How to create a Bonsai tree at Home | Bonsai Trees for Beginners | Do It Yourself //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 11:34.a bonsai tree creating yourself in this video
i will show the progression of this young plant
first step
start to clean out the tree
removing dead things
remove unwanted leaves and branches
after cleaning
pruning the tree
before pruning your tree
decide on what shape you intend to create
once you have decided which branches should be removed
observe your tree and decide which branches do not fit the desired design
will need to be removed
prune slowly working your way up the tree
start with freeing up the trunk of it
if you are pruning big or large tree
when pruning larger branches you need a concave cutter
it's a young plant so there is no large branches
after pruning the larger branches
focus on smaller branches until you are satisfied with the result
pruning leaves
leaves that have grown out of shape
using a twin shear we prune long shoots
slowly hold the branches and prune the leaves
prune branches and leaves that do not fit the desired design
after pruning your tree
next shaping the tree
start to wiring the tree
selecting the proper thickness of wire
In this tree I selected a 3mm thickness wire
wrap the wire around the trunk
branch wiring
i selected a 2mm wire to wiring the branches
wrap the wire neatly in line with the previously applied 3mm wire
the side branch, you can wire the smaller branch growing to the right with a 1mm wire
when multiple wires are applied at the same part of the trunk or branch
try to put them neatly in line
and continue wiring the branch
after wiring
bending the wired branches
after having wired the entire tree
you can start bending and repositioning the branches
use your hands to hold the outside of the branch with your fingers
bend the branch from the inside of the curve with your thumbs
this way you reduce the risk of splitting branches
by spreading the force around the outside of the branch
when a branch is in position stop moving it
as repeated bending will likely damage the branch
bend straight sections of branches slightly to make these look more natural
after wiring your tree
potting in bonsai pot
preparing to pot the tree
first remove the old soil with a tool
do not put in water to remove the soil
use a tool to remove the soil carefully
you can also use a chopstick to remove soil
starting on the sides and bottom of the tree
avoid damaging roots in the process
after removing the soil next prune the roots
cut away any roots that have grown too long
do not prune more than 40% of all roots
the tree is now ready to replace in the pot
select a small size bonsai pot
covering the drainage holes with mesh
add a thin layer of heavy grain soil first
next add another thin layer of bonsai soil
place the tree in the pot
and then
add bonsai soil around the tree
remove air pockets in the soil
fill all the air pockets around the root system
use a small stick or chopstick to fill the air pockets
after adding soil
on the top layer add the small stones
this will help to keep the soil moisture
finally water the tree thoroughly
place the tree in the shade and fertilize
DÀY VÒ | VALENINE | Official Music Video - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Chủ Đề Nhạy Cảm Nhất với Bắc Kinh: Phỏng Vấn Nghị sĩ David Shoebridge | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 17:01.On this episode of China Uncensored,
the Communist Party is not gonna like this interview
Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
I'm here in Australia,
the country/continent is reeling from the revelation
that the Chinese Communist Party has been influencing Australian politics
But I sat down with New South Wales Member of Parliament for the Greens Party
David Shoebridge -
a politician who's not afraid to talk about Beijing's most sensitive issues.
Thank you for joining me today.
Are we doing this interview outside
because Green members don't believe in indoor offices?
Oh well, we have an office
but I always think it's nice to get out in a park.
And Sydney thankfully, is blessed with some beautiful parks.
Definitely, why don't you tell us a little bit about the Greens
like just what you're about.
We're a party that's got four basic pillars behind it
which is ecological sustainability,
social justice, grassroots democracy and peace and non-violence.
How was the Chinese Communist Party infiltrating Australian politics?
I think the biggest impact of the Chinese government
and the concern about the regime in Australian politics
is the insidious self-censorship that we see from Australian politicians,
scared to call out obvious human rights abuses in China,
scared to support democracy movements in places like Hong Kong,
scared to really openly challenge China on some of those,
you know, appalling foreign relations decisions
such as the ongoing occupation of Tibet.
And it's that self-censorship
that I think is so so deeply frustrating.
And it's all because they fear a backlash from China,
a backlash on trade
or a backlash on our economic relationship.
Australia has one of the largest and deepest economic relationships with anyone is with China.
We have a massive trade relationship with China
But China buys out our coal and our steel and our iron ore
and our agricultural exports
and you know our education services.
Not because they think we're a bunch of nice guys,
not because we're friends and we all sit around have a cup of tea together.
Not because they can come over and tickle our bellies
and we'll do what they want.
They buy our stuff
because it's some of the highest quality and best price products
and services anywhere in the world.
And they'll continue to do that,
whether or not we call China out for its systemic human rights abuses or not.
And I can't understand
why otherwise intelligent people in positions of power don't get that.
And what can Australian politicians do to resist this influence?
They could show a bit of courage,
they could grow a backbone.
And they could just stand up for human rights abuses
wherever they're happening on the planet
that would be a good start.
I think that's asking for a miracle.
Oh well, you know I don't think it's a miracle
I think it should be the basic minimum standard
that citizens across the world to ask of their politicians.
For years, you've talked about one of the parties most sensitive issues -
the organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience.
How are you still in office?
Yeah well, I've definitely had, I've had direct attacks
from the Chinese consulate,
when I raise things in our state Parliament.
And I find that
remarkable, I mean, I haven't had those direct attacks from any other government
even though I may raise sensitive issues about US foreign policy
I may raise very sensitive issues about Australia's foreign policy
and its engagement with other regimes.
It was when I raised the concerns
about the way China goes about possibly organ harvesting .
That's the only time
that I've had that direct pushback
and in fact a letter came from the consulate
to basically every MP in the state Parliament.
Can you give us a specific example of some of that influence ?
Well, I was I have a private member's bill
that would prevent Australians or anybody ordinarily resident here
from going overseas and engaging in unethical organ harvesting.
And of course I view on it ethical organ harvesting
as a deep moral issue.
Just for clarity what do you mean by unethical trade in organs?
Any trade that was for commercial reason
any trade where there was a degree of exploitation.
And of course any trade where there was a lack of consent
and you know I'd put top of that list
what we see in China where we know
there are organs being provided through their massive transplantation system.
There are organs being provided almost certainly from prisoners of conscience.
And almost certainly without consent.
Putting in one side the fact that China has admitted
that they use the organs of executed prisoners.
So if any Australian was to leave Australia
and engage in one of those trades in China or Egypt or wherever,
that would be a very serious crime on the statute books here if they returned.
They would be found ordinarily prosecuted for an offense equivalent of manslaughter.
What was the Communist Party's response to that legislation?
Well, the consulate was less than chuffed.
It may surprise you?
We had a briefing that we put on in the New South Wales Parliament.
And when I was walking in the corridors of the Parliament
I had a number of colleagues from different parties
saying that they supported it.
And you know giving me their personal support,
so we put a briefing on
we had some human rights experts
and some medical experts come into a briefing about the bill
and why we were present in the bill.
Meanwhile, we had a huge petition presented
so there was strong public support for it
we had more that a quarter of a million people
sign a petition and support the bill.
So there was there was a political support for it in the populace, individual MPs from different parties
People generally don't like the idea
of innocent people being killed for their organs.
It's not a hard sell.
I mean, if you explain to people what the problem is,
they clearly want us to do something about it,
they expect their state federal MP to do something about it.
So we put the briefing on.
But the morning of the briefing,
a letter was sent from the Chinese consulate to each MP
in the state parliament,
basically saying: "The briefing is a dangerous attack on China
that my office had worked dangerously with this
had worked with this dangerous grouping called Falun Gong
that this was a direct attack on China.
And these kind of behavior in Australian Parliament
prejudiced the ongoing commercial relationship with China.
You know, an extraordinary intervention.
And how successful was that letter?
It was bloody successful, we didn't get a single MP from either of the larger parties
that the Labour Party or the Coalition.
They all backed out.
They'll back down even though we'd had a series of RSVPs.
So the head of China's organ transplant system Dr. Huang Jie Fu,
has said they've stopped using organs from executed prisoners.
I plainly don't believe those statements,
that come largely from the central Beijing bureaucracy
that say they're no longer using executed prisoners,
they're relying only on donors.
Because when you when you look at
the numbers in that most recent Matas and Kilgour's study .
The size of the transplant industry in China is massive
and their pool of donated organs
given that there's no history of donation
and there are cultural barriers to it in China,
their pool of organs is tiny
and something has to explain the shortfall
between the tiny number of organs that would come through
you know transplants donation system
and the massive scale of their increasingly commercial transplant industry.
And you know clearly that on any view
that's been serviced by amongst other things executed prisoners.
And for the Chinese to be in denial about it
they can say what they like.
But the numbers just don't stack up.
Yeah, I believe that report you mentioned "Bloody Harvest"
puts the number at about sixty to a hundred thousand organ transplants a year.
Yes, with a donation system that's providing at best ten percent of that.
So where's the shortfall coming from?
Well, if Huang Jie Fu can come out explain where the shortfall comes from
I would believe him when he says that it's not coming from executed prisoners
and of course Huang Jie Fu has a history with Australia
and it's one of the reasons why
I think we have an obligation to challenge him on this,
he's been given an honorary Doctorate from our oldest and most prestigious University
the University of Sydney.
It's actually where I graduate.
Well, I was gonna ask you've done some digging into
Dr. Huang's relationship with University of Sydney.
Can you tell us a bit about that?
Well, Huang Jie Fu has been important
from the eyes of University of Sydney
by establishing links with higher education facilities
particularly in Beijing.
And that then produces a large number of overseas students and commercial success
for the University of Sydney.
And I would say primarily for that reason,
he was being celebrated and given an honorary Doctorate,
you know, to bolster the commercial interests of the University of Sydney.
And I found it remarkable
that when I raised concerns about his deeply unethical history
and he admits to transplanting
you know, hundreds if not thousands of livers from executed prisoners,
he admits to that.
When I pointed out that that was a gross ethical breach on by any standards,
would be unlawful here,
the Sydney University administration and the Senate simply ignored me.
And for me,
it was a clear case of them putting narrow commercial interests
ahead of what I think should be minimum ethical standards for our universities.
And didn't you sue them over
they were asked to release emails about this relationship?
We have laws that are euphemistically called "freedom of information laws" in Australia.
I think most Western democracies have them.
At least on paper.
Yes, always on paper, well, we have the laws on paper.
I request that all of the communications that went to the Senate
and went to the university
when they were considering granting him the honorary doctorate
And what I got back was page after page after page of blanked out documents,
because they didn't want to show the public
what they said about it
So it was entirely redacted.
I think we got one email that had gone to all staff and students
which we already had,
which largely led to our Freedom of Information request,
but all of the actual key documents
the reasons they gave
for giving this guy an honorary Doctorate
all of that was blanked out.
And so you sued them to unredact that
Yeah, we had to take them to court to get them to unredacted
and we ended up getting a significant amount of it
And what it showed mainly was what they were refusing to look at,
there was no information going to the Senate or the decision-makers
about this man's history of engaging in illegal and unethical organ transplants.
No mention of the fact that he'd engage
in hundreds if not thousands of liver transplants
using the organs of executed prisoners
And with none of that information going before the Senate,
you know they just granted him the honorary Doctorate
it is like a rubber stamp.
To go back to the infiltration of Australian society,
what can your average Australian do
in the face of Communist Party's infiltration into Australian society?
Well, I think the first thing is
it's a question of perspective
like I don't pretend and I don't think it's true
that they've got some sort of tentacles that go all for a society
and they direct how our state and federal government operates,
it's not that.
They are willing to exercise influence
when they feel like it's something that's seriously challenging the regime
and they're very sensitive about organ harvesting,
they're very sensitive about Falun Gong.
And you know you'll find almost no other MP
actively running those issues
because they get [monstered]
But I think the best thing you can do, most Australians could do is this
spend more time with people from Chinese heritage
get to know them,
engage in, you know, engaging those one-on-one citizen exchanges.
Because you know,
the people of Chinese heritage and descent
who, you know, have Australia is their home
and we're super lucky to have them.
They cannot become and what I'd be deeply anxious would be
if they were to become
the targets of a kind of
what may become a racist backlash
notionally targeted at the regime.
But the concern is it will end up being targeted at people of Chinese heritage
living in Australia and that would be deeply unfair.
That actually makes a lot of sense
are you sure you're a politician?
Well, I mean, I take the view that
there are so few people in politics
who actually are willing to say it like it is,
always trying to hedge their bets
you know, "What would the regime A may think about it?
What would this little sectional interest in the community think about it?
I think people want politicians, I hope,
to be trying to actually say the truth,
not trying to double speak.
The Chinese Communist Party often accuses critics of racism or intolerance to silence them.
How can we raise legitimate concerns
about the party's actions
and not be racist?
Well, I think you've just got to be extremely careful
to distinguish between the actions of a government
and the actions in the intents of a nations people
I mean, in my mind,
the Chinese people mean to be an ally with us,
they suffer far more from the authoritarian nature
of of their government than we do
I mean, I get a cranky letter.
You know, they suffer from a regime
that is willing to jail them if they speak their mind
or wish to exercise a faith that that organization doesn't agree with.
Or removed their organ.
Or remove their organs, kill them and remove their organs.
But, in Australia which has a very very ugly history of racism,
and a big part of that racism has been directed against people of Chinese descent
people Asian, Asian descent, Asian heritage.
I think it is very hard to have that discussion
and to work out where to draw the boundaries.
And I think we need to acknowledge that
A lot of sensitivities there,
and quite rightly sensitivities.
And in fact you know, the former Prime Minister John Howard,
As recently as, you know 20 years ago
was toying with an actively racist immigration policy again.
And that is very raw and real in Australia,
and that means when you're engaging in a critique of the Chinese government,
you have to make it abundantly clear that
we're standing in solidarity with the Chinese people
both there and here.
And when you bring up sensitive issues like organ harvesting,
are you ever concerned that this might cost you votes?
I actually don't think that
speaking up for human rights costs you votes.
I mean I'm in a party
that has a fundamental belief in you know core human rights
and social justice issues.
And you know, if we're not willing to speak up about this
well then who would?
And I actually think the great bulk of people,
whether it's Australia or the United States or wherever,
they actually want politicians
to I think, stand up and challenge power
when power is behaving badly.
They want them to tell the truth,
basically they want them to tell the truth simply.
And I understand you take a lot of your constituents out for hikes in the bush.
Yeah well we have a very successful Greens bushwalking club
And the only problem is that sometimes it's a too popular
and we have too many people out on our walk.
So I feel like a bit of a sheepdog,
you know trying to keep 40 or 50 people on track for a bushwalk,
but we're blessed in Australia, particularly in Sydney
We're surrounded by national parks,
amazing places you know
easily accessible within a day,
And you know for me that's one of the reasons I'm in politics,
to protect and and celebrate those natural parts of the world.
That's great, well maybe next time I'm in Australia
we can do another interview in the bush.
Yeah, let's go to the Blue Mountains,
we can do the Grand Canyon, one of my favorite walks.
Sounds great!
Thank you very much for joining me today.
My pleasure, always good to speak.
I just want to take a moment to thank everyone
who contributes to the show on Patreon.
It's a website where people can support the show.
Thanks to your support we've been able to come to Australia
and interview people like David Shoebridge.
So visit
to learn about how you can support the show
(AT) Veľký útok počas majstrovstiev sveta vo futbale - Duration: 25:52.-------------------------------------------
December by Manav Kaul | E 10 | Hindi Poetry | Terribly Tiny Tales - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Why Princess Charlotte Can't Sit with Her Parents at the Dinner Table During Royal Visits - Duration: 2:15.little did we know that some of these rules apply
to the youngest members of the monarchy, too.
Harpers Bazaar Australia reports that Kate Middleton and Prince William's children, Prince
George and Princess Charlotte, are forbidden from sitting with their parents until they
have learned the "art of polite conversation."
In addition to reading up on polite dinnertime conversation in the years to come, Kate Middleton
and Prince William's kids are also reportedly required to learn more than one language.
Earlier this year, PEOPLE magazine reported that Princess Charlotte has already started
learning Spanish, despite having only just started school.
It's widely thought this is because her nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion, is a Spanish native
and often speaks to the two-year-old in her mother tongue.
And when it comes to dressing, let's not forget the little ones also have to follow strict
royal protocol.
Last July, the BBC confirmed it is mandatory for Prince George to wear shorts as a young
male member of the Royal Family.
Of course, he did break this rule last month when he wore trousers for his uncle Prince
Harry's royal wedding, at which he served as page boy.
Prince George, ever the risk-taker, right?
When it comes to Princess Charlotte's style, the little princess is rarely seen without
a colorful smock dress with a Peter Pan collar, a pair of Mary Jane shoes, and a matching
We've seen a few moments between Middleton and her royal tots—George, 4, Charlotte,
3, and Louis, one month—outdoors together in the past few years.
Even one of her first sightings with newborn Prince Louis was during an outing at Kensington
At the time, Middleton was reportedly pushing the royal baby in an old-fashioned pram during
a leisurely walk while big sister Charlotte tagged along.
As the royal kids continue to grow, we look forward to seeing more special moments between
them and their Duchess mom.
Rap Alert!: Chief Keef ถูกยิงที่ Newyork, Tadoe ลงคลิปตอบโต้แล้ว! - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Arsenal make enquiry to sign Stuttgart defender Benjamin Pavard ● News Now - transfer ● #AFC - Duration: 2:00.Arsenal have asked for information about Stuttgart defender Benjamin Pavard, according to reports
in France.
Pavard, 22, has risen to prominence since joining Stuttgart back in 2016 and his impressive
performances in Germany have earned him a place in France's squad for the World Cup.
The young centre-back played every minute of Stuttgart's season in the Bundesliga
but is now being heavily linked with a move away from the Mercedes-Benz Arena.
L'Equipe suggests that Arsenal made an enquiry about landing Pavard earlier this year, with
the club on the hunt for defensive reinforcements ahead of the 2018/19 campaign.
However, it's claimed Borussia Dortmund are at the front of the queue for Pavard,
while Marseille and Napoli are also expressing an interest.
Dortmund have held talks with Pavard's agent but Stuttgart's asking price for the youngster
is blocking a potential move.
It's understood Stuttgart are demanding a fee of around £44million for the Frenchman.
Arsenal have been linked with a number of defenders in recent weeks, including Sokratis
Papastathopoulos, Caglar Soyuncu, Abdou Diallo, Jonny Evans and Stephan Lichtsteiner.
Asked about a potential move to the Emirates, Juventus right-back Lichsteiner replied:
'I cannot say anything about that.
'Nothing is finalised.
Will it be done before the World Cup?
I don't know.'
Mazda MX-5 RF LE at Australia's Best Driver's Car | 10th Place | video review - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
దరిద్ర యోగం ఇలా తప్పించుకోండిChirravuri Foundaion Telugu Devotional Lakshmi Puja Remedies sri bali - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
5 плюсов и 5 минусов фильма Дэдпул 2 - Duration: 7:09.-------------------------------------------
Shocking New Evidence Links Obama - Duration: 14:02.Shocking New Evidence Links Obama Directly To Criminal Enterprise
Barack Obama has perhaps the most scandal-ridden administration in history.
There were countless crimes he was suspected of.
And shocking new evidence links him directly to a major criminal enterprise.
Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute explains in a new
book titled "Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches
Family and Friends" how Barack was involved in major financial corruption.
While speaking to Breitbart News, Schweizer explained the "smash and grab" policy
that Obama used to enrich someone described as his "best friend."
Martin Nesbitt, who is a close friend of Obama started a private equity fund called Vistria
after Obama was re-elected in 2012.
In his company documents his firm is stated as being "designed to invest in highly regulated
And with his best friend being the "regulator-in-chief" it was a big help.
Schweizer explained how Obama helped enrich his friend using his "smash and grab"
policy by using the University of Phoenix as an example.
After Obama stated the school was not serving students well and suspended GI dollars from
the Pentagon going towards soldiers studying at the University, the stock plummeted.
Following the stock plummet, the company run by Obama's close friend bought the company
for a very low price, only to have Obama change his mind on the decision that caused the price
of the University to plummet.
As reported by Breitbart:
This is a clear case of financial corruption if it is found that Obama let his friend know
he was going to reverse his decision.
Do you think Obama should be investigated for this case of corruption?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and
is instead promoting mainstream media sources.
When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.
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4 Expressions Indispensables en Français - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
Nach YouTube-Auszeit: So anders will Sophia Thiel jetzt sein - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Floryda Kwiecień 2018 Część 3 - Duration: 53:08.Slowely people are filling the parking
But I'm not sure it will fill completely by evening
This will be a good experience to see if it will fill or not
So if next week they send me here
Because it might happend
I will know what to expect
And I'm waiting for the storm to pass
I don't want to
Get wet
So I'm cleaning a bit
I could start the APU, but I don't think it will be strong enough
In this kind of weather: hot and humid
During the day would not be sufficent
With the Sun heating the cab.. I don't think so
At night it should be all right
I opened the windows in the front, in the back as well
I'm installing some stuff for my Gopros
I'm trying to make my cabin more friendly for shooting videos
I must say
That with all those windows open there is a nice breeze
Even in 30 degres heat
Even with 100% humidity
It's acceptable, of course there is a small discomfort
I would prefer 40 degres without humidity
But it is how it is
So, I'm making my cabin camera friendly
Maybe you have noticed my different angles in my movies
There will be one camera there
One on the windshield
One on the side
This one will have a better microphone
It takes more effort
While editing the movies
But it is possible
In the mirror I can see
Rain that I am afraid of
It's a thunder storm
As soon as it passes
From south east and it will go up
Then we can go and bike
It can't decide itself rain or no rain
I don't know what to do
But the my cousin always says:
If you don't take a risk, you will never dring Champagne
I don't care
Despite the clouds
I'm going
I just might get wet, whatever
I will take a coat
So let's put some music
You can't see how I put them
I'm taking only one camera
I shouldn't rie my bike with earphones on
But here they don't really don't care
8 km to Fort Pierce in straight line
With this bicycle
With some kind of music on my head
Let's go
Rafal presents
When you have nothing to do
Well in this case actually not
I could have come here later
In order to benefit from my work
And see something else than a truckstop
There aren't many bike users
On bike paths in Florida
Away from big aglomerations
But there are bike paths
That's what counts
The rain is chasing me
Just a few drops
There are some dangerous clouds in front
But they are moving north
I don't know where this light rain comes from
Most likely from above
Or maybe the wind is carrying it
Who knows, who knows
Florida is like that
All the States are like that
All about cars
When we are away from big cities
I don't know how it is in Miami
Actually I have never been in downtown
I never had the chance
I have no idea what transit looks like here
If it's possible to live without a car
But generally speaking US, Florida
Many people come here
For the climate
It's always warm
Only the hurricane season
Is the problem
But if you're lucky
And don't live too close to the ocean
The hurricane will not make that much damage
The climate here is nice
It's always warm, it's like Cuba
Specially further down in the south
Because we are
150-200km away from Miami
To go back to what I was saing in the beginning
Of my monologue
I have to scream louder when car are passing by
This is how it is here: everything is done by car
But they have bike paths
There is will for progress
Other than just cars
Were closer to downtown
Really, I feel like if was in Cuba
Of course
Making a very wide analogy
Many Cubans are living here in Florida
Who run away years ago from Cuba
But now that there are some flights between Usa and Cuba
Specially between Miami and Havana
There is some exchange
It got short a bit with the new President
Everything is mixed here
Cubans, whites, blacks
Everyone is taking it easy
In warm parts of the Earth
People take it easy
And Cubans who lives here, second, third generation
Yes they have their roots in Cuba
But I think: where you live, you slowely become part of it
They are like american Cubans
Just like me I can say I'm polish
I will always be proud of that
But I live in Canada for so many years
That Canada is part of me
However I'm very attached to Poland
Because I travel a lot
And what has to say
A canadian citizen with polish roots
Who was born in Canada
And knows the polish language only from polish school
Once per week
I got confused again
The city is empty, it's Sunday
But the stores are open
Soon I will reach
My first goal
Which is the water front
Then the bridge or causeway
That means not a high bridge
And we will get to the ocean
Modern style City Hall
City of Fort Pierce
We must be downtown then
Did you notice?
Bike paths are gone?
What a logic
Bike paths outside of towns, and in the center: none
America is still learning
Oh, I can see the water, it's good
Downtown is deserted
Ok, so where I will by my beer to drink it by the ocean?
I might have to go back to the gas station 1km
Unless I find something here
To by by the Atlantic
The Mother of all adventures
For the Europeans
This is the first part of my journey
The second one is over there
And it seeme like this is a bridge
I'm wondering if there is reserved path for bicycles
Or a sidewalk
Because i not ...
Worst case scenario
If there is now way
To cross
I just passed a nice bar, I might have a beer there
Chill, there a sidewalk
On both sides
It's all good
Goal reached
But I think this is not the place
I might be able to go along the ocean
Ok, so I bought some chips...
I know it's not healthy
But the ocean, you know
Maybe further that way there will be nice access
Here, they are building water pipepline of some kind, I don't know
I went quite far from the truckstop
Say about
12 - 13 kilometers
But on the way back the wind would be pushing me
24 kilometers on the bicycle: it's not a big deal
It's a good thing
There is no direct Sun
It's still hot and humid
Sticky and all
With the Sun it would be worst
There is an entrace here, we will see where it leads us
I might go even further
This is too close
To civilization
The sand is not so white as in Australia
Here comes the ocean
Like I said before: Mother of all adventures
That's what I wanted
Mother of all adventures of Europeans
Right now it's quite easy
To jump over the Atlantic
Either by plane or by boat
To cross the Atlantic by boat is one of my projects
First I want to try the new form of travelling
On cargo ships
Some of them offer this option
Like on a regular cruise
Room, food etc etc
It might cost around 150$ per day, I don't know
This could be a great adventure
But my other dream
To have my own yacht
When I retire
I will sell everything and buy myslef a yacht
If I don't meet some one
And I don't make my family
This is the only but
Well there is nothing left to do but to fly my drone
And contemplate
And listen to the waves
Sound of the waves is the best
I could stand here and listen for ever
I will stay here for a while
I won't be able to see the Sunset
There is no Sunset here
on this side you can only see the Sunrise
Maybe I will wake up in the morning
30min of quick exercice
To see the Sunrise and go back to truck?
It's an idea
I will see like in the morning
If I wake up at 6 am
Because the Sunrise is quite late here
Get to the beach
See the Sunrise, quickly get back to my truck
And at 9 go unload
Here I am by the ocean and I still think about unloading
And transport bla bla bla
What a field to work in, it's an addiction
All right
After yesterdays sightseeing it's back te reality
I'm not starting yet
It's only 7:30 am. I saw another Prince truck when I was going to take my shower
Identical tractor as mine different by one number
I know who it is
A turkish guy, he works with Prince for quite a while
I'm just wondering if he had the same load as me
When I was coming back from the shower he was gone
So he went to unload. But how, when and where... don't know
And I don't want to know
Maybe he already had a pick up
When he left Montreal with his back haul info
I don't like situation when you have to truck from the same company
And there is a strugle who should get the first load
I don't like that
I prefer to avoid situations like this
So I will just wait for a while
7:30, if I start now I would have to finish by 9:30 PM
I could move right now
At 8 I will move, in half an hour
So then I will end by 10 PM
And if the other Prince driver
Went to the same place
He will be already unloaded, I won't even see him
All right. Breakfast, I'll get organised
i brought some sand with me from the beach
I have to clean well
And when I have time later today
I will take my bike out and carefully clean it too
It has some sand on it too
Always taking care of equipement
Not only the truck
Let's start the engine because the APU AC deosn't seem to work
Maybe it needs to be recharged
It was weak, even during the night
This one will cool down.
Oh yes
All right
It's 10 minutes to 8
I always have this dilema
But on the other hand
I'm starting my day because anyway
I would have to end by 10 pm
There is no point of giving myslef more window
Because I wouldn't find any spot to park after 10 pm
We start our shift
And let's go, in 15 minutes it's a start
And we go unload
And we will see what is out here
I'm very curious if that turkish guy is there or not
Curiosity: the first step to hell
It's so humid that there is condesation on the windshield
My delivery is only 2 km from the truckstop
Even less
On the left. And I will see if I could have parked there
Just in case if I return here in the future
We have to take note of those places from now on
So the next I come here
And I won't feel like visiting Fort Pierce
Oh, I could sleep here
So I will just come and sleep by the client
It's somwhere here
That is it
IT's not the right entrance
This is the one
As you can see i could have slept here
In front of the gate
And in the morning they would just unload me
Next time I will know
Where do they take deliveries here
Maybe here
I would just slowely move and deliver
And I would hava the advantage
That I could wait until I have a pick up to start my day
But whatever
On the other side
I would have no shower
I would be camping like Romes
There are no docks
They will unload
From the back with a pallet jack
Well known procedure
I just have to change my shoes
And it turns out that
I'm here alone
The other driver went some place else
Maybe further down south
Usual delivery from the back
I will have to wash the trailer after
Because there is some mud on the floor
I thought I would have to unlod by myslef
But two guys went inside the trailer so I was not really needed there
So I will just relax and check for a truck wash
I think there was one where I slept
So I will wash it out and let them give me my pick up
Very nice people here
They helped me wash my trailer
They gave me a hose with water
The pressure was low but I washed it
And meanwhile I got my pick up
3 pick ups in total: 2 in Florida one in North Carolina
I will enter my first one
Fort Pierce
Then Pompano Beach
Third one in North Carolina
On my way back
And in NC it would be only one pallet
Today I have to pick up 14 pallets of pepers
And then 6 pallets of cucombers
That's a bit light
14+6 is 20 and one more in NC
We will see
I think I will load everything sideways
Let's input the adress
And let's go
I'm already
In panic mode, in my stupid head
But as far as I rememeber in Florida
When loading peppers it wasn't bad
The first one is really close
The first pick up is 16 km from here
The trailer won't get cold
It's very hot today
Sun and humidity
It's a farm, very close
And then I have to go down 160km but it should be fine with my hours of service
But still I have to monitor it
1h30min downm then 1h30min up
It makes my trip longer
It should be on the left
We have to find that farm
Goodle shows me 4 km
And my GPS only 2
It's goo to see roads like this, because I could park here and sleep
Near the I95
I have to remember that
Different way of thinking with this Elog thing
There is a sign
I like those kind of signs
Very good
This road is
A bit soft
Ok, it's here
Everything is all right
We are driving like in Australia, on the left side
(Gps talking) in 500 you will reach your destination
At the very end of the road
And my next pick up is 150km
160km down south
There is no one else, so only if it could be ready
It ready!, We load, we load!
!4 palets
It will be fast
When I was checking in
The form was in english and french
The lady anwsered:
This is canadian owned farm
So it's a canadian farm in America
Ok let's back up
And let's put off duty
The trailer is still a bit dirty but
It looks fair
They will load me right away
Just to be safe I'm putting everything sideways
Because peppers are light
The cucombers.... this will be a light load
Pulping the produce quickly
Temperature is right
It is even below 45 degres F
So it's ok
Finally I changed my mind
Chimney block
First pick up was fast
All take the papers
And I'm off the the second one
Over there only 6 palets
Here I had more
If loading those 6 palets in Pompano Beach wil go as fast as here
They even bring the paper work to your truck
I closed my trailer doors
They also put in my trailer
A temperature recorder
And the lady brought me papers
So we shall continue
To the second place
I'm already hoping
That I could load
And drive all the way to the end of Georgia
We will see
As of now it is going very well
We are disappearing from here
we are not here
We were never here
I'm just a mirage
I'm crazy
This life, what to do
This road, if it would rain here
It's not really hardened
As we are approaching to Miami
It's still far but as we are getting closer to it
Pompano Beach
West Palm Beach
Fort Lauderdale
There more and more lines on the highway
On I95
There to paralel highways here
Turnpike wich goes across Florida from West to south
Thru Orlando down to Miami hwere it ends
And I 95
I took I 95 because it's almost the same route
Few kilometres difference
It's past the rush hour
in which could be problematic
because of traffic jams
The turnpike however is more reliable as it comes to traffic
We don't have the transponder
with which you could pay and pass faster
We have to pay cash
So I took I 95
I'm 50km from my pick up
I've already been in that place
So I know what to expect
And if they have the product
And it should be
This is not a processing place
So I think it should be very fast
I will just load my 6 palets bang bang
And I will run away
So I could get out from Florida and end up in Georgia
Or even beginning of South Carolina
But it will not change much
I will park early enough so I can find a spot to park
Today is a working day
It will not be as easy as on the weekend
(GPS talking) turn left
We are delayed by the train
I turned on Google nav
Because in Florida
Sometimes the streets and the adresses don't make sense in a normal nav
Very short train
They don't make always sense in normal navigations
Just as if you were driving in Spain or Italy
Drivers will understand what I am talking about
But in most states the adresses are perfect
Still the place we are going I know , I remember it
This flatbed has difficulty turning
He made it
(GPS talking) Trun left
Navigations are all going towards online systems
my nav on the Ipad Navigon
Which I always use
i bought it so I wouldn't loose any data
And just like that on the 15th of may
Of this year
They are leaving the market
There won't be any updates
You won't be able to buy the app in the stores
They will update the maps for the next two years
And then the end
So everything is going towards online
Or one piece navs
It's a shame, before I used Microsoft Streets and trips
I might make a movie about that becasue I receive a lot of questions about
What kind of navigation I use
3km away
(GPS talking) then straight
All right
I have to turn Googles sound
Because I don't like when my navi talks
We are here
(GPS talking) your destination is on the right side
There a only a few trucks
Or maybe there are
We will see
Maybe my load is ready and theirs not
I checked in
The clerk didn't even checked the loading number
He just said I will come and get you I know what you are getting
I said really?
He said yeah, You're picking up 300 cases
cases of cucombers for Metro
And he will check if he has them or they have to get here
i hope he does
Because if he doesn't
It will suck
Then I loose time
And the clock is ticking
If he loads me fast
I will return to Montreal wensday night
If he doest it late, I will return only thursday
That;s the difference
Meanwhile I will eat something
Using me free time
And when I start to eat
He will start to load me
It worked
6 palls, chimney block
It worked
My vegetables are cooking on vapor
And I have to back it up
So I ahve to do it smoothly
So they don't en up on the floor
Door # 7
Good, I load and get the hell out of here
I made a mistake switchng to on duty because I would have done my 30 min break here
I like this kind of work, well organized
THere is a strom in front of us
It's those tropical rains
Rain Sun, on and off
I haven't decided where I will park tonight
Because I still have to make my 30 min break
If not I would have to stop in 4 hours
But I will be still checking my options
First I'll check what is the distance to the yard
And maybe driving for the next 4 hours would be sufficent
Look at that rain in front
Lights on
Wipers in 3,2,1
Everybody is braking
So, I will check the distance to our yard
Still, the more miles I make today the better
So I can park in that place when I was parked saturday
Georgia and South Carolina stateline area
And in order to get there I would still have to drive at least 5 hours
So I have to make that break
Yeah, today I ahve to get to Geargia and South Carolina border
That way
Wensday I will be home
I would be parking in the same spots as I was going down to Florida
The further I go
I'm putting the odds on my side
There is still one unknown
Pick up of the last palet
Sometimes is like this:
Pick ups that you thought would go bad go well
And only one palet can mess everything up
I hope not, I hope not
We will see that tomorrow
So today just driving in Florida
I hope to end up in South Carolina
Break somwhere on the way
And tomorrow we continue our journey
From Florida to Montreal
It's a quiet drive
We are close to Jacksonville
I was passing thru here yesterday
Todays score is really good
Here is the moment
I mean that moment what just an hour ago
I was doing my planification
So my return route would be settled
Right now I have 2200km to Montreal
Because I am going around Washington, I don't want to have anything to do with Washington or Baltimore
Because I wan't put away the unpredictable nature of traffic in those cities
Washington is the biggest lottery
It's like cascade on this road of unpredictable cities
So I always go around
Thru Pennsylvania
And I come into Canada on the 401 in the Thousand Island region
From here I have 2200km
2 days 1100km each
In Canada I can drive 1300km
So I laready have a bonus of 200km
From the border to Montreal is 250-260 km
So I have to count 3 hours
13 - 3 = 10
So I could make it
I could practially start right now
But, in pratice
In Jacksonville at this time of day there is nowhere to park
No truckstop where you can reserve a spot
I wanted to make it to Georgia so
At this point in time
From Jacksonville
I would make to Montreal but it would be tight
Because I only have 2 hours of margin
But I preffer to have a bigger cousion
So the further I go today
My chances will be bigger
and it be more sure
That I will make it back to Montreal wensday
I still don't know how my last pick up will be
Because if I loose time
Even for one pallet
It's like thinking forward, forward, forward
To do everything possible so it would be ok
To conclude: today I have to drive as far I possible
Right now I have 3 hours of driving
So very wisely
Two and a half
I'm leaving myself 2 hours to find parking
Thanks to this app "Truckers Path"
We can check status of parking
Of course it's not always very accurate
Drivers are updating it
There isin't the exact information how many spots are left
It's just to give you an idea : some spots, lot's of spots or lot is full
Some drivers are playing
By giving the wrong info
But in a way this app can give you an idea
Of what is going on on those truckstops
You can also check the history of parking
In this way you can go back and compare
And have better knowledge
What was going on on those truckstops
A week ago at this time
Or yesterday or the day before that
You can go back as far 2 months I think
So I was looking where to park
I would like to make the the truckstop in Georgia where I slept on my way down
That would be perfect
This truckstop does not offer reserved parking
According to the app at this time and day it would most likely be filled when I get there
So I will not take the risk
I would have to stop way before on the TA
And over there same story: not sure
Then I said the hell with it
I will go a bit further
And I will reserve a spot
On a Pilot
And I would maximize my driving
So I started to make the reservation
Half an hour later
I check again the availability of paid spots just for fun
There were none
So this truckstop will be full when I get there
But I will have a spot
And tomorrow
At night I will not have to reserve
Because I will finish my day at an early hour
So parking will not be an issue
This is the planification with Elog
This will get solved once I'm loaded tomorrow
We are getting close to Jacksonville
I have 2 hours and 30min of driving today
Parking stress is gone
Because I will pay for parking
I mean, my boss will pay
And he old us
Gentleman and Ladies, because we have ladies working here too
If you need to use paid parking
If you need to get where you need to get
Do so, there is no problem
He knows what it's all about
This is the way I see it
It will take this direction
More and more parking spaces
Specially in those places where parkings are filling fast
There will be more and more payed spaces parking only
Like the TA in Pennsylvania
Half of the truckstop was by reservation only
They saw buisness oportunity there
Because this area is like that: people often finish their day there
This is how it will be now
As of now
Not many spots at truckstops that are by reservation only
There aren't many truckstops where half of the lot is reserved
in genereal it's about 10 spots
12 -15 spots in some cases
But in my opinion in time it will be more
All right
Enough talk, see ya tomorrow
494km to go to my pick up
Yesterday I started
From Fort Pierce, I went down I loaded
And I made this far
586 miles almost 600
So almost 1000km
I'm listening to the news
But sometimes I just wan't to turn off the radio
I don't know in wich direction the world is going
Do what ever you have to do and not worry about anything, that's my rule
5 hours to my pick up
This would be prefect
Get there, load 1 pallet and take a break
1.46CAD for a liter of gasoline in Montreal
And I fueled yesterday in my portable tank
for 0.91 CAD per litre
60 cents difference
No shit
It's a roberry in daylight
Even with higher taxes in Canada and Quebec
Still, this margin?
Price of oil 120US
8 years ago and prices were similar
Going back to what I said
Load that pallet, after 5 hours
If it would be fast
I could take my break there and eat something
But if it would take some time no difference
Either way it's good
And then there is only one
From here to here
From Richmond
To Fredericksburg
Is the unknown becasue traffic there is dense sometimes catastrofic
If today I can make it here at least
Then I know I can make it easy to Montreal
But I would prefer to get as far as I can
On Virginia and West Virgina stateline
There is a nice ret are there
There is also a truck stop
But it's a shitty one
hard to park and always full
Rest areas, theyl fill a bit later
If I can make there it would be nice
If everything went well, and I would not loose to much time
I should have enough time to get even to Pennsylvania stateline
But there is a problem with parking
If friday night I had a problem on the TA
It is here
This a constant battle
It's not a stress but it's working your mind
And people who don't have any idea
What is going on in transport, with hours of service
They wonder why drivers are overtaking each other
There are many variables
Fraction, well maybe not a fraction
But one minute or two
and we are in deep shit
That beeing said
I'm drinking my coffee, I'll go brush my teeth
And I hit the road
From now on every minute counts
In 6 minutes I can start my inspection
After that I'm hitting the road
And non stop driving to pick up
Truckstop almost empty
If you look in the back
The rain yesterday at least
Washed my truck
But bugs are starting to gather on my windshield
Truckstop almost empty
Lots of parking in the back
But at 3 - 4 pm it will be full again
Drivers are using more and more often
What they call : creative parking
This sport
Is not well known here
Becasause sometimes it will happend
They will be so creative that other drivers can not get out
So you have to wake them up
It already happened to me
I couldn't get out because he parked like here
They park not in designated spaces, more and more
They park like so
On, two and so on, when they are tired
They are sometimes able to go so far that the other guys can not get out
This sport is still expanding here
Drivers are learning it
In 4 minutes I'll take off
It's so humid
i have to use the wipers to see something
Travelling north
The weather turned bad
And it will be like this all the way to Montreal
Half an hour to pick up
1 pallet
Todays drive is perfect
I'm able to maintain an average of 63 miles per hour
But this guys speed would be nicer....
We're backing up immediatly
Once I've done this I press OFF DUTY
Half an hour and then I could drive
Until the end, whatever hours I have left
Around 6 hours
Shit, I messed up
When backing up it is like this:
If you have a first bad approach
If you try to correct it
It won't work
It's better to start all over again
Trying to correct
It will consume lots of time
And it makes you angry
Sometimes it's like that
I almost made it
This was an easy back up
It's like an airfield
But sometimes it will happend
They will bring me papers once he will load me
All right, in this trip nothing else will happend
Perfect Florida
I won't record my fight for parkings on truckstops
What I was doing going down
So... I left on the 20th
April 2018
I will be back on the 25th
This is 6 days on the road
5 and a half, because I could have left friday night
So the last day, whatever
I wanted to have some time In Florida for me
Perfect Florida
5 days and a half
On the road
1 delivery, 3 pick ups
So this is the kind if a trip that was
From april 20th to april 25th , 24th because I finish the movie now
Thank you all for your attention
Thank you all for your attention
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How to do metric conversions | Basic | SUPER EASY way to remember SI Prefixes – Dr K - Duration: this video we're going to go through how to do metric conversion involving
one prefix like picosecond going to second, meter going to megameter,
centimeter cube going to meter cube, just to name a few.
I'm going to share with you a foolproof method and tips to make sure you'll be
able to do the conversion successfully. Let's get to know some of the common
SI prefixes. I've included 12 of them from tera all the way to pico.
Depending on your school, you might need to memorize them. Tera, giga, mega,
all the way to pico, those are the names of the prefixes and the numbers are the
value for each of the prefixes. For example, 10 to the power of 12 that is
the value for tera. 10 to the power of 9 for giga and so on and so forth.
I've also included in base which has a value of 10 to the power of 0 which is the
same as 1. Sometimes when you see prefixes being used they are abbreviated
like this. Like capital T to represent tera, small letter d to represent deci.
So how do we use prefix and base? Let's take kilometer for example. That's a unit
for distance, so meter in this case is the base unit. k which stands for kilo
is the prefix. To make life easy I came out with a mnemonic to help you remember
all the 12 prefixes. That should help you remember the name of the prefixes in the correct order.
The great man King Henry's daughter, Beth, drinks cold milk until nine pm.
I've worked off from the abbreviation
for each of the prefixes starting from tera all the way to pico.
As for the numbers on the exponent we will start off with 0 for base and then 1 2 3 6 9 12
on each side.The difference between the left side and the right side on the
deci centi milli all the way to pico, there's negative sign in front, so if you
remember, The great man King Henry's daughter, Beth, drinks cold milk until nine pm
and then you go from 0 1 2 3 6 9 12 .
Do that on both sides and then make sure you put in the negative sign for the right-hand
side which is deci all the way to pico and you'll successfully memorize
all 12 SI prefixes. Hope this helps. Now that we know our prefixes let's proceed
to the metric conversion. I went through a foolproof method of unit conversion in
a video I've posted. The link is on the top right corner and in the description
box below. Do check it out if you haven't seen it so we're going to proceed using
this method and so let's start with our first example. Question is asking us to
convert 936 picosecond to second. If you recall from our SI prefixes, the value
for pico which is p it's 10 to the power of negative 12 so what this means is,
1 picosecond is 10 to the negative 12 s. Second is the base unit in this case.
Pico is the prefix so we're trying to convert picosecond to second. Now that
we know the conversion factor we can easily convert. Start with what is given
which is 936 picosecond. Multiply, draw a line across place the unit that you want
to get rid of at the bottom which is picosecond and then place the unit that
you want which is second on the top. Pico second will cancel each other off and
then after that we place in the values from our conversion factor. We have one
in front of picosecond 10 to the negative 12 in front of s, so we do the
math 936 times 10 to the power of negative 12 divided by 1 that will give
us 9.36 times 10 to the power of negative 10 seconds.
Let's try on another example. Convert 25 meter to megameter.
So the question is asking us to convert from meter to megameter. Again from the
prefix table mega the value is 10 to the power of 6 so what this means is
1 megameter is 10 to the power of 6 meter. Meter is the base unit in this case, so,
start with what we have which is 25 meter multiply draw a line across, put
meter at the bottom and megameter on the top because we want to cancel off
the meter giving us megameter and then we place in the values in front of the units.
1 in front of megameter, 10 to the power of 6 in front of meter so that
gives us 25 times 1/10 to the power of 6. If you punch it in your calculator or if
you can do mental math that will give us 2.5 times 10 to the power of
negative 5 mega meter. Moving on to our third and final example, it's slightly
more difficult than the last two that we've tried. So this question is asking
us to convert 25 meter cube to mega meter cube. The previous example we were
asked to convert from 25 meter to megameter. Do you see the difference?
Do you think we're going to get the same answer like the last one which is 2.5 times 10
to the power of negative 5 except for the unit now we'll be mega meter cube?
Well, stay tuned and we're gonna go through the calculation. Let's start with
the prefix mega. Mega is 10 to the 6 so 1 megameter is 10 to the 6 meter, then we
start with what's given which is 25 meter cube and then we multiply draw a
line across and then we place meter at the bottom and megameter at the top
because we want to try and cancel off the meter so we place the meter at the
bottom and we place in the values for the conversion factors so far is the same
steps as the previous example but now notice that the unit for 25 is meter cube.
So that means we need to cube everything as well so that meter cube
will cancel off meter cube like this. So, let's simplify now, we have 25 times 1
divided by 10 to the power of 18 because we cube the exponent 10 to the 6
so 6 x 3 gives us 18 and then the meter cube can now cancel off each other and
we do the math we get 2.5 times 10 to the power of negative 17 megameter cube.
That is definitely not the same as the answer that we got from the previous
example this kind of conversion that involves cube or square a lot of people
make mistakes when trying to solve this because they
miss out that cube part. So when you perform calculations that has cube or
square, please make sure after you've placed in the conversion factor.
Make sure you cube it or you square whichever that's appropriate. So we went through
three examples together. Why don't you try one out on your own?
Try converting 0.028 nanometer to meter. I'll place the answer in the description box below.
Thanks for watching, I'll see you in the next video.
Sajjad Nizami Naat Sharif - Duration: 5:13.Sajjad Nizami Naat Sharif
Simon Cowell says Ant and Dec 'should be reunited on BGT next year' - Daily News - Duration: 3:29.</form>BGT stars Ant and Dec should be reunited on the show next year, boss Simon Cowell has predicted
. But Simon revealed there will always be a place for Ant – and he's expecting him back next series
He said: "He's not a bad person, he's not the only person these things happen to
He's in the public eye. It's a wake-up call. It's as simple as that." Simon wants to make sure Ant gets all the support he needs when he returns to the telly show
Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now Read More Ant McPartlin's wife Lisa Armstrong defiantly shows off wedding ring and hot new look ahead of impending divorce He said: "Maybe the pressure was more than I realised
I will support Ant when he comes back. "He's not a malicious person, he's just got himself into a place
"But he has owned it and he's going to deal with it. He's taken a step back because his health is way more important than a TV show
"I'm almost certain he'll be back next year. And we want him back." Dec was left to go it alone on the live shows and won rave reviews
Simon said: "Dec has been unbelievable. I have tremendous respect for him. He's been a revelation
" One BGT team that hasn't changed is the judging panel. Simon has been doing the job with Alesha Dixon, Amanda Holden and David Walliams for the past seven series
But Simon insists change is key to keeping a show fresh – and there could be a big one in the offing for BGT
Simon let slip that he might be considering moving the show from ITV to rivals BBC
But it would be expensive, with sources saying they'd need to splash upwards of £50million per series
Simon, 53, said: "You always wonder, 'Would this show work better on the BBC?' I've thought about that recently, I genuinely have
"Do you always want to be in the same place? There've been no talks. They offered me a deal a few years ago
maybe I shouldn't have said what I just said." Alesha Dixon reveals terror over Britain's Got Talent stage invader: "I didn't know what his intentions were" Simon has made some personal changes too
Last year he ended up in hospital after falling down the stairs of his west London home
He blamed the accident on his work schedule – and has now scaled back his meetings and ditched his mobile
Simon said: "I've not had a phone for 10 months. It's made me happier. I'd wake up to 30 or 40 messages - you can't keep up with them
"Life is 100 per cent better without a phone. It doesn't own you." The dad-of-one also worked out he had nearly 1,000 meetings a year
But not any more. He said: "How can you be creative under that? Now I've cut back on meetings and I've cut back on work
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Quais as diferenças entre os índices de inflação no Brasil? - Duration: 5:57.Educação Financeira: quais são os índices de inflação do Brasil Existem vários índices que medem a inflação no Brasil
Porém, apesar de todos terem o objetivo de acompanhar a variação de preços, cada um deles tem um objetivo diferente
Enquanto um serve para calcular a mudança de custo de vida dos idosos, por exemplo, outro pode ser destinado à medição do impacto da inflação para as famílias de baixa renda
Os índices de inflação são calculados e divulgados por várias instituições, tais como o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), a Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas (Fipe), a Fundação Getúlio Vargas e o Instituto Brasileiro de Economia (Ibre)
Para adequar a pesquisa ao recorte desejado, cada índice usa critérios diferentes de monitoramento
Há diferenças, por exemplo, no grupo de produtos pesquisados, de acordo com os hábitos de consumo das famílias de acordo com sua idade e/ou faixa de renda
Veja abaixo alguns dos principais índices que medem a inflação no Brasil: IPCA O Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA) é calculado pelo IBGE e é considerado o índice oficial de inflação do país
O indicador serve de referência para o Banco Central decidir a taxa básica de juros (Selic) e para o governo avaliar se o índice está dentro da meta determinada pelo Conselho Monetária Nacional
O IPCA mede os preços de produtos e serviços cobrados das famílias com rendimentos mensais de 1 a 40 salários mínimos, moradoras das regiões metropolitanas de Belém, Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Curitiba, Vitória e Porto Alegre, além dos municípios de Brasília, Goiânia e Campo Grande
Os mais de 400 itens pesquisados fazem parte dos grupos: alimentação e bebidas, habitação, artigos de residência, vestuário, transportes, saúde e cuidados pessoais, despesas pessoais, educação e comunicação
INPC O Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor (INPC) é usado como referência para reajustes de salários e também do salário mínimo, pois calcula a inflação para famílias com renda mais baixa
O IBGE mede a variação dos preços de produtos e serviços mais consumidos por famílias com rendimentos mensais de 1 a 5 salários mínimos, das regiões metropolitanas de Belém, Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Curitiba e Porto Alegre, além dos municípios de Brasília e Goiânia
São mais de 400 itens pesquisados dentro dos mesmos grupos analisados no IPCA. IGP-M Oferta e deflação favorecem a negociação nos preços dos aluguéis (Foto: Reprodução / TV TEM ) O Índice Geral de Preços - Mercado (IGP-M) é calculado pelo Ibre/FGV e verifica os preços no atacado, para o produtor (60% de peso no índice), no varejo, para o consumidor (30%) e no setor de construção civil (10%)
Ele é conhecido como a "inflação do aluguel", pois é utilizado para correção da maioria dos contratos de locação no país
Também é referência para a correção de preços do fornecimento de energia elétrica
IPC-3i O Índice de Preços ao Consumidor da Terceira Idade (IPC-3i), calculado pelo Ibre/FGV, é conhecido como a "inflação da terceira idade"
Isso porque ele mede a variação de preços de bens e serviços mais consumidos por famílias compostas, majoritariamente, por pessoas com mais de 60 anos de idade
Por esse motivo, o IPC-3i serve de referência para a execução de políticas públicas nas áreas de saúde e previdência
A pesquisa é feita nas cidades de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Recife, Porto Alegre e Brasília
IPC-C1 Pobreza (Foto: Agência Brasil) O Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Classe 1 (IPC-C1), calculado pelo Ibre/FGV, é conhecido como a "inflação da baixa renda"
Ele mede a variação de preços de uma cesta de produtos e serviços para famílias com renda entre 1 e 2,5 salários mínimos mensais nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Recife e Salvador
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