boom what is inside what is inside we got it oh my god! for every like we get
on this video I'm gonna add a drop of hot sauce to some sort of bowl or cup
and as many likes as we get is as many drops of hot sauce that I'm forced to
drink one like equals one drop of hot sauce so today on black ops 3 another
subscriber asked me to open his supply drops and unlock his first DLC weapons
and holy crap it is insane three of a kind
Campbell bribes 20 no dupes 50 rare drops full range weapon bribes one
standard weapon bribe in for melee weapon bribes this guy's account is
stacked alright let's take a look real quick at the weapons we have up for
grabs no smg's unlocked no ARS no shotguns
LNG's or snipers for the secondaries no pistols no launchers no melees and no
special weapons this guy has no DLC weapons storing up those supply drops
and today we get to open them so you already know the drill boys we're gonna
go right into the Banger special Supply Drop the three of a kind but I need your
help okay I need the like luck and I need you
to smash the like button down below so let's go boys three of a kind in three
two one let's see what it is void smash that like button come on slash and burn
the malice and the anti-rattle claw a pretty good opening Supply Drop a
special weapon and two mayonnaise we got the slash and burn the malice and the NX
shadow claw not too bad right there let's go right to the camera bribe no
time to waste no time to you know mess around opening these rares which we'll
do afterwards I want to knock down all these bribes and there you go we get
that atomic fire Green Hulk camo and black ops 3 I'm liking that that's the
atomic fire we've got the green of the purple we got the green I will be
hooking up one of my subscribers with some cop wants to go ahead and cop these
new DLC weapons within supply drops make sure you guys drop a like leave a
comment and subscribe to the channel stay tuned for more videos now this is a
standard weapon router it could be ranged it could be melee so let's see
what we get in it is it going to be a melee or ranged looking like all the
nunchucks its nunchuks boys our fourth DLC weapon and
our fifth DLC items so that's four DLC weapons already nunchucks melee weapon
right there we have four melee weapon tribes let's see what we get oh I'm
looking like an iron Jim iron Jim okay for the fifth DLC weapon let's see what
else we get here Oh fury song that is one of the best
melee weapons in the entire game two more melee weapons to go if you have not
already smashed like but I think it's the night breaker it's the night breaker
boys there it is again we're just rolling in all of these DLC weapons
let's go Oh butterfly knife a classic a classic DLC weapon the first one in the
game that's a nice finish to the melee weapon
bribes now we have 20 no dew drops the range weapon bribes and the 50 rares
let's go open these no dupes before we open the range weapon bribes and the
comments down below make sure you guys let me know which DLC weapons you guys
are looking forward to bo3 adding in supply drops within 1.30 s update of
course that's coming very soon and I will have full coverage on the channel
when it does so if you guys have any wishlist DLC weapons or camos or
contracts or ideas for a bo3 should be adding in their next update let me know
down below in the comments do you want to see the m27 do you want to see the
scar the mercenary or the mp7 do you want to see other animated camos or
special camos whatever you want to see within bo3 just let me know in the
comments down below we have 14 more drops though and these are no dupe
bundles I want to try to pull a DLC weapon if it is possible of course would
these no dupes I think he's gonna basically be getting dupes or
technically not dupes but you know he doesn't have any items on his account so
it's not even that crazy of a you know rarity increase so we're basically just
opening regular rares at this point so the chance of getting a DLC weapon is
quite slim but we are halfway through this bundle the question is are we gonna
pull another DLC weapon before these range weapon brats because we have four
of them and with all the SMGs all the ARS all the LMG snipers the special
weapons all the possible chances to get a range weapon
we definitely have quite a lot now we have the match GL and the L for see each
other you know a little spirit you know Lily's dog dodge and weave these ones
cuz I want to get those launcher but they are up for grabs as you sell be
it we got the UH next shot o'clock which is a good special weapon but I do not
want to see those launchers hopefully oh and there it is boys there's the like
luck coming through that banshee uh uh what about this a SMG Apache shotgun and
there it is the the Reagan shotgun from from what I think last year the riff t9
and a banshee when it came out everyone's saying Leo the Reagan pistol
and the ray gun shotgun because it's like an orb that fires energy Oh get the
skull trooper mask right there one final rare drop what's it gonna be it's
looking like some gear freak show for the Seraph any duplicates here
yeah no dupes we have some keys to open we're gonna open the Daily Double
predictions in the comments section down below for what we're gonna pull in the
range weapon if you have any you know intuition or guesses or you know lucky
chances to guess you know what we're gonna giving is what we're gonna be
getting rather in these range open bribes
let me know in the comment section down below is it an SMG and AR a sniper you
have a couple seconds to comments down below your guesses as we open one of
four range weapon bribes let's get it boys what are we gonna get come on I
want something very Oh the MX grand that's a nice start boys a DLC assault
rifle that's what I like to see now the best assault rifle but that is a good
opener considering that is a DLC assault rifle Oh
boys I'm liking this the 1911 pistol that's a pretty good combination the MX
garand and the 1911 we have two more range weapon bribes what is in store for
us today or what the D 15 I see it I see it it's the D 13th sector boys three
really solid range weapons and the final range weapon bribes comment down below
your predictions your guesses what is inside these range weapon bribes we have
the D 13 the MX garand and the 1911 three epoch range weapons the last range
boom what is inside what is inside we got it oh my god the accent see the best
DLC weapon in bo3 we pull the xmc man i have not pulled this thing in so long on
any accounts and we pull the xmc holy crap
that is insane we're going right into these rare bundles boys smash it like if
you have not already hit me without that thumbs up on down below on the video oh
my god that is incredible I can't believe we pulled the xmc the
likelihood of that happening of dodging not only the riff t9 but both launchers
and we actually got two of the best special weapons I would put it like deep
13 the next shadow claw been ballistic knife and we pull those we actually
dodge the ballistic knife like oh my god the luck on today's opening boys
if you smashed it like I appreciate you because you gave me that like luck for
sure you gave me that look like for a hundred percent certainty so I
appreciate you if you dropped it like on the video make sure you guys subscribe
down below as well join the bo3 squad as we finish opening these 40 or so rare
supply drops and these are not just some average rare supplies oh these are the
bundles a triple play and grand slam supply drops so let's see what we get
within the next 30 or 40 drops I'm hoping at least another DLC weapon I
think we're over ten at this point we have four from the melee four from the
range that's eight three and one from the grand slam and the regular weapon
brush that's twelve and we also if I'm not mistaken pulled another DLC weapon
outside of those in the twenty know dupes we had a 13 so I think we have 13
DLC weapons right now which is absolutely ridiculous so props to the
supply drive gods today because they are coming through in full force and hooking
us up with some new DLC weapons but I'm not seeing much you open a couple more
we're gonna go take a look at what we got in today's opening keep some of
these rare drops on the accounts seeing much man I'm gonna go one more
you got one more chance to impress me supply job gods ooh the war train camp
44 now too bad but let's take a look real quick at what we pulled in today's
opening there we go right here let's go count them up boys xmc arguably the best
weapon of the game the RPK is a close second but xmc for many reasons is the
best DLC weapon in the game so we pulled the xmt that's number one assault rifles
I think we pulled the emigrants number two shotguns the Banshee for number
three no snipers or LMGs or a3 number four with the 1911 now we're at five six
seven eight nine ten eleven eleven because the prize fighters 11 with all
the melees and then twelve thirteen with the special weapon so the next shadow
claw in d13 sector alongside the butterfly knife orangey m-theory song
malice slash of a night breaker nunchucks and the 1911 on top of our
already unlocked XM c and MX garand so boys what an opening we have basically
one of the best combinations here the X MC plus the 1911 in terms of a DLC
weapon class setup this is as good as it gets man that is what I like to see make
sure you guys smash it like down below in the video if you guys did enjoy it's
like a look at the camos we have the dragon fire we'll put on the atomic
father when we just got from that weapon opening that our brother started the
supplies are opening the limited edition camo but there it is both a xmc in the
1911 I mean how much better can these
openings get make sure you guys smash it like subscribe during the teen join the
bo3 squad with that being said boys thank you so much for watching have an
awesome day stay safe and I'll catch you guys in the next one
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