Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Change font size color and transparency via options menu) (Subtitles optimized to be viewed on PC)
So, Today! tadaa "Marumiya and Myojo" got together to produce these 'Noritama Yakiudon' (seaweed-egg fried-noodle)
and I'll be eating 10 packs of them
Noritama has been around for ages and they haven't changed at all even after all these years
I can remember back in the day I'd enjoy big heaping bowls of rice with just these Noritama (seaweed-egg) sprinkles
brings back so many memories
and now they come out with this collab combining these nostalgic Noritama and delish yakiudon dishes together
I can't wait to try them ~they look so yummy~
~Also~ I'd like to take these Noritama sprinkles and eat them with rice
alrighty lets get cookin'
this is the noritama yakiudon
and this is what the noritama furikake (sprinkles) look like ~seeing them together its hard to tell them apart~
~I won't make that mistake however~
this is what the package looks like
wait is this? Can it be?
its a tiny version of the furikake just like what you'd find in a bento sized portion
is this the same as the reg version? is it any different?
this is the udon style noodles and there is this liquid sauce pack ~prolly a dashi soy sauce~
and you can see some bits of veg in here as well
K, we've got 10 packs worth prepped lets start with this liquid sauce pack
it smells like a nice dashi (fish stock) soy sauce
and next up I'll add the noritama furikake to this ~what's it say? noritama..... topping? ~
~I'll add whatever this stuff is called to this~
oh wait it just might be legit noritama
ahh its gonna be delish ~its actual noritama~
over here we've got the noritama from the yakiudon package and this is the regular furikake version of noritama
they look so similar
they're polly the same
those guys at the marumiye factory thought up a good product putting this together
alright so this is what it will end up looking like and this is a regular noritama furikake on rice
I've used 3 cups of rice in this tadaa the dishes are done
the rice looks so delish its been ages since I last had noritama on rice
~brings back memories~ itadakimasu
these look pretty yummy I do like me an instant udon dish
this is what it looks like covered in noritama furikake and the noodles have
taken on that slight soy sauce color to it ~delish~
its yummy the noodles have that dashi soy sauce flavor and
its topped with that noritama furikake
~thanks captain obvious~
I love the flavor combination of this dashi soy sauce with the noritama
the dashi soy sauce has a rather mellow laid back flavor and the noritama has this lively full flavor
and they come together really nicely
I love the flavorful egg in the noritama ~and... the heck are these green bits in here?~
are they tea leaves?
what exactly are the green bits that are mixed in with this noritama furikake?
they look like something you'd find in an 'ochazuke' (another rice sprinkle)
~the heck are these?~ ~the heck is this flavor?~
its similar to a seaweed-like snack flavor?
its flavored with this seaweed-like something and you get this full bodied seaweed flavoring it deliciously
I'll now try the rice
so good
soo good~ the noritama goes so nicely with the slightly sweet rice
noritama rice and noritama noodles go great together
so I've got this noritama meant for rice here
I'm thinking adding it to this would make it much better
so I'd like to dub this dish ~if I can name it~ ~ - Noritama Yakiudon Rich - ~
as long as you've got extra noritama furikake
you've got no limits on how much flavor you want to add
~guys if you're trying out some noritama noodles please have some noritama furikake on standby~
oh noes~ I'm almost out
I'm about to use up all my noritama
ahh good ol' Noritama it brings back so many memories I used to always have this in my (school) bento's
and we'd always have some stocked in our pantry
I could demolish so many bowls of rice with just some noritama sprinkles
K, I've used it all up it was almost the perfect amount for a meal
these are meant for sprinkling on rice but... they're perfect for putting on noodles and rice
last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita noritama yakiudon were pretty tasty
that dashi soy sauce had a nice mellow sweet flavor I really enjoyed it
which was wonderfully accented with the bold noritama flavors
and its been ages since I last had noritama on rice ~So delish~
with just the furikake sprinkles I could totally eat many many bowls of rice
these noritama noodles just might be around for a limited time... if you're a fan of noritama I strongly recommend these
a hik~...
a must have dish for sure so won't you give these a try?
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
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