We've been to the pool so we think we can eat
some real terrible food.
So check this out.
Flash V Arrow - Duration: 5:04.Flash V Arrow English Subtitle by Ah!Films
Here's Barry. I need your advice.
Ok. I'll be soon there.
We'll train here.
Did you really shot me?!
I heard you heal fast.
Thinking of new ways to embarras me?
I'm not trying to embarras you Barry.
Barry I have been living this life for almost 8 years.
I finally see it!
You're a little bit jealous of me. Aren't you?
You can train, lift weights, climb that stupid barn
till your hearth explodes
but you'll never be as fast as I am.
you'll never be what I am
and that's got to hurt your rock-hard pride, Ollie!
We have to take him together.
I'm in. What's your plan? - Okay!
Is everything all right?
I'm sorry.
It's not your fault.
I think we still have to catch your meta.
Are you still able to do this?
We will do this together anyway!
ПОТНАЯ ДУЭЛЬ vs ЯЛ [Overwatch] - Duration: 13:42.-------------------------------------------
Build the Wall - Duration: 5:40.Every sensible immigration policy has two objectives: 1) to regain control of our borders
so that we decide who enters; and 2) to find a humane way to deal with the 11 million illegal
immigrants who now live among us.
Start with the second.
For both practical and moral reasons, America cannot and will not and should not expel
11 million people.
That leaves us with two choices: ignore them or figure out a way to legalize them.
Ignoring them hasn't worked.
But there is also a huge problem with legalization: it creates an irresistible incentive
for new illegal immigrants to come.
We say, of course, that this will be the very last, very final, never-again,
we're-not-kidding-this-time amnesty.
And everyone knows it's phony.
That's what was said in 1986, when we passed the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration reform.
It turned out to be the largest legalization program in American history -- nearly 3 million
people got permanent residency.
There was no enforcement.
We now have 11 million new illegal immigrants in our midst.
The irony of this whole debate, which bitterly splits the country, is that there is a silver bullet
that would not just solve the problem, but also create a national consensus behind it.
A vast number of Americans who oppose legalization and fear new waves of immigration would change
their minds if we could radically reduce new -- i.e., future -- illegal immigration.
And we can.
First, build a barrier.
Call it a wall. Call it a fence. Call it what you will.
Add cameras and sensors. Add drones. Beef up the patrols.
All that matters is that we regain control of the border.
Fences work.
The triple fence outside San Diego led to a 90 percent reduction in infiltration.
Israel's border fence with the West Bank produced a similar decline.
Even holier-than-thou Europeans have conceded the point: Hungary, Macedonia, Bulgaria,
Austria, Greece, Spain – why, even Norway — have all started building border fences to stem
the tide of Middle Eastern refugees.
Then enforce two other measures: a national E-Verify system that makes it just about impossible
to work if you are here illegally, and a functioning visa tracking system, since 40% of illegal
immigrants are visa overstays.
The wall/fence will, of course, be ugly.
So are the concrete barriers to keep truck bombs from driving into the White House.
Sometimes function has to supersede form.
And don't tell me that this is our Berlin Wall.
When you build a wall to keep people in, that's a prison.
When you build a wall to keep people out, that's an expression of sovereignty.
Of course, no barrier will be foolproof.
But it doesn't have to be.
It simply has to reduce the river to a manageable trickle.
Once we do, everything becomes possible – including dealing with our 11 million illegal immigrants.
So, let's fix that.
Track the visas, do E-Verify, build the damn barrier.
It's ridiculous to say that it can't be done.
And who would certify that the border is back in our control?
I would have a neutral party, perhaps a commission of retired jurists, issue the judgment.
Once they do, we legalize the 11 million, granting them the right to stay and work here.
We can't give them citizenship.
That's a bridge too far.
You don't get to join the political destiny of the country by entering it illegally.
But any children born here would be American – which means that over time
the issue resolves itself.
The American people are legitimately angry at the price American society has paid
due to illegal immigration.
But they are also a generous people.
Once they are assured that we do indeed control our borders, that anger will abate.
A national consensus will emerge.
Radical border control, followed by radical legalization.
No mushy compromise.
A solution requires two acts of national will: putting up a wall (along with E-Verify and visa tracking)
and absorbing those who broke our laws to come to America.
This is not a compromise meant to appease both sides without achieving anything.
It's not some piece of hybrid legislation that arbitrarily divides illegals into those
with five-year-old "roots" in America and those without – or some such
mischief-making nonsense.
If we do it right, not only will we solve the problem, we will get it done as one nation.
I'm Charles Krauthammer for Prager University.
【MUKBANG】 Can i Do it? 5 Peyoung's Extreme Spicy Fried Noodles..!? 5470kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:52.Hello its Kinishita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Font size+color+transparency 100% controlled by you)
so today! tadaa I bought 5 packs of super huge and super spicy 'Peiangu' yakisoba noodles
and this is what we'll be eating for today I've had the chance to try out quite a lot of 'Peiangu' products
~BUT~ I mean probably, probably.
this might probably be my first time trying their super spicy noodles
and they're their super huge portions sizes on top of that
each one of these 'peiangu' super huge super spicy packs is roughly 1094kcal
which must mean that each of these is packed with quite a lot of food
and uh...~
I.... uh~~~
I'm just a bit.... just a bit afraid to find out how spicy these are
granted I am getting better and better at handling spicy foods lately...
alrighty lets prep these
inside it looks like this
2 portions of the usual noodles you'd find from 'peiangu' with
toppings and this sauce... I'm guessing this is what is super spicy in this
there is a super spicy package in this
tadaa I've cooked the noodles
and now I'll add the red sauce to it
sort of a dark red color to it
I low key feel like I'm running a yakisoba restaurant right now
if a yakisoba shop was selling super hot yakisoba noodles they'd prolly be.....
a big deal (Cause waves)
K the its ready to eat itadakimasu
hot damn it looks so spicy
well...... just by looking at it.. umm well you can't judge how spicy it is though
well it is a rather reddish color
this is what it looks like as far as noodle thickness goes its about a normal
peiangu sized noodle reddish in color with these little black specks
I'm thinking its pepper? its prolly pepper
here we go
this is.... not like those normal spicy foods that hit you in waves afterwards but
from first bite it sets your tongue on fire
it just continues to burn without relent my mouth and tongue are in such pain right now
its reeeeaalllly spicy but I kinda think its pretty yummy at the same time
but dang its so spicy
my mouth just keeps watering like a fountain
mmmm..... I feel as though dumping a bunch of mayo onto this would really give it that perfect touch..
but I'll try to keep going for a bit longer
soooo spicy but....
it does have a hint of sweetness to it and a layer of umami as well
ahh for reals though its super spicy
will I? be able to eat the rest of this?
each of these packages contain 2 servings of noodles so practically speaking I've got 10 servings in here
~so hot~
each breath I take makes it hotter and hotter
I'm thinking that just wolfing these noodles down without slurping them is the best way to attack this
for reals tho its so HOT!! every time I take a break it gets hotter and hotter
omg its sooooo hot!!
I want a sweet cafe au lait to drink right now
spicy foods are so weird aren't they
I'm starting to break out into a sweat despite not being hot at all
so... hot.....
its so .... hot
its so spicy
oh jeez my tummy is starting to feel a bit weird
my tummy is starting to act up a bit
wait.... so lets.....
add a bit of my #BFFMayo
my lips and just can't stand it anymore I'm past my limit
omg my lips are bright red aren't they
so spicy I'm all sweaty as well
K, I've added a bit of Mayo to it
mayo is so amazing
with just a bit of mayo covering it most of the heat has disappeared
I've been eating quite a spicy dish up till now
but now its not so painful anymore ~wow~
its turned it into a sort of tiny bit spicy yakisoba noodle dish
even though I've tamed the spiciness of this dish it doesn't
really help my tummy its really getting acting up right now
spicy things are......
dangerous things aren't they
they're good to have from time to time
and lastly I feel like changing up the flavor with an egg
it looks like a birds nest don't it?
mix it up
and dip the noodles in it and eat
now that we've done this much to it its just not spicy at all anymore is it
so very mild now
#RawEggsSoSafe in Japan nope.... she's not gonna die from Salmonella nope....
last mouthful itadakimasu
these super spicy noodles from peiangu were Soooo hot
I was able to get through about half of it before I couldn't stand it anymore
so with normal peiangu noodle portions that would be roughly 5 packs worth...
I'm upset at this and I wanted to do better
and just by adding mayo it absolutely takes away all the spice... ~well not all of it~
saying its not spicy at all is taking this a bit too far isn't it
adding mayo it made it just a bit spicy
and when you add eggs it absolutely wipes away all traces of spicy heat
it was super delish
but the spicy foods taste good as well
and when I added the egg it made the cabbage and meat in the dish taste all that much better
eggs are so nice aren't they
for those who are curious about super spicy peiangu... won't you give them a try?
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe button BAI BAI
Learn Colors with Color Foam for Children, Toddlers and Babies | DIY Science Experiment for Kids - Duration: 2:04.Learn Colors for Children, Toddlers and Babies | DIY Color Foam! Science Experiment for Kids
The Game. Day 1 - Duration: 1:20.Hello tankers!
Welcome to THE GAME!
For those of you who don't know what THE GAME is, let me explain:
THE GAME is a traditional event in Tanki Online.
It is a series of riddles and puzzles spread across 5 days.
The goal for each day,
is to discover a keyword that is indicated by one of these symbols.
To participate, you must first register at THE GAME's special website,
and to do so, you must have a valid email address linked to your account.
All the details are on the official Tanki Online website.
The grand prize is a fully upgraded Dream tank
consisting of your chosen turret, hull and module.
And yes, you can even choose XT-equipment.
So let's start! Today's theme is cartoon characters.
If you're a die hard comic book fan,
you'll probably know that some superheroes have several alternative suits.
Actually, Spider Man has a ton of them.
There's Scarlet spider, Spider-Lizard, Captain Universe,
Peter Porker Spider-Ham and others.
Check them out for yourself in the article below.
You will find it educational.
拝啓ドッペルゲンガー/まふまふ【歌ってみた】 - Duration: 4:28.Dear Doppelganger
(English translation: Hazuki no Yume)
"Hello there, I'm your doppelganger. "
I rub my eyes, wondering what kind of joke this is.
There are two of my shadows,
and thus the curtain rises once more.
"You said you wish there were another one of you,"
"and that fervent wish has called me into existence."
Well, you could say I wished for it.
I was just bearing my cross, an agent for everything.
I don't care about the method; just give me results.
Such a meaningless, worthless price to pay.
Say, rather than that,
I gotta tell you about something important.
All right?
"Yes, I'll do it, I'll do it,
I'll do anything.
I'm your doppelganger,"
the messiah says with a chuckle.
Dear doppelganger,
who, oh who are you?
Aah, everything is intersecting with chaos.
Who am I?
You know, the #0 and #1 don't exist.
There's absolutely no basis for a proof of any kind.
Dear doppelganger,
oh who is you?
The world wouldn't pay any notice
to a devoured existence.
The sound won't stop ringing.
The frenzy won't die down.
The miraculous cycle of endless rebirths
dyes the deranged answer with its color.
Things somehow seem strange on Monday.
As the story starts falling apart, one piece at a time,
it's suspicious of me.
"Who the hell are you?", it seems to ask.
Hold on a minute.
I'm not aware of what happened yesterday, nor of any of the words I said.
Before I knew it,
my shadow is dissolving.
What exactly am I?
Please, give me back my existence.
"I'm terribly sorry, but it feels
quite good to be here, in its own way."
"You're already well aware
that there's no longer any place for you here, right?"
"You know, if you've got something robbed from you, you just gotta rob it back, right?
it's your turn this time,"
the invader says with a chuckle.
Dear doppelganger,
who, oh who are you?
Aah, everything is intersecting with chaos.
Who am I?
Well, I suppose that's the way it is. Of course.
There's only one seat of life.
Dear doppelganger,
oh who is you?
Before the single drop that spilled
completely dries away-
I don't care who it is
or what it is,
just give me a vessel.
The deranged answer dyes everything with its color.
This is the chain of human karma
that continues on forever.
They yield to each other,
forgive each other,
and become satisfied with that.
The missing piece.
A worthless pain.
Hope, as well as love.
They entrust in each other
and are reborn.
"I can live your life much better than you."
"It's your turn to save someone next."
"You already know what you're supposed to do, right?"
Someone, please give me a miracle.
Dear doppelganger,
who, oh who are you?
Aah, everything is intersecting with chaos.
Who am I?
It can't be stopped. There's no going back.
Hello there,
I am your-
Dear doppelganger,
oh that is me.
Even if the world were to pay any notice
to a devoured existence,
the sound won't stop ringing out now.
The frenzy won't die down.
The miraculous cycle of endless rebirths
is gonna dye the deranged answer with its color.
Do your best, okay?
"Hello there, I'm your doppelganger."
USE HIS DRONE AS STEADY CAM ? | DJI | CrazyPicture™ ? - Duration: 1:12.Crazy Picture
DJI Drone
DJI Drone Steadicam
That's possible ?
Drone landscape
Drone stabilisazion
Steady cam
Single Pietro Lombardi sucht keine Frau: Sie soll ihn finden! - Duration: 0:35.-------------------------------------------
Víte kdo jsou Evolution Gaming? Živé casino automaty - Duration: 1:36.Here we are at the Evolution Gaming stand
with Todd Haushalter!
How are you today?
Fantastic thank you!
Great to hear.
So why don't you tell us and the players a little bit about
what you do and what is Evolution Gaming?
Evolution Gaming is the world's leading provider of live casino operations.
So what is live casino?
It means we have studios dealing black jack,
dealing roulette, dealing poker games,
and players can, from their phone,
or their computer, play and interact live with the dealers.
They can chat with them, they can bet on the hands.
They see the cards, they see the real wheel,
they know it's trustworthy,
and it's a really fun and enjoyable way to play.
So this is kind of the closest thing to
still being at home, cosy,
playing table games but not being at an actual casino.
You can't always be at a casino,
or maybe for whatever reason you don't want to be.
Or any number of reasons.
This is your casino from your phone,
or from your computer.
Everything about it's live!
So you don't have to wonder
if the cards are properly shuffled or anything like that
because you can see it with your very own eyes.
That's a really appealing thing for a lot of people.
In fact, we have some casinos,
some of our tables,
we actually stream live from casinos.
So you can literally be playing at the physical casino,
then you could pull out your phone,
continue to play,
get in your car and drive home,
and continue to play on that same table.
So it's really fun!
It brings the casino to you.
How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs - Duration: 2:51.How To Get Rid Of Bed Bug.
Bed bugs are dangerous insects that bite human skin and feed by sucking human blood.
If they appear in your bedroom it is very important to quickly get rid of them as their
bite may cause allergic reactions and discomfort.
In this video we are talking about best 6 methods to get rid of bed bugs.
So please click the subscribe button and bell icon for next videos.
Cold Temperature.
Bed bugs can�t with stand cold temperature.
All you have to do is to put a few ice cubes in a thin towel.
Place it on the affected area.
Remove it after 10 to 15 minutes.
Repeat the process until bed bugs totally disappear.
Hot steam.
Bed bugs can�t survive in high temperature; minimum 113 degrees Fahrenheit is required.
Steam permeates through these materials and destroys the bugs and prevents the egg from
So if you have a steam cleaner, you can use that to get rid of bed bugs fast without using
harmful chemicals.
Cayenne Pepper.
Take 1 teaspoon each of cayenne powder, oregano and grated ginger.
Boil them in water.
Strain and spray the solution around the entering spaces of your room and areas where bed bugs
may be hiding.
The smell of this solution drives the bugs away and prevents them from spreading.
Hair Dryer.
Bed bugs cannot tolerate high temperature, so you can set the dryer at the highest mode
for 20 minutes or above to kill bed bugs.
Position the dryer around the mattress seam and infested area for about an hour to get
the effective results.
This one hour treatment may kill the pest and eggs.
Vacuum the heated area and remove the bug�s traces.
Don�t forget to clean vacuum filter.
Tea Tree Oil.
Put 20 drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle filled with water and shake well.
Spray liberal amounts of the natural insecticide in all areas where you think bed bugs are
Use the tea tree oil spray daily until all the signs of bed bugs have disappeared completely.
Baking Soda.
Baking soda has antimicrobial properties which destroys bed bugs.
Spread some baking soda around the crevices and cracks or wherever you find bugs.
Don�t forget to vacuum the soda after few days and re-apply it.
Skam s4 clip 35 - Sorry - Duration: 4:12.- Yes, but I wonder if someone have planned it or...
- Yes, it looks like it.
- Imagine if it had happened with one of you. My god it would have destroyed, at least you.
It would destroy your entire reputation... - It's very strange anyway to just take a picture...
- It doesn't mean that, it just means that you've forgotten to remove the note.
- You guys? - You guys, Ingrid replied!
We were certain that it was Vilde that had made Saranors2. Again, sorry. We seriously feel bad about it.
If we've ruined something between her and Magnus, we are very sorry about it. But Isak were the one who started it all.
He is the one we should be angry with. It's incredibly important that we stand together as a bus.
- I just think it's a bit strange that, Isak making a hate account against Sara. Like, why?
- He's probably pissed at her for something then.
I don't know what's going on in Isak's head, but I thought he had actually changed. But, apparently not.
I'm so disappointed over people. - What are you writing?
- You guys can stand together, we're signing off. Won't be on a bus with people that hate.
- So, we're without a bus again. - She replies:
- Know about a cheap van for sale though? - "Hello! We gotta talk about this before you sign off the bus."
What is there to talk about? If you make a hate account, I don't want to be your friend.
There's nothing more to talk about than that? Don't you agree?
People are completely crazy. - I think it has something to do with Donald Trump becoming president.
- You. You! We thought we'd buy this together for Eva's 18th birthday. Isn't it cool?
Hah, 6 liters! You're with us right?
- You know...You know that Saranors2 account?
It was me.
- Oh...
- Do you think Eva will forgive me?
- Do you have to tell though?
- Of course I have to tell.
She can't go around hating on Isak.
- But that hate... the hate disappears.
That's gone tomorrow.
Awesome 2017 Autovox D2 PRO 1080p Car Dash Camera - Review/Video Samples - Duration: 6:08.What's up guys I'm Chigz and you are watching Chigz Tech Reviews and today
I've got my hands on an awesome looking Dash cam so this is the Autovox D2 Pro Dashcam
So this dash cam can take 1080p videos at 30 frames per second it has
built-in night vision 135 degree wide angle lens built-in g-sensor
and support sleep recording so this is everything you get in the box
you got a user manual a warranty card that's pretty neat you've got some
fittings and fixtures here adhesive strips and stuff a suction cap to attach
it to your windscreen a very nice and long power cable and just so you guys
know it's powered by USB ok and the camera itself here it is so this is the
latest camera by Autovox it's the D2 Pro it's a full HD 1080p dash cam which and
you can take 1080p videos at 30 frames per second so let's go through the ports
on the top you have a USB port for charging the GPS and AV port you've got
power button and you and you got like a shutter button here HDMI port on the
side with a reset button and nothing at the bottom and this is where you would
insert your micro SD card on the back you have a 2.7 inch LCD
screen which is it looks like quite a nice big screen you've got some
navigational buttons here and enter menu button as well so if we just peal it
this self okay you do have built-in rechargeable batteries which is really
good I want to try and turn it on and hopefully it will turn on yeah but that
turned on very fast so they're set to record video at the moment it doesn't
have any internal memory and you can see the battery is on one bar okay so I'm
going to insert my micro SD card now so here is my micro SD card I always use a
SanDisk 32gb class 10 but these dash cams and action cams you
should always use a class 10 memory card and that's the only way you're going to
be able to get a nice good quality video I just inserted my memory card okay so
on the screen quality is actually very nice I like the wide screen so how this
camera works is you put your memory card in when you start driving all you do is
you press this top button you'll see the red you'll see the recording symbol so
this will record everything you do while you're driving it will record the road
ahead of you and it will store the videos on the memory card
now when the memory card gets full it would automatically just delete the old
videos and it will just overwrite them by itself which is great and so you
don't have to worry about memory management if you get in a collision and
you need the evidence all you do on that day is take the memory card out copy the
files onto your computer and put it back in and you're ready to record again so I
just want to attach the suction cup on this to show you how easy it is to set
up so all you do is that's it slightly on so you've got this now you can see
that's the right way around all you do is stick this on your windscreen and
lock it in place and then if you want to take it off you just turn it so it's a
very nice quality suction cap there it's adjustable so you can get the right
angle that you need and it also swivels left and right so once you're on there
you can move your camera around and get the perfect angle that you want I'm
going to go and test this out in my car and we're going to find out what the
quality's like and if this dashcam is any good
I'll be right back
so there you have it guys that was the Autovox D2 Pro an amazing full hd
dashcam as you guys saw the quality was
outstanding what I really like about this camera is all you do is plug in the
power as soon as you attach this to your windscreen and plug the power in it
automatically starts recording and you get a blue light flashing here telling
you it's recording so that's so you don't even need to look at the screen if
you want to see the screen you just press a button the screen will appear
and then you have the option to either turn recording off or let it continue so
it's very well made I like how light it is it's extremely
light but very compact this you can see that this will easily fit in your pocket
you can take this away even the suction cap is tiny so a very good design by
Auto Vox this is their latest model it's the d2 pro what I'll do is I'll put the
links in the description so you guys can check this product out and if you like
it of course you can go ahead and purchase one for yourselves I hope you
enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching and I hope you all have a
brilliant day you
Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 83.Bölüm - Duration: 58:27.-------------------------------------------
Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 85.Bölüm - Duration: 49:02.-------------------------------------------
Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 84.Bölüm - Duration: 50:22.-------------------------------------------
Adını Sen Koy Engelsiz 82.Bölüm - Duration: 51:57.-------------------------------------------
Boiled Water For Control Diabetes - C Vitamin For Cure Diabetes - Duration: 5:28.boy lemon results are amazing boy lemons and drink it in the early morning on
empty stomach the results are amazing lemon is rich in nutrients and minerals
that are beneficial to our body lemon is used for centuries to clean
arteries and to remove bad cholesterol from the body it is natural home remedy
to keep our body away from toxins for this Venise lemon grated ginger garlic
Klaus and honey take a lemon and wash it with water cut into slices and keep
aside now take a pan add some water boil it for some time
now add lemon slices
grated ginger and garlic Klaus then mix it well allow it to boil for 10 minutes
now filter the mixture into a glass
after filtering allow it to cool and add 1 tablespoon of honey and mix well
honey enhance the face of the drink take this drink in the early morning on empty
stomach the nutrients present in lemon are beneficial for simple cold to
pneumonia lemon is antibacterial and antiviral it is a great intestinal
cleanser this therapy detoxify slivers it contains so many antioxidant
properties hence keeps our body healthy and keeps
away all dangerous diseases this is very effective and energetic drink by
drinking this you can detoxify your body and can reduce unwanted fat and reduce
weight in short times now let us see the benefits of lemon water for overall
health first benefit it adds up to the vitamin C content in your body our body
cannot make vitamin C on its own hence it is essential to get enough of this
vitamin from food and drinks that we ingest vitamin C stimulates white blood
cell production which is essential for the immune system to function properly
being an antioxidant vitamin C also protects cells from oxidative damage
vitamin C helps in keeping the cold and flu at B hence drinking lemon water
provides us with large amount of vitamin C second benefit of lemon water yields
body and enhances skin regeneration consuming vitamin C regularly leaves
anger looking skin and less wrinkles the antioxidant property of vitamin C helps
in fighting the damage caused by free radicals and keeps the skin fresh enough
vitamin C also helps in the body to produce collagen which is essential in
smoothing the lines in the face third benefit of lemon water helps you in
shedding a few pounds lemon water helps in reducing few pounds this is because
of pectin a fiber present in the lemon helps in feeling full for a longer
period of time it helps in reducing weight fourth benefit of lemon water
balances pH levels lemons are alkalizing food for the body though they are as
weak in nature they are alkaline inside the body
lemons contain both ascorbic acid and citric acid body in an aspic state is an
invitation to diseases to occur hence drinking lemon water regularly helps to
remove overall stt from the body fist the benefit of lemon water helps in
digestion and detoxification lemon water helps in relieving indigestion and eases
the upset stomach lemon juice aids in moving the food through the body and
gastrointestinal tract smoothly as it tricks the liver into producing bile it
helps in urinary tract from getting rid of any unwanted elements the best time
to take lemon water is early in the morning so get up early and have lemon
water daily your fresh lemon water makes you feel healthy and energetic thank you
for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
Excerpts from Dreamwalkers - Duration: 2:56.My name is Vilhjálmur Ólafsson and I graduated from the screenwriting and directing dep.
My film is about two kids celebrating graduation
who have had a crush on each other for a long time.
They finally click.
Then discover they're step siblings.
The idea was first one of many.
The instructors were concerned I had way too many ideas.
The initial idea was based on a co-worker of mine.
He was gay and told us about screwing his cousin in Reykjanesbær
I felt this was excellent material for a script.
To me it was the funniest thing in the world that they discovered that they were related, or that they were cousins
in the supermarket where their moms met.
The girl then had to come to grips with the fact that,
as disgusting as the whole thing was, that he was gay to boot.
So there was a purpose to the whole thing.
That was my first draft.
But according to all narrative traditions you have to have some resolution.
There the only solution for the kids was to say nothing.
And there is no tension in that.
So the story changed into that of step siblings who want to do something.
But their parents are always pushing them.
They are completely in their way because they've begun dating.
So the kids sort of have to get their act together and stand up to their parents.
My favorite scene is in the beginning, when the kids meet.
The main character Kári is with his friend and the heroine, Anna, is with her girlfriend.
They meet downtown and we realize they fancy each other.
They sit on a bench downtown and we cut directly to their going at it, except their friends are doing it, just beside them.
This creates an awkward situation.
So that's sort of my favorite scene in the picture.
Assassin's creed - walkthrough - PART 2 (sequence 1) (B) - Duration: 14:53.check out the description
check out the description
Face Glowing Facial at Home | How to do Facial at Home for Glowing Skin | How to Do Facial At Home - Duration: 7:54.-------------------------------------------
MARGUERITE ET LA BÊTE FÉROCE - Il n'y a que des solutions - Duration: 23:05.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> MARGUERITE ET LA BÊTE FÉROCE - Il n'y a que des solutions - Duration: 23:05.-------------------------------------------
this is hard MOM!!
it's really hard
sasha you suck
he noscoped me wtf!!
that shit is easy tho
NO !!
<b>YOU HACKIN?</b>
For more infomation >> UKRAINIAN KID HACKS IN COD INFINITIVE WARFARE/SUBTITLES NEEDED - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Well managed risk / Rheoli risg yn effeithiol - Duration: 2:43.Well today's seminar was about risk and
managing risk in the public sector in
times of significant change. What I hope
delegates took away was a sense of how
two different approaches can lead to
different results in terms of how they
manage risk, and just to bring that to
life a bit, one of the scenarios we
followed was around a fear of failure
and the other scenario was safe to fail. And it was really stark to me following the
case studies, really stark, as to how the
outcomes are so different
depending on which model you follow. And
in the fear of failure model what was
apparent was everyone is focusing on not
failing, on covering backs, and losing
sight of the end user, and on the safe to
fail model the discussions were much
more user-centric because it was safer
to get things wrong and therefore no one
had anything to fear in testing out
different scenarios. So I hope
people who attended went away with a
sense of realising that how you approach
risk management can change the outcome
for service users. What does
it mean for us at the Wales Audit Office?
I think there are challenges on two
fronts. One is what does it mean for our
audit work and what the Auditor General
does and it was good to hear him talk at
the seminar about and how audit
is there to enable and support public
service delivery and better outcomes, and
not just be a compliance checklist. And I think the Auditor General was
pushed to some extent to be held to
account for that because for a
long time he said public services should
take well-managed risks and there was
definitely a sense in the room that
auditors don't always deliver that. I
think we recognised that this is
a work in progress and we've done some
very good pieces of work that show how
audit can be used to improve public
services rather than simply bash
on the head. The second angle is what
does it mean for us in how we run the
Wales Audit Office and how we manage
risks and I think what I want to do
coming out of this is share with
Kev and management committee, and perhaps
debate what is our approach?
Are we in fact taking the risk of failure
approach versus the safe to fail
approach? And that could well change how
we act and behave, and in fact I think
could be linked to the cultural
improvement work that we're now doing.
For more infomation >> Well managed risk / Rheoli risg yn effeithiol - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C3 1.2 PureT Collection Airco/Armsteun voor/Cruise contr./LED Dagri - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.2 PureT Collection Airco/Armsteun voor/Cruise contr./LED Dagri - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley Says Donald Trump Thinks The Climate Is Changing - Donald trump news - Duration: 2:42.U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley Says Donald Trump Thinks The Climate Is Changing - Donald trump latest news
U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley said President Donald Trump believes the climate is changing after administration officials spent days avoiding saying whether or not the president thinks climate change is real.
"President Trump believes the climate is changing. And he believes pollutants are part of that equation. So that is the fact. That is where we are.
That's where it stands," she told CNN's Jake Tapper in an interview due to air on "State of the Union" on Sunday.
In the past, Trump has said that climate change is a hoax and "bullshit." Reporters pressed White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt on the president's position this week after Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement, but both men avoided the question.
Pressed by Tapper on Trump's views, Haley initially echoed Spicer and Pruitt, saying that withdrawal from the accord was about American businesses.
Eventually, however, she said that the president believes the U.S. has to be responsible for a changing environment.
"He knows that it's changing. He knows that the U.S. has to be responsible with it, and that's what we're going to do," Haley said. "Just because we got out of a club doesn't mean that we don't care about the environment."
There is overwhelming evidence the climate is warming and human beings are a big contributor to that trend.
Pruitt, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and Energy Secretary Rick Perry have conceded the climate is changing, but they've questioned what people and the United States can do about it.
Elliott Negin, director of news and commentary at the nonprofit environmental group Union of Concerned Scientists, told HuffPost in January that such a
position was a surface-level effort by those officials to make their positions seem reasonable.
"Over the years, they've changed their tune because to say climate change isn't happening now makes them look ridiculous, so they don't say it anymore,"he said.
"Now they say it's happening, but we don't have any idea how bad it might be because they dispute climate modeling."
For more infomation >> U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley Says Donald Trump Thinks The Climate Is Changing - Donald trump news - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Summer, I'm ready for you! People around the world share their jubilant snaps - Duration: 2:20.Summer, I'm ready for you! People around the world share their jubilant snaps as they rejoice in the sunshine
Game of foam: This snap was captioned 'the warm winds are rising. Winter is at an end, and a summer is coming such as this world has never seen'
Water fight stakes? High. Whoever her opponent is, they're in for a rude awakening
Success: It probably took a fair few attempts before this photographic masterpiece was achieved
Ring of fire: A splendid and hard-earned example of a trip to the beach done right
The popular American 'beer pong' game, adapted for some outdoor frolicking with bins
This set-up was built on a beach in Florida
No swimming pool? No problem: This renegade appears to be cooling off in a dustbin
Whoever's fridge this is, they won't be running out of popsicles any time soon
Utter glee: This joyous occasion was captured by a pet-owner and captioned - 'my dogs are a bit excited for summer'
Big night? This handsome canine has everything he needs for a lazy hangover day - Bloody Mary included
Lurker: These five girls are clearly thrilled to be at the beach. And the jokester in the background looks just as pleased with his photobomb
Committed: Another perfectly-timed photo, this time based on 'Hadouken', a retro video game move
Casual: Some of us have rather peculiar ways of celebrating the sunshine. This errant Stormtrooper is one of them
10 of 17 School's out! This comedic prancer was shared with the caption - 'when your finals are over and your spring break begins'
Tarmac tanning: This was captioned - 'What's that? The pool is closed? That's alright, because it's spring break and we are fresh out of bothers to give'
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 350 BLUETEC Aut. AMG Panoramadak Standkachel Distronic Keyless Memory Tre - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Meghan Trainor "All About That Bass" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 3:23.Meghan Trainor "All About That Bass" (karaoke+chords)
【MUKBANG】 Can i Do it? 5 Peyoung's Extreme Spicy Fried Noodles..!? 5470kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:52.Hello its Kinishita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Font size+color+transparency 100% controlled by you)
so today! tadaa I bought 5 packs of super huge and super spicy 'Peiangu' yakisoba noodles
and this is what we'll be eating for today I've had the chance to try out quite a lot of 'Peiangu' products
~BUT~ I mean probably, probably.
this might probably be my first time trying their super spicy noodles
and they're their super huge portions sizes on top of that
each one of these 'peiangu' super huge super spicy packs is roughly 1094kcal
which must mean that each of these is packed with quite a lot of food
and uh...~
I.... uh~~~
I'm just a bit.... just a bit afraid to find out how spicy these are
granted I am getting better and better at handling spicy foods lately...
alrighty lets prep these
inside it looks like this
2 portions of the usual noodles you'd find from 'peiangu' with
toppings and this sauce... I'm guessing this is what is super spicy in this
there is a super spicy package in this
tadaa I've cooked the noodles
and now I'll add the red sauce to it
sort of a dark red color to it
I low key feel like I'm running a yakisoba restaurant right now
if a yakisoba shop was selling super hot yakisoba noodles they'd prolly be.....
a big deal (Cause waves)
K the its ready to eat itadakimasu
hot damn it looks so spicy
well...... just by looking at it.. umm well you can't judge how spicy it is though
well it is a rather reddish color
this is what it looks like as far as noodle thickness goes its about a normal
peiangu sized noodle reddish in color with these little black specks
I'm thinking its pepper? its prolly pepper
here we go
this is.... not like those normal spicy foods that hit you in waves afterwards but
from first bite it sets your tongue on fire
it just continues to burn without relent my mouth and tongue are in such pain right now
its reeeeaalllly spicy but I kinda think its pretty yummy at the same time
but dang its so spicy
my mouth just keeps watering like a fountain
mmmm..... I feel as though dumping a bunch of mayo onto this would really give it that perfect touch..
but I'll try to keep going for a bit longer
soooo spicy but....
it does have a hint of sweetness to it and a layer of umami as well
ahh for reals though its super spicy
will I? be able to eat the rest of this?
each of these packages contain 2 servings of noodles so practically speaking I've got 10 servings in here
~so hot~
each breath I take makes it hotter and hotter
I'm thinking that just wolfing these noodles down without slurping them is the best way to attack this
for reals tho its so HOT!! every time I take a break it gets hotter and hotter
omg its sooooo hot!!
I want a sweet cafe au lait to drink right now
spicy foods are so weird aren't they
I'm starting to break out into a sweat despite not being hot at all
so... hot.....
its so .... hot
its so spicy
oh jeez my tummy is starting to feel a bit weird
my tummy is starting to act up a bit
wait.... so lets.....
add a bit of my #BFFMayo
my lips and just can't stand it anymore I'm past my limit
omg my lips are bright red aren't they
so spicy I'm all sweaty as well
K, I've added a bit of Mayo to it
mayo is so amazing
with just a bit of mayo covering it most of the heat has disappeared
I've been eating quite a spicy dish up till now
but now its not so painful anymore ~wow~
its turned it into a sort of tiny bit spicy yakisoba noodle dish
even though I've tamed the spiciness of this dish it doesn't
really help my tummy its really getting acting up right now
spicy things are......
dangerous things aren't they
they're good to have from time to time
and lastly I feel like changing up the flavor with an egg
it looks like a birds nest don't it?
mix it up
and dip the noodles in it and eat
now that we've done this much to it its just not spicy at all anymore is it
so very mild now
#RawEggsSoSafe in Japan nope.... she's not gonna die from Salmonella nope....
last mouthful itadakimasu
these super spicy noodles from peiangu were Soooo hot
I was able to get through about half of it before I couldn't stand it anymore
so with normal peiangu noodle portions that would be roughly 5 packs worth...
I'm upset at this and I wanted to do better
and just by adding mayo it absolutely takes away all the spice... ~well not all of it~
saying its not spicy at all is taking this a bit too far isn't it
adding mayo it made it just a bit spicy
and when you add eggs it absolutely wipes away all traces of spicy heat
it was super delish
but the spicy foods taste good as well
and when I added the egg it made the cabbage and meat in the dish taste all that much better
eggs are so nice aren't they
for those who are curious about super spicy peiangu... won't you give them a try?
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe button BAI BAI
Cinders - Act One: The Broken Earth Trailer - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
CASUAL RIDING ON CASUAL RACISM ON AN OBIKE - Duration: 10:35.it's for the vlog la
F*** me
F*** me
F*** me
F*** me
F*** me
part of comedy
a friend once told me
it's only racist
if it's not funnny
so next time you say something
it better be f****ng funny
Oh nice!
(Turn left)
by the way
is at ang mo kio
right now
I'm at Jurong
I'm going Ang Mo Kio
Regret la
it took me about
Half an hour to get here
I dont know why I followed Google maps
I know this f****ng neighbourhood
Now I'm just in
I'm just in
pain and
agony and
F*** me
Still going
I can't take it
I can't take it
I'm gonna stop
For a while
At least?
I dont know where the f*** am I
Oh thank God
The map leads through
here but
I'm not allowed to go there so..
I guess
what the map is trynna tell me
is go through this trail
I'll see you if I live (If you can't ride, you push)
Shut up, I can
Got to go through this trail
Which leads out
Civilisation, I hope
Oh the light
Oh Lord Jesus, giving me the light
This is just
this is just nuts
Don't worry
Am Bear Grylls
If you think you're almost done
Well, think again
you're not
Cause I'm...
Bear Grylls
I'm talking to myself
But I'm still...
Bear Grylls
You know..
Google maps
Is still showing
"Rifle Range Road"
Are you f****ng kidding me?
You're wrong google!
Fix that shit
This is not Rifle Range Road
This is
This is the range to f****ng hell
I dont know what the ffff
Ok, thank you
Thank you Obike
Oh thank you
thank you
that was very apt
how very apt
I feel like I ate myself
and then I puked it out
And found myself
Realised it was me
So I had to eat it back
Cuz I need 'ME'
Do you f****ng get that?
Thank You
Are you f****ng kidding me?
There's more up-
There's more uphill...
F****ng awesome
You come far?
Oh man
Lucky you
Lucky bastard, you
I have no regrets
No regrets at all
Zero f****ng regrets
My uhh
My drinks just fell
That's all the water I have for now
So stay tuned
This is Bear Grylls
*Smiles at stranger*
people don't normally
talk to each other here
I mean there's not much people
I'm glad to see people/civilisation
That guy just-
Walked past me
like I'm a f****ng ghost
Yeah it's turning left
It says here 'NO ENTRY'
But the barricade's
So I guess
Yes entry
I need a f****ng rest
I still have 5km to go!
What is this place?
Why does it..
Why does it look like a concentration camp
Tiring la that one
Now she thinks I'm a f****ng weirdo
See you guys at Ang Mo Kio
Never doing it again
What do you think of SGAG?
Divine Calling - Duration: 2:43.I am not a preacher. I don't have a title I don't have a ministry. I don't have a
church. I don't have a following, but I do have a calling. I was a business manager
all my life. Most of my life I've worked in factories, but Jesus Christ called me.
One night He spoke to me. He said:"Go into all the world and make disciples of all
nations. Go wherever I send you, and take their hand and put it in My hand and I
will guide them." Jesus called me to make disciples that hear His voice, that know
Him and that follow Him; and that is what I am here to do, is to do what He tells me
to do. He speaks to me, He guides me, He teaches me and He commands me, and I
speak His words. I'm here to take your hand and put it in the hand of Jesus so
that you can know Him and follow Him. The kingdom of God is about Jesus Christ, the
Lord, knowing Him, obeying Him and following Him. Without Jesus we can do
nothing. You don't need a church, you don't need a preacher, you don't need
anything but Jesus Christ.All you need is Jesus. Jesus will say to many people
in that day:"Go away I never knew you." What will He say to you? Do you know Him?
Now is the time to get to know Jesus, to follow Him until the very end. If we do
not know Him now, we will not know Him the day that we die and then it will be
too late to get to know Him . Now is the time
to seek Jesus with all your heart. Jesus Christ is the way. Follow Him and you will
have life. May Jesus bless you. Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.
I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ so that you can know Him and
follow Him and have eternal life. Subscribe to my channel to learn more
about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.
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