|Dharti Di Hoor|Video By Riswan Ali, Song by Ozzy Raja| FunFlicks Media | 2018
|Dharti Di Hoor|Video By Riswan Ali, Song by Ozzy Raja| FunFlicks Media | 2018
6 LAZY Hacks Every LAZY Person Should Know! (CC Available) - Duration: 13:43.Are you ready?
I'm ready
Whoever reaches the school first will be the winner
I'll give you a head start. Go ahead Banh Bao
I'm gonna start now
I'm determined to win
I'm almost there
I'm gonna beat Leo for sure this time
He jut made the big mistake
Banh Bao is gonna be the winner
Hey Banh Bao, how's it going?
You're cheating
I'm gonna get there before you
Catch you at the finished line, sucker
Where is my yellow shirt?
Here it is!
Found it
I'll clean it tomorrow.No big deal!
Banh Bao
Laundry is here
Time to fold your clothes
girl, you're so dirty!
Clothes everywhere!
Clean this mess up now
Girl, you better tidy all this mess up
Mom, I promise I'm gonna clean it right now
You room better be clean by the time i get back
Banh Bao
I question for you
I'm here to save you Banh Bao
Where are you?
Banh Bao
I'll save you
oh my god!
This girl is super lazy
I can't believe it
Have a good night Banh Bao!
I'm so good!
I'm hungry now
I'll see you later
Where is my Lays?
Banh Bao, this girl is unbelievably lazy
Leo, you want some chips?
Nice catch Leo
I forgot to turn off the light
How am I gonna turn it off now?
But it's too far
Hey Leo!
Banh Bao, who ate my Hubba Bubba?
How come I'm so sleepy today?
Hey Banh Bao, it's dinner time!
So cold!
Who opened the door?
Oh my God!
Why am I here? What happened?
Did I fall asleep again?
Leo, Leo open the door for me!
Where is my phone?
Who's calling?
Leo, again!
Hey Banh Bao, Can I borrow your homework for a bit?
Sure, but remember to give it back to me ok?
Thanks Banh Bao!
Leo, where is my homework? Are you done?
I knew it!
He always forget to return it
I'll never lend him my homework ever again!
Mom, I'm gonna go out for a bit ok!
What's in my shoes?
Leo again!
Leo, Leo
Why do you keep tossing garbage in my stuffs?
Lazy boy!
Guys, we're just having fun and acting it out!
Just for fun!
Guys, we're just having fun and acting it out!
No one should be lazy
Everyone should work hard!
and study hard!
If you guys like this video, don't forget to give us a thumb up
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So you guys don't miss out any of our awesome videos
Saving the character of Seattle - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
Chad Kelly, Paxton Lynch still competing for backup QB spot - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
Euro Truck Simulator 2 1.31 sürümü 13 bölüm - Duration: 10:20.-------------------------------------------
***Free PS4 Games I Free PSN Codes [ For Games 2018 ] - Duration: 4:14.
[Eng Sub] 180731 Yixing as Xiaoxing 'The Island' Behind the Scene LAY 张艺兴 - Duration: 0:29.Mechanic Xiaoxing's Good Drama Instants
Become your...
Comfort you when you're upset
If waiting for you to...
What would you do without me?
Who would understand the matter of your heart?
What song is this?
Me: Yixing, the song is What Would You Do Without Me by Peter Ho
Clint Eastwood spotted at sports bar in Trinidad - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
Estimates Debate - Justice Sector - Committee Stage - Video 13 - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
శీఘ్ర ఉద్యోగం కోసం ప్రమోషన్ ఉన్నతి కోసం| KALABHAIRAVA GURU | Kalabhairava Temple | KALABHAIRAVA TV - Duration: 4:38.please like comments share
Estimates Debate - Justice Sector - Committee Stage - Video 11 - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
Огород. Гибнет урожай. Пропадают помидоры. Трескается виноград. Куда использовать лопнувшие томаты - Duration: 8:33.-------------------------------------------
6 LAZY Hacks Every LAZY Person Should Know! (CC Available) - Duration: 13:43.Are you ready?
I'm ready
Whoever reaches the school first will be the winner
I'll give you a head start. Go ahead Banh Bao
I'm gonna start now
I'm determined to win
I'm almost there
I'm gonna beat Leo for sure this time
He jut made the big mistake
Banh Bao is gonna be the winner
Hey Banh Bao, how's it going?
You're cheating
I'm gonna get there before you
Catch you at the finished line, sucker
Where is my yellow shirt?
Here it is!
Found it
I'll clean it tomorrow.No big deal!
Banh Bao
Laundry is here
Time to fold your clothes
girl, you're so dirty!
Clothes everywhere!
Clean this mess up now
Girl, you better tidy all this mess up
Mom, I promise I'm gonna clean it right now
You room better be clean by the time i get back
Banh Bao
I question for you
I'm here to save you Banh Bao
Where are you?
Banh Bao
I'll save you
oh my god!
This girl is super lazy
I can't believe it
Have a good night Banh Bao!
I'm so good!
I'm hungry now
I'll see you later
Where is my Lays?
Banh Bao, this girl is unbelievably lazy
Leo, you want some chips?
Nice catch Leo
I forgot to turn off the light
How am I gonna turn it off now?
But it's too far
Hey Leo!
Banh Bao, who ate my Hubba Bubba?
How come I'm so sleepy today?
Hey Banh Bao, it's dinner time!
So cold!
Who opened the door?
Oh my God!
Why am I here? What happened?
Did I fall asleep again?
Leo, Leo open the door for me!
Where is my phone?
Who's calling?
Leo, again!
Hey Banh Bao, Can I borrow your homework for a bit?
Sure, but remember to give it back to me ok?
Thanks Banh Bao!
Leo, where is my homework? Are you done?
I knew it!
He always forget to return it
I'll never lend him my homework ever again!
Mom, I'm gonna go out for a bit ok!
What's in my shoes?
Leo again!
Leo, Leo
Why do you keep tossing garbage in my stuffs?
Lazy boy!
Guys, we're just having fun and acting it out!
Just for fun!
Guys, we're just having fun and acting it out!
No one should be lazy
Everyone should work hard!
and study hard!
If you guys like this video, don't forget to give us a thumb up
Hit that Subscribe button,
and Don't forget to turn on notification bell
So you guys don't miss out any of our awesome videos
CupHead Gameplay Review | 2 Million Copies Sold Within A Short time !! - Duration: 4:10.hey , everyone its your boy bloodwzardy.a and am back with a new gameplay and the game
for the day is CUPHEAD
Cuphead is a run and gun indie video game developed and published by StudioMDHR.
As the title character Cuphead, along with his brother, Mugman, up to two players can
fight a series of bosses in order to repay a debt to the devil.
The game was heavily inspired by the style of animation used in cartoons of the 1930s,
combinig the beautiful art work of Fleischer studio and Walt Disney Animation,
the game was released on Microsoft Windows and Xbox One on 29 September, 2017.
Praised for its art style and for its challenging difficulty, it was both a critical and commercial
success, selling over two million copies by the end of 2017
cuphead has a reputation for being difficult, so let's clarify this up top: the game isn't
impossible; it isn't the Dark Souls of 2D shooters, nor is it the world's cutest bullet-hell
game; For a game that has established an identity around an "old-school" design, it is definatly
the game somehow turns the players into perfectionists.
The long-awaited hand-drawn action game is full of cartoony boss battles that demand
enough consentration and focus that even a single hit of damage feels unacceptable.
Playing Cuphead is like a stage performance; every mistake is embarrassing, but the curtain
call of each defeated boss is like nothing else.
it was first announced in 2014 and has drawn eyes for its graphics while generating animated
debate about its difficulty.
It is true that the game's various boss encounters often provide a challenge, but
they rarely feel unfair.
Cuphead is mostly about pattern recognition and reading your opponent.
Bosses might start with simple attacks before ramping up
sometimes they may even summon extra minions or they may start a new pattern of attacks
that requires intense concentration to dodge.
All of this provides a lovely challenge that turns each victory into an intoxicating drug.
You will die plenty in the game.
I struggled for an hour with one boss, . Things get rougher in the final segment, which includes
a lengthy boss rush.
The good news is that if things ever feel too difficult, there's always the option
to play with another player.
Cuphead feels a bit like a good magic trick.
The experience is brief and so impressive that it's tough to believe it's happening
before your eyes.
The game has one of the most memorable art styles in years and turns every moment into
a picture-perfect display of cartoons . But this is more than just an eye-catching game.
it is all about the big fights and the feeling you get from winning them.
It's delightful and fun and worth the effort it'll take you to clear.
those levels
well hats off to the developers you guys droped an amazing game
that is worth every penny every hard work and time
althou i dint get a chance to play it with a 2nd player if you had that experience tell
me down below
I hope you guys enjoyed the video thumbs up if you did and subscribe for more reviews
in the future Until then peace,,,,,,,,
津巴布韦大选在即:前总统穆加贝挺反对派,拒支持前盟友连任 - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
MH370调查组:报告饱含眼泪和快乐 考虑了所有阴谋论 - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
孫儷和黃磊養娃,都有這些共同點! - Duration: 13:05.-------------------------------------------
等待巴铁的,是史上最大规模IMF借款?还是中国援手? - Duration: 9:17.-------------------------------------------
林丹2-0马克卡尔乔 第11次战世锦赛均首轮过关 - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
日防相宣布购2套美陆基神盾系统 拦截范围超萨德 - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
拱吳宗憲參選台北市長 他列N個理由保證:比柯P強百倍 - Duration: 10:05.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 拱吳宗憲參選台北市長 他列N個理由保證:比柯P強百倍 - Duration: 10:05.-------------------------------------------
1171B La réponse n'est pas à l'extérieur Brain Reading est pour vous de vous trouver - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 1171B La réponse n'est pas à l'extérieur Brain Reading est pour vous de vous trouver - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
N. Korea working on new missiles - Duration: 8:06.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> N. Korea working on new missiles - Duration: 8:06.-------------------------------------------
5 Idées Pour Vivre Bien Sans Se Ruiner - Duration: 7:06.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 5 Idées Pour Vivre Bien Sans Se Ruiner - Duration: 7:06.-------------------------------------------
REST IN GREECE, BEACH CALIFEI HALKIDIKI | KALLITHEA KASSANDRA, GREECE - Duration: 9:38.in the north of Greece there is an amazing place who can not forget and who has been
there at least once Halkidiki branched as a trident of poseidon
acutely every one of the fingers of a non-coliphea located on the peninsula of Chalkidiki
which is famous as the most popular resort areas tourists
especially young people prefer most of them are continental
Greece because here beach vacation is successfully compatible with
travel on this part of the country The town of Kallithea has a special
popularity of young and active tourists here perhaps the largest number of night
clubs disco bars restaurants working with
nights until morning come here from all cities
centered on the center of the cassander township
near the waterfront is a beautiful square
near the square is located a small church
one of the most revered saints in the world Nicholas saint is small but very
cozy church near the main road attract a large number of believers as
The local residents who moving to other parts of the peninsula
certainly stop here and number of tourists
kalithea most popular place on the the first finger of the famous
peninsula of Halkidiki one of the best resorts of greece
kalithea is located on the coast Toroneos Bay
side from the side and magnificent beaches overgrown with age-old pine trees.
on the neighboring Sithonia and in good weather you can see the top
Mount Athos Translation from Greek to Kallithea means
A beautiful view and it is easy to see this rising to the observation deck of the center
cities the place itself has many thousands
history of the same modern settlement of kalithea was laid in 1925 by the Greek
refugees from Asia Minor land for many centuries have been the fiefdom
the monastery of Saint Panteleimon is pleasant walk along the sea along a small cobblestone
Quay a large number of hotels for all tastes and financial possibilities
A lively nightlife draws here tourists from all over the world to get to
Kallithea very easily separates her from everything 80 kilometers from the international
Airport Macedonia Thessaloniki You can get from the airport for 1 euro for
78 bus which depart from 5 am and up to 23 every 20 minutes from the village of cryopigi
we got 1 80 euros were traveling about 15 minutes
in Kalife almost never happens storms
since the area is closed from the winds by hills Kassandra and Sithonia
the beach of the village is equipped booths for sports grounds and
center of water sports
the cost of a set of 2 sun loungers and umbrellas
about 7 euros 10 euros but if not want to pay
umbrellas and mats can be purchased by from 7 euros and above any shop along
There are a lot of places on the beach where you can not Only buy coffee for 2 euros 2,50 and
bun and fully to win about from 25 euros to 40 for two
but the beach did not seem clean to us I think that it is not particularly good for him
on the white sandy beach of the village remains of the foundation of the Dorian
temple dedicated to the god Zeus homonymous date
the fourth century BC data archaeological excavations testify
that this place was used by people for worship of the gods since the Bronze Age
The location for the construction was not chosen accidentally here in took a few
springs whose water was used for worship ceremonies and idols
years of Roman rule near the temple was constructed
a small amphitheater now he restored and open for visiting
the remnants of the temple were discovered accidentally at construction of the hotel in 1969
near the ruins found a cave that served as the sanctuary of God
Dionysus archaeologists say that worship
the Dionysus 8th century BC
most likely this place was also chosen because of the abundance of ancient
the sanctuary of the sources later The Romans built here a container for
collecting water which was then directed located
nearby baths ablution in the baths were considered part of the rite of worship of God
in their back rooms were found medical accessories highway Kallithea
there is a pointer to the excavation site near the entrance free parking
The village offers different types of tourists Accommodation from luxury hotels
to rooms in comfortable homes they are not difficult find by clippings rooms to let
The largest is not only in Kallithea but also on the peninsula of Kasandra
group g the hotel has 5 complexes of different
categories it is worth paying attention to that in one kilometer from the complex are
popular clubs so at night it can be noisy at
We sit at the bus stop at the stop there is a ticket office ticket where you need to buy tickets ticket costs 1-80 euros
now our bus will arrive and we will go
to my place in Kriopigi
our bus came stayed exactly for half an hour and the past
once left the contrary earlier for 10 minutes this is what happens here we sit down
finally the bus spawned him 35 minutes
For more infomation >> REST IN GREECE, BEACH CALIFEI HALKIDIKI | KALLITHEA KASSANDRA, GREECE - Duration: 9:38.-------------------------------------------
RALUKA - Ieri Erai (Videoclip Oficial) - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> RALUKA - Ieri Erai (Videoclip Oficial) - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
Dony - Vino-ncoa' (Official Single) - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Dony - Vino-ncoa' (Official Single) - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
Sandra N - Liar - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Sandra N - Liar - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Connect-R feat. Shift - Baga mare (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Connect-R feat. Shift - Baga mare (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Deepcentral - Lacrima Mea ( Dj Zeno MD Dj Remix ) - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Deepcentral - Lacrima Mea ( Dj Zeno MD Dj Remix ) - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Andreea Balan - RECE (by Fly Records) (Official Music Video) - Duration: 4:48.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Andreea Balan - RECE (by Fly Records) (Official Music Video) - Duration: 4:48.-------------------------------------------
Anna Lesko - Ia-ma (Offcial Single) - Duration: 3:19.Take me by the hand and shut up
I'll tell you what to do.
Take me, take me, take me
Take me to your world, so that I can
Chase you away, and call you back
Take me, take me, take me
You look lost
Let me help you
Flattering words,
Bedtime stories,
Are not for me
I'm tired of listening to you
You'd better shut up
And take me by the hand.
I'll caress you all night long
If you don't know how to love
Let me show you.
All night long, I'll caress you
If you don't know how to love
Let me show you.
Take me by the hand and shut up
I'll tell you what to do.
Take me, take me, take me
Take me to your world, so that I can
Chase you away, and call you back
Take me, take me, take me
If you could
Understand love,
Don't promise me the stars in the sky
What am I supposed to do with them!
You don't have too much time
There's no reason for me to lie to you
No matter how many spells you cast on me
I can uncast them.
I'll caress you all night long
If you don't know how to love
Let me show you
All night long, I'll caress you
If you don't know how to love
Let me show you
Let me show you
Let me...
Take me by the hand and shut up
I'll tell you what to do.
Take me, take me, take me
Take me to your world, so that I can
Chase you away, and call you back
Take me, take me, take me
Take me by the hand and shut up
I'll tell you what to do.
Take me, take me, take me
Take me to your world, so that I can
Chase you away, and call you back
Take me, take me, take me
For more infomation >> Anna Lesko - Ia-ma (Offcial Single) - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Nicole Cherry - Cuvintele tale (Official Video) - Duration: 4:00.Your words, really do hits me
But I am strong and I am not gonna stop
You want to hurt me, and you succed
I know who I am, but who are you?
This song is for you
Maybe so you feel better
I know what you think about me
But I think you can do it better
I can't understand why
You loose all your days
Days and nights
You follow me, everything I do,
with who I am and what I wear
Don't judge me, you don't really know
Not even where I started
Or what I saw on the way
I feel you haven't said anything for a while
At last not something positive
Will you no longer know me?
Your words, really do hits me
But I am strong and I am not gonna stop
You want to hurt me and you succeed
I know who I am, but who are you?
Your words, really do hits me
But I am strong and I am not gonna stop
You wanna hurt me and you succeed
I know who I am, but who are you?
Insecure and unsure
I think you haven't laughed for a while
You hurry up to see in me
Everythink don't suit you anymore
I mind you too much
You're spending time and time's expensive
From that painting you see a drama
And you left behind you just a wound
Don't judge me, you don't really know
Not even where I started
Or what I saw on the way
I feel you haven't said anything for a while
At last not something positive
Will you no longer know me?
Your words, really do hits me
But I am strong and I am not gonna stop
You wanna hurt me and you succeed
I know who I am, but who are you?
Your words, really do hits me
But I am strong and I am not gonna stop
You wanna hurt me and you succeed
I know who I am
Who are you?
"Be big when you're little not to be little when you're big"
For more infomation >> Nicole Cherry - Cuvintele tale (Official Video) - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Emil Lassaria & Caitlyn - Loca Loca (Original Radio Version) - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Emil Lassaria & Caitlyn - Loca Loca (Original Radio Version) - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Pitt Leffer - No Lies - Duration: 3:50.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Pitt Leffer - No Lies - Duration: 3:50.-------------------------------------------
Paulus Schäfer - I'm a Gypsy - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
1173 Je ne peux pas m'en sortir très bien, en enquêtant avec Brain Reading sur la raison de Yips! - Duration: 8:01.-------------------------------------------
'Thomas Markle SUCKS'- Chrissy Teigen blasts Meghan's dad but sister Samantha hits back - Duration: 3:21.Mrs Teigen wrote on Twitter: "This guy.this guy sucks. "What is wrong with him? "Let your daughter be happy, please
"This is embarrassing." The post was positively received by the model's followers, as it was liked over 80,000 times
However, it immediately prompted the fury of Meghan's half sister, who also took to Twitter to attack the 32-year-old star
On Sunday, Samantha, 53, said: "So this pudgy airhead who knows nobody in the family is opening her pie hole? "'This guy' is our father and deserves a lot of respect
"You are the one who sucks." The Twitter row started because of Thomas Markle, who recently made a series of explosive accusations against his daughter
The retired TV lighting director, 74, gave an interview to the Mail on Sunday just days before Meghan celebrates her 37th birthday
Thomas Markle Snr claims the Duchess of Sussex has shut him out of her life since he staged fake paparazzi shots ahead of her royal wedding to Prince Harry on May 19
He said: "I'm really hurt that she's cut me off completely. "I used to have a phone number and text number for her personal aides at the Palace, but after I said a few critical words about the Royal Family changing Meghan, they cut me off
" Thomas, who spoke from his home in Mexico, accused Meghan of having a "sense of superiority" and said he feared being deprived of a grandchild
Samantha Markle, Meghan's half sister, has also reputedly not spoken to the Duchess in years, but continues to lambast her half-sister in TV interviews
She recently branded the Royal Family an "embarrassment" and warned she would hold Meghan responsible if their father dies
She tweeted: "Glad you have so much time to gallivant around paying tribute to others while ignoring your own father! "How can you be so cold and look in the mirror? Harry? I guess I was right
" "Act like a humanitarian act like a woman! If our father dies I'm holding you responsible, Meg
" The extraordinary attack came after it was revealed that heart problems had prevented Thomas Markle, 74, from attending Meghan's wedding
Ms Grant's attack continued: "My father is not an embarrassment for loving his daughter! The Royals are an embarrassment for being so cold
"You should be ashamed of yourselves."
|Dharti Di Hoor|Video By Riswan Ali, Song by Ozzy Raja| FunFlicks Media | 2018 - Duration: 4:07.|Dharti Di Hoor|Video By Riswan Ali, Song by Ozzy Raja| FunFlicks Media | 2018
|Dharti Di Hoor|Video By Riswan Ali, Song by Ozzy Raja| FunFlicks Media | 2018
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