Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 18 2017

Heyo! its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subtitles by ~Aphexx~)

so today! tadaa I made some twirled up french toast sandwiches with eggs

it looks so yummy with such thick and fluffy eggs

alrighty lets see how its made

this is how its made

beat eggs in a bowl

sugar, milk,

mix well

cut the crusts off bread

then cut in half

soak in the egg mixture

melt some butter in a pan meant to make tamagoyaki

pour in a serving of egg mix

add the bread we've had soaking then ham, cheese,

careful to not let it burn I've got this set on low

fold the eggs in toward yourself

pour in some more egg mix

flip once more

drizzle honey

tadaa they're done

will you look at them don't they look yummy?

and there is some ham n' cheese inside


looks so yummy

the salty ham and cheese the nice and mild tasting egg

and its mixed with sweet yummy taste of honey... so goood

they're so fluffy and delish

such fluffy eggs

bread is so fluffy as well

err'thang fluffy

french toast is so delish

this is definitely a new form of french toast

I love this way more than regular french toast

because the eggs are so.... ..... fluffy

delish! plus there's cheese and ham in here

even without the ham n' cheese this eggy french toast alone would be so delish

and since we fried it up with butter that lovely flavor is so yummy in this as well

mixed in with that drizzled honey its like a honey butter flavor that is so yummy

this is.... the 'bestest' ever

among all the stuff I've made lately this ranks among the top

next plate

drizzle in honey

the cheeeeese

so delish

bestest stuff ever


egg honey and cheese and butter has gotta be the ultimate flavor combination

and the french toast inside was cooked nice and rare it was cooked so rare inside, so gooey and delish

and the eggs were cooked to a nice fluffy consistency

and I know I said it earlier but this has gotta be a new version of french toast

if you make it savory and not sweet it would make for a great meal as well

it was so easy and delish to make won't you all please give it a try?

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and sub buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Maximum Ham Cheese French Toast Sandwich Wrapped With Eggs & Honey, 2681kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 3:50.


Хлеб, созданный по рецептам целого мира - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Хлеб, созданный по рецептам целого мира - Duration: 6:22.


Bryan Cranston Likes to Prank Fans - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Bryan Cranston Likes to Prank Fans - Duration: 2:27.


Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 [FULL MOVIE] told with Legos | Working with LeMANS not LemonReds - Duration: 16:28.

this is an ad for Disney

hey did you miss us

we're back - wooo we've got more toys

yep and you're witnessing another episode of working

with lemans because we're men doing toy reviews

we don't have a theme song oh yeah

we don't have one working with lemans

that's just you're working with lemons theme song - sung differently

it still works

I'll put it out to you guys

you come up with our theme song

Working with LeMANS

that's the same one - just lower oh

we got another fantastic package in the mail

that Anson and Mia have been trying to get

their hands on for a long time

I got safety scissors They're kid safe

gonna lose a finger on this wait what

you doing this blindfolded? yeah don't put your

hands on the box for safety scissors and

they're safety scissors - I can't get cut

right? Let's test that

That sounds scary actually

This feels like another box

what did you get well I got like a car I

poked me in the face oh no no stop

I was trying to hand it out

did I get that look at this you mean the

you need to feel this I'm guessing Legos

Can we get a clue guys - mom

here you mine and I'll guess yours They're the same

did you just hand me back mine? no here this

is yours if there's a comic book thing

is it something we love? Comic Books?! Say it at the same time - ready? 3-2-1


I thought we we're guessing I though we were going to say comic books again

you know a movie

little more specific you just saw it

late at night oh oh oh oh three two one

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2

Ready? Open!

yeah well look I got yondu Groot - he is a car

it's a Groot go-kart

this is the ship we

got the ship you got them Milano that's

right so if you haven't seen the movie


spoiler alert cuz we're gonna be talking

all about guardians of the galaxy vol 2

Legos lego style

Ready Set BUILD!

Last piece!

hey we want to thank Disney for sending

this product for free we love these Lego sets

yes more than you can imagine

I was almost in tears putting it together

hey check out what my little guy and what he can do

he just fell over

blew up by anyone to do that watch up

like oh no no no

look I have a little button this is Ayesha

Ayesha in the well she'd turned

mean so she pushes this button

this took us like what about two hours to

me about two hours to put this together

and that's each each one so total of

four hours we're not professionals by

any means. alright check this out okay so

my set has the yondu ship Oh

like this actually moves so it's pretty

impressive so that's how he gets out of

a get the cockpit I just shot someone

when putting Legos together this is probably

the most confusing thing in Legos you

see this this is a smiley sad face sad

face with a tumor coming out of his head

Is that a tumor? that's up to you

guys to decide but I think what we

really figured out was that it's going

to shoot something

don't point it at somebody whoa

then it has bombs oh right here!

ha ha ha


yeah oh we just shot her in the tumor

it's called uh the Reaper Reaver? oh

so somebody as old as I am

I understand it's called the Milano

is it ever called the

Milano in the movie? it has it written on it Robbie


my ship is indestructible give me oh shoot you grab

my bullet over there look this is the other

thing it came with a comic book

now I love comics and this one you don't

even really have to read a whole lot to

understand the word like boom and Baku

what this monster's name? (Abilisk) oh my gosh this is

the coolest thing ever

that's my Kraken sound

also the same as my Orc sound

in case you're wondering am I know so we're missing a

few people so we're going to reenact

guardians of the galaxy volume two with

Legos in one minute

in a short amount of time so we got

star-lord and Peter quill now are they


Peter quill same guy there's two

different kits

this is Drax good job

this is Gamora

that's Karen Gillian I almost had that one

Nebula her name is Nebula

nebula like she's involved

you have yondu played by Michael Rooker

Baby Groot

I'll put that little one up here huh

both kits came with a baby Groot

this is Ayesha Ayesha so she's got her

little communicator thing here

Rocket we don't we don't need music

for this fight

I am Groot The bad guy is coming in to steal all the batteries

hurry hurry hurry

Drax I'm gonna fight you side ah I'm

gonna get my sword clear out spit it out

aha I saved the day

did you really?

hey everybody thanks for saving us!

Peter Quill - hey lady

yeah we did great okay look you're a

visitor leave the prisoner oh yeah get

the prison her name's Nebula hey sister

I hate you don't eat that fruit no don't

no it's not ripe

hey those people folks up from me Oh rocket where are you

hey we're gonna crash

hey look it can shoot too you missed


here comes some more

those it works all are breaking our ship

is crashing all oh no!

all of a sudden

the ship blew up

is that my dad is that my dad that's

not your dad

Oh it couldn't be

hi everybody you know Peter I don't

trust your dad what how could you later

back in the forest boom everyone's dead

well Rockets tazed and this fruit still

not ripe well I like Peter he's my


what oh you you guys are capturing me

wait you're taking me over oh oh dang it

they took my my arrow I am groot

little Groot go get me my fin

I am Groot I am Groot

I am Groot no no

that's a ship no no bring

me the bring me my hair do I feel bad

for killing all our friends here you go

to the ship wait kill all the bad guys

right go ahead

oh let's blow up the big ship


Groot's in there

theres a secret compartment for Groot no way!

I'm coming Peter

wait don't make that jump to hyperspace 86 times

I'm gonna get them

wait you're in this ship aren't you

yeah yeah

flip ah

I'm dying - help How am I carrying this gun?

she's strong oh yeah - thank you sister

you're still chained up yeah we'll come

on you're free and you're free let's be

best friends again

okay sister um but not yet I still hate you

oh - Wow wait where did all these dead

bodies come from? could it be - dad you

killed my mother

I'm so mad at you

where's the Mantis lady - you're beautiful

on the inside all right

my dad's crazy he wants to turn me into a

battery and destroy all the worlds

because he's immortal

yeah I know that's why I kidnapped you

so long ago when I found out what he was

doing what then I kept you as my own son

no way yeah when I get really here's my

arrow are we gotta kill him

all right well I use it my arrow

everything's falling on me

give everybody some space suits okay come on

I'm going to get my dad I'm coming up we're saving each other sisters

all right don't press

the red button because I am Groot

Does anyone have scotch tape? any kind of tape

I am Groot


we're dead

I'm Mary Poppins Y'all


all right I'll save you no dad

you were like a dad to me

Yandu - no!


we got to send him off

some how his grave ashes are all firewood

then the end credit scene we've made it


Is it Adam? Yeah - you got one right

boom baby

how did we do

well one person enjoyed it

it's a little longer than minute

oh dang it - we'll have to cut it

considering the whole movie is like two hours we did

pretty good yeah I could be summed it up

fairly well with characters we had I don't

know if people saw on social media but I

posted a picture of the kids that I

snuck out to take into a 10:30 p.m. show

it was great they had a great time they

all stayed awake and Camrey who was not

in the picture fell asleep

she watched maybe 10% of the movie

she watched the very beginning and the very end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

so I mean these ships are awesome cause

like this has two bullets and then it

has bomb underneath

I already launched them and it just has

all these - you know different dynamic pieces

yeah it's very cool so I mean all these

things are so well thought out yeah now you

do add a little a few stickers onto here

make it fun but I mean even on the

inside you have like a fire extinguisher

and a wrench in case you need a fire

extinguisher and it even has a secret

hidden door in here and the best part is

it slides back and forth and pops off if you're drax

this monster is awesome because he

rotates yeah little gears so we can

spin and then you can eat people like

Drax you know what - you know what would

make this even better we've got the groot go-kart

mobile the Groot mobile

this is put out by hot wheels and they have

a bunch of different cars so this is the

groot go-cart - oh dang you know hot wheels

have been around forever and they always

make the coolest cars I realized a Lego Groot

might not fit in here but

oh oh yeah he does he does you see that

mom I am Groot come back here

oh wait isn't there another one

here they've got yondu's car down

Yondu has a car?! yeah it's cool it's got big

giant fin on it haha Groot's is made

out of wood oh it has this little

like face on it you see that?

Groot turned into a car he's driving himself

it's like transformers except with humans

it's no no not a was with wood with not

metal so if you need you like to play

with Legos let us know in the comments

below we're going to post links to where

you can buy these yourselves we love

Legos we love guardians of the galaxy we

love Disney stuff we should do a last

musical number of Guardians of the galaxy


Peter you don't dance but I do

would you come dance with me never been

to Mars and I think that's a serious

with me my awesome ninja girl

I'll ratify my name with your so fine with

your green skin yeah I'm gonna fall for

you fall for you Gamora

what's is it they

say in this one it's there's something

unspoken if there's something unspoken

between something and unspoken

if you dance with me I'll let you see the

other side of me this has been guardians of

the galaxy musical thank you thank you

that's all for today folks

I don't know if we're getting better or worse

I think we're getting worse. all right ladies

and gentlemen that's it thank you for

watching please share ring the belt so

you know when the next working with

LeMANS comes out remember don't tell

Anson and Mia don't be very mad you know

especially because they love Guardians of the


almost as much as I do

Make sure to tell the cast: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper,

Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell, Sean Gunn

For more infomation >> Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 [FULL MOVIE] told with Legos | Working with LeMANS not LemonReds - Duration: 16:28.


Bryan Cranston Trolled His High School Yearbook - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Bryan Cranston Trolled His High School Yearbook - Duration: 2:21.


[영어동화] 줄리의 '어두운 밤이 싫어요!' l 캐리앤 북스 - Duration: 7:26.

Hi guys it's Julie!

Are you guys scared of the darkness?

Well I used to be but I'm not anymore.

You guys want to know why?

Let's go hear about it!

Wow~ What is this?

I don't know. What is this?

It's cold!

Touch it!

Let me touch!

Oh! It's cold!

Yeah it's cold!

Oh Julie! Oh Hi Quack Quack!

I didn't know you were here.

Hi Ms Julie's Mom.

Hi how have you been?

I'm doing great.

Well, it's good to see you.

Oh Julie! It's time to go to sleep now.

Already? Why?

Because it's night time and at night you have to sleep.

Yeah… well Quak Quak I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

You have to go back to your place.

I wanted to hang out a little bit more…

Well I'll see you tomorrow then Julie.

Ok. Bye~

Hm… Can I take this with me?

Sure take it.


Woah! Sticky! No!

Well Julie I'm leaving. Bye~

Well well well… now that Quack Quack left…

Are you ready to sleep Julie?

Yes Mom.

Ok then~ I'm going to turn off the light!

But mom! I'm a little scared today…

Can you leave the lights on?

Julie… You can't sleep with the lights on.

Yeah I know mom… but you know I'm really scared.

I mean what if there are monsters under my bed.

There are no monsters under your bed Julie.

I can assure you.

So you can go to sleep.

Um… then can you read me a story?

Julie you are old enough to go to sleep without a story.

Um… Ok then… a little hug?

Ok, I'll give you a little hug.

Here you go.

Good night sweety.

Turn off the lights.


It's dark already.

What am I gonna do…

Ok, I'm going to count 100 sheep.

1 sheep 2 sheep 3 sheep 4 sheep 5 sheep 6 sheep 7 sheep...

Julie! Good morning~

Oh darling you are still in bed.

Wake up Julie. Wake up!

Wake up!?

What time is it mom…?

Julie it's already 8:30.

You have to wake up.

Is it already 8:30?

I'm gonna be late.

No, you are not late if you hurry now.

Oh Ok.

Bye Mom~

I'll see you later.

Me me me me! Yes!

Ta~da~ It's Julie!


Oh my gosh, Julie! I didn't know you were such an artist!

You are so talented my daughter.

Well Julie you have to go to sleep now.

It's already late.


Good night mom.

Good night darling~ Let me give you a kiss.

Good night.

Mom! Can you leave the lights on?

Julie I told you yesterday.

You cannot sleep with the lights on.

Yeah but I'm scared Mom…

I told you yesterday as well!

Yes but you had a good night sleep last night

so you can also sleep well tonight.

Ok… Bye Mom.

Good night.

I feel so scared today.

Is there something?

I don't know…

Should I turn on the lights?

No I shouldn't. My mom is going to get mad.

But should I turn it on?

I don't think she is going to come in again.

Let's turn it on.

I'm not scared anymore.

I can go sleep now.

Good night!

Good night Mom~

Julie! It's time to go to school!

Why is the light on?

Hi mom~ Good morning.

I don't remember if I slept.

What do you mean you don't remember you slept?

I mean I had a really good night sleep.

What time is it Mom?

It's 8:30 again!

I'm late!

Bye Mom! I'll see you later!

What is this…

Mom! I'm back from school.

Oh Julie~ How was your day darling?

What did you draw today?

Today I drew myself again.


Let me take a look…

What is this? Is this really you?

What happened…

What happened?

Oh my god. Look at the lines.

It's a disaster!

I was really tired…

Because I couldn't sleep well last night.

And why couldn't you sleep well last night?

Because… I honestly slept with the lights on because I was scared.

Julie! I told you.

You have to sleep with the lights off!

Yeah mom… I'll turn it off from tonight.

I'm sorry.

You silly~

Well at least. Now you know you have to sleep with the lights off.

That's my girl!

So~ Don't forget to sleep with the lights off too. Ok?

Julie is going to come back with another story next time.


For more infomation >> [영어동화] 줄리의 '어두운 밤이 싫어요!' l 캐리앤 북스 - Duration: 7:26.


Bryan Cranston on His New Movie Wakefield - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Bryan Cranston on His New Movie Wakefield - Duration: 2:43.


You THOUGHT this was a DATE?【BOYS play games for GIRLS #5】 - Duration: 5:49.

If you want to create a relationship...

The dancer is so cool!

I don't need him though...

"I want to love what you love, Yuuki"

Don't play with my heart

Secret Relationship



From Star Trek


From our strange story to...

our secret story!

Oh look what came out!

My favorite game

-The king of fighters -Gets me excited

It's a totally unrelated story but...

Yes, that one

Hero named Ryo

When Street Fighter was really popular,

Many companies made different games

"Samurai Showdown"

but those titles didn't become so popular

so they bundled it all and added in all the characters

-So this game always has around 38 characters -Too many

That story has nothing to do with our game

The title of the game is "Secret Relationship",

but it's turning out to be "Secret Relationship of Nihongo Gamer and Takahashi-san"

"Secret Relationship of Nihongo Gamer and Takahashi-san"?

"Did you really think I I'd asked you out?"

A totally different response

Hold on, hold on a second

Please hold on

The heart came out, so my reply must've been correct

That means, he's playing with me

Don't play with my heart

Takahashi-san has become a playaa

I guess he's becoming one right now

Misato must like this type of guy

She probably does

She must really like this type

The answers are becoming difficult

1) Of course not, I didn't think so

2) I'm so surprised. My heart is still pounding

Maybe not that one

3) Don't joke with me. It's bad form my health

Oh, this one is hard

"I didn't think so", is too light

Not exactly a rejection, but keeping away

"My heart is still pounding" does sound girly,

but saying that will shift the power to Takahashi-san's side

Oh that is so right

Takahashi-san's mentality is down because of the divorce so Misato has the higher position


Oh my....what an analysis...

3) Don't joke with me. It's bad for my health

When she says "Don't joke with me", what does she mean?

You can interpret it both ways

"Did you think I actually asked you on a date?"

I don't think it's #1

Takahashi-san isn't the joking type

His face says so. A no joke guy

He's probably not joking around

Is he asking a question, then?

I wonder which it could be...

Is he trying to say "Do you realize that I AM actually asking you on a date?"

The problem is, you can take it both ways

If in normal situation, it'll be "I'm surprised and my heart is pounding"

"Don't joke with me, it's bad for my health" means...

There is a chance she is denying it once,

or there many be an even deeper meaning to it,

but actually I don't know why we are looking in so deeply into this matter

-Don't know how much.. -Brain power we're using on this

Well let's go with #2

Oh but, it was good


So this was correct?

"I'm surprised and my heart is still pounding"? Hmm..

These symbols...I forgot what you call these wavy lines

If you're going to build a relationship on LINE chat,

this is important

It is isn't it

-If you were to screw up on this... -Dangerous

How to use a sticker or a stamp on these messages

I have friends who use these wavy things often on their texts

Unfortunately they're both guys

-Wait, male friends also do this... -Yes

Guys to guys..

- using the wavy stretch symbols? - Yes

Sends quite a lot of them

Perhaps those guys fell in love with you?

Those guys use the wavy things on almost every text message

"Thank you very much ~~~"

"It was like this, ~~~"

"Ensemble Stars"

" A little break"

Not interested. Give me the coffee

I really want to have some coffee

"Coffee before Men"

"Coffee before men?"

True true

Wait NO

I'm REALLY going to get into a secret relationship with a guy

Bring out the little girl in you....

So, what to do now?

Yokoyama or...

or the Flower shop boy may be a candidate for secret relationship

Yokoyama thinks he is my boyfriend so...

Let's solve that first

Yuuki, the flower shop boy

" I didn't know you liked the flower class so much"

"No, I didn't come for the class. I came for you"

"I didn't come for class. I came for YOU"

Wow, that was amazing

Did it match?

Answer 1 is exactly what you said


1) What you want, I want to love it, too

-What is this straight forward answer? -It matched my answer...

Oh my

Human Instrumentality Project

"Nihongo Gamer transformation to Misato Project"

Project in action

2) Honestly, I don't really like it...

That may work?

No no, it can't

That sounds like "I don't like it"

but #3 is fun

3) I like flower arrangements

" I did start it because I wanted to see you"

If Misato herself was here, she would choose # 3

She would say that

True. She wouldn't say #1

If someone says #1 to you, wouldn't it feel awkward?

It would be like " I want to love whatever you like"

#2 doesn't work as well

Not #2. If it was #3, it's the same interest so he will be happy...

We are down to 30%, it's quite risky but...

A thin line we're crossing


For more infomation >> You THOUGHT this was a DATE?【BOYS play games for GIRLS #5】 - Duration: 5:49.


[MV] CHEEZE _ Be There - Duration: 5:14.

The lazy afternoon which closes my eyes

The spring breeze passing by

remind me of you

What are you doing now?

The day when I was down for no reason

A call from you that I waited for

It brightens my face like a flower

Smile spreads

Be there, be there, be there

Come to the galaxy at night

Be there, be there, be there

Beyond the light there

Can't you come flying to me now?

These teasing words

Your cute complaints

They make me smile

I wonder if we'll meet in our dreams

Among the warm stars

Seek me first to your embrace

Shall I fly to you?

Be there, be there, be there

Come to the galaxy at night

Be there, be there, be there

Beyond the light there

Be there, be there, be there

Come to the galaxy at night

Be there, be there, be there

Beyond the light there

Be there, be there, be there

Come to the galaxy at night

Be there, be there, be there

Beyond the light there


Beyond the light there


Joo Eojin

Nam Yoonsu

Kang Chowon

Label Magic Strawberry Sound


VF Directing/Filming Jeong Jinsu, Progress Sim Kyuho,

Assistant Maeng Jinhwan, Choreography Kwak Goeun

Wardrobe Kang Kookhwa, Hair Jo Eun, Make-up Jung Suyun

MSB Management Hong Dalnim, Jung Jungu, Ahn Sungmoon, Yang Seoro

Cooperation from Sejong Campus of Hongik University

Cast Office Agency Garten

We thank King Bong, King Minhong, Suiko and others for helping the filming

For more infomation >> [MV] CHEEZE _ Be There - Duration: 5:14.


Stolen car used in lengthy police chase - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Stolen car used in lengthy police chase - Duration: 1:58.


Bryan Cranston Discovers Some People Don't Like Him - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Bryan Cranston Discovers Some People Don't Like Him - Duration: 1:27.


Belly Taqueria Mexican Food Eugene Oregon - Duration: 0:53.

Belly Taqueria mexican food Eugene Oregon

Places to eat Eugene Oregon

hi it's AlaskaGranny if you're visiting

Eugene Oregon and you're interested in

Mexican food head to the 5th Street

Marketplace to the Belly Taqueria Mexican Restaurant Belly Taqueria

has a wide variety on their menu of

delicious food and has an interesting

vibe the restaurant is colorful and fun I tried several of

the tacos they were good they were fresh

the service was very nice friendly vibe

had a great time at Belly taqueria Belly taqueria is

located at 454 Willamette St four five four Willamette

Street in Eugene Oregon in the Fifth Avenue

marketplace check out Belly Taqueria

look for the big bicycle wheel near the Amtrak Station open only for dinner

learn more at please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel

For more infomation >> Belly Taqueria Mexican Food Eugene Oregon - Duration: 0:53.


Dianosures Kartun Movie For Kids Elephant Cartoon For Children Dinosaur Horse Fight Elephant Video - Duration: 18:29.

Dianosures Kartun Movie For Kids Elephant Cartoon For Children Dinosaur Horse Fight Elephant Video

For more infomation >> Dianosures Kartun Movie For Kids Elephant Cartoon For Children Dinosaur Horse Fight Elephant Video - Duration: 18:29.


crochet stitch No 24 - Duration: 54:35.

Wrap the yarn on the finger to get started with magic ring

1 row yellow color - 3 chain 23 dc (double crochet) total 24 dc.slip stitch.

2 row yellow color - 4 ch,dc,*1ch-dc*we repeat the until process for all the row.

3 row yellow color - 3 ch & in each gapbetwen the 2dc work 2 dc v (2 double crochet variation)...repeat the until process for all the row.

4 row brown color - 3 ch , *1dc-1ch* for all the row. cut the yarn & change the color.

5 row light green color - 3 ch,1dc,*1ch - 2dc v *....we repeat the same procedure until the end of the series.

6 row turquoise color - start with*sc, 8dc shell to the next position,skip 2dc v & work sc* we repeat the same process until the end.

7 row blue color - in is series works only sc for all the row, how to make bindings carefully look at it video

we work sc the first five {8dc shell}

we pass the hook from behind and join the first with the last one with sc

then we work sc -two {8dc shell},we pass the hook in the fourth {8dc shell}and we unite with the last gathering from behind

the same proceure is followed for the next steps

8 row green color - on the top edge of the triangle we work 3ch-3dc,*5 chain -sc in the next union ,7ch - sc in the next union ,5 ch -5dc in the next union *

we repeat the process three more times(4 in total)

9 row yellow color - 3ch ,3dc,2ch,4dc shell ,*3ch-3dc, 3ch-3dc,3ch -3dc,3ch-3dc,3ch- 4-2-4 dc sell(4 double crochet,2 chain,4 double crochet shell)

we repeat the process thre more times (4 in total)

10 -11-12-13 rows- we repeat the same procedure as line 9.

For more infomation >> crochet stitch No 24 - Duration: 54:35.


How to Draw ALPHABET letters for kids - Learn Alphabet - Easy speed Drawing Alphabet for kids - Duration: 3:17.

Hello Friends !!! Please Subscribe and like video to support us !!! THANKYOU

For more infomation >> How to Draw ALPHABET letters for kids - Learn Alphabet - Easy speed Drawing Alphabet for kids - Duration: 3:17.


Search continues for suspects in stolen SUV chase - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Search continues for suspects in stolen SUV chase - Duration: 2:52.


Pirates of the Carribean Dead Men Tell No Tales - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Pirates of the Carribean Dead Men Tell No Tales - Duration: 0:31.


The Good Doctor Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> The Good Doctor Trailer (SUB ITA) - Duration: 2:30.


МС ХОВАНСКИЙ & ДМИТРИЙ МАЛИКОВ - Спроси у своей Мамы - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> МС ХОВАНСКИЙ & ДМИТРИЙ МАЛИКОВ - Спроси у своей Мамы - Duration: 3:23.


B Bашингтоне y посольcтвa PФ появится плoщадь им Heмцoвa (18.05.2017.) - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> B Bашингтоне y посольcтвa PФ появится плoщадь им Heмцoвa (18.05.2017.) - Duration: 1:41.


Persona 5 - Life Will Change Guitar Tutorial | Guitar Lesson + TABS - Duration: 6:53.

Thank you for watching my Persona 5 - Life Will Change Guitar Tutorial.

You can download Persona 5 Tabs from my site, link in the description

If you want to see more Persona 5 Guitar Lessons and other VideoGame Guitar Lessons, feel free to subscribe!

I hope you like my Persona 5 - Life Will Change Tabs.

Any way I could improve this Persona 5 - Life Will Change Guitar Lesson? Let me know in the comments.

Remember to ask the tab author for permission first before making a Persona 5 Guitar Cover

For more infomation >> Persona 5 - Life Will Change Guitar Tutorial | Guitar Lesson + TABS - Duration: 6:53.







How To Make A Coca-Cola Fidget Spinner | DIY FIDGET SPINNER WITHOUT A BEARING - Duration: 4:48.




For more infomation >> How To Make A Coca-Cola Fidget Spinner | DIY FIDGET SPINNER WITHOUT A BEARING - Duration: 4:48.


For more infomation >> How To Make A Coca-Cola Fidget Spinner | DIY FIDGET SPINNER WITHOUT A BEARING - Duration: 4:48.


Булатниково → Сукромля (Булатниково (дорога 28Н-1692) → Сукромля (дорога 28Н-1650)) (04/2017) - Duration: 1:03:24.

For more infomation >> Булатниково → Сукромля (Булатниково (дорога 28Н-1692) → Сукромля (дорога 28Н-1650)) (04/2017) - Duration: 1:03:24.


For more infomation >> Булатниково → Сукромля (Булатниково (дорога 28Н-1692) → Сукромля (дорога 28Н-1650)) (04/2017) - Duration: 1:03:24.


【MUKBANG】 Maximum Ham Cheese French Toast Sandwich Wrapped With Eggs & Honey, 2681kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 3:50.

Heyo! its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subtitles by ~Aphexx~)

so today! tadaa I made some twirled up french toast sandwiches with eggs

it looks so yummy with such thick and fluffy eggs

alrighty lets see how its made

this is how its made

beat eggs in a bowl

sugar, milk,

mix well

cut the crusts off bread

then cut in half

soak in the egg mixture

melt some butter in a pan meant to make tamagoyaki

pour in a serving of egg mix

add the bread we've had soaking then ham, cheese,

careful to not let it burn I've got this set on low

fold the eggs in toward yourself

pour in some more egg mix

flip once more

drizzle honey

tadaa they're done

will you look at them don't they look yummy?

and there is some ham n' cheese inside


looks so yummy

the salty ham and cheese the nice and mild tasting egg

and its mixed with sweet yummy taste of honey... so goood

they're so fluffy and delish

such fluffy eggs

bread is so fluffy as well

err'thang fluffy

french toast is so delish

this is definitely a new form of french toast

I love this way more than regular french toast

because the eggs are so.... ..... fluffy

delish! plus there's cheese and ham in here

even without the ham n' cheese this eggy french toast alone would be so delish

and since we fried it up with butter that lovely flavor is so yummy in this as well

mixed in with that drizzled honey its like a honey butter flavor that is so yummy

this is.... the 'bestest' ever

among all the stuff I've made lately this ranks among the top

next plate

drizzle in honey

the cheeeeese

so delish

bestest stuff ever


egg honey and cheese and butter has gotta be the ultimate flavor combination

and the french toast inside was cooked nice and rare it was cooked so rare inside, so gooey and delish

and the eggs were cooked to a nice fluffy consistency

and I know I said it earlier but this has gotta be a new version of french toast

if you make it savory and not sweet it would make for a great meal as well

it was so easy and delish to make won't you all please give it a try?

and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and sub buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Maximum Ham Cheese French Toast Sandwich Wrapped With Eggs & Honey, 2681kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 3:50.


Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 [FULL MOVIE] told with Legos | Working with LeMANS not LemonReds - Duration: 16:28.

this is an ad for Disney

hey did you miss us

we're back - wooo we've got more toys

yep and you're witnessing another episode of working

with lemans because we're men doing toy reviews

we don't have a theme song oh yeah

we don't have one working with lemans

that's just you're working with lemons theme song - sung differently

it still works

I'll put it out to you guys

you come up with our theme song

Working with LeMANS

that's the same one - just lower oh

we got another fantastic package in the mail

that Anson and Mia have been trying to get

their hands on for a long time

I got safety scissors They're kid safe

gonna lose a finger on this wait what

you doing this blindfolded? yeah don't put your

hands on the box for safety scissors and

they're safety scissors - I can't get cut

right? Let's test that

That sounds scary actually

This feels like another box

what did you get well I got like a car I

poked me in the face oh no no stop

I was trying to hand it out

did I get that look at this you mean the

you need to feel this I'm guessing Legos

Can we get a clue guys - mom

here you mine and I'll guess yours They're the same

did you just hand me back mine? no here this

is yours if there's a comic book thing

is it something we love? Comic Books?! Say it at the same time - ready? 3-2-1


I thought we we're guessing I though we were going to say comic books again

you know a movie

little more specific you just saw it

late at night oh oh oh oh three two one

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2

Ready? Open!

yeah well look I got yondu Groot - he is a car

it's a Groot go-kart

this is the ship we

got the ship you got them Milano that's

right so if you haven't seen the movie


spoiler alert cuz we're gonna be talking

all about guardians of the galaxy vol 2

Legos lego style

Ready Set BUILD!

Last piece!

hey we want to thank Disney for sending

this product for free we love these Lego sets

yes more than you can imagine

I was almost in tears putting it together

hey check out what my little guy and what he can do

he just fell over

blew up by anyone to do that watch up

like oh no no no

look I have a little button this is Ayesha

Ayesha in the well she'd turned

mean so she pushes this button

this took us like what about two hours to

me about two hours to put this together

and that's each each one so total of

four hours we're not professionals by

any means. alright check this out okay so

my set has the yondu ship Oh

like this actually moves so it's pretty

impressive so that's how he gets out of

a get the cockpit I just shot someone

when putting Legos together this is probably

the most confusing thing in Legos you

see this this is a smiley sad face sad

face with a tumor coming out of his head

Is that a tumor? that's up to you

guys to decide but I think what we

really figured out was that it's going

to shoot something

don't point it at somebody whoa

then it has bombs oh right here!

ha ha ha


yeah oh we just shot her in the tumor

it's called uh the Reaper Reaver? oh

so somebody as old as I am

I understand it's called the Milano

is it ever called the

Milano in the movie? it has it written on it Robbie


my ship is indestructible give me oh shoot you grab

my bullet over there look this is the other

thing it came with a comic book

now I love comics and this one you don't

even really have to read a whole lot to

understand the word like boom and Baku

what this monster's name? (Abilisk) oh my gosh this is

the coolest thing ever

that's my Kraken sound

also the same as my Orc sound

in case you're wondering am I know so we're missing a

few people so we're going to reenact

guardians of the galaxy volume two with

Legos in one minute

in a short amount of time so we got

star-lord and Peter quill now are they


Peter quill same guy there's two

different kits

this is Drax good job

this is Gamora

that's Karen Gillian I almost had that one

Nebula her name is Nebula

nebula like she's involved

you have yondu played by Michael Rooker

Baby Groot

I'll put that little one up here huh

both kits came with a baby Groot

this is Ayesha Ayesha so she's got her

little communicator thing here

Rocket we don't we don't need music

for this fight

I am Groot The bad guy is coming in to steal all the batteries

hurry hurry hurry

Drax I'm gonna fight you side ah I'm

gonna get my sword clear out spit it out

aha I saved the day

did you really?

hey everybody thanks for saving us!

Peter Quill - hey lady

yeah we did great okay look you're a

visitor leave the prisoner oh yeah get

the prison her name's Nebula hey sister

I hate you don't eat that fruit no don't

no it's not ripe

hey those people folks up from me Oh rocket where are you

hey we're gonna crash

hey look it can shoot too you missed


here comes some more

those it works all are breaking our ship

is crashing all oh no!

all of a sudden

the ship blew up

is that my dad is that my dad that's

not your dad

Oh it couldn't be

hi everybody you know Peter I don't

trust your dad what how could you later

back in the forest boom everyone's dead

well Rockets tazed and this fruit still

not ripe well I like Peter he's my


what oh you you guys are capturing me

wait you're taking me over oh oh dang it

they took my my arrow I am groot

little Groot go get me my fin

I am Groot I am Groot

I am Groot no no

that's a ship no no bring

me the bring me my hair do I feel bad

for killing all our friends here you go

to the ship wait kill all the bad guys

right go ahead

oh let's blow up the big ship


Groot's in there

theres a secret compartment for Groot no way!

I'm coming Peter

wait don't make that jump to hyperspace 86 times

I'm gonna get them

wait you're in this ship aren't you

yeah yeah

flip ah

I'm dying - help How am I carrying this gun?

she's strong oh yeah - thank you sister

you're still chained up yeah we'll come

on you're free and you're free let's be

best friends again

okay sister um but not yet I still hate you

oh - Wow wait where did all these dead

bodies come from? could it be - dad you

killed my mother

I'm so mad at you

where's the Mantis lady - you're beautiful

on the inside all right

my dad's crazy he wants to turn me into a

battery and destroy all the worlds

because he's immortal

yeah I know that's why I kidnapped you

so long ago when I found out what he was

doing what then I kept you as my own son

no way yeah when I get really here's my

arrow are we gotta kill him

all right well I use it my arrow

everything's falling on me

give everybody some space suits okay come on

I'm going to get my dad I'm coming up we're saving each other sisters

all right don't press

the red button because I am Groot

Does anyone have scotch tape? any kind of tape

I am Groot


we're dead

I'm Mary Poppins Y'all


all right I'll save you no dad

you were like a dad to me

Yandu - no!


we got to send him off

some how his grave ashes are all firewood

then the end credit scene we've made it


Is it Adam? Yeah - you got one right

boom baby

how did we do

well one person enjoyed it

it's a little longer than minute

oh dang it - we'll have to cut it

considering the whole movie is like two hours we did

pretty good yeah I could be summed it up

fairly well with characters we had I don't

know if people saw on social media but I

posted a picture of the kids that I

snuck out to take into a 10:30 p.m. show

it was great they had a great time they

all stayed awake and Camrey who was not

in the picture fell asleep

she watched maybe 10% of the movie

she watched the very beginning and the very end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

so I mean these ships are awesome cause

like this has two bullets and then it

has bomb underneath

I already launched them and it just has

all these - you know different dynamic pieces

yeah it's very cool so I mean all these

things are so well thought out yeah now you

do add a little a few stickers onto here

make it fun but I mean even on the

inside you have like a fire extinguisher

and a wrench in case you need a fire

extinguisher and it even has a secret

hidden door in here and the best part is

it slides back and forth and pops off if you're drax

this monster is awesome because he

rotates yeah little gears so we can

spin and then you can eat people like

Drax you know what - you know what would

make this even better we've got the groot go-kart

mobile the Groot mobile

this is put out by hot wheels and they have

a bunch of different cars so this is the

groot go-cart - oh dang you know hot wheels

have been around forever and they always

make the coolest cars I realized a Lego Groot

might not fit in here but

oh oh yeah he does he does you see that

mom I am Groot come back here

oh wait isn't there another one

here they've got yondu's car down

Yondu has a car?! yeah it's cool it's got big

giant fin on it haha Groot's is made

out of wood oh it has this little

like face on it you see that?

Groot turned into a car he's driving himself

it's like transformers except with humans

it's no no not a was with wood with not

metal so if you need you like to play

with Legos let us know in the comments

below we're going to post links to where

you can buy these yourselves we love

Legos we love guardians of the galaxy we

love Disney stuff we should do a last

musical number of Guardians of the galaxy


Peter you don't dance but I do

would you come dance with me never been

to Mars and I think that's a serious

with me my awesome ninja girl

I'll ratify my name with your so fine with

your green skin yeah I'm gonna fall for

you fall for you Gamora

what's is it they

say in this one it's there's something

unspoken if there's something unspoken

between something and unspoken

if you dance with me I'll let you see the

other side of me this has been guardians of

the galaxy musical thank you thank you

that's all for today folks

I don't know if we're getting better or worse

I think we're getting worse. all right ladies

and gentlemen that's it thank you for

watching please share ring the belt so

you know when the next working with

LeMANS comes out remember don't tell

Anson and Mia don't be very mad you know

especially because they love Guardians of the


almost as much as I do

Make sure to tell the cast: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper,

Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell, Sean Gunn

For more infomation >> Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 [FULL MOVIE] told with Legos | Working with LeMANS not LemonReds - Duration: 16:28.


How to record your iPhone, iPad, MacBook screen with Quick Time Player - Duration: 4:45.

breaking news guys so from now on J

reviews this beautiful Ukrainian channel

is turning into a dual language channel

which means that on Mondays we are

getting our Ukrainian content as usual

and on Thursdays we are getting our

English content and we'll have to stop

the recording because the battery of

this camera is dead sometimes you just

want to record your screen and if you

have a MacBook you're all set hey guys

this is Jay reviews a channel where we

talk about different apps and if you're

hearing this for the first time you

should consider subscribing so today

we're talking about the QuickTime Player

if you get that little app that you

never use because your to used to

VLC well that's my part of the

story but QuickTime Player has a little

nice feature that actually will help you

record your screen any of your screens

there's a lot of software on the market

for screen recording such as Camtasia

that costs 200 bucks an app that

records your screen and later on you

can edit the video but it costs 200 bucks

so why pay for something that you have

for free already installed on your

computer let's take a closer look on

QuickTime Player ok everything is really

really simple guys so what you want to

do is take your gadget take your

lightning cable put it into the computer

and into your phone so you can connect

them from there you go to QuickTime

Player close this folder as soon as you

can see it right click on the icon and

your option is new movie recording so

you click on that and sometimes from

time to time I get this error for no

reason I think maybe that's because my

iPhone was locked but sometimes

my iphone is unlocked and I see this

error but anyway we're just going to

close this and we're going to open the

app again with the new screen recording

and yes it shows the iPhone perfectly

that's what we needed so we have this

button to record and aside the button we

can see an arrow with different types of

options also I can choose the other

camera to record myself but we're going

to stick with the iPhone for now also I

can choose the sound input and the

quality of the video of course so to

record I just press the button and use

my phone in the way that I need to use

it which is like tutorials or something

like that and the cool thing about this

is that the phone is always showing that

it's fully charged that it has full

Wi-Fi and full service connection

although my phone is in plane mode which

you can easily see on the top left

corner of my phone but no matter what

QuickTime Player changes everything into

full and it actually looks good same

thing happens on the iPad so nothing new

there okay so we've recorded everything

we needed

to stop recording we just go

and press stop and don't forget to save

your clip after you're finished just

like that nothing special happens with

the iPad it's just the same as the

iPhone recording so we're going to skip

that and go to screen recording right

away so you right-click on the app and

now you don't want the new movie

recording now you want the new screen

recording so that's what pops up and to

record you just simply press the button

the arrow with these settings is a lot

smaller because there's only one screen

to record so to record we just press the

button and that's what you see after you

click the recording has officially began

so you use your computer as you normally

would to stop recording you can go to

the app directly again right click on it

and choose stop recording don't forget

to save your file after you have

finished well that's basically it for

today I hope you've enjoyed this video

and if you do please give it a thumbs up

if you have any questions concerns or

whatever you can just post it in the

comment section below and I will see you

in the next video bye guys

For more infomation >> How to record your iPhone, iPad, MacBook screen with Quick Time Player - Duration: 4:45.


BREAKING Trump Just Found Who Is Leaking From His Administration, It's Sick, They're In Big Trouble - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> BREAKING Trump Just Found Who Is Leaking From His Administration, It's Sick, They're In Big Trouble - Duration: 4:24.


When will the Tesla EV Tax Credit Expire in the US? Will you qualify for the full $7,500? - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> When will the Tesla EV Tax Credit Expire in the US? Will you qualify for the full $7,500? - Duration: 8:22.


Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Variant 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE - Duration: 0:54.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TRENDLINE FIRST EDITION - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TRENDLINE FIRST EDITION - Duration: 0:55.


새 하늘과 새 땅의 모습 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 새 하늘과 새 땅의 모습 - Duration: 2:08.


Chiara Corbello Petrillo - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Chiara Corbello Petrillo - Duration: 1:40.


VW Golf - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> VW Golf - Duration: 1:01.


Jean-Paul Agon presents his vision of sustainable development challenges - Duration: 3:22.

From the very outset,

L'Oréal has been a commited company.

Committed to consumers safety,

to protecting the environment,

and to the welfare of our employees.

Today, more than ever,

who can ignore the enormous challenges

our world faces ?

These challenges are global.

Climate change,

the growing scarcity of ressources,

and precarious social conditions,

call for collective long-term solutions.

If we do nothing,

we will be jeopardizing the future of our planet

and future generations.

Action is the only option.

Given the urgency of the situation,

the role of companies is crucial.

Because the largest ones, in particular,

have tremendous leverage.

And because only by bringing together

all the intelligence and energy of companies,

governments, NGOs and citizens,

will it be possible to solve

the world's major problems effectively.

As CEO of on these international groups,

I am convinced that behaving responsibly

is no longer just a moral obligation for businesses,

it is a vital challenge.

Their survival depends on it.

And L'Oréal is fully committed

to meeting its responsabilities.

That is why we launched

the Sharing Beauty With All programme

which sets out concrete ambitious commitments

for 2020.

This programme allows to go even further

in our commitment to sustainable development.

It also represents a profound paradigm shift.

With Sharing Beauty With All,

sustainable development is fully integrated

into the companie's long-term strategy.

Because we believe that short-term programs,

which are disconnected from businesses

no longer work.

These commitments must ultimately

transform our group

and the ways in which we innovate,

manufacture our products,

communicate with consumers

and share our growth

with the communities around us.

They cover are whole value chain.

I will give you just two examples.

By 2020,

every one of our products

will demonstrate a positive environmental

or social benefit.

What does that mean ?

It means that social and environmental factors

will be just as important

in evaluating our future product

as their efficacy

or their contribution to creating value for the company

Another example,

by 2020,

we will have helped

more than 100,000 people

from communities in social or financial difficulty

to access employment.

That means we will be supporting

as many people

outside the company

as we have employees at L'Oréal.

These are just two examples among others.

And although we still have a long road ahead of us,

one thing is certain:

our route is clearly mapped out.

Growth is a matter of financial performance,

the future is a matter of behaving responsibly.

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