Olga Jackowska Lifestyle & Death 2018
Sisters Twin Telepathy Challenge / JustJordan33 - Duration: 12:28.-------------------------------------------
24 Hours Overnight In A Tent / That YouTub3 Family - Duration: 20:15.-------------------------------------------
Suspicion and Intrigue on the Track at Barcelona 1992 | Strangest Moments - Duration: 4:56.When Khalid Skah stepped on the podium in 1992,
two days after winning the men's 10,000 metres,
the Barcelona crowd made it clear what it thought of the
Moroccan's performance.
The jeers that rained down on Skah greeted one of the most
controversial victories in modern Olympic Games history.
In the minds of those fans,
Skah was one of the all-time Olympic Games sinners,
alongside his team-mate and alleged co-conspirator,
Hammou Boutayeb.
The men stood accused of engineering a cynical triumph
that went beyond the limits of acceptable race strategy.
Richard Chelimo of Kenya
had been denied gold by his archrivals
from North Africa, who had run the race as a team.
The accusations were far from proven.
Boutayeb's behaviour was certainly unusual,
but in the eyes of some observers, he was innocent.
Perhaps it was karma.
The Kenyans themselves had often been accused of
some dubious team racing.
Either way, Skah's triumph felt very hollow indeed.
In 1992, the Kenyans and Moroccans were the kings of
long-distance running.
Morocco had the reigning Olympic champion in its ranks,
but Kenya dominated the 10,000 metres at the
World Championships the previous year.
Eight of the world's 11 fastest men
over the distance were Kenyan.
In Barcelona, the scene was set for the next battle.
The atmosphere was hostile.
And by the time the race was 6,500 metres old,
all other parties slipped away.
It was Chelimo verus Skah, head-to-head.
That, at least, was how it seemed.
But coming towards the end of lap 22,
the race leaders encountered that man, Boutayeb.
He was second last, a back marker,
a man whose only job now was to move aside and be lapped.
But Boutayeb would not be moved.
And what happened over the next few laps
was the source of the controversy.
Boutayeb wouldn't get out of the way.
Chelimo and Skah overtook him,
but then he overtook them right back.
They passed again,
but Boutayeb run alongside them,
then he got back in front.
What was Boutayeb doing back there, anyway?
He was 36, but still an elite athlete.
It looked like a Moroccan conspiracy.
The idea seemed to be too slow down and distract Chelimo
with all the suspicious shenanigans,
and then allow Skah to run clear.
Race officials thought it was odd.
The chairman of the IAAF technical committee
stepped onto the track
to try and hold back Boutayeb.
The crowd grew restless, and booed what they saw.
And even after Skah sprinted clear of Chelimo
to cross the line first,
and blew kisses to the supporters,
he found he had few.
They believed they had witnessed a con.
Almost immediately, the authorities concurred.
The IAAF disqualified Skah, citing a breach of rule 143.2.
But Skah said he had no idea what Boutayeb had been up to.
They weren't even friends.
Skah said Boutayeb was an animal and an imbecile.
TRANSLATION: I think as a former champion it was
an embarrassment for him to be lapped.
The authorities were stung by claims
that they had been hasty.
Skah said they were racist and thieves.
And the IAAF relented again.
They reinstated Skah and gave him the gold medal.
But what was the truth? Will we ever know?
Chelimo said he heard Boutayeb and Skah talking to each other
on the track. What was being said?
TRANSLATION: I was yelling at him to go away.
"You are making big troubles. You are making big troubles."
But inside the big stadium was 50,000 people yelling
and whistling, you cannot hear anything.
The Kenyans threatened to walk out.
The credibility of the sport was in jeopardy.
But Boutayeb remained silent,
even as Skah stepped onto the podium
to receive his medal.
What could I do?
It was my duty and obligation
to go out there and face it as best
as I could. I was smiling, but very sad inside.
My honour was at stake.
And I would not go out and face them if I had felt I had
dishonoured myself.
Kate Middleton ha burlado constantemente las reglas de las realeza La Reina no debe estar contenta - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
In The Garden (July 28) - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
The Most Uncomfortable Things Celebs Said On Live TV - Duration: 6:35.Live television has proven itself time and time again to be the perfect storm of cameras
and spontaneity - capable of producing truly embarrassing, uncomfortable moments that will
live on forever in our hearts and on the internet.
From Taylor Swift's awkward awards show call-out to Tara Reid's unforgettable Shark
Week appearance, these live TV moments are like bad accidents from which you simply can't
look away.
So, kick back, relax, and prepare for some serious second-hand embarrassment.
J-Law shuts down a hater
Oh, Jennifer Lawrence - she always keeps it real, and has a bit of a tendency to fall
during awards ceremonies.
But J-Law's tumble at the 2014 Oscars wasn't anywhere near as uncomfortable as her off-script
call-out later that night.
While presenting the award for Best Actor to Matthew McConaughey Lawrence noticed Jared
Leto seemingly laughing at her as she took to the stage - something the starlet couldn't
seem to let slide.
"Why are you laughing?
What, is this funny?
Oh, okay."
As it turned out, Leto and his family were laughing, but only because Oscars host Ellen
DeGeneres was pantomiming and mouthing, "Don't fall!" as Lawrence walked onstage.
Leto told Billy Bush what he really thinks of Lawrence's red carpet mishaps in a 2014
interview, saying, "You know, I'm starting to wonder if this is a bit of an act."
This tan is all natural
Things got really uncomfortable for Rashida Jones on the 2015 SAG Awards red carpet, but
she handled the situation with her signature brand of sarcastic comedy.
Jones, the daughter of record producer Quincy Jones, was attending the ceremony as a presenter
when she was called over for an interview by TNT's Danielle Demski.
The questions started pretty typically, but things quickly took a rather unfortunate turn.
"You look like you've just come off like an island or something.
You're very tan, very tropical."
"I mean, you know.
I'm ethnic."
Demski laughed off her ill-advised remark, but Jones' uncomfortable smile said it all.
It was a cringe-worthy moment for all parties involved, including the fans who had to sit
through it.
A Taylor Swift scorned
For Taylor Swift's ex-boyfriends, having a pop radio hit written about their biggest
faults is the cost of doing business - just ask Harry Styles, the inspiration for quite
a few of Swift's biggest hits from both Red and 1989.
Or take it from Taylor herself.
In 2013, Swift was accepting an MTV Video Music Award for "I Knew You Were Trouble"
when she went completely off the rails to call out her famous ex and muse.
"I wanna thank the person who inspired this song, who knows exactly who he is.
Because, now I got one of these.
Thank you so much!"
Styles was later asked about the incident on Extra, saying:
"It's alright, she likes a joke."
"That was about you?"
"I like a joke as much as the next guy, so it's all good."
Uncomfortable, much?
You're tearing him apart, James!
Tommy Wiseau is famous for mysteriously self-funding the multi-million dollar budget for his cult
masterpiece The Room, which simultaneously fulfilled his dreams of becoming a famed actor
and director.
His inspiring story proves that you can achieve anything as long as you throw enough money
at it, even though he didn't truly rise to mainstream success until more than a decade
later when James Franco took Wiseau's unconventional success story to the big screen - then totally
cut him off at the Golden Globes.
After winning a Golden Globe for his depiction of Wiseau in The Disaster Artist, Franco invited
him onstage during his acceptance speech.
But what was supposed to be a moment of vindication for Wiseau turned out to be painfully awkward
instead when Franco blocked Wiseau from getting the microphone.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa."
Looks like someone didn't want to share the spotlight.
Tara Reid: Shark Expert
Tara Reid's appearance on Discovery Channel's Shark After Dark was more than just a lesson
in biology - it was a lesson on why you should never show up to a live taping under the influence.
During Shark Week's hit show, the Sharknado star let viewers know she did a whole lot
of research to appear smart on the subject - no American Pie-worthy blonde moment here.
Unfortunately, her rant about whale sharks was almost entirely unintelligible and got
pretty awkward.
"I think, 'Well how does a whale and a shark have sex?'
And then I looked up-"
"Was there a video of it?"
Because there's a thing called whale sharks."
Reid might not be a biologist, but that didn't stop her from delivering an - interesting
take on whale sharks.
"They must, you know.
And then I realized that whales are mammals and sharks are animals.
They have nothing to do with each other."
While no one can say for sure that Reid had sipped on a little too much of the sauce,
her appearance did remind us of a certain drunken SNL character.
"So maybe next time you're on your new iPad, look up how to be a decent human being."
Steve Harvey's Miss Universe mistake
Who can forget Steve Harvey's baffling Miss Universe mix-up?
Not only was the moment monumentally uncomfortable for viewers watching the pageant live on Fox,
but Harvey received so much backlash that he had to hire armed security guards, which
he still has in his home today.
Harvey announced Miss Colombia as the winner of the 2015 Miss Universe pageant after producers
urged him to immediately read the next name from the teleprompter, though the card showed
Miss Philippines had actually won the competition.
Producers hoped to straighten things out with the press the following morning, but Harvey
marched back out and announced the real winner on live TV.
"The first runner-up is Colombia."
The resulting footage was one of the most uncomfortable things ever captured on television.
No one wants to watch a beauty queen lose her crown.
David Blaine's scary stare
It's the famously uncomfortable interview in which David Blaine gave us all the heebie
jeebies before breakfast.
Eamonn Holmes may have been voted best UK breakfast TV presenter, but his talents were
no match for this 2001 interview with the infinitely puzzling Blaine, who's apparently
equally as baffling even when he's not performing tricks.
In this interview, we're not quite highlighting uncomfortable things Blaine said, but rather
all the moments where he actually didn't say anything at all.
Blaine, who was promoting his special Frozen In Time, was essentially mute during the entirety
of the segment, though his creepy stare said volumes.
The TV host eventually got so fed up that he asked Blaine,
"Is this part of the show, this sort of moody persona and the stare and the eyes and
all that sort of thing?
That's just you?"
Things only got stranger from there.
"The eye on the hand.
What is that, what is the eye on the hand?
Let's see that again."
We're not quite sure Holmes was ready for Blaine's, uh, answer:
"Takes him from death."
"Ooooh, mmm."
Why Do Prosthetic Limbs Feel Way Heavier Than Biological Ones? - Duration: 3:27.[INTRO♪]
If you've ever given someone a piggyback ride, you know that even tiny humans can feel
But we don't notice the weight of our own bodies.
And there's a song that explains why:
The knee bone is connected to the thigh bone.
The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone… and so on.
Prosthetic limbs generally feel much heavier than biological ones, because they aren't
connected to your skeleton.
Nowadays, though, engineers are trying to use the body's natural bony support system
to make prosthetics even better.
Your bones are connected to each other with ligaments.
And these ligaments have mechanoreceptors that help you feel how your joints are moving.
But they aren't able to sense how heavy things are.
That job goes to the Golgi tendon organs, which are mechanoreceptors in the tendons
connecting all your muscles to bones.
Because your leg is connected to your skeleton, your muscles don't have to provide that
much force to hold things in place.
So you don't really notice how how heavy your leg is — even though just one of them
makes up about 16% of your total weight.
Most prosthetic devices are attached with a socket held in place with a harness or suction.
Harnesses limit the range of motion, and the suction of the socket activates the Ruffini
corpuscles, which are mechanoreceptors that are sensitive to stretching skin.
That's why prosthetic limbs can feel like they're hanging onto the body, instead of
connected to it.
And if you had a prosthetic leg that was as heavy as a biological leg, it might feel like
walking around with like a toddler hanging on to you.
So scientists have had to design lighter prostheses, sometimes at the cost of function.
But as a different solution, they've been working on a way to connect prosthetic limbs
to the skeleton, using a technique called osseointegration.
Osseointegration is where bones grow into foreign materials.
Humans have actually been doing this for a long time, like in 600 CE when the Mayans
used mother of pearl to make teeth that integrated into the jawbone.
But it wasn't until 1965 that Per-Ingvar Brånemark used osseointegration to put titanium
dental implants in the first human patient.
Titanium is super biocompatible.
When there's oxygen around, it makes an oxide film that prevents lots of other chemical
reactions — so it doesn't, like, break down inside your body.
At the same time, it activates the immune system some, so the cells that are normally
responsible for bone resorption slow down, and new bone grows around the titanium fixture.
These titanium implants are made with lots of nooks and crannies that bone cells can
grow into, so they stay secure for decades.
Since dental implants became a thing, lots of researchers have applied osseointegration
to prosthetic limbs too.
All patients have to do is clamp their prosthesis onto the titanium implant, and they're good
to go.
Because there's no harness, there's more range of motion.
And because there's no suction socket, the prosthesis doesn't feel like it's pulling
on your skin.
There is one drawback: a metal rod sticking out of your skin is an open wound that you
have to take care of, or it can get badly infected.
Even though this technique is still experimental, nearly 1000 patients have undergone this surgery
for their prosthetic legs, arms, and even thumbs.
Researchers are working on ways to address the risks, and the technology can only improve
from here.
And we'll keep learning along with you here on SciShow!
If you're curious about other ways engineers are working with human bodies, check out our
episode about human interface technologies!
And if you want to delve into all kinds of science with us,
you can go to youtube.com/scishow to subscribe. to subscribe.
And ring that bell, I guess?
The Queen is a HUGE fan of ABBA, and THIS is the proof - Duration: 3:17.The royal family's official Twitter account shared a video of the performance, with the caption: "Can you guess this tune? #FridayFeeling Beautiful played by @TheRLCBand during Changing the Guard at #BuckinghamPalace
"Royal fans took to Twitter to express their joy upon hearing the popular song, with many speculating that the Queen was in fact, a fan of ABBA
One Twitter user wrote: "I've heard that Dancing Queen is one of The Queen's favourite pop songs
I'd love to know if it's true. I hope so."Another added: "That's fantastic! Dancing Queen
Brilliant!" BBC Radio DJ Chris Evans confirmed the Queen's love for the ABBA track, saying that she told guests how much she enjoyed the song during a dinner event at Windsor Castle
The Queen's cousin, Lady Elizabeth Anson, revealed Her Majesty's favourite tunes, in the BBC documentary, Our Queen: 90 Musical Years
She is also known to be a "fantastic dancer" and has "great rythm", Lady Elizabeth revealed, as she spoke about Her Majesty's love for music
Lady Elizabeth Anson said: "The Queen loves the theatre and musicals like Showboat, Oklahoma! and Annie Get Your Gun
These were the tunes that remained in one's head and were very danceable to. "The Queen is a fantastic dancer
She's got great rhythm."We did a lot of singing at Kensington Palace. Nobody thought it was odd after dinner if we put on a record and all sang Doing the Lambeth Walk, so music has always been part of her life
"The Queen's top ten favourite songs are said to include - Cheek to Cheek by Fred Astaire, Sing by Gary Barlow and the Commonwealth Band featuring the Military Wives, Oklahoma! by Howard Keel and Anything You Can Do (Annie Get Your Gun) by Dolores Gray and Bill Johnson
However, a Royal expert has claimed the Queen was even a fan of earlier disco hits
Ingrid Seward, the author of "My Husband And I", which is based on the Queen's relationship with Prince Philip, revealed her favourite tune was the Beach Boys' California Girls
She previously told Vogue: "The Queen is a big fan of musicals, traditional hymns, and Scottish ballads, and even the Beach Boys' songs, especially California Girls
"Whether or not she has much time to listen to music on her iPod I am not sure, but I rather doubt it
La venganza de la reina Letizia con Juan Carlos y de la Infanta Cristina - Duration: 6:03.-------------------------------------------
PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode July 28, 2018 - Duration: 26:55.-------------------------------------------
[HPA Q&A] Engine break-in myths dispelled | Performance Engine Building - Duration: 4:42.- Naden has asked, what's the proper way to break
in a freshly built engine and what type of oil
should be used for that period?
Again this is an area where there's a huge amount
of confusion and a huge amount of misinformation.
For this reason we actually have included
a module in both our practical and our fundamentals
course on engine break in.
And it's a process that I've sort of gone through
and developed in my own career.
I've got a process that works exceptionally well
and as with most engine builders I tend to be
a little bit superstitious,
once I've found something that works, I stick to it,
and I don't vary.
The important part about engine break in
first and foremost is understanding what we're actually
trying to do.
And this is where a lot of the misinformation comes from.
A lot of people think that we are trying to bed
in the bearings or the crankshaft,
and that's just not the case.
If we ever end up with metal to metal contact
between the bearings in the crankshaft journals,
we're going to end up instantly causing damage,
and once that occurs, no amount of gently running
is going to help the situation.
We're going to end up with damage that needs
to be fixed.
The main area that we are trying to deal with
during engine break in,
is to bed the rings against our freshly honed bores.
And we have a relatively narrow window
in order to do this.
So what we're trying to do is bed those rings
so that they achieve a correct seal
against our cylinder walls.
And if we achieve this we're going to end up
with an engine that produces good power,
low blow by, and has low oil consumption.
So what we're trying to do there is use the rough
surface of that hone pattern to abrade the rings
and make them seat.
And we only have a narrow window as I've said
before that hone pattern will be broken down.
So the worst thing we can do when we're breaking
in an engine is to baby it or to allow it to idle
for extended periods particularly when it's hot.
This will place almost no load on the rings
and it will allow that hone pattern to be broken down
without it actually performing its job.
So what we want to do is use moderate amounts of load
and moderate amounts of RPM.
Then what happens is when we use moderate
amounts of load, combustion pressure gets
in behind the rings and it forces them out
against that fresh hone pattern.
So this forces the rings against the wall
and helps the bedding in process.
Of course because that hone pattern is a little rough
to start with it also causes a lot of friction
and hence a lot of heat.
So we need to be careful,
we don't wanna go straight to wide open throttle
and 8500 RPM.
That's going to cause the rings to overheat.
So we want to vary between periods
of moderate load and then periods of low load
and that'll allow the rings to cool back down.
The bedding in process is normally completed
within about the first 100 or 200 kilometres of use.
So those people who have heard engine builders
requiring 1000 or even 5000 kilometres of running in,
it's absolute rubbish, it's simply not necessary.
After the first couple of 100 kilometres of use,
your rings, your engine is as bedded in
as it's every going to be and after that,
it's all downhill so you may as well get out
and start enjoying your engine.
The other thing just talking about there,
you've mentioned oil.
There are some specific running in oils.
I've used those myself but now I've tended
to go away from them.
The reason for this is the running in grade of oil
tends to be incredibly thin.
It's almost a little bit like water.
And the idea here is we're providing an oil
that's going to allow the rings to bed in correctly.
So for example, it's common in performance engines
to use high quality full synthetic oils.
Those are actually so slippery that they make it harder
for the rings to bed in,
so we clearly don't want to be using a full synthetic oil
during break in and that's where these running in oils
come in.
More recently what I've done is gone away from
running in oils and I actually use a good quality
mineral based oil.
That's still going to provide the protection I need,
because even during break in,
these engines are still producing reasonably high
power levels, we want to protect all of those components
with a good quality oil.
But the mineral based oil is not so slippery
that it will prevent the rings from bedding.
That question was taken from one of our free live lessons.
If you like free stuff, and you're the type of guy
who wants to expand your knowledge,
click the link in the description to claim your free spot
to our next live lesson.
You'll learn about performance engine building
and EFI tuning, and you'll also have the chance to ask
your own questions which I'll be answering live.
Remember it's 100% free so follow the link
to claim your spot.
Just Mail Checks To Poor People – The Newest Predatory Lending Trap - Duration: 7:30.Tim Geithner is in charge of a company called Mariner.
They are predatory, ugly predatory lenders.
Tim Geithner, you might remember, was in charge of our money under the Obama administration.
The predatory lending story has been outrageous.
Fortunately, I'm here with Farron Cousins, who has followed this story more than anybody
I know.
It's an outrageous story.
Tell us how predatory lending works, first of all.
Then tell us how this DNC sweetheart, okay, DNC sweetheart Tim Geithner, pals with Larry
Summers, who is also kind of a DNC sweetheart.
How is he now one of the predatory jackals, I'll call him?
It's really what he is.
He's a-
Not only has Geithner become one of the jackals, he has revolutionized these predatory payday
lending scams because, rather than set up these rundown offices in the poorest parts
of neighborhoods like the cash advance, things like that that we've seen in the past with
predatory lenders, he has tried to make it into more of an upscale venture.
He gives out larger loans, higher interest rates, but larger loans for more money.
Now what he and Mariner are doing, which they now have 450 branches in 22 different states,
they're just ... and I wish there was a more sophisticated way to say this, but there's
They're just mailing checks to poor people hoping that the poor people cash the check
so that they can catch them, and now they've got them in this loan that this person may
not have known.
Plenty of times-
Now, wait, wait.
Farron, that sounds so incredible, but it's the truth.
Again, the poor person doesn't ask for the check.
They do background checks.
They see, sometimes, that the person may have equity in their home.
They do all their homework, but the person is living subsistence existence, barely making
payments, barely staying alive, and the Tim Geithner crew ... Tim Geithner, Obama's financial
guy, now says, "Well, I got a good idea.
We're going to mail them a check, and if they cash it, we got them."
Isn't that it?
Here's what they do as well.
This is part of the scheme.
They go through, they look through hospital billing databases, they look through any kind
of car repair database, anywhere where you've given your name and phone number, things like
They can see who gets popped with a big bill.
You just had a surgery.
Your insurance covered most of it, but now you have a hospital bill for $5,000.
Couple days later, a $5,000 check shows up, and you say, "Okay, well, I could really use
this right now to pay this and be done with it before that goes to collections."
They also work with collection agencies to find out who owes what, so it is very targeted.
It is very sophisticated.
These checks do not come with very much explanation, a little bit of fine print that nobody reads.
They think, "Oh, well, this is a good thing.
I'm probably 5% interest, better than a credit card."
Reality, almost 40% interest on these things, and they lock them in, and then-
As a matter of fact, let me just tell you something.
Finally, the king of predatory lending went to prison, one of the kings.
Now there's so many out there right now.
Now the new king is Tim Geithner.
This is the DNC golden boy who is now running this pathetic, ugly scam.
Let me back up just a second.
Before they send the check, they have abilities to find out everything they want to about
They can find out where do you shop?
What do you buy?
Who do you owe money to?
Are you behind on your rent?
Are you behind on your house payment?
They do all of that, and they target.
They have a matrix that targets this is the right person.
This person hits all of the matrix just right.
It's like throwing a dart and hitting bull's eye.
You're a bull's eye.
You owe the hospital $5,000.
You can't pay it.
You get a $5,000 check, and they've got you for the rest of your life.
These are people who would not ordinarily even consider doing one of these payday loan
scams, but when you're sitting there, and you've got that check in your hand, and you
know all you have to do is sign the back of it and it's in the bank, and in the other
hand you're looking at that bill, and you're getting the phone calls from the debt collectors,
this check is a lot more likely to get cashed than if you had to get in your car, go find
one of those lending places, hand over your car title or whatever it is.
Tim Geithner should be in prison.
Tim Geithner should be in prison.
That's the bottom line here.
I saw a great article that basically said that what's happened to the Democratic party
is the new face is Wall Street contrasted with the face of Maxine Waters, crazy woman.
It mean that's how they ... It was really well done.
It was well thought out.
It was well presented.
That's really what it is.
I mean you've got these Wall Street Tim Geithners now in charge of the Democratic party, and
on the other side you've got ... I don't even know how to describe it, it's gotten so crazy.
Corporate Democrats recently held a private conference to figure out how they could stop
the party from moving further to the left and further away from the very kind of corporate
control we're talking here.
This meeting, I got to tell you, didn't go well, did it?
Because the people ... It's the golden rule.
The rule is the people with the money make all the rules.
That's the golden rule that is dictating what's going to happen to the Democratic party in
the midterms.
Pick up from there, if you would.
I think the biggest takeaway from this meeting that took place in Ohio, last Friday I think
it was, is this quote from Representative Tim Ryan.
He's a Democrat from Ohio.
He said, "You're not going to make me hate somebody just because they're rich.
I want to be rich."
Tim doesn't understand.
Mr. Ryan here completely misrepresented what the anger in this country is about on both
the right and left.
Nobody is mad at anybody for being rich.
Nobody is mad at Jeff Bezos from Amazon because he has money.
They're mad because he's a thug.
I mean-
Yeah, they're mad because his workers have to pee in jars because they can't get breaks
and they make slave wages.
They're mad at Disney because they get billions of dollars while their workers are living
in their cars.
It's not that you have money.
It's that you've screwed over thousands of people to get it.
These Democrats, which this was put on by Third Way, that centrist think tank, they
put this meeting together because they said, "Wow, we have a real problem with people in
this country wanting ..."
They're socialists.
Yeah, that's the problem.
The problem is they believe that there's this influx of socialism and that they've lost
control of the party or will lose control of the party.
Well, real quick, what's happening too is we see too many Republicans out there warning
the Democrats, "Don't move to far left," because those Republicans are disaffected by Trump.
They want to remake the Democratic party into the new Republican party.
Right, right.
Fish LOVE THIS! They Just Can't Resist - Duration: 8:34.Whoa, did you see that? Did you guys see that?
Greetings everybody, Paul the inventoryking.
Hope you guys are all having an awesome day and enjoying those fish are yours.
If you guys could punch the subscribe button and click the notification bell, I would be
honored to have you guys join me on my fish keeping adventures.
We need to go to the store. Let's get rolling.
So today we are heading on now to the big city, to the big block stores to get some
items for the fish.
So join me on the journey.
Let's go. Let's go get some stuff.
All right, so we made it to Petco.
Let's go.
So it's pretty clean.
Bunch of rows of fish,
some of the African cichlids some yellow labs.
those are cool.
Check out this awesome angel fish.
A bunch of Nemos.
Alright so here's what we came here for.
Some Frozen food.
Some Frozen Food.
Alright, so here's what I came here for.
some of the frozen krill.
gonna pick this up and I didn't realize they had the big bag.
So I'm going to get that too.
And we're going to get some mysis shrimp.
That yellow Tang is sweet.
This is making me want to get a salt water tank.
Alright, so we got what we want, let's go.
Alright, so we got what we needed at petco, the frozen food for the fish.
Now I'm about to show you something that's going to be a great tip.
So here's what I'm talking about about that tip, bring an ice chest and a little bit of ice
and then go ahead and put your frozen food into your ice chest so it doesn't melt on your way home.
Now I didn't realize that they had the big, big one today.
So that's not gonna fit in there, but the small ones will, ready to go.
Now we need to get it home and you can't get frozen krill and brine shrimp and not feed
them to the fish.
So let's go back to the fish room and let's feed some of the big time predators and some of the Common Haps.
All right, so we made it back.
As you could hear, Zoe is barking in the background, but we made it.
We are back to the fish room and it is time to feed those predators and the common haps.
So what do you guys think?
Do you think the Lepturus Green are going to go insane over the Krill?
What do you guys think?
Did you see that?
Did you guys see that?
look and these guys, the Lepturus Green. WOOHOOWOO!!
That dude is huge.
look at this guy.
It's got some food in its mouth.
I'm pretty sure that that's a male right there.
It's a big, big one.
It just showing me signs of male and that one also might be male that's going up in
the corner there.
I don't know.
I might have got a all males.
I don't know.
WOOOO haha dang that boy nice.
Can't not feed the hawks.
Let's see what they do.
This dude got some of that Krill, ate it like crazy.
The Lepturus Green got some as well.
And boy they are messy.
Messy, messy eaters.
um, This tank is just going crazy.
Just going crazy stuff everywhere, hahaha.
Look at these dudes.
And I want to give a shout out to um, to Corey Hecker.
I heard him on one of his videos say the Champsochromis Spilorhynchus.
So instead of saying Spilo, I'm going to say Spilorhynchus now because there's one right
And there's another one right there, two Juvies.
This guy's looking great now, going to get him into the back into the tank.
These guys are looking great as well.
And so are these guys, WOOO.
I do love the common haps, the colors on them are just spectacular.
Look at this guy oh me oh my.
Man Isn't it a lot of fun to feed your fish, especially when you feed them something that
they love.
Like I mean they love all food, but like when you give them this frozen krill it is awesome.
They love it.
I just, it's a lot of fun to watch them just go after it.
Um, got some good footage.
Hope you guys enjoyed that.
Um, let me know in the comment section down below.
What'd you think of the video?
What'd you think of, um, how it got put together.
Would love to know your comments down below.
If you could like the video, that would be amazing.
If you can punch that subscribe button and click on that notification bell, I'd be honored
for you guys to become subscribers and join me on my fish keeping journey.
You guys are amazing.
Thank you so much.
And stay tanked.
Chelsea vs Inter Milan: Five things we learned from the pre-season friendly - Duration: 3:22.1. Maurizio Sarri once again, in his second game in charge, lined Chelsea up in a 4-3-3 formation, as he had done with his successful Napoli team
It is a radical change from Antonio Conte's 3-4-3, and it will mean some players, like Cesc Fabregas, Victor Moses and Olivier Giroud may well be worrying about their positions in a Sarri team
2. Alvaro Morata, who had such a torrid time last season after a good start, again led the attack, as he had done in Sarri's opening game against Perth Glory
He needs to impress early on this season, if he stays (AC Milan are keen). His header from Fabregas' was harshly judged offside
But he showed good skill to set up Pedro for his early goal, when Inter goalkeeper Samir Handanovic could only push out his shot and Pedro, who looked lively all game, rammed in the rebound
3. The new £50 million man Jorginho is clearly the man whom this new Sarri style Chelsea will revolve around
The Brazilian-born Italy international was everywhere, dropping deep, picking up every ball, tidying up and starting attacks
His energy, and short, quick and accurate passes kept things moving and are clearly the way the coach wants his team to play
The only man to play the entire 90 minutes in the south of France. 4. But Sarri's plans to have Chelsea playing with a tight, narrow back four may need some work
Inter craftily kept attacking Chelsea with wide men – and got a lot of joy. Antonio Candreva kept getting in behind Marcos Alonso and should have scored with one low shot
When Roberto Gargliadini levelled the scores at the Allianz Riviera stadium, it was with another strike which came from a move down the right hand side, after Tiemoue Bakayoko gave the ball away
5. Callum Hudson-Odoi though was once again the star, as he had been in Australia
The 17 year old is lighting quick, and equally good with his left or his right foot, cutting in from the left, taking players on and letting fly
He had one shot saved and several times left experienced Inter defenders standing with his intricate and cheeky skills
It is notoriously difficult to make any firm predictions from pre-season, but the Londoner looks like a prospect
[LEGENDADO] BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 轉 Tear 'Singularity' Comeback Trailer - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #492 - Satisfying Slime ASMR - Duration: 11:00.Will It Slime? Slime Kit Test #492 - Satisfying Slime ASMR
Jurgen Klopp breaks his media silence on the Nabil Fekir 's story of Liverpool ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:24.Nabil Fekir is the major football title before the start of the World Cup 2018.
The French were close to the extent you could go to Liverpool, before everything collapsed
on the 11th hour.
All Liverpool's most trusted journalists — Paul Joyce and James Pearce have confirmed this
agreement in place.
Fekir seems to even have made his first interview with LFCTV and the image has made the ring
on social media of the man Lyon in the famous red shirt.
Then, in addition to nowhere, Lyon issued a statement claiming that the negotiations
ended and no agreements were made this summer.
Jean-Michel Aulas frustrating a top club again.
Since then, there hasn't been so much clear information about what happened on ' Fekir
Friday ' and everything took place pretty smoothly.
Liverpool never released a statement of her own and Jurgen Klopp had never spoken of public
agreement – until now.
A fan on Twitter has recorded a short excerpt from Sky Sports News showing the German boss
discussing the deal.
While he was still quite elusive, Klopp refused to say that the deal was completely dead.
"If nothing happens to our boys, we hit the ," Klopp said.
The reason why Klopp leaves the open door is interesting is by quotes from the recent
Pearce in Liverpool Echo.
When asked about the Fekir story, the "trustworthy" Reds say: "Yes, Lyon is crying because of
a buyer.
It suits them so that Liverpool is constantly associated with Fekir.
"For all talks about the ability to restructure the contract value of 53 million the table
has collapsed last month, I can't see Liverpool back for him.
If the concerns on his knees are really strong, surely Klopp would put out any claims that
Liverpool could sign him in the near future?
Don't be surprised if things change quickly in the Fekir story in the next two weeks.
Putin: US Making A Huge Mistake For Using Dollar As Political Tool Against Russia - Duration: 4:25.You have said many times that Russia must reduce its dependence on the US dollar. Russia has recently been selling US treasury bonds, bringing the share in the reserves down to nearly zero.
Is this all you plan to do? Is this a new state policy, or just protection against the potential extension of the sanctions?
Could it be a BRICS country currency, for example the yuan? We know that the Bank of Russia is increasing its share of yuan denominated assets.
If I may, there is one more question I simply have to ask.
Let me answer this question first, and then you can ask your second question.
Russia is not giving up on the dollar, which is a universal reserve currency.
The Euro can also claim this status more or less, but not fully. Therefore, we are well aware of what the dollar represents today.
As for reserve currencies as such, regional ones are already appearing. To a certain extent, the Russian ruble plays this role in the CIS or EAEU countries.
In general, the strength and value of any national currency depends on the strength and value of the economy standing behind it. We must proceed from these fundamental assumptions.
A few words about the dollar again. We must minimise the risks. We are seeing what is happening with the sanctions that are essentially illegal restrictions. We are aware of the risks and are trying to minimise them.
As for the dollar as a reserve currency, we are not alone in talking about this problem, and it is becoming a problem. You are wrong if you think that this is Russia's initiative.
A great number of countries are talking about exactly this – the need to expand the capabilities of global finance and the global economy, and create new reserve currencies.
This will make the global economy and global finance more stable. This is abundantly clear.
As for our American partners and the restrictions that they are introducing, including in those dollar settlements, I believe this is a big strategic mistake on their behalf
because they are thus undermining confidence in the dollar as a reserve currency. This is the bottom line.
Quite recently, just several years ago, it did not occur to anyone that such instruments might be used in political struggle, in political competition.
Everyone proceeded from the premise that politics is politics or as we joke here: "War is war but lunch is still on schedule."
The same should be true here: disputes are disputes, but when it comes to economics, some things are absolutely stable and immutable.
It turned out this was not the case: payment systems are being used as a political argument in political disputes and in settling differences; currency is being used, too.
I believe it is absolutely clear that this is damaging the dollar as the world reserve currency and undermining trust in it – this is what it is all about.
If this were not the case, there would not be a desire on the part of not one but dozens of countries to consider other options.
It is hard to say now what these options are, but the yuan is certainly acquiring such qualities.
I believe that if it becomes freely convertible from an economic standpoint, this process will accelerate. But it has already been added to the IMF basket, so this is nothing special, a natural process.
Let me repeat that the importance of a national currency depends on the significance of the economy behind it.
Again, we are not going to make any abrupt movements. We are not going to give up on the dollar in any way.
We will use it to the extent to which the US financial authorities will not prevent the use of the dollar in settlements.
Instrumental Jazz & Jazz Music Session: Into the Azure (Jazz Instrumental Music Video) - Duration: 1:01:26.Title: Instrumental Jazz & Jazz Music Session: Into the Azure (Jazz Instrumental Music Video)
Fish LOVE THIS! They Just Can't Resist - Duration: 8:34.Whoa, did you see that? Did you guys see that?
Greetings everybody, Paul the inventoryking.
Hope you guys are all having an awesome day and enjoying those fish are yours.
If you guys could punch the subscribe button and click the notification bell, I would be
honored to have you guys join me on my fish keeping adventures.
We need to go to the store. Let's get rolling.
So today we are heading on now to the big city, to the big block stores to get some
items for the fish.
So join me on the journey.
Let's go. Let's go get some stuff.
All right, so we made it to Petco.
Let's go.
So it's pretty clean.
Bunch of rows of fish,
some of the African cichlids some yellow labs.
those are cool.
Check out this awesome angel fish.
A bunch of Nemos.
Alright so here's what we came here for.
Some Frozen food.
Some Frozen Food.
Alright, so here's what I came here for.
some of the frozen krill.
gonna pick this up and I didn't realize they had the big bag.
So I'm going to get that too.
And we're going to get some mysis shrimp.
That yellow Tang is sweet.
This is making me want to get a salt water tank.
Alright, so we got what we want, let's go.
Alright, so we got what we needed at petco, the frozen food for the fish.
Now I'm about to show you something that's going to be a great tip.
So here's what I'm talking about about that tip, bring an ice chest and a little bit of ice
and then go ahead and put your frozen food into your ice chest so it doesn't melt on your way home.
Now I didn't realize that they had the big, big one today.
So that's not gonna fit in there, but the small ones will, ready to go.
Now we need to get it home and you can't get frozen krill and brine shrimp and not feed
them to the fish.
So let's go back to the fish room and let's feed some of the big time predators and some of the Common Haps.
All right, so we made it back.
As you could hear, Zoe is barking in the background, but we made it.
We are back to the fish room and it is time to feed those predators and the common haps.
So what do you guys think?
Do you think the Lepturus Green are going to go insane over the Krill?
What do you guys think?
Did you see that?
Did you guys see that?
look and these guys, the Lepturus Green. WOOHOOWOO!!
That dude is huge.
look at this guy.
It's got some food in its mouth.
I'm pretty sure that that's a male right there.
It's a big, big one.
It just showing me signs of male and that one also might be male that's going up in
the corner there.
I don't know.
I might have got a all males.
I don't know.
WOOOO haha dang that boy nice.
Can't not feed the hawks.
Let's see what they do.
This dude got some of that Krill, ate it like crazy.
The Lepturus Green got some as well.
And boy they are messy.
Messy, messy eaters.
um, This tank is just going crazy.
Just going crazy stuff everywhere, hahaha.
Look at these dudes.
And I want to give a shout out to um, to Corey Hecker.
I heard him on one of his videos say the Champsochromis Spilorhynchus.
So instead of saying Spilo, I'm going to say Spilorhynchus now because there's one right
And there's another one right there, two Juvies.
This guy's looking great now, going to get him into the back into the tank.
These guys are looking great as well.
And so are these guys, WOOO.
I do love the common haps, the colors on them are just spectacular.
Look at this guy oh me oh my.
Man Isn't it a lot of fun to feed your fish, especially when you feed them something that
they love.
Like I mean they love all food, but like when you give them this frozen krill it is awesome.
They love it.
I just, it's a lot of fun to watch them just go after it.
Um, got some good footage.
Hope you guys enjoyed that.
Um, let me know in the comment section down below.
What'd you think of the video?
What'd you think of, um, how it got put together.
Would love to know your comments down below.
If you could like the video, that would be amazing.
If you can punch that subscribe button and click on that notification bell, I'd be honored
for you guys to become subscribers and join me on my fish keeping journey.
You guys are amazing.
Thank you so much.
And stay tanked.
姚明最硬气的5件事:坐在板凳上震慑孙悦,21岁"威胁"篮协退役 - Duration: 6:33.-------------------------------------------
章子怡的這些照片,自己看瞭都崩潰,汪峰看瞭會怎樣? - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
FREE FİRE KASMA-PİNG SORUNU KESİN ÇÖZÜM! - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Sisters Twin Telepathy Challenge / JustJordan33 - Duration: 12:28.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Sisters Twin Telepathy Challenge / JustJordan33 - Duration: 12:28.-------------------------------------------
24 Hours Overnight In A Tent / That YouTub3 Family - Duration: 20:15.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 24 Hours Overnight In A Tent / That YouTub3 Family - Duration: 20:15.-------------------------------------------
GDB3073_May2018 – Group 12 – Retaining the Best Employees (Fixed Title) - Duration: 12:47.-Boss -Boss
Assalamuaikum & Good Morning, I would like to thank all of you for attending this meeting today.
So, today we'll be disscussing about our company's financial status first.
So, this year, for our first quarter I see a quite consistent growth compared to the previous year. And the growth is quite continous, as our third quarter is standing at 11.5 percent.
So, I would like to thank all of you for all your efforts.
(Hand Clapping)
Good Job.
However, your job here is still not done yet. We still have the fourth quarter which is the most important quarter.
I would also like to thank Iyzad, for being able to grab the tender. Which is a tender quite a big project.
So, regarding our project, the cost is around 15 million which is quite a large sum. And our main client is - I'm sure you're familiar with him -
Dr Bijan.
So, before we proceed, is there any question?
Boss, I would like to ask something.
Since we landed on a big project, is there no bonus fo us?
Woah! The job is not done yet but you're already asking for bonuses?
No, no, no. We'll discuss the project first, then we'll talk about bonus.
Can all of you understand ? -Understand
So, that is all for our meeting today, I'll end it here. I expect that all the task given will be finished. Understand? -Okay, Boss -Can
So how was the meeting? Okay?
The meeting was bad. -How come?
We didn't get our bonuses. -The boss was being stingy?
He's always like that. - (Hamizan) He's always been like that.
What about you Syafiq? What's the matter?
I'm depressed. - (Hazim) Depressed? *Suddenly laughs*
What's wrong? Do tell me. - (Iyzad) The boss is such a problem.
Come, gather around. Let's gossip a bit.
What's the problem with the meeting just now? Try telling me the whole story.
The problem is the boss is problematic. We have asked our overdued bonuses but he still wouldn't give us that.
If you ask directly from him, of course you wouldn't get it. He's stingy
The problem is the company's performance is growing, the financial projection is also going up. By quite a lot too.
The boss is always like that. The other day, I've a tip top job but still wouldn't get his approval. I'm so frustated with him
So that's why i don't go to the meeting anymore. I went to the toilet instead.
And thats not all, whenever he gives a due date for a job, he'll always ask much more earlier that what he asked. Even Syafiq was victimized the other day.
Yeah, I'm also frustrated at the boss. Do you guys wanna hear my story?
(Flashback playing)
Syafiq. -Yes Boss.
What are you doing? I'm doing some work.
Do you remember that last week, I asked you to do the financial report. Have you done it?
I haven't started it yet.
(Boss intensifies) You haven't done it yet? - Do you want it now Boss?
I told you to get it done by this week, right?
But you said the due date was in 2 weeks time. And this is still early in the first week.
Didn't I told u that I want it this week yesterday ! - All right Boss. I'll try finish it by today, I won't mind if I have to stay the night.
Sure you can. The latest I give you is by tommorrow.
Okay Boss.
Ish, ish, ish. (Iyzad) What a terrible attitude.
I used to have that kind of situation with the boss. My wife was about to gave birth but he still wouldn't let me have my holiday. I really don't get him.
(Door knocking)
Ha, Hamizan, come in.
Assalamualaikum, Boss.
Boss... -Hamizan, what business do you have with me?
Actually, I want to request some day off. By wife is about to go on labor. Her stomach is even bigger than me right now, Boss.
So I figured that I should have some days off. It's not everyday that my wife is about to give birth. Can I?
How many days do you want off? - If possible, a week. It's not like I'm asking for a month.
(Boss Intensifies) You always, always wants to take days off. It is as if your wife is pregnant everyday!!
That's not right Boss. This is the first time my wife ever got pregnant. How come you say that she have gave birth 2, 3 times? It's ridiculous, Boss.
Ah, no, no, no. I want you to come in to work next week. No holidays!
Okay Boss. If that is what you say, I'm fine with it.
(Azri) Working here is making me feel so depressed.
(Hazim) Relax, no need to be depressed. Here, I have an idea. You, you, you and you have a problem. What if we get back at our boss. What if we all strike (from working).
Woi, what are all of you doing?! Get back to work!
(Employees panicking) Eh, Boss, Boss.
(Empty Office..)
Haih, its 8 O'clock already. Why are there so many that haven't arrived at the office?
Where? Where what, Boss?
Where are the others?
How would I know, Boss? Its not like I live together with them.
(Hazim & Iyzad arriving)
Heyy! You just got here?!! -(Iyzad & Hazim) Boss
You think that the company is owned by your fathers?!! -Sorry, Boss.
Sorry, not sorry. Why are you late?
I was caught in a traffic jam. There was an accident, the head was splitted to two, Boss!
Nonsense. I doubt there was ever an accident. You, what about your excuse?
There was a problem with the LRT, maybe it run out of gas?
(Boss Intensifies) Haish, there are so many excuses. I don't wan to care about you anymore. I think it's better that all of you quit. I bet I can find employees that are 10 times better than you.
Hek'eleh, we're only 3 minutes late. What a buzzkill, this boss.
I'm quite early today. I think I will fire all those who came in late today. I'm not kidding, I'm serious.
Ehh, what's this?
Resignation letter?!! You've got to be kidding me, and there's quite a lot too. Hazim, Syafiq, Iyzad. Ey, It cannot be all the office employees?!! This cannot be.
The project is nowhere near finish but there's so many who wants to resign. I couldn't employ new employees. I even have to train them first.
(Phone rings)
Hello, Mr Faiz.
Hello, Mr Bijan!
How's my million dollar project coming along?
(Faiz panicking) Owh, the project. Ummm. What to do. Umm. I think I need more time. I have some internal problem. I'm terribly sorry, Mr Bijan.
Ish, you cannot do this to me. I want the project to be done quickly. If you can't do it, I'll find another contractor to do the job for me.
(Faiz enraged) Owh, if Mr Bijan thinks so the go ahead!! I dont have time to deal with this. I have my own problem right now.
Then return the deposit I have given earlier as it is my right to cancel this deal with you.
Eh, Mr Bijan, I - I'm sorry. I was stressed out. Mr Bijan? Mr Bijan?! (Phone hangs up)
What should I do? My company is going down, my client's gone and even my workers resigned.
Maybe I should consult my friend. I think Harun can help since I've known him since kindergarten.
Hey, Hamizan, ever since we quit our job we've been playing video game all day, don't you think we should look for another job.
I think I could try to be a model, do you think I could do it? Owh, you died
Of course I died, hearing about you modelling killed me.
(Phone rings) Eh, the boss called me
(Iyzad suddenly appears) Let me answer it.
Hello. -(Boss) Hello, Harun right?
Eh, who's Harun?
(Pretends to be Harun:) Yeah I do know you. Of course i remember a friend of mine. Why did you contact me, do you have any problem?
I've got a problem, Harun. Can you help me? Its nothing big. Just want to ask for some advice.
Owh, you're just seeking advice. Did you remember that time when you lash out on your worker and threaten them to quit?
Eh, how could've you known about that?
Alaa, I've known your behaviours so well. There were not even that late, just a couple of minutes. As a boss you need to be more considerate.
Try putting yourself in their shoes. Try to feel what they feel. Do you think they enjoy being shouted at everyday?
The pay is not thay good and you still gave them a lot of work. And also, you could even dare to change the due date to be more earlier that they expected.
I think what you're saying is quite true but I'm quite curious how did you know all the things thats happening at my workplace.
Can you please not ask too many question. You're the one asking my advice, so just listen to what I have to say.
And one more thing, whenever your worker asks for holidays have you ever entertained them?
Poor Hamizan, his wife was about to go in labor, yet you still asked him to work.
Eh, how could've you known about that worker who requested for days off. You even got the name right, Hamizan.
Enough. Enough. Like this, your employees are just doing this strike momentarily. Try to change yourself, give them the raise they deserved, as well as the bonus. In life, you can't be too cheap.
Okay, okay. What you're saying is so true.
I think, I've regretted treating my employee that way. They're actually a pretty good employees.
Its just that I didn't appreciate them enough. From here onwards, I'll try to change for the better.
Thank you so much... And don't forget to visit my house this Chinese New Year. I havent seen your children for quite awhile.
Okay. Assalamualaikum.
I think I should take Harun's advice.
Let me try.
(Typing sincerely)
To all my beloved workers, I would like to apologize for my behaviour. I've regretted my action and wishes to change.
Please come back to my company, and I promise I will change for the better.
I would even give you the raise you deserve. Please Come Back.
I hope they get this message.
(Suddenly gets a laptop)
(Familiar Voices) Boss! Boss! Boss!
For more infomation >> GDB3073_May2018 – Group 12 – Retaining the Best Employees (Fixed Title) - Duration: 12:47.-------------------------------------------
FREE FİRE KASMA-PİNG SORUNU KESİN ÇÖZÜM! - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> FREE FİRE KASMA-PİNG SORUNU KESİN ÇÖZÜM! - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Meu Negro Gato - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Meu Negro Gato - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
Just Mail Checks To Poor People – The Newest Predatory Lending Trap - Duration: 7:30.Tim Geithner is in charge of a company called Mariner.
They are predatory, ugly predatory lenders.
Tim Geithner, you might remember, was in charge of our money under the Obama administration.
The predatory lending story has been outrageous.
Fortunately, I'm here with Farron Cousins, who has followed this story more than anybody
I know.
It's an outrageous story.
Tell us how predatory lending works, first of all.
Then tell us how this DNC sweetheart, okay, DNC sweetheart Tim Geithner, pals with Larry
Summers, who is also kind of a DNC sweetheart.
How is he now one of the predatory jackals, I'll call him?
It's really what he is.
He's a-
Not only has Geithner become one of the jackals, he has revolutionized these predatory payday
lending scams because, rather than set up these rundown offices in the poorest parts
of neighborhoods like the cash advance, things like that that we've seen in the past with
predatory lenders, he has tried to make it into more of an upscale venture.
He gives out larger loans, higher interest rates, but larger loans for more money.
Now what he and Mariner are doing, which they now have 450 branches in 22 different states,
they're just ... and I wish there was a more sophisticated way to say this, but there's
They're just mailing checks to poor people hoping that the poor people cash the check
so that they can catch them, and now they've got them in this loan that this person may
not have known.
Plenty of times-
Now, wait, wait.
Farron, that sounds so incredible, but it's the truth.
Again, the poor person doesn't ask for the check.
They do background checks.
They see, sometimes, that the person may have equity in their home.
They do all their homework, but the person is living subsistence existence, barely making
payments, barely staying alive, and the Tim Geithner crew ... Tim Geithner, Obama's financial
guy, now says, "Well, I got a good idea.
We're going to mail them a check, and if they cash it, we got them."
Isn't that it?
Here's what they do as well.
This is part of the scheme.
They go through, they look through hospital billing databases, they look through any kind
of car repair database, anywhere where you've given your name and phone number, things like
They can see who gets popped with a big bill.
You just had a surgery.
Your insurance covered most of it, but now you have a hospital bill for $5,000.
Couple days later, a $5,000 check shows up, and you say, "Okay, well, I could really use
this right now to pay this and be done with it before that goes to collections."
They also work with collection agencies to find out who owes what, so it is very targeted.
It is very sophisticated.
These checks do not come with very much explanation, a little bit of fine print that nobody reads.
They think, "Oh, well, this is a good thing.
I'm probably 5% interest, better than a credit card."
Reality, almost 40% interest on these things, and they lock them in, and then-
As a matter of fact, let me just tell you something.
Finally, the king of predatory lending went to prison, one of the kings.
Now there's so many out there right now.
Now the new king is Tim Geithner.
This is the DNC golden boy who is now running this pathetic, ugly scam.
Let me back up just a second.
Before they send the check, they have abilities to find out everything they want to about
They can find out where do you shop?
What do you buy?
Who do you owe money to?
Are you behind on your rent?
Are you behind on your house payment?
They do all of that, and they target.
They have a matrix that targets this is the right person.
This person hits all of the matrix just right.
It's like throwing a dart and hitting bull's eye.
You're a bull's eye.
You owe the hospital $5,000.
You can't pay it.
You get a $5,000 check, and they've got you for the rest of your life.
These are people who would not ordinarily even consider doing one of these payday loan
scams, but when you're sitting there, and you've got that check in your hand, and you
know all you have to do is sign the back of it and it's in the bank, and in the other
hand you're looking at that bill, and you're getting the phone calls from the debt collectors,
this check is a lot more likely to get cashed than if you had to get in your car, go find
one of those lending places, hand over your car title or whatever it is.
Tim Geithner should be in prison.
Tim Geithner should be in prison.
That's the bottom line here.
I saw a great article that basically said that what's happened to the Democratic party
is the new face is Wall Street contrasted with the face of Maxine Waters, crazy woman.
It mean that's how they ... It was really well done.
It was well thought out.
It was well presented.
That's really what it is.
I mean you've got these Wall Street Tim Geithners now in charge of the Democratic party, and
on the other side you've got ... I don't even know how to describe it, it's gotten so crazy.
Corporate Democrats recently held a private conference to figure out how they could stop
the party from moving further to the left and further away from the very kind of corporate
control we're talking here.
This meeting, I got to tell you, didn't go well, did it?
Because the people ... It's the golden rule.
The rule is the people with the money make all the rules.
That's the golden rule that is dictating what's going to happen to the Democratic party in
the midterms.
Pick up from there, if you would.
I think the biggest takeaway from this meeting that took place in Ohio, last Friday I think
it was, is this quote from Representative Tim Ryan.
He's a Democrat from Ohio.
He said, "You're not going to make me hate somebody just because they're rich.
I want to be rich."
Tim doesn't understand.
Mr. Ryan here completely misrepresented what the anger in this country is about on both
the right and left.
Nobody is mad at anybody for being rich.
Nobody is mad at Jeff Bezos from Amazon because he has money.
They're mad because he's a thug.
I mean-
Yeah, they're mad because his workers have to pee in jars because they can't get breaks
and they make slave wages.
They're mad at Disney because they get billions of dollars while their workers are living
in their cars.
It's not that you have money.
It's that you've screwed over thousands of people to get it.
These Democrats, which this was put on by Third Way, that centrist think tank, they
put this meeting together because they said, "Wow, we have a real problem with people in
this country wanting ..."
They're socialists.
Yeah, that's the problem.
The problem is they believe that there's this influx of socialism and that they've lost
control of the party or will lose control of the party.
Well, real quick, what's happening too is we see too many Republicans out there warning
the Democrats, "Don't move to far left," because those Republicans are disaffected by Trump.
They want to remake the Democratic party into the new Republican party.
Right, right.
Fish LOVE THIS! They Just Can't Resist - Duration: 8:34.Whoa, did you see that? Did you guys see that?
Greetings everybody, Paul the inventoryking.
Hope you guys are all having an awesome day and enjoying those fish are yours.
If you guys could punch the subscribe button and click the notification bell, I would be
honored to have you guys join me on my fish keeping adventures.
We need to go to the store. Let's get rolling.
So today we are heading on now to the big city, to the big block stores to get some
items for the fish.
So join me on the journey.
Let's go. Let's go get some stuff.
All right, so we made it to Petco.
Let's go.
So it's pretty clean.
Bunch of rows of fish,
some of the African cichlids some yellow labs.
those are cool.
Check out this awesome angel fish.
A bunch of Nemos.
Alright so here's what we came here for.
Some Frozen food.
Some Frozen Food.
Alright, so here's what I came here for.
some of the frozen krill.
gonna pick this up and I didn't realize they had the big bag.
So I'm going to get that too.
And we're going to get some mysis shrimp.
That yellow Tang is sweet.
This is making me want to get a salt water tank.
Alright, so we got what we want, let's go.
Alright, so we got what we needed at petco, the frozen food for the fish.
Now I'm about to show you something that's going to be a great tip.
So here's what I'm talking about about that tip, bring an ice chest and a little bit of ice
and then go ahead and put your frozen food into your ice chest so it doesn't melt on your way home.
Now I didn't realize that they had the big, big one today.
So that's not gonna fit in there, but the small ones will, ready to go.
Now we need to get it home and you can't get frozen krill and brine shrimp and not feed
them to the fish.
So let's go back to the fish room and let's feed some of the big time predators and some of the Common Haps.
All right, so we made it back.
As you could hear, Zoe is barking in the background, but we made it.
We are back to the fish room and it is time to feed those predators and the common haps.
So what do you guys think?
Do you think the Lepturus Green are going to go insane over the Krill?
What do you guys think?
Did you see that?
Did you guys see that?
look and these guys, the Lepturus Green. WOOHOOWOO!!
That dude is huge.
look at this guy.
It's got some food in its mouth.
I'm pretty sure that that's a male right there.
It's a big, big one.
It just showing me signs of male and that one also might be male that's going up in
the corner there.
I don't know.
I might have got a all males.
I don't know.
WOOOO haha dang that boy nice.
Can't not feed the hawks.
Let's see what they do.
This dude got some of that Krill, ate it like crazy.
The Lepturus Green got some as well.
And boy they are messy.
Messy, messy eaters.
um, This tank is just going crazy.
Just going crazy stuff everywhere, hahaha.
Look at these dudes.
And I want to give a shout out to um, to Corey Hecker.
I heard him on one of his videos say the Champsochromis Spilorhynchus.
So instead of saying Spilo, I'm going to say Spilorhynchus now because there's one right
And there's another one right there, two Juvies.
This guy's looking great now, going to get him into the back into the tank.
These guys are looking great as well.
And so are these guys, WOOO.
I do love the common haps, the colors on them are just spectacular.
Look at this guy oh me oh my.
Man Isn't it a lot of fun to feed your fish, especially when you feed them something that
they love.
Like I mean they love all food, but like when you give them this frozen krill it is awesome.
They love it.
I just, it's a lot of fun to watch them just go after it.
Um, got some good footage.
Hope you guys enjoyed that.
Um, let me know in the comment section down below.
What'd you think of the video?
What'd you think of, um, how it got put together.
Would love to know your comments down below.
If you could like the video, that would be amazing.
If you can punch that subscribe button and click on that notification bell, I'd be honored
for you guys to become subscribers and join me on my fish keeping journey.
You guys are amazing.
Thank you so much.
And stay tanked.
I made a natural Asian taste hamster cage!DIY【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 3:49.I changed the house of the wire mesh
into a wide glass aquarium
The image of the house is
"Natural Asian taste"
The one to prepare is here
Wooden wheels (bought)
Wooden toy (DIY)
Toilet and sandbox (DIY)
The nest uses the old one.
By doing so you will reduce the stress of the hamster.
Empty box to make height difference in layout
Green vegetables hamster can eat
Let's make home now!
It's complete
He liked the sandbox.
Such cute appearance often came to be seen
The nest looks like a basement and is comfortable
The turning car grew bigger than before.
How to use the toilet is also good
Diatomaceous earth coaster is a place to do hair coat
Moving was a great success
Suspicion and Intrigue on the Track at Barcelona 1992 | Strangest Moments - Duration: 4:56.When Khalid Skah stepped on the podium in 1992,
two days after winning the men's 10,000 metres,
the Barcelona crowd made it clear what it thought of the
Moroccan's performance.
The jeers that rained down on Skah greeted one of the most
controversial victories in modern Olympic Games history.
In the minds of those fans,
Skah was one of the all-time Olympic Games sinners,
alongside his team-mate and alleged co-conspirator,
Hammou Boutayeb.
The men stood accused of engineering a cynical triumph
that went beyond the limits of acceptable race strategy.
Richard Chelimo of Kenya
had been denied gold by his archrivals
from North Africa, who had run the race as a team.
The accusations were far from proven.
Boutayeb's behaviour was certainly unusual,
but in the eyes of some observers, he was innocent.
Perhaps it was karma.
The Kenyans themselves had often been accused of
some dubious team racing.
Either way, Skah's triumph felt very hollow indeed.
In 1992, the Kenyans and Moroccans were the kings of
long-distance running.
Morocco had the reigning Olympic champion in its ranks,
but Kenya dominated the 10,000 metres at the
World Championships the previous year.
Eight of the world's 11 fastest men
over the distance were Kenyan.
In Barcelona, the scene was set for the next battle.
The atmosphere was hostile.
And by the time the race was 6,500 metres old,
all other parties slipped away.
It was Chelimo verus Skah, head-to-head.
That, at least, was how it seemed.
But coming towards the end of lap 22,
the race leaders encountered that man, Boutayeb.
He was second last, a back marker,
a man whose only job now was to move aside and be lapped.
But Boutayeb would not be moved.
And what happened over the next few laps
was the source of the controversy.
Boutayeb wouldn't get out of the way.
Chelimo and Skah overtook him,
but then he overtook them right back.
They passed again,
but Boutayeb run alongside them,
then he got back in front.
What was Boutayeb doing back there, anyway?
He was 36, but still an elite athlete.
It looked like a Moroccan conspiracy.
The idea seemed to be too slow down and distract Chelimo
with all the suspicious shenanigans,
and then allow Skah to run clear.
Race officials thought it was odd.
The chairman of the IAAF technical committee
stepped onto the track
to try and hold back Boutayeb.
The crowd grew restless, and booed what they saw.
And even after Skah sprinted clear of Chelimo
to cross the line first,
and blew kisses to the supporters,
he found he had few.
They believed they had witnessed a con.
Almost immediately, the authorities concurred.
The IAAF disqualified Skah, citing a breach of rule 143.2.
But Skah said he had no idea what Boutayeb had been up to.
They weren't even friends.
Skah said Boutayeb was an animal and an imbecile.
TRANSLATION: I think as a former champion it was
an embarrassment for him to be lapped.
The authorities were stung by claims
that they had been hasty.
Skah said they were racist and thieves.
And the IAAF relented again.
They reinstated Skah and gave him the gold medal.
But what was the truth? Will we ever know?
Chelimo said he heard Boutayeb and Skah talking to each other
on the track. What was being said?
TRANSLATION: I was yelling at him to go away.
"You are making big troubles. You are making big troubles."
But inside the big stadium was 50,000 people yelling
and whistling, you cannot hear anything.
The Kenyans threatened to walk out.
The credibility of the sport was in jeopardy.
But Boutayeb remained silent,
even as Skah stepped onto the podium
to receive his medal.
What could I do?
It was my duty and obligation
to go out there and face it as best
as I could. I was smiling, but very sad inside.
My honour was at stake.
And I would not go out and face them if I had felt I had
dishonoured myself.
10 Effective Ways To Boost Your Intelligence - Duration: 7:41.10 Effective Ways To Boost Your Intelligence
While highly intelligent seems gifted, there are actually a lot of efforts and determination
to achieve that.
For instance, your daily habits is the most effective ways to boost your intellect.
In this video, I'm going to show you 10 effective ways to boost your intelligence.
But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't
miss any interesting updates in the future guys!
Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might
be useful for you.
As scientists reveal that a weekend lie-in provides an essential boost to brain power,
Chris Buscombe explores 10 other factors which may help improve your intellect.
It has been suggested as a means to improving brain capacity for several years, but scientists
continue to find new evidence which points to a link between physical and mental health.
A Cambridge University study suggested that jogging just a couple of times a week stimulates
the brain.
After a few days of running, hundreds of thousands of new brain cells were shown to have grown
in a region that is linked to the formation and recollection of memories.
An improved ability to recall memories without confusing them has a direct impact on other
crucial cognitive tasks, and could lead to potential new ways of slowing down the deterioration
of mental ability in old age.
Meanwhile, scientists have also recently found that particularly vigorous exercise helps
release a protein that goes by the name of 'noggin'.
The protein acts as a counter-agent to another protein, bone morphogenetic protein, thereby
stimulating the increased division of brain stem cells, keeping the brain nimble and active
as we get older.
Research suggests that amplified production of noggin could therefore prevent the on-set
of age-related brain diseases such as Alzheimer's.
An Afternoon Nap.
While scientists have long suspected that sleep has a significant impact on the brain's
capacity for memory, recent research found that sleeping for an hour in the afternoon
boosts brain power and dramatically increases its ability to learn new facts and tasks.
Having a nap after lunch acts as a regenerative aid, allowing the brain to 'file' away
memories so that new information may be more easily retained.
The researchers discovered that those who stay awake all day are less likely to be able
to learn new tasks as the day goes on, leading the experts to suggest that napping in the
long-term may be conducive to staving off age-related degenerative mental diseases.
Magnesium Rich Foods.
Eating foods rich in magnesium such as spinach and broccoli could boost memory and brain
Recent research, published in the journal Neuron, found that an increase of magnesium
in the brain could help learning in both the young and old.
Half the population of industrialised countries have a magnesium deficit, but with the help
of a healthy increase in one's diet, the effects of mental ageing could be significantly
Scientists have found that increased exposure to the sun could boost your intellect and
prevent dementia.
A larger intake in vitamin D, which can also be found in oily fish, was linked to an amplified
ability to keep the brain active and in top condition as we age.
Although the biological reasons for a connection remain unclear, a study published in the Journal
of Neurology found that an association between increased vitamin D and faster information
processing was particularly significant in men over the age of 60 years.
Mowing the Lawn.
Researchers have discovered that a chemical released by lawn mowing not only relieves
stress and makes people happier, but could also prevent mental decline in old age.
Australian scientists claimed that the aroma of freshly cut grass works directly on the
brain, particularly targeting areas associated with emotion and memory.
So confident are they in their findings that they even released a perfume, "eau de mow",
which can be used as either a personal spray, or in public to relax and stimulate the brain
of surrounding individuals.
Sex and Chocolate.
A book has claimed that eating a lot of dark chocolate, having lots of sex and following
the Scandinavian tradition of having cold meat for breakfast significantly improves
brain power.
The book, by Simon Wootton and Terry Horne, analysed how diet, the environment and stress
affect mental capacity.
They asserted that while brain capacity has always been considered in terms of genetics,
it is in fact a lifestyle choice.
The two suggested that the thought processes induced by having sex, as well as the hidden
nutritional ingredients of dark chocolate and energy-giving qualities of cold meats,
stimulate the brain and help battle age-related mental deterioration.
Music Lessons For Young.
A study has shown that young children who take music lessons show more advanced brain
development and improved memory than those who do not.
Musically trained children were found to perform better in a memory test which is correlated
with general intelligence skills such as literacy, verbal memory, mathematics and IQ.
The scientists who undertook the research suggested that music can potentially improve
the intellect in children as young as four years old.
Talking to your Baby.
Experts have claimed that mothers who use baby talk help their child's brain develop
Researchers from Northwestern University in Illinois found that words play an important
role in the brain development of children even before they begin to speak.
The study suggested that an increased capacity to be able to categorise words according to
their pictorial representation at an early age was a significant aid in child brain development.
A study by American scientists found that the classic computer puzzle Tetris may also
have a positive impact on your brain power.
Tests showed that despite being relatively simple compared to today's sophisticated computer
games, regular practise could increase a player's grey matter and improve thinking.
Having played the game for half an hour each day over a three month period, subjects' brains
were found to have undergone 'structural changes' in areas associated with movement, critical
thinking, reasoning, language and processing.
A Thinking Cap.
Scientists who have worked on developing a 'thinking cap' hope the device will enhance
the mind's ability to learn.
The researchers from the University of British Colombia in Vancouver started to advance the
project after they discovered that the brain's ability to learn a new task was significantly
enhanced when a magnetic pulse was applied to the premotor cortex, the area of the brain
just behind the forehead.
Well, that's the 10 effective ways to boost your intelligence.
Anyway, The technique could be used not only to boost intellectual capacity but also to
aid those with debilitating learning difficulties.
So, really cool information isn't it?
Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.
Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel, thanks
for watching!
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