And this weeks show is underway
Keyakitte Kakenai
Hello we are your hosts Sawabe and
I'm Tsuchida
And over there are Keyaki-chan
And with that
I'll announce what's on the show today
Today's show
Tsuchida-san and Sawabe-san, things we want to ask them
On a previous episode
its been a year since the debut, so here's the chance to speak openly
We did that right? Yes we did.
There were things we couldn't get on that show
some more things the members wanted to ask us
Well in the past
on Valentine's Day, for the 2 MCs
the members gave you
presents. Do you remember it?
Of course we remember
I really use my gift
That gift gets used all the time
Kobayashi gave me those clothes
Those baby clothes. Yes, the kid wears it all the time
And I got 2 scarves that I use a lot
but I've never worn Oda Nana's even once!
Because of the design
That unique design right? Because of that
About 3 months ago
on the Valentine's Day episode
the MCs received presents from the members however
Today its May 14th
2 months since White Day
and we have yet to get any presents back from the 2 of you
Shida and I were talking about this
Shida, you feel the same way?
We're not trying to force you into giving us something but
[ Already seems half forced ]
Well with those return gifts
maybe for the next birthday or another event
maybe that's another chance for a return present
So does everyone feel this way?
Neru too?
I've thought about it everyday
[ Days filled with lobbying ]
You think about it everyday with your busy schedule?
And with that this time
The things they want as return gifts for Valentine's Day
the members are going to announce them
At the end
the people chosen for the Tsuchida prize and the Sawabe prize
will get their present in the following days
This is all individual presents right?
That's right
So I'll definitely be paying with my own money right?
[ Paying out of pocket ]
Lets start with the flip cards. All at once. Open
Lots of different items
What are you going to do with it?
Well Sawabe-san likes going to Music festivals right?
I go
So then for us
if we formed a band
at any time
you could enjoy seeing us with the instruments
Hold on now, I like going to festivals
if you're just going to stand there holding an instrument, it doesn't matter who it is
I go to see bands I like
furthermore, if you guys formed a band
it would look incomplete with just one bass guitar
[ Predicting future costs ]
You want me to buy the drums?
Would this be for everyone?
When I joined, a bunch of us were in our 2nd year of high school
So just those members discussed it
We talked about it and assigned instruments
By the way what instrument would Oda Nana play?
I'd play tambourine
[ In charge of the tambourine? ]
The band tambourine player?
What instrument would Shida play?
I'd be the vocalist
Vocals, ah that's a good one
And Risa?
I'd play drums
And there's also Koike Minami
What would Koike play?
electric guitar
Electic guitar. Think you could play it?
There's an electric guitar at my parents house
You play?
Just a little bit
But really are you motivated to go through with this?
I'd even sacrifice sleep to do it
[ Just sleep? ]
And next
what item does Shida want?
How about Shida?
Mine is a camera
digital camera?
SLR camera
A good one?
I want a nice one
I use my phone to take a lot of
funny pictures of the members. I've been into that
But the picture quality with the phone its like
I want to see more, like from the members faces
Wants to see more
So then if I received one of these
I'd take a lot of funny pictures of the members
Ah, I see. Those SLR cameras
you'd get some hidden camera pics for us?
[ Interested in the high quality hidden camera pics ]
I'm thinking people would want to see these pictures
Well yes the fans would love that
Today, these are from my phone but
I took a couple of videos
Like an example of what you could do
Let's see them then
[ Photographer: Shida Manaka ]
This is Oda Nana
practicing the dance for Fukyowaon
and her dance moves were too crisp
everyone was laughing
They're really making fun of her or something
Even though she looks cool
Don't die!
Don't die~
They're all yelling "Don't die"
You're showing us Oda at dance practice then
Her dancing was so sharp
It had everyone screaming KYA~
If you're interested in everyone screaming KYAA
then I want video of their expressions
[ Improve on your technique too ]
To see who's screaming, move the camera over to the crowd
If I receive a camera, I could do that
[ Trying to bargain ]
If you're taking pictures like that
your smartphone is good enough!
You got another video?
The 2nd one. Its of Oda too
This is Sunshine Oda
Sunshine Oda
The one and only
strongest and unrivalled camel-type idol
Yes, I am that person
Even with the hidden camera pics, don't even bother!
That was good stuff Shida
That was funny
With these young kids always holding their phones up vertically to use it
to use it on TV it has to be sideways
[ For use on TV, sideways please ]
If she had that camera, Shida would get into it and would take pictures of everything
I'd take a lot of pictures of Pe being herself too
Pe being herself?
Rika right? Oh Rika
I was thinking Pe- was some living animal
and the other part was like su in sneakers
[ Nest of Pe- ]
I thought she was going to take pics of that
What Uemura currently wants
And why is this?
I don't own a vacuum right now
To clean my place I have to kneel down
I do that
I pick up and throw out the garbage that's in the entranceway
You throw it out?
And then I have to pick up all the accumulated rubbish and throw it in the trash
then I have to take a dust cloth
and wipe down the floor
This takes up a lot of time
and I do that late at night
I noticed the time
and I only got 1 hour of sleep
that's happened before
You do this?
That's why
I want a vacuum to save all that time
You spaced out while talking and turned your flip card diagonal
Your parents don't have an extra one?
Well then
not one of those big ones, maybe a canister vacuum is better
canister. A compact one
one you can just drag normally
A hose coming out of the main body of the unit. The canister model vaccum
When you ask Tsuchida-san, he knows about all of them
What kind do you want?
One of those
slim ones
easy to use
Slim and easy to use?
How about storing it?
For storage, I'd need a compact vacuum
Thinking about it, you don't want one with a lot of parts right?
A lot of them have several pieces that snap onto the main unit
hmm I think I got it
[ Searching internally ]
I can think of 3
3 vacuums
that are candidates
The tiny ones don't have any power
If not that one then its down to 2
He's eliminating them
Well the vacuum is all good but
but what would a vacuum do
for this show?
What could it add to the show?
I get colds often
and I'm thinking its due to all the dust at my place
You've got that much dust?
If so, that just makes you dirty
[ simply a slob? ]
Calling Uemura dirty then
So then it'll give you better health
And I think I'll have more energy during recording
[ Will have more energy for recording shows than she does now ]
Are we not seeing the real Uemura then?
Up to now
The Uemura with a vacuum will be totally different
Than current Uemura
Too much pressure!
More energy right
Like when you enter the studio you'll do cartwheels
and yell "ohayou gozaimasu"
[ Unnecessary level of enthusiasm ]
And next
Something that Harada wants
I want a backpack
What kind?
Hello Kitty-chan backpack?
My Melody-chan backpack?
[ Kindergarten backpack? ]
How about a PomPomPurin one?
A black one
I want one that I can put a lot of stuff in
I use a backpack everyday but
going to school and work
and it always gets to where I have too many textbooks in there
I need one I can put a lot of stuff in
Something you can use for school too
Since I use it everyday I don't get a chance to wash it off
It gets stained
and becomes dirty
And when I run
this area extends out
The backpack will droop on me
when I run with the backpack
So you need adjustable straps
When I pull it up, it just sags lower gradually
Since its like that
I want a backpack so
ah, what was I going to say?
If you can't think of it, we'll just end here
Hold on, I got it
and we won't buy the backpack
You can't
Please remember it
5 seconds
In any case I want one
I'll work hard so please buy me one
[ Sob story? ]
Seems like she didn't remember it
Someone could buy it for her right?
#2 Cameraman, you buy it for her
[ Sudden nomination ]
Even though he doesn't know why
Since he appears to love black
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