Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 3 2017

Video games have certainly attracted more than their fair share of controversy over

the past few decades.

But while most gamers simply shrug it off, once in awhile the critics may actually have

a point.

Here's a look at some video games that went way, way too far.

And to kick things off, we're going to travel all the way back to the 1980s, with a little

game called...

Custer's Revenge

The Atari 2600, shockingly, had its share of adult video games, even if it was sometimes

hard to distinguish a human body from a palm tree thanks to the system's blocky graphics.

The worst of these was the infamous 1982 release Custer's Revenge.

"Shows a nude General Custer, fighting his way past Indian arrows.

You score the big points in this game by getting the general to rape an Indian woman."

Needless to say, people were outraged, and Atari attempted to sue the game's publisher,

which went out of business a year later.

Grand Theft Auto V

The Grand Theft Auto series is no stranger to controversy.

That said, it's hard not to think that the series' developer, Rockstar, went to a bit

too far with the torture scene in Grand Theft Auto V.

In the mission, "By the Book," the player controls Trevor as he tortures a man by waterboarding

him, ripping out his teeth with pliers, and shocking him with a car battery.

If Rockstar's goal with this scene was to showcase the horrors of torture, then they

certainly succeeded.

If it was to create a fun moment of gameplay… well, maybe not so much?

And that wasn't the first time a Grand Theft Auto game pushed the envelope.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

If you've been playing video games for any amount of time, then you probably recall the

controversy surrounding 2004's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and the so-called "Hot

Coffee Mod."

That was actually a hidden mini-game that allowed the player to control the main character,

Carl "CJ" Johnson, during sex scenes with various women.

Of course, these types of mods are pretty common in gaming, but the difference here

is that Rockstar itself included minigame on early PC editions of the game, via code

hidden on the disc but otherwise inaccessible without hacking.

After a massive controversy, Rockstar ended up removing the code and releasing a new version

of the game — but not until after it had cost the company untold millions of dollars.

JFK: Reloaded

In 2004, Traffic Software released a first-person shooter called JFK: Reloaded.

As you'd suspect from the title, the game allows the player to reenact the the 1963

assassination of President John F. Kennedy by controlling his alleged killer, Lee Harvey


You get more points for how closely your shots match the historical assassination.

Traffic Software claimed that it was attempting to educate players by creating a historically-accurate

depiction of the assassination.

Others felt the game simply glorified the tragic presidential assassination, because...well,

it does.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

In 2009's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you control of an undercover CIA operative

who infiltrates a cell of Russian terrorists.

During the "No Russian" mission, you accompany the terrorist group on a mission to gun down

innocent civilians in an airport.

The game doesn't force you to actually shoot anyone during this mission — it's up to

the player to decide whether or not to participate.

But the scene is nevertheless extremely disturbing.

Given the high-profile terrorist incidents in western Europe and elsewhere, it's no wonder

the game was highly controversial.

"You bring a game into a house, nothing to stop an eight-year-old kid from becoming

a terrorist and shooting people."

"That's right."

"On a video game."

"Yeah but not a terrorist, that's ridiculous."

While many intentionally shocking games are made by indie publishers looking to cash in

on free publicity, Call of Duty is made by Activision, one of the world's biggest game


They should probably have known better.

But considering how far all these games have pushed the boundaries of good taste, one stands

out as being the sickest of all...

Mario Teaches Typing

There is perhaps no series more offensive as the two Mario Teaches Typing games for

the PC.

These "edutainment" games were an unholy alliance between Nintendo and Interplay in the 1990s.

Seriously, could they have chosen a worse educator?

Mario's never even shown that he can read — much less type.

And if he does know his way around a keyboard, how can he hit the keys with any precision

while he's wearing those gloves?

And when was the last time you looked for typing lessons from a plumber?

The answer is "never."

A good teacher for kids?

He's constantly eating mushrooms and can't even stop his girlfriend from getting kidnapped.

"Well, you're the one who got captured by mushrooms, how the hell does that even


"Don't flip things!"

"I'm not, you got kidnapped by something that goes on a salad!"

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Video Games That Went Way Too Far - Duration: 4:40.


BAD BABY CRUSHES MCDONALDS HAPPY MEAL UNDER CAR WHEEL! McDonalds Drive Thru w/ Bad Baby Annabelle - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> BAD BABY CRUSHES MCDONALDS HAPPY MEAL UNDER CAR WHEEL! McDonalds Drive Thru w/ Bad Baby Annabelle - Duration: 9:49.


TEST เห็นแบบนี้แล้วยังกล้ากินแฟนต้าอีกปะ?!?! - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> TEST เห็นแบบนี้แล้วยังกล้ากินแฟนต้าอีกปะ?!?! - Duration: 5:21.


Let Your Subconscious Mind Power Flow. Law of Attraction Brain Power Mind Power - Duration: 30:18.

Perhaps you are familiar with the term, "success ethic."

The success ethic stated simply says, "When you

get what you want, you will be happy."

It is based on the theory that if we work hard and solve all of

the problems in our lives, some day we will be happy.

The majority of our thoughts and activities in life are centered around

solving problems.

As we've learned, whatever you think about becomes

your reality.

And so, what do you think about most of the time?

It is usually problems.

Indeed, the first thing that many of us think about

when we get out of bed in the morning are all the problems that we have

to solve and how hard we have to work.

We have been trained to think about what isn't, what should be and what

we don't have, and then how we might remedy a situation, solve it or make

it better.

And so when you first wake up, you focus automatically on

all the problems that you must face that day.

If you will take an honest look at your life, however, you will

probably find that solving problems working hard and having the "right"

things do not fundamentally improve the quality of your life.

In fact, it has probably taken away from the quality of your

life by diminishing the fun and excitement of living.

Let's talk about the creative process.

You and I want to create our lives in the best possible manner.

To do this, we must flow with life instead of flowing against life.

To flow with life, we want to create from the model of Being-Doing-Having.

The universe flows from being into doing into having.

Being is an inner experience - it comes from within you.

You can allow outer circumstances to determine your

state of Being - your level of happiness or satisfaction - but you run

the very real risk of those outer circumstances controlling your life and how

you feel about yourself.

If you say, "I'll be happy when...", you will

never be happy.

Suppose you think a new job will change your life.

So you get a new job and pretty soon it's the same old stuff;

you have to deal with people, handle responsibility, meet deadlines and

work with others who are not as enlightened as you.

That is the reality of it.

You then realize that this job didn't make any major difference in the

way you feel, so you have to find something else to make you happy.

Maybe you think a new mate, a new home, having a baby, or

making more money will change your life.

And so eventually you get all those things, and you are still not happy.

The reason is simple.

Nothing outside of ourselves will ever make us happy,

because happiness is an inside-out experience.

And it starts at the Being level.

We have talked about how the universe flows from Being into

Doing into Having.

But unfortunately the success ethic, which most

people are using to create their lives, flows from Having into Doing into


The success ethic states that if you have the things that happy

and satisfied people have, you will do what happy and satisfied people

do, and then you will be happy and satisfied.

Is this really true?

Well, you and I have more of everything than any

generation on this planet.

We have more time to do what we want, more money to spend

on what we want, and we are more technologically advanced than any

civilization in the history of this planet.

Yet look around you and notice that as a culture we are far from being either

happy or satisfied.

The truth is that life flows from Being to Doing into Having.

If you are being happy and satisfied - from the inside

out - you will start doing what happy and satisfied people do, and you

will have what happy and satisfied people have.

One of the Buddha's great contributions was his teaching that desire creates suffering.

This means that when you want something more and you don't accept what

you already have, you suffer.

Now, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't create more things

in your life.

On the contrary, you and I are purposeful, creative beings.

But so many of us are unhappy no matter how much we have.

We always seem to want what we don't have, and then when we finally

get what we want, it is like the song, "Is That All There Is?"

We thought the rockets would go off and life would be

totally fulfilling, but then the disappointment came because there was something

else missing.

Buddha's teaching was to give up desire and thus eliminate


While this is important, it is not the whole message.

One of the most important things about accepting where

you are right now and enjoying what you already have is that you

can have the same peace of mind, the same tranquility, and the same joy

right now that you think you will have when you eventually get to where

you want to go.

This is the most important message.

Living in the present doesn't mean that you just accept what you have and cease to create.

It simply means that you already have what you want at the Being level.

At the Being level - where you are right now - you are already

a success.

Most people's lives are about getting something.

And the truth is, there's nothing to get.

All we have to do is to Be.

The Being produces the end result.

It is imperative that you understand that the doing and

having parts of your life are not what determine the quality of your life.

The Being aspect is what determines the quality of your life.

Who you are - your conscious perception of your Self

Being - controls what is happening to you.

When you focus your attention on solving problems and trying to

make things better, something very interesting happens: you miss what

you already have.

So the only way to find happiness and satisfaction is

to enjoy what you have right now.

Again, I am not saying that you shouldn't set goals or make plans.

What I am saying is that you should enjoy the present moment because this is all

you have.

Create for tomorrow, but live in and for today.

We only have two choices in life.

The first is to enjoy what we have today, and the second is to have anxiety

about what we don't have and focus on tomorrow hoping it will be better.

There are no other choices.

Now, remember, getting what you want will not change your life

at the Being level, so don't let what you have determine who you are

otherwise you will always feel dissatisfied.

If you are tied into getting somewhere or getting something to make you

happy, you will be on a treadmill for the rest of your life.

You will be operating from the hypnotic belief that more is better, and that it is

much better over there than it is over here.

Go after what you want, but enjoy the trip.

Life is a journey, not a destination.

Know that when you get what you want, it will not change

who you are at the Being level.

So enjoy yourself, love yourself unconditionally and participate in the trip.

The reward in life does not come from achieving.

It comes from participating along the way.

Writing your own script means that you are the one

who decides what the trip will be about and what the destination will

look like.

Your intention sets the universe in motion.

The universe flows in the direction of your intention, and so it

is important to be clear on your exact intention in any situation.

If you are absolutely clear as to your intent, your subconscious success mechanism

will support you in getting there.

Edison, working on all of his inventions, always kept in mind where he wanted to arrive.

And because he did so, every failure supported his ultimate success.

Most people encounter problems in creating the kind of life they

want because they have not clearly determined where they want to go,

or visualized what it is going to look like when they get there.

Those who lead purposeful, successful lives do so because

they have set up in their minds a clear picture of what they want to

create in their lives.

Have you ever wondered why New Year's resolutions don't


We have such good intentions, but what happens is we often say

things like, "I'm not going to eat any more sweets," "I'm going to stop

yelling at the children," "I'm going to stop overeating."

But the New Year's resolutions were not about what

you wanted, but what you didn't want.

They were not an image of the end result, but rather a

negative reaction - a form of negative self-talk to the present.

And this is the reason why so many world problems, business

problems and personal problems persist; the individuals concerned

focus on the problem and what they don't want to happen, rather than

on the end result or the ultimate goal.

Goal setting is the key factor that will determine your success or

failure in the doing and having portion of your life.

Did you ever take a business trip without at least having some

idea where you were going?

Did you ever play tennis without knowing where the tennis court was?

Have you ever left your house to do your weekly shopping without

having at least some idea of where you were going to shop?

Have you ever taken a holiday without knowing where

you wanted to go?

Isn't it strange that while the holidays we take merit

goals, the games we play merit goals and even the shopping we do merits goals,

but we rarely establish goals for the most important journey of all

- our own life.

"Oh," but you say, "I don't want to be pinned down.

I want to be spontaneous.

I want to be free to change my mind."

Well, sometimes we mistakenly think that freedom means avoiding


We fear that if we commit to something it will own and

control us and so we avoid being the cause of our life and avoid making


We say, "I want to be free."

But notice how our avoidance of commitment and

responsibility keeps everyone around us in prison, not really enslaved,

but in confusion, not knowing what they can count on, until we make the


In such a relationship, no one can truly win.

True freedom actually lies in our ability to make choices

and commitments.

The question we have to ask ourselves is "What

do I really want?"

Start from the position that at some level you absolutely know

what you want.

At some point you have to make a decision.

Keep this in mind - If you don't decide, someone else will

decide for you.

And their decision may not be what you truly want.

You've heard it said that no decision is a decision.

Hidden within indecisiveness is the goal of always being


As long as we don't know what we want, we will never be wrong,

never make a mistake, and hence we will never be disappointed.

We have been programmed since childhood not to make mistakes.

By being indecisive we can remain a child.

The moment we decide to take charge our lives is the moment we

really leave home.

Once we start making decisions for ourselves, we are

on our own.

It is safer not to make decisions, to be passive, childish and to

take our cue from others.

Making a decision always reveals something about you.

Making a decision tells people who you are.

And so, making a decision is essentially divulging a great


If your purpose in life is not to reveal who you are, then you will always

remain undecided.

Another reason for indecisiveness is the fear that we may have

to give up something.

For example, if you want to take a vacation to

Hawaii, it means you have to give up going to the Bahamas at the very

same time.

To choose one goal means you may have to give up others.

If you decide on a certain way, it means you may have to give up other


It means you can't be everything, do everything and have

everything at the same time.

It means you can't please everybody.

When you make a choice, you run the risk of rejecting the values of

certain people.

They may see you as you really are, not the way they

want you to be.

In other words, not like them.

So by doing nothing, you are able to retain the love and approval of

different people whose values contradict each other, and your indecisiveness

helps you to avoid trying to reconcile situations that can't possibly

be reconciled.

Everything in life is a matter of choice.

There are only two things we have no choice about.

We cannot avoid these two things no matter how hard we try.

The first is that we must die.

Death is an absolute certainty.

And the second thing we have no choice about is that we must

live until we die.

Now understand this - everything else in your life that

you think you have to do, or are forced to do, is a choice.

You and I do everything because we choose to do it.

We can't change the fact that we are going to die or

that we must live until we die.

But we can change anything else because everything else is a choice.

Look at all the areas of your life and realize you do everything in your

life because you choose to do it, not because you have to do it.

Remember - the only two things you have no choice about is; you have

to die, and you have to live until you die.


Look at where you are in your life right now.

Where you are is where you want to be.

Consciously or unconsciously, you have made a


If you want to go anywhere, you must first understand where

you are right now.

Many people lie to themselves about where they are,

and they deny their situation in life.

But it is absolutely essential that you acknowledge where you are before you can move


Is your life working the way you want it to?

Are you where you would like to be?

Do you have the things that you would like to have?

If the answer to any of these questions is "no",

then take a look at your payoff for being where you are.

What pleasure do you get out of denying yourself?

What pleasure do you get out of being unhappy?

What pleasure do you get out of being uncomfortable

and not belonging?

What pleasure do you get out of thinking in terms of lack and limitation?

It is important to remind yourself that everything that you do in

life, whether it is positive or negative, is attached to a reward or a payoff.

So look at your payoff.

Observation is the first step in changing anything.

When you observe, you are taking the first step toward


And as you observe, you begin to see your own patterns of


You have to tell the truth about where you are before you can

move on.

If you are in pain, admit it.

If something is not working, admit it.

This is the fundamental principle of Alcoholics Anonymous.

You must first acknowledge that you are an alcoholic

before you can recover from alcoholism.

So look at where you are right now, and then decide where

you want to go.

Let your mind be open to new possibilities.

Remember, at the Being level, you are total power and you can

create anything that you want.

Think about what turns you on.

When was the last time you really felt turned on?

When was the last time you felt enthusiastic or stirred up by something?

How about half a dozen times before that?

If you can answer these questions, you have some

powerful clues to what you really want.

If your response is that you almost never feel turned on, then you are

living in denial.

When you are free to choose, how do you spend your time?

Is there some kind of activity that keeps you


Whatever reason that you might give yourself for doing it, you

have an important clue as to what you really want to do.

On the other hand, if you find yourself in your free time doing nothing but sleeping,

daydreaming, or watching television, that is a pretty good sign that

you've not allowed yourself to experience what you really want.

If you were relieved of all practical considerations, including

financial considerations, and if all the possibilities were open to you,

what would be the first thing that you would do?

What would be the next thing that you would do?

What would you do with your life if this happened?

This question can be fun because it helps to make your

fantasies conscious.

Perhaps you even have a fantasy that keeps coming back?

Take a look at those fantasies and choose something.

You can always change it if you don't like it.

You are only committed to it for as long as you want to

be committed to it.

So make a choice.

Start creating what you want in your mind.

Have the total experience in mind first.

Feel that way, be that way and imagine it happening just the way you want it to happen.

Alot of us are trying to become succesful, trying to become happy, or wealthy,

or lovable, or to gain something from life that life doesn't presently hold.

But we are what we hold, and it comes out of us.

Goal setting is simply making choices.

Goal setting is knowing where you want to go.

Said another way, if you don't know where you

want to go you will probably end up someplace else.

If we are not achieving what we are capable of achieving,

it is because our goals are not clearly defined.

Writing our own script means developing a definite

workable plan designed to implement action.

Your success will be determined largely by your plan of action.

Writing your own script also means, quite literally, that your plans

should be written down.

The kinetic action of writing will further impress

your subconscious mind.

Your written plan will give you the courage to follow

through and help you to eliminate obstacles, distractions and


It will also serve as a yardstick for progress.

You will be more aware of how far you have come and how

far you have to go.

Many psychological studies have shown that a person's

motivation is at its highest when he or she has some way of measuring


Writing will crystallize thought, and thought motivates


It reinforces your commitment to the attainment of what you


It will remind you of your objectives, and each time you review

what you have written, you will be reminded of what you want and why

you want it.

You will be greatly rewarded for doing this.

Also, you will conserve time and energy because you will

always know where you have been, where you are and where you are


And when obstacles get in your way, your written plan

will help you to re-evaluate and get back on track.

Freud said that goals cause frustration and anxiety, and was

against the establishment of specific goals.

Victor Frankel, on the other hand, said that we cannot live without goals

because man's basic nature it to be goal-oriented.

As far as I am concerned, they were both right.

The biggest mistake that people make is aiming too high or accepting

too much too soon.

Now, I'm not saying that you can't have it all.

I'm merely suggesting that if you are going to

be a tennis champ, it might be a good idea to first learn how to hold the

racket and hit the ball across the net.

So goals are not promises, but commitments.

They are not wishes, but visions.

We do not hope our dreams are going to find us; we

find them.

Goals don't start in our brain; they start in our heart.

We are not going to be committed to our goal one hundred

percent until we are clear on the benefits.

This is probably the most important and significant step in goal setting.

If you are working in a job or you are in a relationship with

someone, or if you are expending any effort in your life and are not sure

of the benefits you will obtain, you will have great difficulty maintaining

the necessary enthusiasm, persistence and dedication.

When you are not sure of the benefits, it is very difficult

to dedicate yourself to something.

Goal setting helps you to specifically identify the benefits that

you will receive from the efforts you expend.

You will not be able to hold a high degree of commitment toward the accomplishment

of anything unless you are absolutely clear on the benefits.

As you progress in goal setting and begin handling harder and more

complex projects, it is essential that you understand why you want

to accomplish that specific goal.

Psychology teaches there are only two reasons for any of us to do


One is to gain benefits, and the other is to avoid


If you are clear on the benefits you will be willing to pay the price.

The critical difference between those who make it

and those who don't is desire.

Rewards create desire.

So spend a lot of time outlining benefits and rewards.

A goal can be defined as something that has an inherent or built in

reward upon its achievement.

If your goal has no inherent reward, you do not have a goal.

If your written plan does not clearly set the benefits

and the rewards that come upon the attainment of the goal, you will

miss the most important ingredient - a motivation to action.

No reward, no action.

You can solve any problem in life by saying what you want -

the specific end result.

As soon as you say what you want, the first thing that you are

going to experience is the feeling that it can't be done.

"I don't know how to do it.

I don't know how it is going to work.

I feel helpless.

Who is going to help me?

Where am I going to get the money?

What if this doesn't work?

What if I fail?"

This is your subconscious mind trying to protect you from an imaginary loss.

When you say you want to do something, everything unlike it will come up for you to evaluate

and defuse.

All your fears and doubts will surface.

If you will center your thoughts on what you want to happen, which is the goal, instead

of what you don't want to happen, which is the obstacle, you will overcome

this negative feedback.

The successful accomplishment of any task is

determined at the Being level prior to the actual beginning of the task.

In other words, believing that you can do it

before you do it.

We cannot sustain a mental image of a goal that is inconsistent

with our beliefs.

Be realistic about the possible obstacles and


Ask yourself, "What circumstances or conditions may

prevent me from achieving this goal?"

Your answer to that will outline what you will have to overcome to obtain what

you want.

Some of the obstacles and roadblocks may be simple; some

may be more complex.

Many people do not do this because they think it is negative to

focus on obstacles and roadblocks, but it is important to understand that

you won't get where you are going until you know who or what is

standing in the way of your achieving your goal.

So write them down, and make a list as complete as possible.

Some of the obstacles will just take care of themselves without your attention.

The biggest mistake people make in goal setting, however, is to

gloss over roadblocks and obstacles that should be recognized before

they get started toward their goals.

You may not be aware of them all, but the more prepared you

are, the easier it will be to handle them.

As you complete this process, the natural tendency will be to

become a little discouraged, and perhaps you will lose some of your


You might start to focus on all the effort necessary to

overcome your obstacles and roadblocks.

If this happens, stop for a few moments and go back over the benefits.

Know that what you want is worth the obstacles that may have to be handle along

the way.

Know in your mind that you always have the choice to stop or

to continue with your plan.

You can change your mind at any time you want.

But for the moment the important thing is to GET STARTED!

Don't get locked up into the ultimate goal.

Just concentrate on the next step.

Take it one step at a time.

Most people become overwhelmed by the overall goal and give up.

Use the overall goal as a point of reference but concentrate on the


The one-step-at-a-time principle is important in achieving goals.

Even the largest goals are obtained one step at a time.

Once you are aware of the obstacles, you will find the awareness

alone will go a long way toward finding the solution, because knowledge

is power.

The solutions and cost of overcoming the obstacles will

become quite obvious.

For every obstacle there is a solution, and the

solution is always available because the answers are with us.

You do not have to look outside of yourself for the answer.

If you know this, you will be guided to the right person,

the right place, the right book or the right situation that

will help you to overcome yourobstacles.

Develop this belief system: "I know what I need to know."

You know what to do and you know how to do it because your Higher

Self or internal guidance system will guide you every step of the way.

All you have to do is be open, responsive and

receptive to the answers.

In doing so you will cease to see obstacles as limitations, because you

will know that who you are is greater than any obstacle.

When you combine your wants, benefits, obstacles and

solutions together in writing, you will gain a tremendous feeling

of power and excitement.

It will also help you to see that most of your

limitations are self-imposed.

Most people do not successfully implement goal setting because

they do not weigh up the benefits, rewards, obstacles, solutions and


If you will commit yourself to working through all of those steps,

you will stay on track.

And you won't get overwhelmed by the size or the

details necessary for your goal's achievement.

You will learn to keep your attention on the specific steps

that, when put together, will allow you to achieve the entire goal.

A primary factor in the successful use of goals is positive


Without positive feedback you will not continue to use goals.

So always keep a list of the goals that you accomplish, including the

obstacles you have overcome along the way.

Buy a special notebook for this purpose and refer to it often.

As you complete your goals, file your written notes in your notebook and review

them periodically.

Keep adding to your list of accomplished goals.

Every time that you look at this list, you will gain further confidence

in your ability to obtain what you want through the process we've just discussed.

On the surface, this may seem like a lot of extra work and effort.

However, I can tell you it is a lot more work and effort to go through life

not having the things you really want.

Do not be fooled by the simplicity of this process and do not underestimate the

power behind it.

To do this would be to sabotage your own potential.

Writing your own script and following through with action is a habit that

will reward you for the rest of your life.

[ Subconscious Mind Power Law Of Attraction Brain Power ] [ Let Your Subconscious Mind

Power Flow ]

For more infomation >> Let Your Subconscious Mind Power Flow. Law of Attraction Brain Power Mind Power - Duration: 30:18.


The Untold Truth Of Tomi Lahren - Duration: 5:16.

After giving a contentious interview on The Daily Show in November 2016, conservative

host and viral Internet star Tomi Lahren immediately became one of the most controversial and infamous

political talking heads in America.

But just who is this 24-year-old rising star, who has already made so many enemies?

And how did she get to where she is today?

Here's what we know.

Camo coupling

If you ever wondered what inspired Lahren to criticize President Barack Obama's policy

on ISIS after the deaths of multiple U.S. soldiers in 2015, it might have to do with

the fact that she once dated a Navy SEAL.

According to the Daily Mail, Lahren was in a relationship at the time with Jerad Christian,

a Utah-born soldier with whom she was reportedly in love.

The two apparently met in San Diego in 2015, and his work seems to have inspired her to

speak out on behalf of him and other troops in service.

They have since split, but that hasn't stopped Lahren from carrying on as a conservative


Cupcakes as the cure

In Lahren's infamous interview with The Daily Show's Trevor Noah, she championed some controversial

opinions on the Ku Klux Klan's connection to President-Elect Donald Trump and the Black

Lives Matter movement, among other things.

"And did you know that a black man is 18.5 times more likely to shoot a police officer

than a police officer is to shoot a black man?

Those are statistics no one wants to talk about."

Most people assumed the liberal-leaning host would never speak to Lahren ever again.

Apparently, though, that wasn't the case.

Noah didn't send her ill tidings following their interview — he sent her cupcakes instead.

She shared a pic of her sweet haul, writing, "When @trevornoah sends you cupcakes and you

realize a mutual love of sugar might be the common ground you needed!"

Perhaps unsurprisingly, some of Noah's biggest fans weren't exactly pleased with his kind

gesture, but he's since made it up to them with his subsequent coverage.

"(Jibberish) What the hell, she's like Busta Ryhmes reincarnated.

Who is this person?"

An overnight sensation

Lahren's meteoric rise to fame practically redefines the term overnight sensation.

A simple inquiry from Lahren about internships at One America News Network resulted in a

direct reply from network CEO Robert Herring, who told the 21-year-old to come in for a

meeting, even though the network did not actually offer internships.

Shortly thereafter, in August 2014, Lahren began hosting her very own show, On Point

with Tomi Lahren.

Married to the job

Though she was born in Rapid City, South Dakota, it wasn't until Lahren went to college at

University of Nevada, Las Vegas, when she really started to figure out the kind of person

she wanted to be.

She graduated in 2014, allowing herself very little down time before rising to superstardom.

Indeed, a little over a year after launching her own show on One America News Network,

Lahren made the jump to The Blaze in October 2015.

With such a quick jump from college to fame, it's perhaps unsurprising to find out that

she doesn't have much of a personal life.

She told The Guardian, "I don't have a family.

I don't have a boyfriend.

I am in Dallas for one reason only, and that is to do this show."

If there's one thing Tomi Lahren wants you to be clear on, it's that she is not a journalist.

As she put it, "I fully acknowledge that I am not a journalist.

I clearly have a point of view, I am very passionate about my point of view.

I am a commentator."

Not that it's too hard to tell the difference.

"You feminists can keep your race card, your victim card, your woman card, and your

F Trump signs.

I'll keep my dignity, my self-respect."

Thanks to her controversial views, she's now referred to by her critics as "White Power

Barbie," a label she's done little to discourage.

The backlash is real

Given her headline-making rhetoric, it should come as little surprise that her critics want

her silenced and taken off the air.

Such was the case in July 2016, when Lahren posted a since-deleted tweet equating the

Ku Klux Klan to Black Lives Matter.

The jaw-dropping tweet quickly led to the creation of a viral petition signed by tens

of thousands of angry viewers who demanded that The Blaze to take her off the air as

punishment for her words.

And while the petition itself didn't earn her a pink slip, her mouth still got her into

trouble with work in a very surprising way.

In keeping with Lahren's personal philosophy of "speaking her truth," she appeared on The

View in 2017 and revealed that she's pro-choice — a position generally not not held by those

who identify themselves as political conservatives.

"I'm for limited government, so stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body

as well."

While most of her comments might've earned the ire of the left, this one ticked off her

own fanbase on the right — and cost her a job.

After several fellow reporters from The Blaze took to Twitter to lambaste Lahren's remarks,

her boss, and The Blaze founder Glenn Beck, addressed it on his show, saying,

"If you're pro-choice, you can have a job at The Blaze.

I don't hire people who are sycophants.

I try to hire people who have a different opinion."

What he took issue with, he said, was her inability to defend the statement, and that's

what he indicated ultimately led to her suspension from the show.

She's since filed a wrongful termination suit against Beck and The Blaze.

That action has, of course, ignited her opponents into a Twitterstorm of comments calling her

the word she so often likes to use against them -- snowflake.

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For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Tomi Lahren - Duration: 5:16.


Why Carol From The Walking Dead Looks So Familiar - Duration: 5:14.

Every character from The Walking Dead has a fan following, and Carol is no exception.

Watching her arc take her from domestic abuse and zombie apocalypse survivor to gun-toting

badass has been an incredible journey, driven by some powerful performances from Melissa


She's proven she can play everything from battered wife to trembling survivor to someone

capable of doing whatever it takes.

And we mean whatever.

"Just, just look at the flowers."


There's no doubt McBride has become part of the heart and soul of the show.

But, you've seen her before, too—even if she looked so different that you might

not have actually realized it.

Born in Kentucky, McBride headed to Atlanta in the 1980s to start what's been a wildly

random career.

Throughout the 1990s, she appeared in a slew of commercials that seem to have been lost

to the mists of time, but footage of her first major acting credit thankfully remains.

She appeared in a 1993 episode of Matlock, playing the fidgety Darlene Kellogg in a bizarre

episode called "Matlock's Bad, Bad, Bad Dream."

The story starts with Matlock meeting some friends in a jazz nightclub and restaurant,

and he's introduced to Darlene, who's craving a cigarette but trying to quit.

The rest of the episode is literally right out of Matlock's nightmares, and when his

dreams transport him back to a Prohibition-themed restaurant she shows up as a 1930s-era cigarette


Her long, curly hair was the height of fashion in the 1990s for sure, but it also makes her

look completely different.

In an epic twist, it's completely possible to imagine Season 1 Carol watching that exact

show while doing Ed's ironing.

McBride still sported her '90s curls in her next role, a small part in the long-running

southern cop drama In the Heat of the Night.

Her role in the 1994 two-part episode "Give Me Your Life," is admittedly brief.

McBride plays a reporter determined to get the story during an investigation into a shady

church in Mississippi.

While she's playing a pretty stereotypical plucky news reporter, there are still some

hints of the McBride we'd later come to know and love.

It only lasted a single season in 1995 before being canceled, but the supernatural horror

mystery show American Gothic had some big names attached, including executive producer

Sam Raimi, and a cast that included eventual A-listers Evan Rachel Wood, Sarah Paulson,

Lucas Black, and Gary Cole.

McBride appeared in the episode "Dead to the World," as the sheriff's onetime girlfriend

who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

Appearing in a flashback scene, Holly Gallagher is an archetype familiar to McBride's fans,

the eager-to-please woman who thrives in her caretaker role.

She's said herself that it's something she has in common with Carol, telling AMC,

"I've gotten myself into some difficult situations because I couldn't say no.

Actually, I've gotten myself into some difficult places because I thought I could fix somebody."

After appearing in a handful of made-for-TV movies with names like A Season in Purgatory,

Any Place But Home, and Close to Danger, McBride landed in a two-part episode of Walker, Texas

Ranger alongside living internet meme Chuck Norris.

Again in a nurturing role, McBride played Rachel Woods, a pediatric doctor tasked with

caring for a young patient, played by Haley Joel Osment, who's been removed from a house

during a drug bust.

"Walker told me I have AIDS."

Yep, it's that episode.

In the cult hit 1990s series Dawson's Creek, Dawson and his friends head to a bar in an

attempt to distract him from his broken heart.

When he spots McBride's Nina from across the bar, he knows he's found the one.

Nina chats with Dawson a bit, and invites him Dawson back to her place to hang out and

watch movies, which is the 90s version of "Netflix and chill".

He passes, but they still share a kiss — making McBride the focus of all kinds of fangirl

jealously long before anyone ever started wanting Carol and Daryl to be a thing.

When McBride was approached to audition for the 2007 adaptation of Stephen King's The

Mist, she was initially reluctant.

But, she went along, and eventually landed a gig that would lead to her most iconic role.

She not only got the role described only in the credits as "Woman with Kids at Home,"

but she made such an impression on producer Frank Darabont that when it came time to start

casting for Walking Dead a few years later, he gave her a call.

It's absolutely not surprising, even though she's only in a single, early scene and in

the final moments of the movie.

The ending to The Mist is one that sticks with those that see it.

She doesn't say anything, and she doesn't have to—it's no wonder Darabont kept her


Even with Carol's increasing importance on the Walking Dead, McBride has still found

time to do occasional work outside the show.

In 2014, The Reconstruction of William Zero debuted at the Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal.

Described as a "suburban mad-scientist tale," McBride plays one of the scientist's colleagues

in a mind-bending drama that deals with some pretty heavy material.

The moral of the story suggests there's no shortcut around grief, and that the only way

to get through it is to deal with it head on… a message Carol would certainly approve


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For more infomation >> Why Carol From The Walking Dead Looks So Familiar - Duration: 5:14.


Meet The New Maid | Funny Video - Duration: 5:31.

Kamli-The-Maid was cleaning, that's why the mess

That's her name, Kamli-The-Maid (not Kamli's maid),

like MSG-The-Messenger

Hey, careful of what you say

She's very sensitive anyway

You just had a leave 10 days before

Tomorrow, you'll say you want another mother.

Get her some food.

Why are you so irritated?

The surroundings are so bad. What can we do?

Kamli-The-Maid, you're the only one who understands me.

O God!

Let it be, Kamli-The-Maid

She even thinks of her mother as a thief

Go Away, Katrina!

At least, someone does.

You don't even care about your mother

For more infomation >> Meet The New Maid | Funny Video - Duration: 5:31.


Why Kate From This Is Us Looks So Familiar - Duration: 4:00.

Thanks to NBC's hit drama This Is Us, actress Chrissy Metz has become an overnight sensation.

Starring as Kate Pearson in the series, Metz portrays a woman struggling with her weight

and career while trying to open herself up to a romantic relationship.

Her performance has earned her rave reviews, including a Golden Globe nomination for Best

Supporting Actress.

And while This Is Us is Metz's most significant acting credit to-date, she spent over a decade

working up to this point.

Here's where you may have seen Chrissy Metz on-screen before.


If you blinked, you would have missed Metz's part on Entourage as the Titanic super-fan

who bugs James Cameron at a movie theater.

But the brief role was Metz's first screen credit, and she was nothing short of delighted

about earning that part.

She told People Magazine of the audition process, "I remember going to the bathroom and calling

my manager and crying.

I'm like, 'I can't get the line right, I can't act, I don't know what I'm doing!'

And she's like, 'Put your big-girl panties on and get out there!'"

She also said that James Cameron was "lovely" and that the experience was "traumatizing

but really wonderful at the same time."

Loveless in Los Angeles

Although her next material role was definitely built on stereotypes, Metz made her movie

debut as Brittany Daniel's roommate, Bonnie, in the little known 2007 film Loveless in

Los Angeles.

The film's intention was to be a romantic comedy that also pokes fun at the cliches

of the genre, so Metz's gross roommate character was written in as way over-the-top.

"And don't check out my ass."

Even so, though, the part certainly helped to showcase her quirkier side, which made

her a great fit for what came next.

My Name Is Earl

As "Chunk" on My Name is Earl, Metz played an overweight cheerleader on a squad of misfits.

And while it might have been just a bit part on the series, the role would still help fill

out her resume reel because it was still a hit network series at the time of airing.

Of course, much like her screen counterpart in the episode, she'd have to work hard and

exercise a lot of patience to make it pay off — because it'd be years before she'd

snag the next big thing in her career.

American Horror Story: Freak Show

After a snagging those small-time roles here and there, Metz had to take a second job an

assistant to make ends meet for a while.

But she refused to give up on her goal of making it into the spotlight, and in 2014,

she got her first real shot.

She starred in FX's American Horror Story: Freak Show as Ima "Barbara" Wiggles, a role

which required her to wear a cushion padding to make her look larger.

"You look miserable."

"This place is the worst."

And although she appeared in just one season of American Horror Story, Metz was over the

moon about being asked to join the show's celebrated cast.

She told Yahoo, "Being a plus-size actress, it is slim pickings, so anytime any role comes

up for a plus-size actress, my agents are all over it … I was jumping around my house

when I heard, and now I find myself sitting across from Jessica Lange and acting with

Kathy Bates.

I feel like a freshman showing up in the middle of the year, and they are all the cool seniors.

I have to pinch myself to believe this is really my life."

And the really good news is that it was only the beginning.

What's next

Critics have hailed Chrissy Metz's performance in the first season of This Is Us.

And NBC has had such a hit on it hands with the family drama, that they've already ordered

up not one but two future seasons.

Meanwhile, Metz has used her new platform to promote better roles for plus-sized women,

telling audiences of the Television Critics Association summer tour, "We need to write

more of those stories.

We need to not always be the butt of the joke."

Metz has also revealed that the role has created a series of heartfelt interactions with fans

who appreciate the new spotlight she's giving to plus-sized women of the world.

She told Harper's Bazaar, "I can't go anywhere without people talking to me or recognizing

me from the show.

This woman told me she never understood her daughter and her weight issues 'til she saw

the show.

She got teary-eyed, I started getting teary-eyed… it was beautiful."

So, in addition to starring in a hit series and arriving as a source of inspiration to

viewers everywhere, she's also been readying herself to move behind the lens a bit, too.

Metz aspires to open her own production company, make an autobiographical movie, and record

an EP with her band, Chrissy and the Vapors.

That's all in addition to starring in another comedy feature film called Sierra Burgess

Is a Loser.

So, while we've seen her in a few things before, chances are, we'll be seeing a lot more of

her in the years to come.

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why Kate From This Is Us Looks So Familiar - Duration: 4:00.


Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.3 [ENG/2017.05.03] - Duration: 34:33.

(Episode 3)

Where's your father?

He hasn't come home yet.

Are you home alone?

- Pardon? / - Are you all alone?

Yes. What is it about?

Your father wants you.

He asked me to pick you up.

He did?

Listen to me.

Don't meet with anyone...

From Wid anymore.

Don't answer any calls.

Not Haeju, Madam Hong, or the chairman. Anyone.

- Let's go. / - Hold on.

Let me call my father.

(My daughter)

See? If he could talk on the phone,

he would've called you.

Let's go. Your father is waiting.



Where are you going?


To see my father.

Your father? Where?

It's none of your business.

We have no time. Get in.

Just a minute.

I need to talk to you about Yeori.

Meet me at the chapel of Sarang Orphanage.

I'm sorry

but something urgent just came up.

Mr. Son will contact you later.

If he wants to talk about Yeori, it means he'll agree.

He must've changed his mind.

That's good.


I can save Haeseong.

Happy birthday.

Gu Dochi.

Come to my house on your birthday.

Let's have dinner together, since we're birthday twins.

Plus, I have something to give you.

We'll escort you to the airport.

It's the chairman's orders.


- Please leave! / - Doyeong.

It's okay. You may leave.

I said to go to the airport. This is not the airport.

I came to Korea for the first time in 6 years.

I didn't even get to go home yet.

Where you live is home. This is not it.

Go back.

Must... Must you do this?

Must you kick me out to the U.S.?

Kick you out? I'm offended.

I promised our late parents to take care of you.

What you need to do right now

is to study hard and become a person suitable

for the Wid Group family.

It's all for you.

It's for me?

Do you...

Even know what day today is?

It's my birthday.

You're the only family that I have.

But rather than a birthday wish, I'm getting kicked out.

Everyone has a stupid birthday once a year.

How could the head of the group

overseeing 50,000 employees

remember every family member's birthday...

And run Wid Group?

It may be a stupid birthday for some.

But it may be a grateful and precious memory to others.

I have plans.

I'll keep that plan before I leave.

So please don't stop me.

Honey, Mr. Son changed his mind.

Haeseong will get his bone marrow transplant

right away, so start preparing.

Wow. Did you make all this yourself?

You should've asked me.

Like you know how to cook?

You would've only gotten in her way.

Let's see how tasty it is.

- That hurts. / - No touching until father comes.

Cheapskate. What's the big deal?

He isn't answering his phone. He must be late.

The owner of the painting isn't here either.

Okay. Let's practice before father gets home.

You didn't forget the harmony that I taught you, right?

- No. / - 1, 2, 3.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

(Bone Marrow Transplant Donor Consent)

(Registration Certificate)

Please let us overcome these hardships...

And please help Yeori be happy.



Thank you for making such a difficult decision.


It's the building in Nonhyeon.

You know how valuable this building is, right?

You and Yeori could never afford this in your lifetime.

I'll give it to you. Now, you and Yeori

will never have to bow to anyone.

You can be the boss instead.

And this.

Just sign here.

- Jiwon. / - Please hurry.

We don't have time.

We can't even waste a minute for Haeseong.

Juho, don't you hear me say we don't have time?

First, there's something you need to know.

- Listen to me. / - I don't want to.

What's more urgent than Haeseong's surgery?

I'll listen to whatever it is after his surgery.

So sign this first.

I said to listen first!

Are you playing games?

Are you trying to make a deal with Haeseong's life

on the line?

- That's not it! / - Then what is it?

Are the building and money not enough?

Tell me how much more you need.



- Yeori... / - I don't want to hear it!

You're saying you refuse, right?

You called me all the way here

to tell me you can't do it?

Are you toying with me?

Are you toying with my child's life?

Fine. Do as you wish!

I waited as long as I could.

I'll do it my way now!

Jiwon. Hey!


(Mr. Son)

I don't need your stupid consent.

I'll make them operate.

Jiwon, Yeori is your daughter.

The one you abandoned at Sarang Orphanage.

The daughter you think is dead!

No, no. Not like this.

If I leave now...

Haeseong can't get surgery without

Yeori's guardian's consent.

Snap out of it.

You need to convince Juho again.

Is he still not here?

I'm going out to check.

I'll go with you.

There's no need. Yeolmae is home alone.

Eat first, if you're hungry.

Juho! Are you okay?

Come out.

Were you in an accident? Is the driver okay?

Yes. He's okay. Please call an ambulance!

Okay. I'll call the rescue team.


It's dangerous in there.

Come out!

Juho. Wake up!


The car is going to explode.

Come out!


- Yeori... / - Are you awake?

Can you come out?

(Bone Marrow Transplant Donor Consent)

Help me.


Help me.

If he dies here...

If Yeori becomes an orphan...


Jiwon. Help me.


Help me.



Jiwon! Help me.

There was nothing I could do.

There was nothing I could do.

It isn't my fault.

I can't go in, but I can't not go in.

How could I blow that money?

My son worked so hard to make it.

It's Juho's birthday today.

They must have a lot of food.


I'll either get beaten to death or starve to death.

Might as well eat before I die.

Maybe I'll meet a man in the afterlife.

I can't sit here. I'll have to stay with Yeori.

Lock up.

Okay. Hurry back.

Watch where you walk, handsome fellow.

It's raining so hard. Goodness.

Mr. Son!

Mr. Son! It's me, Dochi!

Are you there?


You're so super good-looking.

You look like an actor.

Were you really classmates in middle school?

Were you?

I told you already.

Sure. A squid and a carp

both live in water.

I think I did a little better in school, right?

Mr. Son is very late.

May I look around?

I think you should just leave.

It's rude to look around when the owner isn't present.


Tell him I was here.


He said it was a gift for you. Take it.

It's late. Let's go back in.

He may have some other business to take care of.


I'm going to wait a while longer.

I keep getting a strange feeling.

I'm scared.

Mr. Chairman.

Have you not heard from Madam Hong yet?

Once she brings the donor's guardian's consent...

We'll operate right away.

Are you just getting home?

What's wrong? Did something happen?


I was coming back from the hospital,

but it was raining too hard.

- Mom. / - What?

You have blood on your clothes.

It must be from the hospital.

I walked into a patient when I was leaving.

Don't tell your dad.

He'll worry.

No, Jiwon.

Jiwon! Help me.

Snap out of it.

It's too late now.

Will you let Haeseong die?

It's too late to turn back.

What's been done is done.

You never saw Juho.

You were never there.

No more regrets.


Father never came home.

Something's wrong. He didn't even call.

You don't think anything happened to him, do you?

I'm sure he's fine. Don't worry.

I have a bad feeling about this.

I need to go to the chairman's house.

His wife may know something.

Call me if my father comes home.

When did you get home?

What happened?

Weren't you going to bring Mr. Son's daughter?

Mr. Son didn't show up, so I didn't see him.

I was upset and drank...

And fell asleep.

I'm sorry for not calling.

Are you very angry?

Let's take care of the situation

with Mr. Son as soon as possible.

We have no time to spare for Haeseong.

You're ruining my day already.

Why are you here, Yeori?

I'm sorry for coming so early.

But I was too desperate.

Do you know where my father is?

He's never done this before.

But he hasn't come home.

I don't know either.

What about you, madam?

Have you seen my father?

You said yesterday that you'd take me to him.

Didn't you see him?

I'm so sorry.

But I had to go somewhere else

and didn't see him.

You must've been worried sick

because he never went home.

Are you kidding me?

Why are you looking for your father in my house?

He's just our driver.

You should go to the barn to find a horse.

You shouldn't look in the palace where the king lives!

Oh, my gosh.

Why are you acting in front of my parents?

I'm sorry. I was just so worried about my father.

It's okay. I'm sure Mr. Son is fine. It's okay.

Please bring us a warm cup of milk!

They say a large painting was hung

in Iron King Carnegie's office his entire life.

They say Carnegie loved that painting...

Because of these words at the bottom of that painting.

"The high tide will come."


I know times are tough right now.

But don't give up, and wait.

One day, hope will come.

Always remember that.

Why are you tearing up, you fool?

Don't worry, Mr. Son.

I'll never give up, just as you said.

I'll be strong...

And become a great man.

(A Car Accident in Pyeongtaek Caused by Rain)

He just went in.

Yes. We'll head out now.

I'm going to school.

Okay. Have a nice day.

Mom, what happened to your shoes?

Aren't these your favorite shoes?

Where did you leave the heel?

Jiwon! Help me.


She's been acting strange since last night.

Where is it?

(My daughter)

The phone has been turned off.

Please leave a message after the tone.

Father, where are you?

Please pick up.



Where's my father?

Father, I'm here.




Yeori, have some porridge at least.

You haven't eaten in two days.

You'll collapse at this rate.


Think about your late dad.

Please eat a little.

He'll be even sadder if you just stay like this.

It's so shocking and painful for us too.

I can't imagine how you must feel.

Don't worry about the funeral costs.

The company will pay for it all.

- Yeori! / - Yeori!


- Yeori! / - Yeori.

Oh, my gosh!

- Mom! / - Hush.

Your brother will hear.

Where is he, anyway?

I haven't seen him at all.

Yeori fainted, so he's in the ER with her.

Where have you been?

Wait. How did you know we were here?

I was starving and thought I'd mooch off a free meal,

and I saw a name I knew. I was so shocked.


Can't I eat first?

I'm starving. You have no idea.

I won't feel bad.

It was an accident.

It's a sign from the heavens that they're on my side.

Even if I could go back,

I'd still make the same choice.

Since it's the only way to save Haeseong.

No! You poor man!


You poor, unlucky soul!

Who are you?

Everything she's wearing is a designer brand.

Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Yeori!

How could this have happened?

My poor Yeori.

You poor thing.

How did this happen?

How could you leave like that?

Mr. Kim dropped this off this morning.

He said you'll need it for the morning meeting.

About Yeori...

Why don't we bring her here?

Of course, Haeju will be against it,

but we have to think about Haeseong right now.

Do as you wish.


Thank you, honey.

Yeori! Please, open up.

It's been a week.

The hunger strike is fine, but please,

let me see your face.

You'll die too, at this rate!

Yeori? It's me, Madam Hong.

Are you listening? Yeori.


She fainted. Break the door down!


- Call an ambulance! / - Okay.

Yeori, wake up.


(Emergency Room)


You're saved.

Just trust mommy, okay?

Trust me.

Where am I?

Did I faint?

Come home with me.

From now on, you're my daughter.

This is your home from now on.


We welcome you.

(Unknown Woman)

Father, how have you been?

Haeseong regained his health

as you wanted.


I'm a little dizzy.

Welcome home, my daughter Yeori.

We'll abandon you eventually.

Even my uncle was abandoned,

and he's related to us by blood.

I told you to go to the U.S.

You ran away just to end up doing movies?

Marry me, Yeori.

- I love you. / - I love you too.

For more infomation >> Unknown Woman | 이름없는 여자 – Ep.3 [ENG/2017.05.03] - Duration: 34:33.


PM Netanyahu's Remarks at Weekly Cabinet Meeting - 03/05/2017 - Duration: 2:45.

Yesterday, UNESCO again passed a delusional resolution regarding Israel's status in Jerusalem

the capital of the Jewish People for 3,000 years

I very much appreciate the across-the-board unity of almost all political parties in rejecting this absurd decision

I would also like to say that this systematic harassment has a price

In wake of the resolution, I have instructed Foreign Ministry Director General Yuval Rotem

to deduct $1 million from the funds that Israel transfers to the UN

Israel will not sit by while the organization calls for the denial of our sovereignty in Jerusalem

I must also note one point of light

. More countries opposed this resolution than last year and fewer countries supported it

I thank the countries that acceded to my request to vote against this resolution

especially the US, which did not need any sort of appeal

But I would especially like to thank the Italian Foreign Minister and Prime Minister

. Italy was the first European country to announce that it would oppose the resolution

Also opposing it were Greece, Great Britain, Germany, Lithuania and the Netherlands

. I would also like to thank the President of Ukraine and the leaders of Paraguay and Togo

For the first time in UNESCO, more countries voted to oppose or abstained than voted in favor, and of course this is important.

I would like to thank Yuval Rotem and the Foreign Ministry personnel who did thorough work

We are working constantly to increase support for Israel in international bodies

in order to reflect our growing status vis-à-vis bilateral contacts with countries

We are also working constantly to reduce, and I hope one day to cancel altogether

, the UN theater of the absurd regarding the State of Israel

Today, the Cabinet will discuss the Finance Minister's proposal to increase tax credits for working parents

. I support this. I believe that all of you here will support it because it is government policy to encourage work

This is true for both the economy and society – and it is our policy

For more infomation >> PM Netanyahu's Remarks at Weekly Cabinet Meeting - 03/05/2017 - Duration: 2:45.


ردة فعل أمريكي من الحلاوة والبسكوت العربية | حلقة خاصة مع ماركوس - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> ردة فعل أمريكي من الحلاوة والبسكوت العربية | حلقة خاصة مع ماركوس - Duration: 10:46.


Dinosaurs Vs Dinosaurs Cartoons For Kids 3D Dinosaurs Finger Family Nursery Rhyme For Kids - Duration: 11:38.

Dinosaurs Vs Dinosaurs Cartoons For Kids 3D Dinosaurs Finger Family Nursery Rhyme For Kids

For more infomation >> Dinosaurs Vs Dinosaurs Cartoons For Kids 3D Dinosaurs Finger Family Nursery Rhyme For Kids - Duration: 11:38.


7 Common Fears That Don't Have To Control Us - Duration: 13:12.

7 Common Fears That Don�t Have To Control Us

�Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.� ~Marianne Williamson

As babies, we know nothing about the world. In the universe of an infant, there are no

norms to follow, no rigid rules and regulations; no room for labeling or judging ourselves

and others. We don�t yet know to disapprove of ourselves, and we�re curious to play,

learn, and grow.

We are all born free spirits. Then our environment�our families, schools, religions, and political

systems�shape the way we think and behave.

Fear is a learned practice. Children generally are not afraid of trying, failing, and getting

up on their feet again. That�s how we learned to walk. When we made our first step, we didn�t

call ourselves names or punish ourselves if we fell. We just got up and gave it another


As kids, we weren�t afraid to step outside of our comfort zone and try new experiences.

So why did we get so fearful as adults? What are we really afraid of?

1. The fear of imperfection

I often hear people talking about their need for perfection as a sign of virtue. In a society

that generally evaluates human worth through how well we do things in life, some people

even feel a sense of pride when they describe themselves as �perfectionists� or �workaholics.�

To me, perfectionism is a sign of fear. When I know I do everything perfectly, I�m untouchable.

There is no room for others to correct me.

As a child, there were times when I was afraid of punishment after getting bad grades in

school. Years later, as an adult, I developed an extreme need for perfection, especially

at work. All my assignments had to be executed perfectly so none of my managers would have

a reason to criticize my performance. At the time, that fear of authority was still present

in my life.

People who struggle with perfectionism also tend to get overwhelmed because they avoid

asking for help. They would rather look invincible and strong than vulnerable and �weak.�

Showing up in our vulnerability in front of others is a sign of authenticity. Vulnerability

is not weakness; it�s a beautiful human attribute, and it takes lots of courage to

show what most of us have been taught for years how to hide.

�Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.� ~Bren� Brown

2. The fear of failure

I once read an article about successful people who were intentionally planning for failure.

I found that fascinating and strange. Planning to fail? Who likes to fail?

No one enjoys messing up, but those people were using mistakes as much needed instruments

to learn and grow.

Today I know that each time I am afraid to step outside of my comfort zone and try something

new, that�s the fear of failure making decisions for me.

Each time I find myself stuck and afraid to take risks because I might fail, I ask myself:

What�s the worst thing that can happen? Could I cope if it did?

These questions help me realize that my life would surely go on, and that no mistake could

literally kill me.

�The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make

one.� ~Elbert Hubbard

3. The fear of success

Sometimes, success is scarier than failure. When dreams look too good to be true, we get

scared by our own greatness. Deep inside, we don�t see ourselves as enough, and worthy

of love and success.

Whenever I make myself small or put myself down, I am acting on my fear, taking myself

for granted, and forgetting to appreciate myself for my achievements. I�m thinking,

�Anyone else could have made it� or attributing my accomplishments to faith, luck, or other

people who gave me opportunities to shine. I�m focusing on my weaknesses or limitations,

without honoring my strengths, gifts, and talents.

That�s how I operated in the past, for too many years. But here�s what I know to be

true today: It wasn�t luck; it was me.

Sometimes in life, we need to acknowledge there�s been a lot of hard work and efforts

behind our �luck.� And if we�re not yet where we�d like to be, we need to believe

that we truly are worthy of what we visualize.

�Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond

measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves,

�Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?� Actually, who are you not to

be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about

shrinking so that other people won�t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine,

as children do.� ~Marianne Williamson

4. The fear of being rejected

Being liked and included and feeling a sense of belonging to a community are basic human

needs. We fear being left out and seek approval as a means to ensure this doesn�t happen.

I can recall many situations in my life when I did things I didn�t really want to do

to please others, like going to a movie with someone on a Sunday when my body wanted to

stay home and take a good nap.

I was a master of people pleasing and, to be honest, it wasn�t always because I wanted

to make everyone happy. The truth is that I wanted people to like and approve of me.

I expected them to give me the things I wasn�t giving myself: love, care, and attention.

Again, being loved is a human need. However, being needy is something different. I came

to understand that people who are taking good care of themselves are less dependent on the

approval of others.

Taking care of our own wants and needs is a necessity. When we make sure to keep our

tank full and we treat ourselves kindly, we inspire others to do the same for themselves.

�I used to be a people-pleaser. Now I love them instead.� ~Cheryl Richardson

5. The fear of what other people think

Did you know that the fear of public speaking comes first among all kinds of fears? Even

the fear of death comes second! Most people don�t feel brave enough to show up in their

vulnerability in front of others because they�re focusing more on what people might think about

them than on their performance.

I can recall quite a few situations in my life when I didn�t dare to ask questions,

especially when there was something I didn�t know. I didn�t want to look less intelligent

or even stupid.

Especially at work, I didn�t feel comfortable enough to openly admit that I didn�t hold

all the answers and I still had a lot to learn. I wanted people to perceive me as an expert,

super smart, invincible, and strong. I now know that every day brings new lessons in

the school of life, and it�s more important to stay open to them than it is to be perceived

as all-knowing.

Let�s be honest with this one: I�ve never met anyone who would love to hear they were

ugly or stupid. We all need to feel validated. But in the end, all that really matters is

that we fully approve of ourselves.

�When I seek your approval, I don�t approve of the me that�s seeking the approval.�

~Byron Katie

6. The fear of losing control

If there were Oscars for control-freaking, I would have surely gotten one! Looking back

on my past, I recognize that I always wanted to have full control over everything and everyone.

This comes back to the fear of imperfection.

During my former leadership position with a multinational company, the most difficult

things for me to handle were decision-making and delegation�not only with people who

were new in their roles and lacked experience, but also with co-workers who were very skilled

and competent in their jobs.

Why did I struggle with delegation? Because I knew I was responsible for my team�s results,

and I wasn�t mentally strong enough to bear any sort of failure on my shoulders.

Making mistakes would have scared me to death; that�s why I always needed a long time to

brainstorm all possible scenarios that could go wrong when making important decisions.

The need to always control situations or other people is a major source of stress. It is

tiring, frustrating, energy consuming�and pointless, since we can never control what

other people do. Letting go of control is true freedom and a form of self-care.

�Be willing to stop punishing yourself for your mistakes. Love yourself for your willingness

to learn and grow.� ~Louise Hay

7. The fear of what might happen in the future

If I spend my precious time overthinking and allowing my mind to create different scenarios

about the future, I risk missing out on my life and the only reality that is: the present


Most of the things we worry about never happen. They are nothing but the illusionary product

of our mind.

It�s true, �bad� things do happen at times, but they�re often blessings in disguise

that make us stronger and wiser or show us the right path for us.

Looking back on my past, I recognize that I had to suffer in love so that I could understand

what I wanted from a romantic partner. I had to become unemployed for a while in order

to realize what I truly wanted from a profession and what would bring me joy and fulfillment.

Knowing that my painful experiences were actually gifts, and that I survived them, I�m better

able to accept that what will be, will be�and no matter what, I can handle it.

�The best use of imagination is creativity. The worst use of imagination is worry. � ~Deepak


I have stopped feeling guilty and ashamed of my fears. I�ve learned how to embrace

them with self-compassion, as part of the package of being human. I know the primary

intention of fear is to protect me from things that could hurt me. But I also know I don�t

have to let my fears control me.

I am aware that I can always get mindful and pay attention to my thoughts and emotions.

I make sure that I nourish my mind, knowing that I am the one creating my own world through

my feelings, thoughts, and, actions.

�A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love.� ~Marianne Williamson

And now, I would like to hear from you. What scares you the most? How do you manage your

own fears?

For more infomation >> 7 Common Fears That Don't Have To Control Us - Duration: 13:12.


THE HAND OF CORALIE - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> THE HAND OF CORALIE - Duration: 6:28.


5/3 Morning Weather - Duration: 2:25.











































UPPER 50s AND LOW 60s.

















































For more infomation >> 5/3 Morning Weather - Duration: 2:25.


Mix Bachatas 2017 Lo Mas Romantico ► Romeo Santos, Shakira, Prince Royce - Duration: 1:00:30.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Mix Bachatas 2017 Lo Mas Romantico ► Romeo Santos, Shakira, Prince Royce - Duration: 1:00:30.


Nicole Scherzinger: Peinlicher Nacktmoment beim Intim-Waxing - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Nicole Scherzinger: Peinlicher Nacktmoment beim Intim-Waxing - Duration: 0:42.


F-35 Joint Strike Fighter vs Shenyang J-31 - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> F-35 Joint Strike Fighter vs Shenyang J-31 - Duration: 4:20.


Kate Middleton Plans Prince George Second Birthday With Carole – Are Charles and Camilla Welcome? - Duration: 3:27.

Kate Middleton is focusing on her growing family, and walking a fine line with Queen


The Duchess of Cambridge, along with her mother, Carole Middleton, have been quietly making

changes, and it appears Kate will continue her royal revolution as she plans a second

homespun birthday party for Prince George.

The big question is, are Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles welcome?

Prince George�s first birthday party was a family oriented affair, described as a �low

key tea party� befitting the Middleton family�s �middleclass� lifestyle.

Kate and Carole created a Peter Cottontail themed party using d�cor you can (conveniently)

purchase via the Middleton�s party planning company.

It�s very likely Princess Charlotte�s first birthday party will embrace the same

family focused theme.

Prince George�s first birthday party broke royal tradition, which doesn�t seem to faze

the Duchess or Prince William.

Little George was the first royal, in living memory, to have both parents present for his

first birthday.

Queen Elizabeth�s mother was gone for her first birthday, The Duke of Edinburg was in

Malta when Prince Charles� turned one, and both Princess Diana and Prince Charles were

in Canada for Prince William�s birthday.

You can put a safe bet that Kate Middleton, Prince William, and the bulk of the Middleton

family will be present for Prince George�s second birthday and Princess Charlotte�s

first birthday.

However, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles may not be in attendance�or even

welcome to the party.

As CDL shared, Charles was away in Scotland for Prince George�s first birthday.

It�s possible that Kate Middleton timed the party perfectly, ensuring Prince Charles

and �The Other Woman,� Camilla Parker Bowles, would not be able to attend.

In fact, according to recent rumors, Prince William has banned Camilla Parker Bowles from

seeing Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

The Globe claims that after Camilla was caught cheating on Prince Charles, William called

the Duchess of Cornwall and informed her she is no longer allowed to see George or Charlotte.

While Prince Charles hasn�t been directly banned, Camilla is part of his package.

It will be very interesting to see if Camilla and Charles are at Prince George�s party.

Don�t be surprised if Prince George�s second birthday party is another homespun


Kate Middleton seems to be unwavering in raising the royal children with �middleclass�

values to try and provide Prince George and Princess Charlotte with a �normal� childhood.

A second party focusing on surrounding the royal children with Middleton family values

would continue with the Duchess� royal revolution that appears to be happening, despite the

Queen�s protests.

tell us your thoughts in comments below.

thanks for watching.

please subscribe my chanel.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton Plans Prince George Second Birthday With Carole – Are Charles and Camilla Welcome? - Duration: 3:27.


Republicans Just One Vote Away From Failing To Repeal Obamacare, Again - Duration: 7:14.

Republicans Just One Vote Away From Failing To Repeal Obamacare, Again

by Tyler Durden

While one can debate if last week's failed attempt by Trump to pass the GOP healthcare

vote before the expiration of his 100 days in office counts as attempt #2 by the administration

to repeal Obamacare, the Republicans are now back to square one, because based on the latest

whip count by The Hill, the GOP again appears to lack sufficient votes to pass its Healthcare

bill in the House, despite earlier reports from GOP leaders and the White House that

it might be approved by the lower chamber this week.

The Hill's most recent whip list reveals 22 Republicans - mostly moderates - who oppose

the bill, the maximum number of GOP defections that can be afforded, meaning the GOP is just

one vote away from another failure.

The latest Republican to announce his opposition is Rep. Billy Long (Mo.), a staunch conservative

who often says he was �Tea Party before Tea Party was cool.� He told The Hill he

wouldn't support the bill because of the impact it could have on people with preexisting conditions.

�I have always stated that one of the few good things about ObamaCare is that people

with pre-existing conditions would be covered,� Long said in a statement to The Hill.

�The MacArthur amendment strips away any guarantee that pre-existing conditions would

be covered and affordable.�

Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Daniel Webster of Florida and Chris Smith of New

Jersey will also vote against the current bill, making their decisions public in succession

Monday afternoon.

Adding to the confusion, Trump himself, who earlier in the day was optimistic the House

could pass a bill Wednesday, "muddied the waters" by suggesting the measure may still

be changed.

"I want it to be good for sick people.

It's not in its final form right now," he said during an Oval Office interview Monday

with Bloomberg News.

"It will be every bit as good on pre-existing conditions as Obamacare."

Heading into a Republican whip meeting Monday afternoon, some of the members going in still

didn't know how they would personally vote for the health care bill: Reps. Kevin Yoder,

David Valadao, Erik Paulson, Elise Stefanik, and Adam Kinzinger all were undecided.

As a reminder, the fight over how pre-existing conditions are covered is at the center of

the fight.

Trump said Sunday the White House is pushing forward, and that the GOP plan "guarantees"

coverage for Americans with pre-existing conditions.

"Pre-existing conditions are in the bill.

And I mandate it.

I said, 'Has to be,'" Trump said on CBS's "Face the Nation" Sunday.

An amendment authored by Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) would allow states to apply for waivers

to two ObamaCare provisions: essential health benefits, which mandates what services insurers

must cover, and �community rating,� which essentially bans insurers from charging people

with preexisting conditions more for coverage.

While the AHCA keeps an ObamaCare provision banning insurers from denying coverage to

people with preexisting conditions, allowing states to waiver out of community rating means

insurers could charge sick people more.

Trump said that "we actually have a clause that guarantees" coverage for those with pre-existing

conditions and added that the health care legislation is "changing."

Unlike the mandate under Obamacare, however, under the GOP bill insurers could charge them

higher rates than others in the plan if they allow their coverage to lapse.

The Hill�s whip list includes some Republicans who were ready to vote for the bill before

changes made the language backed by MacArthur and Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), the Freedom

Caucus chairman.

They include Reps. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and Fred Upton (Mich.).

Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.) went from being a yes on the bill to a no.

And four members of the GOP Whip team, Reps. David Valadao (Calif.), Erik Paulsen (Minn.),

Elise Stefanik (N.Y.) and Kevin Yoder (Kansas) are undecided on the bill.

Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.) told CNN that she's talked to centrist Republicans who say

they won't back the bill because they don't like it, and because they don't think it will

be approved by the Senate even if it does pass the House.

�They're being asked to walk the plank on a bill they know won't survive,� she said.

It didn't end there, as the Hill elaborates:

In another bad sign for the GOP�s whip count, Appropriations Committee Chairman Rep. Rodney

Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.) on Monday refused to say if it had his support.

Frelinghuysen came out against the bill shortly before it was pulled from the floor last month

and told reporters Monday he was �still looking� at the changes.

�I'm focusing on the appropriations bill for 2017, so that's my focus,� he said.

�My position is that I'm focused on the appropriations process, trying to get the

bill across the finish line.

I haven't been focused on anything else.� The Republican leadership's focus remains

trying to help those moderates get comfortable with the new MacArthur amendment.

Over the weekend, House leaders, as well as Pence and Health and Human Services Secretary

Tom Price, spoke with members hoping to flip enough votes to move the bill forward.

Leadership aides emphasize that there isn't much room to change the proposal at this point,

but many deputy whips are trying to get members to keep the process in perspective.

"You remind them there is a United States Senate, and it will change things.

What we send over there isn't going over there on stone tablets," said Rep. Tom Cole, R-Oklahoma.

"Going back to the drawing board would be death to repeal and replace," one aide said.

Of course, if just one more Republican flips, the latest attemp to repeal would be dead


That, increasingly appears to be the most likely scenario because after last week's

discussion, many moderates are frustrated with the process.

Some say they see their party making the same kind of mistakes Republicans criticized Democrats

for making back in 2010.

"We didn't learn anything from their mistakes," said Rep. Mark Amodei, a moderate Republican

from Nevada told CNN.

"We learned nothing from their mistakes."

As to promises the bill will be changed once it's in the Senate?

"Seriously, you want me to go back and tell the people in my fourth of Nevada 'the Senate

will make it better?'"

Amodei said.

"What the hell?"

For more infomation >> Republicans Just One Vote Away From Failing To Repeal Obamacare, Again - Duration: 7:14.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Style - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Style - Duration: 1:02.


Ankhon Ki Jhuriyan Khatam Karne ka Tarika | How to Remove Eye Wrinkles Naturally at Home - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Ankhon Ki Jhuriyan Khatam Karne ka Tarika | How to Remove Eye Wrinkles Naturally at Home - Duration: 3:44.


2 CLICHÉS QUÉBECOIS - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> 2 CLICHÉS QUÉBECOIS - Duration: 2:24.


For more infomation >> 2 CLICHÉS QUÉBECOIS - Duration: 2:24.


Have you registered to vote? Here's why you should #GE2017 - Duration: 1:01.

Why do you need to register to vote? Because if you're

not on the Electoral Register, if you go to

the polling station you will not be

given a ballot paper if you do not

appear on that register. So it's important

that you give us your name and address,

along with the other application details

that we need from you, so that you do get

registered in time. And to register to

vote, there are different ways you can do

that. Firstly, you can go online at the website,

or you can telephone our contact

centre on 0191 278 7878,

and as part of the application,

please be aware that we will need your

name date of birth, nationality and National

Insurance Number as part of that

application. Both processes are very

quick, approximately five to eight minutes,

so please get online and register to

vote as soon as possible. The

deadline for registering to vote for the

upcoming election is Monday the 22nd of

May 2017.

For more infomation >> Have you registered to vote? Here's why you should #GE2017 - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Have you registered to vote? Here's why you should #GE2017 - Duration: 1:01.


A message from DeeDee Trotter, EF Olympics Ambassador - Duration: 1:13.

Hi everybody! My name is DeeDee Trotter.

I'm a three-time Olympian, Olympic gold and bronze medalist,

and I'm EF's new Olympics Ambassador.

The Olympic values of friendship, excellence and respect are all ideas that we can relate to, especially at EF.

It's super exciting times for us as we serve as the official sponsors

for the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang and the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.

We're helping students, teachers, athletes and the Olympic Committee get ready for the games, EF style.

Follow me as I travel the world to inspire and motivate audiences with my Olympic story

and share EF's Olympic legacy as they support the Olympics.

For more infomation >> A message from DeeDee Trotter, EF Olympics Ambassador - Duration: 1:13.


Black dragonrider riding to squires cafe - Duration: 22:27.

For more infomation >> Black dragonrider riding to squires cafe - Duration: 22:27.


World Building Tips | Creating Setting & History in Fiction - Duration: 7:33.

Do you like world building?

I love world building, probably a bit too much.

In case you didn't know, world building is the process behind developing all the nitty

gritty details of the setting and society your characters live in.

It a very important part of building a novel, though obviously a bit more so for science

fiction and fantasy than contemporary.

It can be a fun process, because world building can be anything from the type of food your characters

eat to the religion they practice, from the magic they use to the language they speak,

and so on and so on.

There are so many things you can play with when designing a world.

Too many things.

It's very easy to get lost or overwhelmed.

Here's the guiding rule behind smart world building: Story comes first.

Story comes first is basically the guiding rule behind most writing advice, but it's

especially important here.

There's a common theory that most writers take one of two approaches when it comes to

developing a story.

Some people are character first writers, which means they have a better time building characters

or internal motivations before anything else.

Others are plot first writers, which means they have a better time building stories

around the events that take place.

When it comes to world building, it doesn't matter which of these you lean towards.

You need to have a good balance of all three: character, plot, and world if you want a good story.

So how to you connect world building to your characters and plot?

Start by asking what your story needs.

Your world should be a extension of the ideas you intend to share.

For example, a sleek metallic science fiction landscape is a fun place to set a story in,

but is it the right place for a novel with coming of age themes?

It depends on what you want to focus on.

Maybe your main character is struggling with what's expected of her.

Maybe she's discovered a giant secret that tears apart everything she's been raised

to know.

Maybe she doesn't know what to believe in or who she's supposed to be.

Let's say your plot has her make her way into the underbelly of her picture perfect

world, peels away the shine and glamour of the finished product.

For all the glitz and glow, there is hard work, tough decisions, and mistakes behind


So then, yeah, that works.

That's a reflection of the journey she makes to discover who she needs to be.

That's an really glossed over example of what I'm trying to get across, but the point

is that your world works best when it fits into place with all your other elements like

a well-oiled machine.

Try not to waste much time on things that don't matter to the story.

I struggle with this.

I have a ridiculous obsession with wanting to make sure my stories are believable as

possible, which leads me to wasting time and stressing myself out over the tiniest details

of my fictional world's economy or tax system.

Not to say that isn't important, but it's not the main focus of my plot or my character's

ambition and it doesn't really help me write.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't think about the bigger picture.

Lots of novelists (and I'm pretty sure all TV show runners) create what is called a Story


A Story Bible basically a big binder (or digital document if you're more technically inclined)

that contains all the rules and important details of your fictional world.

This is where you would keep information you might forget about, need to refer to, or build

upon two books down the line.

If you refer to your Story Bible, you'll avoid contradicting yourself and stay on track

with your long term plans.

Even if you're not writing a series, keeping all your details in an easy to find document

is a really good tool.

But don't worry about knowing everything right at the start!

It's perfectly okay and even recommended to build as you go.

Whether you want to iron out key details before you start writing comes down to whether you

like to outline or not, but it won't ruin your novel not to know everything when writing

your first draft.

Most things are imperfect in a first draft.

You can always refine or change your mind when you revise.

World building works best when it's not explained to the reader.

What I mean by this is that details are a lot more believable and even easier to remember

when they are shared through dialogue or action instead of pages upon pages of exposition.

If we learn of a world detail because of how it immediately affects something the character

is doing, it's given instant context and helps keep the reader engaged.

The last thing you want is to pull your story out of focus in the middle of an important


"Okay, Lily," you say.

"You've said a bunch of things I should avoid obsessing over when writing my novel,

but what should I focus on?"

I'm glad you asked.


I've mentioned conflict on this channel before, but in relation to world building,

conflict is a great way to connect your world to your story.

Conflict is essential to good story.

Your plot is defined by conflict.

Your characters need internal conflict.

Therefore, your world should also be in conflict, or at least on the verge of it.

Look for ways to show tension in the everyday features of your fictional neighborhood.

Conflict can come from overabundance as easily as it can come from rationing and despair.

A perfect world typically only looks so on the surface.

Look for small opportunities to show unease.

You can also gain a lot of suspense from intentionally holding back.

Mentioning something casually that turns out to grow into something sinister later is always

a fun tactic.

If you do it correctly, your reader may not even notice something vital is missing until

its absence is brought center in a cruel and devastating reveal.

It's fun to hint at things you don't have the time or space to expand upon.

One of my favorite things about the Harry Potter series and it's deep and enchanting

world is how it builds and builds upon itself with each book.

Rowling does this with careful care not to get sidetracked from what immediately matters

to the story.

It is a truly magical experience to read a later book in the series and realize that

a passing comment or casually mentioned object in an earlier story is a crucial element to

the plot of the current book.

Rereading the series is like exploring the world all over again, noticing new details

or understanding others with a clarity you didn't have before.

It's this attention to detail that makes the Harry Potter universe so immersive.

Even objects the characters take for granted can be extraordinary to our muggle minds and

knowing that the smallest thing could mean so much to the bigger picture is a big part

of what dazzles readers.

There's so many pathways you could walk down and discover a whole new world.

I repeatedly forget that the Wizarding World and Hogwarts aren't real.

I have to constantly remind myself.

It feels like a foreign country I've heard a lot

about but will never get to visit.

I haven't seen it, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

Most of us aren't good enough at world building to get entire theme parks based on our worlds,

but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do our best anyway.

Your setting is more important than you think.

Your characters, your plot, neither will work if your reader can't connect with the world

they live in.

It's not too terrifying a task to hint at that deeper, endless world.

You can start by casually mentioning a bigger detail in the midst of something else.

This could be the title of a book your character pushes aside as they look for something else.

The name of a building or a street sign.

You don't have to say "It was in the Murder District, where years ago…" just saying

Murder District is intriguing enough.

There are lots of opportunities to explain further later on.

It's always a good idea to keep a reader curious.

If they want to know more, the only way they can find out more is by reading on.

Most importantly, focus on what excites you.

Your world, like all your writing, will shine brightest when you are happy to share it.

What interests you most?

Why did you chose this setting for this story in particular?

Don't be afraid to be detailed about what you like about your world, maybe you'll

find that's what resonates with readers the most.

What excites you about your world?

Tell me in the comments.

If you're not subscribed yet, you should know I do weekly videos on writing, books,

and everything that excites me about fiction.

If you like that, you may want to join me by clicking below.

I'll see you really soon.

Thank you for watching.

Have a great day.


For more infomation >> World Building Tips | Creating Setting & History in Fiction - Duration: 7:33.


THE HAND OF CORALIE - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> THE HAND OF CORALIE - Duration: 6:28.


HSN | M. Asam Beauty 05.02.2017 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | M. Asam Beauty 05.02.2017 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


"they wanted me to sell myself" | Blahtherapy Chat Recording #14 - Duration: 5:41.

You helloooooooooooooo!

Venter Hi

You So! What would you like to talk about?

Venter I m here to vent i wish none is in a scenario like me

You please, go on... i'm all ears.

Venter i was 18 when i ran away from my home

You keep going...

Venter I made a mistake ..My parents were wrong people so i ran away escaped from them Worked as a caretaker for an elderly couple for 2 years and studied and 2 years later their grandson came to see them he spent a week with them and at the end of week he wanted to marry me. i barely knew anyone had no family his grandparents told me he will care for me well i too in hope of a better life married him at the age of 20 u there ?

i am! please, speak without worry. please keep going...

Venter I dint have much idea of what sex was he forced me the first time we moved into his apartment the next day was a sunday ..he dint let me unpack also i was in bed entire time for him and it pained I was a virgin i had none to talk or tell ..none to call for me i fell pregnant ..and finished college

You what happened then?

Venter i hated the baby i dint want it he forced me to have baby i gave birth premature to twin girls and idk how or why but i began to love them

You keep going... (doing great!)

Venter Husband idk our relation He loves me or my body idk I feel bad thinking how my life is i was a very ambitious girl

You How is that different now?

Venter Kids husband family

You What ambitions did you have? What did you want to do exactly? hmmmm? You there ma'am?

Venter sorry babies cried

You Of course, that's understandable!

Venter i dont even have time to vent Hes doing some call

You A mother's duty of taking care of her children is indeed overwhelming, specially when the duty is sort of forced upon someone who isn't entirely willingly prepared for it... I can imagine that, you may have to sacrifice a part of yourself everyday to raise those children up...

But those childrens have really nothing to do with it. And what some mother may do is, they may channel their anger up in a violent way and direct it towards their childen, perhaps even blaming them for having sacrificed so much in life... perhaps that's your parents felt towards you too...

I just request that, you may not repeat that mistake towards your children, same way it was perhaps done towards you by your parents. If that makes sense...

Venter I dont feel angered at them what did they do poor innocent sould they are souls* they know of world what i teach them they cling to me when they sleep

You that sounds beautiful.

Venter I love them i live for them

You *claps*

Venter i want to do everything my mom failed They are very attached to him alsi also*

You That's very admirable of you.

Venter i used to wonder why they love him they love him like hell can u wait i need to feed them dinner

You of course. Please take your time.

Venter Thanks

You most welcome!

Venter Hi

Venter hello u there ?? i m back i am sorry for delaying u ..U r very supportive

You back! sorry Welcome back! please, continue...

Venter SO u can see my life right now btw m from --- U ?

You I live in your neighbour country XD guess where?

Venter pAKISTAN ?

You yupe!

Venter Ur name ?

You Salik (Which means 'Follower of a spiritual path')

Venter I m called ---

You awesome So ---, is there anything else on your mind you would like to vent more about?

Venter Idk how to tell u being a lady But husband is very strict in few areas and i dont have much choices there

You That is very normal. So much that, I tell female venters with relaionship issues that, before they get into any sort of relationship, they should first get to know their possible partner's mindset and principles and how much he would restrict you or expect from you as a wife. To be more specific, what kind of restrictions does he exactly pose on you? If I may ask curiously.

Venter Job is not allowed for few more years he said And major decisons he only takes ANd tbh till my kids were about a year old my husband used to traumatise me by sexual abuse

You (O_O)

Venter Now he doesnt do that to me kids are going to be 2 soon

You I see... Anything more you would like add?

Venter Nd u know the usual rules problems every girl has i dont have anyone to support or come as my side of my family that makes me more dependent on him i cant be so vocal with him .i need to always appease him and go

You Understandable.

Venter its been four year since i saw my parents

You What forced you to leave them and run away?

Venter they wanted me to sell myself

You sell yourself!???

Venter prostitute my parents were not right people

You (O_O)

Venter my mom and dad were separated ..i was an illegetimate child

You How did they approach you when they wanted you to sell yourself? What did they say exactly? (If I may be permitted to ask such a thing...)

Venter They told me mom is not well now ..she is not getting much income ...u come with me my boss likes young girls my dad said

You wow... thank you for running away, and not doing what they said. Thank you mustering up the courage to run away. Many would not have done so, so thank you.

Venter I had to ...i needed protection thats why wed early with husband i faced the same abuse but it had an aunthenticity he had his rights over me .....And our relation had validity

You I see.

Venter Hmm i thought a lot from marriage but it gave me two kids

You I'm super curious to know what you expected out of marriage when you chose to marry. Would you be willing to share that aspect? Its just that, I have to marry a women in the future too, so that 'expectation' would be helpful for someone like myself.

Venter I wanted a man who supported me a man who let me study dont go by my expectations .it is immature

You of course So exactly did you thought your married life would be like, before you got married?

Venter all i wanted wasa life of better comfort see i dint get married normally not like usual maariage it was more like to cover up life

You cover up life? You mean because you had issues surviving on your own?

Venter Yes ...I felt vulnaerablei used to fear my safety and managing college helping an old couple i had no energy

You Understandable. Were you able to properly continue your studies after marriage?

Venter He allowed to complete college after that he dint allow further studies or job i fell pregnant

You Of course... Anything more you would like to add ---?

Venter idk thats all i guess i want a parent idk y i want a mother too

You Its only natural to feel like that in your position. Sometimes when we don't have something, we develop great value for it. And because you may value the need of good parents in your life, that might motivate you to be very kind and caring towards your own children, unlike your parents were towards you.

Venter i hope so one of my friend sais divorce ur husband but kids need a father

You If somehow you are able to become independent of your husband, in a sense you don't need the services he provide as your husband. It is only then that I can suggest a divorce. But I believe i'm too inexperienced and lacking in knowledge to say much about your situation. I'm afraid its up to you how to creatively handle this situation.

Venter Ok Thanks for ur help i can never divorce him i dont have the support or strength or hatred for it

Venter if i was alone i would have maybe but i have 2 kids now and daughters need a dad

You Indeed. Its important that they have a father in their life, and no matter how awful he treats you. There is some good that he provides by just being there as a father.

Venter he tells me he will never ever do what my father did to me to kids he is about 9 years older than me

You that's re-assuring.

You Is there anything you have learned from all of these experiences in your life that you would like to share with the world? (Something I can perhaps tell other people about so they can draw wisdom from your pain and learn from it.)

Venter idk ..u can love a person who makes life hatre u can love ur abuser divorce is never an option

For more infomation >> "they wanted me to sell myself" | Blahtherapy Chat Recording #14 - Duration: 5:41.


TRỰC TIẾP - Hát mãi ước mơ | tập 2 : Vợ Chồng TRẤN THÀNH " KHÓC " trên ghế Giám Khảo - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> TRỰC TIẾP - Hát mãi ước mơ | tập 2 : Vợ Chồng TRẤN THÀNH " KHÓC " trên ghế Giám Khảo - Duration: 10:53.


好用嗎? OJO + H2O 全能霜 Silk Cream REVIEW - Duration: 4:16.

Hello everyone

I'm Sylvia

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In this video

I want to try a product

I hope this video

Can be a reference for you all

The product I want to use is

This one

This is Ojo Plus Cream

If you follow my Youtube since years

I have a review of the first generation of Ojo Cream product

Which is this one

If you have not watch my old video

Please check out the description box below

I'll write up the link for you

Well, this product

Before filming

I use this product for several days already

I use this product

for my makeup tutorial

So that my skin

Becme moisture

Well, please allow me to share

what I dislike about this product

Which is

The smell...

It doesn't smell like the first product which I mention just now

This smell

Is not good

It smell like



Open the plastic

Go over to your face

And you smell it

The smell

Is really same


No preservatives

No flavor/fragrance

Heard that those product which is contain fragrance

Is not good for your skin

That's why when I apply this product

Just try to be patience of this smell

And other reason why I dislike this product

The design of this bottle/packaging

Is quite small

It only has


My first impression is

I think

"Ah tsk"

"It too tiny"

I feel like "this product only use for a month"

Actually you no need use too much cream

Because it only apply on your face

Not apply on your whole body

If this is a body cream

And this size??



So this product

Just apply on your face

Don't worry

About the size (Will running out of cream)

Ok. So now please let me allow to mention about what I like about this product

Which is

I still remember the first time I use this product

My skin is turn white

How I notice?

Because it very obvious


My neck is yellowest (the original skin color)

At the same time my face is turn white

Which is so obvious

If you try this product

Then you will know what I mean

Try to avoid like

Your face

and neck skin color turn different

Please remember

Apply on your neck area too

Let your neck

Turn same skin color of your face

Which is good idea

Do not same like me

When I first use this product

I look like wear a mask

And other reason why I like this product is

Although I just saying

Which is I dislike the packaging

It look so tiny

But in fact, it also has a benefit too

Which is when you are went to travel

Go to somewhere else

This bottle is very tiny

And very convenient to bring away

And your bag is still many space to put into it

Although I complain about this bottle

Is too tiny

But in fact, it also has benefit too

Which is pro and cons

And the last thing

what I like about this product

Look at the top


This one

It's like

When you press down like this

This design is unique

And special

This design

Let your fingers

Have a good press and comfortable

When you press down

I don't know why

I kinda like this feeling

When you try to apply it

It has a whitening effect

Although the smell

I don't like it

If you can see

This part is turn white already

I'm curious

Have you guys try this product before?

Ojo plus cream

If you do

Please leave a comment down below and tell me

Tell me your review

And your thoughts


That's all for the video

I hope you guys enjoy my videos

Give this video a thumb up

Share this video to your friend and family

Subscribe to my Youtube Channel

And see you in my next video


For more infomation >> 好用嗎? OJO + H2O 全能霜 Silk Cream REVIEW - Duration: 4:16.


(Eng sub) [다이어트레시피/ 325kcal] 부추오징어전 / No밀가루 전 만들기 / squid and chives Buchimgae - Duration: 5:13.

(Eng sub : :)*

Another day of making food out of leftovers!

I haven't made a Korean dish for a while, so I thought I should today.

As usual I find my ingredients from the corner of my fridge

Slice the garlic chives to an inch size,

so that it can give you a chewy texture.

I also found this minced onion in the corner

Mom said there are some leftover carrots as well

which looked like this….whatever! still using it

Are we living in the ice…?

The main ingredient is a squid! Yesss

It was too much for a single serving, so I only used half.

Slice the body part as big as the garlic chives

Cut the leg in half first

and slice them the same way.

Now pepper the ingredients prepared so far

Add salt according to your personal preference

I'd recommend adding it though.

Season them well and evenly

While setting it down to season, let's start making the dough.

Oat mill, chickpea, blender. Quite a pattern now, right?

Because I always use rolled oats

I'll blend them first

and then add boiled (or soaked) chickpeas

and water

and blend them to make the base

If it's too dense, add a bit of water

Rolled oats tend to soak water so be aware of that

If you add a little bit of sesame oil,

it becomes much more savory

That was easy.

I'll be using a brush to coat the fryer

You get to save a lot of oil! less calories!

Soy sauce completes Korean pancakes. Absolutely.

If you get to use the high sodium one,

dilute it with water. (1:2 ratio)

Add some vinegar to get that traditional pancake sauce

With a touch of sesame, it looks pretty authentic.

For a little more detail, add red pepper powder for the color

Now let's pan fry it!

Brush some oil and set the pan on high heat

Put the dough and lower the heat to medium and pan fry it.

It might break if you just dump the dough

so it's important to make a regular shape as you cook it.

Just flip it when it's somewhat cooked. Super easy

Super….not easy.This is a good example what "NOT" to do.

(sweating;;….sry guys)

Nah. It's not too bad. I think it deserves some credit.

Cause the base was made of peas and oatmeal,

It's more moisturized rather than being crispy.

It's very grainy and nutty! Very fulling

And you won't miss the great flavor of squid pancake itself.

It would be a healthy cheating meal for anyone who likes Korean pancake.

But be careful not to dip too much soy sauce (sodium is

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