what's up you guys and welcome to this
segment right here on your boy a sheriff
we got multiple stories we're going to
talk about today it's a little bit busy
when it comes to gta5 even though we
don't have much brand new content other
than the tiny racers there is a lot
happening in the community we're going
to start off with doing a big giveaway
what I tell you guys all the time is
this what's coming is going and I have
no problem doing that because this whole
channel wouldn't be here without you
guys and I think that's the best way for
me to always show it to you guys here's
the deal
galaxy big shout out to her she comes in
yesterday on the livestream when we were
having a ton of fun and she donate ten
dollars stupid old me doesn't spot it
because I don't have the chat popped out
in front of me I'm looking at the
gameplay that I'm doing and it just
doesn't appear there but I do see it
when it comes as a yellow patch and I'm
like what the hell is that yellow patch
I did I did not pick up on the donation
so I want to do a big shout-out to
galaxy I want to say I love you just as
much as you love this channel and I
appreciate all the support now she don't
need it $10 yesterday and we are going
to turn around and give this $10 to one
lucky winner right here on the channel
all you got to do is always recommend
your shares to a gamer or friends in
school and if I see a lot of comments
coming in and saying I've been sent here
by this person I've been sent here by
that person we're going to take the top
comments that are getting the most views
and we are going to give that person the
$10 all right I'll announce it a couple
of weeks down the road but keep that in
mind and well if you have a better idea
of us passing the money do voices in the
comment section again galaxy thank you
for that and I hope this shows that I'm
not really into this for the money I'm
into this because I love what we do
right here in the community now let's
start off with some of the Bowl that's
happening that we always come in here
and we talked about it together try to
make a big difference and you only make
a difference by taking action okay so
I'm going to flash a picture right in
front of you right in the beginning here
this is a before clickbait and after
picture when you guys take a look at
this title and I took some of it for my
title of course because let's face it
the nature of the beast needs you to put
titles like this in order to engage
kids that are being fooled time and time
again by these youtubers the title goes
something like this if you're looking at
it from outside new GTA online gun
running DLC info coming soon
secret GTA 5 update and rare content
trade drops now for me when I look at it
as an adult I'm like I'm missing out
there is secret information here there
is an update that this youtuber knows
about he's going to give me some
pictures that may be up something that
is going to interest me and let's top it
off at the end by rare content in the
crane now if you look at the picture
right beside it and that's after the
click date with all the haze that
youtuber has on his channel you realize
that at the end of it right after it
says drops it's Q&A and that's the
hidden part that that youtuber really
depends on and he knows you're not going
to get to see it that's why you're gonna
click on that video now his videos have
been getting a lot of dislikes and we've
talked about this before at this point
I'm going to remind you guys of somebody
somebody that had around 400 maybe 500
thousand subscribers on his channel and
his channel got taken down by YouTube
and that of course was Donna's life
Donna's life used to come and spam the
internet with new updates new DLC just
as much as mr. buzz for the win
he lost his channel because when YouTube
investigated what he was doing they they
basically said this is a same channel
he's putting all the titles exactly the
same and the community is flagging it
for us to notice because they're getting
full time and time again by titles there
are clickbait titles that are not
matching what the video is going to show
you're supposed to have a title that
shows what's going to be in the video or
something like that like if you if this
is a Q&A you're supposed to show that
it's a Q&A so of course he doesn't show
that he's got that hidden all he cares
about is brand new DLC turning up on the
search engine now I I always tell you
guys these things and I never tell you
to slag anything or anything like that
that comes to you guys and if you want
to take action or not to me those are
spam videos they don't serve the purpose
of anything and the questions that are
coming in chances are the user is making
them up in order to put up a video like
this okay so that's one person that we
talked about all of
I'm and you've got his own problems we
are getting a move on to something even
bigger in the community because this has
to do with me
right here I like to document glitches
and I'd like to talk about them we like
to always pass the information on to you
guys I don't know if you guys saw the
last video that we had here I got
alerted by some of the the people that
are friends with me on Twitter saying
this user which is freight train let's I
mean I tried last video not to drop his
name out of respect but I think
everybody he's become a punchline really
when you go to them the GTA forums and
you look at the glitches one person was
starting a glitch in the beginning
saying I'm going to charge you a dollar
as Duke so he's become a punchline so
I'm not going to be really able to save
him any of the headache by me not saying
his name you guys know what we're
talking about so I get the screenshot by
one of my friends on Twitter today and
the screenshot shows something that kind
of rubs me the wrong way what makes me
like there is something that makes me
kind of triggered and I come and tell
you guys this information and now one
thing is always life I don't like liars
people that lie are not supposed to be
part of the community they're not
supposed to be putting videos on YouTube
and fooling a lot of other people
alright so he says this he says kiddie
has sold over three hundred in dupes
today using my glitch people are
definitely interested now that's a
complete lie and I'll tell you why okay
kitty is nowhere near what he has when
it comes to the subscribers so she is
not as she doesn't have the exposure
that he has I guess that's what I'm
trying to tell you guys if you look at
her Twitter profile she doesn't have
people following her like him if you
look at her youtube channel of course
it's exactly the same she doesn't have
the reach for the subscribers to have
three hundred dollars in one day on
something that a lot of people are
hesitant in order to you know to give
the account information and password and
all that fun stuff that we talk about
here in these segments what does that
tell you why would somebody put
something like this when it comes to
their this was done on his live stream
it looks like this is to engage people
in order to let them know look everybody
else is doing it why don't you do it as
you know when you
mom when you're going up he used to tell
you if somebody told you jump off the
bridge you're going to do it it's that
surrounding thing it's that peer
pressure thing it's like hey look
everybody's doing a dead girl got three
hundred dollars and his course is talked
about Katie Katie is not going to come
and say oh no the guy who's giving me
all the exposure the guy who's giving me
all the new subscribers that I'm getting
is lying or anything like that of course
she lets it go and she's not gonna argue
chances are she is going to defend it
bottom line here guys this is a very
dangerous thing for you to do to give
your username and password we already
talked about this before if you've
missed the video I'll link it up in the
description you can have the full story
on it right there now yesterday we had
one of the best streams route like I
mean we always have fun in the street
okay but I think yesterday was one of
the best streams because galaxies
dropped by Ice Man was there mystic was
there stuns was there faith in the house
Alex representing getting his brand-new
xbox and he coming to play with us and
of course stunts coming in at the end
whereas rubbing is racing when it comes
to racing he knows that he knows that
and he got put in the wall you couldn't
catch me after that I was gone and I got
the win baby he knows what I know it I'm
the better racer but you guys can let
him know in the comments section but why
would yesterday stream super special
it's because all of you guys were there
I really really enjoyed it and I want to
say thank you that you make the live
streams a lot of fun when you're all
there and we're so competitive enjoying
our time together
I'm going to leave you when was one last
update here two days or maybe I don't
know how many days ago honestly this was
good I'm not going to remember the
freaking days I'm not a computer I
reported on shuffle gamer being a
scammer putting out shark card giveaway
and not awarding it to anybody and that
kind of also landed in my lap because
somebody reached out to me it was Devin
and he said I think his name was Devin
and he said I won the shark card
giveaway I didn't get it this and that
so what happened is I put out the video
on shuffle gamer and you guys
represented man I think most of you guys
reached out to shuffle gamers saying
stop scamming the gamers give the guy
his shark card so what shuffle gamer did
he wins
he messaged him back he said I'm going
to give you the shot card what country
are you from
and I'll prove it to you and I'm going
to put out a video on Saturday or
something that's gonna prove to your
sheriff that I'm not scamming people now
the video that he put out the speaks
volume and what I always tell you guys
these guys only care about the money
keep that in mind they only care about
the money and because there is no ad
revenue shuffle gamer has come up with
an excuse saying I'm done I'm gonna quit
YouTube for a while to focus on my exams
of course I don't mind people quitting
YouTube because of exams or whatever but
shuffle gamer comes and puts a random
video of himself driving around for 8
minutes he's talking about a shark card
giveaway and how to make a ton of money
and at the end he tells you for two
minutes do the time trial to get $50,000
so those videos don't really take much
skill for anybody to meet they don't
take much in order to distract you after
school if that's distracting you're out
of school god help us when you see a
real girl in real life you're probably
going to think okay let's just put it
that you'll faint at that point you're
going to fail every class and you'll be
fainting the bottom line you guys is as
long as the ad revenue is not around a
lot of people are going to be doing some
crazy stuff and you see with the $1 loop
- what shuffle gamer is doing right now
it's just crazy stuff happening and it's
all because of the revenue on YouTube I
hope you guys always keep it tuned right
here on your Sheriff I want to say to
everybody who's waiting to see their
video uploaded right here because they
do modded outfits or money methods do
send them to me on Twitter in a direct
message right here on youtube so either
this or that and I will get to them I'm
trying to get through the best segments
in order to put them right here a big
shout out to who was it I forgot his
name and the guy who did the Deadpool
outfit I still want to find the time to
reach out to him and tell him dude make
us another outfit your tutorial was
super nice so there is some nice videos
coming up to the channel keep it tuned
right here if you haven't subscribed you
know what to do and leave me good ideas
on how to give that $10 gift card for
Xbox Live PlayStation Network that was
complement of galaxies right here on the
I'll see you guys on the next segment
peace baby
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