Born as the heir to the large-scale powerful Mishima Zaibatsu corporation,
Heihachi Mishima was raised under the wing of his father: a martial arts master named Jinpachi Mishima.
Once he grew older, Heihachi met with a woman named Kazumi,
the two of them ended up having a son with the name Kazuya
and Heihachi showed him no mercy in training him to become a martial arts master
much like Heihachi himself.
However, as his grandfather, Jinpachi showed Kazuya a sense of kindness that made Heihachi despite him.
Heihachi eventually overthrew his father Jinpachi in order to take over as the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu
with the intention of shifting the focus of the company into the military industry.
Although Jinpachi attempted to try and take the company back from his son,
Heihachi even went as far as to imprison Jinpachi in the lower levels of the Mishima mansion to ensure he wouldn't be able to espace
With Jinpachi gone, Kazuya lost his compassionate grandfather,
which lead to Heihachi being able to fully raise Kazuya through his own will and ideals.
Heihachi eventually grew tired of Kazuya failing him and threw his son off a cliff,
claiming that if he was truly a part of the Mishima clan and his son,
he would be able to survive the fall and climb back up.
Due to Kazuya's mother carrying something known as ''the Devil gene,''
the gene was passed on to Kazuya himself
and it was what allowed him to not only survive the long fall but also climb back up.
Heihachi was only further spurred on by Kazuya --
going as far as to adopt a boy named Lee Chaolan with the intention him becoming Kazuya's rival.
Kazuya spent many years training to become strong enough to defeat his father
and take over the Mishima Zaibatsu.
He traveled across the world and fought against mutiple different martial arts experts in order to grow more powerful.
Heihachi eventually announced a large-scale martial arts tournament
with the fortune of the Mishima Zaibatsu on the line as the tournaments main prize,
along with the title of The King of the Iron Fist.
The tournament was funded by the Mishima Zaibatsu
and was set up as a way for Heihachi to test Kazuya's strength.
And so, the first King of the Iron Fist tournament was held.
The fighters that were featured in this installment were:
Heihachi Mishima: The current leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu.
Kazuya Mishima: Heihachi's son.
Lee Chaolan: Kazuya's adopted brother.
Nina Williams: A cool-headed and beautiful assassin.
Anna Williams: Nina's younger sister and rival.
King: A masked wrestler who wants to help financially support his orphanage.
Armor King: Orignally a rival to King, the two of them became partners down the line.
Ganryu: An ex-sumo wrestler who turned to crime after having been banned from wrestling.
Jack: A robot designed specifically for combat.
Prototype Jack: A prototype of Jack and his designated rival.
Kuma: Heihachi's bodyguard and pet bear.
Marshall Law: A chef with a dream of opening his own martial arts school.
Michelle Chang: A nature-loving and determined woman.
Paul Phoenix: A hot-headed man set on proving his strenght to the world.
Wang Jinrei: An experienced martial arts master.
Yoshimitsu: The sword-wielding head of a ninja clan.
Kunimitsu: A female ninja specializing in thivery.
After winning the first tournament and proving himself to be stronger than his father,
Kazuya dropped Heihachi's collapsed body off the same cliff he'd been dropped from when he was younger.
Then, whilst under the impression that his father had died,
Kazuya went on to take over the Mishima Zaibatsu.
After claiming the title of leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu,
Kazuya turned the company into an evil organization.
Although Heihachi was certainly ruthless, Kazuya acted without any morals whatsoever.
Under Kazuya's leadership, the Zaibatsu started indulging in numerous illegal activities
such as: smuggling endangered animal species, stealing money from several smaller organizations and experimenting with genetics.
Kazuya would even go as far as to hire assassins to take care of anyone he wpould deem to be a threat.
Kazuya's hatred for Heihachi became his driving force as he battled with two beings
known simply as ''Devil'' and ''Angel'' trying to control his actions,
forcibly causing his personality to split.
After rumors of Heihachi's death started to spread, Kazuya went into hiding.
Only to have rumours of his own spread about his evil empire of a company steadily growing
During this time, Kazuya met with a mysterious and courageous woman named Jun Kazama.
Despite Kazuya's growing position of power, she remained fearless when facing him.
Down the line, Kazuya and Jun had a son together.
Jun later realized that Kazuya's incredible strength stemmed from the devil gene
but couldn't stop herself from wanting to stay by him.
Contrary to Kazuya's belief, Heihachi did not die after having been tossed of the cliff.
Instead, he dedicated all of his time to train in solitude so that he'd be able to overthrow Kazuya
and gain power of the Zaibatsu once again.
Two years after the first tournament ended,
a second King of the Iron Fist tournament was announced by Kazuya.
None of the fighters stood a chance, except for Heihachi.
Which led Kazuya to face off with his father once again.
The two of them fought, and this time, Heihachi emerged as the winner.
In an attempt to seal Kazuya's fate for good, Heihachi dropped his son into an active volcano.
At this point in time, Heihachi was unaware that Jun was pregnant with his grandson.
As Kazuya's body disintegrated in the flames of the volcano,
the devil appeared before Jun to try and infect the soul of Kazuya's unborn child.
However, Jun managed to defeat the evil force and save the child.
She then fled to the isolated island of Yakushima
where she hoped to raise her and Kazuya's child in peace.
The new fighters that were featured in this installment were:
Jack-2: A newer version of the previous Jack model.
Baek Doo San: A strict but fair Tae kwon Do master.
Bruce Irvin: A tough fighter who has a strong dislike for gangsters.
Jun Kazama: A mysterious woman who's infatuated with Kayuza Mishima.
Lei Wulong: A dedicated police officer.
Roger: A kangaroo, one of the Zaibatsu's experiments.
Alex: A dinosaur, also one of the Zaibatsu's experiments.
After having reclaimed his position of power as the leader of the Zaibatsu,
Heihachi formed the Tekken Force as a means of creating a squad of trained specialists
to silence any of the Zaibatsu's future conflicts.
Under Heihachi's leadership, the Zaibatsu begun moving towards a more peaceful and stable future.
Jun's plan of fleeing the mainland in order to raise her child on a desolate island succeeded,
as her son Jin grew up happily together with her on the island
during the time that Heihachi spent on developing the Zaibatsu further.
After hearing about a legend of a mysterious Actez fighting God named Ogre,
Heihachi sent the Tekken Force on an expedition to search for the God's ultimate power.
However, the mission was deemed a failure after Heihachi lost radio contact with the Tekken Force
only to later find them all dead when arriving on the site himself.
A mysterious creature had been set free and Heihachi's search for the ultimate power failed.
Within the following weeks, strong-spirited people and fighting champions all across the world started disappearing.
Jun was quick to pick up on this and realized that the evil force was going to target her.
Unsure of how much time she had left, she told her son Jin about their family history
and tasked him with finding his grandfather Heihachi is anything were to happen to her.
Jun's intuition was right as the Ogre eventually came to attack her.
Although she ordered Jin to run away, he faced the Ogre,
only to be defeated and knocked unconscious.
Jin then woke up to a burning landscape with his mother nowhere to be found.
Following Jun's instructions, a young Jin then traveled to see his grandfather Heihachi --
who ended up taking in Jin under his wing after hearing about what had happened to his mother.
Heihachi realized that the Ogre was out to find powerful fighters
and therefore he begun training Jin in a secret attempt to lure the God out once again.
After four years of vigorous training, the third tournament was started on Jin's 19th birthday.
The new fighters that were featured in this installment were:
Jin Kazama: Kazuya and Jun's son.
Bryan Fury: A man set on creating chaos wherever he goes.
Gun Jack: A newer version of the previous Jack model.
Hwoarang: One of Baek Doo San's cocky students.
Julia Chang: Michelle Chang's adoptive daughter who studies archaeology.
Eddy Gordo: A cool and popular Capoeira user.
Forest Law: Marshall Law's son who was pulled into the tournament by Paul Phoenix.
Ogre: An ancient Aztec fighting God.
Ling Xiaoyu: A young girl who dreams of building the perfect amusement park.
Panda: Xiaoyu's friend and bodyguard.
Mokujin: A wooden training dummy made from an old oak tree.
Doctor Bosconovitch: A doctor who was kidnapped by Kazuya to work under the Zaibatsu.
Even after failing to capture the Ogre once more,
Heihachi still wasn't willing to give up on obtaining the ultimate power.
This led to him start numerous experiments concerning any samples the Zaibatsu had obtained from the Ogre
in an attempt to try and splice the Ogre's DNA with his own.
However, he quickly realized that his body was missing a key component:
the devil gene.
Although Jin managed to defeat the Ogre in the third tournament, he was then shot by Heihachi.
As his life started withering away, something inside of him snapped and he transformed.
After losing control of his powers that came with the devil gene,
Jin took down Heihachi only to then take flight.
While Heihachi desperately searched for Jin,
he came across a suspicious photograph of a body with strange wing-like protrusions on its back.
Heihachi quickly assumed that the body in the picture was his son Kazuya
and instead decided to dedicate all of his resources into finding Kazuya's body.
This led him to a large-scale corporation called ''the G Corporation,''
that had already retrieved Kazuya's body
and used it in an attempt to try and create a new powerful life form.
Heihachi was displeased by this and sent the Tekken Forces to raid their facilities.
The facility located in Nebraska held the remains of Kazuya's body, and was infiltrated by a squad that was led by Heihachi,
who was observing the operation from a helicopter.
A large explosion suddenly shook the halls and members of the Tekken Force were sent flying through the halls.
A silhouette of a man suddenly burst out of the room where Kazuya's body had been kept
and Heihachi realized that his son was alive.
Kazuya offered his body to the scientists because he wished to get to the bottom of the devil gene
and what caused his personality to split.
Kazuya's goal was to unify himself with the devil and get rid of the split all together.
Two years after the third tournament ended, the fourth tournament was announced by Heihachi.
Although Kazuya knew it was a trap set up by his father,
he couldn't pass on the opportunity to defeat Heihachi and take back the Mishima Zaibatsu.
The new fighters that were featured in this installment were:
Christie Monteiro: The granddaughter of a legendary Capoeira master.
Craig Marduk: A very violent and hot-headed fighter who only cares for his parents.
Steve Fox: A friendly gentleman who's dream is to box.
Violet: Lee Chaolan under disguise as a robot manufacturer.
Combot: A robot created by Violet to enter in the fourth tournament.
Although Kazuya and Jin were scheduled to face-off in the 7th round of the fourth tournament,
Jin was subdued and locked away.
This led Kazuya to win by default and so he was sent to fight Heihachi.
However, after Kazuya proved to be stronger than Heihachi, he demanded that he'd be taken to Jin.
Once Heihachi complied, Kazuya tried to steal Jin's devil powers from him but failed in doing so as Jin defeated him.
Jin then defeated Heihachi but decided to spare his life with his late mother in mind.
Jin then spread his wings took off and left both his father and grandfather behind.
Just as the battleground had turned silent, a group of Jack-4 robot soldiers broke through the ceiling.
Heihachi jumped to the conclusion that Kazuya had ordered the sudden attack
but Kazuya was equally taken aback by the sudden assault.
Heihachi and Kazuya tried to fight off the army of Jacks together
until Kazuya turned his back on his father by sacrificing him as he himself escaped the scene.
Only shortly afterwards, a large explosion sends Heihachi flying and he is once again assumed dead.
The Mishima Zaibatsu was taken over by an unknown figure
who continued to run the company as if nothing had happened.
And mysteriously, a fifth King of the Iron Fist tournament was announced
a month after Heihachi's assumed death.
The mysterious figure and the Zaibatsu's new leader was Jinpachi Mishima:
Heihachi's father who had been locked away by his own son in the bottom level of the Mishima mansion.
The new fighters that were featured in this installment were:
Jack-5: A newer version of the previous Jack model.
Asuka Kazama: A cocky girl who's related to Jin Kazama.
Raven: A mysterious and stoic secret agent.
Feng Wei: A power-hungry and merciless martial artist.
Sergei Dragunov: A straight-faced special units military member.
Lili (or Emilie De Rochefort: A wealthy young lady who always aims for grace.
Roger Jr.: A kangaroo, one of the Zaibatsu's experiments.
Jinpachi (*unplayable): Heihachi's father and the founder of the Zaibatsu.
In the final round of the fifth tournament, Jin Kazama defeated his great-grandfather Jinpachi
and therefore earned his place as the new head of the Mishima Zaibatsu.
As the leader of the Zaibatsu, Jin declared complete independence and war against the world.
With the intention of bringing it all to an end,
the Zaibatsu only grew more powerful and soon, world domination was closer than ever.
However, a part of the Zaibatsu's special Tekken Force decided to oppose the Zaibatsu and turn their backs on the organization
The leader of this group was Lars Alexandersson, a man of both great mental and physical abilities.
The G Corporation was the only thing that could stand up to Jin Kazama and the Mishima Zaibatsu.
Which led to the G Corporation issuing a bounty for whoever could bring them Jin alive.
Jin announced the sixth King of the Iron Fist tournament as a challenge to whoever would dare come after him.
Lars' goal was to stop the war between the Mishima Zaibatsu and the G Corporation.
However, Jin eventually learned about this and therefore sent out his subordinates to hunt Lars down.
Unbeknownst to anyone but himself, Lars was born as Heihachi's illegitimate son
as well as Kazuya Mishima's half-brother.
Heihachi has taken to a life of training and solitude with the intention of eventually taking the Zaibatsu back from Jin.
Kazuya soon learned of Lars' plan and sent his men after him as well.
Lars was then approached by a man named Raven who claimed he could help him find Jin,
and the two of them took off into the desert.
In the desert, Lars and Raven found a temple that was the home of a demon known as Azazel.
After entering the temple,
the two of them met with Kazuya who was displeased to learn that Lars was his half-brother.
The two of them fought and a defeated Kazuya then left the temple
Lars and Raven continued on however to the center of the temple only to find Azazel.
A weakened Azazel then declared that it was time for humanity to be destroyed as he self-destructed.
Lars and Raven just managed to make their way out of the temple alive, only to be confronted by Jin.
Jin revealed to Lars that the only way Azazel could be awakened was to fill the world with overwhelming negativity;
and the quickest way of doing so in Jin's eyes was to start a war.
He explained how he never appreciated how the people had to live under
the strict rules of the government and large companies.
Jin also explained how Azazel wasn't dead from the explosion
and how only someone who possessed the devil gene could kill him.
Jin's wish was to free himself from the devil gene.
However, both of them were sent to their apparent deaths after the battle.
Lars and Raven then parted ways.
As Raven and his colleagues dig up what appeared to be Jin's body, the devil tattoo still marked his skin.
Meaning that defeating Azazel did not set him free of the devil gene.
The new fighters that were featured in this installment were:
Jack-6: A newer version of the previous Jack model.
Lars Alexandersson: Kazuya's half-brother and an ex-member of the Tekken forces.
Alisa Bosconovitc: An android designed by Doctor Bosconovitch in the image of his late daughter.
Bob (or Robert Richards): A former martial arts expert, Bob tied himself down to a strict weight-gaining program.
Miguel Caballero Rojo: A blood-thirsty street brawler who's very protective of his sister.
Leo (or Eleonor) Kliesen: A young natural-born adventurer.
Zafina: A mysterious astrologist working to prevent chaos.
Following Jin's disappearance, Heihachi stepped out of his life of solitude
to take control over the Zaibatsu once again.
The war between the Zaibatsu and the G corporation is still ongoing.
But it nears it's end with the awakening of Heihachi's long lost wife: Kazumi Mishima
who's vowed to stop both Kazuya and Heihachi at any price.
The new fighters that are going to be featured in this installment are:
Kazumi Mishima: Heihachi's ex-wife and Kazuya's mother who's set out to defeat them.
Jack-7: A newer version of the previous Jack model.
Claudio Serafino: The leader of the Archers of Sirius clan of Exorcists.
Eliza: A narcoleptic vampire born over 1000 years ago.
Gigas: A military weapon designed by the G-Corporation.
Josie Rizal: A model who's been put through martial arts training by her parents
in hopes that it would make her more mature.
Katarina Alves: A stylish and sassy woman searching for her missing adoptive father.
Master Raven: Raven's superior and another secret agent.
Shaheen: A professionally trained bodyguard who's set out to find the truth behind the G-Corporation.
Lucky Chloe: A cosplay idol who's partnered with the G-Corporation.
She never fails to make people smile even during the most difficult times.
Akuma: A street fighter guest character.
I hope that you found this video helpful as Tekken lore is a pretty good example of wonky fighting game lore...
Either way, I really hope that you're as excited as I am for the release of Tekken 7!
Thank you so much for watching!
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