Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 2 2017


For more infomation >> МОПС ПРОТИВ МАРТЫНЕНКО - БОЙ НА РИНГЕ - Duration: 5:46.



For more infomation >> NARU GERÇEKLERİ! (60 SANİYEDE FERİT KARAKAYA) - Duration: 1:23.


Netflix Renews 'Dear White People' for Second Season - Duration: 1:06.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

Justin Simien's original Netflix series Dear White People, based on the acclaimed

film of the same name, has been confirmed for a second season.

The first 10 episodes navigate the realities of racial tension, white privilege, and social

injustices on a fictional Ivy league campus.

The show follows a group of young activists as they aim to deconstruct the different facets

of racism.

The producers approach everything from white people uttering the n-word while singing along

to certain tracks, to a black student unjustly staring down the barrel of a gun while being

racially profiled by campus police.

Logan Browning, who plays the show's protagonist Samantha White, told Complex back in February

that, "Sam is a bi-racial student at this Ivy League school, Winchester.

She is just sick and tired of the racial tensions and stereotypes on campus."

When referencing the original 2014 film that inspired the show, Complex writers said,

"If you had to make a list of movies that white people need to watch to understand the

plight of non-white people in Trump's America, 2014's Dear White People would be at the top

of that list."

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on Youtube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Netflix Renews 'Dear White People' for Second Season - Duration: 1:06.


Masterclass by Lil and ArtStyle. Game with fans. signing session at MediaMarkt | Dota 2 - Duration: 5:16.

I just couldn't start without it, I've got so used to it.

A fan in Moscow is not made happy by Epicenter alone.

Today at the MediaMarkt in Aviapark, there's a whole day of activities involving our players.

Today you can buy merch from this rack right here,

you can get an autograph from your favorite players,

you can attend a master class by ArtStyle and Lil, and even play a game with them.

Basically an entire day of bliss for any VP fan.

Hi there. – There you are, filming again. Who invited him? Did you invite him?

Hi, this is me. Yeah. We're at a signing session.

As for what we're doing here – this may come as a shock to you, but at this signing session,

we're signing stuff.

There's a lot of people.

– The people have a positive vibe. There, I've freed you from this tribulation.

"No beast is stronger than the bear;, onwards to victory!"

Today you're going to hold a master class, you're also going to play games with fans, as far as I know.

Do you think this is useful to people who are looking to take esports by storm,

or are just beginning to enter it and like playing Dota very much?

Do you think it's useful for them to meet people like you guys, and what can you give them?

I think it's useful

in terms of idea and energy.

I mean a person comes here, meets their "idol". Probably, we're "idols" to someone.

And just in these terms it's already a great boost. You meet the person, get energy from them,

listen to what they say, and become stronger and more inspired. But a lot of knowledge we can share in a

conversation is not really effective. I can tell someone "Play a lot!", and what now? It won't change much.

Okay, guys, it's time to start farming. Radiance is ready.

Everyone, come here! It's obvious. You could've pushed, but it's okay.

Do you have a golem, bro?

Okay, okay. Now we're leaving.

Go, go, go.

Let's go and kill a troll here.

It's unnecessary to chase. We can step back. Longer fights are better for us.

Bro, I'm showing you the right path. Why are you not going this way? Follow the way I've shown you.

You get a lot of vision for me.

We can just go and search.

Go home!

Kill that one, kill Dazzle, kill him!

What can I say? OG's picks are stronger and easier to play.

How did it feel to be in one team with ArtStyle, sit in that chair and play a match with him?

It was really cool to play with ArtStyle because his Dota play is amazing. He comes, helps to kill,

and does great moves. It was absolutely great!

Everyone who has come to MediaMarkt on this great day can buy a T-shirt with the help of our assistant Ivan "ArtStyle".

Then I'll take this one.

Take it. It's good. Take it and wear it with joy.

Thanks a lot!

Thank you! Thanks to everyone who is watching. Follow Maria on Instagram.

Marple if I'm not mistaken. Follow me on Instagram: Lil. And Instagram if you will.

For more infomation >> Masterclass by Lil and ArtStyle. Game with fans. signing session at MediaMarkt | Dota 2 - Duration: 5:16.


Trump's tweets: "He's not going to change... - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Trump's tweets: "He's not going to change... - Duration: 2:27.


Trump: Move to repeal if no deal - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Trump: Move to repeal if no deal - Duration: 7:06.


Sasse questions health bill's tax cuts for rich - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Sasse questions health bill's tax cuts for rich - Duration: 2:07.


Cauliflower Mac and Cheese (Southern Style) Recipe | Low Carb Side Dish | 4th of July Recipe - Duration: 2:41.

call me mac and cheese was one of the first dishes that I tried on keto thanks

to keto connect I'll lead their recipe in the description box below so here's

my southern style version full of fat and flavor now this is perfect for the

upcoming holiday that we have as well as any other party that you are going to I

use it as a meal prep dive dish and it honestly doesn't even feel like I'm on a

diet when I'm eating it don't forget all the measurements as well as how I make

this dish is in the description box below first we're going to melt the

butter heavy cream and cream cheese and a saucepan on medium low heat

once that's melted start adding your cheese i melted half of the cheese first

just to help find all the sauce together

so this is the consistency that i like if you want it to be a little bit

thinner add a bit of chicken broth next you're going to add your Thal

cauliflower and an oven safe dish pour the cheese sauce on top of the

cauliflower and stir to combine

now the sauce may thicken up a lot and that simply because the thawed

cauliflower is still really cold that's completely fine it'll melt to bubbly

goodness in the oven

place dish in a 400-degree oven now it took about 30 minutes for mine to get

the desired color on top that I wanted but as always each oven is different so

I would check after 20 minutes and then keep an eye on it once out of the oven I

know it's gonna be so hard but I highly advise that you let it sit for about 10

minutes this will allow everything to come

together and you'll be able to scoop it a lot easier now this cauliflower mac &

cheese is perfect on its own or as a side dish for any party or milk present

you may have in the future if you guys do try this recipe please please please

let me know either in the comments down below or if you post a picture on

Instagram tag me because I want to see it as always if you like these types of

videos and want me to make more recipes for you guys please like this video and

if you haven't subscribed yet you can do that as well so you don't miss any

videos from me and I will see you guys in the next one

For more infomation >> Cauliflower Mac and Cheese (Southern Style) Recipe | Low Carb Side Dish | 4th of July Recipe - Duration: 2:41.


Hamstring Sets - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:29.

For a hamstring set, bring up your knee and

place your heel on the ground. You're going to push your heel directly down to

fire those hamstrings. So pushing down and hold and then relax.

For more infomation >> Hamstring Sets - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:29.


Republican Congressman Admits The Truth About His Party: "We Don't Know How To Govern" - Duration: 3:06.

Republican Representative Steve Womack, from Arkansas, finally said this past week what

every single person in this country already knew.

Steve Womack told reporters that his party's inability to get a budget passed by April

15th, you know, two and a half months ago, is due to one fact, and one fact alone.

According to Representative Womack, his party simply doesn't know how to govern.

They don't know how to do it.

There it is, folks.

The admission we have all been waiting for.

And again, we know this.

We have seen it for decades now.

The Republican party is a party that literally has two ideas.

That's it.

There are only two ideas that ever come out of the Republican party.

One, cut taxes on the wealthy.

Two, reduce regulations on corporations.

That's it.

That's all they have.

There is nothing else to this Republican party.

They don't know how to do anything else.

That's why every single thing they do ends up turning into one of those two things.

They tried to work on a health care bill, that ended up just being a massive tax cut

for the rich.

Paul Ryan boasts about this being one of the most productive congresses in history, and

the only thing they've done is repeal regulations from the Obama era.

That is the only two things they can do.

Representative Womack is 100% right.

They can't actually govern.

They can't come up with new ideas.

They can't figure out a way to take care of the American public, or to make the economy

grow, or to help American workers, or to protect the environment, or even something as simple

as creating a budget that they all agree on.

This party could be inflicting so much more damage on the United States right now, and

we should all be pretty thankful that they're not.

When you consider the fact they control the Supreme Court, they control state courts,

they control the majority of state governorships, they control the majority of state legislatures,

they control the House, they control the Senate, they control the White House, and yet the

damage they could be causing has been scaled back to an extent.

They're still causing damage, but it's not as bad as it could be.


Because as Womack points again, they simply don't know how to govern.

They can't even get along with the people who think the same as they do.

They're that dysfunctional.

And again, we should all be very thankful that Republicans are this dysfunctional.

Because if they had a shred of common sense to them, and understood how to get along with

one another, this country would be in much worse shape than it already is.

For more infomation >> Republican Congressman Admits The Truth About His Party: "We Don't Know How To Govern" - Duration: 3:06.


Sunday Morning Pinpoint Forecast - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Sunday Morning Pinpoint Forecast - Duration: 2:29.


Learn Colours Play Doh Masha and The Bear Fun & Creative for Kids, Children, Baby Learn Numbers Song - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Learn Colours Play Doh Masha and The Bear Fun & Creative for Kids, Children, Baby Learn Numbers Song - Duration: 4:12.


FUN LEARN COLORS HELICOPTER SUPERHEROES w/ 3D Animation For Kids And Disney Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:19.

FUN LEARN COLORS HELICOPTER SUPERHEROES w/ 3D Animation For Kids And Disney Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> FUN LEARN COLORS HELICOPTER SUPERHEROES w/ 3D Animation For Kids And Disney Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:19.


Foundation for an Independent Tomorrow talks about free job training - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Foundation for an Independent Tomorrow talks about free job training - Duration: 3:55.





Gold & Silver Price Update 🌟Is Gold Signaling The Next Financial Crisis? Dave Kranzler Confirmed! - Duration: 3:41.

Gold and silver have been sold down pretty hard since April 18th.

But the structure of the weekly Commitment of Traders report, which shows the long and

short positions of the various trader classifications (banks, hedgers, hedge funds, other large

investment funds, retail) had been flashing a short term sell signal for the last few


The net short position of the Comex banks and the net long position of the hedge funds

had reached relatively high levels.

Except Thursday (May 4th), almost all of the price decline action was occurring after the

London p.m. gold fix and during the Comex floor trading hours, exclusively.

This tells us all we need to know about the nature of the selling, especially given the

enormous amount of physical gold currently being accumulated by the usual eastern hemisphere


The table above calculates the Comex banks' paper gold positioning going back to 2005.

As you can see, currently the net short position and the net short position as a percent of

total open interest had reached a relatively high level.

This typically when the banks engage in raiding the Comex by unloading massive quantities

of paper gold in bursts in order to trigger hedge fund stop-loss selling.

It serves the dual purpose of pushing down the price of gold and providing a relatively

riskless source of profits for the banks.

This is a cycle that has repeated numerous times per year since 2001.

This time, however, more than any other time since 2001, the sell-off in the price of gold

is counter-intuitive to the collapsing financial and economic condition of the United States,

specifically, and the entire world in general.

The likely reason for the current price take-down of gold is an attempt by the elitists to remove

the batteries from the "fire alarm" mechanism embedded in a rising price of gold.

An alarm that lets the populace know that there's a big problem that will hit the

system sooner or later; an alarm that lets public know systemic failure is beyond Government

and Central Bank Control.

A similar manipulated take-down of the price of gold and silver occurred in the spring

of 2008, ahead of the great financial collapse crisis.

Gold was pushed down to $750 from $1050 and silver was taken down from $20 to $10.

This price decline was counter-intuitive to the collapsing financial condition of the

U.S. financial system, which had become obvious to anyone not blinded by the official propaganda

at the time.

Of course, after the financial collapse occurred and was addressed with money printing, the

price of gold ran up to an all-time high.

It's likely a similar situation if taking place now.

Only this time around all "assets" are in price-bubbles fomented by record levels

of fiat money creation and the interminable expansion of credit.

The debt portion of this equation is getting ready to hit the wall, the only question is


This explains the parabolic move in the price of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is nearly impossible to manipulate.

Once the western Central Banks lose the ability to manipulate the price of gold in the derivatives

markets, the price of gold and silver will go on their own parabolic price journey – one

that will leave the price of Bitcoin in the rear view mirror.

The Shadow of Truth further elaborates on the current price-action in the precious metals

market and why latest sell-off is likely signalling the next financial crisis:

For more infomation >> Gold & Silver Price Update 🌟Is Gold Signaling The Next Financial Crisis? Dave Kranzler Confirmed! - Duration: 3:41.


Why Two Eyes and Two Ears? - Duration: 4:58.

Why Two Eyes and Two Ears?

Why do we have two eyes and two ears?

And why are they always in the upper portion of the body?

Sri Vethathiri Maharishi thought long and hard about these questions

when he was analysing the evolutionary process.

He explains these secrets.

Within the solid body of a worm, there is some fluid.

As the worm crawls forward on its belly, this fluid gets

slowly pushed backwards due to the gravitational force of the earth.

As a result, all the excretions take place at the hind (rear) end.

Within the body of every worm or reptile, life-force and air are circulating.

Sometimes life-force works in a clockwise direction and

at other times counter-clockwise, spinning throughout the body.

In any living being, the effect of the father's life-force

rotates to the right, the mother's life-force

rotates to the left.

When one side is slowed down or exhausted, the other side gets stronger

by charging itself.

We can understand this better when we examine our breathing.

Sometimes inhalation and exhalation operate through our right nostril,

and at other times through our left nostril.

On rare occasions, both aspects of our life-force may be balanced.

At that time the breath flows equally through both nostrils.

This may occur during meditation or other similar occasions.

Air, liquid, and heat, as well as life-force are always

circulating in the body.

In any living being, certain quantities of life-force

within the media of

air, liquid, heat and solid are always leaving the body too,

as waste during metabolic routines and other activities.

The solids and liquids excreted from the lower portion

of the body are faeces and urine.

The energy manifested as magnetic pressure leaves

through the skin.

Sound and light must exit from the upper portion of the body,

via the ears and eyes.

For example, let us take the case of a reptile.

When it is moving forward, it always keeps its

front portion up.

So the head forms at the top.

When the reptile raises its head, outgoing air and light

rush toward the head, because they are lighter than a solid.

The life-force in a living being is a combination of

the father and the mother.

When the father's (right-sided) life-force function is predominant,

the blood, heat, and air will all predominantly circulate

throughout the body in a clockwise spinning motion.

The breath will be from the right nostril and even the urine will be excreted in a

clockwise spinning flow.

When the left side is working predominantly, all the functions of the body

are characterized accordingly.

Even the excretion of human waste and manifestation of aura

have the same direction of circulation as the life-force.

This enables us to determine whether the father's or

mother's life-force is predominant at any given time.

When the father's life-force is functioning in the foetus,

the right side gets a push.

So an eye and an ear form on the right side of the head

in order to release the light and sound.

The left eye and ear are formed due to the functioning

of the mother's life-force.

This is why two eyes and two ears are formed:

for comfortable exudation of air and light from the body.

The tongue and nose are formed in the upper portion of the body

because taste and smell are the results of the

biomagnetic wave that is exiting from the body.

Start Your Journey of Consciousness.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.


Be blessed by the Divine, Krish Murali Eswar.

For more infomation >> Why Two Eyes and Two Ears? - Duration: 4:58.



Welcome again to this study room with Lorenz Gadient in Ingolstadt, Germany.

Today you are going to talk about L'Affilard, which is probably a source you are not familiar with.

Lorenz, please tell us about him and why his source is so important.

I am very lucky to be able to present the original. An edition of the year 1705

L'Affilard was a court dancer: "Ordinaire de la musique du Roi".

He was a musician at the king's court, responsible for court dances etc.

His book was published by the famous publisher "Balard".

"Principes très facile pour bien apprendre la musique" - "Very easy principles for a good way to learn music".

And he does it by presenting all the familiar court dances.

He shows how to use the agréments - the musical ornamentations -

And the dance pieces are all presented with small texts - small arias.

You can sing the pieces and the texts inform you about the musical character of the dance.

This is very interesting

And the year 1705 is very interesting for us.

This book of principles must have been very popular, since in the year 1705 two editions were published.

I have the first edition and Mr. Miehling is referring to the second edition of the same year in his book.

This shows that this book has been widely distributed and very popular.

Is there a difference between the first and the second edition?

Hardly any difference, but the explication of the mentioned duration times of the pendulum's swing is missing.

He does not give the lenght of the pendulum or the value of the note to which he is referring

But with a small bow he indicates to how many parts of the bar the time indication is referring.

And these time indications are very interesting - they are "tièrces" - Terzen.

So, for example you can see here the number 30 and a small bow on top of it.

The small bow in this case is referring to two half notes. The reference point is a half note.

And was this very common? He obviously invented this system.

And this small number "30" means, 30 1/60 seconds - meaning half a second.

The second is also being divided into 60 parts.

There are three time divisions of the hour; the first is the "minute", the second is the "second" and the third is the "tièrce".

So, it is not divided by three but it is just the third division. Simple, if you know....

Thus, 30 "tièrces" are 30/60 seconds or 1/2 a second.

Now the question is, what does he mean by this? Mr. Miehling says that the time indication is obvious.

30 tièrces are half a second - full stop - end of discussion.

However, I discovered that in these pieces the breathing signs are very revealing.

L'Affilard also uses breathing signs - and they are very small bows.

For example here on the lowest line - it almost looks like a dot; or here, or here....

Mr Miehling also noticed these breathing signs and shows them in his edition of these dances.

However, he has not put them into practice - he never tried whether they really work,

whether they make sense or not, whether they are necessary or not.

The author writes in his introduction that at these positions you have to breathe.

Yes, exactly, you have to breathe - you even should shorten the previous note and breathe.

Thus, the author does not put these signs randomly but wherever he considers them to be necessary.

Now we have a Gavotte here. Mr Miehling says it is clear, a half note is half a second. One bar, one second.

However, I am saying that the breathing signs reveal something different.

If you sing this piece in the tempo according to Mr Miehling's interpretation, every second breathing sign is unnecessary.

One second for the whole bar.

Now I sang without using this breathing sign.

Now I will sing with all the breathing signs as they are written here, then it sounds like this....

That is too much...

I can sing easily like this...

In a musical way this makes more sense.

If I sing it half as fast.....

...then it makes sense, then it is just right.

The author also gives a definition of what he understands as swing, as vibration.

A pendulum is a lead ball which hangs on a string. One hangs the string at some place and lets the ball go back and forth, which one calls swings/vibrations.

The problem is, that he should have written swing/vibration in the singular,

then it would have been clear that one vibration consits of a back swing and a forth swing.

But he writes about vibrations in the plural and also of the swings back and forth in the plural.

Thus it is not clear whether he means the single swings back or forth or one swing back and forth.

But in the same time and at the same publisher, Antoine Furetière has also published.

And L'Affilard and Furetière must surely have known each other.

And Furetière wrote a big encyclopedia

and he gives an exact definition of "vibration".

he writes, describing the vibration: "à droit et à gauche"

"à droit et à gauche" and not "de droit à gauche" which would mean a single swing/beat - as defined by the Académie Française

So you mean that Furetière's definition is much closer to L'Afilard's meaning than for example the Académie Française?

No, the definition by the Académie Française is 30 years later.

Thus it is obvious that L'Affilard also uses the term "vibration" in the sense of a double swing/beat.

Ok, it has been a long day but I have learned a lot and I hope you too.

If this is your first time here, there are several videos in this series and I will link them here.

Don't forget to subscribe if you want to stay on top of everything we do.

I am not only doing chats with Lorenz but I am also of the practical side - playing music.

But again, the theory behind all this is very important and I believe it is time to step out with the research

and to cover all the things we know, step by step.

Thank you again Lorenz and we see each other again for another chat. Thanks, bye.

For more infomation >> L'AFFILLARD (1705) ON THE TEMPI OF FRENCH COURT DANCES - Duration: 11:56.


Harley Quinn DC Collectibles Batman Arkham Knight 7''' Action Figure Review - Duration: 8:51.

Hey guys its me your host SUPERSORRELL and today its time for HARLEY QUINN to get her

revenge on BATGIRL this is the DC Comics DC Collectibles Batman ARKHAM Knight

Harley Quinn 6'' Action Figure.

No Batman fan�s collection will be complete without these intricately sculpted action

figures based on the highly anticipated "Batman: Arkham Knight" video game from Warner Bros.

Interactive Entertainment and Rocksteady Studios.

DC Collectibles -Batman -Arkham Knight -Arkham Knight -Action Figure -7" -Harley Quinn She's

out for blood and it's no laughing matter!

One year after the events of Batman: Arkham City, Harley has come into her own and wants

the Dark Knight dead.

Based on the designs of the 4th installment of the Batman Arkham video game series, the

Batman Arkham Knight Harley Quinn Action Figure has dropped a bit of her militant leather

for a more girlish look.

However, equipped with a pistol and signature baseball bat, Harley Quinn is ready deliver

the final punchline on the Caped Crusader.

Based on the designs of the 4th installment of the Batman Arkham video game series, the

Batman Arkham Knight Harley Quinn Action Figure has dropped a bit

of her militant leather for a more girlish look

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Hey Guys, I made this channel as a way of sharing my passion for collecting action figures

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I love collecting and reviewing my toys.

I collect a lot of different lines of figures including star wars black series & elite series,

Marvel Legends & Diamond Select, SH Figuarts, DC Collectibles including Designer Series

and DC Multiverse figures.

I am starting to get Mafex too.

I also enjoy Funko products including Pop Vinyls, Mystery Minis and Pint Size Heroes.

During the end of each month you can expect to see Mystery Boxes & Subscription Boxes

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I also like to build and collect Lego usually STAR WARS and Lego Batman to be precise.

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vlogs and Haul videos too!

Music ******

Reminisce by A Himitsu Creative Commons � Attribution 3.0 Unported�

CC BY 3.0

Music provided by Audio Library

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#Batman #arkhamknight #arkham #HarleyQuinn #DCcomics #ActionFigure #gaming #review #unboxing

#Toys #Mattel #Superhero #Joker #Batgirl

Harley Quinn DC Collectibles Batman Arkham Knight 7''' Action

Figure Review

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For more infomation >> Harley Quinn DC Collectibles Batman Arkham Knight 7''' Action Figure Review - Duration: 8:51.


Hé Lộ Tử Vi thứ 2 ngày 3/7/2017 của 12 con giáp Xem tu vi hang ngay thu hai 12 con giap - Duration: 17:19.

For more infomation >> Hé Lộ Tử Vi thứ 2 ngày 3/7/2017 của 12 con giáp Xem tu vi hang ngay thu hai 12 con giap - Duration: 17:19.


Last But Not Least - Duration: 9:41.

Again, more rights are being given to foster parent caregivers' and custodial parents' than what is being given to a noncustodial parent. If the perpetrator who is the custodial parent has a right to be heard, then the noncustodial parent who is not the perpetrator should be heard too, this is not the case it seems in this situation.

This would not be a concern though if I knew of any rights' that protected Noncustodial parents', but so far I have not been able to find any that does. The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any action in the nature of mandamus to compel an officer or employee of the United States or any agency thereof to perform a duty owed to the plaintiff. DCFS Rule 301.60(a) states, When a child is removed from the care of a custodial parent, the placing worker shall explore whether the non-custodial parent would be a suitable caregiver for the child.

If the Department determines that a placement with any identified relative is not in the child's best interests or that the relative does not meet the requirements to be a relative caregiver, as set forth in Department rules or by statute, the Department must document the basis for that decision and maintain the documentation in the child's case file.

If pursuant to the Department's rules, any person files an administrative appeal of the Department's decision not to place a child with a relative, it is the Department's burden to prove that the decision is consistent with the child's best interests."

"If the Department determines that efforts to identify and locate relatives would be futile or inconsistent with the child's best interests, the Department shall document the basis for its determination and maintain the documentation in the child's case file.

If the Department determines that an individual or a group of relatives are inappropriate to serve as visitation resources or possible placement resources, the Department shall document the basis for its determination and maintain the documentation in the child's case file"

According to DCFS Procedures 302, Appendix B, Older Caregivers'. Anyone over the age of sixty-five must be evaluated by the Illinois Department on Aging, within forty-five days of taking custody of a child in these situations'. According to these guidelines, it is imperative that workers' evaluate older caregiver families', utilizing a lifespan approach. Legal Competence and Capacity are similar but not synonymous.

Competence is determined by a court of law, where, Capacity is determined through clinical assessment. Does the older caregiver have the capacity to meet the child's needs until he or she reaches the age of eighteen? It is the responsibility of the Department to make placement decisions and/or changes based on the best interests of the child regardless of the older caregiver's right to self-determination.

With the DCFS – IDoA Intergovernmental Agreement IDoA and DCFS delineate their respective roles and responsibilities. Upon the initial placement, or as early as possible in the life of the case, if a caregiver is age 65 or older and the use of the lifespan approach suggests that given the age of the child and the age of the caregiver it is not likely that the caregiver will be able to care for the child until the age of 18, the placing or Permanency worker shall conduct a diligent search in accordance with Administrative Procedures #22, Diligent Search to identify and locate viable relatives to care for the child to the age of 18.

The diligent search shall include but not be limited to: non-custodial parents, maternal and paternal relatives, child-centered collaterals (children 4 years and older, if developmentally appropriate, should be asked to help identify their collaterals), and other adults the child may have a relationship within their family, school, church, synagogue, mosque, and neighborhood.

The Child Protection Specialist or Permanency worker must obtain from the older caregiver a completed and signed CFS 600-3 Consent for the Release of Information in order to facilitate the exchange of information between DCFS, IDoA, and potential service providers. The DCFS or POS worker shall also give to the older caregivers the CFS 1050-86, Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children pamphlet, which provides information on how to contact the Aging Network for assistance for themselves or those in the home for whom they provide care (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, or disabled adult children), including the children placed by DCFS/POS.

Each DCFS Regional Office shall maintain a list of resources and provide DCFS and POS workers with instructions regarding how to access them.

20 ILCS 505/5c)(a)

20 ILCS 505/7(b)

20 ILCS 505/5-2

705 ILCS 405/1-5(1.5)

705 ILCS 405/1-5(2)(a)

20 ILCS 505/5 (l-1)

From what I have found out and what I know about government, the only branch that represents me and is supposed to protect my rights' is the Judiciary Branch. This branch of government is the only branch of government where I can stand before a judge, innocent or charged with a crime and speak to the court. I am a citizen of the state and country, who knows what the meaning of sovereignty is.

I gave up certain freedoms' in exchange for certain protections' from my government. These protections' have been infringed upon and violated. I hope that these issues' can be discussed and I can have a better understanding of what is taken place here. Thank you for your time, a response would be appreciated, please. Sincerely Roger Hanson

For more infomation >> Last But Not Least - Duration: 9:41.


Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy - Norsk Gaming Review (English Subs.) - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy - Norsk Gaming Review (English Subs.) - Duration: 4:23.


For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy - Norsk Gaming Review (English Subs.) - Duration: 4:23.


e-kidstv♪ vol.52 "I'm starving!" (腹ペコ!) - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> e-kidstv♪ vol.52 "I'm starving!" (腹ペコ!) - Duration: 2:49.


Reading Wrap Up | June 2017 Part 2 - Duration: 7:41.

Hi everyone, it's Lauren and this is the second part of my June reading wrap-up

so the book reviews for all of the books I've read in the second part of June. My

next video going up is going to be my favorite books in the first half of 2017

because we are now in July if you can actually believe it that we are that

far through the year! So keep an eye out for that, but firstly the most recent

few books that I have read start with Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey. This

is about an old woman called Maud who has Alzheimer's and she's trying to

solve a mystery that her friend Elizabeth is no longer at home and

people don't believe her when she's telling everybody that Elizabeth has gone

missing. But really it's more a story of Maud's sister Sukie who went missing in

her early 20s so Maud is jumping in her mind between modern-day memories and

a lot of jumble of what's going on in her everyday life and looking for

Elizabeth and then we get a much clearer picture where she's remembering back at

the time when Sukie disappeared and what happened then, so it's quite an

interesting mix of these two stories and these two parallels and so I thought it

was really well put together. I really enjoyed it, I thought it was very sad

experiencing what it must be like to be old, what it must be like to care for

someone who's old and how that affects the rest of Maud's family and then also

the embarrassment and the distress of not having your short-term memories and

then how disorientating that can be. So yeah, overall I really really

enjoyed it, it wasn't my favorite novel ever in the world, I think it would be really

good for a summer read. The next book I read I picked up because I have started

a little real life book club with my friends. Because I've moved jobs, I've got

some friends from the industry that I'm leaving that I'm not going to see every

day anymore, and then I also have several friends who read quite a lot but not as

much as me I suppose, and I have this outlet where I can talk about what I'm

reading and they don't, so I decided to bring everybody together a couple of

people said they wanted to do it and then I just got everyone I knew involved

I was like 'Right, you're all in my book club now, enjoy it! I'll tell you what to read!' But it's

also a nice excuse to meet up once a month and go to the pub as well I

thought! But the first book that I decided we would read on behalf of

everybody was The Vegetarian by Han Kang because it's quite short it, obviously

had had a loss of praise last year and I hadn't read it yet. On reflection I

don't know this was a great choice for a book club

or at least the first choice for this brand-new book club that I have because

it is a lot more difficult and a little bit more out there than I expected it to

be. So this is about a woman in Korea Yeong-Hye who one day wakes up from a

dream and decides that she's not eating meat anymore. However, we never hear from

Yeong-Hye's perspective, this book is in three parts the first part is from her

husband's perspective, then we get her brother-in-law's, then we get her sister's.

I did enjoy this book I enjoyed the first two parts, by the time we got to

her sister's portion I think I'd run out of steam with it or I didn't

like that section as much. What I did find really interesting is that

Yeong-Hye is rejecting societal norms and kind of humanity's animalistic

tendencies I suppose and she's retreating into something more

vegetative, and the imagery that came along with that I really enjoyed

however as it went on I think I just realized this book is going over my head

and there seemed to be a lot of layers in it, there seemed to be a lot that she was

trying to say, but I just didn't get it and I don't think there's any shame in

saying that, like by the end of the book I just thought 'oh I don't know, I don't

know really', and that could be to do with the way that I was reading it perhaps I

was just skimming through it and not really investing myself in the book and

but yeah, it was fine and also I went in thinking I was going to really love it

and it was just okay. I imagine it's probably quite a good book to study but

I didn't really get that much from it from the first read. The next book I read

I did really enjoy and that was The Descent of Man by Grayson Perry. So this

is a study on masculinity, what it means to be male both biologically and also as

part of society. I was really happy to read this because a lot of the writers

that I have read on gender studies have been women and masculinity is something

which I experience externally but I don't have that kind of internal

internalized view of it, it doesn't affect me in that way

so it was really great to hear from a male perspective about these issues

which are quite similar to things that I've read before, but it was great to

hear a different voice and an experience that I don't have myself. One of the

things he talked about in this book is the idea that the way that we're raising

boys is to be an old-fashioned version of men so

perhaps boys are raised to be quite stoic, to be self-sufficient, to not be

emotional and to face any confrontation with anger and violence and that's kind

of building somebody up to be the type of man which perhaps we don't need in a

modern society, especially with more balance to gender roles and fact that a

man doesn't have to defend his home turf from beasts, which can lead to some men

having pent up masculinity, as he refers to it, which needs to exert itself

over something and it can lash out in terms of violence or in terms of just

ego or like trying to prove that you're better than somebody else and it's very

interesting. He was looking at his own experiences and psychoanalyzing himself

as he grew up. I don't know that it was the easiest book to read, some of the

sentences were quite wordy, so I don't know how accessible this would be if

you're not used to reading about gender already, but just with that kind of minor

point I think this is a really interesting look at what it is to be a

man and gender in general. And finally I read The Blind Fisherman by Mia

Couto, who is a Mozambiquean author and I say read, I read about half of this

book and then I put it down but I thought I would still mention it because I

think there are elements in this book that other people would really enjoy, I

just found that it wasn't for me. This is a series of short stories or fables

really because the short stories are very, very short and I'm talking maybe

like between five and ten pages and individually I really liked them, there's

a lot of themes in there that are very interesting and it looks at kind

of post-colonial Mozambique, there's differences between societal classes and

like the Portuguese and there are a lot of fantastical characters in these

stories, I got a strong vibes of 100 Years of Solitude

However because each fable was so short I just felt like they were going over

my head and really like as I was reading through it, I felt like I couldn't get

into any of the characters, some of the characters were blurring into one and

perhaps that was the point of it is just lots and lots of snapshots but I got to

a point where I felt like I wasn't able to take it in anymore, especially because

some of the writing is quite abstract and I just felt like I wasn't paying

attention as a reader so I decided to put it down. But, I would definitely

recommend it if you're ooking for that kind of book, I mean one of the stories

for example was about two brothers who'd got

swept away by a river and then written off as dead by the village and then when

they came back five years later the village are going 'Oh no, you're dead

we've written you down as dead, so you know you can't live here anymore because

you're in the way' and then it gets to a point where the brothers are sort of

going 'Are we dead?? What's going on? Maybe we are dead, everyone's saying that

we are!' So it is quite interesting in that way and I liked these kind of

little abstract fairytales but in the end I just decided that I wasn't getting

enough from this collection as I probably should have, so thought I'd put

it aside for something else. So I would love to hear from you if you have read

any of these books especially if you have read The Vegetarian and have any

more thoughts on it, or if you've read The Blind Fishermen and think I should

have continued on with that I suppose? Any other recommendations of books that

you've read and you've really enjoyed in June, I would love to hear those as

well and I will see you in my next video, bye!

For more infomation >> Reading Wrap Up | June 2017 Part 2 - Duration: 7:41.


Pink Matte Lips Makeup Tutorial Różowe Matowe Usta The Beauty Runway by Aga Wilk - Duration: 2:12.

Hi! It's Aga Wilk.

Welcome to my channel called „The Beauty Runway".

In today's tutorial I'm going to show you step-by-step how to achieve a matte lip effect in electric pink.

Before I start, I have to carefully prep the lips.

Moisturized lips are essential. I decided to use 8 Hour Cream by Elizabeth Arden on them.

When my model's lips are perfectly moisturized

I neutralize their natural color by applying a foundation on top, the one I used on a face.

The next step is to use a favorite lip pencil to line the lips.

If something goes wrong and you draw the line outside the lips don't worry. You can easily fix it using a cotton bud.

I use the same lip pencil to fill in the lips.

Then I apply the chosen lipstick to the lips.

You can apply it straight from the bullet or with a lip brush.

I blot the excess product

and I move to the last step of my make-up which is gradually tapping the pigment in the matching color into the lips with a brush.

To avoid fallout I hold the tissue underneath the lips with my left hand.

Thank you very much for watching.

If you want to be up-to-date please go to my Instagram and subscribe to my channel.

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Pink Matte Lips Makeup Tutorial Różowe Matowe Usta The Beauty Runway by Aga Wilk - Duration: 2:12.


I HAVE A SURPRISE - Duration: 11:36.

Now you are curious, huh

Starting to get sick from this AC, i got a really sore throat

I have arrived in Phuket, Kata Beach

Soon i will meet up with my aunt and her friend. But first, some fried rice

Now that i had my breakfast, i'm going to check out. But i want to show you my place first

This is our room, 8 people live in here. This is my locker, a really big and good locker

I slept up here tonight, and now i will leave this place

We are on our way to a waterfall called Katu Waterfall. There is a lot of steps

So this is the waterfall..

The sun sets in like 5 minutes, time to go back before it gets dark.

Not so much to swim in here

The luxury part is over and it's time for me to switch from hotel to hostel

Now i have to take a bus from Kata Beach to Phuket Town

It is a bit north from here. My auntie Linda and her friend Linda is joining me on the bus

It is friday morning and today i will discover Phuket

I wil rent a motorbike and cruise around the island

I have not had a good impression of Phuket yet. It has not fallen into my taste

It is.. It is a little bit to much tourist-ish

I am on my way to change to another hostel. It is incredibly warm day today

I changed my helmet to a nicer one. Let's go!

I started way down there on Kata beach

Over here we have Patong Beach

And over here is Big Buddah. I think I'm pointing in the right direction. I will go there later

But first i will go to the south part of the island

They are sticking gold to Buddah

Lets move onto the next temple

It is time to leave this temples, it became short on time here

I was totally terrified when they were firing of those firecrackers. It was so loud, and also it was in a big barrel

It was meant that it would sound as loud as possible

Now i'm going to the Big Buddah, all the way up there. Let's go!

The only thing that elephant can do is to swing back and forth. Poor elephant..

The chain is not even half a meter long

This is the west side of Phuket, wah

This is Phuket. I stay here in Phuket town. Drived down here, and here. Big Buddah is here somewhere

And now i'm here. Later on i will go down to Promthep Cape. Sunset viewpoint

My ride. You maybe wonder why i have two helmets

Now you are curious, huh. You will se that pretty soon

I have arrived to stop number.. 5 i think

Really beautiful sunset

It is starting to get dark now, and i have a surprise for you

I have a long way to drive in the dark, so i have to go now

The moment of truth is here. Im in the airport, and my surprise will be here

So this is Elliott, my friend from Sweden. He has lived in Melbourne, Australien for the last 3 months

And now he is finally here woho!!!!!

Im so stoaked, Thailand is a much better country

The weather in Melbourne is crazy

We have to drive for about 1 hour.. on this motorbike

Me and Elliott ended up on a food market

And i bought something really interesting, this is egg and sugar

What happend Jim? HEhe it was not on purpose. Are you okay?

Like meringue with biscuits

Seems like this is a big festival

Now we are heading out for some food, and then it is sleppy time

For more infomation >> I HAVE A SURPRISE - Duration: 11:36.


Crazy Dough Focaccia - Gemma's Crazy Dough Bread Series Ep 5 - Duration: 5:44.

Hi Bold Bakers!

Recently I made Crazy Dough in a video.

Now Crazy Dough is one dough that you can make so many different breads from, both sweet

and savory like cinnamon rolls and even pizza.

Last week I used it to make Nutella loaf and this week I'm going to use the same dough

to make an Italian Focaccia.

So let's get baking.

So we're going to start out with our dough.

Now like I said, I made this dough in a previous video.

It is so simple to make and you don't even need a kitchen mixer.

You can mix it all by hand.

The recipe for it can be found on my website and as always, if you're

new to my channel, don't forget to tap that subscribe button so you don't miss out on

any of my other Crazy Dough videos.

Okay, so here is my dough ready to go.

Now over here I have a baking tin.

Now this baking tin is brushed generously with olive oil because it's kind of an oily

kind of a bread and it makes it really delicious.

So lots of nice olive oil in there.

And then I'm just going to take my dough, here we go, and all you want to do is just

push it into the sides of your tin.

Just keep on moving it all the way around with your fingers.

He might pull back a little bit but just keep on pushing him.

The tin I'm using is around eight inches by twelve inches but you can use any size

you like.

He's all nice in the corners.

This is looking fantastic.

When he's all pushed out and nice and even, I'm going to cover it with some cling wrap

to make sure the air doesn't get at him.

And then I'm going to lay over a nice clean tea towel to keep him nice and warm and snug.

So if you haven't had focaccia before, it is like an Italian flatbread a little bit

like a pizza.

You put yummy stuff on top.

It is really, really delicious.

Now for right now, we're going to set him aside at room temperature, kind of warm, for

around an hour and a half and we're going to let him rise and get nice and bubbly.

So now I'm going to show you how to get that shape and texture that focaccia has,

the way it's kind of bubbly.

So what you want to do is just peel away your cling wrap and your towel, and then in with

your fingers, just go ahead and start piercing the dough.

Right in with your fingers.

Now I know this might seem a little bit weird and you're knocking out the air, but that's

what you're supposed to do.

You're supposed to knock out all the air.

Give it a nice little push down like this.

So now to get a little bit more scientific on you, the reason that we knock out the air

is so that we can actually build even bigger bubbles.

So you're not getting rid of bubbles.

You're actually creating even more of them.

So that's why we do that.

Now there are no rules when it comes to topping your focaccia.

You can add anything you like on there.

Big bulbs of garlic, some prosciutto ham, anything you like.

What I'm going to add on is some whole olives.

I'm just going to take them, they're black olives, and just break them in my hands and

then shove them all over the top of my focaccia.

I love black olives.

You can use green.

You don't like olives, don't put them on at all.

That's totally fine.

But there's something about the little bit of salty in them that I think works really

well with the bread.

I have a lot of olives on here, but next I'm going to add on some sundried tomatoes, which

I absolutely love sundried tomatoes.

I'm going to rip them apart a little bit and then dot them all over the top too.

I love sundried tomatoes because they're that little bit salty as well, but there's

really concentrated flavor because they've been dried out.

They're yummy.

And then last but not least, some fresh rosemary.

Now just go ahead and stick a few sprigs of it all around the top.

As you can see, there is no rhythm or rhyme to this, but in the end, it looks so beautiful.

It's very rustic.

This is a very rustic dish.


Now the reason that I'm making this series is that I don't want you to be intimidated

by bread making.

It is such a simple thing to do.

Also, I want you to check out all of the other videos that I've used making Crazy Dough

because you can just see the array of things you can make.

Now last, but not least, I love to scatter some sea salt all over the top.

Don't be shy about this now.

It's lovely when its baked and it has a little bit of a crunch.

And, do you know what, I just saw this oil here from the tomatoes.

I'm actually going to drizzle this over the top too.

Like I said, focaccia is kind of an oily bread.

This is going to soak into it as it bakes.







Okay dokey, this looks beautiful.

Now what you want to do now is cover it up in cling wrap again.

And lay your tea towel over it.

Now we're going to set him aside again for another 30 minutes and let him proof before

we bake him off.

So I had a little sneaky peek at our dough and it is ready for the oven.

As you can see, it has grown in size.

It has risen up and has lots of nice little bubbles in there.

This is perfect.

Now we're going to bake him off in a nice, hot oven.

Bake your focaccia off at 400 degrees Fahrenheit or 200 degrees Celsius for roughly 30 minutes

or until golden brown.

So I'm really happy with how my focaccia turned out.

I think it looks gorgeous.

Now this has cooled down we I'm going to So I'm really happy with how my focaccia

turned out.

I think it looks gorgeous.

Now this has cooled down so I'm going to remove it from the tin and I'm going to

start cutting it up.

Now you're not going to believe this, but I actually made this focaccia with Crasy Dough

had been frozen.

I made lots of it last week and then I popped it into the freezer, I labeled it, and then

I wanted to make focaccia so I took it out and it worked perfectly.

So remember that about Crazy Dough.

Okay, check out this focaccia.

How gorgeous is that?

Do you see all those bubbles that we created and the indents of our fingers.

This could not be more perfect.

Focaccia is the perfect bread for any occasion.

It works great for sandwiches and it even just lovely by itself, straight out of the


Have to give it a little taste.

This is such a gorgeous bread, nice and warm.

The tomatoes are kind of sweet, the olives are salty and the rosemary, oh my gosh.

This is such a beautiful loaf of bread.

I really really hope you try it.

Come back next week because I'm going to show you how you can take Crazy Dough and

make it into homemade pretzels.

I'll see you really soon for more Bigger Bolder Baking.

For more infomation >> Crazy Dough Focaccia - Gemma's Crazy Dough Bread Series Ep 5 - Duration: 5:44.



Welcome again to this study room with Lorenz Gadient in Ingolstadt, Germany.

Today you are going to talk about L'Affilard, which is probably a source you are not familiar with.

Lorenz, please tell us about him and why his source is so important.

I am very lucky to be able to present the original. An edition of the year 1705

L'Affilard was a court dancer: "Ordinaire de la musique du Roi".

He was a musician at the king's court, responsible for court dances etc.

His book was published by the famous publisher "Balard".

"Principes très facile pour bien apprendre la musique" - "Very easy principles for a good way to learn music".

And he does it by presenting all the familiar court dances.

He shows how to use the agréments - the musical ornamentations -

And the dance pieces are all presented with small texts - small arias.

You can sing the pieces and the texts inform you about the musical character of the dance.

This is very interesting

And the year 1705 is very interesting for us.

This book of principles must have been very popular, since in the year 1705 two editions were published.

I have the first edition and Mr. Miehling is referring to the second edition of the same year in his book.

This shows that this book has been widely distributed and very popular.

Is there a difference between the first and the second edition?

Hardly any difference, but the explication of the mentioned duration times of the pendulum's swing is missing.

He does not give the lenght of the pendulum or the value of the note to which he is referring

But with a small bow he indicates to how many parts of the bar the time indication is referring.

And these time indications are very interesting - they are "tièrces" - Terzen.

So, for example you can see here the number 30 and a small bow on top of it.

The small bow in this case is referring to two half notes. The reference point is a half note.

And was this very common? He obviously invented this system.

And this small number "30" means, 30 1/60 seconds - meaning half a second.

The second is also being divided into 60 parts.

There are three time divisions of the hour; the first is the "minute", the second is the "second" and the third is the "tièrce".

So, it is not divided by three but it is just the third division. Simple, if you know....

Thus, 30 "tièrces" are 30/60 seconds or 1/2 a second.

Now the question is, what does he mean by this? Mr. Miehling says that the time indication is obvious.

30 tièrces are half a second - full stop - end of discussion.

However, I discovered that in these pieces the breathing signs are very revealing.

L'Affilard also uses breathing signs - and they are very small bows.

For example here on the lowest line - it almost looks like a dot; or here, or here....

Mr Miehling also noticed these breathing signs and shows them in his edition of these dances.

However, he has not put them into practice - he never tried whether they really work,

whether they make sense or not, whether they are necessary or not.

The author writes in his introduction that at these positions you have to breathe.

Yes, exactly, you have to breathe - you even should shorten the previous note and breathe.

Thus, the author does not put these signs randomly but wherever he considers them to be necessary.

Now we have a Gavotte here. Mr Miehling says it is clear, a half note is half a second. One bar, one second.

However, I am saying that the breathing signs reveal something different.

If you sing this piece in the tempo according to Mr Miehling's interpretation, every second breathing sign is unnecessary.

One second for the whole bar.

Now I sang without using this breathing sign.

Now I will sing with all the breathing signs as they are written here, then it sounds like this....

That is too much...

I can sing easily like this...

In a musical way this makes more sense.

If I sing it half as fast.....

...then it makes sense, then it is just right.

The author also gives a definition of what he understands as swing, as vibration.

A pendulum is a lead ball which hangs on a string. One hangs the string at some place and lets the ball go back and forth, which one calls swings/vibrations.

The problem is, that he should have written swing/vibration in the singular,

then it would have been clear that one vibration consits of a back swing and a forth swing.

But he writes about vibrations in the plural and also of the swings back and forth in the plural.

Thus it is not clear whether he means the single swings back or forth or one swing back and forth.

But in the same time and at the same publisher, Antoine Furetière has also published.

And L'Affilard and Furetière must surely have known each other.

And Furetière wrote a big encyclopedia

and he gives an exact definition of "vibration".

he writes, describing the vibration: "à droit et à gauche"

"à droit et à gauche" and not "de droit à gauche" which would mean a single swing/beat - as defined by the Académie Française

So you mean that Furetière's definition is much closer to L'Afilard's meaning than for example the Académie Française?

No, the definition by the Académie Française is 30 years later.

Thus it is obvious that L'Affilard also uses the term "vibration" in the sense of a double swing/beat.

Ok, it has been a long day but I have learned a lot and I hope you too.

If this is your first time here, there are several videos in this series and I will link them here.

Don't forget to subscribe if you want to stay on top of everything we do.

I am not only doing chats with Lorenz but I am also of the practical side - playing music.

But again, the theory behind all this is very important and I believe it is time to step out with the research

and to cover all the things we know, step by step.

Thank you again Lorenz and we see each other again for another chat. Thanks, bye.

For more infomation >> L'AFFILLARD (1705) ON THE TEMPI OF FRENCH COURT DANCES - Duration: 11:56.


Independence Dad - July 4- BBQ Gone Wrong - Dad Fail Funny - Duration: 1:58.

Alright 4th of July BBQ.

Here we go!

We got our briquits, our lighter.

Dad why do you wear long sleeves when you're outside?

Yea aren't you hot?

Yea but I, I don't like to get sunburned okay guys.

We got our mitten, everything ready to go.

We put the bricks in here we put all of them.

Let's get the lighter fluid.

OOOO Daddy can do the lighter fluid?

No I wanna do it!!

Relax, relax, you guys uhh you can both do it.


But very little ok?

Just put very little

Like that?

Yea that's perfect.


I'm going to go get the mittens.

Put these gloves on...

*son practically empties the lighter fluid bottle on the briquits... giggling

Very little?

I, I think it needs more.

No, no, no, no it's very little honey.

Very little that's good that's good.

Why don't I have you guys stand over there. Ok?

Away from the fire.

Saftey first.


When you light the fire you wanna make sure that you are at a good distance.


*kids gasp but dad continues Guys always you wanna remember that you wanna

be a good distance from the fire.

*interrupts but dad!

Don't interrupt me.

You've gotta be a good distance from the fire so that you're always

*kids interrupt louder BUT DAD YOUR ARM!

Don't interrupt ok?

So you wanna be a good distance from the fire.

But dad your arm.

Don't worry about my arm.

I've got a fire resistant glove!!!

Stop drop and roll.

He's probably going to get sunburn on that arm now. Yea....

For more infomation >> Independence Dad - July 4- BBQ Gone Wrong - Dad Fail Funny - Duration: 1:58.


Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. Daddy Yankee dance cover by Hathaway Lee(請開字幕) - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. Daddy Yankee dance cover by Hathaway Lee(請開字幕) - Duration: 4:13.


Call of Duty 2 | Bölüm 1 - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> Call of Duty 2 | Bölüm 1 - Duration: 11:15.


LARRY BALMAGIA in Chisinău - Duration: 12:24.

For more infomation >> LARRY BALMAGIA in Chisinău - Duration: 12:24.


How to make a fidget spinner paper - Diy fidget spinner with bearings - Duration: 6:31.


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