let's not pretend an assassination like this is
beneath a crazy person like Kim Jong-un.
1 - Sidney Dorsey
Despite the increase killings by police officers in recent years, it's still always a shock
when those entrusted to uphold the law brazenly break it.
That's exactly what makes Sidney Dorsey such an unlikely killer.
From 1996 until 2000, Dorsey was the Sheriff of Dekalb County, the first black person to
hold that position.
However, he lost his bid for re-election in 2000 to Police veteran Derwin Brown.
Rather than lose gracefully, Dorsey hired former Deputy Melvin Walker to kill his rival.
Walker shot Brown 12 times in front of his own house on December 15, 2000.
It was later revealed that Dorsey told Walker he would be promoted to Deputy sheriff if
he carried out the evil deed.
It was also later discovered that the main reason for the killing was to obstruct a probe
into corruption while he was sheriff.
In addition to his life sentence for ordering the murder, Dorsey had a 23 year sentence
tacked on for racketeering.
He confessed to the crime in 2007, claiming that the hit was ordered out of bitterness.
He's still in prison to this day.
Here's what's next!
Top 9 Monster School - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 29:48.Enjoy my Monster School!
Enjoy my Monster School!
Enjoy my Monster School!
Enjoy my Monster School!
Enjoy my Monster School!
Enjoy my Monster School!
Enjoy my Monster School!
Enjoy my Monster School!
Enjoy my Monster School!
Enjoy my Monster School!
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Episode 17| English subtile | Korean Drama | Indo subtile |.Ep 17 - Duration: 59:42.-------------------------------------------
170309 #HappySugaDay ll Special Video For SUGA 🎁 - Duration: 6:27.It's really a bitch to not have something you want to do.
I know that it seems pathetic to not have a dream like every one.
"Everything's going to be alright if you go to university and do as we tell you"
I believed in those words but I'm living because I can't die
Just pass me the drink because I want to get drunk today so please don't try to stop me
I don't mind the brand, it might be a luxury for a person with no job to have a drink
Everyone's running but why am I still here
So far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
don't far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
Dream, I will be there for your creation until the end of your life
Dream, wherever you might be (the world) it will be lenient
Dream, you will fully bloom after all the hardships
Dream, your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be
Right, I'm living because I can't die but I don't have anything I want to do
I'm in so much pain and loneliness but people around me keeping telling me to regain my consciousness
I try to vent my anger but I only got myself so what's the point of venting my anger
I'm scared to open my eyes everyday and start breathing
Even my friends and family are drifting away, I feel anxious as time passes by
It feels like I'm all by myself, I hope everything disappears when I'm alone
I hope things disappear like mirage, I hope things disappear, I hope my damn self disappears
I'm abandoned like this in the world, in this moment I'm drifting away from the sky
I'm falling
So far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
don't far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
Dream, I will be there for your creation until the end of your life
Dream, wherever you might be (the world) it will be lenient
Dream, you will fully bloom after all the hardships
Dream, your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be
So far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
don't far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
Dream, I will be there for your creation until the end of your life. Dream, wherever you might be (the world) it will be lenient
Dream, you will fully bloom after all the hardships. Dream, your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be
I will be there for your creation until the end of your life (don't far away)
Wherever you might be (the world) it will be lenient
You will fully bloom after all the hardships
Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be
So far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
don't far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
Dream, I will be there for your creation until the end of your life. Dream, wherever you might be (the world) it will be lenient
Dream, you will fully bloom after all the hardships Dream, your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be
LFP 066 Articulation Markings Why the Big Deal? | Learn Flute Online Video Podcast - Duration: 9:23.Hey all - it's me Rebecca, here for another exciting episode of the Learn Flute Podcast
which is for people just like you who are learning how to play the flute and are looking
to do it so they can play really well and in a time-effective way.
You've come to the right place, and in today's episode we're going to talk about articulation
marking - why the big deal?
Well welcome back, today is going to be something really good for you to listen to, ponder on,
practice, and..
Basically I know that what I tell you today will open your eyes..
Or ears..
Even more so that you can understand and do what it takes to become a really great flute
player - or flutist same thing.
And let me first start by telling you congratulations for just being here in the first place.
It's so great that we live in this day and age of incredible technology so that we can
interact with each other in ways that wouldn't even have been possible before the internet-
because you are scattered all over this beautiful earth, and I'm honored and thrilled to be
able to be your online flute teacher.
With that- let's get started!
I"m going to attempt to describe something to you by using a parallel analogy of something
you're most likely used to and that is speech.
I mean speaking, you know- your voice.
It doesn't matter what language comes out of your mouth today, because it's the actual
speaking part we're going to talk about, and I know that every person in the world
can understand no matter the actual dialect or language being spoken.
First, let's talk about the word 'articulation' today, it's a fancy word.
A good definition in a flute- musical sense would be something on the lines of the process
of the words that are formed through sounds and syllables by using our tongue, air support,
length and duration of air stream and etcetera.
Now, in regular speech, if we're talking about this is a speech and not a music sense
or a moment, someone who has a problem with articulation has a difficulty or deficiency
creating the correct sounds or pronounces sounds or syllables incorrectly causing those
who are listening to have a hard time completely understanding what is being said.
I have a sister in law who is a speech pathologist and it's fun to listen to her talk about
it- she probably has no idea that I'm very interested in the subject as well since we
musicians are learning to 'speak music' in a sense, and oftentimes- no, I'd say
most of the time have some problems with our annunciation.
And, so that brought me to this little discussion today.
In flute music, we have the same issues that a person speaking would have.
A couple of things to think about are these: the first one is the word "ommission"
and that means accidentally skipping a sound,..
Or in our musical case that would mean we've skipped the most important beginning of a
note or an articulation marking.
In speech it would be the same as saying 'oo' instead of 'shoe'.
The next in this little list is 'substitution'.
That means changing one sound for another in speaking- like using the word 'wabbit'
instead of 'rabbit'..
Well, in flute music that could possibly be the same as tonguing when a note is supposed
to be slurred, or slurring when a note is marked to be tongued.
And I made these examples pretty close to the same thing in my musical examples because
that's exactly what I'm aiming for here.
If we read music that has been tastefully composed then there will be markings that
we flutists need to read.
Those slur marks are super duper important!
It's the difference between saying "Hi, my ame is webeca" and "Hi my name is Rebecca".
There's just a way to learn how to play so that other people can clearly hear and
distinguish what we are saying easily.
Ok- that's the first part of this articulation talk, now the second has to do with phrasing
instead of just one note at a time.
So, just to be clear here I'm talking about thinking of whole sentences in speech as the
same as whole musical sentences (which are called phrases) instead of just only worrying
about one word or note at a time.
There's more to playing with proper articulation than just watching for slurs and tongue markings.
So, what are they?
Well, the higher level you are playing on the easier it is for you to put more into
For example instead of just flatly tonguing a note and moving on in a particular piece
it must be known if the appropriate strength of tongue should be hard and explosive or
light and smooth.
It really all depends on the piece, the time period and composer, and..
Well a host of other details.
Basically, what I'm trying to do today is open your eyes and ears to more little nuances
in music, and to understand that they are as important as everyday speech is.
Little children most of the time start their speaking lives with little issues that we
think are so adorable and cute sometimes..
Like when their first words are 'dah dah' -- well, later that gets nourished into 'daddy'
by a series of episodes where the parents are repeating and encouraging the child to
continue trying.
Think of yourself as a youngster in music, and assume that it will take time and practice
to learn how to get it all right.
It's just the human process.
And, you can do it - especially with all of the resources I've put out for you here
at Learn Flute Online.
I really have designed my learning courses with you in mind, and have complete faith
that you can do it.
In fact, in the lesson videos and modules, I've designed them specifically for certain
skills at precise moments in your development so that you can just add a new little layer
to the already growing foundation.
It's fun and cool!
I take a specific song or tune and add my learning twist on it so that it is clear and
understandable for you.
The mp3 accompaniments are there for your development as well as the videos and pdf
sheet music.
If there's ever something you feel I've missed in a lesson, please let me know.
Well, that does it for today and this episode number sixty six where we answered the question
of articulation marking - why the big deal?
If you haven't had a chance yet to join us in the membership area this week at Learn
Flute Online in either the Gold Level or the Intermediate slash Advanced level, then I
invite you to join us!
We're a happy group of people of all ages learning step by step how to play
and how to stand on our own little flute legs.
I just love it when I receive a message from someone who has begun with me as a new student
and has been diligently moving through the lessons until they one day are able to even
perform a pretty tune for a friend or family member.
It really does bring satisfaction and joy on both ends of this
Family and friends are happy and proud of you, and also you yourself feel so much encouragement
and joy from knowing it's something you've made yourself.
It really is quite awesome.
So, here's to listening and learning even more about articulation this week.
See you again soon!
Actress Sonali Bendre Family Photos with Husband Goldie Behl & Son Ranveer - Duration: 4:58.Actress Sonali Bendre Family Photos with Husband Goldie Behl & Son Ranveer
Date of birth: 1 January 1975
Place of birth: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Spouse: Goldie Behl (m. 2002)
Children: Ranveer
Occupation: Film Actress, Model, Television Host
She studied in dubai and Mumbai and Holy Cross Convent High School, Thane.
She also hosted a dance show on television named Kya Masti Kya Dhoom....!
First film: Aag (1994)
Embroidered hello card with cat tutorial ft. Lawn Fawn - Duration: 7:29.-------------------------------------------
Random Overwatch Highlights - Bastion Edition - Duration: 5:40.-------------------------------------------
Shahid 👥 SOMBRA (MusicVideo) - Duration: 2:41.The words are nice but don't bother,
I don't want drugs, I don't want to party.
I want to go out there,
I don't have comrades, fuck, I have beasts.
That when they roar is to make noise,
But they go unnoticed.
They know it's not child's play,
You know the affection I have for Vigo.
(Knock knock) Knocking the door until it breaks,
Underground, below standards.
The Subways of Liberty
are dark but our place was always in the shade.
This is not pop, it is popular,
as the power of my class when there is vanguard.
It's not hardcore, do not call it rap,
as the background: revolutionary form.
I just keep reinventing myself,
I don't like it, but the blood has to run.
And when the blood reaches the river
only we will know what we have been.
By then we will be far,
By then we will be gone.
Far from the repentant and close to the snitch,
It's no secret, I keep you in the sights.
If I want you close to me is to be aware,
it's not going to be that I miss something.
But it doesn't escape to me, I learned it well,
I know how, I know why and especially with whom.
I know for what and I know for whom,
For the neighbor that does not have for rent.
I don't speak for convinced people
Book Pairing: Strong-Willed French Women - Duration: 9:15.Hey there. Book Riot contributing editor Sharifah
here today with a book pairing for fans
of spirited women, 19th century France and
high drama. Because my book pairing is
The Queen of the Night by Alexander Chee
and The Complete Claudine by Colette
translated from French by Antonia White.
Bear with me as I try to pronounce some
of these names and words in French.
I took Spanish in high school. I have no
idea how they're pronounced but I'm
going to do my best.
Let's start with some background
information on both books.
In Alexander Chee's The Queen of the Night,
rare falcon soprano Lilliet Berne
discovers that a writer has created an
original role for her in an opera,
which is exciting, right?
Until she realizes with surprise and
horror that the story that's being told
in this opera is a story of her own life
and her own secrets. So she has a lot at
stake here because the writer is going
to presumably expose her life and her
secrets to the world. So as she's
recounting the often remarkable and
traumatic events of her life and her
upbringing and how she came to be a
celebrated Parisian opera singer, she's
also trying to uncover the identity of
this writer and figure out how it came
to be that this person got his hands or
her hands on all her secrets. And then we
have The Complete Claudine by Collette, which
to me is kind of like Peyton Place goes
to France. So this collection includes
four books in the Claudine series and
it starts off with Claudine at school.
Claudine is born in the French
countryside toward the end of the 19th
century and in the first book, Claudine at School,
she's in her last year of secondary
school and we follow her as she's
basically making mischief everywhere and
having her first love affairs. So scandal
then follows her to Paris when she and
her father move from the countryside
in Claudine in Paris. And she basically
luxuriates in Parisian gossip
and knowing who is who and what is what
and testing the boundaries of convention.
Then she meets an older high standing
man and in Claudine Married, she is married
to that man. But her risk-taking and her
crushes and her unconventional lifestyle
don't end with marriage. And then in the
final book Calduine and Annie, we meet a
new narrator in Annie. Now both the
Claudine series and the Queen of the
Night take place in the 1800s
in France, but there are some
obvious similarities and then there are some differences.
One of the similarities that
immediately jumped out at me between
both of these books is that they're both
written in first person and they both
have a sort of diary feel. So one hand we
have Claudine and where it's more like
reading the diary of a willful teenager
who can't wait to tell you about all the
scandalous things she did or heard or
saw in a span of a day. And then we
have Lilliet in the Queen of the Night who
is kind of trying to figure out why the
fates have cursed her and she's pondering all
of her actions in her past and thinking
about the consequences of those actions.
So it feels more like a confessional and
there's a bit more remorse there.
So there are some differences between the
way they talk about their own lives, each
of the main characters. But both of them
have that feel of sort of peeking over
the shoulders of somebody who's writing
about things in their life they would
never talk about in public. And both of
them give you that same, or gave me that
same sort of intimacy of that first
person narrator and that sort of diary
entry feel. So one of the themes these
books share is unconventional relationships.
I know I talk a lot about
scandal when I talk about the Claudine
collection but it kinda was a big what
when it came out in around 1904, I
believe is when Claudia at School came
out. And it was kind of scandalous among
other things because it was roughly
autobiographical based on the author
Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette's life.
And like Claudine, Colette lived a very
unconventional, untraditional life and
had some unconventional love affairs
and relationship. In the intro to the
collection, Judith Thermin called Claudine
erratically reckless. And Claudine is very
free-spirited and very free thinking
about her sexuality and how she explores sex.
And it's very explicit in this story
and she has, in effect, a very
unconventional, untraditional marriage
with her husband. Her love affairs and
sexual relationship sort of start with
her teachers who are women and then she
also have sexual feelings that are very
explicit for her young female friends in
school and she has love affairs with
young men and old men. She doesn't seem
to really care about convention and she
doesn't let tradition determine her
desires or direct her desires. I thought
was really interesting coming from a voice
from the early 20th century especially
where you would normally think that
there would be a lot of boundaries in
terms of who you could be with and how
you could talk about those things.
So that part was interesting. And I thought that
there was a very telling passage about
Claudine's entire perspective and how she
sort of revels in her sexuality where
she's talking about this
erotically charged conversation she's
having with somebody and her biological
or physiological reactions to this
charged conversation. And then she's also
talking about the men on the trains who
are reading her words and reading about
her reaction to this conversation and
they're squirming in their seats in the
train because of their excitement.
And that sort of like the tone of Claudine's
sexuality is revelry. I would say that
the unconventional relationships in the
Queen of the Night are a little less
erotically charged than in the Claudine collection
and a little more diabolical perhaps.
There's a little too much
opportunity to spoil the story in
talking about some of these
unconventional relationships that happen
in the queen of the night because the
story relies so much on the mystery and
unraveling the mystery. So I don't want
to give away too much but I will say
that there is some puppeteering that happens
in Lilliet's relationships.
Lilliet's relationships are definitely not tidy.
There's a lot of conflicting emotion.
She comes into them in strange and often
unpleasant ways. Aand then she sort of
have to break from them in unpleasant ways.
And there's a lot of the facade
of a relationship. So you see this
relationship that looks perfect on the
outside but behind closed doors is
something entirely different. And there
is some sabotage and some subterfuge and
some really deep stuff happening that
begs escape.
That's all I'm going to say. Now my last
point about these two books is a pointed
difference and that has to do with politics
of the time. So Queen of the Night directly
talks about Paris under the reign of
Napoleon the third and second empire
Paris and the effect of the
Franco-prussian war. The Queen of the Night
is historical fiction where Lilliet
participates in the politics of her day
in her own way and history happens
around her and plays a significant role
in her story. And then we have Claudine.
The character was born in 1884 during
the French third republic and over a
decade after the Franco-prussian war.
But this isn't historical fiction.
This was contemporary fiction when it came out.
Colette was writing about her present or
near present and she was always kind of
ambivalent about including politics in
her stories anyway. I mean, if you think
about one of more well-known works
which is Gigi, which was made into a film,
she wrote that in Nazi-occupied France
during World War Two or was published in
that time. And it was this light-hearted
story about a young girl being trained
or groomed to become a courtesan.
So you probably won't get as much politicking
and historical event fullness in
the complete Claudine as you will from
the queen of the night. So there you have
it. You got the queen of the night by
Alexander Chee and the complete Claudine by
Colette. Two books that take place in France,
late 19th, early 20th century, and tons of
scandal to go around.
Laage Laage Song Review II Power Star Pawan Kalyan II Katamarayudu Songs II Film Time - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
China's THAAD opposition - Duration: 1:44.China has grown visibly more worried and upset over Seoul and Washington's THAAD decision.
Kim Hyun-bin delves deeper into Beijing's objections to the U.S. missile defense system,
seen by Seoul and Washington as a necessity for national defense.
South Korea and the United States decided in July of last year to deploy the Terminal
High Altitude Area Defense system on the Korean peninsula... to counter the increasing nuclear
and missile threats from North Korea.
THAAD can intercept missiles at an altitude range of forty to 150 kilometers.
Seoul and Washington have said on numerous occasions that THAAD poses no threat to Beijing,
but China is strongly opposed to the move.
"The biggest problem is that the U.S. will be in charge of THAAD.
China is suspicious that the system could be used against it instead of North Korea."
Beijing is perhaps most worried about the system's X-band radar, which has a detection
range of up to two thousand kilometers.
Once it's installed in Seonju County, in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, it will be capable of surveilling
key facilities in China.
On a separate note, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi proposed on Wednesday that North Korea
suspend its nuclear and missile activities in exchange for a halt in the annual military
drills between South Korea and the U.S. South Korea's defense ministry has rejected
that idea, however, saying on Thursday that the drills will continue as planned.
"We will continue the training exercises between Seoul and Washington.
The annual drills are defensive in nature."
"The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier is scheduled to take part in the drills next week... and
Washington is expected to deploy additional strategic assets, including B-52 bombers and
F-35 fighter jets.
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News."
Flite™ headphones. Ultra light. Big sound. - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Best Handcuffs Ever?-------------------------------------------
China's THAAD opposition - Duration: 1:44.China has grown visibly more worried and upset over Seoul and Washington's THAAD decision.
Kim Hyun-bin delves deeper into Beijing's objections to the U.S. missile defense system,
seen by Seoul and Washington as a necessity for national defense.
South Korea and the United States decided in July of last year to deploy the Terminal
High Altitude Area Defense system on the Korean peninsula... to counter the increasing nuclear
and missile threats from North Korea.
THAAD can intercept missiles at an altitude range of forty to 150 kilometers.
Seoul and Washington have said on numerous occasions that THAAD poses no threat to Beijing,
but China is strongly opposed to the move.
"The biggest problem is that the U.S. will be in charge of THAAD.
China is suspicious that the system could be used against it instead of North Korea."
Beijing is perhaps most worried about the system's X-band radar, which has a detection
range of up to two thousand kilometers.
Once it's installed in Seonju County, in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, it will be capable of surveilling
key facilities in China.
On a separate note, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi proposed on Wednesday that North Korea
suspend its nuclear and missile activities in exchange for a halt in the annual military
drills between South Korea and the U.S. South Korea's defense ministry has rejected
that idea, however, saying on Thursday that the drills will continue as planned.
"We will continue the training exercises between Seoul and Washington.
The annual drills are defensive in nature."
"The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier is scheduled to take part in the drills next week... and
Washington is expected to deploy additional strategic assets, including B-52 bombers and
F-35 fighter jets.
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News."
5 Facts, Sony Xperia XZ Premium - Full Specs Review - Duration: 12:28.-------------------------------------------
Hot Wheels® Ride-Ons™-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Hot Wheels® Ride-Ons™-------------------------------------------
U.S. pushing to complete strategy review on N. Korea as threat escalates - Duration: 1:52.The Trump administration is working on a detailed blueprint for ways to deal with the threats
posed by the unpredictable and aggressive North Korean regime.
According to our Connie Kim, all options are on the discussion table.
The new administration in Washington is pressing to complete a strategy review on how to deal
with North Korea as Pyongyang accelerates its nuclear and missile development.
Officials close to President Trump say all options are on the table: tighter sanctions
aimed at pushing North Korea back to disarmament talks, re-stationing U.S. nuclear weapons
in South Korea and even the strongest measure, launching pre-emptive air strikes on North
Korean missile installations.
But for now, U.S. officials are ruling out the option of pre-emptive military action,
as it could ignite a devastating regional war.
While the U.S. government has yet to announce any of its plans officially, the State Department
says it's willing to hold talks with North Korea, but only under certain circumstances.
"We remain open to dialogue with North Korea, with the aim of returning to credible and
authentic negotiations on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
But, and I'll be very clear about this: the onus is on North Korea to take meaningful
actions toward denuclearization and refrain from provocations."
In line with Washington's efforts to hammer out its North Korea policy, U.S. Secretary
of State Rex Tillerson is set to make his first trip to South Korea, China and Japan
next week for talks on bilateral and multilateral security issues.
"Seoul's foreign ministry says Tillerson's visit is timely and will allow the allies
to discuss bolstering their bilateral cooperation on North Korea... and upping the pressure
on the regime.
Connie Kim, Arirang News."
For more infomation >> U.S. pushing to complete strategy review on N. Korea as threat escalates - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Berlingo 1.6 VTi Multispace - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6 VTi Multispace - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Citroën DS3 Cabrio 1.6 THP Sport Chic - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 Cabrio 1.6 THP Sport Chic - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 HDi Intensive - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 HDi Intensive - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 THP Bns EB6V 7p. - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 THP Bns EB6V 7p. - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Berlingo 1.6 HDI 500 Club Ec. Cruise Control/Elek. Ramen voor - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6 HDI 500 Club Ec. Cruise Control/Elek. Ramen voor - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 VTI BUSINESS 5P. Panorama | Trekhaak | Climate | - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 VTI BUSINESS 5P. Panorama | Trekhaak | Climate | - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i-16V - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i-16V - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C3 1.1i Différence - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.1i Différence - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Selection - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi Selection - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 BlueHDi Automaat(al6)Intens. - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 BlueHDi Automaat(al6)Intens. - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 HDi Ligne Bns 7p - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 HDi Ligne Bns 7p - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C5 3.0 V6 Exclusive autom. Airco/Velours - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C5 3.0 V6 Exclusive autom. Airco/Velours - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.0 VTi Shine Automaat/Airco/Multifunctioneel stuur - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 VTi Shine Automaat/Airco/Multifunctioneel stuur - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.2 E-VTI 82 PK 5DR Shine ABS/Airco/Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.2 E-VTI 82 PK 5DR Shine ABS/Airco/Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
The Most UNLIKELY Assassins in History! - Duration: 12:52.Here are the most unlikely assassins ever!
6 - Bear Costume Killer
Jorg Jenatsch was one of the most controversial political leaders in 17th century Switzerland.
During the 30 year's war he took part in many assassinations of political rivals, so
it's not surprising that someone eventually gave him a taste of his own medicine.
I'm not really gonna get into all the inner workings of his nefarious political and religious
But just know that after overseeing assassinations, taking part in revolts, and pissing everyone
off by converting from protestantism to catholicism, someone finally killed him.
But the surprising part is that culprit disguised his or herself by dressing up as a bear.
Now, I'm not super familiar with day to day life in 17th century Switzerland.
But on your average day, someone walking around in a bear costume would draw considerable
attention...I think.
But during a carnival of sorts, it was customary for people to dress up in costumes.
So a seeing a bear strut around town was normal under the circumstances.
Jenatsch was killed by an axe wielding bear on January 24, 1639 and without the sort of
forensic advances we have today, this crafty disguise was more than enough to elude the
To this day we don't know for sure who killed Jenatsch, though he remains an intriguing
figure in European literature and folklore.
5 - Charles Guiteau
Nowadays, US Presidents have such an extensive security detail, it would take a collaboration
between Danny Ocean, Jason Bourne and James Bond to even come close to getting a whiff
at the President.
But in 1881, when James Garfield was President, things were a bit different.
So different in fact, that an unhinged lunatic named Charles Guiteau was able to shoot down
the 20th President at point blank range in a crowded train station.
If you haven't heard of President Garfield, that's because he was in office for less
than a year when his bizarre d**th occurred.
But this story is less about Garfield and more about the nut job who did him in.
Charles Guiteau was a writer, lawyer and political activist.
Though he wasn't very good at any of those things.
His writings were plagiarized and often deemed incoherent as well.
Guiteau obtained his law license in Chicago, based on an extremely casual bar exam.
He argued only one case in court, this, the bulk of his business was actually in bill
His former wife later detailed his dishonest dealings, describing how he would keep disproportionate
amounts of the bill and rarely give the money to his clients.
As far as his speeches go, virtually no one ever attended the speeches he gave on behalf
of his preferred politicians.
He was even committed to an insane asylum once but somehow managed to escape.
Still, he took credit for Garfield's win in the 1880 Presidential Election, and assumed
he would be given a cabinet position or at least an ambassadorship.
Garfield, however, saw things differently and got really annoyed when Guiteau would
pester him about a job.
He finally told him to stay away forever, which was the final straw for Guiteau's sanity.
He decided to kill the president.
He went out and bought a gun and took some target practice.
After stalking Garfield for weeks, he attacked at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station.
His line of thinking was that Vice President Chester A. Arthur would be so grateful for
the opportunity to be President that he would appoint Guiteau to a cabinet position or something.
However, that never happened.
This crazy dude was tried for murder, and a truly insane trial ensued where he refused
legal counsel, opting instead to represent himself by reading some of his poems and often
asking courtroom spectators for legal advice.
His court appointed lawyers wisely tried using the insanity plea to help him avoid execution
making it one of the first high profile cases to use such a defense.
Guiteau insisted he was in fact perfectly sane, and how anyone could believe him is
beyond me.
Believe it or not, his legal expertise didn't work, and he was sentenced to d#ath.
On June 30, 1882, Charles Guiteau danced up to the gallows while reading one of his nonsensical
To think that this guy was able to kill the most powerful man in the country is crazy.
4 - Dan White
Of all the potential assassination targets, city supervisors probably rank pretty low
on the list.
However, in 1978, Harvey Milk, along with San Francisco Mayor George Moscone, was killed
by another fellow city supervisor named Dan White.
Quick backstory.
Milk was the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California in
As a staunch advocate for the expansion of gay rights, he obviously ruffled a few feathers.
However, his assassination doesn't seem to have been motivated entirely by homophobia,
but rather a disgruntled former city supervisor who may have been barely hanging by a thread.
White was a former San Francisco Police Officer and Firefighter.
He had become well known for his heroics as a firefighter and In 1977, he was elected
to the board of Supervisors along with Harvey Milk.
For the 10 months they served together, the two often sparred over policy.
The more liberal Milk often advocated for government subsidized neighborhood development,
while the more business oriented White preferred private enterprise.
White also opposed one of Milk's gay rights ordinances, though like I said, that wasn't
the only reason he killed his colleague.
In fact, White actually opposed an anti gay ordinance at one point.
But on November 10, 1978, White resigned from the board, opting for a more lucrative private
His salary of about $9,600 a year and his failing restaurant business put him and his
family in a financial bind.
But whatever business opportunity White was chasing quickly didn't work out, and coupled
with the fact that Moscone planned to appoint a more liberal replacement, it inspired White
to ask to be reinstated.
Moscone told him no, and White finally reached a breaking point.
On November 27, the day Moscone planned to appoint White's replacement, White snuck
into City Hall through a basement window armed with a pistol.
He managed to get a meeting with the Mayor and asked for his job back again.
Again, Moscone said no, and they quickly began having a heated argument.
So White pulled out his pistol and shot him twice in the chest and twice in the head.
Then, after reloading, he made his way to his old office where he was met by Milk.
He asked Milk to step inside the office with him, which Milk obliged.
Once inside, White opened fire on his former colleague, killing him as well.
Amazingly, White was only charged with voluntary manslaughter, even though he admitted to the
He denied any kind of premeditation, even though he purposely avoided metal detectors
and came to city hall with a pistol.
His lawyers successfully argued a diminished capacity defense claiming White was depressed
at the time, and that his consumption of junk food caused him to behave erratically.
This became known as the "Twinkie Argument."
White served less than a decade in jail, receiving parole in 1984.
But on October 21, 1985, less than two years after his parole, White committed suicide.
Though he isn't as remembered as Milk, who has become an icon, White's story is beyond
What drove a former police officer, firefighter, war veteran and city politician to viciously
kill two innocent people in cold blood is a bit mysterious.
I mean, his motives might seem pretty clear, but seriously, most people handle their political
differences a bit more civilly, even in today's climate.
3 - Richard Lawrence
There's assassins, and then there's would be assassins, and Richard Lawrence is a would
be assassin.
In 1835 he tried to killed Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States,
the dude on your 20 dollar bills.
Enter Richard Lawrence, who like many of the men on this list, was not well.
The out of work house painter, quit his job because he believed the U.S Government owed
him money because he was King Richard the III of England.
Now let's apply logic here to examine his claim.
King Richard III died in 1485, so that would make him 383 years old at the time, or it'd
make sense if reincarnation does occur.
But why, if you were once an almighty king, would you come back as a poor, freelance house
Either way, the Government disagreed about the whole Kingship thing and didn't pay
He blamed Jackson for this.
So on January 30, 1835, after stalking the President for weeks, he followed him to the
capitol building and put his plan into action.
He approached Jackson on the lawn and tried to shoot him, but his gun jammed.
But Lawrence was prepared and brought a second gun….it jammed too.
Now, that famous temper of Jackson's kicked in and he attacked the would be assassin and
beat the hell out of him with his walking stick.
Eventually the cops showed up and arrested the dude, and after a trial and medical examination,
he was sentenced to spend the rest of his days in an insane asylum.
2 - LOL Lady
After a falling out with father/dictator, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-nam was exiled from
North Korea in 2003.
For years he had been critical of his family's reign of power, often advocating for reform.
On February 13, 2017, he was most likely assassinated by North Korean agents at a Malaysian Airport.
We pretty much know he was assassinated because his crazy brother, Kim Jong-un had been trying
to have him killed for at least five years.
Of course the investigation is ongoing at this point, but South Korean and Malaysian
intelligence agencies are certain that he was poisoned by four North Korean chemical
experts, possibly with the help of two young women.
While at the airport, we know that two women approached Kim Jong-nam, one covered his face
with a cloth laced with liquid, while another sprayed him with some kind of poison.
The women were arrested and identified as Doan Thi Huong and Siti Aishah.
They told police they were approached by four men and asked to help them with a prank for
a TV show, offering them $100 if they did the whole holding a cloth over the guy's
face while spraying him deal.
They did it, and though he survived the initial attack, Kim Jong-nam died while being rushed
to the hospital.
One of the four men has been arrested.
Ri Jong Cho is a chemical expert who was found in a condo with North Korean travel documents.
Malaysian authorities have been searching for four other guys who they think helped
out with this assassination.
As of right now, there are tons of questions, such as were these women actual North Korean
trained agents or innocent, unwitting albeit incredibly gullible participants?
What is North Korea's motive for this given that the guy was no real threat to Kim Jong-un's
That's all being hammered out, but let's not pretend an assassination like this is
beneath a crazy person like Kim Jong-un.
1 - Sidney Dorsey
Despite the increase killings by police officers in recent years, it's still always a shock
when those entrusted to uphold the law brazenly break it.
That's exactly what makes Sidney Dorsey such an unlikely killer.
From 1996 until 2000, Dorsey was the Sheriff of Dekalb County, the first black person to
hold that position.
However, he lost his bid for re-election in 2000 to Police veteran Derwin Brown.
Rather than lose gracefully, Dorsey hired former Deputy Melvin Walker to kill his rival.
Walker shot Brown 12 times in front of his own house on December 15, 2000.
It was later revealed that Dorsey told Walker he would be promoted to Deputy sheriff if
he carried out the evil deed.
It was also later discovered that the main reason for the killing was to obstruct a probe
into corruption while he was sheriff.
In addition to his life sentence for ordering the murder, Dorsey had a 23 year sentence
tacked on for racketeering.
He confessed to the crime in 2007, claiming that the hit was ordered out of bitterness.
He's still in prison to this day.
Here's what's next!
For more infomation >> The Most UNLIKELY Assassins in History! - Duration: 12:52.-------------------------------------------
Baby Doll Colors Bubble Gum-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET 85PK 5-DRS * AIRCO * LMV * CRUISE CONTROL * - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
阪神タイガース球団歌「六甲おろし」cov(●^o^●)🎶M - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
BMW 1 Serie Coupe 120D EXECUTIVE Airco ECC Leder M-pakket Licht metaal Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
170309 #HappySugaDay ll Special Video For SUGA 🎁 - Duration: 6:27.It's really a bitch to not have something you want to do.
I know that it seems pathetic to not have a dream like every one.
"Everything's going to be alright if you go to university and do as we tell you"
I believed in those words but I'm living because I can't die
Just pass me the drink because I want to get drunk today so please don't try to stop me
I don't mind the brand, it might be a luxury for a person with no job to have a drink
Everyone's running but why am I still here
So far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
don't far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
Dream, I will be there for your creation until the end of your life
Dream, wherever you might be (the world) it will be lenient
Dream, you will fully bloom after all the hardships
Dream, your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be
Right, I'm living because I can't die but I don't have anything I want to do
I'm in so much pain and loneliness but people around me keeping telling me to regain my consciousness
I try to vent my anger but I only got myself so what's the point of venting my anger
I'm scared to open my eyes everyday and start breathing
Even my friends and family are drifting away, I feel anxious as time passes by
It feels like I'm all by myself, I hope everything disappears when I'm alone
I hope things disappear like mirage, I hope things disappear, I hope my damn self disappears
I'm abandoned like this in the world, in this moment I'm drifting away from the sky
I'm falling
So far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
don't far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
Dream, I will be there for your creation until the end of your life
Dream, wherever you might be (the world) it will be lenient
Dream, you will fully bloom after all the hardships
Dream, your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be
So far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
don't far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
Dream, I will be there for your creation until the end of your life. Dream, wherever you might be (the world) it will be lenient
Dream, you will fully bloom after all the hardships. Dream, your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be
I will be there for your creation until the end of your life (don't far away)
Wherever you might be (the world) it will be lenient
You will fully bloom after all the hardships
Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be
So far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
don't far away, if I had a dream, if only I had a flying dream
Dream, I will be there for your creation until the end of your life. Dream, wherever you might be (the world) it will be lenient
Dream, you will fully bloom after all the hardships Dream, your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be
The Most UNLIKELY Assassins in History! - Duration: 12:52.Here are the most unlikely assassins ever!
6 - Bear Costume Killer
Jorg Jenatsch was one of the most controversial political leaders in 17th century Switzerland.
During the 30 year's war he took part in many assassinations of political rivals, so
it's not surprising that someone eventually gave him a taste of his own medicine.
I'm not really gonna get into all the inner workings of his nefarious political and religious
But just know that after overseeing assassinations, taking part in revolts, and pissing everyone
off by converting from protestantism to catholicism, someone finally killed him.
But the surprising part is that culprit disguised his or herself by dressing up as a bear.
Now, I'm not super familiar with day to day life in 17th century Switzerland.
But on your average day, someone walking around in a bear costume would draw considerable
attention...I think.
But during a carnival of sorts, it was customary for people to dress up in costumes.
So a seeing a bear strut around town was normal under the circumstances.
Jenatsch was killed by an axe wielding bear on January 24, 1639 and without the sort of
forensic advances we have today, this crafty disguise was more than enough to elude the
To this day we don't know for sure who killed Jenatsch, though he remains an intriguing
figure in European literature and folklore.
5 - Charles Guiteau
Nowadays, US Presidents have such an extensive security detail, it would take a collaboration
between Danny Ocean, Jason Bourne and James Bond to even come close to getting a whiff
at the President.
But in 1881, when James Garfield was President, things were a bit different.
So different in fact, that an unhinged lunatic named Charles Guiteau was able to shoot down
the 20th President at point blank range in a crowded train station.
If you haven't heard of President Garfield, that's because he was in office for less
than a year when his bizarre d**th occurred.
But this story is less about Garfield and more about the nut job who did him in.
Charles Guiteau was a writer, lawyer and political activist.
Though he wasn't very good at any of those things.
His writings were plagiarized and often deemed incoherent as well.
Guiteau obtained his law license in Chicago, based on an extremely casual bar exam.
He argued only one case in court, this, the bulk of his business was actually in bill
His former wife later detailed his dishonest dealings, describing how he would keep disproportionate
amounts of the bill and rarely give the money to his clients.
As far as his speeches go, virtually no one ever attended the speeches he gave on behalf
of his preferred politicians.
He was even committed to an insane asylum once but somehow managed to escape.
Still, he took credit for Garfield's win in the 1880 Presidential Election, and assumed
he would be given a cabinet position or at least an ambassadorship.
Garfield, however, saw things differently and got really annoyed when Guiteau would
pester him about a job.
He finally told him to stay away forever, which was the final straw for Guiteau's sanity.
He decided to kill the president.
He went out and bought a gun and took some target practice.
After stalking Garfield for weeks, he attacked at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station.
His line of thinking was that Vice President Chester A. Arthur would be so grateful for
the opportunity to be President that he would appoint Guiteau to a cabinet position or something.
However, that never happened.
This crazy dude was tried for murder, and a truly insane trial ensued where he refused
legal counsel, opting instead to represent himself by reading some of his poems and often
asking courtroom spectators for legal advice.
His court appointed lawyers wisely tried using the insanity plea to help him avoid execution
making it one of the first high profile cases to use such a defense.
Guiteau insisted he was in fact perfectly sane, and how anyone could believe him is
beyond me.
Believe it or not, his legal expertise didn't work, and he was sentenced to d#ath.
On June 30, 1882, Charles Guiteau danced up to the gallows while reading one of his nonsensical
To think that this guy was able to kill the most powerful man in the country is crazy.
4 - Dan White
Of all the potential assassination targets, city supervisors probably rank pretty low
on the list.
However, in 1978, Harvey Milk, along with San Francisco Mayor George Moscone, was killed
by another fellow city supervisor named Dan White.
Quick backstory.
Milk was the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California in
As a staunch advocate for the expansion of gay rights, he obviously ruffled a few feathers.
However, his assassination doesn't seem to have been motivated entirely by homophobia,
but rather a disgruntled former city supervisor who may have been barely hanging by a thread.
White was a former San Francisco Police Officer and Firefighter.
He had become well known for his heroics as a firefighter and In 1977, he was elected
to the board of Supervisors along with Harvey Milk.
For the 10 months they served together, the two often sparred over policy.
The more liberal Milk often advocated for government subsidized neighborhood development,
while the more business oriented White preferred private enterprise.
White also opposed one of Milk's gay rights ordinances, though like I said, that wasn't
the only reason he killed his colleague.
In fact, White actually opposed an anti gay ordinance at one point.
But on November 10, 1978, White resigned from the board, opting for a more lucrative private
His salary of about $9,600 a year and his failing restaurant business put him and his
family in a financial bind.
But whatever business opportunity White was chasing quickly didn't work out, and coupled
with the fact that Moscone planned to appoint a more liberal replacement, it inspired White
to ask to be reinstated.
Moscone told him no, and White finally reached a breaking point.
On November 27, the day Moscone planned to appoint White's replacement, White snuck
into City Hall through a basement window armed with a pistol.
He managed to get a meeting with the Mayor and asked for his job back again.
Again, Moscone said no, and they quickly began having a heated argument.
So White pulled out his pistol and shot him twice in the chest and twice in the head.
Then, after reloading, he made his way to his old office where he was met by Milk.
He asked Milk to step inside the office with him, which Milk obliged.
Once inside, White opened fire on his former colleague, killing him as well.
Amazingly, White was only charged with voluntary manslaughter, even though he admitted to the
He denied any kind of premeditation, even though he purposely avoided metal detectors
and came to city hall with a pistol.
His lawyers successfully argued a diminished capacity defense claiming White was depressed
at the time, and that his consumption of junk food caused him to behave erratically.
This became known as the "Twinkie Argument."
White served less than a decade in jail, receiving parole in 1984.
But on October 21, 1985, less than two years after his parole, White committed suicide.
Though he isn't as remembered as Milk, who has become an icon, White's story is beyond
What drove a former police officer, firefighter, war veteran and city politician to viciously
kill two innocent people in cold blood is a bit mysterious.
I mean, his motives might seem pretty clear, but seriously, most people handle their political
differences a bit more civilly, even in today's climate.
3 - Richard Lawrence
There's assassins, and then there's would be assassins, and Richard Lawrence is a would
be assassin.
In 1835 he tried to killed Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States,
the dude on your 20 dollar bills.
Enter Richard Lawrence, who like many of the men on this list, was not well.
The out of work house painter, quit his job because he believed the U.S Government owed
him money because he was King Richard the III of England.
Now let's apply logic here to examine his claim.
King Richard III died in 1485, so that would make him 383 years old at the time, or it'd
make sense if reincarnation does occur.
But why, if you were once an almighty king, would you come back as a poor, freelance house
Either way, the Government disagreed about the whole Kingship thing and didn't pay
He blamed Jackson for this.
So on January 30, 1835, after stalking the President for weeks, he followed him to the
capitol building and put his plan into action.
He approached Jackson on the lawn and tried to shoot him, but his gun jammed.
But Lawrence was prepared and brought a second gun….it jammed too.
Now, that famous temper of Jackson's kicked in and he attacked the would be assassin and
beat the hell out of him with his walking stick.
Eventually the cops showed up and arrested the dude, and after a trial and medical examination,
he was sentenced to spend the rest of his days in an insane asylum.
2 - LOL Lady
After a falling out with father/dictator, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-nam was exiled from
North Korea in 2003.
For years he had been critical of his family's reign of power, often advocating for reform.
On February 13, 2017, he was most likely assassinated by North Korean agents at a Malaysian Airport.
We pretty much know he was assassinated because his crazy brother, Kim Jong-un had been trying
to have him killed for at least five years.
Of course the investigation is ongoing at this point, but South Korean and Malaysian
intelligence agencies are certain that he was poisoned by four North Korean chemical
experts, possibly with the help of two young women.
While at the airport, we know that two women approached Kim Jong-nam, one covered his face
with a cloth laced with liquid, while another sprayed him with some kind of poison.
The women were arrested and identified as Doan Thi Huong and Siti Aishah.
They told police they were approached by four men and asked to help them with a prank for
a TV show, offering them $100 if they did the whole holding a cloth over the guy's
face while spraying him deal.
They did it, and though he survived the initial attack, Kim Jong-nam died while being rushed
to the hospital.
One of the four men has been arrested.
Ri Jong Cho is a chemical expert who was found in a condo with North Korean travel documents.
Malaysian authorities have been searching for four other guys who they think helped
out with this assassination.
As of right now, there are tons of questions, such as were these women actual North Korean
trained agents or innocent, unwitting albeit incredibly gullible participants?
What is North Korea's motive for this given that the guy was no real threat to Kim Jong-un's
That's all being hammered out, but let's not pretend an assassination like this is
beneath a crazy person like Kim Jong-un.
1 - Sidney Dorsey
Despite the increase killings by police officers in recent years, it's still always a shock
when those entrusted to uphold the law brazenly break it.
That's exactly what makes Sidney Dorsey such an unlikely killer.
From 1996 until 2000, Dorsey was the Sheriff of Dekalb County, the first black person to
hold that position.
However, he lost his bid for re-election in 2000 to Police veteran Derwin Brown.
Rather than lose gracefully, Dorsey hired former Deputy Melvin Walker to kill his rival.
Walker shot Brown 12 times in front of his own house on December 15, 2000.
It was later revealed that Dorsey told Walker he would be promoted to Deputy sheriff if
he carried out the evil deed.
It was also later discovered that the main reason for the killing was to obstruct a probe
into corruption while he was sheriff.
In addition to his life sentence for ordering the murder, Dorsey had a 23 year sentence
tacked on for racketeering.
He confessed to the crime in 2007, claiming that the hit was ordered out of bitterness.
He's still in prison to this day.
Here's what's next!
Humanity Is Evolving Into Galactic Humans! - Duration: 5:27.Humanity Is Evolving Into Galactic Humans!
by Jetson White,
What is a Galactic Human?
All beings born as Humans onto this Planet are Galactic Humans.
Because this Planet, like all inhabited planets, was seeded by one or more Galactic races.
In other words, a Human�s true ancestry is not of this world!
But why have Humans not been taught this?
There are a multitude of reasons, but the most fundamental is that those born into this
3rd Dimensional experiment agree to forget upon birth who they really are.
This agreement to forget is made so that Humanity may experience a rebirth, an awakening.
And it is this awakening that has the potential to transform Humanity, here and now, back
into the original blueprint of our true Galactic Selves.
And what is this original Galactic blueprint?
It has to do with Human DNA.
Humans started out as 12-stranded, crystalline-based beings, and this original configuration gave
Humans immortality, and powers now considered astounding.
So how did Human DNA get dumbed down to its current state of 2-stranded, carbon-based?
There are plenty of stories about it, but I think the more important question is, can
Humans reactivate this original DNA blueprint and become Galactic Humans again?
The answer is YES!
And it�s totally what�s happening right now!
I�m talking about the Evolution of the Human species!
And everything is in place for Humanity, and this Planet, to evolve!
Here are a few reasons why I believe the time is right for all of Humanity to evolve.
First, starting in 1961, our Solar System entered an immense Photon Belt, or more accurately
a Photon Ocean, that has been bathing our planet in powerful gamma rays.
And, in 2012, Earth began traveling through the deepest, densest portion of this belt.
Additionally, in December 2012, our Solar System began a new 13,000-year stellar cycle
in the Precession of the Equinoxes.
And all of these cosmic events coincide with the dawning of a New Age, when the planet�s
Vernal Equinox moves from the Pisces constellation into Aquarius.
This is something that only happens every 2000 years, and it�s happening right now!
But what do cosmic events have to do with DNA and Human Evolution?
Each cosmic event carries its own brand of lightwaves and gamma radiation�cosmic rays
that carry codes.
In regard to gamma in particular, it is now known that when DNA absorbs gamma light, a
coded signal is sent to the DNA to evolve up to the next higher order of being.
For example, scientists can shine a laser through salamander eggs and pick up their
DNA information, then shine that same laser into frog eggs, which are a stage below salamanders,
and hatch salamanders from the frog eggs.
That is exactly what is happening to Human DNA!
The gamma radiation saturating the Planet is providing Humanity with a very fancy DNA
Basically, cosmic rays are connecting with and waking up what scientists had previously
labeled Junk DNA.
And that�s more than 95% of Human DNA, so there�s plenty of room for upgrades!
But there�s another, more exciting reason why the time is right for Human DNA to evolve,
and that is that Humanity is finally ready to evolve.
How do we know this?
We know this because the great minds of our time are finally deciphering the coded messages
left for us on this Planet by our Galactic ancestors.
Where are these coded messages found?
They have been found in the ruins of thousands of ancient civilizations all over the globe.
And what is the message for Humanity that�s been deciphered?
It is the secret to mastering Gravity and Magnetism�a secret that is only revealed
when a race has demonstrated it is ready and willing to ascend in order to wield such incredible
A big part of the Ascension/Evolution process is the formation of a new Collective Consciousness
made up of Galactic Humans who operate as one compassionate, cooperative group mind.
But, hey, that�s enough Cosmic Code for one article.
My next article will offer ideas on what it takes to begin operating from within the new
Galactic Human Collective.
How to make Butter at Home | Homemade Butter | వెన్న తయారు చేయడం ఎలా - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Test fotoobrazu - Krwawy Krzysztof [napisy] - Duration: 6:20.-------------------------------------------
Is 4th industrial revolution eating away jobs? - Duration: 3:28.As Korea continues to take leaps in unmanned industries through rapid advancements and
technological breakthroughs,… there are growing concerns that soon things will be
so developed ... almost any task will be done by machines leaving people jobless.
Shin Se-min sheds light on how technology may pose challenges on the job front, and
what approach we should take to embrace the changes the labor market is bound to make.
They're at hospitals, banks and now,… at your nearest fast-food chains.
These unmanned self-service systems or kiosks continue to pop up in different industries.
"The convenience makes me want to use them over and over.
Mostly, they cut back my waiting time.
"I enjoy ordering through automated machines, especially when I'm in a hurry or don't want
to talk to the cashier myself."
Large companies are convinced that automation helps them save money on labor costs, while
catering to the demands of their young customers.
In the U.S., Wendy's plans to replace its order-taking employees with digital alternatives
by adding kiosks at thousands of locations across the country this year,… this, following
suit of other fast-food chains that have either already installed or are planning to expand
the number of self-ordering kiosks.
So far in Korea, major fast-food chains have not quite inched in this direction, saying
no job cuts have been made after setting up the digital machines.
The move toward automation isn't all about cutting back on labor costs,… as it also
enhances labor productivity,… but still people are worried.
"This speedy and easy-to-use technology may simply look like a step toward greater efficiency,
but along with the rapid spread of these automated kiosks, also comes the concern that they're
stealing people's jobs."
The World Economic Forum predicts that nearly 5-point-1 million jobs will be lost to automation
over the period of 2015-2020.
That would deal a hefty blow to countries like Korea.
Of the total number of workers, over 32-percent are non-regular workers.
And more than 2-point-4 million Koreans work as part-timers,… a figure that has been
growing over the past years and is still is climbing.
In other words, automated self-service machines could eat away existing jobs, not only in
the service sector but also in manufacturing as well... signaling trouble for Korea's already
feeble labor market.
"The adaptation Korea's labor market is going through along with the fourth industrial revolution
is seemingly hurting many of the country's workers.
Unless there are preventative measures that protect workers affected by these new technologies,
this will bring about harsher conditions for the labor market."
The expert adds that efforts to reshape the labor market must be made immediately, especially
as the country remains sandwiched between a shrinking working population and fast-evolving
The belief is that smart reforms now may help revitalize the labor market and give it more
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.
GLAMGLOW SUPERMUD CLEARING TREATMENT | FACE MASK REVIEW + DEMO - Duration: 4:38.hi guys welcome back to today's video
and another installment in glamglow
week from glamglow flashmud to glamglow gravitymud
we are trying every mask that glam
glow has to offer so make sure to click
all of the links in a place somewhere
all around you here but especially in
the description box down below where are
we placing links to every glam glow
review video in this video we'll be
trying glamglow is supermud
clearing the treatment this is great for
oily skin and acne breakouts now the
reason why this Supermud comes in a really
unique packaging that's different than
the original is because this is a value
set it also came with the glamglow youthmud a
cleanser and a brush for a pretty great
value but I'll have everything link
below in the description box
alright let's open this box up and start
the demo in tutorial of the glam
glow supermud mask
alright so when you open it up you can
see because this was a value set i got
an extra cleanser in here a brush the
use mask is back behind the youthmud as
well as the supermud here in front
don't forget to check out my glamglow
youthmud review that came in this gift
it's a little bit different than the
Supermud is a little less abrasive so
it's better to put all over your entire
face with a Supermud i'm just going to
use on concentrated blemishes and on my
nasal region so this is a tiny little
jar that came with my value pack you can
get the typical 50 mil jar on for our
amazon which I'll link down below for
around sixty dollars
alright i'm so excited to open this up
oh you've got a lot of fresh jar
so this one does smell a little bit
stronger than the glamglow youthmud it smells
like most land below products just kind
of like a faint mud sent this one smells
like a little bit almost like
experimenting or minty going to go ahead
with my little glamglow brush that came
with the value set and apply the mask
just to my nose and t-zone region
this is really where most of my
blackhead buildup is I don't have any
acne right now but you can also spot
treatment and he's this that you have
but for now I'm just going to focus on
the nose area the supermassive was
clinically developed to reduce acne and
blemishes it's also great for reducing redness
and works really great at
preventing and healing ingrown hairs as
well this must also contains traces
charcoal which is really going to help
purify the skin now this face
mask does remind me of the glamglow a
youthmud mask I wouldn't say that
this is tingling but it definitely has
kind of like a cooling sensation as it
dries definitely starting to get tight
around the edges the key ingredients in
this mask RB hahha which are two
different types of acids that really
helped promote a clear complexion and
now i'm going to leave this mask on for
5 to 10 minutes I'll meet you right back
here and it's just like that the power
of editing it has been 10 minutes as you
can see the mask is almost completely
I don't know if USC and when zooming for
this next part now this is the super
cool part guys as you can see all of
these black dots along here are actually
my pores pores along my nose are gigantic i
spent way too much time in the Sun when
I was younger but what's cool about this
is the pore-matrix technology actually
cling onto the poor it absorbs all that
excess oil and get rid of all these dirt
and go see them trapped inside even
looking at all of these chords on my
nose is giving the extreme anxiety so
I'm just going to go ahead and was
this face mask off just want to throw some
warm water on your face and give it
a nice little massage that will also help to
exfoliate the area gently
i'm just going to use a warm
cloth and give it a wipe
I feel completely refreshed
there's absolutely zero texture along
here there's no blackhead build-up guys
by the end of the day on the person that
can actually feel the bumps coming back
with my arch-nemesis i'm constantly
battling enlarged pores you
can take a look
alright as you can see through here
there is absolutely a zero build-up left
i'm thrilled
this is my main area of concern and this
face mask addressed every concern that I have
my skin is so much more smooth and feels
totally refreshed and that concludes
another episode in the glamglow face mask
miniseries where we just reviewed the
glamglow supermud clearing treatment if
you love this face mask and glamglow
as much as i do don't forget to give this video
a big thumbs up or leave a comment down
below and don't forget to click all
around this video or in the description
box down below to check out every other
glamglow review below and like always you
can keep up with me on instagram
snapchat and Twitter until next time
guys see you then
Mind Body Spirit Expo 2017 | VLOOTD | Tall Girl Fashion | L'BRI LUCY Tall Beauty - Duration: 6:17.Mind Body Spirit Expo 2017. vlog. crystals. gemstones. incense. law of attraction. ootd. tall girl fashion. fashion over 40. fashion over 50. l'bri lucy tall beauty. asos.
Some very important questions - Duration: 1:40.Do you love yourself?
Do you love yourself enough?
If you knew that right now you can do something that will benefit your mental and physical
health, wouldn't you do it?
If you knew that right now you can do something that will help YOU, your loved ones, the animals
and the planet, wouldn't you do it?
If you knew that right now you can do something that will help your children, your grandchildren
and their children live in a healthier environment, wouldn't you do it?
If you knew that by changing some bad habits you can save someone's life, wouldn't you
do it?
If you knew that by changing your diet you will bring out your better self and be happier,
wouldn't you do it?
If you knew that right now you can do something that will make the lives of your children
so much better, wouldn't you do it?
If you knew that you could stop starvation, wouldn't you do it?
If you knew that right now you can do something that will benefit the whole world, wouldn't
you do it?
If you knew that right now you can do something that will have direct or indirect positive
results to the animals, the planet, yourself and humanity, wouldn't you do it?
Write your answers below.
Subscribe and make the world vegan with us.
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