Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 18 2017

I'm like so bored!

Yeah me too!

Hey! We should build a bridge to the clouds!

But that's like alot of work.

We should do something totally amazing and awesome like a make over!

That is such a good idea! Except, I don't like make up.

We should make something, like cure cancer!

But like, I want to do something for me.

What is that?

Maybe it's a blade coming out to get us!

Or it's a flying saucer!

Wait a minute.

Wow! You guys are dramatic.

What is that?

Oh that?

These are my fidget spinners.

What's a fidget spinner?

Well, let me tell you.

Are you a nerd?


Are you a loser?


Well fix it all with a brand new fidget spinner.



I'm cool!

Let me try!

Be careful Batgirl!

It can't be that cool.

Haha! I love fidget spinners.

Keep watching for our secret after scene!

And don't forget to check out our instagram at superherokids7

For the winner of our fidget giveaway!

If you want to see more of our awesome videos just click the info card above.

Subscribe and we will see you next week for another epic superhero kids video.

For more infomation >> She Spins a Fidget Spinner and this happens! FIDGET SPINNER CRAZE Music Video! SuperHero Kids - Duration: 4:41.


Scott Galloway: Tesla's Biggest Innovation - Duration: 3:11.

Winner or loser? Tesla,

which is trading at almost six times revenue -

vs. Ford and GM at less than .4x.

In April Tesla surpassed Ford in market value despite selling 80,000 cars in 2016, versus Ford's 6.7 million.

Tesla's most revolutionary change of the auto industry is not its electric engine -

everyone's building those -

but its proximity to the consumer,

whether it's high-end malls where they own their own dealerships

or YouTube, where they are sucking all the oxygen out of the ecosystem.

How much does Tesla spend on traditional advertising?

Almost zero

because they've mastered the medium of PR and new economy platforms.

A winner?

Brands mining data about users' digital behavior to create innovative physical products.

Airbnb is launching a print travel magazine

using the most popular searches on its site to shape editorial coverage.

The first issue includes an article about Porvoo

because an increasing number of Airbnb users are interested in the Finnish city.

Interesting and Finnish - those are two words you don't often hear in the same sentence.

Similarly, transit app Citymapper is launching its own bus service in London

gleaned from data on routes that were popular but underserved by existing public transportation.

A winner: Apple,

which last week became the first company in the U.S. to cross an $800 billion market capitalization.

It also has a quarter of a trillion dollars in cash

equal to the GDP of Denmark -

and Denmark doesn't even have interesting cities like Porvoo.

What should Apple do with all that cash?

Launch the world's largest tuition-free university.

The education market is falling-off-the-tree ripe for disruption.

A sector's vulnerability is a function of price increases relative to inflation.

Education has been the same for five decades.

NYU charges kids, no joke,

$500 a minute for me and a projector.

How do I put this?

That is fucking ridiculous.

Apple could really put a dent in the universe -

or they could just build a better phone.

Losers: every apparel brand blaming Amazon for their woes.

As a matter of fact, fast fashion has added more to its top line in terms of revenue

than Amazon has added in the field of apparel.

The reckoning is here

but a lot of apparel retailers have themselves to blame

for poor merchandising, over-storing and not thinking about trends and being more adaptive to a declining supply chain.

I love fashion, but I don't follow fashion.

Fashion follows me.

That's right.

Today, a cross between aging skateboarder and fish that swam too close to a reactor.

Nailed it.

We'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Scott Galloway: Tesla's Biggest Innovation - Duration: 3:11.


How to Impeach the President (Or Not) - Duration: 2:29.

Want to get rid of the president? Awesome.

First, find an impeachable offense:

What's an impeachable offense?

Treason, Bribery or "Other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Okay, so what's "other high crimes and misdemeanors?"

Nobody knows.

Some people say it means bad things only people in high office can do -

like misusing public assets or dereliction of duty

or getting a hummer under the Resolute Desk.

Others say it doesn't mean minor, everyday criminal behavior —

just really bad criminal behavior,

like lying under oath about getting a hummer under the Resolute desk.

Others say it's any crime or misdemeanor at all,

even if it has nothing to do with their their position of power.

Did you steal that pen from work?

Petty theft is a misdemeanor.

You are no longer President.

Government officials have been impeached for submitting false expense reports,

lying under oath, even showing up to work drunk.

It's a pretty wide net.

Of course, this is the highest office in the land we're talking about,

and considering all the shit presidents have done without being impeached,

it's a pretty high bar.

So to sum up: it's a wide net, with a high bar.

So once you get an impeachable offense,

get a majority of the house to vote for it and then go to trial in the Senate --

call witnesses, present evidence --

it's pretty much like a normal court case,

except the judge is the chief justice of the supreme court,

the prosecuting attorneys are members of the House,

and it takes place in the freaking Senate.

Then after a couple of months of the highest rated programming in CSPAN history,

the senators vote -- and if 67 senators find the President guilty, he's gone.

But what if there was another way?

Without all that messy law and order stuff?

The Vice President and a majority of the cabinet can invoke the 25th amendment

and present a written declaration to Congress

that the President is "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,"

Okay, what does that mean?

Well, in the past it's been used for things like "Hey, I'm getting a colonoscopy,

can you cover for me for a few hours?"

but now some people want it to mean "I just think this guy is an asshat."

Regardless of the rationale, once those articles are invoked, the magic wand is waved

and the President is immediately stripped of power.

No trial, no witnesses, no evidence, no votes -- just gone.

Of course the President is going to say "Hey, I'm totally fit for office,

get out of my chair"

but if the Vice President won't budge, then it goes back to congress,

which will have three weeks to decide who gets to run things.

This time though you need 2/3rds of the Senate and 2/3rds of the House

or maybe it's 2/3rds of the Senate and the House,

nobody really knows because it's never happened before

and it'll probably end up going to the Supreme Court anyway.

Regardless, if enough of them agree that the President is an asshat or whatever,

the Vice President stays put, and the President is never heard from again.

Or more likely he goes on twitter

and says this was an extra-judicial coup by Washington insiders

and starts a new civil war, only this time with bigger guns

and planes and bombs and stuff.

So maybe we shouldn't decide to get rid of a President just because we hate them

and then, afterwards, figure out how to pretend it's the law.

For more infomation >> How to Impeach the President (Or Not) - Duration: 2:29.


The "Worst" Champion in League of Legends - Duration: 8:34.

What's up guys it's me Jeremy!

Throughout the history of the game, one of the biggest challenges the League developers

have faced, is how to balance things for Professional Play, while also balancing for casual play.

They have always taken both aspects into account when balancing and designing things, especially

champions, but quite often there are discrepancies that cause major issues in certain champions

or the meta.

One of the biggest examples of this is Ryze.

Statistically the worst champion in the entire game, Ryze has a win rate that sits at the

lowest of all of the league of legends champions currently across multiple winrate websites.

LoLKing, even places him at a winrate below 40% overall.

Looking only at the statistics and nothing else, Ryze would be considered the worst champion

in the game right now.

However despite being the statisticaly worst champion in league of legends, Ryze is certainly

not the worst champion in the game in terms of just about everything else.

And in fact, he is currently seeing competitive play.

Most recently, Ryze was used by Korean midlaner Maple at the Midsummer Invitational Tournament

in a game where he went 12/0/7 and undoubtedly carried his team to an overwhelming victory.

So despite being one of the worst statistical champions, Ryze manages to be one of the more

prominent mid laners in Professional Play, at least in Korea.

Designing a champion to be playable in both professional and casual play is generally

not a problem that occurs too often.

The large majority of league champions scale evenly in this aspect, if they are good in

pro play they are good in casual play and vice versa, and as a result a lot of casual

play champions are popularized by pro play.

But for some champions an inverse scaling can occur, where they can be amazing in pro

play, and horrible in casual play or vice versa.

Although there is no set guidelines or rules, there are a few major tendencies that these

champions who are much stronger in pro play typically have.

Again they are not completely decisive, but having a few or many of these traits tend

to make a champion much stronger in pro play, while also at the same time, much weaker in

casual play.

First and foremost, champions like this are always challenging to play.

It's no secret that the average casual player will likely struggle with a champion that

is on the more difficult side of things.

On the flip side though, champions that are harder to play typically have more outplay

potential, which means that when played at the absolute highest level of skill, they

are much stronger than they otherwise could be.

In the case of Ryze, his high mechanical difficulty, skillshot reliance, and overall skillset does

tend to be on the more challenging side of things.

Ryze is far from the most difficult champion in the game, but he's certainly not easy

to play.

In addition, these champions are often heavily reliant on their team.

Team strategy and team-based gameplay is something that will be a huge crutch for a champion

in solo queue, because you just can't rely on your team as much in that type of setting.

Whereas in pro play as you would expect, these team based strategies can shine through immensely

and become incredibly powerful.

This is definitely where Ryze fits in.

With his Ultimate, it can be a completely game changing tool if your team can use it

properly, but in soloqueue, teams just don't have the coordination to utilize the ability

to it's maximum potential.

You could be the best Ryze player in the entire world, and you will still have a much harder

time in soloqueue than you would otherwise, because you will be missing that coordination

that is so crucial to making his ultimate work at its maximum potential.

And the third major thing that can define a champion in this area of design are their


Now this is a design trait that is much more likely to make a champion bad in professional

play but good in soloqueue rather than the other way around, but there are a few that

can benefit from this, and I would make the argument that Ryze is probably one of them.

His combos allow for a ton of versatility and utility that give you something for any

situation, both aggressive and defensive.

But probably the most iconic benefactor of this design trait was Azir… at least before

he got nerfed a bunch of times.

Azir was a champion that when played to his fullest potential, really had no weaknesses.

Or at least he wouldn't on paper, because if he was played perfectly, his kit was so

incredibly versatile, that he could be played in a way that completely negated the supposed

weaknesses of his kit, to the point where he would become unstoppable.

So I guess really the better way to think about this is the more versatile a champion

is, the better they will be in professional play, but at the same time, being more versatile

does not help a champion succeed in soloqueue because the casual players are on average

unable to make the most of that said versatility.

These three major focus points of design in a champion's gameplay are typically what

shapes the difference in strength for pro versus casual play.

But at the end of the day, what's really important to us, is how casual play is effected.

Riot has always had the approach in balancing that nothing is allowed to be outrageously

overpowered in any circumstance.

And since they take both casual and pro play into account when balancing, when a champion

like this dominates professional play, they are inevitablely going to get nerfed, and

as a result become completely unplayable for the casual player.

And this causes a lot of issues for a lot of champions in

casual play.

And it's an issue that the developers have struggled with for a long time on quite a

number of champions.

Unfortunately, the solution, although it is quite clear cut, is not a great one.

The only real way to solve this issue for a champion, is of course with a rework.

And unfortunately, this is something Ryze is going to need if he wants to have this

issue solved for him.

The problem is just that these things stem from the gameplay, the mechanics of a champion,

rather than their numbers, so there is no real way to nerf or buff them without making

them extremely overpowered in professional play, or making them completely unplayable

in casual play.

But believe me when I say that Riot definitely understands this, and it's precisely why

we are seeing a ton of what are essentially mini-reworks to champions.

Especially in the last year, there has been a massive increase in riot changing and tweaking

mechanics and ability design, rather than buffing or nerfing numbers.

When I see a change to a champion that influences their mechanics, for better or for worse,

it makes me a lot more excited than a change that just gives a champion plus or minus 5


Because although these mechanics changes may not always be the best, they are certainly

necessary to experiment with when trying to solve issues in gameplay.

In an ideal world, every single champion in the game should be playable in some form of

niche in both professional and casual play.

However, it just so turns out, that it's going to take a lot of reworks for us to get


Thanks for watching.

This video was part of a series I will be doing where I attempt to highlight and explain

the more complex and underappreciated design aspects of League of Legends.

So leave a comment and let me know if there is another mechanic or design concept you

would like me to take a look at.

Either way I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'll see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> The "Worst" Champion in League of Legends - Duration: 8:34.


Reading Your Fan Mail 😱😂 - Duration: 14:08.

Mister Postman look and see

is there a letter in your bag for me?

We've got a post box and Vagabuddies

are sending things to us.

Anyways, you've got it.

What's going on friends of the internet,


We gave you guys....

A while back we gave you our P.O. Box,

and some of you amazing human

beings have actually sent us stuff.

This is us, sitting down, opening

the packages that you sent and reading

all the cool postcards.

It's really cool to have a P.O. Box.

We've never really opened one before.

It basically allows you to send us anything

that you want. We can get packages;

we can get letters,

We've got a mixture of both.

First one comes from

Chicago, Illinois and has an

awesome Batman postmark.

It's called a stamp. Oh, that is called

a stamp. Yeah.

I recently found out that we are both

considered what's called an older millennial

because we were born after 1989,

and we remember things like mail

and before smart phones.

What do you mean after 1989?

You were born in 1986. Oh before

We were before 1989,

and that's the big shift.

He doesn't even remember when he was born

Opening this one up

It's got a lot of pictures from

from Norm

It says pictures taken during my trip

to India in 2016. Cool

At the top it says happy holidays

and thanks for encouraging us to

keep exploring. A heartfelt

wish to you for more fun and

life changing adventures in the new year.

Cool. This was sent in December.

It says wishing much love. Namaste.

Very cool.

These are some nice photos, Norm.

Hold them up to the camera.

Your breath smells like tuna, dude.

Tuna? [blows breath] Ugggggg

Smells like coffee, Bro.


We've been talking about it a lot.

We've been hinting at it a lot.

We're going to hint at it a little bit more.

Fall 2017

Vagabrothers Do India.

This looks like a great trip.

I hope you had fun.

Wishing you much love and namaste.

This is from the new year marked Jan 2, 2017

That is a view of Huntington Beach Pier

Coming from Huntington Beach, which

is not far from us, as the crow flies,

we have a letter from Erin.

She says, "Happy New Year."

I hope this finds you well.

I love watching all your videos

and appreciate the professional quality in them.

I'm going to study abroad in Ireland

so your videos from there are really

helping me plan some trips around the country.

Awesome. I hope you have fun in Ireland.

What a great place to study,

although I don't know how much studying

I can get done with all that Guiness

floating around me.

There's no better excuse for sitting in

a pub than studying.

Where are you going to be studying?

Galway? Trinity College? Dublin?

Let us know in the comment box.

Good luck with the semester abroad, Erin.

Thank you.

Next up... so this one.. whoa... crazy

sunset from Guam in the South Pacific.

Is it in the South Pacific? It is.

Or is it the Pacific?

My name is Paolo, and I was born and raised

In the Pacific Island of Guam,

but I currently attend university in San Diego

No way. We're from San Diego.

We are from San Diego.

I'm a new subscriber to your channel,

and I think your content is so unique

and inspiring.

Wish you all the best in 2017, and stay curious,

keep exploring, and I'll see you on the road.

That's awesome. Yo, Paolo.

Thank you very much for this letter.

We appreciate the support, obviously.

We hope you enjoy San Diego.

Let us know how you're liking our home town.

What's your favorite craft brewery from SD?

What's your? Difficult question.

I'm really liking Alpine Brewery.

It's in San Diego County. They make a

great IPA, and they have a really good hops.

Society's from San Diego? North county

I like Society.

Just because it's called Piney

No just because it has a French name.

I like the culture.

I like the culture.

But the French do not make great beers.

It's true. I'm sorry.

Je suis desole. The Belgians

Au contraire, mon frere.

Les gens de Belgique.....

{make a superb beer}.

Superbe. Fantastic.

Speaking of French we are.

Des Moines, Iowa

It sounds.. I guess it's French.

That's where all the fur trappers were,

the Great Lakes region,

all the Ohio and Mississippi basin.

Great. Can you read the letter, please?

Yes. We have a letter here from Madison.

He says, " Hi, all. I just stumbled upon

your channel, One of the first videos I

saw was giving out your P.O.Box".

It's cool. It's how we get this.

Madison says, " I love it when the world

reminds me that it is small.Now I've

watched a series of videos, and I'm loving them.

I've always been collecting postcards

and I love hand written correspondence".

She says terrible hand-written correspondence

" I love terrible hand-written correspondence".

For almost a year, I've been writing myself

postcards daily, and recently begun

sending postcards to friends, family , and

new people I've never met.

This is postcard number 19.

Very cool. Madison, thank you for the card.

Madison has asked us to take a photo

of this card.

How about putting it into the video instead?

There's your card. Thanks, Madison.

This one looks like it's coming from.....

Stuttgart in Germany.

Ja...this is a very nice little card.

Hey, I've just discovered your channel

in 2017, and ever since I have been

obsessed with your videos.

I have already travelled all over the world,

but you guys inspire me to never stop.

Sttutgart is where I have lived for the past

6 years with my family.

I thought it was really cool when you

toured the Andechs Cloister, only a couple hours from here.

That's my dad's favorite beer.

He even bought a set of their glasses.

Maybe I will see you guys on the road one day.

Elizabeth. Thank you for your card

Please tell your dad that Andechs

is one of the best breweries I have......

anytime I see Andechs

on a beer menu, I order it because

those mugs, they do it right.

They've been there for hundreds of

years, and their beer is on point.

We go to Berlin once a year,

and we go to a little Bavarian style

spatzle and beer place,

and we order Andechs there.

Right around our house here in Venice

is a German-style restaurant and beer

garten called Wurst Kuchen.

I don't know how to pronounce it.

They serve Francis Conner, which I

think is a great, great wheat beer.

Another monk brewery. Yeah.

Danke Schon, Elisabet.

Who's next?

Now we have two beautiful postcards

from Fiona. Fiona......

I'm not sure where you're coming from

because when you write postcards,

it doesn't say where they came from.

Por avion. I think it's French. Oh!

Canada. She's French Canadian, maybe.

Possibly. Just a reminder. When you're

sending us postcards, tell us where you're

writing from because postcards don't

always have return addresses, so we're

not sure. Anyways, we got two beautiful

postcards here from Fiona, who's

writing to us from Canada.

Look at them right there: one of Spain;

one of the world and very cool because

it has shipping routes, which I think are

really awesome things to have on maps.

Fiona says she's part of a website called

Post Crossing. You send

postcards in snail mail all around the

world. Can you stop saying snail mail?

Why? Because it just makes me think of a

snail trail, and just no. You are perverted.

Fiona says, " Hi. I'm part of a website

called Post You send

postcards in snail mail all around the

world. If you guys are interested, check

it out."

I did check it out, and it seems really cool.

It's a way of matching you with a random

person all around the world, like a pen pal.

If you're into that, go check it out,

and thank you for the tip, Fiona.

Beautiful postcards.

I love this one from Spain.

Spain and Portugal.

The Iberian Peninsula is such a special

place to us, one that we need to get back

and explore and make more content

because all we've really done is

the Basque Country.


Next up we have.....

it says fishin' not wishin'

Fishing in the Ozarks.

The Ozarks, man. Ozark Mountains.

Isn't that? No, it's the Blue Ridge Mountains.

This is from the Ozarks in ....

He's writing from Jefferson, Missouri

It says the Ozarks in central Missouri

is one of the nation's premiere fishing

spots for a wide variety of fresh water

species, including black bass, white bass,

crappy, cat fish,

wall eye, striped bass and blue kiel.

Hello Alex and Marko,

Your Youtube channel is awesome!

Please keep up the good work :)

From Ali Ratzel. Thank you, Ali.

I think it's Ali, Ali. It's A-L-I.

It says Mister.

Oh. It does say mister, so it's Ali`

Thank you, Ali....A-Li`

Thank you, Mr. Ratzel for your card,

short, sweet, and to the point.

We appreciate it, and we will keep

up the good work.

Good luck fishing. Ready?

Best of one. Rock, paper, scissors.

Rock, paper, scissors.

Destroyed. I get to open the package.

These are those little sesame treats, bro.

OMG. This is awesome.

Who sent this? I'm so glad I won this one.

I won this opening package.

And a letter.

This is amazing. We have a ton of

sesame candy. We have red and gold,

which is I think for Chinese New Year.

We're going to see. This was sent in January.

First up, I want to say thank you, thank

you for inspiring me in so many ways by

sharing the world through your perspective.

Your stories have inspired me to get out

and be more adventurous, be more

curious, and just get out there. Epic.


Amazing. She's been following us since

the BBB TV ( Biggest Baddest Bucket List}

which is 2013. Says she'll never forget

when we ate a sheep's head. Lol

Disgusting. Neither will we.

The quality of your videos are so professional,

I can tell all the hard work, love,

attention, and detail you put into it.

Thank you so much.

I honestly feel you are my personal tour guides.

I get mad wanderlust every time I watch

your videos. That's awesome.

Favorite series from you guys is

the Basque Country. Epic.

Love that place.

Get this.....

She has sent us an origami pagoda

that says, "Stay curious, keep exploring"

in Chinese. Wow!

Thank you very much.

What do we say in Chinese?

So thank you very much. We appreciate

the Chinese culture.

Stay curious, keep exploring.

We're going to eat

not peanut butter, but good.

Do you know about the ginger chews?

These things are amazing.

Last but not least.

It came today.

This one came today.

It looks like it's an outline of Latvia

with a bunch of Latvian words.

Maybe they're cities. Looks like it.

Riga is circled.

It says Latvia.

Nice place.

Is that the Borat voice?

No, this is. Nice place.

The ginger candy. Hold up.

So good.

Dear Marko and Alex, hope you guys

are doing great and hope Marko had a

great birthday. I did. Thank you.

Today I got an idea, just a thought.

Why don't you guys do a video on the

Coachella Festival?

I've always wanted to go there.

It's still on my bucket list, but I never

got the time because I'm still studying.

We've never been to Coachella, either.

Maybe next year.

We always ay that. I want to go.

I want to actually go. Cool.

Thank you, Mahema from Latvia.

Beautiful little bird on the stamp.

Thank you very much.

Next one up is from....IRS

From the IRS? Let's not look at it.

Deal with that later.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Vagabuddies,

thank you very much. I'll eat it afterwards.

As you can see, you're chewing.

You can't speak and chew.

While Mark's chewing,

I will thank all of you.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Vagabuddies

from around the world, thank you very

much for taking the time and effort to

write us these lovely little cards.

Stefanie, thank you for sending all these

amazing sesame treats and the origami.

Pretty cool stuff.

We really like the idea of sending

food like this to us.

if you're from a country that has really

specific stuff like candy, snacks, send

us a package of it.

If you give us enough stuff,

we can make a video about it.

Maybe we'll do tasting Mexican sweets.

Maybe tasting stuff from India, whatever.

Make sure it can get through customs,

and if it does,

we'll do our best to include it in the video.

If you enjoyed this video, you know what

to do: give it a thumbs-up; share it with

your friends, and subscribe if you haven't

already. And.......

in the meantime, stay curious,

keep exploring, and we'll see you guys at

the post office.

Hey, Mister Postman. Peace.


For more infomation >> Reading Your Fan Mail 😱😂 - Duration: 14:08.


Sources: Lieberman is FBI director frontrunner - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Sources: Lieberman is FBI director frontrunner - Duration: 1:35.


Sneak Peek: The Greatest Prize Of All | Season 8 | MASTERCHEF - Duration: 1:10.

I can't leave here without being the next Master Chef.

I'm here to win.

There's no other option.

Welcome to the one and only "Master Chef" kitchen.

Yeah, baby!

You are the top home cooks in all of America.

America's next "Master Chef" is standing in front of us

right now.

And with that title comes incredible prizes.

For starters, a quarter of a million

dollars and a guaranteed spot on the next "Master Chef" cruise.


And of course, there's the greatest prize of all,

the "Master Chef" trophy.

I'm gonna show these judges what true Oklahoma

cooking's all about.

Let us down and you will be going home.

Show us you want that apron, ladies.

Your 60 minutes starts now!

For more infomation >> Sneak Peek: The Greatest Prize Of All | Season 8 | MASTERCHEF - Duration: 1:10.


Rob Reiner on the Burden of His Name - Duration: 2:07.

I didn't feel the pressure from my father,

I felt the pressure internally because my

father had achieved at such a high level

that I thought "well, I don't know if I'll

ever be able to, you know, break through."


Everything that you experience in life

informs everything you do.

I mean, I grew up in a show business family.

"How many children do you have?"

"I have over 42,000 children.

And not one comes to visit me!"


The funniest people in the world

came in and out of my house,

making people laugh, also

telling stories.

I tried to find ways to marry those things.

That all has to do with the way in which

I was raised, you know, all the things I've been

exposed to my whole life.

I had kids late in life, in my 40s,

and I thought, you know, this will be good,

because by the time they're of age,

I'll be a has-been.

But it didn't work out so much that way,

so that they have the double-whammy of their

grandfather and their father

if they wanted to go into the same line of work.

My oldest son Jake is a broadcast journalist,

so he's been drawn to that, and he also

does improv acting, so they're either gonna

you know, embrace it or reject it,

whatever they decide.

I just want 'em to be happy,

whatever they want to do.

When I was about eight years old,

and I'm told this, because apparently I went to my

mother first, and then she took me to my father,

and I said "Dad, I want to change my name",

and he was like, "Oh my God,

this poor kid at age eight is already feeling the pressure

of being Carl Reiner's son",

and he felt so bad, he says, "Well, what do you want

to change your name to?" and I said, "Carl."

I just wanted to... I wanted to be like him!


For more infomation >> Rob Reiner on the Burden of His Name - Duration: 2:07.


Emily Ratajkowski Has All The Right Proportions | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:13.



































For more infomation >> Emily Ratajkowski Has All The Right Proportions | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:13.



My name is Cihan Yasarlar - welcome to Berlin!

This is my elementary school. From 1st to 3rd class I was in this building on the left.

After 3rd grade I moved to the older building. This is the newer one over there is the older one.

There was the gym were we did sports 2 or 3 times a week.

This is the area were we played football a lot. We set up 2 goals and played football for hours.

Such a good time it was, before I had a career in esports.

I spend so many years here going to school and playing football - a lot of good memories.

This is were we played table tennis. Of course in the first few years we played a lot in the sand.

I miss the time back then, everything was easier. As you get older you get more responsibilitys.

I am very happy that I grew up here, it was a very happy and joyfull time.

You guys want to play some football? *kids* JAAAAAA!

This is were I spend most of my days. Nice little pitch with 2 goals, we really played a lot here.

There is a playground right here, lots of people today becaus it's warm outside today. Around 22 dagrees.

Nowadays kids want to have photos with me.

The bigger pitch is just 50m away but when it was to crowded we played here for the most time.

Really realy good old times.

Kids know me of course, I am relativly huge on social media by now and had a lot of succes recently.

Really just natural to get recognized then and it makes me feel really good.

It really means a lot to me. It shows I am foing something right and be a role model for them.

It's such a nice feeling getting those kind words from the kids and them being happy to take a photo.

They proudly show them around to there friends or post them online. Really really great feeling.

Living. Good place to live basicly. Over there is a nice turkish bazaar. I like it here.

Nothning you can't d in Berlin really. Go clubbing, into bars, have dinner. Everything really.

Many football cages as well - I really appriciate it here.

I do things like that very often with my friends. Have cold drink, have a snack whenever the time allows it.

It all started with me beating every friend on FIFA. I was the best player in my area back then.

In 2015 I visited the IFA and met a guy called Yaya. He was promoting a station were you could play FIFA.

I took him on a couple of matches and won all of them. We then stayed in touch and played online.

After winning online a couple of times he introduced me to his friends from the FIFA Scene.

One of those freinds was Joshua Begeher. He took care of me and I kept on playing online tournaments.

He introduced me to the world of Esports basicly. I kept on training hard and wanted to win everything.

Joshua got me into SK Gaming at first and later to were I am today, Schalke 04.

It really means a lot to me to represent a big club like Schalke in germany and the rest of the world.

Back then I had the PS1 and both games, FIFA and PES. Not at the same time, alternately.

Must have been 99' so as you can see I had a passion for gamiong from a young age.

FIFA turned out to be the better game over the years. So I stayed with it in the end and got better at it.

I never played as much as recently but today it is basicly my Job from wich I pay my bills.

I thought I really made it after the deal with SK. I thought to myself now you achieved something!

I was so proud being in an organisation at first, the big step to join Schalke was amazing for me after all.

I put everything on FIFA to achiev big things and win titels. I think I do just that at the moment.

Even though Paris was the first big international tournament for me I knew I can win, and i did.

For more infomation >> FC SCHALKE 04 ESPORTS - LIFE OF PRO'S - CIHAN YASARLAR - Duration: 6:13.


3ABN Today Family Worship - "Scripture Affirmations" (TDYFW017007) - Duration: 58:30.

For more infomation >> 3ABN Today Family Worship - "Scripture Affirmations" (TDYFW017007) - Duration: 58:30.



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Summer Lookbook (Sub. Spanish) with Janiushka's & others - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Summer Lookbook (Sub. Spanish) with Janiushka's & others - Duration: 3:29.


Charlamagne "Pulls Up On Amber Rose and Disses Tyga Says His Music Is Trash" - Duration: 1:36.

Charlamagne Pulls Up On Amber Rose Says Tyga Music Is Trash

For more infomation >> Charlamagne "Pulls Up On Amber Rose and Disses Tyga Says His Music Is Trash" - Duration: 1:36.


Feeling Lost? - Figure out what to do with your life! (Life & Career Self-help) - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Feeling Lost? - Figure out what to do with your life! (Life & Career Self-help) - Duration: 4:22.


How to Make Key Lime Pie - Easy Key Lime Pie Recipe - Duration: 7:24.

How to make Key Lime Pie - Easy Key Lime Pie Recipe

Hello and welcome back to In the Kitchen with Matt, I am your host Matt Taylor.

Today I am going to show you how to make Key Lime Pie, mmm yummy.

I had a request to make a video on key lime pie, so here we go, this key lime pie is really

easy to do, very few ingredients, sure to impress your friends and family, let's get


First let's preheat our oven to 350 degrees F. Next what we are going to do is we are

going to take 3 egg yokes, add them to a large bowl, and we are going to take a mixer or

you could use a whisk or fork, and let's uh blend these up.

Okay about like that.

And now we have one can or 14 ounces, 396 grams of sweetened condensed milk, let's go

ahead and add that.

Use a spoon to come in here and get it all out.

All right we will go ahead and mix this together.

And now we want two teaspoons of lime zest.

Now how I get lime zest, is I have this tool it is called a micro plane, some times on

your, if you have a grater, you will have a little micro plane side to it.

But what you do is you take a lime, before you cut it and squeeze it, and you just go

across the planer here, and it will take off little shavings of the skin and that is called

lime zest, and it adds really good flavor to this key lime pie.

I will put a link down below to where you can pick one these up, if you want to pick

one up.

So 2 teaspoons of lime zest.

And then we are going to turn this on low and then we are going to gradually add 1 half

cup of fresh lime juice, now I squeezed a bunch of limes to get a half cup, or you can

buy already pre-squeezed key lime juice, freshly squeezed is always better in my opinion.

So on low and then we will just slowly add that lime juice, now there are other recipes

out there that have that add like an 8 ounce thing of cream cheese to this, but the classic

key lime pie does not have cream cheese in it, but it adds a different flavor profile

obviously, so that is an idea you can do as well.

So what we are going to do is I am going to take a graham cracker crust here, this is

just a pre-bought one.

It was on sale so I thought why not.

If you want to do a nice home made graham cracker crust, up in the right hand corner

there is a little eye, click on that, and it will send you a link to my cheese cake,

that has a nice homemade graham cracker crust, so take a look at that for a graham cracker


So what we are going to do is we are going to take our filling here, just pour it in.

This crust just happens to be a little bit bigger; it is a 10-inch, and this is meant

for a 9-inch pie, so it is not going to fill out quite as much, as it would if it was a

9-inch pie.

Go ahead and just spread it around.

Again this is a 10-inch piecrust, if you use a 9-inch, the elevation, of your key-lime

pie will be a little higher, but this will work fine.

Now we are going to go ahead and put this in the oven, and bake it for about 10 or 15

minutes until it just sets on top.

Traditional key lime pie is a no bake, but since there are eggs in here we want to just

go ahead and bake it.

All right so 10 to 15 minutes, all right, once we take the key lime pie out of the oven,

we want to let it sit and cool at room temperature completely, then we will put it in the refrigerator

for 4 hours to over night, so it completely sets up nicely for us.

All right once your pie has set for 4 hours or up to over night, now you are ready to

serve it just like this, or you could to like a meringue on top, or like what I am going

to do is I am just going to do whipped cream all on the top.

Now one thing you might notice I don't know if you can see this, you need to be careful

with your plastic wrap, if you cover it with plastic wrap to chill, because if it touches

the top, it will stick.

And when you pull it off it will leave it looking like this.

It's okay it is not going to effect the taste at all.

But it doesn't look as nice.

I don't really care because I am just going to put a bunch of whipped cream over it.

Just go ahead and put that on there.

Then I am going to garnish it with some limes, just for fun, just to make it look kind of


And there we go, key lime pie.

Now let's cut into this, and serve up a slice, got a little crumbly happening, that's all


And there we go, awesome.

All right, our key lime pie is done.

It turned out amazing, it was really easy to do, very few ingredients, if I can do it

you can do it.

I am Matt Taylor this has been another episode of In the Kitchen with Matt, thank you for

joining me, as always if you have any questions or comments, put them down below, and I will

get back to you as soon as I can, thumbs up, down in the corner, push it.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos.

Take care, time for me to dive into this slice, oh yeah.

Mmm mmm mmm, super excited.

For more infomation >> How to Make Key Lime Pie - Easy Key Lime Pie Recipe - Duration: 7:24.


Rare twin foals born in Bastrop County - Duration: 0:47.




















For more infomation >> Rare twin foals born in Bastrop County - Duration: 0:47.


DANIEL TIGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD | There Are Lots and Lots of Feelings | PBS KIDS - Duration: 0:54.

♪♪ There are lots and lots of feelings ♪

♪ How are you feeling today? ♪

- ♪ I don't feel good at all ♪

♪ I feel sad, sad, sad ♪

- ♪ And I feel mad, mad, mad ♪

- How do you feel? - ♪ I feel happy ♪

♪ My friends, my friends Oh, I feel happy ♪

♪ My friends ♪

- ♪ There are lots and lots of feelings ♪

♪ And we can feel them all ♪♪

- Wasn't that grrr-ific? -

For more infomation >> DANIEL TIGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD | There Are Lots and Lots of Feelings | PBS KIDS - Duration: 0:54.


Ford B-MAX 100pk Titanium €4.000 korting! - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100pk Titanium €4.000 korting! - Duration: 1:50.


Ford B-MAX 100pk Titanium €4.000 korting - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100pk Titanium €4.000 korting - Duration: 1:41.


MR Imaging for Malignancy in Microcalcifications (June 2017) - Duration: 17:50.


Herbert Y. Kressel, MD Hi.

This is Herb Kressel and welcome to the Radiology podcast.

Today I'm joined by Dr. Pascal Baltzer who is Associate Professor of Radiology at the

Allgemeines Krankenhaus in Vienna and on the faculty of the Medical University of Vienna.

Welcome Dr. Baltzer.

Pascal A. Baltzer, MD Thank you Dr. Kressel.

It's great to be on line here with you.


Well Dr. Baltzer and his colleague authored a paper entitled "MRI for the Diagnosis

of Malignancy in Mammographic Microcalcifications: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis."

I found the paper quite interesting as it kind of moves us along the way of personalized

or precision medicine further refining how we might use our tools.

Dr. Baltzer what was the rationale for the study?

Why did you and your colleagues decide to look at this question?

Well the first idea was to really assess the diagnostic performance of breast MRI in general

because there was quite some discussion and controversies about that.

Very, very quickly we came to the thing that well actually we have to distinguish between

lesions presenting as microcalcifications on mammography and lesions not presenting

as microcalcifications on mammography.

The idea would be as my mammography office detects microcalcifications and that does

it very good and MR cannot detect microcalcifications whether MRI has any value here.

What we know on the other hand is that microcalcifications detected by mammography are not malignant

in the majority of cases so there's a huge potential to reduce the number of unnecessary

biopsies here and that was the reason why we focused on the specific entity of lesions

presenting as mammographic microcalcifications and yeah that's it.

I understand that having a biopsy is physically and emotionally traumatic, but on the other

hand it also resolves the question to some extent and so for some patients the extended

worry time where you have this suspicious finding is also problematic.

Why do you think that short term follow-up and biopsy isn't a good way to follow these


Well the one thing is I think we are also talking of course now about health politics

because the time how long I have to wait for instance for the biopsy or the MRI depends

on how available those tests are and stand the possibility generally if the test is sort

of obviously I do not need another test if the patient waits like two months for it,

that's obviously clear.

However, it is really like that first the biopsy of course is (inaudible) which is quite


In Austria the biopsy is more expensive than the MRI.

But of course that's insurance and health politics.

But, then the biopsy and especially the (inaudible) is the general standard of choice for biopsy

microcalcifications is quite invasive.

So although we do not have complications that need to be treated surgically, we have obviously

and at least I think in about 1/3 of the patients who have hematoma which even presents as a


So the patient in both biopsy due to nonpalpable lesion, feels a palpable lump afterwards,

this is really a stressful concept.

I talk to patients that's one of the reasons why we think about using a non-invasive test

to clarify the situation here.

So you and your colleague performed a systematic review and meta-analysis, can you tell us

why you decided this route to try to answer this question and what exactly did you do

in your study?

My point of view before I'm doing one study is to check the literature of course which

I think should be obviously done and I in recent years have stuck to the procedure of

doing a systematic review and meta-analysis.

First to see whether something has been done already and then to get an impression how

heterogeneous the results are.

Are there other reasons why groups are performing better and non-better and what's the current

status on this and many cases there already has been enough literature or enough data

has been accumulated and so a meta-analysis for me is the first choice to assess the current

status and to identify fields and research gaps where we should work on.

I see.

And so when you looked at this problem, what did you think was the quality of the studies

that were available?

So basically we did a greatest assessment or greatest two assessment and found that

all studies we identified that there are 20 studies that met the inclusion criteria of

where actually that were applicable to result in research questions and just in some studies

we had a questionable risk of bias.

We had no studies where we deemed the risk of bias high.

Obviously and I personally think that always this risk of bias assessment has some problems

because the specific research question of course it warrants some specific methods are

not given.

For instance how the images are read, then of course there might be some bias, we have

to probe our sub-analysis.

So in this case we deemed the studies, after checking them, fully applicable to soft research


Although of course not all studies answer all the questions we were interested in.

Although your focus was sort of looking at the BI-RADS categories, not all the studies

actually reported BI-RADS category so how did you deal with that problem?

Is was really, first of all the inclusion criteria were studies that examined the value

of MRI to resolve or to diagnose malignancy in mammographic microcalcifications, and of

course we were interested in this sub-group so if the reason for referral, is it the BI-RADS

3 questionable whether there even should be BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications, BI-RADS 4 microcalcifications,

or BI-RADS 5 microcalcifications.

Again, the revised BI-RADS (inaudible) the questions that there is the BI-RADS 5 category

for microcalcifications.

Nevertheless, this study was first the first estimate the diagnostic performance of MRI

sensitivity and specificity for microcalcifications.

And then use sub-group analysis.

For instance due to BI-RADS refer categories in order to have the lesions stratified according

to the integrity, and of course also according to the prevalence of malignancy.

Okay so that by creating these sub-categories you could have sort of a more homogeneous

data set to kind of look at?


What were your key findings?

You looked at 20 studies, I think they had over 1400 lesions that were included and what

did you find?

So well the first and the most interesting finding is what also seems to apply in non-calcified

lesions, invasive cancer can be excluded with a negative predictive value of about 99%.

So there MRI is quite accurate.

That's what all MRI, what all I say fans of MRI always say since 20 years that their

MRI is valuable, it can exclude invasive cancer.

Regarding general malignancy, MRI does not perform that good.

The negative predictive value in general is about 90% which is good but not perfect.

But it is also quite specific so there's a solid diagnostic performance for all lesions

which is much better if I want to just exclude invasive cancer.

I see.


Now you have a couple of interesting findings, but I wanted to ask you about the high heterogeneity

index that you identified.

In our journal we struggle with this.

Imaging studies are frequently very heterogeneous and my own experience with meta-analysis is

sort of like you were describing.

When you start kind of looking under the hood as we say all of the sudden you see a lot

of questions about what was reported, how terms were used and there is frequently a

lot of heterogeneity in the studies that we see.

How do you view this and how should readers who read the paper think about the heterogeneity

in the studies?

So first of all that's really probably the most important question.

First of all heterogeneity is really an issue as you pointed out.

Heterogeneity strongly hints at what we know that breast MRI is a bit more difficult to

interpret than the mammogram.

Training is not the same level.

It's not the same quality standards, and for sure we do not have the same diagnostic

criteria applied.

For instance, some authors may just use the presence of enhancement as a criterion and

if anything enhances we biopsy it.

Some authors we use more sophisticated criteria that will lead to a threshold effect meaning

that sensitivity may go down but specificity goes up.

We tried to answer this not so – generally if heterogeneity is too high, you and no one

should pool the data, should not give summary estimates.

What I think is most important is to identify subgroups that are less heterogeneous and

that was basically how we dealt with it and I think as the main question here was to exclude

malignancy, we just summed up the raw findings especially regarding missed cancers threat

by DCIS and invasive malignancies for every single study so every reader can have a view.

One of the main reasons for heterogeneity in this study, however, has not directly to

do or indirectly to do just with diagnostic performance that was the heterogeneous prevalence

of malignancy.

And if the prevalence of malignancy differs you add an order of magnitude in your heterogeneity.

That obviously says that not that the included studies and that is of course probably the

most important risk of bias that these studies did not include all the conflicted microcalcification

cases as they could, but some more better selected cases.

I see.

Now if I recall correctly that two things that were the take home lessons were that

MRI was particularly helpful for the BI-RADS 4 type lesions, perhaps you could speak a

little bit about that, but it was surprisingly not helpful for the BI-RADS 3.

So perhaps you could go into a little more detail onto sort of how you explain those


Well regarding BI-RADS 4 I think that's the main entity of microcalcifications that

we would like to apply MRI especially as for instance if these are multiple lesions.

That's of course exactly the same reason why BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications may undergo

MRI because there may be several classes or even bilaterally so I want to know should

I or and then if so where should I do the biopsy.

I think the diagnostic performance of BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications and there are a lack

of data so this is a bit speculative, maybe these that these are microcalcifications that

do not look too suspicious and I think MRI is prone to miss of course a number of cancers

that do not enhance or just very subtly.

So if cancers enhance very subtly I will miss them if it's just a subtle enhancement and

this may be the case here.

We may discuss whether we reduce the number of over diagnosis here like it's a big discussion

in prostate MRI where they say well the lesions I do not detect by MRI are irrelevant.

I think there it's a common ground.

In breast imaging not that much, and then we have to limit that in BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications

the data was limited and even more heterogeneous.

In BI-RADS 4 microcalcifications; however, we found the best diagnostic indexes and again

also speculative because we scored two different sub-analysis.

In one sub-analysis we also found where we investigated the diagnostic criteria to apply.

We found that really the presence of enhancement is the most sensitive feature here.

So if I got the BI-RADS 4 microcalcification and there is no enhancement in the site that

actually should exclude cancer quite actually.

So that I think to be a very helpful finding in the right subgroup of patients, I agree.

Now the poor performance in the BI-RADS 3 do you think some of it is just inter-observer

variability in how they're using BI-RADS 3 or you didn't really have access to looking

at the microcalcifications in these patients?

Actually yes I always, I even remember one of the studies; I should not name it, which

was quite interesting.

I was just when I reviewed the paper one of those papers on BI-RADS 3 microcalcifications,

(inaudible) in many papers, the author said imaging examples.

They are example for the negative case was actually they pictured it, they printed the

picture, was a sublet; something we would call in mammography a minimal sign of malignancy.

So I think that it's about the criteria applied and I think especially in BI-RADS

microcalcifications it may be very difficult to – so that the community has not really

found a common set of criteria to diagnose malignancy here.

I think that's the main problem in BI-RADS 3.

Specificity also in our summary estimate, especially specificity was very low, so here

it may not be enough just to call any enhancements suspicious or absence of enhancement suspicious

because then I would do a number of unnecessary biopsies.

I think this is just an unresolved issue here.


Thank you this is all very instructive.

Now have you changed your practice at the University of Vienna or do you have some further

research in mind to pursue this area of MRI in patients with microcalcifications?

What are the next steps for you?

Actually yes.

What we found in our meta-analysis was actually research gaps regarding the point already

outlined that is which microcalcifications or which patients with microcalcifications

will profit from the MRI scan and for instance which BI-RADS, it's BI-RADS 4 a, b, c, whatsoever

and what diagnostic criteria should be applied; and we are actually working on both fields

trying to do an MRI scan in any patients with microcalcifications scheduled for a very consistent

breast biopsy.

The thing in all centers we use specific situations that here really calls for the MRI, for the

problem solving MRI, they are covered by the official insurance systems and MRI is really

cheaper than the biopsy.

We are in a very lucky position here.


Well Dr. Baltzer I want to thank you for sharing the paper with us and for taking the time

to participate in the podcast.

It's been a pleasure speaking with you.

Thank you very much.

It was an honor.



For more infomation >> MR Imaging for Malignancy in Microcalcifications (June 2017) - Duration: 17:50.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - Ret Paladin DESTROYING Alliance in Twin Peaks! - Duration: 9:34.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - Ret Paladin DESTROYING Alliance in Twin Peaks!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - Ret Paladin DESTROYING Alliance in Twin Peaks! - Duration: 9:34.


Patente del OVNI triángular es ahora de dominio público - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Patente del OVNI triángular es ahora de dominio público - Duration: 2:57.


vlc record 2017 05 18 20h35m54s TV 2 Danmark HD N Regionalprogram 20170518 193040 0000 ts - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> vlc record 2017 05 18 20h35m54s TV 2 Danmark HD N Regionalprogram 20170518 193040 0000 ts - Duration: 2:39.


For more infomation >> vlc record 2017 05 18 20h35m54s TV 2 Danmark HD N Regionalprogram 20170518 193040 0000 ts - Duration: 2:39.


Nissan Micra !! AIRCO 5 DEURS !! 1.3 SE N-CVT - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra !! AIRCO 5 DEURS !! 1.3 SE N-CVT - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Nissan Micra !! AIRCO 5 DEURS !! 1.3 SE N-CVT - Duration: 1:01.


Bass Tree Farm Field Day | Farmweek | May 18, 2017 - Duration: 3:09.
































Fifth graders from

schools and

homeschools in the

Lawrence County area

were invited to the Bass

tree farm for some

hands-on education

about the great outdoors.

Many organizations such

as Extension and USDA-

NRCS were on hand to

help with the event and

teach the children the

importance of natural

resources and how to

maintain a healthy

environment. Students

took part in a variety of

activities during the field

day such as flying

through the air from a

rope swing, honing their

skills with a bow and

arrow and learning how

to make their own paper.

The field day is an event

that landowners Bubba

and Hortense Bass have

enjoyed hosting many

years. It started with just

one class and grew into

an annual event the

children look forward to

from schools all around

the area.

"It started in 2001 I

believe and it started

with Ms. Judy Grimes

class. She happened to

be teaching a resource

class in Monticello

Elementary. And so she

came to us and said our

children would love,

since she taught natural

resource, would love to

come out on your place

so we arranged it. So it

was just her class, the

following year, we

extended it to another

class until it just kept

growing and growing."

While the field day is full

of fun and games the

children are also actively

learning about the tree

farm and natural

resources. Field day

coordinator Sarah

Fleming from the NRCS

says that's why so many

organizations are eager

to help out.

"It's awesome, very

awesome, I enjoy being

around kids, I enjoy the

school programs. They

enjoyed it, for one

reason they love to be

out of school but I told

them one thing, we're

here to learn and have

fun and they're loving it.

More and more schools

are getting involved in it,

we had one school that

came from out of

Brookhaven this year

and I'm thinking there will

be many, many more."

A constant feature of the

field day throughout the

years has been the date

- it always falls on Bubba

Bass's birthday, and

that's by design. This

event is near and dear to

Bubba's heart. He says

seeing the children have

so much fun on his tree

farm is the best present

he could get.

"That's my birthday

present, we love the kids

and we've watched them

grow up and watched

them come back and it's

great it's just great."

From Monticello,

Mississippi, I'm

Jonathan Parrish

















---ON CAM---

For more infomation >> Bass Tree Farm Field Day | Farmweek | May 18, 2017 - Duration: 3:09.


For more infomation >> Bass Tree Farm Field Day | Farmweek | May 18, 2017 - Duration: 3:09.


The Rookie: I'm Ready for Thomas #4 - Duration: 3:45.

Pressure on me.

It really looks simple to me.

You thought you had it already.

It was close, in the beginning.

Hi Lasse.

Hi Thor.

Are you well?

I'm doing good yes, thanks.

And it's going well with the swing?

It's getting better and better.


My suggestion today is, that instead of practicing the full swing,

there's so many other elements of the game, that we need to work on.

Today we're gonna work on putting.

Have you tried putting before?

Only on the mini golf course.

You're an expert then.

I brought you a putter.

The putter is slightly different to a normal golfclub.

On a normal golfclub, you wanna get the ball in the air, so it's got an angle on.

A putter has hardly got any angle.

So what we're trying to aim for, is to get the club here.

And the shaft to be an extension of your arm.

So you lift the indexfinger on your left hand.

And you place your right hand on the club.

And when you put, the only thing to use, is your shoulders.

When you use your hands, it gets to difficult to controle the distance.

Bend forward.

From your hips.

It has the direction though.

It should actually be easier than mini golf, since you don't have the obstacles.

You wait and see...

If you come over here.

Now you'll put to number five this time.

I have seen on TV, that it looks pretty cool, when they do like this.

And the reason they do that, is to see how much the green slopes.


Maybe a little bit more to the right!

It was close in the beginning.

You thought, you had it already.

I actually thought I was quite good at it.

Oh yeah.

I think I'm ready for Thomas now!

I think you are, and you're in luck.

I brought him along.

Yeah, you brought him today?

Hi I'm Lasse.

I'm Thomas.

So guys, we're gonna do a little challenge.

You put at the same time, and if one of you gets it in, you get one point.

And then you swap over.

Oh, Thomas!

Oh, come on.

Not it should be easy.

I'd say the pressure is on you Thomas, because I don't think I can fail this one.

Show him Thomas.

No way...

Pressure's on me.

I feel a little bit nervous now.


We have a winner.

Thanks for the game.

Maybe I should wait a couple of weeks, before I meet the real Thomas Bjørn.


For more infomation >> The Rookie: I'm Ready for Thomas #4 - Duration: 3:45.



For more infomation >> BMW X1 2.0I SDRIVE, AUTOMAAT , M SPORT PAKKET,NAVI,XENON,17'' LM VELGEN,CRUISE C,4 ELEK RAMEN - Duration: 1:01.


30 LIFE ADVICE TO LULU ON HER 30TH (2 OF 3) | lulusmiles - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 30 LIFE ADVICE TO LULU ON HER 30TH (2 OF 3) | lulusmiles - Duration: 4:23.


Why Faye CAN'T Be An Archer in Fire Emblem Echoes But IS one in Fire Emblem Heroes (Analysis) - Duration: 4:49.

[Faye] There you are, Alm!

[Alm] Hello, Faye. How's it going?

[Faye] I'm doing just fine now.

[Faye] Seeing your face is always a bright spot in my day.

[Alm] Heh. Well, I'm glad it's not a low point.

[Faye] Now, shall I head back out there and slay more of your enemies for you?!

[Alm] Slay...enemies for me? Um...

[Alm] Er, I would hope you're doing it for a better reason than

[Faye] Oh! Is THAT what you want? ...Because I'll do it.

[Faye] I'll fight for any cause you desire!

[Faye] Just promise you'll be watching, Alm! Promise to look at me!

[Faye] Promise to look at me!

[Alm] Faye, I... Look, just please be careful, all right?


(Sword slash)

(Intro Jingle)

What's up guys, Stevie here with Lucky Crit!

I've seen a lot of people in the comments recently wondering why Faye is an Archer in

Fire Emblem Heroes, yet can't be one in Fire Emblem Echoes, so today I thought I'd try

to clear it up a bit and see if I can decode Intelligent Systems' thought process behind this choice.

In Fire Emblem Gaiden, and early Fire Emblem games in general, classes had restrictions

based upon character genders.

In more recent games these restrictions have been relaxed a bit, with characters like Rinkah,

Charlotte, Severa, Selena and many more able to access classes and new versions of classes

that were previously male only, and male characters like Subaki and Shigure who join your army

as Pegasus Knights, (renamed to Sky Knights in Fates) which were previously female only.

Since Echoes is a remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden, and Intelligent Systems has really stayed

true to the source material, it seems that the class restrictions present in Fire Emblem

Gaiden will remain in Echoes.

Villagers are usually able to class change into Mages, Mercenaries, Cavaliers, Soldiers,

and Archers, while Faye, the first female villager in Gaiden and Echoes, will have access

to Cavalier, Pegasus Knight, Mage, and Cleric.

In Gaiden and Echoes, the Archer, Soldier, and Mercenary classes are male only classes,

while as a female, Faye gets access to Pegasus Knight, Cleric, and the female version of

the Mage class, which promotes into a Priestess.

So now why would Intelligent Systems make Faye an Archer in Fire Emblem Heroes if she

can't even be one in Echoes?

I think there are a couple of reasons.

Firstly, since the banner of characters added into the game were from Alm's crew, they wanted

a good variety of male and female characters to bring into Heroes, and didn't want

to do a villagers only banner.

So we got Alm, the sword-wielding main character, Lukas the Soldier, and Clair the Pegasus Knight.

Because they probably wanted some early-game girl characters from Alm's route to add into the game,

their options were limited to Clair, Silque, and Faye.

Since they were adding Clair, they likely didn't want Faye to also be another Pegasus

Knight character, so we can scratch that one off.

As for why they didn't add Silque into the game instead, or why they didn't just add

Faye as a Cleric, since she actually gets access to some interesting spells in that class,

I think they wanted to avoid adding too many healers into the game, and they probably

knew and had it planned out that players would be getting access to Genny in the then upcoming

banner featuring Celica's crew.

Since Celica's banner was also going to feature herself, Boey, and Mae, all as mages, they

probably didn't want to have ANOTHER Mage added into the game in Alm's banner, either.

This leaves Faye as a Cavalier.

So far in the banner we've already got two blue units, and a third just seems overkill.

I suppose she could have been a sword wielding cavalier, but that's also not possible in Echoes,

as Cavaliers in Gaiden could only wield lances.

Furthermore, that makes it a double blue and double red banner, and I think they like to

have more color diversity than that.

So pretty much nothing worked as far as Faye's class options.

There also aren't any axe units in Echoes, so her as a green unit can be crossed off

too, so she was stuck with gray.

Since thieves are also not present as a playable character class or even a remote possibility

in Gaiden and Echoes, it also wouldn't make sense for her to be a thief either.

Which means there were only two options.

Faye the Cleric, or Faye the Archer.

And like I said earlier, I don't think they wanted another Cleric.

(dagger hit)

So if you think about it this way, they didn't have much of a choice if they wanted

the banner to be diverse.

It's still rather unfortunate though, as Faye kinda works as an Archer, and as an Archer

she could definitely snipe Celica and get rid of her so that Alm is all hers...

And that's gonna wrap up today's episode guys, thank you so much for watching.

If you enjoyed this brief look into the world of Fire Emblem trivia, do me a solid and slash

the thumbs up down below, comment "Echoes... or Heroes" in the comment section, and be

sure to voice your concerns or frustrations about Faye there as well if you so desire.

Since Echoes launches in North America TOMORROW, I'd love to hear how hyped you are in the

comment section as well!

Be sure to subscribe for more content like this, and follow us on twitter @luckycritgaming

for behind the scenes info and news revealed on the fly.

And I'll see you all next time!

(Fire Emblem Heroes music)

For more infomation >> Why Faye CAN'T Be An Archer in Fire Emblem Echoes But IS one in Fire Emblem Heroes (Analysis) - Duration: 4:49.


OU Commencement Weekend | Vlog 22 - Duration: 15:49.

I did not know this was upside down! my bad hahaha

For more infomation >> OU Commencement Weekend | Vlog 22 - Duration: 15:49.


Fidget Spinners GIVEAWAY! (Open) - Duration: 2:03.

Hey everyone its Zeenia from Craftabulous and in todays video I am doing a GIVEAWAY!

So we recently hit 300 subscribers, and thank you guys so much for that!

I actually had a goal of getting to 300 subscribers by the end of May and we reached that goal

before it was even half way through the month so thank you guys so much for that!

So this giveway is to thank you gys for 300 subscribers and just to give back to you guys.

SO now lets just hop right into the part you have been waiting for, the giveaway.

So as you can probably already tell by the title, this giveway is for fidget spinners,

because I know they have been really trendy lately and I thought it would be a perfect

givewaway item.

So I have 2 fidget spinners here so there will be 2 lucky winners to this giveaway so

there is the pink one and the gold one.

So the gold one is metal and the pink one is obviously ceramic.

Both of these spin really well and what I've noticed about these is that the bearings are

like really well attatched so they don't easily come out like some of the other fidget spinners

I have seen.

These are just really nice overall.

So all you need to do to win these fidget spinners is subscribe down below to my channel,

and that is completely free if you didnt already know.

Its just the red button that says subscribe and its just whenever I post a new video,

it will show up in your subscription box.

And then you have to comment down below on any of my videos actually, um you have to

comment which fidget spinner you want so if you want the pink one or the gold one so those

are the only rule.

So good luck on winning these fidget spinners, and make sure to give this video a big thumbs

up if you liked it so I will see you in my next video!


For more infomation >> Fidget Spinners GIVEAWAY! (Open) - Duration: 2:03.


Subaru Forester - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Subaru Forester - Duration: 1:01.


Liquid Miracle • Invoker • 7.06 • Meta • — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 39:14.

Liquid Miracle • Invoker • 7.06 • Meta • — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2

For more infomation >> Liquid Miracle • Invoker • 7.06 • Meta • — Pro MMR Gameplay Dota 2 - Duration: 39:14.


Contrast Material and Radiation Dose at CT (June 2017) - Duration: 30:51.


Herbert Y. Kressel, MD Hi. This is Dr. Herb Kressel and welcome to the June Radiology podcast.

Today we have an interesting panel discussion of a pair of articles that we're publishing

in this month's issue that use a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model to look at contrast

dynamics in tissue and the focus of the first paper is to describe the accuracy of the phantom

and the second one looks at the impact of contrast medium on radiation dose in this


I found the papers very interesting.

And we're joined also by the discussant of the articles and an editorial.

So let me introduce everybody.

Dr. Pooyan Sahbaee is a Senior Scientist at Siemens Healthcare and he was a doctoral student

at Duke when this study was written.

Welcome Dr. Sahbaee.

Pooyan Sahbaee, PhD Thanks so much Dr. Kressel.

It's my honor to be here.

Sure and Dr. Ehsan Samei, Professor of Radiology at Duke and a frequent contributor to Radiology.

We're delighted to have you join us as well.


Ehsan Samei, PhD Pleasure to be here.


And Dr. Boone, Dr. John Boone, is Professor of Radiology and Vice Chair for Research at

the University of California Davis; and Dr. Boone I have to first thank you for your great

service to Radiology as a reviewer and for the provocative editorial that you have written.

I think it will help our readers place this study in the proper context.


John M. Boone, PhD Good morning.

It's a pleasure to be here.

So let's begin.

Dr. Sahbaee can you tell us about this notion of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic

model that you use to predict contrast dynamics?


If that's okay I'll start with a short summary of the objective of the whole study

and then why we needed these physiologically based compartmental models and individual

clinical trials.


From a – like if you studied – before we learned that there is a possibility of

increasing radiation dose due to the contrast agent.

We know that everyone is familiar with the phenomena that the presence of contrast agent

in vessels or organs enhances the attenuation and that's why we use the contrast agent.

We know that iodine increases the total radiation dose, meaning that the total radiation to

the tissue mix with iodine.

But the questions were how can we quantify this increase in different organs, and more

importantly like as a function of time and as a function of patients' attributes.

The second question that we really wanted to address was how much of this tissue, how

much of this increase in radiation dose can go beyond the mixture of iodine in the blood

or in other words how much of this increase is biologically relevant.

That was our objective of this study in some area, and we knew that we could only do it

with mutual clinical trial, the reliable mutual clinical trial.

We are aware of the complication of the process and things, but the first part of the study

we developed and incorporated a compartmental model of cardiovascular system which was indeed

a physiological based compartmental model and we in this model we basically modeled

the distribution of contrast agents or the dynamics of contrast agents through the whole

body and it consisted of a series of differential equations which take all the organs and vessel

parameters into consideration and as a result it delivers a contrast material concentration

time(inaudible)to calculate this (inaudible)rate was applied to each compartment and each compartment

was basically consisted of three subcompartments, intracellular, extravascular and intravascular,

three subcompartments.

And then based on as output again we were getting the iodine concentration in different

organs and vessels, but the good feature of this compartmental model was that we could

personalize it based on different patient attributes including like the organ volumes,

including the cardiac output, height, weight, sex, and some other factors we could basically

make them patient specific.


So what actual factors were used?

For example, did you include potential variations in renal function, the clearance rates of

the contrast?

In the current model we didn't include the renal function into account, but the other

factors were again like cardiac output, the organ volumes, and we extracted this information

from the real patient models created from the real CT images and all those like organ

volumes, the vascular volumes and all those high space and everything was basically real

lump or real values.

And you had 58 models but how did you choose the distribution of features within those


Were they based on a population or how did you decide how many heavy people and how many

thin people and how many people in failure and whatnot?

This was a population; this wasn't basically first 58 patients created in our lab, in Duke's

lab, which called XCAT phantoms.

These XCAT phantoms were created based on a population of patients which had different

types of patients, body index size like – same number of the like males versus females

and it was like a very well distributed population.

Okay, well good.

How accurate are the models actually?

Dr. Samei?

Dr. Kressel, again great to be with you.

These models as Pooyan already pointed out are based on, most of them are based on whole

body CT scans that we have at our institutions.

We segment these models, we add additional features to the model, we do additional dynamic

components and we try to do a reasonable representation; sampling of the population if you will.

Not as comprehensive perhaps because there are only 58.

These are the first 58 that we have created, but they are representative of low BMI, high

BMI ranges of the patients that we have at our institution.

I think they are reasonably representative of the population at Duke University Health

System with not necessarily, we cannot necessarily say that represented individual patient that

walks into our hospital today.

(inaudible) matching.

So I would say population wise, they are representative, individual wise we are in the process of figuring

out how we can match individual patients to any of these models that we have.

On a population basis we have done a great job that actually has calibrated or validated

that this population contrast enhancement that we see in them are consistent with the

contrast enhancement that we see in a similar population that is reported elsewhere.

How accurate is the model actually?

Population wise it's very close.

I would say in the 5 to 10% range.

(Inaudible)it's difficult to say.

So I was sort of particularly excited with the notion of a virtual clinical trial where

in theory you could introduce a new agent and you could model in some lesions and you

could predict a degree of contrast, so where do we stand with this?

How can you actually use a model like this as a virtual clinical trial?

Yeah so it's a very exciting time actually.

As you know one of the challenges in medicine is that medicine being a scientific enterprise

we hope, you've got to do experiments to be able to validate your hypothesis.

But doing experiments is very difficult in the context of patients.

So virtual clinical trials really addresses that ethical dilemma that we have in that

we want to have evidence validated to experiment, at the same time we can't really do a whole

bunch of experiments that we want to do.

For example, there are a zillion different ways of imaging a patient on MR scanner or

a CT scanner and we cannot possibly entertain that kind of enterprise in the context of

a patient population.

So virtual clinical trials enable us to essentially create a population virtually and experiment

on them without ethical difficulties or pragmatic difficulties informed consenting patients

and variability across the patient.

Also the beauty of this model is that we do know the truth because we created them.

We know what's going on with them.

Now the challenge, the limitation, is that how realistic are these realizations?

If we come up with a contrast distribution or anatomical contrast that is not realistic,

of course we are gonna lead us to the unrepresentative conclusions.

But I think I would say in the last few years we have seen a greater deal of realism in

the formation of these virtual models.

In the latest ones that we are working on we are adding intra-organ heterogeneity that

would even make the images much more realistic looking not just for dose estimation.

I think the great promise of this technology is not just looking at dose.

We just happen to be using this for a dose evaluation, but the idea is that can we actually

bring all elements of the imaging, not only the risk of imaging regardless of how minute

that risk might be, but also the benefit in the construct that we know what the truth

is, and therefore we can have a much more informed way of optimizing the process of

medical care.

So the promise is that we go beyond CT, we definitely want to go beyond dose and risk.

These are just I would say low-hanging fruits if you will.

Dr. Boone are you familiar with these physiologic models?

Where do you think this technology is going to wind up?

I'm certainly familiar with the XCAT models the 58 that has been discussed.

They were sort of developed for Monte Carlo dose estimates.

What I think that the authors at Duke did which is amazing and very exciting and I congratulate

them for doing such an eloquent job with this, is they incorporated this kinetic model with

the vasculature.

Frankly it's something that I've wanted to do and just haven't had the bandwidth

to get around to doing that.

I read a lot of manuscripts from Radiology and other journals and I have to tell you

I think you know when – we just discussed this, I was very excited.

I mean more excited than in several years of reading manuscripts.

So congratulations to the authors for this spectacular work.

And I think where to go from here really is further validation.

You sort of used past data to validate this.

I think it would be fun and exciting to go and probably with a real clinical trial in

a limited number of patients and see if your organ enhancement curves, your time density

curves, really do match.

What can go on in real patients and further validation would give more utility to this

work down the line.

I think that you describe this work as hypothesis generating and I think that's very accurate.

This could be the beginning, the opening salable of a lot of research with the kinetics.

So further validation and that would lead to protocol optimization, maybe a different

timing regime for imaging the kidneys or whatever could change the dose profile and still give

the same physiologic information, things like that.

KB would have an impact here as well.

So it's very exciting and I'm sure that this will have long legs for the people at

Duke and other readers as well.

Yeah I was taken with how it might really affect the introduction of new agents because

you might be able to estimate the effect sizes and then tailor sort of clinical trials to

reduce the numbers because you have a better sense of sort of the magnitude of the effects.

I think it's very, very exciting work.

With that, let's move on to what was your primary goal in this actually which was not

just to validate the model but to look at the impact of the pharmacokinetics of contrasts

on tissue dose.

My question is actually why do this with a model?

I understand that for a lot of the other things, but actually looking at tissue dose, why use

a model as opposed to another experimental method?

That's a very good question.

Of course there are alternative ways of characterizing this phenomenon that we have characterized


You can defer to the physical measurement for example as opposed to Monte Carlo simulations

or human modeling simulations and so on.

There are two reasons for doing it the way we did it.

Number one, is the issue of sampling in that if you even if you have a patient model let's

say an animal model whether a phantom model or a cadaver.

In either of those cases you could put probes inside your unit, whatever that might be,

and make an actual measurement.

The problem is that at best you will get one sample, one realization, two realization.

Doing that across 58 will be overwhelming if not impractical.

So we can't only have one or two conditions evaluated not do it across the population

that we have attempted to do so here.

Number two is that the whole if you're going after contrast agents then the dynamics of

the contrast agent needs to be incorporated.

At different time points, different organs, different tissues, get different amount of

contrasts going in and out of them, so you should do it in sort of a dynamic way across

a wide range of tissue sample.

So if you have it with the animal model, the number of probes that you need to put in and

do the temporal evaluation would be experimentally very, very challenging.

(inaudible) The other thing is you can also now change the cardiac output of your patient

and see what happens.

In the case of animal model you cannot do that as readily.

There's a lot of flexibility and sampling convenience that comes from this kind of model

that otherwise would not be possible.

Got it.

So what did the model show Dr. Sahbaee?

What is the effect on radiation tissue dose from using contrast in different organs?


At this point it's important to clarify what we mean by radiation dose.

So the radiation dose we introduced in this study is the total radiation dose delivered

to the iodinated tissue.

Okay so it's tissue plus iodine alright?

But so with this model we showed like the administration of contrast material can increase

the total radiation dose up to like 54% in the kidney.

Okay and also in this study the second question that we wanted to address was we assume that

in highly perfused organs like liver and kidney or maybe lung and brain, the increasing radiation

dose can be approximated by normal distribution or Gaussian distribution reflecting the proximity

of iodine molecules, the organ as it distributes through the blood vessels.

Our results showed that for an individual patient with considering this proximity of

iodine to the organs, the anticipated biological relevant dose increased with respect to the

unenhanced CT can be in the range 0 to 18% increased for liver and same 0 to 27% for


I see.

That's pretty substantial.

Now I guess the controversy in this is sort of the whole radiation dose may not be the

biologically relevant dose and there the question is the contrast that's actually intravascular

may not be contributing the same proportion to the tissue dose as the interstitial contrast.

Dr. Boone I know this is something that you've been concerned about, perhaps you could tell

us your thoughts on this issue.

Sure and let me briefly address a question to Dr. Samei, with respect to Monte Carlo

radiation dose assessment versus physical measurements you could only have so many physical

measurements because you use point detectors.

The nice thing about a Monte Carlo program is that every voxel in your phantom becomes

a measurement tool, a measurement probe, so you really have thousands, hundreds of thousands

to millions of individual dose measuring probes in a virtual environment of course.

And as the authors of this great paper recognize as well as many who are involved in Monte

Carlo studies, there are limitations of that and modeling itself has limitations.

The example I gave in the editorial are related to what if a patient has a metal implant.

So obviously most people would recognize that the dose deposited into a titanium or other

metal implant is not biologic in nature and that's a little bit true to iodine flowing

through the vessels temporarily if you – if they absorb some radiation dose they're

going to be urinated out of the body within 30 minutes after the scan.

So that dose may not be as physiologically relevant or contribute to risk as Ehsan was


The other thing is because most of the contrast agent during a CT scan is imaged early phase

so it's really intravascular, it turns out that the vessels contain of course blood and

blood is plasma and cells and the like and largely there's not a lot of DNA.

There is some, but compared to the tissues in your liver and kidney and brain, there's

really a large void of DNA in the vascular system and DNA is the target for radiation


The other thing is, is that size matters.

When you're talking about dose supposition you're really talking about, not to get

too technical here, but the x-rays interact with atoms and they kick off electrons and

it's the range of those electrons that sort of determine the resolution requirements of

your phantom and because that range is on the order of 20 to 100 micrometers you would

need a very, very high resolution phantom beyond even modern, impressive computer capabilities

now to fully simulate that.

I'll give you other examples so radiation dose via electrons to blood to feces to urine

in the bladder to implants, none of those really have a biological effect or have the

same biological effect as the regular tissues.

So the tone of my editorial was really that scale matters and we need to get to the point

and this was a great starting discussion for this important issue and then further down

I imagine that we'll refine these models, make them more accurate and get to the bottom

of whether or not this radiation dose really does contribute to risk or not.

So if I may, first of all I think I agree with you for most of the things that you said,


I think we recognize the limitations of our modeling and we have acknowledged that in

the publications.

So none of these are really new to us, I agree.

It would be crazy to compute the dose on implants and say this is the dose of the patient.

Physiologically it's meaningless.

With that being said, these implants, these so-called implants iodinated implants that

we are talking about are much, much smaller admittedly than would be seen in a large metal

implants and they do get mixed in with not only the blood but also in the extra-cellular

blood and extra-cellular space.

So iodine eventually needs to make it from the arteries to the vein.

In order to do so it needs to go to the tissue.

A number of our protocols are essentially orchestrated designed time so that we can

get maximum enhancements for example in kidney or the liver; and during that time in an organ

that is highly vascularized, let's say the liver which is like 60% of – most of the

blood is capillary, you have iodine that is in a very close proximity to the tissue that

has lots of DNA that can be potentially damaged.

We have tried to do a little bit of that modelling in a few, not all of the iodine ends up in

the tissue, there was a secondary analysis that was added to the paper towards the end

assuming some sort of Gaussian distribution but the peak in the tissue would never exceed

51% that goes to the blood at Gaussian distribution.

And even that had a measurable impact on radiation dose that I think that analysis is perhaps

more physiologically relevant which actually we reflect that in the abstract as well.

And actually if I may just interject here as I'm hearing this I'm recalling that

we've published some papers on looking at double strand DNA breaks following CT and

then following CT plus contrast and the - not that double strand breaks are the equivalent

to measuring tissue dose, but the magnitude of the change was sort of more or less in

the same magnitude as I recall, so I guess the issue is it's not hard to understand

that there will be an effect but just sort of how best to express it.

I guess some of the concern is that if you over interpret the data that you'd come

away thinking that there's a lot more effect on tissue dose and I think that the subsequent

experiments that you did I think were very, very helpful at least in scaling the magnitude

of the change.


That was those papers that you refer to, there was a paper by (inaudible) in Radiology January

of last year and there's a paper that just came out by Leon Wang in European Radiology.

Same strategy, they measured, they used biomarker protein of double strand break, before iodine,

after iodine, before CT, after CT; and their estimation of this biomarker increase following

the administration of contrast and CT was higher than what we estimated which – it's

not what we modeled of course and we were sort baffled almost as to why they estimated

a higher percentage of double strand break than we anticipated.

So in some ways when I read those articles especially Wang's article that just came

out, I mean in some ways I fully relate to what John is objecting because I have the

same objection.

Is some ways you can say we are over estimating.


In fact we said that ourselves in our paper.

We said the range can be between zero to whatever percent you said and you even admit that might

be zero.

But these papers say that it's even more and I feel that it doesn't leave room to

investigate the mechanisms behind this enhanced double strand break.

I also want to add here that, I mean our objective here is really not to discourage the use of

contrast agents or discourage the use of CT in any way; it's just the fact that 60%

of the CT is done with contrast agent and somehow that needs to be incorporated in our

broad scheme of observation.

So Dr. Boone where do we go from here?

How are we going to sort through this?

Well I think that this was an excellent dosimetry exercise.

I think what we need to do is actually recycle some research that was done in the fifties

and sixties on microdosimetry because that will get to the bottom of it and really what

we need to do is better evaluate risks which I think is your ultimate goal here.

So microdosimetry will you probably won't do a whole body, but you could do where the

CT beam is hitting in a phantom and tease out you know the proximity of the iodine atoms

within a large vessel and in a median scale vessel and down to the capillary scale in

all of that.

So lots to do.

We just got five new computers here that are very high tech so we're excited about doing

some follow-up work on this work as well.


Well this has been a stimulating discussion.

I want to thank you all.

Dr. Sahbaee congratulations on your work and Dr. Samei thanks for sharing your insights

and Dr. Boone thank you again for a fine editorial.

It's been a pleasure speaking with you about this.

Thank you sir.

Thank you.



For more infomation >> Contrast Material and Radiation Dose at CT (June 2017) - Duration: 30:51.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 280 CDI Sportpakket Navi Clima Cruise Leer Pdc Lmv Trekhaak - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 280 CDI Sportpakket Navi Clima Cruise Leer Pdc Lmv Trekhaak - Duration: 1:04.


How To Set Up Google Maps Listing 2017 | Google My Business - Duration: 7:13.

Today I'm going to show you guys how to create a google my business listing or google snack

pack listing

Gonna start by going to google dot com

So you input your business name

Now when entering your street address, city, state, zip code and phone number

This has to be the exact information that's on your actual website.

It has to match exactly.

This is very important when setting up your google my business account.


We're going to use a generic address.

For instance if your website address has 18800 Lina street and it's spelled out you want

to spell it out on your google my business listing.

If it's abbreviated you want to abbreviate it.

Same with your phone number, if your phone number has no parenthesis and hyphens you

want have it like that with no parenthesis and hyphens.

If it has parenthesis and hyphens you want to include it when filling this out.

This is also important if your like a mobile business you want to select no.

If you have a brick and mortar location you want to select yes.

So we have all of this filled out


Googles going

to send you out a post card to verify that, that's your actual location there's going

to be a code inside

When you get your post card comeback to your google my business and enter the code to verify.

Since we're just going this for example purposes we're going to skip that.

So from here you want to complete your profile by adding photos of your business of your


You can ad a virtual tour this supposedly helps increase your rankings when you do a

360 or virtual tour of your business but I haven't tested it tried that out yet.

I'll let you guys know

You want to enter your hours

You can add menus if you're a restaurant

The type of amenities you offer

You want to add as many photos as possible customers like photos and google likes when

you add a lot of photos

By owner Interior


Picture of food and drinks if you're a restaurant.

This is where you can add managing members to your business to go in and change things.

If you have multiple locations

You want to have a separate page on your website with the address to that location and again,

the address should match everything that you enter on this form.

That's pretty much it.

It's not really that hard to set up a google my business listing.

The hard part is when your actually trying to rank in the three pack or snack pack.

Which isn't too hard but it's more complicated than this.

I'll do a video soon on how to increase your rankings in the google snack pack

You guys have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments.

If you like this video or if it was helpful or informative please like and subscribe.


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