automata right what's up Gene Wolfe here
aka the Jedi marketers and we're on
video three marvelous journey and I'm john haremza valentus; my valentus; my valentus coffee; my valentus reviews; ted wilson valentus; valentus; valentus 12 in 24; valentus 12 in 24 plan; valentus 12 in 24 program;
going to share some updates I want to
prove some things to validate some of
the things that I've said earlier to
give you some insight into my bonuses
why you're going to want to work with me
to prove to you that I'm not on my word
and I do help my team a lot but that's
just you know that's just getting me we
have so much in place to help you
succeed with volantis and to work with
our team so first and foremost I'm not
going to go into all the products they
have seven products coffee energy
meaning boosts a slim slim product where
it helps you lose weight a cleanse valentus 12 in 24 reviews; valentus 12/24; valentus 2.0; valentus 2017; valentus a scam; valentus alkaline; valentus amazon; valentus and diabetes; valentus and thyroid; valentus back office;
product and then a cellular boosting
product and yeah I think that's it but
I'm not going to go with the detail
about all those if you'd like to learn
more about them you can actually click
on the link in the description it will austin lewis valentus; dave jordan valentus; james toale valentus; jim toale valentus;
redirect you to my opt-in file and you
can go through my opt-in page get and
then check out our video and or you can
just inbox me and I can send you some
information inbox me on Facebook but I
just want to give you an update I want
to give you guys an update on my bonuses
to prove too so one of the things that
I'm long I launched so I've been in this
company 11 days now I brought in six
people seven people popping in the next valentus before and after; valentus before and after pictures; valentus benefits; valentus beth robinson;
couple hours here for all ends and
yeah so what I do for my team is I have
a rotator free traffic rotator and the
free traffic rotator set I created this
is the sliding page the sales page for
my team
so this sales page here that you see I
created this is mine but I created a
duplicate page of this for people on my
team who are all in and that's the $499
level and the reason why I do that is
because you know clearly if you're
committed to the company which you are
clearly proving by by your actions I'm
going to go overboard to help you
succeed with this and this is just what
I am offering our team is offering some
crazy stuff so what we do is we we run
opportunity hang out hang out and we valentus coffee reviews; valentus coffee side effects; valentus comment gagner un 2eme revenu rapidement; valentus comp plan; valentus compensation plan; valentus convention
close sales for you so one of the cool
things that that you're going to be able
to do is that I create this sales page
for you and you're going to be able to
promote this sales page to whoever you
want to come and watch our live hangout
and as you can see here there's one two
three four I'm included there we provide
testimonials about the product about how
we're making money with it about our
team basically pre selling and selling
on your behalf so you can send people to valentus brain optimization; valentus breakthrough; valentus business; valentus business cards; valentus business opportunity; valentus channel; valentus clinics reviews; valentus coffee;
your to your website and you're not even
have to explain to them or sell anything
because we're going to do that for you
but of course if you're one of those
types of ambitious types you're going to
you're going to put in the work too
right so imagine having not just me and
our team leaders closing sales to you
but you know you following up and doing
your bit as well so that's one of the
cool things that I do I do for you as a
bonus working with me and being all in
that build your website with your
information with your Facebook link with
your pre enrollee link there
and so when people watch our hangout
they're going to pre enroll almost it's
almost guaranteed because we're an
exciting bunch of marketers where we're
very ambitious so when they fill in this
information here what's going to happen
is the let this already has technology
in place that's going to follow up with
your leads so these people are going to
be getting constant emails and because
I'm always building I I build I built a
lot of building online and as you can
see here look I'm always sending pre
enrollees these pre enrollees are being
set up being put under you these people
are being put under you and these people
if they sign up they're going to be part
of your team and you're going to be able
to make money from them now one of the
cool things to prove the concepts so
yesterday we had a hangout at 6 p.m.
Pacific Time 9:00 p.m. Eastern let me go
here okay right here congratulations
gene Chad Smith smiley just upgraded to
I R so 6:15 during our hangout somebody
upgraded during our hangout and more
than likely they were watching our
hangout I never got a chance to talk to
Chad yet but I will be um so I built
systems right I build systems for myself
because I like to leverage my time
better right I don't like you know you
trade a job to work a full-time business
mom I want you to know that you only you
could become a slave to your full-time
business at home so I my mindset is okay
I instead of working hard I need to work
smart I need to have technology in place
that can automate the process of not
just selling but explaining and
following up with my lead so I have
these things in place ah this this sales
page is one of those things but I also
create sales funnels like often funnels
and stuff like that that provide me with
highly targeted leads
as you can see here this is just from
today let me refresh this museum I got
any more leads from an INT a probably
not that ok yeah so I got another one
here so I have a person who has between
$300 they've looked at the polenta's
video $100 and up to $600 on 5 people
who do that so I know how to market I
know how to generate these this is all
autopilot lead generation and now let's toronto; valentus corp; valentus corporate office; valentus dangers; valentus dave jordan; valentus definition; valentus diabetes; valentus diet; valentus diet coffee; valentus distributor; valentus ditto talk; valentus documentary; valentus dream builders; valentus emerald; valentus energy; valentus energy drink; valentus energy drink review;
talk about the rotator right so I
launched a rotator and I just yesterday
and to give you an example these people
are all in on my team right ok I only
have 300 Len people and so because
they're all in I'm sending free traffic
on their behalf out of my own pocket
money out of my own pocket you don't
have to do nothing and if they get free
enrollees they get free enrollees
because of it because it's going
directly to their page so this is one of
my one of my sites Fernan page that's
got his Facebook link there it's got his
phone number there it's got his pre
pre enrollee of link there c49 Jimenez
so when people opt-in he's getting pre
signups for me for my efforts for my
money and I do this for my team so I'm a
man of my word
as I say I'm going to be something I'm
gonna do it right I don't leave people
hanging I want you to succeed
this helps jumpstart that process right
so if you're getting pre enrollees and
you're getting phone numbers you need to
be following up with these people if you
don't follow up with these people well
that's clearly an indication to you on
where you stand and how committed you
are to a business right if you're not if
I'm about putting my money out there I'm
doing work on your behalf and I'm doing
this for you for my team you need to do
your part too you need to follow up with
these leads and you need to you know
explain to them why they need to be
coming in now here's the cool part if
you sign up anybody who goes all-in
they're going to be added to the rotator
too so we're going to be I'm gonna I'm
gonna help do this on your behalf this
is a bonus you can offer
if they go all in I'm going to get them
a page like this - they're gonna get a
page like this pretty cool right and
you're also going to be able to offer a
hundred to two hundred dollars in free
Bing advertising credits so these are
just three bonuses that you're going to
be able to offer valuable bonuses that
are going to that you're going to be
able to offer and some of these cool
things you know like we have our own
Facebook mastermind group where it's a
really highly engaged group so we're
going to engage your team for you we're
going to keep them motivated we're going
to keep them into integrated into our
and to our culture so to speak and we're
going to make sure that they're always
engaged in our in the inside of our
group right so that is one of the
hardest things about marketing is
keeping your team engaged what happens
is people join businesses and then you
start to drift off except their mind
wanders off to other shiny objects you
know we don't allow that I mean I mean
they could do whatever they want their
money their life but we engaged our team
we keep them all involved and we run
weekly training right so here we have
done for you video training that we've
already done but we also run weekly
training to teach you how to market we
don't charge you anything extra you come
all in with us we're doing this stuff valentus energy reviews; valentus espanol; valentus español; valentus fda approved; valentus francais; valentus france; valentus head office; valentus headquarters; valentus health canada; valentus how it works;
for you and we're providing it to you
for free we run opportunity webinars as
I said this is an opportunity webinar so
all you have to do is send people to
this page that I create for you if
you're all-in and we're going to close
sales for you so you don't really have
to sell pretty much anything what else
do we got here what else can I explain
oh yeah okay so here we're at YouTube
I'm going to show you I mean crazy
YouTube marker all right I know how to
get a lot of traffic here's one of my
videos here's one of my videos and it's
you have any other videos creeping up
here here's one of my videos this is a
rotator video so if you click this link
right here look see she's one of the
people on our team
oops let me do it again click it again
it will go to a different page yeah this
is my page opt-in and opt-in page and
stood again okay it's going back to TV
again and she's getting some good
fernette there you go so it rotates this
is another video that's rotating I
should have another one creeping up here
fairly quick but I'm doing my own
marketing and on traffic to help build
my team I do this because I am all about
trading value for money I want to over
deliver I don't have to do this stuff valentus how to use; valentus images; valentus immune; valentus immune boost; valentus immune boost reviews; valentus immune boost side effects; valentus ingredients;
okay when people buy buy into the lenses
the final product so you're getting a
product for your money I don't have to
do any of this extracurricular stuff to
help you with your business but I do it
because I like to lead by example so
people who work with me you should be
doing the exact same thing
there is no I don't have nothing to
offer because you have all this to offer
to people okay and you have I mean and
people are buying a product so they're
actually getting value for their money
regardless if you do anything to them
but we do all this extra stuff to put
you in a position to where you're going
to succeed so it's you know almost
insanely impossible for you to fail
working with me and working with our
unless you do nothing which is you know
some of the norm of a lot of people valentus reviews; valentus reviews 2016; valentus reviews uk; valentus scam; valentus side effects; valentus slim roast; valentus slim roast coffee; valentus slim roast coffee review; valentus slim roast ingredients; valentus slim roast review; valentus slim roast weight loss coffee; valentus slimroast results; valentus specialty chemicals; valentus stories; valentus team; valentus testimonials; valentus top earners; valentus toronto; valentus tour; valentus tour scam; valentus training; valentus trim; valentus trim results; valentus trim reviews; valentus uk; valentus uk compensation plan; valentus uk login; valentus uk reviews; valentus videos; valentus vs plexus; valentus webinar; valentus weight loss; valentus weight loss coffee;
they'd come in be excited and then they
do nothing they're clearly not action
takers they action takers with their
money but they're actually outside of
getting upgraded and doing stuff but
it's not serious enough about their
business so you're serious you're going
to get me to help you I'm going to help
you Aaron which is my sponsor
and my good friend I've known for a long
time now
he's the six-figure energy he's going to
help you as well you get both of us
helping you if you need help closing
sales and you got somebody who says hey
I want to go all-in can I talk to you
who ever and ever oh I'll do a three-way
with you if you'd like this is about
building your you know helping build
your business I mean if you want to make valentus instagram; valentus international; valentus is it a scam; valentus issues; valentus juice; valentus leads; valentus login; valentus logo; valentus marketing; valentus marketing plan; valentus marketing tools; valentus max; valentus meaning; valentus movie; valentus naturopath; valentus network marketing;
five hundred dollars a week you know
five hundred dollars a month you can we
can show you we've cracked the code we
have systems in place and I'm just
showing you what I'm offering when you
become an old intern with our team you
get an actual Marketing System - so we
have a marketing system invoice that you
can tap into and you can leverage as
well you don't have to use my stuff I
just put this stuff out there to help
you if you want to use the marketing valentus weight loss coffee reviews; valentus weight loss coffee scam; valentus weight loss reviews; valentus weight loss system review from naturopathic doctor; valentus welcome; valentus what is it; valentus youtube;
system you use the marketing system - so
my phone number is in the description my
sign up link you know go through my
opt-in to my website watch the hangout
here and make sure when you click on
this that you're pre enrolling enter in
your information so you can watch the
system we do the system will follow up
with you they won't call you but they
will follow up with you and you'll
you'll see how powerful the system is
and that they're going to be they're
going to create excitement for your
leads so you know what I mean like I'm
always marketing so I'm building half
your business for you and they're going
to let you know that they're gonna be
like you got this amount of people in
your team right now you need to upgrade
or you're going to lose that team so get
a hold of me on Facebook of your life
yeah you know valentus new products; valentus official; valentus online; valentus opportunity; valentus overview; valentus pay plan; valentus pictures; valentus powerline video; valentus presentation; valentus prevail; valentus prevail energy; valentus prevail max; valentus prevail trim; valentus products; valentus pyramid scheme; valentus real reviews; valentus results;
you can come in at any level like I'm
not saying that you have to come in at
all in level I'm just giving you value
if you do right if you come in at a
lower level I'll still help you I'll
make sure you're put in a position where
you have enough resources so that you
can promote the business and I'll teach
you how to promote it but don't come in
with like you know they'll come in and
buy one one one one pack like you know
what I mean let's be serious or if you
just want to test out the product that's
cool get a hold of me you know maybe
I'll just mail you some product if you'd
like but you know come in out of bare
minimum get three packages or you know
get the six package but goal in you know
$499 to run to have an opportunity to
work with six-figure earners and to
start a six-figure business peanuts
compared to what people are paying for a
brick and motar I mean we're talking six
figures to run to start a brick and
motar you're spending tens twenty thirty
thousand dollars to get an education at
college and not even guaranteed a job
out there so you know this is peanuts
compared to what you'd have to pay if
you tried to do this on your own and
doing it a different route so get a hold
of me lock into the team I look forward
to work with you I'm an honest
transparent name with B and I there's
nothing sugar-coated about me I also run
motivational Monday's of motivational
Monday series so I'll have some videos
and that in my channel there click
subscribe to my channel comment in the
video if you'd like to like it share it
and yeah I look forward to possibly work
on you please
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