JONATHAN: Hello, I'm Jonathan, and this
is the microbiology Minecraft group project.
We actually made a Minecraft map for it.
And this map includes a bunch of mini games
all over the human body.
This is the main hub for the project.
In here you can get to all of the research projects that were
done in all the mini games.
SPEAKER 1: Our game is called Superbugs
and there are many other games around here.
SPEAKER 2: Yeah, that's like the brain.
That's where you'll find all the games
but for now we're just going to be focusing on Superbugs.
SPEAKER 2: Which is like just to the left
once you enter through the--
the very top of that, you just make a left
and it's right there.
SPEAKER 1: So to enter the game you first
walk through the teleporter, which is by just stepping
on the pressure plate.
And if you want to go back to the brain you have that button.
So in our game you really need to read
the signs to understand what's going on,
since many things involve the sign.
So yeah, many signs say to read the signs.
SPEAKER 3: So in this part of the game,
you are supposed to press the buttons which are laid out
in chronological order.
One, two, three, four, [INAUDIBLE].
So, what these messages are telling
you is the back story of the game.
The back story of the game is that you are a doctor
and your patient has tuberculosis.
As a doctor, it's your job to rid the bod--
the patient's tuberculosis.
So you're essentially trying to cure the patient.
SPEAKER 4: And each doctor has his tool's, right.
So the tools are basically potions with antibiotics,
which you use inside the game.
So they're splash potions of poison which are used.
SPEAKER 3: So the Splash potions kill the tuberculosis bacteria
in the body.
All right, so you're going to head to Arena 1.
So in this first arena, you're in the patient's lungs.
Using the potion given to you or the antibiotics given to you,
you're going to attack the tuberculosis bacteria which
are represented by spiders.
So to do this, you're going to right click
the spiders or tuberculosis bacteria.
So Jared going to show you against this tuberculosis
[LAUGHING] Don't attack the good bacteria or the--
which are represented by livestock
because there's a few types of bacteria, like bad--
There's bad bacteria and good bacteria,
and good bacteria are essential to the body.
So while you're attacking the tuberculosis bacteria
try not to hit the livestock.
Anyway, once you finish clearing the tuberculosis bacteria
on this level, you're going to make your way
to the next exit or a hallway that will lead you to Arena 2.
So Jared, can you go to Arena 2?
JARED: Yeah.
SPEAKER 3: To go to the second arena,
you're going to go past this-- go through this hallway
and past these iron--
- Oh there's a rest area like he's want to take a break.
- Yeah
- And then you go through this arena too, right?
So in this arena-- all right Jared, try to find the bacteria
and try to kill it.
JARED: All right
SPEAKER 3: You're going to make your way through the maze
all right?
So, Jared's making his way.
Don't kill the good bacteria.
It's not good.
JARED: Oh, I think saw him.
SPEAKER 3: And you can't kill it because--
SPEAKER 4: Oh no!
SPEAKER 3: From the first arena some tuberculosis bacteria
survive and mutate to become antibiotic resistant.
So knowing that you can't kill them,
we want you to run through the maze as quickly as possible.
So Jared's going to run through the maze
and try to make his way to the next exit or hallway that
leads to Arena 3.
JARED: Oh, I just moved backwards.
You don't want the zombies to kill you or the tuberculosis
bacteria to kill you.
So in this arena, Arena 3, you're
going to get a new tool to combat the antibiotic resistant
tuberculosis bacteria.
So as we said in the beginning, press the buttons
to read the message.
So what these messages are saying
is that you can't use antibiotics
against the antibiotic resistant bacteria.
And that scientists have discovered this new tool
to combat antibiotic resistant bacteria.
SPEAKER 4: It's called bacteria phage.
SPEAKER 3: And yeah, as [INAUDIBLE] said,
it's called bacteria phage and bacteria phage
is a type of virus that attacks bacteria, and in this case,
antibiotic resistant bacteria since we can't use antibiotics.
And so you're going to press this button
to get a bacteria phage which is represented
by wolves in this game.
So and then you're going to get bones to program
or ping the bacteria phage to attack.
SPEAKER 4: Bacteria phage are basically
things that only attack a specific kind of bacteria.
SPEAKER 3: And then--
SPEAKER 4: So It's like the dogs were--
JARED: And basically, once they're tamed--
SPEAKER 4: And they showed the little hearts right there.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah it may take a while but don't give up and--
JARED: Also once the dogs get lighter,
that's when they get the [INAUDIBLE] and once they are
darker and have red eyes--
SPEAKER 3: And once you have enough bacteria phages, go out
the door and you go to arena 4.
So and the wolf will follow you, as you can see.
So one of them.
So you're going to go through the iron doors, right
and since you've finished the game, You finished the game.
Good job.
If you came-- if you've finished it.
Of course.
And yes, you can read the messages
that pop up after you press on the pressure plates.
So, the pressure plate at the end of the room or at the walk
is the exit.
So you're going to go to the exit.
And congratulations.
And as you can see on the bottom of the screen
is the healthy pair of lungs because you cured your patient
from tuberculosis.
Good job.
SPEAKER 3: It's fine.
And if you turn backwards and press the button at the end.
JARED: Oh look at the bacterial phage.
He joined us.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah they follow you everywhere.
And since you can press on the button.
Press on the button.
Press on the button and you can play other games
that other people make.
JONATHAN: This is our Defend the Human game.
SPEAKER 5: Our game it's about the microbiome
and how do those microbes interact in our body to
either defended our attacker.
JONATHAN: So here's is the beginning of our brain or game.
The human body is being infected.
And then in front of you, you get three choices.
SPEAKER 5: Of micrococcus luteus is the good bacteria
which protects the body.
The immune system helps south to micro-housing
to protect the body and the staphylococcus
is invading the body.
JONATHAN: So first we're going to go to the micrococcus site.
SPEAKER 5: Yeah.
JONATHAN: There's a little message down there
and they're saying defend your territory,
Help the immune system fend off the infection before i sets
of TNT.
And it's raining.
SPEAKER 5: So this is where you veer off
there is armor, a helmet, and a body armor
and you also take some potions.
JONATHAN: These potions represent some of the abilities
that bacteria have, such as fast regeneration
and how many are there?
So after the micrococcus gives up
they have to go through here.
and [INAUDIBLE] Defend this cut here
from the streptococcus that is going to be invading.
SPEAKER 5: Right
JONATHAN: Do get into the cut.
SPEAKER 1: This is the first battle point, where the head
on to the bloodstream.
And micrococcus has the opportunity
to go through the tunnel directly into the gut.
JONATHAN: You have to take this long tunnel straight
to the gut.
I'll show where it exits.
So it exits through here and this
is where they will fight the staphylococcus again,
coming through here.
SPEAKER 1: Correct.
This is where micrococcus must prevent staphylococcus
from crossing the brick stairs to the other side
and eventually winning the game.
The way the micrococcus wins the game is
defending against staphylococcus until time runs out.
And once the timer hits zero, micrococcus
and the immune system eventually win.
JONATHAN: This is the staphylococcus area,
and we're going to go fight past the immune system
and micrococcus to get to the gut and infect the human.
SPEAKER 1: Right.
There's the other side of the cut where staphylococcus will
gear up and gather the potions.
JONATHAN: And there are some little games over there, too.
You can see them In the distance.
[INAUDIBLE] So you have to get through here to get to the cut,
once you're ready, and fight past the micrococcus
and get into the cut.
SPEAKER 1: This is where it starts.
And you follow the bloodstream down.
JONATHAN: Then getting down here.
So a sign saying to watch for arrows, because this
is where the immune system will have a chance
to mark the staphylococcus from getting
through the bloodstream.
SPEAKER 1: Just keep on going until you
reach tall ladder at the very end of the bloodstream
and you go up.
JONATHAN: And this is back into the gut.
So the staphylococcus will have to find these brick stairs over
here and getting to this stairwell,
fighting past the immune system and micrococcus
to get up these ladders, here.
SPEAKER 1: And this is where they get past and press
the button now.
JONATHAN: Pressing the button will set off TNT down here.
And then once it blows up there will
be a message saying that the staphylococcus has
one infected human and the game will be over.
SPEAKER 1: So if staphylococcus gets there first
before time runs out, they win.
Otherwise the immune system and micrococcus wins the game.
Now we're going to go back and we're
going to play the immune system as well.
JONATHAN: Go to this teleporter.
SPEAKER 1: This is the area where
the immune system gears up.
All the colors are different than each other
so they can differentiate which one is which.
And the
JONATHAN: The immune system actually
gets bows and arrows, as well.
So, go over here.
[INAUDIBLE] Go, if they're here, they can go up the ladders
and once the staphylococcus pass by it
can shoot them with the arrows.
Let's mark them.
Then after that they can go through this tunnel here,
similar to the one that the micrococcus can take,
which goes straight to the gut.
And up here--
SPEAKER 1: It's the gut area again.
And just up those stairs and prevent staphylococcus
from going through the doors and from winning the game.
JONATHAN: That's our game.
To defend the human.
We hope to teach everyone just how bacteria can help
and also hurt the human body.
And also help our immune system, too.
SPEAKER 3: Hi, and welcome to the Gut Brain Axis mini game.
SPEAKER 4: In this game, you'll be shown how gut microbes can
effect your brain.
Woohoo, let's go!
Now we're in the game.
This is the picnic area.
Your task as the player is to follow the signs.
Firstly, you must transfer food from one chest
to the other chest.
This results in the opening of the doors in front of you
where you will begin your adventure.
SPEAKER 3: Putting food into one chest opens the door,
and opening the doors represents how
the human body intakes food.
After the doors open half the players
are on the left side and half the players on the right side.
This represents the inhibitors and other half
represents the serotonin going through the brain.
SPEAKER 5: You've passed the first stage
and now you are at the jumping puzzle.
Read the information signs and follow the instructions.
SPEAKER 4: The team on the right side is the inhibitors
and the team on the left side is the serotonin.
The place where you are in the jumping puzzle
is actually the vagus nerve that connects
the brain stem to the abdomen.
The jumping puzzle represents the gap between the neurons
and the brain.
Now beat the other team, or team inhibitors, on the other side
so you can get to the redstone puzzle.
Good luck!
SPEAKER 3: When players get to this area,
they'll have to try and race through the thing
by jumping across the series of blocks.
And if they fall down, they can just enter this tunnel here
and go back up the ladder which will take you back
to the surface.
The teams are racing against each other,
so you have to try and beat the other team.
Once one team gets to the end, it'll
be in the second puzzle area.
The second puzzle area is a redstone puzzle.
Now, in order to beat this puzzle
you have to move levers to help pass the electrical signal
from the beginning to the end.
This represents the electrical signals passing
through neurons in your brain.
Again, this is also timed so you have
to try and beat the other team.
Once the connection is made and the door opens,
so flip this lever, the door opens
and you get to the end where--
SPEAKER 5: Congratulations, you have completed the game!
SPEAKER 4: If you're an inhibitor on the right side,
you have beat the other team, which is the serotonin.
You have prevented the microbes from sending
an electrical signal to the brain making the person most
likely to develop depression.
SPEAKER 3: Now if you're playing a serotonin
and you beat the second team, the inhibitors,
the person is less likely to develop depression.
In order to actually beat the game
you need to hit the little button
and that'll send off some fireworks.
And that's the end.
Throughout the game you can all step on the various pressure
plates and read all the various times
to get more in-depth information on the science
and you're actually learning.
SPEAKER 6: Today we will be showing you
our game, Bacteriophage: The Game.
So the point of our game is to teach people
the difference between bacteriophage therapy
and antibiotics, and how bacteriophage therapy
is a better and safer way than antibiotics.
Your objective as the bacteriophage
is to destroy a certain block, which you can only
do with a certain tool.
SPEAKER 7: Bystander bacteria are
bacteria that are in an environment where they do not
hurt the human body but instead participate in helping us.
Try no to hurt these little critters.
SPEAKER 6: So, by using bacteriophage,
they only attack certain bacteria.
But antibiotics not only attack the harmful bacteria,
they also hurt the other bacteria around it.
So right now I'm going to choose this one.
So you have to collect ten of the pumpkin blocks
to get to the next section.
SPEAKER 8: And what are the pumpkin blocks
supposed to represent?
SPEAKER 6: This Escherichia coli.
The tool I'm holding can only break the pumpkins.
So once you collect ten of the blocks, or pathogenic bacteria,
the door immediately opens for you.
SPEAKER 7: So this room is much emptier, as you might notice.
Less diverse because the antibiotics
wiped out more than just the target bacteria.
It wiped out everything in the area.
As you may have noticed, wild antibiotics
killed on the microbes in the vicinity,
the bacteriophage allowed you to target
specific kinds of bacteria without harming any bystanders.
SPEAKER 6: So, now that we're at the end we're
going to get some cake, some golden apples, some cookies,
and some steak.
Who doesn't love free food?
SPEAKER 7: True, true.
SPEAKER 6: Well, this is the end.
SPEAKER 7: Thanks for playing.
SPEAKER 9: We're going to be showing you guys
the microbial interaction game.
So, you're going to start off here in the brain.
The point of our game was kind of
to show how microbes react to each other,
and to outside stimuli.
How they adapt and, mainly to show
the different relationships that microbes have with each other
using different Minecraft animals
and plants to show that.
You definitely want to read these blocks
as you're coming in.
Definitely make sure to get your lab coat,
it's really important.
SPEAKER 10: All these pressure plates
will give you private messages too, once you step over theme.
SPEAKER 9: Just put that on.
All of these different little room areas
are different experiments that you can do.
That's why you have your lab coat on.
You're going to be playing the role of a scientist testing
these different microbes.
So, what you're going to do, let's go back
to the first experiment.
You're going to go, and you see these levers or these buttons,
you're going to press the buttons
and it's going to spawn two different creatures,
or sometimes one, sometimes an object, whatever.
And these symbolize the different microbes
that you're going to be experimenting with.
So this first experiment is the Experiment One:
Sheep and Wolf experiment.
SPEAKER 10: And the reaction of these two animals
really defines the relationship that they have.
It can be a parasitic, mutualistic, or commensalistic.
SPEAKER 9: Spawn the sheep and then lets see what happens.
Obviously, as you can see, the sheep was killed by the wolf.
And that's why this is an example
of a parasitic relationship.
A parasitic relationship is a relationship
between two organisms where one organism benefits and the other
does not.
So that's an example.
Again, you can see the wolf here is benefiting
by getting the meat from the sheep
and the sheep is not benefiting because it's dead.
What else?
This is another.
So there's plenty of experiments,
but I'm just going to show you the specific ones that
are examples of mutualistic and commensal relationships.
This is another great one.
So, this is one of the kind of interesting ones
where it's not actually two--
well it's still symbolizing two organisms,
but it is a very special one because of what you have to do.
So you start off, this is the Experiment Six:
Mooshrooms and Shears.
So, you start off by spawning the Mooshroom, see right here,
and then you press the other button and it gives you sheers.
So what you want to do is, you are actually
going to have to kind of be acting as a microbe
here and playing its part.
You're going to right click on the sheep, the cow,
and you shear all the mushrooms off of it.
And then you get these resources, the mushrooms,
and the cow gets nothing.
This is an example of a commensal relationship
because you are getting something and the cow is not.
But the cow is also not being harmed by this.
The cow is still fine, it can still walk around,
do whatever it needs to do, feed, whatever.
But it's losing the mushrooms and you're
gaining the mushrooms, so you're gaining something,
the cow is gaining nothing.
This is an example of a commensal relationship.
One organism is benefiting and the other
is completely un-bothered by it.
Finally, we're going to go to this last one, Experiment
Seven: Mutualistic Relationship.
So, spider jockey and chicken jockey.
This is an interesting one, because the spider jockeys
and the chicken jockeys, when you press the button, what
it generates is kind of a baby zombie riding
on top of a chicken and a skeleton
riding on top of a spider.
And what this shows is that the zombies and chickens are both
benefiting from this relationship.
While also the skeleton and the spider
are both benefiting by being together.
Because the skeleton is benefiting
by gaining increased mobility and the spider
is benefiting because combining with the skeleton
allows it this kind of long range
attack of the skeleton's bow.
The zombie combining with the chicken kind of allows
increased mobility.
I'm not exactly sure what else it allows it-- something.
And so, as you see, this is mutualistic
because both organisms are benefiting
from this relationship.
So while you're in the kind of human microbiome island,
you're going to get a journal.
And what you want to do as you're playing your game,
you want to record all the different observations
that you make about these different relationships.
Just record what happened in your experiment, you know,
take notes.
Because you're a scientist here.
You're observing what these organisms are doing.
As you leave the game, you want to make sure to press the Reset
All Experiments button.
So this is our microbial interaction game
are there any last thoughts you want to talk about?
SPEAKER 10: No, I just think you guys should just experiment.
This game is all about trial and error, I guess.
Just see what happens and write down
your thoughts and your ideas.
Hope you guys enjoyed the tutorial.
SPEAKER 9: All right.
Thanks for watching.
Hope you have fun playing our game.
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