(Singing) I know my God has made the way for
me. I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory.
Today, Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons emphasize
that God's way of promotion starts with the heart. Success
starts with a grateful attitude, thanking God for all He does.
GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's
Voice of Victory. Pastor George Pearsons is back
with us with some more great Word. You're going
to like this. Go, George. GEORGE: Oh, we're talking about
promotion. We're talking about advancement. We're talking about
prosperity. We're talking about people coming up to new places
and new heights in their lives. GLORIA: Hallelujah. Amen.
GEORGE: This is an exciting study that you and I are talking
about here. GLORIA: It is. GEORGE: And I believe that our
partners and our friends are being promoted. GLORIA: Amen.
GEORGE: I believe that you are getting the best jobs. New jobs
are coming to you. GLORIA: Yes. GEORGE: Promotions on those
jobs, you are being placed in positions to be the leaders in
the companies and the corporations. And they are
coming to you for advice. GLORIA: Favor, favor, favor.
GEORGE: They're coming to you for prayer. I believe that
people are coming to the believers for answers because
the world has no answers. GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE:
They don't know what to do. They throw their hands up like this
and say, "I don't know what to do." I believe, too, that there
are promotions taking place out there and that people who are
strong believers are coming in to places of political
influence. GLORIA: Amen. GEORGE: Not only political influence,
but political positions in Washington, D.C., and local. And
you and I were just reading a Scripture before we went on the
air. We were reading Psalm 75:10. I'm going to find out
what this translation is, but it said, "I will cut off the
strength of evildoers: I will increase the power of good men
in their place." So, you see, there-- GLORIA: That's good,
isn't it? GEORGE: That's very good. There are people being
removed from places in order to replace them with good people,
with righteous people. GLORIA: Yeah, yeah, that's right.
GEORGE: And so that's what--that's what we're talking
about. And the foundation Scripture for this--and I'll
tell you, all of the notes are available on EMI--or kcm.org.
You can get those notes, download them. GLORIA: And
another thing to remember, George, is God looks on the
heart. He doesn't look on the outward man. GEORGE: He does.
He does. GLORIA: He looks on the heart. GEORGE: And you know
what? That's exactly what we're talking about today. GLORIA:
Good. GEORGE: That's exactly--we're talking
about--and this is the title of the message, "Promotion Starts
With the Heart." Oh, this is good. You really did set it up
well for me. GLORIA: Hallelujah. GEORGE: "Promotion Starts With
the Heart." GLORIA: I like that. What translation is that?
GEORGE: That is--well, that's not a Scripture. That's what I
put a title on it. GLORIA: George. That's George, Verse
George. GEORGE: "Promotion Starts--Promotion Starts With
the Heart." GLORIA: First George 1 and 2. GEORGE: Let me just
read this to you quickly and then we'll go over to I Samuel.
But in Psalm 75--this is our foundation Scripture for the
study. It says in Verse 5, "Lift not up your horn on high: speak
not with a stiff neck. For promotion comes neither from the
east, nor the west, nor from the south. God is the judge: he puts
down one, he sets up another." GLORIA: What Scripture was that?
GEORGE: Psalm 75:5-6. And that's what we're talking about on
these broadcasts, is the connection between your
prosperity and promotion. They really do go hand in hand with
each other-- GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: --to be walking
in places of divine promotion. But, you know something, there
is--there is something that I wrote down here that Gloria
mentioned on the first day, on Monday. And she said, "God--with
David, God was looking for somebody who would take care of
His Father's business." He said, "We--" You said, "We must be
worthy of being promoted. We have to give God something to
work with." And David is the example, Gloria, that we're
looking at here. Let's look at I Samuel. I Samuel. Promotion
begins on the inside. Promotion doesn't start with you trying to
climb the corporate ladder. Promotion doesn't start with you
trying to convince somebody that you can do this. No, promotion
begins on the inside. GLORIA: And makes favor. GEORGE: Mm-hmm.
Yeah, exactly, exactly. GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: The favor of
God. And in I Samuel 16, this is a tremendous teaching in
Scripture for us on the subject of promotion. And we see here,
in I Samuel 16, that--and let me read this to you in the
beginning here. "And the Lord said to Samuel, How long will
you mourn for Saul, seeing that I have rejected him from
reigning over Israel?" GLORIA: Get over it, in other words.
GEORGE: Oh, man. God basically looked at Saul and said, "You're
fired." GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE: "Out of here." He was
done with him. "I've rejected him." So God said to Samuel,
"Fill your horn with oil, and go, I will send you to Jesse the
Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his
sons." GLORIA: "I have provided me," He said. GEORGE: I--hmm.
GLORIA: Isn't that good? GEORGE: "I have provided me a king." The
Lord is the one who promotes, isn't he? GLORIA: It is. Yes,
that's right. GEORGE: He's the one who lifts up. He's the one
who puts down. And we just see it right here. We see a prime
example of this. We see that He rejected Saul. Saul basically
got fired. GLORIA: He wasn't the one. GEORGE: He was not the one
any longer. His anointing lifted. And Jesse was visited by
Samuel because the Lord said, "I have provided me a king among
his sons." So there's a king in there somewhere. GLORIA: Yeah.
GEORGE: "Samuel said, How can I go? if Saul hears it, he'll kill
me. And the Lord said, Take a heifer with you, and say, I am
come to sacrifice to the Lord. And call Jesse to the sacrifice,
and I will show you what you shall do: and you shall anoint
unto me him whom I name unto thee." In other words, in Verse
3 in the New King James, this point A, number 3, there, "You
shall anoint for me the one that I name for you." GLORIA: Yeah.
Yeah. GEORGE: You know, we have to really get to the place where
we see that God is the source of our promotion. People are not
the sources. God will use people to get you into a position that
He wants you to be in, that you qualify for according to Him.
But it says to--He said to Samuel, "You will anoint for me
the one that I choose--" GLORIA: Yeah, yeah. GEORGE: "--the one
that I name." GLORIA: Now, this scripture--I don't know, is this
all the same Scripture? GEORGE: Mm-hmm. GLORIA: It says, "God
lifts up one and puts down another"? GEORGE: That's what I
put down there. And that's what--that came from Psalm 75
that we talked about a minute ago. GLORIA: Yeah, 9 and 10,
yeah. GEORGE: God's the One, He lifts up one, He puts down the
other. So He says-- GLORIA: He knows the hearts of man. We only
know the facade. GEORGE: Gloria, that's so true. That's it. You
just said it. And that's what I've appreciated about you over
all these years. You just can say it. GLORIA: Thank You, Lord.
GEORGE: It really--that's the way God sees it. The heart--it's
in the heart. GLORIA: And you said that, George, promotion
starts with the heart. GEORGE: It starts with the heart. It
starts with what's on the inside. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE:
Well, we find here in Verse 6. So here's the lineup I call it
in Verse 6. This is the lineup. Now, Jesse is taking all of his
sons and he's lining them up. "And it came to pass--" This is
in Verse 6. "--when they were come, that he looked on Eliab,
and said, Surely the Lord's anointed is before me." GLORIA:
He looked good. GEORGE: He looked good. GLORIA: Mm-hmm.
GEORGE: He thought he was the one. And I'll tell you
something, Gloria. I did a study one time on all the brothers
that they had stand up that God rejected from being king. And I
did a study on each one, and it's very interesting to find
out the major character flaws in--later on in Scripture and in
different places. GLORIA: Ooh, that's--yeah. GEORGE: I just
started looking them all up. It was a serious bunch of people.
It was a very dysfunctional family. And there were some
serious reasons why God rejected because they were looking on the
outside. God looks on the inside. GLORIA: That's right.
GEORGE: Well, the Lord said unto Samuel--in Verse 7, it says,
"Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature."
GLORIA: Yeah, don't be impressed. GEORGE: Don't be
impressed for--(Laughs) I am thinking--I just had this image.
I remember Jesse telling a story one time about a new secretary.
Jesse was going to get--Jesse-- GLORIA: Duplantis? GEORGE:
--Duplantis was going to get a new secretary. And so he brought
the secretary, this lady, in to interview her. So Jesse is at
his desk. He's facing this prospective employee, and then
there's the door going out. So he's sitting there interviewing
her. And he's really--he's really impressed. I mean, he's
just really impressed with her resume and the way she's
presenting herself. So Cathy comes in. GLORIA: Ah-ha. GEORGE:
And Cathy's standing behind the prospective employee. And Jesse
continues to talk to her. And Cathy stands there and goes--
(Both Laugh) She's turning her had back and forth. And Jesse's
just like, "Uh, uh, uh, I'm sorry, we're not going to use
you." Well, Cathy heard something, saw something. "This
is not right." I'll tell you, our wives are really good at
things like this. Terri is the same way. Gloria, you're the
same way. You can--I've watched you before. GLORIA: Oh. GEORGE:
I've watched you before. And we've been in meetings before.
And we may be sitting around, and we may be talking
about--this is years ago, and we may be talking about, "Well, we
could do this and we could do that, and we could do this and
we can get that person over there." And Gloria's sitting
there, going, "No, no, that's not what we're going to do."
GLORIA: George, you're making that up. GEORGE: I am not making
that up, but here's the thing. Your perspective played out.
GLORIA: Oh, good. GEORGE: Later on, we were all like, "Yeah, she
was right again. She was right again." Well, that's the same
thing that was going on here. They had all of these fine
looking-- GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: --what we would think would be
great people in that position. And God looks on the heart. Man
looks on the outside. God looks on the heart. That's why it is
so important what is in your heart. GLORIA: That's right.
GEORGE: Is the Word in your heart? GLORIA: That's you.
That's why it's so important. GEORGE: (Laughs) Yeah, that's
true. GLORIA: That's you. GEORGE: It's you. That's who you
are. GLORIA: That's right. Mm-hmm. GEORGE: He said, "I've
refused him: the Lord sees not as a man sees; for man looks on
the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." And I
believe here--oh, Verse 7 over here in your notes, in the
Message Translation, this is good. "God told Samuel, 'Looks
aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and his
stature." It's over here, this one on--yeah, there you go,
right there, the number 3. GLORIA: Okay, three. You
said--oh, Verse 7, three, okay. GEORGE: Yeah. "Looks aren't
everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature. I
have already eliminated him. God judges persons--" GLORIA: "I
have already eliminated--" That kind of settles the issues,
doesn't it? GEORGE: Err! He's out. GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: "I've
already eliminated him." And then it says, "God judges
persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the
face; God looks into the heart." GLORIA: Wow. That's The Message
translation? GEORGE: Mm-hmm. GLORIA: That says it, doesn't
it? GEORGE: And then, in Verse 8, "Jesse called Abinadab, and
made him pass before Samuel. And he said, Neither has the Lord
chosen this." And if you do some study on Abinadab, he was a bad
character. Oh, my. "Jesse made Shammah pass by him. And he
said, Neither has the Lord chosen this. And Jesse made
seven of his sons to pass before Samuel." I'm reading out of the
Scripture here. "And Samuel said to Jesse, The Lord has not
chosen these." So there--no one among those sons was chosen for
that promotion. GLORIA: Mm. GEORGE: "Samuel said to Jesse,
Here are all your children? And he said, There remains yet the
youngest, and, behold, he keeps the sheep. And Samuel said unto
Jesse--" GLORIA: In other words, we don't deem him eligible.
GEORGE: He was the youngest. GLORIA: He was the youngest.
GEORGE: They probably figured that the youngest wasn't going
to make the cut anyway. I mean, there were all these other guys
who were taller, bigger-- GLORIA: You stay home and keep
the sheep. GEORGE: Oh, yeah. I mean, these--these were the same
guys--some of the same guys that were out there when Goliath came
and they were--they were fussing with David for him doing what he
was doing. You see the character-- GLORIA: Yeah.
GEORGE: --what was on the inside. God could--God sees
clear through to the heart. GLORIA: Oh, He does, absolutely.
GEORGE: He sees clear, right through to the heart of the
person and of the matter. Well, it says, "And Samuel said to
Jesse--" This is Verse 11. "--Send and fetch him: for we
will not sit down until he comes hither. He sent him, brought him
in." It said, "He was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful
countenance, and goodly to look at. And the Lord said, Arise,
anoint him: this is he." GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: "Samuel took
the horn of oil, he anointed him in the midst of his brethren:
and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day
forward." GLORIA: Mm-hmm. GEORGE: So David-- "So Samuel
rose up, and then went to Ramah." Well, we find here
that-- GLORIA: Went to Rhema? Was Rhema open then? GEORGE: He
went to--Rhema was--(Laughs) He was--yeah, Rhema was back then.
You bet. Go to your third page, Gloria. I want to show you
something. So we've chosen now--God has chosen David. God
has chosen David. And we'll go through just a couple of these
Scriptures. In Verse 11, the youngest son was keeping the
sheep. God--God was looking for someone who would take care of
the father's business. GLORIA: Mm-hmm, yep. GEORGE: David was
taking care of his father's business. You know, sometimes
the younger one can get jealous of the older ones because of
whatever the preference that they may have, or the fact that
the younger one needs to do something. David wasn't like
that. David loved his father so much and loved--loved the sheep.
And you know something? That's what God is looking for in
leaders. He's looking for people who will love the people. And
that was in the heart of David. He was a shepherd. And in Verse
12, it said, "The Lord said, Arise, anoint him: this is the
one." And in Verse 13, "The Spirit of the Lord came on David
when Samuel anointed him." And then I have this Scripture in
Acts 13:22. Listen to this: "I have found David the son of
Jesse, a man after my own heart, which shall fulfill all my
will." GLORIA: He found what He was looking for. GEORGE: He
found what He was looking for. And my question to all of us is,
"Is God finding what He's looking for where
promotion--where promotion is concerned?" Well, you might say,
"Well, let's take a corporation like Exxon or something like
that." Well, what does God have to do with Exxon? God--if God
can locate an obscure shepherd somewhere out in the fields, He
can certainly take you and promote you and lift you up in
whatever corporation there is. And I'll give an example. I'll
give you a prime example of this. Joseph became the leader
under Pharaoh in a godless nation. God took Joseph and
promoted him, got him out of prison, and promoted him and put
him at the head of the leadership of Egypt. Now, if God
can do that with Joseph in a godless nation like Egypt, He
can certainly do that in any business corporation that He
wants to. GLORIA: That's right. Promotion comes from the Lord.
GEORGE: It comes from the Lord. And all He needs to do is find
somebody who is willing-hearted and has in his heart what it
takes to be promoted. And David had it. GLORIA: Yes, he did.
GEORGE: He had it. He had it. He--you know, sometimes people
talk about a personality or an entertainer, "Oh, they've got
it. They've got it." We want that anointing, the anointing of
God, on the inside of us to serve others. And that's what
promotion does. And I wrote a few notes down here. "David had
in his heart what it took to be promoted. His desire was to
fill--fulfill the will of God." And this is interesting. David
was not pursuing promotion. You don't have to pursue promotion.
If you have in your heart what it takes to be promoted--
GLORIA: Yeah. GEORGE: --promotion will chase you down.
GLORIA: Now, what--I want to just bring this out in Verse 22.
GEORGE: Yes. GLORIA: "I have found David the son of Jesse, a
man after my own heart, which shall fulfill my--all my will."
GEORGE: Yes. GLORIA: Now, what is--who--that's a description of
a man after His own heart. He looks to see who will fulfill
what He says. GEORGE: Oh, that's so good. GLORIA: "Who will
fulfill all--" And it says, "which shall fulfill--" it
didn't just say, "My will," it says, "which shall fulfill all."
GEORGE: "All my will." GLORIA: Nothing left out. GEORGE:
Nothing, nothing. GLORIA: That's what He looks for. Isn't that
good, George? GEORGE: He's looking for people. See, He
found that-- GLORIA: That's for Samuel. GEORGE: It's for Samuel.
Or that's Acts 13:22. It's Acts 13:22. GLORIA: Yeah, that's
right. GEORGE: He found that in you and Kenneth. GLORIA: Praise
God. GEORGE: When you went into the ministry to fulfill--
GLORIA: He can look at hearts and tell what-- GEORGE: He can.
GLORIA: He can look at your heart and tell more about you
than you can tell. GEORGE: That's right. That's exactly
right. GLORIA: Because you--you wouldn't--like for me, I would
never have thought that I would ever preach ever, never ever.
But He saw. GEORGE: And He saw your heart, Gloria. He saw that
you were so willing--from the day you were born again, you had
a willing heart. GLORIA: Praise God. GEORGE: You wanted to do
whatever God wanted you to do. GLORIA: That's right. GEORGE:
And now, here you are, and for many, many years have preached
on worldwide television. GLORIA: Think about it. GEORGE: Wow,
wow. GLORIA: Think about it, George. GEORGE: Wow. GLORIA:
That's amazing. GEORGE: David was not pursuing promotion.
Promotion found him. Promotion located him-- GLORIA: That's
good. GEORGE: --because he was pursuing God. GLORIA: He was
pursuing--that's so good. GEORGE: He was pursuing God. His
promotion was a result of what was in his heart. And, you know,
promotion is--and we'll talk further about this tomorrow. But
promotion is something that you don't seek. Promotion is
something that you reap. Promotion is--is a result of
seeds sown. GLORIA: Promotion is something that you are. GEORGE:
Well, there you go. GLORIA: You look on--God looks on the heart
and He sees- GEORGE: There you go. GLORIA: --who you are.
GEORGE: He sees who you are. GLORIA: And He knows what you'll
do. GEORGE: He knows what you will do. GLORIA: Praise God.
Isn't that something? GEORGE: He knows--He knows not only what we
are capable of. And you know something, Gloria, it's not
always the capability that He's looking for, but He can do
something with willingness. GLORIA: Yeah. He can give
ability. GEORGE: Yeah. Ability can be added. GLORIA: He can
change hearts, too. But He has to have your help-- GEORGE:
Yeah. GLORIA: --your consent. I mean, he's not going to just
make you somebody to be unless you receive it. GEORGE: Exactly,
exactly. GLORIA: Promotion found him because he was pursuing God.
GEORGE: Yeah. Yeah. What was he doing-- GLORIA: His promotion
was a result of what he was in his heart. I think that's a key.
GEORGE: That's the key, it was what was in the heart. GLORIA:
Yeah. GEORGE: What was he doing out there in those shepherd
fields, those fields tending the sheep? Well, read the book of
Psalms. GLORIA: What does it say? GEORGE: He was writing. He
was writing. He was writing those psalms. That's--he-- "The
Lord is my shepherd"? He was out with the sheep probably when he
wrote that one. "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."
GLORIA: He saw himself taking care of the sheep. GEORGE: Yeah,
yeah. GLORIA: He saw the Lord taking care of the sheep--
GEORGE: And the Lord called-- GLORIA: --and His people, the
sheep. GEORGE: The Lord called Israel, "My sheep." He was
looking for something. GLORIA: "My sheep hear my voice," that's
His. GEORGE: He was looking for somebody in that particular
position. Of all the people that He could have chosen as king, He
chose David because He had the sheep's interest at heart.
GLORIA: Praise God. And that's the requirement today-- GEORGE:
Yep. GLORIA: --of the sheep is that you hear and do His voice--
GEORGE: That's right. That's right. GLORIA: --whatever He
tells you to do. GEORGE: That's right. GLORIA: If you don't do
what He says, you're not a sheep. You're a goat. GEORGE:
Yep. Baa. (Both Laugh) GLORIA: That's the truth. GEORGE: That's
right. That's exactly right. GLORIA: I'm going to be a sheep.
GEORGE: I'm going to be a sheep, too. GLORIA: That's where the
blessing is because the blessing is in doing what God tells you
to do. GEORGE: Mm-hmm. I want to do what He tells me to do, and I
want to fulfill His entire will. GLORIA: Me, too, George. Glory
to God. Hallelujah. And we're--they're doing this
to us. GEORGE: Uh-oh, uh-oh. That means--
GLORIA: We're out of time. GEORGE: --get out of here.
(Both Laugh) GLORIA: George and I'll be right back.
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