Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 13 2017

Hi it's Taya Smith from Hillsong Worship and today's devotion is about how we've got everything

that we need to sing.

In Revelation 21:3 it says "Look!

God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them.

They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God."

In this life, we aren't actually promised a perfect life.

We're actually told by Jesus in the bible that we're going to have trouble, but we're

told to take heart because he's overcome the world.

There should be nothing in our lives that takes the place of God, there shouldn't be

any lack in a season of waiting, a season of loss that actually overwhelms God because

it doesn't take him by surprise and he's not overwhelmed.

But actually we should allow Him to overwhelm our problem, and instead look forward to the

fulfilment of our hope which is eternity in the presence of God.

In the song 'As It Is' there's a line that says "and while I'm waiting, I'm not waiting,

I know heaven lives in me".

I feel like it perfectly describes the tension between what we believe and what we hope for

but sometimes the reality of what we see here and now.

Often waiting seems to hold a sense of lack and of unrest and maybe even fear of the unknown,

yet nothing should be stealing our peace.

We should actually be allowing the promises of God to dispell the tension of waiting and

of lack because we actually have so much, because we have Jesus.

So if you find yourself in a season of waiting or a season of lack, take heart, be encouraged

and allow the goodness of God to overwhelm you and take hold of his promises for you today

And whether this side of eternity or the next, where the waiting meets the promise, you've

got all you need to sing.

For more infomation >> You've Got All You Need To Sing (YouVersion Devotional) - Taya Smith - Duration: 3:23.


What Is A Puncheur? | Road Racing Explained - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> What Is A Puncheur? | Road Racing Explained - Duration: 1:09.


Chapter 4 / 4.Kısım ''LadyButterly'' Part 3 / Bölüm 3 Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Chapter 4 / 4.Kısım ''LadyButterly'' Part 3 / Bölüm 3 Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:41.


Liberty University Commencement 2017 - Live! - Duration: 3:25:45.

For more infomation >> Liberty University Commencement 2017 - Live! - Duration: 3:25:45.


Where Are The Asian Borders? (Part 2: Europe!) - Duration: 10:53.

*I'm Kento Bento*

This video is sponsored by HiNative Learn languages for free with the HiNative app.

Asia is the largest and most populous continent in the world.

From the physical extremes....

to the cultural

It's a continent that has shown tremendous diversity from one end to the other.

But what exactly counts as Asia?

Where are the Asian borders?

In a previous video, I started defining the borders in a clockwise direction from East Asia

through the boundaries bordering Australia and Africa

ending on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

If you want to know where exactly the Asian borders lie in those regions

the link is in the description below.

In this video, we'll continue on in our journey to Europe.

Stick around to the end for more details on this Asian border series.

So let's start where we left off, between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

With Asia being so large and diverse, the continental division can often have more to do with

human geography than physical geography,

and there's no better example of this than the controversial Asia-Europe border.

Now, continents are large continuous, discrete masses of land, ideally separated by expanses of water.

So, we can see all of this is within Asia - Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey

actually, I'll get into Turkey in just a minute.

Keep your eye on this red border line as everything contained within will be considered part of Asia

and everything outside, belongs to a different continent.

Ok, but what about the island country of Cyprus?

Since most major islands, by convention, are associated with a continent

Cyprus is usually placed in Asia.

I say 'usually' because while Cyprus' proximity to the rest of Asia makes it Asian to many people

it is sociopolitically a European country.

Cyprus was admitted to the Council of Europe in 1961

and is politically a member of the European Union since 2004.

Sure, it's a little further away than the rest of the EU countries, but according to the EU's own requirements

Cultural and geographic definitions of Europe are intertwined & thus are "subject to political assessment"

Now, for the sake of this video and due to its physical geography

I'm still going to place Cyprus in Asia.

Keep in mind, as with much of the Asia-Europe border, this is not definitive

and can be open to interpretation.

Moving on to Turkey.

If we follow the 'continuous landmass', we can trace the Asian borders along the Aegean Sea,

the Dardanelles and the Sea of Marmara up to, for now, the Turkish city of Istanbul.

We know Greece and Bulgaria are part of Europe so the continental division should be somewhere here

which would put at least most of Turkey in Asia.

As for these islands, it's a lot easier to place the divide along country lines

Most of these are Greek

but of course, just like for Indonesia, it's debatable.

If we take into account a combination of factors including mainland distance, island clusters

and just having more of continental consistency with other archipelagos,

you'll see that quite a few Greek islands can be claimed by Asia, including Chios, Samos and Rhodes.

This is where I'll draw the maritime border, which would technically make Greece a transcontinental country.

And speaking of transcontinental countries, back up here, the continental border is usually placed here

instead of at the Greek & Bulgarian borders, splitting Turkey into Asian Turkey and European Turkey.

This actually makes sense historically and geographically.

If we zoom up on Istanbul, you can see the narrow Bosphorus strait, an internationally significant waterway

already creating a clear, natural divide between the two sides.

This is unlike the man-made division of, say, the Suez canal.

Not only does all this make Turkey a transcontinental country

but it also makes the cities of Istanbul and Canakkale transcontinental cities.

As for whether Turkey as a whole should be considered Asian or European (if we had to choose one)

that's probably too complicated a topic to get into now

but I may do a video on it in the future if enough people are interested.

Now, this is where things get even more complicated.

Since there is no significant geographical separation between Asia and Europe,

from the point of the Black Sea onwards,

the border becomes largely an arbitrary, historical and cultural construct.

And this is a big part of why many people feel Asia and Europe

should never have been considered different continents to start with.

But, let's try to answer this anyway.

Where should the borders be?

If we go with the most long-standing, traditional border convention - I'm talking historically, throughout the ages

since the time of Strabo & Ptolemy till only recently, you have this route.

Continuing along the coast of the Black Sea, and through the Kerch Strait

you find the Sea of Azov (we're now in Russia).

You follow the Don River and Volga River to the Samara Bend,

move across the highland ridges of which I cannot pronounce

then finally follow the peaks or crest of the Ural Mountains

all the way to the Arctic Ocean.

Here, Russia is split into Asian Russia and European Russia.

Now, maybe you feel that the boundary should be defined more along large bodies of water,

such as the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, and since the Kuma-Manych Depression is a valley,

that once upon a time, connected the two into an even larger body of water,

perhaps we should instead have the border move through the Kuma-Manych Depression

along the Caspian coast, and from there the next best option might just be

following the Ural River up to the Ural Mountains, then once again reaching the Arctic Ocean.

This time both Russia and Kazakhstan are split up.

Ok, two choices so far, but we do have a third.

We see that the Ural Mountains divide is the only natural feature that isn't much disputed,

and for good reason, so in keeping with mountainous divides

maybe here the peaks of the Greater Caucasus Mountains is the way to go

instead of the Kuma-Manych Depression.

And you could also argue that just like the Urals, it's the most prominent natural feature in the region.

Now, from here, it's the familiar path along the Caspian coast and Ural River, to the Ural Mountains

I should mention though that some note the eastern foothills of the Ural Mountains

as the borderline instead of the peaks.

Right, this leaves us with three options to choose from - the classical, the water-centric and the mountainous.

Actually there's even more, but these are the main three.

For this video, I'm going to go with the one favoured by most modern-day geographers

and that's the last one, along the Greater Caucasus mountains.

You can see this puts Georgia and Azerbaijan physically in Asia,

with a few bits and pieces technically in Europe.

This can seem odd as the two countries, along with Armenia, are often considered more 'European'

by many people, for reasons historical and sociopolitical.

All three are in the Council of Europe, the EU's Eastern Partnership, and most importantly...

the Eurovision song contest.

Azerbaijan even won it in 2011!

So, you can see how some are adamant that the borders be drawn along country lines.

Of course this completely neglects the concept of a 'natural' continental boundary

which is important since, as we know from history, state borders can change over time,

but natural borders, well they stay relatively consistent.

Moving along to Kazahkstan, the provinces of Atyrau and West Kazakhstan extend on

both sides of the border making it clearly transcontinental.

But still, Kazakhstan is mostly associated with Asia due to the cultural and geographic similarities

to other Central Asian countries.

If we zoom up over here, to the Ural River Bridge in the city of Orenburg, Russia

you'll actually find that on one side of the river, it is labelled and marked 'Europe'

while on the other, it's 'Asia'.

Now, I'm not going to get into whether Russia is considered Asian or European

for reasons similar to Turkey, but it is clear that physically, there's a greater part of it lying in Asia.

So, let's continue the borders over in this North Asian region.

We'll move along the Arctic coast of Russia, which spans the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea

There's also the Russian Arctic Islands of Komsomolets, October Revolution, Bolshevik, New Siberian

and many smaller ones.

This brings us to the final leg of our journey.

Here lies the Asia-North America border, where Siberia comes real close to meeting Alaska.

This actually isn't as straight-forward as you might think

and I've decided to cover this final portion, in a separate part 3 video.

I'll be connecting it back to where we started off in East Asia

so make sure you're subscribed to get that.

Now, on this channel we talk a lot about different countries

of which there are of course many spoken languages.

Which brings me to our awesome sponsor for this video, HiNative.

If you're trying to learn a new language, you'll find this super useful.

It's a FREE language-learning app where you can get help with over a 110 different languages

from across the world.

It's really a great app as you can actually communicate with native-speakers of the language.

Nina over here can't stop using it.

She's trying to learn Japanese for our trip to Japan next week.


This is how it works.

You create a profile.

You choose your native language, and any others you may have proficiency in.

Then you choose which language you want to learn.

From there you can either get help from natives of that language

or you can help others with learning your language.

You can ask for translations, phrase meanings, grammar, questions about local culture,

really anything you want.

And this is all made easier with ready-set question templates that you can use.

Ok get this, you can even record your voice and ask if your pronunciation is good

or not so good

and the native community can give you real-time feedback. For example:

Alright, so what do you like eating?



Ok, so apples... I thought you'd say that, so

Why don't you say this line?

Alright, I'm gonna try

"watashi wa ringo o tabetai" (Japanese: 'I like to eat apples')

Sound good. And then post!

So they can rate your pronunciation, and give you pointers if needed.

Oh, four people have responded

Yeah, already

Ooh, I'm Japanese

No, you're not Japanese

I'm officially...

No, these people are being generous to you

"watashi wa ringo o tabetai"

I would have given you the second one: "A little unnatural"

You can download HiNative on IOS or Android, or even use it on any web browser.

Keep in mind, you can sign up for this with your email, Twitter or Facebook account.

A Premium version is available if you're keen on those extra features.

And if you haven't already seen the first Asian borders video

well you can click on top to watch that, otherwise click the one below if you prefer something else.

I hope you enjoyed this topic & if you have any questions or thoughts about anything that I've mentioned

let us know down below.

Thanks for watching, hit that like button, and stay tuned for more-interesting 'Asiany' videos.

For more infomation >> Where Are The Asian Borders? (Part 2: Europe!) - Duration: 10:53.


Tư vấn mua đồng hồ chính hãng, Video đồng hồ Olym Pianus OP990-083AMK-V, Đồng hồ đeo tay nam - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> Tư vấn mua đồng hồ chính hãng, Video đồng hồ Olym Pianus OP990-083AMK-V, Đồng hồ đeo tay nam - Duration: 12:52.


Science Is No Longer Welcome At The EPA - Duration: 5:29.

Last week, an email was sent out to about half of the members on the EPA's Board of

Scientific Counselors letting them know that their services are no longer needed.

Now, this Board of Scientific Counselors, the people on this board are appointed by

a president, usually serve one to three year terms, and half the people on the board were

just told that they're not going to be renominated for the term.

Your time is up.

Time to get out.

Now, these are members of the scientific community, scientists, and their job is to review the

scientific data that comes into the Environmental Protection Agency to determine, I don't know,

if a new pesticide is safe to use, or if it's safe for humans to come in contact with it,

or if an industrial plant, if the pollution they're spewing out, if that's going to hurt


That was the job of this board, to look at all of that data and make those decisions

and recommendations to keep Americans safe.

Now, half of them are gone, but Scott Pruitt, the climate change denying head of the EPA,

has said that what he's thinking about doing is replacing these scientists with people

from industry.

Now, that should come as no surprise, but it's no less disgusting.

He said he wants to replace scientists with corporate hacks, people who profit off the

destruction of the environment, people who profit off of the suppression of science,

people who profit off of the poisoning of citizens in the United States.

Those are now going to be the people making the decisions about what chemicals are safe

for them to spray on your children, what chemicals are safe for them to spray on your food.

It's not going to be based on science.

It's not going to be based on health and safety data.

It's going to be based on what's best for a corporation.

During the George W. Bush years, the budget for the EPA was a hell of a lot lower than

it was during the Obama years.

That's a given.

George W. Bush, and Obama, put just as many people in the revolving door system from industry

into these agencies as anyone before them, but they never went this far.

Even George W. Bush, as dumb as he seems sometimes, and as much of a war hawk and phony Christian

as he was, he never took it to this level.

He would occasionally listen to the EPA, and he damn sure listened to the Pentagon in 2006

when they told him that climate change is real and is a threat to the United States.

George W. Bush knew that, understood it, and accepted it.

Obama knew it from the beginning because he wasn't an idiot, but now Donald Trump and

Scott Pruitt at the EPA are actually launching a war on science within the administration,

within the agency.

They're replacing scientists, good, hardworking, honest people who have nothing to gain either

way, and they're replacing them with people from industry, people who may have sat on

boards of these corporations, people who may have a financial interest in approving a deadly

chemical, or allowing a corporation to spew pollution into the air and into the water,

that people are then later going to breathe and drink.

That's what we're looking at today.

You know, a lot of things during the Obama years, he had to fix a lot of the mess that

George W. Bush created.

The economy, just in the last two, three years finally kind of started to rebound, unemployment

numbers went down, job creation went up, so after Bush killed the economy, it took a good

fix, six years for Obama to really get her humming again.

It still wasn't perfect by any means, but this kind of assault on something like the

environment, this isn't something that we can fix with the next president, reverse it,

and start it on the right track again.

We're talking about generations of destruction in a matter of years.

You can't just go out there with a vacuum cleaner and suck up all this mess.

It's in there.

It's in the earth.

It's in the air.

It's in the water, for decades.

A lot of the problems caused by the Trump Administration, a lot of the ones that are

predicted to be caused can be fixed.

It'll take time, but they can be fixed, but the reason I like to talk about the environment

so much is because this isn't something we can just reverse.

This isn't something that the next president'll just come in after a few months, "Okay, great.

Environment's all clean again.

Climate change is fixed.

We got this."


That's not how this problem works.

This problem is a problem that is going to plague generations, and the Trump Administration

has made absolutely no qualms about the fact that they are always going to put the profits

of corporations over the safety of the American public.

For more infomation >> Science Is No Longer Welcome At The EPA - Duration: 5:29.


Save $$$ And Time With DIY Style Tips | 7 Simple Fashion Hacks A Man Can Do Himself - Duration: 9:48.

DIY style, Do-It-Yourself style.

In today's video, gents, seven things a man can do himself to improve his image, save

money, and save time.

Skill set number one a man can pick up to improve his style and save time and save money:

Learn to sew.

We're talking about basic sewing skills here.

I'm not expecting you go out and build bespoke jacket.

That can take a lifetime almost twenty years of work to be able to get up to that skill


But, within twenty minutes you can learn the basics of how basically to sew on a button,

how to hem your trousers, how to dart a shirt.

These things are very simple.

And guess what?

They're incredibly useful.

You won't have to take everything to a clothier or a tailor or to a seamstress to get adjusted.

You can start to do some of these yourself, save yourself money.

It's also about, hey, you're walking into a big meeting and you just had a button right

here where you are about to tie this, you know, put together right here popped off.

How can you reattach?

Well, guess what?

You're at a hotel you go down, you ask for the emergency sewing kit which many hotels

have this and you're able to immediately sew on that button.

Again, I don't know why men are sometimes turned off by this.

Maybe it's society which is somehow put this as woman's work.

But, that could be nothing further from the truth because when it comes down to it you

wear clothing you want to look great in your clothing, your clothing sends a symbol of

who you are, what you stand for, and you don't want to let something, you know, if it breaks

down, you need to know how to repair it the same with the car.

The same with many other things, it's about being self-sufficient.

Do-It-Yourself tip number two:

Learn how to take care of the biggest organ in your body.

Gentlemen, I'm talking about your skin.

It's funny, we spent a lot of time in the gym working on our muscles, but what covers

our muscles what covers our body?

When people look at us in the face, what do they see?

They see our face and your skin is a reflection of your health, it's a reflection of who you

are, and you want to take care of it.

So, focus in first on the food that goes in your body. Understand that it has a huge effect

on your skin.

You want to focus in on putting the right food into your body.

Next stop number two let's talk about actually conditioning taking care of the skin.

And if you get really bad rashes, if the environment is pulling out moisture from your skin, it

makes sense, right?

To add it right back in to make sure you don't get crack hands, to make sure on your face

you're not getting wrinkles and looking worn out before you need to be.

Now, at this point guys I want to bring in the paid sponsor of this video, PMD Men.

I'm going to pull up their website.

Guys, I've talked about this company before.

If you are looking for a skincare tool designed specifically for a man's skin to help reduce

the enlarged pores, eliminate ingrown hairs, and smoothes out rough skin, guys, you want

to check out PMD Men.

What I love about this company and I've talked about this before, I met the founders.

I have tried this tool.

This is the real deal.

And what I love and I had an aesthetician come in, we went through we checked out the took,

we looked at it and she agreed that, yeah, you can go to a spa, you can actually pay

a lot of money more than actually this thing would cost if you just bought it and get multiple

treatments or you can may be purchase something like this and do it yourself.

And that's what I love with PMD Men to give you these very step by step instructions on

how to exactly use this tool so that you get the most benefit from it.

Gentlemen, in the description of this video I'm going to link to PMD Men.

Go check them out.

I'll have a special code down there so you get the best deal.

Do-It-Yourself skill set number three:

Know how to steam, know how to iron, know how to press your own clothing.

Guys, this is going to save you're a lot of time, it's going to save you a lot of money.

Let's look at how much you can spend over the period of a year.

Fifty two weeks in a year, you spend $10 to $20 every single week getting your clothing

sending it off to the drycleaners.

Okay, that's $500 to almost over $1,000 per year you're spending on this service.

And, with that type of money even with half of that you could get a great steamer, you

could get a great iron and all of a sudden you can do this at home.

Now, some of you guys are saying, okay, Antonio, well, I want to save time, that's the whole

reason I take it out there.

But think about how long it's at the cleaners, sometimes it's there for twenty four hours

for forty eight hours for seventy hours.

Sometimes they lose your things.

There's also the time of going to and from.

But, if you batched process your ironing and you're steaming, you'll find that, hey, I

get very good at it, I can get very fast at it, I'm able to fully control get it exactly

how I want and be able to do it in the comfort of my home.

If you want more details on how to steam, iron, and even press clothing, I'm going to

put some directions down in the description of this video.

Go check it out.

Do-It-Yourself style tip number four:

Whiten your own teeth at home.

Why do you want to have a white teeth?

Because white teeth are a sign of health that make you look like you have a great smile.

Not for everybody if it really doesn't matter to you , then don't worry about it.

But, again, if you're the face of your company, if you're meeting with people, if you're smiling

a lot, shaking, and engaging with new prospects, you're a real estate agent, maybe this is

going to be something that people are just going to love your smile and they're going

to be more open to your message.

So, DIY teeth kits for whitening your teeth, you'll find them all over the place.

I've recommended some, go ahead and go search my channel.

You'll see there are certain companies I highly recommend and I've tested.

But when it comes down to it, you just want to make sure that you don't overdo it.

And that's what I love about those kits.

Don't get the DIY where you like mix things you do it on your own, that I don't like because

you can't control the concentration, don't go out use hydrogen peroxide or things like


Don't do that, buy an actual kit because you're still going to save a lot of money versus

going to the dentist.

Do-It-Yourself style tip number five:

Learn how to cook.

How is this a style tip?

Well, I talked about it earlier, but when you control the food that's going into your

body, you're able to control your weight, you're able to control oftentimes how your

skin looks, you're able to maintain the shape that you want to with a lot less effort than

if you're just trying to do exercise alone.

And your body, a fit body is the base of a well-dressed man.

Guys, pay attention to these details to the small to the things going in your body it

makes such a huge difference.

Do-It-Yourself style tip number six:

Learn how to clean clothing properly specifically how to treat stains.

So, that's one of the worst things whenever you've got really nice clothing and you get

it dirty and you're like, oh, my gosh, did I just ruin this, did I just damage it.

If you have a wool sports jacket and you just spilled barbecue sauce or wine all over it,

you've got a silk pocket square and somehow somebody thought it was good to took to take

it out and use it to wipe their hands.

Those are things which oh you're like, oh, like how do I treat it?

So, in the description of this video I'll link over with a support article and that

support article, I'll link to how to treat all different types of stains.

And it's amazing though how you can actually salvage clothing if you treat it quickly and


Let's say you're sitting down with that nice pair of wool trousers and you sit right on

a piece of gum, well, what do you do?

Well, immediately you want to take it and you want to cool them down, you want to take

some ice put it right there on the gum because most likely it was hot, that's how it started

to get into the wool.

So, you want to free, you know, cool it down really fast, get it hard, then to start to

chip it off and break it off.

If you get blood on something, run cold water over it.

Yes, even if it's wool and oftentimes will never put anything hot on this, but actually

use cold water immediately.

Cold water is actually going to solve a lot of immediate problems, but the key is to treat

immediately and figure out exactly how to do this.

You could with the internet at your disposal, you can oftentimes find this information,

but like I said I'll have the handy little chart in the support article.

Do-It-Yourself style tip number seven is actually to put a rubber sole on the bottom of your


Yes, you can do this.

Yes, there are kits out there.

Why would you want to do this?


So, if anyone has ever owned a pair of leather soled shoes, it's a sign of quality, but also

this can be incredibly slippery.

I know some of you guys have fallen down, I have fallen down.

So, it's great when you've got, you know, they've got like a little bit of a rubber

sole right here, but sometimes you want a lot more traction.

Well, you want to buy one of those kits, they'll use a certain type of cement, occasionally

they'll use these small tacks that you can hammer right in.

And, the key though is to make sure that you have the sole right here and right here.

You don't want to just put it in the back heel or just put it in the front.

Now, if you put this bottom on, understand that you will actually lengthen and allow

the shoes to last a little bit longer, but you're going to have to change that pretty


All right, guys so now it's your turn.

I want to hear from you down in the comments what do-it-yourself style tip would you have

added to this video?

What did I miss, what have you been doing yourself to improve your style and to save

money and to save time?

And, gentlemen, go check out the sponsor of this video, PMD Men.

I'm going to pull up their website one more time.

I want you to go check out this personal microderm tool.

Again, I had it inspected by an aesthetician.

I have used it myself.

This thing is incredible.

For and remember, this helps to reduce enlarged pores, it helps to eliminate ingrown hairs,

and it smoothes rough skin.

At the end of the day, guys, what I'm trying to do is equip you with tools that you can

use to improve your style to look better and to feel more confident about yourself.

In the description of this video, I'm going to link to PMD Men.

I met the founders, they come up to StyleCon.

Good company, I support them.

And at the end of the day, guys, take action on what I'm talking about in this video.

I really love seeing you guys down in the comments add value.

We created a great community here at Real Men Real Style and thank you for supporting

me, thank you for supporting the community, and thank you for supporting this channel

and building it up to what it is.

Gentlemen, take care.

I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Save $$$ And Time With DIY Style Tips | 7 Simple Fashion Hacks A Man Can Do Himself - Duration: 9:48.


Perfect Day in Cardiff Wales - Duration: 12:56.

Good morning, Vagabuddies.

We have been traveling around Wales

for the last week, and we're going to

finish things strong here in the capital

of Wales, Cardifff.

It's a beautiful sunny day, and we have

24 hours to make the most here in Cardiff.

We're going to do a bunch of stuff, but

it's early so first things first....


This morning we didn't really know

where to get a coffee, so we tweeted

out for recommendations, and a guy

named Peanut Turner, whose Twitter

handle is Peanut Is Mint, recommended

this place, Coffee Barker

in the Castle Quarter Arcade.

It's pretty cool.

It's a beautiful, old building

and this super "vibey" little coffee shop.

We've gotten some avo toast with egg.

Mark got some bacon and sausage,

a cortado and a flat white,

and it's just really cool when you guys

get to tell us where to go and you give

us these stellar recommendations.

Thank you Peanut Turner.

We're right across the street from

Cardiff Castle,

which we're going to explore next.

One of the main features of Cardiff are

all these Edwardian and Victorian

arcades, not like video game arcades,

but arcades as in covered malls

with natural sunlight, which is cool

because even if it's raining,

you can still explore all these shops,

and it makes it feel like it's a bit sunnier

than it could be.

We just got to Cardiff Castle,

which has been the center of town

since Roman times when they built a

fort here. It's pretty cool because there

very distinct layers of history in this

castle complex.

The Romans founded it.

In 1066 when the Normans came,

they built the Castle Keep, which is in

the center of the castle complex.

In the 1800s, the Victorians updated the

whole thing with their very unique flair.

There're some really quirky things in the

Victorian side of the building, but first

we're going to check out the Norman

Castle Keep.

It's pretty awesome....great view up here

from the top of the castle keep.

Obviously, this was a strategic location.

They would have been able to see all

the surrounding countryside to

protect from invasion.

Pretty crazy to think that the Normans,

which were Vikings who invaded France,

went on to invade England and

also Wales.

It's pretty nuts that they made it

all the way here.

It's just crazy that there are so many

castles in Wales.

It has 600 castles, which is more than

any other country in Europe.

And it points to that history,

what you just said, of this being

an area that fought off occupation from

the Romans, the Normans, and the English.

Castles like these are present in

every single city, in every single town.

That was part of what was needed at

the time to make military stability here.

At this point in the 1800s,

this part of the castle, the whole castle,

was owned by the Buede family.

The Buede family at the time was the

richest family in Europe and possibly

the world, and that was because of coal exporting.

The hills behind Cardiff are big

coal mining communities.

And this family grew extremely rich

through mining.

You can see the opulence of this room

is a product of that......

a testament to how wealthy they were.

They built this room called the

Arab Room. It was designed by the

architect William Burgess,

and it was inspired by his travels through

the Orient, the French Orientalist style.

Even though this is on a small scale,

it's incredibly opulent.

It's incredibly detailed.

And all this gold.......

it's not just gold paint, it's real gold.

What's cool about this room is that

it has a very interesting blend of

oriental and European styles.

You get images of animals

and things that just would not appear

in Islamic artwork.

It's kind of awesome to have a blend of

these two styles.

It's not known how much this costs,

but it would have been millions.

It's just so impressive to see.

We're outside the castle now,

and another cool thing is the animal

wall here, which was built by the same

family in the 1890s.

They made all these cool statues.

It was like a zoo, kind of thing here

on the wall.... a little seal, an orangutan.

That's not an orangutan; it's a baboon.

Let us know. If you had your own animal

wall, what animal would you put on

the wall? Basically, we're asking you

what is your spirit animal? Let us know.

According to an online quiz, I am an owl.

And I am a hawk!

Right guys...the day continues.

We're on our way to meet up with Sian

from Loving Welsh Foods

who's going to take us to the Cardiff

indoor market and give us a little break

down on some traditional Welsh food.

What's the story behind this market?

This was over 200 years ago where

all the farmers used to come and sell

their cattle and sheep.

Nowadays, it just a quirky center with

food shops, material shops, gift shops.

But you can still get food, right?

Yes, loads of food.

What types of traditional Welsh foods

can you find in this market?

We're going to try lava bread, which is

our Welsh seaweed.

It has nothing to do with

molten lava? No.

We're then going to try some lovely

cheeses. We've got a hundred different

cheeses in Wales.

We have a nice little spread....

four different cheeses.

We'll be starting from the softest to the

strongest. This is like a

Welsh take on brie.

Bon appetite.

Hmm. It's good.

I love might know this.

The stinkier, the better.

This is Perl Las, which is

Welsh for "Blue Pearl."

We've officially found the coolest shop

in the market.

Marko's got himself a bit of a top hat.

I've got myself a little bowler hat.

Nice to meet you.

This is my steampunk version

with a stove hat. What do you think?

We are going to hop on a

water taxi and try to catch the sunset.

Now we're down at the water front.

This wharf was the point of export for

all the natural oars, minerals

and coal that was mined inside Wales.

It was put on canals and barges and

exported from here around the world.

Time for a drink.

Alex always likes to say.......

"Well day has turned into night,

and it's time to put the nosebag on

and have some dinner."

Cardiff is known very much for its

nightlife, but we're going to start off in

this place called the Potted Pig,

which has 36 types of gin, a great

G&T, and serves up some amazing food.

I've got the Brecon gin, which is

from Penderyn, the distillery we visited

yesterday in Brecon Beacons.

Very nice.

I got the Heyman's Old Tom

which is a recipe from the 1870s.

It's got hints of elderberry and mint.

And I just like saying "elderberry."

The space in here is really cool;

we're underground, and this used to be

vaults of a bank.

It's a really cool atmosphere.

We ordered the duck and the lamb,

both are Welsh, and they look delicious.

We've got two more gin and tonics,

and it's time to eat.

All right, Brother. Cheers.

Last pint of the trip.

At least we're doing it in one of Wales'

best craft breweries at Tiny Rebel.

It's been an incredible trip so far.

The last week has been eye opening.

It's been an adventure through a corner

of the U.K. that we've never experienced


We knew a couple things about Wales.

We didn't know very much.

We knew that the language was unique,

that the culture was very old and

very different from the rest of the U.K.

And we knew that Wales was wild

and beautiful.

One of the foundations of Vagabrothers

as a travel channel is the idea that

the world is a cultural mosaic;

that every single place is a different tile,

slightly different look at the world.

I think that a lot of foreigners, at least

back home in the States,

they kind of look at the U.K. as this

monolithic/ single culture.

It's so much more diverse than people


We learned a lot. We saw some really

cool traditions. We had a ton of fun.

The world's fastest zipline was pretty crazy.

What was the best moment for you?

I really like Conwy. I liked Conwy Castle.

I just loved the situation of the town

with the castle on the estuary and the

mussels that we had right afterwards.

Yum. That was really cool.

Fore me, personally, driving through

Snowdonia, seeing the snow capped hills,

stumbling upon those wild horses.

Foraging....foraging, yeah.

That was so cool.

Anyways, guys, we're curious to hear

what your favorite moments were.

Don't hesitate to drop a comment.

Let us know what your favorite moment

of the trip was, what your favorite

vlog was. Make sure to tag your friends.

Give this video a thumbs-up if you

enjoyed it, if you enjoyed the series.

Remember to subscribe and turn on

notifications if you have not already.

Big thanks to Visit Britain and Visit Wales

for helping us make this series possible.

Stay tuned for bonus material.

We've made a video about trying to

pronounce some Welsh town names,

which we are going to do very, very poorly.

In the meantime, stay curious, keep

exploring, and we'll see you on the road.


For more infomation >> Perfect Day in Cardiff Wales - Duration: 12:56.


Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton - Shakira, Maluma, Nacho, Enrique Iglesias, Zion Y Lennox, Farruko - Duration: 1:00:11.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton - Shakira, Maluma, Nacho, Enrique Iglesias, Zion Y Lennox, Farruko - Duration: 1:00:11.


2 Ideas de Tarjetas Fáciles y Rápidas para Regalar | DIY Cardmaking | Luisa PaperCrafts - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> 2 Ideas de Tarjetas Fáciles y Rápidas para Regalar | DIY Cardmaking | Luisa PaperCrafts - Duration: 5:06.


We Talk Money With Billionaire Mark Cuban | TMZ TV - Duration: 0:52.













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For more infomation >> We Talk Money With Billionaire Mark Cuban | TMZ TV - Duration: 0:52.


Easy Vintage Semi Up Do // How To Curl Your Hair - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Easy Vintage Semi Up Do // How To Curl Your Hair - Duration: 6:49.


The sims 4 - Machinima - The Vampires History - Duration: 4:22.

Hello everyone, and welcome to my channel.

My name is Emmi, also known as Trendniq.

And today I have a little story for you, about a sweet girl, who became obsessed by an evil thing.

And you may already know her from my City Living series.

Her name is Luna Xavier.

Our story began many days ago, when Luna for the first time stumpled upon the headline "Vampires in Forgotten Hollow".

At that time, she didn't believe it, and was sure it was just some media nonsense

But this article was written by her favorite author, and this time, he made an interview with an elder master, called Vladislaus Struad.

She found the article very exciting and read it from start to end.

She read it, like we once upon a time read Twilight.

We were drawn by the excitement about the vampires. Could this be true?

We wanted it so deeply, but we knew it was only imagination.

And Luna had it the same way. Of course none of this could be true.

Since then, many years passed before she again saw the word "Vampire".

She moved to San Myshuno in a delightful appartment,

found a sweet boyfriend, named Akira,

they got some lovely children, and moved into an even bigger appartement, that Luna loved beyond words.

Their children grew older, and moved out.

But Luna and Akira missed having small kids running around their feet,

so they decided to get one more child, Adell.

Luna didn't thing about the vampires, not even once.

Actually, it had been so long, that she nearly had forgotten about them.

And so it went on, for many years.

That was until a strange man broke into her appartement, in the middle of the night, and grabbed her.

The next thing she remembered was that she woke up with a strange headache and a very sore throat

It felt like she was torn or bitten.

She gasped. Bitten?!

That word made the hairs on her back rise, when she remembered the newspaper article

by her favorite author, she read many years ago.

And somehow, she now knew what had happened.

But no!

It couldn't be true!

A vampire?


In San Myshuno?

In her own appartement?

Could it even be true?

Is it even possible?

She almost didn't dare to think about it!

And yet, she couldn't resist. She went to the computer and sat down.

Her hands was shaking while she pressed the letters that formed the word:


She sat by the computer for many hours. Read and read, and got more and more questions.

Will I become a vampire now?

Can vampires live without blood?

Can vampires walk in the sun?

Can a vampire be cured?

How do you even become a vampire?

And many other questions.

When she felt like the websites couldn't grand her more information, and all hope seemed lost

She suddenly found a website that sold a mysterious book, called "Vampire lexicon".

Faster than you can say "Vampires in Sims", she had bought it.

She sad for many hours, day after day, night after night

and read in her new book.

Until she had learned everything.

She had the answers to all her questions, except one, which only she could answer.

Did she want to be cursed this way?

She thought about it every day, for a very long time.

Until she decided to pack her things, kiss her daughter goodbye and disappear forever.

She had read about Vladislaus in the newspaper, many years ago,

apparently he lived in the neighbor village, Forgotten Hollows.

He should allegedly be the oldest vampire in history,

so who, other than he, would be the perfect vampire to turn her?

He must have done it at least a thousand times before.

She went to the bug house, where the legend says he lived.

A little frightened, but with a goal and a dream,

she approached his house and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and she walked in.

There was no one to see at first,

but then she heard someone play a piano in the basement.

She slowly approached the stairs, and went down.

There he was!

Sitting by the piano and played a lovely melody.

She introduced herself and fell in conversation.

Luna was allowed to stay at his place, after she told him that she had left her family.

After many month of asking, Vlad finally gave in, and he turned her.

And that's the story about how our sweet, innocent girl, turned into a dangerous and murderous monster, lurking in the shadows.

I really hope you enjoyed my little story

And as you maybe can figure out, we're going to start a new Vampire series on the channel.

And of course it's going to be with our lovely Luna,

who we played with in our City Living series.

If you enjoyed this video, then please give it a thumbs up, it will mean a lot to me

And if you want to watch my future videos, but haven't yet subscribed,

you'll be able to find a link in the description, where you're more than welcome to click

I really hope to see you in my next episode,

Take care until then!


For more infomation >> The sims 4 - Machinima - The Vampires History - Duration: 4:22.


💰Сколько стоит Звёздный Разрушитель? ЛорЗВ#198💰 - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> 💰Сколько стоит Звёздный Разрушитель? ЛорЗВ#198💰 - Duration: 5:29.


Ron Paul No Evidence Of Russian Intrusion In The U S Political System - Duration: 4:43.

Ron Paul No Evidence Of Russian Intrusion In The U.S. Political System

by Tyler Durden

With an endless barrage of both Democrats and Republicans spouting off on the situation

between Trump and Russia, clogging up every possible media outlet while parroting familiar

party lines, we decided to present a "third party", libertarian view.

For that we grabbed the latest interview by Ron Paul - who one year ago told CNBC he would

not support Trump as the GOP nominee - in which the anti-interventionist noted that

the recent meeting between Trump and Lavrov whose focus was the de-escalation of the Syrian

conflict "is good progress between the US and Russia, but there will be plenty of individuals

in this country who complain about it because it just seems like they are very content to

keep the aggravation going."

And yet, despite the positive overtones, the American media preferred to take a different

angle focusing on the alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections and the firing of

the FBI chief James Comey.

This is what else he said.

Q: Sergey Lavrov says President Trump wants productive relations with Moscow after the

previous administration soured them.

Can they be improved considering the storm over the alleged ties between the Trump team

and Russia?

Ron Paul: Absolutely.

And I think that has been.

What is going on right now is an improvement.

I think what is going on in Syria with these de-escalation zones; I think that is good.

They are talking to each other.

I just don�t understand why sometimes there is an impression that we shouldn�t be having

diplomatic conversations � All the tough rhetoric doesn�t do any good.

Trump�s statement to me sounded pretty good.

I think the whole thing about the elections, putting that aside would be a wise thing because

the evidence is not there for any intrusion in our election by the Russians.

I think this is good progress, and there will be plenty individuals in this country who

complain about it because it just seems like they are very content to keep the aggravation


Right now, the relationship from my viewpoint has greatly improved.

I think that is good.

Q: During the media conference, some journalists again raised the question of possible Russian

involvement in US politics.

How is it possible for such a great nation to think this way?

RP: If it is a fact, we should hear about it, but we haven�t.

And those individuals who are trying to stir up trouble like that, they haven�t come

up with any facts.

Nobody wants anybody�s elections interfered with.

But the facts aren�t there, so why dwell on that?

Why use that as an excuse to prevent something that we think is positive and that is better

relations with Russia.

I think what is happening with this conversation is very beneficial.

Q: According to Lavrov, Trump also expressed his support for creating safe zones in Syria.

Will this pave the way for co-operation between the two coalitions?

RP: With Assad and Russia working together and getting more security for the country,

at the same time the US is now talking with Russia.

I think this is good.

But just the acceptance of the idea that we should be talking and practicing diplomacy

rather than threats and intimidation.

There are obviously a lot of problems that we have to work out, but I think in the last

week and the last couple of days very positive things have been happening.

Q: The meeting came after the firing of the FBI director James Comey.

What do you make of the timing?

RP: I don�t think that firing had anything to do with the so-called investigation.

I think it has to do with the credibility of Comey as such, where he was involved too

politically in the issues.

First, it looked like he was supporting Hillary, then the next time he was supporting Trump,

and he should not have been out in front on either one of those issues; that should have

been done more privately on these charges made that were unconfirmed.

I think this represents poor judgment on Comey�s part and certainly, the president had the

authority to fire him.

It will be politicized now, and the question will be whether there will be a special prosecutor,

but if there are no problems, then a special prosecutor in my estimation is unnecessary.

For more infomation >> Ron Paul No Evidence Of Russian Intrusion In The U S Political System - Duration: 4:43.


Lego Batman Funny Lunch at batcave - Superhero Lego Stopmotion - Duration: 1:58.

Lego Batman Funny Lunch at batcave - Superhero Lego Stopmotion

For more infomation >> Lego Batman Funny Lunch at batcave - Superhero Lego Stopmotion - Duration: 1:58.



For more infomation >> PUTIN SAYS READY TO PLAY 'CONSTRUCTIVE ROLE' ON NORTH KOREA - Duration: 2:33.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION ( Navi, Cruise, Bluetooth ) - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION ( Navi, Cruise, Bluetooth ) - Duration: 0:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse AIRCO 170 - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse AIRCO 170 - Duration: 0:47.


Stoneybrook Revisited: A Baby-Sitters Club Fan Film -- Teaser Trailer - Duration: 0:25.

Call it nostalgia, or an inability to move on, but I love Stoneybrook.

And this weekend all my favorite people are coming back for a visit.

The thing about friends you've had your whole life is that there is no way to sum them up.

They're uniquely themselves, always.

And almost here!

I can't wait to get everyone together.

For more infomation >> Stoneybrook Revisited: A Baby-Sitters Club Fan Film -- Teaser Trailer - Duration: 0:25.


💕 Musica Romantica Bellissime Canzoni D'Amore Per Una Serata Magica 💕 - Duration: 1:00:57.

For more infomation >> 💕 Musica Romantica Bellissime Canzoni D'Amore Per Una Serata Magica 💕 - Duration: 1:00:57.


Face Glowing Home Remedies in Urdu | Rang Gora Karna Itna Asan | Beauty Tips in Urdu - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Face Glowing Home Remedies in Urdu | Rang Gora Karna Itna Asan | Beauty Tips in Urdu - Duration: 3:55.


💤 Dolcissime Melodie Per Rilassarsi E Dormire Bene 😴 Musica Rilassante Bellissima 💤 - Duration: 3:05:09.

For more infomation >> 💤 Dolcissime Melodie Per Rilassarsi E Dormire Bene 😴 Musica Rilassante Bellissima 💤 - Duration: 3:05:09.



For more infomation >> LONG STORY SHORT, THE COMPETITION STUDENT OF THE YEAR - Duration: 1:55.


For more infomation >> LONG STORY SHORT, THE COMPETITION STUDENT OF THE YEAR - Duration: 1:55.


How to move a program to another disk without reinstalling it. Free Move! - Duration: 2:56.


Are you Comp Help channel.

And in today's small video we will talk with you

how to move installed program to another drive,

without perestanavlivaya it and not breaking performance


Probably many have faced to a situation where

how the program folder game or starts to increase,

and free hard disk space become smaller

and less.

Solve these problems resorting to delete files

and Disk Cleanup is easy.

Just have to take advantage of a small portable

applets called FreeMove is a free program

open source, which serves to move

program folder to another disk space or other

without disrupting the functionality of the disc most portable program.

And now let's get down its load and small


To do this, the link in the description this video, go to

on the website of the program.

And here click Download.

Now run and after launch action principle


In the upper line of select a folder with the program that

you want to move, and the bottom We choose the path where we want


Further below you need here Put a tick next

item Set original folder hidden.

If a check mark will stand, then the program will hide the original

folder in Windows Explorer to it does not confuse you.

The fact that the program transfers all files and folders

in a new place, and the old address are character

links to them.

So, do not remove the displaced folder, simply hide

by checking them here.

And I want to note that to run the program FreeMove

on your PC, you must It is set NET.Framework

Version 4 or higher.

So if the program not start, set

NET.Framework first and then run the program.

Who want to get a reference to I as I leave in the description.

And I have that's all.

Thank you all for watching.

Loved or been useful to put this video

Like, who do not like it dislayk place.

Click the bell to do not miss the new video.

Write to someone comments it is not clear, share

this video with your friends and subscribe to my channel,

as well as to my group social networks.

All links in the description.

Bye everyone and see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> How to move a program to another disk without reinstalling it. Free Move! - Duration: 2:56.


For more infomation >> How to move a program to another disk without reinstalling it. Free Move! - Duration: 2:56.


Bigoudénie: Tempete Kurt - Quimper Bretagne Télé - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Bigoudénie: Tempete Kurt - Quimper Bretagne Télé - Duration: 3:23.


For more infomation >> Bigoudénie: Tempete Kurt - Quimper Bretagne Télé - Duration: 3:23.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 270 CDI 4Matic Aut,Leer,Navigatie - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 270 CDI 4Matic Aut,Leer,Navigatie - Duration: 1:01.


BMW 3 Serie 320I CENTENNIAL HIGH EXE M-Sport, zeer compleet ! met M-sportpakket, 19' LM velgen, schu - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 320I CENTENNIAL HIGH EXE M-Sport, zeer compleet ! met M-sportpakket, 19' LM velgen, schu - Duration: 1:00.


You've Got All You Need To Sing (YouVersion Devotional) - Taya Smith - Duration: 3:23.

Hi it's Taya Smith from Hillsong Worship and today's devotion is about how we've got everything

that we need to sing.

In Revelation 21:3 it says "Look!

God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them.

They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God."

In this life, we aren't actually promised a perfect life.

We're actually told by Jesus in the bible that we're going to have trouble, but we're

told to take heart because he's overcome the world.

There should be nothing in our lives that takes the place of God, there shouldn't be

any lack in a season of waiting, a season of loss that actually overwhelms God because

it doesn't take him by surprise and he's not overwhelmed.

But actually we should allow Him to overwhelm our problem, and instead look forward to the

fulfilment of our hope which is eternity in the presence of God.

In the song 'As It Is' there's a line that says "and while I'm waiting, I'm not waiting,

I know heaven lives in me".

I feel like it perfectly describes the tension between what we believe and what we hope for

but sometimes the reality of what we see here and now.

Often waiting seems to hold a sense of lack and of unrest and maybe even fear of the unknown,

yet nothing should be stealing our peace.

We should actually be allowing the promises of God to dispell the tension of waiting and

of lack because we actually have so much, because we have Jesus.

So if you find yourself in a season of waiting or a season of lack, take heart, be encouraged

and allow the goodness of God to overwhelm you and take hold of his promises for you today

And whether this side of eternity or the next, where the waiting meets the promise, you've

got all you need to sing.

For more infomation >> You've Got All You Need To Sing (YouVersion Devotional) - Taya Smith - Duration: 3:23.


THUG or FAIL #7 - ''I'm gonna f*cking kill you" - Duration: 7:19.

you alright?

that hurt!!

holy crap!

what are you doing?


are you serious?

i'm trying

For more infomation >> THUG or FAIL #7 - ''I'm gonna f*cking kill you" - Duration: 7:19.



So we are here in Ingolstadt, in Germany as a guest of Lorenz Gadient

I say "we" because Anja and the kids are also here,

you might hear some domestical sounds in the kitchen

Lorenz is the author of the book 'Takt und Pendelsschlag', which is here and

we have been talking on the channel regularly so

we will not make this intro too long

we decided to come here to Ingolstad to have some interviews, to have some 'small talks'

in fact on certain topics concerning this double beat theory, because

people asked many questions, we will address this topic by topic

and we see where we come.

And the first topic that Lorenz proposed in fact himself to address, is Mersenne.

We will dive directly into the content of this video and

talk in this first episode about Mersenne.

So Lorenz, thank you for having us here, it is

a pleasure to be here among so many instruments

here is a beautiful Viennese piano, there is a clavichord

you have another clavichord, on our room is a Clementi piano

so you are really submerged in music

but again, we have covered you on the channel, so let us not make this introduction too long, and go directly to Mersenne

What is the reason you would like to talk about Mersenne in the first place, since Mersenne, if I remember well, has nothing to do with metronome numbers

Ja, Mersenne... a great mathematician, he also was a priest

was a multitalent

17th century, he died I believe 1648

he wrote Latin and French works

Also a book in three parts 'Harmonie Universelle'

Theorie about music, on instrument building

he highly educated person

He was esteemed very high... Ja, certainly, he corresponded with Galilei, with Descartes

with the greatest of his time, founded also an academie

in which he tried to bring different forms of arts and science together, so he was really one of the high educated people of his time

and I have opened here a passage in the second volume of this work

in which he, as the first one, writes on the adjustable pendulum

as an instrument that would enable to measure the time

And you prepared a very nice pendulum... Yes, it is just an improvised one, but in works like a pendulum

It has a length of 3 1/2 feet...

perhaps a little bit higher...yes, I'll stand up

3 1/2 feet, so about one meter of length

And when you move this pendulum, it swings in about a second per swing

Now it swings in seconds

Back and forth, each time one second

Important is that Mersenne gives us exactly the length of this pendulum

he writes clearly: 3 1/2 feet and by doing so

we know without doubt that he is talking about a pendulum that shows the seconds

But, the passage which is so important,

the first excerpt, he compares the 'Taktschlag' (beat)

he, takes the 'Zeitmass' (tempo) of the 'normal time'

mésure ordinaire,

up and down, is compared by him to the heart beat, interesting enough to the heart beat

heart beat in its double existence: systole and diastole

He writes: the systole of the heart beat is the down beat,

the diastole the upbeat

So, clearly a two beat structure

But, strange enough, the heart beat is a weird example, since, one does not feel the two beats

One does not feel the systole and diastole seperately

So, it is kind of strange, that he compares the up-and downbeat with the diastole and systole

Perhaps not, because if you feel your own heartbeat, you kind of feel the other pulse as well, not?

Yes, but in fact, when you feel your heart beat, you actively feels one beat, not a double beat

You hear (imitation of sound of heart beat), so not

not something equal

the heart beat is something that is a bit unequal

So, now the question how Mersenne sees this

In addition to that, Mersenne adds that the heart beat is about one second, so rather slow

and with that, the whole seems to be clear

So, the whole 'Taktschlag' (beat) has the duration of one second

Up, down, up, down, heart beat, heart beat, that is a reasonable understanding

at least, when you take only this passage into consideration

But after that, Mersenne continues. He now takes the 'Secundenpendel' (Seconds beating pendulum)

and then he writes: the pendulum swings in seconds

which is easy to understand, since it has a length of 3 1/2 feet,

and then he writes that the single swings equal the 'temps' of the systole and diastole

Ok, let us demonstrate, I'll take the pendulum. So this is a pendulum of 3 1/2 feet long,

ok you can demonstrate more practically then

So, Mersenne basically writes that the single beats represent the up and down beats

Up, down, up down, systole, diastole,...

When he takes the pendulum to demonstrate, becomes clear what he meant in the previous passage

we thought -please continue - he said

systole, diastole, ...

upbeat, downbeat, ...

we thought he connected the duration of one 'Taktes' (beat) on one second

but that would be double as fast than

down, up, ...

and now Mersenne writes, in the usage of the Second Pendulum:

The single 'Schläge (beats) equals the 'Schlagzeiten'

so, the down beat and the up beat

And then suddenly this becomes half the speed

This of course is the important point !

Right. And it makes sense to say: when I want to demonstrate this with the use of a pendulum,

to demonstrate the 'Taktbewegung'

than it makes sense that the single swing of the pendulum marks the upbeat and the downbeat

that is the comparison that one makes

Only practically it is absurd when I would make the 'Taktschlag' twice as fast compared to the swinging of the pendulum

So, I have a movement of back and forth, and by every 'back' would be a 'Taktschlag'

That is not the definition of a 'Taktschlag'

We will make a video once about terminology, since these words are confusing and have lead to many misunderstandings

Right, one must make a lot of distinctions

even from writer to writer

ok, but that is for another video

but that is of course connected to this, it is not something you can discuss in 5 seconds on Facebook

of course, not pointing to Facebook, but in fact... it is easy in itself

but in order to research it and the history behind it, you have to understand all of these...

because, even for me now, it's getting difficult

You have to read the texts, and a discussion without the texts is in fact difficult, if even possible at all

So Mersenne writes in fact, as we have said

that first video : two seconds equals one second, right?

No, that is not what he says. He says

in the first part of the quote we talked about : the Takt Dauer is one second

and than, he adds, the duration of this back and forth movement

is one second !

That is the important connection

Second, second, or: down, up, ...

A duration of clearly, as we would say, of two seconds

Without even a doubt for us today

two seconds.

But Mersenne writes that that movement is the duration of only one second

And it is not a misprint?

It is no misprint, because the same explanation (conclusion) at another place writes in other words

Plus, in other writings of Mersenne, it is clear and easy to point that this definition comes back again and again

There is on top of that another terminological problem, which is easy to point though

the use of the term second in the normal (our) understanding

ok, more confusing

Yes, right, the same with terms as 'battments', or 'vibrations'

he can say 'tour', one swing, 'chaque tour', than it is rather clear that he takes the single swing

but than he writes about 'retour' and means double beat

retour, means in that way, tour-retour, a couple (pair)

Or he says 'battments', battments du coeur

and in the context, it becomes clear he describes the double beat

than he writes about battments, the number of the 'battments' is double the amount of the numbers of 'retours'

ok, to summarize, because we will make maybe another video about this, since we have a lot to cover

this is, as an introduction, that is really important. What I learn here

and of course, you have been telling me about this, but I'm learning new stuff all the time

I have not read Mersenne complete, obviously not, because if I would do that, I would not play Beethoven sonatas

but I remember this two second duration equals one second, he is not describing that as such

but this is the time duration of one second

which is really very important, because of this sets the way to the double beat

and even within this theory, this book or Mersenne, you have to be very aware of the terminology

since they are using single and double understanding of the Schlag (beat) one by each other

So, I believe for a first video, this can count for something, I mean, it is mind blowing for me

we have been talking on this topic, not a lot, but sometime now, and we have done a previous interview on these

two second, one second thing, but it shows that it is really difficult matter

which you have to read and carefully read. So we will going to cover Mersenne of course

in other chats that we will have today and over the coming days,

so stay tuned for that.

For more infomation >> 2 = 1 SEC ?? MARIN MERSENNE = DOUBLE BEAT?? YOU MUST BE KIDDING, RIGHT? - Duration: 14:50.


Stoneybrook Revisited: A Baby-Sitters Club Fan Film -- Teaser Trailer - Duration: 0:25.

Call it nostalgia, or an inability to move on, but I love Stoneybrook.

And this weekend all my favorite people are coming back for a visit.

The thing about friends you've had your whole life is that there is no way to sum them up.

They're uniquely themselves, always.

And almost here!

I can't wait to get everyone together.

For more infomation >> Stoneybrook Revisited: A Baby-Sitters Club Fan Film -- Teaser Trailer - Duration: 0:25.


8 Figure Dream Lifestyle 8FDL Reviews - Duration: 9:02.

Hi everyone, Mike Kingman here, and today

I'm going to review 8 Figure Dream

Lifestyle, and talk about why 8FDL is so

much different when compared to other

programs. Now first off, unlike other

business opportunities, 8FDL is

actually a real business that operates

like a real business but in a virtual

capacity with no sleazy gimmicks that

so many other programs employ in order

to bait people. Many programs will come

and go and are short-lived because

they're not designed to be real

businesses but instead they're thrown

together and based on shiny object

gimmicks to attract new people looking

for easy money where they don't have to

lift a finger

8 Figure Dream Lifestyle on the other

hand operates like a throwback

old-school brick-and-mortar business but

implements technology in such a way that

no other high ticket or other type of

business opportunity even comes close.

In fact, the reason why the success rate for

our members in 8FDL is almost 5 times

higher than any other big-ticket

business programs is because of the

close-knit community of members helping

one another out as well as the robust

process that begins with member on-

boarding, then transitions to our interactive

new member orientations all the way to the

successful implementation of their first

campaign. Now this format is by design

where it becomes nearly impossible to

fail. But what do I know? And why should

you even be listening to a word that's

coming out of my mouth? Well for one

thing I've been a professional internet

marketer since the mid 1990's and I've

seen a lot of changes over the years but

the one constant I've noticed is the

number of programs that have come and

gone where there will typically be a

small percentage of leaders many of whom

that would unscrupulously get new people

excited even though they knew full well

in advance that the deck was stacked

against those new members with regards

to their chances of having any real

success and that's something that really

bothered me and I bring that up because

this is the first program I've seen with

so many new members consistently and I

want to stress the would consistently

get started and begin having success in

their first 30 days. And while I'm presenting

this information in the form of a video

I'd like to make it clear that you don't

need to make your

videos to have massive success in 8FDL

In fact, if you see a video preview

thumbnail with someone making obnoxious

claims, holding up postcards.

Postcards like this, for example, that say

easy money for suckers

you know they're dressed up weird and

all flashy throwing cash. I mean, those

types of individuals they usually have a

large following on their channel with a

library of marketing videos and most of

them, not all, but most of them are

strategically baiting you and they

certainly don't respect you so don't

fall for those gimmicks or you may learn

an expensive lesson now before I get

into the more specific details about

8 Figure Dream Lifestyle and what makes it

stand out I first want me to be aware of

a few of the warning signs you need to

watch out for when looking for

a legitimate home based business so here they are:

Okay folks real quick these are

the warning signs of strategic baiting

I'm actually going to be doing a video

segment on this in a little more detail

but you need to be aware of strategic

baiting because it's really becoming

rampant in the industry kind of giving

it a black eye and you know this is a

great industry to be a part of but

there's so much garbage out there and a

lot of these guys have it down to a

science they know how to invoke trust

and be believable and it's just it's

just people are getting scammed left and

right because of strategic baiting so

what is strategic baiting what are the

warning signs well number one is the

manufactured money proof now let me be

clear when I say manufactured money

proof I'm not saying that hey that clown

who's holding up thousands of dollars to

show off to you in front of the camera

I'm not saying that that money is fake

nor am I saying that a cashier's check

payment that someone is holding up fake

not saying that at all but the process

is manufactured you see these are

seasoned marketers that do things behind

the scenes that the average individual

would be too overwhelmed even try to

think about doing so what they do is

they misleadingly put this out there to

say hey you know what this is so easy

all you have to do is have a pulse if

you can roll out of bed and mail a

postcard which, oh by the way, this is

another thing right here to get rich

quick postcards there's so many of these

programs out there now it's not not

funny and they like to have you believe

that you know what I mean I have no

experience at all but I tell you I took

this postcard

all I do is I mail a bunch of them out

and "there's a closer who's doing all the

work for me and I just got this check in

the mail I I tell you is the easiest

thing I've ever seen"..they want you to

believe that okay and I'm not saying

everyone is a liar I'm not saying that

but the vast majority of them are

painting this rosy picture for you so

you'll have this epiphany to where you'd

be nuts not to join that's what they

want that's strategic baiting there's

just I mean again I'm going to have

another video about this it just blowing

the lid off of it entirely and a lot of

these guys aren't too happy that I'm

disclosing this but too bad maybe they

should change their approach but

strategic baiting is becoming rampant

and I'm really sick of it so

manufactured money proof, get rich quick

postcards and another thing is the

inspirational story

and it's there's so many of these now

and when I say the inspirational story

okay you got Billy Bob here that was

living he was homeless he was eating out

of a garbage can he didn't know where he

was gonna get his next meal from and he

just needed a sign just you needed

something and all of a sudden he had

this vision where he was told to go and

plug into the system that somebody told

him about and so he went from eating out

of a garbage can to overcoming a drug or

alcohol habit or what have you so now

all of a sudden his life has changed

forever now I'm not trying to belittle

or insult people who really do have a

true real story like this

I'm not doing that at all I think

stories like that those are great and

I'm not talking about people who have a

real story but the truth is there are

far too many of these inspirational

stories now they're growing on trees

it's like hey you know what if you want

to be successful you better have a

hardship story that talks about all you

had to overcome and a lot of these

stories are just fat they're fish

stories they're not even true stories so

when you see the story and it gets you

pumped and it gets you excited and you

say to yourself you know what if that

person can do it so can I be careful

there is there's a very good chance that

that was just all made-up fiction to get

you to take action, and part with your

money so anyway these are the three and

there's actually there's more than three

I said I'll make another video about

this to go in more depth just so you

know what to be on the lookout

or but strategic baiting is something

you need to be aware of so now let's get

to 8FDL, why it's different and

doesn't employ any of these gimmicks

because quite frankly it's not necessary

and that's why it's working so well.

So with 8FDL the reason why our new

member success rate is so high and

really so unprecedented in this industry

how high it is is because of the system

that we implement with three simple

steps and those are number one

onboarding we actually have a

professional onborder that literally

sets all new members up with everything

that they need and goes over everything

sets everything integrations everything

so there's no no technical skills

required whatsoever the onboarding

specialist does all this for you once

onboarding is completed you then go to

the new member orientation now we have

new member orientations they're

interactive they're one hour long but we

have them seven days a week so once new

members get on boarded they then

attend a new member orientation one hour

at the end of one hour it's time to

begin your campaign and that's it and

really what's so amazing about this the

only way that someone can fail is if

they come in and they refuse to get on-

boarded or do the new member orientation

and it's really set up that way it

basically forces you to follow the

bouncing ball begin your campaign and

start seeing results there's nothing

else like it out there.

So there you have it

you see hype gimmicks and exaggerated

claims who only go so far in this

industry so when something actually

works and works well for all members

that type of good news travels very fast

in the home-based business community

which is why 8 Figure Dream

Lifestyle is poised they have a huge

year as we approach the midpoint here in

2017 along with even bigger things for

2018 and beyond so if you'd like to

learn more as well as find out how you

can get your own customized personal

website designed exclusively by myself

for my team members then give me a call

at the number shown or head over to for more details and I

look forward to talking with you soon.

For more infomation >> 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle 8FDL Reviews - Duration: 9:02.


NIGHTCORE Highschool Of The Dead Op [ENGLISH VER Unknown Songbird][CC] - Duration: 2:29.

All my sense

Has shaken up

Dissolved, Within this reality

My mind is breaking up Emotions piling high

These feelings run astray Where will thoughts go?

Clinging onto all of my broken dreams

I'm running from the darkness and into crimson skies

Rain clouds my eyes.

I'm at the end!

All of my feelings have collapsed

What is there to see? Where will we all be? I don't know what this is

Without a sound

Connected feelings they all unfold

They are all fleeting, they're intertwining All of our futures are so cold.


The lights unfold shadows,

They speak out all their last words.

My wishes can't come true.

I wish for tomorrow.

We all hallucinate. Is it a dream?

Clinging onto all of my broken dreams,

These devastating visions that keep on haunting me. Don't run away...

The land erupts. We travel through desolated grounds.

What is there to learn? What is there to hear? I can no longer see.

We make no sounds.

We're keeping the voices in our heads.

Our futures are fleeting, they're all intertwining Continuing is our destiny...

This is the end.

All of my feelings have collapsed.

What is there to see?

Where will we all be? I don't know what this is.

Without a sound.

I can no longer feel your hold.

My heart is still beating,

what is this feeling?

Why is our future still so



Thanks for watching~

For more infomation >> NIGHTCORE Highschool Of The Dead Op [ENGLISH VER Unknown Songbird][CC] - Duration: 2:29.


Diario de un joven médico de Mijaíl Bulgákov || Reseña [CC] - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> Diario de un joven médico de Mijaíl Bulgákov || Reseña [CC] - Duration: 10:29.



For more infomation >> LONG STORY SHORT, THE COMPETITION STUDENT OF THE YEAR - Duration: 1:55.


Face Glowing Home Remedies in Urdu | Rang Gora Karna Itna Asan | Beauty Tips in Urdu - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Face Glowing Home Remedies in Urdu | Rang Gora Karna Itna Asan | Beauty Tips in Urdu - Duration: 3:55.


Testing Poetry Kickstarter Promo - Duration: 2:45.

Hi, I'm Jesse!

Before I tell you about my project, you should know two things about me.

One, I'm a writer.

I write picture books, silly poetry, and other sources of whimsy.

And number two, I'm a teacher, and

I'm sick of standardized testing.

You probably feel the same, especially if you are a teacher, student, former student,

human, or empathetic robot.

And it's totally understandable!

I could go on and on about how these tests are curriculum-narrowing, culturally biased,

poorly designed colossal wastes of time and money – but I won't!

Now there are some awesome people doing work to resist the testing system

But I think a big part of what we need to do is to change the culture and the conversation and really

get people talking about the problem.

Still with me?

Good, because here's where the silly poetry comes in.

"Do your best!"/"Rock the test!"/"OMG!"/(Hashtag #blessed)

You did not raise your hand/That's a test violation

I warned what would happen/in this situation

New rules for the students: They can't leave their chairs/In emergencies, they can be carried downstairs

To prevent them from seeing what others have marked/They must cross their eyes, and the room must be dark

So this year, I've been killing two birds with one stone – "Actively Monitoring" the tests while writing

poems complaining about Actively Monitoring tests.

Note, if you're my testing administrator, this is a joke

*laughs uncomfortably*

I started getting a lot of enthusiastic responses from other teachers, and that got me thinking

– it would be great to write more of these and share them widely.

I want to highlight what we all know about testing in a way that is fun and memorable,

and hopefully can serve as a conversation starter so people will stop just accepting

over-testing as the natural state of being.

So why should you chip in?

Hopefully you want to be part of that conversation.

Or maybe you just want the stuff.

I'm making a book of poetry about testing.

The plan is for at least 16 pages, but if we go past our goal I'll start adding more and more


But it's not just any book!

I've enlisted the help of an amazing illustrator and frequent collaborator, Anna Fox.

She's done art to accompany my poems before, and I'm really excited that she'll be

bringing illustrations to this project as well.

Something really exciting is, if we go past our goal, then we'll be putting extra funds

back into producing a better product.

The more money we receive, the more we'll be able to really bring this book to life

through illustrations, high-quality printing, and maybe even marketing that can help spotlight

some of the awesome anti-testing movements happening around the country.

So here's my call to action!

Contribute, so we can send you your own copy of our book.

Then, tell your friends and share this – the more people who support us, the more we'll

be able to do to make your book even more amazing, with more poems, more art

and maybe even some special surprises down the road.

Thanks for watching, and remember to contribute and share!

For more infomation >> Testing Poetry Kickstarter Promo - Duration: 2:45.


Summer Paradise 2017 - Best Of Tropical Deep House 2017 & Music Chill Out - Summer Mix #2 - Duration: 1:08:25.

Summer Paradise 2017

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