this is an ad for Disney
hey did you miss us
we're back - wooo we've got more toys
yep and you're witnessing another episode of working
with lemans because we're men doing toy reviews
we don't have a theme song oh yeah
we don't have one working with lemans
that's just you're working with lemons theme song - sung differently
it still works
I'll put it out to you guys
you come up with our theme song
Working with LeMANS
that's the same one - just lower oh
we got another fantastic package in the mail
that Anson and Mia have been trying to get
their hands on for a long time
I got safety scissors They're kid safe
gonna lose a finger on this wait what
you doing this blindfolded? yeah don't put your
hands on the box for safety scissors and
they're safety scissors - I can't get cut
right? Let's test that
That sounds scary actually
This feels like another box
what did you get well I got like a car I
poked me in the face oh no no stop
I was trying to hand it out
did I get that look at this you mean the
you need to feel this I'm guessing Legos
Can we get a clue guys - mom
here you mine and I'll guess yours They're the same
did you just hand me back mine? no here this
is yours if there's a comic book thing
is it something we love? Comic Books?! Say it at the same time - ready? 3-2-1
I thought we we're guessing I though we were going to say comic books again
you know a movie
little more specific you just saw it
late at night oh oh oh oh three two one
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
Ready? Open!
yeah well look I got yondu Groot - he is a car
it's a Groot go-kart
this is the ship we
got the ship you got them Milano that's
right so if you haven't seen the movie
spoiler alert cuz we're gonna be talking
all about guardians of the galaxy vol 2
Legos lego style
Ready Set BUILD!
Last piece!
hey we want to thank Disney for sending
this product for free we love these Lego sets
yes more than you can imagine
I was almost in tears putting it together
hey check out what my little guy and what he can do
he just fell over
blew up by anyone to do that watch up
like oh no no no
look I have a little button this is Ayesha
Ayesha in the well she'd turned
mean so she pushes this button
this took us like what about two hours to
me about two hours to put this together
and that's each each one so total of
four hours we're not professionals by
any means. alright check this out okay so
my set has the yondu ship Oh
like this actually moves so it's pretty
impressive so that's how he gets out of
a get the cockpit I just shot someone
when putting Legos together this is probably
the most confusing thing in Legos you
see this this is a smiley sad face sad
face with a tumor coming out of his head
Is that a tumor? that's up to you
guys to decide but I think what we
really figured out was that it's going
to shoot something
don't point it at somebody whoa
then it has bombs oh right here!
ha ha ha
yeah oh we just shot her in the tumor
it's called uh the Reaper Reaver? oh
so somebody as old as I am
I understand it's called the Milano
is it ever called the
Milano in the movie? it has it written on it Robbie
my ship is indestructible give me oh shoot you grab
my bullet over there look this is the other
thing it came with a comic book
now I love comics and this one you don't
even really have to read a whole lot to
understand the word like boom and Baku
what this monster's name? (Abilisk) oh my gosh this is
the coolest thing ever
that's my Kraken sound
also the same as my Orc sound
in case you're wondering am I know so we're missing a
few people so we're going to reenact
guardians of the galaxy volume two with
Legos in one minute
in a short amount of time so we got
star-lord and Peter quill now are they
Peter quill same guy there's two
different kits
this is Drax good job
this is Gamora
that's Karen Gillian I almost had that one
Nebula her name is Nebula
nebula like she's involved
you have yondu played by Michael Rooker
Baby Groot
I'll put that little one up here huh
both kits came with a baby Groot
this is Ayesha Ayesha so she's got her
little communicator thing here
Rocket we don't we don't need music
for this fight
I am Groot The bad guy is coming in to steal all the batteries
hurry hurry hurry
Drax I'm gonna fight you side ah I'm
gonna get my sword clear out spit it out
aha I saved the day
did you really?
hey everybody thanks for saving us!
Peter Quill - hey lady
yeah we did great okay look you're a
visitor leave the prisoner oh yeah get
the prison her name's Nebula hey sister
I hate you don't eat that fruit no don't
no it's not ripe
hey those people folks up from me Oh rocket where are you
hey we're gonna crash
hey look it can shoot too you missed
here comes some more
those it works all are breaking our ship
is crashing all oh no!
all of a sudden
the ship blew up
is that my dad is that my dad that's
not your dad
Oh it couldn't be
hi everybody you know Peter I don't
trust your dad what how could you later
back in the forest boom everyone's dead
well Rockets tazed and this fruit still
not ripe well I like Peter he's my
what oh you you guys are capturing me
wait you're taking me over oh oh dang it
they took my my arrow I am groot
little Groot go get me my fin
I am Groot I am Groot
I am Groot no no
that's a ship no no bring
me the bring me my hair do I feel bad
for killing all our friends here you go
to the ship wait kill all the bad guys
right go ahead
oh let's blow up the big ship
Groot's in there
theres a secret compartment for Groot no way!
I'm coming Peter
wait don't make that jump to hyperspace 86 times
I'm gonna get them
wait you're in this ship aren't you
yeah yeah
flip ah
I'm dying - help How am I carrying this gun?
she's strong oh yeah - thank you sister
you're still chained up yeah we'll come
on you're free and you're free let's be
best friends again
okay sister um but not yet I still hate you
oh - Wow wait where did all these dead
bodies come from? could it be - dad you
killed my mother
I'm so mad at you
where's the Mantis lady - you're beautiful
on the inside all right
my dad's crazy he wants to turn me into a
battery and destroy all the worlds
because he's immortal
yeah I know that's why I kidnapped you
so long ago when I found out what he was
doing what then I kept you as my own son
no way yeah when I get really here's my
arrow are we gotta kill him
all right well I use it my arrow
everything's falling on me
give everybody some space suits okay come on
I'm going to get my dad I'm coming up we're saving each other sisters
all right don't press
the red button because I am Groot
Does anyone have scotch tape? any kind of tape
I am Groot
we're dead
I'm Mary Poppins Y'all
all right I'll save you no dad
you were like a dad to me
Yandu - no!
we got to send him off
some how his grave ashes are all firewood
then the end credit scene we've made it
Is it Adam? Yeah - you got one right
boom baby
how did we do
well one person enjoyed it
it's a little longer than minute
oh dang it - we'll have to cut it
considering the whole movie is like two hours we did
pretty good yeah I could be summed it up
fairly well with characters we had I don't
know if people saw on social media but I
posted a picture of the kids that I
snuck out to take into a 10:30 p.m. show
it was great they had a great time they
all stayed awake and Camrey who was not
in the picture fell asleep
she watched maybe 10% of the movie
she watched the very beginning and the very end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
so I mean these ships are awesome cause
like this has two bullets and then it
has bomb underneath
I already launched them and it just has
all these - you know different dynamic pieces
yeah it's very cool so I mean all these
things are so well thought out yeah now you
do add a little a few stickers onto here
make it fun but I mean even on the
inside you have like a fire extinguisher
and a wrench in case you need a fire
extinguisher and it even has a secret
hidden door in here and the best part is
it slides back and forth and pops off if you're drax
this monster is awesome because he
rotates yeah little gears so we can
spin and then you can eat people like
Drax you know what - you know what would
make this even better we've got the groot go-kart
mobile the Groot mobile
this is put out by hot wheels and they have
a bunch of different cars so this is the
groot go-cart - oh dang you know hot wheels
have been around forever and they always
make the coolest cars I realized a Lego Groot
might not fit in here but
oh oh yeah he does he does you see that
mom I am Groot come back here
oh wait isn't there another one
here they've got yondu's car down
Yondu has a car?! yeah it's cool it's got big
giant fin on it haha Groot's is made
out of wood oh it has this little
like face on it you see that?
Groot turned into a car he's driving himself
it's like transformers except with humans
it's no no not a was with wood with not
metal so if you need you like to play
with Legos let us know in the comments
below we're going to post links to where
you can buy these yourselves we love
Legos we love guardians of the galaxy we
love Disney stuff we should do a last
musical number of Guardians of the galaxy
Peter you don't dance but I do
would you come dance with me never been
to Mars and I think that's a serious
with me my awesome ninja girl
I'll ratify my name with your so fine with
your green skin yeah I'm gonna fall for
you fall for you Gamora
what's is it they
say in this one it's there's something
unspoken if there's something unspoken
between something and unspoken
if you dance with me I'll let you see the
other side of me this has been guardians of
the galaxy musical thank you thank you
that's all for today folks
I don't know if we're getting better or worse
I think we're getting worse. all right ladies
and gentlemen that's it thank you for
watching please share ring the belt so
you know when the next working with
LeMANS comes out remember don't tell
Anson and Mia don't be very mad you know
especially because they love Guardians of the
almost as much as I do
Make sure to tell the cast: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper,
Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell, Sean Gunn
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