Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 7 2017

Now, while George Bush was making his rounds,

there were some people who complained.

They were, like, "How can you laugh with him?

He's the worst president ever."

To which Donald Trump replied, "Hold my beer."

President Trump making a dangerous accusation

without providing proof.

TV REPORTER: President Trump's allegation

than then President Obama bugged his phones

during the election.

President Trump's stunning claim...

TV REPORTER: Accusing President Obama of spying on him.

Oh, (bleep)!

This is the biggest story ever!

Even bigger than last week's biggest story ever,

when the attorney general was caught lying

about his contacts with Russia!

You know, Donald Trump is the only person who thinks

the best way to distract from a scandal

is to start an even bigger scandal.

He's like, "This Jeff Sessions thing

"is getting too hot, people.

"I'm gonna pull out my (bleep) and let's see if that helps.

Let's do it, guys, let's do it."

And, you know, if you're gonna accuse a former president

of committing a major federal crime,

at least show that you have some appreciation

for the gravity of what you're doing.

You know? Call a press conference.

Instead, Trump is making these allegations

from the same place we hashtag about The Bachelor.

REPORTER: President Trump's Twitter outbursts

came just before sunrise at the private Palm Beach club

the president like to call "the winter White House."

"Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my wires tapped

in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found."

That was followed by four more presidential tweets,

taking on President Obama and misspelling "tap."

That was nicely done by the news guy.

He's just like, "And misspelling 'tap'".

Yeah, 'cause, really, how are you gonna take on

a two-term president if you can't even handle

a three-letter word?

And, by the way, because Trump is the president,

that is now officially the way we all have to spell "tap."

Yeah. The extra "P" is for "pussy."

This... You know, this whole... this whole story...

Let's be honest, this whole story is such BS.

First of all, no one needs to spy on Donald Trump.

You can just follow him on Twitter.

You don't have to guess. I wonder what he's...

Oh, there, he told us. He told us what he's doing.

And, secondly, he's a proven troll.

We're not gonna waste our lives trying to disprove

Obama birth certificate, part two.

And definitely not before the president

offers a shred of evidence.

What we will do, however,

is enjoy this tangerine roller coaster

and the ride it takes us on.

So let's start... let's start with where Trump got the idea.

The same place most bad ideas come from:

the Internet.

REPORTER: The president provided no evidence that,

during the campaign, the Obama administration

had him wiretapped,

but he appears to have picked up the idea

from the conservative Web site Breitbart News.

Oh, that's... that's comforting. Yeah.

The president gets his news

from a right wing conspiracy Web site.

Uh, quick question, how can you be a conspiracy theorist

when you're the president?

You're the person with the access to all the information.

People make conspiracies

because they don't know the truth,

and Trump is the guy with the truth, and still, he's like...

Like, pretty soon, Trump is gonna be covered in tinfoil

going, "The government is spying on me.

They're spying on me."

But you are the government.

"I know, it goes all the way to the top."

Like, you know... you know what's sad about this

is that just a week ago-- just a week ago, people--

the media was calling Donald Trump presidential.

Didn't he learn anything from that?

You know? The press was, like,

"Dude, you can trick us if you want. Just talk nice.

And still, he was like, "Pass.

And that's with two Ps."

As with most Trump scandals, the most fun part of the ride

is watching his people

try and fail to defend him.

Oh, and... and Sean Spicer has clearly learned his lesson,

because he didn't go out to defend Trump this time.

He sent out his deputy.

The president of the United States

is accusing the former president

of wiretapping him.

I think that this is, again, something that,

-if this happened, Martha, this would... -If, if, if, if.

He said "Just found out

that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower."

That's not an "if."

(laughs) Look, I...

I-I will let the president speak for himself.


You know the story's bonkers when your spokesperson says,

"He can speak for himself."

Just like, "He said what?

"Man, you got to take that up with him.

I ain't getting involved in this (bleep) no more."

But, look, we-we all know you can't trust just anyone

to handle Trump's untruth bombs.

When he goes full crazy,

there's only one person with the alternative set of skills

to back him up.

How does he know that-that it... that his...

that his phone was actually tapped?

Let me answer that globally--

he's the president of the United States.

He has information and intelligence

that the rest of us do not.

You know what? Yeah, I'll-I'll agree with that.

Trump has intelligence that I definitely do not.

I agree.

Listen, people, one more time,

Trump's accusation is ridiculous and pathetic.

Even FBI Director James Comey,

A.K.A. Hillary's swagman,

he's come out and asked the Justice Department

to call Donald Trump on his lie. Even Comey.

Obama didn't tap Trump's phones.

We did.

And, honestly, the conversations we uncovered

were pretty shocking.


TRUMP: Hi, Mr. X-in Ping?

JINPING: It is pronounced "Xi Jinping."

-TRUMP: X-in. X-in. -Xi. Xi.

TRUMP: Wrong, wrong, it's X-in.

Trust me, I'm the best at speaking China.

-(beep) -WOMAN: So what are you wearing?

TRUMP: A tie. It's so long and so red.

It's the longest tie you've ever seen.

WOMAN: And what do you want me to do to it?

TRUMP: Keep your hands off it. It's perfect.

-(beep) -MAN: New York Times' Anonymous Hotline.

TRUMP: Hey, failing New York Times,

I've got a hot tip for you.

-You are fake news. Bye-bye. -(beep)

Hi, this is Donald speaking.

Hey, Dad. It's me, Tiffany.

-(dial tone) -Hello? Hello?

-(beep) -MAN: 911, what's your emergency?

TRUMP: Oh, God, you got to help me.

MAN: Stay calm, sir. What happened?

TRUMP: I just became president of America,

and I don't know what I'm doing.


For more infomation >> Trump's Unfounded Accusations of Wiretapping: The Daily Show - Duration: 7:04.


Analysis Robertson v Hawkins /Trump Interview R1 2017 Players Championship - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> Analysis Robertson v Hawkins /Trump Interview R1 2017 Players Championship - Duration: 12:10.


B.A.P - WAKE ME UP M/V [EXPLAINED] - Duration: 2:29.

Alright so in this video I'm going to talk about on the storyline

and the message of their music video.

Which also has a lot of meanings and how they relate to real life society issues.

I'm also just gonna point out scenes that reminds me of other

kpop videos and just talk about things I find really funny

So please dont take this video too seriously

Alright lets get started

So we get to see these people acting insane and looking like they have a mental illness, which is a real life issue.

I also like how they included a diverse group of people instead of just having all koreans in the video

So with the diverse group ethnicity it helps portray that it doesn't matter what kind color you are

Everyone* suffers from same issues like depression, anixety, mental disorders, insanity and stuff like that.

So when they sing "wake me up" I believe it helps tell us that these people are living in a nightmare

and they want to be woken up in a way to come back to reality.

you feel me? :3 no? ok.

Despite taking all of these pills and medicine, its not helping.

So the message I believe is to tell us society is that they're being brained washed to these people with more "shit" chemicals to these patients they would maybe eventually kill them.

Alright enough of that lets get to what I wanna point out

Damnn this guy got some booty, no homo. Squats all daaaaay.

Okayy so I don't know about you guys but the bathroom tub scenes reminds of me

BTS Jimin when he was in one on I NEED U music video.

Daaamn that spin tho, alright lemme try

Dude this scene lowkey reminds me of rap monster taking the mic in in BOY IN LUV

How do you break a mirror by throwing a makeup brush like wth I would assume it will only leave a crack.

When he was about to smash the car I was thinking about Dab Dab

And lastly I'm not too sure if I'm right about this but I think Youngguk has a nose bleed?

From the flower, I'm not really sure if that's actually a nose bleed.

but it looks like it to me

Alright thats about it for this video, please be sure to leave a comment and subscribe if you want me to do more of these videos.

and I'll be doing a short upload of BTOB new music video of MOVIE so stay tune

I'll see you guy next time

For more infomation >> B.A.P - WAKE ME UP M/V [EXPLAINED] - Duration: 2:29.


Trump v King [R1]Fr7} 2017 Players Championship Snooker - Duration: 12:45.

For more infomation >> Trump v King [R1]Fr7} 2017 Players Championship Snooker - Duration: 12:45.


10 Moments In Superhero Movies That Will Make You Scratch Your Head - Duration: 7:25.

Superhero movies have produced some truly iconic scenes throughout cinema history.

Who can forget Christopher Reeve's Superman kneeling before Terence Stamp's General Zod,

prior to breaking his hand and dispatching the villain?

Or Heath Ledger's Joker asking "Why so serious?"?

Or Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark proclaiming "I am Iron Man!"?

But, like anything else in life, with the sublime comes the ridiculous - and the superhero

genre has certainly had its fair share of ridiculous moments as well.

In this video, we'll take a look at just some of them.

So watch it, enjoy it, subscribe to our channel, and join the notification squad to receive

alerts every time we upload new videos!

Here are ten moments in superhero movies that will make you scratch your head.

Spider-Man 3 2007's Spider-Man 3 was pretty terrible - and

the worst part in the movie was one that definitely left viewers scratching their head.

After being exposed to the Venom symbiote, Peter Parker began behaving differently.

His dance in the jazz club was one thing, but his strut down a busy street en route

to buy a new suit was a different beast entirely.

Parker walked in a rhythmic fashion, eyeing up women, pointing at them in a suggestive

way, did a little spin, emerged from a store wearing a new suit, did a little dance, then

went on his merry way.

What on Earth were Sony thinking?!

Superman In the iconic 1978 Superman movie, Lois Lane

met her demise when aftershocks caused by Lex Luthor's attempts to create a new land

mass for his real estate resulted in her car falling down a crevice.

The subsequent actions of the titular superhero caused fans around the world to scratch their

heads in confusion.

Devastated at Lois' death, Superman flew around the world at super-speed, rewinding time to

bring her back to life and prevent her death from happening again.

Superman has been known to pull powers out of his ass before, but that was just ridiculous.

Superman II If you thought that last entry was ridiculous,

you haven't heard anything yet, as Superman pulled yet another crazy power out of his

ass in the 1980 Superman sequel, Superman II.

It involved Lois Lane again, but the circumstances were very different.

Lois had discovered that Clark Kent and Superman were one and the same, but Clark Kent couldn't

have that, so he went to extreme measures to ensure she forgot that information - he

delivered a big, wet memory-wiping kiss to his long-time love interest!

That's right, a kiss from Clark Kent wiped Lois' memory, so she no longer knew he was


Makes perfect sense, right?

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Nicolas Cage is bat-shit crazy - everyone

knows that - and he's portrayed a number of characters who are pretty damned nuts throughout

his acting career.

Cage played Johnny Blaze AKA Ghost Rider in two different movies based on the character

- and he had a trademark Cage crazy moment in the second one; 2012's Ghost Rider: Spirit

of Vengeance.

It happened when Blaze was interrogating a criminal and the Ghost Rider was trying to

come out.

Blaze went crazy and proclaimed that the "thing" inside him was "SCRAPING AT THE DOOR", leaving

viewers totally puzzled as to what was going on!

X-Men Origins: Wolverine X-Men Origins: Wolverine is arguably the worst

movie in the X-Men franchise.

The 2009 offering saw Hugh Jackman's character's backstory explored and pitted him against

a new foe in the form of Wade Wilson - more commonly known as Deadpool in the comic books.

But this Deadpool was a far cry from the one comic book fans know and love - and the moment

that left fans scratching their heads came when he was unveiled, after having been taken

in by William Stryker and experimented on.

The character - who is known for his smart mouth - had been silenced, with his mouth

literally sealed shut.

It was a genuinely inexplicable decision on Fox's part.

X-Men: Days of Future Past 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past, unlike

the aforementioned Origins: Wolverine, was one the X-Men franchise's better movies.

It says a lot about Quicksilver, therefore, that he was the best thing about the movie

- his super-speed scene was awesome, as he helped the heroic mutants rescue Magneto from

a cell below the Pentgon.

It was, therefore, a head-scratching realisation when he was subsequently sidelined for the

remainder of the movie.

Not only could he have helped the titular characters some more in their plight, but

he would also have made the movie so much cooler with an extended presence.

Iron Man 3 A big part of Tony Stark's character in the

first two Iron Man movies and The Avengers movie was that he was fated to live with an

arc reactor in his chest for the rest of his life - a big point was made of the fact that

it couldn't be removied.

However, bizarrely, he had it removed on a whim at the end of 2013's Iron Man 3.

People will say he used Extremis to survive the operation to remove the shrapnel from

his heart and the arc reactor itself, but is Tony Stark really that stupid, given how

volatile he knew it was?

And, more to the point, wouldn't it have been mentioned in the movie that he had used Extremis,

given that it would be key information?

Very confusing indeed!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

surprised almost everyone when it killed off the titular Man of Steel in only Henry Cavill's

second outing as the iconic Kryptonian hero.

It did, however, insinuate that he would return - which we all know he will - but the manner

in which it did so was bizarre.

Superman's funeral took place after Doomsday had killed him, and he was placed in a coffin

and buried, but the camera zoomed in on his coffin to show dirt rising from it, suggesting

he was still alive.

Granted, we all "got" what it meant, but really?

Levitating dirt?

Why was Superman's body causing that to happen?

When you actually think about it, it's really quite odd.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

was the slightly superior 2007 sequel to 2005's Fantastic Four movie.

That's not to say it was very good though, because it really wasn't, and part of the

reason for that was its terrible depiction of the planet-devouring cosmic being known

as Galactus.

When the gigantic antagonist first appeared on screen in the movie, audiences were aghast

and filled with confusion - he was a gigantic cloud!

The character's potential to look incredible in live action was huge, but Fox opted to

turn him into a damn cloud.

It was one of the silliest decisions in comic book movie history.

Deadpool You may recall that, at the end of 2016's

brilliant Deadpool movie, the final battle took place on a helicarrer that was clearly

a homage of sorts to the S.H.I.E.L.D.

helicarriers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But there was one particular part of that battle that really made no sense.

When Negasonic Teenage Warhead accidentally destroyed the equipment stabilising the helicarrier,

in order to save his girlfriend Vanessa, Deadpool threw her off the helicarrier inside a glass


She fell quite a distance to the ground in the chamber, but emerged without so much as

a scratch or bruise.

Frankly, she should have died or, at the very least, been severely injured by the fall.

Thanks for watching our video about ten moments in superhero movies that will make you scratch

your head.

Which other superhero movie moments left you wondering what the hell was going on?

Have your say in the comments section below and be sure to subscribe to our channel for

more great videos like this one.

For more infomation >> 10 Moments In Superhero Movies That Will Make You Scratch Your Head - Duration: 7:25.


Volvo XC60 2.4 D 163 PK AWD MOMENTUM ECC PDC V+A LEER CRUISE NAVI ELEC KLEP 17" LM - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 2.4 D 163 PK AWD MOMENTUM ECC PDC V+A LEER CRUISE NAVI ELEC KLEP 17" LM - Duration: 0:58.


Opel Vivaro Combi 2.5 CDTI L2H1 9 persoons combi Airco v/a 10x op voorraad - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro Combi 2.5 CDTI L2H1 9 persoons combi Airco v/a 10x op voorraad - Duration: 1:02.


The Water of Lost Hills | Water & Power: A California Heist - Duration: 2:35.

MARK: Rafaela, I know you feel grateful.


To The Wonderful Company, and they have done

things that no farmer will do.


There's a park now. There's--

- Yes, I know. - The roads are better.

There's some houses.

But the wages are still minimum.

And the water is still a problem.


MAN: Arsenic.

Yeah, arsenic.


So the farm workers don't have water to drink,

but the trees have plenty of water to drink.


ROSANNA: Almost all the water in this valley

is full of toxicity.

One of the first things that happened to me when

I started working here is--

I was going door to door, visiting residents,

and a couple of women said, "Come in, come in."

And they offered me a glass of what they were

calling, "Lost Hills Lemonade."

And they were laughing about it.

And I could smell it.

I could smell the chlorine.

And that was our introduction to the water here.

Have you asked the water district here

why it's coming out yellow?

I have, and their response that I've received

is, "Well, it's an infrastructure problem."


That means it's the pipes in the house?

It's the pipes in the house.

But with all this infrastructure changes,

did the Resnicks improve the water system?


The infrastructure of the pipes going into people's homes?


And this is what we're seeing throughout Kern County.

That some areas are parched, and some farms

are drying up, because who holds the rights to that water?

And who is going to benefit most from being

able to grow more pistachios and more pomegranates?

That's the California story.

There has always been a fight over the water.

And just like any war, it's just collateral damage.


For more infomation >> The Water of Lost Hills | Water & Power: A California Heist - Duration: 2:35.


Trump's VOICE Tip Line For Reporting Illegal Immigrants - Duration: 2:40.

(ominous music)

- Hello, I'm President Donald Trump with VOICE.

Today we are asking for your tremendous help.

Violent immigrant criminals brutally murder

millions of Americans every day.

These dangerous browns are on the loose.

That's why VOICE has created a new tip line

to help track them down and send them home.

1-800-UDEPORT, you give their name and physical description

including level of brownness and we'll track them down

and buy them a one-way ticket back to Browntown.


Maybe you don't know any immigrants.

That's okay too.

Call us and just describe what you think one looks like.

We'll go track down someone who fits that description

and get them outta here.


Oh yeah, that's going Browntown.

Don't let these squirrelly savages fool you.

They might seem like nice, smart, normal, educated,

thoughtful human beings, but that doesn't mean

they won't turn into a chupacabra at night

and suck the blood out of you and your children.

Remember folks, 98% of all immigrants will commit

a majorly huge crime at some point today.

If they haven't already.

Here's some truly suspicious activity to look out for.

Being in white neighborhoods without a reason.

Being in white neighborhoods with a reason.

Wearing a head scarf.

Speaking Arabic on a plane.

That one's a big no-no.


Growing a long Osama bin Laden-like beard.

Not liking football or hot dogs.

Eating ethnic food.

Eating a medium rare steak.

Rolling your Rs.

You know, anything.

Don't let your beautiful little daughter girl

or handsome sports boy son be the next victim

of a brutal immigrant, call the VOICE tipline today

and thank you for your assistance.

While we have a minute, let's try the song, guys.

We all know the words now, we're gonna try the song,

here we go.

♫ When you're illegal and America's great again

♫ You can always go

♫ Browntown

♫ When you got worries all the ICE

♫ And Steve Bannon seems to help, I know

♫ Browntown

That's really good guys, that's a fantastic song,

I mean, really, we've made history here.

For more infomation >> Trump's VOICE Tip Line For Reporting Illegal Immigrants - Duration: 2:40.


Rachel Wells Tries To Get The Girls To Strike A Sexy Pose | Season 1 Ep. 11 | STAR - Duration: 0:48.

-OK, all right, let's

We gotta sex this up a little bit.

Come on.



OK, left to right, prettiest to ugliest.

I'm kidding.

Not really.


OK, I get it.

You're a girl group, already hating on each other.

Especially Cha-Cha and Peroxide.

But just-- give me some something.

Give me something sexy.


Have you ever been laid before, Selma?

Cause right now I'd say no.

For more infomation >> Rachel Wells Tries To Get The Girls To Strike A Sexy Pose | Season 1 Ep. 11 | STAR - Duration: 0:48.


You Create Your Own Results - 2017 - Episode 49 - Duration: 5:20.

How do results happen?

Do they just happen?

I don't think so.

And yet, there is a very large group of people, the way they live you would think, that's

just the way it is.

It just happens.

But results don't just happen.

Results are the physical expression of what is going on inside.

And if we let the outside control what's going on, on the inside, there is going to be nothing

but a repeat performance.

I have found that results always tell the truth.

We can blame everything under the sun, we can point our finger, do whatever we want,

but the results tell us what's going on.

And if we don't like the results we are the only ones that can change them.

I want to suggest that you take a real close look at your results.

As we go through this, then ask yourself, you know, "How do my results happen?"

I spent 9 1/2 years seriously studying, trying to figure out how we get the results we get.

If we are going to change the results we are getting, it's absolutely essential we change

our paradigm.

I started studying this book over 50 years ago.

Hill said, "There's a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it.

No one is ready for a thing until they believe that they can acquire it.

The state of mind must be belief and not mere hope or wish."

Now he said, "Open mindedness is essential to belief, close minds will not inspire faith,

courage, or belief."

Then he says something that I think is really encouraging, he said, "Remember, no more effort

is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity than is required

to accept misery and poverty."

Now it's very clear that there's many people that do not know that.

They struggle, and they struggle, and they struggle all the way through their life.

When with a lot less effort they could have got all the results they wanted.

All the other little creatures on the planet are completely at home in their in environment,

they blend in.

You and I are the only creature on the entire planet that's totally disoriented in our environment.

And that's becauseGod gave us the ability to create our own environment.

There's no point in struggling trying to change our results.

I think Buckminister Fuller put that very well.

He said "You never change things by fighting existing reality."

And you know something, there's a lot of network marketers that are fighting existing reality.

But of course there are a lot of people in life, who are fighting existing reality.

He said, "To change things you have to build a new program that makes the existing program


You can create your own economy.

Let that represent you.

And understand there is a phenomenal power that flows to and through us.

It is flowing to and through us.

And that is what thoughts are made of.

You can think anything you want.

And those thoughts will either be positive or negative.

But you send them out into the universe and you impress them upon your subjective mind.

Your thoughts cause your feelings and your feelings are expressed with and through your


In your actions.

And you take a look at the three of them, thoughts, feelings, and actions, that's what

produces the results, and that's what we call attitude.

It's the composite expression of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Hey my name is Eric Worre and if you are involved in the network marketing profession, I want

to invite you to come to the Network Marketing Pro YouTube Channel.

Every week we put out content on how you can become a network marketing professional.

We have tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with million dollar earners in the profession,

interviews with global icons like Tony Robbins or Sir Richard Branson.

Lots of different things that we provide, they are absolutely free.

Do yourself a favor, click on the link, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, tell your friends

to do the same, and I can't wait to see you there.

For more infomation >> You Create Your Own Results - 2017 - Episode 49 - Duration: 5:20.


Juilliard Music Theory 101 ♫ ♫ ♫ - Duration: 0:56.

[upbeat guitar music] ♫ ♫ ♫

(Steven Laitz) The longer the string

or the column of air, the slower the vibration.

[upbeat guitar music] ♫ ♫ ♫

For more infomation >> Juilliard Music Theory 101 ♫ ♫ ♫ - Duration: 0:56.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 224 - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 224 - Duration: 4:27.



For more infomation >> 🔴 GOD OF WAR 2 ™ " O TERRIVEL CERBERUS AZUL " - DETONADO - VERY HARD - #06 PT BR - Duration: 17:45.


Juilliard Online Piano Course 🎹 - Duration: 0:57.

[upbeat classical piano music] ♫ ♫ ♫

For more infomation >> Juilliard Online Piano Course 🎹 - Duration: 0:57.


Canadá volverá a poner visa a Mexicanos, No vas a creer porque - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Canadá volverá a poner visa a Mexicanos, No vas a creer porque - Duration: 4:20.


Everything You Ever Wanted (or Needed) to Know about IRAs - Duration: 5:20.

Today's vlog is all about IRAs: a crash course

Our blog today is also about IRAs, so we're

going to summarize some of that here in this video

Thanks for joining me, I'm Farnoosh Torabi and again

if you have any questions for me, very easy to get in touch

just email me:

Okay, individual retirement accounts

the 411

We're going to go through some frequently asked questions

Starting with, what is an IRA - really?

Well, it's an individual retirement account and

it's designed to encourage workers to set aside money, earnings, for retirement

And, how does my money get invested in an IRA?

Is a very popular question too.

And the answer is in a variety of ways.

The key is diversification.

You can invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds,

ETFs, index funds, a little bit of cash...

And, there are two types, right?

What are the similarities and what are the differences?

So with an IRA there are primarily two kinds

there's the traditional IRA and then there's the Roth IRA

The similarities are that you can contribute $5,500 in Traditional IRA

$5,500 in the Roth each year. They both allow you

to invest in a variety of different investments and I just went over

The biggest difference is probably their tax difference

So the Traditional IRA, the amount you can contribute annually (up to $5,500)

can be deducted from your taxable income

so you will have the tax savings today

And then when you withdraw it in retirement,

you will be taxed on those withdrawals.

With a Roth IRA, the money that you contribute to it annually

does not reduce your taxable income, but when you go to withdraw from it

in retirement: Hooray! You don't have to pay taxes on those withdrawals

That's the primary difference between the Roth and the Traditional

Which one is better for me?

I get this question a lot - should I do the Roth, should I do the Traditional?

So there are a couple questions you want to ask yourself

(I go over them in the article)

I think the biggest question is,

hmm, do I anticipate my taxes going up in retirement or going down compared to where

I'm at now?

If you think your taxes are going to be higher in retirement

then you may want to do a Roth IRA today

because you don't want to be taxed necessarily on that withdrawal in retirement

cause you'll be in a higher tax bracket

If you think your taxes are going to be lower in retirement

then maybe a Traditional IRA is the better route

But there some other considerations, read the post

to really be sure of what all things to account for.

Are there any age restrictions to opening an IRA?

Well there is no minimum age limit to contributing to a Roth IRA

However, you must be younger than 70 ½ to open a traditional IRA

How can I open up an account?

That's another question.

And the answer is, virtually, a lot of places

Banks, brokerages, there's online banks… they all have different onboarding rules

and some might have account minimums, some might have some fees attached to them

so it's really important to do an apples to apples comparison

and you can do online searches for them.

IRA vs 401k, which one is better?

So, I like 401ks in that, if there's a company match

that's free money – and that's something you can't get with an IRA

so that's a win.

The 401k also allows you to invest more annually

so where as the IRA is $5,500 a year or $6,500 if you're age 50 or older

A 401k is $18,000 this year, you can defer as much as $18,000

So that's a lot more substantial

And if you're above the age of 50, you can contribute $6,000 to a 401k

So if you want to be aggressive, or if you have to play a lot of catch up for retirement

a 401k could be a better vehicle.

And then finally, in addition to the Roth, and the Traditional

there are some other types of IRAs too

They're not as widely used but

I, for example, have a SEP IRA

Which is a Simplified Employee Pension IRA

Set up for business owners who want to be very aggressive with retirement

you can invest up to $54,000 this year and

a lot of that can be deducted from your taxable income.

There's also another category of IRAs

the Self Directed IRA

Which is, I did a story on this many years ago

it's pretty interesting you can invest in all sorts of alternative things

like race horses, artwork, real estate, precious metals

So, whereas the traditional IRA is stocks, bonds, mutual funds

the Self Directed ones are a little more outside the box.

So again, lots and lots of ground to cover with IRAs

I hopefully answered many of your questions in the video as well as in the article

but if you still have some more questions don't be afraid

to email me

Thanks and hope to see you back here next week!

For more infomation >> Everything You Ever Wanted (or Needed) to Know about IRAs - Duration: 5:20.


"Let's Dance"-Update: Vanessa Mai auf bestem Weg zum Sieg? - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> "Let's Dance"-Update: Vanessa Mai auf bestem Weg zum Sieg? - Duration: 0:53.


mario gets gainz

For more infomation >> mario gets gainz


10 Moments In Superhero Movies That Will Make You Scratch Your Head - Duration: 7:25.

Superhero movies have produced some truly iconic scenes throughout cinema history.

Who can forget Christopher Reeve's Superman kneeling before Terence Stamp's General Zod,

prior to breaking his hand and dispatching the villain?

Or Heath Ledger's Joker asking "Why so serious?"?

Or Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark proclaiming "I am Iron Man!"?

But, like anything else in life, with the sublime comes the ridiculous - and the superhero

genre has certainly had its fair share of ridiculous moments as well.

In this video, we'll take a look at just some of them.

So watch it, enjoy it, subscribe to our channel, and join the notification squad to receive

alerts every time we upload new videos!

Here are ten moments in superhero movies that will make you scratch your head.

Spider-Man 3 2007's Spider-Man 3 was pretty terrible - and

the worst part in the movie was one that definitely left viewers scratching their head.

After being exposed to the Venom symbiote, Peter Parker began behaving differently.

His dance in the jazz club was one thing, but his strut down a busy street en route

to buy a new suit was a different beast entirely.

Parker walked in a rhythmic fashion, eyeing up women, pointing at them in a suggestive

way, did a little spin, emerged from a store wearing a new suit, did a little dance, then

went on his merry way.

What on Earth were Sony thinking?!

Superman In the iconic 1978 Superman movie, Lois Lane

met her demise when aftershocks caused by Lex Luthor's attempts to create a new land

mass for his real estate resulted in her car falling down a crevice.

The subsequent actions of the titular superhero caused fans around the world to scratch their

heads in confusion.

Devastated at Lois' death, Superman flew around the world at super-speed, rewinding time to

bring her back to life and prevent her death from happening again.

Superman has been known to pull powers out of his ass before, but that was just ridiculous.

Superman II If you thought that last entry was ridiculous,

you haven't heard anything yet, as Superman pulled yet another crazy power out of his

ass in the 1980 Superman sequel, Superman II.

It involved Lois Lane again, but the circumstances were very different.

Lois had discovered that Clark Kent and Superman were one and the same, but Clark Kent couldn't

have that, so he went to extreme measures to ensure she forgot that information - he

delivered a big, wet memory-wiping kiss to his long-time love interest!

That's right, a kiss from Clark Kent wiped Lois' memory, so she no longer knew he was


Makes perfect sense, right?

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Nicolas Cage is bat-shit crazy - everyone

knows that - and he's portrayed a number of characters who are pretty damned nuts throughout

his acting career.

Cage played Johnny Blaze AKA Ghost Rider in two different movies based on the character

- and he had a trademark Cage crazy moment in the second one; 2012's Ghost Rider: Spirit

of Vengeance.

It happened when Blaze was interrogating a criminal and the Ghost Rider was trying to

come out.

Blaze went crazy and proclaimed that the "thing" inside him was "SCRAPING AT THE DOOR", leaving

viewers totally puzzled as to what was going on!

X-Men Origins: Wolverine X-Men Origins: Wolverine is arguably the worst

movie in the X-Men franchise.

The 2009 offering saw Hugh Jackman's character's backstory explored and pitted him against

a new foe in the form of Wade Wilson - more commonly known as Deadpool in the comic books.

But this Deadpool was a far cry from the one comic book fans know and love - and the moment

that left fans scratching their heads came when he was unveiled, after having been taken

in by William Stryker and experimented on.

The character - who is known for his smart mouth - had been silenced, with his mouth

literally sealed shut.

It was a genuinely inexplicable decision on Fox's part.

X-Men: Days of Future Past 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past, unlike

the aforementioned Origins: Wolverine, was one the X-Men franchise's better movies.

It says a lot about Quicksilver, therefore, that he was the best thing about the movie

- his super-speed scene was awesome, as he helped the heroic mutants rescue Magneto from

a cell below the Pentgon.

It was, therefore, a head-scratching realisation when he was subsequently sidelined for the

remainder of the movie.

Not only could he have helped the titular characters some more in their plight, but

he would also have made the movie so much cooler with an extended presence.

Iron Man 3 A big part of Tony Stark's character in the

first two Iron Man movies and The Avengers movie was that he was fated to live with an

arc reactor in his chest for the rest of his life - a big point was made of the fact that

it couldn't be removied.

However, bizarrely, he had it removed on a whim at the end of 2013's Iron Man 3.

People will say he used Extremis to survive the operation to remove the shrapnel from

his heart and the arc reactor itself, but is Tony Stark really that stupid, given how

volatile he knew it was?

And, more to the point, wouldn't it have been mentioned in the movie that he had used Extremis,

given that it would be key information?

Very confusing indeed!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

surprised almost everyone when it killed off the titular Man of Steel in only Henry Cavill's

second outing as the iconic Kryptonian hero.

It did, however, insinuate that he would return - which we all know he will - but the manner

in which it did so was bizarre.

Superman's funeral took place after Doomsday had killed him, and he was placed in a coffin

and buried, but the camera zoomed in on his coffin to show dirt rising from it, suggesting

he was still alive.

Granted, we all "got" what it meant, but really?

Levitating dirt?

Why was Superman's body causing that to happen?

When you actually think about it, it's really quite odd.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

was the slightly superior 2007 sequel to 2005's Fantastic Four movie.

That's not to say it was very good though, because it really wasn't, and part of the

reason for that was its terrible depiction of the planet-devouring cosmic being known

as Galactus.

When the gigantic antagonist first appeared on screen in the movie, audiences were aghast

and filled with confusion - he was a gigantic cloud!

The character's potential to look incredible in live action was huge, but Fox opted to

turn him into a damn cloud.

It was one of the silliest decisions in comic book movie history.

Deadpool You may recall that, at the end of 2016's

brilliant Deadpool movie, the final battle took place on a helicarrer that was clearly

a homage of sorts to the S.H.I.E.L.D.

helicarriers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But there was one particular part of that battle that really made no sense.

When Negasonic Teenage Warhead accidentally destroyed the equipment stabilising the helicarrier,

in order to save his girlfriend Vanessa, Deadpool threw her off the helicarrier inside a glass


She fell quite a distance to the ground in the chamber, but emerged without so much as

a scratch or bruise.

Frankly, she should have died or, at the very least, been severely injured by the fall.

Thanks for watching our video about ten moments in superhero movies that will make you scratch

your head.

Which other superhero movie moments left you wondering what the hell was going on?

Have your say in the comments section below and be sure to subscribe to our channel for

more great videos like this one.

For more infomation >> 10 Moments In Superhero Movies That Will Make You Scratch Your Head - Duration: 7:25.


New "Power Rangers" Movie

For more infomation >> New "Power Rangers" Movie


For more infomation >> New "Power Rangers" Movie


03/06/17 Special Parks & Public Works Meeting: Walk n' Bike Presentation - Duration: 50:14.

For more infomation >> 03/06/17 Special Parks & Public Works Meeting: Walk n' Bike Presentation - Duration: 50:14.


For more infomation >> 03/06/17 Special Parks & Public Works Meeting: Walk n' Bike Presentation - Duration: 50:14.


Citroën C4 Picasso 1.8-16V Ambiance 5p. - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.8-16V Ambiance 5p. - Duration: 0:47.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Picasso 1.8-16V Ambiance 5p. - Duration: 0:47.


Citroën C2 1.4i Furio - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.4i Furio - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.4i Furio - Duration: 1:05.


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:41.


For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:41.


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:41.


For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:41.


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:40.


For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:40.


Citroën DS3 SO CHIC e-HDI - BLACK BRIGHT WHITE-NAV - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 SO CHIC e-HDI - BLACK BRIGHT WHITE-NAV - Duration: 0:47.


For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 SO CHIC e-HDI - BLACK BRIGHT WHITE-NAV - Duration: 0:47.


Citroën C3 PURETECH 110 SHINE DOT. PDC/NAVI/CAM - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 110 SHINE DOT. PDC/NAVI/CAM - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 PURETECH 110 SHINE DOT. PDC/NAVI/CAM - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën C5 TOURER 1.6 THP 155 COLLECTION - NAV - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Citroën C5 TOURER 1.6 THP 155 COLLECTION - NAV - Duration: 1:02.


For more infomation >> Citroën C5 TOURER 1.6 THP 155 COLLECTION - NAV - Duration: 1:02.


Citroën Grand C4 Picasso THP BUSINESS P.PRESTIGE - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso THP BUSINESS P.PRESTIGE - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso THP BUSINESS P.PRESTIGE - Duration: 0:58.


Citroën C3 1.2 82PK COLLECTION - AIRCO - NIEUW!! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.2 82PK COLLECTION - AIRCO - NIEUW!! - Duration: 0:57.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.2 82PK COLLECTION - AIRCO - NIEUW!! - Duration: 0:57.


Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi AIRDREAM COLLECTION - ZENITHRUIT - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi AIRDREAM COLLECTION - ZENITHRUIT - Duration: 0:59.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 e-HDi AIRDREAM COLLECTION - ZENITHRUIT - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C4 EXCLUSIVE THP AUTOMAAT - NAV - LEDER INT - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 EXCLUSIVE THP AUTOMAAT - NAV - LEDER INT - Duration: 0:59.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 EXCLUSIVE THP AUTOMAAT - NAV - LEDER INT - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C4 Cactus BSNS 1.6 HDI DIESEL AUTOMAAT - NAV - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus BSNS 1.6 HDI DIESEL AUTOMAAT - NAV - Duration: 0:59.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus BSNS 1.6 HDI DIESEL AUTOMAAT - NAV - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C4 Cactus BleuHDi 100 BUSINESS - 14% - ED.NOIR - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus BleuHDi 100 BUSINESS - 14% - ED.NOIR - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus BleuHDi 100 BUSINESS - 14% - ED.NOIR - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 E-VTI AUTOMAAT - AIRCO - 19 DKM - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 E-VTI AUTOMAAT - AIRCO - 19 DKM - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 E-VTI AUTOMAAT - AIRCO - 19 DKM - Duration: 1:03.


Citroën C4 Cactus THP 110 SHINE - PANORAMA - SHARK - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus THP 110 SHINE - PANORAMA - SHARK - Duration: 0:45.


For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus THP 110 SHINE - PANORAMA - SHARK - Duration: 0:45.


Citroën C3 DYNAMIQUE 1.4 - AIRCO - LMV - CRUISE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 DYNAMIQUE 1.4 - AIRCO - LMV - CRUISE - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Citroën C3 DYNAMIQUE 1.4 - AIRCO - LMV - CRUISE - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën Berlingo MULTISPACE 1.6 VTI COLLECTION - 9 DKM - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo MULTISPACE 1.6 VTI COLLECTION - 9 DKM - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo MULTISPACE 1.6 VTI COLLECTION - 9 DKM - Duration: 0:58.


Citroën DS5 1.6 THP 200 SPORT CHIC-LEDER -NAV EUROPA - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS5 1.6 THP 200 SPORT CHIC-LEDER -NAV EUROPA - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Citroën DS5 1.6 THP 200 SPORT CHIC-LEDER -NAV EUROPA - Duration: 1:01.


Funny Cartoons for Kids

For more infomation >> Funny Cartoons for Kids


B.A.P - WAKE ME UP M/V [EXPLAINED] - Duration: 2:29.

Alright so in this video I'm going to talk about on the storyline

and the message of their music video.

Which also has a lot of meanings and how they relate to real life society issues.

I'm also just gonna point out scenes that reminds me of other

kpop videos and just talk about things I find really funny

So please dont take this video too seriously

Alright lets get started

So we get to see these people acting insane and looking like they have a mental illness, which is a real life issue.

I also like how they included a diverse group of people instead of just having all koreans in the video

So with the diverse group ethnicity it helps portray that it doesn't matter what kind color you are

Everyone* suffers from same issues like depression, anixety, mental disorders, insanity and stuff like that.

So when they sing "wake me up" I believe it helps tell us that these people are living in a nightmare

and they want to be woken up in a way to come back to reality.

you feel me? :3 no? ok.

Despite taking all of these pills and medicine, its not helping.

So the message I believe is to tell us society is that they're being brained washed to these people with more "shit" chemicals to these patients they would maybe eventually kill them.

Alright enough of that lets get to what I wanna point out

Damnn this guy got some booty, no homo. Squats all daaaaay.

Okayy so I don't know about you guys but the bathroom tub scenes reminds of me

BTS Jimin when he was in one on I NEED U music video.

Daaamn that spin tho, alright lemme try

Dude this scene lowkey reminds me of rap monster taking the mic in in BOY IN LUV

How do you break a mirror by throwing a makeup brush like wth I would assume it will only leave a crack.

When he was about to smash the car I was thinking about Dab Dab

And lastly I'm not too sure if I'm right about this but I think Youngguk has a nose bleed?

From the flower, I'm not really sure if that's actually a nose bleed.

but it looks like it to me

Alright thats about it for this video, please be sure to leave a comment and subscribe if you want me to do more of these videos.

and I'll be doing a short upload of BTOB new music video of MOVIE so stay tune

I'll see you guy next time

For more infomation >> B.A.P - WAKE ME UP M/V [EXPLAINED] - Duration: 2:29.


Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 GT-M LINE 2WD - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 GT-M LINE 2WD - Duration: 1:00.


BMW 6 Serie Cabrio 640I HIGH EXECUTIVE * M-Sportpakket * 40.124 Km * - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 6 Serie Cabrio 640I HIGH EXECUTIVE * M-Sportpakket * 40.124 Km * - Duration: 1:00.


Mazda 2 1.5 Skyactiv-G GT-M ( Led, Navi, pdc ) - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.5 Skyactiv-G GT-M ( Led, Navi, pdc ) - Duration: 1:03.


Opel Astra Cabriolet 1.6I Leer Electrische Kap Stoelverwarming Lichtmetalen Velgen Apk t/m 26-2-2018 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra Cabriolet 1.6I Leer Electrische Kap Stoelverwarming Lichtmetalen Velgen Apk t/m 26-2-2018 - Duration: 0:59.


Manchester By The Sea (Best Picture Nominee) -- Movie Review #JPMN - Duration: 1:38.

A sobering look at life and death.

Written and directed by Kenneth Lonegran, this $8.5 million dollar drama film did surprisingly

well following its wide release in December 2016 - receiving widespread critical acclaim,

and $60 million in ticket sales.

When his brother dies suddenly, Casey Affleck is asked to take care of his teenage nephew,

Lucas Hedges.

Set against the backdrop of its drab, wintertime setting in the titular New England town, the

two-hour and seventeen minute feature is carefully photographed with long takes and waist-high

wide shots.

There's nothing showy or artistic about the treatment; as Lonegran allows his cast to

deliver their tearful and restrained monologues without hindrance or artifice.

"Manchester By The Sea" impresses thanks to these raw performances; especially Affleck's

challenging role.

This is a character that has experienced unthinkable tragedy, who has resigned himself to lifelong

depression by confessing, "I can't beat it.

I can't beat it."

Opposite, the young Hedges is a breakout talent, exhibiting glimpses of real understanding.

In addition to the brilliant work from Michelle Williams, three of the R-rated movie's six

Academy Award nominations were for acting.

This film is not uplifting or even enjoyable... but somehow still necessary and relatable.

Anyone who's ever experienced a loss will be able to connect to the movie's cold and

resigned approach to death.

"Manchester By The Sea" is a heartbreaking drama thanks to understated performances.

Not exactly one I'm eager to revisit, I still thought it was very GREAT.

That does it for this quick excerpt - but if you'd like to watch full episodes of "Movie

Night", and submit your own reviews to be included on the show, please visit the Jogwheel

YouTube channel.

My name is Jonathan Paula, thanks for watching and have a good Movie Night!

For more infomation >> Manchester By The Sea (Best Picture Nominee) -- Movie Review #JPMN - Duration: 1:38.


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:41.


Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 - Duration: 0:40.


Smurfer No Smurfing [CS:GO] - Duration: 0:47.

Yes, it is

One short

With bomb

Bomb is short


I killed the auto bastard

Alright, I'm already going A


really slowly


AWP in Long



Long Be careful long

"He's in mid's middle"

Come on

Come on


Poor guy

For more infomation >> Smurfer No Smurfing [CS:GO] - Duration: 0:47.


What is a Convection Oven | How Do Convection Ovens Work - Duration: 1:46.

So this is our DCOT5, and the reason I'm so

excited about this product is because

it's the first in its category. So what I

mean by that is that of all half-size 5-

pan glass-door convection ovens, this oven

comes in the first out of all energy star

certified appliances. So what that means is

for every dollar of energy that's going

into this oven, 78 cents is going right back

into heating the product and the food. And I'd

like to take a minute to show you the Bake

on these cookies right here. As you can see, not

one of these cookies is different. They

all look the same. They're completely evenly

baked. And the reason I'm able to do that is

because I have a two speed fan on this

oven. So I'm able to switch from low

fan to high fan. So for delicate

products like cookies or croissants

or muffins, I can use a low fan option. But when

I need to bake faster I'm able to switch

it up to high speed as well. It's also

completely programmable so all i have to do

is come over here when I'm ready, press

cookie--I can't even put a picture of

one if I need to. Wait for it to pre-heat,

and then I have to press start. So

simple, literally anyone can use it.

It's also got a cool to the touch

glass-door, as well as a cool to the touch

handle, and its small space is completely

perfect for convenience stores, gas

stations, bars--anyone that has somewhat

limited space. So it's going to get you--

going to save you time and labor. Gonna save you

money and energy. And it's also just

going to be- it's going to give you a

completely even bake with such a small


For more infomation >> What is a Convection Oven | How Do Convection Ovens Work - Duration: 1:46.


Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI COMFORTLINE 150pk DSG Navigatie - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI COMFORTLINE 150pk DSG Navigatie - Duration: 1:02.


How To Install 2 Whatsapp On Same Android Phone - Duration: 1:55.

Welcome to our YouTube Channel

Do the first two

Click subscribe

And click the bell icon

Thank you

Hello friends, today we will tell you how to install an application twice

Meaning you can do multiple accounts in your phone


First open Google Play Store

Type it in Parallel Space

Download the application that you are getting started at the beginning

We have already downloaded this application so it opens

Now you have to click here on the plus icon

Here you select the application that you want to install twice.

Like we select Whatsapp twice here

Now you have to click on "Add to Parallel Space" here

You click once on the Whatsapp

Now you can see that whatsapp is being installed on our phone again

Now click on "Agree and Continue"

Now you can register the number here which is to register here.

If you want you can also make a short cut of this app

For that, you can tap on Whatsapp, click on Awesome Create Short

Now you can see that two phones have been installed in our phone.

For more infomation >> How To Install 2 Whatsapp On Same Android Phone - Duration: 1:55.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI R-line 140pk Xenon, Dynaudio, 18"LM - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI R-line 140pk Xenon, Dynaudio, 18"LM - Duration: 1:03.


Volkswagen Golf 1.0 TSI COMFORTLINE Executive 115pk - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.0 TSI COMFORTLINE Executive 115pk - Duration: 0:59.


Rep. Slaughter Responds to President Trump's Baseless Claims on Wiretapping pping - Duration: 0:15.

Democratic Congresswoman Louise Slaughter was very direct Monday,

asserting Obama both wouldn't and couldn't have done what Trump tweeted

That Obama wire-tapped him is absolute nonsense

And the reason people are all taking it so seriously as though there is really something there

is beyond me

For more infomation >> Rep. Slaughter Responds to President Trump's Baseless Claims on Wiretapping pping - Duration: 0:15.


Septal Perforation Doctor | Lee Ann Klausner, MD - Duration: 3:29.

A septal perforation is a hole in the nasal septum.

The nasal septum is the room divider for the nose, so it separates the nose into two nasal


Symptoms of septal perforation can include nasal obstruction, dryness, irritation, crust

accumulation, bleeding, whistling, and it gives the patient the sensation that they

cannot breathe in air.

There are multiple causes of septal perforations.

Commonly what we see are patients who have abused cocaine.

Other causes include chronic nasal picking, as a complication of nasal septal surgery,

a perforation can be caused.

A septal perforation cannot heal itself, and the reason for that is once the hole is made,

there's an absence of tissue.

The mucosa cells will travel through the hole and form a bond with the other side of the

septum, thereby leaving the hole open.

So the only solution is to physically close the hole if the hole is not too big.

Non-surgical options include irrigation and cleaning, but this is a daily routine that's

required which can be cumbersome for patients, time-consuming, and difficult.

Other treatments that are nonsurgical involve placement of a button, which will physically

block the hole, however, is not always the most positive approach to dealing with a perforation

because of the fact that there is still problems with keeping the area clean and there is a

risk of infection, and there is risk of making the perforation bigger.

In preparing a patient for septal perforation repair, there are so many things that need

to be discussed.

One major issue is if they've had any problems with addiction, they have to be in a place

where they're not using anymore and the risk of them using again in the future is close

to none.

So there's that level of commitment and recovery from their addiction that's essential.

And another very common thing is many patients are smokers and they absolutely cannot smoke,

they cannot be exposed to second-hand smoke for many months before and after the procedure.

So these are very honest conversations that I have to have with patients to ensure that

they're in a place where they can have the most successful outcome.

The ability to close septal perforations is a highly specialized technique, and I was

fortunate enough to have the opportunity in fellowship to work with someone who's probably

one of the best in the world.

It's my surgical training that's enabled me to be able to execute the operation.

The greatest satisfaction I have in managing and performing this operation is the impact

that it has on patient's lives.

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