Ambassador Udina: This is an outrage! The Council would step in if the Geth attacked a turian colony!
Salarian Councilor: The turians don't found colonies on the borders of the Terminus Systems, Ambassador.
Asari Councilor: Humanity was well aware of the risks when you went into the Traverse.
Ambassador Udina: What about Saren? You can't just ignore a rouge Spectre. I demand action!
Turian Councilor: You don't get to make demands of the Council, Ambassador.
Asari Councilor: Security is investigating your charges against Saren. We will discuss C-Sec findings at the hearing. Not before.
Ambassador Udina: Captain Anderson. I see you brought half your crew with you.
Captain Anderson: Just the gound team from Eden Prime. In case you had any questions.
Ambassador Udina: I have the mission reports. I assume they're accurate?
Captain Anderson: They are.
Sounds like you convinced the Council to give us an audience.
Ambassador Udina: They were not happy about it. Saren's their top agent. They don't like him being accused of treason.
Shepard: I'm not going to sit on my ass because the Council doesn't want to do anything.
If they wont stop Saren, I will.
Ambassador Udina: Settle down Commander. You've already done more than enough to jeopardize your candidacy for the Spectres.
The mission on Eden Prime was a chance to prove you could get the job done. Instead, Nihlus ended up dead and the beacon was destroyed!
Captian Anderson: That's Saren's fault, not hers!
Ambassador Udina: Then we better hope C-Sec investigation turns up evidence to support our accusations. Otherwise the Council might use this as an excuse to keep you out of the Spectres.
Come with me, Captain. I want to go over a few things before the hearing.
Shepard. You and the others can meet us at the Citadel Tower, top level. I'll make sure you have clearance to get in.
Ashley: And that's why I hate politicians.
Garrus: Saren's hiding something! Give me more time. Stall them.
Executor Pallin: Stall the Council? Don't be ridiculous. Your investigation is over, Garrus.
Garrus: Commander Shepard? Garrus Vakarian. I was the office in charge of the C-Sec investigation into Saren.
Shepard: Who were you just talking to?
Garrus: That was Executor Pallin. Head of Citadel security, my boss. He'll be presenting my findings on Saren to the Council.
Shepard: Sounds like you came up empty.
Garrus: Sarren's a Spectre. Most of his activities are classified. I couldn't find anything solid. But I know he's up to something.
Like you humans say, I feel it in my gut.
Kaidan: I think the Council's ready for us, Commander.
Garrus: Good luck, Shepard. Maybe they'll listen to you.
Captain Anderson: The hearing has already started. Come on.
Asari Councilor: The geth attack is a matter of some concern, but there is nothing to indicate Saren was involved in any way.
Turian Councilor: The investigation by Citadel Security turned up no evidence to support your charge of treason.
Ambassador Udina: An eye witness saw him kill Nihlus in cold blood.
Salarian Councilor: We've read the Eden Prime reports, Ambassador. The testimony of one traumatized doc worker is hardly compelling proof.
Saren: I resent these accusations. Nihlus was a fellow Spectre and a friend.
Captain Anderson: That just let you catch him off guard.
Saren: Captain Anderson, you always seem to be involved when humanity makes false charges against me.
And this must be your protégé, Commander Shepard. The one who let the beacon get destroyed.
Shepard: You're the one who destroyed the beacon. Then you triend to cover it up.
Saren: Shift the blame to cover your own failures, just like Captain Anderson. He's taught you well.
But what can you expect... from a human.
Shepard: You can expect to kill you the next time we meet.
Saren: Your species it's place, Shepard. You're not ready to join the Council. You're not even ready to join the Spectres.
Ambassador Udina: He has no right to say that! That's not his decision!
Asari Councilor: Shepard admission into the Spectres is not the purpose of this meeting.
Saren: This meeting has no purpose. The humans are wasting you time Councilors, and mine.
Shepard: You can't hide behind the Council forever.
Captain Anderson: There's still one outstanding issue. Commander Shepard's vision. It may have been triggered by the beacon.
Saren: Are we allowing dreams into evidence now? How can I defend my innocence against this kind of testimony.
Turian Councilor: I agree. Are judgment must be based on facts and evidence. Not wild imaginings and reckless speculation.
Salarian Counciler: Do you have anything else to add Commander Shepard?
Shepard: You've made your decision. I wont waste my breath.
Asari Councilor: The Council has found no evidence of any connection between Saren and the geth.
Ambassador, your petition to have him discharged from the Spectres is denied.
Saren: I'm glad to see justice was served.
Asari Councilor: This meeting is adjourned.
Ambassador Udina: It was a mistake bringing you into that hearing, Captain. You and Saren have to much history. It made the Council question our motives.
Captain Anderson: I know Saren. He's working with the geth for one reason. To exterminate the entire human race.
Every colony we have is at risk. Every world we control is in danger. Even Earth isn't safe!
Shepard: Tell me about this history between you and Saren.
Captain Anderson: I worked with him on a mission a long time ago. Things went bad. Real bad. We shouldn't about about this here.
But I know what his like. And he has to be stopped.
Shepard: We need to deal with Saren ourselves.
Ambassador Udina: As a Spectre his virtually untouchable. We need to find some way to expose him.
Kaidan: What about Garrus? That C-Sec investigator. We saw him arguing with the Executor.
Ashley: That's right! He was asking for more time to finish his report. Seems like he was close to finding something on Saren.
Shepard: Any idea where we can find him?
Ambassador Udina: I have a contact in C-Sec who can help us track Garrus down. His name is Harkin.
Captain Anderson. Forget it. They suspended Harkin last month. Drinking on the job. I wont waste my time with that loser.
Ambassador Udina: You wont have to. I don't want the Council using your past history with Saren as an excuse to ignore anything we turn up. Shepard will handle this.
Shepard: You can't just cut Captain Anderson out of this investigation.
Captain Anderson: The Ambassador is right. I need to step aside.
Ambassador Udina: I need to take care of some business. Captain, meet me in my office later.
Captain Anderson: Harkin is probably getting drunk at Cora's Den. It's a dingy little club in the lower section of the wards.
Shepard: I thought you said he was a drunken loser?
Captain Anderson: Couldn't hurt to go talk to him. Just be careful. I wouldn't call him reliable.
Shepard: You don't think much of Harkin.
Captain Anderson: The guy joined C-Sec about 20 years ago. He's been an embarrassment to our species ever since.
Roughing up suspects in custody, bribery accusations, alcohol and drug use. The embassy used to step in when he got into trouble, but i guess enough was enough.
Shepard: I thought this embassy was suppose to help humans.
Captain Anderson: Harkin may be human, but he's also an ass. He's had more than his fair share of chances.
If the embassy wasn't protecting him, he would've been fired 15 years ago. C-Sec is better off without him.
Shepard: Maybe's there's another way to find evidence against Saren.
Captain Anderson: You should talk to Barla Von over in the financial district. Rumor has it he's an agent for the Shadow Broker.
Ashley: The Shadow Broker?
Captain Anderson: An information dealer. Buys and sells secrets to the highest bidder. I've heard Barla Von is one of the top representatives.
He might know something about Saren, but his information wont come cheep.
Shepard: You and Saren have a history. What happened?
Captain Anderson: About 20 years ago I was apart of a mission in the Skyllian Verge.
I was working with Saren to find and remove a known terrorist threat. Saren eliminated his target, but a lot of people died along the way. Inoccent people.
And the official records just covered it all up. But I saw how he operates. No conscious, no hesitation.
He'd kill a thousand innocent civilians to end a war without a second thought.
Shepard: Sometimes a thousand people must die so a million can live.
Captain Anderson: But only if there is no other way. Saren doesn't even look for another option. He's twisted, broken.
He likes the violence, the killing, and he knows how to cover his tracks.
Shepard: I want to know more about the Spectres.
Captain Anderson: They're not your typical government agency. They tend to work alone, behind the scenes.
They take care of problems the Council can't. It's not easy preserving peace across an entire galaxy.
The Council prefers to use diplomacy and negotiation. But sometimes more extreme measures are needed.
Shepard: They sound like shadow operatives.
Captain Anderson: Everything about them is classified. We don't even know how many of them there are.
The latest Alliance estimated pushed their numbers under a hundred, but the Council couldn't do their job without them.
They're the Citadel's top agents. The last line of defense, the final option before open war.
The entire galaxy respects and fears them. If a spectre shows up, you know something big is about to happen.
Shepard: How do they decide who becomes a spectre?
Captain Anderson: You can't just apply to join. There's no training program. Spectres aren't made, they're born.
The Council is always looking for exceptional individuals. People who can get the job done, like you.
They've been watching you for years. They see something in you. They want you on their side.
Nihlus was suppose to give them a final recommendation, but with him gone... things are still up in the air.
Shepard: What's their command structure like?
Captain Anderson: There is no command structure. Each spectre answers directly to the Council.
Sometimes they're sent on specific missions, other times they act on their own.
They tend to operate outside the law. Do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals. The Council just turns a blind eye. Spectres have a lot of power, Shepard.
Shepard: What happens when a Spectre goes rouge, like Saren?
Captain Anderson: It doesn't happen often. The Council's careful when they select their candidates. But when something does go wrong, there's usually only one solution.
Send another Spectre to bring the rouge agent down.
Shepard: I should go.
Captain Anderson: Good luck, Shepard. I'll be over in the Ambassador's office if you need anything else.
Executor Pallin: Commander Shepard. I didn't expect to see you here. Did Ambassador Udina send you?
Shepard: Nobody sends me anywhere. I just need some information.
Executor Pallin: You humans are always so curious, always sticking your fingers into someone else's pie. Is that the right expression?
Ahh never mind, forget I asked. Was there something you needed, Commander?
Shepard: I get the feeling you're not to fond of humans.
Executor Pallin: No, I just don't trust your kind. Not yet. You humans are eager to take all the power you can get. And you're being given a lot.
If the Council wants to make humanity their new favorite pet that's their business, but I don't have to like it.
Shepard: The Council treats us like second class citizens. We have to fight for everything we get.
Executor Pallin: Good. Then fight for it, but don't expect the rest of us to just sit back and let you take it.
I'm a busy man Commander. Are we done here?
Shepard: Tell me about your investigation into Saren.
Executor Pallin: Sorry Commander. I don't make a habit of given out details about ongoing investigations.
Shepard: Then can you tell me what you know about Garrus.
Executor Pallin: Garrus Vakarin? Good officer, very good in fact. But he needs to learn some patience. You'd think an officer of the law would be a bit more mindful of rules and regulations.
Was there anything else?
Shepard: I'll be going now.
Kaidan: Big place.
Ashley: That your professional opinion sir?
Shepard: How can they keep tabs on all of this. The Presidium might as well be on another planet.
Kaidan: There's definitely a gap between their presentation and what's here. Tracking arrivals must be a nightmare.
Ashley: This makes Jump Zero look like a porta-john. And it's the largest deep spaced station the Alliance has.
Kaidan: Jump Zero is big, but this is a whole other scale. Look at the ward arms. How do they keep all that mass from flying apart?
Shepard: No wonder the Council treats us like outsiders. We'd be just another drop in a bucket they already can't carry.
Ashley: They must figure us for one more gang of FNGs looking for a handout.
Kaidan: I doubt it's personal. It's gota be a balancing act like every other government.
Shepard: Alright, secure the chatter. We're all FNGs here, but we don't need to make it obvious.
Kaidan: Aye, Aye, Commander.
Harkin: Hey there, sweetheart. You looking for some fun? I gotta say that solider getup looks real good on that body of yours.
Why don't you sit your sweet little ass down beside ol' Harkin? Have a drink and see where this goes.
Shepard: I'd rather drink a cup of acid after chewing on a razor blade.
Harkin: You trying to hurt my feelings? You gotta do better than that. After 20 years with C-Sec, I've been called every name in the book, Princess.
Shepard: Call me princess again and you'll be picking your teeth off the floor. Now tell me where Garrus is.
Harkin: Okay, okay, just relax. Garrus you say? Hmmm, you must be one of Anderson's crew. Poor bastard still trying to bring Saren down, huh?
I know where Garrus is, but you gotta tell me something first. Did the Captain let you in on his big secret?
Shepard: Just tell me where Garrus is before this gets ugly.
Harkin: But it's all related, don't you see? The Captain used to be a Spectre. Didn't know that did ya? It was all very hush hush.
The first human ever given that honor. And then he blew it. Screwed up his mission so bad they kicked him out. Of course he blames Saren. Says the turian set him up.
Shepard: Why should I believe a drunk like you?
Harkin: Fine, ask Anderson. I'd bet he'd tell ya. He's too stupid and proud to lie right to your face.
Shepard: Just tell me where Garrus went.
Harkin: Garrus was sniffing around Dr. Michel's office. She runs the med clinic on the other side of the Wards. Last I've heard he's going back there.
Shepard: What do you know about Garrus?
Harkin: Damn hot head is what he is. Still figures he can save the world. Always butting heads with the Executor.
He'll pay for it soon enough. The Executor loves to put us lowly field agents in our place. Just look at what happened to me.
Shepard: You need to look in a mirror. Sober up and take some responsibility for yourself.
Harkin: Save your sermons, this ain't no church.
Shepard: I'm out of here.
Dr. Michel: I didn't tell anyone, I swear!
Thug: That was smart, Doc.
Now if Garrus comes around you stay smart. Keep your mouth just or we'll--
Who are you?!
Shepard: Let her go.
Garrus: Perfect timing Shepard, gave me a clear shot at that bastard.
Shepard: You took him down clean.
Garrus: Sometimes you get lucky.
Dr. Michel, are you hurt?
Dr. Michel: No. I'm ok thanks to you. All of you.
Shepard: Why were they threatening you? Who do they work for?
Dr. Michel: They work for Fist. They wanted to shut me up. Keep me from telling Garrus about the quarian.
Shepard: What quarian?
Dr. Michel: A few days ago a quarian came by my office. She'd been shot, but she wouldn't tell me who did it.
I could tell she was scared, probably on the run. She asked me about the Shadow Broker. She wanted to trade information in exchange for a safe place to hide.
Shepard: Where is she now?
Dr. Michel: I put her in contact with Fist. He's an agent for the Shadow Broker.
Garrus: Not anymore. Now he works for Saren. The Shadow Broker isn't too happy about it.
Dr. Michel: Fist betrayed the Shadow Broker? That's stupid even for him. Saren must of made him quite the offer.
Garrus: That quarian must have something Saren wants. Something worth crossing the Shadow Broker to get.
Shepard: She must have something that proves he's a traitor. Did the quarian mention anything about Saren, or the geth?
Dr. Michel: She did. The information she was going to trade. She said it had something to do with the geth.
Garrus: She must be able to link Saren to the geth. There's no way the Council can ignore this!
Shepard: Time we paid Fist a visit.
Garrus: This is your show Shepard, but I want to bring down Saren as much as you do. I'm coming with you.
Sheaprd: I don't need a turian shooting me in the back when I least expect it.
Garrus: All turians are not the same. I'm not like Saren! I couldn't find the proof I needed in my investigation, but I knew what was really going on.
Saren is a traitor to the Council and a disgrace to my people!
Shepard: You can come along, but I'll be watching you
Garrus: You know we aren't the only ones going after Fist. The Shadow Broker hired a krogen bounty named Wrex to take him out.
Ashley: Yeah, we heard about him.
Shepard: A krogen might come in handy.
Garrus: Last I heard he was at the C-Sec academy.
Kaidan: What's he doing there?
Garrus: Fist accused him of making threats. We brought Wrex in for a little talk. If you hurry you can catch him before he leaves.
Shepard: Move out.
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