Peace be with you.
The Hottest Debate 2017 in Indonesia:
Over 2 Billions Christians & Muslims Shall Benefit from this Debate.
By invoking the US Fair Use law, I shall comment
on the impromptu debate between Lamsen Naibaho and
Zakir Naik in respect of three questions:
1. Is Esa of the Quran the same Jesus of the Holy Bible?
2. If Esa is Jesus, did the crucifixion of Jesus really occur?
3. If there was a crucifixion, who was crucified?
The live debate was held in Bekasi in Indonesia on April 8, 2017.
I shall assist Lamsen Naibaho to present the overall
Christian perspective based on the Holy Bible.
Whenever there is discrepancy between
the Biblical Jesus Christ and Quranic Esa as preached
by Zakir Naik, I shall interject by inserting my comments.
In Isaiah Chapter 1 verse 18, it is written,
"Come now, and let us reason together," says YAHWEH.
It is a noble task to rationalize together based
on the scriptural evidence and archaeological
evidence available to us.
Hence, invest about 60 minutes of your time so as to watch
through this documentary and know the truth once and for all.
However, the credibility of Zakir Naik is
in question as he did not wish to submit himself
to the Inquiry of National Investigation Agency (NIA)
Court in Mumbai.
If he were innocent, why he has no courage
to stand before the court as required by the Law of India?
No man is above the law!
According to the news posted on on April 20, 2017,
the special NIA Court in Mumbai, issued a non-bailable warrant
of arrest against the controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik,
for his alleged money laundering and his
provocative speech that led to Dhaka terror attack last year.
Let the listeners be the honorable judges
so as to determine whose versions of Jesus Christ is reliable.
By the end of this video, every listener
will be able to come to the conclusion as to
who is the historical Jesus Christ.
My name is ...
Lamsen Naibaho.
I live in Bekasi and my religion is Christian Advent.
Never eat pork
Never drink beer
Never drink coffee
Never drink tea
Never eat dog
Never eat eel
Never eat horse
and many other things that we don't eat
because it is forbidden by Elahh
through his scripture.
If we see from how big this event is...
right now it feels like
I wish to declare the shahadah.
Ask your question directly
Only ask one question which is the most important...
One question: Is Esa the same as Jesus?
Is Esa the prophet, is Jesus?
I think you did not hear my lecture ...
I think you did not hear my lecture.
I said in my lecture
that we be, no Muslim is a Muslim unless
We believe in Jesus Christ peace be upon him.
Every Muslim if he has to be a Muslim
he has to believe in Jesus Christ peace be upon him.
But Esa of the Quran is not the historical Jesus Christ found in the Holy Bible for these
3 reasons:
1. Esa of the Quran is the son of Mary sister of Aaron based on Quran Chapter 19 verse 27
to 28 which implies he is the son of Levi son of Jacob as the
Hebrews used to address one's relationship
to the most influential man in the family-tree,
whereas the historical Jesus Christ is the
Son of David as He claimed in Revelation Chapter 22 verse 16
which implies He is the son of Judah son of Jacob.
These two persons did not come from the same
son of Jacob and hence they cannot be the same person.
2. Esa, the son of Mary spoke for "Allah" based
on Quran Chapter 61 verse 6, I am the messenger
of "Allah" which in Hebrew means an Oak Tree.
But Lord Jesus Christ spoke for Yahweh God
which He said: I am My Father are Echad, and
that Echad means, "the Spirit of the Father is in Me and I am in My Father"
based on John Chapter 10 verses 30 and 38.
3. Esa the son of Mary did not say about the sign of Jonah
who was three days and three nights
in the belly of the great fish that he would fulfill.
But Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew Chapter 12 verse 39 to 40
"But He replied and said to them:
A wicked and adulterous generation demandeth a sign:
but a sign will not be given to it, unless it be the sign of Jonah the prophet.
For as Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights;
so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the Earth three days and three nights.
The heart of the Earth must be parallel to the belly of the great fish which is alive,
that is the heart of the first Adam. Since Esa of the Quran did not enter the heart
of Adam for the specified duration, then they are not the same person.
We believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers of God.
Brother, did you hear my lecture?
Brother, did you hear my lecture?
I am in the country of Indonesia...
Did you hear my lecture? Yes or no?
Don't give speeches
Did you hear my lecture? Yes or no?
I don't really understand...
[Laughters] ... actually just understand theory.
So if you did not hear my lecture, is it right to ask me a question?
I said in my lecture, it is compulsory every Muslim
should believe in Jesus peace be upon him.
Why you didn't take up translation headphone?
There are hundreds and thousands of headphones here...
Why did not you take a headphone?
Brother, ask him why he didn't take a headphone?
[He used ... ]
Whose fault is it ? My fault or your fault?
Why you didn't take the headphone?
The organizer arranges it so I didn't take my own.
His question: Is Jesus the same with Esa? Same person?
Yes, Jesus and Esa are the same.
In Arabic we say Esa.
In other languages they twisted and made it Jesus.
He is the one and the same person.
Nowhere in the Quran, Esa son of Mary made an explicit claim: I am Yahushua of Nazareth
and I am also known as Esa to the Arabs.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the precedent laws in
the Torah of Yahweh God Almighty forbid the plagiarism of His Holy Scripture and
give His Glory to a pagan god which He has not spoken.
Isaiah Chapter 42 verse 8, it is written, I am Yahweh: that is my Name: and my Glory
will I not give to another, neither my Praise to graven images.
Do Muslims know the difference between "Translation" and "Prophecy"?
Translation is the effort of a man who does not have to give his own name
whereas prophecy is the spoken word of Yahweh God Almighty
who have to speak His Name whenever He has spoken
the message, as seen in the aforesaid verse.
Quran chapter 46 verse 12 says Quran is an Arabic translation from the scripture inspired
to prophet Moses. But Quran chapter 20 verse 14 on the translated
version "I am Allah" as spoken to Prophet Moses
is a violation of the Precedent Law of God Almighty.
In order to authenticate the translation, the narrator or speaker in the Quran must
identify himself by name and then introduce the new name of God.
For instance, there are two names being told
to Prophet Moses at the same time for confirming that
Yahweh and El-Shaddai are the same person.
The same principle shall apply to Esa and Jesus of which Lord
Jesus Christ should have spoken in the Quran before anyone can say so.
And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, "I am Yahweh.
And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the Name of El-Shaddai,
but by my Name Yahweh was I not known to them." Exodus chapter 6 verse 2 to 3.
In Exodus chapter 23 verse 13, Yahweh says, And in all things that I have said unto you
be circumspect: and make no mention of the Name of other elohim, neither let it be heard
out of thy mouth.
In Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 20, YAHWEH says,
"But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my Name, which I have not commanded
him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other elohim, even that prophet shall die."
By the criterion of the Torah, Allah is a false god who never says I am Yahweh and
I am also known as Allah.
By the criterion of the Quran, Allah failed to raise two prophets
so as to fulfill his claim in the Quran.
Hence the narrator in the Quran cannot qualify the criterion of the
prophets stated in Quran Al Imran Chapter 3 verse 81 as two prophets
must be required to help and confirm a later messenger or apostle like Muhammad.
It is the responsibility of the messenger
to find a practicing prophet to confirm so and so is the prophet of Yahweh.
Prophet John ben Zechariah proclaimed the messiahship of
Lord Jesus Christ in John Chapter 1 verse 29:
"The next day John seeth Yahushua coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of YAHWEH,
which taketh away the sin of the world. '
No one can proclaim Esa is the same person as Jesus
unless a recognized prophet has proclaimed to be so.
Prophet John ben Zechariah had set the precedent example for all to fulfill.
okay, may I ask the next question?
Can he ask second question?
Okay, short and sweet?
If Esa is Jesus,
did the crucifixion of Jesus really occur?
If Esa is Jesus,
was there actually the crucifixion of Jesus or Esa?
Crucify, crucifixion
If Esa is Jesus, was there true that he was crucified?
okay now I would want the translator
to translate while I'm giving the answer.
Are you listening?
I am listening
Okay now listen carefully to answer.
The question he just asked that was Esa or Jesus Christ crucified?
You want to know who was crucified?
Jesus or Esa is that your question?
Yes, true
Is Jesus or Esa, that is what you want to know?
Just now, I asked the first question...
Is Esa the same as Jesus?
If Esa is Jesus, was Esa or Jesus actually crucified
murdered, died and rise again?
My first question is, Esa is the same with Jesus? Correct!
If it is the same
was he crucified?
Okay the reply given in the Quran in Surah Nisa chapter number 4
verse number 157, [Arabic phrase] it starts with saying
[Arabic phrase] Esa son of Maryam apostle of Allah
they said in boast, the Jews, that we killed Jesus the son of Mary
[Arabic phrase] they killed him not neither did they crucify him.
[Arabic phrase] it was only made to appear so. All those who differ are full of doubts.
they are full of doubts. ... with only conjectures to follow.
For truly they kill him not.
[Arabic phrase]
So according to the Quran, he was not killed, he was not crucified.
But Quran Chapter An Nisa verse 157 did not begin with: Thus Allah says, neither
Angel Gabriel says.
How could Zakir Naik put his own words
into the mouth of Allah or the words of an unnamed narrator as the word of Almighty God?
This is the proof of blasphemy against the Almighty God that Zakir Naik has
committed before an audience of about 50,000 eyewitnesses.
Under the Torah of Moses, Zakir Naik is guilty of blasphemy
as only two or three eyewitnesses are required
to establish every charge against him.
May Yahweh Almighty grant understanding to Zakir Naik
so as to comprehend that it is a blasphemy against Lord Jesus Christ and your
divine Majesty as you are Echad, the Absolute One.
Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled every word which He spoke
before His crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension to Heaven.
Thereafter He confirmed His mission after His resurrection and also in the final testament
in the Book of Revelation.
The next verse Surah An Nisa verse 158 says,
Allah subhana Wa Ta'ala raised him up alive unto Himself.
As far as the Quran is concerned
Quran is very clear, very explicit. Surah An Nisa 157
Jesus Christ peace be upon him, was not killed, he was not crucified.
Now I'll give you the answer from your Bible. okay
Do you believe in the Quran, brother?
Brother, do you believe in the Quran? Do you believe in the Quran, brother?
Brother, do you believe in the Quran?
If the question...
Do you believe in the Quran? Yes or no?
Until now, not yet!
No, I will give you answer from your Bible.
Do you believe in the Bible?
I believe the Gospel.
Do you believe in the Bible?
I believe the Gospel.
Yes, okay I've given a talk cruci-fixion or cruci-fiction?
Was Jesus Christ peace be upon him, really crucified?
Time will not permit me to give the full lecture on the debate.
I'll give you only one sign.
If you read the Gospel of Matthew chapter Number 12
verse number 38, it says when people asked Jesus Christ peace be upon him: Oh Lord
oh master, will you show us miracles and signs?
So Jesus Christ peace be upon him replied:
Ye man of iniquity, you evil people, you asked for a sign!
No sign shall be given to you except the sign of Jonah.
For as Jonah was three days and three nights
in the belly of the fish so shall the Son of Man
be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth.
Jesus Christ is putting all his eggs in one basket.
He said: You evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.
No sign shall be given to you but the sign of Jonah.
Brother, do you know the sign of Jonah?
Brother, do you know the sign of Jonah? Yes or no?
Yes or No?
The question is not clear. It's too lengthy!
So, just be brief.
Yes or no why are giving 10-20 verses?
Do you know the sign of Jonah? Yes or no?
Do you know the sign of Jonah? Yes or no?
Do you know Prophet Jonah?
Do you know prophet Jonah?
Oh Yunus, I know, I know.
Yes, he knows. Why you aren't translating?
You translate everything what he says.
Why are you keeping quiet?
He knows the prophet of Jonah.
Every Christian has to know the sign of Jonah.
because they are teaching even in Sunday School.
The sign of Jonah, if you read the Bible, in the Book of Jonah
it is hardly one and a half side.
Almighty God asked Prophet Jonah. In the Quran, he is Yunus.
In the Quran, Yunus to go
and deliver the message to the people of Nineveh.
He goes to Joppa thinking the people of Nineveh
will not understand him, will not follow the message.
While he was going in a boat, a storm comes.
It was a superstition of that time
that a storm comes in the sea,
when someone disobeys his master.
So the people want to try out lots who in the ship
has disobeyed his master so that we can throw him overboard.
Jonah being a prophet of God, he volunteered: I am the prophet of God
I have disobeyed my master, throw me overboard.
When they throw Jonah in the sea,
I want to ask you the question: Was Jonah Dead or Alive?
According to the Bible!
According to the story or the history in the Bible?
He was alive in the Belly of the fish.
Brother, why are you giving sentences?
I am asking Dead or Alive? What more you should say?
Why are you giving sentences?
Alive in the Belly of the fish.
Alive, Alive, Alive. Why you don't open your mouth brother?
Yes, alive. If you cannot, give the microphone to him.
Whenever he opens his mouth, you reply.
Don't get for me to stop.
He, now Prophet Jonah is thrown in the storm
In the storm, when a person put in a storm
When the person is put in a storm, he ought to die.
But according to the Bible, was Jonah dead or alive?
He was alive in the Belly of the fish.
Alive. Okay.
A fish comes and gobbles him up.
When a fish comes and gobbles a man, a man ought to die.
Was Jonah dead or alive according to the Bible?
Very good, alive, alive, alive. Miracle of a miracle of a miracle.
Three days and three nights, the fish according to the Bible
takes him around. He suffocated in the belly of the fish
Any human being ought to die.
According to the Bible, was Jonah dead or alive?
I believe that God is All-powerful, can do anything!
I believe that God is Almighty.
Okay, alive.
Alive, Dead or Alive?
For death?
The fish gobbled out. The fish vomited out Jonah on the beach.
Was Jonah alive or dead?
Alive, Alive, Alive; Miracle of a miracle of a miracle.
When a person is thrown overboard in the storm,
he ought to die. Jonah was alive.
A fish comes and gobbles up, yet he is alive.
Three days and three nights suffocation, yet he is alive
He was vomited on the shore, yet he is alive
Alive, Alive, Alive, Alive
Miracle of a miracle of a miracle
Now Jesus Christ peace be upon him
said in the Gospel of Matthew chapter number 12 verse number 38,
For as Jonah was three days and three nights
in the belly of the fish so shall the Son of Man
be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth.
When Jesus Christ peace be upon him,
was put upon the cross, for crucifixion a person ought to die.
Crucifixion according to the Oxford Dictionary means
a person is put to death on the cross.
After Jesus Christ peace be upon him, was taken down the cross,
he was put in a Sepulchre, in the heart of the Earth.
The common misinterpretation on the phrase "the Heart of the Earth" is the tomb which
Lord Jesus Christ never says so. By taking heed on the declaration of Prophet John ben
Zechariah, the key mission of Lord Jesus Christ is to redeem the sins of the Adamic race.
The spiritual parallel used by Lord Jesus Christ is the heart of the Earth and the belly
of the Great fish are both living creatures. Hence the heart of the Earth is the heart
of the first Adam since he was created from the dust of the Earth based on Genesis Chapter 2:7.
Furthermore, the heart of man is the root
of defilement of the body. Based on Matthew Chapter 15 : 18 whereby Lord Jesus Christ
said: "But that which proceedeth from the mouth, cometh from the heart: and that is
what defileth a man." The spiritual defilement of the soul cannot
be atoned by animal sacrifice as Lord Jesus Christ came to institute the New Covenant
of forgiveness which began once the curtain of the Temple of Jerusalem was split into
two from top to the bottom. Yahweh Almighty had ceased the Old Testament of Moses.
Matthew Chapter 27 : 50 - 51 "Yahushua, when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded
up the Spirit. And, behold, the veil of the Temple was rent
in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent."
During the previous evening Lord Jesus Christ held the last supper, He instituted the New
Covenant by shedding His own Holy Blood for atonement of the sins of Adamic race.
In Matthew Chapter 26 : 28, Lord Jesus said: This is my Blood of the New Testament, which,
in behalf of many, is shed for the remission of sins.
Prophet John ben Zechariah declared that Jesus was the Lamb of Yahweh who bears the sin of Adamic race.
John 1:29 The day after, John saw Jesus
coming towards him, and said: Behold, the Lamb of God, that beareth the sin of the world.
Zakir Naik, you are a liar for saying that the tomb means the Heart of the Earth. As
far as the Holy Scripture of Yahweh Almighty is concerned, the term "the Heart of the Earth"
does not mean the Tomb. As the great fish is alive, then the heart
of the Earth must be a living creature and not the tomb.
According to the Bible, was Jesus Christ dead or alive?
In the tomb, he died.
He died. That means He did not fulfill the prophecy.
That means Jesus Christ lied.
Gospel of Matthew chapter number 12 verse number 38 Jesus Christ says no sign
shall be given to you except the sign of Jonah.
As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the fish
so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth.
If Jonah was alive, even Jesus Christ should alive.
If he is dead, then he didn't fulfill the prophecy.
Do you mean Jesus Christ lied?
Was Jesus Christ a liar?
I love Jesus Christ if you say that I will get angry.
How dare you said that Jesus Christ was a liar?
Zakir Naik, I heard you said and put your words into the mouth of Jesus Christ that
He did not say He was dead.
Look at Revelation Chapter 1 verse 17 to 18, Lord Jesus Christ said to Apostle John:
Fear not: I am the First and the Last; and who liveth and who have been dead; and, behold,
I am alive forever and ever. Amen! And I have the keys of death and of Sheul.
The definition of dead means the Spirit departs from the physical body.
Apostle Peter wrote well about Jesus Christ that His Body was dead but His Spirit was Alive.
Because the Messiah also once died on account of sins, the just on account of sinners, that
he might bring us unto Elohim. And dead in the body and alive in the Spirit;
He preached unto those souls who were held in sheul. " 1st Peter Chapter 3 verse 18 to
19. Based on the aforesaid verses, the Soul of
Jesus Messiah preached to the souls who were held in Sheul during His physical death.
So Lamsen is on the right path but Zakir Naik has twisted the sign of Jonah which Lord Jesus
Christ has never said the Heart of the Earth means the Tomb.
Zakir Naik has offended three most important persons in the history of mankind namely Prophet
John ben Zechariah, Prophet Jonah and Lord Jesus Christ
by failing to believe what they preached about Yahweh and not about allah.
Brother, did Jesus Christ lie?
Did he lie? Yes or No?
I did not say He is lying
The context of that verse is different.
You cannot say. Jesus Christ is saying in the Bible
As Jonah was, if Jonah was alive, He has to be alive.
It is so clear cut.
Why do you think he is dead?
Where does He say in the Bible He was dead?
He never claimed that He was dead.
You are sinking ground.
Should you believe in the Bible or not?
In the Gospel of Jesus recorded by Apostle Matthew in Chapter 10 verse 28,
Lord Jesus Christ said: And be not afraid of them that kill the body,
but cannot kill the soul; but be afraid rather of Him who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.
When Lord Jesus Christ said I have been dead
in Revelation Chapter 1 verse 18, He meant His physical Body was dead just as He foretold
about children of Beelzebub were capable to do in Matthew Chapter 10 verse 28,
"And be not afraid of them that kill the body, but cannot kill the soul;
but be afraid rather of Him who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.
Moreover Lord Jesus Christ said in John Chapter 12 verse 27,
Behold, now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? My Father, deliver me from this
hour? But for this very cause, came I to this hour.
The term Crucify has dual meaning which includes to Cause anguish to (someone).
Lord Jesus Christ said to Peter, James and John on the night He was about to be betrayed
by Judas Iscariot. In Matthew 26 verse 38, And He said to them:
There is anguish in my soul, even unto death. '
The burden of the sin of the first Adam was upon Jesus, the Lamb of Yahweh who takes away
the sin of the world. The soul of Jesus Christ was crucified by the sin of Adam
which Lord Jesus Christ said, But for this very cause, came I to this hour.
Even before the physical body was crucified on the cross, His soul was already crucified
by the anguish in His soul.
The sign of Jonah began from the Hour the soul of Jesus Christ was in anguish until
the third day as He entered spiritually into the heart of Adam, or collectively the mankind
from Adam and Eve. Furthermore, Lord Jesus Christ said:
But as touching the Resurrection of the Dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto
you by Elohim, saying, I am the Elohim of Abraham, and the Elohim
of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob? Elohim is not the Elohim of the dead, but of the
living. " Matthew chapter 22 verse 31 to 32. As Yahweh is the Elohim of the living and
not of the dead, this implies that the soul of Adam is alive even though he is physically
dead. This supports the words of Apostle Peter who wrote about Lord Jesus Christ,
"Dead in the body and alive in the Spirit; He preached unto those souls who were held
in Sheol," in 1st Peter Chapter 3 verse 18 to 19.
In other words, physical dead does not mean the soul of the person is destroyed at the
same time. The soul of the person is alive and only Yahweh
Almighty has the power to destroy the soul in Hell whereas men only can kill the body
and not the soul.
Are you a Christian? Are you a Christian?
I am Christian.
Why don't you believe in the Bible?
Gospel of Matthew number 12 verse number 38 don't believe in the prophecy of Jesus Christ?
Do you believe or not?
The example given by Jesus is not like that.
I'm quoting to you gospel
You make me understand what is the sign of Jonah?
You make me understand if you know the Bible better than me
Make me understand what is the sign of Jonah. Tell me.
Tell me, educate me!
I didn't say that I have more knowledge
But our understanding is different.
I don't think that I have understanding better than you
If you don't have understanding better than me, then follow me!
So according to the Bible Jesus Christ peace be upon him fulfilled the sign of Jonah,
he was put on the cross but he did not die on the cross.
Same thing as the Quran says.
[Arabic phrase] they killed him not neither did they crucify him.
It was only made to appear so. Appear so.
Okay. So do you believe Jesus wasn't crucified?
According to the Bible, forget the Quran.
Do you believe Jesus Christ was not crucified?
Do you believe?
If you don't believe, what is the use of talking to you?
He died and was crucified.
He is dead in the cross.
Where does the Bible say that? I'm quoting to you Bible
Jesus Christ prophesied as Jonah was three days and three nights so shall
the Son of Man be three days and three nights, do you mean to say Jesus Christ lied?
Do you want to call Jesus Christ is a liar?
The similarity is
Brother do you want to call Jesus Christ a liar?
Answer my question. Do you want to call
Jesus Christ peace be upon him a liar?
He is not lying.
No! Correct, so he said he will be alive.
So why you saying He is dead?
Are you following the teachings of Jesus Christ or Zakir Naik?
Gospel of Matthew chapter number 12:38
I am giving you the reference.
Are you following the teachings of Jesus Christ or me Zakir Naik?
Who is a better Christian? You or Me?
Who is a better Christian, you or me?
It's not about who's better, who's smarter or who's more knowledgeable
Zakir Naik's understanding and my view
are very different
it's like the heaven and the earth
My view is different than yours
If you are different, that means you don't believe in Jesus Christ.
My thing is Jesus Christ even according to the Bible, He did not die on the cross
He was not crucified.
So who told you he was crucified?
Who told you?
Where did you get this from?
It's clearly stated in Matthew and Mark...
That Jesus was crucified and died
but Quran says he did not die neither crucified
Wait. Wait. Wait. Let me hear the translation. What did he say?
It is clearly written in the Matthew
in the Bible in the Matthew.
Where? Which verse? Tell me. Chapter what? Tell me.
In Matthew Chapter 26 verse 31 to 32, Then says Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended
because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of
the flock shall be scattered abroad. But after I am risen again, I will go before
you into Galilee. ' Lord Jesus Christ foretold about His dead as Yahweh said, I will kill
the shepherd which He said it refers to His death since the following verse
speaks of His resurrection, But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.
According to Zakir Naik, Jesus Christ was put on the Cross but He did not die according
to the Bible.
Zakir Naik should look up the Dictionary as what is the definition for crucified?
Apparently Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross. But Quran An Nisa verse 157 says he
was neither crucified nor died on the cross.
Lord Jesus Christ said: Fear not: I am the First and the Last;
and who liveth and who have been dead; and, behold, I am alive forever and ever. Amen!
And I have the keys of death and of Sheul. " Revelation Chapter 1 verse 17 to 18.
Prophet John ben Zebedee who saw Lord Jesus Christ and heard from Him personally said:
I am the First and the Last, and who live and who have been dead and behold I am alive
forever and ever.
So, Zakir Naik is caught lying that Lord Jesus Christ did not say that He was dead anywhere
in the Bible.
It is impossible for me to tell you tonight...
But I am not lying: Jesus died on the cross.
It is impossible for me to read it now
So whose fault it is? I've been asking this question for 25 years on the Peace
TV channel. Get me one verse.
I have debated with the doctor of divinity.
I have debated a with your bishops,
with your pastor
Matthew 27... okay.
who is your most .... who is your most famous pastor in Indonesia?
Matthew 27... Brother who is your most famous pastor in Indonesia?
Brother who is your most famous pastor in Indonesia?
I don't believe in the Priests, I believe in al-kitab.
al-kitab believed in the Bible we all know each other I know the get up if you
If you believe in the kitab, I'm talking about the Bible
Why don't you believe in the Bible?
If you don't know, who's to be blamed?
You're to be blamed. Not me!
According to the Bible and according to the Quran,
Jesus Christ peace be upon him was not crucified he was not killed.
As Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew Chapter 12 verse 41, "one greater than Jonah is here,"
then He is greater than Muhammad who performed no miracle.
But Zakir Naik did not explain as to how Jesus Christ
was put on the Cross but He did not die,
when He said repeatedly to His disciples,
The Son of Man will be killed and will rise on the third day, in Matthew
Chapter 16 verse 21, Mark chapter 9 verse 31, Luke chapter 9 verse 22, and John Chapter 2 verse 19?
The term The Son of Man, is the same phrase used by Lord Jesus Christ in the sign of Jonah.
Apparently, Zakir Naik was lying to his audience of about 50,000 eyewitnesses.
As a matter of fact, Lord Jesus Christ is greater than Jonah means He is greater than
Muhammad and Zakir Naik.
The one greater than Zakir Naik means Lord Jesus Christ does not need
Zakir Naik to speak on His behalf.
Lord Jesus Christ left behind not only the Holy Scriptures,
but also three important exhibits namely the Shroud of Turin, Sudarium of Oviedo,
and the empty Garden Tomb in Jerusalem,
marked with the red sign of Alpha and Omega.
Apostle John, the author of the Gospel of John and Apostle Simon Peter saw two things
inside the Tomb of Jesus Christ based on John Chapter 20 verse 3 to 8.
The linen cloth that was used to cover the dead body
of Jesus Christ is found together with the napkin
that was used to tighten the jaw of Jesus Christ after His brutal dead.
This picture showing the Shroud of Turin,
believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ
who foretold repeatedly that He would be killed but He would raise on the third day.
The napkin called Sudarium of Oviedo is the exhibit kept at the cathedral
in the town of Oviedo, in the north of Spain.
The wounds on the nape of the neck found on the Sudarium of Oviedo,
coincide perfectly with the bloodstains on the Shroud of Turin.
The first and most obvious coincidence is that the Blood on both clothes
belongs to the same group, namely AB.
No man can replicate the Shroud of Turin
despite of the latest technology today.
The shroud of turin has the marks of words look like Alpha and Omega, the signature of
Lord Jesus Christ based on Revelation Chapter 1 verse 8.
The Garden Tomb has the burial place extended to accommodate
a man of the height of about 5 feet 11 inches.
Akaine Kramarik was only 8 years old,
not a Christian and never attended Sunday School
when she painted the picture of the Prince of Peace.
This is the miracle of miracles.
As one compares the Shroud of Turin of the crucified man
on all injuries from head, right side of the chest, both hands
and feet described in the holy gospel of Jesus Christ,
there is no room for doubt that you are looking
at the holy face of the historical Lord Jesus Christ.
Hence it must be the miracle of Lord Jesus Christ Himself who left behind in this world,
the sign greater than the sign of Prophet Jonah.
The carbon dating on the Shroud of Turin
is inaccurate due to the contamination on the
shroud caused by the fire on December 4, 1532.
The fire burnt down the cathedral and heated
the silver casket used to keep it.
The hot, molten silver dropped onto the folded linen cloth inside
damaging it and causing the now familiar pattern of burns extending
along both sides of the image.
The shroud is currently kept in the royal chapel of the Cathedral
of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, northern Italy.
The Sudarium of Oviedo, complements with the Shroud of Turin
as the true burial clothes of Lord Jesus Christ.
The doubt on the Shroud of Turin that the radio carbon
dating does not support the claim of first century linen
was already refuted by Swiss Textile expert who examined the texture on
the Shroud of Turin and confirmed it is the linen
cloth made at the time of Jesus Christ.
Critics should stop doubting but examine the Sudarium
of Oviedo beforehand.
Imagine, the exhibits on the Shroud of Turin, Sudarium of Oviedo
and empty Garden Tomb in Jerusalem speak better than the Quran.
As I have repeatedly challenged all Muslims
that nowhere in the Quran, Allah spoke to Muhammad directly, I am Allah,
and whatever was spoken by Yahweh God to Prophet Moses remains
the inheritance of the Hebrews forever based on Deuteronomy Chapter 29 verse 29.
No Muslim should plagiarize from the Hebrews
but all Muslims are free to borrow the complete Hebrew Torah from the Hebrews.
Plagiarism is a form of stealing someone else ideas and pass it on as his own ideas.
As for borrowing, you acknowledge the ownership of the rightful owners.
The burial cloth was only briefly mentioned in the Gospel of John because of the
tradition of the Jews who treated the burial cloth as an unclean thing
and never a holy relic.
Just as Apostle John saw the linen cloth and the napkin lying inside
the holy the tomb and believed, I pray that many Muslims upon seeing
the holy exhibits of Lord Jesus Christ, should stop doubting but to believe that
His signs left behind in the world are indeed greater than prophet Jonah.
What is your third question?
The third question papa
My question just now...
If there is crucifixion,
who was crucified?
If there was crucifixion, who was crucified?
I think the brother did not hear the translation
of the Quran itself.
Quran is very clear-cut in Surah Nisa chapter 4, verse 157
(Arabic jargon) They said in boast, the Jews - We killed Jesus the son of Mary
(Author unknown) They killed him not neither did they crucify him,
it was only made to appear so. All those who differ are full of doubts.
(author unknown) with only conjectures to follow,
(who said?) they killed him not.
That means the Quran is very explicit? They did not kill him
neither did the crucify him. It was made to appear so.
Who was crucified? I am not bothered in knowing.
When Quran says I should not be bothered. Why I should I be bothered?
Whoever was crucified I don't know!
Apparently, Zakir Naik was caught by surprise,
without an option to escape the logical question of the Christian.
Zakir Naik said a few minutes earlier that
the historical Jesus was put on the cross but He did not die so as to fulfill the sign of Jonah.
If there was a crucifixion, who was crucified?
Zakir Naik have to deny the explicit words of Lord Jesus Christ as he did not If there was a crucifixion, who was crucified?
Zakir Naik have to deny the explicit words of Lord Jesus Christ as he did not
believe in Yahweh Almighty who sent Jesus Christ to say:
The Son of Man is betrayed to be
Crucified and He would fulfill the sign of Jonah on the third Day:
For as Jonah was in the Belly of the fish three days and three nights; so will
the Son of Man be in the Heart of the Earth three days and three nights.
As a matter of fact, Lord Jesus Christ did not say the Heart of the Earth means the tomb.
The term put on the cross, has been defined as nailed to the cross as the Romans used
to do at that time. Oxford Dictionary defined Crucify is, Put
(someone) to death by nailing or binding them to a cross, especially as an ancient punishment.
Moreover Lord Jesus Christ said to His disciples in Matthew chapter 26 verses 2 and 32:
Ye know that after two days is the Passover; and the Son of Man is betrayed to be crucified.
But after I am arisen, I will go before you into Galilee.
Lord Jesus Christ spoke two words Crucified and Risen which means Death and Resurrection.
Lord Jesus Christ also left behind three exhibits namely
the Shroud of Turin,
Sudarium of Oviedo,
and the empty Garden Tomb
marked with the sign of Alpha and Omega in Jerusalem City for
the whole world to see.
In John Chapter 6 verse 44 to 45, Lord Jesus Christ said:
No man can come to me, unless the Father who sent me
shall draw him; and I will raise him up at the Last day.
For it is written, in the prophet: And they shall all be taught of God. Whoever, therefore,
heareth from the Father, and learneth from Him, cometh to me. '
All Muslims do not believe in the historical Jesus Christ because they are unwilling to
be taught of YAHWEH and to learn from Him who sent the Torah of Moses and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The irrefutable fact is that there are two different Jesus Christ of which Esa of the Quran
was not crucified whereas the historical Jesus Christ fulfilled the sign of Jonah on the third day.
The eternal Law of Yahweh the Almighty was proclaimed by His Prophet Paul as the password
to enter the gate of Paradise. It is written in Romans Chapter 10 verse 9,
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth that Yahushua is YAHWEH, and shalt believe
in thine heart that YHWH hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. ' The King
James Version for Romans Chapter 10 verse 9 reads, "Lord Jesus" which in Hebrew that
the Holy Spirit of Truth inspired to me, shall be written as "YAHWEH Yahushua" or Yahushua is YAHWEH.
This supports Romans Chapter 10 verse 13, "For whosoever shall call
upon the Name of YHWH shall be saved."
The Devil - Iblis and his demons also believe in the historical Jesus Christ
as they were there by the Cross of Jesus Christ, thinking that His dead is the defeat of Yahweh.
But the Devil cannot confess something which the followers of Lord Jesus Christ must do.
Devil and demons cannot confess, that is Yahushua is resurrected from His dead.
Because Lord Jesus Christ defeated Satan and his demons by His death and resurrection .
The resurrection power of Jesus imprinted on the linen cloth His image
in the crucified state as the miracle greater than the sign of Jonah.
The fact available to the Christians is crystal clear,
that all Muslims are friends of Iblis the Satan as they will not confess
what Satan refused to confess about Romans Chapter 10 verse 9.
According to the Bible, Jesus Christ please be upon him, fulfilled the sign of Jonah,
he was put on the cross but he did not die on the cross.
Same thing as the Quran says.
In conclusion, Zakir Naik, you should understand your Quran first that Allah never says to
Muhammad, "I am Allah."
So who was actually speaking in Quran An Nisa verse 157?
Do not encroach into the sign of Jonah until you are convinced
as how could Allah be the narrator when he never says to Muhammad, I am Allah?
When you did not say, I am a prophet of Allah, can I call you Prophet Zakir Naik?
I know you cannot accept it.
By the same analogy, you cannot simply call someone "Allah"
when there is no such god called himself, I am Allah, in the Quran except
for Quran Ta Ha Chapter 20 verse 14,
Quran Chapter 27 verse 9 and Quran Chapter 28 verse 30
which spoke to Prophet Moses in the translated version and not in original Hebrew based
on Quran Chapter 20 verse 9 and Quran Chapter 46 verse 12.
In short, there is no god who really called himself, I am Allah in the Quran.
Why do you believe in the god who has not spoken that his name is Allah?
In Matthew 12 verse 41, Lord Jesus Christ said: The people of Nineveh will stand up
in the judgment against this generation, and will condemn it: for they repented at the
preaching of Jonah; and lo, a greater than Jonah is here."
Lord Jesus Christ is greater than Prophet Jonah which means He is not just another prophet
of Yahweh Almighty.
The main objective for the sign of Jonah is to affirm the exact day of the resurrection
of Lord Jesus Christ after He foretold His apostles about His arrest, death, and resurrection
on the third day.
Lord Jesus Christ manifested Himself in the world as the greatest sign to Israel.
The Arabs of Saudi Arabia had rejected the sign of Jonah till Muhammad fabricated the
Quran based on Quran Saba 34 verse 44 to 45 and yet omitted it in the Quran.
Nowhere in the Gospel, Lord Jesus Christ reckoned the duration of 3 days and 3 nights to begin
from His entombment. But Lord Jesus Christ had expounded the sign
of Jonah to Cleopas and his partner while on their way to Emmaus village.
Cleopas was reportedly the brother of Joseph adoptive father of Lord Jesus Christ.
Joseph had died by that time and Cleopas was the next important person apart from the Eleven Apostles.
Based on Luke Chapter 24 verse 20 to 21, Cleopas and his partner narrated to Jesus Christ:
And the chief priests and Elders delivered him up to a sentence of death, and crucified Him.
But we expected that He was to deliver Israel.
And lo, three days since all these things occurred."
Apparently, the reckoning of 3 days and 3 nights began on Thursday night shortly
after the Last Supper when Lord Jesus Christ like Jonah, lost His freedom and became
captive of the evil men whose intention was to kill Him
as prophesied by Jesus Christ earlier on.
By Friday morning at 9 AM, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified
on the Cross and He talked to Apostle John and His mother Virgin Mary so as
to entrust Mary into his care knowing He would depart to Sheol in order to meet the
first Adam and his descendants who were righteous ones.
By Saturday night, the Romans guards were still guarding the tomb of Jesus Christ.
Reportedly after midnight, Lord Jesus Christ rose from His tomb.
The resurrection power imprinted His image on the linen cloth
as an exhibit for the whole world to see.
In term of the Jewish reckoning, it was the third day and Lord Jesus Christ ascended
from Hell and brought Adam and Eve, and their righteous descendants into Paradise.
Then Lord Jesus Christ first appeared to Mary Magdalene from whom He had cast out seven demons.
Thereafter He appeared to Cleopas and his wife, Mary sister of Virgin Mary.
Lord Jesus Christ did not rebuke them about who told you that I was crucified and
died on the cross? Instead, Lord Jesus expounded to them concerning Himself
from all the scriptures based on Luke Chapter 24 verse 27.
After His appearance to Cleopas and his wife, Lord Jesus Christ manifested Himself to the
Eleven Apostles including Simon Peter in Jerusalem. He clarified all their doubts based on the
scriptures from Luke chapter 24 verse 44 to 47.
As a matter of fact, Lord Jesus Christ had 12 male eyewitnesses whom He
expounded to them from the holy scriptures after His death and resurrection.
How many eyewitnesses are there in the Quran who saw Jesus Christ was not crucified
nor died on the Cross?
The whole problem with Islam is Allah cannot
produce three eyewitnesses who lived at the time of Jesus Christ to challenge the 12
male eyewitnesses since 33 A.D. .
How could Allah bother with the historical Jesus Christ
when he should have guided the Arabs in Saudi Arabia with the holy scripture in 33 A.D.
But Quran Al Qasas Chapter 28 verse 46, Quran Saba Chapter 34 verse 44 to 45,
and Quran Hud Chapter 11 verse 49, collectively proves that Allah was dead silent
until Muhammad called Allah after his pagan forefathers
worshipped it with three partners of goddesses called Allat, Al-Uzza and Manat.
It was Muhammad who made Allah to divorce Allat, Al-Uzza and Manat
so that he wished to make Allah comparable to the God of the Christians.
But the stupidity of the Arabs is exposed by Hebrew Joshua Chapter 24 verse 26,
whereby Yahweh Almighty inspired the scribe of Prophet Joshua to write three words together namely
elohim, Allah and Yahweh.
Yahweh Almighty did not inspire Allah
to mean His name as His scripture cannot be broken!
By virtue of Quran Al Imran Chapter 3 verse 81, a later messenger like Muhammad have to
agree with Lord Jesus Christ on His death and resurrection. As only the practicing prophets
can confirm the prophethood of Muhammad, then why are Muslims acting as the prophet of God
so as to declare Muhammad is a prophet of Allah?
By virtue of Quran The hypocrites Chapter 63 verse 1, not everyone who declares Muhammad
is an apostle of Allah will be acceptable to Allah but shall be called hypocrites because
they are liars by nature.
Zakir Naik, you are a hypocrite for lying that Jesus Christ never said He was dead,
anywhere in the Bible.
Lord Jesus Christ provides the antidote by becoming flesh and blood, in order to impart
eternal life to the world, the descendants from Adam.
Lord Jesus said: I am the living Bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this
Bread, he shall live forever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will
give for the Life of the world. " John Chapter 6 verse 51.
How could Muhammad qualify himself as the prophet of God when he did not proclaim the
message of Lord Jesus Christ as the Living Bread who came down from Heaven for mankind
to eat Him in order to inherit eternal life as required of him in Quran Al Imran Chapter 3 verse 81?
In Psalms Chapter 68 verse 18, Yahweh says, Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led
captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that
YAH Elohim might dwell among them."
Apostle Paul wrote: But He who ascended, what is it but that He also descended first
into the low places of the Earth?
He who descended, is He who also ascended above all the heavens, to fulfill all.
And He gave some who (are) apostles, and
some who (are) prophets, and some who (are) evangelists,
and some who (are) pastors, and some who (are) doctors;
for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry,
for the edification of the (church of the) Messiah until we be
all one in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of Elohim, and one man perfect
in the measure of the stature of his completeness." Ephesians Chapter 4 verse 9 to 13.
Apostle Paul is not only a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), as his epistles to the church was not a
plagiarism but was inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth.
Hence, the above five fold ministries shall
remain the norm for the Church until Lord Jesus Christ returns.
The legal rights to interpret the Spirit of Truth that Lord Jesus Christ foretold to come
after Him, was bestowed to the prophets of the Church.
Apostle Paul was chosen as the prophet of Lord Jesus Christ as the roles of apostles
and prophets are different gifts from Yahweh Almighty. Hence I call Apostle Paul by his
two offices which he carried for the church as Apostle-Prophet.
Apostle-Prophet Paul wrote about Prophet James, not one of the 12 apostles but the Lord's brother.
1Corinthians 15 verse 7, After that, He was seen of
James; then of all the apostles. Galatians 1 verse 19, But other of the apostles
saw I none, save James the Lord's brother.
Prophet James being the Lord's brother, was the Bishop or Head of the Jerusalem Council
held around 50 A.D. so as to deliberate on the questions of the Law whether the Gentile
Christians should follow the Torah of Moses which comprises of circumcision and refraining
from unclean food.
As a matter of fact, James was presiding the Council in Jerusalem over Apostle Simon Peter
and other Apostles, implies that he was the Lord's brother according to
the tradition of the Church.
As he was vested with the power over the apostles of Jesus Christ
and prophets Judas and Silas under him, then he must be guided
by the Spirit of Truth which Lord Jesus Christ spoke of him in John Chapter 16 verse 15.
I shall call James Lord's brother, "Prophet James" since his noble task will be honored by
fellow servants of Yahweh, according to the five fold ministries of the Church.
In Acts 15 verse 13 to 14 and 20, it says, And after they had held their peace,
James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me:
Simeon hath declared how YHWH at the first did visit the Gentiles,
to take out of them a people for his name.
But that we write unto them, that they abstain
from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
In Acts 15 verse 32, And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves,
exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them.
Christians today follow the teachings of Prophet James
brother of Lord Jesus Christ in respect of the abolition of the Law of Moses.
Apostle John was also the prophet of Lord Jesus Christ and wrote amongst other books,
the Gospel of John and the last Book of Revelation.
Lord Jesus Christ is the only person who has prophets before Him, during His ministry
and after His ascension to Heaven.
If Christianity may be called a religion, it is the only religion
in the world today which has prophets prophesied of Him before Jesus was born,
during His ministry, and after His ascension to Heaven.
There are at least 7 male prophets known by names after the ascension of Lord Jesus Christ
and 4 prophetess from the daughters of Philip the Evangelist.
However, Islam has no prophet to come during and after Muhammad so as to fulfill
the covenant of prophets that Allah spoke to Muhammad as the later messenger based
on Quran Al Imran Chapter 3 verse 81,
and as the messenger and the seal of prophets based
on Quran Chapter 33 verse 40.
If Muhammad was the seal of Prophets, then Allah
have to raise at least one prophet before Muhammad was born.
The pattern that Yahweh God gave as the precedent example for Lord Jesus Christ
should be mirrored to the last prophet.
But Allah failed because he is merely a pagan god of the Arabians.
Why Muslims are so ignorant to reject the historical Jesus Christ who provides
antidote to impart immortality to Adamic race?
As Muhammad was born naturally from the fallen nature of Adam,
he failed to overcome sin like Adam; he was deceived by Iblis
to preach a false Jesus Christ similar to the forbidden fruit, which is a poison
causing the spiritual death of his followers.
On the day of Judgment, Mary Magdalene, Cleopas, Prophet James Lord's brother,
Apostle Prophet Paul and Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ are eyewitnesses, who will stand
against Muhammad and Muslims so that all Muslims who did not repent of following the false Jesus Christ
will be cast into Hell fire forever and ever.
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