Welcome to HowToCookThat I'm Ann Reardon and this week we are making an edible candy sword
in the shape of Gamora's sword from Guardians of the Galaxy.
To make the candy we need water, sugar, glucose syrup, food colouring and flavouring.
I am using cotton candy flavour, you can use whatever you like.
Add the water to the sugar in a large pan and then pour in the sticky glucose syrup,
now you can swap this for light corn syrup if you can't get glucose syrup and I'll put
all of these recipe details on the howtocookthat.net website for you and there's a link to that
I have been super impressed, just blown away, by all the photos you guys have been submitting
lately on the website of things that you have made.
Hannah made the sugar bowls and filled them with strawberries, Becky made a beautiful
blue sugar bowl.
Hector made the candy goedes.
Katelyn well done on making the Giant Snickers, looks awesome!
And look at Lana's Converse Shoe Cake that she made for her Mum, she's only 12 years
old, this is amazing!
Anna did the best bunch of chocolate strawberry roses that I've seen.
And Angela, Harumi, Julie and Sonia all made great Cars cakes.
And the boys are even getting in on the action...
Dan made this Hello Kitty cake and Mark made the Millenium Falcon for his son.
They look great.
And Autumn you did an awesome job making the Belle cake, she looks beautiful.
I'll put a link to all those tutorials below and I mustn't forget as well to say thank
you for all the mail that you've been sending.
Eveything in the PO box, all the letters and the drawings I really appreciate those it's
like getting hugs in the mail everytime I go to the PO box.
So thank you, thank you, thank you for those.
Place your pot over high heat and stir until it begins to boil.
And then wash down all that sugar from the sides of the pan, if you don't do this the
sugar crystals can make the rest of the solution crystalize again and that will make it go
It won't be strong and clear.
Add a candy thermometer to the side of the pan and you want to boil it until it reaches
Now while that is heating we need to make a mold.
I am going to use a piece of wood covered in foil and this silicone cake mold thingy
that you can join together, a bit like a jigsaw puzzle to make different shapes.
Then we're going to need some strength to our candy so let's add a clean wooden pole
down the centre.
Now I am a bit concerned that this silicon mold might tip over or move when we pour in
the sugar but we'll give it a go.
Once the sugar reaches 150C add in the colouring of your choice and the flavouring and stir
it slowly until all the bubbles have subsided.
Then pour that into the mold.
And yes, you can see it there, it is spreading out we will have to try and fix that in a
Put the board up on a slope so the blade is thinner at the pointy end.
Then try and push the edges back in to make the sword thinner.
If you're making this, then I'd suggest getting some wood supports and nailing that into place
on the other side of the silicon just to stop that spreading out there.
Once the sugar solution is starting to cool make an indent down the tip, so that it splits
that into two.
Now if that closes over right away wait for a few more minutes and do it again.
And you'll want to do the same at the handle end where it's got a hole in the sword there
Now this is also the time that you can add a pattern to your sword, if you look at a
picture it has lines criss-crossing down it and a bit of a pattern on it and the handle
end has little indents over it.
Leave that for several hours to cool down completely and then remove your silicone.
If you've got any rough edges you can shave them off using a knife.
Now obviously this is quite thick for a sword but because it is made out of sugar and it
is long we need it to be thick for strength.
So that's the blade part, looking good, and now we need to add a handle.
I am just going to use the same silicon and rearrange that to make a handle shape and
that part that sticks out on one side, it's like an extra bit of the blade.
Make a fresh batch of sugar mixture and pour it in.
And again it's going to need something to support it in place or it moves out.
Once it is set we can take off the mold.
But no actually I can't take it off, it's stuck.
One of the jigsaw piece bits is stuck in the sugar well and truly.
Now we've broken the handle bit off.
Don't worry if you have a disaster like that just cook up another small batch of sugar,
dip it in and put the handle back into place.
Pour a little more over the top for strength and that will be good.
Now that it's all set and cooled, brush the whole sword with silver luster dust and you
can see those patterns that you drew really stand out now.
If you want your sword to actually be sharp at one end, then boil some water and place
the tip of the sword in for a few moments then pull it out and shape the tip to make
a point.
If it's not soft enough then just pop it back in for another moment.
Now I've wrapped the rest of the sword in baking paper and plastic wrap to protect it
from the steam so it doesn't go sticky.
With this end, it is going to be sticky so once you've finished shaping it just spray
it with some cooking oil and rub that over it before you rebrush it with silver.
Now for a super cheap Gamora look, buy the cheapest pale foundation you can find at the
shops and mix it with some washable non-toxic kids paint to colour it green.
Just check with some paint on your fingers first to check it washes right off and doesn't
stain your skin green, unless you want a green tinge.
And then it will be good to use if it doesn't stain.
Mixing it with the foundation just gives it a good coverage over your face and stops it
from drying and cracking.
If you've got face paints you could use those or expensive special effects makeup you could
of course use that.
But if not, this is a cheap solution.
Mix a slightly darker tone of green and add it down each side of the nose and under the
cheekbone to give a bit more of that chiselled look.
And now get the cheapest mixed coloured palette of eye shadow available and use the silver
on the eyelid and blend in some pink.
And use some green eyeshadow for lipstick.
You could go and buy a green lipstick here but I'm just trying to keep the cost down
if you're just trying to dress up for a particular party, you don't want to go and buy heaps
of makeup that you're not going to use again.
Add some black eyeliner and false lashes and you're ready for scars.
Use a fine paint brush to add silver lines in the pattern.
Then use some black or dark grey eyeshadow just under that to one side to make the scars
stand out so they look a bit more 3D.
Brush some pink eyeshadow onto you hair - this will just give you a little bit of colour
- and it's ideal if you want it to wash out in one wash if you need your hair back to
normal colour for school or work the next day.
It just comes straight out.
Green definitely does not suit me so I'm off for a shower and I'm going to let Matt loose
with the sword.
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Make it a great week and I'll see you Friday.
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