Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily report May 8 2017

- Okay people, we got a problem.

Fake news is everywhere, so let's talk about

the biggest stories that people were convinced were real.

At 8pm, on October 30th 1938, Orson Welles

put on a broadcast that has become known

as one of the biggest hoaxes of all time.

Welles adapted H. G. Wells' 1898 novel,

The War of the Worlds into a radio drama

made up of breaking on the scene reports

of aliens invading New York city and New Jersey.

News reports around the country in the days

after the broadcast, reported that there

had been mass hysteria and that the highways

were jammed with people fleeing.

But, as it turns out, all of the reports were fake.

The War of the Worlds broadcast was actually

a scheduled episode of the Mercury Theater on air.

Now while some people believed that Martians with Death Rays

were wiping out the human race,

the program only had a small audience

and there weren't actually any reports of mass hysteria.

Just a few panicked people who were freaked out,

after they tuned in late.

In the late 700s, the Catholic church

was trying to take over control of

European states from the ruling class.

To get the upper hand, the church claimed

that they had already had the rights to the land,

thanks to the donation of Constantine.

A letter written by the Roman emperor,

Constantine I, in the fourth century.

As a thank you to Pope Sylvester I,

for curing him of his leprosy and converting him

to Christianity, Constantine gave the church

ownership and political control of land

in Europe, Asia and Africa.

And for centuries, everybody bought it.

It wasn't until 1440, that the Italian Catholic priest,

Lorenzo Valla, proved that it was fake

and really written in the mid-eighth century

because certain words and phrases

wouldn't have been used or even invented yet.

The church covered it up for years,

but eventually, admitted the truth.

Even though, many people insist it was real.

But it's cool, everybody.

That's the first time the church ever covered something up.

During the 2016 American Presidential Election cycle,

bipartisan fake news sites, started popping up online.

The Denver Guardian claimed to be the oldest

news publication in Denver and the site looked legitimate,

but only had one news story that was

posted on November 5th, just days before the election.

The article entitled, FBI agent suspected

in Hillary Email Leaks, found dead

in apparent murder suicide, contained

quotes from sources like Police Chief, Pat Frederick

from Walkerville, Maryland, neither of which existed.

The Denver Post and NPR exposed the Guardian as fake

and run by 40 year old, Jestin Coler,

who also owned other fake news sites.

But that didn't stop the story from being shared

over half a million times and having over

15.5 million interactions on Facebook,

making it one of the most shared fake news story of 2016.

Everybody please listen to me, this is important.

Think before you share stuff on Facebook,

a lot of it is fake, Mother of God!

On November 8th 2016, India's Prime Minister

announced that the country, was introducing a

2,000 Rupee note, but that all 501,000 Rupee notes

were being taken out of circulation

and would become invalid at Midnight.

The move was meant to stop illegal counterfeit operations

but the short notice led to confusion and panic.

India actually has over 50 million Whatsapp users

and a rumor that the new note,

was actually a spying device, quickly went viral

across the messaging app and social media.

India's Reserve Bank was quick to call the claims false,

but even the mainstream media started reporting the claim,

that the new note was equipped with a Nano GPS Chip,

that could track you nearly 400 feet below ground.

The incident ended up bringing light

to just how fast, news stories spread over the internet

and the impact of low journalistic standards.

On August 25th 1835, the New York Sun newspaper,

published the first of six great

astronomical discoveries article.

Which said that alien life, had been discovered on the Moon.

What made the story so convincing,

was that the famous real life astronomer,

Sir John Herschel had made the discovery

while looking through his seriously impressive telescope.

The articles were supposedly written by

Herschel's colleague, Dr. Andrew Grant,

and claimed that the Moon was covered

in crystal caves, rivers and forests

and even had exotic creatures like winged humanoid bats,

two-legged beavers and unicorns.

At the time, people were obsessed with astronomy

and theories on alien life and

The Sun's subscription sky-rocketed.

But, in 1840, Reporter Richard Locke,

said that he wrote the story to increase sales

and to mock those alien believers.

Why is there such a lack of critical thinking skills?

People with bat wings don't exist.

In 1915, a rumor spread that Germany

was using the bodies of dead soldiers

to render fat for candles, lubricants and soap.

Now, Germany, of course, denied it.

But the story was printed without proof

in newspapers in France, Britain and America.

In April of 1917, the Daily Mail and the Times newspapers

claimed to have an anonymous source,

who had visited a so called, "corpse utilization factory"

the Times also cited a story in a German paper,

by Reporter Karl Rosner, who had visited a corpse factory

and saw "kadavers" with the K.

But, at this time, cadavers with a C,

referred to animals like horses, not humans.

But the British still used this story

to convince China to join in the war against Germany.

Which they did on August 14th 1917.

They were eventually proven to be fake,

but the Nazis used it as "proof" that the British

had made up the holocaust during the second World War.

It's September of 2009, news outlet across

Australia, including the Associated Press,

reported on a scientific study entitled,

Deception Detection across Australian populations.

It was supposedly published by Dr. Carl Varnsen

at the Leavitt Institute and studied

how gullible Australians were, with Sydney

ranking as the most naive city in the whole country.

Now, the report looked pretty official,

but it had a big clue that the whole thing was fake.

Hidden in the scientific methodology,

was the line, "these results were completely

made up to be fictitious material,

through a process of modified truth and credibility notes."

in other words, y'all are idiots!

Sydney's dummy status caused a lot of public outcry,

which kind of showed how naive everyone was,

which was the idea and that you

should always fact check before reporting.

It turns out that the whole thing was a big hoax

to promote a new comedy news TV show.

You maybe surprised to learn that on of the founding fathers

of the United States of America,

was also one of the earliest spreaders of fake news, or not.

In 1782, America was in the middle of the war

of independence against Great Britain

and Ben Franklin was looking for

creative ways to gain support.

He wrote a completely false article

about British Allied Native Americans

scalping 700 defenseless revolutionary soldiers,

women and children and even included

a fake letter from real life war hero,

John Paul Jones, to support his story.

He printed it in fake copies of the Boston newspaper,

the Independent Chronicle and sent it

to all of his colleagues.

It was then re-printed as fact, in many American newspapers.

The story was widely believed and spread

false ideas about Native Americans

as savage, un-American sympathizers.

Oh, Benny boo-boo, why you do this, that's not nice.

By 2014, only 1% of Myanmar's population

had the internet, but by 2016, that rose to 20%.

There are even magazines that print

popular online stories, true or false.

Now, Myanmar has a Buddhist majority

and there has been tension and violence

with the country's Muslim minority.

In 2016, fake news stories and pictures

of Muslims being tortured, was spreading.

But, most of the photos were taken

from not only, unrelated events

but completely different countries.

Making it worse, is that at the same time,

there were news stories about Muslims

committing terrible crimes against Buddhists.

At first, neither were true, but

in an investigation by the journalist Cheryl Frankel,

found that the stories did have a direct impact

on an increased in hate crimes and violence towards Muslims.

This include, burning down Muslim villages

and murders of at least 70 people.

In late 2016, posters on 4chan and Reddit,

spread a conspiracy theory that a pedophile

sex-trafficking ring, involving members

of the Democratic Party, was operating

out of the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington D.C.

It was uncovered after Hillary Clinton's

campaign chairman, John Podesta's emails

supposedly with coded messages about the sex ring,

were leaked by WikiLeaks.

The story was of course, debunked

and D.C Police said it was all fake.

But, it still went viral on Twitter and Facebook

and even in the Turkish Press.

Comet's owner, James Alefantis,

started to get death threats and on December 4th 2016,

28 year old, Edgar Welch, opened fire in the pizzeria.

Now, luckily, no one was hurt.

But, Welch said that he wanted to self-investigate

the claims and only surrendered once he believed

that there weren't any child sex slaves being held hostage.

Okay, there should be a law that

before you're even allowed to log onto the internet,

you have to put on your critical thinking cap.

Think people, damn it!

But as always, thank you guys so much for watching this.

If you enjoyed it or maybe you got a laugh out of it,

make sure you click that like button

and make sure you hit that subscribe button

if you haven't yet.

I'm going to have a brand new video for you tomorrow

at 12 West Coast Time, three Eastern Standard Time.

So make sure you come back to my channel then,

have a great day, I will see you then.

For more infomation >> 10 FAKE NEWS Stories EVERYONE Believed! - Duration: 11:05.


How Your Friends Can Affect Your Opinions - Duration: 5:31.

You probably have strong opinions about all kinds of things:

like whether Coke is better than Pepsi, which football team deserves to win the Super Bowl,

or which Chris is the dreamiest movie star—Pratt, Pine, Hemsworth, or Evans.

Why are there so many Chrises?

But are all those opinions really yours?

Humans are social creatures.

And when we talk about anything from TV shows to politics,

lots of psychological phenomena come into play.

Sometimes, this can lead to bad judgments and biased opinions.

But by knowing how your thoughts can be swayed, you can recognize it when it's happening—

and maybe stop it.

One kind of bias can come from the company you keep.

It's normal to be friends with people who have similar opinions and values.

But many studies have shown that when you talk with people who feel similarly about things,

you can end up with even more extreme opinions.

In other words, you get polarized.

For example, some experiments have asked people to decide on a risky business proposition together,

and found that groups of risk-takers get even more risky, while risk-avoiders get less risky.

But it's hard to escape polarization: it can also happen when you have strong opinions

that are challenged by others.

One study in 2011 had people with diverse views on a social issue respectfully discuss their opinions.

Those who already had more extreme beliefs, both for and against the issue,

showed even more polarization afterwards.

This is called a boomerang effect, where a counter-argument makes someone believe even

more strongly in their original judgment.

Researchers think this is partly due to your social identity:

the fact that your beliefs and the groups you belong to are part of who you are, so you defend them.

So if you and your friends are die-hard peanut M&M fans, hearing a case for crispy M&Ms could

just make you extra defensive of your peanut-loving identity.

I know it does that to me.

Another way your opinions can be swayed in a debate has to do with what you think of first—

because that can act as an anchor, basically a starting point, for the rest of your thoughts.

One study in 2000 involved taking an old car to 60 car experts,

including mechanics and car dealers.

The pretend-customer told the expert what they thought the car was worth, either higher

or lower than it actually was, then asked for the expert's judgment.

And the initial suggestion affected the experts' estimates, making them similarly higher or lower.

Psychologists think this is partially due to selective accessibility, where an anchor

makes some information more available in your mind, which affects your opinions.

For example, a small study in 2010 even found that when it was warmer outside, or people

were simply asked to think about hot things,

their responses to survey questions showed that they believed more strongly in global warming.

So if you stumble upon a flame war online, for example, the first thing you read in the

comments could cause selective accessibility and shape your thoughts—

although there hasn't really been research into that kind of anchoring.

Your opinions can also be influenced when you're trying to make a decision with a

group because of something called groupthink,

which can make you blind to bad reasoning.

Let's say you're a Doctor Who fan and enter a heated debate after someone influential

claims that, hands-down, Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor is the best one.

A discussion begins with that anchor, filled with a bunch of pro-Matt Smith arguments.

Maybe you're more of a Tom Baker fan and you think that bow ties just aren't that cool,

but you keep your mouth shut in self-censorship, figuring that other people won't want to hear your opinion.

You might notice that any arguments that other Doctors might be better are rationalized by

the group, meaning that they are dismissed as bad arguments.

Or people might stereotype David Tennant's fans, saying they only liked him because of

his looks, and ignoring their opinions.

After lots of keysmashing back and forth, it seems like everyone agrees that Eleven

is the best, but that's not necessarily true—

it's what psychologists call an illusion of unanimity.

And when people think everyone agrees, they're more likely to adjust their opinion.

When deciding on anything, from government policy to a group project at school,

all of these and other characteristics of groupthink can influence decisions and shut down critical debate.

So ... it might seem like your opinions aren't ever really yours.

But there are ways to fight against the influence of polarization, anchoring, and groupthink.

Essentially, it all comes down to critical thinking, and considering why your opinion

might be wrong or too extreme, not just why it might be right.

Some studies have found that having someone play the Devil's Advocate can help, genuinely

arguing against the preferred decision and asking thoughtful questions.

But an extreme counter-argument can also backfire and cause the boomerang effect.

Other research has shown it can help to talk with others outside of your group,

and listen to diverse opinions.

You might discover that what you thought was normal actually was an extreme stance, or that

the issue is more complex than you thought.

Also, you can learn about something or start a group discussion before forming a strong opinion—

like, reading a bunch of news articles for yourself before reading the comments or tweetstorms about them.

We're all naturally influenced by the people around us—

it's unavoidable, and it isn't necessarily a bad thing.

But by being aware of bias and potentially bad choices, you can take back some control

and know that it's okay to speak up, disagree, and change your mind.

After all, we're all learning here.

But peanut M&Ms are the best.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych, brought to you by our patrons on Patreon!

If you would like to support us, you can go to

And if you just want to keep learning about brain things,

you can go to and subscribe.

For more infomation >> How Your Friends Can Affect Your Opinions - Duration: 5:31.


Federal Employees Are Being Forced To Watch Fox News, Leaked Memo Says - Duration: 4:26.

According to a leaked email memo, federal employees, in the United States, are being

instructed to keep televisions in their office tuned to Fox News.

Now, in the past, most of these televisions have been tuned to CNN, which is a fairly

decent nonpartisan really either way news organization, although they do sensationalize

any story that they can for ratings.

They did push Iraq war.

But still, for the most part, fairly nonpartisan.

Not quite MSNBC, kind of down the middle.

Now, thanks to the Trump Administration, federal employees are literally being told what television

network they can watch.

Again, some irony here in the fact that President Trump is going nonstop in his tirades on Twitter

against fake news outlets, but at the same time, informing his employees that, "You're

going to watch Fox News," a network that has been known to spread false, misleading, inaccurate

information since the day the network was conceived.

They're pro-Republican.

They're pro-Trump.

So that's what Trump wants to feed all federal employees throughout the United States.

The particular memo that Think Progress reported on, Buzzfeed reported on, was actually within

the FDA.

Even those organizations, even the organizations that just work on drug approval and drug testing,

they have to watch Fox News and get fed Republican corporate industry propaganda all day long.

Because in the Trump Administration, I guess he wants all of his employees, anyone who

works for the federal government to be as misinformed and stupid as he himself is, because

that's what's going to happen.

I know it's one thing if you don't believe this stuff, you kind of tune it out, but when

it gets fed to you nonstop on a daily basis, some of it will begin to trickle in.

You're going to start believing things because you're going to hear the lies enough that

you will have trouble differentiating between the lies and the truth.

Psychology tells us that.

That's what Trump's trying to do.

We're essentially brainwashing federal employees with this pro-Trump, pro-Republican, pro-corporate


That's not fair to these people.

They didn't sign up for this when they took the jobs.

These televisions, they're only supposed to be background noise.

Instead, Trump wants it to be indoctrination into Republican ideology.

Now keep in mind, these organizations, the FDA, the EPA, these are supposed to be nonpartisan


They're just supposed to come in, do their job, tell us what's safe, what's not safe,

and keep the dangerous things out of our way.

He is trying to feed them this Fox News propaganda, because that's all he knows.

That's all he does all day.

According to reports, Trump spends a hell of a lot of time, a lot more than he should,

actually watching Fox News.

I mean, between watching Fox News, and playing golf, and tweeting, I don't know that there's

anything else this man does, except, obviously, he enjoys a good meal every now and then.

What we're seeing happen within this administration goes beyond the borders of just disgusting.

We really are talking about potentially brainwashing these employees with this pro-Trump pep rally

that has been happening on Fox News since Inauguration Day.

He wants these employees to understand how great he is, and how wonderful he is, and

how bad those evil old democrats are.

That's exactly what they're going to get once they're forced by Donald Trump to tune those

TVs over

to Fox News.

For more infomation >> Federal Employees Are Being Forced To Watch Fox News, Leaked Memo Says - Duration: 4:26.


14 Karat Pink | The Pink Panther (1993) - Duration: 10:25.

NARRATOR: Texas, 1849.

A big land for big men.

And the biggest of them all...

MAN: Ahh, whoa!


Hobby! Hot!

NARRATOR: Big Ben Wagonwright.

I love my big ranch.

The big fences, big chickens and cows.


So what if I'm allergic to it all?

Big deal!

Just one thing, though. It ain't big enough.

Any bigger, boss, and it wouldn't fit in Texas.

Phooey on just Texas.

There's still Oklahoma, Wyoming, Canada.

They could be mine, too!



And now that Scruffy Jack just quit as foreman,

I want his replacement to think big, too!




You boys know anybody who might fill Scruffy's boots?

Ooh, ooh! Me, me!

Me, me, me, me, me! Pick me, you just gotta.

A mite overeager, wouldn't you say?

Anybody who can ride Rose Petal or Sweet Cheeks is definitely...


...foreman material.

Giddy up, Rose Petal! Woo-hoo!


Now, that's what I call a Bronco Buster.

-Eh, Wyatt? -(GROWLS)


And that's what I call a dancer.



Settle down, Sweet Cheeks! Ahh!













You sure know how to handle your horse flesh, boy.


You got yourself the job, Mr. Foreman.


-Yahoo! -Ya-ha-ha-ha!

Yahoo! Ha ha!

There's gold! Gold in Califor-ni-ay!

And there's a mother lode called "the Lollapalooza"!

Whoever finds it is a zillionaire, woo-hoo!


WYATT: Forget it, bird britches.

Wyatt Burp's gonna find the Lollapalooza first.



Thanks for the job, Big Ben. I quit.

I said, whoa, partner!



I'm a-getting to Califor-ni-ay first!

Ha! Last one there's a rotten ranch hand!


Nobody quits Big Ben and gets away with it.

And sure as shooting,

nobody's gonna be richer than me!

NARRATOR: And so, the Panther

and Wyatt Burp headed west.


-Watch your step, Spur Jackie. -Whoa! (CRASHES)

And stay outta my way.

Well, yippee-yi-yo-ki-yee to you, too.



Whoa! Oof! Whoa!



Huh? A housewarming gift.












What'd you do to my overpriced store-bought water?

What'd you do to the stream, wash your socks in it?


The Lollapalooza!

BOTH: We're rich! We're rich!

-Oh, I knew there was gold in them thar hills! -We've hit the big time!


Awful nice of you varmints to find my Lollapalooza!

Sorry you'll be cashing out while I'm cashing in!




WYATT: Good rock. Stay, rock.






Just as I thought.

I knew that trees would stop the boulder

before it could do any serious damage.

Eh, Wyatt?

So, it's been Ben all along trying to stop us.

Looks like it's us against him.

(CHUCKLES) He doesn't stand a chance.

BEN: Boys, they're like sitting ducks.

And they're sitting on my gold.

Now, I'm paying you all good money

to run 'em off their claim.

I want to see that I get my money's worth!

Yeehaw! (SNEEZING)




This little firecracker ought to fix you rattlesnakes!


Consarn it!

Get over here, Julius!



Eighteen! Forty-nine! Hike!

He's got someone open, and he throws...


Whoa! Yeehaw!







What do you reckon this fizzy stuff is, partner?

Well, it's too bad all those gold rocks we found

were just fool's gold.

But I gotta hand it to you. We got rich anyway!

Just a matter of managing our liquid assets.

NARRATOR: Yes, sir, pilgrim.

Pinky and Wyatt never did find the gold.

But they did start

the Lollapalooza Sparkling Water company.



For more infomation >> 14 Karat Pink | The Pink Panther (1993) - Duration: 10:25.


Drone & Golf | Vlog 18 - Duration: 12:00.

Yes, now I'm just finished at a quick meeting with Byåsen IL.

Where we got flowers and a picture taken.

It felt good to give something back, but unfortunately I had to leave in a hurry.

Because my football coach gave me a strict message to be there before half past, or else I would be benched.

And its half past already, so it doesn't look too good.

My odds for starting in this match are pretty low at the moment, so I will try to get there as soon as possible.

So I will put on my best smile and try to be a part of the starting team.

Playing against Trygg Lade 2 at Dalgård football field.

So today I'm going all in!

Now the match just ended.

My second one for the season, and also my second loss.

Played for 90 minutes, and now my feet are hurting.

I'm most annoyed because we lost, even though this is supposed to be "funny".

So I am disappointed.

But we were better then last time. And we have to get even better next time.

But it will be some time until I'm playing football again.

I have to train alone down in Sjusjøen.

So tomorrow we are set for Sjusøen!

Good morning.

I was supposed to be in a car heading for Sjusjøen now.

But here I am in my bed.

I woke up this morning with a sore throat.

And that resulted in be staying home.

And of course that sucks, but that is just how it is.

And I probably got sick because it has been a really stressful week.

And I got really exhausted.

So it is probably a combination of that.

But now that I am sick it is nothing to do about that.

I just have to look forward and try to get well as soon as possible.

Now it is time for a match of golf against Rundgreen.

And when we are done we will see who opened the 2017 season best of the two of us.

It will be me.

Now I am about to show you that I am doing what you call "almost hole in one".

And that usually happens when I miss the ball.

So the ball almost bounced into a hole in one.

Here you can see the length from the ball to the hole, from my first hit.

So now I'm just going to finish this.

Have you seen something that bad?

And the score is 37-44. You won this year.

This year I won the opening. I'm not sure if its is a good or a bad sign.

Because last year he won the opening and I won the rest.

So maybe he will win the rest now, and that is not good for me.

But I'm hoping that I will do like I did at Beito, where I perform good over a long period of time.

But then I will have a down period in June, the same as I had around Christmas.

And on top in June/juli.

Now we are flying with our drone at Skistua.

It's not often we have so nice weather here in Trondheim, so we are using that to fly with our drone.

And our amazing drone have we used way to little.

I can hardly control it, so Ola are using it the most.

It is really fun anyways, but it is really advanced and complicated.

So I will just give the controller to Ola as soon as possible.

Enjoying the beautiful weather in Trondheim?

It is really nice here now, maybe not more than 10-12 degrees.

You have to search long for something prettier than this.

The sunny days in Trøndelag is something you just have to appreciate, because they are pretty rare.

So when you are a bit sick it is nice to spend some time here, and do some filming.

Now it is time to get to Oslo.

It is 09.30 now and I am attending Lindmo tonight.

So now I'm getting in the car, I am going to a quick treatment first before the flight leaves at 12 o'clock.

So before going to the airport and flying to Oslo I am going to pick up my grandfather.

It is hectic days but tomorrow is when the fun begins!

Because tomorrow I am going on a trip, and I am actually going to Dubai.

But first I have to finish my work here.

What do you have to say about todays lunch?

It looks good. Now we are sitting at Oslo S.

We are having a meal before we are heading to NRK.

It looks good, and I am hungry now.

I am hungry as well. You are just looking forward to NRK, aren't you?

Yes we are looking forward to that.

Now I am just finished at Lindmo.

A really fun show to attend to, and a lot of fun things happened.

So it is just to look forward to this getting on the TV.

So now we are going to get to the airport and get on our flight back home.

Because I must go home and pack before leaving to Dubai tomorrow morning.

So there is not much time in between. So now I just have to get home.

But first we have to get something to eat.

So Lindmo was a success and my grandfather did a good job, and that was the most important thing.

So now we're looking forward to going home.

Where are you heading now?


Heading north.

Are you happy with todays talkshow?

We will see tomorrow evening.

But glasses you are wearing inside?

I wear them because I am so cool.

He is really cool!

So today we are extra cool?

Yes we are trying that.

But what are your thoughts on these day trips to Oslo?

It was almost like in the old days.

How was it in the old days?

That I will tell you.

More women or?

He got a woman around him now.

He got one yes!

In the old days were in a rush and there were no security check.

We could bring own drink and could arrive at the airport 5-10 minutes before departure.

And there was no problem.

Now we are finished in Oslo.

We have landed in Trondheim and now we are going to get in the car.

I am dropping of him at his house and I am going home to pack.

Are you pleased with today?

Yes I think it went well.

So now I'm saying over and out from this week.

And we will see each other again tomorrow with a new week.

Next stop now is Dubai!

For more infomation >> Drone & Golf | Vlog 18 - Duration: 12:00.


Can MACRON save FRANCE from its CRISIS? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 12:23.

Many of you have requested us to make a video about France: on of the wealthiest countries

and, yet, one with the hardest economic problems in the entire World. Today, France is the

second economic power in the European Union. But that might last less that we might think.

Their young unemployment rate is over a 23% and their public debt is twice as big as their

entire GDP. Just 15 years ago, the whole world was buying Renault cars or Alcatel mobile

phones. Today, French exports have fallen to half of what they used to be. Their companies

can´t face the competition of their rivals in China, South Korea or even United States

and Germany. And as you can imagine, this economic crisis

has a reflexion on society. If you don´t believe me, just look at their presidential

elections of this 2017. None of the candidates from the traditional parties has made it to

the second round. Most of the French voters are fed up with their political stablishment

and this is why they´ve chosen a politician who wants to make a 180º shift in the French

system. So now you might wonder: What are the reasons

behind this French crisis? And most importantly What does Macron propose to solve it? Today

we are gonna answer to this question. But before, let´s take a look at history.


Right after the Wold War II, all the European countries were on bankrupcy. France was one

of them. Half of the country was destroyed by the bombs and this included houses aswell

as factories and growths. Luckily enough, Uncle Sam was ready to help. At the end of

the day, United States was interested to have a strong Europe to buy all their goods. This

is why the so called MARSHALL PLAN was a big injection of billions of dollars for all the

European nations to be reconstructed. But hold on a minute! Because each of this

countries used this finance in different ways. For instance, German Government created their

own political theory: the ORDO LIBERALISM, AKA, social liberalism. This was a combination

of social programs and free enterprise. In other words, the Government would provide

a safety net for their citizens and subsidize the companies. But, on the other hand, those

companies where private and they could compete to each other.

France was the opposite case. The president back then, General Charles de Gaulle, was

no friend of free enterprise. So his political theory, the DIRIGISME, was pretty different

from that of the Germans.

"This cabinet is not for giving proposals but to give orders"

–Charles de Gaulle

So de Gaulle used all this Money from US to nationalize almost all the big corporations.

Steel factories, electrical companies, phone companies… even those car-maker behemoths

as RENAULT, PEAUGEOT or CITROEN had the Government as the biggest shareholder.

But not only that! They also created a DIRIGISTE system on society, where The State would play

a major role in all the areas, including the conditions to hire workers or the minimal

wage. This is very important for you to understand. Because not all the welfare states are created

the same. In Germany, for instance, there is no minimal wage and there is a bigger space

for trade unions and companies to negociate contract conditions. Healthcare is provided

by private insurance. And the regional governments have a lot to say when it comes to laws and

regulations. Nevertheless, in France, ALL of the social politics come from the Central


In other words, De Gaulle represents the opposite to what we like here at VisualPolitik.

But despite all of that, during this first years after the World War II, France entered

the so called "Glory thirties". In this 3 decades, the average wage tripled and those

companies, sponsored by the Government, became global leaders. Just for your understanding,

way before American companies started moving their factories to China, Renault and Michelin

where opening facilities in Spain, where salaries where much lower.

But let´s be honest, during that time, every European country was growing at the same rhythm.

Just think about it. We are talking about the 60s. Asia was not the economic powerhouse

it is today. Latino America was full of dictatorships of all kinds. And the Soviet Union could not

produce quality goods to sell in the international market. Nonetheless, France had an important

industrial tradition, a well educated society and, over all, rule of law and a stable political

system for companies.

Not only that! In 1958, those countries, already rebuilt by the Plan Marshall decided to create

a Free Trade Union, which would become the European Union. In this moment, France had

the biggest population. Don´t forget that, back in the time, Germany was divided in two

halfs. This means they were in the strongest position to negotiate their entering conditions.

And as I said, Charles de Gaulle was no good friend of free trade. So he used his power

to make France the dominating country in certain industries like agriculture.

Bien entendu, on peut sauter sur sa chaise comme un cabri en disant l'Europe ! l'Europe

! l'Europe ! mais cela n'aboutit à rien et cela ne signifie rien.

"One can shout Europe!, Europe!, Europe!, but it doesn´t help to anything, nor means

anything"–Charles de Gaulle

If you are watching this video from anywhere in Europe, you might have heard about Common

Agricultural Policy. This is a policy created to keep European consumers to buy agricultural

goods to the third World. But not only that! It also imposes production quotas INSIDE of

the European area. This means Polish or a Spanish farmers cannot produce or sell all

the milk they want. They must meet some maximum quotas imposed by Brussels. So guess what,

this is a French invention. And this explains things like this one.

"With a base price value of €70.4 billion in 2011, French agricultural production is

the leader in Europe."

De Gaulle held power during decades. But the rest of the French presidents have kept this

DIRIGISTE model. At the end of the day, during the 60s and the 70s, France was on fire. So

if something works… Why should you fix it? Mmmm Now we are gonna tell you why.


The problem starts when the rest of the world runs faster than you. We are talking about

the 80s and the 90s. The Berlin Wall fell down, China started opening their economy

and lots of new countries, like Spain or Greece, became members of the European Union. And

of course, they also wanted to sell their products. In other words, out of a sudden,

France had rivals. And this is what explains why this kind of news are so common.

The same happens with other industries. Take a look at this chart that represents the trade

balance in France. If you pay attention, you can see how, after the 90s, the exports are

dropping slowly. This trend is specially strong after the finantial crisis.

Do you remember ALCATEL phones? When the mobile phones started becoming a thing, Alcatel was

a juggernaut in this industry. Now, they have just disappeared in a market dominated by

American, Chinese and South Korean companies. And this is just one example of how France

is losing their innovation track.

And now you might wonder… what has been the answer of all the different French governments

to all of this? Well, they just kept protecting their companies from the rest of the world.

For instance, other countries like Sweden had big like VOLVO CARS. Nonetheless, when

a Chinese Fund wanted to buy part of this firm, Government didn´t intervene at all.

They had it clear the separation between business and State. We cannot say the same in France.

Just look at what happened when PEPSI wanted to buy DANONE in 2005.

"Jean-Louis Borloo, the labour minister, said the government will do "all we can" to

oppose a bid, and Thierry Breton, the finance minister, pledged to protect Danone."

But this is not the only thing that doesn´t change in France. Their social spending is

still the highest in all across European Union. Even bigger than that of the Nordic countries.

And the French Administration employs more civil servants than any other European Country.

And their salaries are pretty generous.

In other words: France has a lower income but keeps spending the same as they did during

the Glory days. This explains why their public debt is growing as much as it does.

But hold on a second! Because now it seems things are starting to change!


Yes, we know it. One thing is what a politician promises during the elections and another

one is what he or she actually does. But there is something we have to admit in the case

of Macron: his program is a complete breakup with French Dirigisme. All the political analyst

have labelled this man as a moderate politicians who wants to continue the work of his predecessors.

But… is that really true? The truth is some of his proposals are absolutely

have never been heard by other French president, nor a right winger, nor a left winger.

For a better understanding, in a electoral campaign that became famous by the populist

tone of Mrs. Le Pen, Mr. Macron is proposing to retire over 120.000 civil servants. Yes,

many of you might thing this is horrible. But there is something we must admit: he is

being honest. There is no other politician who would suggest such an impopular thing

during the elections. Nonetheless, Macron has won this election by suggesting the opposite

of what a candidate should do. On his manifesto he also promises he will never reduce the

retirement age. In other words, he is really commited to reduce French public spending.

On the other hand, Macron combines all this Budget cuts with lowering taxes and helping

small companies. On his own words, Macron wants to substitute the French dirigisme by

a model closer to that one of Germany or Sweden, where welfare states coexists with free market


And now you might wonder… even after winning the elections… Does he have actual power

to make this happen? In France, the President has not so much power as in America. And every

law he wants to pass should go through the parliament. And… Who is the biggest political

force on this parliament?

Well… the truth is we will not know it until this summer. This June of 2017, French people

will go back to the voting stations. This time they will hold legislative elections.

And here, the party of Marine Le Pen, the NATIONAL FRONT, has bigger changes to become

the main force. But… what does the French far right wing want? Well… if you wanna

know it, you should click on this video.

And now the question is Do you really believe this quiet revolution of Emmanuel Macron can

put France out of the hole? Do you think French stagnation has a solution? You can leave your

answer in the comments below.

And don´t forget we publish brand new videos every Monday and every Thursday so don´t

forget to hit that subscribe button so you won´t miss any post. And if you liked this

video, give us a thumbs up. And as always, I see you next time.

For more infomation >> Can MACRON save FRANCE from its CRISIS? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 12:23.


Løvblåsern - Duration: 0:43.

Bad english translations coming

Yo mate, do you rakes?

Yes I do!

I have stopped doing those things

Its the techology-things that matters now!


Quited raking for a long time ago


Leaf blower

Turbo 600 High Definition!


Very expensive

I see

You just push here,

then you twist here

And then you have the worlds best..


Im a nice guy

For more infomation >> Løvblåsern - Duration: 0:43.


Little Dog Uses Her Big Brother To Do EVERYTHING - Duration: 1:32.

Bella is a tireless 2-year-old dog who is constantly looking for adventures.

However, some are too big for the tiny pup, so she needs a little boost.

Luckily, Bella has the perfect sidekick to aid her.

Enter Hank.

This 10-year-old is Bella's best friend and the duo is inseparable.

"They absolutely love each other," Adriana Burkhart, Bella's mom, told The Dodo.

"Bella lives with me and Hank stays at my parents, but whenever I bring her home they

both go crazy when they see each other."

Bella is a smart pup, so she quickly realized that Hank is a much bigger dog.

Basically, Bella is almost on top of Hank when they're spending time together.

From napping to roaming around the house and begging for treats – they're like two

parts of the same body.

Even their coats are the same color!

"Hank is getting pretty old so it's good for him to have a dog like Bella that keeps

him active," Adriana says.

"She entertains herself but loves to mess with Hank while doing so.

He'll run around with her but when he gets tired he can sit down and she'll just hang

out on top of him for a while.

They are the best."

For more infomation >> Little Dog Uses Her Big Brother To Do EVERYTHING - Duration: 1:32.


A day in the life of a Binghamton Bearcat - Duration: 3:25.

Hi, guys.

My name's Kara Bilello

And, I'm an intern here at our Admissions Office at Binghamton University.

And, in addition to that, I'm a Sophomore double-majoring in English and Spanish.

So, today, I'm going to walk with you through a day in my life.

So, you can get a feel of what it's like to be a Bearcat, here at the Premier Public.

[Music]. Ready? Let's go!


[Background talking]

We're launching today.

Hello! Welcome . . .

dickinson that we usually have this

vestibule area it's like a hallway where

we have a sink we have this DVD of the

counter two bathrooms one right there

that's a double my friends are a single

and this is my rims is my roommate so if

we come in here we have to back some

closets and our bed right now i'm headed

to shakespeare class which is one of the

requirements for my English major and

it's one of my favorite classes

restarting class today with a beautiful

it is a sunny day out here and the

Dickens o'clock we are headed home look

struggle to stay awake right now it's

quite real but we are about to go do

something super fun we are having an

intern meeting today I want to show you

guys how gorgeous our admission Center

is I think it's one of the prettiest

buildings on campus so like I said we

are going off to this intern meeting

right now we have our intern admissions

reading Oh friends so right now I am

going to the library to study in on my

favorite places for an hour and then i

have a meeting for pipe dream and that

is the newspaper i write for this is the

aftermath of a pipe dream staff meeting

is work galore or central around here

alright guys it's about ten o'clock and

that's not too late for law code

students I feel like I've been awake for

quite some time so on that note I just

put on some Java and I've my brush my

teeth closed special for a while and

head to bed thank you so much for coming

along with me on the day in my life and

we enjoyed seeing what I'm doing a day

as a Binghamton Bearcat I just learned i

get to sleep in an extra hour tomorrow i

will be in bed until 5am


For more infomation >> A day in the life of a Binghamton Bearcat - Duration: 3:25.


The Flash Temporada 3 "Sizzle Reel" Trailer (Sub Español) - FINAL DE TEMPORADA ANALISIS! - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> The Flash Temporada 3 "Sizzle Reel" Trailer (Sub Español) - FINAL DE TEMPORADA ANALISIS! - Duration: 8:49.


DIY ☆ CREA tus propios GUANTES de GRUPOS KPOP l Tutorial Fácil l KPOP GLOVES ♥ | Fabbi Lee - Duration: 7:34.

Hello! Welcome to Fabbi Lee

How are you? I hope you are well, I am happy to be here with you

As you can see the title of the video, today I am going to teach you how to make KPOP GROUP GLOVES

They are super nice, very cheap and also cheap.

These are from here, and I made them from BTS because I really like it

Because BTS is one of my favorite groups.

But you can do it from the group you want, this is just a demonstration

This is how they are put, they are super cute and in winter I will use them more often

Because they are super comfortable and very hot

I hope you like it a lot and LET'S START!


FABRICS, black and white.

Fabric glue

Pins and Scissors

Black thread

You are going to download the template that is in the description box of the video

If you want you can draw it, it's not so difficult

Keep in mind that the template should be the exact size of our hand

Extend the black fabric, fold it in two

Above, place the template and mark its full outline

This step you will do it twice

Put pins

And cut adding to the edges 1cm

That will serve for sewing

It is very important that they add 1cm because if they do not the glove will be very small

Now you're going to sew what I'm indicating

After sewing you will remove the pins

And at the top, you're going to fold 1/2 cm inward, as I show you

Hold it with the pins

This way I should stay

And repeat the same here, fold 1/2 cm inwards

Since you have it that way, you're going to sew it

But if you want you can stick it with the fabric glue

After sewing, remove the pins

And this would be the result

I really like it as it shows sewn

At the bottom you will do the same, fold 1/2 cm inwards

And you also have to sew it, but if you want you can stick it with fabric glue

After sewing, turn it over

And we will have the gloves ready

Now you are going to cut the logo of your kpop group on the white cloth, you will do it 2 times. In my case I did BTS

The next thing is to stick the logo on the glove, just like I put it

Do not worry about white lint as it can be taken out.

Grasp a piece of masking tape and pass it over the glove, this way

And you already have the gloves clean

As decoration you can add screws or tacks

And on the top you'll hit it

We let it dry for a moment

And ready! Finished

If you liked the video dale hand up, that makes me very happy

Also comment what tutorials you want to see on the channel

Remember: This is just a demonstration, you can make the group gloves you want

Just change the logo that appears on the gloves

Follow me on all my social networks, just search Fabbi Lee


If you want a greeting, share my video on facebook.

Do not forget to subscribe to my channel and activate the notifications

See you in the next video, bye!

For more infomation >> DIY ☆ CREA tus propios GUANTES de GRUPOS KPOP l Tutorial Fácil l KPOP GLOVES ♥ | Fabbi Lee - Duration: 7:34.


DIY Hair Moisturizer for Dry Hair - Duration: 2:30.

Whats up everyone. Here is a short video on how we make our own hair moisturizer

Here are the products that we used

Vegetable Glycerin

Cedarwood Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Vitamin E Oil

A container to store your moisturizer

A tablespoon for measuring

Aloe Vera Gel or Juice

a funnel

and also some distilled water

First I'm going to start by pouring in my base materials

I used 1 tablespoon of aloe Vera gel

1 tablespoon of vegetable glycerin

and 2 tablespoons of (distilled) water

I then removed the funnel and put in 10 drops each of cedarwood and lavender essential oil

I then put around a dime sized amount of vitamin E oil to finish it off

Now you just put the top on and shake the bottle and that's it

This amount usually last me 1-2 weeks and I keep it in the refrigerator and use when needed

Thanks for watching. Please see the description box for a list of the materials and where you can find them

Also, please don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. Thanks!

For more infomation >> DIY Hair Moisturizer for Dry Hair - Duration: 2:30.


Clapper: Putin sought to advantage Trump - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Clapper: Putin sought to advantage Trump - Duration: 0:44.


TINI STOESSEL AND ME STORY| 2015-2017 - Duration: 1:01.

MUSIC: SIA- Chandelier

For more infomation >> TINI STOESSEL AND ME STORY| 2015-2017 - Duration: 1:01.


#Джемперы9 TM PALVIRA Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> #Джемперы9 TM PALVIRA Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 1:54.


Sam Choy In the Kitchen: Chicken Katsu - Duration: 4:20.





Reporter: ALOHA.














Reporter: NOT MANY.








Reporter: WOW.






























Reporter: SO IT STICKS








Reporter: GREAT TIPS.



Reporter: OKAY.







Reporter: AND JOHN IS





































Reporter: AMAZING.




SUNDAYS, 6:30.






SUNDAYS, 6:30.





For more infomation >> Sam Choy In the Kitchen: Chicken Katsu - Duration: 4:20.


Wedding Nails - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Wedding Nails - Duration: 6:41.


Poldark: Prudie - Duration: 1:41.

- [Man] Prudence Paynter!

- Poldark Series 2, it's a big series for Jud and Prudie,

is all I can say.

Forget the Poldark romance.

They've been chucked out of Nampara

in Series 1. They have a big fight to get back in.

This series I make a lot of excuses for him.

- [Man] We'll make it worth your while.

- [Prudie] In Series 1,

Ross went into the army,

because he was caught smuggling.

So as part of his history

they're all involved in the smuggling.

They all know about it.

There are lots of issues that are talked about

in Poldark that happened in the 18th century.

The rise of the banks.

The extreme poverty.

- The tide is high.

There's no footprints on the beach.

There'll be salt for the pilchards.

And we are 200 pounds less in debt

than we we're this morning.

Is that not a cause to celebrate?

- You go against my wishes?

- [Beatie] I think Demelza really is furious

about the dangers of smuggling.


- Can you read my fortune?

- Aye, maid.

It do tell me with hands like these

Demelza Poldark be no lady.

- Eleanor Tomlinson is one of the most wonderful

actresses I've ever worked with, ever, in 25 years.

If you remember in Series 1,

Jud and Prudie really, really were horrible to Demelza.

Prudie reluctantly sees what an amazing person Demelza is.

- Surgeon's here!

- She's like her confidant in Series 2.

But also I think that she reminds

Demelza of where she's come from.

Part feral peasant.

For more infomation >> Poldark: Prudie - Duration: 1:41.


MinnRoast 2017: "Sunday, Sunday" - Duration: 2:19.

Bah dah dah dah dut dah

Oh, hi, everybody!

It's your favorite Sunday liquor salesman, how ya doing' huh?

Bah dah dah dah dut dah

Don't forget, I sell cheese, too

I'll cut the cheese for ya

No, let me rephrase that

Bah dah dah dah dut dah

Bah dah dah dah dut dah

Sunday, Sunday

So good to me

Sunday sales passed

I think I'll sell some booze early

On Sunday morning

I'll tweet out a warning

Of what it will be

By Sunday evening, I'll be rich and on TV

Sunday, Sunday

No sales today

Sunday sales passed, but it's effects are months away

On Sunday morning, we gave him good warning

Of what was to be

On Sunday evening, license pulled temporarily

Every other day

Every other day

Every other day, every other day of the week is fine! Yeah!

But whenever Sunday comes

But whenever Sunday comes

But whenever Sunday comes

You'll find me crying all of the time

Sunday, Sunday

Let's find a bar

Sunday, Sunday

Don't even think of buying a car

Sunday, Sunday

Sunday, Sunday

For more infomation >> MinnRoast 2017: "Sunday, Sunday" - Duration: 2:19.


"She's the Reason" Ever Us :30 Commercial from Kay Jewelers - Duration: 0:31.

She's the reason the good times are great

and the reason the tough times are easier.

Because she's your best friend

and your true love.

The Ever Us two-stone diamond collection.

A timeless design. Now it white and rose gold for Mother's Day

One diamond for your best friend, one diamond for your true love,

for the one woman who's both.

Ever Us.

Available at Zales, Jared and Kay.

For more infomation >> "She's the Reason" Ever Us :30 Commercial from Kay Jewelers - Duration: 0:31.


Soccer Mental Toughness - How To Focus on The Controllables - Duration: 4:53.

Today we are training the brain and learning how to focus on the controllables.

Whats going on?

Little dap!

Its Luke Vercollone, current pro and mental coach at Pro Performance.

Today Im a guest coach with Online Soccer Academy and happy to help you improve!

At Pro Performance we are a players mental coach and help soccer players develop real

mental toughness.

Learn more and get mental training and mentorship at

Key Points!

Key Point One.

Know what you control.

Know what is within your control.

Here is a list of ten things you control.

Ill go over the top three.

After that hit pause and read the rest of this list.

Number 1, Effort!

First and Foremost you can control your effort and always have a high work ethic.

Number 2, Attitude!

Take ownership of your attitude and make a habit of having a great one.

Number 3, Preparation!

Be diligent about being as prepared as possible.

This includes mental preparation in addition to the physical and technical preparation.

Key Point Two.

Know what you cant control.

The same as you should know what you can control, you should also know what you cant control.

Here is a list of ten things you cant control.

Ill go over the top three.

Number 1, number of Goals.

While there are things within your control you can do to improve the likelihood of scoring,

you cant be fully in control of your stats.

Dont focus on stats!

Number 2, The Referees.

So many players get themselves out of their game by complaining about a referees call.

When a referee makes a mistake, let it go!

Number 3, What Others Think.

Dont focus on what others think of you!

You play to be your best, have fun and get better.

You cant please everyone all the time no matter what you do.

Key Point Three.

Do not waste mental energy.

You have a limited amount mental energy.

When you focus on things outside of our control, that energy is wasted.

Things outside of our control are distractions.

Distractions can lead to discouragement.

Key Point Four.

Focus on what you control.

With the limited amount of mental energy you have focus what you can control.

Like hydrating before a game.

That is a simple thing you can focus on versus worrying about what your coach may do.

Focusing on the controllables will positively impact your performance and give you the maximum

opportunity to earn the results you desire.

Focus on the Controllables!

You will need a pen and paper for this exercise.

If you are not old school like me then Im sure you can figure out how to do this on

snapchat or something or whatever you kids are using these days!

First, write a list of all your goals in soccer.

Like making the team, becoming a starter, scoring 10 goals this year, breaking your

juggling record, etc.

Next, circle the goals that are outside of your control.

Like becoming a starter.

Yes, you control how hard you work to make it happen.

But ultimately your coach makes the decision and that is out of your control.

Now, write down what you can control to help you reach those circled uncontrollable goals.

These are called micro goals.

For example, for the uncontrollable goal of becoming a starter, write work hard, be confident,

jog in first every time the coach calls the team in, arrive early, stay after practice

and work on skills, etc.

Micro goals are small, short term, action steps that will have a direct impact on reaching

your long-term, tangible goals.

Now, focus on your micro goals.

Focus on these controllables and let the results take care of themselves!

Whats Wrong!

If you cant stop thinking about why you didnt score a hat trick in your last game you are

focusing on what you cant control.

I know this can be disappointing, but dont get discouraged!

Instead focus on what you control, keep putting in the effort to focus on the controllables

and in time the results will follow.

Bonus Tip!

Understand bad days happen.

We all have them.

You are not perfect.

Im not perfect.

Pros arent perfect.

When you have a bad day, learn from the mistakes you made and move on!

You cant change a bad day so dwelling on it is liking focusing on the uncontrollables.

Remember focus on what you can control.

The two most powerful things that you can control are your EFFORT and your ATTITUDE!

Make a habit of always putting forth your best effort and attitude.

These soccer virtues are a big part of your mental fitness!

Hope you enjoyed this Online Soccer Academy video!

Click on the screen or in the description to visit

We help develop real mental toughness.

Learn more and set up a session at

It was fun being a guest OSA Coach!

Say little dap in the comments and let me know what you thought!

My name is Luke Vercollone and remember if you Believe in it® and back that up with

hard work, anything in life is possible.

Believe in it!

For more infomation >> Soccer Mental Toughness - How To Focus on The Controllables - Duration: 4:53.


Uçaklar Hakkında Bilmediğiniz Gerçekler - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Uçaklar Hakkında Bilmediğiniz Gerçekler - Duration: 0:35.


El encubrimiento de la existencia de la legendaria ciudad de Dwarka - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> El encubrimiento de la existencia de la legendaria ciudad de Dwarka - Duration: 3:15.


Blade Runner 2049 Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Blade Runner 2049 Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:21.


For more infomation >> Blade Runner 2049 Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:21.


How to Grow Cacao Indoors - Gardening Tips ( Make Your Own Chocolate ) - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> How to Grow Cacao Indoors - Gardening Tips ( Make Your Own Chocolate ) - Duration: 7:11.


For more infomation >> How to Grow Cacao Indoors - Gardening Tips ( Make Your Own Chocolate ) - Duration: 7:11.


Protéger son idée de création - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Protéger son idée de création - Duration: 2:32.


For more infomation >> Protéger son idée de création - Duration: 2:32.


Don't know what I'm doing.. | Splatoon Warm Up - Duration: 2:33.

Bla ba bla ba bla ba-oh my light's on~


Kay, three points. That's all I need, game. C'mon.

Be nice to me

Just be nice






Auuugh what was that?!

That was not good, that's what it was.

Uhhhh... ba ba ba...

We're actually holding it together... fairly well-oh, God.

Oh, trying to predict me, huh?

Woah, was that a burst bomb?

I don't even know what that was! -laughter-

It was-He chucked his gun at me! -laughing- Oh my God.

Damn, okay this Charger

If he's killing me this much, he must be killing my team... just as much.

I need to take him out.

I can see... the problem here.

H'okay, someone's gonna drop down...

I'm gonna kill him...

C'mon over. C'mon, it's safe. It's-it's cool.



Heh heh


Kay, if I go around here...

He won't see it coming...

No one sees anything...

I'm gonna try to help Greg out here...

He's being very brave right now.


Not worth it, man.

Yes, that's right. That's right.


Worked like a charm.


Ho ho hoh

I almost-

-feel the pain of that Inkzooka.

Okay, where did-

Oh, woah, what?


That was so weird...

For more infomation >> Don't know what I'm doing.. | Splatoon Warm Up - Duration: 2:33.


Fiat Panda 1.2 Dubbel Panoramadak/APK t/m 4-2018/Onderhoudshistorie - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Fiat Panda 1.2 Dubbel Panoramadak/APK t/m 4-2018/Onderhoudshistorie - Duration: 1:00.


New Faculty Profile: Aaron Ames - Duration: 2:55.

I started reading Sci-Fi books from a young age.

They just fascinated me and when I went

to grad school, I wanted to do robots

and specifically walking robots.

I'm Aaron Ames, I'm the Bren Professor of

Mechanical and Civil Engineering at Caltech.

To me, walking has always been a special phenomenon

because what the human system has to do

is so incredibly complex, but in the end

there's a smooth natural motion that

flows out of humans.

I wan to understand how to do that in robots.

How do you take all this math and all these algorithms,

all this you know bits - ones and zeros -

and make this fluid, elegant motion

that comes out the back end.

So, a couple of things we've been able to do

that are notable: One, on the humanoid robot, DURUS

we've been able to achieve full 3-D walking

with normal human feet...

So now this has an extra motor here.

together with an actuated ankle,

and it has articulated toes and heels

so it can come down and impact the ground

and come forward up on the toe and then continue.

If you ever want to shock a shoe salesman,

go into a store with a robotic foot, and ask

to get this size for a shoe!

...What are we going to do with them?

Why do we want to understand walking?

Well, this is our powered prosthetic, AMPRO3.

This is an actuated prosthetic device.

It actually has two degrees of freedom at the ankle.

One is a passive roll, the other one is driven by a

motor up here - it drives the ankle.

We also drive the knee with a motor up there.

So far this device has only been tested on grad students

but we'd like to do some exhaustive clinical testing

and show, ultimately, that this makes people walk better.

That's the goal - to have experimental evidence

that people walk more efficiently with this device

than they would with existing devices.

To me, there are two applications of robotics that are very exciting:

helping people with robotic assistive devices and exoskeletons

and getting robots where people can't go.

So, getting robots to Mars and beyond, you know?

Capturing asteroids and exploring them with robots.

So, getting robots out into space...

I think these are the two intersection points

where robotics gets incredibly exciting right now.

To me, in the end, mathematics and

understanding why things actually work the way they do

is the only way to really make

fundamental, impactful contributions.

I do robots, but really I don't do robots.

What I actually do is math, and I put them on robots.

So robots are the expression of the mathematics

and this is why, to me

Caltech is such a perfect fit.

It lets me be myself and express myself

to the world through these platforms.

For more infomation >> New Faculty Profile: Aaron Ames - Duration: 2:55.


mary & francis | i should have saved you. - Duration: 2:13.

We wanted to see the fireflies.

You always worried they wouldn't come.

Some nights they wouldn't.

I never worried.

The thrill for me was in the waiting.

With you.

Marry me.


It's you. It's always been you.

You are my home.

I am determined to find the joy in our lives.

Long ago, he chose to love you.

We were meant to be happy.

And we were, but

I have another fate.

I would give anything to spend my life,

however long, at your side.

I would die for you.

Nostradamus always said

that you would be the cause of my son's death.

I never imagined that you would

kill him by breaking his heart.

I would do anything for you, Mary.

Your son

died saving me.

And if I could do it all again,

I would give anything

that he may live.

I don't think I've been this happy in my entire life.

Your love...

it gave him so much joy.

For more infomation >> mary & francis | i should have saved you. - Duration: 2:13.


Nightcore Runnin' - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Nightcore Runnin' - Duration: 3:21.


Soccer Mental Toughness - How To Focus on The Controllables - Duration: 4:53.

Today we are training the brain and learning how to focus on the controllables.

Whats going on?

Little dap!

Its Luke Vercollone, current pro and mental coach at Pro Performance.

Today Im a guest coach with Online Soccer Academy and happy to help you improve!

At Pro Performance we are a players mental coach and help soccer players develop real

mental toughness.

Learn more and get mental training and mentorship at

Key Points!

Key Point One.

Know what you control.

Know what is within your control.

Here is a list of ten things you control.

Ill go over the top three.

After that hit pause and read the rest of this list.

Number 1, Effort!

First and Foremost you can control your effort and always have a high work ethic.

Number 2, Attitude!

Take ownership of your attitude and make a habit of having a great one.

Number 3, Preparation!

Be diligent about being as prepared as possible.

This includes mental preparation in addition to the physical and technical preparation.

Key Point Two.

Know what you cant control.

The same as you should know what you can control, you should also know what you cant control.

Here is a list of ten things you cant control.

Ill go over the top three.

Number 1, number of Goals.

While there are things within your control you can do to improve the likelihood of scoring,

you cant be fully in control of your stats.

Dont focus on stats!

Number 2, The Referees.

So many players get themselves out of their game by complaining about a referees call.

When a referee makes a mistake, let it go!

Number 3, What Others Think.

Dont focus on what others think of you!

You play to be your best, have fun and get better.

You cant please everyone all the time no matter what you do.

Key Point Three.

Do not waste mental energy.

You have a limited amount mental energy.

When you focus on things outside of our control, that energy is wasted.

Things outside of our control are distractions.

Distractions can lead to discouragement.

Key Point Four.

Focus on what you control.

With the limited amount of mental energy you have focus what you can control.

Like hydrating before a game.

That is a simple thing you can focus on versus worrying about what your coach may do.

Focusing on the controllables will positively impact your performance and give you the maximum

opportunity to earn the results you desire.

Focus on the Controllables!

You will need a pen and paper for this exercise.

If you are not old school like me then Im sure you can figure out how to do this on

snapchat or something or whatever you kids are using these days!

First, write a list of all your goals in soccer.

Like making the team, becoming a starter, scoring 10 goals this year, breaking your

juggling record, etc.

Next, circle the goals that are outside of your control.

Like becoming a starter.

Yes, you control how hard you work to make it happen.

But ultimately your coach makes the decision and that is out of your control.

Now, write down what you can control to help you reach those circled uncontrollable goals.

These are called micro goals.

For example, for the uncontrollable goal of becoming a starter, write work hard, be confident,

jog in first every time the coach calls the team in, arrive early, stay after practice

and work on skills, etc.

Micro goals are small, short term, action steps that will have a direct impact on reaching

your long-term, tangible goals.

Now, focus on your micro goals.

Focus on these controllables and let the results take care of themselves!

Whats Wrong!

If you cant stop thinking about why you didnt score a hat trick in your last game you are

focusing on what you cant control.

I know this can be disappointing, but dont get discouraged!

Instead focus on what you control, keep putting in the effort to focus on the controllables

and in time the results will follow.

Bonus Tip!

Understand bad days happen.

We all have them.

You are not perfect.

Im not perfect.

Pros arent perfect.

When you have a bad day, learn from the mistakes you made and move on!

You cant change a bad day so dwelling on it is liking focusing on the uncontrollables.

Remember focus on what you can control.

The two most powerful things that you can control are your EFFORT and your ATTITUDE!

Make a habit of always putting forth your best effort and attitude.

These soccer virtues are a big part of your mental fitness!

Hope you enjoyed this Online Soccer Academy video!

Click on the screen or in the description to visit

We help develop real mental toughness.

Learn more and set up a session at

It was fun being a guest OSA Coach!

Say little dap in the comments and let me know what you thought!

My name is Luke Vercollone and remember if you Believe in it® and back that up with

hard work, anything in life is possible.

Believe in it!

For more infomation >> Soccer Mental Toughness - How To Focus on The Controllables - Duration: 4:53.


VOC 2017: Elin M. Howe, Commissioner, MA Department of Developmental Services - Duration: 6:07.

>> Well, good morning, everyone.

It's my pleasure to join you again this year at your conference.

And I'd like to congratulate the federation on again

putting together what looks like an absolutely fabulous day

for all of us.

It happens every year.

I mean, they're so consistent

in terms of, you know, as Rich said,

major offerings in all areas

of interest to families.

And it's just always a great day,

and always kind of a harbinger of spring,

although we wouldn't know it here this morning.

I come to you today not only as a professional with many,

many years of experience in the field,

and I can't very well hide my age when I tell you

that I have more than 43 years of experience in the field,

but also as a family member.

And I try to think in my job,

not only as a professional but as a family member,

when I think in visions of community,

I think we all have visions.

But the important thing is that we learn

and work to implement those visions,

because having the vision alone just isn't enough.

So I want to talk to you about some of the visions

we have in our agency,

and some of what we have done and continued to do.

So in relation to families,

we have been very pleased this year

to be able to support

an additional 2600 families

through our robust system of family support centers

throughout the state.

And we're enabled to do that,

because last year, many of you remember,

we had a $5 million increase

that was awarded to us for the current fiscal year

by our governor and our legislature.

We hope to continue to build on those efforts

to serve more individuals and families.

And a particular focus this year has been reaching out

to the more than 600 individuals and families

in our system where the individual living at home

is over 60 years of age,

and to try to figure out

how we can better-support their family members.

We are very big into the area of employment,

and currently have more people

employed at competitive wages

in this state than we've ever had.

We plan to continue our employment efforts

and to try to increase the number of people who are working,

at the same time we're working on

increasing the quality of our day services

and our community-based day services programs.

We've had major activity

in our agency around transition,

and trying to make the work for families

somewhat less burdensome than it has been,

and to try to ensure families of services

well in advance of the time

that their loved one turns 22.

To that end, we have been very fortunate this year --

and most of you have probably followed this

if you relate to our agency --

we not only have good news for fiscal year

'18 in terms of turning 22

and our budget,

but for this year as well.

So the governor advanced a supplemental budget

for us to deal with first-year

turning 22 individuals of $10.8 million this year,

and he has advanced for full annualization

of our accounts for next year,

about $34 million.

That is a major achievement,

and something that [APPLAUSE]

I just can't thank the administration enough

for recognizing the importance of turning 22,

after all of the investments

that are made in children in the Commonwealth.

It just isn't an area

where we want to have any doubt

about what we can do for people when they turn 22.

So this is just, I mean, I think a great piece of news.

And hopefully, we'll cross our fingers

and say a prayer that all of those dollars

remain after the legislative process as well.

So we are able to serve the 927 class member

that we have in this fiscal year,

and next year's number, I think, is 949.

So the agency continues to be very involved,

and trying to do the absolute best we can for those of you

who have children who are transitioning.

On a couple of specialized areas,

we continue our initiatives on people who are aging,

because more than 9,000 of our 30,000 people

are over the age of 50

and have very special needs.

I talked for a minute to Angela Ortiz today,

another area we concentrate a lot

on is how we deal with individuals

who have very medically-complex challenges in their lives.

That's another initiative that's really,

I think, important to all of us.

So we continue to improve the quality of everything we do.

We're trying to do more of it,

but to do it in a thoughtful

way to address people's needs.

And I really encourage anyone in the audience

whose child or family member

is diagnosed with an intellectual

or a developmental disability.

Even if you don't need us right now,

it's important that you come through eligibility process

and become part of our community,

because how we see ourself as an agency

is that we're going to be with you for the rest of your life,

and the life of your child or family member.

And it's our commitment.

And I hope for all of you

that you take advantage of the services

that we do offer.

Have a wonderful day today.

Congratulations to all of the award winners.

And have a good one!


For more infomation >> VOC 2017: Elin M. Howe, Commissioner, MA Department of Developmental Services - Duration: 6:07.


Do Pay and Benefits Increase Motivation? - Your Practice Ain't Perfect - Joe Mull - Duration: 4:33.

True or False: Pay and Benefits

INCREASE employee motivation.

The answer, based on all the

available social science research, is FALSE.

Pay and benefits do not increase motivation in the workplace.

Now let me ask the question a bit of a different way: True or False: Pay and Benefits IMPACT

employee motivation.

Ah, it turns out, the answer to that question, is TRUE.

What's the difference?

Stick around to find out!

Ok, let's take the first question: Do Pay and Benefits INCREASE motivation.

The answer is no, they don't.

Research tells us that increasing pay and benefits does not correlate to an increase

in effort or productivity on the job.

You may get that short term, as an increase in pay and benefits can act like a shot of

caffeine, but like caffeine, it wears off quickly, and the employee's performance

eventually comes back down to where it was.

Now, that said, pay and benefits do IMPACT motivation, and that's not just semantics.

Here's what we know: when an employee perceives that their pay and benefits are fair and adequate,

compensation no longer acts as an influencer of effort and productivity.

However, if an employee perceives that their pay and benefits are unfair or inadequate, that

can decrease motivation and increase disengagement.

See the difference?

Compensation doesn't increase motivation.

But if you get it wrong, if the employee perceives that, all things being equal, someone else

is being paid more for doing the same job, then their effort, productivity, and engagement

all suffer.

Also, if an employee isn't earning enough to meet the demands of life – take care

of their families, pay their bills, etc. – then that employee is likely to be less motivated

to stay and try.

This is why many folks in roles with historically lower levels of compensation might move on

just for money.

Now I know this flies in the face of what some leaders believe.

It contradicts leaders who say "look, my employees TELL me that what would motivate

them at work is 'more money!'"

Take just a moment to think about that premise – that more money would motivate an employee

to try harder – when you really think about it, you'll quickly recognize how absurd

it is.

Because if an employee says "I would try harder if you paid me more" what they are

really saying is: "I have another gear.

I don't use it.

You haven't seen it, but it's for sale, and you can buy it."

And is that true?

No, it's not.

If you give that employee a raise, it's almost certain you'll get no discernible

change in effort or output over time.

And if it was true?

If you had an employee who was only giving you partial effort while waiting for more

of this, is that the kind of person you want on your team anyway?

The truth is that when you ask employees what motivates them in the workplace, money rarely

comes up.

The top answers are more recognition and my relationship with my direct supervisor.

These are the biggest influencers of employee engagement.

So, if you want your people to care and try and give their all, if you want them to have

an emotional and psychological commitment to their work, then regularly give voice to

their contributions and the difference they make in the lives of others.

Also, care about them as a person, be an advocate for their professional development, and when

the time comes, fight for pay increases that ensure their compensation remains

fair and adequate.

Remember, motivation isn't something we do to people.

It's something they experience as a result of a variety of conditions being present in

the workplace, most of which are created, installed, and maintained

by you—by their bosses.

If you want more info on this topic, check out my book, "Cure for the Common Leader:

What Physicians and Managers Must Do to Engage and Inspire Healthcare Teams", available

on Amazon.

Thanks for watching.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Do Pay and Benefits Increase Motivation? - Your Practice Ain't Perfect - Joe Mull - Duration: 4:33.


블레이드 러너 2049 BLADE RUNNER 2049 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> 블레이드 러너 2049 BLADE RUNNER 2049 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:21.


Bikini Prep Series | EP 01 - Take the Plunge | My Last Burger? - Duration: 15:25.

Last Burger Before Prep

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