Hi, it's Uiler.
I explain this add-on of reducing operation steps.
I'm new to Animation.
I felt hard to make animation by features of default.
Also I felt to want to reduce operation steps.
So I have made this add-on.
I have made privately this add-on, but I want to share it.
I had add one by one when I got idea.
You can switch enabling and disabling of features, if you want.
Also, you can change place that you want to display features.
First, how to installation.
Please install the downloaded ZIP file as it is for the installation.
After Installation,
set up displaying of features.
Opening add-on's preferences, you can find list of features each UIs.
Now, I want to enable feature of pivot point button that reduce operations to 1-button.
Also, I will place button to Right Panel of 3DView.
You can set it on "3DView" > "Right Panel" on user preferences.
And select "pivot point button" from dropdown list.
And add feature name to list by pushing "+" button .
Finally, push "Save User Settings" and save user preferences.
Then, "pivot point button" is displayed to Right Panel of 3D View.
Using this feature, You can switch pivot point by 1-button.
moving mouse cursor(step-1),
opening to drop down list(step-2),
moving cursor to place that you want(step-3),
click and decide the pivot point(step-4).
In this add-on, moving cursor(step-1),
The operation is reducing 4-step to 2-step.
We have shortcut of pivot point.
I feel to want to put always my hand on mouse on creating animations.
Addition, you can place this feature to header of 3D View and Timeline.
There are some kind of 1-button.
I will explain those.
First, about button of switching keyframe type.
Getting 1-button that is same function to this drop down list.
Just like before,
Select the "keyframe type button(3DView)" and add it to list.
Then, you can switch keyframe type by button.
In Timeline View,
display of keyframe type is synchronized when switch it by this add-on.
When you switch keyframe type from 3D View,
Display is not synchronized.
Display is not synchronized.If you want to synchronize display, move cursor onto Timeline.
In Blender, keyframe type have been changed in Blender internal.
You don't need to move cursor to timeline.
Next, button of "transform orientation".
Select the "Transform orientation button", and add it to list and save user preferences.
You can switch orientation of transforming by button.
Also, one that you added is synchronized by real time.
Next, button of viewport shader.
You can get button of this drop down list.
Select the "Viewport shade button" and add it to list and save user preferences.
You can switch viewport shader by button.
You can change order of features from user preferences.
Features of 1-button is over.
Next, I want to explain that changing "Snap Cursor/Snap Select" to 1-Button.Also we have additional functions.
You can open menu of snapping cursor by shortcut of [SHIFT]+[S].
This feature is create button of it.
Select the "Snap cursor button" and add it to list and save user preferences.
The UI is added like this.
The buttons of "S", "G", "C", "A" that is next to icon of 3D Cursor is features of snapping cursor.
"S" button is function of "Cursor to Selected".
"C" button is function of "Cursor to Center".
"G" button is function of "Cursor to Grid".
"A" button is function of "Cursor to Active".
Also, In pose mode, A' button is displayed to next to A button.
Usually, when you execute "Cursor to Active", 3D Cursor is snapped to head of active bone.
But, when you execute A' button, 3D Cursor is snapped to tail of active one.
The buttons of "G", "C", "CO", "A" that is next to icon of magnet is features of snapping selection.
"G" button is function of "Selection to Grid".
"C" button is function of "Selection to Cursor".
"CO" button is function of "Selection to Cursor(Offset)".
"A" button is function of "Selection to Active".
Just like before, A' button is version of snapping to tail as alternative of "Selection to Active".
You can use this A' button also in edit mode.
Also, you can edit symmetrical bones in edit mode.
I don't want to do from menu that is opened from [SHIFT]+[S] when creating animations.
Also, I want to snap to tail of bone more than head.
I have created this feature because of that reason.
The feature of snap cursor is over.
Next, about tool that moving current frame.
Select the "Move Current Frame Increment", and add it to list, save user preferences.
You can display this feature to header and Right Panel of dopesheet.
After that, you can find buttons of "1/2", "1/4",...and so on.
In this feature, You can move current frame by specified interval.
The Interval is calculated from frame rate.
Now, frame rate is 24fps."1/2" is 0.5 sec(=12 frames)
If you execute "1/2" button, you can move current frame forward/back to 12 frames from current.
If you execute "1/4" button, you can move current frame forward/back to 6 frames from current.
When I want to keep clean interval of keyframes, I use this feature.
Next, feature of moving between markers.
Select the "Jump to next/prev/name timeline marker", and add it to list, and save user preferences.
When you added timeline markers,
you can add it into drop down list.
In you select marker from list, you can move current frame to frame of marker.
Also, if you push next/prev button, you can move current frame to next/previous.
If Marker's frame number is same to current frame, this feature add text of "(current)" to name of drop down list.
The number before colon is frame number of timeline markers.
Markers on drop down list is sorted by frame number.
About feature of moving between markers is over.
Next, I will explain feature that snap IK target bones to IK chain root.
Select the "Snap IK Target to chain root", and add it to list,and save user preferences.
If you move IK target bones not carefully, that is leave from IK chains and it is to be difficult to control.
In this feature, you can snap IK target to IK chain root.
"Selected" button is that you can snap selected IK target .
"All IK TGT" button is that you can snap all of IK Target bones to chain root of each.
However, in default, if the IK constraints is muted, this add-on skip snapping the IK target.
But if you turn off mute, you can snap muted IK's target.
Next, I explain about "CURRENT", "RANGE", "ALL FRAMES".
In "CURRENT", this add-on snap IK target on current frame.
In "Range", this add-on snap IK target on frames that have keyframe points between specific range.
In "ALL FRAMES", this add-on snap IK target on all frames that have keyframe points.
In "RANGE" and "ALL FRAMES", this add-on insert keyframes on keyframe points that is existed already.
So, if you want to insert keyframe points to all frames, please do with bake.
In "CURRENT", please do just like before.
In "RANGE" and "ALL FRAMES", you are necessary to enable "Automatic keyframe insertion".
If you don't enable it, caution is displayed and you can't push buttons.
Input Active Keying Set,
and enable "Automatic keyframe insertion".
Then, you can push the buttons.
This add-on insert keyframes by "Active Keying Set".
First, I execute in "ALL FRAMES".
Now, there are IK targets that leaving from chain root on some keyframe points.
You can execute "Selected" or "All IK TGT".
Then, IK targets was snapped on keyframe points that was existed already.
Next, "RANGE".
In "RANGE", you can limit frame range of executing.
When you click this clock icon button,
you can get the current frame number and input it to "start" and "end".
When you push the reload icon button,
you can get frame number from "start" and "end" of current scene and input it to "start" and "end".
After input the range, push the "Selected" or "All IK TGT".
Then, IK targets on frames in range are snapped.
About "offset"
If IK target is targeted from multiple IK constraints and chains,
this add-on select bone by using this offset.
If you input other than 0, this add-on select another chain root.
About this feature is over.
Next, Selection Set that use bone names.
Recently, "Selection Set" feature have been added to Blender.
This feature give Selection Set data that is child of armature data.
So, even if another armatures have same names of bones,
we are necessary to create new Selection Set for each armatures.
Also, we can't use it over another Blender files.
So, I have created special version of Selection Set that store data to user preferences
and you can use it another armatures and another scenes and another Blender files.
Also, you can reduce operation steps by this feature.
Select the "Global version of Bone Seletion Set", and add it to list, and save user preferences.
First, push the "+" button and add Selection Set.
In this time, change Selection Set name to "IK bones".
After that, select bones of IK target,
push the "A" button.
Then, the names of bones are stored to Selection Set.
After that, push the "S" button on same row, you can select IK target bones that stored in Selection Set.
"D" button is deselect button.
If you have no problem of Selection Set, push the "Save to ..." button, and save Selection Set to user preferences.
Please be careful that don't forget save.
If you close Blender file before saving Selection Set to user preferences,you lost data of Selection Set that you had inputed.
"A" is assign button.
"R" is remove button.
"S" is select button.
"D" is deselect button.
In original feature of Selection Set, list and buttons are separated.
If you want to do something, you are necessary to select name of Selection Set and push the button.
This is 2 of steps.
In this add-on, button are placed to side of names,
and buttons on each row execute process to each Selection Set.
So, you can operate that you want by 1-step.
In this add-on, data is stored only names of bones.
So, you can use Selection Set that you have created to another armatures if there are same name bones.
You can select bones by Selection Set that you had created. Like this.
You can use Selection Set to another Blender files, because Selection Set is saved in user preferences and stored only names of bones.
You can also lock edit by lock button.
If you locked, "A" buttons and "R" buttons are disabled.
Finally, I explain feature that is like layers.
If you want to use feature of layers, push the speaker icon.
Then, bones that are stored names in Selection Set is only displayed.
In addition, if you push the eye icon in each Selection Set, you can control displaying each Selection Set.
It is useful when you want to animate separately each parts of body.
You can also control by built-in layer. But if the rig is complex, the built-in layers size are not enough for me.
If you use this feature, you can control more layers.
The explain of this feature is over.
Next, about features that insert keyframes and change type with button on dopesheet.
Select "insert all channel keyframes" and "Keyframe type button(Dopesheet)", and add that to list, and save user preferences.
Those features are simple.
"insert all channel keyframes" is features that insert keyframes to all channels on current frame.
You can do same thing by shortcut [I] on dope sheet.
"Keyframe type button(Dopesheet)" is feature that change keyframe type of selected keypoints by button.
You can do same thing by shortcut [R].
The explain of this feature is over.
Next, I explain features that sort channels.
Select the "Sort channels on dopesheet", and add it to list, and save user preferences.
On creating keyframes, the channels are placed by order of created.
Because of it, order of channels are not clean.
In this feature, you can sort channels.
Sorting methods are lexical order(A to Z) and splitting left and right and Bone Group order.
These sorting functions are executed in order top to bottom
You can change order of executing.
You can switch enabling and disabling.
Also, you can call individually each sorting function.
The "Select" in below box is function that support selection.
"Select All Bones" is feature that selecting all channel groups and selecting all bones of channel groups.
"Bones on current keypoints" is feature that selecting bones and channel groups on current frame that have keyframe points.
The explain of this feature is over.
Finally, I explain feature that moving frames relatively.
Select the "Relative frame number from start frame", and add it to list, and save user preferences.
When I have create animation and preview it, I can't get enough frame rate and can't check exactly animation.
In that case, I create playblast by OpenGL rendering,
and check it external movie player like Keyframe MP and QuickTime.
However, if I limit range of start and end of scene,
first frame number of video is always 0 or 1 on external movie player.
In Blender, the first frame number is 8.
But, in Keyframe MP, the first frame number is to be 1.
It is difficult to get relative frame number by comparing between Blender's frame number and external movie player's one.
In this add-on, calculate relative frame number and you can input frame number of external movie player.
When you input frame number of external player one, current frame of Blender is calculated relatively and move to frame that you want.
Keyframe MP is 1-origin.So switch origin to 1 by this button.
QuickTime is 0-origin.So switch origin to 0.
When you move current frame, relative frame number of this add-on is synchronized.
If you disable this chain icon, the relative frame number will not be synchronized even if you move the current frame.
The explain of this feature is over.
The explanation of this add-on is over.
The UIs looks not cool, but I believe useful for works.
I hope that this add-on is useful for you.
Thanks for watching!:)
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