Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 7, 2017

Youtube daily report Jul 20 2017

Good job! :V


This is the VC system.

Void's unique twist on a combat system in SL.

The system has a modular structure. You get to install abilities in it that perform different functions.

These objects you see in my inventory are all different abilities from various categories.

Quite a few huh? :)

These abilities are in traditional magical themes. Example, there is fire magic, blood magic, toxic/poison-y stuff... On top of that, every hud we released so far has a category for VC system aswell.

So many things, took so long to build. But I think you are going to enjoy it. :D

^ Emubot is also wearing a VC system

Let me show you what some of the abilities look like:

A basic projectile attack, from the Paragon spellpack.

Deals medium damage. You can see Emubot took some damage.

The i button on the hud stands for "info" and when pressed, will display all the abilities that are currently installed on your system

PS: I am in "Unavailable" mode so the chat is not displayed unless I open the nearby tab.

A heavy projectile attack, from the lightning category.

Leaves behind a field that shocks and damages avatars who enter it :)

As you can tell by now, VC system is fully animated, and all the spells have pretty visuals.

You can see that, casting abilities are depleting my energy. Energy costs vary from spell to spell.

Energy cost depends on how much damage a spell does, or its general usefulness in a battle setting.

She is running out of health...

A lifesteal ability, from the blood magic category.

Makes your target bleed and lose health, while giving you some of their health :)

Now here is something unique to the VC system.

When a target reaches 0 hp, they are not defeated just yet. Instead, they go into a weak state. During this state, targets are open for a special type of ability...

We call them the Finishers


Each category of spells has their own unique finisher. What you just saw was the finisher for the fire category.

A fight is over only after a finisher is struck. If a fighter fails to finish off a weak target, the target will recover and fight will continue.

Each spell category's finisher does something different both visual and functionality wise.

For example, the finisher for the paragon category does not kill people. But instead, it revives them instantly.

Right, lets get back to showcasing spells...

Firefall: A massive blast, from the fire category.

Deals massive damage on impact, and leaves behind a fire field for a short while that burns targets in range.

Like I mentioned before, energy costs incrase the stronger an ability is, so the fights should be fair.

Let me install some other spells from various categories :)

mmm lets get the finisher from blood magic category... I quite like this one.

And a basic projectile attack from the fire category...

And finally, some laser things from the apareka category :D

As you can see, its all about building the strongest skillset, using spells from all the categories that are available to you.

For a strong skillset, its vital that you choose spells that are going to work in harmony.

Example, the previously shown massive fire attack. If you do not have a way of keeping your target inside the fire field, the ability will not reach its true potential.

Using firefall, with an ability that hinders target's movement will score you a quick victory.

Provided that you also have skill that is :p

Basic Projectile attack, from the fire category:

Lasergrid, from the Apareka category:

And the finisher, from the blood category:


By the time this video is available for you, Our homesim should be open.

We have built our largest puzzle yet, and this puzzle will serve as a tutorial and instructions for the VC system.

The system itself is free to get. And completing this puzzle will allow you to gain quite a few spells free of charge, more than enough to build your first skillset.

Progress through the puzzle, as you learn new abilities and overcome obstacles :)

Have a wonderful day :)

For more infomation >> [VCS] TRAILER - Duration: 7:45.


5 Creepy Mutant Fish Caught On Camera - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 5 Creepy Mutant Fish Caught On Camera - Duration: 3:39.


Bruce Lee Training to Shred Below 10% Body Fat - Duration: 6:38.

hey guys Kevin Kreider more than just muscle. Bruce Lee is an

amazing person to model after he has an awesome physique and he's got a great

mental mindset to go with it he's a freakin badass and look at this guy he's

not that big he's mean he doesn't have a whole lot of muscle he's athletic and

he's a badass he's quick he's quick on his feet and he looks awesome what I

really liked about Bruce Lee is that he connected the body and mind at once or

the mind and the body and one he thought that wine can't go without the other

you've got to work on both at the same time just like the Greek mythology they

all believe their athletes need to work body in mind it's all connected if you

try to just work on the outer it can only go so far and get all these bros

out there and they don't work on their mindset anything is you got to work on

your mind to support the body and that's what's beautiful about Bruce Lee besides

the factory's below 10% body fat how do you get to his physique and how do you

get below 10% body fat

to lose body-fat it's all about nutrition its calories in versus

calories out it's the energy balance it's the laws of thermodynamics energy

cannot be destroyed or created but it can be transferred in different ways and

for human beings excess energy is body fat excess energy through food is body

fat get that in your head a lot of people are like whoa Kevin calories a

lot of calories no calorie is a calorie it's just that

maybe your body doesn't burn calories as efficiently as Bruce Lee because he's

way active he's busy kicking ass and he's also got a great nutrition regimen

and I fucked up but the diet and nutrition plan even Bruce Lee probably

and the thing is we all think we're going to be perfect on that but we're

not like you don't have to actually do what he did that that patients that had

consistency with this now people would argue

Terminix both of them it's probably the quality of food and I just need to eat

really organic Whole Foods well guess what you're gonna end up going broke and

second of all professor mark Taub did a study and he did the Twinkie guy at a

while back ago and all he did really was eat Twinkies and he lost twenty twenty

seven pounds and his blood work was better what is that probably because all

that extra body fat you have on you is unhealthy and that's what's causing a

lot of unhealthy conditions going on obesity is rampant in America so let's

figure that out there's a lot of people probably eating way more than they can

and the thing is their calories their energy output just isn't high enough

they're sitting there not moving good I can't even explain it any more to you

guys because I just want to get it through your head that it is the energy

balance less food has to come to your body it doesn't matter if it's fucking

paleo the most organic grass-fed animals you've ever had which I promote I think

that's great that they grass be them and they're they treat them better stop

eating so much and the thing is though people a but I want to look like Bruce

Lee well then do some work and model active Bruce

and if you don't model at the Bruce Lee all of somebody else's principles and

strategies on how to do it the things we end up cherry-picking

everything that we want to do oh I really like this workout internalizing

this I'm gonna replace it'll push us instead I'm like now stop don't push up

I put a Bennett press in there for a reason

oh I saw this guy on YouTube but image to do this instead so I'm going to do

that instead of this and stop maybe kinda matching stuff and China it things

into what you want sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to do like

track your food and some of the Canes I mean is like well Kevin I can't track I

that's way too high of calories to eat and I don't normally eat like that and

I'm like well how long you been tracking your food intake on MyFitnessPal one or

two days one or two days and this guy's that can analytics guy I'm like if you

brought that data for only one or two days and nothing happened and nothing

changed would you be able to say this is real data no you're going to dude we got

to do this for at least 30 to 60 days maybe even six months to get data back

in to do it consistently same thing with tracking your calories

you have to do it consistently to figure out if it's working alright enough of

that part of love on that kind of stuff but it just drove me crazy here that I

was like you did it once or twice and you think that's that's how it is you

don't know and then you tell me you blow your diet on the weekends well no shit

you drink a lot and then you eat a lot you can blow them one day if you wanted

to exercise helps increase the calories output that you're doing and also builds

muscle which also is like a furnace it just burns more calories that way and

then when you build more muscle you can probably eat a little bit more or you

can keep the calories the same and keep burning more fat

now the workout programs are are really built around the fundamentals and the

fundamentals are doing heavy compound movements and getting stronger all the

time and the thing is it's easier to get below 10% body fat and get shredded now

we don't have to workout three hours a day we don't have to come to the gym

five six times a week and these workout programs

I really recommend something like the body shred

tone and transform because you only workout three times a week if you're a

beginner and you don't have to work out as much it's only about 45 minutes to an

hour tops I'm about doing the things that are the

most effective for you think all about doing the things that really work and

the minds that you got to get into the mindset guys start the morning off right

and you win the day and in these workout courses that I have these trainings

virtual training programs I helped you with the mindset which is different than

a lot of fitness gurus out there like that's what I really don't like about

and that's what I think the problem with the fitness industry is they're too busy

just working on the exterior they forget to work on here and in here and in my

virtual training programs I include that so you can get better you look better

just take the body design tool it's free to take it on gadgets that customized

workout program see you guys

For more infomation >> Bruce Lee Training to Shred Below 10% Body Fat - Duration: 6:38.


WORLS BIGGEST BOX FORT!! 24 Hour Challenge: Basketball Court, NERF WAR, Segway & More! - Duration: 11:26.

Wow did you throw the 5/4 see you guys in the morning

Jake what are you looking at I'm so bored I'm looking a board on Google

Images that sounds like fun no no it isn't look it isn't function

bzees little good to be out there make it fast

that's my Colin you know what box understand the next box board I just

don't know what to do I'm out of idea I need more idea you checked the idea jar

all right let me check it all of our amazing ideas come from the idea job

that's who we got I did my god there's nothing left

we're good where the mighty are you check today's comments six time touch it

what's so funny what are you laughing at I made a joke Logan's made a joke on you

we're not out of ideas I'm not looking up for Logan I'm looking up big

I am the box or yeah and speaking of which today's video Logan we're going to

be breaking a world record I wanted to bring since I was a wee little boy we're

making the biggest box boat in the world a big box for years were full that part

of the world we fought for you need so much more activity and on time instead

of putting down the floor and getting this thing ready we've got a little bit

of time already got outside we're gonna be sleeping in here tonight so we

his place is on the floor is coming along it's looking great for working on

taping up the entire floor and then we're going to start working on the

walls I think the hardest part out of this whole thing is going to be the

ceiling one utility lating guys it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning Jake it's

officially past that oh my god had to so much work as we literally covered the

entire room and now I can officially say I'm lying in the biggest box border in

the world look it's not quite done yet this isn't done have I ever been able to

lie like this in a box work you would literally make a box for it in this box

first but guys like Logan just said we're not done yet but it's super late

it's past 2:00 a.m. so I think what we're going to do is we're going to call

it for the night we're going to get out that rules out we've got a sheet here

it's pretty hot here so I think it's all good so we're going to set up or

sleeping area for the night sleep and then tomorrow morning we'll finish up

the box board

and a ton of time making the world's biggest box board it was actually crazy

I did not think you would take this much time in this much fabric we still have

that little patch to do there but all around the light all around the window

we're still going to patch up the window a little bit it gets bad we're going to

recharge and then tomorrow we're going to finish the box board and then we're

going to start filling it with the fun stuff Logan hit the Lights it's bedtime

and then socks for you know the amount of boxford's I've slept in I don't think

I ever thought I would sleep in this muddy box course of my life honestly

this is really comfy man it's the most spacious box it is you know what though

I'm missing that like not like snug feeling like it doesn't have that like

cozy feeling that our boxers normally have I'm not complaining like it's

definitely nice I love the room I'm excited for tomorrow it should be an

awesome day I'm his best so see you guys in the morning I just woke up as you


we did it we slept in the world's biggest ball explored it was definitely

routed to 840 Wow that she got so sick look here the birds chirpin but we gotta

get up guys because we got a mission to do we got to finish this box for it if

you have a full day of activities planning here and now it's time for

breakfast and you guys know normally for surviving the woods or surviving outside

we got to eat something pretty rationing but since we're inside

children the world's biggest box fort we got to agree

Logan what we looking at today breakfast and brunch all those functions guys a

bit a little while and our ovaries has finally come I actually got dressed I

got ready for the day check it out look what we got here we got some McDonald's

oohs you know we need to do we need a box table damn dude

this is the world face box board we've got plenty of room so we get up a full

box at our table so we eat breakfast at the table in our box burgers we're

civilized all right buon appetito go I have my coffee I've had of my breakfast

bagel I'm looking a little bit tired it definitely tell whenever we do one of

these box 4 videos it's rough to sleep in a box wear as much fun as it is it's

definitely a hard or it's time for some activities we have this massive box port

let's burn off some of our breakfast and have a little fun

and this is the boss sport room it is the world's biggest box for slogan

what's the perspective you today oh and you ever segue in a box for it matter

yeah look at what here we have to do segue to zoom all right do something

cool whoa okay okay I got to get on this is so awesome I don't think they're down

before in fact I chose ever before y'all can't redo is one little problem

no did you kind of flip a little bit on the Box bosses are not traction friendly

Pete what are you doing BL don't scrub yeah we have at a Roomba in a box where

before but it did not work at all new time you can actually do with the job

beeps is sweeping a lot making sure everything's Licensing for us to the

next activity is basketball that's right we got some black sport basketball

because you guys when you've got a bunch of room there's nothing better than play

a little bit of basketball so we're going to set each of these hoops up on

different sides of the box for it and we're gonna have a little game of

basketball that's your hoop so there's a lot of

room for me to get inside this is going to be my hoop you can so score Logan you

know it's just going to more slam dunk on this one but you should be okay

designer chorus and a spur about well we're going to be using some of the

leftover duct tape so I'm going to mold it together and use a little bit extra

duct tape to turn it into a proper duct tape basketball all right guys there we

go is the duct tape basketball yo guys

we're to try to dunk a basketball

all right guys 20 to try the duct a basketball

those your three-pointers oh wow Logan you broke the slice or just a friendly

game of basketball not the NBA

it shall be the peaches shop three-point line on business next on the game with

the 3 pointer lies dear

that concludes that Fox sport basketball looks like I'm the winner guys you did

have it smaller than that that's true I did up a smaller net but I didn't figure

hard dude I'm totally I would do basketball no where you can do we have

football legend I'm all right all right you think you're so good I am so good

you think you're so good I'm amazed in the past I challenge you to near fort

under for another for inside the world's biggest box for yeah bro you're going

down let's go

I loved it

he said defy that was a nerf war inside of a bar for guys dude that was insane

I thought I don't know who won that I don't know either guys jump to let us

know in the comments down below who you think won this therefore but guys guys I

think this is where we're going to wrap up overnight in the world's biggest box

for this has been absolutely insane wait enough room to have an entire nerd

for here it was so awesome and got if you like this be sure to smack that like

button down below let's try and go big you've got the world's biggest box for

let's go big with 100,000 lights I think we can do it guys let's go baby those

like smash that like what a lot of life not sure but it's got Papa Jake fucking

pussy don't you guys next time for another video


For more infomation >> WORLS BIGGEST BOX FORT!! 24 Hour Challenge: Basketball Court, NERF WAR, Segway & More! - Duration: 11:26.


Wrong Heads Boss Baby Jimbo Staci and Trolls Poppy Funny Video for Kids - Duration: 3:12.

Wrong Heads Boss Baby Jimbo Staci and Trolls Poppy Funny Video for Kids

For more infomation >> Wrong Heads Boss Baby Jimbo Staci and Trolls Poppy Funny Video for Kids - Duration: 3:12.


Norwalk mom seeks refuge from deportation at local church - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Norwalk mom seeks refuge from deportation at local church - Duration: 3:23.


Lady Gaga Is The Next Round! | Season 1 Ep. 7 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Lady Gaga Is The Next Round! | Season 1 Ep. 7 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:54.


Jamie Foxx Introduces The Fast Track Round | Season 1 Ep. 7 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Jamie Foxx Introduces The Fast Track Round | Season 1 Ep. 7 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:25.


Savvy Shopper: Christmas in July at Hallmark - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Savvy Shopper: Christmas in July at Hallmark - Duration: 4:56.


Netflix Exclusives You Should Be Watching - Duration: 12:37.

Because of its massive reach and selection of original content, Netflix can offer a little

something for everyone.

There's more to watch every month, making it difficult to keep track of the best offerings.

With that in mind, here are some of the best series made by Netflix, for Netflix.

13 Reasons Why

One of the saddest teen-oriented shows in recent memory is also one of the best.

Based on the novel by Jay Asher, 13 Reasons Why is a provocative, often unsettling examination

of bullying, mental illness, assault, trauma, and suicide.

The "13 reasons" of the title refer to audiotapes recorded by a high school student named Hannah,

with each side detailing a different reason why she took her own life.

It's not for the faint of heart, but 13 Reasons Why is definitely a must-watch.

Orange Is the New Black

"Women in prison" used to be the domain of seedy movie theaters and late-night Cinemax.

Not anymore: Orange Is the New Black is one of the most wholly original and feminist series

in TV history.

Based on Piper Kerman's memoir about being an upper-middle-class white woman jailed for

a drug crime, the show has evolved into a vast ensemble drama with a lot to say about

gender, race, and economic issues.

It tells the stories of incarcerated women as people, not just "criminals," and how they

form new families and learn more about their own identities while locked up.

Clear your schedule, because once you start you'll be binge-watching for hours.

Stranger Things

It's no small feat that a show about children in grave danger somehow gives viewers the

warm and fuzzies.

That's the power of nostalgia.

A wholly original science-fiction series with its own deep mythology, rules, and a range

of fleshed-out characters, Stranger Things is loaded with references to '80s sci-fi and

horror, in part because it's set in the '80s.

More than anything, it feels like another entry in that so-'80s genre of entertainment

about adventurous kids that adults could enjoy too: inventive, dark, and completely entertaining.

Never say die.

BoJack Horseman

This is a cartoon set in some kind of alternate universe where all kinds of animals have human

qualities and live among humans.

Its main character is BoJack Horseman, a washed-up actor who starred in a terrible '90s family

sitcom called Horsin' Around.

Yet in spite of all of this zaniness, BoJack Horseman provides one of the most accurate

and heartbreaking portrayals of depression ever put to screen.

BoJack is a sellout who wants to make art, but isn't sure if he can, and always self-sabotages

his own successes.

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

While the 2004 adaptation of the kiddie goth book series Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate

Events was certainly delightful, the problem is that there was only one.

There are multiple bestselling books about the forever-doomed Baudelaire orphans, and

now they all finally get to come to life via a Netflix original series.

Neil Patrick Harris stars as the wicked Count Olaf, an actor by trade who uses his access

to wigs and makeup to worm his way into the lives of the kids so he can steal their inheritance.

The versatile Harris is perfectly cast as Olaf, and he also sings the theme song, warning

the viewer to stay away from the show because it's just too bleak and troubling.

The dark and playful humor is balanced with whimsical, dreamlike imagery, making a show

that's guaranteed to entertain all ages.

Arrested Development

In 2013, Netflix aired its first revival of a show originally produced on another network,

making quite a statement in the process: If Arrested Development, a critically adored

cult hit that lurked near the bottom of the ratings when it initially aired on Fox, could

be revived, then anything could.

It also proved Netflix was a major player in entertainment, as an Arrested Development

revival had already been discussed at big places like HBO and Showtime, with Netflix

ultimately winning out.

The show reunited the entire main cast to create what's really a 13-episode movie.

Each episode focuses on the backstory of a different main character and what they've

been up to in the past decade or so.

It's ridiculous, multi-layered, self-referential—and astonishingly good.

If you only watch one episode, watch the one about Gob, in which he confuses the first

friendship he's ever had for romantic attraction, gets himself locked in a fake rock, tries

and fails to raise bees, and becomes part of the entourage of a pop star who writes

a song about how awful Gob is.


How many Netflix shows is Will Arnett on, anyway?

He's the voice of the title character on BoJack Horseman, he plays a prominent figure in A

Series of Unfortunate Events, and he co-starred in the Arrested Development revival.

Arnett also co-created the quiet dramedy Flaked about a recovering middle-aged alcoholic trying

to put his life back together after killing another man while driving under the influence.

His recovery includes making stools, fighting with his best friend, and tooling around Venice,

California on his bike.

It's a sometimes poignant, sometimes funny show about a numb guy in paradise trying to

take action but never quite getting there.

Wait a second…is this just a live-action BoJack Horseman?

W/ Bob and David

Mr. Show with Bob and David ran on HBO from 1995 to 1999 and became one of the most highly

regarded sketch comedy shows of the '90s.

Many of its cast and writers went on to become comedy icons, including stars David Cross

and Bob Odenkirk, as well as Paul F. Tompkins, Tom Kenney, and Scott Aukerman.

Gathering all those talents together to make more top-notch sketch comedy after nearly

20 years apart seemed impossible, but Netflix was able to do it with the four-episode miniseries

W/ Bob and David.

Time has passed but the magic has not, and these sketches are worthy additions to the

Bob and David canon.

If you loved all the absurdity of the original, you'll definitely get a kick out of the revived


Making a Murderer

Along with HBO's The Jinx, Netflix's Making a Murderer reignited the public's fascination

with true crime stories.

This exhaustive and extraordinarily compelling series analyzes every possible aspect of the

2005 murder case for which Wisconsin man Steven Avery was charged—and as the series shows,

a lot of things don't quite add up.

Was evidence planted?

Were police out to frame Avery because he was suing them for wrongful conviction and

imprisonment for an earlier crime?

Did police coerce a confession out of Brendan Dassey, Avery's accomplice and nephew?

Making a Murderer is equal parts riveting and enraging, and its real-world struggle

is guaranteed to get you hooked.

House of Cards

Based on a British miniseries, House of Cards details the slow, methodical, and deadly path

by which Southern politician Frank Underwood seeks out and obtains the power he's so obsessed


Over the course of several seasons, cold-blooded Frank does whatever he needs to do to ascend

the government ladder.

Even if political dramas aren't usually your thing, House of Cards is bound to suck you


Master of None

Less a serial comedy series and more an anthology of standalone episodes, Master of None is

definitely a unique addition to the Netflix library.

Comedian, actor, and writer Aziz Ansari and his writing partner Alan Yang won an Emmy

for this series, which is probably the first to really capture the millennial point of


It's thoughtful, wise, and even legitimately touching—but also hilarious, because Ansari

can't help being funny.

The Crown

Quiet, slow-building stories about British monarchs are nothing new to television—it's

the bread and butter of PBS and the BBC, after all.

And yet The Crown is something entirely different.

Shot at a cost of $100 million, the most expensive series in Netflix history, it's an extraordinarily

ambitious project that aims to tell the complete life story of Queen Elizabeth II, from childhood

to coronation to the present day, as she struggled to keep England together in the post-war years

and learned how to be a stateswoman from the incomparable Winston Churchill, portrayed

by John Lithgow.

Keep in mind that Elizabeth is still alive—but she'd find it hard to be offended.

It's all done with an empathy and humanity not generally given to larger-than-life figures,

especially ones that can seem as cold and distant as English monarchs.

We see her grieve, we see her insecurities, we even see her getting flirty with her husband

Prince Phillip.

The Crown is also absolutely gorgeous—the set and costume design is so lush and spot-on

that you could swear it was shot right in Buckingham Palace.

The OA

This sci-fi show is about a mysterious young woman who re-appears after disappearing for

seven years...

Only now she's covered in scars, calls herself "The OA," and can see even though she used

to be blind.

It's a dark, labyrinthine series about death, the afterlife, science, violence, conspiracies,

and human spirituality.

In short, it gets deep, and it gets weird.

It's a good thing that Netflix doesn't charge by the hour, because we'd all rack up huge

bills trying to figure out The OA.

Black Mirror

A dead TV series returning to life thanks to rapidly spreading technology?

That sounds like an episode of Black Mirror!

Netflix revived Charlie Brooker's creepy British sci-fi anthology series for six new stories.

They're all vaguely set in the very near future and, like the original series, examine the

often damaging effects of the place where humanity and technology intersect, and how

that relationship affects our humanity and dignity…for better or for worse.

Santa Clarita Diet

Yeah, there are a lot of zombie shows on TV right now, but Santa Clarita Diet has them


First of all, it's just as gory and disgusting as The Walking Dead, but it's a lot funnier.

Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant star as Sheila and Joel Hammond, Southern California

real estate agents who hit a bit of a rough patch in their marriage when Sheila turns

into a zombie with an insatiable desire for human meat.

Naturally, she must turn to murder, but Joel is on board, as is their teenage daughter

Abby and their macabre-obsessed neighbor.

Sheila taking a huge bite out of life is a great metaphor for choosing to live life to

the fullest, but this is still a zombie show, so there are plenty of gross-out moments.

No spoilers, but this is probably your only chance to see the star of Never Been Kissed

barf up a swimming pool's worth of sludge.

"That was a crazy amount of vomit."

"Well, I'm not a medical expert.

So I can't say what the proper amount of vomit is."

"It was a HUGE amount."


By day, Matt Murdock is a lawyer.

By night, he cleans up New York's Hell's Kitchen with his fists and fighting skills.

The action sequences are intense, and Daredevil lays waste to every thug he faces despite

his blindness.

Those scenes are almost as terrific as the ones with Vincent D'Onofrio as the terrifying

villain Kingpin.

Put it all together, and you have one of the best original action series on Netflix.

Even a blind man could see that.

Jessica Jones

Is Jessica Jones the first superhero psychological drama?

It's a comic book and superhero show without the usual trappings—you rarely see Jessica

exhibit her amazing abilities.

Instead, it focuses on the ramifications of how she's used those powers in the past.

In many ways, it's less of a superhero show and more about a young woman trying to forge

her own identity while struggling to leave her past behind.

She just happens to be super-strong.

Luke Cage

This show marks Netflix's first spin-off, focusing on the character portrayed by Mike

Colter on Jessica Jones.

It's another Marvel series that reflects the real world and its culture, history, and race


Luke Cage is a human story about a superhero trying to navigate a world in which he sometimes

feels like he doesn't fit in, which makes a great allegory about a young man trying

not to get swallowed up by the underbelly of urban society.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Netflix Exclusives You Should Be Watching - Duration: 12:37.


President of Lake Shore Fifth Third discusses the importance of Park Parties - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> President of Lake Shore Fifth Third discusses the importance of Park Parties - Duration: 7:55.


Marilyn Mosby addresses body cam video of officer appearing to plant drugs - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Marilyn Mosby addresses body cam video of officer appearing to plant drugs - Duration: 1:50.


Video: New details released in the case of an infant death - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Video: New details released in the case of an infant death - Duration: 1:51.


Why TRUMP is Getting it Wrong with CUBA? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 12:26.

On the 11th of April of 2015 a historical meeting took place between Raul Castro, the

president of Cuba, and Barack Obama.

It was celebrated in Panama and it was the first bilateral meeting of the US and Cuba

President's in 50 years.

Four months earlier, both leaders had announced they would remake relations between the two


And as they said they would do, so it was done.

In just a short period of time, the first changes were made, and relations between both

countries started to return to normal.

Now, it does seem like we say this a lot on this channel, but the arrival of Donald Trump

to the White House, well, it changed everything... again.

The new president of the United States has ordered that the US steps back from most of

the changes that Obama had initiated with Cuba.

So, the question might be: Why is he doing this?

What does he expect?

And what are the consequences of this new policy?

We're going to look at all of these questions in this video, but before we do, let's have

a look at this history of relations between these two countries...

(THE EMBARGO) After the so-called 'Cuban Revolution'

had taken place against Batista's dictatorship, the new government in the island led by Fidel

Castro soon started to nationalize every kind of capital good and company: land, hotels,

factories... everything was up for grab by the government.

So the Cuban Revolution ended on the 1st of January 1959, and already by May, the government

had begun huge expropriations all across the country.

Now, as you can probably imagine, this is something that the US did not take very well.

There were thousands of lawsuits filed in the U.S., which had close relations with Cuba

at the time.

Further, if this wasn't enough to upset the U.S., the Soviet Union was already getting

on well with Fidel Castro.

(It was in this situation when, as a penalty, Washington passed the first trade embargo

against the island, an embargo that slowly grew stronger as the relations of these countries

got worse).

In fact, after the missile crisis of 1962, Kennedy even limited US travel to Cuba.

Since then, and with the exception of a short period of better relations under the governments

of Ford and Carter, the various governments of the United States have kept the embargo

and the policy of isolating Cuba economically in place.

Ronald Reagan labelled the island as a sponsor of terrorism and later Bill Clinton made restrictions

even more severe and the embargo became law.

Since then, travelling to Cuba, investing in Cuba, or doing business with the Cuban

government has been very limited for Americans.

Well, that is, until Barack Obama came to office.

(On February 2008, Fidel passed the power to his brother Raul Castro.

The same year the elections took place and Obama said it was time to use a different

approach with Cuba, it was time to repair diplomatic relations between both countries).

Obama didn't want to wait and, shortly after he arrived in the White House, he softened

some of the restrictions in place on Cuba...

For example, he allowed Cubans in the US to send money to the island and he started to

allow US citizens to travel to Cuba.

Many more things followed these first gestures.

During the years Obama was in office, many restrictions against Cuba were reduced.

In 2014, both countries announced the reestablishment of diplomatic relations and, in December of

that same year, Raul Castro and Obama met in Panama.

Significant progress was being made.

And that is how two great moments took place, in 2015

the embassies reopened in both countries and, in March of 2016, Air Force One landed in

Havana for the first time in history - Cuba hadn't hosted a sitting American president

since 1928.

'A policy of isolation designed for the Cold War made little sense in the 21st Century.'

The embargo was only hurting the Cuban people, instead of helping them.

It's time to lift the embargo.

It is time now for us to leave the past behind.

It is time for us to look forward to the future together'.

Obama's Speech to the Cuban People

Obama's new policies towards Cuba were taking over... and even though the embargo laws were

technically still in force, the Obama administration managed to find legal loopholes to allow the

relations between these two countries to be something close to normal.

When Obama left the White House, Americans could travel freely to Cuba, immigrants could

sent unlimited money back to the country, American companies could invest in Cuba, and

even planes of American companies frequently landed in Jose Marti International

Airport... The new relationship was working.

But, then Donald Trump became president of the United States, and as we already mentioned�

everything changed.

(TRUMP AND CUBA) On the 16th June 2017, Trump decided to take

this new policy back... and he did so in a neighbourhood of Miami called Little Havana:

(Effective immediately, I am canceling the last administration.s completely one-sided

deal with Cuba), 16th June 2017.

As soon as he finished his speech, Trump signed guidelines for his so called 'new policy'

with Cuba...

But, after a 50 year embargo with the country it could hardly be described as 'new'...

(Trump won't completely reverse it, many of Obama's policies will be maintained,

like the opening of embassies and the commercial flights between the two countries).

However, from now on, trips of Americans to Cuba will be limited, they won't be able

to go individually, and any relationship with GAESA, a holding group directed by the government

(which controls more than 50% of Cuban economy), will be forbidden.

But don't think that Trump has always had a hard-line attitude towards Cuba... quite

the opposite in fact!

In 1998, he tried to build a hotel in the island contradicting the embargo and at the

beginning of 2016 he supported Obama new policies towards the country...

But we think that Trump's attitude towards Cuba could be a mistake... so let's have

a look at why... (TRUMP'S MISTAKE)

Let's make one thing really clear: the embargo against Cuba has been a total failure...

(The U.S. embargo, blocking all trade and investment with Cuba for the past 55 years,

has not worked.

It has failed to isolate the Cuban government, failed to regain any nationalized property

and succeeded in giving an excuse to the Castro government for its abuses and economic mismanagement.

PAUL D. EATON y DAVID L. MCGINNIS) For more than 50 years, the embargo has been

completely useless, it hasn't accomplished anything and, on top of that, the Cuban government

has used it as an excuse to justify their poor economic situation...

But, wait just a second, because this is not the end of it, not even close.

Reversing Obama's policies is a mistake for several reasons:

Importantly: Improved relations with the US have meant better security for the United


Obama signed several co-operation agreements and, since 2015, Cuban authorities have given

information on drug and human trafficking to the U.S..

But, on the other hand, Russia and China have set their eyes on the island again:

(Russia says it may reopen Soviet-era military bases in Cuba - The Telegraph).

You can probably imagine what a blow this would be for the national security of the

United States...

This is why making relations more difficult means nothing more than forcing the Cuban

government to seek better relations with Moscow or Beijing.

Not exactly a brilliant option for the US.

And, oh, there is so much more... Trump's new policy will only damage the interests

of many American companies, as well as put at risk the major changes that are taking

place on the island''... (HOW IS CUBA CHANGING?)

Since Raul Castro came to power, he has admitted that Cuba needs a change of direction, and

that the Cuban model simply is not working.

As some people say, he wants to emulate China: be open to the world but maintain control.

The truth is that, up until now, changes have been scarce and slow'... but even so these

changes could be felt, and now that Venezuela can no longer help the island, these changes

have become more and more urgent.

Let's have a look at what has happened since 2011 when reforms took place and freelance

entrepreneurship was made a lot easier:

(Since 2011, the number of self-employed workers in Cuba is four times bigger and today the

number exceeds half a million workers; the government has also allowed private farming

for small farmers; and restaurants and small tourism businesses are growing and spreading

across the country).

And Obama's openness has certainly helped this process.

For example, almost all private businesses in Cuba are working off money coming in from

abroad: AirBnb already has 22,000 apartments, houses, or rooms, available in Cuba.

Further, we shouldn't forget about less tangible things like the exchange of ideas, mutual

knowledge, and the strengthening of the private sector.

'Every dollar left in the hands of cab drivers, hotel workers, waitresses, and valets is a

show of what awaits Cubans if they reject socialism.'- Rand Paul

Take a look at China, and compare the country as it is today to the country it was during

Mao's time.

Since the country opened itself up to the world, hundreds of million of people have

left poverty behind.

Yes, China, like Cuba, is still a terrible dictatorship, but thanks to their open policy,

the Chinese have today more freedom and a better standard of living than they have ever

had before...

The short of it is that the embargo policy has failed, and Trump's insistence in going

back to it is not going to achieve anything but the weakening of the security of the United

States, lead to further poverty in Cuba, and prevent the changes that are happening on

the island.

In February 2018, Castro is going to leave power and this is not the moment for the US

to take a step back.

In order to justify his decision, Trump says he wants to defend Human Rights, which is

nice but, don't you think it is a bit hypocritical to defend Cuba's embargo while, at the same

time, he hugs the leaders of Saudi Arabia?

Are Human rights not important there?

Importantly: 10 Republican politicians have already criticized this course-change with


'Any policy change that diminishes the ability of Americans to travel freely to Cuba is not

in the best interests of the United States or the Cuban people."

- U.S. Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) But now we'd love to know what you think!

Please leaves your comments below and also feel free to answer the survey: Should Donald

Trump reverse Obama's policies towards Cuba?

So I really hope you enjoyed this video, please hit like if you did, and don't forget to

subscribe if you haven't already, brand new videos every Monday and Thursday.

And don't forget to check out the Reconsider Media podcasts - they provided the vocals

in this episode that aren't mine.

And as always, I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Why TRUMP is Getting it Wrong with CUBA? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 12:26.


eCall ERA-Glonass Demo by Seung Taek Chang - Duration: 3:40.

Hello. My name is Seung Taek Chang.

I am Keysight's Solution Marketing Engineer.

Today Iam going to demonstrate E6950A eCall/ ERA-GLONASS Test Solution.

So, today we have MXG and UXM and eCall demo box from Gemalto.

So let's get started.

In here you can see the E6951A Keysight PSAP Emulator.

Press the Initialize button.

You can see the UXM IP address here.

And then you can check and select the option in here.

Click the OK button and setting's OK then it will connect with UXM.

And then you should connect with GNSS Signal Generator here.

So click the GNSS button on here and set the IP address correctly.

And set the GNSS file and start the GNSS Signal Generator.

After downloading GNSS signal from here, and it will turn out green indicator.

And then we will make an emergency call just pressing the eCall demo box.

[...beeping modem signal sounds...]

Since the MSD data using voice channel so you will hear some modem sound.

If it's connected with UXM region network, and then you can find out MSD data and decoded

MSD data.

And also you can see the audio PCM grab on here and map data and ERA / GLONASS tab.

Since ERA / GLONASS is using SMS as your backup channel, we can send some comment through

the SMS channel.

Let's disconnect with the call.

And send some comment through the SMS channel.

We will use comment parameter on here.

And comment call will be eCall request.

Send the SMS button...

And then, Request MSD button.

[...beeping modem signal sounds...]

So you will see the MSD data on here, and ERA / GLONASS parameter on here.

And also you can see the GNSS location data.

So you can set various comments and various parameters on using through the SMS channel.

So that's it.

That's it for the whole eCall and ERA / GLONASS test demonstration.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> eCall ERA-Glonass Demo by Seung Taek Chang - Duration: 3:40.


LIVE ter-SUE yg pernah dilakukan - LIVE IPAN'S BACK - Duration: 3:20:23.

For more infomation >> LIVE ter-SUE yg pernah dilakukan - LIVE IPAN'S BACK - Duration: 3:20:23.


Alan Gets Excited About The Country Music Round | Season 1 Ep. 7 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Alan Gets Excited About The Country Music Round | Season 1 Ep. 7 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:55.


CASH ME OUTSIDE (DANCE VIDEO) MEG DANCING #Howboutdatchallenge - Duration: 2:49.


I messed up everyone!!

Don't you get up after?

1, 2, 3

Do we look at the camera the whole time?


(giggles) Wait.

Haruka: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Hanako: I messed up.

My nose was almost runny.

Let's go for no runny nose next time.

and we can fool around after...

The weather is great today!

For more infomation >> CASH ME OUTSIDE (DANCE VIDEO) MEG DANCING #Howboutdatchallenge - Duration: 2:49.


Jamie Foxx Creates "Shazam After Dark" | Season 1 Ep. 7 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Jamie Foxx Creates "Shazam After Dark" | Season 1 Ep. 7 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:26.


Booktube Newbie tag - Duration: 7:43.

Hi my name is Meg and today I'm going to do the Booktube Newbie tag.

This tag was created by Brenda C. and it has ten questions.

So we'll just started shall we?

The first question is "why did you create this channel?"

I started this channel because I've been watching booktube videos for quite a while and I really

wanted to be able to join the conversation.

I want to be able to take part in things like the Biannual Bibliothon and in order to do

that I felt like I wanted to have a channel and I also really wanted to share my love

of reading.

My fianceé loves to read as well but she reads a few different genres from what I read

so sometimes our interests overlap but for the most part they really don't.

And it would be nice to talk to someone who likes the same kind of books I do.

Question two is "what are some fun and unique things you can bring to booktube?"

This is a really tough question.

I actually scripted this video so that I'd have answers and I still don't know what my

answer to this question is.

So, what I've said on what I've written down is that I am South African originally but

I have spent seven years in the US studying and so I often have a very different opinion

from a lot of different people and so I'm going to bring a unique perspective about

books to booktube.

But I also have a Masters degree in Psychology and so I tend to psychoanalyze characters

quite a lot and I think that I might end up bringing some of that to my booktube channel

as well.

Hopefully that's unique, I don't know, I've spent the last seven years in University so

we'll see how this goes.

Question three is "What are you most excited about for your new channel" I'm really really

excited to get to join the community and to get to make friends from around the world

who all enjoy to read and who are all bookworms just like me.

Question four is "why do you love reading?"

I love reading because it allows you to go to different worlds, you've always got somewhere

new you can explore, you've always got new characters to meet which are like new people

and new friends waiting to be discovered.

I was bullied from k through 12, or from grade 0 to grade 12, whichever country you're in,

and it was really rough but characters in the books were people who didn't know anything

about the school drama.

I could disappear into a world and forget about my school drama, focus on someone else's,

focus on something else going on.

It just really me to have some security in my childhood.

Number five is "what book or series got you into reading?"

So the first books I remember reading are the Beatrix Potter books and then also Noddy

by Enid Blyton and the Berenstain bear books and that must have been around grade 0 so


I don't remember reading anything else before that but I'm sure that I did and I do remember

being on a reading level for third graders in first grade so I was reading ahead of what

my classmates were allowed to read which caused some interesting conversations with classmates.

As for what's kept me reading Harry Potter has played a huge role in my life keeping

me reading, keeping me just sane in the general nuttiness of life.

Number six is "what questions would you ask your favourite booktubers?"

So I have two questions.

The first question would be how do you come up with so many creative new ideas and what

your process is for that and the second question seems to be a question that a lot of people

on the Booktube newbie tag are asking and that would be, like, could we be friends because

I am overall joining booktube to make friends and I really admire the people that I watch

a lot of the time so it would be great to get to actually be friends with them and have

a closer relationship than just me watching them and very one sided.

Question seven is "what challenges do you think starting a booktube channel are going

to be hardest to overcome?"

So I had two on the script but a third one has come to me while I've been filming.

The first one was how do you come up... like... how to come up with creative ideas and not

just do the same old tags, and tbrs, and wrap-ups and stuff like that but like to actually have

something creative and interesting and the second one would be editing of videos.

I've only edited a couple videos before, I've watched some tutorials, I think I know how

to do it but it is going to be kind of trial and error for a while unfortunately, and then

the third challenge is looking in the camera.

I keep wanting to look in the cool little view finder thing that shows my face because

I want to make eye contact with myself apparently, and I shouldn't be, I should be looking at

the little camera and I keep reminding myself of that but I'm gonna to slip up for a while

I'm sure.

Question eight is "When did you start reading" so I think I've already answered this, sort

of, but I started reading, my earliest memories of reading are in kindergarten so when I was

five, um, I know my parents read to myself and my brother a lot before that so I was

probably reading along with my mom from earlier than that but I don't have any concrete memories

of reading until kindergarten.

Question number nine is "where do you read?"

I really like to read in my apartment, I prefer to read indoors than out of doors because

I have glasses and glasses have like an awful habit of creating glares when you don't want

them, I do occasionally go and read outdoors though, there's a really nice park nearby

so sometimes I'll go and read there, mostly though I really love to read on my bed, curled

up, like just be comfortable or on the couch.

We've also got some really nice IKEA chairs that I love to curl up in and they're really

comfortable and it's really nice to read in one of these.

So, wherever I'm feeling like reading.

I also just came back from an interview in DC and I read both ways on the train so I

do prefer to take public transportation if possible just so that I can read some more.

The last question is "what kind of books do I like to read" I really love historic fiction,

Philippa Gregory's books specifically about the Tudors and the houses of York and Lancaster

and the Cousin's War all that kind of extended time period I really enjoy.

I also really enjoy young adult fiction, I'm trying to get into the habit of reading more

adult fiction but there's just so much romance in it that it's difficult for me to get into.

So I'm trying to find more recommendations and see where I go from there.

Sometimes I'll read fantasy, really I'll read, I'll try to read, anything, I won't always

stick with it if I don't like it but I will try.

Anyway, that is my booktube newbie tag.

Please comment below, say hi, I'd love to get to know you all and get to be a part of

the community.

Have a great one.


For more infomation >> Booktube Newbie tag - Duration: 7:43.



"ABC Alphabet Songs Collection #2" New ABC Song and Alphabet Song Ultimate popular kids

songs and baby songs Collection with 100K entertaining Full Collection "English abcd

songs" and 26 Alphabet a to z learn with fun Alphabet episodes video, phonics video and

games for children, Baby, kindergarten, kids, and toddlers.

easy way to Learn English Alphabet in 3D ABC Songs & Rhymes for Children video.

Get our latest songs for children and let us know what your favorite kids songs are!

Tell us what your baby needs!

Now we learned all the letters.

Let's sing all the abc songs one more time.

Please share our new video with your friends and friends children.

new ABC songs for children that are entertaining, educational and engaging.

All of our songs invite your child to sing, dance and learn as they explore the alphabet

with fun characters, dancing letters and animals.



Julien Lepers viré de Questions pour un champion : il n'a toujours pas reçu ses indemnités - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Julien Lepers viré de Questions pour un champion : il n'a toujours pas reçu ses indemnités - Duration: 2:31.


For more infomation >> Julien Lepers viré de Questions pour un champion : il n'a toujours pas reçu ses indemnités - Duration: 2:31.


Cyril Hanouna : "Arthur, c'est tout ce que je n'aime pas" - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Cyril Hanouna : "Arthur, c'est tout ce que je n'aime pas" - Duration: 3:42.


For more infomation >> Cyril Hanouna : "Arthur, c'est tout ce que je n'aime pas" - Duration: 3:42.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Vision Design Pack 5000 KORTING - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Vision Design Pack 5000 KORTING - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T N-Vision Design Pack 5000 KORTING - Duration: 0:54.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T X-Tronic N-Connecta Design Pack 5000 KORTING - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T X-Tronic N-Connecta Design Pack 5000 KORTING - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T X-Tronic N-Connecta Design Pack 5000 KORTING - Duration: 1:01.


Rachida Dati raconte le jour où elle a frappé Brice Hortefeux - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Rachida Dati raconte le jour où elle a frappé Brice Hortefeux - Duration: 3:51.


For more infomation >> Rachida Dati raconte le jour où elle a frappé Brice Hortefeux - Duration: 3:51.







Brigitte Bardot dézingue Nicolas Hulot qui a autorisé l'abattage de 40 loups - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Bardot dézingue Nicolas Hulot qui a autorisé l'abattage de 40 loups - Duration: 3:25.


For more infomation >> Brigitte Bardot dézingue Nicolas Hulot qui a autorisé l'abattage de 40 loups - Duration: 3:25.



"ABC Alphabet Songs Collection #2" New ABC Song and Alphabet Song Ultimate popular kids

songs and baby songs Collection with 100K entertaining Full Collection "English abcd

songs" and 26 Alphabet a to z learn with fun Alphabet episodes video, phonics video and

games for children, Baby, kindergarten, kids, and toddlers.

easy way to Learn English Alphabet in 3D ABC Songs & Rhymes for Children video.

Get our latest songs for children and let us know what your favorite kids songs are!

Tell us what your baby needs!

Now we learned all the letters.

Let's sing all the abc songs one more time.

Please share our new video with your friends and friends children.

new ABC songs for children that are entertaining, educational and engaging.

All of our songs invite your child to sing, dance and learn as they explore the alphabet

with fun characters, dancing letters and animals.





So, what's Anthropology anyway? | Field Notes with Sangeeta - Duration: 3:51.

Hey everyone!

I'm Sangeeta and welcome to my new channel, Field Notes, where I'm going to be talking

to you all about one of my favorite things, Anthropology.

I actually ended up getting my undergraduate degree in Anthropology.

I actually started out college as a theater major.

Semester one, I took one physical Anthropology class

and I fell in love.

So for today's video, the first video, I thought I'd start out by telling you a little bit

about what Anthropology actually is.

Anthropology is the study of humans, both past and present.

Anthropologists will often look at the similarities and differences between cultures, such as

differences in communication, and other behaviors like that.

Typically Anthropology is divided up into four separate subfields.

We have archaeology, social anthropology, linguistics and physical anthropology.

Archaeology was always my personal favorite.

My undergraduate program didn't require us to pick a specific focus, but if they had,

I would have picked archaeology.

I always loved those classes.

Next up we have social anthropology, which is also sometimes called cultural anthropology.

This type of anthropologist will study how people live in cultures all over the world.

Even though I love archaeology as I said, cultural anthropology courses were always

fascinating to me.

My professors always had really interesting stories to tell and that's because what they,

and a lot of other cultural anthropologists do, is spend time living among the communities

they're studying in order to understand them better.

And last but certainly not least, we have physical Anthropology, which is the study

of adaptation, more specifically how humans throughout history have adapted and assimilated

to different environments.

Physical anthropologists will also study human ancestors and even primates.

And there are also other types of Anthropology, like medical anthropology, forensic anthropology

and applied anthropology, which is using all of the above to analyze and hopefully solve

some of the worlds current problems.

Part of the reason I was so interested in anthropology is the fact that its part of

nearly everything.

You can do so much with a degree in Anthropology.

You could do museum work and historic preservation.

You could do non profit work or advocacy work.

You could work in disaster relief.

You could work in education.

You could work in business or government.

As long as there's a human element to it, there's an anthropology aspect as well.

On this channel I'm going to make a lot of different videos sharing different aspects

of Anthropology with you and I do want to say that while I have my degree in Anthropology

and I've remained passionate about learning anthropology ever since, I am just one person

and if I've left something out, please let me know in the comments below.

I'm just one person and I'm one source and no one should stop with me.

There's a lot more to learn out there and I will always leave my sources and further

reading down in the description box of my videos.

The next video on this channel coming this Saturday is going to be The Mythology of Tomb

Raider, where I talk about the 2013 Tomb Raider game which is one of my all time favorites,

and I'll talk about what mythology actually is and talk about the mythology within the

game itself.

So if any of that sounds interesting to you, definitely hit subscribe and hit that notification

button to be updated when I update.

In the comments section down below, let me know what your experience with Anthropology

is prior to watching this video.

Did you take a high school class about it?

Did you take a college class about it?

Is this your first time learning about Anthropology?

Is your only other experience with Anthropology watching Bones?

It's okay if you say yes.

I love Bones but we'll talk about that in another video.

Thanks so much for watching everyone, I'll talk to you in the comments section down below

and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> So, what's Anthropology anyway? | Field Notes with Sangeeta - Duration: 3:51.


Booktube Newbie tag - Duration: 7:43.

Hi my name is Meg and today I'm going to do the Booktube Newbie tag.

This tag was created by Brenda C. and it has ten questions.

So we'll just started shall we?

The first question is "why did you create this channel?"

I started this channel because I've been watching booktube videos for quite a while and I really

wanted to be able to join the conversation.

I want to be able to take part in things like the Biannual Bibliothon and in order to do

that I felt like I wanted to have a channel and I also really wanted to share my love

of reading.

My fianceé loves to read as well but she reads a few different genres from what I read

so sometimes our interests overlap but for the most part they really don't.

And it would be nice to talk to someone who likes the same kind of books I do.

Question two is "what are some fun and unique things you can bring to booktube?"

This is a really tough question.

I actually scripted this video so that I'd have answers and I still don't know what my

answer to this question is.

So, what I've said on what I've written down is that I am South African originally but

I have spent seven years in the US studying and so I often have a very different opinion

from a lot of different people and so I'm going to bring a unique perspective about

books to booktube.

But I also have a Masters degree in Psychology and so I tend to psychoanalyze characters

quite a lot and I think that I might end up bringing some of that to my booktube channel

as well.

Hopefully that's unique, I don't know, I've spent the last seven years in University so

we'll see how this goes.

Question three is "What are you most excited about for your new channel" I'm really really

excited to get to join the community and to get to make friends from around the world

who all enjoy to read and who are all bookworms just like me.

Question four is "why do you love reading?"

I love reading because it allows you to go to different worlds, you've always got somewhere

new you can explore, you've always got new characters to meet which are like new people

and new friends waiting to be discovered.

I was bullied from k through 12, or from grade 0 to grade 12, whichever country you're in,

and it was really rough but characters in the books were people who didn't know anything

about the school drama.

I could disappear into a world and forget about my school drama, focus on someone else's,

focus on something else going on.

It just really me to have some security in my childhood.

Number five is "what book or series got you into reading?"

So the first books I remember reading are the Beatrix Potter books and then also Noddy

by Enid Blyton and the Berenstain bear books and that must have been around grade 0 so


I don't remember reading anything else before that but I'm sure that I did and I do remember

being on a reading level for third graders in first grade so I was reading ahead of what

my classmates were allowed to read which caused some interesting conversations with classmates.

As for what's kept me reading Harry Potter has played a huge role in my life keeping

me reading, keeping me just sane in the general nuttiness of life.

Number six is "what questions would you ask your favourite booktubers?"

So I have two questions.

The first question would be how do you come up with so many creative new ideas and what

your process is for that and the second question seems to be a question that a lot of people

on the Booktube newbie tag are asking and that would be, like, could we be friends because

I am overall joining booktube to make friends and I really admire the people that I watch

a lot of the time so it would be great to get to actually be friends with them and have

a closer relationship than just me watching them and very one sided.

Question seven is "what challenges do you think starting a booktube channel are going

to be hardest to overcome?"

So I had two on the script but a third one has come to me while I've been filming.

The first one was how do you come up... like... how to come up with creative ideas and not

just do the same old tags, and tbrs, and wrap-ups and stuff like that but like to actually have

something creative and interesting and the second one would be editing of videos.

I've only edited a couple videos before, I've watched some tutorials, I think I know how

to do it but it is going to be kind of trial and error for a while unfortunately, and then

the third challenge is looking in the camera.

I keep wanting to look in the cool little view finder thing that shows my face because

I want to make eye contact with myself apparently, and I shouldn't be, I should be looking at

the little camera and I keep reminding myself of that but I'm gonna to slip up for a while

I'm sure.

Question eight is "When did you start reading" so I think I've already answered this, sort

of, but I started reading, my earliest memories of reading are in kindergarten so when I was

five, um, I know my parents read to myself and my brother a lot before that so I was

probably reading along with my mom from earlier than that but I don't have any concrete memories

of reading until kindergarten.

Question number nine is "where do you read?"

I really like to read in my apartment, I prefer to read indoors than out of doors because

I have glasses and glasses have like an awful habit of creating glares when you don't want

them, I do occasionally go and read outdoors though, there's a really nice park nearby

so sometimes I'll go and read there, mostly though I really love to read on my bed, curled

up, like just be comfortable or on the couch.

We've also got some really nice IKEA chairs that I love to curl up in and they're really

comfortable and it's really nice to read in one of these.

So, wherever I'm feeling like reading.

I also just came back from an interview in DC and I read both ways on the train so I

do prefer to take public transportation if possible just so that I can read some more.

The last question is "what kind of books do I like to read" I really love historic fiction,

Philippa Gregory's books specifically about the Tudors and the houses of York and Lancaster

and the Cousin's War all that kind of extended time period I really enjoy.

I also really enjoy young adult fiction, I'm trying to get into the habit of reading more

adult fiction but there's just so much romance in it that it's difficult for me to get into.

So I'm trying to find more recommendations and see where I go from there.

Sometimes I'll read fantasy, really I'll read, I'll try to read, anything, I won't always

stick with it if I don't like it but I will try.

Anyway, that is my booktube newbie tag.

Please comment below, say hi, I'd love to get to know you all and get to be a part of

the community.

Have a great one.


For more infomation >> Booktube Newbie tag - Duration: 7:43.


[♩KPOP♩] {EN} AoA Cream - The Powerpuff Girls - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> [♩KPOP♩] {EN} AoA Cream - The Powerpuff Girls - Duration: 1:08.


[♩KPOP♩] {FR sub EN} AoA Cream - Les Supers Nanas (The Powerpuff Girls) - Duration: 1:08.



and everyting nice !

This was the ingredient chosen for create the perfect little girl,

but Professor Utonium accendently add an extra ingredient on the concoction,

Chemical X !

That the Powerpuff Girls reborn !


Bubbles and Buttercup !

*The Powerpuff Girl*

For more infomation >> [♩KPOP♩] {FR sub EN} AoA Cream - Les Supers Nanas (The Powerpuff Girls) - Duration: 1:08.


Walk the Talk! Lake Tahoe in 4K! - Duration: 5:02.

What are you doing all this for?

You say you want to be a champion.

But your actions don't say champion.

Your actions say last place. At best second place.

And second, is the first loser.

You say you want to blow up. You say you're going to be famous.

But all I hear are words.

And what I don't see is

Work, I don't see you working. I see you talking about work

But I don't see you really working

The champs of the past. The real legends. those that left a legacy

They didn't talk, they walked! They sacrificed! They worked!

They did it for the love of the game!

The love of the Sport!

For the self challenge!

They push themselves! Day-in Day-out!

Not because they wanted attention or recognition! Not because they needed validation!

But because they wanted to be better themselves!

Always hungry!

Never satisfied!

I said...

ALWAYS Hungry! Never satisfied!

NEVER needing validation

from an outside source!

Do you want real followers? Real supporters?

Then do the work!

Show me you got some heart!

Show me you can sacrifice!

You can suffer!

Suffer some pain!

Sometimes, in order to get what you say you want so badly, you've got to be prepared to DIE for the cause!

Are you prepared to die?

Die on the field of battle!

Fight with all your heart!

Are you hungry for this?

STARVING for this?!

You want to be the champion?

Show me champion qualities! Show me champ habits! Show me you have it in you! Show me!

No one remembers any number but number one!

You got to bleed for number one! Not two, not three, one!

Are you ready to die to be number one?

You got to want this more than anything!

You got to be willing to do anything! Willing to fight and claw your way to the top!

You gotta say to yourself, I'm sick of talking about this. It's about time I start doing! It's about time I make my mark!

Left my legacy! Create history!

I am capable! I am willing to put in the work! I am going to do it!


Leave no doubt in your mind. You will do this. You will be great. You will be respected. You will be remembered!

Fight with all your heart!

You are hungry for this!

You are starving for this!

Sometimes in order to get what you say you want to so badly! You got to be prepared to die for the cause!

Are you prepared to die?


For more infomation >> Walk the Talk! Lake Tahoe in 4K! - Duration: 5:02.



"ABC Alphabet Songs Collection #2" New ABC Song and Alphabet Song Ultimate popular kids

songs and baby songs Collection with 100K entertaining Full Collection "English abcd

songs" and 26 Alphabet a to z learn with fun Alphabet episodes video, phonics video and

games for children, Baby, kindergarten, kids, and toddlers.

easy way to Learn English Alphabet in 3D ABC Songs & Rhymes for Children video.

Get our latest songs for children and let us know what your favorite kids songs are!

Tell us what your baby needs!

Now we learned all the letters.

Let's sing all the abc songs one more time.

Please share our new video with your friends and friends children.

new ABC songs for children that are entertaining, educational and engaging.

All of our songs invite your child to sing, dance and learn as they explore the alphabet

with fun characters, dancing letters and animals.



GET READY WITH ME | メイクしながら近況報告 - Duration: 11:57.

Hey y'all, it's Eurie!

Today, I'll be doing something new on my channel

A chit-chat Get Ready With Me video!

Let's get started!

By the way, the contact lens I'm wearing today is by RICHBABY, LePrima series in Pure Nude.

I normally don't film these types of videos, but I love wearing makeup everyday,

and I try to change up my makeup from day to day.

Today, I feel like wearing a smoky eye look.

I can't believe it's already July. Summer is already here!

Recently, I've been really bad at posting videos on time...

But there are a few reasons to that. So hear me out.

The first reason being "change in environment".

I moved apartments, and now I can't freely shoot or record for videos.

Also, I wasn't able to film something I wanted to present to the world.

Of course, I haven't forgotten about my YouTube fanbase so don't worry!

Honestly, I wanted to post more videos for y'all, but I just couldn't get anything right.

It might sound like I'm making excuses, but those were the reasons behind it.

Another reason is that I couldn't find a song I wanted to sing or cover.

Especially J-pop didn't spark my interest at all.

I tried looking up songs of movies and TV shows, but none got me excited.

And of course, I didn't want to force myself into singing a song I don't want to

And I didn't want to present a song to my fans that I wasn't happy about.

I do have an uploading schedule (1st and 3rd Friday of the month),

But haven't been able to keep up with that schedule.

And I truly apolgize for that.

Recently, I've changed my way of thinking towards creating videos

And decided post videos that I'm happy about or am confident about.

So for those of you who have been waiting, I'm sorry to keep you waiting

but I'll come up with a video that I want to present to you guys so please be patient with me!

For those of you who are wondering, "then what are you doing when you're not creating YouTube videos?",

Well, I've been doing a few other work revolving music

And one that I've been focusing on is an app called "Doki Doki Live".

It's been about half a year since I've started Doki Doki Live.

The whole point of this app is you download the app and visit rooms that you're interested in.

Within the rooms, you can find me along with other casts that are live streaming.

Viewers can comment, send coins, and follow the cast if they end up liking what they do.

Lately I've been singing and talking on that app.

Downloading the app is free, so if you're interested in hearing me sing, please check it out!

It's already mid-2017 and I'm pretty weirded out about that...

In the beginning of this year, I made a huge purchase.

As you can probably tell from what's siting behind me

I bought myself a vintage Gibson Hummingbird!

I've already shown it on my previous video, but I've been playing her at my shows too.

She's actually the only thing I've been playing as of late.

I first became interested in this guitar when I saw Michelle Branch playing it.

I've been idolizing Michelle ever since high school, and I've always wanted to be able to play like her.

But in all honesty, the price of this guitar is unreal.

So I automatically thought I can only get my hands on it when I'm in my 40's or 50's.

But I came across this one, and decided to purchase it at the age of 24.

And because I was inspired by Michelle Branch, I named my guitar Michelle.

Going back to my music career,

I've been doing shows here and there, on average of 1-2 a month.

In May, I got to visit Fukuoka to perform,

and in Tokyo, I've been given the chance to perform at places I've never played at before.

I was blessed with musician friends and we've been hanging out a lot :)

I'm just applying some red eyeshadow on my eyes today.

This is from ColourPop, in the shade "Muse".

I usually like a bold (sometimes too much?) makeup look.

Makeup is something you take off at the end of the day, so why not do something that makes you feel good?

In September, I will be having my birthday solo live!

It will be on 9/3 (Sun), at Shimokitazawa Artist.

The past 3 or 4 years I've been spending my birthday at Artist, and every year is so special to me.

There are people that show up every year, people that have never come to my show before my birthday show,

but every year there's a new discovery that I'm always excited about.

This year, I'll be doing something fun with my fellow musicians so hope to see you there!

There are a few artists I'd like to recommend to y'all.

I don't really stray from the music I like, and I tend to listen to the same music over again.

Obviously, I listen to Michelle Branch's music.

She recently came out with her new album called "Hopeless Romantic" so I've been listening to that a lot.

I've also been into Aimer's music.

She came out with a greatest hits album so I've been listening to that a lot.

I used to listen to a lot of male artists, but recently I've been kicking back with female singers.

Also, I recently discovered Grace Vanderwaal from America's Got Talent.

She was discovered by Simon Cowell from the show, and she was only 12 at that time (13 now).

Her raspy voice and songwriting skills is just out of this world amazing.

I'll link to her video down below so please check her out!

Simon from America's Got Talent called her "the next Taylor Swift" (maybe even better?).

You'll be surprised at the fact that she's only 13 years old with that voice.

I just finished my eye makeup off camera.

I get questions about the "ritual" I have before a show.

The answer is "not really" lol.

I guess I try not to talk much or use my voice before a show, but that's about it.

The day of my show I don't really practice, so I try to squeeze in sessions by the day before.

I used to be strict about my pre-show ritual when I was younger though.

But I realized that doing too much is gonna affect my voice in the wrong way.

I used to take one spoon of olive oil right before a show *gag*

But because it made me gag, it didn't help with soothing my throat at all.

I also used to do a full-on vocal warm up before my show.

I realized the importance of being "natural" and not trying too hard.

Do y'all have a special ritual you have to do before an important event?

If you do please let me know in the comments below!

To finish off my look, I'll be applying some lipstick.

I like to wear a red lip on a daily basis,

But especially on days I have shows, I like to wear a bold red lip to feel confident about myself.

And this is the finished look!

I really enjoy doing a bold, smoky eye look.

As I said earlier, makeup isn't permanent, and you take it all off at the end of the day,

so I like to wear something I can feel confident in.

This was my first Get Ready With Me video, but I really hope you enjoyed it!

It's nice to sit back and talk to you guys like this every once in a while.

If y'all enjoy videos like this, please give it a thumbs up so I know!

If you found me through this video, I'm a singer-songwriter in Japan

I make singing videos on YouTube, so please check that out as well.

Finally, please subscribe to my channel, and follow me on my socials!

I hope to see y'all in my next video! Bye for now!

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