Hey there, thanks for choosing this
episode based on the title... but I don't
want to be a bait-and-switch we are
going to talk about you loving your butt
however it's going to be so much more
than that in this episode of the chalene
show I'm going to specifically share
with you how you can today make some
minor changes they're going to have you
feeling much better about your body and
getting better results off to the show
welcome to the chalene show chalene is a
New York Times best selling author
celebrity fitness trainer and obsessed
with helping you live your dream life so
first thing I want to tell you is that
I've been changing things up a little
bit with my training instead of lifting
three days a week I started making it a
goal to lift six days a week
my goal is 6 I always get in 5 I mean
like always in the last 6 months there
hasn't been a week that I didn't get in
at least five days of straight training
but my goal is six strength training I
mean some form of activity where my goal
is specifically to build muscle that can
be piyo that can be a bodyweight workout
it can be some form of interval or drill
workout as long as their strength
involved and it can be just straight out
strength meaning just lifting weights
and targeting a particular body part
well can I just tell you if I can for
just a moment I am so happy right now
with my butt my butt my butt is getting
bigger and I'm excited about that
I'm really quite enamored with my butt
right now trust me I have things in
perspective I know there are people who
have much cuter much higher butts but
I'm really happy with mine I'm really
happy with the progress here's what's
funny about that when I was in high
school there is this guy who shall
remain nameless I didn't even like
really like him but for whatever reason
he was in our like circle of friends
and he was kind of a jerk to be honest
but he was funny and because he was
boisterous and opinionated people always
like listened to what he said or maybe
they maybe they just knew he was going
to be mouthy so you were worried when he
might say because he was loud not so
perfect obnoxious kid in one of my
classes just going to shock you to know
I'm pretty opinionated and loud and
funny and
not trying to brag but I was class clown
my senior year but anyways there was a
bird of him that I was kind of attracted
to because we're both kind of like loud
and mouthy and opinionated but anyways
one day you know we're sitting next to
each other and he made some comment like
well you've got a big butt I was not
going to respond to him in that moment
or let him know he got underneath my
skin and I don't even know if I realized
he got underneath my skin in when he
made the comment but I do remember
thinking to myself later and letting
that comment get to me like do I have a
big butt
I never thought of myself as having a
big butt I guess I have never even
really looked in my butt how do you look
at your butt you know unless you're in a
two-way mirror but whatever the case I
better do something about my bucket I
want people thinking I have a big butt I
better start like running or something
and isn't it funny how trans change
because probably like two years ago I
posted a video on my Instagram page and
dozens and dozens as there always are
either really nice comments or just
people talking about the workout people
talking about their own workout rarely
do I get someone who's you know making a
comment about my body which is good
I'm this one day someone made a comment
to the effect of why would you even post
this video you don't even have a but now
people post negative obnoxious things
all the time I just delete them but this
one caught my attention and I'm sure
it's because it stirred up memories of
that jerk in high school who made the
comment about my butt so now I'm
thinking to myself oh well that's a
compliment that whoever wrote this told
me that I don't have a butt or wait a
second how do I feel about that and I
kind of took a moment to go what's
reality like what do I care about Noah
am i still worried about what this jerk
says in high school do I care about this
random person's comment on my Instagram
page what's the truth here I really
looked in the mirror and I thought what
do I think about my bullet from the side
you know it's hard to see it from the
back but like what do I think about my
bullet and what do I want for my butt
and I realized you know what I would
like to have more muscle I actually want
a bigger butt it is time for me to let
go of that stupid silly high school
comment and just develop the body that I
want the bye
it makes me feel good a body where maybe
my jeans are tighter but maybe the waist
is a little bit looser you know what I'm
saying like I want a but I would like a
butt so in my regimen of strength
training I started lifting specifically
for my lower body a minimum of three
days a week
dang and guess what it's been working I
am really happy with my butt I'm really
really excited about my butt progress
and I hope this isn't too much
information but my husband is really
happy with my butt progress hashtag but
progress as well now don't get me wrong
he is always complimentary but it's nice
when someone notices that your hard work
is paying off you know what I mean I
wanted to start this podcast off by
sharing that with you because I love you
and I want you to love your body and I
want you to feel better about your body
that's what this episode is all about
how can you improve your body confidence
and before I get into some specific
research which will help you understand
why I wanted to start with that story
and why it was so beneficial for you to
know that I feel really good about my
butt right now which sounds so strange
but you know what I'm sayin girlfriend
butt butt butt-butt-butt the reason why
we're talking about butts and the reason
why we're talking about body confidence
is because when you improve the way you
feel and think about your body it does
so much for your self-esteem and as
research to support that when you have a
more positive view of your own body your
body tends to cooperate with you you
will have better results okay the first
thing I want you to wrap your head
around is the fact I mean just work with
me for a second and you know you know me
so I'm probably the easiest example for
us to use but let's just say that when
that kid made that comment to me I
didn't have a big butt I had a small
butt but in my head I started thinking I
had a big butt so what's the truth and
what the reality really doesn't matter
when you factor in what you think right
it's just like telling someone who's
anorexic that they're too thin it's
pointless if they believe themselves
that they still have more fat to lose
therefore what we
think about our bodies is nearly if not
entirely more important than what is
reality when it comes to our body image
I mean because if you think you still
have more weight to lose or that you're
disgusting even if you're not it really
doesn't matter what reality is because
the truth for you is what you believe to
be true about your body and there's no
denying the fact that when we feel good
about ourselves and when we feel good
about our progress and we feel good
about our body we do good things we do
better and we're motivated by the fact
that it's working or that we don't have
as far to go as we once thought we did
or or that we look pretty good and
everything that we do from here on out
is isn't a wasted attempt but rather
it's progress progress in the right
direction and I'm going to share with
you some suggestions on how you can
change your own body image around but
how you can start to think differently
about your body but before I do that I
want to really convince you I really
want to make my case for why this is so
important right I mean because you want
to be happy and losing weight gaining
weight adding less or whatever changing
your body composition isn't necessarily
going to make you happy unless you have
happy thoughts about your body we all
know someone who's just large and in
charge and freaking you know they love
their body they love their body and you
probably looked at that person and
thought to yourself man I love their
body do because they love their body and
I would be very unhappy with myself if I
were that size but boy I wish I was as
happy with my body as they are about
and we've also known someone who was
really thin and really fit and every
time you're around them you just want to
pinch their heads off because you know
when someone is doing that number one
you know that they are so far removed
from reality but in their own minds it
feels like their reality but that makes
you then question well then what does
that person think about my body if
they're just going on and on about how
terrible their body is what could they
possibly be thinking about my body which
then makes you feel bad about your body
and it
makes you feel like that person who's
doing that that they're fishing for
compliments you're like listen
girlfriend if you're trying to get me to
tell you that you're perfect it's not
going to work because you're bugging me
that person who does that usually not
fishing for a compliment they're just
expressing their own negative belief
regardless of how far away it is from
reality regardless of the fact that that
you've never met someone who's closer to
perfection in their minds they are
struggling with a negative body image
and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes
either I would so much rather be the
girl who has by someone else's standards
more weight to lose but who loves her
body like loves her body and exudes
confidence because that's what happiness
is about and that's reality the reality
is what you believe to be true about
your body so really who cares and that
woman that girl that friend of yours
who's constantly putting herself down
and holding her hands over her stomach
and complaining about the way she looks
and meanwhile you don't know anyone
who's as fit or spin as her she's
tormented and kind of frankly miserable
to be around lately I've been doing some
research for the courageous confidence
Club and one of the areas have been
focusing on his body image now if you're
not familiar with the courageous
confidence club it's an online kind of
virtual coaching program that I've
developed to help anyone with their
confidence confidence in all areas
whether it's public speaking standing up
for yourself believing in yourself
erasing self-doubt and of course body
image which tends to be a big obstacle
for a lot of women and in my research to
develop new content for that club I
discovered some interesting research the
study conducted by Mount Allison
University took 75 women and measured
their self-esteem their belief about
themselves after getting together with
friends and allowing the conversation to
turn to their own body image and when it
turned to things like weight gain or
dissatisfaction with body parts
generally speaking what we would
consider just kind of you know talking
trash about ourselves with our
very comfortable environment I'm not
talking about one friend who's going off
but you know how we do sometimes and we
get together and we're like oh yeah I
know and then this and then oh it sucks
to get older or whatever it just happens
sometimes they found these researchers
that those women who were exposed to
negative although friendly conversations
with their girlfriends about body image
experience far lower motivation and
beliefs about their own body isn't that
interesting conversely in that same
study they found that when women talked
about exercise just taking action and
moving not even necessarily when they
exercise but just talking about exercise
and talking about what they could do and
actions they could take that body image
motivation and self-esteem would rise
well it really got me thinking because
it is true that when I have engaged in
those kind of conversations and I
shouldn't just say engage like
participated because we all do sometimes
it's a nice relief but reading that
research and then thinking back on how I
reflecting kind of on how I feel after
those conversations while it's nice to
commiserate honestly it doesn't usually
make you feel better about your body it
kind of makes you feel worse about your
body and the same is true even when that
negative conversation that you're having
is just with you and can you imagine the
negative effect it has on our children
when we're making comments about
ourselves out loud maybe even just to
ourselves but our children
hear that they hear when you say I hate
my thighs why do I have such big thighs
they hear you when you think you're only
talking to yourself in the mirror and
you say I can't believe how disgusting I
look I can't believe I've allowed myself
to gain weight or I look terrible in
this outfit or I just can't go another
day looking like this even when you
think you're talking to yourself think
about the effect that must have on your
children I mean this study didn't even
look at the effects that negative body
talks had on children it looked at the
effects it had on friends who aren't
with us all the time who don't feel like
they share your DNA imagine the effect
imagine the negative effect that we have
on our children when we obsess about our
bodies whether good or bad I mean I
don't think it's any healthier to obsess
about training and weight loss and diet
and nutrition and other people's bodies
even if it is positive when you're
putting the emphasis on what people look
like you're telling your children that
that's what they need to be in order for
you to accept them in order for them to
accept themselves in order for them to
have love for themselves and for those
of you who don't have children and you
think well this doesn't relate I know
that it does because you right now can
think back on the things your parents
said maybe not to you but maybe just to
themselves and the impact it's had on
the way you view your own body so how do
you change the way you view your body I
mean how do you think differently about
it if you don't believe it at first you
know other than I'm sure you've heard
people say like you know tell yourself
these positive things over and over and
maybe you've thought yourself well
that's just silly well it's not silly
it actually works it's a technique
called cognitive behavioral therapy and
it's a method that a lot of
psychologists and therapists use to help
people learn how to stop negative
thoughts or how to replace them with
positive ones
I think the reason why most of us reject
that idea it seems silly and it seems
false it seems like we're telling
ourselves lies because those things that
we're telling ourselves we don't believe
them at first right well dr. Robin
Silverman who's a body image expert
author actually says that the idea of
kind of faking your confidence can
actually and often does actually turn
into positive thoughts about yourself
and that you can actually speed up the
process by becoming your own body image
advocate how do you do that I'm glad you
asked here's a few suggestions
number one continue to hang out with
your girlfriends but stop the
conversation or at least turn and
redirect the conversation when it turns
to negative talk about our bodies and
it's easy to turn the conversation
without being like the weirdo who's like
okay guys I don't want to talk about
this it's easy just start talking about
creating a plan talk about what exercise
program you think works the best or
you'd like to try
talk about action that you've taken talk
about what you plan to do next
number two speaking negatively to
yourself is pretty normal even the most
confident of individuals do that I do
that I catch myself and that's I'm going
to suggest that you do but try to catch
yourself before you even say it out loud
acknowledge that it's negative
acknowledge that it may not be based in
truth and find something positive to say
about yourself even if it feels like
you're lowering the bar in other words
you might say to yourself it is
disgusting that I can see cellulite on
the back of my thighs well catch
yourself saying that and say to yourself
you know what I am so grateful that I
have the health to be able to stand up
and go for a walk today then my body is
actually cooperating in I have a choice
I can go and exercise right now and I
love that I love that my body is serving
me number three use post-it notes
this might sound corny and maybe you
want to put them in discreet places like
your mirror but wherever it is you tend
to have negative thoughts about yourself
place post-it notes up that remind you
what you are grateful for and what you
do love about your body
number four limit activities actions
behaviors and social media that makes
you feel inferior for example if there's
certain people who you follow in social
media and when you see them post it
makes you feel bad about the way you
look or the progress that you've made or
not made certain magazines TV shows none
of the stuff is reality it's just what
you're seeing it's just what's in front
of you it makes you feel inferior if it
makes you or triggers you to have
negative thoughts about your body well
then don't expose yourself to it which
leads me to my next point if getting on
the scale makes you feel bad about
yourself then why are you getting on the
scale yes I do believe you need to
measure and track your progress but we
both know the scale is not the only way
to do that and sometimes it can create a
negative effect when we get on the scale
we've got up a pound which certainly and
you can fluctuate two to three pounds
just due to the rotation of the earth
where you are in your cycle your hormone
level what you ate the day before
literally just by consuming more fruit
and carbohydrates in one meal prior to
getting on the scale that doesn't
necessarily mean that you will gain
quote-unquote body weight but you
definitely will see a gain in water the
water is not bad for you if you're up a
pound due to water that's no big deal
that's why the scale is not always the
best way
in fact it's rarely the best way to
measure your health now setting aside
all the other ways you can measure
health I'm just suggesting to you for
this step that if getting on the scale
obsess you if looking at the scale in
your bathroom on the floor upsets you
then freaking get rid of it because it's
not that accurate anyways yes I want you
to measure but use your clothes a tape
measurer how do you feel how do you feel
you feel strong do you feel good do you
look in the mirror and do you see
progress okay great who says you have to
get on the scale I don't know if you
follow me on snapchat but if you'd like
to my snapchat handle is chalene
official chal en e o FS i CI al official
chalene official anyways i recently
asked my snapchat family and we chat
back and forth which is kind of fun
because i don't have that many followers
on snapchat i can handle the personal
back-and-forth 101 conversations are
quick they're easy
anyways recently i said if i gave you
the choice of being your perfect weight
for ever you didn't even have to think
about it or having your perfect body but
you could never get on a scale again
which would you choose and
overwhelmingly i would say 99.9% of my
followers on snapchat anyways said
without question i would get rid of the
scale in exchange for having a body that
I believe was my ideal body and I love
that people said that I don't
necessarily believe you because I am you
because I do think there's a side of us
that has just been so conditioned to
believe that even if what we see in the
mirror is our ideal if the scale says
something differently well then we've
missed the mark I'm going to be honest
with you and tell you that is a very
hard habit to break and it is important
to measure like what we can't measure
it's difficult to improve I'm just
suggesting that there are other ways to
measure our progress so maybe you get
rid of the scale but if you're going to
hear the scale don't forget you still
need a way to measure your progress and
my last tip is to set up small wins what
do I mean by that every time we put a
checkmark in a box we feel good about
ourselves when we feel good about
ourselves we think positively about
ourselves and our self-esteem and it's
just this very cool snowball effect that
creates more momentum more happiness
more good feelings more goodwill toward
ourselves and that creates more progress
see how that works
so rather than setting yourself up for
failure by saying I need to lose 5
pounds this week or creating unrealistic
expectations for your body and/or your
health instead create small wins this
was really critical in the way that I
designed my smart life push journal so
if you haven't checked that out and by I
don't need to plug it I'm not trying to
plug it I'm just trying to share a story
with you but I know someone's going to
say ok what are you talking about for
those of you who don't follow me in
social media you may not be aware that
this year we released a physical product
it's called the smart life push journal
and I designed this journal to be a 30
day journal not a monthly journal
because you can start it tomorrow or you
could start on the 15th it doesn't
matter it's 30 days but one of the
pieces that was really important for me
was to create a really simple way to
just give you positive check marks so
you you can mark off how much water you
had you can quickly assess if you had a
good eating day you can quickly make an
assessment whether you exercise and felt
good that day or how much sleep you had
simple ways that you can track and have
small wins we know that nothing boosts
confidence as much as action so set
yourself up for success by creating
these small wins things that you know
you will do and things that are positive
like consuming enough water and just
checking that off your list going for a
10-minute walk
some meditation getting at least three
servings of protein or four servings of
green vegetables small things little
things not things that are a big stretch
for you right now but things that you
know if you just keep yourself
accountable you'll have a win you'll be
able to say I did it I took action I
decided I was going to do this and and I
did it start small so that those wins
can get bigger as you go but you feel so
much better about yourself when you set
yourself up for success and for those of
you who might ask you can check out my
journals by going to smart life push
journal comm it's kind of a daily habit
forming journal that you keep every day
for 30 days but it's not a monthly
journal anyways I don't want to get into
it today if you're interested you could
go check it out there what I really
wanted you to think about today in this
message is how important our mindset is
to our happiness you know and how our
body the way our confidence the way we
feel about ourselves we have some
control there we can strengthen our
confidence we can strengthen the way we
feel about ourselves when we strengthen
the way we feel about ourselves we're
happier and ultimately isn't that the
goal are we trying to just be happier
more peaceful individuals so that we're
better for the people who are in our
lives then we can enjoy the life that
we're living I hope you agree and I hope
that you will take all of the messages
in this podcast and share them with a
friend especially if you have a friend
who happens to be an a between the two
of you get together like you are just as
guilty as she is of having that negative
speak about body or just obsessing about
bodies or talking about in it laughs
send this to him or her and say I found
this interesting I hope you will give a
listen to and we can keep each other
accountable it's pretty easy to share a
podcast I don't if you've ever done it
before but you look at the podcast and
whatever app that you're listening to it
on and there's the universal kind of
envelope with an arrow on top of it
symbol for sharing the podcast and when
we share knowledge we share our
accountability we make each other better
and we start to develop friendships and
relationships that make us healthy I
think those are the best friendships I
have the friendships where it's not a
competition it's how can we help each
other to be our best
and to celebrate each other and I just
want to thank you all of you for
reaching out to me in social media and
my apologies that I haven't been
producing podcasts at the rate at which
you would like but it's kind of a cool
thing that you're demanding for more I
love that and in the meantime I'll see
you on snapchat alright guys don't
forget at the end of the day the one
thing you have to remember is that you
are the bomb.com this episode has been
sponsored by courageous confidence clubs
calm it's a club that I've created
specifically to help people who struggle
with confidence and insecurities and
social settings and and just standing up
for themselves being yourself and
feeling good about it
all of us could benefit from having more
confidence I'd love for you to just
experience a case of it so please be my
by going to chalene johnson comm forward
slash confidence tips now if you don't
feel like writing that web address down
or remembering to go there later all you
have to do is while you're listening
from your phone send me a text message
the number is nine forty nine five six
five four three three seven and that is
for us residents then just send me the
word confidence and I will send you
access to this video this video will
help you to eliminate self-doubt and
just feel more confident in any
situation whether it's work or personal
or just your social interactions every
one of us can benefit from having more
confidence there you'll submit your
email address and I will immediately
send to your inbox my latest training
video where I teach you step by step how
to feel more confident in just about any
social setting I think you'll find this
incredibly useful whether it's business
or personal or just in your everyday
interactions confidence is something
that makes life easier it helps you to
raise more confident self efficient
children it allows us to speak our mind
to stand up for ourselves to do the
things that otherwise we are paralyzed
by fear and we just allow our own
of us by learning how to overcome
self-doubt and fear of success you can
become that confident person that others
are attracted to the person you want to
be the person you deserve to be the
person you know is inside of you so
thank you for checking out my free tools
by going to chalene johnson comm forward
slash confidence tips
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