dr. Devious I'm going to start fire to
burn all my plans
so the Paw patrol Transformers
will never know what I've done oh do you
think that's a good idea Romeo it's
really dry it may start a forest fire
I think I know what I'm doing robot
bring the fire ray and start the fire
yes Romeo starting to burn the green
oh no Romeo everything is on fire I told
you it was too dry
Oh No Romeo's fire is getting out of
control and it looks like he's burning
down the whole forest it looks like you
might be trapped - who's gonna save
Romeo and dr. devious I don't know but
it might be the paw patrol mission pups
and the Transformers
if you like the paw patrol mission PAW
and you like the transformer RESCUE BOTS
give this video a like right now and
don't go anywhere guys which is well
complete this fun adventure right after
our cool transformer RESCUE BOTS toys
are shown oh boy TV Boyle everybody look
it's the RESCUE BOTS oh poor pointees
are so often they're so cool and we're
having such a friend pretend time with
them all Hey look this chase - oh boy
he's a police spot and he is so awesome
oh wow he looks like chase from the paw
Patrol well Chase is on the case and
Chase is really only key to Griffin rock
with the rescue bots transformers Hey
look licky licky licky Oh My yes
anyway I'm so cool he totally transforms
into a fire truck Cal I do admire your
drawings hey hey I bet I bet he's a
really good friend of mine show me you
transformer mr.xu there boy
Hey look oh boy it's a constructive eye
oh man he turns in a bulldozer and
looking right there it's easy to convert
that means it's really easy to transform
these so that's really awesome I can't
Hey look and there's a chopper by a boy
oh boy oh boy he's gonna be so much fun
to open up I can't wait to open a month
I can't wait I can't wait
if you mean so let's look at the other
side would we and loved betrayed by man
see any boys oh man look look look look
look look look look look hmm get inside
right here Wow he just this heat wave Oh
miss your voice is so awesome please
oh man I love the rescue bots my love
them so much oh wow this is the really
cool gift set it kept all of them in
here you've got all the main team RESCUE
BOTS from the show it's so awesome
please lookie licky licky licky click oh
man they're so cool I wish I could drive
that I wish I could transform into that
which actually transforming in and dad
it looks transforming it into him
transform from Jim it's a police car the
transformers RESCUE BOTS transformers
RESCUE BOTS in the sky I love the RESCUE
BOTS you're so cool so awesome
we need unboxes we really need some toy
time TV help here we can't unbox it
without that we need body but we need
Bobby to come on out
and in order to do that we need to call
him and we need your help for that two
kids you can call Bobby out by saying
hey Bobby come on out and play
was it three times okay are you ready
okay here we go all right
he hey buddy come on out and play
hey buddy come on out and play hey Bobby
Sharon and play Wow look at the
Transformers I know they're awesome
aren't they
yes sir where's our friend 14-time with
the rescue pod two transformers Robots
in Disguise yes they are body they are
really cool we've got all four of the
original RESCUE BOTS a Griffin rock if
the Griffin rock rescue team and we need
your help to unbox them okay yes we do
we need you to use some intertweet 19
magic to help unbox these really cool
rescue by Transformers Oh
so that wasn't much of a fight Bobby but
I wanted you got my back kid Bobby is
well kids here's how we do it we count
to three and then we say the magic word
abracadabra with Bobby and then the toy
magically unboxes itself right Bobby
yeah we free my camera okay
all right kids at home you can do this
with us all right let's do it right now
let's start come on
one two three
Wow is right look at the rescue bot
yeah next way okay and please water
that's right bull blades Jason and
they're all really awesome RESCUE BOTS
they're really really really really
really cool
yeah the na mr. yang they're installing
my friend your buddy
thing is that he's happy
oh yeah fuzzy puppet these are really
cool and he's your buddy
yeah him and he yeah you wanted you to
do a video for him yeah well I get the
little promo video that fuzzy popping
has so that you guys are watching to go
over and check out his channel and you
can do that right now
all right god it's me fuzz I'm gonna
scare lucky purpose I came on the show
they tell you about my channel I have a
view all kinds of toys and cool Oh take
a link down below to check it out
yeah he's awesome and be sure and go
over and check out his channel on
YouTube he's got a lot of really great
videos guys you can click the link and
go check him out right now Wow stick
your hand I wanna go finish a Patinkin I
do too body
let's go finish our fun pretend time
with the rescue bar when we last left
our story Romeo and dr. devious had
started a really bad fire and we don't
know who would save them they'll boy to
fight and Willie close I don't know what
to do I think we should back up some
more maybe maybe we can get away from it
oh no no me oh I don't know what we're
going to do is so bad Oh yep yep calling
anyone that will help us out Chase is on
the case
oh no I just got a transmission it looks
like Romeo and dr. devious started a
fire in there trapped in it we need to
go help them but we need to help them as
a transformer RESCUE BOTS okay paw
patrol mission pop ups transform into
the transformer rescue mission bond
let's go go go I'm gonna transform into
heatwave transform transform again
we've gotta go save him guys he's gonna
burn up I can get him out with my water
cannon Chase is on the case I'm going to
transform into chase for my last coupon
transform Chase is on the case
transform and roll out to save Romeo
don't lose it ring digit I'm gonna
transform into folder so that I can help
Romeo and I'm going to transform into
blades and go save everyone
fine it's getting close oh hey you're
not here come to Papa to omission part
wins farmers they're good I say that
Chase is on the case
mission Paul transformer RESCUE BOTS
transform Marshall t-wave use your work
is to put out that fire please help him
and also for Rocky
here's your bulldozer just put a fire
trench in to stop it from getting to
Romeo don't lose it reuse it
hi Monique Jake transform I'm all fired
up geez putting out all this fire with
my water cannon are you guys okay yeah
thanks paw patrol mission papa
it was really nice of you to come rescue
a but you're my guy keypad hey it's
great ideas for Jessica's prison
Pleasant gym go to bed Chase is on the
yeah we were just helping but that's
silly Romeo he all me since we're gonna
put him in jail but he normally does bad
we totally will okay Bob Petrella
transformer pub weight is good let's get
back to them account that was fun yeah
let's make the rest you bought all
transform Bobby yeah mr. chance let's
make them transform okay I RESCUE BOTS
are really cool I'm gonna transform
heatwave he's really simple and easy to
transform look at that Wow
heatwave is transformed let's put him
back over here we'll transform him back
in a second
let's transform chase whoa did you see
how fast he transformed he's an awesome
police car well he transformed back Wow
look how fast we can transform him Wow
Chase is awesome and here's blades
blades is really cool too let's
transform him wow that was easy
these are very easy to transform
transformer RESCUE BOTS and here is
Boulder Boulder zu transform to watch
visa dozer now and that cool let's
transform them back
oh there he is hey the desert here all
the RESCUE BOTS transformed
there's dozer there's blades there's
chase and there's heatwave I'm going to
transform them back into the robot form
right now
here's heatwave set him over there chase
it's really easy to do
Wow there's chase and there's blaze and
watch me transform Boulder whoa that was
quick and really awesome I really really
like these toys they're really cool from
play school and this is a mega play
place it with the entire Griffin rock
rescue team these are all the original
members of the RESCUE BOTS it's heat
wave chase blades and the boulder and
they all transform really quick why look
how fascinating transform each one of
these they're almost like one step
Wow look at that and they are all first
responders and come on and rescue people
it's cool I really like these toys if
you get a little win that loves
transformers and you want transformers
that are pretty easy to transform then
these are definitely a playset you want
to check out for your transformer lover
there you go does anyone that loves
transformers it will definitely like
these being the really great thing about
this playset is the fact it comes with
each and every single one of the ones
from Chris and Rock which is really nice
because otherwise you'd have to buy them
each and every each one of them
individually they do cost a little more
but hey you're getting for transformers
all together that's pretty cool isn't it
oh I'm so excited we got all four of the
original Griffin Rock members here this
is so cool it's so awesome I think I'm
gonna transform again transform expense
warm look eat your sentiments so easy
whoa look at that transformed Church
whoa chances transform he almost ran
swings is easiest blur and there's a
dozer and last but not least it's blades
wow they're really cool and they seem
pretty durable too which is really nice
because then you can put some abuse on
it and it doesn't break because they're
so easy to transform that you want to
break them which is nice and they
definitely make a great gift for the
transformer person that loves them
I love just transform because they're so
quick and easy to transform it's
absolutely awesome
finding an exam well are you - which
one's your favorite body powder
oh well Bobby likes Boulder I like Jace
wow that was really fun we really enjoy
these I've got someone that really likes
the Transformers but they're not old
enough for the larger transformers the
RESCUE BOTS are definitely some of the
ones you want to check out and it's set
in itself is a great gift because you
can give a set of all four so they have
all four of the original RESCUE BOTS
from Griffin rock yeah always a good
sign if you just kill one not enough
well Bobby's right so Bobby you know
like all these can I write down
can we get Burnquist in time with us
yeah we did do a fun pretend time with
them what if you really like the RESCUE
BOTS really like the Transformers and
love our paw patrol mashup videos with
them give this video a like right now
and be sure to subscribe to toy time TV
for more great fun videos and we'll see
you next time on another fine toy review
and adventure time
that was lots of fun you can subscribe
to tweet MTV by touching the little
photo of body in the middle of your
screen and you can also touch the other
photos to watch more videos right now
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