Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 16 2017

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (change font size color and transparency via options menu) (subtitles optimized for PC)

Today I'd like to show you how to prepare cup ramen 10 different ways

10 ways to eat cup ramen +1

1st way is to make it with bacon

the color changed a bit


it tastes pretty good why aren't there more cup noodles

with bacon like this sold all the time?

but the bacon is just a bit salty

I think it would be tastier if you add a bit of extra hot water to offset the bacon in this

lemon + cup noodles

looks so fancy

smells so bright and fresh

you can really taste the tanginess from the lemons in the soup

so bright and fresh tasting and you can taste the sour lemon in it

its so refreshing.... would be perfect for a hot summer day I really recommend it

next is cup noodles with 'umeboshi' (pickled plum)

this might be yummy

uhh its so packed full of umeboshi that its the only thing I can taste in this lol

its delish and since I love the taste of umeboshi I'm really enjoying the umeboshi flavored soup

its a distinctly Japanese-like flavor ~ I might have overdone it with the ume though ~

3 is probably the ideal amount

next up is salted squid with cup noodle

the salted squid has cooked through just a bit

it looks a bit different

the soup has taken on the color from the salted squid

this is pretty delish

the instant soup has taken on the delish flavors of the salted squid... its yummy

it adds a whole lot of character to the soup and since were boiling it I doesn't get overpowered

by the strong flavors and aromas from the salted squid

I thought it might turn out a bit chewy but its not that bad the squid are cooked medium rare

this salted squid and cup noodle ramen go great together

next is cream with cup noodle

its lookin' like a clam chowder looks yummy

I've added 100cc of hot water with 200cc of cream

~super delish~

its sort of like a milky soup its taken on such a mild flavor

so mellow and milky its so delish

~ I love creamy soups ~ I feel like this would be great with a few eggs

tastes great with the noodles as well a creamy udon like dish

cup noodle with... whats this? Choux cream

it tasted pretty good with cream so this choux cream might taste alright

I'm not sure if this whole thing will fit in here though

oh wow... reminds me of the American cherry pie frap I had

lets squish it a bit

uhh... its a its a... bit squished

its softened up so much it almost looks like an 'age' tofu

its so sweet smelling ~this.... might be gross tasting~

its got so many bubbles in here unlike when I added cream to this

oh its probably because choux creams are so light and airy

so sweet

uhhh wut?

lets seriously taste this

there definitely aren't any ramen out there that taste sweet like this

I dunnno......

well the sweetness has permeated throughout and the choux cream flavor covers everything

there just might be some people out there that might like this but ....

its not really a ramen to me...

the sweetness of the choux cream and the saltiness of the soup really clash

next is cup noodle with caesar salad

boiled lettuce is pretty tasty and since there is so much cheese in this salad it might be tasty

and you see a few soups out there with croutons in it and this bacon will taste good in it

smells like lettuce the lettuce is looking really nice now

I thought they'd get all fluffy but they might still have a bit of a crunch to them

the lettuce has been boiled and taken on such a nice color

the lettuce flavor has transferred a bit into the soup its taken on a rather 'green' flavor

and you can really taste the cheese from the caesar salad as well

it doesn't really transform the cup noodle that much

I feel as though its not that necessary to do this particular variation

takoyaki + cup noodle

the takoyaki look so delish

you can really smell the bonito flakes

the takoyaki look so huge in here

oh yeah.... that's right.... there's octopus in takoyaki

it doesn't really change things up that much but it taste alright

yeah it goes good in here it goes good.. its delish

you don't really taste the sauces or the mayo that much

but the bonito flakes that are on top of the takoyaki really add a lot of flavor to the soup in this

and as for the takoyaki they were like watery takoyakis

next up is corn and butter

the butter is melting away looks delish

looks delish

looks delish

you can really taste the butter and that sweetness from the corn is nice as well

in most miso ramen they give you the option to top it with corn and butter

this is like the cup noodle version of that

its sort of light tasting this miso butter corn butter topping

next is cup noodle and tea

I made a very strong flavored tea

such a nice green color to this reminds me of juiced greens

this might end up looking a bit weird

looks a bit weird lol

the noodles and egg have taken on a real greenish hue to them

it really smells like tea

you get a bit of the bitterness from the tea

for those who enjoy it you'll like this probably the soup has taken on a slight bitter note

it doesn't taste strongly like tea though I think I might like this

its a very new and unique flavor

I haven't encountered this sort of flavor before sort of reminds me of an ochazuke porridge

but the soup isn't light and refreshing like an ochazuke though

which changes things up a bit.... this tastes alright

since I've got some leftover umeboshi plums lets see if it works in this case

it works in ochazuke porridge so it should taste good in this

it really does look a bit gross doesn't it not such a spectacular color at all

oh jeez... even 3 umeboshi plums are way too much the pickled plums is all you taste

~yep you only taste the ume plums~

if you add too many ume plums it will overpower any other flavors like the tea I added to this

but the addition of ume plums brings the flavor closer to an ochazuke porridge

next is cup noodle + cola

you can really smell the sweetness of the cola

since we are adding it to hot water its really bubbling up

everything taken on that cola hue

ahhh that cola color its lost that lively carbonation

it smells like a cola candy


very sweet

even the noodles are sweet and since we boiled it the carbonation is gone

the sweetness of the coke and the saltiness of the soup give it that salty sweet taste

I don't see myself trying this again in the future


so we tried cup noodles 10 ways.... plus 1 bonus way

they were all pretty good they all tasted good

the plus 1.... the cola one...

that turned into a "fun" flavor they were all pretty good though

and among everything I tried if I had to pick the top 3 flavors

cream, umeboshi pickled plum, and the salted squid

I felt the best tasting ones were the ones that really changed up the flavor of the soup

for my tastes.... I enjoyed the cream noodle one the best

I thought since the cream tasted great that the choux cream should taste equally as good but

the regular cream version is the one I preferred

if you saw anything you liked and wanted to try please do so and give it a go

I had quite a bit of fun doing this

if you find any variations that you'd like to see me do please inform me in the comment section

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Cup Noodles] The Most Delicious Eating Ways ! 10 Cups + 1 Extra-Additional [CC Available] - Duration: 10:25.


ILLUSTRATOR DIGITAL LINE ART - Zelda Majora's Mask Art In The Style Of Patrick Seymour - Duration: 5:50.

today I will be embarking on some

Illustrator digital line art inspired by

the amazing work by Patrick Seymour you

can follow along a little technique as

you watch

welcome back to store graphics I hope

you were doing great today I have some

Illustrated line inspired by Patrick

Seymour it was injected by subscriber

but I was going to mix tutorial I simply

didn't have the time right now so I made

a speed up video instead the checkout

Patrick Simmons work online you'll

notice his unique and amazing style it

is mainly created by using lines and

strokes in Illustrator along with

gradients they truly rocks so I'm going

to try and design something based around

Zelda Majora's Mask

I took an image of Majora's Mask and

lock the in illustrator you can make

this toilet edges to line up by using a

sketch you made yourself a base to run

an image online I said okay right down

the middle because a lot of this artwork

can be duplicated it is symmetrical I

started with the eyes as you can see the

trick is to think of lines making up

everything to the shapes of textures and

the details who need to be lines

here I was using the duplicate option

holding down alt then clicking and

dragging in the same shapes and words

I then move to the most tedious miss

annoying part of this Illustrated

digital lineup design mechanic spikes

off majora's mask like i said i did want

to make a tutorial i had a very little

time today remember I'm a graphic

designer first and foremost and then I

make five youtube videos per week and it

can be tough keeping up keeping up the

things as a matter of fact I have two

local designs running at the moment

so here's one spike and one I more or

less complete of the Majora's Mask this

stroke star here is the way that you

want to curb the lines if you see

Patrick Seymour style I'm pretty sure

you use the same technique on his

artwork so continuing with the top right

here I wanted to make a sweeping stroke

effect to make other design using the

pen tool on a stroke effect as I have

them beforehand

at this point you could stop right here

as actually modes work sometimes those

only have white lines the keys to have a

background this is why I started to add

gradients to my design I looked at the

regional image and try to replicate the

color by using the gradient tool I set

the gradient across multiple lines at

one time

the design is really coming together now

around the age there are dark areas but

it's important to not go so dark at the

design gets lost in the backgrounds so

the loft laying around was a gradient

tool in the gradient sliders

let's probably took up the most time

with this Illustrated digital art design

I spend a lot of time trying to get the

gradients on point for these bikes

so here's the final design

now just to attach my photographic

signature I'm really pleased with how

this came out

what do you think that the replicates

Patrick Seymour style of line art living

in the comment section below and be sure

to subscribe and turn on your

notifications if you haven't been

already like and share this video if you


until next time design for you today


For more infomation >> ILLUSTRATOR DIGITAL LINE ART - Zelda Majora's Mask Art In The Style Of Patrick Seymour - Duration: 5:50.


Paul George Reveals Who He Wants to Win the NBA Finals - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Paul George Reveals Who He Wants to Win the NBA Finals - Duration: 2:08.


Vampire Ben is Captured - Part 14 - Vampires Moana Descendants Disney - Duration: 8:02.

Disney Doll Story


Jay, I'm getting sleepy.

Moana: I'll go talk to Mal.

I'm sure she can make some more antidote for Audrey too.

Do you think Mal will make the antidote for Audrey after all she has done?

But what other options do we have?

There is someone else I could take her.

My son is not a vampire.

People are getting bitten all over the place.

Are you still going to deny it?

My son did not bit all those people.

You promised to the people you will catch all vampires and here you are.

Your son is a vampire.

Do you have a proof or are you just going to accuse him without a proof?

We want blood test.

If Ben's not a vampire, there is no reason for him to hide.



I know you are in here.

follow me.


Anything you ask.

I'll do it.

Make an antidote for Audrey please.

You will have to bring me Ben's blood.

Only the vampire who made her can save her now.

Mal, thanks for seeing me.

How are you?

Are you alright?

You know Audrey is poisoned.


You have to make an antidote for her too.

That's not going to happen.

I need Ben's blood.

You could at least help me get that.

Jay, no.

I'm sorry but Audrey doesn't deserve my help.

Not after what she did.



Prince Charming, I heard you are looking for Ben.

How unexpected.

So you know where Ben is?

I could help you catch him And what do you want in return?

I need his blood.

After I get his blood, Ben is all yours.

Come in.

There is someone I would like you to meet.

Mal, this is the first place vampire hunters will look.


You are awake.

Uh oh, are you sure she's supposed to be like that?




Draculaura, back away from him or I'll poison you with vervain.

Ben, are you alright?

She bit me.

How could a vampire drink another vampire's blood?

She's gone mad.

Maybe I wans't supposed to take her out of the underworld.

So here you are.


Prince Charming?

Jay told me you would be here and here you are.


How could you?

Mal, you left me no choice.

Ben, you will have to come with us and clear up some misunderstandings.

What misunderstanding?

Are you a vampire?

What happened?

He got bitten.

Is that even possible?

A vampire to drink another vampire's blood?


I need to call a doctor.

No, we can't let him get out.

He could be a vampire.

If he's vampire, then why is he bitten?

That I can't figure out.

But until we finish the blood test, he's not going anywhere.

Jay, how could you do this?

Mal, I have a plan.

Leave it to me.

This is what you are willing to do to save Audrey?

Trade Ben for Audrey?

You didn't give me any other choice.

I could just tell Prince Charming that you are vampire too.

No, you wouldn't do that?

Then Ben goes down with me.

How so?

Mal, this is the only way we all get out.

Ben, you, me.

You have to trust me.

I'm going to withdraw some blood.

Please let me.

That was the agreement.

I get his blood.

Go ahead.

Jay, how could you?

Ben, I need your blood to save Audrey.

Take it.


Here is Ben's blood.

Test his blood.

See if it's human blood.

It's human blood.

It's definitely human blood.

I told you.

My son is not a vampire.

How can this be?

Now you got your answer.

Leave us.


How is this possible?

I switched Ben's blood with King Beast's blood.

They will never know the difference.

Thanks Jay.

You saved Ben.

I must get back to Audrey.


You are back.

Audrey, I brought Ben's blood.

The potion will be ready in a few hours.

Mother gothel is making them right now.


I heard you have the Elixir of Immortality?

What did you do with it?

The rumour is that it is a cure for vampires.


Does it work?

Mother Gothel tried it, but it didn't work.

She is still a vampire, isn't she?

Here is the antidote for Audrey.


Ah ah.

Not so fast.

There is still the issue of payment.

What do you want for the antidote?

I need you to bring me the elixir of immortality.

I heard Maleficent is making another bottle right now.

For more infomation >> Vampire Ben is Captured - Part 14 - Vampires Moana Descendants Disney - Duration: 8:02.


מזג האוויר בגיאורגיה | טיולים לגאורגיה | Hotel Grand Palace Tbilisi - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> מזג האוויר בגיאורגיה | טיולים לגאורגיה | Hotel Grand Palace Tbilisi - Duration: 2:05.


Japanese Steak Bento - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Japanese Steak Bento - Duration: 5:59.


[MV] ISU(이수) _ Sequence(그러나, 밤) - Duration: 4:14.

The slow and calm end of our relationship

Now, all that's left is fading away

Even if I'm determined in tears

Our first painful time of separation

After shining and blooming, it rots away

That is the nights we spent together

Even if I look back the days in sorrow and pain

We have come too far now

The broken heart and night of distrust

The expectation that fell without us knowing

It dropped to a point of no return

Our words without us

After shining and blooming, it rots away

That is the nights we spent together

Even if I look back the days in sorrow and pain

We have come too far now

After shining and blooming, it rots away

That is the nights we spent together

Even if I look back the days in sorrow and pain

We have come too far now

For more infomation >> [MV] ISU(이수) _ Sequence(그러나, 밤) - Duration: 4:14.


Business Insights: Innovation in Health Care - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Business Insights: Innovation in Health Care - Duration: 1:46.


How often do you think about sex on your sales call? | 118 - Duration: 1:21.

A great photographer once taught me that the secret to taking a great picture is to figure

out how to simplify the image and decide what you are going to exclude.

This was counter intuitive for me because my approach to taking photographs was to try

and get as much as possible into the frame.

But he was right.

"Think SEX" he says.

Simplify & EXclude.

Because, "Complexity confuses and less is always more"

And I believe the same to be true of selling.

You know, Prospects are bombarded with unwanted advice, confusing options and predetermined

solutions to questions they're often not even clear on themselves.

So, First - Simplify "Mr Prospect, if there was one thing your

existing system (or vendor) could do better for you, what would that be?

And then exclude, exclude all the bullshit he doesn't care about, doesn't need, doesn't

need to understand, already understands, or can get from any other vendor.

Maybe thats what they meant when they said, "Sex Sells"?....

For more infomation >> How often do you think about sex on your sales call? | 118 - Duration: 1:21.


Thomas Piper: This is my world - Duration: 9:01.

good morning Brooklyn hello world it's

thomas piper of the people's republic of

sound live here beat design you know how

we do we improv make it up off the head

sometimes it works hook to the time at

work check it out let's go

I'm a videographer I'm also a musician

right since I have all the equipment at

my house I said I'll do a weekly series

that puts it all together thanks I

wanted to show me make it beats getting

strong ideas that's what beat design is

a weekly video series that shows me

making music and so of all my skills in

one package so they may make a music

video I started beat design 2015 mainly

to show improvisation the ability to use

compute it as an instrument also a way

to exercise my musical skills in a quick

and kind of concise way everything is

different and then you can see the

progression I'm not 50 episodes or so

now so sometimes i go back and look at

it and see what it is over time

that'll be enough oh I'll say

i was born in Brooklyn but I grew up in

Long Island in the island you here

Caribbean music American music and free

community and then I move into bed stuy

which has similarities to that

neighborhood highbrow lowbrow like the

new hipster then you've got black and

then you've got middle class so you get

all the influences together outside of

my house I hear soul music and hip-hop

so when you're making music and your

window is open you're going to look at

it differently my sound still have some

of that Long Island influence but this

kind of mix of orthodontic and that's

kind of the thing that when you live in

these different neighborhood you know it

rubs off on

when I look at my week and I see my

schedule I've got to figure out how to

balance being an artist and a musician

and a video artist and stuff and all

those things are they're tough a monday

I may be a drone operator and then

Tuesday maybe making music for Sesame

Street I'm working with sesame studios

like Sesame Street's youtube channel so

i made the song in Ableton looks for

kids and then chop the video listen up

myelination clap my hands and close them

back jumping wednesday i might work on

my album my upcoming album of the

submission to live and then I may have

prepping for show

then thursday after the show I'm tired

now I got to get up in the morning

because it's a certain amount of light

that I like in the studio and shoot the

beach design first thing is I set up old

equipment usually it's a laptop the push

an Apollo and a microphone in Ableton

the only thing I do prepare is the sound

if it's like a soul beat I may start

with Lion sounding drum a roll I took

like five sounds I think I might use so

i do have an idea of where i want to go

camera wise it's usually two cameras and

then hit record and see what happens

what's up town side of the People's

Republic sound does a beat design live

off the head the works it works and it

usually works here we go outside of

picking the sound I explore when I make

the music is the one time i'm not

thinking it's kind of this jazz one

moment and it's a freeing thing like

I've two songs on my album that were

made from the beaches on because I

wasn't thinking at all

the way that perform I have to push

facing the audience because I think

that's wonderful for show that's why the

piano player is going to get low because

they're like well I don't know what he's

doing where the guitars get all the love

because you're like wow look at all the

work they're doing so this is for you to

see what I'm doing like a guitar I might

have three tracks for vocals and then I

vocal loose with the microphone I

usually do that laughs I'll sing it off

camera really quickly and then just do


and then I'll just actual harmonies real

quickly so i may do another set another

send another set if i look back at it is

not the best track that's okay that's

real it keeps it fresh i'm going to edit

the design on friday i probably spend an

hour editing maybe even less and even

that feels improvise I think that makes

it kind of cool just one person

improvising the whole process from the

top to the bottom visually it musically

so sometimes I leave the cuts a little

sloppy when I'm hosting it's interesting

to see what happens in the comments

didn't like this and also two things

that you think are not good also people

think a great you know like wow you like

that track really okay oh my have one

guy who's like oh I like your hat you

know what you wearing today and there's

people who've seen it moves on let's do

some work and people from overseas it's

just been a really good way to reach out

to people and have people meet you up to

you because that online community can

bleed into the real world so I'll go to

this events like speed house or war /

party and you'll see the bleed over into

you know like i know you're online

they've been watching you not i see you

at these events so it shows the power of

how you can do something the bigger beat

design becomes the more that the

audience sees who i really am and you

see that with other video bloggers you

see them so you fall in love with them a

lot of people are still looking at it as

a way to get into the mainstream and I

don't look at it like that youtube is a

channel so if you had your own network

what would you do this world is just

like a this is my world people come to

me for me here

so I'm making music for the audience and

me not just me I just create move on



For more infomation >> Thomas Piper: This is my world - Duration: 9:01.


Dinosaurs Vs Godzilla Fights Doctor Bear Vs Godzilla Injection Videos Dinosaurs Finger Family Rhymes - Duration: 14:48.

Dinosaurs Vs Godzilla Fights Doctor Bear Vs Godzilla Injection Videos Dinosaurs Finger Family Rhymes

For more infomation >> Dinosaurs Vs Godzilla Fights Doctor Bear Vs Godzilla Injection Videos Dinosaurs Finger Family Rhymes - Duration: 14:48.


Let's do it differently - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Let's do it differently - Duration: 4:46.


Saturday Science Hot Wheels exhibit - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Saturday Science Hot Wheels exhibit - Duration: 3:06.


123# En attendant un cour à AWFIS - Duration: 1:10.

Hi everybody !

there is Laura

We are waitng for a lessons

diagnosis of motor

this is a lesson individual

individual but collective

Gaetn is always sleeping

Gaetan is always sleeping

you want to say something Gaetan ?

I show you the beautiful coridor that we have

that we know because

but the teacher don't know if we have lessons or no


For more infomation >> 123# En attendant un cour à AWFIS - Duration: 1:10.


Ep 22 ENgsub - Duration: 1:05:28.

(Episode 22)

Until when?

How long can we date?

In this state,

we have no future.

Hye Young.

Let's break up.

Let's break up.

I'm not against marriage.

I'm sorry.

Let's break up.

Jeong Hwan!

Jeong Hwan!

Why are you doing this? I'm confused.

I'm sorry about what happened...

between you and Mom eight years ago.

You don't have to be sorry about that.

And I blame you...

for not telling me what happened at that time.

Nothing would have changed...

even if I had told you then.

I couldn't see you anymore after such a thing happened to me.

I wished you wouldn't know if we were to reach the same conclusion.

She's your mom anyway.

At least,

I wouldn't have lost you so helplessly.

I wouldn't have blamed you for the last eight years.

And after we met again,

I wouldn't have dreamed of marrying you...

and having a future with you...

like a fool. It was a nonsense.

You're right.

I'm sorry.

However, I thought...

I had to do so for your sake at that time.

Maybe I was wrong then.

But now I got to know.

I know,

so let's not think about marriage, and...

Now I can't do that.

I can't do that.

Now I know that...

I don't exist...

in your future.

You don't understand at all...

how much I feel hopeless about it.

We're not in our twenties anymore.

Spending my time with romance and dating...

feels too empty to me now.

A relationship without any hope or future?

I don't want it.


let's break up.

You'll regret it.

I'll bear it.

Are you confident?

I am.

All right.

Let's break up.

All right.


Without any hope or future?

Will you have hope if you get married and leave your home?

Same here. I don't want you.

No, thank you. Do you get it?


Have some fruit, Hye Young.

No, thanks.

Come inside.

What's the matter? Can we talk tomorrow?

Come in when I tell you.

All right.

Have you thought about it?

Are you talking about marriage?

Yes, I am.

I broke up with him.

- What? - You broke up with him?

Yes, I broke up with him a little while ago.

So you don't have to worry about my marriage anymore.

What did you just say?

What are you talking about now?

He visited us and asked for getting married with you a few days ago.

It just happened.

It just happened? Are you kidding with us?

What happened?

Explain to me.

Jeong Hwan said we'd better break up,

and I agreed with him.

You idiot. Why did you break up?

I told him I can't get married.

I thought about it, but I didn't want to get married.

Also, having his mom as a mother-in-law...

would be too much, I thought.

Did you live with him when you were going to break up with him?

That's what I'm saying. Why did you live with him then?

Did you live with him because you didn't know what would happen?

Let's say you didn't know at first.

You had to come home after you found out at the police station.

I'm sorry.

You're amazing. I can't believe it.

How can you be so confident?

Your confidence can soar to the sky.

Honey, do you know who this girl is?

I don't think I gave birth to such a girl. Who's she?

So did he say he wanted to break up?

Yes, he did.

All right. You can leave.


She broke up.


Move over!

- Gosh. - Sit down.

Did you really break up with him?

I did.

Didn't you just have an argument? Is it completely over?

Yes, I'm over with him.

Why did you break up? Who told you to do so?

Why did you break up?

You turned your family upside down and upset your parents.

You had to bring about a good ending once you began living together.

Why did you break up with him? Are you that special?

Ouch, it hurts.

Do you want me to be a daughter-in-law in his family?

Do you want me to marry him and treat his mom as my mother-in-law?

See? You don't like it either.

You don't want to be in-laws with his mom.

You're unwilling to let me marry him for his family.

It's true I don't like her. But what can I do?

You got caught living together with a man.

Then you should get married and take responsibility.

You know what? We're living in 2017 now.

The world has changed so much. How can you talk like that?

Do I have to get married just because I cohabited?

And I wouldn't want to get married cluelessly and get divorced later.

Breaking up now is so much better.

This shows how lucky I am.

Getting divorced is such an ordeal.

Also, is cohabiting a crime?

Do I have to get arrested or what?

And I'm just saying this now,

but I didn't even really live with him.

I just moved my stuff into his place.

Because of what happened with Dad and Jun Young,

I was here more than half of the time.

And Jeong Hwan was away for work for a quarter of the time.

We only lived together for a few days.

Had you found out a long ago, I wouldn't feel this wrongly accused.

Hey, what? What did you just say?

You wench. How dare you!

Plus, I never lied to you.

I couldn't say this back then because you and Dad were too angry,

but I never said I was moving into my girl friend's place.

You and Dad just assumed that my friend would be a girl.

I never said that myself, okay?

You didn't even ask me whether the friend is a guy or not.

Why are you so unreasonably angry at me?

I'm seriously...

I have all the right reasons to feel wrongly accused.

Have you lost your mind? How dare you talk back...

Fine, you stuck-up. What a great job you did.

Why did you pick a guy like him if you were so smart?

I can't believe you picked a jerk like him and got dumped.

Why did you two break up? Why?

- Why on earth did you two break up? - Mom, calm down.

- Mom. - Why? Stay out of this!

Why did you two break up? Why?

Stop hitting me already.

You've already hit me enough, and I'm so sick of this.

This can be considered domestic abuse. I'll call the police!

Fine, do it. Go ahead and report me to the police!

Hey! Call the police. Why aren't you doing it?

You wench.

That brat...

What are you doing right now?

Why are you packing up your stuff?

Are you going to run away from home or what?

Gosh, hey.

Stop right there. Where are you going?

Why aren't you answering me?

I told you to stop!

What is the matter? What's going on?

What on earth are you doing right now? Why did you pack up?

Do you really not know the reason?

I tried very hard to understand you.

Even when you were being unreasonable at the police station,

I thought you didn't really mean it and tried to understand it.

I also took your side in front of Hye Young...

and got into a big fight with her.

But I can't understand you anymore.

Why did you do such a thing? Why?

She's a precious daughter to her parents.

Who are you to summon her and mortify her to death like that?

Do you think I'm so much better than everyone else?

How can you do something like that?

I can't believe you're capable of doing such a scary thing.

She's the woman your son loves.

Your son!

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

That brat... How can he say things like that to me?

Tell me. Why has he gotten so mean?

He was never like that before.

This is all because of that minx.

You're the one at fault. Whom are you trying to blame?

I didn't do it for no reason.

I did it for Jeong Hwan's future!

Did they really end it?

I think so. She wouldn't say it if that's not the case.

I think she's mad about getting dumped.

She's gotten all feisty. She kept talking back to me.

By the way, is she really our daughter?

How can she be so foolishly fearless?

She's incredibly shameless too.

She is our daughter.

You said you won't allow him to marry her.

I only said it because I was angry.

No, you're right.

I wouldn't have allowed it if they wanted to get married,

but that doesn't mean I wanted them to break up.

Then what do you want?

Forget it.

As soon as she told him that she doesn't want to get married,

he broke up with her.

That makes me more furious.

Then why did he lure her into moving in with him?

I completely agree with you.

He should've tried his best to persuade her into marrying him.

It's all right. Don't worry.

As you know, Hye Young is such a great catch.

He left her. We don't need to force him into marrying her.

Let's just forget about it if he doesn't want to do it.

Honey, what brought the change of heart all of a sudden?

Like you said, the world has changed a lot.

How dare he dump my daughter?

Getting divorced isn't even a big deal these days.

Forget it. I don't want to marry my daughter off to that family.

Do you really mean it?

Why do you ask?

Are you changing your mind again?

Do you want to marry her off to that family?

No! I absolutely don't want that.

Then what's that look on your face?

I'm just upset.

Like you said, why did they even bother moving in together then?

Let's just forget about it now.

You can't force these things, you know.

I'm sure they broke up because they're not meant to be.

(Ahn Joong Hee Time, Do not knock)

"Ahn Joong Hee Time"?

His time isn't up yet.

He has less than a minute left.

But a promise is a promise.

What's wrong? I came out a minute earlier.

All right. Go in.

Did you succeed?

Yes. After seven days.

You finally did it. Congratulations.

This is such a great system.

It really helps me feel relieved mentally.

I'm glad we decided to do this.

Let's eat.

- Thank you for the food. - Thank you for the food.

Are you okay?

With what?

Nothing. Never mind. Eat up.

Mom, I'd like to swap the room after breakfast.

Oh, right. I was going to talk to you about it anyway.

Hey, he can swap his room with yours after breakfast, right?

His wife-to-be will be moving in this evening.

Sure, that's no problem.

Oh, I have to go to work. I'm very busy.

That's okay.

We don't need your help, so don't worry about it.

But how about you take today off?

Yes, don't worry about us and rest up in your room.

What's up with all of you?

I'm totally fine.

Jeong Hwan and I broke up.

I'm running late.

Thanks for breakfast. I should get going.

I made seaweed soup with clams.

The broth is very nice. Try it.

Developing good eating habits is the key to a healthy gut.

You should eat plenty of vegetables.

Eating a lot of seaweed also helps.

- Okay. - It looked like...

you succeeded today.


This has been the most successful morning since I moved here.

I owe it to you guys...

because all of you kept the promise without knocking.

Please continue to help me out like that.

Eat up. You have to do physical work after breakfast.


How am I going to move my bed? Shall I call movers?

I don't think your bed will fit in that room.

My bed won't fit?

The room you'll be moving into is smaller than your current room.

The inside structure is also a bit different.

So what do you think about just using a single mattress?


How about we order a single mattress for you?

You can send your bed back to your studio.

Okay, I guess I'll have to do that.

Then I'll make a few calls and help him send his bed back to his studio.

Should I also order the mattress?

No, it's okay. I already have one.

I'm quite sensitive, so I can't use just any mattress.

You must be extremely sensitive.

Let's hurry up and eat. We need to help them move their stuff.


- Hey, you're here. - Hi.

Jeong Hwan, did something happen?

You look like you slept in the night duty room.

No, I didn't.

Go and do your work.




You can take that upstairs.

Be careful. Move slowly. You guys are moving too fast.

You're going way too fast. It's expensive.

- Okay. - Slowly. Slowly.


Gosh, wait! Be careful not to hit the corner.

My goodness, stop! Go slowly. Slowly.

Keep going.

It looks so pretty. You did a good job with the interior.

Once the baby is born, you can use that space for a crib.

My gosh, it feels so weird.

It finally feels so real now.

Then didn't it feel real to you until now? You're expecting a child.

Gosh, I really feel so weird.

Mom, do you think I can do well?

Of course, you will.

You'll do great.

If you take after your dad, you'll also turn out to be a great dad.

I'm sure you learned a lot from him as you grew up.


My goodness.

I can already feel the love between the newlyweds, Mother.

My gosh, it really does feel like a room for newlyweds.

My goodness gracious.

Look at the furniture. They look so pretty.

I'm so jealous of you, Jun Young.

I should've been born in this era.

But I was born a little too early.

Mom, when my installment savings end next year,

I'll change all the furniture in your room.

Daughters are really the best. I envy you, Mother.

I know. Exactly.

From now on, I'm going to live my life full of hope.

My goodness, the bed also feels so comfortable.

Should I try sitting down?

My gosh, it's so great.

My gosh, I'm out of words.

This room really is small.

It's a bit too small.

Hey, Al. You overworked today, didn't you?

You must be exhausted.

This room is a rooftop, so it must be extremely hot in the summer.

I should get an air conditioner, right?

If you open both of these doors, the wind cools off the heat.

But I guess you'll still need to get an air conditioner.

Of course.

It's a rooftop, so it'll still be hot.

Okay. Then I'll order one for you before summer comes.


My goodness, the mattress is already here.

With both your closets in here, the room feels quite cramped.

It's small, isn't it? You must be uncomfortable.

It can't be helped.

But there's a rooftop right next to your room,

so you'll be able to use that space.

You can use it to practice your lines out loud.

I heard from Mi Young...

that you do weight training.

Should I place some fitness equipment on the rooftop for you,

so you can work out?

No, it's okay. If you put them outside, they'll quickly wear out.

That makes sense.

There are advantages to living in a rooftop house.

For example... What are they?

First, it's very romantic.

Also, there are a couple of dramas...

such as, "Rooftop Prince" and "Rooftop Room Cat".

And whenever you open this door,

you can always see the blue sky and the stars at night.

Well, I guess that makes sense.

- Put that lion next to my bed. - Okay.

Let's move, Al.

Aren't you busy?

Are you allowed to come out of the office so often?

Doesn't Dad say anything?

He always looks for you, not me.

Get lost.

Why? Are you worried that I might hit on Instructor Byun?

What are you saying?

It's nothing like that.

Really? Then can I ask her out on a date?

I heard she doesn't have a boyfriend.

Do as you please.

Hey, be honest and tell me.

We're twins. Do you think I don't know you?

It bothers me.

Park Cheol Soo.

You obviously like her.

Okay, then I'll willingly give up on her.

You're more precious to me.

So when are you going to tell her that you like her?


How can I tell her that so easily?

Then how are you planning to tell her?

Are you going to tell her in French? I love you.

Get lost.

There's no other way. Just be honest and tell her how you feel.

You're a beginner, so don't even try to play hard to get.

I'm not a beginner.

You've never gone out with anyone. I wish you all the best, Cheol Soo.

My goodness.

Breathe in and breathe out.

Straighten your spine.

You're doing a great job.

Why is my heart beating so fast?

Do I lack exercise?

Let's work out.

You obviously like her, Cheol Soo.

(How to confess your feelings)

(Prepare a romantic event.)

(Prepare 100 roses and confess your feelings.)

People do this?

Why are you avoiding me?

I did not.

I think you are.

I'm not. I'm not avoiding you right now.


What is it?

I said what I wanted to.

I apologized sincerely for getting the wrong idea.


Now I have something to say.

What is it?

I like you.


I think...

I like you.

Ms. Byun?

But you...

Didn't you say you loved someone else?

That was a lie.


That's how I get rid of women who cling to me.

Or else, they won't give up.

"Women who cling to you"?

Are you saying I clung to you and you wanted to get rid of me?


No, I mean... At the time...

You must've really disliked me...

to tell a lie like that.

Okay, fine. I'll get lost.

Ms. Byun.

But what, you like me now?




Is there no hope?

There's still hope.

(Oh My Boss)

Jeong Hwan, is something bothering you?

You've been looking upset all day.

Everything's fine. Concentrate on your work.

How can I not care?

Anyone can tell that...

something's going on in your life.

What is it? Is it about Hye Young?

It's none of your business.

If you keep pestering me,

we can't work together.

Please let it be a hit.

Jeong Hwan, your mother's in the lobby.

She just called me.

Why didn't you answer your phone?

I didn't want to.

Why haven't you been coming home?

How long will this go on for?

This is enough. Come back.

I won't for a while.

Will you stop doing this?

What did I do that's so wrong?

- I did it for you so... - Mom.

Just stop it.

I don't want to be disappointed any longer.

I'm already so disappointed in you that...

I don't think I want to see you for a while.

What did you say?

I work here.

Don't come here again.

How dare he.

(Police Report)

Here are the files you asked for.

Thank you.

Will you read all these?

Can you get all the judicial precedents...

and all the past case files?

(Renovation in progress)

Father, Mother, I'm here.

Welcome, Yoo Joo.

Welcome. I'm glad you're moving in.

Thank you for welcoming me.

Dear cousin-in-law, come on in.


They're cousins, so it kind of makes sense.

It sounds so corny.

Are you hungry?

- Let's eat first and unpack later. - Okay.

Ms. Byun.

Don't call her that. Call her by her name.

I'm not used to the terms yet.

You should try to get used to them.

You may be Mi Young's age,

but you're marrying the eldest.


Mother, what should I do?

What? There's nothing much to do.

You can help when you get used to things here.

Wait at the table.

Mom, practice makes perfect.

Order her around.

Yes, Mother. Show me what to do.

Some other time. Wait outside.

Then I'll wait in the living room.

- Thanks for the food. - Thanks for the food.

What a huge family.

How come people keep moving in...

instead of moving out?

It's like Noah's ark.

It is, isn't it? I guess I'm blessed.

I thought Hye Young would move out.

It's over, is it?

Where will you go on your honeymoon?

To Jeju Island.

Yoo Joo's pregnant and can't travel far.

You can go to a nicer place with the baby.

You must be jealous of the people who go abroad.

I'm not. Who cares where we go?

It matters that I go with Jun Young.

I hope you can relax enough to call this place home.

I will, Father.

If you need help with anything, come to me at any time.

Yes, Mother.

Treat your husband's parents well.

And treat your husband like he's your master.

If you take good care of him and respect him,

he will look after and respect you in return.

Yes, Grandmother. I'll remember that.

Be nice to your sisters-in-law.

They're below you in rank, bit they're still your in-laws.


I hope we can all get along.

It depends on you.

You already know Joong Hee, don't you?

Yes. Jun Young told me.

He has an older brother.

What? I'm the older brother now?

Call me "Mr. Ahn" like you do at work.

She can't do that. There are rules.


Yes, Father. I'll treat him as my brother-in-law.

I hope we get along, Joong Hee.

You don't need to ask.

As long as you're nice, I think I'll be nice as well.

What do you mean?

I'm saying that...

we should try to get along.

Wasn't it funny?


Let's all try to get along, shall we?

The meat's burning.

Get them out, Bo Mi.


Can I be excused? I'm done.

You didn't eat much.

I had a late lunch.

I'll eat more if I feel hungry later.

Are you okay?


I'm more worried about you.

I said I'm fine.

Since we're both in a funk, shall we have a drink?

Shall we?

Are you okay?

Does he...

know something?


He knows what Yoo Joo did to me.

Does he?

Then would you...

like to have a drink with us?

Then do you know what F.P.T.B stands for?

Do you know?

What that means is...

F, you should make a fuss,

P, so that people, T, know it's their...

and finally, B stands for business.

People like that Kim Yoo Joo need someone to...

act crazy and make a fuss in order to come to their senses.

I agree. I agree. You're a lot like me.

If you dislike me for no reason,

you can just give them a reason to dislike you.

That's right. Exactly.

Hey. If you hadn't stopped me,

I would've taken care of things my way...

and chewed that Kim Yoo Joo up into bits and pieces.

That's exactly why I gave her such a hard time at that meeting.

I have a nasty temper myself,

I can't stand to see anyone hurt one of my people.

Gosh. We're so much alike.

Let's drink to that.

- Let's do that. Cheers. - Cheers.

My goodness. That's enough.

Don't ever act like you did at that meeting again.

I'll take care of my problems on my own.

Let's drink away.

Ra Young.

Me? I'm in Actor Ahn's rooftop bedroom.

Yes. Hye Young's here with me as well. All right.

What is this? How could you leave me out of this?

But why are you guys in this room?

Come take a seat. We just happened to end up here.

Ra Young. Come on in.

What's that you have there?

Gosh. Hye Young and Mi Young. I'm so annoyed.

What's wrong?

Do you know what just happened?

Yoo Joo is so annoying that you won't believe it.

(10 minutes earlier)

Ra Young. It's me.

What brings you here?

I wanted to give you this.

What is this?

Is it a wedding gift?

Gosh. This is so pretty.

Are you giving this only to me?

Since Hye Young and Mi Young are petite, they don't concern me.

But you're so tall.

Since I'm pregnant, I won't be able to wear high heels tomorrow.

If you were to wear high heels, you could possibly stand out,

I've prepared flats for you.

So you're giving me this because you're worried I might stand out.

Goodness. Don't get me wrong.

I'm just asking that you be considerate of the bride.

My goodness. She doesn't want you to look prettier than the bride?

That's exactly the point.

Since I'm exceptionally pretty, it concerns her.

Ms. Kim shouldn't behave that way.

She sure is ill-natured.

Hey. If it annoys you, don't accept those shoes.

Do you know how much these costs though?

They're too pretty to turn down just because I'm annoyed.

The more I think of it, the more I get annoyed.

Does that mean Hye Young and I are not even in her league?

These flat shoes won't necessarily cover up my good looks.

It fits perfectly.

This makes me more annoyed.

Shall I show her how inconsiderate of a guest I can be tomorrow?

- Shall I? - Stop right there!

Don't drink any more beer.

Put them down. You'll have bloated faces tomorrow. That's enough.

Listen to what I'm going to say carefully.

First thing in the morning, we're going to the hair salon. All right?

When we get there, all of you will get a complete makeover. It's on me.

Show everyone how inconsiderate you guys can be as guests.

- Actor Ahn. - Are you serious?

Are you in? Everyone in?

- Of course. - Of course.

Stop. Don't drink that.

(Father's Snackfood)

Jun Young. You guys will be late. Hurry and come out.

If you're any later, you'll get caught in traffic.

In order to get to Gangnam, you'll have to leave now.

All right. We're coming.

We'll be on our way, Mother and Father.

You didn't have breakfast. You must be hungry.

She's worried about having to look good in her wedding dress.

We'll be leaving now.

I'll see you later at the wedding hall looking beautiful.

Don't rush even if you're running late. Drive safely.

All right. Don't worry. I'll see you two at the wedding hall later.

All right. Hurry and get going.

Actor Ahn.

I'm coming.

Mom and Dad. We'll be leaving now as well.

Right now? Why are you guys leaving so early?

We're going to get a makeover at a salon in Cheongdam-dong.

It's Actor Ahn's treat.

My goodness. Is that true, Joong Hee?

We don't have time. We should leave before we meet traffic.

We'll see you at the wedding hall.

We'll be on our way.

All right. I appreciate it.

Go on and get a beautiful makeover.

Although, you all look pretty as you are now without a makeover.

- Then let's get going now. - All right.

The girls must feel like they've won the jackpot.

It's quite nice having a celebrity in the family.

I don't get what it's about, but as long as they're happy, I am too.

- Let us show you the way. - It's not me. It's them.

Make them look prettier than Kim Tae Hee, Song Hye Kyo and Gianna Jun.

- They're all finished. - I see.

My goodness. Hye Young.

I love it.

You look amazing.

Wonderful. Have a seat.

Byun Mi Young.

Stop acting shy and come on out.

We'll end up being late.

Come on out, Judo.

My goodness. You look amazing, Mi Young.

- I don't look weird? - Are you crazy?

For the first time in 31 years,

I'm realizing how beautiful my younger sister is.

I agree. You should dress like this from now on.

Do I look weird?



You don't look that bad.

(Beautiful Wedding Hall)

- Aren't you getting out? - You go ahead.

Don't take too long.

Why aren't you getting out?

I should go in with you, Actor Ahn.

You never know what might happen when you're on your own.

Why act like a manager on a day like this?

I'm not going in. Don't worry about me. Go on in.

- Why not? - The whole staff will be here.

They'll get suspicious if they see me here.

I see.

But I don't think they will.

Yoo Joo is working with you on this drama...

and a family member of your manager is getting married.

I don't think anyone will be suspicious.

Anyway, I really hope you'd go in with me.

Shall I?

- Congratulations. - Thank you.

- Thank you. - Congratulations.

Dad. I'll be in going to the bride's waiting room.

- All right. - Thank you for coming.

Perfect. You look beautiful.


- Congratulations, Yoo Joo. - I'll take a lot of pictures.

Thank you.

- Hello. - Hello.

You look wonderful.

My goodness. You look absolutely beautiful.

You look like an angel in the sky.

My gosh, I can't take this anymore.

I didn't know he could say such things without getting embarrassed.

He must be thrilled right now, Mother.

Go over there. I'll take a photo of you two.

Go sit next to her.

All right. Sit closer.

How lovely.

What? What's going on?

My goodness!

Gosh, the three of you look gorgeous.

You girls should get married.

Congratulations, Jun Young.

Congratulations, Jun Young.

Congratulations, Yoo Joo.

Thank you all.

We should take photos with you guys too.

First, with Yoo Joo.

Yoo Joo, you first.

Right, okay.

What's their problem?


All right. Everyone is looking great.

Here we go. Smile for the camera.

Just a second.

Oh, my.

- That's great. - Hold on a second.

All right, that looks awesome. Beautiful! How lovely.

The bride should smile a bit more.

In three.

Gosh, that's nice too. What's happening here?

That's great! Perfect.

Welcome. Thank you very much for coming.

My pleasure. Congratulations.

Hello, welcome. Thank you for coming.

- Welcome. - Hello. Thank you for coming.

- Congratulations. - Thank you.

Joong Hee!

Gosh, hey! I'm so glad you made it.

Why are you here? You've never attended your staff's wedding.

My manager's family member is getting married.

Of course, I should attend it.

Gosh, you didn't even attend your former manager's wedding.

- What are you talking about? - Have you eaten yet?

- I haven't. - Hey, let's sit together.

Let's sit side by side.

Hello, welcome.

Go in first. I have to go to the washroom.

See you inside.

Hey, do you know how to do it?

Just stay still. I'll give it a shot.

- Do you really know how to do it? - Yes.

You can't do it like that.

Oh, no. How should I fix this? Hold on.

- It's okay. I can tie it... - No, come over here.

I need to...

You're supposed to take this...

and flip it to the other side, then put it...

through here.

What are you doing now?

Just let me do it.

- It's all right. - Come on!

- It's okay. I'll do it. - No, let go.

- No! - I'll just fix it myself.

Then let's begin the wedding ceremony now.

The bride and the groom will enter.

Next, the bride and the groom...

will exchange their wedding vows.

I can't promise you that you'll never have to lift a finger,

but I'll take care of all the cleaning and cooking.

I won't burden my husband...

with having to be the sole breadwinner.

I make more money than he does.

- What's she saying? - That was awesome!

I'll never be able to get six-pack abs, but I'll always stay healthy.

We'll exercise together.

Now, the eldest person in both families,

the groom's maternal grandmother, will give a congratulatory speech.

Gosh, please. Don't put me on the spot like this.

- You should do it. - Goodness.

My gosh.

Give her a big hand!

Then I'll muster up some courage...

and say a few words.

I didn't know that my oldest grandchild...

would end up getting married at such a young age.

He didn't pass the civil service exam for five years in a row.

I thought he'd pass the exam and get a job this year,

then get married sometime next year,

but my gosh...

He got her pregnant first because he's so impatient.

That's why we had to rush this wedding.

She's already pregnant?

But he's such a kind-hearted, upright person.

I trust that he'll take great care of his wife...

and work hard to look after his family.

As you all know,

children take after their parents.

My son-in-law is the most faithful husband...

and father in the whole wide world.

Jun Young grew up observing his dad, so he'll be just like him.

My gosh. My grandson, Jun Young.


I love you.

Next, we'll take family photos.

All family members, please proceed to the front.

That looks great.

Ma'am, please don't glare at the camera and give me a smile.

Yes, that looks good. Everyone is standing a bit too close together.

Don't stand so close. Yes, that's good. Awesome.

All right. Please smile.

- I'm leaving. - You won't stay for the food?

I have to go practice. You can eat mine.

Okay, please give me a smile.

Here we go. Please look at the camera. Great.

We'll take one more. It's looking good. 1, 2!

- Thank you, everyone. - Have a great time!

Bye, Dad. Don't worry about us.

Have a great honeymoon.

I hope you have good dreams too.

- Thank you. - I wish you the same.

You're going to be late. Get in.

See you all soon.

- Thank you for coming. - Have a great time.

Oh, boy.

Han Soo and Young Shil, you two were awesome today.

Mother, thank you for everything today.

Hurrah! One of my kids got married.

Don't get too excited.

You now have a daughter-in-law and a grandkid to worry about.

Still, what's important is that he got married. Congratulations.

That's right. Young Shil, you should take us out today!

Shall I?

I saw a karaoke machine in the banquet hall. Let's do it!

My goodness. What's up with Uncle?

Hey, why did you do that?

- I don't want to. - Sing with us.

Come on.

I'll head out first.

Why are you back on a weekend?

Are you here for your phone?

- My phone? - Didn't you lose it?

It's not here.

When did I lose it?

Here you go.

I called and someone picked up saying he'd found it.

It was a taxi driver.

He brought it over and I kept it for you.

Thank you.


Where are you? I just arrived.

I'm waiting for my Walnut to roll over here.

I'm rolling over as fast as I can.

I'm nearly there.

Why are we meeting at Namsan?

It's a classic location.

We never got to go on a date to Namsan before,

so I'd always wanted to.

There are so many things my dear Cracker wants to do.

I only want to do a lot of things with you.

Sending lots of hearts.

Did you have something to eat?

I'm worried you skipped a meal again.

Don't worry about me and don't you skip meals.

Don't just eat a cup noodle.

I miss you.

Seeing you would give me a boost right about now.

Me too.

I miss you, Cracker.



Jeong Hwan. It's me.

I'm on the way to the TV station.

Can you spare some time?

Okay. I'll wait.

For more infomation >> Ep 22 ENgsub - Duration: 1:05:28.


Colors Elephant Vs Horse Cartoons For Children Horse Dance Videos Animal Finger Family Rhymes - Duration: 10:12.

Colors Elephant Vs Horse Cartoons For Children Horse Dance Videos Animal Finger Family Rhymes

For more infomation >> Colors Elephant Vs Horse Cartoons For Children Horse Dance Videos Animal Finger Family Rhymes - Duration: 10:12.



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Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up, AICO, NAVI - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up, AICO, NAVI - Duration: 1:00.


NST DJ - Chất Gây Nghiện Max3Club Hay Nhất 2017 - Thành Kòi Mix - Duration: 1:04:58.

For more infomation >> NST DJ - Chất Gây Nghiện Max3Club Hay Nhất 2017 - Thành Kòi Mix - Duration: 1:04:58.


29 - On the tallest mountain in Germany! - 德國最高山峰 Zugspitze [Eng Subtitled] - Duration: 3:11.

It's so cold!!!

We just took the ZugspitzeBahn and now we're here

Soon we'll go up to the summit by cable car

to the highest summit in Germany

It seems that it's not too cold at the moment

That's the summit

I can see many people skiing here

If you still remember what I showed you in the Salzburg video

Looking down from the plane, we saw many tall mountains

I think

these are the mountains that we saw

Really very tall, stunning

What's its name?


It's so cold!!!

Now we're on the train to Black Forest

This morning we went to a concentration camp called Dachau

The weather was cloudy, no sunshine at all

But now

we almost arrive the Black Forest

The weather is a lot better

For more infomation >> 29 - On the tallest mountain in Germany! - 德國最高山峰 Zugspitze [Eng Subtitled] - Duration: 3:11.


100% WORKING. REMOVING WATERMARK IN FILMORA .step by step method (new tricks 2017) - Duration: 5:14.

click here to subscribe

For more infomation >> 100% WORKING. REMOVING WATERMARK IN FILMORA .step by step method (new tricks 2017) - Duration: 5:14.


For more infomation >> 100% WORKING. REMOVING WATERMARK IN FILMORA .step by step method (new tricks 2017) - Duration: 5:14.








( Dunno why the black screens, I don't wanna report my mod again ;^; )

Seems like it's Mida Rana's turn !

I hope you'll enjoy it as much as the others mods

Btw, I could've name it the perv Simulator

I don't have to explain everything right ? You guys are big boys now ! ( And you are used to my mods )

4 weapons are " soft "

By soft I mean it doesn't give you any problem for youtube's ads

2 weapons are hidden in the faculty room, and 1 in the principal office, just in case

I don't think I have to explain

Because Mida's original uniform is the gym uniform she only got 1 bonus outfit

But I'm pretty sure it's worth it :^)

Still don't want to explain

( You probably noticed the detection maker )

Many small textures and details changed in the faculty room

It's not easy to notice it but most of them are easter eggs !

I don't regret anything

I forgot to record it, but all girl got 25% bigger boobs

Mida also got her own animations

And many new souns when she kills

Aaaaand I don't want to explain why MILK

Students got new quotes when they notice you with certains weapons

Hope you like this mod

And see you soon for OSORO SHIDESU!

For more infomation >> MIDA RANA SIMULATOR - MOD + DL LINK - Duration: 8:14.


For more infomation >> MIDA RANA SIMULATOR - MOD + DL LINK - Duration: 8:14.


[Korean Reaction]I'm Not The Only One,เป็นทุกอย่าง - หน้ากากทุเรียน I Can See Your Voice -TH - Duration: 10:12.


Sam : Hi Everyone~ It's Sam

Jisung : Hello It's Jisung

Hayoung : Hello~! It's Hayoung

Sam : Ok speaking Thai is till now!

Hayoung : Finish!

Sam : Ah~~ It's too hard

Sam : We will prepare harder and better!

Sam : We will watch a video of Durian mask

Sam : But It's not on the mask singer

Hayoung : Is he on the other show?

Sam : Yes! He is on 'I Can See Your voice Thailand' this time.

Sam : It's not the mask singer

Sam : He is on with the durian costume he wore before.

Hayoung : Durian mask is not over

Sam : Yes nobody can stop him.

Hayoung : Because he is so good

Sam : I think It's hard to wear the same costume at the other shows.

Sam : It says Durian mask is famous that much.

Sam : How we know this is because of our subscribers.

Sam : Our subscribers let us know straight.

Sam : They left comments about this

Sam : So we need to watch and react

Sam : Thank you everyone~

Sam : Ok let's watch it with thankful mind.

Jisung : Yes

Sam : Oh He didn't wear the mask

Hayoung : right

Sam : He just wears the costume

Sam : uh? He is the one who plays a piano

Sam : Oh Others are there too

Sam : Oh I like this song

Sam : Oh there is the mask

Sam : I like this~~

Hayoung : It's his special skill

Sam : It seems like liive

Jisung : He is really good

Sam : oh team members

Sam : There are other member of Room39

Hayoung : It's really nice

Sam : I like the female vocal.

Sam : Her voice is so nice

Sam : I think we watched the M/V of this song

Hayoung : the last video we watched?

Sam : It seems the song in the last M/V we watched

Sam : The second one?

Sam : The second one is one of the series M/V… is it the third one?

Sam : I know normally just ordinary people are on this show

Sam : There is in Korea too.

Sam : It's finding tone-deaf. riight?

Hayoung : Yes. finding who sings well or bad.

Sam : Right?

Sam : But it seems a special stage

Jisung : Is it like opening show?

Sam : Ah It could be

Sam : I thoght he is singing with ordinary peopel.

Sam : I think He did this stage because of his fame

Sam : I really love the first song but It's finished in middle…

Hayoung : It was so short

Sam : I was about to fall in the song but it changed to other song

Sam : I'd like to listen t it more…

Hayoung : I hope he makes the cover song of it

Sam : Jisung, How was it?

Jisung : I like the first part but i like more the stage he did with Room39

Jisung : Because they are one team

Hayoung : I felt supports came when the other members came up.

Hayoung : I like Durian and Room 39

Sam : But the stage was short too

Sam : It could better because we listened to the song we know

Sam : We watched the stage of the song we know

Sam : I felt Room39 is very familiar and the singer we know already

Sam : I'm happy to watch Durian mask is still working well

Hayoung : nice~

Sam : Actually I didn't make him fame

Sam : But He made our channel grow up

Sam : We thank you and support you

Sam : We enjoyed today's video

Sam : And Our subscribers keep leaving the comments about the 20,000 subscribers event

Sam : They are suggesting many things

Sam : So Please leave what do you want us to do when our subscribers count hits 20,000

Sam : Please leave comments and subscribe please~

Hayoung : Please let your friends know~

Sam : Let's say good bye here

Thank you~

Have you enjoyed this video?

If you enjoyed it,

Please click 'Subscribe'

And there are many fun videos

Please Watch these videos too~~ Click Click~

Thank you~ I love you~

For more infomation >> [Korean Reaction]I'm Not The Only One,เป็นทุกอย่าง - หน้ากากทุเรียน I Can See Your Voice -TH - Duration: 10:12.


Hablale (Remix) - D-Enyel ft Jey M, Ozuna, Bryant Myers, Brytiago y Alexio La Bestia[Audio Official] - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Hablale (Remix) - D-Enyel ft Jey M, Ozuna, Bryant Myers, Brytiago y Alexio La Bestia[Audio Official] - Duration: 6:52.


Наргиз "Я буду всегда с тобой" (караоке+) - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Наргиз "Я буду всегда с тобой" (караоке+) - Duration: 4:41.


Наргиз "Я буду всегда с тобой" (караоке+аккорды) - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Наргиз "Я буду всегда с тобой" (караоке+аккорды) - Duration: 4:41.


how to get over a writing slump / writer's block - Duration: 9:01.

I thought that I only made two videos for April

and I was FREAKING out because I swore to myself, and to you,

that I would make at least three videos a month.

But then, I recounted my channel and it's fine.

All is good. All is well.

Hey you guys, and and welcome to my channel.


Today I wanted to share to you how to get out of a writing slump.


First things first, in order to tackle a writing slump,

you need to figure out why you're in the writing slump in the first place.

It usually comes down to three reasons.

The first one is that you're just lazy, and for this particular reason,

I can't help you out there, buddy.

You've got to find the motivation on your own.

The second reason... a burnout.

So if you don't know what a burnout means,

it just means that you've sort of exhausted your creative energy.

And you just don't know what else to write

and everything just comes out... crappy.

The third reason is that you're just feeling uninspired.

Whether if it's cause you haven't visited the story for so long

or if you are maybe cheating on your story a little,

and you feel a little bit more inspired by something else,

or your life's just been kind of in a stagnant mood.

I think when it comes to feeling uninspired,

one of the biggest ways that I've come to terms with this is

to take a good look at your personal life.

Like, your friendships, family, work, school, everything.

Is everything going all right there?

Usually when I feel-- oohh... do not touch the microphone. DO NOT touch the microphone.

If there are these issues and loose ends that's going on in your life

it's kind of hard to distract yourself from all of that

and start to create something that's like super kickass

that you really enjoy, and that you really adore.

If you can't tackle the problem head-on and move forward from it, use it as your fuel.

So if you're feeling a really strong emotion

say you're really angry or sad, you're heartbroken...

When I'm in this kind of mood, my writing style changes a lot...

but that doesn't mean that I can't write.

If that makes sense...

I just turn into this super gloomy, dark, filled-with-metaphors type of writer.

Grab a paper. Write down what's pissing you off.

Write down whatever you're feeling and try to sort through all of these things.

Sometimes you just need to get all the crap out of your system.

That's basically what I'm saying.

When you've figured out that you're either in a burnout or you're feeling uninspired

of course the main solution is to re-inspire yourself.

I find that re-inspiring myself can work two ways.

So the first one is through to something comfortable, something familiar.

So, say, reading a book that you've read so many times

and just finding that comfort of loving a story

and loving all the characters, and a narrative flow.

Watch a movie.

I have, like, a "favorites" movie folder inside my hard-drive.

Pick something like that.

Or have a chat with your writer friends and you know, ask them how they're going with their project.

Have a discussion and ask some questions and say: "you know I'm kind of in a bit of a slump."

"What do you usually do with this?"

The other route is doing something for a change.

So sometimes, when you're feeling uninspired

it's because you're stuck in the same routine or the same mindset

and you're consuming all these things that kind of feel bland or just all mushed up together.

So try to find something new.

And it doesn't even have to be reading.

Because sometimes when you're feeling unmotivated,

even reading feels really: "I'm just not... NOT up for it."

Find a new TV show, find a new movie that you've never watched.

If you've never listened to an audiobook before, listen to an audiobook.

It will change your life.

If you've never listened to a podcast before--

which is something that I've been trying to get into but keep failing--

listen to a podcast.

And if that /still/ doesn't work, go for a walk.

Sometimes it's not just the stuff that you're... "inputting" to yourself...

Wow, Nat... vocabulary choice...

Sometimes it's also the environment that you're in.

Take a walk. Maybe like to a park or the beach or anything not so tumblr-y

but you can still do.

Hopefully one of those two things will spark something in you.

Everything that we've covered just now

was basically when /you're/ in the slump.

So now I want to go to the /other/ side of the *dance partay, not really*

which is that you're not feeling inspired by your piece.

So one of the questions that I usually ask before tweaking anything is:

"What are some of the parts that I really like?"

So I revisit that part and I sort of, like, get into the zone,

get into that mindset,

and attempt to replicate it on a different scene

or the current scene that you're working on.

Maybe... the scene that you really like has a lot of humor and has a lot of dialogue

which is why it works.

Because that's your comfort zone and that's what you really enjoy doing.

But then now you're working on a chapter

that's a bit more plot loaded...

You can try to infuse some of the dialogue and some of the humor into this particular chapter.

And hopefully that will mold it into something that you will like.

Another thing that you can do is to ask yourself:

"Is something /not/ working?"

It's a good idea to retrace your steps from where you're stuck.

So is it just that particular chapter that you don't like?

Or does it go all the way back from this plot twist that you didn't really plan properly

and now the repercussions are coming all down

and you're confused and it makes the story not work as a whole?

Try to tell where you started feeling "uhh" not really digging this.

Uhhh, don't know what I'm doing.

Basically mark the places where you feel "uhh"

and try to pinpoint what the main problem is.

Another thing is-- because less is more--

try to think of a weak link.

If you can take out /one/ thing from the story, what would it be?

And try to take it out.

You don't have to take it out on the document that you're doing it.

Because I know that's super scary.

You can just create a new document, take out whatever it is that you feel like /may/ be the weak link

and who knows?

Sometimes the story works better without it

and we're just caught up in our own brains,

feel like we need to add all these unnecessary things

when really... we don't.

Next next next next next.

Next thing that you can do is change it up.

You don't have to create a whole new story from it.

You can create, like, a one shot.

You can create a spin-off.

So, say, if your two lovebird couples are tossed into a boat in the middle of a sea full of monsters

how would they deal with that?

If you find that you don't know at all how your character is going to react,

that's usually because you haven't delved into your character deep enough.

I might need to have a separate video about this.

But spin-offs are always a good idea.

Or... put them in a universe that already exists.

Put them in a superhero universe or in a wizarding universe and see what happens.

Another thing that you can always change up in a scene relating to characters is by adding / decreasing a character.

There's this thing called a "triangle dynamic" where

if it's just two people then they're just, like, either in conflict or in sexual tension

or they're happy.

But then, if you have three, then it becomes more complicated.

Because there's an extra web among everyone

and that's going to create a more dynamic and interesting scene.

Another reason why a piece may not be working is because you're... confused.

At the end of last year,

I was doing, officially, my first magical realism story

and there was so much world building going on in the background

before the story takes place.

All the mythical / fantastical things that happen of course they run by their own rules--

as it does in a fantasy / magical realism world.

And I... wasn't privy to those rules.

So everything didn't work in a logic that makes sense when the story takes place.

My tutor suggested opening up a brand new document

and writing down everything that you know

about your world building or about your character's history

or things like that.

Punch up as many words as you can,

put it in as much detail as you can.

And then you get to choose the relevant ones that fit into the story.

You don't have to put /everything/.

I know it's tempting, after you've worked on brand new document with all these new jazzy stuff,

but just putting the things that you need

and make sure that the story is coherent.

Or... or... sometimes the story is just confusing because there are too many things going on.

What is the main thread that we need to follow?

What is the main character's goals and things like that?

Even though it's vague for the reader

you still need to know exactly what you're doing, exactly where it's headed.

Especially if the story's coming to an end.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

I really hope that any of these tips would be helpful for you and could be useful??? (Amen.)

I will see you next Tuesday. Hope you guys have an amazing day and week and month.

Be kind, be happy, beYOUtiful--still don't know why I'm shining like a f'ing disco ball--


For more infomation >> how to get over a writing slump / writer's block - Duration: 9:01.


【MUKBANG】 [Cup Noodles] The Most Delicious Eating Ways ! 10 Cups + 1 Extra-Additional [CC Available] - Duration: 10:25.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (change font size color and transparency via options menu) (subtitles optimized for PC)

Today I'd like to show you how to prepare cup ramen 10 different ways

10 ways to eat cup ramen +1

1st way is to make it with bacon

the color changed a bit


it tastes pretty good why aren't there more cup noodles

with bacon like this sold all the time?

but the bacon is just a bit salty

I think it would be tastier if you add a bit of extra hot water to offset the bacon in this

lemon + cup noodles

looks so fancy

smells so bright and fresh

you can really taste the tanginess from the lemons in the soup

so bright and fresh tasting and you can taste the sour lemon in it

its so refreshing.... would be perfect for a hot summer day I really recommend it

next is cup noodles with 'umeboshi' (pickled plum)

this might be yummy

uhh its so packed full of umeboshi that its the only thing I can taste in this lol

its delish and since I love the taste of umeboshi I'm really enjoying the umeboshi flavored soup

its a distinctly Japanese-like flavor ~ I might have overdone it with the ume though ~

3 is probably the ideal amount

next up is salted squid with cup noodle

the salted squid has cooked through just a bit

it looks a bit different

the soup has taken on the color from the salted squid

this is pretty delish

the instant soup has taken on the delish flavors of the salted squid... its yummy

it adds a whole lot of character to the soup and since were boiling it I doesn't get overpowered

by the strong flavors and aromas from the salted squid

I thought it might turn out a bit chewy but its not that bad the squid are cooked medium rare

this salted squid and cup noodle ramen go great together

next is cream with cup noodle

its lookin' like a clam chowder looks yummy

I've added 100cc of hot water with 200cc of cream

~super delish~

its sort of like a milky soup its taken on such a mild flavor

so mellow and milky its so delish

~ I love creamy soups ~ I feel like this would be great with a few eggs

tastes great with the noodles as well a creamy udon like dish

cup noodle with... whats this? Choux cream

it tasted pretty good with cream so this choux cream might taste alright

I'm not sure if this whole thing will fit in here though

oh wow... reminds me of the American cherry pie frap I had

lets squish it a bit

uhh... its a its a... bit squished

its softened up so much it almost looks like an 'age' tofu

its so sweet smelling ~this.... might be gross tasting~

its got so many bubbles in here unlike when I added cream to this

oh its probably because choux creams are so light and airy

so sweet

uhhh wut?

lets seriously taste this

there definitely aren't any ramen out there that taste sweet like this

I dunnno......

well the sweetness has permeated throughout and the choux cream flavor covers everything

there just might be some people out there that might like this but ....

its not really a ramen to me...

the sweetness of the choux cream and the saltiness of the soup really clash

next is cup noodle with caesar salad

boiled lettuce is pretty tasty and since there is so much cheese in this salad it might be tasty

and you see a few soups out there with croutons in it and this bacon will taste good in it

smells like lettuce the lettuce is looking really nice now

I thought they'd get all fluffy but they might still have a bit of a crunch to them

the lettuce has been boiled and taken on such a nice color

the lettuce flavor has transferred a bit into the soup its taken on a rather 'green' flavor

and you can really taste the cheese from the caesar salad as well

it doesn't really transform the cup noodle that much

I feel as though its not that necessary to do this particular variation

takoyaki + cup noodle

the takoyaki look so delish

you can really smell the bonito flakes

the takoyaki look so huge in here

oh yeah.... that's right.... there's octopus in takoyaki

it doesn't really change things up that much but it taste alright

yeah it goes good in here it goes good.. its delish

you don't really taste the sauces or the mayo that much

but the bonito flakes that are on top of the takoyaki really add a lot of flavor to the soup in this

and as for the takoyaki they were like watery takoyakis

next up is corn and butter

the butter is melting away looks delish

looks delish

looks delish

you can really taste the butter and that sweetness from the corn is nice as well

in most miso ramen they give you the option to top it with corn and butter

this is like the cup noodle version of that

its sort of light tasting this miso butter corn butter topping

next is cup noodle and tea

I made a very strong flavored tea

such a nice green color to this reminds me of juiced greens

this might end up looking a bit weird

looks a bit weird lol

the noodles and egg have taken on a real greenish hue to them

it really smells like tea

you get a bit of the bitterness from the tea

for those who enjoy it you'll like this probably the soup has taken on a slight bitter note

it doesn't taste strongly like tea though I think I might like this

its a very new and unique flavor

I haven't encountered this sort of flavor before sort of reminds me of an ochazuke porridge

but the soup isn't light and refreshing like an ochazuke though

which changes things up a bit.... this tastes alright

since I've got some leftover umeboshi plums lets see if it works in this case

it works in ochazuke porridge so it should taste good in this

it really does look a bit gross doesn't it not such a spectacular color at all

oh jeez... even 3 umeboshi plums are way too much the pickled plums is all you taste

~yep you only taste the ume plums~

if you add too many ume plums it will overpower any other flavors like the tea I added to this

but the addition of ume plums brings the flavor closer to an ochazuke porridge

next is cup noodle + cola

you can really smell the sweetness of the cola

since we are adding it to hot water its really bubbling up

everything taken on that cola hue

ahhh that cola color its lost that lively carbonation

it smells like a cola candy


very sweet

even the noodles are sweet and since we boiled it the carbonation is gone

the sweetness of the coke and the saltiness of the soup give it that salty sweet taste

I don't see myself trying this again in the future


so we tried cup noodles 10 ways.... plus 1 bonus way

they were all pretty good they all tasted good

the plus 1.... the cola one...

that turned into a "fun" flavor they were all pretty good though

and among everything I tried if I had to pick the top 3 flavors

cream, umeboshi pickled plum, and the salted squid

I felt the best tasting ones were the ones that really changed up the flavor of the soup

for my tastes.... I enjoyed the cream noodle one the best

I thought since the cream tasted great that the choux cream should taste equally as good but

the regular cream version is the one I preferred

if you saw anything you liked and wanted to try please do so and give it a go

I had quite a bit of fun doing this

if you find any variations that you'd like to see me do please inform me in the comment section

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Cup Noodles] The Most Delicious Eating Ways ! 10 Cups + 1 Extra-Additional [CC Available] - Duration: 10:25.


5 Choices that can Change your Life (by Caroline Myss) - Duration: 4:01.

what if I told you

that there are simple choices

that can change your life radically

to the best

Caroline Myss

is an incredible woman

five times New York Times bestselling author

and internationally renown speaker

there is a very interesting

25 minutes TED talk of hers

"choices that can change your life"

I strongly recommend to watch it

the link to this TED talk is in the description

of my video below

but to those who have no time

I'll summarize the main points

and the main ideas in this video of mine

the power of the choices we make

have infinite consequences

from the littlest choie to something that is

big, great, huge

and then the paradox

we have no idea

what is a little choice

and what is a big choice

buying a house or getting married

are not necessarily big choices

the most powerful choices of our life

are the ones who have the most powerful

impact on our biology

on our inner

on our soul on our sense of who we are

on our well-being on our whole life map

and these choices are as following


choose to live a life of integrity

don't betray yourself and don't betray others

be honest

don't lie in a way that will put you

or another person

in uncomfortable bad place


make a decision not to pass on your suffering

but to pass on your wisdom

healing is not about forgetting

about the thing that made you suffer

it's about looking at what happened to us

and saying

this will never defeat me

I will not live in this

I have to somehow turn this

to my source of wisdom


take risks in your life

in the end of the life road

people do not regret things they did

people do regret things they didn't do

we make our decisions based on

the fear of failing of being humiliated

don't be afraid of these

the most wonderful things happen

when we take risks


choose to extricate these three words

from your head

"entitled" "blame" and "deserve"

you have no idea how much better

you would feel

if you never use these three words again

in your speech or in your thoughts

you're not entitled to anything

don't blame others

don't blame nothing

don't blame yourself

when you blame others

you also live in the destructive feeling

that others blame you

stop feeling like you deserve things

it makes you unsatisfied

if you feel like you didn't get what you deserve

it eat you from the inside

and if you did get what you deserve

you are not truly happy about it

because you deserve it anyway

so you don't really appreciate it

stop looking at the world

through your eyes


choose to get up every day

and bless your day

every day is unique

and never will come again

that choice alone

should take out of your heart

every bitter taste there is

it should shape the life around you

with such grace

and such beauty

it would make you only want to see the present

with great gratitude

I hope you'll take with you

these great tips

from Caroline Myss

and meanwhile

you can hit thumbs up on my video

and follow me by subscribing to my channel

bye bye

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