Apple Glasses Are Coming - Here's Why - Duration: 10:20.This video is sponsored by Audible.
Start listening with the link in the description.
There are some things Apple just loves, design, aluminum, excuse me... and secrecy.
To keep a surprise, it hires former FBI agents, searches more bags than TSA, and disguises
its products with fake companies like "IP Application Development Ltd" - IPAD.
But there are some things even the world's most profitable company can't hide.
This is a list of companies acquired by Apple.
Most make perfect sense - Authentec became Touch ID, Siri, well, Siri, But, around two
thousand fourteen, you start to see a pattern:
First, a company creating tiny, super-bright, high-density displays.,
Then one specializing in eye-tracking, an augmented reality headset, and a couple AR
software startups.
Plus a handful of patents and job descriptions, all suggesting the same thing: smart, augmented
reality glasses.
Directions, the weather, really anything, projected right onto your vision.
The technology may not seem ready, we may not seem ready, and others have already tried
and failed.
All of which could be said about the iPhone in 2007.
Of course, acquisitions are just, acquisitions, there are no guarantees, and Apple loves saying
no, it doesn't very often release a new product.
But there's good reason to think smart glasses are coming, Apple is the perfect company to
make them, and now is the time to do it.
If you're at all skeptical, well, you should be.
Every other week we hear a new version of the same madlib: Blank technology is on the
verge of radically disrupting blank industry.
Watch out!
We're about to reinvent wearable blockchains, or leverage proactive mesh networks, and the
world will never be the same
The few experts who see where an industry is really going get drowned out by a sea of
companies promoting their "world changing" idea.
Which makes it pretty tough to predict the future.
So when I say smart glasses, and you say I've heard this before, well, I can't really
blame you.
But there are still ways of separating a hero from a zero.
The Gartner Hype Cycle explains why new technology seems to come out of nowhere and then disappear
with no explanation.
Progress is never a straight line, but it's also not random, it tends to follow a pattern:
First, a very primitive prototype gets some attention.
The media, desperate for clicks, jumps right over its flaws to its best-case scenario,
10, 15 years from now.
And not just in tech, A dietary study with a tiny sample size became the headline "Why
You Must Eat Chocolate Daily".
That's what you and I see.
So we're inevitably disappointed when we get a glimpse of reality.
Then, while we've mostly forgotten about it, real progress is made.
This is where r/Futurology claims it can cure cancer, This is where you add "Blockchain"
to the name of your Ice Tea company, boosting its stock 200%, and this is when we're told
it's coming in 3-5 years, every…
3-5 years.
Some technologies die trying to get attention, some are only hype.
Virtual Reality is somewhere around here, Far enough we know its viable for games and
But while it steals our attention, Augmented Reality quietly moves forward.
Sure, it's earlier and more uncertain.
But its potential is much, much bigger.
And Apple seems to agree:
It's been a huge focus of the company since iOS 11.
Tim Cook even compared its promise to the smartphone.
I mean, listen to how their website describes it: "Imagine if the line between the virtual
and the real simply didn't exist.
Your classroom could become the cosmos.
The past could be as vivid as the present.
And this is just the beginning.
Welcome to a new world."
That's pretty… bold for what's currently just a few games and the ability to sample
IKEA furniture.
Of course, all of this is brand new, But even if there are really great apps in a year or
There's one, huge problem: For it to work, you constantly have to hold up your phone,
or dare I say, 13 inch iPad.
It's just… awkward.
AR is kind of the new drone - incredibly hyped, And sure, it's fun for a minute or two,
but only practical for a few, specific applications.
Unless, Apple knows this.
Why invest so much time and money?
Because they know what we don't:
This is just an intermediary between today's phones and tomorrow's glasses.
It's a very clever solution to a big problem:
If Apple wants to keep its glasses secret, it can't tell developers, and apps won't
be ready when it launches.
But what if they could have their cake and eat it too?
That's ARKit.
Developers can start working now, without knowing what's coming.
Meanwhile, Apple collects feedback and improves the technology.
By the time glasses arrive, they'll have already proven their value:
Directions projected right onto the street, Translation of the world around you, Context
for your day, and so on.
Plus, I mean, the product names itself: iSight, EyePod, EyePhone, iGlasses, iWear…come on.
Except - none of this is exclusive to Apple.
In fact, some company called "Google" kinda already tried this.
Why would Apple be any more successful?
Apple is rarely the first to do something, and glasses would be no exception,
Microsoft introduced the Hololens in 2015, there's Magic Leap
And Intel Vaunt, Snapchat Spectacles, sold from a vending machine somehow uglier than
the app itself, and the Vue, Get it?
Because vue… rhymes with blew, as in they really blew it, naming their company a pun
Okay, look at their websight: "your glasses will be able to do more than meets the eye."
I See, This is not a business, it's just an excuse to make puns.
What a sorry sight/site.
But most interesting, is Google Glass, and the million reasons why it failed:
Like, to do anything, you tilt your head 30 degrees and speak - OK Glass, discreetly take
a photo, or, use a touchpad on the side of your head.
Both equally terrible.
It was expensive, poorly marketed, and lacked a compelling feature.
But, most of all, it just looks… well, let's say there's room for improvement
The challenge of all these is just as much design as technology.
Like, I think this joke writes itself
But if there's any company that can turn a tool you have to wear into an accessory
you want to, it's Apple.
Glass spent years being developed in public.
But glasses should be released for quick, mass adoption and acceptance - something Apple
might know a thing or two about.
They should also be demoed in person - giving Apple's 500 retail stores a huge advantage
over, say Microsoft's hundred.
I even know the perfect year to release it, although, we'll see, hindsight is…well,
you get it.
But seriously: isn't it just way too early?
Technology arrives in waves, first, early adopters, then the public, eventually, even
the luddites.
But between these is an invisible hole, To see it, we have to remember the Hype Cycle.
Here at peak excitement, it's very easy to get a few users - these are early adopters
- and they give the illusion of momentum.
The hole is the steep descent that follows - after the hype, getting users is much, much
It takes a lot of kinetic energy for a product to pass this filter.
A journalist will wear any piece of glass with a camera taped to it,
But Apple designs for the masses - only what can survive the gap.
Which creates two challenges for glasses:
First, the technology has to be really good.
The Watch proves they can make small batteries last a whole day and design a tiny but mighty
It would need a bright, high-density display like microLED - which it's already developing.
But then there's the camera - which brings us to the second challenge: The other kind
of optics:
it has to be, well… not creepy.
Consumers will think Black Mirror, The Circle , Wall-E, and so on.
Even with Apple's focus on privacy, these are very real challenges, and could delay
its release.
But glasses are more than a new product - they're a critical part of Apple's strategy:
Moving in the direction of more transparent, more personal technology,
Because, the smartphone won't last forever.
The only way a company so dependent on one product can survive is to replace itself,
not wait for someone else to.
It's a philosophy rooted in the company by Steve Jobs, and one reason I recommend
his official biography.
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Lucie Fink Learns How To Earn Over $300k Blogging | Lucie For Hire | Refinery29 - Duration: 9:44.I'm Lucie Fink.
I'm a video producer at Refinery29 but every so often I like to try other people's jobs
Today I'm hanging out with Courtney Quinn from Color Me Courtney to see if I have what
it takes to be a blogger.
This is Lucie For Hire.
While I have a pretty substantial Instagram following myself, and I occasionally do paid
brand partnerships on social media, my main job at Refinery29 is being a video producer
and a lifestyle host.
I find that I am occasionally
lumped into the blogger category just because of my Instagram, but the truth is I'm not
a blogger.
Courtney Quinn on the other hand is one.
So I spent the day with her to see if I have what it takes to do her job.
Hi, I'm Courtney Quinn and I'm a blogger at Color Me Courtney.
Courtney lives with her fiancé Paris and her adorable french bulldog Waffles, who's
paralyzed in his hind legs but does not let that stop him.
So I became a blogger kind of by accident.
I went to school for marketing
and I had a degree in finance, and I looked kind of like a numbers nerd on paper.
I started a blog so I could start applying for fashion jobs and eventually get hired.
So I think people think blogging is really glamorous and it's not a lot of work, but it is.
I always like to explain it like an iceberg.
The tip is all you see but there's so much work underneath the iceberg that goes into
it that you would never see.
Most bloggers don't work for a big corporation.
Instead, they work for themselves.
They're aiming to build their following,
grow their personal brands, and of course, make money.
Kay, so let's talk about money.
Someone with about 100,000 followers on Instagram who's maybe just doing Instagram, I think
you can bring in about $100,000 a year.
Somewhere in that range.
You can charge anywhere from, on the low end, kind of $500 for a post, to maybe on
the high end like $2500.
And it's important to remember that's not just taking a selfie and posting it, it's
all the work that went into it, all the back and forth,
a lot of times you have to pitch your idea to a brand ahead of time, and kind of go through
all these hoops before that actual content gets published.
People pay way more for blog posts than they pay for actual Instagram posts.
So even though it's only 25% of my content, it accounts for 50% of my income because people
pay more for them.
I got to start a blog!
You really do.
And based on Courtney's formula, I'd say she's doing pretty well for herself.
So after gathering a little bit of background about her
day to day happenings, she put me to work.
Your first challenge is self-management.
One really cool way to grow your following is to partner with other influencers.
And it's also a really good way to pay it forward and share your followers with other
influencers and kind of get exposed to their followers too.
So it's just win, win, win, win, win.
I've done a few of these collaborations with other influencers, but Courtney does
them all the time.
It's an amazing way to grow and expand your audience.
So today we partnered up and we each put in a little bit of money to give a gift card
to one lucky winner.
Two, one
We shared our posts at the exact same time and each told our audiences to follow the
By the end of the day we had each gained a few thousand new followers from this.
Now that we're growing your following a bit, let's go make a pitch deck.
Next Courtney showed me what a typical media kit would look like and we sat down to evaluate
hers before I made my own.
So basically you just want it to be a quick one snapshot of your personality,
stats, facts and figures, contact information, if you have a manager, all that kind of thing.
So you're ready to try?
Yeah, I think so.
I think I've got a good idea of how I want to arrange the photos.
And I think I know a few photos I want to use.
Most of daily life as a blogger involves creating original content.
So you won't get that far by reposting other people's photos.
Be creative, be innovative, and stay true to yourself.
As a blogger, you are responsible for building your own brand, so the best thing you can
do is set yourself up with all the tools you'll need
to truly sell yourself.
Your second challenge is content prep.
So one thing I spend a lot of time doing is scouting locations.
About one day of week, when it's nice weather, I'll go out for three or four hours to a
new neighborhood, walk around, put in a podcast, and just look for colorful ideas.
The two of us took a little walk to scout a nice shooting location.
So I'll use cabs a lot of times for yellow.
How far in this radius do you usually go to get location scouts done?
A lot of times I'll take a car to a totally different neighborhood.
And try to figure it out because I kind of get sick of doing the same neighborhood.
So you would never do something like
It's raining, how are we gonna shoot out here?
I don't know.
I'm sweating.
You gotta push through!
It was hot, it was raining, I stepped in a puddle.
An all around exhausting experience.
I'm just about ready to shoot right here.
Nope, that's not gonna work.
This is it.
We have to keep going.
We found the spot.
We have to keep going.
But for Courtney, location scouting is a major part of making sure that her feed stays colorful
and vibrant.
This would be cute of you because you have a little matching outfit.
Once we returned, Courtney showed me the other major part of her content prep days — the
prop closet.
Over time Courtney has accumulated a ton of gear to shoot with.
Different cameras and lenses, various types of lighting, tons of backdrops, and more.
But when she was first starting out, just like I did, she just used an iPhone.
Once we were ready, we started our shoot.
Your third challenge is to shoot.
I've got to say, I'm pretty happy it's pouring and we can't take this outside.
Because of the rain we set up indoors by pinning a solid colored sheet to the wall to use as
a backdrop.
And then we steamed it to make sure there were no wrinkles.
Then we set up the cameras and lighting.
I actually really do love shooting and I can shoot
every single day.
But it can be challenging because a lot of times I shoot on my own by myself.
So I have this little pop-up tent.
Get in there, change, hope it's not a windy day because then you're falling all over.
To change into the next look so that I can get out and keep shooting.
After we were happy with what we shot,
it was time for my final challenge.
Your final challenge is to edit.
Since Courtney and I are both into making stop motion videos, we always receive a ton
of questions about which editing programs we use.
Neither of us uses a stop motion app or a stop motion program.
To edit this stop motion video that we shot together, I just used Adobe Premiere, which
is a video editing software.
It takes a little bit longer than a stop motion app would, but it gives you more freedom and
But the real test on whether or not I'm blogger worthy comes down to photo editing.
My mom took this photo so it's just on generic settings and that's why the background — this
was a really yellow building but it's kind of blown out.
But now adding this warmth to it.
When I'm traveling and my mom's taking my photos, or just someone random on the street,
I don't always have the best opportunity to get the right settings that I want.
Creating great content is obviously where
it starts, but what happens post creation and I'm really able to just transform it
with the editing process and make, you know, a not so great photo something that's up
to par with the usual standard of what I create.
I want you to try one, and this photo's really cute but I think you could make it
Okay, this photo of me and my brother on horses.
Where were you guys?
But I feel like
that water was probably bluer than it looks in this photo.
The sky looks totally gray.
Yeah, blown out.
And my brother's not even paying attention.
He's taking a selfie.
Alright, I'm gonna fix it.
Yeah, I think you could fix it.
And then I gave it a go.
I edit all of my photos on my phone using free apps because I just want it to be something
that other people can do too.
The before and after is really crazy.
You ready for this?
Oh my god.
Goodbye, Robbie.
Well that's what you get for taking selfies.
That is amazing.
Being a blogger for the day was not only physically draining, but I really did get a taste of
what it would be like to work for myself.
Your success and how much income you can bring in are tied directly to the amount of work
you do, and the amount of time you spend hustling.
I pull all-nighters all the time.
At least one a week, usually two to three a week.
Just because there's so much to do and
it's only me.
And if I don't do it, it doesn't get done, and everything relies on that.
So the next time you think blogging looks effortless, just remember how much work actually
goes into it.
And just know the market out there is highly saturated.
So if you want to do this full-time, make sure to bring a fresh angle and something
completely original.
There's only one you so show the world what you've got.
We'll see you next time on Lucie For Hire.
Hey YouTube, thanks for watching!
Click here to watch another video on Refinery29,
here to subscribe to our YouTube channel, and right here for my — sorry did I just
hit my mic?
— personal Youtube channel.
Say cheese!
TESTING 3D printed INFILL PATTERNS for their STRENGTH - Duration: 8:35.When you prepare a model for 3D printing you'll always need to choose an infill structure
for your part.
Since current slicers give you the option of choosing between a whole lot you might
have already been asking yourself which one is the strongest and most suitable for your
So in todays video we'll crush some test samples to find out which performs the best
and I was especially interested in the much hyped gyroid infill you might have heard of.
Guten Tag everybody, I'm Stefan and welcome to CNC kitchen.
In a previous video I've already been taking a look at the strength of different infill
structures that you can find in Simplify3D and also talked about why it is more efficient
in many cases if you increase the number of perimeters instead of increasing the infill
If you haven't seen it yet, there is a link in the description.
I wanted to do a bit more research in this direction and especially find out how different
patterns behave in different directions, because often you can't orient your part in a way
that it is perfect for the chosen infill.
In addition, Slicer Prusa Edition features 3 3 dimensional infill structures, most prominently
gyroid infill, that claim to have more isotropic, so more uniform strength behavior in all loading
In order to perform the tests for this video I had to adapt my tensile testing machine
in order to be able to perform compression tests.
If you are interested in the machining process on my CNC there is also a link in the description
to that video.
I've been thinking for quite a while about a suitable test specimen.
At first I thought of just printing the infill pattern without any exterior walls but since
the infill in your parts will always be surrounded by a shell of material which is reinforcing
the structure I ended up printing cubes of 22mm side length that use 1 perimeter and
3 top and bottom layers at 0.15mm layer height which results in a constant wall thickness
of 0.45mm.
This gave me the possibility to use the same specimen for the tests where I crushed the
blocks from the top as well as from the sides and therefor make the results more comparable.
I'm well aware that this shell will add additional strength to the structure, so we
are not purely testing the infill, but since it is the same for all we can still compare
I haven't tested all of the patterns available and tried to concentrate on the, in my opinion,
most relevant ones which are Rectilinear, Grid, Triangle, Cubic, Line, Honeycomb, 3D
honeycomb and Gyroid.
The way how the parts will probably fail in such a compression test is usually not compressive
yielding of the structure but the stability failure buckling of a wall which then leads
to more load on the rest of the part and therefore fatal failure.
The shape of the infill or even how the infill supports the external shell will determine
how and at what load the structure fails.
The slenderness of the structures will play a huge roll and curved structures like for
example in the gyroid will act like ribbing and improve strength.
I am a little limited by my test machine, because it unfortunately stalls at around
3.5kN or 340kg of load so I only used an infill ratio of 10%.
Unfortunately as I also already talked about in a previous video, 10% infill does not results
in the same amount of material used for each of the samples.
Most notably a part with 10% 3D honeycomb infill weights almost double one with 10%
rectilinear infill.
Either that's a bug or the generation algorithm is strange.
Anyway, so at first I printed a batch of samples, all at 10%, weight them and then adjusted
the infill ratio slightly so that all samples roughly weight the same in the end that I
used for testing.
Before we take a look at the strength of the infill patterns lets at first take a look
at the printing time, because this is also something that is well relevant.
Most of the infill patterns take around the same amount of time to print, only the honeycomb
structures take way longer due to the constant change of printing direction where the printhead
has to accelerate and decelerate constantly which wastes a lot of time.
Also at least I have the fear that my printer rattles itself apart after a while when I
use these patters.
Interestingly, the gyroid infill, that also consists out of a lot of tuns, doesn't take
much longer to print than the other more standard patterns due to the nice, smooth turns that
the printhead does, where accelerations are much smoother so a kind of constant line velocity
can be kept.
I printed all of the samples in Formfuturas Premium PLA on my original Prusa i3 Mk2s.
Now let's come to the destructive tests.
I've been testing each patter once in the build direction and once from the side.
Let's start with the pattern I mostly use for my prints which is rectilinear infill.
The first sample failed at 309 kg of load whereas if you load it from the side, it was
only able to bear 191 kg, which is almost 40% less.
Keep in mind that these samples are only 22mm in each dimension, so this amount of load
is already quite impressive.
Unfortunately, the cubes of the Grid, Triangle, Line and Honeycomb patters were too much for
my machine and it stalled for all of them at around 350kg of load.
Taking a look at the samples still already showed that they were just before failing
because the outer walls already showed buckling marks.
So for these samples we don't really have an exact value to compare against but if we
still look at the transverse strength the other loading direction is at least 30 to
45% weaker.
The interesting results are now the 3D infill patterns where all performed very comparable
in the Z direction.
If we also take a look at the strength 90° rotated, cubic and gyroid infill perform exactly
the same just as claimed only the 3D honeycomb performs about 15% worse.
So which is now the best infill you can chose.
Well, that depends.
I'm still a huge fan rectilinear infill if your parts don't require a huge amount
of strength.
It prints almost the fastest and it's the infill that has the densest structure which
is great for your top layers so reduces pillowing even at low infill ratios.
If we take a look at the numbers, the line infill pattern might even be better, since
it has higher strength values, prints faster and the infill spacing is almost as dense
as with rectilinear.
If you have a part that is purely loaded in compression honeycomb might still be the way
to go, but prints quite long and might rattle your printer apart.
Triangle infill might be an alternative, maybe a little weaker but prints much faster.
For the 3D infill patterns, 3D honeycomb is dead in my opinion.
Cubic and Gyroid infill perform pretty much the same just the infill spacing is a little
denser with the new contestant and come one, it definitely looks cooler.
So in summary, I probably might be using line infill for any esthetic parts and quick prints
in the future and anything that will see some load, Gyroid infill will be my new way to
go due to its good and uniform strength in all directions.
Now I'd really like to know from you guys if I've missed something and which investigation
you'd really like to see in a future video, just leave a comment down below.
I hope you like the video and learnt something.
Please leave a thumbs up.
I spend quite a lot of time in my research, so if you want to support the making of these
videos than consider becoming a patreon and take a look at the affiliate links down in
the description.
Subscribe to the channel if you haven't and take a look at my other videos.
Thanks for watching, auf wiedersehen and I hope to see you around next time.
Tin Nóng THỜI SỰ THẾ GIỚI HOA KỲ 28/07/2018 - HÀNG LOẠT TƯỚNG CÔNG AN BỊ XỬ LÝ ở VN - TIN TỨC - Duration: 1:03:57.-------------------------------------------
The ONLY Way to Grow Your Business - Duration: 5:26.today we're going to talk about the only way that you can grow a business alright
guys welcome to the video so today we're going to touch on how to actually grow
your business now this goes across the board for all aspiring entrepreneurs
whether you're growing a business that's private labeling you know in arbitrage
business you know content creation we're selling digital content whether that's
information products or whatever is whether you're doing a consulting
business and you're going after clients whatever it is I thought it doesn't
matter drop shipping it all falls under the same umbrella and you're gonna have
to do one of these things I'm gonna touch down on them here in a second
can't talk today and so this stems from a question that I get quite often
through email which is basically you know how did you grow this business what
should be my next step when I'm starting this business you know how do I
essentially grow it and scale it and become you know get better or you know
obviously increase my revenue and they're looking for this answer that you
know I don't have for them and I don't mean to say that I don't have the right
answer because we're gonna go through it here in a second but I give them an
answer and they're not satisfied and the reason for that and I get that because
I've been there before is they're looking for some complex answer to like
this riddle that is how to grow a business and in reality it's quite
simple there is no concrete take the complexity out of it let's simplify
everything simplify simplify simplify and then execute hard and well on that
simplicity that makes any sense so how to grow a business plain and simple
there are three simple ways to grow a business keep it simple
ever hear the expression keep it simple stupid it works for this as well and
typically if you can keep it simple and execute on that you're good to go
so obviously first and foremost you can increase your customers that goes
without saying you can increase your customers that's typically where most
people go whether you're drop shipping on Shopify how can I get more sales how
can I get more customers or whatever you know if your same thing with private
labeling how can I spend more money on ads so I can increase my my customers or
whatever it is increase your customers pretty self-explanatory
number two in increase the frequency that those customers purchase from you
so if you're doing privately when labeling to give you an example you know
some people throw you know little handouts and
in their actual private label boxes or in their private label wrapper or
whatever so that that pert that customer gets a discount comes back to the store
and purchases again another great example of increasing the frequency that
a customer you know buys from you if you're doing online products or you know
information products would be like a subscription model so recently here in
2018 there have been a lot of people trying to sell their Facebook groups
because their subscriptions essentially or you know even like email software
they get you on a subscription plan the reason is because they love the
frequency and just like Netflix as I'm looking at my Netflix over there they
want you to purchase and pay them every single month because that increases the
frequency that they get paid from every customer so that's the two top ways to
grow business increase your customers obviously increase the frequency of
purchase now my favorite and what I've been focusing on here a lot lately is
increase the transaction size so increase the price increase you know
whatever it is if it's your client and you have three social media marketing
clients or three SEO consultant clients whatever you know and they all pay you a
thousand a month well start looking for one that's gonna pay you 2,000 a month
start increasing your price to maybe 5,000 a month you would think it's crazy
but guess what if you increase your transaction size you can grow your
business like I said simple simple stuff so I really really like this because
I've learned the hard way that if you increase your customers a lot of
headaches come with that what I mean by that is you know probably my biggest
business to date is probably my content creation so obviously YouTube right here
that you're seeing but more importantly on you to me I'm approaching about
110,000 students right now so I was still to hit that hundred thousand
students mark because I increased my customers thus giving me more reach you
know more emails more more customers potentially sell to but with increased
customers comes obviously more headaches more problems to manage and then you
might need that you know hire or outsource somebody to handle your emails
or answer your questions because it's a lot of freaking people to deal with so
if you can just increase your transaction size and keep your customers
normal I like that a lot more and so I stopped kind of you know focusing on
increasing my customers and I focus on increasing my transaction
size now I'm actually starting to put out you know a lot of premium courses
now that sell for a lot more that are you know kind of like masterminds that
can really really help you scale your business but not trying to sell any of
that on this channel but that's my favorite increase the transaction size
so those are the three ways keep it simple
that you can increase your business or grow a business increase your customers
increase the frequency of purchase or my favorite increase in transaction size so
hope you guys like this I wanted to keep it simple I did that on purpose because
a lot of people wanted complex answer to a simple question and that's the wrong
way to approach it so hit that like button genuinely appreciate it and I'll
see you the next one
(最新!)《PRODUCE 48》Handclap組排名 村瀨紗英 武藤十夢 小嶋真子 Handclap ranking produce48 ep7 180726 - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
PES 2018 EN İYİ OYUN YAMASI ! - Duration: 10:32.-------------------------------------------
5 Huevos Sorpresas de Jóvenes Titanes en Acción La Película en Español Latino Plastilina Play Doh - Duration: 17:11.-------------------------------------------
How to get free v bucks fortnite season 5 100% working 2018* - Duration: 3:50.
Earth Defense Force 5 - 1st Trailer | PS4 - Duration: 1:41.[ORCHESTRA TUNING UP]
Emergency alert. Emergency alert.
What happened?
He was eaten. George was eaten!
I don't want to die like that.
This is not a drill.
Repeat, this is not a drill.
☀️Chill & Festival Vibes ☀️| LEGENDARY TRAP & FUTURE BASS MIX 2018 / TRAP MADNESS & THIS IS NATION - Duration: 27:13.enjoy our collab mix :)
(最新!)《PRODUCE 48》Instruction排名 中西智代梨 王珂 金賢雅 金秀潤 李河恩 孫恩采 ranking produce48 ep7 180726 - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
岡田斗司夫ゼミ7月22日号「トランスフォーマー学入門講座。日米オモチャ産業が手を組み、第4次中東戦争をひっくり返した歴史秘話~その他、未来のミライ、シン・エヴァンゲリオンを軽く分析」 - Duration: 47:42.-------------------------------------------
WWE Use ALL IN Name?! Matt Riddle To WWE LEAKED! Carmella INJURED! | WrestleTalk News July 2018 - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Putin: 'Ready' to go to Washington, invites Trump to Moscow - Duration: 10:42.-------------------------------------------
Always Never - Dangerous - Duration: 2:05.Didn't mean to love you I didn't mean to show my hand
Now I'm tripping over something I don't understand
This might be the end And I don't give a damn
I don't give a damn
Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times
if the timing only have been fine Have been fine
No I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous
Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times
if the timing only have been fine Have been fine
Girl I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous
I don't mean to step A little unprofes
So I feel alone About to lose my mind
I know I said I'm fine But I ain't fine
At least you know why At least you know why
At least you know why At least you know why
Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times
if the timing only have been fine Have been fine
No I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous
Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times
if the timing only have been fine Have been fine
Girl I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous
Amazing Bräckevägen 21 Small House Design - Duration: 5:23.Amazing Bräckevägen 21 Small House Design
How to Attract High End Weddings: Breathe Your Passion with Vanessa Joy - Duration: 3:08.Want to know how to find out, the, want to
find some high-end clients that'll pay
you what you're worth?
Watch this?
I want to shoot high-end weddings, hi end,
this, high-end that, here's the truth, you
don't have to look at multi-million
dollar weddings and think, that's what I
have to shoot, you just want to shoot for
a client that's a little bit higher than
the one you have right now. Right, we just
want to be going up, looking for more,
doing better. So here are six ways that
you can attract a higher end clientele.
No.1: you've got to dress the part.
Now I would never wear this to client
meeting ripped Def Leppard shirts do not
scream high-end weddings. I wear things
that are particular to my brand. I
actually match my website in a way. When
people walk in they say wow, you look
like you, and that sounds silly of course.
I look like m,e but what they mean is I
look like the persona, the brand that I
am trying to convey on social media, and
on my website. So make sure you dress the
part. If you want to attract high-end
luxury clients, then you have to be a
luxury business. What does that mean
don't nickel and dime people. High-end
clients are not used to getting nickel
and dime. They just want to pay one price,
how much...and give it to me. That's it
Okay you know it, it's like you feel
cheap doing it, and you know what you
look cheap doing it too. So over-deliver..
give them more than what they asked for!
You know target, great store, wonderful
brand. It's not high-end, why because you
go there you get what you want, you leave
with what you paid for it. That's it but
if you go to Louis Vuitton or Dior or
some kind of a luxury store, you go in
you get greeted they give you champagne,
they help you shop, it's an experience.
You want to have luxury clients, be a
luxury studio, create an experience, and
that sounds so flaky, but it's true, when
they walk in think of what they smell.
Think of what they see, what they hear,
what they taste. Yes.. what they taste!
I know you're a photographer but put
something in their mouths, make them
drink something, eat something. Hopefully
chocolate or wine! Here's something I'm
going to admit that you probably wont like.
It is about who.. you know why? All of us
wedding professionals, we like working
with who we like working with. You have
to get out there you have to make
friends. You have to be in a relationship
with your wedding planners, you want
high-end clients go to where they hang
out. Go online, go on social media, look at
the high-end wedding venue in your area,
and look who's posting in that location,
and then interact with them. In fact if
you want to learn more about social
media and ways that you can find clients,
high end, low end, whatever it is that you
want... Click the link in the description
below to watch a webinar, all about
social media and how you can be
successful in finding and booking
clients there. Like what you see in join
us here, and hit subscribe on that button
below so you don't miss a thing on
AdoramaTV, and with my show
Breathe your Passion, and leave some comments leave
some love. I want to know if you're
listening, I want to know what you want
to hear, and please don't be negative.
Well.. you're going to be negative anyway.
Come below! BE negative... it boosts my
algorithms every time!
You internet troll you!
How To Make Passive Income - Duration: 8:39.Hey, what's up YouTube. Kris Krohn here. And today we're talking about how to
make passive income. Dude, it's one of those big buzz things
like everyone wants to know how to do it, everyone wants to know is it real and
I'm going break it all down for you right now.
So, listen. I absolutely want to break down for you what is passive income, how
does it work and I even as a bonus at the end of the video, I want to share with
you one of my favorite ways to create it. But I also want you understand that I'm
probably one of the best people on the planet to teach this simply from the
standpoint that I've been building residual incomes for the last 15
years. And the best part about the way that I've built a true residual income,
is that this is the definition. It's work you do one time but you continue to get
paid over and over again, potentially for the rest of your life.
Now, not all residual income have like, you know, can last a whole lifetime. Some
of them in last months, some of them last years. But that's the definition that you want to
understand. Work one time, get paid the rest of your life. now just for a moment
think how different this is from having a job, right? You go work for someone else
or you go to college and you go to work for someone else and get paid more than
someone that doesn't maybe get a college degree.
That's not always necessarily even true these days anymore. But what you're doing
is you're trading your time for money. So, whether you're earning $8 an
hour or $800 an hour. Basically, you have to put in an hour if
you want to get paid. Now, there's a lot of people that think, "Wow, I should get a
better paid job. Because if I do, then I can work the same hours but actually
make more money. Dude, you will always be trapped with that thinking. Because the
reality is, we always find a way somehow, someway to allow our lifestyle to adjust
to whatever our income level is. The real solution that will create freedom is you
got to stop trading time for money. And the way that you start doing that is by
finding a real residual income. So, the definition is work you do this many
times, one times but get paid the rest of your life. Here's what you're really
looking for. You're looking to get involved with something that can get
someone on the hook financially to continue making a financial investment
over and over and over again. The only way a residual really works is if you
can offer something to someone, sell something to someone or create value to
someone that they say, "Every month I want to give you some type of money." And
that's really the definition of taking that residual income, that passive income
and turning it into something really practical. So, what we want to do here, if
you want to actually take a look at your options like, "What can you do that would
actually create a residual income?" I would like to hear your ideas in the
comments below but let me share with you some of the common ones that I'm really
aware of. One thing that you can do, is you can get
started with an M-L-M, okay? If you don't know what that means, it means multi-level
marketing. Now, one of the problems with multi-level marketing is that, there's a
lot of people that aren't a fan of it. Laws have changed recently that make it
very difficult for them to work inside of boundaries that really work. But the
biggest problem with M-L-M is that, you really need to often build an
organization of thousands and tens of thousands of people to build a
meaningful residual income. I mean, the effort that it goes to go out there and
get someone to pay $100 for something and maybe every single month, you're
going to get 5 bucks. Now, the one hand, that is a residual income. But what I
struggle with when it comes to this kind of residual income is, it's like, "Okay,
$5 every single month. How many people do I need to know. If I could
actually go through 50 people and sell 10 of them and get 10 people doing this
deal, then I'll probably get some upfront money but now I'm getting 50 bucks a
month, right? 5 dollars times 10 people. And so, I'm getting $50 every month but
what happens in six months? A lot of those people drop off. So, guess what? Now,
All that work was really for nothing. That five dollars was really
only ever going to be worth 30 bucks. Now, there are some major massive net workers
out there that are built for models like this and they can make crazy amounts of
income. But do you see kind one of the problems I have with this passive income
is, "How realistic is it for the average person to win?" I want to share with you
something really different. There are not very many ways of making a residual
income out there but one of the ways that I absolutely love, you can guess, it
is real estate. And what I want to do right now is the bonus, is I want to
share with you a way to create a residual income and again, if a residual
income is doing work one time and getting paid over and over again, then
part 2 of that definition is I got to find someone that I can repeatedly
create value for that wants to keep paying every month. My favorite way of
doing that is with real estate. Now, let me just break down exactly what I mean.
Because this is very different here in the M-L-M world, I might need to get a
thousand people or 10,000 people involved and create all these different
levels and I can make some money with that. I know what I'm talking about this
because I owned a couple of M-L-Ms. I've built them and I've been able to
see firsthand what works well and what doesn't work well. Here's what I love
about real estate. If I buy one house, not ten thousand, if I buy one house then the
benefit that I have on this one house that I'm doing is that I can get this
house to pay me $500 a month of residual
income every month, on going, no matter what? How do I do that? I'm going to share
with you one strategy, it happens to be one of my favorite strategies. It's I do
something, you know, you've heard of rentals like becoming a landlord, not a
fan. Instead what I do, is I buy a house, usually I don't use my own money or
credit. And then what I do is I go to somebody else and say, "Hey, how would you
like to rent the house but we'll do it different. How about I rent it to you and
I give you an option to be able to buy it down the road. That way you're not
throwing rent money, away?" That's really popular, especially for someone that
can't use their credit right now or might be moving or the banks are
struggling to qualify, they need to do some credit repair. There's different
reasons why people want to do this thing called a "lease option" and a lease option
can pay you this 500 a month. Now, in reality, here's what's happening, you have
a mortgage and that mortgage might be $1,000 a month on this house but your
rent, if it was just a straight rental, might be 11 or 12 hundred a month. But
when someone has the option to come in and actually buy this house. They're
going to give you 3, 5 ,7, 10 thousand dollars upfront. And then all of
a sudden they're paying $1,500 a month and you see that you get 1500 every
month, pay the thousand, what's left over? Well, there's about $500 a month left
over. That is this positive cash flow that I'm talking about. Now, this residual
income can last maybe 3 months or 6 months or 9 months. How long is
this residual income going to last. Well, as long as I own the house. So, let's just
say for a moment that I own this house for 2 years and then I sell it to the
people that are in it. Well, now of a sudden, on average, I've made $5,000 up
front. This was their initial down payment.
I made $500 each month of a residual income and then when I sell the property
let's say, that I make a $3,000 game. We have this up for
two years. If you're earning $500 every month for 2 years, that's $12,000. You get
you're 5000, you get your 30,000, you've made $41,000 dollars. How many
transactions? One. This my friends is what I call a "true residual income." But I want
you understand that you're not going to have it forever. Because when you take
that gain and any equity you have this property, let's say it's 50 or $60,000,
what are you going to do with that money? Well, you're probably
going to parlay that into a couple more homes. Well, shoot. Now, you have 3
homes paying you 500 a month. 500, 500, 500. My passive, the residual income went from
500 a month now, it's what? I was 1,500 month. That's how in a four and a half
year period of time I retired. I was dumped by 26. I custom built this home
and started traveling the world and having all these new options. That's why
I'm glad you're watching this video because residual income is really key to
becoming ultimately free. I have freedom like, so few other people have. It's not
because I can demand a lot of money per hour. It's that I don't have to put in
hours but I still what? I can still get paid. Now as a bonus here at the end, I'm
going to share with you a way that you and I can work together and I can plug you
right into a system like this. So, we can get your residual income going for you
right now. Listen, it's easy for me to just say, "Hey,
go do real estate." But instead I'm going to say, "Go to this website" and let me
share with you the easiest way that you can get into real estate. This is the way
that I wish I have been able to get into in the beginning. It's worked out from
the other way but I can make it work for you far better.
Cardi B Announces She Won't Be Joining Bruno Mars on Tour | Billboard News - Duration: 1:16.The highly anticipated fall tour featuring Cardi B and Bruno Mars
will not be happening after all. Cardi has pulled out
of the planned venture citing "this whole mommy thing."
Cardi gave birth to her first child, Kulture earlier this month
and while she thought she'd be able to recover in
time for the shows, reality proved otherwise.
"I thought that after giving birth to my daughter that 6 weeks would be
enough time for me to recover mentally and physically....
I also thought that I'd be able to bring [my daughter] with me on tour...
not only am I just not ready physically, I'm not ready to leave my
baby behind since the doctor's explained
it's not healthy for her to be on the road."
Mars responded with a message of his own,
assuring Cardi she made the right decision.
"Most important thing is you and your family's health.
I know the fans will understand."
Mars then promised to play "Bodak Yellow" every night in her honor.
The tour appears to be going on as planned without the Bronx MC.
Mars is set to hit the road September 7 and run through the end of October.
For more, head to billboard.com,
and until next time, for Billboard News, I'm Kevan Kenney.
B站评分最低的5部新番,一部低于6分,是乱评分还是真的不好看? - Duration: 7:03.-------------------------------------------
Durian Warm Can Kill Durian Tree - Duration: 3:35.the worm will eat around and sometime the tree will die
I have to locate and remove it before it too late
wow it looks so fat.
It must be killed or taken away.
The tree will heal itself after a period of time
5 Ways Mamma Mia 2 IGNORED Mamma Mia & Why! - Duration: 6:48.Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again brings to life Donna and the Dynamos' backstory in gloriously
fun fashion, but hidden in that prequel story are many inconsistencies that contradict plot
points and details from the original movie.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and today I'm going to reveal and explain
five ways that Mamma Mia 2 completely ignored what happened in the first film!
Obviously, some spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the movie!
Apparently, resurrection is a thing in the Mamma Mia universe because in the original
movie, it's heavily implied that Donna's mother is already dead.
"Somebody up there's got it in for me.
I bet it's my mother."
"Wasn't she a ray of sunshine."
However, in the sequel, Donna's mother Ruby is still very much alive and kicking and makes
a late but show-stopping entrance in the form of Cher who reunites with her lost love Cienfuegos
while belting out Fernando.
At the end of the day, Ruby's revival for Mamma Mia 2 is basically down to writer-director
Ol Parker who wrote the part specifically for Cher and saw the chance to make the sequel
"deeper and moodier" by digging into the strained mother-daughter relationship briefly mentioned
in the first film.
As if raising the dead wasn't enough, Cher is actually only 3 years older in real life
than Meryl Streep who plays her on-screen daughter!
Still, Ol Parker says Cher "exists separate from time" and we should just enjoy the show
and not worry our heads about such things.
And I have to say I agree with him as frankly who doesn't want to see Cher lend her inimitable
style to ABBA classics while dressed in sparkly tops, white suits, and flowered flares?!
In the first movie, Colin Firth's Harry tells Sophie that when he was young he bought a
guitar for Donna and it cost him £10 and his Johnny Rotten T-shirt.
Now, in the sequel, Young Harry wears a Johnny Rotten T-shirt during his Parisian adventures
with Young Donna, but after he's bought the guitar, he's still wearing that same T-shirt.
Also, how did he ever actually give young Donna that guitar?
Because in the sequel, although Hugh Skinner's Harry does follow Donna to Greece, he misses
the ferry to the island and the last time we see him he's walking away from the dock,
lamenting his fate.
Maybe in this new version of the story, young Harry decided to leave the guitar for Donna
with someone on the island, like Omid Djalli's Greek Official; or perhaps there's a cut scene
that explains how it ended up with her.
Indeed, there does appear to be a missing part of the original Mamma Mia timeline in
the sequel because in the first film, Donna's diary says that "Harry turned up out of the
blue" so she said she'd show him the island.
Speaking of Donna's diary, in the first movie, it said she met and slept with Sam first on
July 17th, followed by Bill on August 4th, and finally Harry on August 11th.
However, that's not quite the way things happen in the sequel!
In Here We Go Again, Donna first meets and sleeps with a young Harry in Paris, then she
meets but doesn't sleep with a young Bill in Greece, after which she meets and falls
in love with a young Sam, and finally, she meets up with Bill again and this time sleeps
with him.
When Lily James was cast in the lead she says she "was so clear […] that [Young Donna's
sex life] had to be celebrated" but admits that at first she "was […] worried [the]
producers would try and dampen it down", so she was very glad when they "embrace[d] it."
For writer-director Ol Parker, although Donna's three relationships are relatively short,
it was important to make each one meaningful.
And I think that's the key to why he changed the order of events from Donna's original
The idea being that Harry was a charming vacation fling, then she fell in love with Sam but
he was already engaged and left her, at which point Bill was there to help her over her
broken heart.
Another miraculous thing about the Mamma Mia Universe is how people's eye colours seem
to completely change over the years.
So Alexa Davies's young Rosie has blue eyes compared to Julie Walters' brown eyes, Hugh
Skinner's eyes as young Harry are much lighter than Colin Firth's brown eyes, and while Meryl
Streep's Donna has blue eyes, Lily James has brown eyes.
Although the filmmakers wanted the younger characters to really remind audiences of their
older counterparts, they were never looking for a mirror image.
When Here We Go Again was casting, Lily James was actually busy on a publicity tour for
Baby Driver, but director Ol Parker insisted the Mamma Mia team wait till she had time
to meet with them.
That's because, as the filmmakers have said, "Lily transcends whether you think she looks
exactly like Meryl.
[…] She's a tour-de-force!" and "a natural storyteller in her singing".
For her part, James has said she tried to pick "a few characteristics, or expressions,
or a physicality that would make [us] hopefully believe [her] version of Donna would grow
into" Meryl Streep's.
And Streep herself has given James her seal of approval, saying she really did capture
Young Donna's spirit.
It's perhaps a little odd that James or the other actors didn't wear coloured contacts
to change their eye colour for the film, so I wonder if maybe one of them couldn't wear
them for some reason, or perhaps the filmmakers decided it wasn't a big deal.
Either way, their different eye colours totally pale into insignificance when you consider
their great performances, especially Lily James and the way she brings to life a Young
And let's not forget what Donna's three love interests looked like when they first met
her in the original movie compared to how they look in the sequel!
Gone are young Sam's long locks, headband, large moustache, and hippie clothes.
And young Bill has also had a bit of a haircut and a change of wardrobe from his more flower-power
style too.
Young Harry still has a leather jacket, but gone are his studded leather choker and eyeliner,
and his hairstyle's also less punky.
Of course, as Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan, and Stellan Skarsgard very briefly played
younger versions of themselves in the original movie, the costume and make-up departments
had a bit of fun with how they made those actors look different from their present-day
selves at the time.
However, the filmmakers obviously didn't want to extend that few-seconds-long joke from
the original film into a very lengthy joke in the sequel, and so when it came to clothes
and hairstyles, they went for less exaggerated looks that would appeal more generally to
modern audiences.
By the way, Omid Djalli's Greek official really did seem very interested in people's changing
hairstyles, perhaps a bit of meta-commentary and a wink to fans of the franchise.
When they made the original Mamma Mia, they didn't intend to make a sequel, so their creative
decisions didn't take into account what they might want to do in a second movie.
Ten years later, they didn't want to be constrained too much by choices made or throwaway lines
in the first film.
For me, the differences are interesting as they give us some insight into the filmmaker's
thought processes.
I still really love both the movies, they're made to be fun, enjoyable, and entertaining,
and they are!
So, did any of these changes bother you and did you spot any other differences between
the two movies?
Let me know in the comments below!
For a chance to win one of these awesome Mamma Mia 2 merch packs, make sure you subscribe,
leave me a comment about the film, and also tap the Gleam link in the video description
below to register your entry.
I'll have a brand new Mamma Mia video for you shortly, so tap left to watch the next
one or tap right for my full Mamma Mia and musicals playlist.
If you enjoyed this, I really appreciate a thumbs-up!
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
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For more infomation >> HAUL DISNEY - JULY 2018 : FUNKO POP, TSUM TSUM, MUG 💰 - Duration: 17:02.-------------------------------------------
HSN | AT Home 07.27.2018 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> HSN | AT Home 07.27.2018 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.-------------------------------------------
Бизнес в Инстаграм | Продвижение в Инстаграм 2018 | Секреты Инстаграма - Duration: 6:47.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Бизнес в Инстаграм | Продвижение в Инстаграм 2018 | Секреты Инстаграма - Duration: 6:47.-------------------------------------------
Lucy Helmore se serait suicidée : Une quatrième tragédie dans son groupe d'amis - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Lucy Helmore se serait suicidée : Une quatrième tragédie dans son groupe d'amis - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
House de Nobuhiko Obayashi : l'analyse de M. Bobine - Duration: 18:14.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> House de Nobuhiko Obayashi : l'analyse de M. Bobine - Duration: 18:14.-------------------------------------------
10 Aliments que nous sommes fous de continuer à manger - Duration: 5:42.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 10 Aliments que nous sommes fous de continuer à manger - Duration: 5:42.-------------------------------------------
冯小刚怒骂李晨,让李晨滚出娱乐圈,范冰冰霸气回应 - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 冯小刚怒骂李晨,让李晨滚出娱乐圈,范冰冰霸气回应 - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
范冰冰叫范爷,而赵丽颖为什么叫颖宝?赵丽颖回答让人赞赏 - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 范冰冰叫范爷,而赵丽颖为什么叫颖宝?赵丽颖回答让人赞赏 - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
李晨范冰冰好事将近,据传要在巴厘岛结婚 - Duration: 15:55.-------------------------------------------
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Comment nettoyer ou remplacer le filtre à essence de votre tronçonneuse thermique ? - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Comment nettoyer ou remplacer le filtre à essence de votre tronçonneuse thermique ? - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
Eine Ausstellung, die verbindet - Duration: 1:34.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Eine Ausstellung, die verbindet - Duration: 1:34.-------------------------------------------
fix-n-fish LIVE CHAT - Duration: 11:55:01.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> fix-n-fish LIVE CHAT - Duration: 11:55:01.-------------------------------------------
Hey, you-------------------------------------------
House de Nobuhiko Obayashi : l'analyse de M. Bobine - Duration: 18:14.-------------------------------------------
Panasonic DECT 4Handset Cordless Phones w/Call Block M... - Duration: 15:38.-------------------------------------------
BMW 5 Serie 528I Sedan 245pk HIGH EXECUTIVE M-SPORT Aut8 Vol Leer, Navi Pro, Xenon - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML320 CDI V6 224Pk AMG LUCHTVERING LEDER NAVI Grijs Kenteken - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - Bed - Duration: 2:34.This video includes lyrics on the screen
Always Never - Dangerous - Duration: 2:05.Didn't mean to love you I didn't mean to show my hand
Now I'm tripping over something I don't understand
This might be the end And I don't give a damn
I don't give a damn
Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times
if the timing only have been fine Have been fine
No I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous
Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times
if the timing only have been fine Have been fine
Girl I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous
I don't mean to step A little unprofes
So I feel alone About to lose my mind
I know I said I'm fine But I ain't fine
At least you know why At least you know why
At least you know why At least you know why
Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times
if the timing only have been fine Have been fine
No I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous
Must have thought about it a dozen times A dozen times
if the timing only have been fine Have been fine
Girl I don't want to miss your love But you know that it's dangerous
Hack My Life - Hacked or Fiction: Beverly Hills Cop's Banana in the Tailpipe | truTV - Duration: 2:50.♪♪
Ever find yourself being tailed
by someone suspicious in a vehicle
and you want to stop it?
Today, I'm testing a hack from one of my favorite '80s films,
"Beverly Hills Cop."
I'm like -- I'm like Haxel Foley.
[ Laughs ]
Kev, what are you doing?
Hey, Brooke.
Banana-in-the-tailpipe hack.
This is "Hacked or Fiction."
In "Hacked or Fiction," we test out hacks from pop culture
to see if beloved icons of the big and small screen
were actually great hackers,
or if their hacks were totally fiction.
Now, in the '80s film "Beverly Hills Cop,"
Axel Foley, played by Eddie Murphy,
manages to stall a vehicle
by jamming bananas into its tailpipe.
Now, if this works, it's because of the back pressure
created by the bananas.
You see, they clog up the tailpipe.
The engine won't be able to take in fresh air.
Yep. Exactly.
It's gonna cause the entire thing --
More or less, right, right, right.
The bad guys won't be able to follow you anymore.
We ourselves are going to test out this hack today.
Kevin, would you like to do the honors
and jam a banana into a tailpipe?
I love a good 'nana cram.
Yep. [ Breathes deeply ]
[ Chuckling ] Yep.
Well, that's a pretty jammed tailpipe, if you ask me.
I mean, in the movie, they did two bananas,
so I'm worried that one's just gonna...
I know, but some people have bigger tailpipes.
You know what I'm saying?
Okay, Brooke, you ready?
Oh, yeah.
In three, two, one...
[ Engine starts ]
[ Pops, splats ]
-[ Laughs ] -W-- Brooke, what happened?
[ Chuckling ] I have limited visibility.
All it did was shoot a banana straight out the tailpipe.
Just farted it right out.
You want to jam another one in there?
I'm gonna try and just re-jam it, okay?
[ Grunts ] All right.
Are you clear of the banana blast zone?
I can always use a little extra potassium.
One potassium blast coming up.
Three, two, banana jam!
Stall that car!
[ Engine starts ]
[ Pops ]
[ Laughs ] Did it just do it again?
I want to see it so bad.
How funny is it?
Let me try.
Okay, this has just turned into
a whole different thing.
Hold on. I'm gonna get out.
Okay. Yeah.
All right, all right.
Here we go.
[ Engine starts ]
[ Pops, splats ]
[ Laughs ]
That was it!
This looks like the tail end of a "Mario Kart" rally.
So, what did we learn, friends?
Was it hilarious? Absolutely.
Great visual, solid noise, comical through and through.
But here's the issue.
It was "Hacked or Fiction,"
and the car did not stall...
...because of the banana in the tailpipe.
I'm sorry, Axel Foley.
"Beverly Hills" disappointment, my friend.
We're gonna have to call it. It was fiction.
These movie hacks never work.
Want to do it again?
Of course I do.
Yes, yes.
Çocukluk Arkadaşımla Yastık Sohbeti | Beklenmedik İç Döküşler Serisi - Duration: 10:24.-Are you ready?
-I feel shy though.
-How exactly did we meet?
-We were very little. I really don't remember.
-It was the beginning of the primary school. We were around 5-6 years old.
-What I remember is, during the recess, two girls would lean on teacher's table and talk to me endlessly.
-Özge was your BFF before I stole you from her.
-You were a depressed child back then. You felt sad for having left your grandparents' home.
-Yes, that separation made me truly sad.
-That's why I had dropped out of kindergarten.
-I would sleep between my grandparents and would suddenly burst into tears thinking "They will die one day".
-And my grandpa, you know how he is...
-He would turn & look at me and say:
-"Yes, we will die. Everybody will die one day. You will also die."
-A little child shouldn't hear such things.
-I was literally a fan of you in primary school.
-As a little child you were such a leader. Always the one who decides things, who plans, who thinks ahead...
-And you were extremely mature for your age.
-I think that's why our teacher Güner really loved you.
-And when my sister started the same school...
-Oh yeah that's an interesting one...
-In the classroom cabinet they found a notebook that belonged to our teacher Güner before she had retired & left the school.
-In it there are notes on every students she had.
-What she wrote about Nihan is literally a love letter.
-"There's a chance they will move away... I don't want to lose her..."
-"Her father is searching for new schools... I want to adopt her..."
-And let me tell you what she wrote about me:
-"His immune system is weak... He frequently misses school..."
-And it was like "Since he already knew how to read & write, he would get very bored in class."
-What do you hate about me the most?
-Something that you just can't take?
-There's nothing about you that I hate.
-But what is one thing that's difficult for you to handle about me? Be brutally honest.
-Let me think about it...
-Yeah as if it's not on the tip of your tongue.
-It's incredibly difficult to be right in an argument with you.
-Because of your extraordinary communication skills, it's almost impossible to be right against you.
-And that pisses you off?
-Yes. It gets very difficult. And tiring. At one point I give up and tell you you're right.
-Wow I sound like an asshole.
-Not always.
-Not always?!
-Alright it's my turn.
-You often zone out while I'm talking to you.
-I suddenly realise you're in a distant land.
-Just to grab your attention I sometimes throw around nonsensical, ridiculous words just so you get like "Huh wtf is he talking about?"
-I'm very dreamy. Associations catch me & I find myself floating around them.
-It's really not a good trait of mine.
-OK! Tell me my three most important astrological signs.
-You are a Scorpio, with a Pisces ascendant and Moon in Pisces too.
-You are a Gemini, with Virgo ascendant and Moon in Taurus.
-Wow you surprised me! Didn't expect you to know.
-Ugh... Your ascendant is Virgo...
-And yours is PISCES.
-I actually like water people. I like Pisces too.
-Let's talk a bit about our contrasts. We're not exactly the same people.
-Like what?
-Even the bestest friends differ from each other. -Sure.
-For example, you're quite posh compared to me.
-I'm what? -Posh.
-Posh? What do you mean?
-I'm more of a bohemian. You're more fond of luxury.
-I could live in a village. Living in nature is just fine by me.
-But if we put you in a village... Do you think you could live there?
-I don't know. I feel like that's changing for me.
-You're more materialistic.
-I think you spend the money you earn so beautifully.
-I spend it mostly for travels.
-And by the way you have a great taste in fashion.
-Thank you. Yours too. -Thanks.
-You spend good on clothing, also jewelry. You manage to combine them well.
-Alright then let's talk about our phobias.
-I know what you're scared of. Cats, of course.
-No, not anymore. -What? You were so scared of them.
-For a while now I educated myself on this and now I'm able to touch and even fondle cats.
-At least I'm not dead afraid of spiders like you are.
-Correct, right? That's your phobia. -True.
-I will film you secretly. And btw there might be cockroaches here.
-Nihan where?!?!
-Because of the heat... -I'm leaving.
-He's gone.
-Shall we get a bit serious?
-Shall we cry?
-Biggest heartbreaks we had towards each other. -Okay...
-You know what mine is about.
-Yes I do, and mine is the same.
-And what do you mean by that?
-I mean...
-Didn't you know me well enough? You should have known that it wasn't like what you were thinking.
-That's how I see it.
-I guess that sadness was just too big for me. That's why...
-Yes it was.
-I guess we're unable to talk about it.
-We can't talk about it in front of a camera.
-No no no no wait!
-There IS one heartbreak we need to talk about since you mention it.
-Look at you! Ok then tell me, what?
-I don't know if you guys have seen "Bordo Bej".
-At the end of it, he "special thanked" the whole wide world...
-...and there's no trace of a "Nihan Atakan".
-I couldn't join the filming of Bordo Bej because of a serious private matter, you know.
-But during the pre-production, all those sections in the scenario, I have countless ideas in them.
-Since when are you holding this in?
-Since the first time I've seen Bordo Bej.
-But... um...
-I really don't know what to say.
-I'm SO sorry.
-Then I will thank you here in detail.
-In the scene of Suat's job interview, many of the things were written through Nihan's personal experiences.
-And many problems of Suat were also actually Nihan's own.
-You really helped me a great deal in the scenario...
-...and I truly apologize for having forgotten to mention this in the credits. -It's okay.
-All those years in our frendship, we always dreamt of living together but never really managed to do so.
-I would have loved to be flatmates with you because you're extraordinarily clean.
-When you were living in Istanbul with Görkem...
-Entering your house, I would directly run to your room and bury my head in your bed because it smelled so beautiful.
-Your bed was the best smelling thing in the whole house.
-And you never pee standing!
-Every men should do that... It's not like I watch him pee btw.
-She doesn't watch always. Occasionally.
-It would be lovely. We should live together one day.
-Well, maybe you will come live in Amsterdam right? -Yeah.
-Shall we...
-...talk a little bit about love?
-Let me describe you in love. -Alright.
-You're incredibly passionate in love.
-Even a simple flirt is a huge love affair for you.
-I'm a Scorpio! Can't help it!
-You go all the way deep in that person.
-But those supposedly huge love affairs last very short most of the time.
-Indeed with you when it's over, it's really over.
-That's why sometimes I feel pity for those people because of you.
-They suddenly find themselves in a dark pit.
-But I try. I really try hard. I then poke the person. Yet if I don't see its fruits...
-...suddenly I'm gone!
-And that passion you experience really makes you glow.
-Those are your brightest periods.
-Let me describe you.
-In everyone you fall in love with, there's something particular you find.
-You fall in love with that person for just that one thing.
-And if you -rarely- really desire someone... If you really want them...
-...you will have them. One way or another. -Oh c'mon.
-You do. Inevitable.
-Sometimes you scare me with it. It's as if no one can escape you.
-If you want someone you will have them. Teach us your ways, master.
-Nihan what are you talking about?
-If I REALLY like someone... If I think that person is someone precious....
-...I won't wait around for someone else to come and get them.
-I have to go and grab them myself.
-I really think everyone should do like that.
-Nothing precious, none... I mean very rarely, is presented to one on a golden platter.
-Especially in such cases I believe in hard work and dedication.
-Same with love. Hard work and dedication...
-How do you think an ideal partner for me should be?
-Has to be someone exciting. And a natural traveler.
-Has to take you to places that you've never ever imagined going before.
-You know as a child how those cousins and older relatives tell you "I will take you in my care and show you all around."
-It's very that. You're that child.
-Travel is something valuable for you to share and you want to share it with your partner.
-Has to be someone open to new experiences... and has to be as passionate as you are.
-Needs to look good next to you since he will appear in 2.000 instagram posts in just the first year of the relationship.
-Your ideal partner should be someone with great depth and has to have a profound understanding of art.
-Has to be interested in your own works and should be able to grasp them fully.
-Has to have a variety of attractive traits.
-Has to have their own plans, has to be someone very determined to make them happen.
-Such stuff really impress you.
-Should be confident. Should have a variety of interests.
-Has to be able to ignite new and exciting ideas in you.
-You love strongly self-confident people. They have to shine. When you enter somewhere, the person that shines the brightest has to be yours.
-Lastly, there's one thing I want to talk with you on film here.
-But you will respond with instincts. No thinking. OK? -OK.
-Tell me one secret I've never known during our 21 years of friendship.
-I can't find one.
-There is one thing, but... Do I have to say it on film? -Yes.
-Then you will edit it out right? -No, that's the point.
-I will tell it in your ear first. -No just tell it!
FRIENDS || Minecraft Animation Meme Ft. Knockerz 283 (2K Special) - Duration: 1:10.Here we go again
So don't go look at me with that look in your eye
You really ain't going away without a
You can't be reasoned with, I'm done being
I've told you 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 thousand times
Haven't I made it obvious?
Haven't I made it clear?
Want me to spell it out for you?
Haven't I made it obvious?
Haven't I made it clear?
Want me to spell it out for you?
Haven't I made it obvious?
Haven't I made it clear?
Want me to spell it out for you?
(spell it out)
Haven't I made it obvious?
Haven't I made it obvious? (Haven't I made it)
Haven't I made it clear?
(Haven't I made it)
Want me to spell it out for you? (Haven't I made it clear)
(Friendship Forever)
Why The Seemingly Messy Ones May Be More Intelligent - Duration: 5:46.Why The Seemingly Messy Ones May Be More Intelligent
You might not be ready to call yourself a full-on mess, but the lack of order in your
life may be the result of your completely scatterbrained state of being.
You are not alone, there are loads of us out there, myself included.
In this video, I'm going to show you why the seemingly messy ones may be more intelligent.
But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't
miss any interesting updates in the future guys!
Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might
be useful for you.
My friend and I have a running joke about our 'floordrobes', a euphemism we invented
to describe the clothes that often cover the floor or adorn the furniture in the house.
Its not anything I am proud.
Its a way of life I have become accustomed to, there are always piles of paper everywhere
and I can never find my hairbrush quickly but I always know where the important stuff
Perhaps like me, you have also been urged to work on this aspect of your life by the
'tidier than thou's?
Sloppiness leads to error, they say, insisting instead that orderliness is a requirement
for success.
Do you, like me clean up regularly only to find it only stays straight for about a day,
if that, as you rush about, being busy doing this and that?
I am never bored and after a long day I am simply not going to spend several hours cleaning
and tidying the house, I'm in bed dreaming of the mess I can create tomorrow.
Ok, so things may get misplaced from time to time, but it's never detrimental to your
overall life.
You are aware that your mind is everywhere, but it just sort of works for you.
Well, according to Eric Barker for Time Magazine, these scatterbrained tendencies of yours may
actually determine how smart you are.
Barker presents a theory that says messiness is an indicator of intelligence.
Citing Steven Johnson's book "Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History Of Innovation,"the
basis of the theory hinges on the idea that the busier and more cluttered the brain will
lead to more potential breakthroughs and ideas.
Barker compares the creativity levels of big cities versus small towns to demonstrate this.
He says, "A city that was 10 times larger than its neighbor, was 17 times more innovative.
A metropolis 50 times bigger than a town was 130 times more innovative."
According to Barker, this is because higher volumes of "ideas bouncing about" in those
more crowded cities and metropolises lead to a general increase in innovation.
So you can compare your brain to a crowded city or which is more innovative than a more
sparsely populated village, though cowed your mind may be more prone to those kinds of innovative
Additionally, Johnson says that engaging in multiple hobbies, like many scatterbrained
people do, keeps your brain working at peak efficiency.
He explains how working on a variety of different projects at once can provoke new, more abstract
styles of thought and reasoning.
Multitasking forces you to shuffle between thought processes and encourages your brain
to "approach intellectual roadblocks from new angles or to borrow tools from one discipline
to solve problems in another."
Instead of just zoning into one specific way of thinking.
At the end of the day, you want your thoughts to jumble around with each other.
It may sound counterintuitive, but you want your ideas to "fight," as Barker puts
Sounds hopeful?
Let's look at it from a different angle, I know you like to do that.
On his own personal blog, Barker references the work of Jonah Lehrer, who argues in his
book, "Imagine: How Creativity Works", that this so-called debating of ideas is what
leads to productivity.
He writes "debate and criticism do not inhibit ideas but, rather stimulate them relative
to every other condition."
This could be a provocative finding in regard to people who are disorganized.
People often argue that the clutter of items on someone's desk or the floor of his or
her room may prevent that person from thinking clearly, Lehrer seems to think such clutter
could stimulate a person creatively.
I have always been criticised by my peers about the jumble of visual ideas that surround
my work space.
I argue that it allows me to float off into other aspects of the thought process, and
admittedly complicated things might not get done immediately, they always get completed
in time and with much richer outcomes.
It's as if disorganised people are trained to thrive in chaos, and if they harness those
qualities productively all sorts of amazing things can start to happen.
I think a level of disorganisation can help you to be flexible when obstacles arise and
keep you on your toes when you need to approach situations differently, not much can sway
you and in the surprises and disorderliness of life you can remain calm and focussed on
your objectives.
So don't feel embarrassed or cowed anymore when people criticise your work or living
space, if you are still creative and efficient in your life, celebrate it, as it might be
the secret to your success.
Well, that's the reason why the seemingly messy ones may be more intelligent.
Really cool information isn't it?
Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.
Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel, thanks
for watching!
Sonic 4 Episode 2 Review - Duration: 7:32.Okay, so, I just want to say that this game has no way to erase your save file in-game.
I mean, you could do it in Episode 1…
Anyways, Sonic 4 Episode 2…
It was critically received worse than the first game, which...
Now, the truth is, this game plays very similar to the first.
Sure, I guess the physics don't let you stick to walls,
at least as much as the last game, but that
was really amusing, honestly.
The thing that's new this time is Tails.
With Tails, you can perform three different combos, as the game calls them.
You can fly, swim fast, and perform a spin-dash that can destroy stuff.
All the stages are heavily based on stages from Sonic 2 & 3, except for the winter amusement
park zone.
I guess the graphics here aren't too terrible.
The music is...again...
(Music Plays)
Unlike Episode 1, there were a few tracks I didn't mind, but I really didn't like most of them.
Now, I think that I ought to get Episode Metal out of the way.
If you have bought Episode 1, then you unlock Episode Metal in Episode 2 of Sonic 4…
Anyways, yeah, you play through four stages, each one having the appearance of a stage
from Episode 1.
The stages themselves feel like a mashing together of stages from the first game, with
some changes sprinkled here and there.
Also, the whole story of "How Metal Sonic Returned"…
Not sure who really wanted to know how an evil robot came back...
Don't they just always come back?
Anyways, the deal is that the cut scenes here show some stuff about Sonic CD
that I'll just leave as confusing,
but I won't get into it.
Who cares about this game?
I mean, this game ends with a cliff hanger that will never get resolved.
I mean, I guess there's a small chance, but...
Yeah, game-play's a thing.
Well, just like Episode 1, and as I explained last review, this game plays nothing like
Sonic 1, 2, or 3.
Sped Up Voice: Sonic can move, jump, spin-dash, and use the homing attack.
And now stuff with Tails.
Now, being able to fly with Tails isn't a new idea, but swimming
fast like a submarine
and the rolling combo
are new ideas, to my knowledge.
This game puts more emphasis on platforming this time around, but you can just fly.
Now, the game does try to have sections where you fly around obstacles, but these are few and
very simple.
They're okay.
Swimming underwater is fast, and the level design is boring.
You just swim underwater and avoid easily avoidable enemies and grab an air bubble when
you need to.
Finally, you can break stuff with your rolling combo.
Besides all this, the levels are just like Episode 1...
Sped Up Voice: Watch Sonic run fast, do a homing attack chain,
watch Sonic run fast, do a homing attack chain,
do simple platforming over a bottomless pit.
However, homing attack chains have been reduced.
Now, unlike Episode One that only had one original boss, almost all the bosses here are brand
new, but some of them are infuriatingly cheap.
The boss fights in this vary from okay to...
Just, I can't play the game anymore, I'm done.
In fact, that's what happened to me during my first play-through of this game a while back.
Interestingly, I actually beat it my first time this play-through.
It still went on way too long though, and that's another thing about these bosses.
They drag on way too long.
The bosses in this game can also be very cryptic, but I had the most
fun out of this game figuring out how to damage some of these bosses.
Other times though, figuring out how to beat some of these bosses was very unclear and
They can go on and on and then change midway into the fight, and then you die and have to start
the fight all over again.
Now, on to the collectibles.
New to Episode Two are completely optional red rings.
There is one red ring hidden in every non-boss stage.
Just like Episode One, you can collect the chaos emeralds.
I didn't mention the special stages or the chaos emeralds last review, mostly because
I really didn't think it mattered for the review.
Echoing Voice: What do you mean it didn't matter for the review? That's a part of the game, you, like...
Why wouldn't you mention something that's necessary to 100% complete the game?
I did beat every single one in Episode 1, though, and I only remember the final special stage
giving me any trouble.
However, Episode 2 is a different story.
Episode 1 had special stages similar to Sonic 1, and Episode 2 has special stages
similar to Sonic 2.
If you are unfamiliar with Sonic 2's special stages, you run down a half-pipe and collect
Now, these special stages are actually quite challenging.
The game tells you how many rings you need at the start, and if you don't meet that
requirement, you can restart, but I would often forget how many rings I needed.
Even if you do remember and restart, you have to start the stage all over again.
Did I mention in order to reach these stages, just like Episode 1, you have to have fifty
rings at the end of seven completely different stages, in order to get the seven chaos emeralds?
I'm telling you right now, I gave up.
I got 4 emeralds and I was done.
I couldn't take anymore of this game.
I looked up ending with all the chaos emeralds,
and it's exactly the same as the ending you get with none of the chaos emeralds,
except the game doesn't tell you to try again.
Sure, all Episode 1 rewarded you with was a hint of Episode 2, and some other Sonic
games have some endings really not all that different, but this ending might be one of
the worst.
However, in both Episodes, you unlock what you can unlock with all the chaos emeralds
in Sonic 2 & 3.
Since I don't like this game, I didn't care about this reward.
Now, what is my final word here about Sonic 4 Episode 2?
So, I just wanted to clear up a few things real fast.
When I said that Sonic 4 Episode 2 doesn't play anything like Sonic 1, 2, and 3, I meant that in two ways.
One is the game's flow itself, like the way you go through the levels feels really different.
And another way that kind of plays into that is the fact that the physics are really different.
I know that sounds really weird, but...
But if you're running fast in this speed-based platformer, the actual physics that the game runs on
can make the game feel really different.
Not to mention that there were a few tricks that you could do with the Genesis/Mega Drive game's physics,
but that's kind of a different conversation.
Also, my complaint about flying making the platforming too easy...
To be fair, that actually helps eliminate a problem that this game could have had
with the way the physics are and the way the levels are designed.
You can't exactly fall off a cliff because you're going too fast, because you can just recover and fly.
I really think the problem with the music in this game is the instrumentation, and not the composition.
Anyways, yeah, back to the...
I think with it's uninteresting level design, long, drawn-out bosses, and just being uninteresting
and boring as a whole, this game is a mediocre game that is so mediocre, that it is terrible,
similar to it's predecessor.
However, this one bored me to tears, even more than Episode 1.
Look somewhere else for a Sonic experience.
Meet Iku for the FIRST and LAST time!!! - Duration: 9:25.so we're doing a friend tag which is like Iku and I ask questions to
each other I ask iku questions about me and.. I love how
we didn't introduce each other hey I love her you were like oh oh and hi guys
hi guys
can you equals it's our last day together she's leaving tomorrow and I
can't drop her off at the airport because I'm going to Santa Maria but
we just found echos driver's license and Kurtis has 12 errors and the maximum
errors are supposed to have it's 15 are you proud of yourself yeah I'm a great
guy oh we came in good well and EKU's
donating some of our old stuff last time in this car
soak it all up because
in the yesterday wrong yeah sign up Bahama it's my last second to last day
in Pasadena wait who are you Rico wait second to last in Pasadena what else
being in Pasadena for two years like do you feel like you learned shit I met
like a lot of people mm-hmm and I met my best friends
fake so guys oh it looks so cute this is where they stay on the left wave she
doesn't know that there was me lesson right and she puts me on hey that's you
know what like do you think you're driving you're gonna point you're gonna
give a finger shoulder to finger sewing what's left is and what scientists do
that the one on left isn't it yeah while driving
you know I'll Drive you ain't gonna make a left on this right like on the second
on this side yeah when you understand or do you not okay and you're gonna make a
left on that intersection is that a right hotel is so good yeah guys you
should yeah okay look if you want things are last like today's TV
fans it looks so cute your legs look so long yeah
oh do you oh but you just naturally have like a good body yeah oh oh okay see
that's how it works okay when you're older than I am
what are you having onions so we want this gelato place in Old Town Pasadena
and um yeah just soaking in those last few hours together if you are going to
be called another name what could you become Irene no that's a
specific way because my mom wanted my name's Gary
but my doesn't equal equal dad yeah Iko and for those of you who don't know
she's been my inability okay all of you don't know I love you do if you follow
me which you should we still awesome so she's a good friend of mine so yeah
we're gonna play up front at today's which is basically I ask questions I ask
you some questions about me and equal ups asks me questions about herself
yes if I could go anywhere where would I go
I appreciate you yeah do I have allergies
yeah what they know
it's not even that serious because I can eat I can't eat the knife okay see I'm
not allege that I just go like this hell oh man it's cats dogs aspirin aspirin
yeah nice brand yeah my ice sauce and they get really big what is my favorite
holiday Christmas Thanksgiving another holiday
yeah like the effect that big something to look forward to
oh there's another year like the fireworks have I ever been in a car
accident yes you have to get eCos car accident
story oh we was about like I like about Tameka right and we see my mom sees a
person with a motorbike way driving very incoherently towards us so I was like
he's gonna hit us hit us and the guy like got out and you'd have a helmet or
anything and instead of shaking like okay so extra logical sign oh yeah what
is something that annoys you about the other person I can't think of it I don't
know to go fight you I don't know maybe that okay she's like me for nothing ah
you're stuck you ask too many questions I'm glad you know this I mean yes your
favorite inside joke that you and your buzz French air
we have a lot of insight but we just look at each other like oh rice and
bananas that is not weird that isn't know spring is coming you drink milk
with everything that's not weird literally you drink milk with spaghetti
do tomato pasta look it up right now clearly this is not going well
How to create a Facebook offer 2018 - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Back To Work! + Garden Walks | Recovery Weeks 9-10 | EmsChats - Duration: 5:56.-------------------------------------------
Miles From Tomorrowland American Animated Memorable Moments Episode 1010 - Pink Monkey - Duration: 10:01.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
What's okay miles I was just testing it out. I added a new energy-saving mode see
Blastastic now to last twice as long without a charge. Thanks. Dad cut list a
Bowl of orbitals, please della
Mostly desert and really warm sweet. Did you say to Maris? I read they have bugs. They're as big as Merc
Delight we can enjoy the closest thing to an earth sunrise not bad for a small star, huh?
I can't see my game. You can shut down anything electronic even your Hall of it game miles
That's really bad and that flare looks really big
Whoa, Leo get us in the ground quick
Is everyone all right. Yes. Yeah, I'm fine damage report. Something's wrong with Merc
He'll be fine kiddo did the Solar Flare cause Merc to lose power -
Unfortunately, yes, it was an x-class and no wings. No boosters and no shields buddy. Are you okay?
Well, this isn't good. Someone ate all our emergency rations
It's shielded from solar flares
Hopefully the conscious tan is working and we can call for help
Not to mention there might be some food and water there
You'll get back to normal soon come on I
See some shade, let's take a break can't even look at the right word to describe my feelings
Wow, it's really dark in there
Dark darkness, but they don't like lights for people
Well, if they like the dark they probably come out at night, yeah, but there's another those trees must be getting water from somewhere
Let's check it out
Finally so long
Hey, it's a desert turn up dinner. Anyone ha ha. That's my girl now
Let's find a nice place to camp for the night away from anything
Now this is how it's done all together. We
Should totally bottle this water. It's so good like diamonds. Yeah
It feels good just being here I like this hmm
Told you now that's worth waking up that is really steep
It's okay boy, we'll find a way up there without your boosters brats. They also come out when it's foggy
Now ha twist to the top buddy then you come
Okay mark go get he'll never make it back down there in time
Oh file that was all
Spaceguard come in. This is the Damaris solar station. Do you read?
Spaceguard dispatch, what is your emergency?
Captain Callisto. I
See murk nothing like a hug from you
Lunar New Year
Here's a haul of my grandparents at this from last year there's a big party tons of food and lanterns and fireworks
What the best part of eating fear laps, nope
Request permission to come aboard permit hunts, right?
Ceres is the biggest asteroid in the solar system
Wonderful. I try to learn something new every day, but it's even better Wow Ganga. Happy new year moon flower
Thank you. You're welcome
No, I didn't forget you Merc pick a hat or shine
You know
We haven't been to outer space in years the technology sure has changed
Since then so we have a lot to learn don't worry what better place to celebrate the end of Lunar New Year stellar idea
we've never been
There we preserve the moon dome for our Lantern Festival who's ready to get this Buddha party started
We're getting a call from the Tomorrowland happy new year
Sorry to interrupt but we have a mission for your daughter. Go right ahead. We love to watch her work
What's the problem a PTA lunar research we want you to find the satellite and bring it back to your starship?
Of course Admiral will do Thank You Callisto's?
Tomorrowland over the moon
Don't worry we'll get this mission done in a nanosecond come right back and while we're gone
Maybe you guys can start putting up the lantern decorations. I think we can handle
We better tell the Jeep rabbit that he's here, you know, huh? I don't see a rabbit
Hmm. My bracelex doesn't say I never came to keep her company
They say you can see him whenever you look
Or in this investible ever Oh once they got moving
Come on buddy, let's get those decorations off the jetter. I
Know the Admiral said the satellite was damaged, but I didn't expect it to be in pieces. Well, I'd better tell the family
Hi, everyone. This mission is taking a little longer than we expect
Don't forget about the fireworks who could forget the Oh mothers favorite part of Lunar New Year, if you unload them. I'll set them up
Now while the fireworks are gone, oh dear your mother will be so disappointed
I guess we'll just have to get them back Wow
Your grandmother is an engineer. She helped me
Did I mention she likes to go fast the observatory taught me a thing or two about hollow screams
Do you ever get the feeling a Gong Gong and Paul for clue that we sought way cool
I'm Olaf I'll go after him gong-gong. Will your hover chair work in space? Oh, yes
Did I mention chief rocket power?
We're back hope you didn't get some horde waiting for us. How could you ever be bored in outer space mom? Do you know how?
I'd say this
Okay mark keep an eye out for space junk the weirder it is
Dustcloud this space junk really likes you
Mark what's going on?
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Trump denies knowing anything about infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting - Duration: 7:17.Donald Trump denied on Friday that he had any advance knowledge of a now-infamous 2016 meeting attended by his son, his son-in-law, his campaign chairman and a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties
Reports based on unnamed sources swirled Thursday night that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is prepared to tell Special Counsel Robert Mueller that the president knew about the meeting ahead of time and approved of it
Cohen, under the thumb of a federal investigation springing from a payoff to a porn actress who claimed before the 2016 election that she had bedded Trump, has become a reluctant apostate
He has turned on his former longtime boss in an effort to appease Mueller, hiring longtime Bill and Hillary Clinton lawyer Lanny Davis to plead his case
'NO, I did NOT know of the meeting with my son, Don jr.,' Trump said Friday in a series of tweets
'Sounds to me like someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam (Taxi cabs maybe?)
He even retained Bill and Crooked Hillary's lawyer. Gee, I wonder if they helped him make the choice!' Sources close to Cohen, according to CNN, now say he is prepared to tell Mueller that he was in the room when Trump was told that a Russian lawyer wanted a meeting with Don Jr
The lawyer, the Kremlin-connected Natalia Veselnitskaya, promised to bring helpful dirt on Hillary Clinton
Instead she used the meeting to argue for the relaxation of U.S. sanctions against Russia that drove President Vladimir Putin to retaliate – in part by banning Americans from adopting Russian children
Jared Kushner, who is married to first daughter Ivanka Trump, and then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort, now awaiting trial on federal money-laundering and conspiracy charges, both attended the brief session at Trump Tower
The jab about taxis refers to former Cohen business partner Evgeny 'Gene' Freidman, known as New York's 'Taxi King,' who pleaded guilty to tax evasion in May and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors
Trump also mocked Mueller's team on Friday for sifting through his social media postings as part of a wide-ranging investigation into alleged ties between the Kremlin and the president's campaign organization
On Twitter, Trump called Mueller 'highly conflicted' and sniped that he was 'looking at my Tweets (along with 53 million other people)
' RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next REVEALED: Michael Cohen is 'prepared to tell Mueller that
'He's lied all his life': Rudy Giuliani slams Michael Cohen. Mueller is examining Trump's tweets on Comey and Sessions
Who is Michael Cohen? Trump's lawyer revealed amid Playboy. Share this article Share 58 shares Law enforcement investigators routinely examine 'open source' information – publicly available material – in addition to sifting through confidential documents and conducting private interviews
But Trump bristled at the idea of his own Justice Department's senior officials scrutinizing his use of the very platform he's used for more than a year to criticize them
The New York Times reported Thursday that Mueller is poring over Trump's tweets about Attorney General Jeff Sessions and fired FBI Director James Comey
He also wants to ask the president about those tweets in a formal setting.Any public statements that denounce or reprimand officials investigating him could be seen as obstruction of justice under some theories of prosecution
Rudy Giuliani, an attorney for Trump, dismissed the idea of intimidating witnesses via Twitter
'If you're going to obstruct justice, you do it quietly and secretly, not in public,' he told the Times
Trump cast the news as part of a broader, unfair attack against him.'[T]he rigged Witch Hunt continues! How stupid and unfair to our Country,' he tweeted Friday
Trump uses his Twitter account to blast his enemies, praise his supporters, slam the 'fake media' and tout his version of events
He frequently calls Mueller's probe of Russia's role in the 2016 election and whether the president obstructed it a 'witch hunt,' railing against the '13 angry Democrats' he claims lead it
He hasn't called out Cohen by name since his former attorney turned on him. Longtime Trump-watchers say that's a sign he's completely written off the man who was once just one step below him on his company's organizational chart
Giuliani on Thursday night called Cohen a 'pathological liar.''He's been lying all week, for two weeks, he's been lying for years,' the former New York Mayor said, defending his Oval Office client
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With Morgan Freeman out, Seth Rogen is the new voice of Vancouver transit - Duration: 6:38.by Isaac Stanley-Becker July 27 at 4:55 AM Email the author The soundtrack to your morning commute doesn't have to be staccato
Or singsong. Or just plain dull. It can be as outrageous as "The 40-Year-Old Virgin," as uproarious as "Superbad" and as rollicking as "Pineapple Express
" Well, maybe if you live in Vancouver, which has enlisted Seth Rogen to speak sweet nothings into the ears of people crisscrossing the bustling Canadian city
The Vancouver-born actor will be the new guest voice on metro rail, rapid transit and bus services, according to an announcement Thursday from the city's transit network, TransLink
Meanwhile, everyone else is stuck with humdrum variations of the directive to stand clear and the notification that the doors are closing
Rogen, who is Canadian American, teased a few lines in a video posted by TransLink on Twitter
"Those are very nice sneakers, but kind of a horror show on the sole, so get those feet off the seat," he barks
"My mom might be sitting there one day, come on!" The star of bawdy box-office hits seems to be toning down his language for the new routine
Appearing in a studio, he says he saw the new gig as an "opportunity to enrich the lives of the Canadian people
" He also uses the announcement video to plug public transit, saying, "I grew up taking public transit my whole life, and I still use public transit when I'm in the city
" Rogen has big shoes — or, vocal cords — to fill. His is a substitute for a voice often associated with the proclamations of the Almighty
In May, TransLink dropped the idea of using Morgan Freeman's voice for some announcements when the actor, who played God in the 2003 movie "Bruce Almighty," was accused of sexually harassing numerous women
Freeman has vigorously denied the charges, reported by CNN, and demanded a retraction
That left passengers in limbo. But a solution took shape on Twitter. A Canadian journalist reacted to the news that Vancouver had recruited Freeman by asking, "What, there wasn't a Canadian actor who could've done the job?" She offered a suggestion, @Sethrogen
The next day, when the transit network walked back its plan to use Freeman's dulcet tones in light of the misconduct allegations, Rogen weighed in: "Yo if they need a replacement now let me know
" Yo if they need a replacement now let me know.— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) May 24, 2018 TransLink said it was interested
Talks ensued. Two months later, it released Rogen's announcement video. "We did it team," Rogen celebrated on Twitter
We did it team.— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) July 26, 2018 The rest of the country looked on in envy
"Come do it for Toronto, Seth," petitioned a City Council member in Toronto. The actor seemed happy to oblige, responding, "I'll do it for the whole country!" The voices behind transit announcements are some of the most recognizable in the places where they resound
And yet major cities have mostly stayed away from well-known figures. The refrain "Step back, doors closing," which alerts patrons of the Washington-area Metro that their choice is to move or be crushed, comes from Randi Miller, who won a voice contest in 2006
(She beat out her father, along with more than 1,200 other applicants.) "Stand clear of the closing doors, please," which serves a similar purpose in New York City, is spoken by Charlie Pellett, a veteran anchor for Bloomberg News
He was raised in London but speaks with an American accent. Across the pond, the London Underground resonates with the voice of Phil Sayer, a British voice artist, instructing passengers to "mind the gap" between the train and the platform
He died in 2016, but his steady timbre lives on. Rogen's announcements could begin as early as next week, the Star Vancouver reported
The partnership is temporary, and Rogen will not be compensated. Rogen is outspoken about his Canadian pride
In an interview last month on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert," the actor — and noted cannabis enthusiast — celebrated the move by his country of birth to legalize recreational marijuana and drew a comparison with events unfolding in the United States
"This week Trump made prisons for kids, and Canada legalized recreational marijuana," he observed, calling it a "specifically good week to be a Canadian person
" Rogen's observations about international affairs have sometimes gotten him into trouble
His 2014 movie "The Interview," a comedy about assassinating the leader of North Korea, led the repressive regime to brand him a "gangster filmmaker" and threaten "merciless countermeasures" against the United States
Passions are not expected to run as high on the Vancouver transit system. In the announcement video, Rogen anticipates that his directions "could be additive in people's lives, which is nice
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