Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 16 2017

Biscay, June 19, 1937

The Iron Belt is one of the main defences created by the Republican army to protect the city of Bilbao.

Marion Barrena will be in charge of coordinating the Republicans' defence and defending the Iron Belt at all costs from the Navarre Brigades.

"The Iron Belt"

Basque Country June 19, 1937

Comrades, enemy troops are near, but there's nothing to fear.

The Iron Belt is an impassable barrier that will hold the rebels' advance.

No fascist will set foot on our city!

Marion, engineer Alejandro Goicoechea has moved to the Nationalist side.

Goicoechea? He was the director of the works and main designer of the Iron Belt!

That traitor has deceived us! He has put Bilbao at the feet of those fascist killers! We're lost!

Everyone get to cover! Move! Get to cover!

Comrades, don't forget that the enemies are just a bunch of traitors and foreign mercenaries.

Defend this position! If the enemy takes the main bunker, all the belt will fall under their power!

The enemy has managed to break through the belt!

We've lost the position! Fall back, comrades! Let's go back to the city!

"Before the cruelty of others, your piety; in the face of alienation, your strength; before the excesses of the enemy, your generous benevolence." - Indalecio Prieto

For more infomation >> CoD 2 Spanish Civil War ► Act V - Mission 16: "The Iron Belt" - Duration: 14:45.


சிவா தான் காரணம்….? பெண் போலீஸ் அதிகாரி பகிரங்க குற்றச்சாட்டு | Kollywood Tamil News Tamil Cinema - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> சிவா தான் காரணம்….? பெண் போலீஸ் அதிகாரி பகிரங்க குற்றச்சாட்டு | Kollywood Tamil News Tamil Cinema - Duration: 1:12.





Farscape: Leviathan - Spacedock - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Farscape: Leviathan - Spacedock - Duration: 4:30.


Richelle's Secret - The Next Step: Off Season #4 - Duration: 1:24.

( ♪ ♪ ♪ )

- YouTuber: Hey, what's up guys, and welcome back to my channel.

I'm Kingston. That's me.

And today, as you can see by the title of this video, I'm gonna be unboxing something.

- Richelle: It's super-embarrassing, but I love unboxing videos.

I can't wait to see what this guy opens!

I'm so excited!

- Kingston: I just got myself a new gold hoverboard! - (Richelle giggles)

- Who needs a manual?

Check that out, guys. I'm gonna take it out the box for y'all.

Here it is.

Look at this bad boy.

- Henry: Double tap? - LaTroy: A double tap.

- (Henry coughs)

- Richelle: Hi! - Henry: Hi.

Whatchu doin'?

- You know me, just watching dance videos.

Dance, dance, dance, that's all I do! (laughs nervously)

Do you need something?

- No no, I came to say hi. - Well, hi.

- I'm gonna go.

- Henry: Richelle doesn't seem like the kind of girl to be into unboxing videos, but you know what,

I'm just gonna let it slide.

- Richelle: Bye.

- LaTroy: Don't worry, Richelle.

Secret's safe with me.

( ♪ ♪ ♪ )

For more infomation >> Richelle's Secret - The Next Step: Off Season #4 - Duration: 1:24.


2 Easy SHOYU CHICKEN Recipes Ideas (Cooking with Mom) - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> 2 Easy SHOYU CHICKEN Recipes Ideas (Cooking with Mom) - Duration: 8:44.


3 KORAKI KAKO POPRAVIT SLOVENSKI YOUTUBE - podcast 1 - Duration: 15:20.

hello every one my name is buzz go and to day I'm making another video

and today I'm with mc slo

and were going to talk about slovenian youtube

and this is my first podcast wich i'm making

there are a few reasons why I'm making it

the first one is that znitko thing.

wich rockstar uploaded it

and tluckac reacted to it

For more infomation >> 3 KORAKI KAKO POPRAVIT SLOVENSKI YOUTUBE - podcast 1 - Duration: 15:20.


Skyforge PS4 - The Risen Exiles Release Trailer - Duration: 1:02.

People fear what they do not understand.

Our fight is not an easy one.

When you're battling for your life

and reached your limit…

The power of the unknown

may be the only hope.

For more infomation >> Skyforge PS4 - The Risen Exiles Release Trailer - Duration: 1:02.


Update Review 0.6.5 - Duration: 4:40.

Greetings, fellow Captains!

Update 0.6.5 will feature the first historical campaign,

collections, interface improvements, and more.

Watch this review to find out what we've prepared for you in the next update.

Update 0.6.5 Review

We invite you to take part in the first historical campaign,

called The Hunt for Bismarck.

This campaign is devoted to the well-known operation

against the German raider and to the largest sea battle

in the north Atlantic during World War II.

Back then, the allies involved several battleships,

a group of cruisers,

a pack of destroyers, and an aircraft carrier.

It's hard to tell whether

this set of ships is enough to hunt down Bismarck.

But anyway, if you set your mind to performing this naval operation,

you have to succeed.

You'll need to complete seven missions,

which include eight tasks each

and reflect all stages of the well-known sea battle.

You'll also find special containers that will only be available

during the campaign in Update 0.6.5.

Select tasks that suit you and set out to complete them all.

Completing the campaign will both give you satisfaction

and allow you to get a battleship Bismarck

If you already have Bismarck in your Port,

you'll be given a pleasant bonus in credits instead.

Additionally, the most courageous captains, who complete the new collection,

will receive unique camouflage for the British Hood,

which will present the ship in a different way.

In campaign containers, you'll find new signal flags

with additional bonuses,

new colorful camouflage, and collection items.

Speaking of Collections, this is another new feature in Update 0.6.5.

Complete the album and get a deserved reward.

Become a collector!

After you get your first item, you can enjoy your Collections in the Profile tab.

The first album will be here soon.

The Hunt for Bismarck is not just a new campaign,

it's also an opportunity for you to collect unique items!

Find all 24 emblems of the participants of the operation against the German raider

and get special camouflage,

which will turn your Bismarck into a seasoned sea wolf.

The chances of getting different elements are the same,

so if you have duplicates,

you can trade them in to complete your collection!

Now, let's take a look at the changes in the interface.

From now on, browsing the campaigns section

will take significantly fewer clicks.

The campaigns window has been provided with a mission carousel

that allows players to easily look through tasks and missions.

To quit a campaign window and get to the Port,

simply press the ESC key.

By clicking the "Collect your reward" button

you'll see the reward that will be added to your account.

For your convenience, the signals have been divided into three groups:

Economic, Combat, and Special.

Finally, the Port has been provided with a menu

that will help players configure the display of additional content.

For example, show Arpeggio ships as historical prototypes

or hide them completely.

Read more about the improved interface on our portal.

In Update 0.6.5, the controls for changing ship appearances

have become even more comfortable.

Following your requests, camouflages can now be removed from the ship

without any loss, unlike signal flags.

Good news for Tier IX ship owners:

the appearance of ships has been improved,

and their small elements now look more accurate.

We hope you'll appreciate it.

That's all for now.

I'm Dasha Perova.

Subscribe to our channel and stay tuned for more news!

Meanwhile, I'll keep an eye on your preparation for grand sea battles.

Until next time, Captains!

For more infomation >> Update Review 0.6.5 - Duration: 4:40.


Anthony Anderson: For Mothers Day My Mom Gets What She Wants! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:30.












>> YES.




















>> WHAT?



>> NO, MY MOM'S --








For more infomation >> Anthony Anderson: For Mothers Day My Mom Gets What She Wants! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:30.


Tracey Topping lost 17½st to become Slimming World's Greatest Loser 2017 - Duration: 2:01.

At my biggest I couldn't walk properly from my front door to my car

it was only like 70 feet and I'd struggle to walk there.

I'd struggle to go up the stairs I'd have to stop halfway to go and have a rest.

It made me miserable, I couldn't do things.

Just embarrassed to go anywhere.

It was just like, I couldn't go get a job, I wouldn't have been able to physically stand

and I just felt like I was useless really.

We was on holiday with my husband and my children

we were just going out for walks and I couldn't

so I said to him eventually, I said when we get back

we're going to look for, I'm going to look for a Slimming World group and I'm going to go.

I knew there'd be a Consultant there that would help me.

The plan is so easy it's just like you can eat as much as you want as well

and I am a big eater. Even now I do eat loads.

Well, before I started Slimming World my vegetables was what I call marrowfat peas

tinned marrowfat peas that's the only greens I would eat

and now I just eat everything. I eat all the veg

I love my pasta and potatoes.

So when I started losing the weight I said to the husband, I said 'right'

I said 'maybe because we want to go out walking, maybe we can just get a dog

and we take them around the park every day and that's about mile and a half

so walk them around there every day and it's just I couldn't do without them now.

These trousers used to be skin tight on me

I thought they were going to split with how tight they were.

I've got two jobs now and look after the grandkids as well.

I'm not going to, no way am I going to let myself get that big again. No way.

I just feel amazing, on top of the world. Yeah

For more infomation >> Tracey Topping lost 17½st to become Slimming World's Greatest Loser 2017 - Duration: 2:01.


Tony Robbins: How Successful People Grow (Tony Robbins 2017) - Duration: 21:57.

so all of us at some level man or woman

wants to be hero the word hero if Latin

root means servo servo means servant it

actually means

slave the hero why there the hero has

become the ultimate servant to something

larger than themselves people and so

forth the person who thinks they're

going to lead by demand or by position

can only leave for a short period of

time but the person is idea serving as

my belief is if you can find a way to

take any group of people and help them

to experience their needs at a richer

deeper level than anyone else then

together you guys can get anything done

anything now it may not work the first

time but together you can get to that

point because needs are ultimately we

wrapped it we're not after the vehicle

we think Raptor you want a billion

dollars then you get it I got plenty of

clients and I will tell you it is not

the end game and so they have to make

lots of their second billion or you

think it's getting married and then you

get it you find out it's not the end

game for certain needs that have to be

there and the ultimate needs are growing

and giving because you only can feel so

good fills up by yourself so my core

belief is I got to serve I serve I can

lead because I believe motive does

matter if my motive is just to get you

to do something for me

there's a certain amount of power that I

can get to do that if I strategize if I

think if I feel and also if it serves a

greater good even if I don't intend it

if the bumblebee goes to try to get the

nectar it wants it's selfish goal I

believe is a higher power the guys at


when that bumblebee goes it doesn't

intend to give anything but pollen

sticks to its legs as it goes about

trying to get what it wants

that's how flowers are great I really

believe that everything has a web of

connection if your intent is to serve

yourself you're still going to serve

something more than yourself and you're

going to get a certain amount of insight

if your intent in your motive is to

serve something yourself but also

something more just your kids and I

believe you get a different level of

insight and because you're serving more

of what serves life not just me it's me

and my family if you're trying to serve

a community I believe you get a

different level of insight transfer of

humanity that develops I get emotional

feedback this is why I do what I do so

when someone stands up it's not about

business it's not about anything but

about serving them so I will use

abrasive or creative language I'll use

whatever takes humor stupidity I'll make

fun of myself I'll challenge I'll do

anything to serve that's why I'm here I

don't need to do more that I love to see

someone free and alive and lit up so

when that's your motive no matter how

people perceive you outside if they're

around you long enough

you can't hide what your real motive is

and they'll see it and they'll feel it

motive does matter if it's to serve

something higher I'll be that that

doesn't mean you don't get served too

and in business you got to be served or

I used to do business and I lose money

the business everybody else was happy

and it was wonderful except I had no

business so it's you know killing the

goose that lays the golden eggs so I've

learned to put that down with sin but

that gives me power that's why time

disappears face because I'm not about

getting some action time about the


there are certain patterns that cause

people to be fulfilled to be happy to

fit to be strong to feel alive to be

vibrant to have passion in their life to

do well financially but even more

importantly emotionally psychologically

spiritually and their health and their

relationships and there are also

patterns to make people frustrated

overwhelmed depressed sad lonely cause

them to be struggling financially

struggling with their body struggling

intimately and those patterns they're

not because there's something wrong with

somebody's because of a pattern that

we're doing that what's the fastest way

to create a change in basically

developing the one thing that all people

have in common to succeed their leaders

because I don't care what what style you

are I don't care if you're a mom you're

a great mom you lead your child you're

not led by your child or great dad

you're great businessperson you're great

salesperson you're a great negotiator

you're great anything you're a great

human being

I think this has been my entire life's

obsession what makes the difference in

people's lives and that leadership

component as I say doesn't always mean

somebody follows you a leader somebody

lives life on their terms that you will

never settle for less than you can be or

share or give or create it's not what we

get that makes us happy it's who we


how we live our life who we are as a

person people can take away all the

things but who you become no one can

take away and the problem is most of us

are trying to be something or not and it

isn't so much about change about

changing yourself the change happens

when you be yourself know thyself

that's the hard part for most people and

then be thyself because most of us in

our lives out of a desire for respect or

achievement or love or connection or

something we've been trying to be the

way we think we'd have to be in order to

get that love respect appreciation

whatever it is we've been after at some

unconscious level and we've been doing

it so long that we think that this is

who we are because success without

fulfillment is failure and I can't tell

you how many people I work with who are

supposedly the best in the world at what

they do and they have more money than

they can spend and they have all these

people that love and respect them and

yet they're unhappy inside because if

you want to know what's really you where

you're going to be a

I've is when it's really you and you may

think you know who you are because

you've been living a certain way but

I'll tell you how you'll know you'll

feel you for if you'll feel strong

you'll feel unlimited you'll feel free I

have seen and a three million people

around this earth in eighty countries

I've seen just better than you can see

and there are only so many patterns and

what you're going to find underneath all

of this behavior is we have the same

needs when you understand what those

needs are and which ones you're focusing

on you start to understand why people do

the crazy things they do including you

and I and you begin to understand hey

there might be a better way to meet my

needs and I don't have to get caught up

in this game of stress and frustration

upset or I could really help this person

I care about because I could see what's

really going on part of what we want to

accomplish here as leaders is we want to

become practical psychologists we want

to understand what's really going on so

we can help so we can make a difference

so we can transform so yes of course you

can do better in your business because

the more you understand about what

people need and want the greater you're

going to be the better manager better

leader the better mom or dad the better

friend and there's a better you that's

available when you understand what's

driving you but most of us are running

patterns over and over again and we want

to free that up to free it up we got to

break the pattern we've got to do things

that are different so we're gonna do

something different I'm not here because

I believe in positive thinking if you

think that's what I believe you don't

know much about me I'm not one of those

people who believes you're supposed to

go to your garden and chance there's no

weeds there's no weeds there's no we

just move

there's weeds right there all right

that's what I believe

here's what I believe I believe that you

really want to be effective you got to

tell the truth what I want you to get is

the single most important skill in life

it's the word that all leaders have what

would that word be influence what

changes companies is leaders the only

way to change the company is leadership

and I want to change a company that I

own and I want to make a shift in that

company the number one thing I'm going

to do is shifting leadership that might

be taking leaders to a different level

that I bring new leaders in that buy me

new leaders of new voices with new

perspectives with new skill sets new

directions but we need to take things to

the global leaders solve problems and

leaders maximize resources if you're

going to solve problems you can't do it

yourself it would already been solved

you have to get others to help you to do


that requires influence true if you can

get people to maximize resources that

requires influence if you're going to

get people to partner with you provide

you resources capital suppliers anything

that requires influence if you're going

to have an impact on your kids or your

community or the world that requires

influence there is no more important

skill of leadership than influence and

yet most of us think of it like selling

and as a result we don't master

influence so I'm not here today to try

and get you to become a master of

influence in 45 minutes or so by

chatting with you here because we have

so many other speakers this is the area

of life I am most focused on because I

know that if you can't influence you

can't lead but if you can influence

powerfully intelligently with integrity

there's no limit to whatever you can

envision and what you can make real and

if your influence becomes not just use

the influence but you're able to

influence systems people company culture

if you can turn other people into

influencers now whatever you vision

about can be made into reality and so as

a skill of influence we're going to ask

ourselves company agree leaders are what

change companies raise you with that say


and leaders number one skills influence

of degrees say aye but then the question

becomes how do you influence how do you

influence consistently with integrity

you can influence many ways you can do

without integrity but the good news is

we live in a world today where whatever

you do is transparent to the world

because there are no secrets anymore

other I don't try to have a secret today

bless you you can forget the secret with

the internet with a culture we have the

way the world is today there are no more

secrets and whatever you think is still

possibly keep secret give it three or

four more years and it'll be impossible

every phone call you make is recorded

there's no single phone call that goes

in turn out in North America that they

don't have a recording of and they can

search by word by tone by tempo they can

even recognize voices now there's no

thinking of such thing as privacy

everything you've ever put on the

Internet is there forever and people

know it and can search it the way you

write the searchable map you cannot sign

you email you can put on somebody else's

email and the structure of your language

and the way you've influenced things can

be study at this level so the good news

about that is manipulation as a ongoing

tool for success is over but adding

value will never go out of style truth

will never go out of style

so influencing with integrity is the

secret but what really influences people

do facts and figures we give you no

facts and figures out of a core story is

I can influence people no it's the

weaving of that story together in a way

that produces what shifts people and

that's human emotion ultimately the big

game here is emotion you have to

influence emotion you have to influence

see most of your people you're going to

maximize resources if we all agree as we

talked about the other day it's not a

lack of resources it's a lack of what

resourcefulness if you're creative

enough if you're playful enough if

you're determined enough if you're

focused enough you can find a way if

you're giving enough if you're generous

enough if you're honest enough if you're

courageous enough you will get people to

help you you will find the way you will

make that thing happen you'll access the

resource you got some of the code you

teach you loan it to you let you try it

drive it experience it so it's the

ability to influence emotion because

that's what affects our intellect that's

the bottom line

story is only there to give you a set of

facts to educate someone that will make

them emotional up to make a decision and

what they do is they go through a series

of things that you have emotions about

they may save them in an unemotional way

but the only reason they work is because

you know they're going to open the

person's emotion how many agree with me

on this I so as leaders we can never

forget the humans are emotional

creatures including ourselves and to

influence other people we have to know

what already influences them

we can't ever forget what truly

influences them it's going to come down

to our ability to connect with them at a

deep emotional level or get others to do

the same here's how I say it a really

simple term to influence someone you

have to already be influenced right to

move somebody you better be moved to

touch somebody you can't touch somebody

about your product or service or vision

right here your company if you're not

touched to persuade others you have to

be persuaded

you can't give somebody else what you

don't have now you may have it

intellectually and here's the challenge

we first meet somebody in your

relationship and you're all excited

what's a little energy like zero to ten

make the sound of that energy you meet

some of your totally excited by making a

sound every six months six years twenty

years later and scary at it and it's not

time because there are people and I've

been with them and together 65 years and

they're still out of their mind for each

other they make the same amount of noise

you did in the beginning here what

changes is very often when you're around

something enough I don't care what it is

there's a law called the law familiarity

the law of familiarity says this if you

round something enough you take it just

a little bit for granted as a matter

what it is it's not that you don't care

it used to it it's that the variety of

it is not quite as high it's not so new

and with that sometimes you give it less

significance even though in your heart

you know it's significant you don't keep

the aliveness of it it becomes simple

you intellectualize versus something you

feel inside your body with a passion so

there people say but we love each other

yeah oh that's great you know hug each

other every now and then you say you

love each give vision little kiss like

that was that I was in the beginning no

it isn't time it's that most people

don't understand that this emotion this

intensity this passion has to be

constantly reinforced every single day

and like any muscle if you don't use it

you so then you have the base

understanding why you do what you do but

you've lost the energy that makes it

alive and so if you're going to be

touching people you got to be touch so

then the question is how do we influence

ourselves how do we influence other

people we got to get them into their

emotions we got to get ourselves into

the emotions they're going to move us to

action we got to do that ongoing because

otherwise all the stuff you wrote down

will die it'll die in your book it'll

die in your head

there has to be a level of emotion level

hunger in you that makes you go follow

through there's got to be level of

energy knew that when you go share with

people you're able to influence them to

follow through and when they don't do it

enough to get back in there with them

again and get them to do it again this

is where the whole game gets won or lost

the agree to disagree with me on this so

what we got to look at is first of all

us how many do you have days when you

wake up and you feel like I don't want

to talk to people today I'm going on

days like this in your life say I but

again as I said the other day if you're

the leader you don't have that choice

you're the leader you have to get in a

good state if you leader you have to get

yourself in that place and how many of

you have had some gut checks let me see

again in the last six months 12 months

in your business with economic economy

changing right has never changed before

how many got those gut checks AI so what

do we do we have to become masters of

influence when these means we have to be

able to master the state of our own

organization the master state of our own

organizations got to know how to change

that how fast my friends how fast and

where does it have to start our selves

since were the first constraint and if

we can do with ourselves and influence

then we can teach everybody else to

influence we've said business is

innovation and marketing you have to

influence people to innovate because

they're not going to just do it because

they're used to what works and it's

easier and they know it

innovation means massive what change how

many people go get me more massive

change in my life

with all the other things I'm trying to

hang on to they're not going to do that

you have to influence people to innovate

and marketing is influence so what

influences us is our States how do we

change our states let's start with you

and I and with anybody I'm going to work

with you've worked with me before you

know the first answer you're going to

change somebody state the fastest way to

do it is physical trying to change

somebody's mind is really hard change

their body their mind will go if you

give somebody else alcohol and just see

how quickly you can change them true

given have alcohol I don't care who they

are they're going to change what are you

changing biochemistry physiology

physical body and the emotion the mind

will shift that's why people take drugs

it's why people eat when they go e it's

a biochemical change in their body so

but we can do this through movement we

can do this to change so if you want to

be the leader and you're going to be

affected first thing I say to all of you

going home so you don't feel overwhelmed

is you need to develop a ongoing

discipline because we are our rituals I

mean a physical one if you want to say

well why is my life the way it is today

look at your rituals what do you call

them rituals are not you have them most

of you get up and you have a set of

rituals you go straight to email or you

go straight and workout or you have your

breakfast or you hit the snooze alarm at

least three times your ritual who knows

what I'm talking about here and if you

want to know what somebody's like you

can see the rituals you can look any

buddy's body in this room if you have

them take their clothes off and you know

some of their rituals or lack thereof

is it true if every day you get up and

your ritual is you go to Starbucks and

order a smoking book at the couple or

whatever those things are that you have

right and a big muffin and whatever it

is right that's what you do every day

it's not hard to figure out what you're

going to be like my 10:30 in the morning

you're gonna be looking for your next

coffee and it's whatever is want to

stimulate your adrenal glands like crazy

and they're going to drop predictably

and we know what your stress levels can

be like we know when you're in you're

going to go and say it's predictable

because of your rituals if you eat a

certain way you can predict that person

is going to be fat and tired you use a

different way you know if a person eats

and they exercise a certain way you know

everybody's going to be like who here

works out five days

week never misses it's just your life

let me see your hands look at look at

member bbear that's fantastic how do you

like everybody Hannah's really fantastic

who here honestly never works out

consistently right don't clap now here's

what's interesting

I'm not saying one is right as one is

wrong but with those two different

rituals create a different body yes or

no if we wanted to really make it clear

we'd say everybody works out five days a

week stand up we can look at them sit

down everybody doesn't work out stand up

look at them it'll be pretty obvious now

some people's metabolism is different

than goodbye with different things but

you get the picture don't you your

relationships today are the results of

your rituals if the first thing you ever

do when you come on them is honey and

then you go and give a little peck on

the cheek and then you sit down and

start typing your emails when you flip

on the news it's not hard to know what

your relationships gonna be like you

guys might love each other but it's

going to be one boring dead relationship

it's like having a brother or sister but

if your new ritual was and you just in

the beginning you made it a ritual just

made for fun you say every day when I

come home the men I'm gonna do they're

gonna yell my husband a wife's name or

sometimes I want my wife's little crazy

so I go Lucy yeah I'm all and then we

both go running wherever she is now so

wherever the helps me go running full

speed like lovers haven't seen each

other in six months we do it ask my

assistant all the time not every day but

it's our ritual to this process right

it's just a crazy thing thank you thank

you I appreciate the ham I don't mind

telling you to do this I'm telling you

it's cousin once you create yours

because when you do that and you're

playful and crazy and you do the regular

basis that you can't wait to see each

other and the biggest ritual that we

have besides physical by the way let me

just say to you there's this when you go

home if you want to transform your

business transform you by creating first

if you don't already have one a set of

physical rituals that you're not going

to miss I don't care if it's three days

a week four days a week something is

going to make you physically strong

because in a place where there's going

to be a lot of fear the way you deal

with crisis is number one thing you

should do is feed your mind and you're

doing that get yourself new answers


yourself in new environments get new

voices have new perspectives asking new

questions is not what we've been doing

here right and we're doing it together

and bringing all those people together I

basically to create innovation in your

life and marketing I've assembled here

19 people you assemble five days your

life and we're just walking day and

night it's the total immersion of what I

taught you in innovation it's really

what it is but it's going to continue

for it to continue that we've also been

managing your state to a great extent

all right most of you don't call home in

four or five days they start clapping my

crazy and screaming and shaking you

don't do that you're safe right and so

something going to go like wow it

doesn't feel the same as with the

seminar and stuff I'm back here by

myself and my people aren't doing this

but some of you will go home and

initiate this you're going to have your

physiology five your five minutes of

physiology ship once an hour once every

90 minutes or no more than once every

two hours you're going to start your

morning with everybody you're going to

bring in and get some little audio clip

of something from a movie or something

that blast across you know the room and

have everybody stand at attention you're

going to do some crazy stuff if you're

smart rubber samples and see what they

do they got the most crazy stuff going

on there all the stuff that I do in

seminars they do every day at their

location with their people and people

can't wait to get the work in there in a

certain state

For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: How Successful People Grow (Tony Robbins 2017) - Duration: 21:57.


Sea of Cortez Cetaceans - Research Project - Duration: 4:11.

On this expedition in the Gulf of California

we are monitoring the different species of cetaceans

to see where they are located,

to make an estimate of the populations

and to see the health status of each of these species.

The research methods that we are using

depend on the questions we are trying to answer;

on this occasion

we are mostly focused on fin whales

because it is a resident species

but there is little known about their reproductive cycles.

Right now we want to know if there is a season or timing

for the reproductive cycles of this species.

So we take a biopsy

of skin and blubber.

With this sample we can know

the reproductive status of the whale

both on male and female,

know if the females are pregnant

we can also know the gender of the individual,

what they are eating, among other things.

Another important study we are conducting in the laboratory

is the analysis of microplastics

We do this by towing a net to collect water samples

We later compare the microplastics concentration in the water

to that of toxins in the whales' tissue

to see what is the state of the Sea of Cortez.

in relation to microplastics

The Sea of Cortez

shows you how an ecosystem works

These waters are full of plankton and krill.

So the life starts from the plankton

all the way up to the biggest animal

we have on our planet

the blue whale.

There are about 30 different species of cetaceans

in the Sea of Cortez,

many different birds, many sea lions,

fishes of course,

rays, sharks

and that's why Cousteau used to say:

The Sea of Cortez is the aquarium of the world.

For more infomation >> Sea of Cortez Cetaceans - Research Project - Duration: 4:11.


Bad Baby school STUFFED CANDY with Johny Johny Yes PaPa Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Bad Baby school STUFFED CANDY with Johny Johny Yes PaPa Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - Duration: 2:45.


Jeremy Corbyn | People coming together - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Jeremy Corbyn | People coming together - Duration: 4:46.


BALADAS ROMANTICAS VIEJITAS PERO BONITAS - Mix Pop En Español Viejitas - Canciones De Los 90 - Duration: 1:04:23.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> BALADAS ROMANTICAS VIEJITAS PERO BONITAS - Mix Pop En Español Viejitas - Canciones De Los 90 - Duration: 1:04:23.


Nagoya Vegan Festival! - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Nagoya Vegan Festival! - Duration: 5:37.


Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs - Learning video For Kids w Bad Baby - Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 3:00.

Learn Colors With Surprise Eggs

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs - Learning video For Kids w Bad Baby - Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 3:00.


I Got Selected for YouTube NextUp 2017! - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:50.

Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo. I just wanted

to make a quick video to let you know

that we got selected for YouTube's

New York City NextUp Class of 2017!

This is a HUGE Deal! It's a BIG Deal!

And if you're not sure what it is, make sure you click on the link in

the description, and check it out.

It's really cool, and we wouldn't have

been able to do it without viewers like

you. So thank you for subscribing. Thank

you for watching our videos. We're so excited!

Dr. Bo Skellington, Dr. Mo Musclestein,

and Dinosaur I hope you feel

better, want to say thank you so much.

Keep on watching us, keep on seeing what

we have to come, we've got a whole bunch

of exciting stuff,

and we're super excited. Thanks to YouTube.

Thank you to all of you. Now remember,

be safe, have fun, and I hope you feel

better soon!

For more infomation >> I Got Selected for YouTube NextUp 2017! - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:50.


Обновление 0.6.5. Сезон охоты [World of Warships] - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Обновление 0.6.5. Сезон охоты [World of Warships] - Duration: 4:40.


Peugeot 308 1.6 HDi 120pk B.Lease Pack - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.6 HDi 120pk B.Lease Pack - Duration: 0:45.


Jordan Peterson - The need to be capable of cruelty (French Subs) - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Jordan Peterson - The need to be capable of cruelty (French Subs) - Duration: 5:31.


Car vs motorcycle | Opel vs Suzuki | close call - Duration: 1:54.

Hi everyone! In the short video I'd like

to show you how dangerous a short ride

on a familiar road could be.

Today, after meeting with a friend I was heading home

when I met with this gentleman, who from

my perspective, wanted to hit me

intentionally. Maybe he thought it is

funny to scare the shit out of the other.

But somehow I didn't get the joke.

He is typically that kinda guy I hate on the roads.

First:As I saw he was on the phone, but I

can't remember correctly.

Second: He is using the fog lights without any reason

Third: He didn't give a single fuck after

he almost hit me with his "car"

But that's enough weep for today!

Let's see his performance!

For more infomation >> Car vs motorcycle | Opel vs Suzuki | close call - Duration: 1:54.


【Youtube圓桌】Youtuber玩台灣》林辰Buchi~台灣吧!!現場原音重現!?Feat.妞妞TV、林辰Buchi、the劉沛...等Youtuber!!【AnsonTV】90天上傳挑戰#59 - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> 【Youtube圓桌】Youtuber玩台灣》林辰Buchi~台灣吧!!現場原音重現!?Feat.妞妞TV、林辰Buchi、the劉沛...等Youtuber!!【AnsonTV】90天上傳挑戰#59 - Duration: 4:30.


Flip 'N Beauty Folding LED Beauty Mirror Set of 2 - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> Flip 'N Beauty Folding LED Beauty Mirror Set of 2 - Duration: 7:44.


For more infomation >> Flip 'N Beauty Folding LED Beauty Mirror Set of 2 - Duration: 7:44.


Ma Nouvelle Chaîne ! - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Ma Nouvelle Chaîne ! - Duration: 1:42.


For more infomation >> Ma Nouvelle Chaîne ! - Duration: 1:42.


Pause Café - Episode 10: "Sans les mains" - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> Pause Café - Episode 10: "Sans les mains" - Duration: 9:38.


For more infomation >> Pause Café - Episode 10: "Sans les mains" - Duration: 9:38.


Nieuw VIRMm treinstel 9403 & VIRM treinstel 8656 - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Nieuw VIRMm treinstel 9403 & VIRM treinstel 8656 - Duration: 1:34.


For more infomation >> Nieuw VIRMm treinstel 9403 & VIRM treinstel 8656 - Duration: 1:34.


Jeremy Corbyn | People coming together - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Jeremy Corbyn | People coming together - Duration: 4:46.


I Got Selected for YouTube NextUp 2017! - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:50.

Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo. I just wanted

to make a quick video to let you know

that we got selected for YouTube's

New York City NextUp Class of 2017!

This is a HUGE Deal! It's a BIG Deal!

And if you're not sure what it is, make sure you click on the link in

the description, and check it out.

It's really cool, and we wouldn't have

been able to do it without viewers like

you. So thank you for subscribing. Thank

you for watching our videos. We're so excited!

Dr. Bo Skellington, Dr. Mo Musclestein,

and Dinosaur I hope you feel

better, want to say thank you so much.

Keep on watching us, keep on seeing what

we have to come, we've got a whole bunch

of exciting stuff,

and we're super excited. Thanks to YouTube.

Thank you to all of you. Now remember,

be safe, have fun, and I hope you feel

better soon!

For more infomation >> I Got Selected for YouTube NextUp 2017! - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:50.


x行動(MAT2.0)玩ㄍ陸服世界Boss 一些字體.最重要是[勒索病毒]在顯示資訊.沒更新ㄉ快更新~!! - Duration: 14:46.

For more infomation >> x行動(MAT2.0)玩ㄍ陸服世界Boss 一些字體.最重要是[勒索病毒]在顯示資訊.沒更新ㄉ快更新~!! - Duration: 14:46.


Renault Kangoo 1.9D RL 55 - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Renault Kangoo 1.9D RL 55 - Duration: 0:44.


Opel Astra station 1.4 - 16v essentia KOPPAKKING LEK !!! - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra station 1.4 - 16v essentia KOPPAKKING LEK !!! - Duration: 0:44.


Roadtrip Vlog Ep. 2 - Kalavrita was a Blast - Duration: 8:28.

Today, we woke up at Prokopiou lake,

The weather is rainy again

We are gonna eat breakfast here

And we gonna hit the road again.

We saw that in Kalavrita it has 40 inches of snow

We left the Prokopiou lagoon are we are going there now!

There are two

Where behind?

There are two!

There two waterfalls.

I saw the first one and then i saw the second one.

Dudes, i saw the first one, the bigger, and then i saw the smaller one.

He's crazy!

We are gonna stay two day in the ski resort

for sure we are gonna starve

A lot of snow,

a lot of digging

and we gonna get some fun

Left or right said?

The mountain Helmos that the Kalavrita ski resort is located

has the maximum height in 2.355m.

The Kalavrita Ski resort has 13 slopes with leght over of 12km.

Arriving at Kalavriton Ski Resort was already late, the resort was closed.

But that was not a problem, to not make a night ride.

to take a small dose of adrenaline.

We came in Kalavrita and we came for the first night ride!

The other waiting with the canoe

We are getting ready and we rolling!

This is the end of our adventure in Kalavrita ski resort,

and we continue our trip to lake Doxa.

The weather was not a friend,

although the experience was unforgettable!

Till the next one!

For more infomation >> Roadtrip Vlog Ep. 2 - Kalavrita was a Blast - Duration: 8:28.


Theresa May Remix | Strong and Stable - Duration: 2:44.

Strong and stable and Stable and wrong

With the Strong and stable The strong and stable

Hate and evil Strong and stable and

Stable and wrong With the Strong and stable

Government, life is still a struggle

And when they hear we have no plans.

I don't give a shit Just the priveldged few

Having control Have everything our own way

And when they hear we have no plans.

I don't give a shit I am not going to be calling a snap election

I have just called a general election

No Hope, it's going to be tough No Hope, poverty

No Hope, difficult times ahead No Hope, tyranny

Jeremy Corbyn thinks differently Vote for change in the country

Jeremy Corbyn thinks differently No look I'm , I'm in a different galaxy

Jeremy Corbyn thinks differently I think work is the best route out of poverty

Jeremy Corbyn thinks differently What Jeremy Corbyn has shown is that he's....

Motivated by passion and deceny He talks about austerity

Help people in need Irresponsible behaviour in companies

I want to deport more refugees Seek protection elsewhere

Seek protection elsewhere, elsewhere, elsewhere Deport more refugees

elsewhere, elsewhere, elsewhere Seek protection elsewhere, elsewhere, elsewhere

People trying to come here to the UK

Food bank Britain, Br Br Food Bank Food bank Britain, Br Br Food Bank

Food bank Britain, Br Br Food Bank Food bank Britain, Br Br Food Bank

Brexit, Exit, get on with it Brexit, Exit, get on with it

Brexit, Exit, where you come from Brexit, Exit, you must return home

Strong and stable and Stable and wrong

With the Strong and stable The strong and stable

Hate and evil Strong and stable and

Stable and wrong With the Strong and stable

Government, life is still a struggle

Food bank Britain, Br Br Food Bank You'll get the minimum

Food bank Britain, Br Br Food Bank Life is still a struggle

Food bank Britain, Br Br Food Bank Success is based on merit but forget about

it Food bank Britain, Br Br Food Bank

Be really worried about the future of Britain Success is based on merit but forget about


Just the priveldged few Having control

Have everything our own way We plans to strengthen our hand

But what I am is hard headed

V-V-V-Vote go out there V-V-V-Vote make your vote count

Theresa May Remix Stable and Strong

For more infomation >> Theresa May Remix | Strong and Stable - Duration: 2:44.


(Black Sails) Charles Vane || TIME - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> (Black Sails) Charles Vane || TIME - Duration: 4:46.


How to Reduce Weight Easily - Duration: 4:27.

Every day millions of people around the world wake up realizing they really need to reduce

their weight.

Despite having more science, more gyms, more trainers and more diet gurus than ever before in history the

obesity crisis is at an all time high.

You would think given the fact so many people struggle when trying to reduce weight that

there must be something we are missing.

But the fact is at a technical level, reducing your weight is an easy process.

When I look at why people fail when on a diet there are always reasons.

Not counting calories correctly and underestimating food portions, cheating on

the diet, diet bouncing and never adhering to any one plan long

enough to see results....the list is long.

But low adherence levels aside weight reduction is actually a very easy process.

If you have the fortitude to stick with a diet for any given period of time you will

lose weight.

Add in some resistance exercise and your results can be dramatic.

So first we need to know how many calories we burn in a day.

That number is determined by 4 things, your BMR, your TDEE, TEF, and TEE.

I wont bore you with the details of what all those mean except for the most important one

for purposes of weight reduction which is TDEE, or total daily energy expenditure.

If you visit our website at there are some free handy tools to help you

calculate how many calories your body burns, as well as a few others.

Simply add in your height, weight and age and the calculator will tell you how many

calories your body burns at rest, and approximately how many it burns in a day factoring in calories

burned at your job, exercising and other factors.

Now no calculator can give you an exact number because all of us have varying metabolic rates

and activity levels.

This will give you a range only which will have to be tweaked over time.

Now once you have your TDEE we can subtract 300-500 calories per day from that number.

so if we are an active 5'6" woman 25 years old who is 180 pounds our BMR is about 1650

and TDEE is about 2450 calories a day.

If we subtract 500 calories per day we can eat 1950 calories per day and lose approximately

1 pound per week of pure fat.

Remember there are approximately 3500 calories in one pound of fat so 500 calories a day

we don't eat X 7 days = 3500 calories or 1 pound of fat.

Now if you add in extra exercise that burns 500 calories each day like an hour of hard

aerobics that will burn an extra 3500 calories a week and you will lose 2 pounds.

This is a good slow and steady weight loss that will retain muscle and reduce fat.

Remember if you drop calories too fast your body will burn up muscle as well as fat.

And that's how easy it is to reduce weight in theory.

Now in real life we know that adherence, psychological factors, trigger, food addiction and intolerances

and many more factors exist that can make it hard.

But if you have the discipline and motivation to stick with your diet the above will help you reduce

If you would like to transform your body in even more amazing ways and get paid

visit our websiteRob Edwards thanks for watching

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