Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 12 2017

Sungjin: Hello, I'm DAY6 Sungjin.

For this May's song, we tried a little cooler and brighter music.

We wanted to make a song, which has a festival mood.

So we started to make a title song 'DANCE DANCE' for May.

Because we usually live with a lot of stress,

Whatever the reason is study or work…

So we live with a lot of stress.

And we wish you would lay down that stress,

In this moment, the moment when you are listening to this song,

We ask you to focus on this song and just dance together.

So the song is what we just told you.

Young K: The scenes we are now shooting are…

We dance and make a song together, practice,

And play… Such scenes will be in M/V.

Dowoon: Like "Freely," I think we could make another exciting song to hop around.

Seriously, DAY6 members are really talented.

There are many things I could learn… and I really love them so much.

Everyone, so would you mind dancing together with our "DANCE DANCE" in this May?

Okay~ You guys are ready~

Jae: We finally finished M/V shooting.

We will make a come back with a good song, so we look forward to your love and interest.

Wish a good luck in this month, too.

Fighting! Let's go!

For more infomation >> DAY6 "DANCE DANCE" M/V Making Video - Duration: 4:23.


Все о хранении в морозилке, пакетах фрекен бок, глажке и многое другое... Ответы на ваши вопросы # - Duration: 11:48.

For more infomation >> Все о хранении в морозилке, пакетах фрекен бок, глажке и многое другое... Ответы на ваши вопросы # - Duration: 11:48.


Пасхалки в играх #22 [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> Пасхалки в играх #22 [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 11:27.


Ewan McGregor Talks Possibility of Another Star Wars Movie - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Ewan McGregor Talks Possibility of Another Star Wars Movie - Duration: 2:32.


Guardians of The Galaxy 2 SUGAR SWORD How To Cook That Ann Reardon - Duration: 8:38.

Welcome to HowToCookThat I'm Ann Reardon and this week we are making an edible candy sword

in the shape of Gamora's sword from Guardians of the Galaxy.

To make the candy we need water, sugar, glucose syrup, food colouring and flavouring.

I am using cotton candy flavour, you can use whatever you like.

Add the water to the sugar in a large pan and then pour in the sticky glucose syrup,

now you can swap this for light corn syrup if you can't get glucose syrup and I'll put

all of these recipe details on the website for you and there's a link to that


I have been super impressed, just blown away, by all the photos you guys have been submitting

lately on the website of things that you have made.

Hannah made the sugar bowls and filled them with strawberries, Becky made a beautiful

blue sugar bowl.

Hector made the candy goedes.

Katelyn well done on making the Giant Snickers, looks awesome!

And look at Lana's Converse Shoe Cake that she made for her Mum, she's only 12 years

old, this is amazing!

Anna did the best bunch of chocolate strawberry roses that I've seen.

And Angela, Harumi, Julie and Sonia all made great Cars cakes.

And the boys are even getting in on the action...

Dan made this Hello Kitty cake and Mark made the Millenium Falcon for his son.

They look great.

And Autumn you did an awesome job making the Belle cake, she looks beautiful.

I'll put a link to all those tutorials below and I mustn't forget as well to say thank

you for all the mail that you've been sending.

Eveything in the PO box, all the letters and the drawings I really appreciate those it's

like getting hugs in the mail everytime I go to the PO box.

So thank you, thank you, thank you for those.

Place your pot over high heat and stir until it begins to boil.

And then wash down all that sugar from the sides of the pan, if you don't do this the

sugar crystals can make the rest of the solution crystalize again and that will make it go


It won't be strong and clear.

Add a candy thermometer to the side of the pan and you want to boil it until it reaches


Now while that is heating we need to make a mold.

I am going to use a piece of wood covered in foil and this silicone cake mold thingy

that you can join together, a bit like a jigsaw puzzle to make different shapes.

Then we're going to need some strength to our candy so let's add a clean wooden pole

down the centre.

Now I am a bit concerned that this silicon mold might tip over or move when we pour in

the sugar but we'll give it a go.

Once the sugar reaches 150C add in the colouring of your choice and the flavouring and stir

it slowly until all the bubbles have subsided.

Then pour that into the mold.

And yes, you can see it there, it is spreading out we will have to try and fix that in a


Put the board up on a slope so the blade is thinner at the pointy end.

Then try and push the edges back in to make the sword thinner.

If you're making this, then I'd suggest getting some wood supports and nailing that into place

on the other side of the silicon just to stop that spreading out there.

Once the sugar solution is starting to cool make an indent down the tip, so that it splits

that into two.

Now if that closes over right away wait for a few more minutes and do it again.

And you'll want to do the same at the handle end where it's got a hole in the sword there


Now this is also the time that you can add a pattern to your sword, if you look at a

picture it has lines criss-crossing down it and a bit of a pattern on it and the handle

end has little indents over it.

Leave that for several hours to cool down completely and then remove your silicone.

If you've got any rough edges you can shave them off using a knife.

Now obviously this is quite thick for a sword but because it is made out of sugar and it

is long we need it to be thick for strength.

So that's the blade part, looking good, and now we need to add a handle.

I am just going to use the same silicon and rearrange that to make a handle shape and

that part that sticks out on one side, it's like an extra bit of the blade.

Make a fresh batch of sugar mixture and pour it in.

And again it's going to need something to support it in place or it moves out.

Once it is set we can take off the mold.

But no actually I can't take it off, it's stuck.

One of the jigsaw piece bits is stuck in the sugar well and truly.

Now we've broken the handle bit off.

Don't worry if you have a disaster like that just cook up another small batch of sugar,

dip it in and put the handle back into place.

Pour a little more over the top for strength and that will be good.

Now that it's all set and cooled, brush the whole sword with silver luster dust and you

can see those patterns that you drew really stand out now.

If you want your sword to actually be sharp at one end, then boil some water and place

the tip of the sword in for a few moments then pull it out and shape the tip to make

a point.

If it's not soft enough then just pop it back in for another moment.

Now I've wrapped the rest of the sword in baking paper and plastic wrap to protect it

from the steam so it doesn't go sticky.

With this end, it is going to be sticky so once you've finished shaping it just spray

it with some cooking oil and rub that over it before you rebrush it with silver.

Now for a super cheap Gamora look, buy the cheapest pale foundation you can find at the

shops and mix it with some washable non-toxic kids paint to colour it green.

Just check with some paint on your fingers first to check it washes right off and doesn't

stain your skin green, unless you want a green tinge.

And then it will be good to use if it doesn't stain.

Mixing it with the foundation just gives it a good coverage over your face and stops it

from drying and cracking.

If you've got face paints you could use those or expensive special effects makeup you could

of course use that.

But if not, this is a cheap solution.

Mix a slightly darker tone of green and add it down each side of the nose and under the

cheekbone to give a bit more of that chiselled look.

And now get the cheapest mixed coloured palette of eye shadow available and use the silver

on the eyelid and blend in some pink.

And use some green eyeshadow for lipstick.

You could go and buy a green lipstick here but I'm just trying to keep the cost down

if you're just trying to dress up for a particular party, you don't want to go and buy heaps

of makeup that you're not going to use again.

Add some black eyeliner and false lashes and you're ready for scars.

Use a fine paint brush to add silver lines in the pattern.

Then use some black or dark grey eyeshadow just under that to one side to make the scars

stand out so they look a bit more 3D.

Brush some pink eyeshadow onto you hair - this will just give you a little bit of colour

- and it's ideal if you want it to wash out in one wash if you need your hair back to

normal colour for school or work the next day.

It just comes straight out.

Green definitely does not suit me so I'm off for a shower and I'm going to let Matt loose

with the sword.

Subscribe and press the bell to turn on notifications for HowToCookThat.

Make it a great week and I'll see you Friday.

For more infomation >> Guardians of The Galaxy 2 SUGAR SWORD How To Cook That Ann Reardon - Duration: 8:38.


Ewan McGregor on Playing Two Characters in Fargo - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Ewan McGregor on Playing Two Characters in Fargo - Duration: 5:29.


Ewan McGregor on Gaining Weight for Fargo - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Ewan McGregor on Gaining Weight for Fargo - Duration: 2:36.


Undertale "The Gift" - Sneak Peek | Animation - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Undertale "The Gift" - Sneak Peek | Animation - Duration: 1:49.


Hamilton the Musical - YOU'LL BE BACK in Real Life King George - [FULL LYRICS] - Duration: 3:49.

You say the price of my love's not a price that you're willing to pay

You'll cry in your tea which you hurled in the sea when you see me go by

Why so sad?

Remember we made an arrangement when you went away

Now you're making me mad Remember despite our estrangement,

I'm your man

You'll be back Soon you'll see

You'll remember you belong to me You'll be back

Time will tell You'll remember that I served you well

Oceans rise, empires fall We have seen each other through it all

And when push comes to shove, I will send fully armed battalion to remind

you of my love

Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

Dada da da dayada

Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

Dada da da da

You say our love is draining and you can't go on

You'll be the one complaining when I am gone

And, no don't change the subject

'Cause you're my favorite subject

My sweet submissive subjects

my loyal, royal subjects

Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever

You'll be back Like before

I will fight the fight and win the war

For your love

For your praise And I'll love you till my dying days

When you're gone, I'll go mad So don't throw away this thing we had

'Cause when push comes to shove I will kill your friends and family

to remind you of my love

Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

Dada da da dayada

Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

Dada da


Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

Dada da da dayada

Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

If you would like to see more Hamilton videos please share this one.

Oh and don't forget to ring the bell.

We'll be back - bye bye

Thanks for watching Hamilton the musical "You'll be Back" with lyrics

For more infomation >> Hamilton the Musical - YOU'LL BE BACK in Real Life King George - [FULL LYRICS] - Duration: 3:49.


RAIN vs BRIGHT, MAN vs TRUCK & CONFUSED DAY - Duration: 7:14.

Brighter here

Start Drizlle

seriously ?

it was bright bro

and i still move.

right there bright, right here rain


I think I am in the middle of this confusing phenomenon

let's try again

guys, And here it rained heavily


sorry, you must moving to the right side


it's make me feel so confused.

bright in other side, but rainy here.

Today the streets are very smooth due to the national holiday. LABOR DAY

It seems like I should be a little faster

bright again in this area

I'm grateful because the streets today is smooth, unlike Monday usually.



today it's a.....

confused day

I was hesitant to use a raincoat

you see, dry in this road

I do not know what to say

If I wear a raincoat and get here dry I definitely feel annoyed

Raincoat it's hot for body

Crazy day

rain again ?

i don't think so

really, it started raining here


go or not ? ok i go

For more infomation >> RAIN vs BRIGHT, MAN vs TRUCK & CONFUSED DAY - Duration: 7:14.


Episode 6 - The Making of Symbolica - Efteling - Duration: 6:46.

Efteling has a rich history concerning special attractions for all ages.

This summer, the newest and...

...largest covered family attraction will be added to that impressive list: Symbolica.

Building activities are in full swing at the Palace of Fantasy, which will open its doors on 1 July 2017.

This is the sixth episode of The Making of Symbolica.

His Majesty King Pardulfus Domerano.

Report from your faithful lackey O.J. Punctuel, who is your faithful servant always.

Now the building of your palace nears its completion... will be very pleased that at this stage the utmost care is taken with the...

...landscaping of the green spaces and the gardens.

The aim is to create a harmonious fusion of the palace and its surroundings.

We are now in the finishing phase regarding the decor and the structure...

...we are dotting the last i's both for the exterior as for the interior.

That means that we are now also getting to the phase in which...

...we will be bringing all we have created to life, in the programming of the show.

The landscape design is now really taking shape and has been...

...developed in harmony with the building's design.

For instance, you are now still seeing a reasonably bare building.

The planting in the towers, and later at the edge of the roof, will soon ensure...

...colourful, fresh and green components to the cream coloured building.

What is very important when designing the planting within Efteling... that you take all seasons into account.

It starts with the design team, together we think about:

what do we want for this attraction? Which colours fit with that and how will the building look?

Based on that we look at which types of planting fit best.

We look at the seasons, when do certain plants flower... we have colour during every season.

I involve my colleagues who will have to manage the planting in later on... order to see what the best choices are.

That way, we are certain that when the project is finished... will retain the same image for many years.

Now the building is nearly finished, it is time to program and test all of Symbolica's show technology...

...including movement, light, music, sound, and other effects.

Here we are standing in Almar's work room, where he studies the universe.

The largest challenge of the project now is the interplay.

Everything must now come together. We must make sure that we complete all show controls.

Soon, all disciplines will come together.

The next three weeks we are working on the lighting and the sounds, apart from each other...

...after that it has to start working together and must become a single system.

The show control is actually the operating system which links...

...all show elements together and which produces a beautiful show.

This is not as it is in a theatre where someone is manning the control panel all day long... switch on the light at the right moment, to start the soundtrack...

...or to release a plume of smoke.

Here everything has to be automated, and that happens in a show control.

The pursuit is, your Majesty, for the gardens and the planting to be a feast for the eyes... all seasons and in all weather. I will continue to personally ascertain that this is so.

We have a building of 197 by 214 feet.

That means that you have a seriously large roof surface.

And of course we have the Pagode, which offers a view of the park...

...but also specifically of the roof of Symbolica.

We thought this was a good occasion to do something special with the roof.

Efteling has been involved with sustainability for quite some time, and a solar panel roof fits in with this.

In the first instance we, as designers, found this a bit difficult, because a solar panel roof...

...on Symbolica is of course quite technical and not very esthetical.

But we also saw this as a chance, because when you look at the palace gardens of Versailles... see that such a palace has very beautiful ornamental gardens.

We have tried to make a roof garden on the roof of Symbolica...

...strongly inspired by such palace gardens.

Which means that if you look at the roof from the Pagode you will think: wow!

And in this way, the roof is integrated into the design of everything...

...which we have made here in an esthetically responsible way.

We are working on the lighting, this is the first day the lamps are lit...

and that we can see what the atmosphere will be.

After Baron 1898, this is the second attraction in Efteling which we are fully executing with LED lighting.

You take an important step with this. The energy use is enormously reduced, the cabling is simpler and you...

...need smaller control boxes. Apart from that these lamps require less maintenance.

We switch the lamps on now, and in ten years time they will still burn.

We are now in a very fun but also exhilarating phase.

We now have all thirty-four vehicles in the attraction...

...and very soon, if everything goes faultlessly, we will be able to ride in them.

We have been looking at drawings and computer screens for two years...

...where you see all vehicles driving around as little dots in the way we invented.

Also the rotation of a vehicle.

The vehicle may at this time driving straight ahead, but it may be that in future you rotate there.

Now that we see the vehicles drive around, we notice things like:

Oh, that is too fast here, and that one should turn sooner.

But we will only really see how things are when we board...

...and then all lines of sight are very important, too.

We have six positions in the vehicle, the front and back seat, the back is a bit higher...

...what can you see or not see from each position?

Very thrilling, but also a lot of fun! Is is all about to come together now.

Now the moment of opening is very quickly approaching...

...I will ensure that everything is done to make the last preparations... you will be able to receive your first visitors for an audience in a fitting manner.

With the highest esteem, Your ever-faithful servant, O.J. Punctuel.

Subscribe to the Efteling YouTube channel and don't miss a single video of 'The Making-of Symbolica.'

For more infomation >> Episode 6 - The Making of Symbolica - Efteling - Duration: 6:46.


The Cheapest Cat Tunnel - Duration: 7:08.


Goboogi! How can you get out?

Backward walking?

I expect this!

Chobee! Your bro is super cute.

Hey! Hey! He stops his bro.

Chobee, your bro is the cutest cat in the world.

Oh! Chobee wants to get in.

Chobee is getting in?

Chobee, it looks too small for you.

Can you?

No, you can't LoL

My Chobee is too big. Oh? Re-try?

Give up.

Ok, you failed.

Chobee re-tries.

Can you make it, Chobee?

Chobee gets in.

How can you get out?

Chobee, there is no exit.

Oh? He's getting out. Out, out, out.

His hairs are messed up.

Hairs are raised.

My cats are sooo cute.


Is it not curious because you can see the other side?

It will be super cute if we can record walking cats in this box.


That will happen actually.

Aww what are you doing?

So good? Goboogi really likes it.

Aww pretty.

He's looking at the plastic bag.

In my hand.

Chobee, you are too big.

Aww cute.

Chobee is coming!

Chobee is coming.

Chobee's but is at the front of Goboogi's face. Goboogi hates it.

Chobee is coming.

Chobee, will you come to here? No?

Aww Goboogi's ear is backward.

Chobee is too chubby to get in there.


No, he's too chubby.

Chobee, come on.

How can I make him getting in? How about using a toy?

He's a genius-

What a smart kitty.

You are so smart.

Because of Norwegian forest cat's blood.

What a cute butt.


Coming here is good choice.

Oh? He moves forward.


Super cute.


Aw my Chobee passes through the box.

From start to the end. You are faster than your bro.

He passes such long box. Oh? Again? Do you like it?

He enjoys to pass it.

Where is Chobee?

Oh, you there.

He's almost done.


You are excited to pass it.

So funny?


You really like it.

It's the cheapest cat tunnel in the world.


Cost-effectiveness is so good.

Come here. Let me take sleeps from your eyes.

Eww, last piece.

My baby can't move.

We can brush his tooth now.

My baby is stuck.


You can't run away whatever I do.

You can't move.

Stuck? Can't you move?

Do you like there? Cute.


We cannot throw the box.


Why did we buy the cat tunnel?

So cute.

4 AM

It's mine.

Goboogi is success to pass through.

For more infomation >> The Cheapest Cat Tunnel - Duration: 7:08.


Ernie Ball: String Theory - Emil Bulls - Duration: 5:41.

Hi, we are Emil Bulls from Munich. My name's Andy, I play guitar.

I'm Christoph, the singer who also doubles a phantom guitar player.

I started playing the guitar after spotting a Kirk Hammet poster,

which I took from a magazine and hung on a wall.

I thought is was so cool, and decided that's what I wanted to do.

As for me, I started playing the guitar

after noticing a — let's say — strange contraption on the wall at home.

It turned out to be an acoustic guitar, and I somehow understood

that it was meant to play music.

A little later, one of my classmates sold me his old electric guitar and amplifier,

and I have never looked back since.

The first set of guitar strings was the cheapest one I could find.

At the time, I wasn't really interested in what they did or didn't do.

Only later did I realize that trying out different strings

might have an effect on my sound. So I bought a few sets and at some stage,

I noticed that Ernie Ball strings were just right for me.

I haven't tried other brands since.

My first set came with my first guitar,

and back then I just thought: OK, a guitar needs to have strings

to make some noise, but they stay there forever. I think I kept the same strings for several years.

Now, with hindsight, and given that they never broke,

I think they were actually Ernie Ball strings.

Anything else would have snapped at some stage.

What I like about Ernie Ball strings is that the sets are pretty balanced

—I mean, each string feels just right. None of the strings pops out or

gives you the impression that, say, the G string is obnoxious or feels out of place.

They have an excellent attack, and when I'm sweating on stage,

I wouldn't want a string to slip away during a bending.

I believe they have a rather good grip.

Over the years, the "Regular Slinky" set has become my favorite, I mean the 56~13 gauge.

As a songwriter and producer, I have noticed

that they allow me to change my tunings.

From my standard "Drop B" tuning,

I can easily move down to "A" or up to "C".

I mean, the string tension stays acceptable.

My fourth string is still wound, providing a better grip and

enhanced tuning stability.

This is a pretty universally usable set

that I can only recommend.

In my case, even low tunings should

have little or no effect on my attack.

I hate it when the sound becomes woolly or fluffy

The attack is always important, especially for low tunings.

I found that the strings play an important part in this.

And to those who have ever noticed significant sonic changes in the studio

and a dull sound on the second or third day, I say: try putting on new strings.

That's really important for the sound, especially in the studio.

Only fresh strings can provide a crisp sound

with loads of attack, if that is what you are looking for.

Don't waste your time tweaking and retweaking your amp settings. That won't really help.

For more infomation >> Ernie Ball: String Theory - Emil Bulls - Duration: 5:41.


[MV]ハンディキャップ/まふまふ【オリジナル曲】 - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> [MV]ハンディキャップ/まふまふ【オリジナル曲】 - Duration: 4:07.


Charlie Chaplin Sings Nonsense Song (Titine) - Modern Times - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Charlie Chaplin Sings Nonsense Song (Titine) - Modern Times - Duration: 4:54.


Introducing the new Nissan X-Trail, ready for new adventures - Duration: 2:31.

The Nissan X-Trail stays true to its DNA but keeps evolving.

It's a true SUV that can take on any terrain.

We are taking it to the next level

with Nissan's design signatures featuring clearly in the exterior.

While the interior is more sophisticated giving you a premium feel.

The evolution does not end there.

It's more intelligent, making your drive safer.

No matter how diverse your lifestyles are,

the X-Trail, equipped with Nissan's latest technology is your ultimate companion.

For more infomation >> Introducing the new Nissan X-Trail, ready for new adventures - Duration: 2:31.


[SFM Overwatch] What a lovely Mei - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> [SFM Overwatch] What a lovely Mei - Duration: 0:16.


David & Kenny lost in Spain - Broken DRZ + France Streetrace| Part 7 - Duration: 8:02.

Good morning out of the house of our lovely friend.

Got a pretty nice view.

Lets see what they up to.

9 in the morning do some gaming ! :D

Back from the spot.

David is allready riding with some locals.

Look at this.

Everywhere is glass. I can't understand it.

All the stuntriders out of Barcelona used to ride here.

A club opened there and the people keep throwing their glas in here.

Huge spot you could do anything here.

But somehow the people like to throw their bottlers here.

But anyways we ride here now on the street.

Hello friends of the tasteful entertainment.

We are still here at the stuntspot and did some action.

And what happened... David got his rearframe a new style.

Lets call it streetfighter look :D

And ofcause the shifter kissed the alternator cover.

Oil is comming out like shit.

We try to fix it with come cold metal.

Lets ask David.

David. How do we fix it ?

I got a lot of Hubba Bubba with me.

Babe is wounded.


Dude whaaattt.

Whole crack in here...

I think i can't ride anymore.

Try to fix it so no oil comes out.

so much oil...

Maybe i ride anyways... :D

How long does it take ?... 1 hour.

So after David crashed i did the same... :D

On the exact same spot...

Akra got some damage.

But thats all.

Diddn't let her fly on the side.

I show you how.

On this spot we rode. See some marks over here.

This groove was why.

So you can see exacly how it happened.

This is my trail. I came from this way.

Did a 12 O'clock here.

And this thing undermined me.

So you can see there the tracks.

placed it here.


and here.

And than like this. Stopped her here.

David was the same in the other direction.

So we both got fucked by this groove.

So he placed here.. here and here.

And went like this... crashed somewhere there.

What do you learn from it ?

Allways look where you ride. Search for Manhole covers and grooves.

Because even the people who think they don't crash... Do crash.

If you know what i mean.

We both had protection on.

otherwise he both had some serious injurys on our knies and ass.

So protection, even if you think you are the king does make sense !

So i show you Davids bike.

Is now a streetfigher.

Its dry until now. Made with Coldmetal

Same like 2 components of adhesive.

We will start the bike tomorrow lets see how it works.

Maybe we will ride some curves.

Hey guys im back from the border from Spain to France.

Its very windy hope you can heare me.

We are here because of the nice curves.

Look there is an M (BMW)

I need to change my sproket. Got an 12 on here. Not so good for riding curves.

David is fixing his bike aswell.

After that we get on the bike.

For more infomation >> David & Kenny lost in Spain - Broken DRZ + France Streetrace| Part 7 - Duration: 8:02.


Wegen Falschaussagen: AWZ-Star Tom Barcal dachte an Selbstmord! - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Wegen Falschaussagen: AWZ-Star Tom Barcal dachte an Selbstmord! - Duration: 0:49.


Young people taking more interest in politics - Duration: 2:08.

Young people are very political if they're affected directly.

It's good to feel this force.

We want to achieve something for our future and our society.

Young people united in protest -

we've seen it in the past but not for some time.

Taking to the streets to fight for their needs,

says political scientist Lukas Golder,

will be important again for the youngest generation.

Those born after 2000

went through puberty with a smartphone in their hand,

they learned how to portray themselves

and especially how to make demands.

When they want something they demand it clearly,

they take to the streets.

These young people are dynamic and more rebellious.

Brexit or the election of Donald Trump as US President -

it's often foreign policy that mobilises young people.

With foreign policy it's often the case that they feel helpless.

This is true in particular of wars.

It mobilised many youth movements, you feel the helplessness.

It drives young people onto the streets.

It's also a very emotional thing and you have the feeling

that you can't change anything in your own environment.

And that's when the protests start.

Indeed, political engagement among

young people has recently been on the rise again.

Many youth parties are seeing their member numbers rise.

Operation Libero has advanced to become

a political player at the national level.

And the Women's March in Zurich was organised by young people

and publicised through social media.

That's what's exciting about the new media.

It's easy and inexpensive to network

and suddenly to move very large crowds.

But the logical conclusion,

really being able to challenge the ruling structures -

and young people know this -

means long-term commitment to a movement.

So far, the student protests have not been mass events.

But the new political youth is only just awakening.

For more infomation >> Young people taking more interest in politics - Duration: 2:08.


Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT Trend.AUTOMAAT.EATC.PDC.21483KM. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.6 TI-VCT Trend.AUTOMAAT.EATC.PDC.21483KM. - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Style Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Style Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


Koopwoning: Kortekade 33 b, Rotterdam - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Koopwoning: Kortekade 33 b, Rotterdam - Duration: 0:59.


Koopappartement: Jacob Catsstraat 4 b, Rotterdam - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Koopappartement: Jacob Catsstraat 4 b, Rotterdam - Duration: 0:50.


The Elder Scrolls Online - How to get kicked from Disenfranchised - Duration: 10:35.

For more infomation >> The Elder Scrolls Online - How to get kicked from Disenfranchised - Duration: 10:35.


RAIN vs BRIGHT, MAN vs TRUCK & CONFUSED DAY - Duration: 7:14.

Brighter here

Start Drizlle

seriously ?

it was bright bro

and i still move.

right there bright, right here rain


I think I am in the middle of this confusing phenomenon

let's try again

guys, And here it rained heavily


sorry, you must moving to the right side


it's make me feel so confused.

bright in other side, but rainy here.

Today the streets are very smooth due to the national holiday. LABOR DAY

It seems like I should be a little faster

bright again in this area

I'm grateful because the streets today is smooth, unlike Monday usually.



today it's a.....

confused day

I was hesitant to use a raincoat

you see, dry in this road

I do not know what to say

If I wear a raincoat and get here dry I definitely feel annoyed

Raincoat it's hot for body

Crazy day

rain again ?

i don't think so

really, it started raining here


go or not ? ok i go

For more infomation >> RAIN vs BRIGHT, MAN vs TRUCK & CONFUSED DAY - Duration: 7:14.


Japan Tokyo haircut Metro Government building overview, Shrine | FollowMike - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Japan Tokyo haircut Metro Government building overview, Shrine | FollowMike - Duration: 7:03.


Escuela de Circo Fratellini 02, francia, Escuelas de circo de la FEDEC - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Escuela de Circo Fratellini 02, francia, Escuelas de circo de la FEDEC - Duration: 3:01.


The Surge - Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:26.

Don't you want to wake up to a brighter future?

Isn't that what everyone wants?

We can all make a difference.

Rig installation program.

Log 5:

They consume and process the organic matter they find.

Log 6:

There's a pattern here.

it's not just a system anymore.

It's alive.

Log 8:

It's not just building structures anymore.

It's creating...

creating life.

For more infomation >> The Surge - Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:26.


For more infomation >> The Surge - Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:26.


DAY6 "DANCE DANCE" M/V Making Video - Duration: 4:23.

Sungjin: Hello, I'm DAY6 Sungjin.

For this May's song, we tried a little cooler and brighter music.

We wanted to make a song, which has a festival mood.

So we started to make a title song 'DANCE DANCE' for May.

Because we usually live with a lot of stress,

Whatever the reason is study or work…

So we live with a lot of stress.

And we wish you would lay down that stress,

In this moment, the moment when you are listening to this song,

We ask you to focus on this song and just dance together.

So the song is what we just told you.

Young K: The scenes we are now shooting are…

We dance and make a song together, practice,

And play… Such scenes will be in M/V.

Dowoon: Like "Freely," I think we could make another exciting song to hop around.

Seriously, DAY6 members are really talented.

There are many things I could learn… and I really love them so much.

Everyone, so would you mind dancing together with our "DANCE DANCE" in this May?

Okay~ You guys are ready~

Jae: We finally finished M/V shooting.

We will make a come back with a good song, so we look forward to your love and interest.

Wish a good luck in this month, too.

Fighting! Let's go!

For more infomation >> DAY6 "DANCE DANCE" M/V Making Video - Duration: 4:23.


Xayah Outplay | "I'm F** Gosu!" :O - Duration: 0:25.

Thanks, I'm fucking Gosu. Which way?

Dat way!

For more infomation >> Xayah Outplay | "I'm F** Gosu!" :O - Duration: 0:25.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 250 4MATIC Automaat (grijs kenteken) - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 250 4MATIC Automaat (grijs kenteken) - Duration: 1:02.


Hamilton the Musical - YOU'LL BE BACK in Real Life King George - [FULL LYRICS] - Duration: 3:49.

You say the price of my love's not a price that you're willing to pay

You'll cry in your tea which you hurled in the sea when you see me go by

Why so sad?

Remember we made an arrangement when you went away

Now you're making me mad Remember despite our estrangement,

I'm your man

You'll be back Soon you'll see

You'll remember you belong to me You'll be back

Time will tell You'll remember that I served you well

Oceans rise, empires fall We have seen each other through it all

And when push comes to shove, I will send fully armed battalion to remind

you of my love

Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

Dada da da dayada

Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

Dada da da da

You say our love is draining and you can't go on

You'll be the one complaining when I am gone

And, no don't change the subject

'Cause you're my favorite subject

My sweet submissive subjects

my loyal, royal subjects

Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever

You'll be back Like before

I will fight the fight and win the war

For your love

For your praise And I'll love you till my dying days

When you're gone, I'll go mad So don't throw away this thing we had

'Cause when push comes to shove I will kill your friends and family

to remind you of my love

Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

Dada da da dayada

Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

Dada da


Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

Dada da da dayada

Da dada da da Da dadada dayada

If you would like to see more Hamilton videos please share this one.

Oh and don't forget to ring the bell.

We'll be back - bye bye

Thanks for watching Hamilton the musical "You'll be Back" with lyrics

For more infomation >> Hamilton the Musical - YOU'LL BE BACK in Real Life King George - [FULL LYRICS] - Duration: 3:49.


RC CELTA VIGO - TACTICS - ⚽UEFA Europa League Revelation 16/17⚽ (sub ENG/ITA) Match Analysis - Duration: 9:49.


Action beginning: the maneuver is set predominantly by kick the ball forward to the AF, in this case Guidetti (9), which is the most physical player.

Action beginning: when the GK starts the maneuver, he kicks the ball forward.


Action developing: the action is mainly developed by passing the ball to the central areas.


Action finalizing: the action is more focused on the central ways, through exchanges and proactive movements of the strikers.

Action finalizing: if the situation permits it, the MC will also join to give their support during this phase.


Positive transition: once the possession is recovered, the team is not in a hurry to push to attack, but reorganizes the maneuver with calm and order.


Negative transition: when the ball is lost, the players try immediately to close the spaces to limit the opponent's play.


Phase of NOT possession: the team adopts an ultra-offensive pressing style, keeping its 1-4-3-3.


Corner kick in favor: low pass towards the player who arrives and that will pass the ball back.

Corner kick in favor: cross in the box toward the indicated movements.


Corner kick against: mixed marking with 6 players marking the man and the rest marking the zone

Corner kick against: mixed marking.


Lateral free kick in favor (middle range): cross in the box toward the indicated movements.


Lateral free kick against (long range): mixed marking with 4 players marking the man and the others marking the zone.


Central free kick in favor (middle range): shot to the goal with 4 players at the box's border, ready to go on the rebound.


Central free kick in against (middle range): barrier plus zone marking on a line.


The choral offensive phase gave the team some dangerous opportunities, through the exchanges between the strokers who showed great agreement.

Guidetti (9) hHas proved to be a determining factor in the attack, as he has caused several damages to the opponents thanks to his passes and his conclusions.

The team is very efficient during the negative transition phase, during which it can regain many possessions thanks to the closures of the spaces.


The team had troubles because of attacks of the opponents from the external zones, due to distractions in the markings.

The team proved to be easy to counteract during the positive transition phase, because the rhythms adopted were often too slow, allowing the opponents to reorganize themselves and getting in numerical superiority.

Opting for the long throw to start the maneuver, has caused the lost of several possessions, as the opponent defense has almost always managed these long passes.

For more infomation >> RC CELTA VIGO - TACTICS - ⚽UEFA Europa League Revelation 16/17⚽ (sub ENG/ITA) Match Analysis - Duration: 9:49.


【猫のにゃっちのこと】慢性腎不全とこれから(2017.5) Somali cat Nyacchi has a kidney disease (May 2017) - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> 【猫のにゃっちのこと】慢性腎不全とこれから(2017.5) Somali cat Nyacchi has a kidney disease (May 2017) - Duration: 1:31.


(中字&ENG SUB) PRODUCE 101 단독 선공개 드디어 포지션 평가!ㅣ프로듀스101 시즌2 6화 170512 - Duration: 3:03.

The third assessment is ... the position assessment.

Today's assessment consists of Rap, dance and singing, respectively

I am going to tell you the voting method and rules, which are the most important

You (over 1000 audiences who are sitting here) are going to vote one of the 60 trainees

Now, the voting start

kim donghyun

Noh Taehyun

Jung Sewoon

The voting ends

Now, stages of 60 trainees start

For more infomation >> (中字&ENG SUB) PRODUCE 101 단독 선공개 드디어 포지션 평가!ㅣ프로듀스101 시즌2 6화 170512 - Duration: 3:03.


Are you missing out on capturing feedback from your patients? - Duration: 1:04.

Are you missing out on capturing feedback from your patients?

believe me you're leaving a gold mine of information on the table

Information that you would really use to improve your business.

Hi, i'm Kushal from Omoto and I am working recently with the CEO of a chain of hospitals

I realised that while NABH mandates you to capture feedback from your patients.

A lot of teams are struggling to encourage patients to leave a genuine feedback

Folks your patient feedback is a gold mine of information, it can really help you improve

your business but while its important, what is equally

important is for you to sensitise the team on the importance of customer experience.

You need to provide them with the right tools, systems and strategies to work on your patient feedback.

CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW and get some of these

strategies for yourself. Also get a handbook on what NABH mandates

you to capture feedback from a patients and a guideline on that

click on the link and I will see you soon with the next video.

For more infomation >> Are you missing out on capturing feedback from your patients? - Duration: 1:04.


Mirador de Los Castañares, Benadalid. Málaga - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Mirador de Los Castañares, Benadalid. Málaga - Duration: 0:47.


Bruno Mars "When I Was Your Man" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 3:48.

Bruno Mars "When I Was Your Man" (karaoke+chords)

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