Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily report Jun 7 2017

I know you're gonna be blown away by this, but we're going to have to talk about free

speech today.

It'd be nice if a week would pass by when we didn't have to talk about a threat to freedom

of speech, but it seems almost every day there is a new outrage on the horizon aimed at chipping

away our right to free expression.

There are three specific happenings right now that I want to focus on, in no particular


First, there's the ongoing saga of Bret Weinstein at Evergreen University in Washington.

In case you missed our livestream with Bret last week, he is being attacked by being called

a racist and a bigot for opposing a day in which white students wouldn't be welcome on


Bret claimed the revised Day of Absence on campus based on racial segregation was not

just racist and bigoted, but was the complete reverse of what the day was supposed to stand


Bret has been a progressive his whole life, but even he is not immune to the toxic ideology

of Leftism, which rates victimhood as virtue and will swallow anyone who dares deviate

from it's authoritarian rule.

The campus was closed due to threats of violence and even now Bret is getting no backing from

the administration, which appears to be bending to the demands of the crazed mob.

Even worse, mainstream media is basically all but ignoring this story because it so

shatters the regressive ideology.

Mainstream, left leaning outlets don't want to touch this story because they don't want

to be tarred the same way Bret is.

Thus, almost all the coverage of the Evergreen story has been from right leaning websites.

Bret has done three live interviews, one right here, one on Joe Rogan's podcast and one with

Tucker Carlson on Fox News.

He hasn't been invited on CNN, MSNBC or NPR and none of those outlets have even written

a piece on the story.

When you hear trust in mainstream media is at an all time-low, it's reasons like ignoring

hugely relevant stories that go against their narrative that are part of the reason.

The next story of the last few days was the outrage over Kathy Griffin's ISIS inspired

photos holding up President Trump's decapitated, bloody head.

First off, on the free speech front, I fully support Kathy's right to take these pictures

and make art as she sees fit.

I don't think these photos are a direct call to violence, which would be a crime, and the

pictures should be seen through the lense that she is a comedian and a provocateur,

regardless of whether you think the images are in poor taste or just outright awful.

So, while it is 100% in her right to make the images, it is also 100% in CNN's right,

as her employer to fire her if they see it fit.

Now interestingly, in this case, it was the right calling for CNN to fire Griffin and

it was the Left that was defending her, though in this case less people came to her defense

than usual.

While this is a flip on the script of the last few years, it's important to remember

it seems people only hold their own values when it's easy to do so.

Just imagine if it had been a conservative comedian like Tim Allen holding up a severed

head of President Obama.

The Left would've been demanding his show be cancelled and the right would've been defending


Ironically, Tim Allen's highly rated show was cancelled a few weeks ago and many people

think it is at least partially because he's been outspoken about being a conservative

in Hollywood.

The final story I want to touch on is the outrage over Bill Maher using the N word on

Real Time last Friday.

I can't even repeat what Bill Maher said, because even just by quoting him I'll end

up in hot water, which shows you how insane the language police have gotten.

Basically he made a joke using the N word, and all hell broke loose.

To be clear, he didn't use the N word to describe anyone in particular or take a racist position,

it was a line, that I suspect was prepackaged to illicit a reaction from the crowd.

It not only elicited a reaction from the crowd but also the bigoteer brigade which immediately

began calling for his firing from HBO.

I even saw comedians I know calling for him to be fired over a joke.

This is Bill Maher, who many of you who lean right absolutely hate, and now the Left was

doing your job of trying to destroy him.

Sadly the Left has been coming for Bill for a long time mainly because he isn't afraid

of talking about radical Islam, which has set him apart from most on the Left.

I know a little something about that myself.

HBO took the joke out of repeats of the show and so far has withstood calls to fire him

and Maher even apologized, something he has chastized others for doing in the past.

Senator Al Franken cancelled an appearance on Real Time for this week, despite being

a friend of Bill and the show for years.

I've invited Senator Franken on the show to discuss, but I won't hold my breath.

So there you have it.

A professor bullied off campus by threats of violence for fighting against racism.

A comedian fired for a tasteless gag and another comic under the threat of firing for a joke.

None of these are threats to the first amendment, which as you know is the government coming

for speech, but all add up the chill factor around freedom of expression that I've been

talking about for quite some time.

If you were a professor would you be willing to explore a controversial idea with students

after what's happened to Bret?

If you were an artist would you be willing to paint a controversial painting after what's

happened to Kathy?

And if you were a comic would you be willing to tell an offensive joke after what's happening

to Bill?

If you answered no to any of these then you must acknowledge that the threat to free expression

is real.

Don't like Bret?

Don't take his class.

Think Kathy is crass, watch something else on New Years.

Don't think Bill is funny?

Change the channel.

But whatever you do, keep watching The Rubin Report, because we've got Jason Whitlock from

Fox Sports 1 on the show this week.

He was in his own outrageapalooza last week with calls for him to be fired too, but I'll

save that for our chat.

For more infomation >> Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin, and Fighting For Free Speech - Duration: 6:25.


How Not To Rant - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> How Not To Rant - Duration: 5:37.


LG Gram 15 TEARDOWN - Drop Test Followup! - Duration: 5:03.


So I did a durability test on the 2017 LG Gram and it went pretty well, but there were

a few suggestions.

A few people wanted to know what the camera lens was made out of.

It looks like it's made out of plastic, but since this isn't like a portable, in

your pocket device, I don't think that's too big of an issue.

Another person wanted to know if the charging port still worked, which it does.

You can see it charging here in the corner.

Surprising to me, though, was that some of you said the drop test wasn't violent enough.

So let's try it one more time on some concrete stairs.

Check it out.

Looks like we got a little damage on the edges here… on the corner.

Let's see if it still works.

And it is still functioning!

Looks like we're still in one piece.

We got a small bend right there on the corner.

But everything else still works.

That's pretty impressive.

Dropped it down about 8 stairs there.

So now that we know the laptop can survive a 200 pound guy standing on it, being dropped

normally on a carpeted floor, and being dropped down a flight of concrete steps, let's take

it apart and see what's inside.

I'm curious to see how big the battery actually is inside of this thing.

This laptop was given to me by LG to durability test and teardown, which is rather brave of


Opening up the laptop is actually pretty easy.

It needs to be turned off first.

And then all of the Philips head screws are hidden under these circular tabs and rubber


There are 8 screws total.

Even without the screws in place, the back is still very solidly snapped into the frame

so it takes some pretty heavy prying to remove it.

And look at the size of that battery.

I'll talk more about this in a second, but it's a 60 watt hour battery with an advertized

life span of 17 hours - pretty darn impressive for a laptop.

It's got a copper heat pipe system over the processor – similar to what we saw inside

the LG G6, except for this one also has a fan attached to it.

Speaking of cool, the ports are detached from the motherboard and on a separate PCB.

I imagine this is to help keep the laptop super thin, but it's also good for reparability.

If one of your ports breaks, you don't need a new motherboard, you can just swap out the

less expensive smaller boards.

We have two USB ports, the headphone jack, and a micro SD card slot on this side.

And on the far side we have a charging port, another USB port, an HDMI and a USB-C port.

This laptop needs zero dongles in order to be useful – it's ready to rock right out

of the box.

Speaking of useful, LG has upgradability, longevity, and reparability in mind when designing

this laptop.

The RAM is modular.

If you were to buy an Apple laptop, this would be soldered onto the large motherboard which

is not replaceable or upgradable.

But with this LG Gram, in a few years when the specs are outdated, you can just plop

in a higher capacity RAM stick and continue being productive.

Same thing with the hard drive.

This laptop comes with 512 gigabytes, but a few years down the road as games and video

files keep increasing in size, you might want to upgrade.

This M.2 slot allows for upgrading hard drives.

If you were to buy a new MacBook from Apple a few years from now, you'll be left high

and dry with no upgradable hardware, so I'm super glad that LG is still looking out for


Thumbs up for that.

On to the battery.

There are 6 screws around the edge of this gigantic thing.

I can unclip it from the motherboard and the 60 watt hour battery comes loose.

It looks like it has 4 separate quadrants inside of it which is interesting.

Looks like the touchpad is replaceable.

And another cool thing I noticed when I tossed it down those concrete stairs is that there

are super strong magnets in the base and the lid holding it together.

Since this laptop is so lightweight, the magnets make sure that the lid doesn't fall open

on accident.

And lastly, if your screen does break somehow, the hinge connectors are here, along with

the attachment to the motherboard.

The What's Inside YouTube channel dropped one of these laptops from 25 feet onto concrete

and it still lived.

So a broken screen is going to be pretty rare.

I'll clip that battery back in with it's 6 screws.

And then that back panel made from the special nano carbon magnesium alloy snaps into place

with 8 screws for extra security.

Overall, this laptop is a solid and durable build with ports and replaceable components.

So it gets a thumbs up from me.

As with all electronics, the price is always changing so I'll add a link in the video

description for the most current up to date pricing on this laptop.

Huge thanks to LG for sending me this one to review.

And let me know in the comments which laptop you want to see me review next.

Thanks a ton for watching.

I'll see you around.

For more infomation >> LG Gram 15 TEARDOWN - Drop Test Followup! - Duration: 5:03.


Deep End EP Available Now! - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Deep End EP Available Now! - Duration: 2:48.


Sushi Omakase - PERFECT Japanese Sushi by Chef Hiroyuki Sato at Sri Panwa, Phuket! - Duration: 19:08.

- Hey everyone.

It's Mark Wiens.

Hope you're having an amazing day.

This is a completely spur of the moment trip.

But Ying and I were invited to Phuket

for this extreme like, full-on amazing food event

and it will be hosted at this really exclusive,

really high-end

hotel in Phuket and this is gonna be really a,

an opportunity of a lifetime, the combination of the food

and hotel and I can't wait to share it with you.

(upbeat instrumental music)

We're staying at a hotel called Sri Panwa.

It actually has it's own little mountain hill

and it's located at the very Southern tip

of Phuket.

So it's about a 45 minute to an hour drive

from the airport.

(upbeat instrumental music)


We've got our own private swimming pool.

We just arrived to Sri Panwa.

We got all checked in.

Ying and I got the,

this is the garden, family garden villa

so it has a garden view but we're somewhere

on the top of the hill.

The sea is surrounding us.

This place is gorgeous

and yeah, I'm gonna give you a full tour

of the room and also walk around

but I had to jump in the pool first.

Alright, so this is the whole outdoor area.

It's kind of the courtyard of this villa.

The swimming pool is down there

and that pool is amazing.

It's a salt water pool.

And I can taste a little bit of salt water

on my lips right now.

But if you come over here,

this is a little outdoor kitchen,

have the fridge and all the drinks are available

at your disposal.

We'll have a water right now.

(slow instrumental music)

Oh, I didn't see that step.

Hello, Ying and Mica.

- Hello.

- Oh, Mica's ready to swim.

- Hello.

- Mica.


But oh, okay check this out.

This is the sliding glass door.

Probably one of the coolest things

about this room,

the sliding glass door that opens

right into the pool.

And then over here is the,

it's a gigantic bed which occupies

the center of the room and then moving to the back

here is the bathroom area.

A huge bathroom area.


It's giant.

I haven't even come back here yet.

But we have double sinks

and we have a gigantic tub back here.

I don't even know where this door goes.

Oh, back to the room.


Okay, you can go around in a circle here.

And what's back here?

Oh, okay so the tub,

the tub is over here and then over here

is a shower but then there's also

oh yeah, there's an outdoor shower, too.

And oh, hello toilet with the garden view.

I think that completes this little tour

of our villa.

It's really self-sufficient.

There's everything you need in here.

Really nice.

It's really an honor to be invited here.

I'm very thankful.

We're on our way to a place

called Baba Nest which is a roof top

or a pool top bar

and area and we're gonna see the sun set there.

The designs at this hotel are incredible.

This is Baba Nest.

Oh, here it is right here.

Wow, the view is unbelievable.

You get full, at least a,

well it's kind of a 360 but at least

a full 180, 220 degree view

of the sea around.

I'm hanging out now.

This is my good friend, David Kalifa

and he is one of the ultimate

food lovers in the world.

He's an amazing guy.

He especially specializes on Instagram

and he's the Hungry Tourist.

And David is the one who master-minded

this entire connection of food and

at food pop-up at Si Panwa.

So I want him to quickly just

explain what's going on and you know,

what's even happening here.

- Yeah, what you do in my life is just travel,

meet a lot of people, and good food.

We have Wagyu Mafia bringing

40 kilos of prime, primest of primest of Kobe beef

from Japan and Satasan,

one Michelin Sous chef

brought fish.

Actually the fish was flown from (mumbles) this morning.

Tonight's sushi, tomorrow Wagyu.

- Cool, that's like two nights in a row

of like, the best food possible in the world.

(slow instrumental music)


- Cheers, man.

It's amazing (mumbles).

- Yeah, the have you is incredible.

(slow instrumental music)

As you can see, they have no chairs here.

Only bean bags.

- Yeah.

- And look who else is relaxing to the max right now.

Hey, Mica.

(upbeat instrumental music)

It is by far, the best time of the whole day right now.

It's time for dinner and here with David

and Juan and also.

- Todd.

- Kit and Lik.

- Hello.

- And we have incredible seats right in front of

sushi master, Hiro Sato and he is,

he's starting on the first course.

This is Omakasiya.

So the chef is just deciding what we're gonna eat tonight

and oh.

- Tuna hand roll.

- Thank you.

Tuna hand roll.

- Quickly, quickly.

- Eat it quickly?

- Yeah.

- Okay, this is the first one.

The tuna hand roll.

Right out of the chef's hand.

I gotta eat it quickly.



- [Man] Wow, (mumbles).

- Oh, wow.

Oh, I can't even believe it.

I don't even, that's just, that's just like

melting tuna in your mouth with a little bit of rice.

An extraordinarily fresh seaweed that is just

this crisp, but really fragrant.

Oh, wow.

- This is the most amazing and we're starting

with it, just imagine.

- [Man] Yeah, starting with a.

- Mm, it's ice cream.

- Next course, is Bonito smoked mackerel.

It's just beautifully, artfully designed as well.

Sliced into thin strips

and then decorated gorgeously.

Oh, it's so pure.


It's so delicate.

Oh, and look and next course.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Ah, I want to put it on my face.


- The next course we have is Japanese Spring salmon

with dashi.

And this is like a, in a cocktail cup.

Oh, there's a chunk, a nugget, a nugget of salmon down here.



I can really smell the dashi.

You can really smell the stock.


Mm, just a, like a roasted smoky but again,

very delicate aroma.


Okay, I don't wanna over use melt in your mouth

but I can't help it.

Everything is melting in my mouth right now.


(upbeat instrumental music)

Chef has started on the sushi courses,

and the first one.

And it was just, it's just unbelievable to sit here

in front of him and watch him prepare the sushi.

Everything he does is just with incredible precision

and with amazing expertise and with passion as well

and the first one is flounder.

0h, the rice.

The rice is awesome

with a little bit of a sour taste to it.

Next step is squid.

(man speaks in a foreign language)


- I think so.

I hope so.

- Oh, that has this amazing crispiness to it.

Oh, so fresh.


The texture, the texture is awesome.

So soft yet with a little crispiness to it.

- This baby snapper.

- Baby snapper.

Thank you.

- (mumbles)

- This one is baby snapper.

And just look at that, look at that ratio,

that fish, the little cluster, clump of rice

and then just the light seasoning,

but it's absolutely perfect.

It's so soft.

It's so tender.


- [Man] It's amazing.

- Yeah, that's a baby snapper.

- This is (mumbles) pen shell.

- For this one, it's a pen shell.

And he added on some zest of the yuzu

which is a citrus.

Oh, that is insane.

It sort of has the texture of a little bit of a scallop

but like more meaty almost.

And then you can really taste that sharp, citrusy flavor

of the yuzu.

- Golden eye snapper.

- This next one is Golden eye snapper.

This is a meal I never want to end

in my whole life.

I wanna just stay here for the rest of my life

and keep eating.



Oh, I think that's bringing a tear to my eye.

Oh, that's butter.

Oh, that's so tender.

And I get a little bit of citrusy-ness in that

the, the ratios of ingredients.

And the balance of freshness is just insane.

Something I'd never experienced before in my life.

This is, this is unreal.

The next course is Akami, which is the lean tuna

that pure, red and it's just shining with a sauce

that he's brush over it.


I'm like actually whimpering right now in satisfaction

and anticipation.

Oh, I don't even want to chew.

Oh, I don't need to chew.


And as soon as you finish one best bite of your entire life,

another best bite of your entire life comes.

- [Woman] Michael.

- This one is the medium fatty tuna.


Oh, it just like plays with your tongue.

Oh, oh.

It's turning to liquid right now.

What really fascinates me is how he works

both of his hands together

but doing separate tasks

he does it with just, like emaculate precision

and just pure love.

- When you eat this one, close your eyes.


- Okay, yeah.

- So talk to tuna.

- Here it is.

The Oturo.

The fatty tuna belly and this is one of the most

beautiful things that I, maybe I've ever seen

in my entire life.



I'm talking, that is undoubtedly, one of the single

best bites.

You can not explain that sensation in words at all.

And also, what's amazing about a

eating sushi this ways is the interaction

with the chef.

It's, that's really part of the experience.

We are halfway through the menu right now.

But, yeah, this is a meal I never want to end.

This one is the gizzard shad.

(upbeat instrumental music)

Marinated in vinegar.

Okay, really, really good.

You taste this sourness but it's subtle

but then it keeps on coming.

Next piece is Botan shrimp

and that is, that is just beautiful to look at.

(upbeat instrumental music)

Oh, the natural sweetness

and then that wasabi flavor in there.

Oh, it's a little bit like kind of

a gummy as well.

But so soft.

Oh, that sweetness just keeps on coming

as you keep on chewing.

Oh, it's like a lingering natural sweetness

to that shrimp.

Next up is the shrimp.

Oh, it's so sweet.

(speaking in a foreign language)

This one is the Tilefish marinated kelp.


That one has a little bit more of a chewy texture to it.

- Yellowtail Amberjack

marinated to soy sauce.

The one is yellowtail amberjack marinated soy.

And this has a nice, little like golden yellow color

to it.




Next up, this is a clam and chef has said that

this is a very traditional piece of sushi as well.



Oh, it's very muscular and has a little bit of a

crunch to it.

And again, that natural sweetness

of that seafood is just awesome and so fresh.

- Thank you.

Next one, this is the Monkfish liver and

what he did is he took a little ball of rice

and then he wrapped it around seaweed,

then he added the monkfish liver

and then he, I think he grated on

maybe yuzu.


That tastes like pudding.


Like the best pudding ever.

(upbeat instrumental music)

It's time for uni.

And uni is sea urchin.

This is, it's just absolutely gorgeous.

This is one that you have to take a moment

of silence out of your time

to just admire the golden color,

the like, the shimmer of it,

the juiciness of it, okay.


It's unexplainable.

That is ice cream of the sea.

It's so delicate.

It has a little bit of a seafood-y flavor.

But the custardy texture

and the like, the Earthiness of that

is unbelievable.

I'm at loss for words.

Next piece is the Rosy sea bass.

And it does look kind of rosy.

Wow, even in my fingers, feeling it,

it feels kind of like,

feels kind of squishy, the fish.



Oh, that one is amazing.


It's like, it's so fatty.

It tastes like pure fat.

It was as I expected because every bite

has been unbelievable.

But that was amazing.

Rosy sea bass.

Next bite, is sea eel.

Oh, and actually in your fingers.

You can actually feel how it's like

almost dissolving in my fingers

before I even bite it.



That might be one of the softest things

that's ever gone in my mouth.

Eel that I've tasted is more buttery.

But this was actually more creamy.


We have come to the end

of this omakasi meal that is life-changing meal.

And the last one is a traditional omelet

and chef put some sugar on top

and then he blow torched it.

Oh, and here's chef now.


Thank you man.

This has been, this has been a life-changing meal.

- Really?

- One of my, the best meals I've ever had in my life.

- (mumbles)

- It's amazing.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

- You have to eat.

- Okay.



One bite?


One bite, okay.

- What, two bites.

Two bites, two bites.


- Okay, two bites.



- Mm.

- Oh (laughs).

- Oishi.

- Oishi.


It is a type of like egg custard.

Thank you very, very much.

- Thank you so much, That's amazing.

I never wanted this meal to end.


- [Woman] So cool.

- Chef, thank you.


We just made it back to the villa.

And it's only right that I share

my ending thoughts about that meal

and this day with you

from the pool.

(slow instrumental music)

Oh, it's kind of cold now.

(upbeat instrumental music)

Oh, yeah.

Being able to swim at night

is one of the best reasons

to have a private villa.

Oh, I love swimming at night.

This is fantastic and it feels

oh, okay it is a little bit cold at night

but it's so refreshing and feels so good

after a meal like that.

So I wanna say a huge thank you

to Chef.

I wanna say a big thank you to David Kalifa.

And you've gotta go follow his Instagram.

He's the Hungry Tourist.

I'll leave his links in the description box.

And finally, I want to say a big thank you to

Sri Panwa, this hotel, and all the staff here

who have been really, really helpful and very friendly

and also to Kun Bawan.

Thank you all so much for watching.

Please remember to give this video

a thumbs up if you enjoyed it.

Also, I'd lo to hear from you

in the comments section below.

And if you're not already subscribed,

subscribe for lots more food and travel videos.

I will see you on the next video.

Thank you again for watching.

For more infomation >> Sushi Omakase - PERFECT Japanese Sushi by Chef Hiroyuki Sato at Sri Panwa, Phuket! - Duration: 19:08.


Barn Find Hunter | Episode 16 - Uncovering $1,000,000 Barn Find - Duration: 16:51.

For more infomation >> Barn Find Hunter | Episode 16 - Uncovering $1,000,000 Barn Find - Duration: 16:51.


Çiyələk marmeladı - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Çiyələk marmeladı - Duration: 4:04.


Cartoon Talking Tom Funny Cat Talking Tom - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> Cartoon Talking Tom Funny Cat Talking Tom - Duration: 10:25.


The Dunking Challenge | Season 2 Ep. 1 | AMERICAN GRIT - Duration: 2:26.

- All right, let's


This is when we find it.

Somebody's going in.

Don't panic!

Somebody's pulling.

Back up we go!

In the zone.


And Gigi's all smiles.


My eyelashes are still on!

They're still on!

Not too bad.

Y'all made it through the first trip.

How about another one?

There it is.

Nobody's pulling.

You drop right now, you go home right now.

We've got a bunch of people shivering.

You're doing good, Carla.

How you doing, Sherman?

Go down again!

There we go!

So are we gonna be here for an hour?


Don't forget to breathe!


Who is it?

That was Heather.

She's brave.

It ain't that bad!

This is where the extra meat comes in handy.

I'm not cold at all.

That's surprising.

Dude, Richard?

I didn't think he would last this long.

Rich is doing good.

That means it's time for another swim!

Let's go!


Man, and nobody's going.

Hanging upside down.

Trying to catch your breath, with all

the blood in your head?

I thought for sure we'd have a few quitters by now.

It's making it hard.

Carla, you OK over there?

Cold as hell!

Look at her shaking like a leaf.

If you are cold, quit!

No, sir.

I won't quit.

Do you see-- do you see Allison shaking?

Say - She's shaking.

Now, is that cold, because she's cold, or--

It could be that end fear?

They can all deal with the fear,

they can all deal with the wet, they can all

deal with not having any air, but we've

got a couple who are shaking.

This is going to turn into who can handle being cold longest.

All right, one more time!

Here we go!

And back up.

I'm actually shocked with Hannah.

I figure Hannah would have been the first one already, by now.

Go again!

Go again!

He's a little show off.

Sherman's a show off.

That's one thing to be challenged right there.

Back up!

Cadre, you seen enough?

Oh, strike that.

I haven't.

Let's bring 'em down again!

For more infomation >> The Dunking Challenge | Season 2 Ep. 1 | AMERICAN GRIT - Duration: 2:26.


Top 10 American Movies You Shouldn't Watch with Your Parents - Duration: 5:19.

This film tells the story of a writer

who rents an isolated cabin in the country

so she can work on her latest novel.

The peace and quiet is soon shattered by a gang of local thugs

who rape and torture her, then leave her for dead.

But she returns for revenge, trapping the men one by one.

This film tells the story of a bright young student

who is forced to sidetrack an important medical internship

because he has to take care of his mother

who is recovering from a broken leg.

But things take a dark turn

as she begins relying on him for both physical and emotional needs.

This film tells the story of a New Jersey guy

who loves porn just as much as he loves his family, friends, and church.

His bachelor lifestyle is quickly turned on its head

when he meets a blonde bombshell

who turns out to be just as flawed and self-absorbed as he himself.

Monster's Ball tells the story of a widowed corrections officer,

his adult son, and his bigoted father,

all of whom work in the same profession.

The main character befriends,

and then starts a relationship with a woman

who he does not at first realize is the widowed wife of a man

that he executed as part of his job.

American Beauty tells the story of a suburban father

who starts experiencing a mid-life crisis.

He decides to quit his job and indulge in a teenage-like world

where he feels no burdens or pressure.

His life starts to change dramatically

as he starts to lift weights, smoke pot

and becomes uncontrollably infatuated with his daughter's best friend.

This film tells the story of a married couple.

On the morning of their fifth wedding anniversary,

it is discovered that the woman has disappeared,

and, naturally, the first person to be turned into a suspect is her husband,

who has a ton of evidence stacked up against him.

Black Swan tells the story of a ballet dancer

who has been chosen to play the roles of the White Swan

and the Black Swan

in a New York ballet company's version of Swan Lake.

She naturally fits the character of White Swan,

but struggles to personify the evil Black Swan.

While striving to embody this role, she loses touch with reality.

In this film, a journalist is hired by one of Sweden's richest industrialists

to investigate the disappearance of his niece 40 years ago.

With a female hacker assisting him,

they uncover a secret history of murder and sexual abuse

that puts their lives in danger.

Mulholland Drive tells the story of a woman

who suffers from amnesia after a car crash.

Together with an aspiring actress,

she wanders the streets of Los Angeles

trying to solve the mystery of her identity.

The Wolf Of Wall Street tells the real life story of a stockbroker

who forms his own stock company

and becomes more successful

and is living a life of money, drugs and excess.

But as his life goes on, he discovers

that the F.B.I. and other forms of law enforcement are on his back

which leads to his rise and fall.

For more infomation >> Top 10 American Movies You Shouldn't Watch with Your Parents - Duration: 5:19.


Мультики про Машинки новые серии Тачки Молния Маквин Полицейская погоня Игрушки 2017 - Duration: 20:33.

For more infomation >> Мультики про Машинки новые серии Тачки Молния Маквин Полицейская погоня Игрушки 2017 - Duration: 20:33.


Bold | The Alphabet Project - Duration: 3:29.

[Alphebet Project Theme Music plays]

[acoustic background music]

A couple of months ago, I bought green lipstick.

I had been eyeing it ever since I saw Sephora's new makeup, and I kept vacillating about whether

I should get it or not.

It was a bold move for me.

I love the color green, but green lipstick?

Wearing it in public?

That's a lot for me.

I'd never worn anything like that.

But I gave in, and then wore it out twice.

And all I received were compliments on it.

Being bold is not easy for me, but it's starting to become routine.

When I was little, I was always quiet.

I learned how to be graceful and nice.

And while those are virtues that I celebrate about myself, I just want to be bold sometimes.

I was never loud growing up.

I was the youngest of the cousins for a long time, and preferred sitting in a corner and

reading to socializing.

Also, I secretly thought I was better than everyone else without wanting to prove it.

There's nothing particularly wrong with any of these things, except when it made me

passive aggressive.

I would be angry, but instead of using that anger constructively or even acknowledging

it, I would pretend it didn't exist until it hurt me.

I wouldn't feel emboldened to express my anger or use it to move forward.

Maybe the reason why I haven't been bold is because I feel need to apologize all the


I apologize the most when I feel like I am talking too much, when I'm feeling comfortable

with someone and open and feel like I can ramble.

It's like I suddenly realize that I'm not being my quiet self, that I'm being

bold and loud and then I clam up.

Sometimes, I get really excited about a conversation and I can't help but interrupt and add on

to what someone else is saying.

I forget to read the room and then I apologize for it.

I apologize for being bold about my opinion and my thoughts.

Sometimes, I shy away from speaking up because I'm not 100% sure what my voice is, where

I stand, how to understand.

And I'm not bold enough to ask questions.

It's probably why I made this youtube channel in the first place.

I could talk without worrying about being too loud, too bold, to talkative for my own


I could ask myself questions and work through things I'm still struggling to understand

about myself and about the world.

And some of that has translated into my real life.

As a Trekkie, "boldness" has a slightly different connotation.

"To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before."

Every new day is uncharted territory, a new day to be bold, to act with confidence while

maintaining the grace, humility, and kindness I've learned to embrace.

Being bold means doing without hesitating, with confidence that you're doing the right


I never really know, but I have confidence that I'm learning.

I want to be bolder, louder, stronger, taller than I am right now.

And I will be.

But for now, I'll wear my green lipstick, and I'll learn to rock it.

For more infomation >> Bold | The Alphabet Project - Duration: 3:29.


President Trump To Nominate Christopher Wray As New FBI Director | NBC News - Duration: 2:38.









































For more infomation >> President Trump To Nominate Christopher Wray As New FBI Director | NBC News - Duration: 2:38.


All You Can Eat KUSHIKATSU (Deep-Fried Skewers) OSAKA JAPAN - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> All You Can Eat KUSHIKATSU (Deep-Fried Skewers) OSAKA JAPAN - Duration: 6:12.


Emily Meredith Day 1, Reflection 1 - Duration: 1:58.

Hi, I'm Emily Meredith.

I'm a rising junior at CCM.

This is a really fascinating experience so far.

I don't really have a lot of exposure to ASL.

Um, I've seen a couple of shows

from the Deaf West Company.

Which is a theater company that combines ASL

and Deaf actors with hearing actors

and it's really fascinating.

Um, it's so difficult to

uh, A to interpret when you don't know ASL

But it's also this very interesting experience because

um, you learn that communication is sort of universal.

In that, human interaction, um, you can connect through eye contact...

or you can through

sort of specific hand motions, even if

they're not ASL.

And it's, I mean of course it's incredibly difficult

trying to understand.

Um, like what the other...what the Deaf community is saying just because

obviously we don't have a ton of experience with that.

But I think because it's so new to all of us

um, it's almost fascinating how we can sort of start to pick up on

certain things, and certain gestures that

that mean different things.

And also, just that, you can communicate

like I said through, kinda your own physical gestures...

And your own mannerisms,

and eye contact.

And like, the human body is so interesting in the way you connect emotionally

with other people.

And um, I think that this has been

a really good, uh, example of

that and I really interesting way to learn more about

human interaction and communication and I'm excited to do more of it!

For more infomation >> Emily Meredith Day 1, Reflection 1 - Duration: 1:58.


เพลง ABC และการ์ตูนสอนคำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษและคำศัพท์เอบีซี Vocabulary Phonics Alphabet ABC - Duration: 33:26.

For more infomation >> เพลง ABC และการ์ตูนสอนคำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษและคำศัพท์เอบีซี Vocabulary Phonics Alphabet ABC - Duration: 33:26.


Sandra Shaw's Video Forecast - Duration: 1:08.






























For more infomation >> Sandra Shaw's Video Forecast - Duration: 1:08.


Amazon's Echo Show – Can Apple HomePod Compete - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Amazon's Echo Show – Can Apple HomePod Compete - Duration: 2:27.


Melania Trump's Hometown Is Offering Five-Hour "First Lady" Tours for $90 - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump's Hometown Is Offering Five-Hour "First Lady" Tours for $90 - Duration: 2:45.


Making Snake bubbles! - Duration: 5:03.

Please only play with bubbles somewhere safe.

Hey, it's me Mayer.

Alynn and Mayer's Futari de Issho ni.

The duo.

Today we're outside.

And why are we outside?

We're out here to play with bubbles.

First we're gonna make something for the bubbles.

She's crying.


take a cut...

What are you doing?

...piece of cardboard...

and put on a piece of gauze.


No, I said "plastic bottle."

...piece of cardboard...

...piece of cardboard...




then, flip it over.


Using a rubber band,

wrap it around the bottle.

Alright, done.

Then, put on some soap.

Soap, well, I mean, bubbles.

Then you can add colors,

but you can also just do it without them.

Just with soap it works as well,

it's fine too,

it'll just be white.

today we'll be using...




We'll also be making white ones too.

Stay tuned!

OK, let's make a white one!

Who is...

today's special guy? (???)



This is what I'm talking about.

This is the stuff.

See, look at what I made !

Next, let's make some colored ones.

Let's do red.




That didn't really go well...

Time to eat!

It's toothpaste!



I'm barefo ot.

Alright, let's do the last one.

What is it?

Seems like blue and red?

Thanks for watching!

I had a lot of fun.

Give it a try some time!


This was Futari de Issho ni!


Please only play with bubbles somewhere safe.

For more infomation >> Making Snake bubbles! - Duration: 5:03.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line - Duration: 0:59.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Titanium - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Titanium - Duration: 0:54.


Mass Effect: GLITCHdromeda - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> Mass Effect: GLITCHdromeda - Duration: 10:29.


Generation Energy at the Science Odyssey Funfest Part 13 - Duration: 1:24.

It has to be green

And we are starting by looking at our own consumption so we're switching over to LED lightbulbs

We've switched over from large inefficient fridges to a small fridge and a small chest freezer

We changed the way we shop

so that we shop more often for smaller things that need lower energy appliances

We are really interested in kind of trying to jump over a lot of the politics of Hydro One

or nuclear power generation or all of these other things

by looking at how we can start to fund small scale solar and wind

I've lived partly on Vancouver Island as a child and I've been around sail boats

so we're really interested in the deep cycle marine batteries and in the 12-volt bible

and in the things that would let us be very small and autonomous with our power generation

My energy future is her energy future

I want her to have a clean environment and to be able to breathe effortlessly all the time

For more infomation >> Generation Energy at the Science Odyssey Funfest Part 13 - Duration: 1:24.


For more infomation >> Generation Energy at the Science Odyssey Funfest Part 13 - Duration: 1:24.


[VOSTFR] WJSN - Happy - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] WJSN - Happy - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] WJSN - Happy - Duration: 3:01.


Torulus' 100 Subscribers Special Lightroom | Frisk1538 EDIT *FREE DOWNLOAD @ 30+ LIKES!* - Duration: 0:39.

Torulus' 100 Subscribers Special Lightroom | Frisk1538 EDIT *FREE DOWNLOAD @ 30+ LIKES!*

For more infomation >> Torulus' 100 Subscribers Special Lightroom | Frisk1538 EDIT *FREE DOWNLOAD @ 30+ LIKES!* - Duration: 0:39.


For more infomation >> Torulus' 100 Subscribers Special Lightroom | Frisk1538 EDIT *FREE DOWNLOAD @ 30+ LIKES!* - Duration: 0:39.


Se balli o canti PERDI (Livello Impossibile) - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> Se balli o canti PERDI (Livello Impossibile) - Duration: 11:09.


For more infomation >> Se balli o canti PERDI (Livello Impossibile) - Duration: 11:09.


May 2017 Wrap Up & June TBR! [CC] - Duration: 11:02.

Hey everyone, my name is Kylie and this is Miss Kyle Reads and today I am here to

bring you my May reading wrap-up and what I hope to read for June. Don't even

ask me how crazy it is that it's almost June of 2017. I have no idea. So in June I

completed a total of five things; three of those were books and two of them were

short stories but it still makes me feel really accomplished to say that I

finished five things so we're going with five things.

We're not doing that.

With all of my wrap-ups lately I have been adding my total number of pages so the total

number of pages that I read for May equals 1380

pages. Divide that by 31 days in a month and that's only about 45 pages a

day roughly if you round up. So that is less than my last two previous months

that I've done for wrap-ups but still. It makes me feel really good that I can say

I completed five things, it just makes me feel really good. And the first thing

that I completed is this book right here this one. Fablehaven: Rise of the

Evening Star by Brandon Mull. This is book two of the original Fablehaven

series and I really enjoyed this one. I feel like I finished this forever ago

but I can't wait to get to book three. The end of this book had me really

excited to finish the rest of the series and this was just a really good middle

grade fantasy series. In book one we follow two middle graders, Seth and Kendra

as they find out that their grandparents take care of this menagerie of magical

creatures and it's awesome because they can just go on so many adventures. This

one had a little bit more intrigue because we don't know who anybody is.

Anyone can be a backstabber, anybody can be a part of the Evening Star, we have no

idea. I really enjoyed it. I gave it a four out of five stars because I loved

it that much and I just really enjoy Brandon Mull's sense of adventure that he

brings about in these books. I wish I would have read them when I was younger,

I really do. Next I completed a book that I haven't even hauled yet and that is

Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi. This is a science fiction and I read it

this month aren't you proud of me? If you've been around this channel for a

while you know that I mostly read fantasy. Mostly adult fantasy is what I

enjoy so I have kind of ventured out into science fiction. Now I've read

science fiction before. I've read the Martian, I've read

Ender's Game, that whole quartet thing I read that. This is definitely not what I

was expecting. This was my first John Scalzi book and I'm so glad that I

started here because I absolutely loved this. I gave this a 5 stars because I

couldn't put it down. Obviously I don't have a lot of science fiction experience

like I just told you. I would love to do a book review video just gushing about

this but I feel like I don't have that many thoughts around science fiction

because I'm not that well-versed in the genre. So I don't think I can do a whole

review for you but I just want to tell you that I loved this. We need more law in

space in science fiction. We need it in all the genres. This book follows a man

named Jack Holloway who is a contractor on this alien planet for this

corporation. Jack Holloway one day blows up this cliff that ends up being worth

billions and trillions of dollars to this corporation

so that means Jack also gets a big payday but he comes home to these little,

tiny fuzzy creatures living in his home so him and a friend study these creatures

and they think that they might be sentient. And that's not good for the

corporation and for Jack because if they're sentient that means they have to

stop all mining of this planet so that's not very good. What I loved about this

book was the humor, the wit, I love Jack Holloway as a sarcastic main character. I

just really enjoyed it. I thought it was so easy to get through and I loved the

politics in it. Not even politics but law. I loved the arguments that they had and

the cases that they discussed and I wanted to know more about those cases

because I just loved it so much. I need another book that's exactly like this so

if you guys know of any science fiction that has space law, let me know because I

could not get enough. Then I picked up Rogues, the anthology that's edited by

George RR Martin and Gardner Dozois and I cannot read an entire anthology. I just

have to read a little bit at a time so I read two short stories in here, the first

of those being the Lightning Tree by Patrick Rothfuss, which follows a day in

the life of Bast. And Bast is one of these side characters in the Name of the

Wind and I did not like it. I gave that short story a 2 out of 5 stars

because I wanted to give it a 1 star or even less than that but I could..I just

couldn't do it. I just thought that this story was

literally pointless. Unless you are a Bast fanatic then I don't know what

you'll get out of it. But it was just really weird, there was literally no

point to the story. It was just 58 pages of nonsense and I could have done

without reading it and been perfectly fine. It pains me to say because I really do

enjoy the meandering story of the Name of the Wind and especially the Wise

Man's Fear. I really liked it in those two books but this was just so off the

grid and didn't do anything for me. I gave that one a 2 out of 5 stars so I

needed to read another short story in this anthology to bring up my spirits a

little bit and I picked up Scott Lynch's story called A Year and A Day in Old

Theradane and I gave that one of 5 stars because it was perfection. I

expected nothing less from Scott Lynch's writing. He had an awesome little

thieving-type crew, he had just amazing magic, and the politics between these

magicians, and just such a vivid world in a small amount of pages that I wanted

more of it. When I want a whole book based on a short story that's how I know that

it's a success. I could never read a whole book about

Bast but I could read a whole book about those characters in a Year and a Day in

Old Theradane. I honestly wanted more. And I also want Thorn of Emberlain but

apparently we're not going to get that for forever and that makes me super sad.

And the last book I actually completed in May was Bridge of Souls by Fiona

McIntosh, this is the third book in the Quickening trilogy which starts with

Myrren's Gift. I am pretty sad to say that I also gave this book at pretty low

rating, a 2.5 stars. I wanted to give it a 2 stars but I was giving it kind of the

benefit of the doubt. So this book, I loved the first book in the trilogy,

Myrren's Gift. I loved that one a lot. It was quirky and corny and had a lot of

tropes and I just couldn't get over how over-the-top

everything was but I should have stopped with the first book because everything

just got old. She kept beating us over the head with

the same information, the same things kept happening and I get

it. Like, we get it, just get to the end. I think I still gave the second book a

pretty high rating but I felt this one was very pointless. I just think all of

this could have happened at the end of the first book or even the end of the

second book. It could have been a duology, it did not need to be a trilogy by any

means. I would have been perfectly happy with one book and it makes me really sad

because I really, really enjoyed the first book. This trilogy follows a

character at the beginning called Wyl Thirsk and he is this general of

a legion because his father has died and it's passed down from father to son.

So when Fergus Thirsk dies and passes this "general-ship" over to Wyl Thirsk, he

now has to control this legion of Morgravia who is now ruled by the new king,

Cellimus and Cellimus hates Wyl's guts so much. I have never hated a character so

much as I hate Cellimus, he's just a terrible guy. There are a

few characters who are right up there with him, Regal from the Farseer

trilogy. Cellimus hates Wyl and he is out to destroy

his life but when Wyl is younger he shows a little bit of sympathy towards

this supposed witch called Myrren and Cellimus has Myrren tortured and killed

and she bestows a gift upon Wyl because he showed her that little bit of

sympathy. So we see Wyl's life as he has to deal with this gift and figure out

what it is and how to deal with it and oh my, it's pretty crazy when you

actually find out what the gift is. But then I think everything could have been

so much more sped up. I just wished it went a lot faster but hey you can't get

everything you want in life. Alrighty so also in May I have been listening to an

audiobook of Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb, the third book in the Farseer

trilogy which is the first trilogy in Robin Hobb's Elderling realm and oh my, I

love this one. I can see where people would have issues with this one because

the pacing is very weird. It is very slow at times and then we have these amazing

things that happen all of a sudden but I love it. I don't know if it's just me.

Like I said before, I like a meandering story, I like it to go a little bit of

weird places and that's where this one is going and I am just thoroughly

enjoying myself. I really intended to go into this one not liking it just

because I've heard so many negative things from so many people and so many

people love the second book more than they love this one

but I really enjoy this one. Maybe it's just because Fitz has taken such a turn

as a character. I don't..I honestly can't tell you. I have about 200 pages

left in the audiobook of this and I can't wait to be done with it. Honestly I

wanted to finish the Farseer trilogy so I can move on with Robin Hobb's books

but now I'm enjoying this one and I never thought I would say that but I

have heard that Ship of Magic blows the Farseer trilogy out of the water so I

can't wait for that but I'm enjoying this one as I go through it so that's

always good. I am also currently reading a Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab, the

third book in the Shades of Magic series. So I love this series a lot. I loved the

first one. I had never read anything as addicting as I found that book and

unpopular opinion but I like Lila Bard. I know the author kind of shoves it down

your throat that she's supposed to be this different and outstanding and

awesome character but I love her. I kind of forgot what happened in the second

book. I remembered the end of the second book so when I started this one out I

was kind of a little like, "What's going on here?" But I have read 70 pages and I

am excited to finish this one. If you saw my recent video about series that I need

to continue or finish, this was on it. The Farseer trilogy was on it and I am

getting those done people. I forgot to have the Quickening trilogy on there but

I finished that one so I finished one series, I'm on the last book of two

series and that just makes me really excited. I feel like I need to finish

some trilogies or series before I can start other epic fantasy trilogies or

series just because they are such a big commitment and I like that feeling of

accomplishment you get when you finish a series or a trilogy. So that's what I'm

trying to do here. That's what my June is mainly going to focus on; finishing

series and then I get to start new series. Comment down below about

what you guys have been enjoying recently. I thoroughly am enjoying

Assassin's Quest and I loved Fuzzy Nation so much. I can see more science fiction

in my future because I loved that one a lot and I can't wait to continue on

with that genre because I just am so excited for it.

Give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it and comment down below. Until

next time, goodbye!

For more infomation >> May 2017 Wrap Up & June TBR! [CC] - Duration: 11:02.


My wife has a gangster necklace | La edzin' havas gangsteran kolĉenegon - Duration: 3:45.

Hello all

I'm Evildea. Your God.

an today I'm doing nothing special

I'm just going to a restaurant with the family

and we'll eat together

Oh... my mother-in-law is standing there

She is so alone... unloved

She still can't see me

Oh, she's checking herself out in the mirror

So, my mother-in-law and I are just standing

outside the building waiting for my wife

because she's always late ...

So, it seems that the shop right next

to our apartment building

has just closed recently

That's happened a lot

My wife looks like a tomato

Oh... show your beautiful face

Show it!

I need to show you my wife's new necklace

It is the biggest necklace ever

Look at this

f**k me

It's massive!

Oh there's balloons

I need to steal them

Perhaps, no one can see me

So, my wife doesn't like my glasses at all

She says, I look like a nerd

That's really funny because

nearly all Asians wear glasses

My mother-in-law is now a YouTuber

She really likes filming

because of me, of course

So, now I need to turn her into an Esperanto speaker

So, I just arrived at Ashfield

and my wife says we're now heading to a German restaurant

So, my wife said, that we'll eat at a German restaurant

but when I arrived

I immediately noticed that it was a Polish restaurant

and when I told her about this

she didn't know the difference between the two at all

Are you filming me?

Are you filming me?

So, our food just arrived

So, we can finally eat

Oh, oh, oh! our pork has just arrived!

So, we just finished eating everything

My wife ate the majority of everything

and I just sat here and

watched her while she ate

Nah ...

But I'm now really fat

and I just want to do to sleep

So, this place is actually a Polish club

and it reminds me of the Esperanto club

I guess because of the name, perhaps

but here, they have a lot of interesting events

for example, a dance 90's style etc

and of course, they're using beautiful women there

to attract people to the event

We need to do that at the Esperanto house, right?

We need a party from the 18th century or something like that

and have beautiful women there to attract people

So, my wife and mother-in-law

they went to Hurstville as my wife

wants to see the doctor and speak about somethings

but now I want to go to the supermarket

because I want to buy chocolate

to eat while

I watch new TV series on Netflix

I've just found my new house

Yes, it's the best house ever

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> My wife has a gangster necklace | La edzin' havas gangsteran kolĉenegon - Duration: 3:45.


The Lean Startup - Are You Good At Naming Things? + FREE CHEAT SHEET - Duration: 4:10.


A Cunning Plan led to

a rather Mundane MVP.


Creativity, Inspiration and Perspiration

Not mine.


Welcome to Development That Pays

My name is Gary Straughan

And last time

I took Buffer's Minimum Viable Product,

painted it yellow

And christened it the "Mundane MVP".

Little did I know that this technique already has a name

Robert Howard tells me that it's called a Fake Door.

Looks like I'll need to withdraw my trademark application…

The article that Robert was good enough to share describes the Fake Door as

an "efficient testing method".

It also describes as being just a little bit


And I agree, it is a little bit evil:

Imagine that you're scrolling through Facebook.

A beautifully-designed ad catches your eye.

You click through to a

perfectly proportioned landing page.

The offer is irresistible.

You want in.

You click the button and


OK, that would be truly evil.

You click the button and

Apparently, Facebook does this from time time to time.

Still borderline evil.

Let's go again.

You click the button and

Okay, it's not exactly what you were expecting

but at least there's an explanation

If it's evil at all, it's a short-lived evil.

It is, after all, an experiment.

We start it

bring a little evil into the world

then shut it down.

One of the positives sides of running a "Fake door" experiment

via paid advertising is that it's in my best interests to keep it SHORT.

But how short is short?

That's a good question

What if we have 3 adverts

Identical in every way apart from one:

the name of the course.

Run concurrently.

Run them until a clear winner emerges.

Then shut it down.

Sound like a plan?


It's time for the creativity, inspiration and perspiration

I mentioned earlier.

I'm seriously rubbish at naming things.

The three course names you see here

are the best I could come up with

You, I'm sure, can do much better.

As I've mentioned before, the idea is to have a course

targeted at people that have yet to stumble across Development That Pays

People that would find is interesting, entertaining

and useful.

The subject will be Agile, Scrum, Kanban or some combination thereof

The course itself will be a five parter - a 5-day challenge.

With each part being a 5-10 minute video

not dissimilar to the video you're watching now

So what do you think?

What would be a good name for such a thing?

What would have caught your eye?

What would have made you think

"Wow a free course on X!"

Let me at it!"

Got something?

Type it into the comments box below.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I'm really looking forward to reading your suggestions

Next time we'll figure out how to whittle the list down to our final three.

Which kind of assumes that I get more than three suggestions.

So I really am counting on you.

In the meantime, I have a Cheat Sheet for you.

None other than the "Lean Startup Cheat Sheet".

You'll find a link in the description below

Click the link, follow the instructions, and it's all yours.

Thank you very much for watching.

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I look forward to seeing you next time.

Cheers for now.

For more infomation >> The Lean Startup - Are You Good At Naming Things? + FREE CHEAT SHEET - Duration: 4:10.


Daewoo Matiz 0.8 style - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Daewoo Matiz 0.8 style - Duration: 0:41.


FTMs TOPPING CIS GAY MEN [CC] - Duration: 10:31.

Just before I start this video let me tell you that on my sheet of paper before making this video

I wrote: topping cis guys and in brackets GAYYY


Hey guys, my name is Chase and today I'm going to be talking to you about trans guys topping the cis

men - GAYYY, and I'm kidding about the gay but

Just to Clarify also like I'm not saying you got to be gay to top or to get topped or anything like that

you can be bi, pan, queer, whatever.

Sexuality isn't a thing. It doesn't exist. Everyone's fluid. Everyone's a squiggle. Let's go on with this topic today. Shall we.

So why am I talking about this?

I don't know. I, I was going through my list of topics that I'd like to do and I saw this topic

and I was like "I still haven't done this. Might as well just do it now". So today

I'm going to talk to you about my experiences of topping cis guys. I have done it three times


three yeah, yea three times

and I will explain to you how I felt and how it happened because I feel like there's a really big

misconception in this community that trans guys who are gay or trans men who sleep with men

um are only bottoms because we've got them two holes and we were "women" before

I don't think that but you know "society"

and we're supposed to be passive. Like toots, where do you live because trust me

there are a lot of trans men out there who are tops and who sleep with men

who sleep with other men. Yeahh. So I'm specifically talking about trans men topping cis gay men

umm because or cis bisexual men because umm

I don't know trans guys topping other trans guys is another topic for another day, I guess

but I feel like there's a big conversation about "I'll never be accepted by a gay cis man, because I'm not

cis, and I don't have a penis

and I can't pleasure them like they are used to and I don't have a penis that they can suck on

that is big enough, because some people really like that full feeling in their mouth"

and there's all of these, these things that you can just cycle back in your head that make you feel not

enough for a gay cis guy

I'm here to tell you you are enough for a gay cis guy and

It's hard to believe and I'm there with ya because I've been on these apps. Tinder, hornet, scruff,


What's the other one? There's other ones than that? Whatever, I've been on all of them

and I have been rejected more times than I can even acknowledge honestly and I have gotten used to it,

but we shouldn't have to get used to it.

But we do. And it's not like we're getting rejected like

everyone on these apps get[s] rejected. Like some men just have a preference for you know blondes or whatever.

I'm blonde right now [laughs] Because a lot of gay cis guys say that like "ah stop blaming it on you being trans

it's not because you're trans". No because there are a lot of times

I am rejected because I am, I don't know short or I'm a bottom or [inhales]

I, I , I don't look the way that they would like me to look. I'm not hairy enough, I'm not big enough,

I'm not skinny enough. Whatever, who cares those are all reasons that people whatever


But when you specifically say that you're trans and someone says "oh

I'm not into that or mm sorry not my thing" and then they leave like

really that's literally because I'm trans you left. And honestly like here's a little story: one time I was like "eyy"

talking to this guy like it was nice and I was like

"Oh, I have all these toys that I need to review, like would you be down for that?" He's like "Umm sorry

I don't know. I don't really wanna try toys. I don't wanna do that." And then he stopped talking to me.

And I was like "ah all right, so that's fun"

So he was interested in me when I was a bottom, but then when I was like "Hey

can I top you?" and by the way it said he was vers on his profile. He was like


I don't want to do that because it's toys and not a real peen." And that hurt me

and that hurt me a lot until I

talked to a lot of people who were cis and gay and completely open and yeah

they're hard to find, but they're there. So, what's my experience

whell, whell whell whell

my first experience was interesting. I used the Fuse and

that is a umm

peen that you can buy. The Fuse, the Ultra that's what it's called I think. I'll put the link in the description below, of the review

umm that. I used it and it was my first time topping a man and I have been with women before I still am with women, sometimes

umm but I am usually the top with women, usually. So I have topped, I have used a harness before and

done that, but I've never done it to

a cis gay man. So while I was doing it, it was just so

I'm gonna say it and I know this seems weird


And maybe it was like "ha ha ha ha I'm the masc masc now." No, it's nothing like that. It was more li... [laughs]

Can you imagine you are having sex with someone? [strange laughing noises]

That's how you have sex with Chase Ross by the way. That's what happens when you have sex with me.

[more laughing noises] "Which lips?" Literally which...

but for real though it felt so empowering to

like have sex with a cis guy, for me, and then I did it again with the same person

and I did it with someone else. And then the other person. That was interesting

I think the person identifies as bisexual or queer, and they're a cis guy

as far as I know. And umm

we meet up every year to do the do once a year.

Umm and in the past, it's been him fucking me. Which is no problem, but I was like "hey

I have all these toys to review and I'm not seeing anyone so..?" and he was like "yeaah

sure!" so I was like "ah ha ha ha". So I used a couple of toys on him

and it was really fun, and I felt like [a noise of satisfaction] like it was like "Yes. This is something

I've always wanted to try and it feels so good that

I'm able to do it because I feel like society in some way tells me because I'm a trans guy

that I just need to lie down

and I just need to let someone penetrate ME, when I'm the one who would like to penetrate a man


If I'm being honest though like Imma say I'm like 80% bottom with men, probably with women too, honestly


Listen toots, I got a bonus hole might as well use it right? Trigger warning for this video byt he way, shit

The point is that it felt very empowering for me, and I think that there is like such a stigma that like gay FtMs

or like queer FtMs who like have sex with cis guys like aren't real

but I feel like all of my friends that I know are queer

umm and have dated and are dating men and a lot of them are actually dating trans guys

or people who are non-binary and then there are a couple who are dating cis guys.

And I know a bunch of people have been dating cis guys for like

five years, and they're trans and their partner is cis, a cis gay man and they have never questioned their

umm sexuality ever.

I will say that I was with this cis guy for a couple of months and

I think after the first time we had sex

like I was the bottom

he told me that he thought to himself

"could he be with women". Because of the parts that I have and he came to the conclusion that he couldn't.

I, I didn't find this like offensive

but I can see that like. I mean why would you even think that? Like I get that you would...

I don't know, I get it, but I don't get it. Like it's kind of rude like to associate that genital with a gender

but I guess it was good that in the end he thought "oh no

I couldn't be with women" like "it's because like I like men and you are a man

it doesn't matter what genitals you have". So I mean that was pretty cool.

And I think that there are a lot of people like that

you just like need to find them and people just need to open their mind because the gay community is like, so

fucking dick centric like "Penis! Penis everywhere! Dicks dicks dicks dicks!" Like they're everywhere.

Oh my God, please someone make that into a gif "dicks dicks dicks"

So having a community that is fixated on penis and penis side "penis side"?

Penis size and cock rings and lube and condoms everywhere and dicks and dicks and everywhere dicks.

It's very hard to be like "mm I'm valid in this community" because you don't have a penis and

it is very hard to accept that. And when I say "you don't have a penis". I mean you don't have a cis penis.

A lot of people

consider their

junk that they have, that has grown on hormones their peen. I consider it my peen.

I say "my peen". Other people have prosthetics that they use and they consider that their peens, other people have had phalloplasty

that's cool. But there's still a stigma

with not having a peen "it doesn't make you a man"

or "it doesn't make you gay - enough" or something like that

and these are the narratives that I've had to deal with for the last whatever five years or however long

I've been on these apps, and it's exhausting and it sucks, but it's, it's after you realize that you are worth it and

a cis man can actually love you and a cis man who is gay can actually have sex with you and or let you have

with them. Then it's fine.

I feel like to turn into a different type of video, but the point of this video is:

Trans men can top cis guys and it feels very empowering. Would I do it again?

Yes, I think I would because I have a toy


the Bono which is very fun to have sex with and I have only used it on


someone like a couple of times

and it's

been really great, but I've never

never done it in the butt. Oh, no I have. Oh, no they used it for me in my butt. Oh, whoops! [snort]

Well it feels good, so I know it'll feel good for someone else, I guess.

But I have the Bono and it would be nice to be able to

I guess top

a cis guy with it. Just to see

how I would feel.

But I am, I am much more comfortable being like - is it like a power bottom? Like when you like

like you take charge like you're the bottom but like when someone does you you kind of like

like take charge. Is that the power bottom or is power bottom like you do a lot of bottoming?

Because I'm both of those I guess. [laughter]

Alright anyways this video went everywhere and anywhere

I'm so sorry. Let me know what you think.

Are you a trans man that tops cis guys? Are you...? What do you do? What do you want to do?

What do you want to talk about? Let's do it in the description. I'll see you guys later, I guess.

Sorry, this is kind of all over the place and confusing. I don't really know where I'm going with this. Have a great day

Love you. Bye!

For more infomation >> FTMs TOPPING CIS GAY MEN [CC] - Duration: 10:31.


RRSP Deduction Limit vs. Contribution Room - Duration: 5:45.


Tax season is over and with that comes your refund (if you're fortunate) and notice

of assessment.

Check out my last video for what you should be doing with any tax refund you received

from the government here.

In today's video, I'll be discussing an important and potentially confusing piece

of your notice of assessment, the RRSP deduction limit statement.

I'm Susan Daley and this is Your Money, Your Choices.

If you're like me, you've gone paperless when it comes to taxes so your notice of assessment

and other tax information are online through CRA's MyAccount.

This makes it easy to look up how much you're allowed to contribute to your TFSA and RRSP,

based on CRA's limits and your past contributions.

But beware, your RRSP Deduction Limit is not your contribution room (i.e. how much you

are allowed to put into an RRSP).

An RRSP contribution is just that, how much money you have added your RRSP.

The RRSP deduction on the other hand is how much of that contribution you have used on

your tax return to reduce your income for tax purposes.

Typically these two numbers are the same, but they don't have to be.

It is acceptable to make a contribution to your RRSP, and save the tax deduction for

future years.

There are a few reasons why someone might not want to deduct their RRSP contribution

from their taxes in the same year they made the contribution.

Say you have lots of contribution room and you just received an inheritance, of which

$50,000 you want to contribute to your RRSP.

Let's say your income is $120,000 in Ontario, so you're in the 43.41% tax bracket.

If you deducted your total contribution from your taxes that same year, your tax bracket

would drop to 29.65%.

You'd get a total refund of $19,372.36 come tax time.

If instead, you decided to split the tax deduction over two years and only use $25,000 in tax

deduction each year, you'd get $10,852.50 back for each of the two years, or a total

of $21,705.

Assuming you invested the $50,000 plus any tax refund immediately, you'd have to earn

an investment return of 27.38% over the year to be in a better position making the total

deduction in the first year, rather than spreading it out.

Putting that $50,000 directly into your RRSP right now will ensure that any earnings on

that contribution are tax free immediately, but you can pick and choose when you want

to deduct that from your taxable income and receive your tax refund.

Another possibility is that you are in a situation where you are in a low income tax bracket

at the moment, but you expect to earn more in the near future and be bumped into a higher

tax bracket.

Waiting to deduct the contribution amount allows you to get the savings in the RRSP

quickly so it can start earning investment returns tax free, but receive a higher tax

break when your income is higher.

For example, say you're earning $50,000 right now and you want to contribute $10,000

to your RRSP.

Next year, your income will be $100,000.

Delaying the income tax deduction by one year will cause your tax refund to be almost $1,791.62

higher, and your one year return would have to be over 70% to be in a better position

using and investing the value of the tax deduction immediately.

These are some uncommon examples, so if you're considering delaying your RRSP deduction,

make sure you run the numbers first to ensure you're leaving money on the table by investing

more immediately.

If you are in the situation where you haven't claimed all your past RRSP contributions on

your tax returns, your deduction limit will be different than your available contribution


The deduction limit is how much you could potentially deduct from your income

for tax returns in the given year.

It includes the amount of contributions you have deferred to use on future tax returns,

called Unused RRSP Contributions, and how much you are allowed to contribute for the

current year.

I repeat, this is not your available contribution room.

Deduction Limit = Unused Contributions + Available Contribution Room.

It's important to know what your available contribution room is so that you don't overcontribute

and incur hefty penalties from the CRA.

Here's an example: Say you had an RRSP deduction limit for 2017 of $25,000, and you had Unused

RRSP contributions of $5,000.

This would mean that you are only able to contribute $20,000 to your RRSP in 2017, not

the $25,000 deduction limit.

The confusion between deduction limit and contribution room can be problematic for those

that login to their CRA MyAccount and select the RRSP section, which only shows the Deduction

Limit and Unused Contributions.

In order to be sure of what you can contribute to your RRSP and stay within the limits, you'll

have to open up your notice of assessment and look for "available contribution room

for 2017".

In summary, there are instances when your RRSP deduction limit and RRSP contribution

room will be different, which can beneficial for your finances.

However if this is the case, be sure to only contribute up to your available room, otherwise

the penalties will eat into any potential gains of deferring your RRSP deduction.

I'm Susan Daley and this has been Your Money, Your Choices.

I post new videos every other Wednesday, so be sure to subscribe and hit the notification

bell so you don't miss any.

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