Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 1 2017

what's up you guys and welcome to this

segment right here on your boy a sheriff

we got multiple stories we're going to

talk about today it's a little bit busy

when it comes to gta5 even though we

don't have much brand new content other

than the tiny racers there is a lot

happening in the community we're going

to start off with doing a big giveaway

what I tell you guys all the time is

this what's coming is going and I have

no problem doing that because this whole

channel wouldn't be here without you

guys and I think that's the best way for

me to always show it to you guys here's

the deal

galaxy big shout out to her she comes in

yesterday on the livestream when we were

having a ton of fun and she donate ten

dollars stupid old me doesn't spot it

because I don't have the chat popped out

in front of me I'm looking at the

gameplay that I'm doing and it just

doesn't appear there but I do see it

when it comes as a yellow patch and I'm

like what the hell is that yellow patch

I did I did not pick up on the donation

so I want to do a big shout-out to

galaxy I want to say I love you just as

much as you love this channel and I

appreciate all the support now she don't

need it $10 yesterday and we are going

to turn around and give this $10 to one

lucky winner right here on the channel

all you got to do is always recommend

your shares to a gamer or friends in

school and if I see a lot of comments

coming in and saying I've been sent here

by this person I've been sent here by

that person we're going to take the top

comments that are getting the most views

and we are going to give that person the

$10 all right I'll announce it a couple

of weeks down the road but keep that in

mind and well if you have a better idea

of us passing the money do voices in the

comment section again galaxy thank you

for that and I hope this shows that I'm

not really into this for the money I'm

into this because I love what we do

right here in the community now let's

start off with some of the Bowl that's

happening that we always come in here

and we talked about it together try to

make a big difference and you only make

a difference by taking action okay so

I'm going to flash a picture right in

front of you right in the beginning here

this is a before clickbait and after

picture when you guys take a look at

this title and I took some of it for my

title of course because let's face it

the nature of the beast needs you to put

titles like this in order to engage

kids that are being fooled time and time

again by these youtubers the title goes

something like this if you're looking at

it from outside new GTA online gun

running DLC info coming soon

secret GTA 5 update and rare content

trade drops now for me when I look at it

as an adult I'm like I'm missing out

there is secret information here there

is an update that this youtuber knows

about he's going to give me some

pictures that may be up something that

is going to interest me and let's top it

off at the end by rare content in the

crane now if you look at the picture

right beside it and that's after the

click date with all the haze that

youtuber has on his channel you realize

that at the end of it right after it

says drops it's Q&A and that's the

hidden part that that youtuber really

depends on and he knows you're not going

to get to see it that's why you're gonna

click on that video now his videos have

been getting a lot of dislikes and we've

talked about this before at this point

I'm going to remind you guys of somebody

somebody that had around 400 maybe 500

thousand subscribers on his channel and

his channel got taken down by YouTube

and that of course was Donna's life

Donna's life used to come and spam the

internet with new updates new DLC just

as much as mr. buzz for the win

he lost his channel because when YouTube

investigated what he was doing they they

basically said this is a same channel

he's putting all the titles exactly the

same and the community is flagging it

for us to notice because they're getting

full time and time again by titles there

are clickbait titles that are not

matching what the video is going to show

you're supposed to have a title that

shows what's going to be in the video or

something like that like if you if this

is a Q&A you're supposed to show that

it's a Q&A so of course he doesn't show

that he's got that hidden all he cares

about is brand new DLC turning up on the

search engine now I I always tell you

guys these things and I never tell you

to slag anything or anything like that

that comes to you guys and if you want

to take action or not to me those are

spam videos they don't serve the purpose

of anything and the questions that are

coming in chances are the user is making

them up in order to put up a video like

this okay so that's one person that we

talked about all of

I'm and you've got his own problems we

are getting a move on to something even

bigger in the community because this has

to do with me

right here I like to document glitches

and I'd like to talk about them we like

to always pass the information on to you

guys I don't know if you guys saw the

last video that we had here I got

alerted by some of the the people that

are friends with me on Twitter saying

this user which is freight train let's I

mean I tried last video not to drop his

name out of respect but I think

everybody he's become a punchline really

when you go to them the GTA forums and

you look at the glitches one person was

starting a glitch in the beginning

saying I'm going to charge you a dollar

as Duke so he's become a punchline so

I'm not going to be really able to save

him any of the headache by me not saying

his name you guys know what we're

talking about so I get the screenshot by

one of my friends on Twitter today and

the screenshot shows something that kind

of rubs me the wrong way what makes me

like there is something that makes me

kind of triggered and I come and tell

you guys this information and now one

thing is always life I don't like liars

people that lie are not supposed to be

part of the community they're not

supposed to be putting videos on YouTube

and fooling a lot of other people

alright so he says this he says kiddie

has sold over three hundred in dupes

today using my glitch people are

definitely interested now that's a

complete lie and I'll tell you why okay

kitty is nowhere near what he has when

it comes to the subscribers so she is

not as she doesn't have the exposure

that he has I guess that's what I'm

trying to tell you guys if you look at

her Twitter profile she doesn't have

people following her like him if you

look at her youtube channel of course

it's exactly the same she doesn't have

the reach for the subscribers to have

three hundred dollars in one day on

something that a lot of people are

hesitant in order to you know to give

the account information and password and

all that fun stuff that we talk about

here in these segments what does that

tell you why would somebody put

something like this when it comes to

their this was done on his live stream

it looks like this is to engage people

in order to let them know look everybody

else is doing it why don't you do it as


you know when you

mom when you're going up he used to tell

you if somebody told you jump off the

bridge you're going to do it it's that

surrounding thing it's that peer

pressure thing it's like hey look

everybody's doing a dead girl got three

hundred dollars and his course is talked

about Katie Katie is not going to come

and say oh no the guy who's giving me

all the exposure the guy who's giving me

all the new subscribers that I'm getting

is lying or anything like that of course

she lets it go and she's not gonna argue

chances are she is going to defend it

bottom line here guys this is a very

dangerous thing for you to do to give

your username and password we already

talked about this before if you've

missed the video I'll link it up in the

description you can have the full story

on it right there now yesterday we had

one of the best streams route like I

mean we always have fun in the street

okay but I think yesterday was one of

the best streams because galaxies

dropped by Ice Man was there mystic was

there stuns was there faith in the house

Alex representing getting his brand-new

xbox and he coming to play with us and

of course stunts coming in at the end

whereas rubbing is racing when it comes

to racing he knows that he knows that

and he got put in the wall you couldn't

catch me after that I was gone and I got

the win baby he knows what I know it I'm

the better racer but you guys can let

him know in the comments section but why

would yesterday stream super special

it's because all of you guys were there

I really really enjoyed it and I want to

say thank you that you make the live

streams a lot of fun when you're all

there and we're so competitive enjoying

our time together

I'm going to leave you when was one last

update here two days or maybe I don't

know how many days ago honestly this was

good I'm not going to remember the

freaking days I'm not a computer I

reported on shuffle gamer being a

scammer putting out shark card giveaway

and not awarding it to anybody and that

kind of also landed in my lap because

somebody reached out to me it was Devin

and he said I think his name was Devin

and he said I won the shark card

giveaway I didn't get it this and that

so what happened is I put out the video

on shuffle gamer and you guys

represented man I think most of you guys

reached out to shuffle gamers saying

stop scamming the gamers give the guy

his shark card so what shuffle gamer did

he wins

he messaged him back he said I'm going

to give you the shot card what country

are you from

and I'll prove it to you and I'm going

to put out a video on Saturday or

something that's gonna prove to your

sheriff that I'm not scamming people now

the video that he put out the speaks

volume and what I always tell you guys

these guys only care about the money

keep that in mind they only care about

the money and because there is no ad

revenue shuffle gamer has come up with

an excuse saying I'm done I'm gonna quit

YouTube for a while to focus on my exams

of course I don't mind people quitting

YouTube because of exams or whatever but

shuffle gamer comes and puts a random

video of himself driving around for 8

minutes he's talking about a shark card

giveaway and how to make a ton of money

and at the end he tells you for two

minutes do the time trial to get $50,000

so those videos don't really take much

skill for anybody to meet they don't

take much in order to distract you after

school if that's distracting you're out

of school god help us when you see a

real girl in real life you're probably

going to think okay let's just put it

that you'll faint at that point you're

going to fail every class and you'll be

fainting the bottom line you guys is as

long as the ad revenue is not around a

lot of people are going to be doing some

crazy stuff and you see with the $1 loop

- what shuffle gamer is doing right now

it's just crazy stuff happening and it's

all because of the revenue on YouTube I

hope you guys always keep it tuned right

here on your Sheriff I want to say to

everybody who's waiting to see their

video uploaded right here because they

do modded outfits or money methods do

send them to me on Twitter in a direct

message right here on youtube so either

this or that and I will get to them I'm

trying to get through the best segments

in order to put them right here a big

shout out to who was it I forgot his

name and the guy who did the Deadpool

outfit I still want to find the time to

reach out to him and tell him dude make

us another outfit your tutorial was

super nice so there is some nice videos

coming up to the channel keep it tuned

right here if you haven't subscribed you

know what to do and leave me good ideas

on how to give that $10 gift card for

Xbox Live PlayStation Network that was

complement of galaxies right here on the


I'll see you guys on the next segment

peace baby

For more infomation >> NEW GTA ONLINE GUNRUNNING DLC, GTA 5 Online Unlimited Money Glitch, GTA 5 Online Shark Card Giveaway - Duration: 11:10.


Why Don't Humans Have Whiskers? - Duration: 4:21.

Whether you've got a big ol' lumberjack beard or a pencil-thin mustache,

if you have facial hair, you might refer to it as your "whiskers."

But that is not what they are.

The fact is, humans don't have whiskers.

True whiskers—like those on your dog or cat—are far more special

than any human facial hair.

Whiskers are acutely sensitive and can help creatures hunt, sense the direction of the wind,

and find their way around in the dark.

In fact, they are so useful, nearly all mammals have them…

we're just one of the rare exceptions.

So, what makes whiskers different from the stubble on your chin?

Well, whiskers are what scientists call vibrissae.

And they are similar to regular hair ... they're made out of the same protein, keratin.

But whiskers are usually thicker, stiffer, and more importantly, they grow out of

completely different kinds of follicles than your hairs do.

The follicles for vibrissae are deep in the skin, and they're surrounded by pockets

of blood, which are connected to nerves.

Researchers think that these pockets of blood help amplify any vibrations that come through

the hairs to help make them extra-sensitive to touch.

And the nerves, of course, lead up to the brain, where huge sections of the somatosensory

cortex are devoted to making sense of all the tactile information

that the whiskers are picking up.

Now, whiskers can be found anywhere on an animal's body, but the most common spot

is on the face, especially around the mouth or eyes, where they come in two main types.

The long hairs we usually think of as "whiskers" are called macrovibrissae,

and they can be moved voluntarily.

But there are also shorter, stubbier whiskers, usually right under the nose, called microvibrissae.

Many animals, like rats or mice, have both kinds.

And in those creatures, it's thought that the big ones are used for spatial tasks,

while the little ones are more important for recognizing certain objects.

If you can move your big whiskers, like a rat does, you can actually get lots of really

valuable information about the space around you ... almost like seeing, but with your hair.

This behavior actually has a name—aptly enough, it's called whisking.

For example, if a rat is new to an area, it will move slowly, flicking its whiskers back

and forth, letting them sweep over a broad area to get a good sense of the surroundings.

But if a rat already knows the space, it will move more quickly, and whisk over a smaller

area just to make sure it doesn't run into anything.

And if a rodent is especially interested in something, it will increase the speed of its

whisking to get a higher resolution sense of what the thing is.

Other animals use their whiskers for more nefarious purposes…

at least, if you're a prey animal.

The tiny etruscan shrew, for example, uses its whiskers to find and capture insects nearly

as large as itself, even inside dark tunnels.

Seals, too, use the tactile hairs to hunt, and have whiskers so sensitive that they can

actually sense fish breathing.

Biologists think that's because seals have as much as ten times the number of nerve endings

per whisker follicle that land animals have.

OK, so you get that whiskers are super-useful,

and on the right animal, they can be downright dashing.

So in that case, why don't we have them?

Well, we probably did at one point.

Or, at least, our ancestors did.

Whiskers are thought to have been an important adaptation in early mammals, including primates.

But then, around 800,000 years ago, we appear to have lost the bit of DNA

that allows for true whiskers.

However, our distant cousins—the other great apes—still have it, and you can see their

whiskers if you look closely.

They are not the big flashy whiskers your cat has, but chimps, gorillas, and orangutans

all have microvibrissae all around their mouths and eyebrows.

There's even evidence that some people today have vestigial muscles in their upper lips

that are leftover from when our primate ancestors had whiskers—

although, not all scientists are convinced about that.

Either way, modern humans seem to have gotten along just fine without whiskers.

All that brain space that was dedicated to getting information from whiskers is now used

to map our sense of touch, with a big chunk going to our fingertips.

And we have pretty good visual systems for navigating, so we don't have to feel our

way around with hairs.

So, if you're wishing you could go out for a nice whisking, or had a sweet set of whiskers

that could make you into like a real-life Daredevil, take heart.

Not having them is part of what makes you human.

But if you want to see me rocking some scientific cat ears,

check out our Talk Show about the brain with Dr. Amanda Duley.

There's a link in the description.

I move them with my mind.

For more infomation >> Why Don't Humans Have Whiskers? - Duration: 4:21.


The Bold and The Beautiful - In Cuffs - Duration: 3:13.

>> Thomas: You can't order me to

walk away any more than you can

order me to stay right here.

>> Sally: You can't stay or go

if I'm locked up.

I mean, I guess you could visit,

but I don't know why you would

want to do that.

>> Thomas: All right, calm down.

You're not in prison yet.

>> Sally: I don't care if I go.

>> Thomas: Because you're gonna

fit in so well with the other


>> Sally: I will do what it

takes to survive.

I'm no shrinking violet.

You know that.

I will just roll up my sleeves

and I will come out swinging,

and sooner or later, everyone

will know not to mess with

Sally Spectra.

>> Thomas: Is it weird that I

could see that?

>> Sally: I'm going where I


With people who think like me.

But I want you to know


I'm ashamed.

And so very sorry.

You and I had a big, beautiful,

wonderful, glorious shot, and I

threw it all away, and I should

go to prison for that alone.

So, let's get the ball rolling.

Why don't you call the

lieutenant in here and tell him

I'm ready?

>> Lt. Baker: We doing this?

>> Steffy: Yes, we are.

We're pressing charges.

Arrest her.

>> Coco: No, wait, wait!

Wait, wait, wait!

>> Sally: I'm so sorry.

I love you, pumpkin.

>> Coco: I love you so, so much.

>> Thomas: Come on, man.

The cuffs, really?

>> Lt. Baker: Just till I get

her to the station.

Turn around, please.

For more infomation >> The Bold and The Beautiful - In Cuffs - Duration: 3:13.


Tapper: Trump's views on dictators concerning - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Tapper: Trump's views on dictators concerning - Duration: 3:09.


The Young and The Restless - Next On Y&R (5/2/2017) - Duration: 0:21.

>> Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

>> Phyllis: I will not be the other woman.

You are not gonna play me that way.

Stop it!

>> Kevin: Well, it turns out that I'm Bella's biological


>> Gloria: Hmm.

For more infomation >> The Young and The Restless - Next On Y&R (5/2/2017) - Duration: 0:21.


The Young and The Restless - The Other Woman - Duration: 0:38.

[ Sighs ] >> Victoria: Well, I am so glad

we've gotten past whatever that was.

>> Billy: Yep.

I just really wish you would have told me about Nikki's M.S.

earlier, that's all.

>> Victoria: No more keeping secrets.

I promise.

For more infomation >> The Young and The Restless - The Other Woman - Duration: 0:38.


Skater Reviews: Street Sk8er (PSX) - Quintuple Backflips and 720 Alpha Flips - Duration: 12:07.

Hey guys, today we're going way back to 1998 and looking at the first skateboarding

game on the Playstation - Street Sk8er.

Welcome to Rad Rat Video!

3 times a week, we learn something new about skateboarding.

From trick histories to answering your questions on my AskRadRat series, to learning about

classic skateboarding games, like Street Sk8er.

This game is absolutely tiny.

These days, you might find something with more content on the app store for a buck,

but I still think it's worth checking out.

Let's take a look at it.

Street Sk8er came out in October 1998 in Japan, and spring 99 in the US.

That makes it the first home released console skateboarding game since 1990.

I don't know of any skating games at all during the 16-bit era.

There was Top Skater in arcades in 97, but that doesn't really compete.

I want to take a look at that later if I can figure out how to play it without there being

an actual arcade machine around here locally.

There was also 2Xtreme in 96, but even though it has skateboards in it, I wouldn't really

call it a "skateboarding game".

So let's get into the game.

There really isn't that muc h going on with it.

I beat it pretty thoroughly in a day.

But I had a pretty good time with it.

So, you have the street tour, and free skate.

Let's take a look at street tour.

It's a very short tour, and it's not really 'street' either.

So you pick your character, and even your outfit, sort of.

You basically just get different filters on your outfit so the colors are ever so slightly


It's not much, but they at least put a tiny bit of effort into it.

These characters all have slightly different stats, but it doesn't make much difference.

You earn stats as you go, so you can level them all out if you want to.

And you probably will want to.

I tried to make characters with more extreme stats, and it never really works out that


These guys also have their own soundtrack.

I played with it turned off for copyright reasons, but there's some pretty good 90s

punk stuff in here.

It's not bad.

But when each character has 4 or 5 songs, they can get pretty repetitive.

But playing with the sound off, I got to enjoy the announcer a little more.

He's really enthusiastic and even though he only has a few things to say, I don't

really hate him that much.

It's kind of entertaining.

You have 3 levels here.

Technically 6, with the bonus stages, but not really.

The way this game works is pretty confusing.

The goal is to get a high score, but you also have a timer you have to beat.

So it's kind of a race, but there aren't any other racers, and you're not really

going for a fast time either.

Your best bet is to just barely make the time and squeeze in as many tricks as you possibly


And the actual 'racing' isn't very exciting.

You hold down circle to crouch and go faster.

And you can ollie with X. Square will make you slow down.

But this isn't Gran Turismo.

It's not like you have to brake right before a turn and squeeze around this corner with

the perfect line, or lean in to get a little extra grip.

So these parts of the level are basically wasted time.

Like here.

There's a bumpy gravel path you have to cut through.

There's no technique to it, like in Cool Boarders 2 where there's a button to unweight

and glide over the bumps.

You just ride, hit some arrow buttons to stay straight, and that's it.

This is kind of a weird game design choice, and it really dates the game.

Compare this to Tony Hawk.

There are some downhill levels, but it's not like you HAVE to complete the level.

You can just find a spot you like and skate there.

That's not how this one works.

This balance is pretty annoying.

You get some bonus points for finishing a level early, but it's not nearly as much

as you could get by using that time doing tricks.

Unfortunately, you have very little control over your tricks.

Both - where you do them, and what tricks they actually are.

So the game is called Street Sk8er, but you're not really skating street…

You're racing through these levels, but you can only do tricks on approved ramps.

Like these vert ramps, and the kickers in the paths.

So, stuff like this big rock won't do anything if you ollie off of it.

When the only goal of the level is to get a high score, then you have to maximize all

of your air time and hit every ramp the right amount of times.

The score will go down the more you skate the same area, but since there are only a

few different places to do tricks, it can take a bit of planning.

But it's not just the location of the tricks that you can't control, it's the tricks

themselves that you can't really control either.

The first few times I played through the game, I didn't even know you could affect the

tricks at all.

It seems like you just hit X at the lip, and something happens.

Later, I read through the manual, and apparently if you hit different directions, you'll

do different tricks.

But it only seems like you kind of help affect what you do instead of actually doing it.

It might be hard to tell from the footage, but I'm not really doing anything here.

Basically everything is a special trick.

And every character has their own set of tricks.

The game brags about there being 200 tricks in the game, but I think they're counting

switch tricks separately.

Because there really aren't that many.

Let's take a look at some of these.

You've got stuff like Backside 180, Frontside 180, and 180 tail grab.

These are lower level tricks, as you can see here on the screen.

I played through the game a bunch of times, and I can't really explain what this means

and how it works.

The first time you play through the game, you can only do tricks up to a certain level,

but it goes up the second time through.

The higher level stuff gets pretty intense, like McTwists!

This is actually the opposite of a McTwist though.

It's frontside and inverted forward, like a front flip.

But most stuff is at least pretty accurate.

You've got nosegrinds and K-grinds.

720 shove it to nosebone.

Frontside 360 late backside 360, which is physically impossible.

Then there are the crazy spins and multiple flips.

The grab names are usually pretty good.

All in all, I'm not too offended by any of the tricks in the game.

I just wish I was allowed to actually control them.

The monkey has some crazier stuff, but he's a monkey, so it's cool.

He's got this crazy 720 alpha flip thing.

He can also put his skateboard right through his head too.

But the thing about these tricks is that you can't bail them.

If you ollie and you do a trick, you're guaranteed to land it.

You won't land sideways or under flipped or anything, but this is fine.

Since you can't really control the tricks that much, it would really suck if you bailed


Each time you beat a level, you get the chance to go to a bonus level.

There's a big air event, vert and pool.

The big air is just about getting the highest single air that you can, and is about 98%

dependent on your stats, and 2% about your timing.

Vert and pool mode are basically the same thing.

You just ollie and tricks will happen.

In all of these events, you're scored and given some extra time on the next event.

This lets you spend extra time in the right areas and get extra points in the next level.

It helps a lot.

You beat the third level… and it's over.

The first time you win, you'll get some new pathways.

There are gates in the level and they'll open so you get these extra shortcuts and

things like that.

They aren't all that helpful though.

This one that you get just basically goes around the entire halfpipe area, and you get

to the end really fast.

Since there isn't much of a bonus for ending fast, there's no reason to ever go this


If you look up strategies online, some people have spent a lot of time trying to figure

out the perfect routes.

And it might help to experiment on occasion.

There are a lot of times I was stuck for a while because I just couldn't get enough


The second time you play through, the goals will go up, and it can get pretty tough.

But I got through it without going too crazy with strategy.

When you beat the street tour again, you get the secret characters, like the monkey.

Most of these are just more generic characters.

There's no reason to care about these guys - it's not like they're based on anything

or have amazing stats.

They just play like everybody else.

If you beat the game a third time, the game tells you you're the greatest skater.

How sweet.

Beating the game with secret characters unlocks more decks, including ones by Powell.

And you get mirrored levels and different times of day.

With the gate changes too, the levels can feel pretty different.

But all you can do is play this in free skate mode.

It's cool, but there's no motivation to do this that much.

One thing that you'll notice as you go is that the difficulty of these levels varies

a lot.

The first and third levels are the hardest, but the middle one is really easy.

This one has a ramp that's impossible to skate.

Even though there's a similar one that you can do tricks off of easily, this one just

makes you bail instantly.

You just have to stop and turn around at the top.

Also, sometimes your tricks just won't work.

It doesn't happen very often, and it's probably just the awkward control.

You hold circle as you ride, then you have to let go of it and hit X at the same time.

Maybe I just screw it up sometimes, but it seems like I ollie and then just don't do

a trick.

This sucks, because missing one ramp can ruin your score.

But honestly, even with these issues, it's still pretty fun.

I know it's not really a 'good' game these days, but I think old stuff from this

era has a lot of charm.

It's fun to see what they came up with, and see how this lead into the games we got


Street Sk8er was really influential, and I think we, as skateboarders, owe this game

a lot.

Even though a lot of us never heard about it, or weren't skating back then.

But here's the thing.

If you've seen the trailer for "Pretending I'm a Superman", you see some early footage

and interviews about the first Tony Hawk game.

And it sounds a LOT like Street Sk8er.

They talk about making a level that you race through with a skatepark at the bottom.

That's basically the same as this game.

There are some spots spread out throughout the level, but it's still based in that

racing mindset.

So it seems almost like Tony Hawk started as a Street Sk8er clone.

Maybe they even gained the confidence to make this game based on EA doing it first.

Luckily, they realized in development that people liked the skatepark stuff a lot more

than the racing part, and they were able to distill out all that stuff and come out with

Tony Hawk 1 - which lead to millions of people picking up a skateboard - including me.

So a lot of us were indirectly influenced by this game.

And because of that historical significance, I think it's pretty cool to have it in the


It's only about 3 bucks anyway.

And it's a good way to kill an afternoon.

You aren't going to get much more out of it than that though.

If you're in Europe, it's downloadable on PSN, and it's actually spelled correctly,

without the super radical 8.

After this, there was a sequel, Street Sk8er 2.

I reviewed this as one of my very first videos on this channel, so check it out if you want,

but the audio quality is not great.

I've come a long way since then.

But in general, it plays pretty much the same, but the levels are a bit longer and more varied,

and you have more control over what trick you're doing.

So it's a pretty nice upgrade, but it's really out of date these days.

If you're really bored of Tony Hawk games, and you love original Playstation stuff too,

then you might as well grab this one too.

I think this one set me back about 4 bucks.

If you've played this game before, let me know.

And if you know about any other skateboarding games from this time period that I've missed,

I'd like to hear about those too.

I don't think there were any on the Saturn or the 3DO, but I could be wrong.

Let me know about that in the comments.

Until next time, here are some more videos that I made recently that you might want to

check out.

Make sure you subscribe by hitting my logo here on the screen so you can keep learning

new things about skateboarding 3 times a week.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Skater Reviews: Street Sk8er (PSX) - Quintuple Backflips and 720 Alpha Flips - Duration: 12:07.


'Carpool Karaoke w/ the Red Hot Chili Peppers' Ep.104: Talking with Chris Hardwick - Duration: 2:59.

What happened with the Chili Peppers?

Oh, man, it was-- they're incredible.

Well, firstly, they're amazing.

But, yes, we-we, um...

We were shootin' with the carpool and we'd--

Actually, they come up with this sort of stupid idea.

A lot of things that happen,

If we have a stop on the way or things like that,

they are genuinely just happening organically.

Like, me and Anthony Kiedis had a fight on a--

on a front lawn.

Like, and people would say, "Oh, but you knew that--

"You booked a permit for that lawn."

We're like, "We don't have a permit."


Uh, and we, um-- And we, uh, yeah, we--

And so then we had this thing where I said

that I thought I was a better dancer

than Anthony Kiedis and he's like,

"Are you challenging me to a dance off?"

I said, "Yes." So we pulled over,

and just on this suburban road, like,

three minutes from here.

And on the corner of the road was, uh,

you know those fruit stands?

The carts that people are sellin' fruit. Yeah, yeah.

And Anthony said, "Whoever loses has to buy

"the other person some fruit."

I said, "Great."

So we start doin' this stupid sort of dance,

and then suddenly over the road this woman,

uh, runs out, an older woman with this--

this baby flopped over her arm,

and she was shouting, "Can someone call an ambulance?

"Can some call an ambulance?"

And the-- What I now know as the mother of that child

was like screaming and crying.

And this baby was like this.

And Anthony Kiedis didn't take a second.

He just ran over the road, and then Chad went,

then I went.

I think Josh and Flea were-were-were sort of

coming up the stairs to the house.

And Anthony Kiedis took this baby,

and he laid her on the floor,

and he just started rubbing her chest.

And he was listening, and he said, "It's okay.

"She's breathing. It's okay."

And was-- he was saying, "Is someone calling an ambulance?"

And he started rubbing her chest,

and he was talking to this baby,

and they're freakin' out, and he was going--

he was going, "It's-it's gonna be okay.

"It's okay." And he goes, "Shh."

And he started sort of trying to tap her on the back,

and lay her on her side, and tap her on the back,

and it was-- And then he lifted this-this baby up,

and her eyes had, like, rolled back in her head.

And he lifted this baby up and she just let out,

like, the biggest burp,

and came round.

And he looked at this baby and he went,

"She's gonna be okay." (Chris) Oh, my God.

(cheers and applause) And he handed the child--

Anthony Kiedis saved a baby's life.



And we were like--

And then, what was really amazing was

you saw the grandmother and the mother

like, "Oh, my God."

And at that point you could sort of just hear

vague sort of sirens of a-an ambulance coming,

and, uh-- And then they looked and saw--

Like, firstly, they saw all these cameras

and people outside the house.

And then, you could just see a flicker

as we walked away from the house,

of the woman going,

"Was that the Red Hot Chili Peppers?"


"Did he just save the baby?"

"Is that the Red Hot Chili Peppers?" "Did he just save the baby?"

And we got in the car and drove off.

For more infomation >> 'Carpool Karaoke w/ the Red Hot Chili Peppers' Ep.104: Talking with Chris Hardwick - Duration: 2:59.


'James Corden's Finger-Pulling Lesson' Ep.104: Talking with Chris Hardwick - Duration: 1:02.

Can I do this thing with you? (Chris Hardwick) Sure, sure.

You can cut this outta the show. (Chris) What is it?

You don't have to-- someone did this thing to me,

and I've never, ever forgotten it.

And now, this has never not worked.

But then, I've never done it

on television in front of people. (audience laughter)

Okay. So--

Wait, do my pants stay on?

No, no-- no, no, no. So-- But my pants-- okay.

I want you to put your hands like this, right.

Yeah, yeah. And what I'm gonna do-- I'm gonna try

and pull here and break--

Okay. --this, and pull my finger through this, right.

Okay. And I'm gonna really pull it hard,

and I want you to think about great things.

Wonderful things-- your wedding, when you met your wife,

(laughing) Uh, great holidays you had, going to Japan.

And look, my knuckles are white, right? Right.

Now, stop. Okay.

So now, do it again. Okay.

And I'm gonna try and break it again.

Okay. And I want you to think of, uh...

take a minute to just think of, uh...

bad times in your life. Okay, okay.

Things that have-- God-- oh, come on, man!

(audience laughter)

And that's it!


It never doesn't work. You will always be stronger

if you're just looking for the good in something.

I agree!

For more infomation >> 'James Corden's Finger-Pulling Lesson' Ep.104: Talking with Chris Hardwick - Duration: 1:02.


01 05 17 EDgun pellets first test - Duration: 22:10.

Guten Tag!

I have interesting news for you today

the point is that I am a little tired of JSB pellets

not because I don't like them

or because of the quality.

by they way I am giggling while reading all those "research"

about the number of the die etc.

it is really funny to observe it :)

I am tired of by other reason

that is import of Russia

and it means VAT, custom fees etc.

additional money to get pellet to Russia

and due to the fact that Russia is growing up in economy

people here has no money for their hobbies

so, plus to that JSB

are very long term to wait to get the pellets

and quite seldom ,they deliver them in the agreed time

and that is another reason I am tired of

so, one year ago I thought to myself

if we can make a good quality gun why cannot we make our own good quality pellets?

for Russia at least

I believe that they must be at least the same level of quality as JSB

as JSB is considered as standard of quality pellets

and they should be cheaper as minus VAT, minus custom fees

and besides the lead cost less in Russia rather then in Europe

so I got first samples of our pellets

they are made in our matrix

we've made the pellets blueprint

and they matrix was made according to that blueprint

then the pellets were made

I want to see them.

I will weight them first

there are four tins here as I got them in four packs

part of them were tumbled part of them were not

I have no idea which one are in every tin

I don't care as I want to make blind test

so I will weight 10 pellets out of each tin

then it calculated the average weight

maximum and minimum weight

the delta and the percentage of the deviation from the average weight

and just for the informaton

there is a tin of JSB King .25 pellets

which I will weight as well just to compare

to see the difference

so I have scales, with the one thousands of grams accuracy

zeroing it

there are four tins with the pellets

I will take them from the tins

let's go











I think that there is no sence to follow you all the procedure as it takes time.

so the camera will be switched off now

I will complete it and then we are in air again






I put all the figures to the table

and we got the weight deviation from 5 to 6 %

as for JSB they have deviation 1.6 %

so they are better in that parameter in 3.5 time then our pellets

now I am going to see how it influence to the accuracy

I will take thise pellets to magazines

just to see what we will have in shooting

it goes to the magazine very smooth

with good click, I like it

holding there quite tight

very nice, good clicks

the second one

the wrong one

the third one

and the fourth

so they are hold in the magazines very well

goes in smoothly, they don't protrude out of the magazine

going a little down the surface of the magazine

I will go to make test shooting now

accuracy is the most important factor

on the left there is JSB King .25

on the right new EDgun pellet .25

you see it is a little longer

that is why it is a little heavier

the heads are the same

just normal diabolo shape airgun pellet

let's go to shoot, to see the accuracy

so, the distance is 53 meters

the gun was filled up 220 bar

there are four magazines

I loaded before

switching on the camera

the target

I will shoot here

I am interested to see what we will have

you should stay behind me to see the chronograph














My fault























so it was 220 bar

now it is 140 bar

let's see what we have

camera is on


switching it off

let' see

what we have here

the first group

28 mm

the second

55 mm

what the f...

36 mm

and the best one is

65 mm

what is interesting for me

have you paid attention to this one

it was 285 m/sec

and then 275 m/sec, next shot

I think that the weight of the pellet was different

and the 10 m/sec speed deviation

didn't influence the accuracy at all

weight means, no doubt

but not as much as it is considered

much more improtant thing is the shooter or the gun

the pellets are transfered from mag to barrel very stiff

the lead is very stiff

We will need to work with the lead composition to have it softer

like JSB have

I just feel how hard it goes to the barrel

the skirt is quite thick

when we made the plueprint we made the skirt thicker

in order to keep it's form

so I cannot say it was a mistake

I think it will work with the soft lead

maybe that is one of the reason of flyers

as it set to the barrel in a wrong possition


I cannot say that is terrible bad

as I quite seldom saw such groups shot with JSB pellets

there is a lot of things to work on

nobody expected to get perfect pellets from the first attemp

at least we are moving forward

and one more thing

For Russian users

I don't have them too many

My offer is as following

I will pack them as 200 pellets in a pacekt

and sell them to you

for tests

500 roubles for 200 pellets


in case you

make tests

with video camera

you should describe in you tests

what kind of the gun

speed of the pellet

you should clean the barrel before tests

make the lead of the barrel

shoot at least 50 meters no less distance

or more

with video camera or, at least with photo

it should be normal test

and if you make it

will send me results

or better put them on forum

I don't care what forum though I would prefer edgun forum

so I will return you that 500 roubles

either to your phone or bank card

as you want

any of you can apply to me

I don't care about the gun you use

either it will be Matador

or Cricket

or VL

or some other gun

I don't care

I am interested to have as much information as possible for different guns and shooters

with different speeds etc.

I would give you more pellets but I don't have them enough for the moment

so 200 pellets per person

who is interested in that, can either comment this video or apply to me from feedback at

so, that is it for now

Normal people will be happy for me

and as for the rest...

I love you too... :)

Good buy!

For more infomation >> 01 05 17 EDgun pellets first test - Duration: 22:10.


Learning Videos For Toddlers - Learn Colors, Learn Animals and Learn Name of Fruits - Videos For Kid - Duration: 3:21.

Learn Name of Fruits

Learn Colors

Learn Animals


For more infomation >> Learning Videos For Toddlers - Learn Colors, Learn Animals and Learn Name of Fruits - Videos For Kid - Duration: 3:21.


Chocolate Cheesecake Keto Brownies | Low Carb Brownies Recipes - Duration: 9:12.

today I'm going to show you how to make

these chocolate cheesecake brownies this

recipe was an old favourite of mine from

a Nigella Lawson cookbook. I

cooked these for years when I was first

married and lately I've been thinking about

them and thinking I wonder if I can make

them Keto, so I looked at the recipe, I

played around with the volumes and was making

sure that they are low carb keto friendly and I

got it, so I'm going to share that recipe with

you today and check out down below for

the link for the recipe that you can

print out yourself and I'll also leave the

link to the Nigella recipe book that this

comes from because it is one of my

all-time favorites, so let's get straight

into the recipe first we're going to

melt together 100 grams of dark

chocolate and 100 grams of butter that's

three and a half ounces of each and you

can use the darkest chocolate that you

can find depending also on your dietary

requirements but if your low-carb, wanting to

make sure this is low-carb keto go for

the highest percentage of chocolate that

you can and we're just going to melt

these together the chocolate is melted

look at that pool of chocolate and butter

yum yum, now you're going to move this

aside to cool down and we'll get on and

mix all the rest of our ingredients

together okay and we've got our mixing

bowl I've popped two eggs in there we just

going to give it a little whisk and now

just sweetness I'm using stevia you can

use whatever sweetness you like that

agrees with you if sugar agrees with you

then pop sugar in I don't use sugar I

use, where's my stevia, over there,

there organic stevia that's what I use

and I find for myself two tablespoons of

sweetness is more than enough, it's sweet

enough with this chocolate, I'm happy, if you

want to add more or you could add a

quarter of a cup, as much or as

little as you like and it's your recipe

so your sweetness as sweet as you like,

so we added the sugar we'll give that a

little whisk in and we're going to now

add in a pinch of salt just

remember the recipe willl be down

below so you can print it out and with

all the adaptations and make it your

own brownies and we can also add in a

teaspoon of vanilla and give it a good

whisk yeah what we're going to do is

pour our chocolate in I'm going to work

quite quickly so you don't scramble eggs

and make sure that it's cool,

chocolate going int, oh yeah and give it a

good whisk through, smells so good,

these are proper dense brownies, I'm moving my mat

all over the place, okay and now for

flour I am using coconut flour oh yeah

that's beautiful and thick we do not

over beat I am using coconut flour and

you're going to add a quarter of a cup

one tablespoon at a time okay I've

measured out my coconut flour I've got a

quarter of a cup but I find it's best to

kind of add a little bit at a time about

a tablespoon or so at a time and whisk

it in because you find coconut flour is

super super absorbent and it kind of I

feel needs time to kind of blend

together with the other ingredients I

can see it as a smooth, add another

tablespoon and just keep doing that

until all of your coconut flour is used

up and if you've added all your coconut

flour, coconut flour

it's a tricky ingredient it really is

you add all your coconut flour and you

look and it still looks really super

super dense and wet add another

tablespoon, add another tablespoon

or so at a time until it is it looks

like a nice brownie batter and on the

other side if you finish mixing

everything then you find it it's too dry

add an egg, one or the other it's

it's too dry or too wet that is what you

do add a bit more flour or a bit more

egg and then you've got look at this

perfect brownie mixture ah smells so

good okay now we're just going to pop it

into our greased oven dish, all of a

sudden got crazy sunny in my kitchen so

there are some fun shadows happening,

anyway I've got my baking dish, I've popped

heaps of butter in it and now we can

just begin to take half of the brownie

mixeture, of course if you just want to make

plain brownies, sticks this in the pan, but I'm

going to pop half the mixture into my

pan into my dish move that aside,

we're just going to, doesn't really look

like much but it is a bottom layer of

brownie here so we just fill the bottom here

with our brownie mixture and then we are

going to fill it with cream cheese make

a whole cream cheese layer this is so

fun to make and to enjoy okay so we're

going to pop that aside and now we're

going to add cream cheese it's up to you

how much you want to add you can add

from 125 grams to 250 grams so from half

a stick to a whole stick of cream cheese

my hands this really is sunny isn't it

and I'm going to get the cream cheese

and I'll show you what I mean so my

cream cheese came in this really

interesting shape and it's up to you how

you want to cut the shape of your cream

cheese to go in let me show you, so take

cream cheese like that little side over

there and just cut it into little pieces

and then it's up to you if you want to

have this whole layer full of cream

cheese, well how I like to do it and you

take imagine with 16 brownies or so and

you give each little piece a big chunk

of cream cheese like that

there's wait till the end you'll see

what I'm getting at so we just

distribute little interesting pieces of

cheese all around I'm just doing quite

the right way but we'll just cut the

cheese here there anyhow and we'll just

fill up the dish with the cream cheese

it's really looking like a mess but I

know what I'm doing okay so we just fill

up that side, you see what I'm doing some

pieces get a bit more you could fill the

entire layer with cream cheese that's

what I mean that you could use 125 grams

or you could use the whole 250 grams the

whole package and just fill it with all

the cream cheese and if you want extra

cream cheese you can just dot more

along here so that's why it's kind of

difficult to give an exact

measurements I think I need just a

smidge bit more this cream cheese I mean

on low-carb keto use cream cheese for

everything so I am quite happy with that

cream cheese distribution and now we're

going to pop the second layer of

chocolate on I've got my brownie mixture

front and centre and now we're going to add

the rest of the mixture on top of the

cream cheese so it's kind of sandwich in

brownies with cream cheese in the middle

it's just so good

remember to check down below for the

recipe how to make these and follow

along print out the recipe and go for it

okay so we're just going to this gently

as possible, I am not the most patient

and most gentlest of bakers, I have not

much patience but there we go look at...

get all the chocolate off...yum... and so now what

you're going to find is every single

bite will have a bite of cream cheese in

the middle and so they're like cheese

brownies that's what they are to me yeah

okay so now it's going to go into our

oven which is preheated to 180

degrees Celsius or 350

Fahrenheit and that's going to go in for

about 20 minutes and I'll show you when

they're ready right it's come out the

oven it smells amazing you can see ah so

good now and leaving it to cool will

firm it up a little bit because it's

nice and gooey you could have this as a

warm pudding either

yum yum I'm going to let it cool down

and once it's cooled I'll cut it up and

show you what the inside looks like okay

so I've cut them into pieces we've got

about let's see fifteen pieces there are

not all quite exactly the same okay

let's pull one out and see what it looks

like inside, right I pull one out look at

that you can see the brownie inside

there the brownie the cheese the cream

cheese cheesecake sorry oh this is such

a yummy recipe I'm so glad I decided to

adapt it and I might even do that with

some of my other favorites but I am a

massive Nigella Lawson fan I have all of

her cookbooks and there's so many

recipes of those I've cooked for years

and years and years over and over and

over again

and I'm going to attempt to make some of

them Keto and if you got any requests let

me know in the comments and I will have

an experiment and see so remember to

check down below for the full recipe

printable recipe and link to the

Nigella book that it comes from and

loads more information so thanks so much

for watching this video make sure that

you leave a like and subscribe for more

inspiration and we will see you again

soon bye

For more infomation >> Chocolate Cheesecake Keto Brownies | Low Carb Brownies Recipes - Duration: 9:12.


The risk of armed conflict from TRUMP words and actions - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> The risk of armed conflict from TRUMP words and actions - Duration: 7:40.


[ENGSUB]The Liar And His Lover Episode 13 - Triangle relationship? Lee Hyun Woo vs Lee Seo Won - Duration: 2:16.

I prepared it in a rush, so there aren't many dishes.

- Please enjoy. - Thank you.

Grandma, isn't Chan Young handsome?

Isn't he cool?

Yes. He has a small face since he's a celebrity.

He's so much better than Han Gyeol.

Why are you bringing him up now?

You only brought two boys home so far...

aside from Jin Woo and Kyu Sun.

Subscribe: PaBo

Why do you speak casually to Chan Young...

and not to Han Gyeol?

They look about the same age to me.


That's because Chan Young...

Chan Young is my idol.


What kind of excuse is that?

He's someone I've been admiring.

I'm so glad he's beside me.

I hope he stays close to me forever.

Then what about Han Gyeol?

Is Han Gyeol someone you want to become distant?

Han Gyeol is...

He's just Han Gyeol. That's all.

Who could it be at this hour?

- I'll go see. - No, no. It's okay.

Eat up. You brought a guest over.

- Isn't her cooking good? - Yes.

Have some of this too. Is this too salty?

This too.

What are you doing here at this hour?

Han Gyeol.

Why are you in such a rush? You didn't even say hello.

- I'm sorry. It's been a while. - Right.

What brought you here, Han Gyeol?

I don't know. I just thought about where you might go to,

and this is all I could think of.

Since he's here..

Grandma, could I get some food too?

Why is everyone so hungry today? Sit down.


Why are you eating so little?

- Does it not taste good? - No, it's good.

- I'm enjoying it. - Sit down.

Subscribe: PaBo

For more infomation >> [ENGSUB]The Liar And His Lover Episode 13 - Triangle relationship? Lee Hyun Woo vs Lee Seo Won - Duration: 2:16.


British Insults VS Spanish Insults - Duration: 8:26.

The first one

Ball toucher!

Why? Because there are a lot of them in the world!

No. A person who touches balls.

When we say that a person is a "ball toucher"

we are referring to a person to likes to poke your balls.

When we say it, we mean it in an endearing way

like 'Damn you'.

It doesn't sound familiar to me in Spanish

It sounds like 'pradera' but 'pradera' is 'meadow'

I have no idea

Like silly, like someone who is silly

Someone who doesn't think

I this that for us Spanish, this word is funny

Someone who talks...and THEN some more

We usually say 'big mouth' when someone talks too much

But 'boca chancla' is that.

Someone who screws up when they talk

For more infomation >> British Insults VS Spanish Insults - Duration: 8:26.


Mother Of Boy Shot During Basketball Game Speaks Out - Duration: 2:21.


















































































For more infomation >> Mother Of Boy Shot During Basketball Game Speaks Out - Duration: 2:21.


Harriet Martineau & Gender Conflict Theory: Crash Course Sociology #8 - Duration: 9:02.

Where my ladies at?

Seriously, we've spent a lot of time learning about the origins of sociology, and all of the founders we've talked about so far have been men.

That's because, when sociology was becoming an academic discipline, women didn't have the same access to education.

In fact, it was considered improper in the 19th century for women to write articles and give talks to the public.

And this continued for decades, with some of the top universities not allowing female students until the 1970s.

Which sucks.

But it also raises an important question: Why do women and men get treated differently?

This is a question that sociologists can answer!

Or, well, we can at least try to answer it.

Gender-conflict theory applies the principles of conflict theory to the relations among genders.

Specifically, it looks at how social structures perpetuate gendered inequalities.

Now, the functionalist approach has historically held that gender inequalities are a natural result of each gender taking on the tasks they're best suited for.

But many modern sociologists don't share this view.

Economic and political power structures that reinforce traditional gender roles often cause more dysfunction than function.

Restricting access to education by gender is a great example of this dysfunction:

Denying women access to quality education makes our society worse by squashing the half the world's potential!

Sociology's understanding of society wouldn't be complete without the women and feminists who started the conversation about gender as an academic field of study.

First stop: sociology's forgotten founder, Harriet Martineau.

[Theme Music]

Harriet Martineau was the first female sociologist, born in 1802 in England.

Unlike Marx or Durkheim or Weber, who are hailed as the forefathers of sociology and get entire chapters devoted to their theories, Martineau typically gets, at most, a couple of sentences in a textbook.

Martineau started out kind of like the Crash Course of her time – bringing research to the masses in easily digestible bites.

She wrote a best-selling series called Illustrations on the Political Economy, which used fables

and a literary style of writing to bring the economic principles of Adam Smith to the general public.

She was a favorite of many of the leading intellectuals of the time.

Even Queen Victoria, who loved Martineau's writing so much that she invited Martineau to her coronation.

But this was just the start.

Martineau decamped for the United States and spent two years travelling the country, observing social practices.

She went from North to South, from small towns to Washington DC, sitting in on sessions of Congress, a Supreme Court session, and a meeting with President Madison.

She then captured her observations in two books, Society in America and How to Observe Morals and Manners.

The first was a set of three volumes that identified principles that Americans professed to hold dear, like democracy, justice, and freedom.

Then she documented the social patterns that she observed in America, and contrasted the values that Americans thought they held,

with the values that were actually enshrined in their economic and political systems.

Martineau's observations included some of the first academic observations of American gender roles,

and she dedicated much of the third volume to the study of marriage, female occupations, and the health of women.

Despite the title of her second book – How to Observe Morals and Manners – it was not a guide to etiquette.

It was a treatise on research methodology, describing how to do cross-cultural studies of morals and moral behavior.

Martineau talked about interviewing, sampling, bias in observation, the problem of generalizing from individuals to a whole society –

many of the hallmarks of modern research.

She wrote about class, religion, suicide, nationalism, domestic life, gender, crime, health –

and this was all before Marx, before Durkheim, before Weber.

And her English translations of Comte's work on positivist sociology were so good that Comte himself told her:

"I feel sure that your name will be linked with mine."

But of course, Comte was wrong.

Soon after her death, Martineau's work was forgotten.

It wasn't until the 1970s, when feminist scholars began to revisit her work, that the full extent of her influence on sociology began to be realized.

That's right, feminist scholars.

Now, I know for many people feminism is a loaded term.

And I want to make sure we're clear about the historical and sociological context for feminism as I'm using it here.

Here, we're defining feminism as the support for social equality among genders.

This is in opposition to patriarchy, a form of social organization in which institutional structures,

like access to political power, property rights, and occupations, are dominated by men.

So feminism isn't just associated with activism; it's also a scholarly term.

Feminist theory is one school of thought in the study of gender.

And over time, feminism has gone through many different forms, often categorized as waves.

Let's go to the Thought Bubble to look at what's known as feminism's first wave.

In the 19th and early 20th century, the first wave of feminism focused on women's suffrage – or, the right to vote – and other legal inequalities.

That's because, in the 19th century, all property and money that a woman had legally belonged to her husband.

Imagine that.

Not being able to earn a salary that was your own, not being able to own land, not being able to write a will.

And on top of that, you can't vote, which makes it a little hard to change these things.

It was these issues that prompted the start of the Women's Rights Movement, which began

with a meeting of 300 like-minded women – and a few men – in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848.

Early feminists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the meeting to put forth a manifesto on women's rights, which became known as the Declaration of Sentiments.

This convention was the spark that set off the women's suffrage movement in the United States.

It took many years of activism – court cases, speeches, protests, and hunger strikes – until women finally won the right to vote in 1920.

Thanks, Thought Bubble.

The first wave of feminism didn't only affect legal issues.

It was also where many of the ideas about societal roles of gender first got their start.

Take Charlotte Perkins Gilman, for example.

You might recognize her as the author of the short story "The Yellow Wallpaper."

But she was also a sociologist and social activist.

Early in the 20th century, she published papers and books on society's assumptions about gender,

focusing on marriage, childbearing, and the assumed roles of women as housekeepers and men as breadwinners.

She wrote: "There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex.

Might as well speak of a female liver."

Notice how she worded that – the brain is not an organ of sex.

Sex refers to biological distinctions between females, males, and intersex individuals.

But gender refers to the personality traits and social roles that society attaches to different sexes.

Think about it this way: Do men and women act the same way across all cultures and time periods?

If gender arose only from biological differences between men and women, we would expect to see all cultures defining femininity and masculinity in the same ways.

But we don't.

From the work of anthropologist Margaret Mead in the 1930s, to the research done today by economists Uri Gneezy and John List, scientists have found that gender roles change among societies, and over time.

And this idea – the idea that gender has societal origins – has formed the backbone of the second wave of feminism.

Books like The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir and The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan

argued against the idea that women were a lesser sex, who should be resigned to taking care of children and the home.

The second wave of feminism focused on female participation in the labor force, equal pay,

reproductive rights, sexual violence, educational equality, and divorce.

This was the era of Title IX, the legalization of contraception and abortion, no fault divorce laws, and the Equal Pay Act.

But it was also an era of divisiveness within the feminist movement, with many feeling that

women in positions of power focused on issues most relevant to white, upper middle class women.

These divisions led to what's known as the third wave of feminism, starting in the 1990s,

which has focused on broadening the definition of feminism to encompass issues of race, class, sexuality, and other forms of disadvantage.

The ideas evoked by the third wave are nicely represented by author and feminist bell hooks:

In her book "Ain't I a Woman," hooks writes:

"The process begins with the individual woman's acceptance that American women,

without exception, are socialized to be racist, classist and sexist, in varying degrees ...."

That's a heavy statement.

Most people don't think of themselves as racist or sexist.

But one of the underlying ideas behind third wave feminism is the acknowledgement of the

structures of power that create inequality across gender, race, class, and other dimensions of disadvantage.

There's a term that's used a lot in modern day feminism, which maybe you've heard used recently: intersectionality.

So what is intersectionality?

You add a little race-conflict theory in with gender-conflict theory, and a smidge of Marx's

theories about class conflict – and you get intersectionality, the analysis of how

race, class, and gender interact to create systems of disadvantage that are interdependent.

The term intersectionality was coined by race and gender theorist Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw.

She wrote that the experience of being a black woman couldn't be understood just by understanding

the experience of a black person, or the experience of a woman independently.

Instead, you have to look at how these identities intersect.

How you – yes, you, in particular, you – see society and see yourself is gonna be wrapped up in the identities you have.

I, as a cisgender white woman, will have a different experience in the world as a result of my own interlocking identities.

And when it comes to our understanding of gender in this societal mix, we have to thank

Harriet Martineau, whose work was one starting point from which the waves of feminism unfolded.

Today we learned about Harriet Martineau and gender-conflict theory.

We also explored the three waves of feminism, as well as intersectionality.

Next time, we'll look at another important figure in sociology Max Weber.

Crash Course Sociology is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio in Missoula, MT, and it's made with the help of all these nice people.

Our animation team is Thought Cafe, and Crash Course is made with Adobe Creative Cloud,

If you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can support the series

at Patreon, a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you love.

Speaking of Patreon, we'd like to thank all of our patrons in general, and we'd like to

specifically thank our Headmaster of Learning David Cichowski.

Thank you for your support.

For more infomation >> Harriet Martineau & Gender Conflict Theory: Crash Course Sociology #8 - Duration: 9:02.


North Idaho Train Wreck - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> North Idaho Train Wreck - Duration: 1:13.


Woman threatens to 'shoot' random people, police say - Duration: 1:24.












































For more infomation >> Woman threatens to 'shoot' random people, police say - Duration: 1:24.


Tania Pérez Córdova: Smoke, nearby (Trailer) - Duration: 0:26.

I've always thought that my sculptures

have two different lives:

one as a sculpture,

just in its visual terms and

to whichever aesthetic they relate to,

and one more in terms of

these kind of hidden narratives

that are not necessarily so visible.

For more infomation >> Tania Pérez Córdova: Smoke, nearby (Trailer) - Duration: 0:26.


[Monsta X] [DeokspatchX²] [Ep. 1] [PL SUB/POLSKIE NAPISY] - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> [Monsta X] [DeokspatchX²] [Ep. 1] [PL SUB/POLSKIE NAPISY] - Duration: 6:07.


For more infomation >> [Monsta X] [DeokspatchX²] [Ep. 1] [PL SUB/POLSKIE NAPISY] - Duration: 6:07.


Volumetric star out of paper. DIY origami may 9, February 23 - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Volumetric star out of paper. DIY origami may 9, February 23 - Duration: 4:49.


For more infomation >> Volumetric star out of paper. DIY origami may 9, February 23 - Duration: 4:49.


Message pour votre nuit. 1 Mai - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Message pour votre nuit. 1 Mai - Duration: 1:00.


For more infomation >> Message pour votre nuit. 1 Mai - Duration: 1:00.


15/04/ Jogo Astro F.C 6 X 2 A.D.A - Duration: 11:02.

For more infomation >> 15/04/ Jogo Astro F.C 6 X 2 A.D.A - Duration: 11:02.


BMW 5 Serie 520D AUTOMAAT | M-PAKKET | GR. NAVI | SPORTLEDER - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 520D AUTOMAAT | M-PAKKET | GR. NAVI | SPORTLEDER - Duration: 1:04.


British Insults VS Spanish Insults - Duration: 8:26.

The first one

Ball toucher!

Why? Because there are a lot of them in the world!

No. A person who touches balls.

When we say that a person is a "ball toucher"

we are referring to a person to likes to poke your balls.

When we say it, we mean it in an endearing way

like 'Damn you'.

It doesn't sound familiar to me in Spanish

It sounds like 'pradera' but 'pradera' is 'meadow'

I have no idea

Like silly, like someone who is silly

Someone who doesn't think

I this that for us Spanish, this word is funny

Someone who talks...and THEN some more

We usually say 'big mouth' when someone talks too much

But 'boca chancla' is that.

Someone who screws up when they talk

For more infomation >> British Insults VS Spanish Insults - Duration: 8:26.


Finally Got Yeezys! - Duration: 4:22.

well, I'm a little excited today cause i just managed to get my first pair of yeezy's

after taking L's on both the Breds and the zebra yeezy.

And with summer coming up, having an all white pair of yeezys in my collection means i'll

look good at this year's cook outs.

But getting these yeezy's wasn't so easy, and i thought id share that story with you


At first i tried to get raffle tickets from my local finish line store, but when i actually

there with my friends the clrek told us they ran out of raffle tickets.

So we basically went there for no reason.

The next day i tried to reserve my pair on the adidas confirmed app but when the time

came the adidas confirmed app decided to crash on me.

Then the next day my friends told me Pacsun was having a raffle and we made plans to go

get raffle tickets later in the day.

But when we were getting ready to leave I had to cancel last minute to do a favor for

my mom.

And i mean, you cant say no to your momma right?!

I wasn't going to be like "Sorry Mom, i cant do you your favor cause I'm going to

get a raffle ticket so that i can have the opportunity to buy a pair of Shoes" But

i did manage to get my raffle ticket from Pacsun later in the day after I did that favor.

But after I got my raffle ticket I waited all day friday hopping to get a call from

Pacsun but it never came.

So i was like damn it i didnt win the shoes.

So the next day I got up and went to the gym to workout chest like i do every saturday


So I'm bench pressing and i make my way up to my 275 singles and then my phone rings

while I'm working my way out of the hole.

And the phone call went a little like this.

A young lady says "Hi This is Sarah From Pacsun, I just wanted to let you that unfortunately

one of the initial winners of our Yeezy raffle didn't pick up their pair by 12pm today so

we had to redraw another winner and that winner was you" So after I was finished with my

workout I went home, showered and changed and pick up these guys up.

So yeah, these are the cream white yeezy 350 V2. they are super clean and they have that

super iconic silhouette.

But i really like the subtle textures at play on the prime of this shoe. if you look really

closely these shoes still have the classic stripe on the side, its not in a contrasting

color but but you can see the change in the texture.

Also these shoes arent solid white, they're a little off white hence the name cream.

Down the center of the shoe you'll see the stitching, and that stitching is truly white

and hopefully you'll be able to see the difference.

another subtle detail i like about these shoes is how the textures meet down the middle.

On the back of the shoe you'll see a pull tab without any contrasting stitching. and

above that you'll see another pull tab with the adidas logo on it. and those 3 stripes

are 3m.

The midsole on these shoes is also off-white and you can still see the boost underneath.

and on the bottom of the shoe you can see cut outs and see more of the boost material.

Concerning fit, these shoes are a little tighter than i expected.

These are my first pair of yeezy and I got a size ten and i can see now why a lot people

say go a size half up.

I mean I'm going to keep getting size 10 yeezy's but if you have a wider foot then

you should go up half a size.

But yeah, these are the triple white yeezy 350 v2. they're super clean and super dope.

I just feel lucky i won the raffle after Pacsun had to redraw another winner cause someone

didnt pick their pair up.

Who know's these might be my new lucky shoes.

actually, as i was walking around the mall after i picked these up some guy who was holding

4 yeezy boxes ran up to me and said he would give me $400 for mine.

He was clearly going to resell them.

and me being me replied "Nah if you want these you gotta do $600" So what do you

think, should i have sold them for $400?

How much do you think the cream white yeezy will re-sell for?

People don't think prices will go so high cause there are so may of them.

But comment below and let me know what you think.

Even if he did offer me $600 i think i would have still said no cause I just really wanted


Maybe if i win the next pair of yeezys then i might resell sell those, I'm not a huge

fan of the next olive ones to drop.

But let me know, did you manage to cop the cream white yeezy? did you take an L?

What do you think about the Next color way thats dropping?

comment below.

For more infomation >> Finally Got Yeezys! - Duration: 4:22.


Como Andar de Hoverboard? - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Como Andar de Hoverboard? - Duration: 5:12.



That's a whole new filming spot! How do you like it guys?

Hello world and welcome to the right side:)

I'm pretty sure that you saw it but

you know it's hard to do that when you're siting!

Have you ever been to a doctor guys?

Of course you have!

So how does the meeting go?

The doctor asks you probably something like what brought you here?

And did you answer him something like


Probably not, cause of course he can try to guess that but

what we will happen if he guesses that wrong?

You probably gave him full answer explaining all the reasons

why you came to see him

So why do u understand that the doctor isn't a psychic

but you don't that your boyfriend also isn't him?

I mean unless your boyfriend is a psychic!

Why do you think you have this ability to communicate

To order pizza?

Even to order pizza you need to explain pizza delivery what exact pizza you want

Or something like that will happen

Pizza delivery guy will try to guess and give you a pizza

You ask what is in it?


No,that's not what I wanted!

He will leave come back next time again try to guess again fails

On the third time even if he guesses even if not

Probably he will say you something like

ma'am, please don't call as anymore!


And you know what girls? I'm on his side

We don't try to guess what guys think

but for some reasons when we do realize that they can't guess either

We get extremely mad!

And even when they try to guess what we want to make something nice for us

We get extremely mad and start to scream at them

Why is it so hard to understand I wanted a vegetarian pizza

And you not only wasting your time cause

By the second when pizza delivery guy will bring you that pizza that you wanted

you'll be extremely mad and starving!

And also you will destroy your relationships with pizza delivery service!

And that's the same thing with guys. With this silent game

you're slowly ruining this relationships!

Of course at first they will be happy with this silent treatment

but after a while they will get tired of it and probably

start to think that they want someone adequate with them!

keeping your mouth shot is a great strategy when nobody is asking for your opinion!

And the lack of communication expresses not only in this way

I also mean it in general

When you don't talk to each other on a regular basis

Of course now you've something in-common and I'm talking about your animal instincts

So you've a great sex!

Working penis has almost every guy but not everyone will be interested for you enough

to spend some time with them outside your bed!

And this type of relationships can't last long

Cause after a while you get used to this body even if it's so perfect

And you start to see some other bodies which maybe are not that perfect

but they're something new and maybe they can offer something more than sex!

And even if this relationships last long

Imagine one day you're waking up with guy who's genitals doesn't work anymore

So now actually you need to figure out what else you can do?

But what?

You don't know each other. You're basically strangers sharing a bed

Of course you can ask me Christina but how can we taslk to each other

if you're stupid

But even for that type of situation I've an advice for you!

if you're experiencing some difficulties with communication

Here goes the drink that can help you to relax!

And even if the situation is real bad!

Here's another one! With these two you're in good hands girls)

bet seriously guys just ask her how her day was?

What does she like to eat? What countries has she visited?

If after a couple of times when the feeling of shyness dissapears

the conversation doesn't flow naturally

think maybe you're not interesting interlocutors for each other

And in this situation it means that you don't really like each other

cause when you like someone you truly want to know everything about them

And that's all that I've for you for today boys and girls

Thank you for sharing with me this awesome day!

I hope that you like this video, I hope that you talk to each other

and you don't have such problems with communication in your relationships

If you don't or if you're working on that

if you're a great generous person and you like me

Please show it to me by giving this video a big thumbs up!

Push that subscribe button cause we do talk a lot about relationships cause

that's the only theme where I'm feeling myself a bit of an expert

kind of

Leave your comments and tell me about other problems that might appear in a realtionships

and that you've been facing

Maybe we can talk about them in our next episode

links on my other social media you can as usual find in the description below

We're seeing each other every Monday and Thursday!

So see ya! Bye!

For more infomation >> LACK OF COMMUNICATION - Duration: 5:18.


Skype counseling for anxiety and depression - Duration: 8:49.


My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in online therapy

via Skype.

Skype counseling is a very good choice if you're struggling with anxiety or depression.

It means that you can get professional help in managing your anxiety or depression or

addiction without having to leave home, so you can take more control over your healing


So I offer Skype counseling worldwide and all you need for Skype-based therapy is a

good internet connection and a quiet place to have your Skype counseling sessions and

you also need, of course, Skype and PayPal to make payments for your sessions.

So Skype counseling works particularly well for anxiety, and during these sessions I will

teach you mindfulness-based methods for working with anxiety.

The most important thing that you need to change is the way that you relate to your

anxiety and to the emotional reactive thoughts that spring out of that anxiety.

The big problem that most people face is that they become lost in patterns of reactive thinking,

they react to the anxiety with more anxiety producing thoughts and this simply feeds the

anxiety rather like feeding a fire with fuel.

You have to learn to change your relationship to your anxiety so that you don't react.

You need to become the observer, to be able to sit with your anxiety without reacting

to it, without feeding the fire.

This is what mindfulness therapy focuses on in great detail and I will guide you and teach

you how to do this, how to become less reactive to your emotions and to your thoughts as well.

This is essential.

You have to stop reacting in order to create the right internal conditions that lead to

healing and resolution of those emotions.

If you can learn to sit with your anxiety with a non-reactive mind that is also compassionate

and consciously engaged with that anxiety, but without becoming overwhelmed by it then

you are creating the right conditions and that anxiety will respond and change and heal

through that relationship that you've built with it.

We do this by learning how to meditate on our anxiety.

Now most people think that meditation is a way of escaping anxiety, it's a way of creating

a blissful state of mind and distracting ourselves from our emotions.

But this is a mistake.

It's absolutely clear from working with people that the biggest problem that prevents them

getting over anxiety are patterns of avoidance and aversion.

Trying to get away from the anxiety simply makes it stronger.

Fighting the anxiety through resistance or becoming fearful of it it's also simply feeds

the anxiety.

The conditions which leads to change are those in which you develop more conscious awareness

and more friendliness towards your anxiety.

This may seem counter-intuitive but it is a fact.

The more friendly you become towards that part of yourself that's in pain, the more

that part will heal.

Tt takes some practice and it takes some guidance, and that's what I offer during these counseling

sessions for anxiety.

If you really develop and practice in this way you will see substantial changes after

three to four sessions of Skype counseling.

And most of my clients really get on top of their anxiety quite well after learning to

apply the mindfulness methods that I teach.

So unlike treatment-based approaches mindfulness therapy gives you specific tools, ways of

working with your mind, with your thoughts and with your emotions that you can practice

by yourself between sessions and develop real skills on how to not become overwhelmed by

emotional and cognitive reactivity.

If you'd like to learn more about it about Skype counseling do please go to my website

and then simply e-mail me with any questions you may have about Skype counseling therapy

and let's schedule Skype counseling session.

The first session is a trial session which means that you can try this method with me

and see if it feels right for you without any obligation.

Generally you'll know within the first 30 minutes if Skype counseling and the mindfulness

therapy approach is right for you or not.

Most people are actually very delighted by this approach and they benefit from it very


So if you want to learn more about Skype counseling for anxiety or Skype counseling for depression

as well then simply send me an email and let's schedule a trial session and you can see for

yourself just how effective mindfulness therapy can be for overcoming anxiety and depression.

I've worked with people who have suffered from anxiety for years and I've also worked

with a great number of people who have tried treatment-based approaches with medications

or other therapeutic procedures and really not benefited much from those at all.

You have to really change this underlying process that causes your anxiety which is

all to do with how you relate to your emotions and to your thoughts.

Medications won't change that relationship.

They still leave you vulnerable to becoming overwhelmed by anxiety.

So if you let's learn more please go to my website and let's schedule a Skype counseling

session to help you overcome your anxiety or depression.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Skype counseling for anxiety and depression - Duration: 8:49.


Survivor 2017 - 79.Bölüm Tanıtımı - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Survivor 2017 - 79.Bölüm Tanıtımı - Duration: 10:02.


Mike Danilov Channel Trailer - Duration: 0:57.

Sup Youtube, you will ask me

what's going to be on your YouTube Channel?

For starters, you can find here a VFX Shots, Vlogs

haaaaaa, vlogs?

Are you motherf*****

Of course you can like this video and subscribe, i mean, you must, oh boy cmon

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