hey this is Bethany and today I am
really excited to actually make this
video as my neighbor
quit mowing his lawn by the way you may
notice I am wearing some makeup I'm
wearing some you know light eye makeup
and I'm wearing light to medium
foundation I will show clips of like my
actual skin and the progress and before
and after so you all can see that and
miss me like without makeup to day as
you can see or made two days ago and I
did microderm so yeah without further
ado let's get down to business to defeat
the Huns I am really excited to make
this video because I wouldn't be making
it if I didn't think it was helpful to
people who have struggled with acne and
I intend to make more acne related
videos as well but basically my skin has
been clear for or pretty well clear or
what I consider clear for four months
and I just want to sit here and go over
what my skin care routine is with you
all so maybe if there's some tips and
tricks in there some of y'all can pick
up on them and it might help you out
those of you who are struggling with
acne because those of you who follow me
on social media know it's a real
struggle it really brings me down and
it's a big hindrance to me wanting to
make youtube videos and for my skin to
be clear like it has been this well this
nice this bright this radiant I sound
like I'm bragging but for it to be this
good for four months is just
unbelievable for me and it makes me want
to sit down and get back into it and it
really motivates me in a way that I
haven't been before so yeah a lot of the
things I'm mentioning they're all part
of my routine and all of these things
I'm showing you I have been using all of
them this exact way for at least four
months and that's how my skin has been
improved I don't think any one given
thing can take you know the trophy for
what cleared my skin I think it's a
combination of all these things that are
working really well to keep it where I
want it to be so I want to mention a
little bit how my skin has changed in
the last four months just to be quick
and then hop right into the routine so
in the last four months I have still
been doing my microderm
abrasion I've been using a different
device and it's a bit more like a gentle
one so you can use it more frequently
because of that my pores get really nice
and refined around my nose and I noticed
when they're getting bigger that's when
I need to use it again my skin is a lot
smoother it looks so much more beautiful
when I apply makeup like it never did
foundations that I normally would have
given a bad review when I was riddled
with acne look really good now and I'm
just surprised so I'm like where do I
rank these foundations they perform well
with my skin's good and I went through a
four months ago where it was almost like
a beard of acne up under my chin I
didn't want to even leave the house I
didn't want to go to work I mean I did
but you know there is just like it makes
you want to lay in bed and give up
because if you already have all your
other natural stresses through life in
the day
acne just doesn't help those things if
you're already battling so many other
things that you deal with acne is like
the shibby little cherry on top of that
cake that makes life harder but I just
wanted to say that I just had a huge
struggle with acne within five to six
months ago and I've come out of it and
I'm just so happy for my skin to be
where it is so without further ado let
me share my routine with you so before
we get into the first step of my routine
which is cleansing I want to talk to you
about how you need to remove your makeup
really thoroughly if you can first like
the best you can I use either baby wipes
baby butt wipes or these makeup removing
wipes furniture Gina this is definitely
the more thrifty option it goes for you
can get these for a little above $2 at
Walgreens these are by well beginning
and then if I need some more heavy duty
removal like you know waterproof mascara
I do tend to lean towards the Neutrogena
makeup remover wipes the blue ones and
I'll list these all below so it's
important before you actually go to
clean your face that you just remove as
much of the makeup as possible otherwise
you're rubbing all of that crap back in
your face and irritating it so I just
wanted to notate that the first thing I
do is like prep pre clean with these
after the wipes comes my cleansing
routine so the cleanser I've been using
the most and I've been using this for
four months or more is the Murad time
these acne cleanser I mentioned this in
my recent monthly favorites video I
really do think it's helpful
it's very balancing - my skin does it
balances hydration and diminishes the
visible signs of aging so not only does
it fight acne it fights the signs of
aging which I'm looking for something
like that because you know I'm 29 years
old right now I can't use a lot of those
harsher acne cleansers that dry out your
skin and then the active ingredient in
this is 0.5% salicylic acid which I do
recommend in a cleanser rather than
benzoyl peroxide because a lot of
studies have shown that many people's
skin will develop a resistance e to
benzoyl peroxide and then it just won't
work at all which is that is what
happened to me when I was using Proactiv
and then my skin just went to crap so
this cleanser I really recommend I use
it twice a day in the morning and night
and I use it with my Clarisonic Mia or
at least I think this is called the Mia
but it's a little chubby one I got this
from the face Awards they sent this to
me otherwise I would have been afraid to
have spent the money on it because
they're like around 100 dollars or
something I am frustrated that I still
do have to buy the brush heads but I
make them last a long time because I
clean them with Dawn dish soap wow this
is still wet and it's dripping on me but
anyways so I have the acne brush head
the green one and then every day before
I use this I drop a little bit of Dawn
dish soap in there i scrub it against my
hand I rinse it out thoroughly and then
I wash my face with it
so that keeps bacteria from growing in
this and it lets me use the brush head
longer like it recommends using them for
like 1 to 2 months I've been using this
one for like 3 so just a tip right there
and though I cleanse most often with
this cleanser in my Clarisonic I do
occasionally need to exfoliate or scrub
previously I was using the lush ocean
salt scrub but a lot of what I've
focused on is making my skin care
routine more gentle so I switched to
this derma e purifying daily detox scrub
I purchased this like three times since
using it I go through a lot because I
squeezed a lot and then I just take my
time and gently massage it around my
face and circular motions so yeah this
is recommended for normal to oily skin
it's got marine algae and it's charcoal
activated it just really feels like it
gently purifies and cleanses and
exfoliates my skin it's got every
once but it's not too harsh and that's
what I use there is everything I use for
cleansing now going on from that is
prepping for moisturizer so typically
you would use a toner so every day after
I cleanse my face I tone it I did used
to only tone in the morning but I
decided to do it at night anyways - but
I used this Neutrogena oil-free stress
control acne toner so this toner is 2%
salicylic acid it supposedly has this
micro clear technology that helps
prevent acne though I think all toner is
going to do that it helps eliminate
shine it's refreshing and smoothing to
the skin and I just find it to not feel
too terribly harsh so there's probably
less harsh ones out there if you want to
go for that like maybe a homemade toner
with apple cider vinegar and water or
something which I used to do so but I
end up liking this one a lot so I've
been sticking to it and then instead of
a cotton ball or like a frizzy pad I
apply it with a cotton disc and I find
this to be important because the smooth
discs that I use that have little seams
on the edge do not leave little fibrous
hairs behind on my face like other
cheaper discs
I was buying so I get these smooth ones
like the premium ones I just think
that's helped focus as my face is itchy
I'm messing with it I'm putting oil for
my hands on my face and then more likely
to break out so I recommend that toner
and then premium discs now before we
leave the discussion of exfoliation I do
use microdermabrasion as I've mentioned
before once or twice a week and this is
what I've been using many of you may
have found me from my PMD
microdermabrasion review video and for
the last four months I've been using the
rejuvadermmd by trophy skin I find there
to be a lot of benefits and this one
would be a lot more adjustable now I'm
going to do a full review on this and
I've even filmed parts of that so I can
show you like before and after usage and
demos and things like that but I just
wanted to state that I do use this as
part of my skincare routine at least
once or twice a week and it's easier to
use this one twice a week because it's
less abrasive so by using this my pores
get more refined and small in my nose
and cheekbone area since I'm like an
oily prone skin and then additionally I
get a lot more readings and glow so
I really like that I do know a lot of
people tell me that my skin is really
smooth and oftentimes as I mentioned I'm
29 they're pretty surprised I think I
can attribute that so my pretty loyal
usage of microdermabrasion I think it
just keeps my skin really smooth and
then I'm an oily skin person so I'm less
likely to get wrinkles anyways as though
I get like little lines up here a little
puffiness around my eyes and stuff so
yeah the rejuvadermmd from Sophie skin
has really helped me out as well too
because it strips away that top layer of
like dead skin slop stuff off and then
all the other ingredients of everything
I use deliver into my skin just that
much better so I really love it I
recommend it next we'll move on to
moisturizers and topical treatments what
I've been doing recently is moisturizing
a bit less because I'm kind of oily you
know as it is but you should still
moisturize so at nighttime I don't
actually typically use a moisturizer
this topical treatment is from curiata G
and if you haven't heard about them I
just kind of found them as an ad on my
facebook when I was looking for
dermatologists to visit four five months
ago when I was having such a terrible
breakout and basically Kari ology is
like an online dermatologist you send
them pictures of all your problems you
describe your symptoms and your issues
and they prescribe you something
accordingly and then it shipped out to
you and they ship it like every three
months but this bottle is supposed to
last like three months mine lasted like
a week less than three months so I
needed to use less pumps I guess so
anyways I went online at Curie ology
mind you I'm not being sponsored by this
I've seen youtubers I talk about this
not sponsors they don't even know I'm
using but anyway so I went online to
Curie ology sent some pictures of my
face and I was like this is how I break
out this is when it happens it was
sometimes it's hormonal it seems like
stress is terrible it's on the side of
my pillow and then this is what they
prescribed to me in it arrived pretty
quickly so each bottle is curated to you
with supposedly non harsh ingredients in
them to help your skin mine has
ingredients that I mean I can't probably
won't pronounce them right but it's like
niacinamide Zig is going to give Megan I
don't know but I'll put what is in my
bottle below and everything that they
prescribed to you because mine has three
main ingredients
in it they actually send you like
information on what that does that
particular ingredient you know what to
look out for how long you can expect
results they did state that it could
take like at least six weeks before you
see a difference I was already seeing
more of a difference by like three or
four weeks but I really did see like a
huge or impact of a difference by six
weeks and I was like wow icing so I
would say this the microderm and
moisturizing my skin and being a little
bit more diligent about the things I do
are some of the biggest stuff that's
made a difference in my skin mind you
there's more to my routine but basically
I use this once each night that's what
they recommended for me I think you can
use it twice a day but I don't because I
don't want to waste it out and then
since I just use this at night time for
a moisturizer in the morning or if I
need additional moisturizer I use the
Neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair serum so
I put this on in the morning I may put
it on in the night if I need but
generally I just wear this or if I need
an additional light weight moisturizer I
use the body shop oils of life gel cream
it's very lightweight it absorbs into
the skin I can tell it's like a a
thinner formula but it's not like really
heavy and it doesn't break me out so
this is what I've been using if I need
an additional moisturizer mind you I
usually don't like I put this on my
forehead or at night or my neck or
something but this is my morning
moisturizer or just general moisturizer
usually and it's just a serum and then
since you can't forget your eyes I want
to talk about my eye moisturizer I've
been using this one for about six months
this is the tarte maracuja see
brightener eye treatment and it's oh
it's gone I got like one two uses oil
but it is a really thick one you can
just touch it and tap it and work it
around your eye and I do find it to be
very brightening to the eye area and
well moisturizing but not too much like
I don't get those little you know white
pimples that people get if they're using
too heavy of a moisturizer or cream so
that is my eye cream I've been using and
then last of all I want to talk about
masks and spot treatments so the only
spot treatment i've been using for
months is this Mario Badescu drying
lotion so apparently this is what
they there's usually like a pink
sediment at the bottom you dip in a cue
tube and you touch it to those
troublesome areas and you can sleep with
it it helps dry it out overnight so
that's what I've done mind you I only
have to use this like a couple times a
month now because I hardly have many
issues which is a crazy thing to say
because usually I was like many issues
an hour on my face so not so much and
then the mask I've been using is one
I've been sticking to for well over six
months I think this is the purifying
two-in-one charcoal mask with marine
algae and activated charcoal it's some
similar ingredients to the exfoliating
cleanser I use and this is also by derma
e mind you I use this about once a week
or once every two weeks because I feel
very satisfied with the rest of my
skincare routine
I used to use masks so often to try to
compensate with how irritated in red and
inflamed my skin was and I don't really
have those kind of issues anymore so
these are the kind of additional helpers
that I use if I need them but luckily I
haven't needed them that much alright so
that is my finished skincare routine
hopefully I notated some facts that can
help some of you out who are struggling
with acne I'm pretty amazed I've gotten
to a point that my skin's not breaking
out much or I can like just wake up and
not want to crush because my face
usually looks so red and inflamed and
angry at me and barely match the color
of my neck and now it does which is
amazing after so long I'm having not
clear skin it doesn't feel really well
like sometimes real or sometimes I wake
up and I look in the mirror like really
so oh my gosh wow you know so it's
pretty cool not bragging or anything and
but yeah so there's all of the items I
use it's quite a bit you know how they
say it takes a village to raise a child
it took a village to fix my face and
like I said I really do think the Micra
der the cure ology top top treatment
helped and then less heavy
moisturization on my face I calmed down
how much I moisturize my face because I
wasn't over drying it out with
treatments and things like that I went
for a bit of a what felt like a gentle
arute mind you they're probably gentle
there than what I have been so hopefully
this is helpful to some of you I know
many of you are requesting this video
and hopefully there were some tips in
here that could help you I really hope
and if so let me know like if you end up
using some of these things and they work
for you let me know because I won't be
here it makes everything I do just that
much more worth it so anyways I thank
you all for watching my video I do have
a neck and cleavage skincare video
coming up as well if you'd like to see
more videos like this one or that one
please feel free to give me a thumbs up
if you like this content I really
appreciate it again I thank you all for
watching my videos and I will see you
next time bye
open are you through the way cuz through
me hypnotized
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