This series is a pure work of fiction. The story is NOT and will NEVER be associated with reality.
BTS imagine | bts inlove with you [part 10] Jungkook Ending - Duration: 11:18.This series is a pure work of fiction. The story is NOT and will NEVER be associated with reality.
BTS imagine/ff | bts inlove with you [part 10] RM Ending - Duration: 8:34.This series is a pure work of fiction. The story is NOT and will NEVER be associated with reality.
[SFM] The Scout: Cocky lil' FREAKS! - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
False Report Of Gunman Sets Off Subway Stampede On L Train - Duration: 0:33.-------------------------------------------
Where We Get Our Clothes? | VLOG - 쇼핑 & 캐나다에 한국 아이스크림이? - Duration: 13:58.-------------------------------------------
What Is Land Reform? | This New World - Duration: 2:00.- [Narrator] There are about 37 billion acres
of habitable land across the world.
Indigenous people and local communities
occupy 65% of it, and yet these groups,
a population of 1.5 billion,
barely own 18% of the land they occupy.
So much land in the world is owned by so few.
Throughout history, people in power used land
to control economic resources, and retain political control,
further exacerbating inequality.
Thankfully, there's a fix.
It's called land reform.
Land reform means changing the law
to change who owns the land.
It's a radical idea, transforming the very root of power.
Land reform can take land from the ruling class
and give it to the historically oppressed.
There are numerous goals of land reform.
Reducing poverty, expanding rural development,
returning land to its previous owners.
However, there are dangers.
Land reform can mean seizing land from people
without any redress, and throughout history,
it's caused violence and started revolutions.
However, the world is facing a massive population explosion,
and the pressure on land for food, water, and housing
is growing.
Readdressing how land is used is an urgent issue.
Can humanity afford to keep so much land
in the hands of so few?
「Nightcore」→ Faded ✗ Sing Me To Sleep ✗ Alone (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:01.Nightcore - Faded X Sing Me To Sleep X Alone (subtitles in video)
最新轟動消息!安邦公青團長【阿當羅斯裡】被扣,他將被扣留24小時! - Duration: 11:33.-------------------------------------------
Petty Perspective: Forgotten Frames - Duration: 3:20.I'm by no means a Nyx player, but even I have to admit, it's a bit ludicrous knowing that
the last time Nyx was touched in any Update or Hotfix was in September of last year.
Lately the "Vlad is going to make Nyx worthless" pitchfork mob is picking up steam, and as
much as I agree that Vlad appears to be a better Nyx similar to how Loki is also a better
Nyx, I would say that the bigger issue to look at would not be the fact that Nyx is
getting replaced, but rather that Nyx is in a position where she can be replaced.
In other words, I would say that the problem isn't how Vlad is a better Nyx.
The problem is that Nyx, along with a few other frames, are capable of being easily
replaced by virtually any new Warframe.
I'm quite aware that the development squad over at DE is small, since they're obviously
not a triple A developer.
I'm also quite aware that updating Warframes often takes a backseat to development for
other new content, such as the recently released The Sacrifice Quest, because bigger pieces
of content require more manpower, thus more attention and time.
However, to see a long-existing Warframe such as Nyx be trash tier simply because of an
un-updated kit is just sad.
It reminds me of how way back when everyone memed about Hydroid being the worst Warframe
in the game, but when his rework and Prime released, that joke practically went away
Nowadays Nyx is the new Hydroid, but through no fault of her own; rather because her abilities
have remained virtually the same since Warframe's launch.
I assume that DE is busy with bigger and more ambitious projects, because otherwise, I would
say it's completely asinine to turn a blind eye to updating Nyx.
I could understand forgetting about Wukong, because admittedly he's a pretty forgettable
Warframe given that hardly anyone plays him outside of Solo.
For Nyx, I can't.
Given that Nyx is one of the 9 original Warframes from Closed Beta, seeing a rework for her
not even be a thing until 5 years later is just sad.
Again, I imagine that DE has a lot on their plate, such as the upcoming Fortuna, but still.
Something could have been thought up and announced as a "potential project" during the content
drought we went through when waiting for The War Within.
Something could have been imagined during the other content drought we went through
earlier this year.
Both occasions were wasted opportunities.
Regardless, reworks for every Warframe will come, because as always the meta of the game
constantly morphs alongside any new content that is released.
In order to attempt to prevent another Nyx situation like now from happening in the future,
I would suggest that DE begin making 'annual evaluations' for every Warframe.
In other words, at the beginning of every year, all you'd have to do is look at whichever
Warframes are played the least, then ask the community for feedback on whichever Warframes
happen to be underplayed.
If it's because they're non-meta, so be it.
If it's because they're just not Public squad friendly, so be it.
If it's because they're simply outdated, start fixing it.
If there's anything you can take away from this, it's that you should feel bad for those
who like Archwing and Lunaro, because we all know both of them are less updated than the
melee channeling system we have.
Thank you for watching.
Battle of Tuyuti 1866 - War of the Triple Alliance DOCUMENTARY - Duration: 16:58.This video was suggested and sponsored by our patreon supporter Joe Mizuno Santa Helena.
Supporting us on the patreon is the best way to propose and sponsor a new video.
War is hell, but few wars were as horrible as the Paraguayan War, otherwise known as
the War of the Triple Alliance. During this conflict the recently independent Argentina,
Brazil, and Uruguay fought against Paraguay in the marshy, wet, and rough subtropical
lowland surrounding the Paraguay and Parana rivers and the war culminated at the battle
of Tuyuti, which historians often call the Latin American Waterloo.
As the Spanish lost control of their colonial possessions, from the ashes of their old Viceroyalty
of the Rio De La Plata the nations we now know as Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay slowly
formed. However, they were unsure of where their borders were.
Paraguay declared itself an independent republic in 1813 but soon found itself under the control
of dictatorial strongmen. In 1862 Francisco Solano López succeeded his father as the
dictator of Paraguay. While Paraguay was prosperous and stable under absolute rule of Lopez, who
commanded one of the largest and most loyal armies in the region, its neighbours seemed
to be in a state of flux and uncertainty. Argentina suffered constant civil conflict
as those in Buenos Aires tried to exert control over the rest of the country.
Brazil, which had declared itself an independent Empire in 1822 under the emperor Pedro I,
instantly became the continental superpower and immediately clashed with Argentina, the
other power in the region. Uruguay, then known as the Banda Oriental,
was the smallest of the newly independent nations and had to fight for its independence
until 1828. The capital of Uruguay, Montevideo, due to
its strategic location on the mouth of the Rio De La Plata, nearly directly across from
Buenos Aires, posed a unique threat to Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, and all three were not
eager to see it controlled by their rival. So, ever since its independence, Uruguay had
been in a state of constant war. First against Argentina and Brazil and then between the
two major political parties that arose in the country: the Colorados and the Blancos.
In 1863 the leader of the Colorado Party, Venancio Flores rebelled against the then
President Bernardo Berro and his Blanco Party. In that small civil conflict between two political
parties, in the smallest nation in the region, the greatest war in South American history
was sparked. Flores was supported by both Brazil and Argentina,
and Lopez saw that as a threat: Paraguay, as a much smaller nation wedged between these
two great powers, could only really hope to survive by playing them off against each other.
Brazil declared war on Uruguay on the 12th of October 1864. Paraguay immediately began
to mobilize its army and declared that it would protect the ruling Blanco party in Uruguay.
In November of 1864 the Paraguayan gunship Tacuari seized the Brazilian ship Marquis
de Olinda, and hostilities between the nations commenced.
In late December 1864, Lopez launched his invasion of the Brazilian province of Mato
Grosso. The Paraguayans won a few battles and by mid-January 1865 the southern part
of Mato Grosso was under their control. However, Lopez was aware that he needed to get to Uruguay
to assist the Blancos and in order to do this his troops would need to cross the Argentine
province of Corrientes. In January of 1865 both Paraguay and Brazil
asked Argentina for permission for their armies to move across Corrientes. Argentine President
Mitre, declined both. Lopez ignored that and sent 20,000 men under
General Venceslao Robles into Corrientes. Paraguay declared war on Argentina in March
1865. By April the Paraguayans had taken the province's capital, the city of Corrientes
and captured most of Argentina's warships. This proved worthless, however, as in February
Colorado and Brazilian troops entered Montevideo and forced the Blanco into exile. Uruguay
had now swapped sides in the war. In May Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay signed the Treaty of the
Triple Alliance and the War of the Triple Alliance commenced.
The Allies began to slowly mobilize and eventually pushed the Paraguayans back. After defeats
at Riachuelo and Yatay, Lopez ordered a complete withdrawal from Argentina to focus on defense.
By early 1866 the Allied army consisted of around 35,000 men. They were slowly encroaching
into Paraguayan territory and the small-scale raids that Lopez was sending at them had done
little to stop their march. The Allies were suffering massive casualties from disease
and starvation due to difficulties maintaining supply lines.
In the swampy, thorny, and mosquito ridden swath of land known as Tuyuti the allies set
up camp. Lopez and his 27,000 strong army moved towards this camp. He had decided that
he wanted to take the initiative, however, by doing this, he was ceding the geographic
and numerical advantage to his opponents; the terrain of Tuyuti was inherently advantageous
to the defender. To make up for this Lopez planned a surprise
attack at dawn, with 4 separate assault columns attacking simultaneously.
The allies had camped between the Estero Bellaco marsh and a thick underbrush called Mato.
In the centre lay the Uruguayan and Brazilian artillery along with divisions of Uruguayan
infantry under Colonel León de Palleja. Further back in the centre and to the left lay the
main Brazilian forces and reserves. All in all these totaled around 22,000 Brazilians
and 1,600 Uruguayans. The Allied right was composed of the Argentinians.
At the front, led by Wenceslao Paunero, were 4 divisions, with some cavalry on the flank.
Behind them was the Argentine artillery, with 2 cavalry divisions in reserve behind them.
Further back and under the command of Argentine President Mitre, were an artillery division
and 3 cavalry divisions. The Argentine forces totaled around 11,000 men.
The original Paraguayan plan involved using the dense shrubs and thorns surrounding the
camp as cover, so they could move their army into position before surprising the Allies.
However, it proved much more difficult than expected and rather than all four groups arriving
and attacking the allied camp at dawn, it wasn't until noon that the signal for the
attack was given. Even then the Paraguayans still struggled to get through the bushes
quickly and so the Allies could clearly see them forming up slowly in front of them.
Unaware of the delays with the other columns, Colonel Diaz attacked first. His cavalry,
with sabers in hand, charged towards the Uruguayan and Brazilian centre. He made short work of
the Allied pickets and after a short wait in order to allow more men and guns to arrive
he took his two cavalry regiments and charged towards the entrenched Uruguayan artillery.
The charge was met with an 18-pounder volley that ripped through the dense Paraguayan lines.
As they got closer the Uruguayans started to fire musket volleys at regular intervals.
The Paraguayans continued the charge, despite hundreds falling under the hooves of their
advancing comrades. As the Paraguayans got with 180 meters of the Uruguayan line, the
27 guns of the Artillery Regiment opened fire and wreaked havoc. Men and horse were torn
asunder. The survivors of the charge quickly turned
back and galloped towards the bushes they had struggled to emerge from. Half of Diaz's
cavalry were butchered without so much as touching the enemy line. He was furious and
wondered where on Earth the other columns under Barrios and Marco were.
As Diaz's infantry formed up, Marco's troops arrived on his left. The Paraguayans
readied themselves for another charge. The Brazilians reinforced the Uruguayan left flank
just as Diaz's infantry began their advance. As the Paraguayan infantry slowly trudged
through swampy terrain they were fired down upon by the Brazilian guns and artillery.
Their ranks were swept away and the already thick marsh was made more impassable due to
the bodies. The regrouped Paraguayan cavalry then made
another charge at the Allied artillery. The commander of the artillery yelled to his troops
"They are not going through here!" and directed his artillery to unleash constant
fire. Paraguayan corpses piled upon each other, not a single one closer than 50 meters to
the Allied line. The surviving cavalry tried to turn to the
right to avoid the guns and assist the floundering infantry assault. Both were annihilated.
The Allied centre had little time to celebrate, as Paraguayan troops continued to pour in
on them, the slaughter apparently not stopping them from charging. The smoke from the guns
made it near impossible for the rest of the battlefield to see what was happening there.
The fight descended into a series of charges. As Paraguayan soldiers hopelessly attempted
to run through a hail of artillery fire, screaming in Guarani, they were met with an immovable
Uruguayan and Brazilian defence. Casualties on both sides were high. The Paraguayan elite
40th Division suffered nearly an 80% loss and the Brazilian General leading his men
on that line was shot off his horse 3 times during the chaos.
Far off from the chaotic centre in the Allied left rear lay the Brazilian Light Brigade.
These men, tasked with guarding the rear were astonished to see Paraguayan cavalry suddenly
burst out of the thick bushes in front of them.
In the confusion the Light Brigade was pushed back and was on the brink of annihilation
when the 2 Brazilian volunteer forces arrived and managed to halt the Paraguayan advance.
The cavalry refused to give up and continued fighting. Two more Brazilian divisions arrived
to try and push them back. As more Paraguayans poured out of the bushes more Brazilians arrived
to meet them. The unoccupied Brazilian artillery was then pushed to this new front. They took
aim at the few narrow exits from the bushes and mowed down the Paraguayans as they tried
to emerge through them. Within half an hour entire Paraguayan regiments
ceased to exist. The assault on the Allied rear had been stopped in its tracks.
On the Allied right, the Paraguayan forces under Resquin had finally arrived. Resquin,
with his mostly cavalry-based force, continuously charged the Argentine lines, but without seriously
committing. He was looking for some sort of weakness or a battalion that could be easily
routed. He managed to poke some holes in the Argentine
1st Division and began swarming in and bypassing it. The Argentine infantry quickly formed
squares and stuck out their bayonets to defend against the cavalry pouring down on them.
All 4 divisions did their best to remain in tight bayonet spiked formations while the
Argentine artillery further back fired into the Paraguayan cavalry. The cavalry suffered
extreme casualties and whole regiment was wiped out.
The Paraguayan cavalry made another attempt to charge the line and destroy the Argentine
artillery but was again repulsed. In a last ditch thrust to try and break the line the
5 cavalry regiments and 2 battalions made another fierce charge. But the divisions held
in reserve by Mitre were able to move up and assist the beleaguered line, halting the Paraguayan
advance. By 4:30PM the fighting had ended. Tuyuti had
been transformed into a swamp of blood
filled with mountains made of corpses. Of the 27,000 Paraguayans involved in the battle,
7000 lay dead, another 8,000 wounded and most of those would die in the following days.
The allies lost around 1000 men with another 2000 wounded.
The elite of the Paraguayan army lay dead in that swamp. From now on Lopez would have
to fill his ranks with children and elderly men. He would never again mount a major offensive.
The war continued for another 4 years, as the Allied troops pushed further and further
into Paraguay. Refusing to surrender, Lopez initiated a brutal guerrilla campaign until
on March 17th 1870 he was shot dead by Brazilian troops.
With his death the Treaty of the Triple alliance was enacted and harsh terms were brought to
bear on Paraguay. Brazilian troops would remain in the country for years. Brazil also gained
disputed territories north of the Apa River while Argentina took huge amounts of land,
including the disputed Misiones Province and all the disputed lands south of the Pilcomayo
River. Paraguay lost more than ¼ of its pre-war territory and was forced to pay war reparations.
Up to 60% of its population was gone, and 90% of its men were dead. Its economy was
devastated and would never truly recover. Paraguay ceased to be a regional power.
We are releasing 2 new videos each week, so make sure you are subscribed to our channel
and have pressed the alarm bell to learn more about the decisive battles of history. These
videos are made possible by our brilliant Patrons over at Patreon and our Youtube sponsors.
Visit our patreon or press the sponsorship button to learn more about the perks. This
is the Kings and Generals channel, and we will catch you on the next one.
Livestock, Youtube , and What the Bulls Taught Us For the Future - Duration: 11:09.Hi I'm Mike.
It was Winston Churchill who said You have enemies?
That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Are the topics covered on our channel too controversial for the main stream?
Do people not want to put a face to their food?
Today, we get take a look at those questions, and the future of livestock ranching channels
like ours on our Wyoming life.
If you are a follower of Our Wyoming Life, then
you probably know what I am going to talk about this week, our issues with youtube and
how that effects what we do and how we are going to do it from here on out, and if you
are new, thanks for joining us, I would hope that you are going to subscribe but let me
warn you, this isn't going to be the normal type of episode for us here.
On any given week you can find us working our tails off.
Doing our best to keep ahead of the workload that seems to just flow from everywhere here
on the ranch.
Ranching and farming can sometimes seem like a never-ending battle.
Whether it's against weather, equipment, animals, and sometimes even yourself.
I can admit it, that sometimes I am my own worst enemy.
I get into my own head sometimes, psych myself out and this week has been one of those weeks.
I guess that's why I decided that this would be a good time to just sit down with you.
Talk about the week, explain the problems we have had and get it over with.
Put it to bed.
Move on.
So lets talk about the gorilla in the room.
On July 10th we posted a video to YouTube called Putting the bulls in with the cows.
For two weeks that video was up on youtube and it gain good traction and garnered a lot
of views from folks just like you.
In two weeks that video had 330,000 some odd views.
To be blunt, a lot of of those views probably didn't come from people just like you.
A lot of them came from people who saw the thumbnail of a bull on a cow and came to watch
that act and that act alone.
Which is a little weird.
As with all of our videos we put it out as an attempt to educate people on the farm and
ranch life.
To show people where their food came from and hopefully some where along the line, one,
two or 50 videos in they start to think about that.
On July 25th, somebody reported the video as inappropriate.
I don't know if they found the fact that we showed a bull up on a cow, mating as offensive
or if they just thought the whole video was rude and vulgar.
I don't know.
And I don't really care.
The video was reported to youtube, youtube said whoa! and the views on it basically stopped.
For this next part to make sense, I have to clue you into how YouTube works when it come
to promoting videos.
As videos gain views and become popular, Youtube then starts suggesting them to more people.
Just like if you watch this video to the end, there will be suggested videos for you.
It may lead you to another farm or ranch video, and that video can be from any channel.
As the bull video gained popularity, youtube started suggesting it to more and more people
and as long as those people were clicking on the video, youtube was happy.
Ads were playing, youtube was making money off the video and so were we.
Once the video was reported, like I said, all things stopped.
Erin actually came to me and told me that for some reason the bull video had went from
over 2000 views per hour to only 20, in minutes.
We didn't know what was going on, it was only later that day when we found out it was
reported as inappropriate.
You might think that we were upset over the fact that we no longer had those views creating
income for the channel.
But if you think that, then you don't know us well at all.
That's ok, I hope you take the time to get to know us but if you don't, that's fine
Ya see, the money we make off of youtube isn't much, and in fact that video had only made
In fact ill show you.
Out of those 332,259 views off that episode.
We made $184.55 that's it.
So if its not the money that made us upset that youtube , the very next day deemed our
video unsuitable for most advertisers than what was it.
Well I'll tell you.
That video had momentum, it was reaching a ton of people.
I'll give into the fact that a lot of those views were from people that just came to watch
something that maybe considered shocking or weird or whatever but a few of those people
that were watching the video were getting our message.
They were joining our community and becoming, just like you people that care about agriculture.
About 2% of new viewers to our channel were subscribing and joining the herd.
That may not seem like much but we gained almost 3000 subscribers from that one video
in those two weeks.
With youtubes decision, that was done.
They were no longer suggesting the video to new people and although the video is still
there to watch, that's all it is, its just there.
We aren't alone in this boat.
We did a little research, and countless channels have dealt with this issue, and a lot of them
farm and ranch channels dealing with livestock.
There are a lot of bull breeding videos online and you will be hard pressed to find one of
them that is monetized for the creator.
This is a problem we are going to deal with.
Even though our videos are presented in an educational manner.
We didn't just throw up 3 minutes of bulls doing it to shock and gain views the easy
way - its going to be an issue.
When it comes time to sell calves, is that going to be found inappropriate, we don't
Youtube is a business and its there to make money.
If they feel that advertisers wont want to put their ad on a certain type of video, they
are not going to let that video make money.
Worse yet, they aren't going to promote that video.
We were told from youtube that monetization status has no effect on how a video is promoted
or suggested.
That is obviously false.
The moment our video was found to of inappropriate content, suggestions stopped and the good
things it was doing were stopped as well.
So that's where we sit with that.
Is there anything we can do about it?
Not a thing, there is no appeal process but I can say that I am happy for what that video
did in the two weeks it was allowed to live a free life.
That video brought people to us that may never have found our channel, people we never would
have met or had the chance to talk to and people that we hope we help by spreading the
message of how important where our food comes from is.
Because it is important.
But you already know that.
By the way, we aren't even attempting to monetize this video.
There is no point.
The footage we have shown you would have gotten it dinged in a few weeks anyway for one reason
or another.
I want to thank every one for the support they have show us to this point over this
We've gotten emails and comments asking us if this is going to change the way we do
anything and the answer is no.
As the world becomes more sensitive to things and easily offended, I imagine it is going
to harder and harder for channels such as ours that show the real world of raising livestock
to it fairly.
Over the next five years, experts have told me that channels like ours may not even be
eligible to be monetized because of the sensitive nature of advertisers and people in general.
I get it, I worked in radio and advertising for many years.
Advertisers play to their customers and if you advertise on something your customers
don't like then they aren't going to buy from you, its that simple but who gets to
decide what is offensive and what is just nature.
That's a hard call but I can tell you that policies like that are limiting the reach
of channels like ours, through suggested videos and organic promotion.
Youtube isn't going to help us, we are too controversial, which is something I never
ever thought I would say about our channel in a million years but just by the pure nature
of our lives we are.
When it comes down to it, its up to us to spread our own message.
And when I say us, I don't mean me and Erin.
I mean all of us.
If you are still here, you care.
Share our videos, heck make your own.
If you share a post or a video and one person you share it to shares it, it doesn't take
long to reach thousands.
I'm not saying you have to share everything but share what you care about.
What you care about is important to others, even if they don't know it yet.
The question of the week has been, whats going to happen to our Wyoming life.
The answer.
We are going to live it.
And we are going to share it with you.
No matter what anybody says, bulls are still going to mate with cows all over the world
and eventually the product will end up feeding millions, if you don't want to see it, then
you have a choice, turn off the channel.
But we will still be here and we really do hope you will be too.
Coming up this week we start with a brand new breath of fresh air.
The project list is coming up on Tuesday with a major breakdown in haying that will slow
down the entire process but hopefully wont put us our of commission.
Erin and I will be livestreaming on Wednesday night this week, Thursday is our normal night
but its Graces birthday, she turns the big 5, so we will be changing the livestream date
for that and we have a brand new feature coming up in our livestream that I really hope you
are just going to love, I'm really excited for it.
We really hope to see you there.
Until then, remember to forgive you enemies, mostly because it annoys the hell out of them.
Have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.
Food Photography Hacks - Hack It: EP79 - Duration: 7:33.If you like taking food photos, here are some hacks used by the pros!
Now food stops steaming pretty quickly as it cools down, so here's a simple hack
to get that steamy delicious shot!
So are you need is some cotton balls, and some water,
and you just gonna put the cotton balls in the water
and then throw it in the microwave for just one minute.
So now that my cotton balls are nice and steamy,
I'm just going to turn my plate around
and then put all the cotton balls behind the food just like this.
Please be careful because it's really bloody hot.
Freaking hot!
So as you can see, the steam is coming out already.
It looks like it's coming out from the food but it's not!
It's coming from the cotton balls!
So I think the pictures turned out pretty good,
considering we've got a plate of stone cold noodles.
Let me know what you think.
Or not, if it's something nasty don't... just...
You shut up, we tried our best okay!
Now if you want to get nice looking beads of water on your fruits and vegetables,
a really simple hack is to actually use a spray bottle, and some glycerin!
So all you need to do is add some glycerin to some water, just a few drops will be fine.
Give it a good shake.
I've got two tomatoes here, so I'm going to spray one tomato with the glycerin
and one with just the plain water so that you guys can see the difference!
So as you can see, the tomato with the glycerin has nicer beads of water
and the one without the glycerin a lot of the droplets have slid down already.
So what glycerin does it actually attracts the water and forms the little beadies
and keeps in all in place.
So that's what the glycerin does, pretty simple right?
When you want to shoot ice cream, you'll find that the ice cream melts really really fast.
I'm going to show you how the pros make ice cream not melt.
That's because they use fake ice cream!
That's right friends, fake ice cream.
So first thing you need is four cups of corn flour.
And then I'm going to put one and a half cups of conditioner.
So after you've done that, just mix it up.
It smells great, and it feels freaking awesome.
Conditioner flavoured ice cream, do not eat this people!
It's starting to look like ice cream now,
so now I'm going to do three flavoured ice creams.
I've put them in three different bowls so that the colours don't all mix up together.
I've got red, so you only need a tiny bit because you want it to be pink, not red.
Mix that in.
And my green.
And finally, yellow.
Alright, now i've got my three colours ready to go.
Okay, so I'm just going to make three scoops, I don't want it too big
because that's a pretty small cone.
And it's going to look like that.
It really looks like ice cream, like I'm tempted to eat it.
And I'm going to put my ice cream in first.
Now I'm going to put my pink ice cream in.
Same thing with the yellow.
And it looks like that with all the pink bits in it, so annoying!
Alright so this is what it looks like at the end.
And this my friends, is never going to melt and it's gonna always look delicious.
Make sure you don't eat it, or someone else doesn't know what you're doing
and they eat it.
That's not going to go down very pretty.
So vegetables can look really really dull in photos,
especially if they're kind of overcooked like these ones.
So I'm going to teach you what the professionals do and what they do is they actually use,
So what it does it creates like a nice sheen on the vegetables,
so I'm going to spray one side,
and leave the other side so that you guys can see the difference.
And as...
Ooh, woah that's strong!
Okay, so...
Jeez, it's lingering.
As you can see, one plate of the vegetables look super fresh and super crisp and shiny
and the other one looks really dull and wrinkly.
This is the one with the hairspray, and this is the one without.
So obviously this is just for photos,
so please do not eat the vegetables that you sprayed okay?
Because there's poison and shit in there, who knows?
I don't know what's in it.
What is in hairspray?
Stuff, I'm not going to read it now but anyway, moving on!
Okay, so when pouring milk into cereal,
you've probably only got about one to two minutes
before the cereal gets really really soggy.
So what the pros do they actually use elmer's glue instead of milk.
Add a little bit of water.
So I've stirred the water into the elmer's glue
and the consistency should look something like this.
I'm going to pour the elmer's glue in this one
and the milk in this one so that you guys can see the difference.
The bowl with the real milk looks a lot more soggy
and the one with the elmer's glue looks a lot more fresh.
So bviously I would go with this one because it looks better in camera.
So those are some pro tips but what if you want to actually eat the food after
when you're sitting at a restaurant?
Well, I've got some tricks for you guys too!
Okay, so infront of me I have a beautiful bowl of salad.
Now, I want to take a picture of it right?
Usually most people would take a picture at eye level, which I will do right now.
So instead of taking a photo at eye level and with the whole bowl in the whole shot
with lots of negative space around it, try bringing your camera lower, and then closer.
Okay, so that you fill up the whole frame.
That way, the food is going to look a lot more delicious.
With the two different photos, which one looks better?
I bet you there will be some people that say I like the first one better,
well, you know what?
In the professionals eyes, the second one looks better!
Now if you want to get a wider shot of your whole bowl, best thing to do it to actually
fill the negative space with the props that you have on the table.
Imagine that I'm at a restaurant, and the table looks like this.
Okay, I've got a special little napkin right here.
Place it however you like.
I'm gonna put the bowl here,
salt and pepper,
and then cutleries.
So I'm just going to adjust it so it all looks better.
I'm going to go ahead, I'm going to take a picture.
Even though it's a wider shot, you can see that all the things are pushed to the edges
so that it actually fills the whole frame
and this is what it's going to make a great shot.
So say you're at a cafe with a good friend and you want to take a picture of your drink.
So what Im going to do is I'm going to do the same thing
and I'm going to set up a little table right here,
just pretend that I'm at a cafe.
So when you take a picture of your drink on it's own
it can kind of look something like this.
A little bit boring right?
So instead of that, why not ask your friend to be the hand model
and pour the drink for you while you take the picture.
So when you get your friend to help you out,
it looks a lot more interesting, it's a lot more fun, yes.
And that is it for this episode.
Now if you didn't already know, I've started designing our own merchandise,
just like these keychains that I have right here.
You can find these keychains on
and you can find other things as well, maybe you'll find something you like.
Also, you can follow me on Instagram @rjt99
and if you like this video, don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell
so that you can get notified each time a video comes out.
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Muacks, thanks for watching guys!
PUBG KOCAK! - EPS #011 ANAK ANJING! | PUBG INDONESIA - Duration: 10:58.-------------------------------------------
"EYE-KEE-AH" vs "EE-KAY-AH", Which is Correct? - Duration: 6:46.I'm not that into computer games.
Art is more into them than I am.
But then when Art wants to go there with someone here,
I'm the first person that he can find.
He doesn't often go there with Sola, I think.
He used to ask me often but I wasn't that into it,
so I mostly refused to do it.
And now he sort of stopped asking...
going there.
From a certain point.
Yêu Hận Vô Tận - Truyện Ngôn Tình Rất Đời Thực - Litra3S - Duration: 2:33:47.-------------------------------------------
Will Amazon Help or Hurt its Next Hometown? | AJ+ - Duration: 11:07.Apple, Amazon, and Google:
They get you your phones, your packages and, well, allow you to search weird things on the internet.
But these companies are all synonymous with one other thing: jobs.
Lots and lots of jobs!
But what's the economic, social and political impact of thousands of people
moving into a town to work for one company?
Hi guys, I'm Omar, and this Sunday we're looking at how cities try to attract big companies
- and how that can sometimes help and sometimes hurt the people who live there.
OK, so in case you haven't heard,
Amazon – led by the richest man in modern history, Jeff Bezos,
has been on the hunt for a second corporate headquarters, otherwise known as HQ2.
And, well, despite being a somewhat open process it's been..
one hot mess, to put it bluntly. This is only the sixth big public auction in US history.
It provoked 238 bids, including many from places that don't have a prayer,
that did not meet the original criteria."
If you're wondering why so many cities applied to host Amazon's second headquarters,
it's because, well, it potentially means tens of thousands of new high-paying jobs.
It also means five billion dollars to
local companies who will be charged with building the structures, hiring people
who will then get paid, and contribute to small businesses across the city.
All-in-all, HQ2's presence could really help the economic growth of the winning city.
By its own projection, Amazon added $38 billion in value to the Seattle economy.
This year, Amazon narrowed its list of finalists down to
20 cities, which included Boston, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Los Angeles, Columbus and Miami.
These cities have tried to attract Amazon by flaunting
their modern transportation systems and available housing infrastructure,
as well as their cultural, educational and financial institutions.
Some cities like Boston have even reimagined entire neighborhoods to make way for HQ2.
Check out this video that Boston submitted with its bid:
Sounds great, right? Except Amazon might be looking for a whole lot more than that,
in the form of tax incentives from those competing cities.
They've been told that you need to offer long-term,
deep tax discounts, property-tax abatements
sales-tax exemptions, income-tax credits
companies are like people, they, they pay
three main kinds of taxes - income sales and property, and in many cases,
especially for big deals, those taxes all go away for a long time.
So you might think, "Wow, Amazon's pretty ballsy to expect all of that."
Well, Amazon's gotten a lot from his years in Seattle, allowing it to become the second
most valuable company in the world at $768 billion just this year.
But while Amazon's fortunes have been on the rise, the same can't be said for its hometown.
Despite Amazon investing nearly 40 million dollars in housing for Seattle
the city has seen the cost of housing skyrocket.
Since 2010, more than a 100 people a day
have been moving to the city and the surrounding area.
In the last five years, housing prices have shot up by 70%,
with median rent in Seattle hitting $1,448 in 2016,
coming in at fifth overall nationwide.
And despite the increase of thousands of high-paying jobs in the city,
the rate of homelessness has increased by close to 50 percent between 2011 and 2017.
"I got, you know, economically zero unemployment in my city and I got thousands of
homeless people that actually are working and just can't afford housing."
So, that's what's been happening in Seattle and now Amazon is looking for incentives
in the next city it moves to.
Oh, and by the way, Amazon does not receive any tax
incentives from Seattle. It's only there because it was founded in the city and
maybe the fact that Washington state doesn't have any kind of income tax.
We know that two bids, three bids exceeded $7 billion,
from St. Louis, Newark and Montgomery County, Maryland.
And this is gonna be perhaps the biggest subsidy deal in U.S. history.
It may rival the $8.7 billion deal that Washington state gave Boeing five years ago.
And these incentive deals are actually pretty common.
States and cities will often throw this kind of money at big companies.
Like Ohio's $120 million to GE between 2007 and 2011.
And Wisconsin's $3 billion subsidy deal that went to electronics manufacturer Foxconn.
And that's just a drop in the bucket for these
types of deals between companies and local governments across the U.S.
Studies have shown that the total amount of
subsidy deals for corporations could be worth anywhere between $45 and $90 billion.
The rate at which these deals are made has also tripled since the 1990s.
But this phenomenon goes way back.
"The history of incentives goes back to the late 1930s.
Mississippi created the first program intentionally designed to
lure companies from the Midwest and from the Northeast.
The whole system really took off, especially after World War II,
when the interstate highway system got built starting in the 1950s.
And by 1976, there was a cover article of
Businessweek talking about the "second war among the states" -
that is the war for jobs."
Naturally, these deals have generated much controversy over the years.
And in 2006, the Supreme Court overturned an Ohio court's ruling that
said such deals were unconstitutional.
We don't have a federal industrial policy
to rein in the states from spending excessively in these chases or from
actively pirating for each other.
When free trade deals were being made left and right
in the 80s and 90s, and factory after factory either shut down or moved abroad,
many cities and states sought to attract other industries for their work forces.
Enter: the tech industry.
As tech took off in the U.S. in the 2000s,
local and state governments started to compete once again to woo these companies to
replace the long-gone factories.
And sure, a lot of big tech companies have their
home base in Silicon Valley, but they've also opened up data centers to store
the immense amount of data that they generate.
27 states have created incentive programs
to bring in these tech data centers.
And a report found that Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple and Amazon
have received $2 billion in subsidies for 11 data centers in the past decade.
So with that much money being
spent by taxpayers to build data centers left, right and center, you'd hope that
there'd be a lot of jobs as a result, right?
Well, the study also found that
these data facilities only employ under 200 people on average and these states
had spent roughly $2 million per job created.
We can point to examples
of incentives that have worked and usually those are programs that don't
benefit one program hugely, but instead target a whole industry.
But while it's possible for a local government
and the dominant industry to work together to
better a city or a state, there's still the question of over reliance on a
single industry.
Take Detroit, for example.
For about 70 years Detroit was the home
of the American auto industry but when international competition grew, it became
more expensive for the industry to remain in Detroit with the numbers it
had in manufacturing and employment.
As the auto industry started to leave Detroit,
the city's economy collapsed.
Today, the once thriving city is a shell of its former self.
But the state of Michigan wasn't quite done enticing the
Ford, GM and Chrysler were awarded tax credits worth
$4.5 billion on the condition they keep 86,000 jobs
in Michigan through 2032.
By 2015, Michigan was facing a $289 million budget
shortfall for the tax credits it had largely offered to the auto-industry
over the previous 20 years.
$289 million - does Flint even have clean water yet?
"If we pick smartly and pick companies that have a future, we can grow the whole
industry over time, and also increase the likelihood that the
companies will stay put in that area, because they see value in being tied to
the local university, the local training program."
So, given how little so many cities and states across America
often get out of the presence of these
massive companies, many of them have started fighting back - including Seattle.
Last year, Seattle proposed what was called
an "Amazon Tax" that would see Amazon taxed $275
for each employee - something that they could have easily afforded.
While the tax was not completely aimed at
Amazon, the tech giant was certainly the main target.
The city council unanimously passed the resolution.
But only a month later as the City Council faced intense
pressure from Amazon and business leaders in the city,
it was forced to repeal the resolution.
"I don't think head taxes are the best way to approach this deal. I think that
you have to have a comprehensive approach.
We know how to do this -
it's called community-benefits agreements."
But the idea of an employee head tax
is popular far beyond Washington state.
About 43 miles from our San Francisco studio in Mountain View,
where close to 40% of the workforce is employed by Google,
there's a proposal for what some have called the "Google tax."
And we decided to go talk to the mayor of Mountain View – this guy, Lenny Siegel –
who helped introduce the proposal for the new tax that would make companies
like Google pay a head tax for every employee.
Mayor Siegel's lived in Mountain View since 1972.
And while he's seen it change a lot, its core culture he says hasn't.
"Before Google was in Mountain View, Mountain View was a thriving tech center.
We're actually the birthplace of Silicon Valley.
There's been a gradual transition in Silicon Valley away from physical manufacturing
to software and services, and Google is one of the companies that represents that."
The tax which isn't officially called the Google tax, by the way, would
charge all companies in Mountain View a tax per employee, based on the size of the company.
That yearly tax revenue could amount to over three million
dollars, almost half of which would be coming from Google.
And for perspective,
right now all businesses in Mountain View pay a yearly $30 flat fee,
regardless of size. That brings in about $250,000 to the city.
Now, it's worth noting that Mountain View never offered any incentives to Google.
Instead, because of the pre-existing knowledge from the semiconductor
business and NASA, Google was attracted to the city.
But why does Mountain View need this extra tax?
"So, it's a problem for our communities and, in fact, a
problem for our employers.
Housing here is extremely expensive.
The value of my house has gone up maybe by 20 times since I bought it in 1972.
And we don't have transit, other than Caltrain to get people to work."
And the mayor's not worried about alienating companies with this tax,
because he knows that the lack of affordable housing is
scaring away potential employees.
"The tax that we're proposing is so small compared to the payroll of any of the
companies that are here, that we don't think it'll have any negative impact on
their plans to continue doing business or even to expand here."
So, is this what our fiscal future looks like -
stuck between bad incentive deals and coaxing companies into paying their fair share?
"There may be times where incentives will
work, but by and large, the best way to it, create a sustainable business community,
is to focus on education, to focus on the quality of life, to protect the environment,
make it a place where people want to live."
And for companies like Amazon, that might be prime advice.
Sorry about that guys.
Don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
And come back next week for another great video.
Renovated Century House with Rural Location Only About 5 Minutes from Gnarps Center - Duration: 8:09.Renovated Century House with Rural Location Only About 5 Minutes from Gnarps Center
TRYING DURIAN- Smelliest Fruit In The World! THAI FRUIT TOUR! - Duration: 7:11.I'm Donal Skehan, food writer and adventure traveler!
This is Thailand and it's one of my favorite places in the world
I'm here to discover all things fascinating, all things exciting and most
Importantly all things delicious, and I'm gonna find them just off the beaten track
I'm headed outside Pattaya in search of the big four! Mangosteen, Rambutan
Salak, and Durian! My Fruit Safari is taking me East to the Chantaburi province, a fruit lovers paradise!
Mangosteen the first of our four fruits!
It's picked green, but when it ripens the skin turns and gorgeous deep purple. So sweet and exotic!
The rains back, but I'm still on a mission next up salak and rambutan...
Ah-hah. No, this is salak
Mmm fruity goodness!
Number three on the list rambutan, I've got it. I've only one fruit left to find the durian!
It's famous, but not just for its taste
Well, that is a pungent aroma
That is seriously fruity
I came in search of the big four and I've got them all and had a big adventure along the way and all just by
Heading off the beaten track
Hi guys, I am deep in the heart of Thailand in chantaburi
And I've come to a fruit farm as you can see
I'm sat behind a whole pile of Durian, which is one of Asia's most prized fruits
It's here and we're gonna do a little bit of a tasting of all these beautiful exotic fruits
But we're gonna start off with the rambutan
What I love about these is just how hairy and spiky they are.
So they're kind of tricky to peel but once you get your fingers in there
It's pretty easy to just open them out and they reveal this kind of like itll
translucent orb of fruit
Melon in texture, but it's really sweet. Mmm
Really good
Surprisingly good. You never think that was something so kind of sexy looking would ever be in the center of this very hairy
Looking hairy looking fruit
In fact, I would probably would never pick that off a tree and try it in the first place
But I've been told they're good and I can deliver the information that yes, they are
Mmm, really really delicious. Okay next root. Now this one I'm a little bit worried about
because I've been told that they're called the snakeskin fruit also known as the salic so I'm gonna try and
Peel this they actually peel really easier a little bit easier than the rambutan
I must admit but inside here you get all these little fruity bits. So I've heard these are pretty good
That is a sucker punch of acidic sweetness. It is really really good. There's a seed in the middle, but it's soft
It's slightly softer than the rambutan and more kind of custardy in texture. That is so good
It's like if you crossed a pineapple with an orange and you get this super sweet and acidic hit really good
I'm on board snake skin my favorite so far. Okay. The next one is the mangosteen the way to open these is
To squeeze them so that they kind of pop in here you get to reveal all that gorgeous fruit
And it's so strange like something that's so intensely purple on the outside
It kind of looks like something you'd find in Pokemon or something like that and reveals these gorgeous ghosts twice little fruits
So I'm gonna try some
It's very slippery and very slightly really sour and acidic and
Sweet as well, but it's kind of like if you had a Satsuma crossed with a pineapple again
They're all in this kind of same family here. They're very sweet
But also very acidic and it's all about the texture with these it's really intense and fleshy
And I know if that's possibly not what you want to hear about fruit. But that is absolutely gorgeous
And yeah
really good
and now I have been holding off because the last one is
The one that I'm slightly scared of and this is the durian fruit and this is the most highly prized fruit in Asia, basically
Wherever you go in Asia, you will always see signs and hotels and subways where it says
Durian, and then there's like a line through it
So you're not allowed to bring durian on any public transport and there's a good reason because right now the smell is intense
But this is highly prized after and it's a delicacy over here
It's quite expensive to buy and as you can see behind me, there's quite a lot of them
I feel like I'm in the perfect place to try some really good Asian fruit
So I'm gonna take up a little bit of this. Durian
What's most interesting about this is that it's like little fillets inside that fruit when you open it up
You can see these little fillets, kind of, they kind of look like chicken yellow chicken fillets is what
I would describe them as and they sit inside this really spiny spiky fruit
But it's all about the texture when you try and break this apart you get this kind of like
Custardy interior and it like sticks to your fingers
Yeah, the worst thing about Durian is the is the initial hit of that oh
It's kind of like there's an oniony taste to Durian when you first put it in your mate
and then once you get past that and the texture
Which is a little bit like rotting flesh you dive deeper into this sweet custardy flavor, and that's why durian is so popular
it's not the rotting flesh or the garbage bin or any of those stuff and
It's definitely about that
Sweet custardy filling the thing about this fruit is that it's probably not an everyday fruit, especially for me
But it is a really great celebration fruit and whenever I'm in Asia, I always want to try this
So anyway, cheers to you guys. I hope you enjoyed this little fruit tasting really gorgeous fruits
and if you're traveling make sure you don't pass these or pick them up from any food market you come across they're all there and
they are really
Worthwhile trying it is all about having a little bit of confidence with the food when you travel make sure you hit that subscribe button
Leave me a comment in the box below letting me know which is your favorite fruit and let me know would you try this?
Until then my friends from Thailand. I'll see you soon! Coming up on the next episode...
I'm in Pattaya and ryong to taste the best of Thai seafood
I'll be doing a spot of fishing and learning how to make some seriously great tom yum soup from the experts, all that and plenty
of street food along the way
So the kind of firm look quite interesting and you wouldn't want to look at them too long
Otherwise, you might come up with a description for them. That would not be appropriate for the internet
But here we are and so I'm gonna take these apart
「Nightcore」→ The Sound Of Silence (Disturbed) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:44.「Nightcore」→ The Sound Of Silence (Disturbed) (Lyrics)
[조던 피터슨] - 단순히 좋은 사람이 되어서는 안된다 (한글자막) - Duration: 10:47.-------------------------------------------
outil multifonction 20V PARKSIDE LIDL X20V TEAM acier léger cordless multi-purpose tool steel - Duration: 2:12.20V PARKSIDE multifunction tool - LIGHT STEEL
hello, small steel test with the multifunctional tool PARKSIDE
a wood / metal blade (KWB)
I'm going to cut a 5mm nail - and 2 1mm thick tubes
on the light steel the engine does not slow down, it will depend on the blade use
thank you and see you soon ++
Is it a GOOD CHOICE to prefer Barcelona for LEARNING SPANISH??? - Duration: 1:35.Excuse me!
One Sec.
Hey! U know Where calle mallorca is?
Calle Mallorca?
+ Is it behind or Front?
Where is it?
We're here!
and yes with this, i understood and tested it!
Yeah, I guess here is CALLE MALLORCA
Thank you! Mrs.
You are welcome!
Yesss! I got it, got i!
from now on: if we find this area, the rest is going to be easy!
I am recording this for about 4 mins. Unbelievable
Do you know what amazing is here?
Even you know the direction, I mean the adress: To test your level
I suggest you to ask it several times to several people!
Why? Because, everytime you hear the adress from the people,...
you are not just copy the tricks of the short cut but also having chance to hear different accents!
which is good!
by the way! I neeed to tell sth more!
All locals here speaks CATALAN no spanish between theirselves!
and so that:
Maybe the city of BARCELONA is no good place for learning SPANISH!
I just learned this in one week,
according to my spesific observations
I am thinking that: CALLEMALLORCA is here!
+ that will be good! bye!
全民男友陳彥名獻「肉體」 逗粉羞紅臉 - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
İntizar Aslında Kim ? Hakkında İlginç Bilinmeyenler !! ( İntizar ile sinem gedik ) - Duration: 2:24.
7/19/18 12:37 PM (I-35, Oklahoma City, OK 73131, USA) - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
7/19/18 12:43 PM (I-35, Oklahoma City, OK 73111, USA) - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
7/19/18 12:33 PM (I-35, Oklahoma City, OK 73131, USA) - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
7/19/18 12:26 PM (I-35, Edmond, OK 73034, USA) - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
7/19/18 12:20 PM (I-35, Edmond, OK 73034, USA) - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
7/19/18 12:06 PM (I-35, Mulhall, OK 73063, USA) - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
7/19/18 12:16 PM (I-35, Guthrie, OK 73044, USA) - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
7/19/18 12:10 PM (I-35, Guthrie, OK 73044, USA) - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
7/19/18 12:30 PM (I-35, Edmond, OK 73013, USA) - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
7/19/18 12:13 PM (I-35, Guthrie, OK 73044, USA) - Duration: 3:00.-------------------------------------------
Microbit Workshop at ELTE IK - Microbit műhely az ELTE IK-n - Duration: 39:08.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Microbit Workshop at ELTE IK - Microbit műhely az ELTE IK-n - Duration: 39:08.-------------------------------------------
[조던 피터슨] - 단순히 좋은 사람이 되어서는 안된다 (한글자막) - Duration: 10:47.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> [조던 피터슨] - 단순히 좋은 사람이 되어서는 안된다 (한글자막) - Duration: 10:47.-------------------------------------------
Greek Street Food Tour in Athens, Greece - Duration: 12:15.So today's plan is to sample all the Greek Street Food.
We have come to Athens Flea Market and I know this seems like a bit of a strange place to
be having street food but they have a lot of little stands and shops where you can get
souvlaki, gyros, baklava.
So yeah, we're just planning to walk down the main road of the flea market and just
peruse have a look around and see what we can sniff out and have a fantastic meal on
the street.
And if you're interested in recreating this little food tour that we're about to embark
on the closest metro station is Monastiraki so there you go.
Let's chow down.
Let's go eat.
Alright guys so brought out the big guns right from the start.
Someone's alarm is going off.
Oh, 11:15.I don't know why.
No, 11:10am.
I don't know why.
That is the most random alarm to have set.
Can you turn it off for me?
How do you do that?
Just press no the other one.
Oh, you did it.
Good enough.
There we go.
Now it is time for food.
So we ordered the Gyro and Souvlaki.
Both of them in pitas.
And I should probably explain the difference because I feel like back home gyro, souvlaki,
kebab it is all the same thing to us.
It is like meat and a piece of bread.
But no gyro means to turn.
So that is the one where the meat spinning it is the shaved meat and being cooked at
the same time.
And then they shave it.
The souvlaki is the meat on the skewer.
And then the kebab is the ground meat it can be like pork and beef and lamb.
Like there is different varieties.
That is kind of like shaped into a sausage shape.
Yeah, exactly.
Like ground meat.
Um, so yeah we're having gyro we're having souvlaki and the ingredients in here look
We have tzatziki sauce, tomatoes, red onions, lettuce.
So yeah this looks wonderful.
And that bread.
It does look wonderful.
He put it on the grill and it just is warm.
And the price was also wonderful.
They were 2 Euros each.
2 euros a piece.
So yeah can't wait to dig in.
So here we go.
The souvlaki.
Let's see if I can get a big bite of the meat here.
Oh man that looks so good.
It is so hard to film and not eat.
The meat is so juicy.
Is it?
Juicy and tender and it is like soaking the bread with its meaty juiciness.
And then all of the freshness of the vegetables right?
We haven't even gotten to the vegetables yet.
That is like a completely different section.
So here we have Sam going in for the gyro.
It has been so hard to wait.
It has been so hard to wait.
And watch him eat mine.
I'm so excited for this one.
Oh man.
Look at those colors.
Oh man.
That shaved meat is just something else.
It is just so good.
And I love how they've put lots of sauce on there.
You've got it all over your lips my friend.
I know.
I could tell.
And I love just how spongy the bread is.
It just soaks up all the juices and everything.
Oh my gosh this is such a good start to the day.
So we have moved on to a little something sweet now.
It didn't take us long let me tell you.
Well we got Greek Yogurt.
And this is not just any Greek yogurt.
This is this comes with some amazing toppings.
It has got a super saturated amount of honey.
It has walnuts and we also ordered dates as well.
So there you go.
I'm so excited about this.
This just looks heavenly.
Oh my gosh.
What a contrast between the sourness and creaminess of the Greek yogurt and then the sweetness
of the honey and the dates and crunchiness of the walnuts.
There is so many lovely things going on all at once.
Oh my gosh that is so good.
I've got to go in for more.
And this was the smallest size they had.
And we paid 4.20.
Because we added a few extra toppings in there.
I like can't even eat normal yogurt after this.
This is so good.
Third bite guys.
Third bite.
Alright your turn.
My turn.
I didn't leave you much.
I've been eating a lot.
I had some of this yesterday when we went to the museum by the Acropolis.
It was so good.
We sat down at the cafe on the second floor.
Oh my gosh.
And I saw Greek Yogurt on the menu and I was like yeah that is what I'm having for my dessert.
It is pretty much one of the worlds best breakfasts or even desserts.
Like we could have it either way.
Or street food like we're doing now.
I just love Greek yogurt.
I know.
It is like real natural yogurt.
I know it just tastes so natural and so creamy.
And I love.
The sourness of it.
It is just you can't beat it.
You can't beat it.
And they had so many different toppings.
Where we got this I mean you could get a little more modern and contemporary and put like
sprinkles and chocolate chips.
Alright guys so we found a man who was selling nuts.
And he was very friendly and animated.
He was so friendly and passionate and also very generous allowing us to sample them.
Yeah, he let us try the nuts before we bought them.
What a nice guy.
We ended up getting a sweet one and a salty one.
And then because we bought two packs he gave me a whole bunch extra in my hand.
He was just like open your palm and he put a whole bunch of nuts.
So we got all this.
Um the sweet ones were 1.50 (Euro).
And they look like this.
It is basically peanuts and they are kind of coated in this caramelized brown sugar.
Yeah, exactly.
And then this looks like sesame seeds on the exterior.
And then the salty ones.
You can actually see the big chunks of salt on them.
Yeah, you can.
It is course salt.
And the peanuts still have the skin.
So we'll start with the sweet ones.
And it is a windy day today.
It is windy.
The sweet ones are so good.
I know the sweet ones those are sesame seeds.
Are they?
We've it is funny these are quite common all over the world.
We've had these in Buenos Aires.
We've had these when we lived in Korea.
Especially the sweet ones.
And now salty.
They are so good.
Nothing like a little sugar mixed with uh peanuts.
These are nice to like mix together.
It reminds me of that sweet and salty popcorn that you would have.
You know you just mix it together.
It tastes so much better because you're you know you are not indulging too much in either
Exciting moment over here.
Trying my first Greek coffee.
I somehow didn't manage to try Greek coffee the first time I was in Greece.
I don't think I was drinking a lot of coffee a few years ago.
Yeah that is the only thing I can think of.
And yeah we've found a cute little cafe here in the heart of the flea market so we thought
let's sit down for a quick drink.
Oh, that is potent.
Yeah, strong coffee?
Potent, rich, strong.
It came with a little sweet treat.
Looks like lokum.
Turkish delight maybe.
A little nibble.
That is really sweet.
That is more than enough sugar.
That is all you need.
And yeah we're just having this little snack uh right out on the street as you can see.
Right on the market.
The flea market.
So the antiques market.
It is pretty cool.
And we have baklava on the way.
We do have baklava on the way.
On the way.
Well dessert is here.
Better believe it.
We've been having a lot of this here in Athens.
Oh yeah.
Look at all of that syrup just oozing out.
That honey.
I should say honey yeah.
Oh my.
Syrupy honey.
Oh, how is that?
I think I could just eat Baklava everyday and never get sick of it.
It is just so good.
So good.
So nutty.
So many layers of pastry.
And I should mention to that the uh the Greek Coffee was very similar to the Turkish and
Bosnian coffee we've had recently in the sense that the ground are at the bottom.
So that just shows you how strong and potent it is.
This has just been wonderful.
Like I am in my happy spot right now.
Beautiful weather, great dessert and really good coffee.
Greek food for the win.
What more can you ask for?
Traditional bread.
One of this.
Traditional this.
Uh huh.
Traditional please.
Oh that looks delicious.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
Thank you.
Alright last but not least.
Last but not least.
We found some bread.
It is reminiscent of a pretzel I would say.
Apparently this is called Koulouri.
Yeah and the lady said this was the most traditional of the ones that she was serving.
It is a ring shaped piece of bread covered in toasted sesame seeds.
I am anticipating.
Okay hold it up again.
I just can't help myself but to go right through.
Of course.
There we got.
There we go.
Okay try it.
What say you?
That is huge.
It is kind of pretzel-y.
It is not salty no.
Sesame seeds on the outside?
No course grains of salt or anything like that.
Just sesame seeds.
Bread and sesame seeds and she had a block of um feta cheese.
So if you want cheese with it they can like slice it open I guess or just give you the
cheese on the side.
That would have been nice but we're getting kind of full.
Oh and before I forget how much was that one?
50 cents.
50 cents.
fifty cents of the Euro.
Now that is a deal.
Not bad.
Alright guys that concludes our Greek Street Food Tour here in Athens, Greece.
We ate so many delicious street food items.
And we'd love to know what are some other Greek street food items that you can try.
We obviously didn't try them all just a very small component of them.
But everything was really good and that was just a lot of fun.
So ciao from Athens, Greece.
See you guys in the next video.
For more infomation >> Greek Street Food Tour in Athens, Greece - Duration: 12:15.-------------------------------------------
崔永元发文宣布,黄毅清惊慌失措 - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 崔永元发文宣布,黄毅清惊慌失措 - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
陆媒称范冰冰姐弟被限制出境,"阴阳合同"要被坐实? - Duration: 7:51.-------------------------------------------
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崔永元爆料后续?范冰冰姊弟传遭限制出境 - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 崔永元爆料后续?范冰冰姊弟传遭限制出境 - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
黄毅清回击崔永元言之凿凿,不过抓的点有些恶心 - Duration: 5:31.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 黄毅清回击崔永元言之凿凿,不过抓的点有些恶心 - Duration: 5:31.-------------------------------------------
沉寂多日的崔永元露面打出的第一张牌竟是立案通知书 中镖的是他 - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 沉寂多日的崔永元露面打出的第一张牌竟是立案通知书 中镖的是他 - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
崔永元惊曝 方舟子收2000万洗白假疫苗 - Duration: 7:05.-------------------------------------------
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Manchester United: le recrutement, Martial,… Mourinho est déjà très chaud - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Manchester United: le recrutement, Martial,… Mourinho est déjà très chaud - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
İntizar Aslında Kim ? Hakkında İlginç Bilinmeyenler !! ( İntizar ile sinem gedik ) - Duration: 2:24.
For more infomation >> İntizar Aslında Kim ? Hakkında İlginç Bilinmeyenler !! ( İntizar ile sinem gedik ) - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Beautiful Sea Pines Homeowners Association Park Model for sale - Duration: 3:14.Beautiful Sea Pines Homeowners Association Park Model for sale
For more infomation >> Beautiful Sea Pines Homeowners Association Park Model for sale - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
TRYING DURIAN- Smelliest Fruit In The World! THAI FRUIT TOUR! - Duration: 7:11.I'm Donal Skehan, food writer and adventure traveler!
This is Thailand and it's one of my favorite places in the world
I'm here to discover all things fascinating, all things exciting and most
Importantly all things delicious, and I'm gonna find them just off the beaten track
I'm headed outside Pattaya in search of the big four! Mangosteen, Rambutan
Salak, and Durian! My Fruit Safari is taking me East to the Chantaburi province, a fruit lovers paradise!
Mangosteen the first of our four fruits!
It's picked green, but when it ripens the skin turns and gorgeous deep purple. So sweet and exotic!
The rains back, but I'm still on a mission next up salak and rambutan...
Ah-hah. No, this is salak
Mmm fruity goodness!
Number three on the list rambutan, I've got it. I've only one fruit left to find the durian!
It's famous, but not just for its taste
Well, that is a pungent aroma
That is seriously fruity
I came in search of the big four and I've got them all and had a big adventure along the way and all just by
Heading off the beaten track
Hi guys, I am deep in the heart of Thailand in chantaburi
And I've come to a fruit farm as you can see
I'm sat behind a whole pile of Durian, which is one of Asia's most prized fruits
It's here and we're gonna do a little bit of a tasting of all these beautiful exotic fruits
But we're gonna start off with the rambutan
What I love about these is just how hairy and spiky they are.
So they're kind of tricky to peel but once you get your fingers in there
It's pretty easy to just open them out and they reveal this kind of like itll
translucent orb of fruit
Melon in texture, but it's really sweet. Mmm
Really good
Surprisingly good. You never think that was something so kind of sexy looking would ever be in the center of this very hairy
Looking hairy looking fruit
In fact, I would probably would never pick that off a tree and try it in the first place
But I've been told they're good and I can deliver the information that yes, they are
Mmm, really really delicious. Okay next root. Now this one I'm a little bit worried about
because I've been told that they're called the snakeskin fruit also known as the salic so I'm gonna try and
Peel this they actually peel really easier a little bit easier than the rambutan
I must admit but inside here you get all these little fruity bits. So I've heard these are pretty good
That is a sucker punch of acidic sweetness. It is really really good. There's a seed in the middle, but it's soft
It's slightly softer than the rambutan and more kind of custardy in texture. That is so good
It's like if you crossed a pineapple with an orange and you get this super sweet and acidic hit really good
I'm on board snake skin my favorite so far. Okay. The next one is the mangosteen the way to open these is
To squeeze them so that they kind of pop in here you get to reveal all that gorgeous fruit
And it's so strange like something that's so intensely purple on the outside
It kind of looks like something you'd find in Pokemon or something like that and reveals these gorgeous ghosts twice little fruits
So I'm gonna try some
It's very slippery and very slightly really sour and acidic and
Sweet as well, but it's kind of like if you had a Satsuma crossed with a pineapple again
They're all in this kind of same family here. They're very sweet
But also very acidic and it's all about the texture with these it's really intense and fleshy
And I know if that's possibly not what you want to hear about fruit. But that is absolutely gorgeous
And yeah
really good
and now I have been holding off because the last one is
The one that I'm slightly scared of and this is the durian fruit and this is the most highly prized fruit in Asia, basically
Wherever you go in Asia, you will always see signs and hotels and subways where it says
Durian, and then there's like a line through it
So you're not allowed to bring durian on any public transport and there's a good reason because right now the smell is intense
But this is highly prized after and it's a delicacy over here
It's quite expensive to buy and as you can see behind me, there's quite a lot of them
I feel like I'm in the perfect place to try some really good Asian fruit
So I'm gonna take up a little bit of this. Durian
What's most interesting about this is that it's like little fillets inside that fruit when you open it up
You can see these little fillets, kind of, they kind of look like chicken yellow chicken fillets is what
I would describe them as and they sit inside this really spiny spiky fruit
But it's all about the texture when you try and break this apart you get this kind of like
Custardy interior and it like sticks to your fingers
Yeah, the worst thing about Durian is the is the initial hit of that oh
It's kind of like there's an oniony taste to Durian when you first put it in your mate
and then once you get past that and the texture
Which is a little bit like rotting flesh you dive deeper into this sweet custardy flavor, and that's why durian is so popular
it's not the rotting flesh or the garbage bin or any of those stuff and
It's definitely about that
Sweet custardy filling the thing about this fruit is that it's probably not an everyday fruit, especially for me
But it is a really great celebration fruit and whenever I'm in Asia, I always want to try this
So anyway, cheers to you guys. I hope you enjoyed this little fruit tasting really gorgeous fruits
and if you're traveling make sure you don't pass these or pick them up from any food market you come across they're all there and
they are really
Worthwhile trying it is all about having a little bit of confidence with the food when you travel make sure you hit that subscribe button
Leave me a comment in the box below letting me know which is your favorite fruit and let me know would you try this?
Until then my friends from Thailand. I'll see you soon! Coming up on the next episode...
I'm in Pattaya and ryong to taste the best of Thai seafood
I'll be doing a spot of fishing and learning how to make some seriously great tom yum soup from the experts, all that and plenty
of street food along the way
So the kind of firm look quite interesting and you wouldn't want to look at them too long
Otherwise, you might come up with a description for them. That would not be appropriate for the internet
But here we are and so I'm gonna take these apart
Vittorio Sgarbi m sembra 1 Decreto ridicolo,Di Maio m fa tenerezza,Chi vogliono prendere per il c*** - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Greek Street Food Tour in Athens, Greece - Duration: 12:15.So today's plan is to sample all the Greek Street Food.
We have come to Athens Flea Market and I know this seems like a bit of a strange place to
be having street food but they have a lot of little stands and shops where you can get
souvlaki, gyros, baklava.
So yeah, we're just planning to walk down the main road of the flea market and just
peruse have a look around and see what we can sniff out and have a fantastic meal on
the street.
And if you're interested in recreating this little food tour that we're about to embark
on the closest metro station is Monastiraki so there you go.
Let's chow down.
Let's go eat.
Alright guys so brought out the big guns right from the start.
Someone's alarm is going off.
Oh, 11:15.I don't know why.
No, 11:10am.
I don't know why.
That is the most random alarm to have set.
Can you turn it off for me?
How do you do that?
Just press no the other one.
Oh, you did it.
Good enough.
There we go.
Now it is time for food.
So we ordered the Gyro and Souvlaki.
Both of them in pitas.
And I should probably explain the difference because I feel like back home gyro, souvlaki,
kebab it is all the same thing to us.
It is like meat and a piece of bread.
But no gyro means to turn.
So that is the one where the meat spinning it is the shaved meat and being cooked at
the same time.
And then they shave it.
The souvlaki is the meat on the skewer.
And then the kebab is the ground meat it can be like pork and beef and lamb.
Like there is different varieties.
That is kind of like shaped into a sausage shape.
Yeah, exactly.
Like ground meat.
Um, so yeah we're having gyro we're having souvlaki and the ingredients in here look
We have tzatziki sauce, tomatoes, red onions, lettuce.
So yeah this looks wonderful.
And that bread.
It does look wonderful.
He put it on the grill and it just is warm.
And the price was also wonderful.
They were 2 Euros each.
2 euros a piece.
So yeah can't wait to dig in.
So here we go.
The souvlaki.
Let's see if I can get a big bite of the meat here.
Oh man that looks so good.
It is so hard to film and not eat.
The meat is so juicy.
Is it?
Juicy and tender and it is like soaking the bread with its meaty juiciness.
And then all of the freshness of the vegetables right?
We haven't even gotten to the vegetables yet.
That is like a completely different section.
So here we have Sam going in for the gyro.
It has been so hard to wait.
It has been so hard to wait.
And watch him eat mine.
I'm so excited for this one.
Oh man.
Look at those colors.
Oh man.
That shaved meat is just something else.
It is just so good.
And I love how they've put lots of sauce on there.
You've got it all over your lips my friend.
I know.
I could tell.
And I love just how spongy the bread is.
It just soaks up all the juices and everything.
Oh my gosh this is such a good start to the day.
So we have moved on to a little something sweet now.
It didn't take us long let me tell you.
Well we got Greek Yogurt.
And this is not just any Greek yogurt.
This is this comes with some amazing toppings.
It has got a super saturated amount of honey.
It has walnuts and we also ordered dates as well.
So there you go.
I'm so excited about this.
This just looks heavenly.
Oh my gosh.
What a contrast between the sourness and creaminess of the Greek yogurt and then the sweetness
of the honey and the dates and crunchiness of the walnuts.
There is so many lovely things going on all at once.
Oh my gosh that is so good.
I've got to go in for more.
And this was the smallest size they had.
And we paid 4.20.
Because we added a few extra toppings in there.
I like can't even eat normal yogurt after this.
This is so good.
Third bite guys.
Third bite.
Alright your turn.
My turn.
I didn't leave you much.
I've been eating a lot.
I had some of this yesterday when we went to the museum by the Acropolis.
It was so good.
We sat down at the cafe on the second floor.
Oh my gosh.
And I saw Greek Yogurt on the menu and I was like yeah that is what I'm having for my dessert.
It is pretty much one of the worlds best breakfasts or even desserts.
Like we could have it either way.
Or street food like we're doing now.
I just love Greek yogurt.
I know.
It is like real natural yogurt.
I know it just tastes so natural and so creamy.
And I love.
The sourness of it.
It is just you can't beat it.
You can't beat it.
And they had so many different toppings.
Where we got this I mean you could get a little more modern and contemporary and put like
sprinkles and chocolate chips.
Alright guys so we found a man who was selling nuts.
And he was very friendly and animated.
He was so friendly and passionate and also very generous allowing us to sample them.
Yeah, he let us try the nuts before we bought them.
What a nice guy.
We ended up getting a sweet one and a salty one.
And then because we bought two packs he gave me a whole bunch extra in my hand.
He was just like open your palm and he put a whole bunch of nuts.
So we got all this.
Um the sweet ones were 1.50 (Euro).
And they look like this.
It is basically peanuts and they are kind of coated in this caramelized brown sugar.
Yeah, exactly.
And then this looks like sesame seeds on the exterior.
And then the salty ones.
You can actually see the big chunks of salt on them.
Yeah, you can.
It is course salt.
And the peanuts still have the skin.
So we'll start with the sweet ones.
And it is a windy day today.
It is windy.
The sweet ones are so good.
I know the sweet ones those are sesame seeds.
Are they?
We've it is funny these are quite common all over the world.
We've had these in Buenos Aires.
We've had these when we lived in Korea.
Especially the sweet ones.
And now salty.
They are so good.
Nothing like a little sugar mixed with uh peanuts.
These are nice to like mix together.
It reminds me of that sweet and salty popcorn that you would have.
You know you just mix it together.
It tastes so much better because you're you know you are not indulging too much in either
Exciting moment over here.
Trying my first Greek coffee.
I somehow didn't manage to try Greek coffee the first time I was in Greece.
I don't think I was drinking a lot of coffee a few years ago.
Yeah that is the only thing I can think of.
And yeah we've found a cute little cafe here in the heart of the flea market so we thought
let's sit down for a quick drink.
Oh, that is potent.
Yeah, strong coffee?
Potent, rich, strong.
It came with a little sweet treat.
Looks like lokum.
Turkish delight maybe.
A little nibble.
That is really sweet.
That is more than enough sugar.
That is all you need.
And yeah we're just having this little snack uh right out on the street as you can see.
Right on the market.
The flea market.
So the antiques market.
It is pretty cool.
And we have baklava on the way.
We do have baklava on the way.
On the way.
Well dessert is here.
Better believe it.
We've been having a lot of this here in Athens.
Oh yeah.
Look at all of that syrup just oozing out.
That honey.
I should say honey yeah.
Oh my.
Syrupy honey.
Oh, how is that?
I think I could just eat Baklava everyday and never get sick of it.
It is just so good.
So good.
So nutty.
So many layers of pastry.
And I should mention to that the uh the Greek Coffee was very similar to the Turkish and
Bosnian coffee we've had recently in the sense that the ground are at the bottom.
So that just shows you how strong and potent it is.
This has just been wonderful.
Like I am in my happy spot right now.
Beautiful weather, great dessert and really good coffee.
Greek food for the win.
What more can you ask for?
Traditional bread.
One of this.
Traditional this.
Uh huh.
Traditional please.
Oh that looks delicious.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
Thank you.
Alright last but not least.
Last but not least.
We found some bread.
It is reminiscent of a pretzel I would say.
Apparently this is called Koulouri.
Yeah and the lady said this was the most traditional of the ones that she was serving.
It is a ring shaped piece of bread covered in toasted sesame seeds.
I am anticipating.
Okay hold it up again.
I just can't help myself but to go right through.
Of course.
There we got.
There we go.
Okay try it.
What say you?
That is huge.
It is kind of pretzel-y.
It is not salty no.
Sesame seeds on the outside?
No course grains of salt or anything like that.
Just sesame seeds.
Bread and sesame seeds and she had a block of um feta cheese.
So if you want cheese with it they can like slice it open I guess or just give you the
cheese on the side.
That would have been nice but we're getting kind of full.
Oh and before I forget how much was that one?
50 cents.
50 cents.
fifty cents of the Euro.
Now that is a deal.
Not bad.
Alright guys that concludes our Greek Street Food Tour here in Athens, Greece.
We ate so many delicious street food items.
And we'd love to know what are some other Greek street food items that you can try.
We obviously didn't try them all just a very small component of them.
But everything was really good and that was just a lot of fun.
So ciao from Athens, Greece.
See you guys in the next video.
Where We Get Our Clothes? | VLOG - 쇼핑 & 캐나다에 한국 아이스크림이? - Duration: 13:58.-------------------------------------------
Behind the Scenes at Bella Luna Toys! - Duration: 8:41.Hi, there! Welcome to Bella Luna Toys. I'm Sarah Baldwin, the owner of Bella Luna
Toys in Rockland, Maine, and I wanted to welcome you to our store today to see our
operation and meet some of the faces behind Bella Luna Toys. You know, we have
customers from all over the country and all over the world. In fact a lot of them,
when they're vacationing in Maine, want to come and see behind-the-scenes, come and
see the toys in person, feel and touch them. So in case you're far away and
don't have that opportunity, I wanted to do this little video tour
with you so you too can see what goes on here at Bella Luna Toys. So follow me,
come on in!
So this is our shop. It's pretty small. We started as an online company and at
first I started out in my very small garage at home. We moved into
this space and at first we just had warehouse space and we were shipping all
the orders, but then we would have customers, as I said, visiting and wanting to
come and see and touch in person. So after a year or so we acquired more
space in the building and set up this little shop here with a couple of rooms.
Because we have so many products on our website, we don't have room to display
them all in the store but we've got a sampling here and some of our best
sellers. We've got art supplies and books and, of course, wooden toys. We've got
books and some of our beautiful, colorful wooden toys from Grimm's Spiel & Holtz of
Germany—one of our most popular lines and one of my favorites. And then over on
this side we've got a playroom for children. There are playstands set up
here, a play kitchen and dollhouse, so children can play while their adults
shop. While we're here let me show you my one, very favorite toy at Bella Luna
Toys: it's the Original Waldorf Rocker Board and I love this toy because it can
be used by so many ages and played with in so many different ways. Children can set
it down, put a foot on either end and rock on it like this. Adults can do this, too.
They can walk over it. Flip it over and it becomes a bridge. It can become a stage
for a puppet play. Children love driving cars over it. They'll put one end up on a
on a bench or a coffee table or couch and it becomes a slide. It's truly an
open-ended toy—my favorite kind of toy. It can be played with in just such a
wide variety of ways. So that's our store! Let me take you behind the door so you
can meet some of the faces behind Bella Luna Toys and see what goes on behind-the-scenes.
Now this is just part of our warehouse area. We've got shelves here
housing a lot of our inventory and over here is our customer service area.
This is Erica, our Customer Service Manager. Hi, Erica!
Hi, Sarah!
Erica, what's your favorite toy? Did you bring something to share?
I did, I actually really love the
Little Red Riding Hood Doll by Nanchen. In part because, not only is she all-natural,
but she's got this adorable coat which I actually wish I had one.
I know,
it's made of boiled wool. It's so thick and all made by hand—all organic, too,
the doll and the clothing. We love these dolls from Germany.
A beautiful heirloom.
So if you've ever called customer service you may have spoken to
Erica or you may have chatted with her on Live Chat. We're so happy to
have her here. Hey, Steph!
Hi, Sarah!
This is Stephanie. Stephanie is our Project Manager. She does
a lot of things behind the scenes here for me: my right-hand person.
Steph, what's your favorite toy?
My favorite toy is the Nikki Baby, striped.
I love his little outfit and the other thing I really love about this doll is
that he's perfectly sized for little hands to carry around by the hand or the
foot or the hat and it can be tucked into a diaper bag or into a stroller bag
or a little backpack and you can go along for comfort.
Yeah, they are so sweet.
These dolls have been a best-seller here for years and I love the way they can
just be posed in different positions. He can be with you and watch you
work today. Thanks, Steph! So let me go back and show you our shipping area.
So here we have many more shelves, a much bigger area for storing our inventory. This is our shipping area.
And this is our logistics manager and all-around good guy, Chris. Chris is in
charge of the shipping area, ordering inventory, managing the shipping staff. He
is so important here at Bella Luna Toys. You may have talked to him when you
called. Hi, Chris!
Hi, Sarah!
How are you?
I am well.
So we're asking everyone to share
their favorite toy from Bella Luna. Did you bring one?
I did. One of my
toys is the Velveteen Bunny. It's special to me—three years ago I bought one
for my son around Christmas time and with the accompanying book it became
a nightly ritual that before he went to bed I would read him the Velveteen
Rabbit and he would fall asleep with the bunny.
It's such a poignant and special tale and the bunny is adorable
and soft and squeezy. So this holds a very
special place in my heart and is probably one of my favorite products that we offer.
Thanks, Chris. I love it too. One thing I like about it is it looks more like the
original—this is the original book with the original illustrations—and a lot of
the other Velveteen Rabbit I've seen look nothing like it but this one was
designed and made in Europe especially for us. All right, well thanks, Chris!
Hey, Jared!
Jared is one of our shippers. He's one of the people who
will pick and pack and box up your order and get it to you very quickly, we hope!
and Jared what do you have to share today?
I have a collection of Uncle Goose Blocks that both my son and myself really do love. We have them, kind of
like right now, covering our work space and our home with them.
Can you open up the box and show us the blocks?
These are the bug blocks in particular and as you can see they have cool designs. They're simple for young children.
So here you have it. This is behind-the-scenes at
Bella Luna Toys. Over here is where we put all our packages to go out at the
end of the day. There you are. I hope you enjoyed
this little sneak peek, behind-the-scenes and we'll see you next time.
Thanks for watching!
Nightcore「Lyrics」→ Beautiful | Bazzi - Duration: 2:35.Nightcore「Lyrics」→ Beautiful | Bazzi
TOÀN CẢNH REFUND NGÀY 4 FPP - CHIẾC XE THẦN THÁNH CỦA FUNKYM - Duration: 10:46.-------------------------------------------
montage touret a meuler parkside lidl arbre flexible 120w Bench Grinder With Flexible Drive Shaft - Duration: 1:44.assembly of the grinding wheel PARKSIDE PDFW 120
hello, mounting the grinding drum
take the red screw, put a washer and the spring ring
put the nut in the hole (hold with your finger)
we live the support
the same on the other side
take the steel support, put the plastic cover
take the big screw, put the ring spring then the washer
we insert and lock with a nut
take a small screw + spring ring + washer
we screw here (with a nut)
screw 2 (same)
the same thing with the other spark arrester (except that we screw the screw by the side left)
Flexible tree
insert the stem (it sinks slightly)
we are quickly blocked
then tighten the screw (firmly)
think to tighten all the screws after adjustment
Thanks see you soon
Renovated Century House with Rural Location Only About 5 Minutes from Gnarps Center - Duration: 8:09.Renovated Century House with Rural Location Only About 5 Minutes from Gnarps Center
VTS 01 3 - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
Assis Chateaubriand x São Miguel do Iguaçu 2 - Duration: 34:03.-------------------------------------------
touret a meuler parkside lidl arbre flexible 120w Bench Grinder With Flexible Drive Shaft - Duration: 5:04.PARKSIDE grinding drum with flexible shaft
hello, grinder with flexible shaft - PARKSIDE PDFW 120 A1
power: 120w - idle speed: 0 to 9900 rpm - working speed 40 meters seconds
length of the flexible shaft: 1 meter
with all these accessories!
guaranteed 3 years - certified tüv and gs
the instructions for use
a small wooden box with all accessories
mounting hardware
the flexible shaft to mount
the little grinding drum! he is really small! it can be worn easily
I edit the product (on the secondary channel click on the "I")
support for workpieces
abrasive wheel - 120 grit
grinding wheel - 400 grit
diameter 75 mm and width 20 mm (millimeters)
on / off
speed selector
suction cups + holes for screwing on a work surface
power cable: 2 meters
they turn right (nothing to report)
the flexible shaft is very flexible!
only the head is not flexible (18 cm), everything else is flexible
to change the tools, we draw, we get
we have 3 tool holders: 2 mm, 2,4 mm and 3,2 mm (already assembled)
put the mouthpiece of your choice (included accessories are 3.2 mm)
we shoot, we press
all accessories are 3.2 mm
1929 grams
small test
scene reduce - the engine slowed down a bit when you press hard
I do not think that we can shine a chisel: p
for caries;)
if your tooth has too many cavities!
notice on a short use, please leave your opinion
(+) price - accessories box - flexible shaft - small and light - tools change quick (-) suction cups - support of parts little adjustable
the power is correct, if you press too hard the engine idle
the shaft is very flexible and the power is correct
I started cutting 1 mm light steel
do not forget to remove the accessories because they turn as soon as you turn on the product (it can be dangerous)
negative point: the suction cups (normally this support adheres very well to the suction cup)
really adheres very very well where cupping and cupping
positive: the wheels turn right!
negative: the support of the workpieces is very little adjustable
What do you think about this product ? (leave your opinion)
I thank you for watching this video, see you soon
São Miguel do Iguaçu X Medianeira - HANDEBOL - Duration: 29:52.-------------------------------------------
Hard disk not working solution | Utility | fast disk Eraser | Bangla - Duration: 10:10.HARD DISK REPAIR Utility | fast disk Eraser | Bangla
Câu Chuyện Đầu Năm | Phương Maria | Micro Thu Âm AMI BM 900 - Duration: 5:59.-------------------------------------------
Chance for Arsenal? Ousmane Dembele annoyed with Barcelona as agent plans talks - Duration: 2:14.Ousmane Dembele is concerned over his future at Barcelona and is annoyed with the club's decision to sign Malcom, according to reports in Spain
The 21-year-old was signed for £135.5 million from Borussia Dortmund last summer but endured a mixed first season at Camp Nou
The France international has been subsequently linked with several top European clubs this summer, while reports have claimed that the winger remains in close contact with Arsenal's head of recruitment Sven Mislintat following their time together at Dortmund
Arsenal boss Unai Emery has also asked the club to sign a fast, direct winger before the end of the transfer window
According to Sport, Dembele is concerned with Barca spending £36.5m on signing Malcom from Bordeaux earlier this week as he considers the Brazilian as direct competition for his place
Dembele anxious about becoming a rotation option at Barcelona and the winger's agent is now due to travel to Barcelona to hold talks with the club's hierarchy
Barcelona have privately assured Dembele that he remains an important part of the team and they have no plans to sell him this summer
Barca boss Ernesto Valverde has also urged Dembele to remain at Camp Nou. 'Let's hope it's his season,' Valverde said on Saturday
'He is an extraordinary player. The past year has been complicated because of the injuries, but even so he has brought us a lot
'The important thing is that there is competition within the team. There are a lot of matches and we can not handle them with only eleven players
Абрикосовое Варенье с Апельсином Очень Вкусное - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
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uh oh - Duration: 0:13.....
I do not ship poppy x error
only a tiny,tiny,tiny bit.
please help me
I have thoughts running everywhere is my mind
can skeletons shit
can zombies shit
【 SPEEDPAINT】#75 ► BT21 x Converse - Duration: 6:54.Please retweet the post with this drawing on twitter! Link in the description!
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