Crane Car Wash
Three suspects attack multiple people in Waikiki - Duration: 0:38.-------------------------------------------
Karaoke with Ruby - Duration: 0:27.🎵Ah, our ship is departing🎵
🎵Oh, weigh the...🎵
This is all wrong!
This is not Christmas!
*heavy breathing*
What are you guys doing!?
UCSF Scientists Make Breakthrough With Chemical Exposure Study - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
The New York Times and Washington Post have had a great time with leaks incoming their
A lot of other media outlets have been getting more information than they should.
Well the leaks may finally be over.
White House leakers have been caught in actions.
The classified information going out of the White House were coming from three different
Three White House staffers were caught and are currently under investigation.
Trump announced that he will deal with them as soon as he gets back from his presidential
White House chief, Trey Yingst is currently handling the situation.
He announced that the three staff members belonged to the Office of Government Ethics.
These leakers have been working undercover since Trump got elected.
They have been giving him a hard time since day one.
Look forward to multiple people getting fired when he returns.
Here is all Yingst was allowed to say to the public:
More information may not be released until Trump returns.
Looks like he gave a clear order of not letting anyone slip in regarding this situation.
Stay tuned for the punishment when Trump gets back.
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노회찬 유서 3통 남겨…"어리석은 선택에 후회" - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
全球唯一一座建在國境線上的美術館 The Only Borderline Art Museum in the World - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Filipina British AGE GAP COUPLE: WHO'S MORE LIKELY TO CHALLENGE - Duration: 19:10.John: Oh No!
Mia:He said oh no!
C'mon will do to the challenge
What challenge?
You know that questions that I've been printing
C'mon! When its done then its done!
What a serious task.
Look at him! He's a like a white pig lying on the coach
What you mean a what pig?
That's racism!
He will not do the challenge anymore because of what I said
See look at that!
Look at his legs!
they're sexy legs
everybody loves to have a legs like that
Even a model would like to have those
What did he say!?
C'mon you need to sit properly
You need to sit properly to be presentable
I'm presentable! I'm relax you can sit forward
John: Mind the dogs won't eat it
Well! You will buy me another one
C'mon sir John! Sit properly
This is it my loves will do the who's more likely to challenge
We have questions here that I printed earlier
and every questions will either answer both or none and either Mia or John
He got his own rules! Difficult to explain
I need to put the wind muff filter again as its windy
I will put this back as it is windy outside
This is very unprofessional video its not organized
Look at him!
the first question is
What are you saying?
so the first question is..
Be honest
Darling I dont fart I break wind
Every time we go somewhere and he will said I break a wind and I was like what!!
John: Darling, You don't have to give the secret
John: Ahh! it's not John because
"MIA"always reminds John about it....
Mia:so how John can forgot about it
John: Exactly!
Mia: Mostly it's John
John:yeah I'm not good at remembering stuff like that
Mia: I know the answer to this one!
John: there's no question about it!..
excuse me!!!....2 glasses of wine shes deadly
I'll drop dead if I drink like two glass of wine
I'm not a drinker John doesn't really get
drunk because it is another
thing is when I when I am with John I learned the
bad habits to him
his teaching me a bad habit
I never drunk before
john:I have no reason to keep a secret
so your answer is.... none....
she wouldn't tell me about a youtube for a long time
so thats the secret
because I feel shy about it yeah
okay its a secret
but it's not a bad secret that should ruin
our relationship John : oh, it could..!!
See violence..this is what I have to put up with
I'd certainly don't
don't give me that much I go to bed
Mia: No!John is just like
You need the raise your thingy
it's John yeah I always messy
John:Well I can assure you I put my hand on
my heart I could tell you I would never cheat never happen in my life and I
ain't going to start now because I wouldn't like it done to myself
so why do others their, thats simple !
The rule is just to raise this that one or this one
so it's none yes no one
yeah John
I give you that!
its only because Mia has had her no
personal money but she has now so now she could buy me lots of presents
so remember
I have no reason to lie lying sometimes!
No we will skip that question
no there's no lies to
be said I don't like because I don't need need a reason to lie right okay so
About what?
also John
okay yeah both yeah right whoa yeah because when his mad when his
when he is mad he won't speak to me and if I am mad I won't speak to him
I don't speak so I don't say something I'd regret later - yeah that's right
I think both
Why me?..... you work at home work so both
Yeah I work at home so I do stay home
but I work at home
you run always leaving me
on what?
in general things no matter you
earn profit with that you still spend more money that's the question is who's more
likely to spend more money
probably me to be fair
come on this but it's so it's John
I only spend money on returnable money not
disposable money because I don't waste on disposable money much mainly
returnable money because I'm business minded
Sit properly like that.
I'm just sliding down because you keep beating me
You notice I been putting the corner the naughty corner
it's me
cuz I don't give in because I'm tough
because He got an ego that's why he don't say sorry
He got a pride
no principal
no you got a pride you always think you're always you right but you are wrong sometime
how can I be wrong when I never am
You're such a bad person
You get jealous!
JOHN: I never been jealous in my life
He's not showing it and He's not admitting it
Look at his guilty face
And he like, Why the lights is on!!!!???
Wasting electricity
Why me?
All you have to is read messages on my phone
Its both
You're sweet
Sweet? Yeah but I am not clingy
You're clingy
its only cuz it think your younger
and you came from different country
What do you mean?
cuz your insecurity
what you mean insecutrity?
Everybody has an insecurity specially when they are younger
its quite normal, I used to be like that
What makes you think that i am insecure?
unless you are just clingy because you are jealous person
because John if you look at his feet it so soft and he is very soft person
He's handsome...
and she's the queen of Mindanao
What you mean the queen of Mindanao? I don't know where he got it
We don't really have done that ,aren't we?
That's it my loves, thats our who's more likely challenge
The Media Got Smacked With A Fact Proving Nobody Believes Them - Duration: 13:25.The Media Got Smacked With A Fact Proving Nobody
Believes Them
Since the election of Donald Trump, the mainstream media has lost all their credibility.
Nobody believes their lies anymore.
And the mainstream media just got smacked with one simple fact proving that.
Trump's press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin sent the media into a frenzy.
Before the conference even began they were ready to smear Trump as a Russian puppet for
even daring to speak to Putin.
And predictably, they did just that, and tried to convince the American people that his performance
was everything from embarrassing to treasonous.
But not everybody bought into that lie.
The left obviously did, as did the 'Never Trump' establishment in the Republican Party,
which the media used to claim the criticisms were non-partisan.
But in reality, the 'Never Trump' wing of the Republican Party doesn't have much
power in the party.
Recent polling shows that upwards of eighty percent of Republicans approve of the president.
And that eighty percent also approve of his press conference.
A new Axios poll shows that 79 percent of Republicans are supportive of Trump's handling
of the press conference, while only 18 percent did not approve.
This shows that not only is the silent majority that supported Trump prior to the election
still around, but that it is more powerful than ever before, and they still stand with
Trump in the face of media attacks.
But despite the clear support from everyday Republicans, many Republicans in Congress
do not approve.
Thankfully for Trump supporters, those Republicans opposing Trump on this are virtually all 'Never
Trumpers', who never supporter Trump to begin with.
Perhaps the most vocal critic is Sen. John McCain, who has lost all credibility since
the election of Donald Trump.
McCain called the press conference "one of the most disgraceful performances by an
American president in recent memory."
But while McCain was critical, Sen. Rand Paul, who has not always gotten along with President
Trump was extremely supportive.
Paul gave his support for the conference, stating that "we should be engaged with
Russia" because of serious conflicts we have with them.
Sen. Paul even offered to do "shuttle diplomacy" for the president, and plans to visit Russia
in August to do just that.
He truly understands the importance of Trump's foreign policy strategy.
Trump proved to the world that he understands how to deal with other countries with his
historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Nobody ever expected that the United States would be on friendly terms with North Korea,
especially under somebody like Trump who often rubs people the wrong way, but he has made
great progress.
Because of Trump's work in North Korea we have had multiple U.S. prisoners released;
a pledge to return the remains of Americans killed in the Korean War, and promises to
make steps towards denuclearization.
When former President Obama left office he said that North Korea would be Trump's biggest
difficulty, and he's handling it very well.
Why doesn't the media let Trump try to do the same in Russia?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
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Supernatural S14. Trailer #SDCC - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
血糖高的人注意看,每天堅持吃一片,血糖穩定難升高 - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Officer Bronon Kaliloa memorial service - Duration: 0:13.-------------------------------------------
Hannah Gadsby: Sweet Tweets - Duration: 3:00.Hannah there is there's so much hate on Twitter. But you've had such an overwhelmingly positive response to the show Nanette.
So much so that you you actually tweeted this
Aren't they beautiful?
They are beautiful. Instead of reading mean tweets
Is this sweet?
Keep going.
Sounds like Stockholm Syndrome.
It's an hour and seven Kathy Griffin.
Oh, I sound so creepy!
It would be good filter wouldn't it?
Yeah, if yeah, if the date goes well watching Nanette.
Yeah if the guys there "going this is bullshit"
Swipe right.
She's not telling me to see it
That would be challenging.
We met after the show it was a really wonderful moment.
Because you talk about Monica Lewinsky.
I just wanted to change the way we you know, she's just a punch line
If that story had occurred now
and not
20 years ago when it did - the story would be written in a completely different way
You'd still get a grown grown-ass president denying any wrongdoing though.
Yeah, you're right. Nothing has changed. You're right. Yeah
Would you please thank Hannah Gadsby?
Teddy Bear Song | Kindergarten Cartoon Nursery Rhymes for Kids | Baby Music by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:09.Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the sky
Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, bead down low
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your toes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, rest your head
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, time for bed
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the sky
Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, bead down low
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your toes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, rest your head
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, time for bed
Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan Season 2 - Episode 291 - Maddy interrupts FAB5's jam - Duration: 21:47.Even we're sorry, Aryamann. - Sorry.
Sorry. - I know, we crossed our limits.
In fact, we were rude beyond the limits.
We're really sorry, man.
Yes. Friends?
So, group hug time!
No way. You guys are sweating.
Oh please, you know you like it.
So, enough. You wasted most of my time.
You guys should go now.
I mean you guys have a performance, right.
O2 live performance.
Prepare yourself for that.
See you guys soon. I've some work.
Good luck.
What is he made up of?
I think, the drummer.
Nandini, get us a drummer. Please.
Nandini, will you stop coming in front of my car?
It scares me. What if something happens to you?
Sorry. But you cannot always walk out like that on us.
You can't just walk out all the time like this.
When did I walk out?
You forgot, you just walked out right now?
You are the drummer for the performance of O2.
So, all this is not allowed. I am serious.
You've become quite smart in just a day, not bad.
I was always smart, you never noticed me.
Let's go.
So Aryamann, that's Cabir's place.
So you have a big responsibility on you now.
I know, it's an honor.
I miss you, brother.
I'll try my best.
I wish you were here, Manik.
You would have felt so proud.
Guys, it's a picture moment time. So, let's take a picture.
Fast. - Okay, cool.
There's an error in uploading. I think there's no network.
I'll just come.
Hello, Goddess of Knowledge.
Whom are you lecturing now?
You know, at times you speak sensible things.
You said this last time.
That forcing isn't love.
You know, I really liked it.
You actually changed my perspective.
I didn't know, a stone-hearted man can even understand my words.
Anyway, what are you doing?
Damage something somewhere else.
So the Goddess of Knowledge, has a sense of humor.
I am here to do my duty.
A president's duty.
You should learn something from me.
Come. Watch me.
What's up, guys?
I am your beloved president.
And I have an announcement to make.
I want to pass a new order.
And our, Miss Goddess of Knowledge.
I mean, Miss. Ex President too will agree to me.
Agree with you?
Listen man, just buzz off.
We've lots of work, okay. Don't waste our time.
Your speech ends here. There's the door, get lost.
You know what, it's so much fun.
All of you give me the track stock.
Maddy seriously, what do you want?
Okay, so I will speak it out now.
What does a good president wish for?
Equal distribution of rights and resources. Right.
Which is not here, Nandini.
How will you feel?
If the facilities of this college are bound only to some selective people?
I will not let this happen.
Because every student should get equal rights.
A big hand for our Miss Ex President.
But, the scenario is such here.
Only special students get privileges here.
As special musical instruments, jamming room, etc.
But you know what? I am here.
I am here to bring the change.
But I am here, there are new rules.
Hereafter, jamming room has to be booked in advance.
And don't worry. This room is available for everyone.
And sorry guys. Today, this room is already booked.
By Musical Boys.
Who are they?
They are students of S.P.A.C.E like you.
Hereafter, do not enter this room without booking.
Get it.
Come on. Vacate this room now right now.
Kindly, leave.
It's not a joke, Madhyam.
You cannot stop our practice in the middle of something.
We really need to practice.
I am sorry. Come again.
Mr. So called president.
No one ever in S.P.A.C.E dared to stop Fab5 from rehearsing.
So, back off. - Really?
It never happened, but it will happen now.
You know why? Because now you are dealing with Maddy.
Maddy can do anything.
So, Goddess of Knowledge.
What do you think? This is right? Is it wrong?
Only some students should get special privileges?
Is this rule only for Fab5?
What about these guys? Tell me.
And you? Should I break a sacred coconut for you?
Or should I call a priest?
Get your stuff and start your practice.
You have only 3 hours, okay.
We really need this room to practice.
Fab5 has won the talent hunt by O2.
They are going to record for O2.
So please let them practice.
I am sure, next time we'll book this room in advance. I promise you.
Oh! The same sad puppy face.
How can I refuse such a face?
But, I am really very sorry!
For me, my president's duty comes first.
Unlike you.
Now leave from here.
This is for S.P.A.C.E academy. It'll be at stake.
They will be defamed. Really, Fab5...
Fab5's name will be defamed, not the S.P.A.C.E.
What do you think, I am a little child?
Just leave, okay.
Nandini, listen.
There is no need to request him.
There are many more spots in the college, let's go.
Yes, she is right.
Let's go to my place, we can practice there.
Anyway, I am feeling really suffocated.
What is your problem? That's enough.
Oh! You are so scary!
I am scared! - Enough!
That's enough!
Let him be, every dog has his day.
Vow! Vow!
Thank you, bro! At least you compared me with a dog.
You know, dogs are very loyal.
Unlike you.
What are you playing?
I fought for you, guys!
Remember one thing.
You better pull up your socks right now. Okay.
What is this crappy arrangement?
Did Nyonika run away putting all the blame on me?
If that happens, I'll be...
How could she do that?
Hello! What's up, guys? What are all of you doing here?
We have come to practice. - Hold on.
This is my home, so there will be no practice. Understood?
This is my house as well.
Did somebody ask you, can we practice here or not?
No, right?
We are going to practice here.
Come on, guys!
Aryamann, you should have this. - No.
Guys, this is so dirty. Let's clean up, first.
Alya, come on! There's no time to clean.
Let's start the practice.
What happened?
Cockroach. - Did you see the cockroach again?
Are you guys seriously scared of cockroaches? Cockroaches!
Things we do to make people laugh, right?
Exactly! He is right.
Thanks. - Thanks.
Sure. We believe you.
Guys, give me a scale, D-minor.
Alya, let's practice first, then we will decide what we will have to play
It's C-major.
Shush, guys!
Stop, stop!
I have a song.
I'll take the first line, and then...
...then you guys improvise.
Take it from there.
So let's see how it goes.
What do you say? - Cool, let's do this.
Manik, I love you!
But this tune shouldn't be like this.
I think, it should be... I'll tell you.
Did you say, Manik?
Yes, actually...
...I am sorry.
I disturbed you. I am sorry!
It's just that, all of us are rehearsing together... I felt a little emotional.
Manik is not there, it's because of that.
But why are you saying sorry? It's okay.
Yeah, we totally understand what you are going through.
So, there is not need to say sorry.
Nandini, it's okay.
What you are feeling, we are feeling the same.
Don't worry. We all are in this together.
We are in this together.
Guys, I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe. Okay.
So, should we start the practice or not?
Let's go.
'Manik, why are you doing this?'
'Why do I see you everywhere?'
'Even though I know that you are not there.'
'I know that it's not real.'
'I know, if I will tell somebody...
...then they will think that I am naive.'
'But I am loving this.'
These moments with you...
...they make me so alive, Manik.
It feels like, that time is coming back once again.
Yes, and sir, we have a lot of vocal effects and plug ins.
Dhruv's voice, it will sound good.
But I'm not convinced. I need a strong voice for this song.
It's not Fab5, I am really disappointed.
That soul, that magic, that Manik.
He is not Manik.
Manik's replacement.
We have no other solution, Nandini.
We have no other solution.
There is one person...
...and he sounds exactly like Manik.
We all hate him.
[Come And Hug Me MV] Na Moo & Nak Won - Flower (꽃) - Duration: 3:48.When I see your smile that has the sky in it
I get happy for no reason, moment by moment
Because of you, this world looks different
Because of you, this world looks different
Always by your side
I'll warmly embrace you
Without any scars
You resemble a flower
So precious
Forever love
I'll hug you so I can protect you
So we won't forget this moment
When strong winds blow
I'm afraid it'll take you away
Because you're always by my side
Because we can hold hands
Because we can love
You resemble a flower
So precious
Forever love
I'll hug you so I can protect you
So we won't forget this moment
We will remain beautiful
Always in our hearts
You resemble a flower
So precious
Forever love
I hope our love is beautiful
I'll give you my everything
'Don't worry mummy' – Prince William made Diana HEARTBREAKING promise before her death - Duration: 2:52.When Princess Diana and Prince Charles divorced, there was a huge amount of contention around whether the late Princess should retain her title
The Queen was reportedly happy for her to keep it, but Charles was not. She became Princess Diana and shed her HRH, which meant she would have to curtsey to her sons and thereby further alienate her from the Royal family
But according to his book, "A Royal Duty", by the Princess' former butler, Paul Burrel, Prince William vowed to help his mum reclaim her title
Prince William said: "Don't worry Mummy, I will give it back to you one day when I am king
" The future King was 14-years-old at the time. He was studying at Eton College in Windsor, Berkshire at the time
But Prince William never had the chance to fulfil his promise as three years later, his mother died in Paris
Mr Burrell and Princess Diana are said to have been close friends. It was also claimed earlier this year he help her smuggle in her boyfriends into Kensington Palace
Mr Burrell's book claims the Princess had nine secret lovers, including a "famous musician"
Former Bond girl Cecilie Thomsen made the allegation Bryan had cheated on her with Diana in an interview with Danish magazine Billed Bladet back in 2003
At the time, Bryan told the Mail: "Miss Thomsen doesn't know anything about my friendship with Diana, nor does anyone else
"Anything you have read from these reports is pure conjecture and supposition." Cecilie dated Bryan for 12 years and says the "love affair" was behind their breakup
She continued: "I knew Diana had an affair with Bryan. "Bryan knew Paul Burrell very well and Paul was part of the inner circle around Bryan, and he also introduced him to Diana
The first time Bryan met Diana I wasn't invited. "Ours was a stormy relationship and Bryan's affair with Diana didn't make it easier
The affair was in 1996 after Diana's divorce with Prince Charles."
Three charged with crimes for assisting Waiki elude authorities - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
開封府豈為一人服務 別拿陳師孟辱包青天 - Duration: 13:12.-------------------------------------------
2018 KPSS LİSANS SORULARININ CEVAPLARI 22.07.2018 KPSS MATEMATİK KPSS COĞRAFYA - Duration: 10:02.-------------------------------------------
深度!胡歌逆天翻盘的操作绝非罗伊人复合,而是MBA帮他改头换面 - Duration: 6:44.-------------------------------------------
孙俪旧照被指撞脸郑爽,网友:美的人都美的相似! - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
姚明释放杀手锏 新赛季触及CBA多方利益 有网友不满:先管好裁判 - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Không Biết Cung Điện Này Họ Dát Bao Nhiêu Vàng Nữa, Tháp Eilfel Paris - Duration: 9:59.-------------------------------------------
早くもN-VANのキャンピングカーが登場…東京キャンピングカーショー2018 - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 早くもN-VANのキャンピングカーが登場…東京キャンピングカーショー2018 - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
Voor Welgro in Groenlo zijn wij op zoek naar een: Mechanical Engineer Automotive. - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Voor Welgro in Groenlo zijn wij op zoek naar een: Mechanical Engineer Automotive. - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
[Nouvelles de divertissement] || Angelina Jolie se rapproche terriblement de Johnny Depp ? - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> [Nouvelles de divertissement] || Angelina Jolie se rapproche terriblement de Johnny Depp ? - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
N'oubliez pas les paroles : éliminé, Kevin repart avec 410.000 euros - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> N'oubliez pas les paroles : éliminé, Kevin repart avec 410.000 euros - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
The adventures of STUFFED game - cartoon for children #11 the New cartoon 2018! Chuchel - Black ball - Duration: 12:00.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> The adventures of STUFFED game - cartoon for children #11 the New cartoon 2018! Chuchel - Black ball - Duration: 12:00.-------------------------------------------
UPDATE Talking Tom Run and Tom Golden Delicious Tower Jetski Talking Tom 2 game cartoon - Duration: 20:26.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> UPDATE Talking Tom Run and Tom Golden Delicious Tower Jetski Talking Tom 2 game cartoon - Duration: 20:26.-------------------------------------------
렉서스 수퍼카 LFA, 지옥의 서킷...랩타입 7분14초 - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 렉서스 수퍼카 LFA, 지옥의 서킷...랩타입 7분14초 - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
✅ Kevin (N'oubliez pas les paroles) gagne 410 000 euros : il fait une nouvelle fois preuve de généro - Duration: 2:04.A 25 ans, Kevin figure parmi les candidats de télévision les plus emblématiques de sa génération. Et pour cause, le jeune homme a fait un incroyable parcours dans l'émissionN'oubliez pas les paroles diffusée sur France 2 et animée par Nagui
Depuis son arrivée dans le programme le 29 juin dernier, Kevin a multiplié les victoires. Malheureusement, le candidat a été éliminé dimanche 22 juillet après avoir remporté 410 000 euros, le plus gros gain jamais gagné dans l'histoire des jeux télévisés des chaînes publiques : « Kevin quitte N'oubliez pas les paroles avec 410
000 euros et devient ainsi le recordman de l'histoire des jeux de France Télévisions avec la plus importante cagnotte jamais remportée », a même indiqué la société de production dans un communiqué
Durant son parcours, le maestro a également fait preuve de beaucoup de générosité. Après avoir bouleversé Nagui en reversant 7 000 euros à une candidate pour une opération chirurgicale dont à besoin sa mère, Kevin s'apprête à faire une nouvelle fois don de sa cagnotte
Interrogé par 20 Minutes, le jeune homme a révélé ses futurs projets : « Je voulais faire un dîner avec les sans-abri à San Francisco, où j'habite, parce qu'il y en a beaucoup là-bas, a-t-il d'abord confié
J'ai aussi prévu de profiter en faisant de bons restos, des voyages en Iran, en Amérique du Sud… Je vais peut-être acheter un studio à Paris et le louer pour payer en partie mon loyer à Berkeley
» Kevin a ainsi battu le record d'Hervé, un ancien candidat de N'oubliez pas les paroles qui avait remporté 361 000 euros
For more infomation >> ✅ Kevin (N'oubliez pas les paroles) gagne 410 000 euros : il fait une nouvelle fois preuve de généro - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Marche de la 2ème Division Blindée- Hommage à Leclerc (Lyrics) - Duration: 9:28.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Marche de la 2ème Division Blindée- Hommage à Leclerc (Lyrics) - Duration: 9:28.-------------------------------------------
Der Handelsstreit zwischen den USA und China eskaliert, Unternehmen rund um den Globus schrauben ihr - Duration: 0:37.Der Handelsstreit zwischen den USA und China eskaliert, Unternehmen rund um den Globus schrauben ihre Produktion runter
Europa und Asien kommen sich derweil in Sachen Handel näher. Details nennt der Welt-Handelsindex von Vermögensverwalter Markus Zschaber
For more infomation >> Der Handelsstreit zwischen den USA und China eskaliert, Unternehmen rund um den Globus schrauben ihr - Duration: 0:37.-------------------------------------------
M Skills: come usare il Launch Control? Te lo spiega BMW M. - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
BMW M 클래스 3차 결승전, 용인 스피드웨이서 마무리 - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Stiles & Lydia | no one's ever looked at me that way - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
[Come And Hug Me MV] Na Moo & Nak Won - Flower (꽃) - Duration: 3:48.When I see your smile that has the sky in it
I get happy for no reason, moment by moment
Because of you, this world looks different
Because of you, this world looks different
Always by your side
I'll warmly embrace you
Without any scars
You resemble a flower
So precious
Forever love
I'll hug you so I can protect you
So we won't forget this moment
When strong winds blow
I'm afraid it'll take you away
Because you're always by my side
Because we can hold hands
Because we can love
You resemble a flower
So precious
Forever love
I'll hug you so I can protect you
So we won't forget this moment
We will remain beautiful
Always in our hearts
You resemble a flower
So precious
Forever love
I hope our love is beautiful
I'll give you my everything
對愛情失去信心,十二星座最討厭的戀愛狀態 - Duration: 6:38.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO DRAW CHOCOCAT | Best Sanrio Characters Coloring for Kids | Blabla Art - Duration: 10:29.How to draw Chococat
Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
Battlefield hardline EP.1 BACK TO SCHOOL Game play , walkthrough , bf hardline gameplay - Duration: 39:30.Gaze upon this fine country of ours while you can gentlemen
It's gonna be your last decent view for a long while
Nicholas Mendoza
Shit I like youse really got a fuck up the land here with me
You might want to secure that weapon deputy before one of these gentlemen takes it off you I
Always enjoy seeing dirty cops end up on my bus. It reminds me the system works
Enjoy the ride detective
All right, this is the one
Shouldn't take very long. We say we back these guys and grab some lunch
Yeah, okay
I know a decent Cuban place around the corner whooping Jesus Christ Nick your advice now and your work better than beans and rice
Seriously beans and rice
Don't you let me order for you. Here's an idea. I picked the place
I promise you'll never go back to eating plantains ever again. I
Think you should take the lead this time
All right
It was authority check your corners and find our guy we take him down before anyone even thinks about going for their gun
Yeah, I've done this before and not with meat you haven't
All right, what's wrong use your big boy boys
Shit man, come on now Nick help these guys. Let's get out of my face. Yeah
Okay, keep those hands on your head and turn around slowly slowly oh
You're looking beyond stick
It's been around nothing subtle can bullshit you know it it's a fucking joke
I'll be out by the morning cop. You fucking know it. Yeah, a pile of cokes is over
Jesus Christ that got out of hand fast
Hey, I'm the one making arrests you're supposed to watch the room just check the bodies
Bingo yeah, well, we got wallet ID anyone, you know, no
There's nobody left to interrogate hey I was sorry to burgers so I got Cuban anybody hungry Hey stop right there
I got him. Stay what you want hands up your
Daughter downstairs now
Brought us together
Wait, wait somebody coaster now
Gotcha, bitch
You're the right to remain silent
Mechs are dead and one remains in custody after dramatic police raid of an over town hotel
This marks the fourth incident to the parent or the violence in Miami this week
We now go live downtown for an exclusive sky 5 interview with investigations captain Julian Dawes
This is an ongoing investigation. So no comment. This is an ongoing investigation. That is my comment
No comment would be no comment. What the hell is everybody?
Drug war sir saw it on TV. It's like the 80s all over again
In fact, I'm gonna wear a white linen suit with the sleeves pushing
I hope with a free t-shirt and the meantime started doing special detail
detectives Mendoza down my office
You two know each other
Sort of good. I'm making you partners sit
Nodosa you recovered several kilos of cocaine today. Congratulations
So tell me why does coke get stamped?
Maker's mark to prove. It came on cut from the source. That's correct. And your coke had a stamp we haven't seen before
Your catch of the day claims. He got it from Tyson Latchford with whom
Detective Dow has had several run-ins. I want you two to bring them in for a little chat
Sir, Mendoza's last run in the field. No offense was a total cluster fuck
You're gonna get along great
You know for the record I was following Stoddard's lead in that hotel room I'm sure you were
but no excuses detectors not excuse just
So, what's the story with Tyson Latchford
He sculpted our original Poulos
Those guys who busted Tyson's way out of their league
But sometimes he slips Grebe's to his old hood Red House
So let's go find one you're reading my mind detective
So hey
Watch yourself tonight. This drug war is no joke
Don't have to tell me lost him friends in the last six months
Patrolman. Yeah, I heard about that
I'm sorry
Me too
Miami's gone to shit
Well, that's what we do right clean up the shit
Stoddard said that about you
What that you?
Let me get up and begin five times, okay. I know it's just um, I'm
Sorry man now one I'm on duty. Okay. Okay. All right. Well, so you you you take care of the neighborhood. Be safe. All right
You know the neighborhood I grew up in isn't too far from here really
4x2 ridges, huh? Let me guess. You're from South Beach. No, no way
la actually, Orange County
So riches to rags
Yeah, something like that
Hey Guzman, oh you got there. It's our old pal
Where's your friend tap? Oh
No, what tap is that? He's looking for temps. Yeah you seen them
Yeah, but it sounds only bricks over there taps - over there. I trust you
Thanks Guzman appreciate it
Nice locate detective
So you grew up here, but you weren't born in Miami though, right
Nope in Havana
Really? How'd you get out?
with my mother
She's one tough lady
Wouldn't know I haven't seen him in like 20 years
Trying to get the fuck away from him. He's still in Cuba if I had to guess he's probably dead
He'll be fine by me. It sounds like a real gentleman
Oh, he was a real something. All right
Because I didn't have proof of service I mean how the hell
So their problem man who doesn't fucking fit well, good luck ma'am you
You want me to call for backup Mendoza? Yeah
CP will probably send in a SWAT team
Come on we roll up on wheels. We spook the whole neighborhood
This is 13 we're exiting the vehicle
City blocked off the project's so there's only one way out. All it does is piss people off
The guy we're looking for usually slings around here
I assume you know the neighborhood. Yeah, but I've been here in a while follow your lead
Damn you stuff something in those pants officers. Don't make me check your pockets because I know what else I sure do
Okay, we put a leash on this guy
They go home, that's a careful Mendoza this guy's unpredictable
You go first this guy knows me see I'm telling you we can do this like we always knew
The hell you want Miami PD. You got some questions no detective. Who's this?
He's my new partner Briggs. We're here to play bad. Cop. Worse. Cop your friend tap. Where is he?
That fuck you, okay, let's jump right to worse cop Nick take him down
Now tell me what tap is and we walk away
He's on the couch tonight, okay, that's all I needed to hear come on Mendoza
You can't keep getting away with this shit I
Know my rights what we're just gonna leave him there. You said that smart
No, but I'm sure he tried to kill an undercover last year fucker
Come on taps couches in the Arcana projects. You might not be there for long
That step screw
Stay back
You're not going to tell anyone we're doing this right partner
What detective?
I got it
Go through thank you kindly
Sorry about that clusterfuck comment, by the way, it sounds like it was a real mess, but you handled it
What's your read on Stoddard anyway we weren't part long started to pull and the world says to china shop
Remember this is tapster. If anyone sees us, they'll tell them we're coming. We need to keep a low profile behind you. Don't play defense
Don't whine about this play see, that's what
Do something to distract him
Now what
Talk about this is the gang banging something's out there
My man should be through here
Evening tap don't run because I will chase you
We're looking for Tyson
You her new partner?
She do that
I study Krav Maga gratis mystical bullshit. You are a trip tap and Tyson grew up together
White guys who got a taste for the hood tap never left
Stand up hands on your head
Hey Tyson, pick tap where is he? A lot of people looking for Tyson
You watch the news right dudes late low life expectancy in the game ain't so good right now
Yeah, we were hoping you could give us some insight into that
Dell they cook this guy. I thought you'd never ask
Oh shit, yeah at first and you just get bored
Sam I
Am shocked buddy. Yeah, I got a subscription for that
I know you got warrants. I know you keep your coke around the corner under the dumpster
I know little man who just ran off is probably moving it right now and
Seriously a kid is way too young to be doing this shit. So yeah
We have to take you in for possession we will
What do you want me to do
Say something
Benedict Arnold
Hey knucklehead, you're not Benedict Donald and this isn't snitch work walk in their fights Isis there and leave
Are you bound down do it?
Your scanners connected to every local and federal database
And we're in
Come-ons have lead us to Tyson. I
Don't recognize any of these guys. Just keep on that scanner figure out who we're looking at here
This thing's equipped with a digital shotgun right around
Its Tyson around or not copy that
What are you doing here that's Tyson skarner we need proof he was here
There's no line of sight to Tyson
Maybe he'll move safe right now. Just one more
Just have a seat I'll see what I can do. All right
Wait a sec. What the hell is this? No idea. What do you want to do here?
Scan as many of those guys as you can oh
Shit they're after Tyson. Come on
Now CP this is 13. We've got gunshots we're engaging
Gunshots reported at 3rd and 33rd all units be advised
come on, I
Got us these guys
I heard Nelson hired a crew from Oris
Tell these guys to freeze freeze the guys shooting up the place, who are they?
Alright alright hands are up. It's okay
Fucking cop guys got your back, Nick
That's the guy with warrants it'll look good for us
You were right that's knit stop let us write to
See peace and a pickup
Stay right where you are
Son of a bitch I got this one day
We're clear let's head upstairs and should be getting close to Tyson
Scan to see if there's any evidence we can track back to Tyson
That's a start
Remember if nothing was as a teacher near it
Check this out Mike Tyson
Guy look at this. Tyson was never here was a video chat. Can we reconnect?
You can't slide them right there didn't you sorry but you're the asshole they were trying to kill hello Tyson, oh
This just got worse hey your friend tap took off, I think all your guys are dead
These aren't my guys. Okay, occasionally, I'd throw cock their way
Who's trying to kill you Tyson? Yeah, that's not something you're typically told ahead of time. Tell us where you are
We can protect you. Sorry, but I don't
Damn it. Now what dice instead if we don't get to?
CP this is 13. We need to trace her out on the outgoing IP connection 13 Titan of progress
Copy that let's go they're gonna need more than a few minutes
So we know what Tyson was up to we have no idea where he is
Does that we got to get out of here
That's an interesting thing
Okay, so maybe you do a job and you gotta clean it up yourself and those cases you make sure you negotiate for something extra
Whatever you're wearing is gonna be ruined so wear old clothes
Stop is he crazy police you even a cop?
You better have a warrant. I got the other one
Do you see that I'm gonna have a look around
All right get it
Got on location from that IP. Thanks E. Beat the medians. Both Britt. Tyson has no idea
What's heading his way to ground unit to the location? Yeah, then we grab them and get out
Battlefield hardline EP. 2 CHECKING OUT Game play , walkthrough , bf hardline gameplay - Duration: 29:43.Yeah, well Shh, yep, no, yep
Get more body stretched out a manatee, baby
Start using them as buoys
And dose up a minute of your time, please
Oh heads up watch out everybody young detective in a hurry
detective douse back on active duty
against her doctor's advice
But not mine. You're right off the softball team
But young good does her that coke you and started hooked came from Columbia
Direct over the water and we haven't seen that in a while. It's all
Mexican transit these days what a Tyson latch would have to say about that
Mr. Latchford, it turns out has
superb legal representation
That's Leo ray
Aka stingray cartel wholesaler. He called my office yesterday says he has information regarding the drug war
That's plaguing Miami. Well, we need to get Leo and quietly
We three are the only ones who know about this
It might not be any more secure inside this shot than it is on the street
Am I clear?
Yes, sir
Good and you?
The boss is right. We got some bad apples. I think if das is worried we should
How Hey all right, yeah
Rough cops, I just I
Don't get it. You don't
Well, there's a horrible hours barber salary
There okay, hang by the car watching my back
Wingman leo
not smart
Who's he?
Found him on the way to the zoo said he wanted to see something endangered
You fucking believe this I asked for Dawes and Dawes sent us
Next time my phone rings had better be dogs. Tell me where and when we're gonna have this discussion
He said we were gonna have I'm not coming into gophers with bullshit badges. I need real protection
I'm missing the game. Let's go you can leave that
I heard you took down Tyson laughs per
Lot of history, what kind of person does that make the doctor das
Stinger, what's the call? Go? Tell your boss I had everything on a platter and you fucked it up
Give me the bag Leo
Leo T
Are these guys
Briefs now you got
No me I'm worthless
Do I'm here to help you
Fucking running
Yeah, I see that partner
What you did
Police your honor god
Police you're the rest make it out
Police stop you got
Got Leo
He's faster than he looks
This hotel should have security room, I'll look for him the surveillance system
Okay, keep me posted
Close it and get down. He's coming down from the pool tie
Be careful lots of civilians out there. Yeah. Tell after the asshole shooting up the place
We witnessed weights
Over there
Okay security chief boy down the hall you'll hit the lobby wheels in there
Okay, I'm on him. I got a nick he's a bumper. Mommy's second floor
Is he moving?
Get upstairs and don't let them fear. Yeah. I'll be careful
Stand outside leo
Some poeple reshuffle half this place. We don't even know where do your wits don't fool
Just hanging out man
Hands up stay right where you are you got
Hold it right there. Whoa. Yeah. Yeah. No problem
Oh, you got it easy now, okay easy now
That raceless on the suspect
This is crazy half the thugs in Miami are here and they don't care who gets caught in the crossfire
Hands up keep them on. Hey, just checking out the hotel
Probably still around
Hi hi, where are you? I'm headed upstairs to find that office Kai
Somebody who's never searched before you sure like
What the fuck we gotta have the hoods in Miami shooting at us and you're working over Leo the hell are you thinking
Are we gonna have a problem? This hotel is full of dead drug dealers. We already have a problem Leo needs protection
And we can get come on
He's not walking a talk, you know, then you fucking pick him up hey you're the one who did this to him not me
Come on let's go
This is what does come protection Lia who are these guys you can interrogate him later Mendoza, we're moving come on. Hey detective
You take it
Search everywhere getting in the air keep him alive and keep them out of custody
If you look over there
Look around
Keep watching
Right there
Come on
Keep him alive and keep him out of custody. Come on. Come on put around
Right up
Let's get him in the truck
Can you drive this thing Leo's it go go
And you called my last operation a clusterfuck just drive
Captain das. We've got me up. Where do you want it?
We're crossing over the causeway, we're in a truck you'll see us
Yeah -
The helicopter chopper
Their sauce
Well, I learned two things today
You're both excellent and improve izing and terrible about keeping things quiet sir. Those scumbags knew where leah would be
Does one of you want to tell me what the hell happened to him?
It was a rough ride captain Leo didn't buckle up is that so get him up
Sir, Leo was disappointed not to be meeting a person and it seems to me he needs to be put in protective custody
That would be my suggestion to a new detective, huh?
Are you sure that Leo was injured on the ride here? If and when you're asked that's what you'll say
Yes, sir. I will
I'll get Leo someplace more discreet
You're both dismissed
What the hell just happened ask cover and get used to it
He just wants to make sure we're on the same page and what page is that? Exactly?
Page where we find out who fucked us today
핫이슈 l 노회찬 사망원인과 자살이유, 드루킹 사건, 나이와 학력, 정의당, 업적 - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Gadget Racers (Choro Q HG) Walkthrough Part 10: Engine & Endurance - Duration: 15:15.Welcome back to Gadget Racers. Today, we take on the M-Engine regulated races.
I painted the Acura NSX Monza Red. It's not quite Senna's NSX, but it'll do.
I quickly makes it to first place. There shouldn't be a problem in this race.
I kind of like the design of Streamway. It makes me think of an old castle.
I quickly catch up to the backmarker.
P1. No problem.
There are only three races for the M-Engine regulated races. This shouldn't take too long.
Nice one. I'm now first.
For some reason, the garbage truck doesn't seem to get any upgrade at all.
It's not like backmarkers are dangerous either in this game, so what's that about?
I need to go off-road next.
That S2000 had a very slow start. He must be on slicks or something.
Never mind that Stratos. I'm in a GT-Spec NSX on giant tires. Your argument is invalid.
This area is very slippy. I need to stay on the outside, so that I can attack the corners smoother.
That went better than last time.
Oh boy...
We get Lamborghini Countash as a reward. That's another classic supercar added to the garage.
Okay... that was embarrassing.
The good news, however, is that I've grind more money from the mistake. I now have 4,150 G now.
We'll do some of the endurance races next. They are high speed on road tracks, so I don't need a lot of options.
Endurance races are similar to Grand Prix races. They last multiple laps and the game moderates your tires and chassis durability.
These races can get very rough, especially if they are on off-road or street circuits. Watch out for the body and don't crash too often.
This race is not so tough, though. It was unlocked awhile ago, and the game thinks you should have less powerful equipment.
Am I going to lap the garbage truck already?
I shouldn't need to pit. The track isn't too complex here.
Let's see how many cars I can lap before I hit the chequered flag.
...All of them, apparently. Also, Seisousha get lapped again.
I get a Honda City Turbo II. Its proportion makes me think it's some sort of high grade rally car like Renault 5 Turbo. A very good looking car here.
We'll go NASCAR once more time before we end this video.
As you may see, this is a 7-lap race. It actually takes up to 4-5 minutes to finish this one
Careful about the carnage with the AI cars. It can kill your chassis in seconds.
I'm only slightly faster than the Peugeot ahead. This should be fun.
I'm up into first place.
I'm not going to pit. My speed hasn't dropped and it's only simple left turns. I can't afford to lose time when I can't even shake off other cars.
Good. I win.
I get a Nissan Skyline C10. An old, but good looking car. We've actually used this back when we did the license tests.
The rest of the Endurance races are hellish to go through now. I'll leave them until I get more upgrades.
We'll do some Light-engine class (2000cc) next. Hopefully we'll finally get upgrades that get us out of repeating these tracks. Stay tuned.
Shivsagar Csp-Chupke Se Aankhon Ke Raste | wo mere dil mein Samaya new Video |अब आगे देखिए - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
3 Emails that generate more sales - Duration: 6:44.Hi, I'm Miriam Shaviv with today's edition of Mastering Email Marketing, and
today I want to take you through three specific emails that you can send in
order to generate more sales during a launch campaign. I.e. when you are launching
a new product or a new service and you have a time-limited campaign. You've
probably worked really, really, really hard to set up that product or service
and obviously getting as many sales as possible is the aim of the game. So
sending out an email just telling people about it isn't really enough. There are
three specific emails we found work really, really well in the middle of a
regular sales campaign and today I'm going to take you through them. The first
one is what we call the mid cart bonus, basically anybody who's ever run a sales
campaign over email will tell you that the majority of the sales come at two
different phases right at the beginning and right at the end. In fact you can see
almost 60 or 70% of sales happening in the last eight or nine hours. That can be
really depressive when you're, when you've got a campaign that's running
over quite a few days and nothing at all is happening in the middle. So how do you
help people make the decision to actually buy from you in the when, in
that period in the middle when you're still sending out emails they need to
read so maybe FAQ's or answering their objections they're still valuable emails
but people are still taking their time deciding whether they actually want to
buy. So the first thing you want to do is you want to add a little bonus in the
middle of the campaign, make it a time-limited bonus, so it's a bonus that
people will only get if they buy then and there, or basically for that
24-hour period, or to the end of the day. When you have a time-limited bonus it
gives people that extra incentive that they need to actually make up their
minds and not wait to the very last minute, and you don't want them waiting
to the very last minute if they don't have to, because you know, things happen
they might miss the boat, maybe they're not around that day you want to hurry up
people making that decision. So a mid cart bonus sending out a
time-limited offer in the middle is really, really useful make it an offer
connected to the core product service that you're selling, so it's something
that will help them achieve better results or achieve results faster.
Something they really, really want but it's only available for 24 hours. The
second kind of email you should be sending comes on the very last day. This
is the 'call me' email we found that it's enormously powerful when a few hours
before your cart closes you send people an email saying 'Listen we know that
you're thinking about it, we know that you are still weighing up whether you
want to buy in or not, whether you want to join the program or get this service
and you probably have lots of questions. We will answer them for you in person,
we'll leave our phone open for an hour or so at a specific time,
call me, talk to me about it. It's not going to be a sales call, but we will
just answer all your questions.' And the reason this works so beautifully is
because most people when they come to that very last a day of your campaign,
they probably really do want to buy, there are many people out there who do
want to buy, but they're a little bit hesitant they just need a little bit of
reassurance a little bit of hand-holding and when they speak to you in person
it's not like you have to help them overcome any major objections, they
really just want a little bit of reassurance that yes they are making the
right decision and speaking to you in person does that for them. Another way you can
do this by the way is simply holding a webinar or an open Zoom call where
people can log in and talk to you. Do this only if you definitely have enough
people on your list that that you there won't be just one person on your webinar
you want to make sure that there are a lot of people there. If you do it this
way then of course you should prepare some talking points so you might answer
the common objections that you've already heard, so that you're not stuck
there waiting people to ask you questions, but this is a way to do it
slightly more efficiently and talk to a lot of people at
once. The third email you should send comes at the end of the campaign. So
you've closed your you've closed the cart, it feels like it's the end of the
campaign, you've told people it's the end of the campaign and it is, but that's
not your last chance to get sales. The day after the end of the campaign send
another email to everybody who didn't buy asking them 'Why not?' what stopped them.
This fulfils two purposes. First of all it is amazing market intelligence for
you, you're gonna want to run your campaign another time at some point in
the future maybe even really really soon. Understanding what stopped people from
buying, is really crucial information for you. But again what we've found is that
when people write back to you very often it's the people who are very close to
buying but something stopped them and in some cases that is an amazing opening
for a conversation. They don't feel under pressure anymore. They don't think you're
going to sell to them, but they're going to be very honest with you and people
are actually honest it's quite surprising, about why they didn't buy and
in some cases, not all, you can get into conversation with them answer those
objections and convert those into sales anyway. So the day after the campaign you
may have a whole load of extra sales if you play this right and if you send that
email. Now I hope you like that tip but if you want to find out how to write
these emails even faster and even more efficiently than you thought possible
and how to really write them in the right way so they work immediately I
have an amazing resource for you. It's called how to write high converting
emails in 10 minutes or less and you can grab your free copy down below. I've put
the address into the description. Just head over there get your free copy and
you'll be in great place to write these emails extremely quickly and with almost
no bother. Thank you very much for being here today. This is Miriam Shaviv with
Mastering Email Marketing and I'll be back with another tip
next week.
2 Dead, 13 Others Injured In Toronto Shooting - Duration: 4:37.At least two people are dead, including a gunman, and more than a dozen injured after a shooting Sunday night in Toronto's Danforth neighborhood, authorities said
Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders said an assailant opened fire with a handgun around 10 p
m. local time in the popular Greektown area, shooting 13 people before exchanging gunfire with police officers
The suspect later died. One other person, described as a "young lady," died from her injuries and a 9-year-old girl is in the hospital in critical condition, according to HuffPost Canada
Saunders said there was no known motive for the attack, but authorities are still investigating the incident
"I'm looking at absolutely every single possible motive here," the police chief said during a press briefing early Monday morning
"When you have this many people struck by gunfire, it's a grave concern." Officials said many of the victims had been transported to area hospitals
Their conditions are not known. Witness reported hearing as many as 15 to 20 gunshots in the Danforth and Logan area, which hosts several popular bars and restaurants
Several witnesses posted videos taken near the scene to social media, including audio of shots ringing out through the neighborhood
While our city will always be resilient in the face of such attacks, it does not mean such a cowardly act committed against our residents is any less painful – this is an attack against innocent families and our entire city
— John Tory (@TorontosMayor) July 23, 2018 Toronto Mayor John Tory issued a call for help from citizens that were in the area, asking any bystanders to share information from the evening to help authorities determine what happened
He also urged the city to avoid drawing "any conclusions" and to "wait for the police to do their jobs
" "People should not reach any conclusions because the police themselves have not yet drawn any conclusions," the mayor said at a news briefing
"Every little bit of information is going to help the police to do their job." Tory said the night reflected the city's ongoing "gun problem" and said firearms were "too readily available to too many people
" "There are too many people carrying around guns and using them in whatever matter they are using them," he said
"We have a gun problem." Doug Ford, the premier of Ontario, said late Sunday his "heart goes out to the victims and loved ones of the horrific act of gun violence
" Download Nick Visser Reporter, HuffPost Suggest a correction MORE: Society And Culture Huff Post
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