Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 1 2018

Come on, come on! What are you doing?

He missed again!

Did you miss me?

Did you miss me?

Did you miss me?

Did you miss me?

Did you miss me?

Did you miss me? Did you miss me?

Did you miss me? Did you miss me?

Did you miss me?

Did you miss me?

I think he understand

that one think is game - it is it game! Work - it is work!

I do not think that for the time he was here he was degraded as a player

When he played in "Zenit" and did a lot of work, he was a player of the Russian national team

Especially the "Zenit-Kazan" again will have a difficult season and more than 60 games and we need help!

The difficulty of playing for "Zenit-Kazan" is that even if you won 60 games in a row - this is normal!

But it's worth playing one game, then your phone is ringing all the time!

When such players as Spiridonov are on the team,

I feel very good, because Alexey is a very positive guy

It's always fun with him, so I'm in good conditions

It was fun with Phillip! Thank you!

For more infomation >> Did you miss me? Welcome back to "Zenit-Kazan", Alexey Spiridonov! - Duration: 2:41.


Suzuki SX4 1.6 EXCLUSIVE , CLIMATRONIC , STOEL VERW , MISTL V , LMV16 , - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Suzuki SX4 1.6 EXCLUSIVE , CLIMATRONIC , STOEL VERW , MISTL V , LMV16 , - Duration: 1:11.


Le message - DANS UN LIVRE - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Le message - DANS UN LIVRE - Duration: 0:52.


JACK - Comment font les chauves-souris? - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> JACK - Comment font les chauves-souris? - Duration: 11:01.


Předpověď na víkend - 1. - 3.6. 2018 - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Předpověď na víkend - 1. - 3.6. 2018 - Duration: 1:31.


✅ Hudba na zahradě i v kostele: Festival Habrovka nabídne romské písně, cimbálovku a sbor - Duration: 1:48.

„, šestnáctičlenná maxiskupina Zvíře jménem Podzim, jedinečný Big Band VOŠ Konzervatoře Jaroslava Ježka pod taktovkou Milana Svobody, balkánskými rytmy inspirovaní Tygroo," lákala na ty nejlepší skvosty Linda Haburová, mluvčí festivalu

Ale to není vše. Vystoupí také kapela Vanua 2, kterou tvoří rytmická sekce Blue Effectu Radima Hladíka rozšířená o zpěváka se „sealovským" hlasem Yannicka Teviho, zpívající básník Oldřich Janota, držitelé Anděla, cimbálovka Ponk z Brna, rock'n'rollově punkoví Queens of Everything a elektroničtí NVMERI ze Slovenska

Výběr hudebníků je pestrý, že si každý návštěvník vybere své.  Třešničkou na dortu pak bude úplně první koncert v rámci festivalu v kostele svatého Františka

 „ a písničkář Tibor Žida zde představí romskou hudbu ze Slovenska, Maďarska a dalších koutů světa," svěřila Haburová

Součástí festivalu ale není pouze hudba. Těšit se můžete i na divadelní představení

Organizátoři navíc každoročně myslí i na ty nejmenší, pro které mají přichystané loutkoviště

Akce je tedy vhodná i pro rodiny s dětmi. Celý program objevíte. Kdy? 1. a 2. červnaKde? Zahrada kostela sv

Františka, Praha 4Vstupné? 250 kč  

For more infomation >> ✅ Hudba na zahradě i v kostele: Festival Habrovka nabídne romské písně, cimbálovku a sbor - Duration: 1:48.


Giant ICE CREAM Snickers Bar How To Cook That Ann Reardon - Duration: 8:15.

Welcome to How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon and this week we're gonna make a

giant ice cream Snickers bar! So let's start by studying a little one. Obviously

it has chocolate on the outside we can see that and if you cut into it we can

see there we've got ice cream down the bottom and peanuts and caramel up the

top. Just let me dissect this into all the pieces so we can taste each

component on its own. The ice cream is slightly off-white and it does taste

like vanilla ice cream but it has a very slight nutty taste to it. I'm not sure if

that's actually from the ice cream or if it's just from the fact that it's been

sitting next to the peanuts in the bar but I think we can get away with just

using vanilla ice cream because my ice cream bowl will only make one litre at a

time and we're gonna need way more than that for this. The chocolate itself is a

milk chocolate ... it's probably also had a lot of extra fat added to it just to

make it easier to get that thin coat when you're pouring it over ice cream.

But with our big one we can get away with a slightly thicker coat so we're just

gonna use straight normal delicious milk chocolate. Now the bit I am really

interested in is the caramel ... once it is frozen it is quite thick but now you can

see when it's defrosted it's of course softer. It's definitely salted in flavour

so we're gonna have to add some salt in there too. Now I don't have a container

that's the right size so I'm going to use a cardboard box. For this length it

will be the right height but this is a little bit wider than it should be if we

were making it in proportion but I don't think anyone's gonna care if they get a

little bit of extra ice cream Snickers 😁 So I'm just gonna line that with some

non-stick baking paper and we're ready to start. Tip your ice cream out of the

container and cut big chunks out of it and add that into your box. Make sure you

fill up little gaps and then smooth off the top and then of course that's got to

go back in the freezer or it will melt. For the yummy caramel part we're gonna need

peanuts obviously glucose syrup sugar milk and cream and I'll put all these

recipe quantities on the

website for you in grams and ounces and cups and there's a link to

that below. Add the cream milk and the glucose syrup into the pan with the

sugar. Once you've got all of that in you wanna heat it over high heat. Now I like

to stir it at first just to make sure all the sugar is dissolved and then you

want to wash down the sides of the pan using a wet pastry brush ... this just gets

off any little sugar crystals that might have splashed up onto the sides and if

you don't get them off it can make it crystallize out at the end so instead of

having a nice smooth caramel you end up with like a fudge which is definitely

not what we want. Add a candy thermometer and make sure it's not touching the

bottom of the pan and let that boil unstirred until it reaches about a

hundred and ten degrees (celcius). You can take it off the heat at 105 if you want a softer

caramel but I want mine a little bit chewy.

remove it from the heat and add in those peanuts and stir those through. That

caramel color looks a little bit pale compared to what was in the actual

Snickers so I'm gonna add a little bit of brown food coloring to make it look a

bit deeper. Then stick the whole pan in a sink of cold water to cool it down

quickly. It looks like a big pot of baked beans at the moment! If you want to test

the consistency of your caramel you can put some of it into a bowl and then

freeze it to see how thick it will be ... if it's too thick you can just stir in

some extra cream at this stage. Mine is quite firm when it's frozen but I quite

like that texture so I'm gonna leave it just like that. If you want it like it is

in the bars add a little bit more cream to that or only heat it to 105. Once it's

cooled to room temperature you can spoon that over the ice cream ... yum 💕 Look at all

that caramel and peanuts mmm. Have I ever told you about the time when I was a

teenager and I went out for a run and when I came home I remember saying to my

mum it feels like I've been stung by a bee in the back of my throat. Now

obviously I hadn't because I would have known if I'd swallowed a bee but that's

what it felt like and mum said oh go have a

lie down and so I did and a little while later I came out and I just had blotches

all over me like red blotches! My whole head was swelling my tongue was so

swollen that I couldn't talk properly and I was finding it hard to breathe and

they rushed me down to hospital and obviously I was having an anaphylactic

reaction to something but they didn't know what it was and the same thing

happened several times over the next few years and to cut a long story short

after seeing many doctors and specialists who had no idea what was

going on I eventually saw a top immunologist who

told me I had food-dependent exercise induced anaphylaxis! Quite a mouthful there.

What that means is basically you need a trigger food which for me is

peanuts plus exercise and then you'll get the anaphylactic reaction. So if you

don't have the food and you exercise you're fine ... if you have the food and you

don't exercise you're fine ... but if you have those two together then you're

going to not be able to breathe and need to go to a hospital. So for me if I eat

some of these Snickers I won't be able to exercise for the next 24 hours so

that's my excuse 😜 If any of you have weird allergies and you're incredibly

rare person too which just means it's going to take ages to get diagnosed

properly tell me about it in the comments I'd like to hear about it and

commiserate with you. Put that back in the freezer for at least a few hours

then spread out some chocolate. I'm not bothering to temper this because it's

going to go in the freezer so we don't need to and then put that big slab of

ice cream and caramel on top. Use a spatula to quickly spread the chocolate

up the sides all the way up as far as you can. Now this is going to set really

quickly obviously because of the cold ice cream so you need to work fairly

fast and just keep spreading that up. Once all the sides are done pour more

chocolate on top and spread it out all over and then you'll need to of course

put this back in the freezer so that your ice cream stays frozen and doesn't

start to melt. Now it's time to wrap it up put it on some cellophane. Far out

that's heavy! I can't get my fingers out!

Got it okay now wrap the cellophane around first. I'm using cellophane

because I don't want the ice cream drips on the paper to make it go soggy once we

start cutting it, so I thought I'll put the plastic on first. Once you've done

that layer then we'll wrap around some wrapping paper and tape it into place.

put some glue inside each end and squash the ends together so that it looks like

the end of a chocolate bar wrapper then print a label and use some glue to stick

it on top. Make sure you put ice cream bar so people know to store it in the

freezer and then cut a zig-zag pattern out of each end and there you have a

giant Snickers ice cream bar! That wasn't too hard to make in the end and it looks

pretty impressive and it weighs a whopping 8.7 kilograms or

19 pounds so it's definitely one that you would want to share! Let's check what

that looks like on the inside...

Subscribe to HowToCookThat for more cakes, chocolates and desserts. Click here

for more GIANT things, here for more minis and here for gadgets. Make it a

great week and I'll see you on Friday.

For more infomation >> Giant ICE CREAM Snickers Bar How To Cook That Ann Reardon - Duration: 8:15.


5 choses à savoir sur TOKYO! - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 5 choses à savoir sur TOKYO! - Duration: 2:17.


Celebs Just Launched Nasty All-Out Assault On Sarah Sanders And Ivanka Trump(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 13:40.

Celebs Just Launched Nasty All-Out Assault On Sarah Sanders And Ivanka Trump

Kathy Griffin also felt unfairly targeted by the pro-trump mob and said

the president torched her career with the help of the Secret Service

so I guess headless presidents are also in the no-go zone Samantha be used the

most vile word imaginable in a crude and an artful attempt to get a Vonk Trump to

sway her dad's immigration policies leftward but you don't see the same

level of outrage over her malicious name-calling and she will most likely

just wait out the storm safely hunkered in the TBS bunker so when are words

deeds and when does social media betray your true ugly intentions why do some

people get a pass and others get dumped on and permanently tainted with gallons

of the crowd's vitriol part of it is the political crouch in the obligation to

defend people from the same tribe and minimize and rationalize their sins all

while demonizing the other side for the exact same thing we made me on different

sides of an oozing chasm but we cannot have it both ways

so either lives are ruined and heads will roll or we develop thicker skin and

accept the apologies of dummies even when we despise their words their deeds

and their obvious flaws the choice is ours but we have to pick a side and

that's the memo to week full of outrageous and over-the-line comments on

the heels of Roseanne bars hit show being canceled for her racist tweet

comedian Samantha bee is facing backlash the White House responded calling those

remarks vile and vicious B has since apologized saying her comments were

inexcusable and that she crossed the line despite the backlash celebrities

are standing by B Michael Moore is calling it a brilliant rant and Sally

Field is showing support with a bolder tweet of her own

there's also comedian Kathy Griffin she's going after White House press

secretary Sarah Sanders for this response to the Roseanne controversy the

president's pointing to the hypocrisy in the media saying that the most horrible

things about this president and nobody addresses it

where was the apology for Kathy Griffin going on a profane rant against the

president on the view after a photo showed showed her holding president

Trump's decapitated head okay Griffin tweeting B with lots of

asterisks do not come for me I did not call you and for F lots of asterixis

sake take a cold reading class maybe you won't stumble so much and if that's not

enough for you there is heavy metal band no punk band punk band NOFX which has

been dropped from a music festival for joking about the victims of the Las

Vegas shooting okay so it's Thursday so a TGIF tomorrow

it's been quite a week for all of these types of things Greg let me just turn it

over to you before some okay semblance of sense like bring us back to earth

what's going on well okay it feels like we're on an outrage superhighway yes and

it's all driven by emotion which creates these moments where people say things

and then those moments become opportunities for scalps right and the

scalps are then because if I don't like your politics I'm gonna get your scalp

and vice versa that leads to companies reacting in fear

firing people suspending people because they see the the pitchforks amassing as

a mob but here's here's the thing I you know Samantha P apologized and I oh and

I believe you should always accept an apology even though I know no one's

gonna return the favor to me this is what it is but I mean but I mean I would

say this for everybody here at the table that people are coming after you and

waiting for you to slip up at any moment there are organizations that are paid

millions that have sponsors that just wait for us to screw up so they can go

after your advertisers go after your livelihood your career so but we don't

do that like I would not say that to Samantha

bee I would not say it say she apologized that's fine

but I know that there's an industry of knives waiting for all of us and I

realize the only solution is that we have to do it back to them so it becomes

as mutually assured destruction but I don't want to do that

I can't we just stop doing this yeah when you say all of us you mean

conservatives yes on the right yeah everybody at Fox station yeah yeah dad

that's true they're people who are paid to monitor Fox News all day we'll just

sit there and they wait for you to say something that then they can create a

habit out of I think that's probably true yeah I mean my goodness Greg mm-hmm

the C word is the gender equivalent of the n-word it is extreme and it is

disgusting I mean you are talking about looking for a person to slip up here or

there this wasn't a slip up I think it's frontal assault I know you

miss my father Trump you're missing my point what I'm talking about is I'm

saying that I'm willing to accept an apology even though no one will ever

ever accept as we see I would say the way that we were all raised like that's

the right thing to do accept an apology me yes accept an apology but let me ask

you Geraldo about this so when Roseanne Barr did her tweet and her apology that

it was just a joke and then later on said well actually I was on ambien and

tried to blame that this actually was something I don't know if Samantha bee

intended or wrote into the script the c-word but it obviously wasn't it was a

reaction from the crowd the crowd loved it right which is is that why people

keep doing this well I I guess I you know Greg and I were speaking before the

show and he suggested that maybe she premeditated this because her ratings

have been lagging I asked about her ratings but to me this this is a larger

a larger problem I think that particularly about Ivanka I think that

to attack Ivanka for the purported sins of her father is extremely unfair and

you remember from your tenure in the White House you know the the kids okay

now this is not a kid this isn't a fully mature woman and entrepreneur

accomplished that she is working for no pay as is Jared Kushner her husband for

no pay I think they are both brilliant I think they're the most underestimated

people in Washington and I think they are easy marks for people like Samantha

B to be snotty to and and to attack and to try to tear down and I

that this was a absolutely premeditated how do i number one because I buy into

Greg's a point partially that this was premeditated as a ratings look at me

look at me but but number two to use something this vicious she knew does

that mean the C word it's just like well it's it's like Roseanne it's like

there's some places you just can't go anymore yeah that we've evolved past

Jesse they were very quick indecisive consequences for Roseanne and doesn't

look so much like that would be the case for Samantha be know they'll apologize

and put out a statement and in the media say let's move on she apologized on to

the next mark could be Greg rolling I think it's you I think you're probably

but I disagree with Geraldo I don't think the C word is the equivalent to

the n-word I think it's maybe down a notch not to say it's not bad but I

wouldn't equate what Roseanne said to Samantha the gender equivalent I said

could maybe the gender equivalent its category I don't I don't know how you

can slice or dice it it's ugly it's just not as ugly as the n-word I agree she's

looking for attention it's almost like a cry for help

the ratings aren't good she's not a talented comedian she's not on the level

of a Colbert or a Jon Stewart it's Samantha b-list people call her she's

trying to make waves and the only way she can do that is by being filthy and I

asked the brain room these people at Fox News that do all the big damaging thing

for you right I said give me a list of other nasty stuff she said I have three

pages of some of the most derogatory sexual slurs she's used against members

of the Trump family some of these things I can't even say about the president

almost every single one of them would don't be a tease you know what some of

the worst stuff she's reserved for the women Kellyanne Conway the B word F you

hope it's effing evil Sarah Sanders it's funny how these female comedians whether

it's a Chelsea Handler or a Samantha bee they

the worst for the women in the Trump world whether it's Melania or Ivanka or

Sarah Sanders because they I think have more license as liberal feminists so

just go nuts on these people you know a little something about they're also

really mad because their girl didn't win sure you know and these I feel like

these comedians have gone from being funny to just being angry and I like

your word your use of the word snotty because we're watching just adult Mean

Girls all the time and I I think comedians have a hard job in this day

and age because you have to walk a fine line you want to be funny but you can't

be too unpolitical II correct or then you risk you know did I say something to

offend someone here or there so they do have a tough job but comedy should

primarily be funny this isn't funny this is just someone

who has a problem with someone and it's turning into a mean-girl before our eyes

and seeing what she can get away with saying I do happen to think that this

had to be scripted this had people heard it this had to this was a network

decision to release this I mean I don't understand how something like this isn't

an off-the-cuff not a live show everybody all the way up to the top

brass I'm sure yeah networks have to make a decision about how they're gonna

handle this stuff because what you don't want it to look like is that they're

selective outrage and selective consequences because then people jump

and say is there an ideological reason why some people get fired and some

people don't so if you're gonna take a hard stance on people and say we live in

a day and age where we're not gonna tolerate insulting mean nasty stuff

that's not funny and it's just meant to make people feel bad or be racist or

whatever then you have to do that across the board otherwise you look like you're

being selected I think she's not going to be canned

because TBS doesn't think they're gonna lose audience if you saw the reaction

everybody cheered she may actually gain viewers after something see but I'm with

Chris Rose and I think people would turn that off see I would be inclined to

accept the apology but then it has to be if somebody apologizes across the board

there has to be a policy here that it's not like well one person says something

heinous and disgusting and they lose their job another person at another

network says something heinous and disgusting and they somehow keep their

job and then potentially get promoted so that doesn't make sense there's no but

this is how you this is how you make sense of this why there is selective

outrage goes back to what I believe Charles

Krauthammer said in the 80s the difference between left and right the

right thinks you're wrong the left thinks you're evil so that that defines

the selective outrage meaning that someone can get away with saying

something heinous about you because you're evil right but if I say something

equally is disgusting about I don't know any liberal they'll go like how could

you do that that's disgusting you you know you're you're a terrible person so

it's that it's that divide the they think you're evil we think they're wrong

that creates this culture that Greenlight's everything you can make

excuses yes for the disgust you're the dirty you just a bad person right

because their mission their political agenda is so righteous right that they

can allow for gaffes and things like this to happen in the in the in the goal

for what look I mean but the example is we you mentioned the bad no no effects

they made a joke about the shooting of these people and they said well at least

they were country music fans denying dead people yeah yeah but the we you

know why they did that because the assumption is that country music fans to

that liberal band are nothing but racists rednecks so the joke is okay

because they are bad people you see the point I think there's a there's another

point and it has to do with timing I have made my share of gaps and and some

of them I you know I've looked back on to have my god what was I thinking

yeah the timing of your apology is to me very critical for example if you

apologized as Samantha bee and Roseanne did hours after you talked to your PR

person you've talked to your management you've talked to your executive producer

you've seen an audience reaction you know and it's that I give that very

little credit I get I don't I don't in any way a that doesn't absolve the sin

if you do it almost immediately if you say oh my god did I screw up but you hit

the send button I obey that which I didn't do that let me get that back I

think that if there is this on a near spontaneous apology where it comes from

the soul where you you are your own policeman where you're your own

monitor and you're responding to what your own misdeed or misfeasance then I

say okay right cut him some slack but if it's a day later and they come on it's

not the point thank you god bless you and God bless


For more infomation >> Celebs Just Launched Nasty All-Out Assault On Sarah Sanders And Ivanka Trump(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 13:40.


Growtopia Events - Super Pineapple Party Funtime - Duration: 1:10.

He-he! M1tch, now we're going to splice the unspliceable!

[Thunder Roars]


Well...okay, but are you sure it's gonna work out?

Oh, I am sure I've been working on this for

such a long time today it must work!

Look! Here I plant dirt and follow it by...

Death Spikes seed!

[Sad Trombone]

Awesome we've got a Pineapple!

Wait, what?

A Pineapple?!

Whoa, it must be a magic Pineapple! Let's give it a try!

Lots of Pineapples later

Oh doc, I can't eat more of these!

Whoa, those are for real magical pineapples!

I love this! Let me feed you!

I want to get some more Pineapple magic

No, no please no more! I don't want to get too much!

[Eats Pineapple]

[Clock ticking] Ah, Doc I don't feel so good!

[Clock continues ticking] I don't want to go, Mr. Doc!

[Loud Explosion]

[Ambulance Sirens]

[Ambulance Sirens and Heart Monitor]


For more infomation >> Growtopia Events - Super Pineapple Party Funtime - Duration: 1:10.


Regular Show Memorable Moment Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 289 - LUCAS FOX - Duration: 17:48.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

stupid parasite yeah hey cops gotta catch those things

before they under way we're gonna see how close we can fly to a Sun you think

that maybe pops is sad because in less than 24 hours we'll reach la Li LAN

where he'll have to battle tomorrow let's make it our mission to show pops a

good time it's your favorite that's it guys I know what we've got to do what's

the one thing guaranteed to cheer anybody up the wet burrito combo platter

a chimichanga wants what no end of the universe deal oh we brought chips honey

barbecue and zesty lime boosters then we can watch some of my movies as they're

meant to be seen on blu-ray come on I thought you said you'd give me that one

yeah but those discs aren't gonna cheer anyone up if they're literally trap pops

for you and all of my friends are here Oh what's the occasion it's not my

birthday hey you don't

come on up pops thought you were having some sort of emotional breakdown Rigby

pops you know we're here for you I know I'm sorry

it's just seeing you all together all my good friends Oh tomorrow you can count

on my help oh I can't ask you to do that ridiculous

you're our friend pops yes and leaving you to face from your reunion to see

what we each put in it what if we all put something personal in a time capsule

and shot it in space that way no matter what happens there will always be a part

of us I can copy everyone's memories of their

entire lives and put them on a blu-ray boxset

I can do that too if you guys want Hey come on around back here and pop open

that little panel on my back yeah ever since we got the space fences been

telling it with the ladies yeah I'm disorienting there's lasers

involved don't touch the lasers burn it good job Benson I knew you'd find the

button eventually memories commencing

most of these are Vincent yelling

recording complete everyone's memories saved onto their own commemorative

blu-ray cool it's a two disc set what do you think pops don't worry these are

tears of joy no no matter in five the person who

finds it is doesn't have a blu-ray player don't worry I've got it

Vande fist pump from playing the show anywhere on earth for being quote

incredibly dangerous well guess what earth this pump didn't think you were

even breathe space tree is not liable for any harm burns explosion smoke

inhalation blindness eardrum degradation boils literal face melting or other

injuries that may occur mm-hmm this time we got our tickets two weeks

in advance two tickets first we took a long space nap

we both downloaded this sweet liner out for slope our back don't worry dude I

plan for this I know a secret elevator it'll take two hours to get to the top

of the space tree but there's no line dude

no way their best music video was where they drove that truck with the big fist

on the front Internet just press the button

try hitting the stop button again oh yeah here let me try

come on dude no one's answering okay okay don't panic

what did we do when we were stuck in that meat locker oh sweet there's an

update for the lighter app now they also have a blowtorch a glow stick it whoa a

tiki torch see you Mordecai see see see the Tiki cuz this close to seeing

fist-pump instead we're stuck here in this tiny

little box and it would probably be hours before anyone notices we're gone

plus who knows how long it'll take him to get us out of here we're trapped it's

cool man we're gonna be okay

let me get that we had a good run man we're gonna get out of here okay so just

focus on thinking about good things like hot wings strong John's but are we gonna

do who knows what it's gonna be like out there my totally suck yeah and good luck

getting Rawls to tell you anything about it and dude we don't even know when

we're going with push-ups then prepare us for whatever horrors await us out

there in the cold infinite abyss dude what okay it's cool man

no Rigby it's not you know fist pumps a dumb band but this might be our last

chance to enjoy one of our favorite things for real

I could see our floor get up here

what was that I don't know Dudek it's your thing

something's in here with us dude get out that lighter app

their peaceful sleep you must be punished I will throw you both into the

bottomless Benedict Arnold us well it's just that it doesn't look that

bottomless yeah exactly what I was gonna say you know wait I think I can actually

see the bottom silence all right all right they're

playing at the top of the space tree tonight I stowed away under their bus

for their entire fresh out of prison two or three years ago those were good times

but then I met four-eyed as a pit that isn't even that bottomless sometimes I

really miss earth do they still have pizza there


became peppermint bark in space to be honest the process is pretty similar to

the earth version but somehow it just tastes better up here yep there's only

one way this Christmas could be any morning thing what I'm talking about our

cool Christmas stories in the form of a song carols and handbell remember we can

only stay while there's sunlight and celsius only has sunlight for five

minutes because if you hear after it gets dry

come on let's move on we don't have time for this I don't know Merry Christmas

boys I'll take it from here

well what did you guys think considering we got our white Christmas made it out

alive and I didn't have to sacrifice my awesome new two wheel scooter off if

we're gonna tell Christmas stories which I maintain is an inappropriate means of

celebration they should at least be wintery stories like this one Thanks

it's a bazooka what am I supposed to do with it it's a teacher

what a wonderful message now that's all the gifts Merry Christmas everyone

it's cool we found this asteroid field where they celebrate Christmas all the

time wish we could have got some snow though

look all I'm saying is those pears I haven't had fruit that wasn't

freeze-dried since we left Earth hmm

okay dude thanks for the show but you got it

this is crazy can we get rid of this guy I know

it's for the greater dude the greater good

you said you wanted snow now if you can't get back through your skull that's

on you not me we need more peppermint bark I'll be

right back

think we should go ho ho Merry Christmas Santa's got lots of presents for each

and every one of you one for muscle man one we're supposed to

get pops as pressing weeks ago I even made a packet specifically telling you

what she wants where to get it how much it was who to talk to

that's too many instructions you confused us Vinson said it was around

here somewhere ah are we supposed to find this place if it's theoretical we


hmm that's convenient is this the mall you could say it's a mall theoretically

what brings you two here last-minute holiday shopping I take it basically

we're here to buy an old-fashioned typewriter it's all part of the ride

dimensions and so on this seems normal finally the mall whoa dude they have

Froyo here we should totally get Froyo after this what was that in the fifth

dimension Rigby wait focus dude

attention customers the mall is now closed and will soon be imploding Merry

Christmas what theoretically

a typewriter just what I needed to finish my memoir should I settle up in

the kitchen or my room we could want to treat Christmas like it's Halloween huh

well have I got a story for you

all right we got a lot of work to do to make it look rich remember what Benson

said painted the Scrooge hey man no one's perfect well enough is enough no

Santa for you this Christmas this year you'll get a visit from Krampus you know

Krampus is a call from somebody named cram

hi hello is there a Rigby on board did you but thanks anyway

thanks anyway it was a real hassle getting over here you know you've wasted

my time Benson

these masks in my basket no gift basket

doesn't have to be this way


authority don't beat yourself up you'll learn someday well I definitely learned

one thing

did I hear someone say handbells Oh gross who are you I'm not grossed I'm

space Santa still else you bet Oh Merry Christmas everyone

For more infomation >> Regular Show Memorable Moment Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 289 - LUCAS FOX - Duration: 17:48.


[MV] WJMK(우주미키) (설아,루다,최유정,김도연) _ STRONG(짜릿하게) - Duration: 3:34.

Come and come and come and come and come and hug me now

Come and come and come and come and come and hug me now

I never imagined it I guess you looked forward to it

It's like in a movie I guess you were envious

I was alone every single day

You were only in my dream and I'm on my way to meet you

I've never felt, uh, this way before

Quite a strong feeling

How refreshing you

ma-ma-ma-ma make me

10 minutes before I meet you

I should've worn something else Is my hair okay?

All I can think about is you, baby

I'm on my way with light steps

A cool breeze makes my heart flutter

What do I do with my heart? (Hey) What do I do? (Ho)

Woah uh uh uh uh uh

(Hey) It's gonna be awesome

So refreshing (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

So heart-fluttering (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

So strong that I don't have time to get excited

Hold me tight

Just come and hug me now baby

Like fireworks (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

So exciting (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

No need to wait Just be strong

Just kiss me

Come and hug me now

Here we go, what, what, what

What, what's this feeling?

No words to describe it

Unbelievably strong

I felt frustration

But you remove it like a button

How mysterious you are

I'm on my way with light steps

A cool breeze makes my heart flutter

What do I do with my heart? (Hey) What do I do? (Ho)

Woah uh uh uh uh uh

(Hey) It's gonna be awesome

So refreshing (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

So heart-fluttering (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

So strong that I don't have time to be excited

Hold me tight

Just come and hug me now baby

Like fireworks (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

So exciting (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

No need to wait Just be strong

Just kiss me

Come and hug me now

Come and come and come and come and come and hug me now

Come and come and come and come and come and hug me now

Come and come and come and come and come and hug me now

Woah uh uh uh uh uh uh uh How thrilling

Yeah! Oooh~

So refreshing (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

So heart-fluttering (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

So strong that I don't have time to be excited

Hold me tight

Just come and hug me now baby

Like fireworks (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

So exciting (Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh)

No need to wait Just be strong

Just kiss me

Come and hug me now

Come and come and come and come and come and hug me now

Come and come and come and come and come and hug me now

Come and come and come and come and come and hug me now

Woah uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

Come and hug me now

For more infomation >> [MV] WJMK(우주미키) (설아,루다,최유정,김도연) _ STRONG(짜릿하게) - Duration: 3:34.


TravelSSBD: Special Edition OVER LAND & SEA with SONIA and MOM! - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> TravelSSBD: Special Edition OVER LAND & SEA with SONIA and MOM! - Duration: 11:14.


Namika - Que Walou ist meine Story - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Namika - Que Walou ist meine Story - Duration: 0:54.


3 LOẠI TÌNH không động 3 LOẠI CƠM không ăn và 3 LOẠI NGƯỜI không qua lại - Triết Lý Sống - Duration: 19:25.

For more infomation >> 3 LOẠI TÌNH không động 3 LOẠI CƠM không ăn và 3 LOẠI NGƯỜI không qua lại - Triết Lý Sống - Duration: 19:25.


பல்கலைக்கழக விடுதியில் திடீர் சோதனை | Tamil university News | latest Seithigal - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> பல்கலைக்கழக விடுதியில் திடீர் சோதனை | Tamil university News | latest Seithigal - Duration: 1:54.


Eisige Vic Beckham? Nur bei diesem Anlass lächelt sie! - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Eisige Vic Beckham? Nur bei diesem Anlass lächelt sie! - Duration: 1:05.


Cruise 2019 Show - Savoir-Faire: Lace - Duration: 1:02.

Maria Grazia wanted

to rework a vintage dress.

She was eager to recreate this very aged effect.

She had us rework a collar, a ruffle, this one specifically.

So we began by looking at the embroidery archives,

at the techniques that were used, that my grandfather used,

that my great-grandfather used too.

We reworked this design stitch by stitch in order to apply the cotton flowers to it.

So, there she's drawing the flowers.

Once the design has been marked out, we do the programming, which means

setting out the movement the thread will make on the frame to embroider

and start making a flower, if it's a flower.

Once we've written the score, there comes the musical instrument.

We feed the bobbins with the correct threads and leave it to work,

there's enough for hours and hours of work.

Here, we cut out the flowers

to reveal the cotton and the guipure at the same time,

which adds a sense of substance to the ruffle.

© Potencier Broderies

For more infomation >> Cruise 2019 Show - Savoir-Faire: Lace - Duration: 1:02.


♪ Hy Vọng ‣ Acoustic Tháng 6 ‣ Những Bản Acoustic Nhẹ Nhàng Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:01:02.

For more infomation >> ♪ Hy Vọng ‣ Acoustic Tháng 6 ‣ Những Bản Acoustic Nhẹ Nhàng Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:01:02.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI *Park Assist*Navi*Bluetooth* - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI *Park Assist*Navi*Bluetooth* - Duration: 0:54.


Sống Xa Hằng Đẳng Thức Chẳng Dễ Dàng - Học Viện Parody | Tươi Xanh - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Sống Xa Hằng Đẳng Thức Chẳng Dễ Dàng - Học Viện Parody | Tươi Xanh - Duration: 3:41.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B160 **Automaat**Park Assist** - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B160 **Automaat**Park Assist** - Duration: 1:05.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 2.0 CDI B180 5DRS Business Class Trekh. - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 2.0 CDI B180 5DRS Business Class Trekh. - Duration: 1:05.


Film Review: 'Upgrade' - Duration: 8:54.

Film Review: 'Upgrade'

"Upgrade" is a compact sci-fi action B-movie that wants to be a hip little genre exercise but doesn't have the chops (or maybe it's just the imagination) to entirely pull it off.

The film isn't a dud — it "delivers the goods" in a certain reductive, baseline action-fanboy way.

Yet "Upgrade" is the sort of movie that thinks it's more ingenious than it is, starting with the premise, which is a semi-catchy, semi-stupido hoot in a way that the movie couldn't have completely intended.

In a future landscape that looks a lot like today, except for the occasional advanced gizmo doodad (i.e., what the filmmakers had the budget for), an analog junkie name Grey Trace (Logan Marshall-Green) — how old school is he? So old school that he refurbishes '70s Pontiacs and listens to Howlin' Wolf on vinyl — is riding with his corporate bread-winner wife, Asha (Melanie Vallejo), in their driverless luxury vehicle that resembles a speeding metal honeycomb.

When the car crashes, they're ambushed by a pack of muggers who murder Asha and brutally wound Grey, who wakes up to learn that he is now a quadriplegic.

      For about the next 20 minutes of screen time, he of course turns into a miserable druggie wretch with Nothing To Live For.

But Eron Keen (Harrison Gilbertson), a young robot-limb entrepreneur with the sleek hair, steely eyes, and fascist space-cadet demeanor of an actor ordered up by a studio executive who said "Get me a Jared Leto type!," offers to make Grey the subject of a bold experiment in rejuvenation, like the Six Million Dollar Man meets the decimated hero of "RoboCop." A device called STEM, which resembles a small metal roach, is surgically implanted in Grey's spinal column.

It's a computer that reconnects his mind to his body, and also fuses with his body, so that Grey can become an invincible fighting machine, his limbs controlled by programming (at least, when he wants them to be) and the voice of STEM talking directly to him, inside his skull, in tones of gentle resolve that are clearly designed to remind you of HAL from "2001: A Space Odyssey" (though he sounds like a HAL who just graduated from a Tony Robbins seminar).

"Upgrade" doesn't try and pretend that it isn't a derivative thriller.

The writer-director, Leigh Whannell, a key member of the "Saw" and "Insidious" franchise teams (though this is only the second feature he's directed, after "Insidious 3"), would probably be perfectly happy if you watched his movie and name-checked all the influences he's vacuumed into it, from "The Hidden" to "Ex Machina" to "The Terminator." But here's the hoot factor.

When Grey is up and fighting, his limbs punching and chopping with relentlessly engineered precision, he's supposed to be an astounding fantasy being, a human with a lethal weapon system inside him — a computer that's at once his comrade and his enemy.

But the pummeler we see is no different, really, than a thousand action heroes, from Jason Bourne to whoever Jason Statham is playing on VOD this week, who never make a wrong move and always defeat each foe with slashing invincibility.

That Grey has a computer consciousness guiding his every action isn't so much spectacular as redundant.

    The fact that he stands ramrod straight, and that each of his moves is mathematically designed to be the most efficient one possible at that moment, goes back to an even earlier model of hand-to-hand combat perfection: the martial-arts genre.

All we're watching, really, is Bruce Lee on auto-pilot.

At one point, Grey does something a bit "Saw"-like, breaking someone's jaw by stretching it open until it's a leering rictus.

I might have welcomed more of that, since it's at least colorful.

Mostly, though, the unintentional joke of this parable of transformative "body horror" is that it's just a routine ninja movie decorated with stray futurist trappings.

STEM the computer is more than a shadow killer.

He also helps Grey re-run footage of the fatal mugging and zero in on clues that let him track down his wife's killers.

But couldn't Grey have used an ordinary computer to do that? Who cares if it's in his head? As a vengeful action film, "Upgrade" is perfectly acceptable fodder.

There's a hint of video-game consciousness at work in its image of an old-fashioned hero — who Logan Marshall-Green makes sympathetic, if not all that distinctive — committing violence by learning to wield his own body as a kind of murderous avatar.

But the film doesn't develop or explore any of this; it's just sort of there.

Kind of like that voice in your head that says, "Look, another kick-ass killing.

Cool. Exciting. Next.".

Film Review: Upgrade Reviewed at Park Avenue Screening Room, New York, May 23, 2018.

Rating: R. Running time: 95 MIN.

PRODUCTION: A BH Tilt release of a Blumhouse Productions, Goalpost Pictures production.

Producers: Jason Blum, Kylie Du Fresne, Brian Kavanaugh-Jones.

Executive producers: Rosemary Blight, Ben Grant.

CREW: Director, screenplay: Leigh Whannell.

Camera (color, widescreen): Stefan Duscio.

Editor: Andy Canny. Music: Jed Palmer.

WITH: Logan Marshall-Green, Betty Gabriel, Harrison Gilbertson, Christopher Kirby, Simon Maiden, Benedict Hardie, Melanie Vallejo, Richard Cawthorne, Clayton Jacobson, Sachin Joab, Michael M.

Foster, Linda Cropper, Roscoe Campbell.

For more infomation >> Film Review: 'Upgrade' - Duration: 8:54.


Easy to-do College Summer Hairstyles| Simply Braided - Duration: 5:25.

Hey there, beautiful

Welcome back to my channel. I hope you're having an amazing week

And today I'm going to show you four different


All meant for college purposes

Because I know how difficult it is for you, every morning to think about a new hairstyle

Which you can wear on your dress, so gonna help you out, by showing you these four hairstyles

Which are simple,easy, quick

And very useful for you. So I hope you are gonna enjoy it. Also guys, if you are new to my family and haven't subscribed us yet!

Then, please do, by clicking on the subscribe button down below and do not forget to turn on the

notification bell so that you stay updated every time I post a video and now let's cruise into the video. :)

For the first hairstyle

I am going to part my hair first of all and that too at the front so the parting does not need to be along the


you can actually have a

Zigzag or irregular parting and once you're done with that

You have to take a section of your hair and then start French braiding it, now

the French braid is really simple all you have to do is, you how to divide your hair into three different sections and

Then when you reach your right section

you have to add some hair into it and

Then cross it over the middle

and when you reach your left section

you have to add some hair into it and then cross it over the middle and you have to keep on repeating this process until

You reach your ear and once you reach there, you can stop doing this and go into a regular braid; now guys

I am going to repeat the same process on the other side as well

I have not shown you that and I have fast forwarded it, to directly where, I am regular braiding my hair

So when I'm done braiding my hair, I'm going to take both of these braids and stick them behind

So this is all about this hairstyle. So it's really easy and it does not take a lot of time and

The best part is that it helps you keep your hair off your face

So you can have your hair open and yet you won't see any hair on your face. And that's the greatest thing!!

For hairstyle number two, I am going to do a fishtail braid

so I totally believe fishtail braids are the best alternative to a regular three strand braid and

The only difficulty is it's really difficult or a bit difficult to braid a fishtail braid out of your lose hair

So what I'm going to do is,

I'm first of all going to make a ponytail

And I'm going to hide the elastic band by wrapping my hair around it . Now

the only thing you have to remember is you have to stick a bobby pin right over there, so that it does not unravel

Now once we're done with that, I am going to part my hair into two different sections and from each section

I'm going to take a tiny little section and cross it over to the other side and you have to keep on repeating this process

For the complete length of your hair and there you go. A very beautiful fishtail braid is right there with you!

So the only thing now you have to do is you have to pull on the braid, so that the braid looks massive and bigger

Now, this hairstyle is also very suitable for people who have thin here, because nobody will actually know how thin your hair is; Because fishtail braid hides it!

For my third hairstyle

I am going to take a section of my hair at the front

And then I am going to give it a single twist and I will be pinning it up there and I will be repeating the same

Process on the other side as well, now by doing this

I am adding a little bit of texture to my regular ponytail

So it would look really different from what you do every day


was rhyming and now I'm going to take some of my hair and

then I would be securing it with the help of a hair tie and

After that, I would be taking rest of my hair and then securing the complete hairstyle with a hair tie.

Now this way I would be able to keep my ponytail right over there all day long. So my ponytail would not sack.


Here we are at the last hairstyle

and this is the easiest of all. All you have to do is, part your hair on your favorite side and

Then you would be taking a strand of your hair and just twisting and turning it and once you are done

twisting and turning it you have to take a bobby pin and

Secure your braid right at the back, so that the bobby pin is not at all visible and this is the complete hairstyle

It's a really nice way of

Doing a cornrow braid, as you're just faking it and you're not at all putting that much of effort into it

so I truly love this and

These are my hairstyles and I hope you would have enjoyed them

If you did, then do not forget to give them a big thumbs up and I'm gonna see you guys in my next one!

Till then, stay blessed and stay happy !!

For more infomation >> Easy to-do College Summer Hairstyles| Simply Braided - Duration: 5:25.


美國蘭德公司:72枚中國「地堡殺手」就能摧毀關島? - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> 美國蘭德公司:72枚中國「地堡殺手」就能摧毀關島? - Duration: 6:02.


HANS ULRIK WITH THE TIVOLI ENSEMBLE 1/ - May 2018 - Duration: 21:28.

For more infomation >> HANS ULRIK WITH THE TIVOLI ENSEMBLE 1/ - May 2018 - Duration: 21:28.


睡前簡單拉伸扭一扭,既能減脂塑形,又能提升睡眠質量 - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> 睡前簡單拉伸扭一扭,既能減脂塑形,又能提升睡眠質量 - Duration: 4:24.


傳老公豪花百萬生仔費,胡杏兒為順產喂母乳做好準備! - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> 傳老公豪花百萬生仔費,胡杏兒為順產喂母乳做好準備! - Duration: 5:16.


MeMo - G - Момче 2018 (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> MeMo - G - Момче 2018 (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:22.





길고양이에게 "굿모닝" 인사하는 이유-설치미술가 김경화 - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> 길고양이에게 "굿모닝" 인사하는 이유-설치미술가 김경화 - Duration: 7:58.


HBF scraps planned $4b merger with HCF - Duration: 2:45.

HBF and HCF scrap planned $4 billion health insurance merger Western Australia's largest health insurer, HBF, has pulled out of a planned merger with eastern states not-for-profit health fund HCF

The decision to withdraw from the long-mooted deal, which was tipped to be worth as much as $4 billion, follows intense discussions between the two companies since they signed an in-principle agreement in February

The deal would have seen the combined entity become the third-biggest health insurance provider in Australia, behind Bupa and Medibank Private

The two companies would have retained separate identities and be run by their own management under a new umbrella company, overseen by a common board of 10 directors

In February HBF chairman Tony Crawford described the potential merger as compelling, based on the companies' common values and shared commitment to members

But in a joint statement released on Friday afternoon, HBF and HCF said they had moved away from the merger in the interests of their respective members

"HBF has been clear from the outset that the merger would only proceed if it provided real benefits to HBF members in Western Australia," managing director John Van Der Wielen said

His comments were echoed by his HCF counterpart, Sheena Jack, who said the timing of the merger was not right

"Our focus at this time is to continue delivering strong results and we remain dedicated to delivering affordable products and greater benefits for our 1

5 million members through the execution of this strategy."

For more infomation >> HBF scraps planned $4b merger with HCF - Duration: 2:45.


海賊王906話分析:麥哲倫背叛要守護明哥,天龍人隱秘的戰士登場 - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 海賊王906話分析:麥哲倫背叛要守護明哥,天龍人隱秘的戰士登場 - Duration: 5:40.


海賊王:古代兵器天王新情報,天龍人有一頂草帽,跟路飛的一樣 - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> 海賊王:古代兵器天王新情報,天龍人有一頂草帽,跟路飛的一樣 - Duration: 2:38.


L'Ignosticisme : Incompréhensible ? [Pour donner suite à Hygiène Mentale n°4] - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> L'Ignosticisme : Incompréhensible ? [Pour donner suite à Hygiène Mentale n°4] - Duration: 6:45.


For more infomation >> L'Ignosticisme : Incompréhensible ? [Pour donner suite à Hygiène Mentale n°4] - Duration: 6:45.


Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - N. Sane Trilogy with commentary and Subtitles, Part 2 - Duration: 47:39.

For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - N. Sane Trilogy with commentary and Subtitles, Part 2 - Duration: 47:39.


For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - N. Sane Trilogy with commentary and Subtitles, Part 2 - Duration: 47:39.


Wie benutze ich N°5 + dem HipSeat Gurt - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Wie benutze ich N°5 + dem HipSeat Gurt - Duration: 1:27.


For more infomation >> Wie benutze ich N°5 + dem HipSeat Gurt - Duration: 1:27.



Hey everyone MSK Thapa here!!!!!!!!

This is a reversal video

The song title name is Maps from Maroon 5.

In the official musc video it starts in a hospital....

then he walks into emergency room where his girlfriend lay down on a bed...

in a critical condition.

And then the video goes through all the incident from back to starting!!!!!!!

And I have made from starting to the end .

Hope you all enjoy this video.

Like it!!!!!

comment your thoughts below.....

share this video with your friends,

And don't forget to hit the subscribe button & turn on the bell icon.

Bon voyage!!!!!!!

For more infomation >> MAROON 5 - MAPS REVERSAL MUSIC VIDEO BY MSK THAPA - Duration: 3:15.


For more infomation >> MAROON 5 - MAPS REVERSAL MUSIC VIDEO BY MSK THAPA - Duration: 3:15.


National Donut Day at Rise'n Roll - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> National Donut Day at Rise'n Roll - Duration: 2:49.


For more infomation >> National Donut Day at Rise'n Roll - Duration: 2:49.








For more infomation >> LE MOTEL ACCUEILLE FLAG À LA MAISON ! - Duration: 11:30.


For more infomation >> LE MOTEL ACCUEILLE FLAG À LA MAISON ! - Duration: 11:30.


Vampyr - Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:26.

Overnight my world has changed.

The gnawing hunger inside me.

Every night, it must be appeased.

The thing I've become...

A vampire.

A thing to be hunted down

like an evil beast.

But, as a doctor,

I know there's worse to come.

My life has become a waking nightmare.

I did not choose the thing I've become.

But I can choose the lives I now take.

Cursed be the choice.

For more infomation >> Vampyr - Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:26.


For more infomation >> Vampyr - Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:26.


Restaurante Casa Piolas. Algarinejo. Granada - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Restaurante Casa Piolas. Algarinejo. Granada - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> Restaurante Casa Piolas. Algarinejo. Granada - Duration: 1:03.


La Doña Épisode 46 en Français - Duration: 39:31.

For more infomation >> La Doña Épisode 46 en Français - Duration: 39:31.


For more infomation >> La Doña Épisode 46 en Français - Duration: 39:31.


SALAM PERTEMUAN DALAM BHS JEPANG (klik subtitle ya) - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> SALAM PERTEMUAN DALAM BHS JEPANG (klik subtitle ya) - Duration: 10:34.


For more infomation >> SALAM PERTEMUAN DALAM BHS JEPANG (klik subtitle ya) - Duration: 10:34.


✅ Hudba na zahradě i v kostele: Festival Habrovka nabídne romské písně, cimbálovku a sbor - Duration: 1:48.

„, šestnáctičlenná maxiskupina Zvíře jménem Podzim, jedinečný Big Band VOŠ Konzervatoře Jaroslava Ježka pod taktovkou Milana Svobody, balkánskými rytmy inspirovaní Tygroo," lákala na ty nejlepší skvosty Linda Haburová, mluvčí festivalu

Ale to není vše. Vystoupí také kapela Vanua 2, kterou tvoří rytmická sekce Blue Effectu Radima Hladíka rozšířená o zpěváka se „sealovským" hlasem Yannicka Teviho, zpívající básník Oldřich Janota, držitelé Anděla, cimbálovka Ponk z Brna, rock'n'rollově punkoví Queens of Everything a elektroničtí NVMERI ze Slovenska

Výběr hudebníků je pestrý, že si každý návštěvník vybere své.  Třešničkou na dortu pak bude úplně první koncert v rámci festivalu v kostele svatého Františka

 „ a písničkář Tibor Žida zde představí romskou hudbu ze Slovenska, Maďarska a dalších koutů světa," svěřila Haburová

Součástí festivalu ale není pouze hudba. Těšit se můžete i na divadelní představení

Organizátoři navíc každoročně myslí i na ty nejmenší, pro které mají přichystané loutkoviště

Akce je tedy vhodná i pro rodiny s dětmi. Celý program objevíte. Kdy? 1. a 2. červnaKde? Zahrada kostela sv

Františka, Praha 4Vstupné? 250 kč  

For more infomation >> ✅ Hudba na zahradě i v kostele: Festival Habrovka nabídne romské písně, cimbálovku a sbor - Duration: 1:48.


For more infomation >> ✅ Hudba na zahradě i v kostele: Festival Habrovka nabídne romské písně, cimbálovku a sbor - Duration: 1:48.


Voici la plus grosse erreur que vous faites dans votre relation amoureuse.. - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Voici la plus grosse erreur que vous faites dans votre relation amoureuse.. - Duration: 8:36.


For more infomation >> Voici la plus grosse erreur que vous faites dans votre relation amoureuse.. - Duration: 8:36.


Check out the 100th Episode of Manly Moments! - Duration: 4:37.

Is there anything more manly in life than celebrating? Think about it. We

celebrate birthdays, job promotions, when our favorite team wins. And if we're honest,

we even have mini celebrations when we unexpectedly find loose change in our

pants pockets. (laugh) Woohoo! . . Huh? Oh yeah, we celebrate anniversaries, too. I was gonna say that. Honey,

I was gonna say that. Give me a second.

Hey guys, Robbie Sondag here with a little manly advice for living an authentic

life. Well, the Bible is filled with celebrations and today's verse comes from

Psalm 145 verse 7 where it says, "They celebrate your abundant goodness and

joyfully sing of Your righteousness." Well, believe it or not, Manly Moments began

last year on Memorial Day. And if you total up every devotional and bonus

video, this week marks the release of our 100th episode. (cheer) And yes, that's cause

for celebration. And what better place to do that than right here in Fiji. Anything else?

Oh yeah, I'd like another drink, please. Well, many guys go through life

directionless getting beat down. Manly Moments was created to provide a weekly

dose of humor, truth, and encouragement to lift guys up, not beat them down. And

so today we celebrate God's abundant goodness with regard to this program. And

I personally want to thank each of you who faithfully follow this channel. And

today I thought it'd be fun to recognize and thank some of our special guests

who've appeared on Manly Moments during this past year. Let's take a look!

Wow, pretty amazing, isn't it? Kind of makes you want to check out some of the old

episodes. So yes there is something more manly in life than just celebrating for

the fun of it. It's celebrating God's abundant goodness

and how he provides for each one of us. Here you go. Yeah, set it right there. Oh, hold on a second.


Keep the change. That's all we got left in the Manly Moments budget.

Hey guys, do me a quick favor. In fact, do me three favors. Go ahead and leave a

comment below and let me know what your favorite episode was from this past

season. And then if you enjoyed this video go ahead and give it a thumbs up.

And if you haven't subscribed yet, go ahead and do that. The only way for me to

get a good read on whether or not to keep making new episodes is to get feedback

from you. So by all means "like," comment, and subscribe. And make sure to check out

this week's bonus video for a sneak peek at the manliest place in the world. And we'll

see you next time for another installment of Manly Moments!

For more infomation >> Check out the 100th Episode of Manly Moments! - Duration: 4:37.


For more infomation >> Check out the 100th Episode of Manly Moments! - Duration: 4:37.


Tristan Thompson was ejected at the end of Game 1, and then all hell broke loose - Duration: 5:02.

Tristan Thompson was ejected at the end of Game 1, and then all hell broke loose

The Cavaliers should have never been trailing double digits with seconds left in overtime of Game 1 against the Warriors on Thursday.

They should have never been in overtime to begin with, but we'll circle back to that later.

Nevertheless, Cleveland trailed 122-114 with 2.6 seconds to go.

The Warriors probably should have just run the clock out, but time was about to expire, so Shaun Livingston pulled up and missed a mid-range jump shot.

Tristan Thompson took exception to it.

He was assessed a flagrant foul two and ejected from the game — with 2.

6 seconds left to go.

Officiating chief Steve Javie said he could see Thompson's elbow motioning towards Livingston's head.

The hit never connected, but the gesture was apparently enough for him to get tossed.

Then all hell broke loose.

Thompson was on his way off the court, confused as to why he was tossed from the game.

Then Draymond Green came up to him, clapping and yelling in his face.

Of course that didn't end well.

Thompson shoved the ball in Green's face and had to be separated from the group of Warriors surrounding him.

It was an ugly exit that didn't need to happen in the first place.

This is some of J.R.

Smith's fault and a little bit of George Hill's fault, too.

The Cavaliers really had no business forcing the defending champs into overtime at home in Game 1.

This was their shot.

They had the Warriors on the ropes late in the fourth quarter.

George Hill was at the foul line with the Cavs down 107-106.

He made the first.

And then this happened.

Hill — an 80 percent free throw shooter — missed the second free throw.

Smith grabbed the offensive rebound and dribbled the ball out to the three-point line as if to run the clock out.

He should have passed the ball to someone, anyone.

But he thought the Cavs were up.

LeBron James's face says it all.

Now the Cavs have to scramble.

LeBron scored 51 whole points in Game 1, and the Cavaliers still lost.

They had their chance and they blew it.

The Warriors flexed their biggest muscle in overtime and looked like the team everyone expected them to be.

How do the Cavs rebound from this?.

For more infomation >> Tristan Thompson was ejected at the end of Game 1, and then all hell broke loose - Duration: 5:02.


For more infomation >> Tristan Thompson was ejected at the end of Game 1, and then all hell broke loose - Duration: 5:02.


Fanny Maurer (Secret Story 6) "fatiguée" et "à bout" : Son message de désespoir - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Fanny Maurer (Secret Story 6) "fatiguée" et "à bout" : Son message de désespoir - Duration: 3:22.


For more infomation >> Fanny Maurer (Secret Story 6) "fatiguée" et "à bout" : Son message de désespoir - Duration: 3:22.


5 causes du vieillissement prématuré chez la femme - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> 5 causes du vieillissement prématuré chez la femme - Duration: 7:03.


For more infomation >> 5 causes du vieillissement prématuré chez la femme - Duration: 7:03.


✅ Zinedine Zidane : on sait déjà avec qui aura lieu son prochain rendez-vous - Gala - Duration: 2:40.

Quand la star du foot rencontre un héros du quotidien. Alors qu'il vient de remporter sa troisième Ligue des Champions d'affilée avec le Real Madrid, le coach Zinedine Zidane renforce un peu plus sa légende dans l'histoire du football

Il a pourtant surpris fans et médias en annonçant qu'il quittait son poste d'entraîneur au sein du prestigieux club madrilène

Personne n'avait vu venir le départ de cet homme désormais libre et qui va pouvoir profiter pleinement de sa vie de famille et de sa femme Véronique

Et avant de quitter son équipe, l'ancien international français a envoyé une invitation à un homme qui a basculé en quelques heures du total anonymat à la célébrité

Ces derniers jours, la France n'a eu d'yeux que pour Mamoudou Gassama, l'homme qui a sauvé un enfant suspendu dans le vide au 4e étage d'un immeuble samedi dernier

C'est « l'homme du moment »comme le souligne très sobrement Libération dans le portrait consacré au jeune homme dans son édition du vendredi 1er juin

L'acrobatie filmée du Malien a fait le tour des réseaux sociaux et des médias, faisant de lui un véritable héros

Fan de football et bon milieu de terrain, nos confrères expliquent que ce grand sportif était surnommé « Zidane » dans son village

Un bon présage pour celui qui vient d'être invité par la star du ballon rond à le rejoindre à Madrid pour une entrevue

Depuis son acte héroïque, Mamoudou Gassama a rencontré le président Emmanuel Macron qui a annoncé dans la foulée que le jeune Malien de 22 ans allait être « naturalisé français »et intégrer les sapeurs-pompiers

Nouvelle star du web, Mamoudou poursuit désormais sa folle course médiatique en France et à l'étranger

Crédits photos : GTRES / BESTIMAGE

For more infomation >> ✅ Zinedine Zidane : on sait déjà avec qui aura lieu son prochain rendez-vous - Gala - Duration: 2:40.


For more infomation >> ✅ Zinedine Zidane : on sait déjà avec qui aura lieu son prochain rendez-vous - Gala - Duration: 2:40.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


M jak miłość, odcinek 1378: Czy Paul nie będzie żył? Narzeczony Katanii go złapie! - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1378: Czy Paul nie będzie żył? Narzeczony Katanii go złapie! - Duration: 3:47.


Mazda 2 1.5 90pk Automaat SKYACTIV-G GT-M - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.5 90pk Automaat SKYACTIV-G GT-M - Duration: 1:07.


The Madcap - Almighty Fear (available on iTunes & Spotify) - Duration: 3:26.

I am the future, I'm this instant I am the visions from the past

There is no hunter without hunt You are the reason I exist

I live in your mind

Conceal how you feel

I'm the Almighty Fear

Too deep you can't find

The place I reside

I'm the Almighty Fear

I too know everything you know I know the ways to make you mine

The closed eyes wouldn't help at all There are more ways to make you see

I live in your mind

Conceal how you feel

I'm the Almighty Fear

Too deep you can't find

The place I reside

I'm the Almighty Fear

Look at all these memories I can feast on

Stories been told all night long

The little girl in white dress

A clown with a knife in his hand

Ready to serve me all the time

I am the Almighty Fear, I live in your mind

You will feed my hunger and do as I desire

I live in your mind

Conceal how you feel

I'm the Almighty Fear

Too deep you can't find

The place I reside

I'm the Almighty Fear

For more infomation >> The Madcap - Almighty Fear (available on iTunes & Spotify) - Duration: 3:26.


Letizia y Máxima, dos maneras muy distintas de llegar a un hotel - Noticias del Clavel rojo - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Letizia y Máxima, dos maneras muy distintas de llegar a un hotel - Noticias del Clavel rojo - Duration: 3:46.


结婚多年却没有孩子的5对明星, 张卫健与张茜令人心痛,最后一对竟然十年没有同房! - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> 结婚多年却没有孩子的5对明星, 张卫健与张茜令人心痛,最后一对竟然十年没有同房! - Duration: 4:32.


Easy to-do College Summer Hairstyles| Simply Braided - Duration: 5:25.

Hey there, beautiful

Welcome back to my channel. I hope you're having an amazing week

And today I'm going to show you four different


All meant for college purposes

Because I know how difficult it is for you, every morning to think about a new hairstyle

Which you can wear on your dress, so gonna help you out, by showing you these four hairstyles

Which are simple,easy, quick

And very useful for you. So I hope you are gonna enjoy it. Also guys, if you are new to my family and haven't subscribed us yet!

Then, please do, by clicking on the subscribe button down below and do not forget to turn on the

notification bell so that you stay updated every time I post a video and now let's cruise into the video. :)

For the first hairstyle

I am going to part my hair first of all and that too at the front so the parting does not need to be along the


you can actually have a

Zigzag or irregular parting and once you're done with that

You have to take a section of your hair and then start French braiding it, now

the French braid is really simple all you have to do is, you how to divide your hair into three different sections and

Then when you reach your right section

you have to add some hair into it and

Then cross it over the middle

and when you reach your left section

you have to add some hair into it and then cross it over the middle and you have to keep on repeating this process until

You reach your ear and once you reach there, you can stop doing this and go into a regular braid; now guys

I am going to repeat the same process on the other side as well

I have not shown you that and I have fast forwarded it, to directly where, I am regular braiding my hair

So when I'm done braiding my hair, I'm going to take both of these braids and stick them behind

So this is all about this hairstyle. So it's really easy and it does not take a lot of time and

The best part is that it helps you keep your hair off your face

So you can have your hair open and yet you won't see any hair on your face. And that's the greatest thing!!

For hairstyle number two, I am going to do a fishtail braid

so I totally believe fishtail braids are the best alternative to a regular three strand braid and

The only difficulty is it's really difficult or a bit difficult to braid a fishtail braid out of your lose hair

So what I'm going to do is,

I'm first of all going to make a ponytail

And I'm going to hide the elastic band by wrapping my hair around it . Now

the only thing you have to remember is you have to stick a bobby pin right over there, so that it does not unravel

Now once we're done with that, I am going to part my hair into two different sections and from each section

I'm going to take a tiny little section and cross it over to the other side and you have to keep on repeating this process

For the complete length of your hair and there you go. A very beautiful fishtail braid is right there with you!

So the only thing now you have to do is you have to pull on the braid, so that the braid looks massive and bigger

Now, this hairstyle is also very suitable for people who have thin here, because nobody will actually know how thin your hair is; Because fishtail braid hides it!

For my third hairstyle

I am going to take a section of my hair at the front

And then I am going to give it a single twist and I will be pinning it up there and I will be repeating the same

Process on the other side as well, now by doing this

I am adding a little bit of texture to my regular ponytail

So it would look really different from what you do every day


was rhyming and now I'm going to take some of my hair and

then I would be securing it with the help of a hair tie and

After that, I would be taking rest of my hair and then securing the complete hairstyle with a hair tie.

Now this way I would be able to keep my ponytail right over there all day long. So my ponytail would not sack.


Here we are at the last hairstyle

and this is the easiest of all. All you have to do is, part your hair on your favorite side and

Then you would be taking a strand of your hair and just twisting and turning it and once you are done

twisting and turning it you have to take a bobby pin and

Secure your braid right at the back, so that the bobby pin is not at all visible and this is the complete hairstyle

It's a really nice way of

Doing a cornrow braid, as you're just faking it and you're not at all putting that much of effort into it

so I truly love this and

These are my hairstyles and I hope you would have enjoyed them

If you did, then do not forget to give them a big thumbs up and I'm gonna see you guys in my next one!

Till then, stay blessed and stay happy !!

For more infomation >> Easy to-do College Summer Hairstyles| Simply Braided - Duration: 5:25.


MeMo - G - Момче 2018 (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> MeMo - G - Момче 2018 (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:22.


Volkswagen Caddy 2.0TDi 75pk Economy Edition 484371 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 2.0TDi 75pk Economy Edition 484371 - Duration: 1:06.


Volkswagen Golf 1.6TDI/111PK Comfortline Executive DSG · Navigatie · Cruise control · PDC+cam - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.6TDI/111PK Comfortline Executive DSG · Navigatie · Cruise control · PDC+cam - Duration: 1:13.


Sori Hits Recording Studio! - Duration: 5:32.

Sori's YouTube Channel

Hi, everyone

Sori Not Sorry!

Sori, Sori! I'm not sorry!

Sori, I'm Sori.

Sori here. I'm currently at

a recording studio that I've been frequenting since CocoSori days,

and we recorded lots of anime soundtracks here too.

So I'm back here at this recording studio.

It's because, I'm gonna step inside first,

So, On my YouTube channel, I'm planning on uploading

a dance cover of a song

by Britney Spears called "TOXIC."

I'm going to shoot a dance cover of that song.

But this time around, I'm going to sing on top of the background track as well.

Combining both vocal and dance cover.

So I recorded in studio not so long ago,

But I don't think I sang upbeat enough

So I'm trying to get a more powerful take!

More fitting to the dance song, more upbeat!

That's what I'm gonna do today.

So, that's why I'm at the recording studio today.

Is my throat warmed up enough?

I think it still needs to be warmed up a little more.

Britney Spears, who was a sexy icon of that era,

To capture her sexiness and power

is a difficult task.

The recording has started!

(Producer) I think that was pretty good, let's try that once more.

(Trying to awaken the sexiness in me as much as I can!)

...It's pretty hard...

(Producer)That part, I think was pretty good.

(Even though it's a difficult song to cover, I enjoyed the recording process!)

The recording has finished, guys!

I'm not sure how...

well this video has captured the whole recording process,

But I've tried my best on both shooting and recording the vocal tracks.

So once this song has been completed, as fast as it can...

It will be uploaded on my channel. I'm looking forward to it myself.

As expected, capturing Britney's sexiness is difficult.

I've been kept hearing that I need to sing it smokier, more nasally, and over all badder!

I've been trying to get that "dirty sexy" thing going...

But... it just comes out more...


I was trying to capture the "dirty sexy..." on my part...

Thank you so much!

Sori's recording session has come to an end!


As always, thank you so much!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

bye bye~

For more infomation >> Sori Hits Recording Studio! - Duration: 5:32.


"I Love You Daddy" by The Laurie Berkner Band | Best Kids Song | Dad Songs - Duration: 3:39.

Berkner Break

Berkner Break

It's time to take a Laurie Berkner Break

I Love You Daddy

*music starts*

Going for a ride

The door was open wide

When I got inside I said


Sitting in a chair

My dad was over there

Thought that I would share


Climbing into bed

My daddy kissed my head

So I looked up and said


Yes I do

I really do

Yes I do

Yes I do

I really do

Yes I do

Hey Dad! (Hey Dad) I've got something to show you (I Love You Daddy)

Hey Dad! Look what I can do! (I Love You Daddy)

Hey Dad, I hope that you know (I Love You Daddy)

Just how much I love you (I Love You Daddy) (I Love You Daddy)

Pick me up - put me down

Lift me high above the ground

Spin me all around


Hear you on the phone

Know I'm not alone

But wish that you were home


Waiting by the door

Hear your footsteps on the floor

Then I hug you more and more (cause)


Yes I do

I really do

Yes I do

Yes I do

I really do


*music underscores*

"I love you Mommy"

Dad: What was good about your day?

Daughter: That I got to be with you!

Dad: Awe, you make me melt when you say that.

"This is me and you, and then there's a big flower right there."


Hey, thank you so much for watching this video.

I hope you liked it, and if you did you can give it a like.

I also wanted to let you know, that even though I wrote the song "I Love You Daddy"

You can sing it about any body you want and I hope you will, I hope you'll have fun with it, and play with it.

"I Love You Mommy" "I Love You Grandpa" "I Love You George"

Whatever, anyone that you want

So, let me know about that actually about that. I'd love to hear how you used the song.

And I also want to remind you that when you subscribe to this channel

that is the best way to support us so that we can continue to make lots of great videos for you.

So go ahead and hit that subscribe button down there

Also hit the bell if you want to get an email notification, so that you know whatever is happening. AND you can check out more videos here. Thanks!

For more infomation >> "I Love You Daddy" by The Laurie Berkner Band | Best Kids Song | Dad Songs - Duration: 3:39.


Volkswagen Caddy 2.0TDi 75pk Economy Edition 484374 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 2.0TDi 75pk Economy Edition 484374 - Duration: 1:06.


Pich Thana and Chom Lino New Song 2018 | ពេជ្រ ថាណា នឹង ជុំ លីណូ បទថ្មី ២០១៨ | Khmer New Song 2018 - Duration: 1:16:00.

Pich Thana and Chom Lino New Song 2018

For more infomation >> Pich Thana and Chom Lino New Song 2018 | ពេជ្រ ថាណា នឹង ជុំ លីណូ បទថ្មី ២០១៨ | Khmer New Song 2018 - Duration: 1:16:00.


How to balance PRODUCTIVITY with a HEALTHY lifestyle? - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 5:11.

Hey, Dan here, and have a question from Sienna about balancing productivity with

a healthy lifestyle: eating well, cooking, exercising, how can you fit that in and

essentially she says: "I'm an INFP who's basically wasted the last two years yup

sad violet sad smiley face how do you fit in health routine, cooking, eating etc.

I find when I focus on the health stuff the rest suffers and if I focus on the

creative stuff my health suffers. I just don't know how to balance it all. I guess

I also like getting lost in my thoughts and feelings which then takes over and I

never do anything. I also always take much longer to do a task than i allot

myself." Cool, so I would have answered this question very differently perhaps a

year ago then I will today what I have found and I think what I actually said

in a similar question to this in the past maybe even answering this same

question I don't know things get confusing here at dreams around the

world was to work on one thing at a time and I still sort of stand by that but

when it comes specifically to health and be that exercise or actually eating like

what you're eating I've noticed in the last six months I've made some big shift

with what I eat and daily exercise and I have noticed that it has skyrocketed my

energy my ability to focus and my ability to execute and get everything

else done so well what I'm hearing from you is that when you're trying to be

healthy and exercise you don't have time to do anything else what I found at

least in my own experience is when I do that other stuff I actually get way more

time in terms of focused energetic time and I get a lot more done so I wonder

with that if it's a matter of that's just how you feel and so you don't

actually follow through on the exercise the diet because you're thinking that

you don't have time forward and you're sort of rushing on everything or maybe

you're doing the wrong things but in my experience and what I've gathered from a

lot of successful people a lot of on nerves and really you know high

productivity people is the diet the exercise that comes first and that's

going to give you the energy that's gonna give you the mental focus to get

everything else done because you'll be basically you're taking care of your

machine right you're taking care of your equipment so that you can perform well

on a day to day basis now what it could be is what you're actually doing in

terms of diet or exercise isn't really a good fit so it's not contributing to

that mental clarity generally and I'll do some other content on this in terms

of specifically what diet I'm doing an exercise and what's really contributed

to this real boost in energy and mental power but specifically our state

generally lower carb like low or no sugar low or no processed food that's a

no processed food primarily except maybe salami that's just delicious minute yeah

minimal carb processed food sugars lots of healthy fats that's going to be the

best way to eat for your brain and in terms of exercise moderate cardio for

about 20-25 minutes a day at a minimum so that would be like a heart rate of

roughly I think it's 180 - your age is about where you want to be maybe a

little lower but not over that that's the right level for the brain boost

which will give you more energy which will allow you to focus more and get

more done and all that so I've been going when I'm in Prague to the gym

pretty much every day of the week sometimes I take weekends off sometimes

I do a proper you know lifting weights and some cardio but other days I just go

in I do 20 minutes on the exercise bike today I went in and I watched an episode

of The Office on my phone it's just like get it done this is like my medicine and

that's how I've been treating it because I know by doing that exercise by putting

in the time I'm going to get more energy and better results the rest of the day

so that's been my experience I would encourage you to look into that more

there's a book called spark which is about

exercise and the brain and that will blow your mind so check out that book

highly recommend it I got it on audible and audiobook you can get it in any kind

of book format you want but I definitely recommend checking that out if you're

thinking about you know how do you balance exercise and getting things done

the conclusion you'll get from that book is exercise will allow you to get a lot

more done thanks for watching if you haven't yet subscribed to the channel

you should I release new videos every week on topics like psychology creating

an awesome life for yourself and entrepreneurship thanks for watching


For more infomation >> How to balance PRODUCTIVITY with a HEALTHY lifestyle? - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 5:11.


Let's Talk About Once Upon A Time (Finnish with subs) - Duration: 10:36.

Hello lovely people. It is Niina and you are watching Fairychamber channel.

All good things come to and end

and so did Once upon a time.

Therefore I decided to do once upon a time tag.

I started to watch ouat

when it was

aired in Finland first time.

That was many years ago.

I absolutely loved the first season.

I got bit bored with the second season.

It was too confusing for me.

Couple years ago

I watched all the

six season from streaming services.

This spring I'v been watching the 7th season.

Series has it's unique enchantment.

It combines

optimism and hope fulfillment of

Disney animations

When you wish upon a star -style

into the psychology and

analogy of fairy tales.

There has been elements from Brothers Grimm fairy tales,

Charles Perrault's fairy tales.

There's been elements from Aesop's fables

from ancient Greece and myths.

There's been Hans Andersen's

fairy tales.

When a person is

very interested from things like folklore

anthropology and fairy tale analysis.

Like I am.

Once upon a time is utter perfection.

Who is your favorite


My favorite character is Mary Margaret

aka Snow White.

Disney's Snow White hasn't

never been one of my favorite princesses


when I was a kid I never

identified myself to Snow White.

She felt

too passive.

Now as an

adult I have began to appreciate

animation and the leading

character way more.

For 90's kid like me

Snow White and the seven dwarfs animation

was bit too old fashioned.

But in Once upon a time

Snow White is a bandit

who sword fights and

shoots with an arrow and

is badass!

Your favorite villain?

It is either Regina or Rumple

who is called Tittelintuure in Finnish.

Your least favorite character? Zelina

When Zelina killed Marion

Then pretended to be Marion and came

pregnant for Robin

just to annoy Regina

I thought that was the most disgusting thing ever.

Your favorite scene? I have quite a few.

One that really impressed me

was introduction of Elsa.

When she became to be from the ice...

Favorite couple to ship? there is many of these as well.

Charming and Snow.

Regina and Robin. Emma and Hook.

Friendships in once upon a time?

Emma's and Elsa's friendship in the season 4.

I really liked in the first season

when Emma and

August became friends...sort of.

I thought it was very clever the way they brought

Pinocchios character to the show.

It took a while for me to

realize who is this character.

Who drives to Storybrooke in a motor cycle

and it was Pinocchio.

Saddest moment? death and funerals of Robin Hood.

There was a character who was not supposed to die.

Badass moment?

Best badass moment?

First season last episode.

Scene where Emma is fighting against the dragon

and at the same time Charming is fighting

against the same dragon in Enchanted forest (in the past).

Emma had her father's sword

but she threw it away and took her gun.

That was a badass moment.

Scariest character? definitely Peter Pan.

Good thing that I didn't watch this show as a kid

Peter would have caused me nightmares.

Your favorite ouat outfit?

This is a difficult one.

Lana Parilla could dress up into a garbage bag

and she would

still look royal.


Your favorite once upon a time seasons?

First season is going to be

forever favorite.

I really enjoyed the fourth

season and the way the

world of Frozen was brought but it had a new take on it.

I also liked

all part from Aladdin in the

season 6.

Otherwise I felt that

season 5 and 6 were quite unbalanced.

I liked some parts and some parts I didn't.

It's the same with the season 7

I really liked the way

Cinderella's character

was portrayed in the season 7.

The season 7 Cinderella

was of course

different than the first

season Cinderella.

To me the season 7 Cinderella was more closer to the way

I imagine Cinderella's character to be in the fairy tale.

First season Cinderella

she didn't really feel like Cinderella

more as a social climber.

Season 7 Cinderella is way more

repressed in the beginning

very humble

but she becomes more confident

during the series.

Your favorite Episode?

My favorite episode is Hansel and Gretel from season 1.

It had this very magical

athmosphere. It had lots to do with the setting and the costumes

Somehow it

was like really stepping into a fairytale.

Blind witch is

one of my favorite villains.

Side-character villains..

What an amazing character!

Whole story of that episode

was such

beautifully made.

Then there was one of my favorite actors.

Nicholas Lea, who played

Alex Krycek in the X Files back in the days.

Your favorite ouat actors?

Definitely Ginnifer Goodwin and

Josh Dallas.

I can't remember her name.

Lady who plays Tilly

Alice in Wonderland in the seventh season is bloody brilliant.

Your favorite quotes?

Magic always comes with a price.

I will always find you.

Your favorite background story?

I must say I adored the background story of Cruella De Vil.

Some kids (like Cruella) are born into this world as demons.

Has ouat ruined Disney characters?

Yes, there are some characters

that came out just WRONG.

When ouat went to the

world of Hercules I was very exited

because Megara is THE BEST

Disney female character ever.

But ouat Megara

was so uninspiring

and boring that I almost stopped watching the show.

They did not do any justice for the original character.

sorry guys

I'm repeating myself..

the joys of editing..

It is sometimes difficult to be a Disney fan and a fan of ouat

even though creators of ouat are Disney fans

Ginnifer Goodwin is also a celebrity Disney fan.

Do you feel that some character's story was left unfinished?

I would have liked to her more about Mulan

and Mulan's adventures.

If you could be any ouat character who would you be?

I think I would be Snow White.

I'd be a master archer

and married to Charming.

If you could pick anything from the set of ouat what would that be?

Quoting Colin O'Donaghue aka Captain Hook

He would take Josh would I lol

If I could only pick and object

I think I would take Charming's sword.

Your favorite place(s) in Storybrooke or Enchanted forest?

I would like to visit Mr Gold's shop.

I would like to see the famous clock tower

which is added digitally so that's impossible.

I would like to visit

the well that is in the

Storybrooke's forest.

Seems like an idyllic place.

Your favorite fairy tale?

Not a once upon a time-version but actual favorite fairy tale?

I have always liked Red Riding Hood

My favorite

Disney animation is definitely Beauty and the beast.


favorite ouat fairytale retellings?

Definitely Snow White and

I really liked the way the story of Frozen

was brought to the world of

once upon a time.

This was the once upon a time tag.

Thank you for watching guys.

I would love to hear your thoughts about the show.

Give this video a thumbs up if you liked it.

Subscribe to my channel )O(

I will see you soon.

Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Let's Talk About Once Upon A Time (Finnish with subs) - Duration: 10:36.


[서울모터쇼] 포르쉐, 신형 파나메라 라인·GTS..4도어 스포츠 세단 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> [서울모터쇼] 포르쉐, 신형 파나메라 라인·GTS..4도어 스포츠 세단 - Duration: 4:13.


✅ Alicia Silverstone Says She's 'Doing Great' After Filing for Divorce From Christopher Jarecki (Exc - Duration: 2:50.

Now Playing hh:mm:ss TITLE_GOES_HERE It's been less than a week since Alicia Silverstone filed for divorce from her husband, musician Christopher Jarecki, and the actress says she's doing well as she moves into this new chapter in her life

"I'm doing great," the beloved Clueless star told ET's Leanne Aguilera at the premiere of her new sitcom, American Woman, in Los Angeles on Thursday

"We love our son, [and] everything's good."The couple, who announced that they had separated in February, share a 7-year-old son, Bear Blu

On May 25, Silverstone officially filed for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split

The actress listed the couple's date of separation as March 15, 2016."They still deeply love and respect each other and remain very close friends but have mutually decided to separate after being together for 20 years," the actress' rep tells ET

"They have a son together who they will continue to co-parent."The couple tied the knot in a gorgeous beachfront wedding ceremony at Lake Tahoe in June 2005, after dating for eight years

They welcomed their son in May 2011.In her divorce documents, the actress also asked that the pair share joint legal and physical custody of their son

Spousal support will be pursuant to the couple's prenuptial agreement, and property will be divided at a later date

Silverstone previously opened up to ET about parenting last year when she brought her son to the premiere of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul, and when she plans on introducing him to her past movies

"I think it will be fun when he gets older," she said. "Some things I've tried to show him and I'm like, 'Oh, it still feels [like] he's [too] young

' We're a pretty no movies and TV family, so I'm very mindful of what it is that he sees"Check out the video below to hear more


For more infomation >> ✅ Alicia Silverstone Says She's 'Doing Great' After Filing for Divorce From Christopher Jarecki (Exc - Duration: 2:50.


Dự án cộng đồng "Quyền trẻ em" - Tổ chức AMI Việt Nam - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Dự án cộng đồng "Quyền trẻ em" - Tổ chức AMI Việt Nam - Duration: 2:59.


Milo Murphy's Law American Animated Memorable Moments Episode 344 - Pink Pig - Duration: 16:33.

PLEASE, lIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!

Not the way I wanted to die you have a way you wanna die wait and I have different definitions of fun Cavendish Dakota

Thanks for the save. Yeah. Well, I saw you plummeting to your doom

So I swerved up onto that ramp and then of them the truth

Was that it says call made in 1965, I don't even remember that being a feature on this phone

Well apparently up in the lost pilot episode of doctor zone in


Amazing you're really quite an awful actor. I really am but while I'm there I get

No, stay home do G

My low end a time machine awesome scene right now

I'm the zoning commissioner. You sir have crossed the line. You're out of the zone

I mean what I mean by that be weirder, it'll never get picked up for series weird get it Baxter

give me something weird a

Grill made out of an old toilet bus see that weird like me in the 60s talking like I'm from the 30s

and no, ah


1965 and we've got no time to lose. So are you stealing these from the timestream? What's not stealing? I put a miss

You're the creator and star of doctor zone talk too soon

Tell me more my favorite episode of the wonder where you enter that talent contest at the intertemporal zoo

And it's true. My little brothers can eat with their feet

Hello children. How was your day? Been progressing max? What are you doing here? I'm so glad to hear it

I would love to see you in our dad and all the villains will be trashed cancel your eyeballs on their heads

All right, bring in more weird stuff prompts. Give me a Van de Graaff generator on the purple shovel now

It's starting like what I'm the intern

How was your day been progressing? We lost the question scumbag. Hello. Just give me

I'm gonna be being beware of you. Uh, uh, hey look, he's got a purple shovel how yeah, thanks for noticing

YouTube find that intern why miss periwinkle you flatter me, uh,

Excuse me. Uh, mr. Malson, would you step into this dark closet?

Come on Zack well hide in here. All right, we got away from those weirdos

Quiet on the set

I've seen this scene. It's the scene I'm in and

Action, but what up? How is your day been progressing? Mr. Draco? What are you doing in the song? Yeah

We thought you were a vampire. Well, Chad did oh, I'm not a vampire

Who am I?

Remember me now the intern Oh

For God I had this on recognize me around. Wait. Are you King pistachio? No, I'm can totally take this jerk

Ah, but I am NOT alone

Seifer interrupting go ahead. Anyway, I thought of the time streaming like in over the last six months

I have really buckled down and now I have a foolproof plan

Using the profits from this doctor's own show. I will systematically replace human beings with pistachio

The time-traveling clowns were upon them

We need something to jump stuff here, let's do this

Okay, so according to this we're back in Milo's time but two weeks later Milo your future is fantastic this building what is it

That's my skull. It's amazing with all of it juice

So this Derek thinks he can replace every person on the planet with the station's wearing rubber masks

It would take like 50 years. Yes. He would have had to start in like 19. I

Guess if one factor, we can make like a thousand masks

Look what they did the word world. Okay. Now this is personal we gotta get in there. Hang on. I got an idea. Oh

Man, you should come visit sometime. I'll show you around

What a nice guy, right?

Hey, look there's a van she must be in there

How has your day been progressing

My family my friends we have to do something don't wait can't rush in there right now

We're outnumbered but we can't do nothing as in this time theory. That's right

All we need to do is find brick and Savannah and then we oh wait, that's them over there

And the time vehicle is right over there

So, what did I say about my

It's not safe stay with us I

Could use us

It was anchored in the tunnel, ah, nobody tell the boss about this, hey Dennis, it's the boss

No, he despite years of constant setbacks. You mean the guy who actually invented time travel. Wait a moment

I'm not sure but I think professor time was a live time travel faster. It's already in his head somewhere

We we just need to get it out earlier

Well, we better hurry and find him before he gets replaced by it back what you call being brilliant it works in the movies

Hey, it's lardy boy official mascot of war you like to avoid any more of those

The end of the chain in the freeze trap will do

So which way to professor x place hmm, let's see the directional pointers says

We'll never find professor time now the way you said the address don't get me started come on raccoon

Inventor and brilliant innovator if anyone can help us he can


Mr. Professor time sir delivery guy. This is my pizza delivery guy trap

Hi dad hi, honey, when kids get a load of Denise here. It should really boost attendance

You know dad the Natural History Museum is right across the street and they have a full-size t-rex

Who's gonna get excited about an antique read the third story?

There's a new secondary braking system on the back the first ever ladder that was actually attached to the top of a truck

Right over here Andy do G. How'd you get in there? And where'd you get these spots? I'm impressed Milo

How do you know so much about antique fire engine? Are you kiddin much a fan? It means so much to him. Apparently. Oh

Okay, what do you say Milo

Fire up there buddy Wow a new vehicle. We're coming up in the world's about time too. Considering what they gave us last time

I hope it's fast

I hope it's red like riding another bike

All righty, so we wait till traffic clears look left then right then

Then we look wow. Look at her go pretty impressive, huh? And we're only going one

Eighth of a furlong per jiffy. That's only

17 miles an hour

Now I am trying to extricate my foot from the floorboard dad you can stop narrating now, maybe we can radio for help

Maybe we should try something else

Three break back there wait Milo No

Rick must be working. We're slowing it down

You're like whatever the opposite of a rabbit's foot is a rabbit's head a Fox's foot a pound of sugar

No, you're just dad. It's just Murphy's Law. He can't help it. Dad. Does this Murphy's Law thing have an off switch?

I haven't found one yet

Oh, this chassis was not made for jet propulsion

Now there's something you don't often see a wheel giant corn dogs passing you

So he's a longtime agent out to destroy us by saving kitty Cubans

And now we're dragging the top of an old diner

Well, that was exciting you guys. Okay, is this a game to you a game?

That's here at this point, I'm willing to try anything

Hey, we did get to see the t-rex Milo, you know

Just spending the day with you is give me what I mean is on some level

I think I can relate part of my job is fighting an uncontrollable element fire

All we can do is be prepared think on our feet and ride the way

Yes, now it's battle of the bands I think they'll notice if we don't have microphones so this is our competition, huh

Yeah, but we're not here to battle. We're just here to get experience playing in front of you. I

Like yes, I'll suit up now

Now we should be safe from any Murphy's Law type activity looks dirty

But I'm still a little nervous needing fits a coughing fit giggle fit snoring fit on the snorer Mort you'll be a week

I'm preparing for all of the above plus

electrical fires building instability

Relaxing I was never anxious about shopping carts until now

Zack what are you doing here? Hey max, Lyle charnel ish the rivalry, but I don't want to be your rival

I see what you did there a little oversight. I'm not reverse psyching anything. How are you guys doing?

I'm having a rough time at all. That's it. Let those hard times fuel. You better. Get back to my band. See you later

Don't beat yourself up too much. Second place is great for an amateur musician. I ran into the lumber sacks

They're called the lumber max now. Well now all the good band names are taken who are the lumber Zacks?

Is there some backstory that I'm up? It was the year 26 too much. We started partying constantly. It was non-stop

then one day a girl came between

I'll see you guys I'll

Change their names to max. I got carried off in a shopping cart if we don't sound great

These guys will really think I'm lost without them. Wow

This is like one of those movies where we now pick up your steaks Melissa. Pick up your bass

Okay, but I'm telling you. No, I'm not changing my name to Zak Milo that accordions not gonna play itself

Actually, it does it has a self play funk. Wait, no

Not quite my tempo one, two, three four

Gober plays morte with a drum machine and he can play bass like puppies - yeah, so do I

But you don't see me destroying his band over it. Well, actually just getting started. Please check in back judge

Number one miss Whitley the music teacher at Jefferson middle school judge number two. Mr

Schmidt the manager of the pets and stuff you feed him store who's parking lucky has graciously offered for today's event

Next change the word shock to saw yeah

Are you sure you got to be great if we're gonna beat them is your base tuned properly?

Let me take a look at take a look

Yeah looks good, but you know, maybe maybe I'd better play it two

More let me check

What have I become Oh

Guys, I'm so sorry. Can you guys forget wrapped up or what?

My old friends think I say your new friends show your old friends. You don't need their singing saw. Yeah who needs more than one?

Control we're all burning sometimes

For more infomation >> Milo Murphy's Law American Animated Memorable Moments Episode 344 - Pink Pig - Duration: 16:33.


Moto Nordico visits Norrtälje for the very first time [-BRAND NEW 2018- English Moto Vlog 0001] - Duration: 16:15.

Hello everybody!

It´s a beautiful day here in Sweden. The sun is up. It's about 7:30 in the morning.

Rush hour as you might see, everybody's going that way almost.

We're going that way, so we just have to wait, find a little "lucka" (empty space) which could be difficult

Come on come on then

All right, so we're out

So right now, we're in a small town called Åkersberga

And I've really been here before

Doesn't matter now. It doesn't matter, does it? come on man, oh come on!


So today I'm taking you to Norrtälje, it's a small Swedish town

Up north east from Stockholm the capital of Sweden. I've actually never been there myself

So I'm quite excited to see what we'll find, hopefully

some nice nature

some nice roads to be riding on and

Yeah, we'll find out I guess

There's some "moppepojkar" (boys on mopeds), hello!

So as you can see this might take some time, let me just cut until we almost get there alright? - See you there.

So we're not quite yet in Norrtälje but I just wanted to stop and show you this beautiful scenery

Look at this

Island over there

One day I'll take you on the boat

Won't be today

Can you see that? - Look at it

Just beautiful man. So simple so beautiful

Alright. See you in a sec.

Oh, Hi there! Nice to see you are still with me.

So, no we're actually about to...

...Enter Norrtälje I think

I'm not too sure actually

Maybe not quite yet, but we'll get there. We'll get there

Alrighty, then. Let's see where this (road) will take us

I think if I go over here, I might just be able to show you some nice... nature.

First impression, well....

I expected us to....

To enter Norrtälje from the seaside, you know with the ocean view and stuff

That's not really...

...the reality, is it? Anywho...

Here we are and here you can play football or if you're from Britain, you might play soccer

Oh! Is it the other way around is it? Sorry mate!

Alright, so it's still in the morning. I don't know maybe like

8 o'clock in the morning something like that. Howdy ho! That guy didn't wear any gloves

Does that tell you how hot it is here in Sweden, I'd like to tell you I feel quite

spoiled actually, why why do I feel spoiled you might ask?

Simply because it's been like two, three weeks now with really nice weather over here

So warm and nice and sunny every day! Hasn't been raining

Nothing. I mean come on.. If it sounds like I have a cold

I don't, but I do have a hay fever

if that's what you call it, I'm allergic to some of those

beautiful trees

Some of that stuff


So as you can see, as you can tell we're in the middle of a neighborhood


Which I've never been in before. I don't know really exactly how we ended up here

But I was under the impression that we could find some nice

Ocean view or other

nice view not just like

ordinary houses

even though

You might not be familiar with

Swedish typical houses what they look like? Well this, this is some of it

All right, so this isn't the sea

however, it's a

where you can go ski

Not sea - Go ski! ... But are you with me, if you look over there?

Well howdy ho, well here it is

Here's the water I was looking for

All right, so we are going to the water, we are going to the water

To be honest, it's not too much action going around over here as you can see, it's just

some small boats and

That was basically it. Let's go down this road and see where it will take us

Hello, puppycito.

I don't know really what to expect and I'm not

In this exact instance. I'm not even sure if I'm gonna find my way back home to be honest because, Where the .... am I?

Where am I!? It's a nice neighborhood. I can't say anything about it. Look at this house, looks were

Pippi Långstrump might live

Pippi Longstocking for you English speaking people. Or even this house look like people Longstocking will live there

Isn't that amazing or even this house might be the house of Pippi Longstrumping?

Or even this has over there

Also, this house might be the house of Pippi Långstump and also this house this is like, what, is this real life?

like every fifth house

Looks like Pippi Långstrump might live there, this or this one

Am I wrong or am I right? Come on, man? I don't know where we're going

And I guess you won't tell, me let's just go then

So this is like, it's gonna be like an small adventure video, isn't it? So it says place for

for a nice view

I don't know how true it is, but I could spot something over here. So let's take a look, are you with me?

Alright so I'm just gonna take an off road walk here

We're on top of the hill somewhere, in Norrtälje

And yeah, it's nice as you can see down far far far in the distance

We're basically

Surrounded by the forest

That's just the way it is up here

In this part of Sweden... in many parts of Sweden I should say

There's a lot of woods, trees everywhere.

I don't really like to ride my bike on a small street surrounded really close by trees

I don't have any idea what we'll be hiding out there

Ready to run out in front of me while riding the bike so it feels

unnecessarily dangerous

Know what I mean? Let's go back on that moto. Alright folks I just talked to some

kind locals who explained

Where I went wrong trying to find a

Nice spot for a nice view over Norrtälje, so we're going there. It's just up over here

Well, I can take this time to ask for forgiveness

for my English

as you might tell

I'm not a native English speaking person

That might explain why I sometimes kind of mix

Accents like American and British. I don't know, whatever but I'm pretty confident that you can understand what I'm saying. Anyway, so


Actually, the gentleman's who told me where to go told me don't go too fast

because it ends quite

Abruptly, and they weren't wrong

Alright this

This is more like it, isn't it? Wow! Okay. So let's take a better. Look over here. Shouldn't we? Can you see it?

There's my water.

Guess that's it folks. Let me know if you like how it sounds (Starts engine)

Love it. V-twin, six hundred and fifty cubic centimeters


Gotta love it, you gotta love it

My first moped, was a Honda. My first motorcycle is a Honda

You can't go wrong with a Honda

even though

I have absolutely nothing against any other particular brand either

Let´s see what's going on downtown...

Who know? We'll find out soon. Hello bikey boy


Close one! So let's go downtown

let's take the pulse of

Norrtälje, Norrtel yeah

Nor tell YEAH I don't know how to go downtown

We gonna go here..

See where this road might take us

Look at that: Centrum. That's where we're going

That's nice, man

somebody's going to

Get a license for a moped. They're allowed to go like 45 km/h, there we have them

Well any motor on two wheels is great fun, isn't it? It´s just matter of

At which speed the fun..

Dies out on you. Might be 25km/h

Or maybe I don't know 250km/h. So we're at the Pingstkyrka

It's the Pingstkyrka (Pentecostal church) of Norrtelyeah

So let's go back

This looks cool and odd so this is like a parking garage

Just like a hole in the street

Alrighty then

Alrighty then, let's see here we have maybe one of the most important stores

in Sweden


Because it's the only one

allowed to sell liquor

Strong enough to get your drunk, the "Systembolaget"

And that my friend is actually true. All right, so

Not too much to see over here, but now we've seen it

Alright guys, I think I've found my way down here to the canal

I'm gonna show you

The canal

So here it is the canal of a Norrtälje

Nothing too excited even though it's quite beautiful but you know, yeah, alright

Ever heard of a sidewalk...?

Alright we don't use the turn signals

in...oh my god. Look at this lady. Look at her. Just look at her talking on the phone

Oh my god...

Turns out: newsflash

Norrtälje have some shitty drivers too who could imagine?

I mean, what was that?

All right now we're into something look at this this is what I'm talking about some nice old


kind of small looking


This is really nice. This is really nice

this is

Like a typical Swedish

Small town

I don't know what to tell you guys. It's beautiful. Look at these small small houses over here

Look at this bike man, custom style, nice

All right, so I can't go there and here we have the canal

All right, I think we found quite a good Street to go on because we have...

A little bit of everything here. Don't... look at this.

Look can you see where we're coming?

Can you see where we're coming? Can you see what I'll find here?

Nice houses

What the..!?

What was that card doing?

All right, everybody.

I guess this make a great end for this video.(We finally did reach the water <3)

My very first Moto Vlog

With Moto Nordico - Visiting Nor Tel Yeah (Norrtälje)

I'll see you in the next one. So please subscribe & follow me on Instagram.

And lastly. I just would like to show you this cool...

Elephant looking tree. Have you seen that? Only in the Norrtälje

See ya... Thanks for watching!

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