one of the most important pieces of
equipment you will ever buy is a gun
belt because without that everything's
flopping all over the place and you
cannot do any of this kind of stuff
reliably hi this is Joel Persinger I'm
the gun guy thank you very much for
watching my channel I'm going to talk to
you about gun belts today because a gun
belt although it's there's nothing you
know exciting about gun belts and so
many more things guns and knives and
like that or get so much more attention
the fact is if you don't have a solid
gun belt the fact that you bought a
great gun and an outstanding holster an
outstanding gear doesn't help you much
because the gun belt is the foundation
of your gear it's what holds everything
in place so that you can actually use it
so I'm going to share more about this
belt where I got it what it is here in
just a minute but right now I'd like you
to look at this screen ever so briefly
it takes too long for me to read all the
names I want you to just see the folks
who have decided to join us as premium
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grateful for them they're helping us to
fund the channel at a time when
otherwise we wouldn't have any funding
at all so if you haven't already checked
out patreon I want to ask you to do that
you'll find a link in the description
where you can help us there you can also
shop at the gun guy TV amazon store that
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work that we're doing for you all right
back to the belt this belt was sent to
me as a try and evaluate and I when I
got it I went golly it's the strongest
toughest belt I think I've ever seen
there are certain things I look for in a
gun belt and this thing met every
criteria now I looked at it originally I
thought maybe it's leather but it is not
it looks like leather it doesn't quite
feel like leather though but it's close
it's actually some sort of man-made
material and I'll put a link in the
description so you can find out more
about how it's made there's apparently a
mesh inside and everything else but it
is ridiculously strong I think I could
hook my truck up to my Jeep with it and
use it as a tow rope and tow my Jeep
down the road and not break the belt the
buckle on it is the heaviest strongest
buckle I have on any belt I have it's
screwed together rather than riveted
and in general it's just a tough belt I
think I've worn it now for about two
months I've carried several different
guns with it and I'm very very very
impressed my son's working on becoming
an electrician and I showed it to him
and he was like okay dad I got to get
one of those because he's a big guy and
he's going to be working harden and
wants to have a really good solid belt
now here's what I look for in a gun belt
by the way one thing is I want to make
sure that it feels strong that it looks
like it's put together well that it's
built very very well because I don't
want it to fall apart it's got to hold
my gun up and it's got to do that under
sometimes difficult conditions that's
the first thing second thing it doesn't
hold its shape
so is it flimsy or not it doesn't hold a
shape this thing is not flimsy if I bend
it come tray back I bend it comes right
back bend it comes right back that's
important to me because I want it to
hold its shape a gun belt has to be
sturdy enough and stiff enough that it's
going to hold the gun in the upright
position that means the guns not going
to Sag away from my body if it gets
pulled away from my body it's going to
come right back likewise it has to be
the right width and it has to be strong
enough to hold the gun in the upright
position the way that the holster is
designed to hold it whatever that can't
is so it doesn't can't farther forward
or can't farther back so when I sit down
in a chair if it pushes a gun forward
when I stand up it's going to come right
back where it belongs also I want it to
hold any other equipment I have maybe
it's an extra magazine holder or
something like that needs to hold it
firmly and and solidly with the with the
gun belt if I don't have those things if
I bought a great holster and an
outstanding gun and all its other
terrific equipment and I put it on a
cheapy funky skinny little belt or some
you know the latest greatest little web
belt that everybody says all of us as
the grid was going out in the world and
it's flimsy and it doesn't work I just
sent one back to a manufacturer
unreviewed because it was flimsy and
weak and it didn't hold the gun up
straight well that's not a gun belt
that's a belt I get it but it's not a
gun belt I know I've carried a gun for
over thirty seven years almost every day
of my life and I know a gun belt when I
see one this is a gun belt okay and if
you've got a solid gun belt then you can
know that you can draw the firearm with
confidence you know where it's going to
be it's in the right position you know
when you need your mag you're going to
I took this out to the range and just
practiced some of the things I normally
practice on the range I shot moved and
drew and change mags and all the kind of
stuff that I do just for fun for
practice with me I you know I carry a
gun with now for a couple months and I
am extraordinarily impressed this is
easily the strongest sturdiest best made
I think gun belt I've ever had which is
amazing now I've got a link in the
description so you can find out more
about them I've also got a link in the
description should you want to buy one
this is called the in destructive belt
and I think there's a good reason for it
I'm not sure what you could do to it to
destroy it the indestructible tie had
never heard of it before but I think I'm
going to get myself another one and
maybe in brown or something because this
is just really a terrific belt be
indestructible again if you got
everything else but the belt is it's
really awful the rest of all the good
gear you bought is pointless you've got
to make sure that you have a solid
foundation it's like building a house
you've got to build the right foundation
and then you can build the house on top
of it the belt is the foundation that's
what's going to hold all your gear up so
I encourage you to check out the in
destructive belt there is a link in the
description where you can buy them and a
link in the description where you can
find out more information about them as
well I'm incredibly impressed with them
thank you very much for watching my
channel I'm very very grateful that you
do have a great week please support us
on patreon go ahead and become a Premium
Member we do have the audio podcast and
goes out the fifth and the twentieth
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plus we'll tell you about these kinds of
things before they come and show you
some additional video that you don't get
the seizure on YouTube all those things
are on patreon for patreon members only
it's premium content that you can always
check out all you have to do is sign up
and check out the gun guy TV store if
you go to gun guy TV and click on shop
you'll go to our amazon store we just
added Spyderco knives Gerber what
Kershaw Emerson and some other knives to
the to the picture we've added also
weaver scopes loopholed and the nikon
scopes and and some other things like
that Burris and so on so you can check
out some very serpent things there and
if you buy them through there you're
actually getting them from Amazon we
just get a little bit of a commission
helps us support the channel again thank
you very much for watching please
join the National Rifle Association
there's a link in the description where
you can save some money and do that and
that will make the organization stronger
and add your voice to the rest of ours
have a great week
be safe
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