[Rowena Kok:] My name's Rowena and I'm enjoying a beautiful day
In Sydney.
And you're watching what Michael's doing right now.
[ Mechanism whirring ]
[Michael Aranda:] Today is Black Magic's press event at NAB, and I'm watching
it right now waiting for them to announce
an updated version of the Blackmagic pocket
cinema camera.
So they're either going to do that and I'm going to be very excited
or they're not going to do that and I'm going to be very sad.
[muffled presenter talking]
[Michael:] They announced no new cameras!
So stupid!
Dumb dumb dumb
dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
[Michael:] It's just so stupid, Katelyn!
[Katelyn Salem:] Yeah, I know.
[Michael:] It's so dumb.
[Katelyn:] It's okay.
[Michael:] It's just so stupid, Todd!
[Michael: It's so stupid, Marcus!
[Michael:] It's so stupid stream!
Are you streaming right now?
[Marcus Schlueter:] Yup.
[Michael:] Hey look, you're delayed.
This is a nice setup you've got here.
[Todd Williams:] What's so stupid?
[Michael:] That Blackmagic doesn't have a new
pocket cinema camera this year.
[Todd:] I don't really have an opinion.
(Laughs) [Michael:] (sighs)
[Michael:] Okay, so, like, three years ago before there was Patreon there
was Subbable and one of my perks was that I—I had these shoutouts to give out on a
monthly basis, or something,
and there's a backlog of them that never got read out.
And we just had our—our weekly Synema meeting where Kyla
reminded me that I still have some of these to do.
So if I owe you one, I apologize.
Today I'm going to
take care of a shoutout ordered by Jonathan Barnett.
This perk was purchased
at, uh, 8:50 PM on June 21st, 2015.
[Katelyn:] Yes it was.
[Michael:] I haven't gone two years yet.
So that's good.
[Katelyn:] Mm hm.
[Michael:] Jonathan says: "Thank you Michael for allowing
us to share in your life.
If the United States was smaller, I'd suggest we all have a big meet up.
Maybe science can work on making that a reality.
Much appreciation to you and this family from Richmond, Virginia."
I was just in DC, which is right next to Virginia.
[Katelyn:] Mm hm.
[Michael:] It looks like we're in for some stormy weather.
It's like the rain followed me home from DC.
[ Dance music ]
[Michael: ]I just had dinner with Glenn at this
restaurant right here which is called The Iron Griz,
where I guess there's a little farm—it's on the other side
of this truck right here that is pulling out soon.
But they grow their own vegetable here and then
they use them in the restaurant, so that's kinda cool.
It's a little bit pricey.
But you're paying a premium for the fact that they grow the stuff locally.
I had a ceasar salad, and it was tasty.
[ Synth drone ]
[Michael:] Todd just told me that I need to come
and see the bathroom.
[ Water running ] [ Tyler laughs ]
[Michael:] (Confused) What?
[Todd:] I don't know!
[Michael:] Does Joel need a bucket full of water?
[Todd:] I don't know.
[Michael:] Is that why he's doing this?
[Todd:] I don't know.
I kind of want to turn it off now.
[Michael:] (Confused) I--what?
I don't...
[Todd:] So, this goes on one of the strangest things I've seen...
[Michael:] What? [Todd:] ...today.
[Michael:] (Confused) What?
[Michael:] Is Joel in?
[Lori Hudak:] Somewhere.
Yeah, keep going that-a-way, you'll find him. [Joel Baird:] Yeah, I'm here.
[Michael:] So, there's a trashcan in the—
in the... bathroom fillin' up with water.
[Joel:] Oh, that's Brother Smith!
He must have forgotten!
[Todd:] Yeah— [Joel:] He's cleaning the carpet.
Oh thank goodness!
Oh, you guys stopped it?
[Todd:] Yeah, I stopped it.
[Michael:] Yeah, it almost, uh, overflowed.
[Joel:] (Unintelligible speaking)
So, thank you, you did your good deed for the day!
[Michael laughs]
[Todd:] Alright man, we'll see ya later.
[Michael:] I mean, I still don't quite understand...
Was he just trying to clean the inside of the trashcan?
Because just now he was like, "I'm going to dump out the excess".
So, like, there was more water in there than he wanted in there.
[Katelyn:] What happened?
[ Todd laughs ]
[Michael:] Someone put a trashcan in the bathroom
and then... took a giant cardboard tube and placed it
over the... faucet so that it would run from the faucet
to the trashcan and turned on the water to f—
basically use the cardboard tube as a hose
to fill up the trash can with water and then, I guess,
forgot about it, because Todd walked in there and it was like this close to overflowing
so he turned it off and then we went and found Joel who was like, "Oh, Brother Smith
did that!"
[Katelyn:] Who is Brother Smith?
[Michael:] I don't know. [Todd:] I don't know.
(Todd laughs)
[Michael:] That was a bizarre thing that just happened.
I'm gonna get back to work now.
[Todd:] Bye!
[ Eraser noises ]
[Michael:] Okay.
[Todd:] What are you doing?
[Michael]: Thinking about how we can be more productive.
We should make sure that meetings aren't a waste
of people's time.
Our weekly everybody-meetings should be
as surface level as possible.
The point of these would be just to keep everyone up to date about what the
company's doing.
Just so we don't end up in a situation where we launch
our new show about time traveling... frogs and someone's like,
"What? I didn't know we were doing that."
Probably, the way we've been doing them, we've dedicated
kind of a big section to WhatImDoingRightNow stuff
and we could probably move that into a
WhatImDoingRightNow meeting so that while we have everybody there,
we're not spending a lot of time on stuff that some people
in the meeting don't have... a strong interest in.
We have our meeting with Michael Morgan, usually.
Should we think about meeting monthly for WhatImDoingRightNow?
And that would be a time to go over stats and stuff from
the previous month?
So how about we plan to have a
monthly powwow with you, and me, and Kyla, and
I guess Abi because she is everywhere and then, like,
that would be the required team at that.
And then it would just be open to if someone was like
"Yeah, I'll check in on that."
But the purpose of that one would be just to look at analytics to discuss
more of a high level direction
for the channel, separate from the,
like, "How is your workflow going?" conversation.
Because I—I feel like we're gonna get more meaningful
insight into data if we're looking at it in a more macro
viewpoint rather than just being like, "In this last week,
we gained 40 subscribers and lost 45."
[Todd:] Cut to the Tech.
We have Kate Tectonics, we have Quilty Box, Twitch, Stranger Things,
Quick Little Getaway, merch, and, uh, website.
[Michael:] We have social media stuff— [Todd:] Mm hm.
[Michael:] Weekly— [Todd:] And do we have Weekly meeting
on that.
Main channel.
Good Conversations.
[Michael:] Probably also sound space.
[Todd:] Yeah, yeah.
[Michael:] So using this as a starting place, these are all things that we should
have a check-in about
on a regular basis.
I think most everything in here we can do a check-in per week,
uh, with the exception of: I don't think we should meet
every week about the direction
of WhatImDoingRightNow; that can be a longer...
[Todd:] Sure. [Michael:] ...thing.
[Todd:] Uh, might as well put Patreon on there as well.
[Michael:] Some of these might just end up being
two minute check-ins.
[Todd:] Yup.
[Michael:] But we should try to slot these into regular
places on the calendar.
[ Skype call rings ]
[ Skype call rings ]
[Michael:] Hello! [Callie Dishman:] Hello!
[Michael:] It's pretty... backlit in here.
What's the date that you're gonna be... out here?
[Callie:] Most likely the twenty-second, I believe.
[Michael:] Okay, I'm gonna tentatively say… that we'll y—have you in the office on
the twenty-fourth.
The quote that we got back for the studio space
that we wanted to build was…
about twenty-two thousand dollars.
Which is more than double what we were planning to spend.
Sooo, we went back to our audio consultant guy
and he proposed that instead of doing construction
we instead buy what are essentially sound curtains.
Just like, put that on all the surfaces in the room.
He thought that that would cost us about five thousand dollars.
Aaand do ninety percent as good of a job as building out the sound space.
[Michael:] So, Callie Dishman has been a viewer of these videos for a while.
And she's moving out to Missoula at the end of May.
About the same time that Abi is.
To join our team, working on audio.
Which is very exciting.
Because that means I get to do less audio.
But anyway, right now Katelyn, Ceri, and I are walking to the mailbox
because now we actually have a key to open up our mailbox.
[ Key clicks into lock ]
[Michael:] Do we have mail? [Ceri:] Wow!
[Michael:] We do have mail. [Ceri:] We do have mail!
[Katelyn:] Oh! There's keys! [Ceri:] And a package!
Package for you. [Katelyn:] Oh, this is maybe my package.
[Ceri:] Look at all this crap we got.
And it says our names in here.
And we got an extra key.
[Katelyn:] Oooo! [Ceri:] Oh! So we can each have a key.
[Michael:] Oh, wooow!
[Ceri:] Here's your key.
[Michael:] Oh, thanks!
[ Katelyn grunts ]
[Michael:] Whatd'ya get?
[Katelyn:] A bedspread.
[Michael:] As a part of conducting business, as a business owner,
part of what we are putting together is a document
that contains the by-laws of Synema Studios, LLC.
So Michael Morgan drafted up a fifteen page document of by-laws.
And I am now going to go through it
to check and make sure that it's all stuff we want as by-laws,
that we're happy with the wording,
and that it is consistent with the vision of the company.
So it's fairly important stuff, but it's very dry…
[ Classical piano music builds] "Unless otherwise prescribed by statute,
special meetings of the shareholders may only be called
for any purpose or purposes in the following ways:
A: By a majority of the board,
or B: By the president of the S-corporation, also known as "The President",
or C: By the holders of shares entitled to cast in total
not less than fifteen percent of the votes on any issue
proposed for the meeting where written requests describing the purpose or
purposes for the special meeting are signed, dated and delivered
to a member of the board or other officer of the S-corporation."
[ Slow groove music ]
[Michael:] The process that we went through in the hallway
to get to this color, I feel like, at the end, I'm like, "Yess!"
Here, I'm feeling like I felt when you had started to
paint half the hallway the lighter color, and I was like, "Eh".
But my resolve to go through the iterative process is less now... (Laughs)
I think I might be thinking that this color would seem
good to me if it was also on that wall.
I wonder if part of what I'm feeling weird about is that
there's this whole, kind of, earthy grey brick thing
next to this uncolored wood with green on it next to the grey.
I feel like that might be hindering my ability to evaluate
that color in the space.
[Ceri:] One thing I could do is start the stripping project now.
Because it takes about half an hour to strip all that stuff off.
[Ceri laughs] [Michael:] Oh hi!
[Katelyn:] Oh, hi.
I bring toilet paper and soda pop.
[Michael:] Oh, my favorite two things.
[Ceri]: The essentials.
[Michael:] I bet changing the color of this...
will greatly influence how that looks.
[Ceri:] So you want me to switch projects and switch over to that?
[Michael:] Sure…? (Laughs)
[Michael:] So we've got four swatches of different colors
on the walls now, and I don't feel like I can tell...
what any of them look like.
My eyes hurt from looking at colors.
We also need to redo the walls in here because they're
a terrible, terrible yellow color.
I think out of things that are on the wall, this is my favorite.
This is too blue for me.
[Michael:] And I think this one will look too much like a dungeon.
[Ceri:] And this one will definitely look like a dungeon.
[ Dance music ]
[Michael:] H'okay, it is 10:22 PM, and I just finished going through
that bylaws document.
There was some very dense
language in there, but I think I got through it.
[Michael:] Ceri, what's the update on your status?
[Ceri:] Um, I'm trying to scrape off some paint.
I put this liquid on—or gel—paint and varnish stripper
and I'm trying to strip the paint.
[Michael:] How does it not take the wood away when you're grinding away with that thing?
[Ceri:] Uhh, I'm not sure.
I think what it does is it softens the paint, so some chemical reaction
goes between this and, like, the latex or whatever.
This said it has diethyl adipate triethyl phosphate in it.
I don't know what those do, but uh some sort of solvent.
2 days left in our Einstein shirt pre order and only 5 shirts left to go!
Head on over to store.synemastudios.com to get yours now.
[Todd:] Oh my god!
[Michael:] Woo!
[ Uplifting music ]
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